Direct Observation of Oil Consumption Mechanisms In a Production Spark Ignition Engine Using Fluorenscence Techniques by Roderick M. Lusted B. A., Chemistry; Saint Olaf College, 1977 Submitted to the Departments of Ocean Engineering and Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of NAVAL ENGINEER and MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology May 1994 © 1994 Roderick M. Lusted. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this document in whole or in part. Signature of Author Department gOcean Engineering May 1990 S•-Th / Certified by Professor, Dr. Alan J. Brown epartment of Ocean Engineering Thesis Reader Certified by Dr. Victor W. Wong Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering Thesis Advisor Accepted by -A. DouglasCICYatchael, Chairman Departmental Committee on Graduate Studies D~"egtment of Ocean Engineering Acepted by A. A. Sonin, Chairman Departmental Committee on Graduate Studies Department of Mechanical Engineering ," SIV I '' -A i This Page Intentionally Blank Direct Observation of Oil Consumption Mechanisms In a Production Spark Ignition Engine Using Fluorescence Techniques by Roderick M. Lusted Submitted to the Departments of Ocean Engineering and Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of NAVAL ENGINEER and MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ABSTRACT The oil consumption characteristics of a four cylinder, normally aspirated spark-ignition engine were investigated for different piston ring end-gap configurations. A radiotracer was used to perform direct measurement of the oil consumption while Laser-induced Fluorescence (LIF) was used to perform the oil film thickness measurements for consumption predictions using the "Puddle Theory of Oil Consumption," which relates oil consumption to second land film thickness and reverse flow through top ring gap. The consumption data was evaluated to determine the impact of top ring end-gap azimuthal location on oil consumption. The film thickness data was used to evaluate the extent to which the Oil Puddle Theory predicts variations seen in the actual oil consumption. A tritium radiotracer oil consumption measurement system with an accuracy of 94.6% was designed and constructed. This was used to perform direct measurements of the test engine oil consumption in two different test matrices. The first evaluated a piston ring configuration with the rings free to rotate. The second evaluated configurations with the top ring and second piston rings pinned to fix the azimuthal location of the end-gap; the azimuth of the top ring was varied. In the second test matrix, the oil film thickness on the piston's second land was measured, and predictions were made on the basis of that measurement. The first test matrix results indicated only a weak speed dependence and a large amount of variability in the oil consumption measurements. The second test matrix results showed an oil consumption speed dependence that was a function of top gap azimuth. Speed normalized results showed that the oil consumption was larger when the end-gap was on the thrust side of the test engine than when on the anti-thrust side. Measured oil consumpti6n differed substantially from that in This was found to be due to difficulties predicted. determining effective ring gap flow areas and due to a previously un-documented azimuthal variation in second land However, analysis of the results also oil film thickness. indicates that the Puddle Theory is still a plausible oil consumption mechanism. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Dr. Victor W. Wong Lecturer, Department Engineering of Mechanical Dedication This thesis is dedicated to the three people who have paid the highest price for its successful completion: my wife, Patricia, and my two sons, Ethan and Kevin. To the three of you, thank you for your unwavering love and support. This Page Intentionally Blank Acknowledgements Dr. Victor Wong, my thesis advisor, has provided a special kind of freedom and support in this project. He has accommodated the idiosyncracies of my Navy schedule with understanding and flexibility. CAPT Alan Brown provided the initial inspiration to begin the project. the' Dana Corporation, provided Fiedler, of Dave inspiration throughout the project with his keen interest and practical advice. Dr. David Hoult provided shrewd experimental insight at several critical junctures in the project. Don Fitzgerald and Brian Corkum each provided practical insight and guidance to overcome many of the technical hurdles. Very few projects would ever "get off the ground" in the Sloan Automotive Engine Laboratory without them. If I had spent more time actively seeking their advise, I would have wasted a lot less time. LCDR Greg Thomas whose personal sacrifice of family time as the Submarine Design Project leader allowed me the flexibility to complete this project. F. D. Tamai and Tian Tian gave selflessly of their time whenever I need their help; you both proved to be "shipmates" in the finest sense of the word! A special thanks to Tian for patching me up when I did foolish things to myself. LT R. B. Lawrence, Janice Dearlove, Mike Norris each provided friendship and encouragement in just the right measure to make the lab a fun and exciting place to work. The U. S. Navy allowed me the "time-off from work" to complete this thesis and the course work that formed the basis for it. To all of you my most sincere gratitude. I wish you all "fair winds and following seas" in what ever endeavors you put your hands and minds to in the future. R. Mark Lusted CDR, USN 6 May 1994 7 This Page Intentionally Blank Table of Contents ABSTRACT Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... Acknowledgements . ................ Table of Contents . ..... . . . . . 5 . . 7 . 9 ............ . . . 3 . . . 11 Chapter 1: Introduction and Background . ....... 1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .......... . 1.2 Mechanisms ..... .. . 1.3 Previous Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 1.4 Objectives . ........ 15 15 18 20 22 . . . 23 23 23 26 32 35 List of Abbreviations . . . . . . . . ... ....... ... . . Chapter 2: Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 General 2.2 Piston Ring End-gap Gas Flow . . . . . . . 2.3 The Puddle Theory of Oil Consumption . . . 2.4 Radiotracer Oil Consumption Measurement . . 2.5 Fluorescence Measurements . . . . . . . . . Chapter 3: Equipment Setup and Instrumentation . . 3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Engine Description . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Laser Induced Fluorescence System (LIF) . 3.4 Radiotracer Oil Consumption System (ROCS) 3.5 Data Acquisition System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 43 43 45 49 52 Chapter 4: Experimental Procedures . ........ . 4.1 General . . . . . ... ............ . 4.2 Water Collection System Design . ...... 4.3 Test Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Engine/Dynamometer Operating Procedures . . . 4.5 Radiotracer Method Validation Procedures . 4.6 LIF/Data Collection System . . . . . . . . . 4.7 Piston Replacement Procedures. . . . . . . . 4.8 Radiotracer Oil Consumption Measurement Procedures . . . ... . . ........ 4.9 Radiological Safety . ............ 53 53 53 58 66 66 67 67 Chapter 5: Results and Discussion of Results . . . . . 5.1 General . . . . ......... ......... . 5.2 Radiotracer Oil Consumption System Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Data Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 70 67 68 70 71 77 5.4 Test Matrix C (Unpinned Rings) Results . . . Test Matrix AZ (Azimuthally Pinned Rings) 5.5 Results . . . . . . . . 5.6 Application of the Shaw . . . . . Consumption . Results 5.7 Discussion of Continuing Investigations . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . Calculations Appendix B: Equipment Appendix C: Operating Procedures and Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix A: 89 94 . . 104 . . 104 . . 104 . . 106 for . . . . . . 107 Conclusions and Recommendations . . . Chapter 6 6.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... .. 6.2 Conclusions . .... . . . . . Analysis. 6.3 Further Study and Observations and Recommendations 6.4 References 78 . . . . . . . . . . . Puddle Theory of Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 114 . . . . 116 S.. 138 . . . . . . 147 . . . . . . ROCS Validation and Evaluation . . . . . . 171 Appendix D: D.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 171 D.2 Error Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . 173 . . . D.3 Performance Optimization 175 Modifications D.4 System Summary and Future S. Appendix E: Oil Consumption Spreadsheets . . . Appendix Basic Routines . . . . Appendix G: Photographs of Piston Deposit Patterr is . . . . . . . . . 178 188 195 List of Abbreviations a Absorptivity (1/[gm*cm]) A Area; used to indicate orifice cross-sectional area in general and the area of the effective oil puddle under the top ring gap (mm12 AP Area of the oil puddle (mm)2 . Aref Reference area in the Shaw Model (mm12 A* Non-dimensionalized oil puddle radius. b optical sample path length (cm). bmep Brake Mean Effective Pressure (kPa). c Speed of sound (m/s) or sample concentration (gm/liter). Cd Coefficient of Drag. D Piston to cylinder wall clearance (mm). DAS Data Acquisition System d, Diameter of the second land (cm or m). f Coefficient of Friction (N/N). g Top piston ring end-gap (mm). hi Initial oil film thickness in the oil puddle (mm). HC Total Unburned Hydrocarbons; normally measured in ppm C,. HCA Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer HDD Heavy Duty Diesels hý Non-dimensionalized Ah. k Proportionality constant for surface tension (N/I [mK] ). Kpa kilo-Pascal LIF Laser Induced Fluorescence System 12 Length of the second land (mm). LDV Light Duty Vehicles LSC Liquid Scintillation Counter m Walther's viscosity correlation negative slope. mV milli-Volt N Walther's viscosity correlation intercept. OC Lubricating Oil Consumption rate; the units vary through out. OU DAS output unit (4.88 mV) P Used in Section 2.5 to mean luminous power of a fluorescence transmitted light; elsewhere, pressure in kPa. PMT Photomultiplier Tube Po Luminous power of a light source. PCV Positive Crankcase Ventillation PM Exhaust Particulate Matter; normally measured in grams. Q Volumetric flow rate of RBB gases through the top ring gap. R,r Oil puddle radius: maximum and general respectively. RBB Reverse Blowby: The gases traveling through the top ring gap into the crown land region. RF Radio Fluorescence. ROCS Radiotracer Oil Consumption System Shaw Model Shaw Puddle Theory of Oil Consumption SI "Spark Ignition" gasoline engine (as opposed to a diesel or "compression ignition".) Ta "Taylor number" =. (J*U)/a Ti Temperature of the second land (oK) To Reference temperature for surface tension (oK) tmx The time duration between top ring transition from the bottom to the top of the ring groove until peak RBB. U Average gas velocity over the oil puddle. v(r) Gas velocity over the oil puddle. WCS Exhaust Water Collection System (a subsystem of the ROCS) WOT Wide Open Throttle z Axial piston coordinate measured down from the crown (mm). GREEK CHARACTERS Ah Change in oil film thickness in the oil puddle under the top ring gap due to oil removed by reverse blowby. factor for gases. SCompressibility e Azimuthal piston coordinate measured form the 13 from of the .,piston (degrees) SWavelength (nm). Low shear dynamic viscosity. ta v Dynamic viscosity of air. Kinematic viscosity (mm2/sec in Walther's equantion; m 2/sec elsewhere). p Density (the specific substance for which it is. used varies throughout the thesis. Po The density of the lubricating oil at a reference temperature. 