ENGLISH Department-sponsored services Area of Service Served WID-WAC Initiative (2 coordinators from department) 30 Computer Classroom-Open hours 280 Academic Advisement 21 Honors Scholars' Program-participation in Honors Conference 1 CETL (Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning)-Chairperson and Advisory Board Chair 1 CPE Coordinator - ACT/CPE - ACT/CPE College Committee 1 College Now Faculty Development Workshops and Teacher Observations 1 Conference of the College 7 Learning Communities (LCs) 20 WI (Writing Intensive) Appeals Committee 1 IRB (Institutional Review Board) Committee, Chair 1 Liberal Arts Academy Coordinator 1 Blackboard classes 10 Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total Creative Writing Committee - Multilingual Poetry Celebration, faculty advisor, Dr. Joan Dupre 4/28/2010 50 ASAP (Accelerated Study in Associate Programs, Liberal Arts Faculty 8/28/2010 Coordinator, Dr. Susan Jacobowitz. ASAP emphasizes a creative new approach to community college education featuring enriched academic support services to encourage graduation with an Associate degree within two to four years. The ASAP program at QCC, spronsored by CUNY with funding from Mayor Bloomberg and the citywide Commission for Economic Opportunity, was implemented at QCC in the fall of 2007 to provide qualified students with the tools necessary to ensure academic success. The program is now being funded from with CUNY and a new cohort has been recruited. The liberal arts faculty coordinator provides support to faculty teaching ASAP sections or teaching ASAP students. This takes place through group meetings, individual discussions and also through e-mail contact. Enrichment activities are also planned for the students; this year's offerings included a field trip to the Museum of the Moving Image and a creative writing reading event featuring readings by Danielle Izzo, Carolyn Raphael, John Talbird, David Rothman and Richard Tayson 120 gave presentations organized "Communique" (school newspaper), faculty advisor, Andrew Levy 8/28/2009 48 Muslim Student Association, faculty advisor, Dr. Trikartikaningsih (Kiki) Byas 8/28/2009 60 QueensZine, on-line student submissions - faculty advisor, Dr. Beth Counihan 8/28/2010 300 Digital StoryTelling, faculty advisor, Dr. Jean Darcy. There is also ongoing developments with the Challenge Grant (CETL) and Dr. Darcy is also working with LAGCC on the FIPSE for the E-Portfolio project 8/28/2010 10 Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total Learning Academies Coordinator, Dr. Linda Stanley, Fall 2009 pilot program to 8/28/2010 develop rubrics in EN-101 based on Gen. Ed objectives and CPE. Rubrics for LA Academy, faculty advisors, Drs. William Marsh, Jean Murley and Zivah Perel English Department Personnel & Budget Representative on Assessment and Handbook committee, Dr. Linda Reesman. She also volunteered for and helped complete College Assessment Handbook 10 8/28/2010 Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Trikartikani Byas Conference Presentation, other Reference Water is life: A textual analysis of the Qur’an. A presentation at the 3rd International SSEASR Conference in Denpasar, Bali, INDONESIA, June 3-6, 2009. Trikartikani Byas Conference, workshop, training attended 3rd SSEASR International Conference. Four-day international conference organized by SSEASR (South and South East Asia Religion and Culture) in Denpasa, Bali, INDONESIA on June 3-6, 2009. What teachers need to know about language. CETL sponsored panel discussion. Panel member led by Dr. Jilani Warsi, Queensborough Community College, March 04, 2009. RefWorks series. Workshops on using Refworks for research led by Dr. Sara Marcus and Dr. Barbara Smith sponsored by CETL and the QCC Libray. July 21, 2009 and August 4, 2009 Trikartikani Byas Journal Article, peerreviewed Proverbs in Intercultural Communication: A Comparison between American and Indonesian Proverbs. Edu-Lingua. Journal Pendidikan Bahasa (Language Education Journal). 