BASIC EDUCATIONAL SKILLS Department-sponsored services Area of Service Served %6/&6PDOO*URXS7XWRULQJ )DOODQG6SULQJ 1381 %6/&&RPSXWHU/DE )DOODQG6SULQJ6WXGHQWVPD\DWWHQGPRUHWKDQRQHVHUYLFH 6108 BSLC ACT COMPASS Reading Review Sessions: Fall 2009 (192) Spring 2010 (209) 401 BSLC ACT Writing Review Sessions Fall 2009 (89); Spring 2010 (114) 203 BSLC ACT COMPASS Reading 20 hour Workshop 325 BSLC EPortfolio Development 386 Technology Support for Digital Storytelling 50 College 101 BSLC Computer Lab Space 500 Technology support for Service Learning Projects 80 Supporting Service Learning Students 750 Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total Building 21st Century Competencies by Aligning Writing Assignments with Technology 12/22/2009 25 QCC Reading across The Disciplines Professonal Development Series for Tutors: Facilitator: J. Pantaleo 2/5/2010 65 Service Learning 101: Jo Pantaleo co-presented with Meg Tarafdar, CETL 2/17/2010 13 Online Reading Review: Fiction or Reality; J. Pantaleo, BSLC Director 3/10/2010 7 Library Support for Service Learning Projects 6/10/2009 4 Reviewing Policies and Procedures for Basic Skills Learning Center Staff 8/27/2009 14 Con Edison Partnership Building Breakfast: Host: J. Pantaleo, Service Learning 9/25/2009 High Impact Coordinator 49 Overview of the Learning Express Library presented by Sara Marcus, QCC Librarian 10/26/2009 19 Understanding How Chinese Grammar Affects Chinese Students' Spoken and Written English" Presenter: Ashley Minihan from John Jay College 11/2/2009 5 Service Learning End of Semester Celebration 12/2/2009 65 Service Learning Advisory Board Semi-Annual Meeting 12/22/2009 26 Planning Meeting for the ACT Reading January 2010 Workshop: Presenter: J. Pantaleo, BSLC Director 1/6/2010 18 Spring 2010 Basic Skills Learning Center Overview of Goals and Objectives: Presenter: J. Pantaleo, BSLC Director 1/21/2010 18 Organizational Meeting for the Across Disciplines Tutor Training Sessions 2/3/2010 5 Helping Students Understand the Language of Textbooks; Presenter: Ashley Minihan, John Jay College 2/5/2010 65 Discover Service Learning Day 4/14/2010 65 Earth Day 2010 4/22/2010 250 gave presentations organized Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total Preliminary Overview of CAAW: Presenter, J. Pantaleo, BSLC Director 5/13/2010 5 Tutor Training on Making PowerPoint Effective; Presenter, Ed Volchok 5/20/2010 11 Tutor Training Planning Meeting for June 2010 ACT Reading Workshop: Presenter: J. Pantaleo, BSLC Director 6/10/2010 29 Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Judith Barbanel Conference Presentation, other Reference Pacific Northwest Teaching English in the Two-Year College (TYCA) “Using Contemplative Practices in Higher Education," Portland, Oregon, Fall 2009. Manette Berlinger Conference, workshop, training attended CETL Presentations, Fall 2009. Conference of the College, Fall 2009. Faculty Assessment Task Force Meeting with John Erickson, November 18, 2009. Two Praxis assessment workshops with Michelle Kalina, Fall 2009. 0HHWLQJRI3UHVLGHQW¶V7DVN)RUFHZLWK-RKQ(ULFNVRQ1RYHPEHU 7ZR3UD[LV$VVHVVPHQW:RUNVKRSVZLWK0LFKHOOH.DOLQD)DOO $VVHVVLQJWKH/HDUQLQJ%HKLQGWKH6HUYLFH)DFXOW\DQG6WXGHQW 3HUVSHFWLYHVRQ6WXGHQW/HDUQLQJ4XHHQVERURXJK¶V6HFRQG 6HUYLFH/HDUQLQJ&RQIHUHQFH-XQH $PHULFDQ$VVRFLDWLRQRI&RPPXQLW\&ROOHJHV:HELQDURQ)HGHUDO *UDQWVWR&RPPXQLW\&ROOHJHV4&&6HSWHPEHU QCC Sustainability Meeting, Spring 2009. Manette Berlinger Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Department of Basic Educational Skills P&B Committee, Spring 2008 – present. Adjunct Supervisor, Fall 2009 - Spring 2010. 