3 Low shear surface tension. Equivalence ratio ([fuel:air]/[fuel:air]stoich) 14 IntroductiQn and Background Chapter 1: 1.1 Motivation Lubricating oil consumption (OC) in internal combustion engines has historically been of concern from an economic basis; the oil consumed in an hour of operation has to be replaced at some cost and with some impact on engine operating profile. The magnitude of the problem varies from a spark- ignition automobile engine consuming approximately four grams of oil per operating hour (0.43 g/bhp-hr)l to large marine diesels consuming approximately three kilograms of oil per operating hour (0.37 g/bhp-hr)2 . More recently concern has been raised over the part OC plays in engine emissions. Lubricating oil admitted to the combustion chamber contributes to Total Unburned Hydrocarbons (HC) and other gases in engine exhaust streams. In the case of diesel engines, oil consumption has also been found to contribute to exhaust particulate matter (PM). Unburned Hydrocarbons are composed of a variety of polar and non-polar organic compounds ranging from simple alkanes to substituted cyclo-alkenes and aliphatic ketones.3 'Experimentally determined data engine. 2PHONECON for a Chrysler 2.2 liter with Hal Furlucci, Caterpiller, Inc. dtd 11 April 1994. 3Reference Depending 1, pg. 598. on their reactivity, these, compounds contribute to the formation of photochemical smog. Analysis of diesel engine PM indicates that compounds.4 the adsorbed HC contain carcinogenic Growing public concern over the environment has given rise to legislation that provides aggressive emissions standards for such varied: internal combustion engine applications as onroad vehicles (automobiles and trucks) and large ships (both U. S. Navy and civilian) operating within waters Table 1-1 is a contiguous to the United States. listing of some of the standards for Light Duty partial Vehicles (LDV). Table 1-1: Regulatory Standards for HC and PM5 Exhaust CAA Standard CAA Standard Typical Constituent 1996 2003 Emission for (Projected) Light Duty Vehicle HC 0.31 grams/mile 0.125 grams/mile 1.36 grams/mile PM 0.10 grams/mile 0.10 grams/mile 0.3 to 1.07 grams/mile For both HC and PM, current LDV emissions must be reduced significantly to meet even 1996 standards. 4Reference Exhaust catalysis 1, pg. 597. SSection 202, Federal Clean Air Act (CAA) 6Based upon Road Load calculated for an SI powered economy car using Equation 2.18c from Reference 1, exhaust HC concentration of 750 ppm (low end of the expected band) and stoichiometric operation; 95% catalyst efficiency is assumed. 7Reference 1, pg. 626. 16 provides only a partial sollution to the challenge of meeting the current and future HC standards. Typical automotive catalysts operate at a maximum of 95 percent efficiency for oxidation of HC. This indicates that methods must be found to reduce exhaust port HC levels. ('HDD). standards differ Heavy-duty diesel from those applied to LDV's because they are written on a grams per brake Table 1-28 shows the PM standards for horsepower hour basis. HDD by model year. Table 1-2: Regulatory PM Standards for HDD Model Year Standard (g/bhp-hr) 1990 0.60 1991 0.25 1994 0.10 0.05 1996* New urban buses only With the current aggressive standards and the potential for more stringent standards in the future, all potential methods for reducing emissions have to be examined. As engine designs are refined to allow for more efficient fuel combustion, the relative contribution of oil consumption to total hydrocarbon increasingly important. and particulate emissions becomes Tests conducted by Wentworth on a spark ignition engine in 1982 indicate that approximately 30 percent of total HC concentration in a spark ignition engine 8Reference 2, pg. 1. Current HDD emissions exhaust comes from oil consumption.' reduction schemes require the reduction of the lubricating oil To the contribution to exhaust port emissions by 30%.1o extent that lubricating oil plays a part in emissions, it is of benefit to understand the OC mechanisms to allow engine and lubricant designs to include OC in their optimization scheme. 1.2 Mechanisms Lubricating Oil is consumed by an internal combustion engine via three basic paths: a. Valve stem leakage (Overhead), b. Positive Crankcase Vacuum (PCV) flow, and c. Piston ring leakage. Table 1-311 shows the relative contributions of the three sources; the largest contributor is the latter. Table 1-3: Relative Contribution OC Paths Path % of Total (Range Reported) Piston Overhead 15.6 to 55.2 PCV 7.3 to 10.1 Piston Ring Leakage 38.7 to 77.1 ring leakage can 'Reference 3. 10Reference 2, Figure 2. 1 1Reference 4. be broken down into two broad mechanisms: a. Flow past the ring face, and b. Flow through the ring gap. The contribution of the first mechanism is relatively minor; Wahiduzzaman et al. estimated that evaporative consumption of oil on the cylinder wall accounted for between two and five percent of total studies thickness oil consumption'", shown have the that oil film land runs and piston crown consistently dry indicating the inertial introduction of oil The into the combustion process is negligible. dominant mechanism for OC is flow through the compression ring (top ring) end-gap. Shaw advanced the "Puddle Theory of Oil Consumption" (Shaw Model) via flow through the end-gap." The Shaw Model states that the oil admitted to the combustion chamber through the top ring end-gap is governed by the velocity of the reverse blow-by (RBB) gases 14 over the "puddle" of oil under the top ring end-gap (the geometry is shown in Figure 1-1), by the depth of the puddle and by viscosity of the oil in that puddle. the surface tension and The peak RBB velocity is governed by the cylinder pressure profile, the piston geometry 12Reference 5. 