ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Department-sponsored services Area of Service Served Technology Academy Tutoring Center (Fall, Spring) 750 7HFKQRORJ\$FDGHP\/HFWXUH6HULHV)DOO6SULQJ 250 6HFUHWVRI'LJLWDO5RRWV3URIHVVRU(GZDUG%UXPJQDFK &DUHHUVLQ5DLOURDG(QJLQHHULQJ%ULDQ&ODUN 9RLFHRYHU,QWHUQHW3URWRFRO´9R,35REHUW3DFNHU 7KH3RZHU*ULG3URIHVVRU+DPLG1DPGDU :LQGRZV3URIHVVRU-HUU\6LWERQ 0LFURHOHFWURQLFDQG7HVW6ROXWLRQV-RKQ/HFHVVH 6RODU3RZHU5DQG\'H&DVWUR -HRSDUG\&KDOOHQJH3URIHVVRU-HIIHU\6FKZDUW] Trip to Kepco Power Supplies, Flushing, NY Mark Kufferberg, VP (Fall) ECET Student-Faculty Get-Together & Advisement (Fall) 15 100 Tau Alpha Pi Technology Honor Society Induction Ceremony (Spring) 40 Grainger Scholarship Award Program (Spring) 25 Technology Fee Internship Program (Fall. Spring, Summer) 20 CSTEP Internship Program (Fall, Spring, Summer) 25 Technology Academy Honors Program Internships (Fall, Spring, Summer) 15 2SHQ&RPSXWHUDQG/DERUDWRU\5RRP+RXUV)DOO6SULQJ $YDLODEOHWRDOO4&&6WXGHQWVEXWSUHGRPLQDWHO\(&(76WXGHQWV 700 Student Tutoring (by Technology Academy Grant Students & Tau Alpha Pi Students) 200 Tau Alpha Pi National Technology Honor Society (Fall, Spring) 10 IEEE Club (Fall, Spring) 20 Robotics Club (Fall, Spring) 20 Amateur (HAM) Radio Club (Fall, Spring) 10 New Media Club (Fall, Spring) 10 Additional Electronic Project Lab Open Hours (Fall, Spring) 40 ECET Department Student Information Guide (Fall, Spring, Summer) 700 Student Advisement Hours (Fall, Spring, Summer) 700 ET, CT, & TT Student Information Sessions (Fall, Spring) 400 New Media Student Information Sessions (Fall, Spring) 100 Engineering Science Student Information Sessions (Fall, Spring) 100 Trip to Queens Botanical Gardens (Spring) 15 Trip to Science Barge (Spring) 15 Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date New Faculty Orientation - Schwartz & Metaxas - Attended all sessions (Attended) 9/1/2009 15 A Comparison of Solar Panels - VC Small CUNY Grant Asser & Chao ($12, 000 9/1/2009 Grant) 2 Solar Energy Course – SUNY Farmingdale - Brumgnach (Attended) Total 9/1/2009 35 Technology Learning Academy – NSF ATE Grant – Professor Vincent Stigliano, 9/1/2009 PI 1 QCC Partners for Progress S, Asser, V. Stigliano (Attended) 4/29/2010 500 New Faculty Reunion - M. Metaxas - Attended 6/3/2010 15 ECET Technology Academy Lecture - Secrets of Digital Roots Professor Edward Brumgnach (Organized & Presented) 9/23/2009 45 Center of Excellence in Wireless & Information Technology (CEWIT), “Energy Topics for the Engineering Classroom” by Vincent Stigliano, Stuart Asser, and John Buoncora (Presented & Attended) 10/1/2009 75 Verizon Next Step Program Coordinator’s Meeting, Asser (Attended) 10/19/2009 35 TAC of ABET Program Evaluation – Asser - Delgato Community College, New Orleans (Evaluator) 10/19/2009 10 ECET Technology Academy Lecture - Voice over Internet Protocol” (VoIP) Robert Packer (Organized & Presented) 10/21/2009 30 ECET Technology Academy Lecture - Windows 7 - Professor Jerry Sitbon (Organized & Presented) 11/11/2009 45 ECET Technology Academy Lecture - Careers in Railroad Engineering - Brian Clark (Organized & Presented) 11/18/2009 35 Long Island Advanced Energy Conference “Infusing Alternative Energy into the Technology Curriculum” Asser, Buoncora, Gayle, Mangra, and Stigliano (Presented & Attended) 11/19/2009 75 ECET Technology Academy Lecture - The Power Grid Professor - Hamid Namdar (Organized & Presented) 12/2/2009 40 CUNY Pipeline Honors Conference, H. Namdar J. Buoncora (Mentor & Attended) 2/19/2010 500 ECET Technology Academy Lecture - Microelectronic