'LUHFWRU%DVLF6NLOOV'HYHORSLQJ:ULWHUV&RQWHVW±SUHVHQW &R'LUHFWRU%DVLF6NLOOV'HYHORSLQJ:ULWHUV&RQWHVW SUHVHQW Basic Skills Assessment Committee, Fall 2009–Spring 2010. Developed Basic Skills Department Diagnostic Essay Exam, Fall 2009. Faculty Leader: New York Times Reading Group, Department of Basic Educational Skills, 2009. Member, Bronte Society, Haworth, England. Member: American Bronte Society. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Reference 3URIHVVLRQDO6RFLHW\6HUYLFHDQG0HPEHUVKLS 1RUWK$PHULFDQ(GLWRU%URQWH6WXGLHV7KH-RXUQDORIWKH%URQWH 6RFLHW\ ±SUHVHQW Faculty Assessment Task Force, Fall 2009–.Spring 2010 Liberal Arts Academy Cohort on Assessment, Dr. Linda Stanley, Chair, Fall 2009. $FDGHPLF6HQDWH6WHHULQJ&RPPLWWHH'HVLJQHHWRWKH6WDQGLQJ &RPPLWWHH RQ6WXGHQW$FWLYLWLHV)DOO±6SULQJ Committee of Basic Skills Faculty Fund Manette Berlinger Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished ³,DP+HDWKFOLII/RFNZRRG V5ROHLQ:XWKHULQJ+HLJKWV´ DFFHSWHG6SULQJWREHSXEOLVKHG1RYHPEHU %URQWH6WXGLHV+DZRUWK(QJODQG Manette Berlinger Conference Presentation, other Presenter: “David Foster Wallace, Finding Peace,” CUNY Contemplative Network Meeting, Queensborough Community College, February 26, 2009. “Using Contemplative Practices in Higher Education," PNW TYCA Conference (Pacific Northwest Teaching English in the Two-Year College), Portland, Oregon, Fall 2009. Proposal Accepted: “Contemplating, Culture, Competency, Curriculum and Composition: Applying Integral Theory in a Diverse Classroom,” IFAW Conference, Tel-Aviv, Israel, July 2010. Proposal Accepted: "Renewing Teaching and Learning: Contemplative Practices in Higher Education," NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) Annual Convention, Orlando, Florida, November 2010. Manette Berlinger Curriculum or laboratory development, workshop conducted &R)DFLOLWDWRU³&ODVVURRP&RQYHUVDWLRQRQ&ROOHJH5HDGLQHVV´ $SULO 3UHVHQWHU³'DYLG)RVWHU:DOODFH)LQGLQJ3HDFH´&81< &RQWHPSODWLYH1HWZRUN0HHWLQJ4XHHQVERURXJK&RPPXQLW\ &ROOHJH)HEUXDU\ Presenter: Workshop on “David Foster Wallace, Finding Peace,” CUNY Contemplative Network Meeting, CC, February 26, 2009 Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Manette Berlinger Service as a reviewer/editor/consul tant Reference *UDQW$SSOLFDWLRQ5HYLHZHU 36&±&81<5HVHDUFK)RXQGDWLRQ*UDQWV6SULQJ 7KH$QRQ\PRXV'LDU\RIWKH/RG]*KHWWR6SULQJ 0RWKHURI5R\DOW\$&HQWXU\RI6FKRODUVKLSRQWKH6FUROORI 5XWK :LWQHVVWR'HVWUXFWLRQ2QH5DEEL¶V2G\VVH\IURP3UH 6KRDK3RODQGWRWKH86 Helene Dunkelblau Conference Presentation, other “Contemplative Practices: Renewing the Spirit and Sustaining the Mind,” presented at the Two-Year College English Association (TYCA), Pacific Northwest Conference, Portland, Oregon, October 9, 2009. Helene Dunkelblau Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society One of five members of the Planning Committee for the Second CUNY Mindful Learners Conference, CUNY Graduate Center on April 3, 2009. Margot Edlin Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Participant on English Discipline Council; Affirmative Action/Inclusive Excellence Committee; Veteran's Center Advisory Board;Learning Outcomes Facilitator; Academic Advisement; Departmental Assessment Committee. Margot