2:1 (July 2009). Trikartikani Byas Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Served as the Faculty Advisor for the Muslim Student Association of QCC, since Spring 2008. In the Fall of 2009, on behalf of MSA, proposed idea of establishing a Reflection room to Vice President of Student Affairs. Served as a volunteer at the Islamic Center of Long Island (ICLI) since December 2004. My main activities are related to the collaboration with various organizations (such as LI CAN, Interfaith Nutrition Network, St. Bridges parish, and some Non Government Organizations in Indonesia) to distribute donations from ICLI's community. Served as a member of QCC's Inclusice Excellence Committee. Served on working group 4 of the self-study for Middle States Accreditation. 6 Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Trikartikani Byas Lecture (Invited) Reference Invited to teach four sessions of two sections of Academic Writing course at the Graduate English Program of Muhammadiyah University (Program Pasca Sarjana, Prof. Dr. Hamka, Universitas Muhammadiyah) in Jakarta, INDONESIA, June 2009. Trikartikani Byas Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished Where the land is stepped on, the sky above it must be upheld. A narrative piece submitted for inclusion in the eighth edition of Across Cultures: A Reader for Writers, edited by Sheena Gillespie and Robert Becker. Five entries and two folktales on Indonesian American folklore and folklife (narrative folklore, arts and crafts, performing arts, rites of passages, and customs), submitted for inclusion in the upcoming Encyclopedia of Asian American Folklore and Folklife edited by Jonathan Lee and Kathy Nadeau to be published by Greenwood Press. Beth Ann Counihan Book, Authored Counihan, Beth. Mousepads and Memoirs: Literacy Development in Late Life. Beau Bassin, Germany: VDM Publishing House, 2009. Beth Ann Counihan Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) PSC-CUNY Research Grant: The Summer of Four. Beth Ann Counihan Conference Presentation, other Counihan, Beth, Georgia McGill, and Jannette Urciouli, “Reaching Across Disciplines: Theatre in General Education.” Conference of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education, New York. 9 August 2009. Beth Ann Counihan Curriculum or laboratory development, workshop conducted Counihan, Beth, Teaching EN101 as part of the Queensborough Interdisciplinary Digital Storytelling Teams Project, Fall 2009. Joan Dupre Conference Presentation, other Dupre, Joan. "Crazy for Your Viewing Pleasure: Representations of Mental Disorder on Fox's Mental, HBO's In Treatment and Showtime's United States of Tara." Northeast Popular Culture Association NEPCA, October 2009, Queensborough Community College, Bayside, NY, (Part of panel entitled "Literature, Television and Rock Band Depictions of Illness.") QCC Conference of the College, October 2009. Presentation on the Digital Storytelling Project. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Joan Dupre Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Reference October 2009. The Queensborough Celebration of Faculty and Student Creative Writing. Hosted the Event in the Oakland Logia on October 22nd. The Big Read -- Took part in the performance/reading of parts of Tim O'Brien's novel The Things They Carried -- Oakland Loggia -October 2009. Collaborated with Basic Skills and Theater as part of the Digital Storytelling Project, Fall 2009. Organized and Hosted (with Beth Counihan) the 9th Annual Multilingual Poetry Celebration in the Quad. April 29, 2009. Cornerstone Collaboration -- Met during Fall '09 semester with Adjuncts regarding EN 101 as a Cornerstone course and how this designation fits with ideas of teaching in various genres and how it relates to the Freshman Academies. Submitted a written report on these meetings. Joan Dupre Performance (music, dance, theater) Poetry Performance at the Annual Gazebo Reading Series in Oceanside, New York, August 2009. David Humphries Journal Article, peerreviewed Humphries, David. “Returning South: Reading Culture in James Agee’s Let Us Now Praise Famous Men and Zora Neale Hurston’s Mules and Men.” Southern Literary Journal. 