and Test Solutions - John 2/24/2010 Lecesse 35 ECET Technology Academy Lecture - Solar Power - Randy DeCastro (Organized & Presented) 3/3/2010 45 QCC STEM 50th QCC Anniversary Event – M. Gayle & R. Kueper (Mentor & Attended) 3/19/2010 100 CSTEP Conference, Stigliano Judging Student Projects(Presented, Mentor, & Attended) 4/2/2010 300 QCC Service Learning Day Event - N. Chao - (Mentor & Attended) 4/14/2010 200 TAC of ABET Assessment Workshop – Asser & Namdar – Las Vegas, NV (Attended) 4/15/2010 500 Verizon Next Step Program Coordinator’s Meeting, Asser (Attended) 4/19/2010 35 ECET Technology Academy Lecture - Jeopardy Challenge - Professor Jeffery Schwartz (Organized & Presented) 4/21/2010 75 QCC Earth Day Event - N. Chao - (Mentor & Attended) 4/22/2010 200 QCC Honors Conference, S, Asser, V. Stigliano, H. Namdar J. Buoncora (Mentor & Attended) 4/23/2010 200 CSTEP Honors Ceremony Asser, Stigliano, Sitbon, Buoncora (Attended) 5/5/2010 100 gave presentations Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total NYS Career Pathways/Tech Prep Conference, Stigliano, The Technology Learning Academy at QCC (Presented and Attended) 6/10/2010 200 Verizon Next Step Faculty Institute Conference, Asser, New Faculty and Program Coordinators Workshop (Presented & Attended) 6/14/2010 25 Verizon Next Step Faculty Institute Conference, Sitbon, Windows 7 (Presented & Attended) 6/14/2010 60 Verizon Next Step Faculty Institute Conference, Sitbon, Office 2010 (Presented & Attended) 6/14/2010 60 Verizon Next Step Faculty Institute Conference, Namdar, Teaching Voice Over 6/14/2010 Internet Protcol (VoIP) in the Next Step Program (Presented & Attended) 50 Technology Learning Academy – NSF ATE Grant – Professor Vincent Stigliano, 9/1/2009 PI Stuart Asser, Co-PI 400 organized ECET Department Student Information Sessions (Fall), Asser, (Organized, Presented & Attended) 9/30/2009 30 Trip to Kepco Power Supplies, Flushing NY – V. Stigliano & S. Asser (Organized & Attended) 10/23/2009 15 ECET Student-Faculty Get-Together & Advisement – R. Kueper & S. Asser (Organized & Presented) 12/16/2009 100 ECET Department Student Information Sessions (Spring), Asser, (Organized, Presented & Attended) 2/17/2010 30 Field Trip - Queens Botanical Gardens - Chao & Mangra (15 Students) 3/18/2010 15 Field Trip - Science Barge - N. Chao (15 Students) 4/15/2010 15 Tau Alpha Pi Honor Society Induction Ceremony - S. Asser & D. Mangra (Organized & Presented) 5/19/2010 40 Grainger Scholarship Award Ceremony for Edmond Williams, Menachem Goldenberg & Jonathan Jocson– S. Asser (Organized & Presented) 5/19/2010 25 Verizon Next Step Final Accreditation Ceremony (Organized, Presented, & Attended) 5/21/2010 175 Verizon Next Step Orientation (Organized, Presented, & Attended) 6/2/2010 35 Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Stuart Asser Conference Presentation published as proceedings Reference “Project Enhanced Learning in the Technology Academy.” Stuart Asser, John Buoncora, Marvin Gayle, Danny Mangra, and Vincent Stigliano. Northeast Regional Conference, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) , April 4, 2009. University of Bridgeport, CT. Paper was published in the Conference Proceedings and Presented in a workshop session “Infusing Alternative Energy into the Technology Curriculum,” with Vincent Stigliano, LI Advanced Energy Conference, November 19, 2009. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Stuart Asser Other Reference "Energy Topics for the Engineering Classroom” - Asser, Buoncora, and Stigliano: Accepted for Publication and Presentation: October 1, 2009. 