Registrar The Office of the Registrar is responsible for maintaining the academic records of all current and former students. The Registrar maintains accurate student records, ensuring that students have completed all the necessary requirements for their associate degree. The office’s goal is to provide students and faculty with the best possible service in support of the teaching and learning missions of the college. Core Activities and Performance Core Activity Key PI Indicators CUNYfirst implementation Compliance with QCC procedures, requirements, accuracy. Staff, Yes faculty and student use and understanding of new student database. Class/Space scheduling/R25 Begin using X25 to assist in classroom scheduling no Final exam scheduling Find method to assist in final exam scheduling (X25?) no Transfer equivalency set up in CF no Ease of evaluating transfer credits in CF should be increased Customer/Student services student/staff satisfaction yes Student appeals to CCS increase number of appeals due to CF processes yes Maintance of student records Student course withdrawals, change of program plans etc yes Veteran certification processes Student veterans recieve timely VA benefits yes Course Catalog updating New courses and subject areas to assist with Pathways implementation yes Degree Works maintance Updates must be made on a timely basis yes R2T4 Timely processing of student withdrawals to insure timely reporting to Federal govt yes Production of data/reports for campus community need to become proficient in CF tools No Reporting enrollment to National Student Loan Clearinghouse Improvement of CF process yes Academic Standing Processing Students need to have standing set each semester & CF processes are complicated yes Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Xiao Yan Cai CUNY sponsored Residency training Fall 2011 Meera Chowdry Cascade CMS web site training Fall 2011 Caridad D'Ambrose Cascade CMS web site training Fall 2011 Florence Farrat AACRO -Middle states conference Fall 2011 Lisa Freeland Cascade CMS web site training Fall 2011 Lisa Freeland HEUG Regional Conference Fall 2011 Edwin Gonzalez Training for Cascade CMS web site Fall 2011 Duane Heaven Cascade CMS web site training Fall 2011 Chrispina Pincus Cascade CMS web site training Fall 2011 Ann Tullio HEUG Regional conference Fall 2011 Ann Tullio Annual HEUG Conference in Nashville Spring 2012 Robert Anderson Transformational Leadership: Serving Fall 2011 the students of tomorrow, conference held at Kingsborough Community College by Office of Human Resources Management Conference, workshop, training attended Other please describe below Changes in Department within Last Year Change Type Change Reason Semester Laura Rotter resigned New position obtained Fall 2011 Doreen Fox-Herron - reclassified Assuming Laura Rotter's supervisor positon Spring 2012 Danie Jules assigned sub aHEO position for Veteran services and grad audit To cover Veteran processing from Ms. Rotter Spring 2012 Duane Heaven resigned Accepted Bursar Heo position Spring 2012 Veronica Vasquez & Chrispina Pincus Family leave Fall 2011 Personnel Assessment and Evaluation KPI Target Outcome Compliance with QCC Improved services for procedures within students and staff CUNYfirst Actual Outcome Action Plan Status College staff is still adjusting to new database Continued staff training Continuing and working with Central administration to work our issues. Assessment Plan Core Activity KPI Target Outcome Plan Office Redesign Assess student satisfaction Increased student satisfaction Working with redesign to reduce student waiting time