RITS Reserve Bank Information and Transfer System RITS USER INTERFACE: MEMBER INFORMATION PAPER No. 6 Welcome to the sixth RITS User Interface: Member Information Paper. This edition describes some enhancements to RITS functionality that will be implemented on 30 April 2007 and updates the details of supported user desktop platforms and supported versions of software. Also included is a summary of feedback from the RITS User Group sessions which were held in mid-February and changes to RITS as a result. In this edition: Shutting down of the old screens Changes to RITS functionality in the latest implementation. Supported user desktop platforms Internet Explorer 7 RITS User Group feedback The RITS security solution summarised Contact details This Information Paper is available on the RBA website (www.rba.gov.au/PaymentsSystem/RITSOperationalNotes/) and in the RITS Information Facility, which is found on the internet (www.rba.gov.au/rits) and in the RITS Production and Pre-Production environments. User Guides are available from the RITS Information Facility. 1. SHUTTING DOWN THE OLD SCREENS In early March the old screens were withdrawn from use and in June the service will be permanently decommissioned. The decommissioning of the old screens went smoothly and Members are to be congratulated on their efforts. April 2007 1 RITS USER INTERFACE PROJECT: MEMBER INFORMATION PAPER No. 6 2. ENHANCEMENTS TO RITS FUNCTIONALITY IN THIS RELEASE On 30 April four enhancements to functionality become available. • When the function Cash Transfers / Authorise is selected from the menu or from the outstanding cash transfer authorisations link in the Header, the function is opened with the list already populated with data based on the default filter criteria. This change was suggested at the recent RITS User Group forums. • In the Cash Account Enquiry and Cash Account Enquiry Report the ‘Other Member’ field will display the branch (6 character) mnemonic of the counterparty, replacing the Member (4 character) mnemonic. • The number of records displayed on a page increases from 50 to 100, while the maximum number of records returned in a query in an enquiry function increases from 5,000 to 10,000. • Screens that are displayed when changing your password now have added information to assist the user. There has been some confusion about the meaning of “Old Password”. If the password administrator has reset a user’s password, it is the (temporary) password created by the password administrator that must be entered at “Old Password”. When a password expires the following screen is displayed. April 2007 2 RITS USER INTERFACE PROJECT: MEMBER INFORMATION PAPER No. 6 If the entry in ‘Old Password’ is incorrect the following screen is displayed. April 2007 3 RITS USER INTERFACE PROJECT: MEMBER INFORMATION PAPER No. 6 A message is now also displayed on the entry for “New Password”, which is validated against the rules shown at the bottom of the screen. April 2007 4 RITS USER INTERFACE PROJECT: MEMBER INFORMATION PAPER No. 6 April 2007 5 RITS USER INTERFACE PROJECT: MEMBER INFORMATION PAPER No. 6 3. SUPPORTED DESKTOP PLATFORMS The new RITS user interface requires Members to maintain certain minimum hardware and software standards to ensure that users can achieve optimal access to RITS. As new hardware and software becomes available, the RBA will test their compatibility with all RITS functionality and make adjustments to the RITS environment as appropriate. The Reserve Bank will notify Members when new platforms are supported for use with RITS. Until a new hardware or software component has been fully tested, Members are advised not to install these in their environment as access to RITS cannot be guaranteed. Details of current requirements are found in the Technical Information Paper and the Technical Requirements summary page, both of which are available on the RITS Information Facility. Members should include RITS access in their planning and testing of future PC (hardware or software) or network (ANNI, Internet or LAN) changes. Internet Explorer Version 7 In the Technical Information Paper dated October 2006 the Bank said that it will not support the use of IE7 until it had completed testing to ensure that all functionality will work appropriately. This was expected to be completed by Q2 2007. This testing has been completed and IE7 is now supported for use for RITS from 30 April. 1 Current Desktop Requirements The current requirements for optimal access to RITS are listed below. Minimum PC Hardware Requirements 1 • Pentium 4 • Windows 2000 (Service Pack 4) OR Windows XP (Service Pack 2) • 512MB RAM • Screen Resolution of 1021 X 768 pixels Austraclear is expected to support IE7 on release of version 2.3, currently planned for implementation later in 2007. April 2007 6 RITS USER INTERFACE PROJECT: MEMBER INFORMATION PAPER No. 6 • Spare USB Port (which must not be “locked out”) Software Requirements • Internet Explorer Version 6 or Version 7* • Sun’s Java Runtime Environment (JRE) v1.4.2_10. (can be supplied by RBA) • A Java Cryptographic Toolkit (supplied by RBA) • Safenet Driver for Hardware Security Token (supplied by RBA) * With IE7, when the Print icon is selected to generate a report, the font size on the report is significantly smaller than IE6. It is expected that this will be corrected in the fourth quarter of 2007. Recommended Software for Reports and Downloads • Adobe Reader 7.0 • Microsoft Excel 2003 (used to export data from RITS) More information is provided in the updated Technical Information Paper (April 2007), which is available from the RITS Information Facility. 