6th International Conference on Cutting Edge Wireless and Information Technologies (CEWIT). Islandia, NY. John Buoncora Conference Presentation published as proceedings “Project Enhanced Learning in the Technology Academy.” Stuart Asser, John Buoncora, Marvin Gayle, Danny Mangra, and Vincent Stigliano. Northeast Regional Conference, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) , April 4, 2009. University of Bridgeport, CT. Paper was published in the Conference Proceedings and Presented in a workshop session. John Buoncora Other "Energy Topics for the Engineering Classroom” - Asser, Buoncora, and Stigliano: Accepted for Publication and Presentation: October 1, 2009. 6th International Conference on Cutting Edge Wireless and Information Technologies (CEWIT). Islandia, NY. Marvin Gayle Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished ³7KH7HFKQRORJ\/HDUQLQJ$FDGHP\DW4XHHQVERURXJK &RPPXQLW\&ROOHJH´,17(57(&+$VVHU%XRQFRUD*D\OH 0DQJUDDQG6WLJOLDQR$FFHSWHGIRU3XEOLFDWLRQDQG 3UHVHQWDWLRQ0DUFK Marvin Gayle Conference Presentation published as proceedings “Project Enhanced Learning in the Technology Academy.” Stuart Asser, John Buoncora, Marvin Gayle, Danny Mangra, and Vincent Stigliano. Northeast Regional Conference, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) , April 4, 2009. University of Bridgeport, CT. Paper was published in the Conference Proceedings and Presented in a workshop session. Danny Mangra Conference Presentation published as proceedings “Project Enhanced Learning in the Technology Academy.” Stuart Asser, John Buoncora, Marvin Gayle, Danny Mangra, and Vincent Stigliano. Northeast Regional Conference, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) , April 4, 2009. University of Bridgeport, CT. Paper was published in the Conference Proceedings and Presented in a workshop session. Danny Mangra Conference, workshop, training attended Attended the Second CUNY Workshop on Grant Writing for NSF & NIH, by Dr. Beth Schachter, June 19, 2009. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Reference Attended Academy Teaching Workshops conducted by DVP-Praxis Ltd., April 7, 2009. Participated on Video Game Design Course training for Instructors, July 1-2, 2009. Danny Mangra Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Adviser, Tau Alpha Pi National Honor society, Fall 2009. Donated and participated in the Walk to Aspire fund raiser, November 18, 2010. Represented, Tau Alpha Pi National Honor society students at the (QCC) Fifth Honors Conference, May 1, 2009. Provided support for the Department on Freshman Orientation day, STEM Academy, August, 27, 2009. ECET Department Library Liaison representative. Hamid Namdar Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society 1DPGDU+DPLG3UHVHQWHG9RLFHRYHU,QWHUQHW3URWRFRO92,3 UHIHUVWRFRPPXQLFDWLRQVHUYLFHVOLNH,QWHUQHW7HOHSKRQ\YLDWKH ,QWHUQHWUDWKHUWKDQ36713XEOLF6ZLWFKHG7HOHSKRQH1HWZRUN 9HUL]RQ1H[W6WHS)DFXOW\,QVWLWXWH%HGIRUG*OHQ0DVVDFKXVHWWV -XQH 0HPEHURI(&(7$VVHVVPHQW&RPPLWWHH 0HPEHURI4&&+RQRUV$GYLVRU\&RPPLWWHH 6HUYHGRQWKH4&&&3($SSHDOV&RPPLWWHH 6HUYHGRQWKH0LGGOH6WDWHV6HOI6WXG\*URXS )DFXOW\$GYLVRUWRWKH,(((FOXE Hamid Namdar Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) Control Systems Lab Equipments, Carl D. Perkins Grant, The State University of the State of New York, $50,000, 2009. Vincent Stigliano Other "Energy Topics for the Engineering Classroom” - Asser, Buoncora, and Stigliano: Accepted for Publication and Presentation: October 1, 2009. 