41.2 (Spring 2009): 69-86. David Humphries Book, Authored +XPSKULHV'DYLG'LIIHUHQW'LVSDWFKHV-RXUQDOLVPLQ$PHULFDQ 0RGHUQLVW3URVH1HZ<RUN5RXWOHGJH >3DSHUEDFN9HUODJ@ David Humphries Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) 2009-2010 PSC-CUNY Research Grant: “Telling Tales: The American Family and the Post-War Novel” David Humphries Service as a reviewer/editor/consul tant Reviewer: Studies in American Fiction (2009-Present) David Humphries Conference Presentation, other Panel Member: “The Effects of WI Training on Professors and Students,” Fall Faculty Meeting: Seventh Conference of the College, Queensborough Community College, CUNY, October 30, 2009. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type David Humphries Curriculum or laboratory development, workshop conducted Reference Workshop Leader for Faculty Development: Workshops to Certify Faculty to Teach Writing Intensive Courses (2009-Present). Workshop Leader: Online Workshops to Certify Faculty to Teach Writing Intensive Courses (2009-Present). Workshop Leader for Faculty Development: “Creating Integrated Assignments in Learning Communities–-A Hand’s On Approach,” Queensborough Community College, CUNY, March 4, 2009. David Humphries Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Peer Reviewer for the Professional Staff Congress - CUNY Research Foundation Grants (January, 2009) Susan Jacobowitz Conference Presentation, other “’Talkin’ ‘Bout My Generation:’ Intergenerational and Interdisciplinary Learning at the Community College Library,” Committee on Community Colleges, Modern Language Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA, December 27-30, 2009. “Coming of Age on the Page: Graphic Depictions of Adolescence,” Comics & Graphic Novels, Northeast Popular Culture Association Conference (NEPCA), Queensborough Community College, Bayside, NY, October 23-24, 2009. “The Aftermath of War: Second Generation Performance Art,” Holocaust Narratives: Trauma, History and Memory, Western/Midwestern Jewish Studies Assoc. Conference, Denver, April 25-27, 2009. Susan Jacobowitz Other “Into the Forest: Variations on a Theme,” The Queensborough Celebration of Faculty and Student Creative Writing, Kupferberg Holocaust Resource Center, October 21, 2009. Susan Jacobowitz Lecture (Invited) “Words & Pictures Together: The Growth of Graphic Genres,” Faculty Spotlight Lecture, Queensborough Community College, April 29, 2009. “The Jewish Graphic Novel: Will Eisner,” November 12, 2009, Lake Success Jewish Center, Lake Success, New York. Susan Jacobowitz Service as a reviewer/editor/consul tant Samantha Baskind and Ranen Omer-Sherman, eds., The Jewish Graphic Novel: Critical Approaches. In Journal of American Ethnic History, 2009. Maeera Shreiber, Singing in a Strange Land: A Jewish American Poetics. In Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History, 2009. Richard Schickel, Woody Allen: A Life in Film. In Post Script: Essays in Film and the Humanities, 2009. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Susan Jacobowitz Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished Reference “Jewish Writers in Australia,” in Amit Sarwal and Reema Sarwal (eds.), Reading Down Under: Australian Literary Studies Reader. New Delhi: SSS Publications, 2009. First published in Nicholas Birns and Rebecca McNeer (eds.), Companion to Australian Literature after 1900. Rochester, New York: University of Rochester Press, Camden House, November 2007. Susan Jacobowitz Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) PSC-CUNY Research Grant, 2009, “Into the Forest: A Survivor’s Daughter Confronts the Past,” Interdisciplinary Panel, $3,050 Erica Lein Conference, workshop, training attended Spring 2009 CETL Workshop: "Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum" (materials submitted may be accessed online through the CETL archives). Andrew Levy Book, Authored (2$*+$-RXUQDORIWKH$UWV)HDWXUHG&KDSERRN1RWKLQJ,V ,Q+HUH)DOO,VVXHSDJHV