Judicial Affairs The Office of Student Judicial Affairs functions within the Department of Student Affairs. Its mission is to promote student learning through discipline that is innovative and thoughtful and fair to all involved, while safeguarding the integrity of the disciplinary process and furthering the college's mission, values, goals and objectives. Core Activities and Performance Core Activity Key PI Indicators Conduct campus-wide education re the Academic integrity policy, the Henderson rules, and the disciplinary process Conduct ppt. to faculty to increase knowledge of academic integrity policy, disciplinary process, and Henderson rules At least 50% of participants will report increased knowledge on the aforemention ed topics Conduct campus-wide education re the academic integrity policy, the Henderson rules, and the disciplinary process PPt. to students to increase knowledge of the academic integrity policy, the Henderson rules, and the disciplinary process At least 50% will show increased knowledge of said topics Conduct campus-wide education to faculty on PPT. to faculty on reporting student academic integrity violation academic integrity misconduct and disruptive and disruptive behavior behavior Coordinate matters of student conduct by directly resolving cases and by acting as consultant to faculty Around 50% of faculty will apply the college's approved procedures for reporting academic integrity misconduct and disruptive behavior Speak with students once they have gone through the disciplinary 100% of process to gauge the effectiveness and impact of the process on students will them demonstrate insight into how their behavior affects all aspects of their life Coordinate matters of student conduct by directly resolving cases and by acting as consultant to faculty Student will evaluate their own behavior in writing 100% of students will demonstrate improved decisionmaking skills. 100% of students will display a change in behavior Coordinate matters of student conduct by directly resolving cases and by acting as consultant to faculty meet with faculty to discuss individual cases A 5% decrease in reguest for consultation from the previous year Assist the rest of the college community in complying with matters related to Board of Trustees policies (Student complaint about faculty conduct in academic settings and FERPA) Conduct ppt. on relevant Board of Trustees policies for students and faculty Survey faculty and student to gauge knowledge gained. Participants will increase knowledge by at least 50% 100% of students interviewed will rate the process was fair, timely, and effective Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total academic integrity policy, Henderson rules 2/16/2011 15 FERPA and and complaint about faculty in academic settings 2/23/2011 12 Henderson rules and disciplinary process 3/9/2011 17 classroom management and disciplinary process 4/6/2011 18 both Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester paul Jean-Pierre Co-wrote a proposal to address the Spring 2011 exit from remediation issue, using the Constructivist Approach to Teaching and Learning Conference Presentation, other Changes in Department within Last Year Change Type Change Reason Semester One additional personnel has been assigned to the department. Ms. Gisela Rivera has been assisting the Associate Dean with the myriad of referrals, especially, from the library Spring 2011 Personnel Assessment and Evaluation KPI Target Outcome Actual Outcome Action Plan Status Conduct campus-wide education re the academic integrity policy, Henderson rules and the disciplinary process At least 50% will report increased knowledge on the aforemnetioned topics Exceeded outcome measure by 41% continuing Completed Conduct At least 50% will show campus-wide increased knowledge of education re the said topics academic policy, the Henderson rules and the disciplinary process Exceeded outcome by 35% continuing Completed Conduct campus-wide education on academic integrity misconduct and disruptive behavior 50% of Faculty will apply the college's approved procedures for reporting academic integrity misconduct and disruptive behavior Exceeded outcome by 15%. Continuing Completed Coordinate matters of student conduct by directly resolving cases and by acting as consultant to faculty 100% of students will develop insight into how their behavior affects all aspects of their life About 96% displayed some insight during the interview continuing Completed Coordinate matters of student conduct by directly resolving cases and by acting as consultant to faculty One hundred percent of student will demonstrate improved decision-making skills and display a change in behavior Around 68% showed improved continuing decision-making skills and almost an equal percentage (66%) displayed a change in behavior Completed Assist the rest of the faculty and staff will community in increase knowledge by matters related to 50% Board of Trustees policies (Student complaint about faculty conduct in academic settings and FERPA) Exceeded outcome by 40% Completed Coordinate matters of student conduct by directly resolving cases and by acting as consultant to faculty Request for consultation actually Attempt to reach more went up by 7%this year faculty, especially the newer faculty earlier in the academic year A 5% decrease in request for consultation from the previous year. continuing Modified Assessment Plan Core Activity KPI Coordinate matters of Students involved with the student conduct by directly Judicial Affairs office will resolving cases think it is efficient, fair, and timely Target Outcome Plan About 80% of students involved with Use of a reliable and valid the Judicial Affairs Office will think it instrument is efficient,fair, and timely.