6th International Conference on Cutting Edge Wireless and Information Technologies (CEWIT). Islandia, NY. Vincent Stigliano Conference Presentation published as proceedings “Project Enhanced Learning in the Technology Academy.” Stuart Asser, John Buoncora, Marvin Gayle, Danny Mangra, and Vincent Stigliano. Northeast Regional Conference, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) , April 4, 2009. Paper was published in the Conference Proceedings and Presented in a workshop session. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Richard Yuster Awards Reference Awarded ASEE-NAVY Summer Faculty Fellowship @ SPAWAR San Diego Richard Yuster Lecture (Invited) 1$9<63$:$56SDFHDQG1DYDO:DUIDUH6\VWHPV&HQWHU6DQ 'LHJR /HFWXUH6HUYLFH2ULHQWHG$UFKLWHFWXUH62$ Richard Yuster Book, Authored ,QWURGXFWRU\&DQG2EMHFW2ULHQWHG3URJUDPPLQJ/DERUDWRU\ 0DQXDOQG(GLWLRQ 3HDUVRQ3XEOLVKHU Curricular Changes - Course Program Change Course Number Course Title Semester Comments ET-270 Introduction to Electronics Introduction to Verizon Next Step Program Electronics ET-275 Electronic Communications Electronic Verizon Next Step Program Communicatio ns ET-741 Telecommunications Technology I Telecommunic Verizon Next Step Program ations Technology I ET-742 Telecommunications Technology II Telecommunic Verizon Next Step Program ations Technology II ET-743 Telecommunications Technology III Telecommunic Verizon Next Step Program ations Technology III ET-744 Telecommunications Technology IV Telecommunic Verizon Next Step Program ations Technology IV ET-560 Microprocessors and Microcomputers Microprocessor Pre/Co-requisites s and Microcomputer s ET-350 Computer Control Systems Computer Control Systems Pre/Co-requisites ET-420 Computer Project Laboratory Computer Project Laboratory Pre/Co-requisites New Course Revised Course Curricular Changes - Program Course Change Program Semester Comments Modified A.A.S. Fall 2010 ELECOMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY: VERIZON 9HUL]RQ1H[W6WHS3URJUDP &KDQJHLQYROYHV3UH&RUHTXLVLWHVDQG VRPHFRXUVH Personnel or organizational structure changes, newly developed projects Changes Jeffrey Schwartz, Instructor hired Fall, 2009 Mike Metaxas, Instructor hired Spring 2010 Kingsley DeSilva hired as Substitute CLT for Spring, 2010 semester Kevin Fraser selected to fill vacant CLT line from Raymond Kendall Nicolas Stoian promoted to SCLT Isabel Bolsakov hired as CUNY Office Assistant to replace Debra Rosenwasser Creation of ECET Department Assessment Committee (Asser, Birchfield, Buoncora, Gayle, Namdar) Facilities/space changes Facility modification Purpose Semester Facility Evaluation New Workbenches in S-116, T-21 Replacement of old student laboratory workbenches Fall 2009 Students have a much better working environment New Faculty Desks Replacement of Old Faculty Desks Spring 2010 Improved Working Conditions New Office Furniture (Desks, Files, Tables, Replacement of old Chairs, etc. furniture and office modernization Spring 2010 Improved Working Conditions New CLT Laboratory Workstations (floor tiles, electric and network cables) Spring 2010 Improved and more efficient use of space Replacement of Old Workstations Equipment changes Equipment Changes Purpose Semester Evaluation New Computers T-24, T-19 Tech Fee Replacement Four Year Cycle Spring 2010 Laboratory Computers are up to date - improved performance T-13 Control System Trainers Replacement of old Control System Trainers Fall 2009 T-13 Oscilloscopes, Function Generators, Power Supplies, Instrumentation Meters The equipment in this laboratory is Fall 2009 computer controlled. Because of its age it would not work under the Vista OS Equipment is up