Andrew Levy Journal Article, other /HY\$QGUHZ)URP³7RS6WRULHV´&DQQRW([LVW6HSWHPEHU Andrew Levy Conference Presentation, other ³$'LIILFXOW0XVLF7UDQVOXFHQFHRIWKH3HGDJRJLFDOLQ:LOOLDP &DUORV:LOOLDPV¶7KH'HVHUW0XVLF´1&7($QQXDO &RQYHQWLRQ³2QFHDQG)XWXUH&ODVVLFV5HDGLQJ%HWZHHQWKH /LQHV´1RYHPEHU3KLODGHOSKLD3$6HVVLRQ7LWOH 7HDFKLQJWKH'LIILFXOW7H[W3HGDJRJLHVRI&UHDWLYH5HDGLQJDW &RPPXQLW\&ROOHJHVRIWKH&LW\8QLYHUVLW\RI1HZ<RUN Andrew Levy Lecture (Invited) /HY\$QGUHZ³/DQGLQJ6LWHVDQG&ODVV´WDONIRUWKH21 SXEOLFDWLRQHYHQW-DQXDU\3RHWU\3URMHFWDW6W0DUN¶VLQ WKH%RZHU\1HZ<RUN1HZ<RUN Andrew Levy Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished %LOO\'DOH6KRRWVWR.LOO7XFVRQ$UL]RQD&KD[3UHVV IRUWKFRPLQJIDOO &UDFNLQJ8S1HZ<RUN7UXFN%RRNV$SULO Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Andrew Levy Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Reference $SSRLQWHGIDOOWRWKHDGYLVRU\FRPPLWWHHRIWKH³/LYLQJ $UFKLYHV´SURMHFWLQLWLDWHGE\7KH&HQWHUIRUWKH+XPDQLWLHVDQG WKH3K'3URJUDPLQ(QJOLVKDW7KH*UDGXDWH&HQWHU&81< %DVHGDW7KH*UDGXDWH&HQWHU&81<³/LYLQJ$UFKLYHV´DLPVWR FUHDWHDOOLDQFHVEHWZHHQOLEUDULHVDUWVLQVWLWXWLRQVDQGLQGLYLGXDOV DFURVVWKHFRXQWU\WRKLJKOLJKWDQGSUHVHUYHWKHZRUNRIOLYLQJ DUWLVWVDVZHOODVWKHLUFRQWHPSRUDULHVSDVWDQGSUHVHQW$ORQJ ZLWKDQRQJRLQJFKDSERRNVHULHVWKHSURMHFWHQFRPSDVVHV UHVHDUFKIHOORZVKLSVIRUVWXGHQWVDQGDUWLVWVWRZRUNWRJHWKHU LQVLGHDQGRXWVLGHRIWKHDUFKLYHV7KH³/LYLQJ$UFKLYHV´LV DVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKH&81<3RHWLFV'RFXPHQW,QLWLDWLYH ,QYLWHGE\5XWK+RFKEHUJHU(GLWRULQUHVLGHQFHDWWKH&81< *UDGXDWH6FKRRORI-RXUQDOLVPWRSDUWLFLSDWHLQDQHZIRUPDWLRQ RIXQGHUJUDGXDWHMRXUQDOLVPDGYLVRUVDFURVVWKH&81< XQGHUJUDGXDWHFROOHJHV7KHILUVWPHHWLQJWRRNSODFHRQ 'HFHPEHUDWWKH&81<*UDGXDWH6FKRRORI-RXUQDOLVP :HVWWK6WUHHWDWZKLFKZHGLVFXVVHGLGHDVRQKRZEHVW WRFRRUGLQDWHMRXUQDOLVWLFHIIRUWVDQGUHVRXUFHVEHWZHHQWKH \HDUFROOHJHVDQGWKH*UDGXDWH6FKRRORI-RXUQDOLVP William Marsh Conference Presentation, other Marsh, Bill. “NoDiff That Makes a Diff: Building Bridges Across Tech Literacy Divides.” Northeast Popular Culture Association (NEPCA)Conference, Queensborough Community College, Bayside, NY, October 2009. “Battling Evil-Doers: Visual Education and the Anti-Fly Crusade of 1910.” International Communication Association Conference, Chicago, May 2009. Eli Merchant Journal Article, peerreviewed Merchant, Eli. National Parliamentarian, Vol 20, No. 2, Second Quarter, 2009, p. 12, "The Minutiae of Minutes Taking." Jean Murley Conference Presentation, other ³7KH0DQVRQµ*LUOV¶LQ$PHULFDQ3RSXODU&XOWXUH´SUHVHQWHGDW WKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO&ULPH0HGLDDQG3RSXODU&XOWXUH6WXGLHV &RQIHUHQFHLQ7HUUH+DXWH,QGLDQD2FWREHU 3DSHU3DQHO&KDLURQ,QWHUQHW&XOWXUHDWWKH3RSXODU&XOWXUH $VVRFLDWLRQ$PHULFDQ&XOWXUH$VVRFLDWLRQDQQXDOFRQIHUHQFH1HZ 2UOHDQV/RXLVLDQD3DSHUWLWOH³/LIHLQWKH7UXH&ULPH %ORJRVSKHUH7KH+RPLFLGH5HSRUWDQG0XUGHULQ/RV$QJHOHV´ $SULO Jean Murley Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Chaired two panels at the Northeast Popular Culture Association annual meeting at QCC, October 2009. Secretary, New York Metro American Studies Association, NYMASA. Editor, bi-annual newsletter, The Metro, 2009. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Jean Murley Awards Reference Nominated for an Edgar Allan Poe Award, granted by the Mystery Writers of America, for "The Rise of True Crime" in the category "Best critical/biographical work," 2009. Zivah Perel Book, Chapter "Teaching Nella Larsen in an Urban Community College.” Approaches to Teaching Nella Larsen, ed. Jacquelyn Y. McLendon. New York: Modern Language Association of America (in contract). Zivah Perel Conference Presentation, other Perel, Zivah. “Fact Meets Fiction in Jarhead,” NeMLA Conference, February, 2009. Zivah Perel Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) PSC-CUNY Research Grant, Research Foundation of the City University of New York, 2009. Linda Reesman Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Appointed to College search committee for Provost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ndividual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Linda