The Office of Career Services provides career advisement and professional development services to all Queensborough Community College undergraduate students and recent alumni. Services are tailored to meet the educational needs of each individual in a supportive and learning-centered environment utilizing one-to-one, group, and electronic modalities. Core Activities and Performance Core Activity Key PI Indicators Assist students with creating a specific career Volume of FOCUS -2 users. plan. Yes Promote student/alumni construction of an impressive resume. Volume of approved resumes on College Central Network. Yes Promote increased self-knowledge and insight into career paths and associated majors Pre and post career advisement and FOCUS 2 assessment surveys. Yes Promote, advertise and recruit students for internship opportunities. Volume of students participating in Internships/Cooperative Education classes. Yes Pursue organizations and secure worthwhile internships for QCC students. Volume of companies actively recruiting QCC student interns. Yes Promote student satisfaction with services provided by the Office of Career Services Student Satisfaction Survey. Yes Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total 5 Classroom Presentations 3/14/2012 125 6 Classroom Presentations 3/1/2011 150 6 Classroom Presentations 3/2/2011 150 4 Classroom Presentations 3/4/2011 100 QCC Job Fair 3/16/2011 375 Focus Lab 3/23/2011 11 Optimal Resume Lab 3/23/2011 10 Focus Lab 4/13/2011 10 Optimal Resume Lab 4/13/2011 10 Etiquette In Action 4/28/2011 60 College Discovery ST100 Presentation 8/17/2011 38 Retail Job Fair 9/21/2011 350 Internship/Cooperative Education Forum 11/15/2011 350 NYNY Presentation to Students 2/8/2012 85 5 Classroom Presentations 3/5/2012 125 5 Classroom Presentations 3/6/2012 125 5 Classroom Presentations 3/7/2012 125 both Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total 5 Classroom Presentations 3/8/2012 125 4 Classroom Presentations 3/9/2012 100 6 Classroom Presentations 3/12/2012 150 5 Classroom Presentations 3/13/2012 125 5 Classroom Presentations 3/15/2012 125 5 Classroom Presentations 3/16/2012 125 Job Fair 3/21/2012 400 Big Apple Job Fair 4/27/2012 1000 Nursing Workshop 1/5/2011 25 Nursing Workshop 1/7/2011 25 Nursing Workshop 2/2/2011 25 Nursing Workshop 2/9/2011 25 ST100 Classroom Presentation 2/22/2011 25 Optimal Resume Classroom Presentation 4/18/2011 25 Nursing Workshop 6/9/2011 15 Presented to Freshman Orientation/Welcome 6/20/2011 350 Freshman First Liberal Arts Sciences Academy Welcome - Overview of Career Services 8/24/2011 250 Presentation to Professor Dubraiv's Class 8/26/2011 25 Nursing Workshop 8/30/2011 15 Club Fair 8/31/2011 300 Nursing Workshop 9/1/2011 15 Focus Presentation 10/3/2011 25 5 Classroom Visits 10/3/2011 125 5 Classroom Visits 10/4/2011 125 Focus Presentation 10/4/2011 25 Focus Presentation 10/12/2011 25 Focus Presentation 10/13/2011 25 6 Classroom Visits 10/24/2011 150 6 Classroom Visits 10/25/2011 150 6 Classroom Visits 10/26/2011 150 6 Classroom Visits 10/27/2011 150 6 Classroom Visits 10/28/2011 150 5 Classroom Visits 10/31/2011 125 5 Classroom Visits 11/1/2011 125 5 Classroom Visits 11/2/2011 125 3 - ST100 Class Presentations 1/6/2012 75 Club Fair 2/1/2012 300 Nursing Workshop 2/1/2012 9 Nursing Workshop 2/2/2012 9 Presentation to Prof. Wieder's Class 3/1/2012 25 ST100 Classroom Presentation 3/29/2012 25 Nursing Workshop 5/30/2012 11 gave presentations Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total Big Apple Job Fair 4/8/2011 organized 1000 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Susanne Grossman Attended the 2011 Annual National Summer 2011 Association of Colleges and Employers Conference . Met with corporate representatives to garner new worthwhile internship opportunities for our students in all fields of endeavors. Attended several workshops dealing specifically with legal issues governing internship opportunities. Attended other workshops dealing with issues directly related to students seeking and participating in internships, e.g. helicopter parents. Met with other Career Services representatives’ not only from CUNY but other colleges from across the United States to discuss best practices in promoting Career Services. Susanne Grossman Learned to use the content management system. Susanne Grossman Attended the Spring MNYCCPOA Summer 2011 Conference at BMCC about creating and evolving useful assessment tools. Susanne Grossman Attended the Queensborough Community College CUNY Department of Business, Business Advisory Dinner regarding the topic, "Social Networking and Generation 'Y'." Susanne Grossman Attended a training here on campus Spring 2012 of the Content Management System. Susanne Grossman Attended the MNYCPOA conference Spring 2011 on creating meaningful assessments. Constance Peluso Attended annual NACE Conference Summer 2011 and met with corporate representatives as well as representatives from colleges and universities across the country who work in career services to discuss and explore issues about job trends, networking opportunities, etc. Constance Peluso Attended CSAC meetings to support CUNY endeavors in Student Affairs. Conference, workshop, training attended Summer 2011 Spring 2011 Spring 2012 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Constance Peluso Met with CUNY officials regarding Poll Fall 2011 Worker initiative, kicked off on campus and secured student poll workers. Constance Peluso Attended CSAC meetings to support CUNY endeavors in Student Affairs. Fall 2011 Constance Peluso Managed the New York Needs You recruitment from start up to completion resulting in the highest number of applicants throughout CUNY. Spring 2012 Constance Peluso Attended MNYCCPOA meeting with staff for professional development. Fall 2011 Constance Peluso Attended CSAC meetings to support CUNY endeavors in Student Affairs. Spring 2012 Constance Peluso Attended MNYCCPOA Conference Spring 2011 Constance Peluso Trained in QCC Records Management Fall 2011 and instituted process for handling and disposing of student records, etc. Sandra Strauss Certificate of Completion, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Certification Program Summer 2011 Sandra Strauss Attended QCC Academic Computing Camtasia workshop. Fall 2011 Sandra Strauss Delivered interview & cover letter portion of Nursing Workshop. Spring 2011 Sandra Strauss Attended MNYCCPOA ( Metropolitan New York Career College Planning Officer's Association) Grant Writing workshop. Spring 2012 Sandra Strauss Attended CSAC sponsored Assessment workshop. Spring 2012 Sandra Strauss Attended QCC College Convocation. Spring 2012 Sandra Strauss Attended Optimal Resume webinar. Spring 2011 Sandra Strauss Began CPP Myers-Briggs certification Spring 2011 study. Sandra Strauss Attended MYNYCCPOA (Metropolitan Spring 2011 New York College Career Planning Officers Association) workshops. Sandra Strauss Attended the WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) Seasonal