Edlin Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) IMLS grant, $82,000, September 2009-2010. Margot Edlin Conference Presentation, other Long Island ESOL conference, April 2009, Molloy College; National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Margot Edlin Conference, workshop, training attended Middle States Commission of Higher Education Conference, Annual Conference, December 10-11, 2009, Philadelphia, Pennsyalvania. Emily Gordon Conference, workshop, training attended Academy Teaching Workshops on Student Learning Outcomes— participant Institute for rubric development led by DVP Praxis Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Emily Gordon Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Reference High School Initiatives Steering Committee, creating reading & writing components of new program. Chair, BE112 Assessment Committee. 5HJLRQDO6FKRODUVKLS&KDLUIRU1HZ(QJODQG5HJLRQ0HQVD (GXFDWLRQDQG5HVHDUFK)RXQGDWLRQ FRRUGLQDWHUHJLRQDOOHYHOMXGJLQJRIHVVD\VIRUQDWLRQDO VFKRODUVKLSFRQWHVW UHFUXLWWUDLQDQGPRQLWRUORFDOFKDLUV Josephine Pantaleo Service as a reviewer/editor/consul tant Youth Service America, Reviewer and Evaluator for Disney Friends for Change Awards, December 2009. Josephine Pantaleo Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) CUE Innovations Service Learning Grant, $37,500. Perkins 2009 Major Effort 4, Sub 1, NYS Department of Education, $ 35, 042.00, July 1, 2008-June 30, 2009. Perkins 2010 Major Effort 6, NYS Department of Education, $ 46, 027.00, July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010. ExCEL: AACC Learning Initiative, American Association of Community Colleges Administrator: Learn and Serve America funder; $ 14,000.00, September 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010. E-portfolios for Learning and Transfer, co-PI, US Department of Education, $12,500, January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010. Con Edison Go Green Initiative, Con Edison, $10,000, 2009. Developing Regional Collaborations, North Hampton Community College, $2,000, September 1, 2008 to August 31, 2009. Josephine Pantaleo Conference Presentation, other Excellence through Civic Engagement Learning: Queensborough Community College Service Learning Model; American Association of Community College Year End Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, May 18, 2009. Demystifying Partnerships, co-presenter, Community College National Center for Community Engagement: 18th Annual National Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, May 21, 2009. Leadership and Empowerment through Service Learning, copresenter, National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development; 31st Annual International Conference on Teaching and Leadership; Austin, Texas, May 27, 2009. Using Technology to Enhance Student Collaborations in Service Learning, Conference of the College, facilitator and respondent, Queensborough Community College, October 30, 2009. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Josephine Pantaleo Curriculum or laboratory development, workshop conducted Reference Service Learning and Student Retention; March 10, 2009 to newly hired Freshman Academy Coordinators; April 10, 2010, to Freshman Academy Coordinators; December 4, 2010, to Freshman Academy Coordinators. Josephine Pantaleo Awards Chancellor's Reception honoring CUNY faculty and administrators who received major institutional grants, May 14, 2009. National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development Excellence Award, Austin, Texas, May 27, 2009. Queensborough Community College Grants Recognition, November 5, 2009. Josephine Pantaleo Conference, workshop, training attended &ULWLFDO7KLQNLQJ6HPLQDU&(7/)HEUXDU\0DUFK $3DQHO'LVFXVVLRQRQ)LOOPRUHDQG6QRZ V3DSHU:KDW7HDFKHUV 1HHGWR.QRZDERXW/DQJXDJH&(7/0DUFK 0DNLQJ&RQQHFWLRQV6HPLQDU/D*XDUGLD&RPPXQLW\&ROOHJH 0DUFK0D\-XQH2FWREHU )LQGLQJ2QH V3XEOLF9RLFH+RZ6HUYLFH/HDUQLQJ+HOSV6WXGHQWV 'HYHORS,QWHOOHFWXDO$V:HOO$V3HUVRQDO6WUHQJWKV(G=ORWNRZVNL 6W-RKQ V8QLYHUVLW\$SULO 'LVFXVVLRQRQ7KH:ULWLQJ&RGH&(7/$SULO $Q2YHUYLHZRI5HVHDUFKRQ/HDUQLQJ6W\OHV&(7/6HSWHPEHU 8VLQJH3RUWIROLRVIRU/HDUQLQJDQG$VVHVVPHQW&(7/2FWREHU &OLFNHUVLQWKH&ODVVURRP&(7/2FWREHU &ULWLFDO7KLQNLQJ6WUDWHJLHVDFURVVWKH&XUULFXOXP3HGDJRJLFDO 6HPLQDU&(7/2FWREHU1RYHPEHU'HFHPEHU ,QWHUFXOWXUDO&RPPXQLFDWLRQ:RUNVKRS&(7/2FWREHU &81<:RPHQ V/HDGHUVKLS&RQIHUHQFH+XQWHU&ROOHJH 1RYHPEHU Josephine Pantaleo Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society ,QFOXVLYH([FHOOHQFH&RPPLWWHH0HPEHU&XUULFXOXP&R&KDLU WK$QQLYHUVDU\/LEHUDO$UWV$FDGHP\&RPPLWWHH0HPEHU 5HFUXLWPHQW2IILFHRI$IILUPDWLYH$FWLRQ6HDUFK&RPPLWWHH PHPEHUIRU(QJOLVK)RUHLJQ/DQJXDJH0XVLFDQG%LRORJ\ 6XVWDLQDELOLW\&RPPLWWHH0HPEHU %LJ5HDG&RPPLWWHH0HPEHU 0LGGOH6WDWHV&RPPLWWHHPHPEHUIRUFROOHJHPLVVLRQVWDWHPHQW 6HUYLFH/HDUQLQJ$GYLVRU\%RDUG&RPPLWWHH)DFLOLWDWRU 0DNLQJ&RQQHFWLRQV&DPSXV)DFLOLWDWRU &RPSXWHU5HVRXUFHV$FDGHPLF6HQDWH&RPPLWWHH0HPEHU Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Jospehine Pantaleo Conference Presentation, other Reference Diversity: Our Vision, Our Value; co-presenter; American Association of Community Colleges, Phoenix, Arizona, April 6, 2009. Regina Rochford Book, Authored Rochford, R. & Pantaleo, J. (2009). Test Taking Tips for the ACT Reading Compass Exam and Practice Reading Passages. 2nd Edition. Pearson: New York. Regina Rochford Journal Article, peerreviewed Rochford, R. (2009, September). Dreaming the impossible dream: Getting through college. Insights on Learning Disabilities 5(1), 8910. Regina Rochford Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished Rochford, R. A., & Maltzman, R. (in press). To Reach the Unreachable Star: Academic Success and Developmental Learners. Rochford, R. & Hock, S. A Letter Writing Campaign: Linking Academic Success and Civic Engagement Rochford, R. A. (2010). Grammar Made Simple for ESL Students. Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt. Rochford, R. (in press). Book Review for: The History of the Dunn and Dunn Learning-Style Model Author Sharon R. Parris, Ed.D. Publisher: The Edwin Mellen Press Rochford, R. (in press). Struggling to learn to read: A professor’s story. Regina Rochford Curriculum or laboratory development, workshop conducted Developed curriculum with Biology Department for BI-115, Introduction to Biology for Science Majors Regina Rochford Conference Presentation, other Deciphering College Level Science Textbooks. (February, 2010). Reading across the Curriculum: Tutor Training. A letter writing campaign: Linking Academic Success and Civic Engagement presented at Queensborough Community College’s Conference entitled “Assessing the Learning behind the Service: Faculty and Student Perspectives on Service Learning,” on June 4, 2009 A letter writing campaign: Linking Academic Success and Civic Engagement, Long Island TESOL, April 2009. Regina