4. RITS USER GROUP FEEDBACK RITS User Group sessions were held in Sydney and Melbourne in mid-February. We would like to thank those who attended and contributed to the success of the sessions. The forums are an opportunity for the Reserve Bank to update Members on developments in RTGS operations and RITS functionality and also give Members an opportunity to provide feedback on RITS functionality or other issues relevant to RITS operations. Forums will be held around twice a year. Suggestions for improvements to RITS are encouraged and, where appropriate, will be developed and incorporated into RITS at the earliest possible opportunity. The following feedback was offered at the February meetings. Some suggested changes are already in progress and others are being investigated. Item Member feedback Response April 2007 7 RITS USER INTERFACE PROJECT: MEMBER INFORMATION PAPER No. 6 Item Member feedback Response 1 Cash Transfer Authorise This change has been made and is included in the current delivery. It would be more efficient if the cash transfer authorise function was automatically populated with data when it was selected from the menu or from the outstanding Cash Transfer authorisations link in the Header. 2 Populate the Batch Enquiry screen These changes are expected to be when it is selected from the menu. implemented later in 2007. To enable the list to populate change the default value in the Branch filter to “All”. 3 Populate the Cash Transfer Enquiry screen when it is selected from the menu. 4 Populate the ESA/Credit Queue Management function with data when it is selected from the menu. Users will save time as they do not need to execute a ‘Find’. For organisations with a relatively low number of queued payments at any one time this suggestion would be a benefit. However, larger organisations have many queued transactions at key times and entry into the function would initiate a large enquiry which would reduce efficiency. The RBA will monitor this function to obtain information on usage patterns before supporting this change. April 2007 8 RITS USER INTERFACE PROJECT: MEMBER INFORMATION PAPER No. 6 Item Member feedback Response 5 In the ESA Position screen the aggregate of Queued Inwards and Queued Outwards is displayed. These aggregates could be turned into a link which opens the ESA/Credit Queue Management function already populated with the filter for Direction set to “In” and “Out” respectively. Providing a link from the ESA Position screen to the ESA/Credit Queue Management screen is possible and is under consideration. However, the automatic population of the ESA/Credit Queue Maintenance screen raises the same efficiency issues as in Item 4 above. 6 Provide a link to the Change ESA Under investigation. Sub-Limit screen form the ESA/Credit Queue Management screen. Currently, the ESA Position screen must be opened to access the link to the Change ESA SubLimit screen. 7 Search for an exact amount. Under investigation. There are circumstances when it would be useful to search for a transaction based on a known amount. Currently RITS provides the ability to search for transactions with amounts greater than or equal to the amount entered into the amount filter (Settled Payments Enquiry, Transaction Enquiry and ESA/Credit Queue Management and Cash Account Queue Management). April 2007 9 RITS USER INTERFACE PROJECT: MEMBER INFORMATION PAPER No. 6 Item Member feedback Response 8 Change the filter defaults <Please Select> to “All”. from The rationale for forcing a selection in these filters is to deter the user from unintentionally engaging in In a number of functions, including large searches that could potentially the Settled Payments Enquiry, return up to 10,000 records. Large Transaction Enquiry and SWIFT searches take time and have the Message Enquiry users are required potential to impact the response to change the filter default from times for other users within the <Please Select>. This is seen as organisation. For Members with few unnecessary as it slows access to transactions this will not be a problem. However, Members with the data. large volumes of transactions need to be aware of the consequences. The RBA will monitor these functions to obtain information on usage patterns before supporting this change. 9 When logging back in after being logged out at the expiry of the session limit, it is possible to be returned to function that the user was previously in? In December 2006 password administrators were given the ability to set the session time out for each user of 15, 30 or 60 minutes. Users are automatically logged out of RITS at the expiry of a set period of time without any user activity (the default is 15 minutes). The provision of a longer time out period should greatly reduce the incidence and inconvenience of being logged out. April 2007 10 RITS USER INTERFACE PROJECT: MEMBER INFORMATION PAPER No. 6 Item Member feedback Response 10 Remove the ‘unnecessary clicks’ in Notification screens were built to Cash Transfer and Queue provide information to the user after the action is submitted e.g. Management functions. the Cash Transfer ID and status of Cash Transfer / Entry – one click to the Cash Transfer. Submit and another to close the notification screen, which provides Confirmation screens provide the opportunity to cancel an action the Cash Transfer ID and status. which may affect numerous Cash Transfer / Amend or Delete – transactions or which deletes an to amend a cash transfer, one click entry. to Submit and another to close the notification screen. To delete the The RBA will survey users to gauge cash transfer there is another click their experience in these functions. to confirm the action. Cash Transfer / Authorise – one click to Submit, another to confirm the action (and to view the sum of payments and receipts) and a third to close the notification screen. ESA/Credit Queue Management – one click to Submit and another to close the notification screen. April 2007 11 RITS USER INTERFACE PROJECT: MEMBER INFORMATION PAPER No. 6 Item Member feedback Response 11 The RITS administrators have tools to measure the time that it takes Several users noted slow response RITS to process a request from the user. The time that it takes for a times. request to reach RITS and for the response from RITS to the user is a function of the Member’s network connection to RITS, the amount of traffic on this connection at the time and the users PC configuration. Slow response times. If users experience slow response they are requested to document the event and promptly contact the RITS Help Desk, which will investigate further. If required, staff from the RBA will attend the Member’s premises. 