3Reference 6. 14Gases flowing from the second land, through the top ring gap and into the crown land area. TOP RING * TOP RING PUDDLE 2nd RING GIAP LANi~Dj 3rd LAND SCALE Figure 1-1: Geometry of the Oil Puddle Model and cylinder geometry. 5s 1.3 Previous Work In 1990 Hartman investigated oil consumption in a single cylinder Kubota diesel engine with unpinned rings"6 ; he found considerable variability in the data. experiments direct designed oil to validate consumption In 1991, Shaw conducted the measurements Puddle and Theory Laser using Induced Fluorescence measurement of oil film thickness on the same 1SReference 7. 1 " Reference 8. 20 single cylinder Kubota engine with pinned rings"7 ; he was able to achieve a reduced variability in the data and an 84 percent correlation between experimentally determined and calculated oil consumption. Figure 1-218 shows a comparison between Hartman's results and those of Shaw. OC: Unpinned Rings vs. Pinned Rings SAE-30 4.9 - Oa 04 1.3 -- 1.2 1.1 131 08- 4.7 0 70a 1- + I I 0 4 0 32 0.1 I 0 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.7 2.5 2.9 CThoLamnd) a Engn•r Pfnned CShaw: 5peed CRPJo + Unrlnned CHartnmrO Figure 1-2 Both the Heywood-Namazian model for gas flow and the Shaw Model initially geometry. 17Reference assume However, a constant factors like end-gap/second bore distortion, 9. 18 Transcription of Figure 4-1, Reference 9. 21 land ring rotation 19 and piston secondary 20 motion are factors that may cause that geometry to vary cycle-to-cycle and within a cycle. 1.4 Objectives The objectives of this research are three fold: a. Establish and validate a reliable method of directly measuring engine oil consumption. Use the above method to observe the effect of top b. ring gap azimuth on oil consumption mechanisms in a production, SI engine. c. Combine the results of Objective b with simultaneous LIF measurements to observe the correlation between Shaw Model predictions of OC via ring-gap and actual OC for different top ring gap orientations. "gReference 10. 2 0Reference 11. Chapter 2: 2.1 Theory General The theory presented in this chapter covers both the basic mechanisms and measurements involved in this project. Additional theories and hypotheses used in the analysis of the experimental results will be presented in Chapter 5. The piston coordinate system used in this paper is shown in Figure 2-1. 2.2 Piston Ring End-gap Gas Flow To predict an engine's it OC, to necessary is Theta calculate the gas velocities in the piston ring reaion. (Front) Namazian and Heywood model for presented a flow the in piston crevice regions21 a gas ring z that uses one-dimensional (z -I- dimension) descriptions of the continuity equation for Figure 2-1: System Pisto n Coordinate each crevice (Figure 2-222 ) and the ring motion. 2 1Reference 7, 2 2Reference 7, Figure 15. pp 10-13. a. Continuity (assuming isothermal conditions): dP)/p m( dt where: ) . (2.1) region index, i = 1 to 5 (See Fig. 2-2), moi is the initial mass in the ith region and Poi is the initial pressure in the ith region. Combustion Chamber Region Rings - - Figure 2-2: b. Plane .A P ng · Piston Ring Crevice Regions 1-D equation of motion for the ring: (2.2) ) =F,+F,+FF,-F, M (_ where the variables are those shown in Figure 2-3. Additionally, flow between regions is described as orficial flow and the mass flow rate is given by: (2.3) fh= fCdAp c where: fCd = 0.6 A is the orfice area p is the gas density c is the speed of sound T1 is the compressiblity factor of the gas. Ff Fp Pressure F1 Friction force Fi Inertia force Fs Oil resistance force Oil film Figure 2-3: Piston Ring Force Diagram force The program described GASFLOW23 above uses with a the Namazian-Heywood cylinder pressure model profile to iteratively calculate the gas flow rates and ring positions for an input engine geometry. The outputs of the program used to predict OC in this study were the top ring gap volume flowrate for reverse blowby and the top ring axial position profile. 2.3 The Puddle Theory of Oil Consumption Shaw hypothesized that, during engine operation, it is primarily the lubricating oil which accumulates on the second land immediately under the top ring gap which contributes to oil consumption. 24 observations This hypothesis is born out in the made by Namazian and Heywood in transparent engine experiments". These indicate that a portion of the second land oil film is blown into the crown land region and the combustion chamber by the reverse blowby (RBB) during a short burst or "jet" of high velocity flow. This high velocity flow coincides with the top ring transition from the bottom of the ring groove to the top of the ring groove and is driven by the change in the sign of the pressure differential between the combustion chamber and the second land during the expansion stroke. "Copyright (C) by Hoult and Company, September 1990. 24Reference 9, Chapter 5. 25Reference 7, pg. 11. 26 Geometry The region of second land oil film effected by the gas flow can be thought of as a semi-circular puddle. The Puddle '2 t ) Piston Dimensions used in Oil Consumption Model. Figure 2-4 Theory geometry is shown in Figure 2-4.26 Where Q is the volume flow rate of the RBB gases, g is the top ring gap, d2 is the piston diameter at the second land, 12 the second land and r is the puddle radius. 