to date and functioning well under Vista OS Network Analyzers ET-704 Laboratory exercise improvement Student exposure to advanced equipment Spectrum Analyzer Replacement of defective equipment Fall 2009 used in Telecommunications Courses Logic Analyzers Upgrade Microprocessors Laboratory Spring 2010 Student exposure to advanced Exercises equipment Fall 2009 Equipment is up to dateimproved performance Equipment is up to date and functioning well Equipment changes Equipment Changes Purpose Semester Evaluation SmartBoard Widescreen SmartBoard with integrated projector and sound Spring 2010 Improved student visibility to course presentation material Resource changes Other Resources Purpose Semester Resource Evaluation 16)$7(7HFKQRORJ\ NSF Grant to improve Fall 2009 $FDGHP\*UDQW retention, and graduation rates RYHU \HDUV Retention and graduation rates both increased Perkins Upgrade of Control Systems Laboratory Fall 2009 Improve student performance in Control systems courses Comparison of Solar Panels Grant VP Small CUNY Grant Incorporate sustainability into curriculum Fall 2009 Faculty are increasing their knowledge in sustainability and developing other grant proposals ASAP - ET & CT To improve retention, and graduation rates Fall 2009 Graduation rates for this cohort of students have exceeded 50 % this year Other changes affecting department Departmental procedures for conducting assessment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epartmental participation in self-study/program review Program(s): Reviewed N/A External Agency: N/A Date: 06/01/2010 Conclusions of Self Study: N/A Conclusions of External Reviewers: N/A Action Plan: N/A Program Review Follow-up Action Item Timeline Accomplishements N/A N/A N/A Course Objectives and Course Assessment Course Assessed: Reference ECET Department ABET Continuous Improvement Plan, Course Assessment Grids and Rubrics Educational Objectives: Reference ECET Department ABET Continuous Improvement Plan, Course Assessment Grids and Rubrics Curricular Objectives: Reference ECET Department ABET Continuous Improvement Plan, Course Assessment Grids and Rubrics Results: Reference ECET Department ABET Continuous Improvement Plan, Course Assessment Grids and Rubrics Action Plan: Reference ECET Department ABET Continuous Improvement Plan, Course Assessment Grids and Rubrics Results of certification exams, employer and alumni surveys, student surveys, advisory board recommendations Data Source Results Action Plan Increase student engagement in the laboratory. Implement more building projects into laboratory courses. ET-210, ET320, and ET350 lab exercises have been revised. Create a website with Assessment information Assessment website is currently being created ET-481, A+ Certification, 1 students were certified this year. Encourage more students to take the exam and finds ways to reduce the cost of the exam for students ET-710 Certified Internet Webmaster Certification, 5 students certified this year Encourage more students to take the exam and finds ways to reduce the cost of the exam for students 6WXGHQWVDUHKDYLQJEHWWHUUHVXOWVILQGLQJ MREV.