BASIC EDUCATIONAL SKILLS Department-sponsored services Area of Service Served Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total Adjunct Informational and developmental meeting held by the Adjunct Supervisor 11/16/2011 10 CATW Professional Development Workshop 10/12/2011 17 CATW Professional Development Workshop 10/26/2011 15 Adjunct Informational and developmental meeting held by the Adjunct Supervisor 10/26/2011 15 Adjunct Informational and developmental meeting held by the Adjunct Supervisor 12/7/2011 7 Adjunct Informational and developmental meeting held by the Adjunct Supervisor 3/6/2012 10 Adjunct Informational and developmental meeting held by the Adjunct Supervisor 3/7/2012 5 CATW Professional Development Workshop 3/7/2012 15 Adjunct Informational and developmental meeting held by the Adjunct Supervisor 3/8/2012 5 Adjunct Informational and developmental meeting held by the Adjunct Supervisor 3/11/2012 5 Working with Special Needs Students in the Classroom 3/21/2012 22 Nitty Gritty Grammar 4/25/2012 25 organized Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Kitty Bateman Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) Reference “Culture and Literacies through Art for the 21st Century“, The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), K. Bateman, M. Edlin, P. Lannes,$495,000, 9/1/11-12/31/14. Manette Berlinger Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished Article: "Teaming up: Creating Successful Learning Communities Partnerships" submitted to Thought & Action: The NEA Higher Education Journal, currently being revised. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Reference Two poems entitled “Open Admissions” submitted to Teaching English in the Two-Year College, one currently being revised. "Teaming up: Creating Successful Learning Communities Partnerships" submitted to Thought & Action: The NEA Higher Education Journal, currently being revised for resubmission. Manette Berlinger Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Researcher, SWIG Project. I have participated in the SWIG Project, directed by Prof. Jean Darcy for three semesters. For the past year, I have collaborated with Prof. T. Byas of the English Department in a project entitled “From 225 to 225” which paired my BE-225 ESL class with her EN-225 class which focuses on the theme of Immigration/Migration. Using ePortfolio, our students shared their personal narratives, contributed to each other’s work, and raised their linguistic expertise as they deepened their understanding of transformative experience. Delegate to the Professional Staff Congress. For the past two years I have served as delegate to the PSC Delegate Assembly. I have concentrated my efforts on campaigning for candidates who support CUNY such as Tony Avela, and traveling to Albany to lobby State Legislators for budget restoration and funding increases Member, Awards and Scholarships Committee Member, Personnel and Budget Committee, Department of Basic Educational Skills Member, Committee on Awards and Scholarships (Correction of previous submission of Vendors Committee which is this year) Member: Department Curriculum Committee. I worked on the development of new course offerings which integrate reading and writing instruction, and revised course descriptions for all ESL courses. Member, Best Practices Committee which develops and presents pedagogical innovations to our faculty. Co-Director, Basic Skills Writing Contest, annual department competition to acknowledge the best critical and creative writing produced by Basic Skills Students in the previous year. Co-Director, Basic Skills Writing Contest, annual department competition to acknowledge the best critical and creative writing produced by Basic Skills Students in the previous year. Faculty Leader: The New York Times Reading Group. Facilitated discussion of current events for students from all courses in Basic Skills with aim of improving reading, comprehension and critical thinking skills. Member: CUNY Contemplative Practices Network. Participated in monthly meetings to develop and implement contemplative practices as a pedagogical tool for enhancing learning and increasing comprehension of course material. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Manette Berlinger Conference, workshop, training attended Reference Participant: CUNY Conference on Community Colleges with Dr. Eduardo Marti Participant: 4th Annual Conference on Acceleration in Developmental Education, June 6 - 8, 2011, Baltimore, Maryland This conference focused on methods of accelerating remedial instruction in colleges across the country. Julia Carroll Conference Presentation, other “Preparing ESL Students for REAL College Writing: A Glimpse of Common Writing Tasks ESL Students Encounter at One Community College” CUNY Best Practices Conference at La Guardia Community College, October 2011 Julia Carroll Curriculum or laboratory development, workshop conducted Created and Wrote the BE207 Curriculum along with Cheryl Comeau-Kirshner and David