12 Tokens and digital certificates. The next section of this paper describes the basis for the RITS A number of users were concerned security solution for user access answers several of the about accessing RITS from their and back-up sites, including the frequently asked questions. inconvenience of carrying the token with them or having to acquire a The security solution is described in User Interface Member new certificate while at the back-up RITS Information Paper No 2 (available site. on the RITS Information Facility under the Current Projects link). A brief summary of the security solution with some frequently asked questions are contained in the next section of this paper. 5. RITS USER ACCESS SECURITY SOLUTION The security solution for user access to RITS is based on a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) that uniquely identifies the user by means of digital identification. The RITS PKI April 2007 12 RITS USER INTERFACE PROJECT: MEMBER INFORMATION PAPER No. 6 enables secure access via the Internet, and provides for improved non-repudiation, authentication and message integrity. Digital identification of the user is underpinned by a mix of technology and Member/RBA procedures. At enrolment for a digital certificate, the private and public key pair is generated on a RITS security token, and a single digital certificate is issued to the user. The private key can never leave the token or be copied, thus creating a unique association between the user and the signature. Using the private key on the token, all logons and submitted updates to RITS functions are digitally signed. RITS uses the digital certificate and public key to verify the digital signature. All records digitally signed are archived. The security token also has the capability to import an existing digital certificate onto the token e.g. an Austraclear certificate. Some frequently asked questions and answers: Q: Can a user have a second digital certificate stored on a token at the back-up site? A: No. A user’s private key used to digitally sign should be under the sole control of the user and this may not be able to be enforced at the back-up sites. Q: Can the RITS certificate be stored on the user’s PCs at two different locations? A: No. The RBA chose to issue a single unique certificate to the user and to make the certificate portable by placing it on a security token. The decision to store digital certificates on a security token rather than using software certificates took into account a number of benefits from this approach: ♦ The generation of the private and public key pair on the security token, where it cannot be copied, provides credentials that uniquely identifies an individual; ♦ lost or stolen tokens are readily reported and certificates can be quickly revoked by the Member or the RITS Help Desk; ♦ they can be used from virtually any location; ♦ there is no need to develop controls and processes around copying certificates to alternate PCs or sites; and ♦ they are appropriate for Internet access and do not require a secondary verification device (such as an RSA token). Q: If in a contingency situation users need to acquire a new certificate at their back-up site, how long will this take and what impact will this have the Member’s activities? A: In this situation the RITS Help Desk would provide every assistance to users April 2007 13 RITS USER INTERFACE PROJECT: MEMBER INFORMATION PAPER No. 6 requiring a replacement certificate. The issuance procedure is relatively straightforward and can normally be completed quite quickly. How long this process takes in a contingency would depend on the availability of the Member’s authorised signatories and the number of users and organisations affected. In the interim, the RBA would be available to conduct assisted transactions on the user’s behalf. Q: If I have failed to logon successfully I don’t know the reason why it failed and the failure isn’t evident until I have entered all of my personal details - username and password and the token codeword – and pressed Submit. Why I am required to enter all of these details before I find out if I have failed? A: RITS verifies both the RITS account and certificate details but does not indicate which element is invalid so as to not to provide information to potential hackers about where to focus their attentions. This is especially important for access via the internet. RBA CONTACTS If you have any questions about any of the material in this Information Paper, please contact: Business questions Peter Gallagher Senior Manager (Planning & Client Relations), Payments Settlements Telephone: (02) 9551 8941, Email: gallagherp@rba.gov.au Bob Howe Manager (New Projects), (Planning & Client Relations) Payments Settlements Telephone: (02) 9551 8921, Email: howeb@rba.gov.au Technical questions Gary Hill Senior Manager (RTGS Systems), Payments Settlements Telephone: (02) 9551 8981, Email: hillg@rba.gov.au RITS Help Desk Telephone: 1800 659 360 Fax: 02 9551 8063 Email: rits@rba.gov.au April 2007 14