Recruitment Program. Spring 2011 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Susanne Grossman Worked diligently to promote through Fall 2011 various avenues the Internship Forum: Coordinated all aspects of the Forum, including but not limited to student invitations and advertisements in the student newspaper, catering, audio-visual equipment, PowerPoint presentation, Faculty Cooperative Education Coordinators participation, dissemination of information to the Academies of the companies coming representing their majors, physical layout of the Student Union for the day of the event, written communications to all of the participants, students, faculty, and employers inviting them to attend and thanking them for coming. Susanne Grossman Presented the one day annual Fall 2011 Internship Forum: An on-campus event offering the students and faculty Cooperative Presented the annual Internship Forum: An on-campus event offering the students and faculty Cooperative Education Class Coordinators the opportunity to connect with corporate and business representatives from thirty- seven companies, representing all of our curricula, who were actively recruiting for interns. Over three hundred and fifty students attended. Susanne Grossman Developed an in depth Spring 2011 comprehensive workshop about the Optimal Resume Software program, provided by CUNY in order to facilitate our students ability to produce outstanding job search documents. The workshop was geared to teach the students to utilize the seven individual platforms within the program: There are components to produce and store multiple resumes, cover letters, portfolios, assessments, video resumes, limited access limited duration professional websites as well as a separate component to practice interviewing skills in a computer interactive fashion. Sandra Strauss Presented Career Labs featuring Optimal Resume & FOCUS-2 with Mrs. Susanne Grossman. Curriculum or laboratory development, workshop conducted Spring 2011 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Sandra Strauss Created, prepared content and presented FOCUS-2 labs for ST-100 classes. Spring 2011 Sandra Strauss Created, prepared content and conducted FOCUS-2 & Career Services Overview for ST-100 FNET class. Spring 2011 Sandra Strauss Created, prepared and delivered Spring 2011 Career Services overview to Health Related Sciences Academy Freshman Orientation. Sandra Strauss Developed and presented FOCUS-2 & Spring 2012 Career Services overviews to ST-100 classes. Sandra Strauss Created & presented FOCUS-2 lab to Spring 2012 ST-100 students. Sandra Strauss Created and delivered theme-oriented Resume Workshops for Prof. Franca Ferrari's speech classes. Spring 2012 Sandra Strauss Created and delivered theme-oriented Resume Workshops for Prof. Franca Ferrari's speech classes. Spring 2012 Sandra Strauss Prepared for & delivered FOCUS-2 lab Fall 2011 to ST-100 class. Sandra Strauss Created, prepared for and delivered Overview of Career Services presentations to ST-100 classes. Sandra Strauss Created, prepared for and conducted Fall 2011 Career Services portion of "How to Brand Yourself" workshop for CSTEP. Sandra Strauss Prepared and delivered Introduction to Career Services Workshop for ST100/College Discovery. Summer 2011 Constance Peluso ST100 Presentations regarding Internship Forum. Spring 2011 Constance Peluso ST100 Presentations regarding Internship Forum. Spring 2012 Constance Peluso Career development presentation to all senior nursing students culminating in the creation of resumes and cover letters for each student and fulfillment of Writing Intensive requirements. Spring 2012 Constance Peluso Career development presentation to all senior nursing students culminating in the creation of resumes and cover letters for each student and fulfillment of Writing Intensive requirements. Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Lecture (Invited) Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Constance Peluso Career development presentation to all senior nursing students culminating in the creation of resumes and cover letters for each student and fulfillment of Writing Intensive requirements. Summer 2011 Constance Peluso Career development presentation to all senior nursing students culminating in the creation of resumes and cover letters for each student and fulfillment of Writing Intensive requirements. Spring 2011 Constance Peluso ST100 Presentations regarding Internship Forum. Fall 2011 Susanne Grossman Began to work on the production of the various materials necessary to present at the fall 2012 Internship/Cooperative Education Forum. Summer 2011 Susanne Grossman Developed all correspondences Spring 2011 relevant to the Annual Internship Forum presented here on campus. Correspondences to Faculty Cooperative Education Coordinators, employers, students, faculty, Freshman Academy faculty, and Student Coordinators were developed to announce and invite the specific contingent of individuals to various portions of the event. Susanne Grossman Developed all correspondences Summer 2011 relevant to the Annual Internship Forum presented here on campus. Correspondences to Faculty Cooperative Education Coordinators, employers, students, faculty, Freshman Academy faculty, and Student Coordinators were developed to announce and invite the specific contingent of individuals to various portions of the event. Susanne Grossman Continued to work on various aspects Fall 2011 of the upcoming Fall Internship/Cooperative Education Forum: Newspaper Ad, student, employer and faculty handouts, poster, PowerPoint, etc. Susanne Grossman Developed new correspondences for the start of the semester to the students in an effort to effectively reach them about upcoming internship opportunities and deadlines. Materials Development Fall 2011 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Susanne Grossman Wrote two articles for the online Spring 2012 Internship Manual. Continued to develop various components to create a useful easily accessible resource for students, employers and Cooperative Education Coordinators. Susanne Grossman Produced a comprehensive online Internship Manual for students, employers, and Cooperative Education Coordinators, including wrote two articles for it. It can be found by linking from various places on the Career Services website. Constance Peluso Created video used to market to and Spring 2012 instruct students about Optimal Resume in the P-Net courses. Constance Peluso Created and analyzed Interview Questions for campus faculty and staff regarding student technology resources. Fall 2011 Sandra Strauss Designed FOCUS-2 information card Summer 2011 Sandra Strauss Continued collaboration with Counseling to produce FOCUS-2 Career Services presentation. Spring 2012 Sandra Strauss Continued production of FOCUS-2 Camtasia presentation. Spring 2012 Constance Peluso Sole writer of report generated by the Technology Task Force. Fall 2011 Susanne Grossman Trained the Career Services Adjunct Spring 2011 and College Assistant to manage and update the Internship/Cooperative Education Forum contact list. Susanne Grossman Trained the Career Services College Assistant to manage and update the paperless Internships by majors folders. Spring 2011 Susanne Grossman Mentored and trained adjunct in the procedures and process of finding internships; issues to be addressed with employers; placing student interns and earning credits for doing an internship. Fall 2011 Susanne Grossman Mentored and trained adjunct in the procedures and process of finding internships; issues to be addressed with employers; placing student interns and earning credits for doing an internship. Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Other (scholarly or creative achievements comparable to previous categories) Other please describe below Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Susanne Grossman Advised and guided the new Math Spring 2012 and Computer Science Cooperative Education Coordinator in the policies, procedures and laws governing Internships/Cooperative Education opportunities for our students majoring in Math and Computer Science. Gave her the contacts for a number of companies to reach out and harvest the internship opportunities, including some paid ones, necessary to make the program a success. We will continue to work together to make it succeed. I also informed her of the Internship/Cooperative Education Forum as an opportunity for her to get face-to-face time with the employers. Recommended that she speak with the Co-op coordinators in the Social Science and Business Departments to get guidance about content and monitoring hours of student participants earning credits. Sandra Strauss Assisted in the creation of a promotional plan for the Career Services Etiquette event. Spring 2011 Sandra Strauss Completed classroom visits to promote QCC Job Fair. Spring 2012 Sandra Strauss Promoted Office of Career Services' spring events & services to students at the Student Activity Club Fair. Spring 2012 Sandra Strauss Promoted FOCUS-2 program via Tigermail to QCC students. Spring 2012 Sandra Strauss Prepared Career Services Adjunct to conduct one-to-one FOCUS-2 career advisement appointments. Fall 2011 Sandra Strauss Promoted FOCUS-2 program to student and other campus constitients Summer 2011 Sandra Strauss Promoted Office of Career Services' fall events & services to students at Student Activity Club Fair. Summer 2011 Sandra Strauss Trained Counseling Intern in the use Fall 2011 of FOCUS-2. Sandra Strauss Introduced FOCUS-2 to new International Student Advisor. Summer 2011 Sandra Strauss Completed classroom visits to promote the Internship & Cooperative Education Forum. Fall 2011 Sandra Strauss Began research and writing of potential Career Services Blog. Fall 2011 Review/Commentary (including Blogging) Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Sandra Strauss Continued researching social media in Spring 2012 preparation for future Career Services Blog. Sandra Strauss Participated in FOCUS-2 new product Fall 2011 development survey with Director of Career Services. Susanne Grossman Processed students and assisted them with various application processes for fall 2012 semester internships. Summer 2011 Susanne Grossman Continued to recruit companies/employers for new internship opportunities for our students to meet the goal of 5% increase for the year. Summer 2011 Susanne Grossman Offered a beginning of the year Summer 2011 presentation to the MALES program members informing them about internship opportunities, the FOCUS 2 program, Optimal Resume as well as the other services provided by the Office of Career Services. Susanne Grossman Communicated with the Student Summer 2011 Coordinators of the Academies to inform them of how students receive information about internships. Susanne Grossman Sent Student Coordinators and Faculty Coordinators of the Academies correspondences and notices of internship opportuniites and internship fairs relevant to their areas of interest. Susanne Grossman Assigned by Vice President Hartigan Summer 2011 to be a member of an on campus Technology Task Force charged with developing a comprehensive report about the state of on campus technology available to all students and making suggestions for areas of future growth and development. Service as a reviewer/editor/ consultant Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Summer 2011 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Susanne Grossman Attended the 2011 Annual National Summer 2011 Association of Colleges and Employers Conference . Met with corporate representatives to garner new worthwhile internship opportunities for our students in all fields of endeavors. Attended several workshops dealing specifically with legal issues governing student participation in internship opportunities. Attended other workshops dealing with issues directly related to students seeking and participating in internships, e.g. helicopter parents. Met with other Career Services representatives’ not only from CUNY but other colleges from across the United States to discuss best practices in promoting Career Services. Susanne Grossman Attended weekly meetings of the Technology Task Force committee. Summer 2011 Susanne Grossman Began to work on the fall 2012 Internship/Cooperative Education Forum. Summer 2011 Susanne Grossman Utilizing the content management Fall 2011 system continued the development of an online Internship Manual aimed at providing useful and relevant information for students, employers and Cooperative Education Coordinators. The in depth manual will be linked to various places on the Career Services website where cursory information is already posted. Susanne Grossman Began work on the fall 2011 Summer 2011 Internship/Cooperative Education Forum. Will bring together company recruiters seeking interns, Cooperative Education Coordinators, and students seeking internships. Susanne Grossman Assisted the Director of Career Summer 2011 Services, head of the Technology Task Force, with the development of a single set of questions to be asked of all of the interviewees. This facilitated with the correlation of all of the answers by the various interviewees in their respective areas of expertise. Susanne Grossman Commenced working with the Summer 2011 Camtasia software to produce a brief video about internships. Worked on learning to utilize the software and all of its utilities. Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Susanne Grossman Gave rise to the opportunity for Fall 2011 Professors Svoronos and Gadura to speak with representatives from Alley Pond Environmental Center and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories to create internship opportunities for our students. Alley Pond Environmental Center would also benefit from the college level work and research that our students could perform for them. Susanne Grossman Investigated alternative technology Spring 2012 options for the difficult to use Shareware software. Elected to have a parallel drive installed on each computer in the office. The entire office could then use the parallel drive to organize in-common office work. The drive enables everyone to easily access any file or document, instead of the cumbersome and often impossible to utilize Shareware Software. Susanne Grossman Continued to perform interviews of specific individuals for the Technology Task Force. Spring 2012 Susanne Grossman Continued to collate answers to the surveys for the Technology Task Force final report. Spring 2012 Susanne Grossman Visited the sites and met with Spring 2011 representatives of new and various companies offering internships to our students. Susanne Grossman Visited the sites and met with Summer 2011 representatives of new and various companies offering internships to our students. Susanne Grossman Visited the sites and met with Fall 2011 representatives of new and various companies offering internships to our students. Susanne Grossman Visited the sites and met with Spring 2012 representatives of new and various companies offering internships to our students. Susanne Grossman Continued to process students to earn credits for internships. Susanne Grossman Worked with Student Coordinators of Fall 2011 the Academies to promote internship opportunities and the Internship/Cooperative Education Forum. Fall 2011 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Susanne Grossman Worked with various Freshman Academy student coordinators to announce internship events around the city relevant to their student's fields of major. Fall 2011 Susanne Grossman Worked with various Freshman Academy student coordinators to announce internship events around the city relevant to their student's fields of major. Spring 2011 Susanne Grossman Continued to work on the paperless system of correlating all of the internships by major fields of study. Fall 2011 Susanne Grossman Continued to work on the paperless system of correlating all of the internships by major fields of study. Spring 2011 Susanne Grossman Made classroom visits to promote various services provided by the Office of Career Services and the Internship/Cooperative Education Forum. Fall 2011 Susanne Grossman Made classroom visits to promote Spring 2011 various services provided by the Office of Career Services and the Job Fair. Susanne Grossman Worked on compiling information for Summer 2011 the Technology Task Force. Susanne Grossman Worked on compiling information for Fall 2011 the Technology Task Force. Susanne Grossman Continued to recruit and process Fall 2011 prospective internship candidates for the fall semester. Susanne Grossman Continued to work on yearlong Fall 2011 annual goal of producing an on-line Internship Manual with information for students, employers and faculty members about internships. Worked on coordinating the electronic links to various portions of the QCC catalog to enable students to obtain relevant information. Worked with Dave Moretti on the electronic component of posting the manual in order to enable the users to navigate through the manual in a useful and meaningful way. Susanne Grossman Attended scheduled meetings of the Technology Task Force Committee. Fall 2011 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Susanne Grossman Achievement Semester Fall 2011 Attended and helped conduct interviews of candidates in various departments to get information about the technology needs in their respective areas of concern for the Technology Task Force. Susanne Grossman In preparation of the writing of the final report for the Technology Task Force, began the compilation of the results from the interviews already conducted. Fall 2011 Susanne Grossman Assisted in various aspects with the Summer 2011 implementation of the new Retail Job Fair for the fall semester. Susanne Grossman Assisted in various aspects with the Fall 2011 implementation of the new Retail Job Fair for the fall semester. Susanne Grossman Attended the Freshman orientation to Fall 2011 assist with handing out new ID cards. Susanne Grossman Prepared to send out the hold the Summer 2011 date electronic reminders, and invitations as well as coordinate the activities up to the time of the event. Susanne Grossman Continued to communicate with new Summer 2011 and past employers to line up internships for students who want to participate in an internship experience for the fall 2011 semester. Susanne Grossman Continued to communicate with new Fall 2011 and past employers to line up internships for students who want to participate in an internship experience for the fall 2011 semester. Susanne Grossman Worked with IT to glean reliable Summer 2011 statistics relevant to the 2010-2011 semesters of students who participated in Cooperative Education classes. Used the statistics to meet the 2% increase called for in the strategic plan. Susanne Grossman Worked with IT to glean reliable Fall 2011 statistics relevant to the 2010-2011 semesters of students who participated in Cooperative Education classes. Used the statistics to meet the 2% increase called for in the strategic plan. Susanne Grossman Continued to post internship notices to students and Cooperative Education Coordinators to announce and advertise opportunities. Spring 2011 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Susanne Grossman Continued to post internship notices to students and Cooperative Education Coordinators to announce and advertise opportunities. Summer 2011 Susanne Grossman Continued to post internship notices to students and Cooperative Education Coordinators to announce and advertise opportunities. Fall 2011 Susanne Grossman Continued to post internship notices to students and Cooperative Education Coordinators to announce and advertise opportunities. Spring 2012 Susanne Grossman Conducted more interviews of Fall 2011 on-campus personnel relevant to the concerns of the Technology Task Force. Susanne Grossman Compiled results from interviews relevant to the Technology Task Force concerns. Fall 2011 Susanne Grossman Assisted students at walk-ins and by appointment with the application process to compete in and obtain a Fellowship in the prestigious New york Needs You program. Spring 2011 Susanne Grossman Continuted the communication process with new corporate representatives to either begin or continue internship opportunites. Spring 2011 Susanne Grossman Assisted students during appointments and walk-ins with resumes, cover letters, job search strategies and the 3-1-1 application process. Spring 2011 Susanne Grossman Created poster published in the Spring 2011 Communique newspaper and posted on campus to promote the QCC Spring Etiquette Event. Susanne Grossman Assisted students with understanding Spring 2011 the process of obtaining credits for their internship and placements in internships. Susanne Grossman Assisted with the physical set-up of the Job Fair. Susanne Grossman Finalized details related to staging Spring 2011 the spring Job Fair: Helped create the Job Fair booklet with all of