Lab 3 - EE-313 Simulation Rev 01/31/2013 I. Purpose: A. Introduce and exercise the skills necessary to simulate the functionality of a basic Quartus project. B. Reinforce knowledge of truth tables and Boolean expressions. II. Equipment: A. Computer with Altera Software and web access B. Altera DE2 Board with power supply and USB cable III. Pre-lab assignment: A. Complete Lab 02 IV. Lab Procedure and Questions: In this project, you will perform a functional simulation of the circuit designed in lab 2. Quartus has a separate program used to simulate the circuit. A. Change the output pin of your lab02 to be ledg[0] instead of ledg[8]. Save the project and recompile. A 0 B 0 C 0 B. Start QSIM by and open your project from lab 2 by following steps II.1 through II.3 of the Quartus Quick Reference Guide. 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 - There may be an icon on your desktop to run QSIM. Step 2 is performed by double clicking the QSIM icon. You may need to type in a different version number than is indicated in the Quick Reference Guide. C. Create a new Simulation Input File per step II.4 of the Quick Reference Guide. - Y 1 0 1 This is the file that specifies which set of inputs to test and the order to test them. 1 1 0 Note that the inputs and outputs may already be grouped. If they are, step II.4.i-II.4.l of the are not necessary. 1 1 1 Set the end time to 160 ns by clicking Edit->Set End Time, typing in the appropriate number and units then clicking Ok. Under Assign->Simulation Settings, set the Simulation Type to Functional. Re-Save the waveform after changing the end time. D. Tell the simulator which waveform to use per step II.5 of the Quick Reference Guide. - There may be multiple tests that you wish to perform. This allows you to specify which test is running. For this lab, there will be only one test. E. Simulate the project per Step II.6 of the Quick Reference Guide. - Record the results in the truth table to the right. Show the resulting timing diagram to the instructor. Ensure you include all results in your lab notebook. Lab 3 - EE-313 Simulation Rev 01/31/2013 F. Questions 1. What two type of simulations can be run? 2. In the lab, you used one method to control the value of the input for the simulation waveform. What are the other 10 methods of setting the value? (Hint: Look at the toolbar tool tips in the Waveform editor. 3. Why do we set the end time? 4. What are the options when setting the input value using the count feature? (Hint: One is the Radix)