Rochford Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Chairperson for the Committee on Committees Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Reference Recipient of Pedagogical Research Challenge Awards (2010). An Analysis of the Effects of Service Learning on Basic Skills Reading and Writing Students. Employed Service Learning pedagogy in BE-201: Students visited College’s Holocaust Center in preparation for writing letters to advocate for hate crime legislation, Fall 2009. Employed Service Learning in a BE-112: Students wrote letters to the governor of New York State and state senators about not raising tuition or cutting financial aid at the City University of New York. Member of the Academic Senate Member of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) Donated royalties from a book, "Test Taking Tips for the ACT Reading Compass Exam and Practice Reading Passages," 2nd Edition, to the Basic Skills Learning Center. Participated in Digital Story Telling project under the direction of Beth Counihan, English Department. Personnel or organizational structure changes, newly developed projects Changes Ms. Emily Gordon became a full-time Lecturer on an adjunct conversion line as of September 1, 2009, after more than 25 years as an adjunct. Two new faculty members were added for the Spring 2010 semester, Dr. Jed Shahar (Assistant Professor) to teach writing, and Ms. Wilvena Gordon (Lecturer) to teach reading. Mr. Sami Baig was hired as a CLT for the Computer Lab as of June 2010. Searches for two Assistant Professors or Instructors, one to teach reading and one for ESL, were being completed at the end of June 2010. A committee to conduct an assessment of BE112 was formed in the fall of 2009 and worked throughout the academic year. A committee to develop materials and strategies for the new CUNY QWriting Test (CAAW) was formed at the end of the spring semester. Facilities/space changes Facility modification Purpose Room H246, formerly a storage closet, was The department has no remodeled to be used for office space. more space for offices for full-time faculty. Semester Facility Evaluation Spring 2010 A decision as to the best use of the space was still being worked out at the end of the academic year. A resolution will be reached during the summer, and the space will be in use as of September 2010. An evaluation of the space will be conducted during the following academic year. Equipment changes Equipment Changes Purpose Semester Evaluation Acquisition of five new Dell Optiplex 760 computers on January 21, 2010 Update computers Spring 2010 Improved service Equipment changes Equipment Changes Purpose Semester Evaluation Purchased Focus on Grammar Update dated software Interactive (Network License)Level 4; Focus on Grammar (Network License) Level 5; Azar Grammar (Understanding and Using Grammar) Network Version Spring 2010 Improved relevancy of material Purchased 30 Camtasia Snagit Bundle, Version 7.0/10.0 Licenses and 30 Camtasia Studio Snagit Bundle Maintenance Software needed to support the Digital Storytelling Project Spring 2010 Remain current with pedagogical needs. Purchase 100 site licenses of Comfit Online Learning Center Provide additional online resources Spring 2010 Improved access to online for Basic Educational students who materials. are preparing for reading exit testing and retesting. Purchase 150 access codes for My Reading Lab. Provide additional online resources