the employers attending, their descriptions, contact information and what they were recruiting for. Susanne Grossman Finalized details related to the Job Fair: Clarified details regarding catering of the Job Fair luncheon. Picked up corsages, ordered the water and delivered to the caterer. Spring 2011 Spring 2011 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Susanne Grossman Developed new internship Spring 2011 opportunities with the New York College of Podiatric Medicine in areas related to Biology, Chemistry, Medical Billing, Medical Assistants, Computer Information Technology and Health Sciences. Susanne Grossman Developed new internship opportunities with Rubies Costume Company for students studying Art, Design, Photography, Digital Art & Design. Spring 2011 Susanne Grossman Assisted students during appointments and walk-ins with professional documents; resume, cover letter and job searches. Spring 2011 Susanne Grossman Communicate with the Cooperative Education Coordinators on a regular basis. Spring 2011 Susanne Grossman Communicate with the Cooperative Education Coordinators on a regular basis. Summer 2011 Susanne Grossman Communicate with the Cooperative Education Coordinators on a regular basis. Fall 2011 Susanne Grossman Communicate with the Cooperative Education Coordinators on a regular basis. Spring 2012 Susanne Grossman Present a comprehensive talk about Spring 2012 internships, Focus-2, and other services the Office of Career Services provides to ST-100 classes. Susanne Grossman Invited at the beginning of the semester by Professor H. Dubrow and Professor Rose-Marie Aikas to speak with their classes about internships and Cooperative Education classes. Fall 2011 Susanne Grossman Invited at the beginning of the semester by Professor H. Dubrow and Professor Rose-Marie Aikas to speak with their classes about internships and Cooperative Education classes. Spring 2012 Susanne Grossman Attended a Director's meeting in lieu of the Director. Fall 2011 Susanne Grossman Attended an Emergency Director's meeting in lieu of the Director. Spring 2012 Susanne Grossman Assisted with the production of a comprehensive list of employers attending the spring Job Fair organized by the majors they would be interested in recruiting from. Spring 2012 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Susanne Grossman Assisted with the production of a comprehensive list of employers attending the spring Job Fair organized by the majors they would be interested in recruiting from. Spring 2011 Susanne Grossman Attended and assisted with all aspects of presenting the Spring Job Fair. Spring 2011 Susanne Grossman Attended and assisted with all aspects of presenting the Spring Job Fair. Spring 2012 Susanne Grossman Present a comprehensive talk about Fall 2011 internships, Focus-2, and other services the Office of Career Services provides to ST-100 classes. Susanne Grossman Present a comprehensive talk about Spring 2011 internships, Focus-2, and other services the Office of Career Services provides to ST-100 classes. Susanne Grossman Communicated on a fairly regular basis with representatives from Optimal Resume to customize and maximize the effectiveness and student use of Optimal Resume. Fall 2011 Susanne Grossman Communicated on a fairly regular basis with representatives from Optimal Resume to customize and maximize the effectiveness and student use of Optimal Resume. Spring 2011 Susanne Grossman Assisted the Director of Career Spring 2011 Services with the New York Needs You Fellowship initiative. Recruited and prepared as many students as we could to apply for the prestigious opportunity. Susanne Grossman Assisted the Director of Career Spring 2012 Services with the New York Needs You Fellowship initiative. Recruited and prepared as many students as we could to apply for the prestigious opportunity. Susanne Grossman Correlated statistical data of the participation of students in internships, both in and outside of Cooperative Education Classes, to keep on target for the goal of increasing the number of students participating in internships. Spring 2012 Susanne Grossman Attended the Club Day Fair, to represent the Office of Career Services. Spring 2011 Susanne Grossman Attended the Club Day Fair, to represent the Office of Career Services. Fall 2011 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Susanne Grossman Attended the Club Day Fair, to represent the Office of Career Services. Spring 2012 Susanne Grossman Organized the internship opportunities into a more effective and comprehensive system. The students will be able to see the internships organized according to their major at the beginning of each semester. The system will be implemented for the start of Fall 2012. Spring 2012 Susanne Grossman Attended the Spring 2012 CUNY Big Apple Job Fair and assisted as an Employer Liaison. Spring 2012 Susanne Grossman Spring 2011 Communicate on a weekly basis with the student body at large through a departmental TigerMail newsletter: Notify students every Monday morning about new internship opportunities, how to apply and impending deadlines for applying for the internships. Susanne Grossman Summer 2011 Communicate on a weekly basis with the student body at large through a departmental TigerMail newsletter: Notify students every Monday morning about new internship opportunities, how to apply and impending deadlines for applying for the internships. Susanne Grossman Fall 2011 Communicate on a weekly basis with the student body at large through a departmental TigerMail newsletter: Notify students every Monday morning about new internship opportunities, how to apply and impending deadlines for applying for the internships. Susanne Grossman Spring 2012 Communicate on a weekly basis with the student body at large through a departmental TigerMail newsletter: Notify students every Monday morning about new internship opportunities, how to apply and impending deadlines for applying for the internships. Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Susanne Grossman Worked on producing a Camtasia video about Internships and earning credit for doing them. Fall 2011 Susanne Grossman Finished creating a Camtasia video about Internships and earning credit for doing them. Spring 2012 Susanne Grossman Assisted visually impaired student to find credit bearing internship opoportunity. Spring 2011 Susanne Grossman Assisted visually impaired student to find credit bearing internship opportunity. Spring 2012 Susanne Grossman Met and exceeded the annual goal of Spring 2012 increasing the number of Internship contacts. Susanne Grossman Met and exceeded the annual goal of Spring 2012 increasing the number of students participating in internships. Susanne Grossman Completed the annual goal of producing an online Internship Manual. Spring 2012 Susanne Grossman Assisted in the regular operations of the office: Reviewed students resumes, cover letters, job search documents and interview skills. Spring 2011 Susanne Grossman Assisted in the regular operations of the office: Reviewed students resumes, cover letters, job search documents and interview skills. Summer 2011 Susanne Grossman Assisted in the regular operations of the office: Reviewed students resumes, cover letters, job search documents and interview skills. Fall 2011 Susanne Grossman Assisted in the regular operations of the office: Reviewed students resumes, cover letters, job search documents and interview skills. Spring 2012 Susanne Grossman Met with employers at the CUNY Big Apple Job Fair to recruit internship opportuniities for QCC students. Spring 2011 Susanne Grossman Met with employers at the CUNY Big Apple Job Fair to recruit internship opportuniities for QCC students. Spring 2012 Susanne Grossman Assisted students with finding employment opportunities. Spring 2011 Susanne Grossman Assisted students with finding employment opportunities. Summer 2011 Susanne Grossman Assisted students with finding employment opportunities. Fall 2011 Susanne Grossman Assisted students with finding employment opportunities. Spring 2012 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Susanne Grossman Utilizing the Content Management System, check and make changes to make sure that the information provided to students on the Career Services website about internships and Cooperative Education Coordinators in the various departments is correct and the most up to date available. Fall 2011 Susanne Grossman Utilizing the Content Management Spring 2012 System, check to make sure that the information provided to students on the Career Services website about internships and Cooperative Education Coordinators in the various departments is correct and the most up to date available. Susanne Grossman Attended the start of the year convocation. Fall 2011 Susanne Grossman Attended the start of the semester convocation. Spring 2012 Susanne Grossman Assisted students with registration in Spring 2011 a computer lab during the implementation of the CUNY First system. Susanne Grossman Assisted students at the Bursar's and Spring 2011 Registrar's offices during the start of the CUNY First program implementation. Susanne Grossman Attended a meeting with Vice President Hartigan about the 2012 commencement exercises at QCC to find out what my assignment was make sure the proceedings went smoothly. Susanne Grossman Attended the 2012 graduation to help Spring 2012 the procedures run smoothly and efficiently: Gave students their graduation cards, checked to see that there were no stray graduates in the rooms and bathrooms, and then assisted the Golden Jubilee graduates to meet up with the end of the line of graduates so the Jubilee’s could march through the faculty gauntlet and into the graduation area. Constance Peluso Served as Chairperson on the Task Force on QCC Student Campus Technology Resources. Constance Peluso Organized and presented a Retail Job Fall 2011 Fair to coincide with employer recruitment needs prior to the holiday season, benefitting QCC students and recent alumni. Spring 2012 Fall 2011 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Constance Peluso Attended Business Employer Advisory Spring 2011 Board dinner/meeting and participated in focus groups. Constance Peluso Attended Business Employer Advisory Spring 2012 Board dinner/meeting and participated in focus groups. Constance Peluso Served on Commencement Committee and worked at graduation. Constance Peluso Managed staff and worked in every Spring 2011 activity undertaken by the Office of Career Services for all day-to-day and special operations. Worked with all stakeholders including students, faculty and staff, CUNY officials and employers to bring optimal services to QCC students and recent alumni. Constance Peluso Managed staff and worked in every Summer 2011 activity undertaken by the Office of Career Services for all day-to-day and special operations. Worked with all stakeholders including students, faculty and staff, CUNY officials and employers to bring optimal services to QCC students and recent alumni. Constance Peluso Managed staff and worked in every Fall 2011 activity undertaken by the Office of Career Services for all day-to-day and special operations. Worked with all stakeholders including students, faculty and staff, CUNY officials and employers to bring optimal services to QCC students and recent alumni. Constance Peluso Managed staff and worked in every Spring 2012 activity undertaken by the Office of Career Services for all day-to-day and special operations. Worked with all stakeholders including students, faculty and staff, CUNY officials and employers to bring optimal services to QCC students and recent alumni. Constance Peluso Chaired the Employer Committee of the Big Apple Job Fair. Spring 2012 Constance Peluso Chaired the Employer Committee of the Big Apple Job Fair. Spring 2011 Constance Peluso Managed the entire 2011 QCC Spring Spring 2011 Job Fair recruiting over 50 companies through one-to-one contact with employers, marketing to students through more than 60 classroom visits. Secured the support of faculty and staff across the College. Spring 2012 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Constance Peluso Managed the entire 2011 QCC Spring Spring 2012 Job Fair recruiting over 50 companies through one-to-one contact with employers, marketing to students through more than 60 classroom visits. Secured the support of faculty and staff across the College. Constance Peluso Managed the New York Needs You recruitment from start up to completion resulting in the highest number of applicants throughout CUNY. Constance Peluso Presented at Freshman Welcome Spring 2011 (and similar events) regarding services provided by Career Services. Constance Peluso Presented at Freshman Welcome Summer 2011 (and similar events) regarding services provided by Career Services. Constance Peluso Presented at Freshman Welcome Fall 2011 (and similar events) regarding services provided by Career Services. Constance Peluso Presented at Freshman Welcome Spring 2012 (and similar events) regarding services provided by Career Services. Constance Peluso Manned table at Club Day. Spring 2011 Constance Peluso Manned table at Club Day. Fall 2011 Constance Peluso Manned table at Club Day. Spring 2012 Constance Peluso Prepared all students, meeting individually and processed applications for the CUNY 311 Project. Spring 2011 Constance Peluso Prepared all students, meeting individually and processed applications for the CUNY 311 Project. Summer 2011 Constance Peluso Prepared all students, meeting individually and processed applications for the CUNY 311 Project. Fall 2011 Constance Peluso Prepared all students, meeting individually and processed applications for the CUNY 311 Project. Spring 2012 Jane Rodgers Received MBTI Certification on 8/10/11. Summer 2011 Jane Rodgers Critiqued student resumes and provide feedback online through College Central Network, and in person during walk-in hours and scheduled appointments. Summer 2011 Fall 2011 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Jane