Rothman during the summer of 2011. Julia Carroll Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished I am currently on sabbatical working on an ESL textbook for Advanced ESL textbook. I started this book during the fall semester of 2011. Julia Carroll Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Member of the Cultural Archival Resources Committee 2010-2011Service to College Member of the Curriculum Committee- Service to the Department Reader for the Department Essay Contest Service for the Community- PTA Board Member Cheryl ComeauKirschner Conference Presentation, other Presented "Strategies for Teaching Summary and Paraphrasing in the ESL Classroom" at CUNY Conference on Best Practices in Reading/Writing Instruction Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Margot Edlin Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished Reference Edlin, Margot A.; Liao, Ann, Ferdenzi, Anita. Accepted for publication. Persistence at an urban community college: The implications of self-efficacy and motivation. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. Edlin, Margot A.; Liao, Ann, Ferdenzi, Anita. Accepted for publication. Persistence at an urban community college: The implications of self-efficacy and motivation. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. Edlin, Margot A.; Liao, Ann, Ferdenzi, Anita. Accepted for publication. Persistence at an urban community college: The implications of self-efficacy and motivation. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. Edlin, Margot; Liao Ann, Ferdenzi, Anita. accepted for publication. "International Students at an Urban Community College: Motivation, Self-Regulated Learning Efficacy, and Academic Achievement." Community College Enterprise. expected date of publication Fall 2012. Margot Edlin Service as a reviewer/editor/ consultant reviewed Sweet, Chae (2012. Novel Strategies: A Guide to Effective College Reading. NY: Pearson. Margot Edlin Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) recipient of Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) National Leadership Dissemination Grant. Conferrred September 2011. Margot Edlin Conference Presentation, other Webinar presentationfor Innovative Educators on Learning Communities for Developmental Students. May 6, 2011. Presentation on the results of a pedagogical research challenge grant entitled "Using Visual Thinking Stratgeies to Improve the English Language and Critical Thinking Skills of ESL Developmental Students" at the 2011 CUNY General Education conference at York College, Jamaica NY, May 13th 2011. Emily Gordon Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Region 1 Scholarship Chair for American Mensa: recruit, train and supervise local scholarship chairs for the New England area; organize and lead 2nd tier scoring of essays passed on from the local level; analyze and report results to the National Chair for final judging Wilvena Gordon Select Work Type nothing to report Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Susan Hock Select Work Type Reference This past spring, my BE112 class worked on a service learning project with Dr. Rochford's BE205 class. Both classes worked on a brochure for The Queens Historical Society.The students read, analyzed and responded to literature about The Moore Jackson Cemetery, a historical landmark in Queens.They visited the cemetery and wrote summaries and reaction pieces about the cemetery. All of these content based assignments helped prepare them for the CATW. Dr. Rochford and I plan to write an article about this project; we received IRB approval. Kurnit Jeff Select Work Type Nothing to report Arlene Kemmerer Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) Arlene Kemmerer, Sharon Ellerton, Lorraine Cupelli. 2011 Queensborough Community College CUNY Pedagogical Research Challenge Awards: Scaffolding Peer Mentoring Across the Curriculum for Anatomy and Physiology Students. Arlene Kemmerer, Sharon Ellerton, Lorraine Cupelli. 2011 Queensborough Community College CUNY Pedagogical Research Challenge Awards: Scaffolding Peer Mentoring Across the Curriculum for Anatomy and Physiology Students. Arlene Kemmerer, Sharon Ellerton, Lorraine Cupelli. 2011 Queensborough Community College CUNY Pedagogical Research Challenge Awards: Scaffolding Peer Mentoring Across the Curriculum for Anatomy and Physiology Students. Arlene Kemmerer Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished Kemmerer, Arlene,Pantaleo, Josephine, and Vogel Rosanne. Turning Students on with High-Impact Strategies. The Power of Partnerships: Transforming Students and Communities through Service Learning. 2011 NYMAPS Symposium. Working Paper Series Vol.1. Colin L. Powell Center for Leadership and Service, the City College of New York, 2011 Arlene Kemmerer Conference, workshop, training attended CUNY’s 10th Annual IT Conference at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, December 2, 2011. Using Reflection Activities in Your Classes at Queensborough Community College CUNY. Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) workshop on Reflection, Feb.25, 2011. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Cary Lane Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished Reference Authored amended article and reading comprehension questions for the passage “Formation of the Finger Lakes” in the textbook: Rochford, R. & Pantaleo, J. (2012). Test Taking Tips for the ACT Reading Compass Exam and Practice Reading Passages, 3rd ed. (pp. 57-59). New York: Pearson Publishing. Authored amended article and reading comprehension questions for the passage “Biofuel, Partly from Nuts, is Tested on an Airline Flight” in the textbook: Rochford, R. & Pantaleo, J. (2012). Test Taking Tips for the ACT Reading Compass Exam and Practice Reading Passages, 3rd ed. (pp. 73-75). New York: Pearson Publishing. Cary Lane Lecture (Invited) • Learning Impacts of Effective Note-Taking in Biological Sciences. Faculty Presentations of Pedagogical Research: Recipients of Pedagogical Research Challenge Awards Present the Results of Their Work. Queensborough Community College, 10/11 • Promising Models In Developmental Education: Information Literacy as a Basis for Improving Basic Skills; The January Convocation of the College, “Are We making a Difference: Using Research to Inform Practice,” Queensborough Community College, 2/11 • Information Literacy: Practicum in Combing Reading and Writing Skills. Best Practices Committee Think Tank, Department of Basic Educational Skills, Queensborough Community College, 2/11 Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Cary Lane Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Reference • Consultant, SEEK Department, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY; 5/11 -- present o Lead an ongoing series of faculty development workshops for instructors and tutors in John Jay’s SEEK program. The development is focused on implementing improvements and changes in texts used, pedagogical practices, assessment/prescriptions and curriculum development. • Assessment Committee, Department of Basic Educational Skills, Queensborough Community College; 9/10-present o Created course assessment module for BE 121. 11/11 o Compiled and implemented BSLC online reading recitation module. 10/11 o Created and implemented reading prescription sheets correlating with TerraNova assessments o Sub-committee on choosing new reading assessment instruments for BE 121, BE 225, BE 122, BE 226. o Participated and spearheaded creation of standardized grading rubrics for BE 121, BE 122. 3/11 o Created and implemented prescription sheets for BE 121, BE 122, BE 226, BE 226; coordinated their use in the Basic Skills Learning center. o Vetted and purchased new reading assessment instruments for the department • Curriculum Committee, Department of Basic Educational Skills, Queensborough Community College, 8/11 – present o Co-authored permanent learning objectives and outcomes for BE 121. 11/11 Cary Lane Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) Pedagogical Research Challenge Award: Learning Impacts of Effective Note-Taking in Biological Sciences, 1/11 -- $15,000 Jennifer Maloy Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished “Towards an Avant-Garde Composition: Merging the Creative and Critical in the First-Year Writing Classroom.” In the Line-Up: Creative Writing and College Composition, Eds. Jennifer Maloy, Stephanie Wade and Elizabeth Weaver (work in progress). Maloy, Jennifer and Kerri-Ann Smith. Writing Identities: A Textbook for Developmental Writers. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2012 (work accepted). Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Nancy-Laurel Pettersen Work Type Reference Conference Presentation, other Conference presentation Presenter, University Faculty Senate Conference on Higher Education in the Prison. CUNY Grad Center. February 2011. Regina Rochford Conference Presentation, other Effects of Service Learning on Remedial Reading and Writing Students. CUNY Gen Ed Conference at York College, May 13, 2011. Regina Rochford Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished Rochford, Regina, A. (in press). An analysis of the effects of service learning on remedial reading and writing students. Journal of Community College Research and Practice. Regina Rochford Curriculum or laboratory development, workshop conducted Designed an Intersession Immersion Workshop for BE121and 225 students to prepare BE225 learners for the ACT Reading Compass exam. (January 2011, June 2011) (Pantaleo and Rochford) January 2011 pass rate was 72% and June 2011 was 66% on the ACT Reading Compass exam. Designed and implemented innovative a Summer Immersion USIP workshop for BE-225 and BE-201/203 Students. (Pantaleo and Rochford) Summer 2011 Developed and refined curriculum with Biology Department for BI115 Introduction to Biology for Science Majors (Summer 2009 – Spring 2011) Worked with Dr. Raji Subramaniam in BI-115 to provide support to students who experience difficulty reading