ART & DESIGN Department-sponsored services Area of Service Served Juried Student Exhibition and Catalog. 1400 60 students exhibited their work and an estimated 1400 people will have seen the exhibit, including QCC students their families, and the general public. This year the catalog was 80 pages, and again both color and B&W reproductions of students' work were included. Visiting Artist, Lectures and visits 100 Full schedule of open lab hours in computer, ceramics, photography and sculpture labs 500 Lending services of cameras and equipment 35 Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Javier Cambre Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount, period of award) Reference 2010 PSC-CUNY Research Grant (Photography), City University of NY Javier Cambre Art Exhibit Curated The Last Book, Curated by Luis Camnitzer, Zentral Bibliothek, Zurich, Switzerland, Feb15-March17, 2010 Sex Sells, Galería Obra, San Juan, PR, curated by Raimundo Figueroa, Feb 14-March21, 2010 Cine de Barrio, Veladas de Santa Lucía, Maracaibo, Venezuela, Curated by Paco Barragán, March 7- March 30, 2010 ELizabeth Di Giorgio Art Exhibited (juried show) March 27 - April 25, 2010, "Reuse, Renew, Recycle: Green Art" at The Moody Center, The College of New Rochelle, 29 Castle Place, New Rochelle, NY 10805. September 25 - October 17, 2010, "Art for Charity: Creating Critical Linkages," at The College of New Rochelle, 29 Castle Place, New Rochelle, NY 10805. Eizabeth DiGiorgio Art Exhibited (juried show) September 25 - October 17, 2010, "Art for Charity: Creating Critical Linkages" at The College of New Rochelle. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type ELizabeth DiGiorgio Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) Reference July 2010 PSC CUNY Research Award is funding a body of work (6 paintings) to be exhibited (with credit to the PSC noted) along with a larger body of work in a solo exhibition during the 2011/12 academic year. ELizabeth DiGiorgio Curriculum or laboratory development, workshop conducted Invited Curator Patterson Sims to present a lecture in conjunction with the exhibition that he organized at the James Gallery of the Graduate Center of The City University of New York entitled "Deep Impressions: Willie Cole Works on Paper." The lecture, entitled "Modern Objects from Cezanne to Willie Cole" occurred on December 8, 2010 and was well attended. ELizabeth DiGiorgio Conference, workshop, training attended July 28, 2010, attended the workshop entitled "What is Copyright and How Does It Affect My Use of Images, Sounds, and Text? conducted by Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, One East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022. ELizabeth DiGiorgio Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Assisted in the selection and preparation of student work for the upcoming Student Art Exhibition at the Queensborough Community College Gallery, May 21, 2010 to June 30, 2010. Served as Chair of the 2010 Committee on Student Activities of the Academic Senate. May 14, 2010,served as juror to the Bayside High School Annual Art Competition. I designed and implemented a 2010 Service-Learning Project entitled “Picture Me in College: A Portrait Project with Homeless Children and Teens.” This project provided a great incentive for my drawing students to acquire and/or refine an ability to draw portraits, while experiencing civic engagement as a mentor to a young person. It also enabled the younger homeless students to have a positive experience in the college environment and to have an experience in which they were appreciated as worthy and beautiful subjects for art. This project was developed in partnership with the Saratoga Family Inn, which is one of the transitional housing facilities run by Homes for the Homeless, 3 Cooper Square, New York, NY 10003. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Elizabeth DiGiorgio Awards Reference PSC-CUNY 41 Research Award of $2,250 for the production of a body of work comprised of 6 paintings and entitled "Tea Vessels." This award allowed me to develop a recurring theme in my work that pertains to the teapot as a universal symbol of hospitality, a fundamental building block of peace on the most personal level. This award, which covers a period of one year from July 1, 2010 to June 31, 2011, allowed me to create a body of work will be exhibited as a subset (with credit to the PSC-CUNY Program noted ) within a larger body of work planned for a solo exhibition in the 2011/12 academic year. Certificate of Recognition awarded for my participation in the College's grants program in 2009/2010. Kenneth Golden Review/Commentary (including Blogging) 9-26-10, Projects 5 portfolio review, NYC. Guest critic to Parsons New School for Design Class (Interdisciplinary Design Curriculum) IDC, Media Lab, 10-12-10. Kenneth Golden Other 11-12-10, Artist in Residence, Foundation Valparasio, Mojacar, Spain. Kenneth Golden Art Exhibited (juried show) Spectra Photography Triennial Show, Silvermine Guild Arts Center,New Canaan, Ct, November 14-23, 2010. Kenneth Golden Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society spring semester 2010 member of academic senate spring semester 2010 member of department P & B spring semester 2010, Member of CAR committee. Hayes Mauro Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) CUNY Research Foundation Grant Hayes Mauro Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished Book In Press. "The Art of Americanization at the Carlisle Indian School," Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press (June 2011) Michael Ritchie Art Exhibited (juried show) 12th Annual Outdoor Group Sculpture Exhibition, June 6, 2010 at Unison Sculpture Garden, Unison Arts Center, New Paltz, NY. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Reference Bob Rogers Lecture (Invited) Photojournalism Workshop, Empire State College, June 12, 2010, New York, NY. Kathleen Wentrack Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) William Stewart Travel Award, The CUNY Academy for the Humanities and Sciences Kathleen Wentrack Lecture (Invited) “The Feminist Art Movement in Pictures: The Posters and Wall Collages of Mary Beth Edelson,” “Singular and Collective: Radical Women Artists,” Writers in Residence in the Wertheim Study Lecture Series at the New York Public Library, New York “The Feminist Art Movement in Pictures: The Posters and Wall Collages of Mary Beth Edelson,” “Singular and Collective: Radical Women Artists,” Writers in Residence in the Wertheim Study Lecture Series at the New York Public Library, New York, 12/7/2010 Kathleen Wentrack Conference Presentation, other “Communal Impulses: The Posters and Wall Collages of Mary Beth Edelson” Mid-Atlantic Women’s Studies Assn Conf, Montgomery College, Silver Spring, MD 6/11/2010. “Are We There Yet? Male Artists and the Feminist Art Legacy”, College Art Association Conference, Chicago, 2/11/2010. “International Perspectives on the Legacy of American Feminist Art and Art Histories” Panel Chair, College Art Association Conference, Chicago, 2/11/2010. Kathleen Wentrack Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Queensborough Community College, The City University of New York, WID/WAC Committee Chair, 9/2010-8/2011 College Art Association, Appointment to Committee on Women in the Arts, 2/2009-present PSC-CUNY Research Award Program Committee, Art History Panel member, 2009-2010 PSC-CUNY Research Award Program Committee, Visual Arts, Art History and Communication Arts Panel, 2010-2011 Curricular Changes - Course Program Change Course Number Course Title Semester Comments AR-802 Art Conservation Art Conservation Replaced in Museum and Gallery Studies Curriculum by AR-804 Deleted Course Curricular Changes - Course Program Change Course Number Course Title Semester Comments AR-512 Printmaking II Printmaking II Continuation of Printmaking I allowing for the fuller exploration of multi-color printing and editioning with an introduction to the techniques of non-toxic intaglio processes, monoprinting and collotype. AR-804 Art Institutions and the Business of Art Art Institutions The addition of AR804 Art and the Institutions and the Business of Art Business of Art will fill a lacuna in the education of our students that was not anticipated in the original design of the curriculum. To meet the needs of the current job market, and in consultation with the Gallery and Museum Studies Advisory Board, the Department of Art & Design approved the replacement of AR802 Art Conservation requirement with this new course. New Course Curricular Changes - Program Course Change Program Semester Comments Gallery and Museum Studies Fall 2011 To meet the needs of the current job market, and in consultation with the Gallery and Museum Studies Advisory Board, the Department of Art & Design approved the replacement of AR802 Art Conservation requirement with this new course. The specialized field of art conservation will be a topic in AR801 Art Administration. Modified Facilities/space changes Facility modification Purpose Semester Facility Evaluation Smart (sic) Podium installed in C-205 Enhance teaching efficiency for all digital classes Fall 2010 Much better use of space and ease of presentations than previous Smart (sic) Cart. Installation of computers with internet access, workstations, screens and projectors in C-111 and C-207 Allow Faculty utilizing those rooms to show slides and other visual teaching support to students in studio classes. Spring 2011 Work presently in progress, but what could be bad? On a larger scale it replaces the use of slides and projectors, which though of earlier analog technology, produced screen images of far greater detail, clarity, vividness and therefore information, although, admittedly 5,000 images couldn't be carried around in one's pocket in a little object the size of a stick of gum Equipment changes Equipment Changes Purpose Semester Evaluation Upgraded C-205 Computer lab with 22 Cyclical upgrade of Digital resources Mac Pro computers via Student Tech Fee Spring 2011 Hrrrr. Computers, Good. Upgrade teaching stations in C-101 and Teaching/instruction resource C-102 with Mac Pros Spring 2011 Hrrrr. Computers. Good. Resource changes Other Resources Purpose Semester Resource Evaluation Other changes affecting department Departmental procedures for conducting assessment Three faculty members are currently overseeing assessment in the three areas of the department: Digital, Studio and Art History. As part of their assessment procedures they continue to develop clearly articulated statements of expected student learning outcomes. Subsequent to developing their protocols and continuing to assess classes using this structure, the prepared a report of the results as well as offering their conclusions and recommendations. The three have met regularly with Artie and are working closely with him. They have reported on their work at every department meeting keeping the department apprised of their efforts and sharing with the department the tools and results they have developed. Departmental participation in self-study/program review Program(s): Reviewed Program Review Follow-up Action Item Timeline Accomplishements Course Objectives and Course Assessment Course Assessed: ARD 311, ARD 312 Educational Objectives: #s 1, 2, 4, 8, 10 Curricular Objectives: Curricular