Rodgers Critiqued student resumes and provide feedback online through College Central Network, and in person during walk-in hours and scheduled appointments. Fall 2011 Jane Rodgers Educated students about our services Summer 2011 and how to leverage all resources available to assist them with job search activities and career exploration. Jane Rodgers Educated students about our services Fall 2011 and how to leverage all resources available to assist them with job search activities and career exploration. Jane Rodgers Educated students about our services Spring 2012 and how to leverage all resources available to assist them with job search activities and career exploration. Jane Rodgers Critiqued student resumes and provide feedback online through College Central Network, and in person during walk-in hours and scheduled appointments. Spring 2012 Jane Rodgers Educated students about the CUNY 311 Call Center Representative position by providing an overview of the program, position and hiring process. Provided direction on completion of paperwork and assisted with resume. Fall 2011 Jane Rodgers Educated students about the CUNY 311 Call Center Representative position by providing an overview of the program, position and hiring process. Provided direction on completion of paperwork and assisted with resume. Spring 2012 Jane Rodgers Supported the Retail Job Fair. Fall 2011 Jane Rodgers Performed class visits to promote various career services events and activities. Fall 2011 Jane Rodgers Performed class visits to promote various career services events and activities. Spring 2012 Jane Rodgers Supported the execution of the Internship Forum Fall 2011 Jane Rodgers Conducted one-to-one career Fall 2011 advisement and coaching discussions with students utilizing the FOCUS-2 program Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Jane Rodgers Conducted one-to-one career Spring 2012 advisement and coaching discussions with students utilizing the FOCUS-2 program Jane Rodgers Conducted a FOCUS-2 workshop for an ST-100 class. Jane Rodgers Assisted students during Fall 2011 appointments and walk-in hours with resume and cover letter advice, and interviewing and job search guidance and tips. Jane Rodgers Assisted students during Spring 2012 appointments and walk-in hours with resume and cover letter advice, and interviewing and job search guidance and tips. Jane Rodgers Assisted with the validation of the Fall 2011 Internship master contact list by contacting employers to confirm or establish the appropriate contact person and to determine the specific types of intern assignments available. Jane Rodgers Attended Camtasia training. Jane Rodgers Continued ongoing validation of Spring 2012 Internship master contact list by continuing to reach out to employers via email, phone, fax and the internet. Ongoing effort has resulted in more accurate and complete contact information, a deeper understanding of internship opportunities available and the addition of some new internship assignments. Jane Rodgers Supported the Job Fair by directing Spring 2012 employers to their designated tables, assisting students, collecting resumes and surveys and other assistance as necessary. Jane Rodgers Supported the Job Fair by directing Spring 2011 employers to their designated tables, by providing general assistance to students and collecting surveys as participants were leaving the event. Jane Rodgers Educate students about the CUNY 311 Call Center Representative position by providing an overview of the program, the position and hiring process. Provide guidance on proper completion of required paperwork and assist with resume preparation. Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Spring 2011 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Jane Rodgers Assisted students with the New York Spring 2011 Needs You application process. Reviewed the program requirements, the necessary documents and assisted with resume preparation. Jane Rodgers Assisted with the promotion of the Business Etiquette event. Spring 2011 Sandra Strauss Communicated with FOCUS-2 representative to update QCC FOCUS-2 account. Fall 2011 Sandra Strauss Reviewed student resumes, cover letters and assisted with job search, during office walk-in hours and via email. Fall 2011 Sandra Strauss Worked with local employers to promote and provide job opportunities for QCC students. Fall 2011 Sandra Strauss Assisted in the preparation of QCC students for CUNY 3-1-1 application process. Fall 2011 Sandra Strauss Assisted with the preparation for and Fall 2011 attended and worked at the Career Services Retail Job Fair. Sandra Strauss Conducted FOCUS-2 one-to-one career advisement appointments. Summer 2011 Sandra Strauss Conducted FOCUS-2 one-to-one career advisement appointments. Fall 2011 Sandra Strauss Compiled FOCUS-2 statistics Fall 2011 Sandra Strauss FOCUS-2 online calendar maintenance. Fall 2011 Sandra Strauss Researched and prepared report on New Trends in Nursing & Health Careers. Summer 2011 Sandra Strauss Set-up new FOCUS-2 Fall 2011 sub-administrator accounts for Counseling & Freshman Academy for Health Related Sciences. Sandra Strauss Maintained QCC FOCUS-2 sub-administrator accounts. Fall 2011 Sandra Strauss Collaborated with Health Related Sciences Freshman Academy in the development of FOCUS-2 pilot advisement program. Fall 2011 Sandra Strauss Forwarded contact information for possible internships to Career Services Internship Coordinator. Fall 2011 Sandra Strauss Reviewed student resumes, cover letters and assisted with job search, during office walk-in hours and via email. Summer 2011 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Sandra Strauss Prepared and presented Career Services Overview at Freshman First Liberal Arts & Sciences Academy Welcome. Summer 2011 Sandra Strauss Attended and worked at Internship & Fall 2011 Cooperative Education Forum. Sandra Strauss Assisted Director of Career Services with research about NYNY. Fall 2011 Sandra Strauss Maintained QCC FOCUS-2 sub-administrator accounts. Spring 2012 Sandra Strauss Set-up new FOCUS-2 sub-administrator accounts for Counseling Dept. and QCC SMART program. Spring 2012 Sandra Strauss Maintained FOCUS-2 online calendar. Spring 2012 Sandra Strauss Updated FOCUS-2 statistics. Spring 2012 Sandra Strauss Conducted FOCUS-2 one-to-one career advisement appointments. Spring 2012 Sandra Strauss Continued work on updating FOCUS- Spring 2012 2 majors index list. Sandra Strauss Attended FOCUS-2 webinars about Spring 2012 new program enhancements and new product development. Sandra Strauss Communicated with FOCUS-2 Spring 2012 representatives regarding on-going maintenance of QCC FOCUS-2 majors index list. Sandra Strauss Reviewed student resumes, cover letters, and assisted with job search during walk-in hours and via email. Spring 2012 Sandra Strauss Assisted in the recruitment of employers for the Job Fair. Spring 2012 Sandra Strauss Attended and worked at the QCC Job Spring 2012 Fair. Sandra