Spring 2010 Improved access to online for Basic Educational students who resources. are preparing for reading exit testing and retesting. Purchase 1 site license of Qualtrics Provide online survey tool. Purchase 30 Creative Fatal1ty USB Support the Digital Storytelling Gaming Headset for use with Camtasia Project. Spring 2010 Not available. Spring 2010 Remain current with pedagogical needs. Resource changes Other Resources Purpose Semester Resource Evaluation Purchase 5 headsets Replace worn headsets Spring 2010 Improved equipment Other changes affecting department Departmental procedures for conducting assessment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epartmental participation in self-study/program review Program(s): Reviewed Program Review Follow-up Action Item Timeline Accomplishements Course Objectives and Course Assessment Course Assessed: BE112 Educational Objectives: FRPPXQLFDWHHIIHFWLYHO\WKURXJKUHDGLQJZULWLQJOLVWHQLQJDQGVSHDNLQJ XVHDQDO\WLFDOUHDVRQLQJWRLGHQWLI\LVVXHVRUSUREOHPVDQGHYDOXDWHHYLGHQFHLQRUGHUWR PDNHLQIRUPHGGHFLVLRQV ZRUNFROODERUDWLYHO\LQGLYHUVHJURXSVGLUHFWHGDWDFFRPSOLVKLQJOHDUQLQJREMHFWLYHV Curricular Objectives: Students will use a variety of rhetorical strategies to develop convincing essays; Students will use a variety of sentence structures;Students will edit their work for grammatical correctness. Results: A relatively low pass rate, though some students did very well. Discussion slated for fall semester to explore causes Action Plan: 7KH$&7:ULWLQJ([DPZLOOEHJRQHHIIHFWLYH2FWREHUDQG&$$:6ZLOOGRXEWOHVVGULYH WKH%(V\OODEXVLQVRPHQHZGLUHFWLRQV:HZLOOQHHGWRGHFLGHRQDQRWKHUVNLOORUVNLOO FRPSOH[WRDVVHVVRQHWKDWZLOOEHDEHWWHUILWIRUZKDWZLOOEHJRLQJRQLQ%(FODVVURRPV 7KHFRPPLWWHHPD\ZDQWWRGLVFXVVKRZIUDQNIDFXOW\VKRXOGEHZLWKRXUFODVVHVDERXW WKHDQRQ\PLW\RILQGLYLGXDOWHVWWDNHUV6WXGHQWVPD\WU\KDUGHULIWKH\EHOLHYHWKHDVVHVVPHQW ³FRXQWV´LQVRPHIDPLOLDUZD\ 5HDGLQJRIIXWXUHDVVHVVPHQWSDUDJUDSKVRUHVVD\VXVLQJKROLVWLFVFRULQJQHHGVWREH WZHDNHGWRSUHYHQWVHFRQGUHDGHUVIURPSHHNLQJDWLQLWLDOVFRUHV3HUKDSVZHFDQXVHEDQG DLGVVLPLODUWRWKRVHIRUPHUO\XVHGRQWKH:$7DVHFXUHPHWKRGRIKLGLQJVFRUHV'LUHFWLRQV WRIDFXOW\UHDGHUVQRWWRGLVFXVVVFRUHVQHHGWREHHQIRUFHGPRUHULJRURXVO\ 0RUHHIILFLHQWDVVHVVPHQWSURWRFROVPLJKWEHZRUWKLQYHVWLJDWLQJIRURXUORZHUOHYHO FRXUVHVWRUHGXFHWKHWLPHWDNHQIURPLQGLYLGXDOLQVWUXFWRUV¶V\OODELDQGWRVSHHGXSWKH HYDOXDWLRQRIWKH VWXGHQWV¶ZRUNIRUXV Results of certification exams, employer and alumni surveys, student surveys, advisory board recommendations Data Source Results Action Plan 7KH%XLOGLQJ&RPSHWHQFLHVIRUWKHVW &HQWXU\:RUNIRUFHVXUYH\DVNHGVWXGHQWV SHUFHSWLRQVRIWKHLUFRPSHWHQFLHVLQXVLQJ 0LFURVRIWEHIRUHDQGDIWHUWKH LPSOHPHQWDWLRQRIWKHSURMHFW6WXGHQWV LGHQWLILHGWKHIROORZLQJDUHDVDVVKRZLQJWKH PRVWLPSURYHPHQW 7KHDELOLW\WRXVHEXOOHWWLQJDQGQXPEHULQJ LQFUHDVHGE\ 7KHDELOLW\WRXVHWH[WER[HVLQFUHDVHGE\ 7KHDELOLW\WRXVHKHDGHUVDQGIRRWHUV LQFUHDVHGE\ Provide the service to students who request it. ACT Reading Review Student Satisfaction Surveys were distributed and collected, but the results are still being tabulated. Identify strengths and weaknesses and respond accordingly. ACT Writing Review Student Satisfaction Surveys were distributed and collected, but the results are still being tabulated. Respond to the strengths and weaknesses accordingly. Student Surveys (current students) Goals/objectives for year just completed Goals Strategic Plan Evaluation of achievement Action Plan True Improve pass rate on ACT