Objectives: VAPA objectives C, H, F; Gallery & Museum Studies objectives for Museum Studies majors: all (A-H); non-majors A only Results: Results: On art history exams, both classes exhibited similar patterns. The majority of students performed either "excellent" or "good" on all three learning outcomes/ rubrics. These outcomes were: 1. a command of factual historical knowledge pertinent to the meaning and execution of artworks, 2. recognition of art historical terms and concepts and their respective meanings, 3. analytic thinking through the written expression of historical facts and art historical concepts in order to derive meaning in works of art. Of these, students performed the best on the 3rd learning outcome. On term paper assignments, students on both classes exhibited the highest proficiency in learning outcomes that addressed the critical visual analysis of the formal aspects of artworks as well as the proper use of art historical terminology. They also did well in the analysis of stylistic and historical contexts in which artworks are made. Results were more various with respect to the learning outcomes that pertain to the critical use of research sources and the proper citation of sources, as well as the critical analysis of sources. While a majority of students performed either "excellent" of "good" on these items, a significant minority were in the "fair" category and a small number were deemed "poor." Action Plan: Continue presenting material and assignments in the same manner as at present. Course Assessed: AR121 2D design Educational Objectives: 1. Integrate knowledge and skills in this program of study 2. $SSO\DHVWKHWLFDQGLQWHOOHFWXDOFULWHULDLQWKHHYDOXDWLRQRUFUHDWLRQRIZRUNVLQDUW Curricular Objectives: • 8VHWKHSULQFLSOHVLQKHUHQWLQIRUPIXQFWLRQDQGH[SUHVVLRQDWYDULRXVOHYHOVRI H[SHULHQFHWRGHFRQVWUXFWFRQVWUXFWDQGUHFRQVWUXFWDHVWKHWLFSURGXFW • ([DPLQHGLIIHUHQWPDQLIHVWDWLRQVRIFXOWXUDOV\PEROLVPZLWKLQDZRUNRIDUWLQUHODWLRQ to geographic, historical and cultural contexts Results: Some students had difficulty measuring and enlarging proportionally. Some students fail to understand the necessity of craft in creating a design Some students fail to understand the significance of cultural symbolism using art Many students have difficulty verbalizing about their work or the work of others. 0DQ\VWXGHQWVIDLOWRUHDOL]HWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIWKXPEQDLOVDQGVNHWFKHVIRURSWLPXPGHVLJQ solutions Action Plan: • More emphasis on craftsmanship and drafting • More practice measuring accurately with rulers • More emphasis on thinking about overall composition • 0RUHHPSKDVLVRQWKHV\PEROLFXVHVRIJUDSKLFGHVLJQDQGKRZLWWLHVWRJHRJUDSKLFDO historical and cultural symbols • 0RUHHPSKDVLVRQWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIGRLQJPDQ\WKXPEQDLOVIRURSWLPXPGHVLJQ solution 6XJJHVWLRQV Use of a textbook. Use of computer lab Course Objectives and Course Assessment Course Assessed: AR-473 Educational Objectives: Note: Data Gathered --Assessment will evaluated and concluded F2011 Curricular Objectives: see note Results: see note Action Plan: see note Results of certification exams, employer and alumni surveys, student surveys, advisory board recommendations Data Source Results Action Plan Other assessment activity Meeting of Gallery and Museum Studies Advisory Committee. Curriculum discussed and courses reviewed. Proposed creation of AR-804 to replace AR-802. (see changes in courses/programs) Goals/objectives for year just completed Goals Strategic Plan Evaluation of achievement Action Plan Continue to try and get AAS Degree in Visual and Performing Art Adopted A Lost Cause. Give up Continue Departmental Assessment A Good Thing More Assessment True Goals/objectives for coming year Upcoming Goals Related Strategic Plan Objective Planned Method of Evaluation Continue Departmental Assessment Assess student performance at strategic points, etc. Is the Set-of-All Sets a member of its own set? Continue to upgrade art studio teaching facilities with appropriate digital audio/visual technologies Technology in the classroom is deemed to be *a priori* A Good Thing and requires no evaluation or reflection to justify its implementation at any cost to the university, the students or price to students' ability to think and learn with their own minds as opposed to being entertained, distracted or stimulated to the point that their capacity for self-focused attention and quiet reflection atrophies completely. Develop sophisticated multi-year budget models which project resource requirements under various enrollment scenarios and resource allocation options Goals/objectives for coming year Upcoming Goals Related Strategic Plan Objective To continue, at every opportunity, None, but there should be. to remind the Powers-That-Be of the transcendent value of the arts, that they have a crucial and transformative place in culture in general and the lives of our students in particular. And with that in mind, continue to advocate for the idea that Queensborough has the unique and so far not fully tapped possibility of becoming an educational center for the arts in CUNY; until the merits of that vision are recognized, continue to support the Art Department faculty's efforts to teach our students not only the mastery of various skill sets necessary for expression and self-expression, but that the arts are about imagination, hard work and self discipline, and that creativity is about breaking the rules; to these ends use whatever resources are given to the college by those whose own goals and objectives, sadly and all too often, lie far from that vision and understanding. Planned Method of Evaluation I should only live so long.