Strauss Attended and worked at the CUNY Big Apple Job Fair as a member of the Employee Liaison Committee. Spring 2012 Sandra Strauss Met with local, national & international employers at the CUNY Big Apple Job Fair to research and promote employment opportunities for QCC students. Spring 2012 Sandra Strauss Assisted with the preparation of QCC Spring 2012 students for CUNY 3-1-1 application process. Sandra Strauss Worked with local and national employers to promote job opportunities for QCC students. Spring 2012 Sandra Strauss Forwarded contact information to Internship Coordinator for possible internship opportunities for QCC students. Spring 2012 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Sandra Strauss Assisted with marketing, recruiting & Spring 2012 preparing students for the NYNY program. Sandra Strauss Marketed and attended Etiquette event. Spring 2011 Sandra Strauss Assisted Mrs. Constance Peluso by providing research for Technology Project. Spring 2011 Sandra Strauss Conducted one-to-one FOCUS-2 career advisement appointments. Spring 2011 Sandra Strauss Assisted with review of CSAC strategic plan. Spring 2012 Sandra Strauss Attended and worked at CUNY Big Apple Job Fair as a member of the Employeed Liaison Committee. Spring 2011 Sandra Strauss Reviewed student resumes, cover Spring 2011 letters and assisted with job search, during Career Services walk-in hours. Sandra Strauss Compiled FOCUS-2 statistics. Spring 2011 Sandra Strauss Assisted with the recruitment, promotion and preparation of QCC students for the NYNY (New York Needs You) fellowship program. Spring 2011 Sandra Strauss Assisted in the preparation of QCC students for the CUNY 3-1-1 application process. Spring 2011 Sandra Strauss Communicated with students regarding specific employment opportuntities. Spring 2011 Sandra Strauss Communicated with employers regarding job opportunities for students. Spring 2011 Sandra Strauss Helped create the spring semester departmental marketing plan to students. Spring 2011 Sandra Strauss Attended and worked at the Student Spring 2011 Activity Club Fair to promote Career Services events & NYNY to students. Sandra Strauss Delivered classroom presentations to Spring 2011 promote the QCC Job Fair & Career Services events. Sandra Strauss Helped with set-up of and worked at Spring 2011 the QCC Job Fair. Sandra Strauss Prepared written report for Career Services Staff about the WCS Seasonal Recruitment process. Spring 2011 Sandra Strauss FOCUS-2 online calendar maintenance. Spring 2011 Sandra Strauss Set-up new FOCUS-2 sub-administrator account for Counseling Dept. Spring 2011 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Sandra Strauss Helped Bursar & Registrar during registration period. Spring 2011 Susanne Grossman Produced a comprehensive online Internship Manual for students, employers, and Cooperative Education Coordinators, including wrote two articles for it. It can be found by linking from various places on the Career Services website. Spring 2012 Susanne Grossman Utilizing the content management Summer 2011 system began the development of an online Internship Manual aimed at providing useful and relevant information for students, employers and Cooperative Education Coordinators. The in depth manual will be linked to various places on the Career Services website where cursory information is already posted. Web Site Development Changes in Department within Last Year Change Type Change Reason Semester Assessment and Evaluation KPI Target Outcome Increase the volume Increase the usage of of FOCUS-2 users. FOCUS-2 by 10%. Pre and post career advisement and FOCUS 2 assessment surveys. Actual Outcome Action Plan Surpassed this goal. Continue to market Completed FOCUS-2 to QCC community. Facilitate the integration of the newly created video regarding FOCUS -2 into the P-Net ST100 sections. Maintain reported student Surpassed this goal understanding of how QCC majors relate to career pathways upon completion of FOCUS-2 by 73%. (in the Strategic Plan) Continue to administer pre and post surveys to all students receiving career advisement. Status Completed Assessment and Evaluation KPI Target Outcome Actual Outcome Action Plan Status Volume of students participating in Cooperative Education classes Expand by 2%, student Surpassed this goal. participation in Cooperative Education/Internship experiences. (in the Strategic Plan) Continue to meet with Completed Faculty and Student Coordinators of the Freshman Academies to promote internships. Continue to encourage and support Faculty Cooperative Education Coordinators by marketing internships to students and working closely to create successful internship placements for QCC students. Now that the Internship Manual has been placed on the QCC Career Services website, work with QCC's Marketing Office to ensure it's prominent placement on the QCC homepage. Use newly created Camtasia Internship video in class presentations whenever possible. Volume of TigerMails to the students and notices to the Faculty Co-op Coordinators with information about new internship opportunities. The number of Tigermail Surpassed this goal. and faculty e-mail posted organizations offering internships will increase by 5%. Implement newly created Completed system for internship posting notification via Tigermail by department. Assessment Plan Core Activity KPI Target Outcome Plan Promote internship/cooperative education experiences to QCC students. Support and expand student participation in cooperative education/internship experiences. Support and expand by 5% student participation in cooperative education/internship experiences. (in the Strategic Plan.) Use newly created Internship/Cooperative Education Camtasia video; Internship and Cooperative Education Online Manual and weekly Tigermails sent to students via Newsletter with opportunites listed by major to market both the concept and actual internships to students. Assist students with creating a specific career plan. Volume of FOCUS-2 users. Maintain the volume of FOCUS-2 users. (in the Strategic Plan) Utilize the newly created FOCUS-2 Camtasia video to facilitate awareness of FOCUS-2 in all ST100 P-Net courses. Assessment Plan Core Activity KPI Target Outcome Plan Assist students with creating resumes ranging in quality from acceptable to superior. Volume of acceptable to superior resumes Increase the number of resumes created using Optimal Resume formats by 2%. Require all students to register on Optimal Resume prior to being seen by or working remotely with an advisor. With rare exception, require students to use Optimal Resume for preparation of all resumes reviewed by advisors in the Office of Career Services. Facilitate integration of Optimal Resume video into P-Net ST100 courses. Provide online resume advisement to students and recent alumni. Volume of online resume review. Maintain volume of online resume review. Offer all students the option of working remotely with an advisor in all marketing materials and in the reception area.