(3&23RZHU6XSSOLHVUHFHQWO\KLUHGD QXPEHURIJUDGXDWHVDQGKDVEHHQUHFUXLWLQJ RXUJUDGXDWHV07$&RQ(G$UHRIOH[DQG 9HUL]RQKDYHDOVRKLUHGJUDGXDWHV07$ VHOHFWHGDQXPEHURIRXUVWXGHQWVIRUWKHLU ,QWHUQVKLS3URJUDP 6XUYH\UHVSRQVHVZHUHVDWLVIDFWRU\ Faculty have been working on improving student retention and enrollment. Student clubs have been more active. Outside speakers. Technology Academy, Improved Advisement, Student/Faculty Get-together. Student Survey responses were satisfactory Revise Survey Questions Advisory Board recommendations Certification exams Employer surveys and Alumni surveys Student Surveys (current students) Other assessment activity Faculty have created or revised many rubrics to assess program outcomes An ECET Assessment Website is being created Goals/objectives for year just completed Goals Strategic Plan Evaluation of achievement Action Plan True Launch Freshman STEM Academy to provide improved and intensified support services. Participate in the development of orientation program, summer program, and provide tutoring, information sessions, and advisement. Strengthen and develop better student/faculty relationships. Prof. Kueper assigned as Faculty Continue to Implement and Expand coordinator. Active participation in all next year STEM events and activities. Students are progressing well. Many have received awards and honors. Retention and graduation rates for ECET students are increasing. Develop proposal for Verizon Next Step Corporate Specific AAS in Telecommunications Technology Degree revision in accordance to Next Step Program Revised Curriculum which was approved in June, 2009 3URSRVDOFUHDWHGDQGDSSURYHGE\(&(7 'HSDUWPHQW 3URSRVDODSSURYHGE\&XUULFXOXP &RPPLWWHHDQG$FDGHPLF6HQDWHLQ )HEUXDU\ 3URJUDPDSSURYHGE\7KH1HZ<RUN 6WDWH(GXFDWLRQ Program Approved. Implement Program in Fall, 2010 Continue to Implement Technology Learning Academy (NSF ATE Grant) Students are progressing well. Many have received awards and honors. Retention and graduation rates for ECET students have increased. NSF has approved funding for this grant for the 2010/2011 Academic Year. &RQWLQXHWR,PSOHPHQW QH[W\HDU Continue to Implement and complete the three year ECET Department ASAP Program Students are progressed very well. Many Begin with a new cohort next year have received awards and honors. The 50% graduation rate of original cohort (to graduate in three years by 2009/2010) will be exceeded Upgrade and replace aging computing equipment )DFXOW\DQG6WXGHQWDELOLW\WR 'HSDUWPHQW7HFK)HH LPSOHPHQWQHZVRIWZDUHLQWR ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ3ODQ FRXUVHVKDVEHHQYDVWO\LPSURYHG1HZ 5HYLVHG FRPSXWHUVLQ677DQG7 (LJKWQHZQHWZRUNSULQWHUVLQVWDOOHG Upgrade and replace aging electronic laboratory equipment )DFXOW\DQG6WXGHQWDELOLW\WR Continue to upgrade at least one SHUIRUPODERUDWRU\H[SHULPHQWVKDV laboratory per year. LPSURYHG67DQG7KDYH EHHQXSJUDGHGZLWKQHZLQVWUXPHQWDWLRQ HTXLSPHQWDQGFRPSXWHUV Evaluate and implement new courses and curricula and continue to update courses 1HZHOHFWLYHFRXUVHVRQDOWHUQDWLYH Offer these courses and build HQHUJ\DQGKRPHLQWHJUDWLRQZHUH course enrollment. GHYHORSHGDQGDSSURYHGWKLV\HDU 6WXGHQWVVKRXOGILQGWKHVHFRXUVHVWREH LQWHUHVWLQJ 6L[QHZWHOHFRPPXQLFDWLRQVFRXUVHV ZHUHDSSURYHGIRUWKH9HUL]RQ1H[W6WHS 3URJUDP Evaluate, test, and implement new software technology including the new Windows 7 Operating System Windows 7 (both 32 and 64 bit systems) Convert all ECET Department were successfully tested this year. Computers to the Windows 7 Operating System Goals/objectives for year just completed Goals Strategic Plan Implement sustainability topics into appropriate courses Evaluation of achievement Action Plan 'HPRQVWUDWLRQRI6RODU3DQHOZHEVLWH XWLOL]LQJVRODUSDQHOVRQURRIRI 7HFKQRORJ\%XLOGLQJLQWRPDQ\FRXUVHV Implement Solar Panels on roof of Technology Building into courses using website data. 7UDQVIRUPHUVDQG(QHUJ\7RSLFVZHUH H[SDQGHGLQ(7 &RVWRIHQHUJ\WRSLFH[SDQGHGLQ(7 (7WULSWR6FLHQFH%DUJH(7 ZDVUXQIRUWKHILUVWWLPHWKLV\HDUZLWKD ILOOHGVHFWLRQ Goals/objectives for coming year Upcoming Goals Related Strategic Plan Objective Planned Method of Evaluation Continue to implement and build Freshman STEM Academy to provide improved and intensified support services. Participate in the development of orientation program, summer program, and provide tutoring, information sessions, and advisement. Strengthen and develop better student/faculty relationships. Monitor progress of first class of Freshman Academies; increase student satisfaction with academic and student support services (PMP target). 