26Reference 9, 5-1. is the length of Figure 2-4 shows the limiting puddle size which is used as the reference area The puddle area and reference area are given by (Aref). equations 2.4 and 2.5. = ZZ 2 2 (2.4) and Ae x (12) (2.5) The oil transfered in this process is given by the equation: (2.6) OC pahA, or S OC (2.7) where p is the oil density at the temperature of the second land, Ah is the change in the depth of the oil puddle during the oil transfer and A, is the area of the oil puddle. Shaw non-dimensionalized the puddle area (A*) and the change in puddle depth (h*) as follows27 : A*e= (2 Aref (U2e) 2 27The 20C pChl (2.8) 2 definitions for h* differs between Reference 6 and Reference 9; the definition shown here is that given in Reference 6. 28 and h*where: (2.9) h i is the second land oil film prior to top ring transition. Motive Force The mass fraction of liquid expelled from a tube with gas flowing through it was shown by Taylor to be a function of the viscosity of the liquid, the velocity of the gas and the surface tension of the liquid2 8 . He formed a non-dimensional quantity which will be called the Taylor number in this paper. T. =I(2.10) Treating the second land geometry like a tube terminating in the top and second ring gaps, Shaw used the volume flow rate of the gas through the top ring gap to determine the average gas velocity over the oil puddle as follows. The gas velocity as a function of puddle radius may be expressed: v(Z)- crD where: D is the (2.11) clearance between second land and the liner. The velocity is then radially averaged: 2 8Reference 12, pg. 161. 29 the R- 1 D) dr f2(xID g= (2.12) 2 g/l2 or v= Q R xD (R-g/2) In( g/2 (2.13) R and (2.14) Non-dimensional Parameters Shaw showed empirically that A* and h* are functions of the Taylor number according to the shown relationships below.29 A*=15.28 (Ta) -2/3 (2.15) and i.3 U(t ) Ta4 /(3 412 where: U is (2.16) +0.61 the average gas flow velocity over the puddle, ~a is the dynamic viscosity of the dynamic viscosity of air, .1 29Reference pg. 82. is oil, tmax is the time (in seconds) from top until transition ring maximum RBB, and 12 in the length (z dimension) of the second land. Fluid Properties The physical properties of the lubricating oil used were obtained from the following empirical relationships: a. Density (in kg/m3): (2.17) p=Po-O.63 (T1 -T o ) b. Low shear surface tension (a) (in N/m): a=k(Ti-To) +ao where: T, (2.18) is the second land temperature in degrees K •o is the surface tension at the reference temperature To. k is the surface proportionality tension constant that is lubricant specific. c. Low shear kinematic viscosity (v) (in rmm/sec): logo0 log a0 (v+0. 6) =-mloglo (T2 ) +N where: m and N constants are (2.19) empirically supplied by derived the manufacturer. d. Low shear dynamic viscosity (l): (2.20) P=vp Oil Consumption Using the above relationships, the oil consumption in grams per hour can be calculated: (2.21) OC= (0.03) RPMphh2*AzA* hi where: and Aref are in mm and mm2 respectively, and p is in g/ml. where initial film thickness and must be input from experimentally determined data. Inspection of the above scheme for determining the OC reveals that the calculation is not closed-form: the non- dimensional must parameters and the Taylor number be iteratively calculated to achieve an internally consistent solution. In practice, it is beneficial to determine as many of the physical parameters as possible to limit the degrees of freedom involved in the solution. 2.4 Radiotracer Oil Consumption Measurement In this research, measurement of the actual engine oil consumption is done using a radiotracer technique. technique, lubricating oil is doped 32 through In this a catalytic exchange process where a fraction of the atomic hydrogen in the lubricant sample is exchanged for tritium which is a low energy beta emitter. Lubricant involved in a combustion event in the cylinder is exhausted as water, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, unburned/partially burned hydrocarbons and compounds of in various degrees sulfur of oxidation. If all the compounds in the exhaust are subsequently completely oxidized through catalysis or other means, all exhaust stream constituents will be converted to oxides; the consequence of this fully oxidized state is that all the hydrogen and tritium atoms will be included in the exhaust water. The specific activity of the water can be stoichiometricly related by equation 2.22 to the specific activity of the oil to give the fraction of all engine water that comes from the oil. CH,+( 4 ) (O2 +3.773N 2+ ( 2 )-CO where: 2 )H20+( 4 )N2 (2.22) n is the Hydrogen to Carbon ration for the fuel (typically 1.87 for gasoline) The only non-organic source of exhaust water vapor is the humidity in the air; this can be compensated for by including the air in the calculation. If the fuel and air flow rates and the specific humidity are known, the oil total consumption rate can then be calculated from the stoichiometry of combustion. For a spark ignition engine not operating at a wide open 33 (WOT) throttle condition, = 1) 1 may be assumed. (equivalence ratio, operation stoichiometric This assumption was made for this study and the air flow was not measured. If, however, the engine is not operating at a stoichiometric mixture, the air flow or the equivalence ratio must be known. The chemical equation then becomes: CFl_+ -1+ A] (O2+3.773N2)-*co 2+'H l+3.773( a-) N2 (2.23) 2 As the equivalence ratio decreases, the specific humidity increases in relative importance. calculation The equations used for OC are detailed by Warrick and Dykehouse.30 A typical radiotracer OC calculation can be found in Appendix A. As discussed in Chapter One, soot is a much larger exhaust constituent for diesel engines than for Spark-ignition (SI) engines. Since soot contains a significant fraction of the HC emitted from a diesel engine, it must be taken into account when performing OC measurements on diesels. test engine for this study was a SI engine, Since the it was not necessary to consider soot; however, the measurements and assumptions necessary combustion products 3oReference to account adsorbed 14, Appendix A. on the for lubricating soot particles oil were discussed by Hartman." 