Limn installation and configuration guideline

Limn installation and configuration guideline
System Requirement:
1. Space:
Server packages:
Limn source & classes:
Also you need to think about the folder size to hold source data files and
generated files (index and property files), especially the movie index files (see
“Table for performance of generate movie index files.doc”).
2. Memory:
>480MB for better performance for small source data (<100MB) and short
movie (tourlength <=5);
About 900M for long movie (tourlength > 20).
1. Java sdk, version 1.4.1_02 (the other version may not work well with our
Make sure you already installed “java sdk” in your computer. Usually it is
lacated in C:/ drive (or the other place you refer to). If you didn’t install it
before, please download “j2sdk-1_4_2_04-windows-i586-p”, then install the
develop package by double clicking the file.
2. Download the entire soapServer folder (assuming you download it to
soapServer folder includes all the packages supporting the soap server.
3. Download the entire limn folder (assuming you download it to "~/AAA/");
limn folder includes the limn source codes and complied classes and some shell
script files.
4. Download the following 2 folders to hold the index files for server-end and
serverDataIndex to ~/AAA/serverDataIndex
o you should be able to see “data/”, “index/”, and “basis/” subfolders under it
subserverDataIndex to ~/AAA/subserverDataIndex
o you should be able to see “data/”, “index/” sub-folders under it
o add source data files in the subserverDataIndex/data folder.
1. Edit the ServerProp file (which is in the limn folder you just download).
Open the file and modify the following variables:
1.1. SERVERLIMNHOME = the directory you want to store your server-end
index files
<Example>: SERVERLIMNHOME=~/AAA/serverDataIndex/
1.2. SUBSERVERIP = IP address for the subserver
If there is more than one subserver, use space to separate them
*note: the port number we chose is 8080
<how to find IP address>:
 For Window machine:
o Click “start”, then click “run”;
o Input “cmd” in the “open” box, then click “ok”, which will
bring you a command window;
o Type “ipconfig” in the command window, then click
o Then you should be able to see the IP address for your
For Linux machine:
o Open a terminal;
o Use “/sbin/ifconfig eth0” to check out your IP address
o Then you should be able the see “inet addr”, the numbers
after it is the IP address.
1.3. SUBSERVERNAME = the name of the subserver
<Example>: SUBSERVERNAME = wombat
1.4. RECORD_BASIS_FILE = the directory you want to store your basis files
<Example>: RECORD_BASIS_FILE=~/AAA/serverDataIndex/basis/
1.5. IMAGE = the directory stored image files for movie player
<Example>: IMAGE=~/AAA/limn/image/
1.6. TOURLENGTH = you desired tourlength
*Note: TOURLENGTH is a variable to control the movie length. About
20 movie frames increase for per tourlength increase.
Save the file.
2. Edit the SubserverProp file (which is in limn folder you just download)
Open the file and modify the following variable:
2.1. SUBLIMNHOME=the directory you want to save the index files in
<Example> SUBLIMNHOME=~/AAA/subserverDataIndex/
Save the file.
3. Edit the following script files for Linux machine:
This is the script file in limn folder for generating index files for matrix
and movie. Open the file and modify the following variables:
3.1.1. JAVA_HOME is where you have your jdk
<Example>: JAVA_HOME = ~CCC/j2sdk1.4.1_02
3.1.2. JAVA_OPS is how much virtual memory you would like to give to
your subserver
<Example>: JAVA_OPS=-XMx480M
3.1.3. SOAPSERVER_HOME is where you downloaded the soapServer
<Example>: SOAPSERVER_HOME=~/AAA/soapServer
3.1.4. LIMN_HOME is where you downloaded the limn folder.
<Example>: LIMN_HOME=~/AAA/limn
3.1.5. SUBSERVER_IP is the IP address of the subserver machine.
Save the file
This is the shell script file in limn folder for viewing matrix and movie.
Open the file and modify the following variables:
3.2.1. JAVA_HOME is where you have your jdk
<Example>: JAVA_HOME = ~CCC/j2sdk1.4.1_02
3.2.2. JAVA_OPS is how much virtual memory you would like to give to
your subserver
<Example>: JAVA_OPS=-XMx480M
3.2.3. SOAPSERVER_HOME is where you downloaded the soapServer
<Example>: SOAPSERVER_HOME=~/AAA/soapServer
3.2.4. LIMN_HOME is where you downloaded the limn folder.
<Example>: LIMN_HOME=~/AAA/limn
3.2.5. SUBSERVER_IP is the IP address of the subserver machine.
Save the file
4. Edit the following script files for Window machine:
4.1. startTomcat.cmd:
This is the script file in limn folder for setting classpath and starting
Tomcat server. Open the file and modify the following variables:
4.1.1. JAVA_HOME is where you have your jdk
<Example>: JAVA_HOME = ~CCC/j2sdk1.4.1_02
4.1.2. SOAPSERVER_HOME is where you downloaded the soapServer
<Example>: SOAPSERVER_HOME=~/AAA/soapServer
4.1.3. CLASSPATH: there are several path for CLASSPATH variable,
please read through them and modify them carefully.
4.1.4. CATALINA_HOME points to the jakarta-tomcat-4.1.18 folder
<Example>: CATALINA_HOME = ~/AAA/soapServer/jakartatomcat-4.1.18
Note: jakarta-tomcat-4.1.18 is located in soapServer folder.
4.2. indexGenerate.cmd:
This is the script file in limn folder for generating index files for matrix
and movie. Open the file and modify the following variables:
4.2.1. JAVA_HOME is where you have your jdk
<Example>: JAVA_HOME = ~CCC/j2sdk1.4.1_02
4.2.2. CLASSPATH: there are several path for CLASSPATH variable,
please read through them and modify them carefully.
4.2.3. modify IP address part for register server service statement;
<Example>: if you get the following statement:
%JAVA_HOME%/bin/java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient deploy matrix.xml
Just replace to your IP address
4.2.4. modify java running memory:
<Example> for the statement:
%JAVA_HOME%/bin/java -Xmx300M org.limn.index.server.IndexUI
You can change the 300M to your desired running space.
Save the file
4.3. limnView.cmd:
This is the shell script file in limn folder for viewing matrix and movie.
Open the file and modify the following variables:
4.3.1. JAVA_HOME is where you have your jdk
<Example>: JAVA_HOME = ~CCC/j2sdk1.4.1_02
4.3.2. CLASSPATH: there are several path for CLASSPATH variable,
please read through them and modify them carefully.
4.3.3. modify IP address part for register server service statement;
<Example>: if you get the following statement:
“%JAVA_HOME%/bin/java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient deploy matrix.xml”
Just replace to your IP address
4.3.4. modify java running memory:
<Example> for the statement:
“%JAVA_HOME%/bin/java -Xmx300M org.limn.matrix.client.FileChooser”
You can change the 300M to your desired running space.
Save the file
5. Test Tomcat server: (this step is recommended, but not necessary for running
5.1. For Linux machine:
The 2 script files, and will run the Tomcat
server and deploy the necessary service to it. You can test Tomcat server by run
either of those script files, then open an IE window and type
http://localhost:8080/ in the address bar. If you can see the “Apache Tomcat
Congratulations” page, the tomcat server runs successfully.
5.2. For Window machine:
Run the startTomcat.cmd, then you should be able to see a Tomcat
command window on your computer. Or you can open an IE window and type
http://localhost:8080/ in the address bar. If you can see the “Apache Tomcat
Congratulations” page, the tomcat server runs successfully.
6. Note: If you want to work on more than one subserver, do the above steps for
each subserver. Then you can use any one of them be your server, and others be
the subservers.