5HWHQWLRQDQGSDVVUDWHVIRUWKHQXPEHURI VWXGHQWVFRPSOHWLQJILUVWDQGVHFRQGVHPHVWHU FRXUVHV (QUROOPHQWQXPEHUV 1XPEHURI(&(7JUDGXDWHV Continue to Implement Technology Monitor progress of first class of Learning Academy (NSF ATE Grant) Freshman Academies; increase student satisfaction with academic and student support services (PMP target). 5HWHQWLRQDQGSDVVUDWHVIRUWKHQXPEHURI VWXGHQWVFRPSOHWLQJILUVWDQGVHFRQGVHPHVWHU FRXUVHV (QUROOPHQWQXPEHUV 1XPEHURI(&(7JUDGXDWHV Implement Verizon Next Step Strengthen, Update, and Develop Program Revision for the Academic Programs Corporate Specific AAS in Telecommunications Technology Degree in accordance to Next Step Program Maintain current enrollment, retention, and graduation rates. Implement course and program support services offerings for a new cohort of ASAP students and complete the three year ECET Department ASAP Program ,QFUHDVHFROOHJHHQUROOPHQW ,PSURYHVWXGHQWUHWHQWLRQ DQGJUDGXDWLRQUDWHV (QUROOPHQW5HWHQWLRQDQG *UDGXDWLRQ5DWH6WDWLVWLFV Upgrade and replace aging computing equipment Strengthen, Update, and Develop Academic Programs Student and Faculty Satisfaction Surveys. The addition of new computers in laboratories Upgrade and replace aging electronic laboratory equipment Strengthen, Update, and Develop Academic Programs 6WXGHQWDQG)DFXOW\6DWLVIDFWLRQ 6XUYH\V7KHUHIXUELVKPHQWDQGXSJUDGLQJRIDW OHDVWRQHHOHFWURQLFODERUDWRU\ Evaluate and implement new Strengthen, Update, and Develop courses and curricula and continue Academic Programs to update courses 1HZ&RXUVHVDQGRU&XUULFXOD DSSURYHGE\$FDGHPLF6HQDWH Review and possibly revise telecommunications technology courses and the curriculum Creation of new course outlines and curriculum Strengthen, Update, and Develop Academic Programs Goals/objectives for coming year Upcoming Goals Related Strategic Plan Objective Planned Method of Evaluation Revise ET-410 and ET-420 Project Laboratory Course Outlines and Project Strengthen, Update, and Develop Academic Programs Creation of new course outlines and implementation of a new project Implement sustainability topics into Strengthen, Update, and Develop appropriate courses Academic Programs 6WXGHQWDQG)DFXOW\6DWLVIDFWLRQ 6XUYH\V Evaluate, test, and implement new Strengthen, Update, and Develop software technology including the Academic Programs new Windows 7 Operating System 6WXGHQWDQG)DFXOW\6DWLVIDFWLRQ 6XUYH\V Design and Implement a new system for student use of open computer room hours Strengthen, Update, and Develop Academic Programs 6WXGHQWDQG)DFXOW\6DWLVIDFWLRQ 6XUYH\V,PSURYHGWUDFNLQJRIVWXGHQWFRPSXWHU XVDJH Continue to encourage faculty to develop and write grant proposals Strengthen, Update, and Develop Academic Programs Submission of at least two grant proposals Continue to maintain, revise and implement the department assessment program and assess program outcomes Strengthen, Update, and Develop Academic Programs Outcomes Assessment Summary Reports Create website access to assessment data for faculty and Industrial Advisory Committee review Strengthen, Update, and Develop Academic Programs Creation of website with all assessment data and rubrics