2.5 Fluorescence Measurements Since this study and (LIF) Fluorescence makes Radio use of both Fluorescence Laser Induced (RF), it is Some worthwhile to review the fundamentals of fluorescence. chemical species absorb excitation energy (light, ionizing radiation, etc.) and dissipate the absorbed energy by emitting L Chemical sample sample P o P o c a / L- L A .1. 1)iagrani B showing isotropic luminescence produced by ablsorptioi of racdiatio ifrom incident beam of power Po. Radiant power (L) oif IUltIli lcscr"cr is solle friaction of the radiant power absorbed (Po - P). B, ('hangcs ill cnI,'rgy of a chemical species during absorption (A) and r'c(lsnalcI( It''orlllscIli (F). Resonance fluorescence is a special luminescence 1 ""'" Figure 2-5: 31Reference Luminescence Process 8, pg. 11. light.3 2 shows This property is.'called luminescence. that while the incident directional, Figure 2-5 and transmitted light are the emitted light is isotropic; this feature proves useful in some detector geometries. The power of the emitted light (L) is given by: L=k (Po-P) where: (2.24) Po is the incident light power, P is the transmitted light power, k is the proportionality constant related to the quantum efficiency for luminescence of the species. This relationship can be restated substituting the LambertBeer relationship: (2.25) L=kP, (1-10 c) where: a is absorptivity (gm-1 cm- 1) , b is sample path length (cm) and c is sample concentration (gm/liter). Using the first term of the Taylor series expansion of an exponential,' equation 2.25 becomes: 32Reference 15, pg. 606. 36 (2.26) L=2.3kPeabc=k'Peabc where: k' is a proportionality constant modified to include the conversion factor from base 10 to base e. This provides a linear relationship that can be used over a limited range of concentration." The relationship is analytically useful because the emitted light can be measured using a photomultiplier tube (PMT) which generates a current proportional to concentration and/or path length. Luminescence can be broken down into two categories: fluorescence and phosphorescence. The different electron energy state changes involved in luminescence are shown in Figure 2-6. On a basic level, the difference between these two is the relaxation process time constant. Fluorescent processes have a time constant between 109 and 106 sec -I while phosphorescent processes Because of have time constants between 106 the short time constant, and 10-' sec-1 . fluorescence can be thought of as "real time" which is an advantage, but also can present difficulties. The advantage is that it can be used as an in-line, point measurement technique since the response time is 3 "This short; it is perfect for real-time data acquisition demonstrates why fluorimetry must be calibrated close to the path length and concentration measured. T2 VR V0 G Electronic energy-level diagram for a molecule wich ground state (G) and excited singict (S) and triplet (T) states. Radiationless transitions between states are represented by wavy arrows; A is absorption, F is fluorescence, P is phosphorescence, VR is vibrational relaxation. IX is intersystem crossing, and IC is internal convcrsion. (See text for discussion.) Figure 2-6: systems. Electron Transitions for Luminescent Processes The difficulties arise in separating the simultaneous fluorescent contributions of varing species and contribution of the incident light to the signal presented to the PMT. An additional complication luminescence is "quenching." in both types of Quenching refers to the self absorption of the luminescent light by the sample itself. Laser Induced Fluorescence Laser Induced Fluorescence, as used in this application, 38 nm Filton Focusing 442 495 442 He Cd Laser Coupler mn PMT Figure 2-7: Focusing Assembiy and 495 nm Filters LIF Schematic uses visible light (X = 442nm) to stimulate a fluorescent dye at a constant concentration in the lubricating oil to measure the "sample path length" and thereby determine the oil film thickness. Shaw instrumentation gives involved a detailed in this description technique ", of the and Lee provides a detailed description of the specific geometry used in the test engine'". Figure 2-736 shows schematically the 34Reference 9, Appendices A and B. 3SReference 16, pp 13-23. 39 LIF sampling geometry. In practice the incident light and the fluorescent light travel the same optical path through the focusing probe; there is a 53nm difference in the wavelength of the laser and the fluorescent spectral peak of the dye which allows bandpass filtration to be used to eliminate the contribution of the incident light. impact factors Other technique"7 . Among these the are of accuracy PMT power the LIF stability, temperature effects on dye concentration and on quenching, and precision in focussing probe positioning. The impact of all of these factors is that LIF film thickness traces require calibration. LIF calibration uses a salient feature of known measurement on the piston (such as tooling marks or a ring profile) that is observable on the trace. A constant calibration factor is then applied to the entire trace to adjust the feature to the correct dimensional measurement. The calibration features selected for this study were the tooling marks on the piston skirt. Radio Fluorescence The Radiotracer method for determining oil consumption relies on the use of radio fluorescence for determining the concentration of tritium in the oil and water samples. The samples are mixed with a solution containing an excess of a compound that fluoresces when subjected to beta radiation. 