the Biology textbook and making notes in the new BI-115 course. Regina Rochford Conference, workshop, training attended As a member of the CUNY Wide IRB, I participated in IRB Educational IRB Webinar at CUNY November 17, 2011 As a member of the CUNY Wide IRB, I participated in IRB Educational IRB Seminar at CUNY October 14, 2011 Regina Rochford Other Applied for Pedagogical Challenge Grant: Improving Learning Outcomes of Basic Skills Students through the Evaluation and Implementation of McGraw-Hill Reading Assessments June 2011 (unfunded) Applied for PSC-CUNY Grant Proposal to study The Impact of Social Networks and Instant Message Usage by Community College Students, submitted October 21, 2011 Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Regina Rochford Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Reference Made presentation at QCC with Paul Marchese entitled, The New CUNY Wide IRBs: How will the change affect your human subjects research: Timeline for the Change, IRBNET, and Downloading Data from IRB Manager. Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2011 Chaired the Queensborough Community College IRB from July 2011 - December 2011 member of the Committee on Committees at QCC Member of the Academic Senate at QCC Member of the Basic Skills P & B Committee Chaired the Basic Skills Assessment Committee, 2010 - present Member of the QCC IRB 2006 - December 2011 Deputy Chairperson of the Basic Skills Department 2006- May, 2011 Participated in New York Times Reading Group Student Sessions in the Basic Skills Learning Center, Spring 2008- present As Chairperson of the IRB has assisted many faculty members in designing IRB applications: Ed Volchok, Amy Traver, Tirandi Hermaj-Benny, Michael Guy, Jo Pantaleo, Sheila Beck. David Rothman Service as a reviewer/editor/ consultant reviewed a new textbook for St Martin's Press. 'Teaching the CATW Writing Exam'by Lawrence Berkeley. David Rothman Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished 1. 2nd edition of a nationally marketed Pearson Reading skills textbook, co-authored with Jilani Warsi was accepted and slated for a February 2012 publication. The title is: Read to Succeed. 2. A lower-level Reading Skills textbook: Read to Achieve, co-authored with Jilani Warsi was completed in 2011, and is slated to be published in January 2013. Jed Shahar Play Produced/Performed Designed sound and music for a version of The Bachhae preformed at the Collapsable Hole, September 7 -17. Jed Shahar Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished Poetry collection, 6 Forms, under consideration at Insert Presse in Los Angeles, Ca. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Jed Shahar Other Reference Co-edited and co-published Greetings 14, with Jeffrey Joe Nelson. An issue of poetry and art magazine. Jed Shahar Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Conducted workshop on teaching grammar at department's Best Practices meeting in Spring 2011. Presented workshop on summarizing for the CATW at department's Best Practices meeting in Fall 2011. Kerri-Ann Smith Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Faculty Cohort Group-Basic Skills across disciplines. Department of Basic Educational Skills Curriculum Committee Jilani Warsi Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society As director of a Title V Grant, a contractual agreement between QCC and John Jay College of Criminal Justice to increase the rate of graduation of non-native English speaking QCC students, I collaborated with my colleagues at John Jay and achieved several measurable objectives for the Year 2011. Through on-site and online activities, JJC and QCC both continued to increase capacity for tutoring NNES students. In addition to Joan Vaccari, an experienced Basic Skills faculty and the John Jay College graduate student, Katherin Higuera-McCoy, two more tutors were hired and trained to help non-native-English-speaking students at QCC. The new tutors are Brain Nemeth and Madiha Shamim and will be providing service to the students until the end of September 2011. Together, these tutors provided 32 hours of service in the spring and fall 2011 semesters. In the fall 2011 semester, CELL prepared 108 Basic Skills students for the CUNY ACT COMPASS reading test. These students were given early test tickets so that they could exit from remediation and take mainstream courses at QCC. Of a total of 108 students who were eligible for the test and attended 1 of 4 3-hour reading workshops taught by CELL tutors, 87 passed the standardized CUNY tests. It should be noted that this was not a Measurable Objective for the grant, but that we identified the students who were eligible for the early tests at the beginning of the semester and gave them the opportunity to retest. In the Year 2011, CELL tutors provided 88 hours of service to 68 Hispanic students (see attached Excel file). Also, a file showing total CELL usage by QCC students is attached. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Reference In the spring and fall 2011 semesters, I organized several CATW norming sessions with David Rothman for Basic Skills faculty. In addition to these 6 CATW-related workshops, I invited John Troynaski and Richard Pisciotta, Chief Readers from Queens College, to speak to Basic Skills faculty in the fall 2011 semester about preparing students for the CATW. To keep Basic Skills faculty and BSLC tutors abreast of cutting-edge research in second language acquisition and pedagogy, I acquired several books. I hired two additional tutors and trained them in ESL methodology in the Year 2011. These tutors, Brian Nemeth and Madiha Shamim, offered CATW workshops to Basic Skills students who qualified for an early test in September 2011. The total number of tutors who provided service to QCC students in the Year 2011 was 4. I collaborated with Kate Szur and Christopher David on creating online language sensitive advisement modules for non-native English speaking students pursuing an academic career in forensic science. As director of the Title V Grant, I organized the 6th Annual Colloquium on Second Language Acquisition in the Fall 2011 semester. This year’s lecture was entitled Teaching Speech to English Language Learners and was given by Dr. Martin Gitterman, Professor Emeritus at Lehman College and the Graduate Center. The event was sponsored by the Office of Academic Affairs. I organized and participated in a panel discussion on cross-cultural awareness and contrastive rhetoric in the spring 2011 semester. I spoke about the contrasting cultural values of South East Asian countries and how they impede acquisition of the English language for students from that part of the world. I was joined by colleagues from the Foreign Languages Department who shed light on the different ways Hispanic and ESL students learn to read and write in their native language. 45 QCC faculty members and administrators attended the panel discussion and greatly appreciated learning about the areas of difficulty for Chinese, Haitian, Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, and Arabic students in learning the English language. In the fall 2011 semester, I offered panel discussions on peer teaching and the art of leading a discussion. Faculty members from the Departments of Basic Skills, Foreign Languages, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, and Business participated in the panel discussions. One of the Measurable Objectives of the Title V Grant was to develop on-line faculty training modules and ESL help desk in the Year 2011. I promoted faculty resources on QCC campus. As a certified CATW reader, I read student appeals to the exam and graded CATW exams at Queens College in the Year 2011. I participated in a 2-day CATW workshop at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in the summer of 2011, reading and reviewing possible reading prompts for the CATW exam and rated student responses to them. I facilitated several New York Times reading sessions in the Fall 2011 semester and led discussions on current topics with small groups of native and non-native English speaking students. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Reference As a member of a Liberal Arts faculty cohort group, I evaluated my ESL students' pre- and post-reflection essays using the Integrative Value Learning Rubric in the Year 2011 and submitted a report to Dean Cuomo. I wrote a department action plan in the fall 2011 semester, addressing four critical areas: personnel, philosophical and pedagogical approaches, curriculum, and assessment. This report included proposed structural changes in the curriculum and focused on student-centered learning with the ultimate goal of achieving timely remediation documented by measurable student learning outcomes. Most of these goals were actively addressed and achieved in the fall 2011 semester. Jilani Warsi Conference, workshop, training attended Conducted CATW workshops with David Rothman in the Year 2011 to help Basic Skills faculty understand how to use the analytical rubric to rate student papers. Jilani Warsi Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished Co-authored and submitted the final manuscript of Read to Achieve: Gateway to Academic Reading to Pearson Education. The book is slated to be published in December 2012. Rothman D. & Warsi J. Read to Succeed: A Thematic Approach to Academic Reading. 