Reesman Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished Reference “Immoral Law and Untenable Actions in Caleb Williams," chapter in Visions and Realities, ed. Gloria Eive, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, submitted 2009; forthcoming 2010. %RRN0DQXVFULSWDXWKRU :RUNLQSURJUHVVRQDPDQXVFULSWHQWLWOHG7KH6RFLDO,PDJLQDWLRQ RIWKH5RPDQWLF:LIHH[SHFWHGSXEOLFDWLRQUHYLHZGDWH-DQXDU\ TXHULHGE\&DPEULGJH8QLYHUVLW\3UHVV Linda Reesman Review/Commentary (including Blogging) Book Review(reviewer). Seeing Suffering in Women’s Literature of the Romantic Era, by Elizabeth A. Dolan (Ashgate 2008) Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature (Peer-reviewed journal), July 2009. %RRN5HYLHZUHYLHZHU9RFDWLRQDO3KLODQWKURS\DQG%ULWLVK :RPHQ¶V:ULWLQJE\3DWULFLD&RPLWLQL $VKJDWH&RPLWLQL7KH(LJKWHHQWK&HQWXU\-RXUQDO$XJXVW Linda Reesman Conference Presentation, other &RQIHUHQFH3UHVHQWDWLRQ3UHVHQWHU ³,QWR[LFDWLQJ(PRWLRQVRI2UGLQDU\:RPHQ7KH(QWKXVLDVPRI 9LUWXH´6&6(&66RXWK&HQWUDO6RFLHW\IRU(LJKWHHQWK&HQWXU\ 6WXGLHV)HEUXDU\&RUSXV&KULVWL7H[DV)HEUXDU\ “Dissenting Views and Liberal Sentiments: Godwin and Coleridge Debate," Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, EC-ASECS (East Central American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies), October 2009. Linda Reesman Conference, workshop, training attended &RQIHUHQFH$WWHQGDQFH 0LGGOH6WDWHV&RQIHUHQFHRI+LJKHU(GXFDWLRQ3KLODGHOSKLD 3HQQV\OYDQLD'HFHPEHU John Talbird Other Talbird, John. “An Allegory.” poeticdiversity (December 2009). “Foreword.” Essays & Fictions V (October 2009)177-182. “Honey Bear.” Sycamore Review 21.2 (Summer/Fall 2009). 66-67. “An Allegory.” Penumbra IV (Spring 2009). 46-48. “My Dear Son.” New Orphic Review 12.1 (Spring 2009): 71-74. John Talbird Review/Commentary (including Blogging) Stephen Vaughn, Freedom and Entertainment: Rating the Movies in an Age of New Media. Cambridge UP. Quarterly Review of Film and Video. 26.2 (2009): 169-173. John Talbird Conference, workshop, training attended Talbird, John. “Sexual Identity in Film and Literature,” Chair— Northeastern Popular Culture Association (NEPCA) Conference at Queensborough Community College, Bayside, NY, October 2009. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Reference John Talbird Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished “Obituary.” The Licking River Review, forthcoming (Fall 2010). “The Adventures of Jeffrey.” Coal City Review, forthcoming (Fall 2010). “A Coming of Age Story.” descant, forthcoming (Fall 2010). “Two Soups.” Red Rock Review, forthcoming (Spring 2010). Karen Wunsch Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society 6HUYHGDVDPHPEHURIWKH3DQHORI2EVHUYHUV 6HUYHGDVRQWKH$FDGHPLF6WDQGDUGV&RPPLWWHH Personnel or organizational structure changes, newly developed projects Changes 7ZRQHZDSSRLQWPHQWVDV/HFWXUHUV-RGLH&KLOGHUVDQG7DPPL5RWKPDQ6SULQJ )XOOWLPH&/7DSSRLQWPHQW3HWHU,ULJR\HQHIIHFWLYH Equipment changes Equipment Changes Purpose Semester Evaluation New computers Replace old ones Spring 2010 Equipment installed and in use Digital Cameras To be used by student and faculty for Spring 2010 Equipment in use digital storytelling Purchase new flat screen televisions and VCR/DVD players for media carts for classroom use To provide multi-media playback in English classes Fall 2009 Equipment installed and in use Purchase USB flas drives for faculty and To replace obsolete storage media students (to enable file-saving). Fall 2009 Media in use Resource changes Other Resources Purpose Semester Resource Evaluation Laptop computers for To replace obsolete units and smartcarts expand access for classroom use Fall 2009 Equipment installed and in use DVDs Fall 2009 Equipment has been delivered and in use To add to department library for classroom use Resource changes Other Resources Purpose Semester Resource Evaluation New security software for labs Replace old one that doesn't work with new computers Fall 2009 Mac Book Pro To be used by faculty in classrooms Spring 2010 Equipment installed Microphones; digital