36Reference 17, Figure 4. 37Reference 18. The individual fluorescent events (scintillations) are detected in a Liquid Scintillation Counter which reads out in Decays per Minute (dpm). The beta radiation flux (the equivalent of the P0 or incident power) is determined with the species concentration and sample path length (discussed above) held constant. Po is then used to determine the specific activity 38 of the tritium which is measured in dpm per gram of sample. Correctly determining the amount of quenching is crucial in liquid scintillation counting and each sample must be analyzed for absorption at the measured wavelength. Figure 2-8 shows a typical quench curve for tritium analysis. The parameter "tSIE" is a measure of the transmittance (P/Po) of the sample and is dependent on the color and clarity of the sample. The counting efficiency is a measure of the percentage of actual scintillations detected by the liquid scintillation counter. The lower the efficiency the poorer the statistical sample of scintillations and the greater the error in sample activity for a given counting time. the results achieved from highly quenched samples improved by extended counting times. became samples a problem in oil gave counting However, can be In this study, quenching samples. If undiluted, efficiencies of approximately the oil five percent with the corresponding specific activities varying by 38The specific activity is a measure of the tritium concentration; however, it is most convenient to work strictly in specific activity units (dpm/gram or pCi/gram) as long as only one radionuclide is involved. as much as reliability ±100%. of OiT sample dilution the results without improved extending the counting times. Quench Curve 70 150 50 40 "30 20 10 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 CThousands) tSIE Figure 2-8: 2-8: Figure Curve Quench Quench Curve the 0.9 1.1 Chapter 3: Equipment 3.1 Setup and Instrumentation General This section contains a general description of the engine, Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF), radiometric and Data Acquisition (DAS) systems. A detailed equipment breakdown is contained in Appendix B. 3.2 Engine Description The test engine was a production, naturally aspirated Chrysler 2.2 liter, four cylinder engine originally available in the Dodge Daytona. The cylinder head for the engine had been modified to accept piezo-electric pressure transducers for cylinder pressure monitoring. Table 3-1 shows installed engine instrumentation. Table 3-1: Engine Instrumentation TIndication Parameter Temperatures Coolant into Engine Type K Thermocouple Coolant out of Engine Type K Thermocouple Oil Sump Type K Thermocouple Fuel into Throttle Block Type K Thermocouple Intake Air Type K Thermocouple Coolant, Cylinder 2 Type K Thermocouple Liner,. Cylinder 4 Type K Thermocouple Pressures the Engine Instrumentation Table 3-1: Parameter Indication Cylinder #4 Pressure Piezo-electric Transducer w/Charge Amplifier Intake Manifold Mercury Manometer Oil Pump Discharge Gauge Fuel Pump Discharge Gauge Coolant Head Tank Gauge Miscellaneous Shaft Position Optical Encoder Load Strain Gauge Load Cell Speed Magnetic Pulse The exhaust system was modified to allow separate exhaust sampling of cylinder number four. The number four cylinder exhaust line was insulated to reduce heat loss prior to the Water Collection System insulation caused higher (described below) connection; exhaust line temperatures the which required the use of welded flexible fittings instead of the pre-existing brass fittings. Test Matrices D and F (Chapter 4) required that the top and second piston ring end-gaps be pinned to restrict gap azimuthal motion to accomplished with notched rings ±10; and a brass pin radially into the piston ring groove. this was inserted Figures 3-1 and 3-2 show relevant pinning geometries. The engine was further modified by the installation of a quartz window in the number four cylinder wall at the cylinder coordinates z = 40mm and 0 = 900, referenced respectively from the fire deck of the engine and from the forward wrist-pin axis. Lee provides and an excellent discussion of the window Pist on Ring Pin Placer ,ent Scheme S00,600 <pn hole size) (Radla. View) Pin is made of 0.063' brass brazing rod ring groove 4 7- (ring groove (pm length) 0.1450 0.0501 (pin hole depth) Figure 3-1: Pin Schematic installati on in the test engine". Figures 3-240 and 3-34 show the window geometry in detail. 3.3 Laser Induced Fluorescence System (LIF) The LIF system used in this research was the same as that 39Reference 16, pp 13 4 0Reference 16, 4 1Reference - 23. Figure 2-1. 16, Figure 2-2. described by Shaw, Hoult -and Wong42 . It consists of two major subsystems: Ring Notch Scheme Mo -1 k , Figure 3-2: Ring End-gap Notching Scheme a. the excitation subsystem and b. the fluorescence subsystem. The dividing point for the two subsystems is the side of the piston. Excitation Subsystem The excitation subsystem consists of a He-Cd laser radiating at 442 nm, a fiber optic coupling, and a focusing probe. in This subsystem delivers excitation energy to the oil front of the number four cylinder optical window. fluorescent dye4 3 is dissolved in the oil at a concentration of 0.15 grams per liter. 42Reference 43Coumarin Upon excitation, the dye fluoresces 17. 