2nd Edition. Pearson Education (scheduled to be published in 2012) Curricular Changes - Course Program Change Course Number Course Title Semester Comments BE102 Developing Competence in Reading, Writing, and Study Skills Developing This experimental course used an Competence in integrated skills approach and Reading, combined reading and writing. The Writing, and pass rate was more than 80%. Study Skills New Course Personnel or organizational structure changes, newly developed projects Changes Dr. Jeffrey Kurnit retired in Fall 2011 and Ms. Kerri-Ann Smith and Dr. Jennifer Maloy joined the department in 2011. The Text Committee was formed and expanded to compile a list of approved texts for each of the remedial reading and writing sequences. Equipment changes Equipment Changes Purpose Semester Evaluation Resource changes Other Resources Purpose Semester Resource Evaluation Other changes affecting department Departmental procedures for conducting assessment The department has procured the TerraNova and TABE reading diagnostics to assess students' reading proficiency. To this end, Professor Cary Lane has created prescription sheets for the various versions of the TerraNova and TABE to highlight students' areas of strengths and weaknesses. The prescription sheets are made available to the Basic Skills Learning Center for identified content reinforcement using all resources available: tutors, computer programs, single-skills websites and tutorials. Dr. Jed Shahar has also created an analytic rubric to grade in-coming student essays. He has also created a department writing diagnostic which is administered to give early test tickets to students enrolled in lower level courses. In addition, the department conducted BE111 Assessment with the assistance of Dr. Jed Shahar, Dr. Regina Rochford, and Ms. Emily Gordon. Overall, for the pretest the students scored an average of 49% and after the lesson the students scored an average of 63%. That represents almost a 30% increase in performance. The pretest scores ranged from 46%-51% across four sections, showing relative consistency across the sections. The post-lesson results had a much wider range across five sections 57%-75% (it is worth noting that the section with 75% rate was the one without a pretest). The post-lesson range is 57%-65% if the outlier (section B) is removed. It should also be noted that removing the outlier (section B) lowers the post-lesson results to a more modest but still not insignificant 56% (or 14% improvement in performance). Dr. Shahar also looked at how many students scored all right or all but one right on both tests. Only three students out 84 (4%) satisfied the criteria before the test, but 23 out of 92 satisfied the criteria after the lesson (25%). That's a more than six-fold increase. Even if the outlier (section B) is removed, there are still 18 out of 77 students showing mastery or near mastery of the skill (23%) after the lesson. The results are very encouraging. Departmental participation in self-study/program review Program(s): Reviewed Program Review Follow-up Action Item Timeline Accomplishements Course Objectives and Course Assessment Results of certification exams, employer and alumni surveys, student surveys, advisory board recommendations Data Source Results Action Plan Goals/objectives for year just completed Goals Strategic Plan Evaluation of achievement Action Plan Goals/objectives for year just completed Goals Strategic Plan Evaluation of achievement Action Plan True Improve ACT Reading pass scores Exit statistics are not available yet. The Continue faculty development and department used TerraNova and TABE use of TerraNova, Tabe and exams to determine placement and department writing diagnostic. students’ readiness to take the ACT exam and exit from remediation in an accelerated manner. Ms. Josephine Pantaleo and Dr. Rochford revised their ACT Reading textbook in order to provide new articles and test questions that address the needs of students. Furthermore, our active participation in high-impact practices such as service learning and SWIG benefit ACT scores. Improve CATW writing pass scores Exit statistics are not available yet. Dr. Shahar prepared a report comparing our pass rates and CUNY pass rates in fall 2011and submitted it to President Call for reference. After having more hands on experience preparing students for the CATW exam, Dr. Rochford revised her textbook the Keys to the CATW so that it fits the needs of our students more closely. The new edition was released in the Summer 2011. Ms. Kerri-Ann Smith and Dr. Maloy are working on a textbook that can be used in BE111, 112, and 205. It integrates writing with readings resembling those on the CATW and asks students to perform writing tasks that prepare students for the CATW. Several faculty members used the New York Times on a regular basis to prepare our writing students for the CATW exam. Finally, our participation in SWIG, learning communities, and service learning projects all strongly benefit CATW scores. Dr. Shahar will continue to compare QCC CATW pass rates and CUNY pass rates for both ESL and non-ESL students. Goals/objectives for year just completed Goals Design and develop the CATW materials to prepare students for the new CUNY writing test. Strategic Plan Evaluation of achievement Action Plan The CATW section on our department website has been updated to include links to CATW preparation materials from sites across CUNY In October 2011, David Rothman and Jacqueline Pascarelli led a CATW exam norming session for Basic Skills and CLIP faculty as well as for our tutors. In March 2012, The Best Practices Committee offered