voice recorder To expand what we already had Spring 2010 Equipment installed and in use Scanners for faculty For faculty use Spring 2010 In use New Printer for department To add a new printer Spring 2010 Equipment has been delivered Equipment installed Other changes affecting department N/A Departmental procedures for conducting assessment N/A Departmental participation in self-study/program review Program(s): Reviewed Program Review Follow-up Action Item Timeline Accomplishements Course Objectives and Course Assessment Results of certification exams, employer and alumni surveys, student surveys, advisory board recommendations Data Source Results Action Plan Other assessment activity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oals/objectives for year just completed Goals Strategic Plan Evaluation of achievement Action Plan Experiment with pilot programs using multiple genres in EN101 & 102 None. Objective to be carried over to next year. Due to Department involvement in assessment activities, to be continued in 2010-11. Encourage EN-101 faculty to incorporate one assignment eash semester that requires students to visit the Art Gallery and/or the Holocaust Resource Center. None. Objective to be carried over to next year Due to department involvement in assessment activities, to be continued in 2010-11 as a priority project Continue to offer computer technology and pedagogy workshops for English department faculty 10 adjunct faculty participated in workshops delivered by Department CLTs (half-time and adjunct). Several faculty have now expressed interest in teaching in the Department's computer classrooms Offer additional workshops (contingent upon allocation of 15 adjunct CLT hours per week per semester (210 hours per semester) Increase opportunities for workshops on Blackboard, including weekends Faculty continue to show interest in implementing technology-based padagogy. Objective to be continued. Ten faculty members participated True Goals/objectives for coming year Upcoming Goals Related Strategic Plan Objective Planned Method of Evaluation Begin a conversation about the relationship between technology and pedagogy that invites presentations for discussion by department faculty and the CLT Yes Number of participating faculty who implement technology into their courses. Possible future reporting by participants to department. Continue a conversation about the Yes incorporation of high impact strategies in EN-101, a cornerstone course. Presentations for discussion by faculty currently involved with learning communities and ePortfolios Number of participating faculty who incorporate high impact strategies into their EN-101 classes. Possible future reporting by participants to department EN-101 faculty, including adjuncts will participate in a pilot project to incorporate one assignment each semester that requires students to visit the Art Gallery and/or the Holocaust Resource Center Yes Number of participating faculty. Possible future reporting by participants to department Increase opportunities for workshops on the use of Blackboard and the Sympodium Yes Number of workshops and participating faculty Secure new printers and copiers to No support faculty needs Purchase and installation of additional new printers/copiers Secure another computer classroom to satisfy the demand for technology-based pedagogy. No Purchase and installation of additional computer classroom. Obtain additional office space in view of current overcrowding and in anticipation of hiring three new full-time faculty members No Procure additional office space Goals/objectives for coming year Upcoming Goals Related Strategic Plan Objective Planned Method of Evaluation Promote asynchronous EN-101 classes in response to CUNY initiatives to provide fully online freshman courses None. Objective to be carried over to next year One full-time faculty member is in charge of planning three online courses in EN-101 for a CUNY funded project to be offered in the coming academic year. (Two adjuncts are also participating).