exit exams Scores have remained fairly steady Since there will be a new Writing although there has been some falling off test in the fall, new materials will have to be developed; Reading scores will have to be compared to previous years and appropriate action taken continue to apply for grant money Three President's Pedagogical Challenge The department will continue to grants were obtained; other grants were investigate further grant applied for opportunities. Work to increase the number of Learning Communities Additional LC's were offered both fall and Track students who took LC's to spring and provided positive experiences see how they do in future courses; for both students and faculty develop more LC's Continue to offer formal and informal faculty development for full-time and adjunct faculty and to develop faculty use of technology This goal was not achieved goal will be repeated for next year Continue to encourage more BE-112 students to use the BSLC There was a small improvement in attendance Because the CAAW combines reading and writing skills, BE112 students will have to be strongly encouraged to take advantage of the BSLC Continue to improve placement of incoming BES students to guarantee that students are registered in appropriate courses Because funding was available most writing placement tests were reread for better placement, but many errors still occur. Better criteria for rereading exams need to be developed; also the new exam will bring further challenges Continue to encourage more faculty to participate in Service Learning More service learning projects were attempted with positive response from both students and faculty Follow progress of students who participated in Service learning to see how they do in future semesters; encourage more faculty to participate Evaluate one or two new courses BE112 was evaluated. the evaluation report shows that students have mixed results in the course; more attention needs to be placed on developing clear course objectives and achieving them. Begin evaluation of two more writing courses during Spring 2010 semester This was not achieved. Evaluations of several more courses must be done during the next academic year. Goals/objectives for coming year Upcoming Goals Related Strategic Plan Objective Planned Method of Evaluation Improve ACT Reading pass scores 3.2 Obtain ACT exit scores for each semester and compare them to previous years Design and develop materials to prepare students to take and pass the CAAW 3.2 Examine exit test scores and look over completed essays if possible Continue to apply for grants 8.5 Continue to investigate the number of grants applied for and received Goals/objectives for coming year Upcoming Goals Related Strategic Plan Objective Planned Method of Evaluation Mentor Adjunct Faculty 3.2 and 3.1 Examine success rates of adjunct faculty and also gather anecdotal information about their classes as well as their reactions to the classes and the mentoring Mentor New Full-Time Faculty 3.2 and3.1 Examine success rates of new faculty and gather anecdotal information about their classes as well as their responses to the classes and mentoring process; peer evaluation and and Annual Evaluation will also be helpful Faculty Development for the new writing exam (CAAW) 3.2 and 3.1 Examine pass rates over several semesters; gather responses to value of faculty development sessions both formally and informally