a workshop entitled, ‘How to Teach the CATW Without Teaching for the CATW’. This workshop offered faculty members the opportunity t o share successful classroom activities related to this exam. During April 2012, the Basic Skills Department volunteered to take part in the Spring 2012 CATW new prompt field-testing sessions. This ‘mock’ exam gave our students the opportunity to practice for the CATW under ‘test-like’ conditions. We have developed a number of new CATW practice prompts and have put them on our CATW link on our website. Our department has gotten stricter about only allowing faculty who have gone through CATW training to teach the upper level writing classes (where the CATW is the exit exam). We have revised our department final for our upper-level writing courses to be in line with the CATW exam. While in the past we would administer these finals a week after the standardized writing test, we have now restructured and administered the final a few weeks before the standardized writing exam. This gives our faculty a better sense of each student’s level of readiness. An analysis of the writing final can key instructors in on their students’ strengths and weaknesses so they can better guide their writing students in the final period before the CATW. Since the CUNY Writing Test is still relatively new, the department will continue to offer several CATW workshops every semester to the faculty and tutors. The CATW tutorials at the eResource Center continues to be useful for both faculty and students. Goals/objectives for year just completed Goals Strategic Plan Evaluation of achievement Action Plan Apply for grants Dr. Kitty Bateman and Dr. Margot Edlin Basic Skills faculty will apply for the received a grant jointly. Dr. Regina Pedagogical Challenge Grant. Rochford also applied for and received a PSC-CUNY grant to examine the impact of Social Media, text messages and IMs on community college students when they are in class, studying or doing homework. Cary Lane and Dr. Rochford applied but were not funded a Pedagogical Challenge Grant to examine the use of the TerraNova exams to assess our students readiness to exit from remediation. Mentor Adjunct Faculty Dr. Helene Dunkelblau, the Adjunct Coordinator, held several meetings with adjunt faculty in small groups and individually. All adjunct faculty were invited to all Best Practices professional development workshops, all CATW workshops and norming sessions. Mentor new full-time faculty Dr. Regina Rochford has mentored Dr. As the department hires new Jennifer Maloy to ensure that she meets full-time faculty, support will be the criteria for tenure: service to the provided to them. department and the College, publishing and teaching. Dr. Rochford is also helping her write an IRB application. In addition, David Rothman has been mentoring Ms. Kerri-Ann Smith who is settling comfortably into the department. Both of these junior faculty members have become leaders in the department’s initiatives. Faculty should become CATW certified We have encouraged ALL faculty members, both full-time and adjunct, teaching our upper level writing courses to go through CATW certification training, if they have not yet done so. We now have two more certified CATW readers in our department, Dr. Jennifer Maloy and Ms. Margaret McConnell. Dr. Maloy has been rating CATW essays at Queens College on a regular basis since becoming a certified reader. The Adjunct Supervisor will meet with the adjuncts in small groups and individually to offer support and guidance. Professional development programs will be offered to the adjuncts and the Adjunct Coordinator will work closely with them to help them meet the curricular objectives of the courses they teach. Full-time and adjunct faculty teaching upper-level writing courses will be encouraged to pass the CATW certification exam and read CATW essays to familiarize themselves with the new writing test. Goals/objectives for coming year Upcoming Goals Related Strategic Plan Objective Planned Method of Evaluation Improve ACT reading pass scores 3.2 Diagnostic pre and post reading tests will be administered and scores will be compared with the ACT Compact reading test scores. Goals/objectives for coming year Upcoming Goals Related Strategic Plan Objective Planned Method of Evaluation Improve CATW writing pass scores 3.2 QCC Writing pass scores and CUNY pass scores will be compared. Design and develop the CATW materials to prepare faculty and students to prepare students for the new CUNY writing test. 3.2 Several CATW workshops will be offered to Basic Skills faculty and BSLC tutors. Apply for grants 8.5 Basic Skills faculty will apply for grants to do research on pedagogy. Mentor Adjunct Faculty 3.2 and 3.1 The Adjunct Coordinator will work closely with the adjuncts and offer support and guidance to help them meet course-specific curricular objectives. Mentor New full-time faculty 3.2 and 3.1 Support will be provided to new full-time faculty if they are hired in the 2012 - 2013 academic year.