523 available from the Exciton Chemical Company, Inc. 46 CYUNDER I4 WRIST PIN AXIS FLUORESCED u'GhT Figure 3-3: INCIDENT LIUGh Quartz LIF Window (Top View) at a wavelength of 495 nm. Fluorescence Subsystem The fluorescence subsystem consists of the focussing probe (shared with the excitation subsystem), a fiber optic coupling which is coaxial with the excitation fiber optic cable, a high voltage power supply, a focusing/filtration unit, a photomultiplier tube (PMT) and a high gain output amplifier. The LIF system outputs a voltage proportional to the oil film thickness in front of the optical window. As discussed in section 2.5, the output is also affected by laser strength, STROKE = Y" mm mm cER TG I 71 mm XIK I 30RE = ,.5 I Figure 3-4: mm LNER Quartz Window Installation (Side View) PMT high voltage supply and dye foccussing probe position, concentration; output trace calibration is required and is discussed in Chapter 5. A schematic of the LIF system was shown in Figure 2-7. The PMT output is a nano-amp amplification to be usable. amplifier with that requires A high gain, low-noise two-stage a sensitivity accomplish the desired output. 44Reference 8, pg. 53. current of 0.667 V/gA 44 is used to A low pass filter with a cut- off frequency of 100 kHz is used to reduce the system noise. 3.4 Radiotracer Oil Consumption System (ROCS) The radiotracer system is a tritium (3H1) tracer system similar to that reported on by Warrick and Dykehouse4s . Its major components are the Water Collection System (WCS) and Liquid Scintillation Counter (LSC), and the Tracer Oil. Water Collection System The WCS is piped to the number four cylinder exhaust and consists of a quartz glass catalytic oxidation tube mounted in an thermostatically controlled oxidation furnace, a coiled condenser, a sample receiver and an oil-free sample pump. schematic of the WCS system is shown as Figure 3-5. A The piping in the system is either laboratory glass or stainless steel to allow the effective use of heating tape to maintain sample gas temperature. The system requires three stainless steel-to-glass transitions; these are accomplished with graded seals. catalyst A beaded catalyst is used instead of a honeycomb to 45Reference facilitate installation in the furnace 14. tube. Exhaust Water Collection System Connect~on I Vacuum AdapterExa Graded Seal Line Heater Thernccoupte Figure 3-5: Exus Penum Samp• e Co(Lection Flask IHI C WCS Schematic Thermocouples are installed to monitor gas and heating tape 46 temperatures; a variac is supplied for line heat control. Supplemental oxygen is supplied to the system just prior to the furnace entrance. The oxygen line is heated to reduce 46The installed heating tapes are "Fibrox" and a temperature limitation of 4820 C. Several heating tapes must be operated close to the limit to maintain the exhaust gases entering the furnace at as high a temperature as possible (500 0 C would be ideal) and require regular monitoring to prevent burnout. In the future, the system performance may be improved by replacing the Fibrox tapes with Samox tapes (760 0 C limit). This would allow higher operating temperatures and less monitoring. 50 sample cooling by oygen4 7. the A purge valve and an isolation valve are supplied to reduce system stabilization times subsequent to changes in operating conditions. The use of glass in the furnace, condenser and collection flasks visual allows performance48, catalyst monitoring of performance and gross sample engine line contamination. Appendix B contains photographs of various WCS details. Liquid Scintillation Counter (LSC) The LSC system consists of an automatic liquid scintillation analyzer and an analytical balance. The various pieces of volumetric chemistry equipment are discussed in appropriate sampling procedures. Tracer Oil The tracer oil used is SAE-30W. Only a small volume of oil is subjected to the catalytic proton exchange process, but resulting tracer oil has an extremely high specific activity. In order to safely handle the tracer oil, it is subjected to two dilutions. The tracer stock is stored by the Radiation Protection Office. The specific activities of the catalysis 47 If sample cooling occurs prior to the oxidation furnace, the catalyst efficiency falls; if the cooling occurs between the oxidation furnace and the condenser, premature condensation can occur contaminating the sample lines and increasing purge times. 48Gross prbblems in engine operation/performance can be detected by periodically observing the point where bulk oxidation (cherry-red glow) is occurring in the catalyst. Experience showed that during proper operation of the test engine, oxidation started 80% of the way down the furnace tube. 51 sample and the two dilutions are shown in Table 3-3. Table 3-3: 3.5 Tracer Oil Specific Activities Dilution Approximate Specific Activity (PCi/gram) Catalysis Sample 7x10 s Tracer Stock 700 Operating Oil 2 - 5 Data Acquisition System (DAS) An automatic data acquisition system is used to sample the pressure in cylinder number four and LIF system output. The system consists of an IBM 80486 clone with an analogue to digital conversion card. The shaft encoder attached to the forward end of the engine allows 2000 data points to be taken per crank shaft revolution. Data acquisition is clocked by a Top Dead Center (TDC) pulse from the shaft encoder. Each data point consists parameters of sample sets (bursts) of up to four (only the two mentioned above were used in this experiment). 52 Chapter 4: 4.1 Experimental Procedures General This section contains a general description of the test matrix and of the experimental and support procedures used in this study elsewhere. that were not extant in sufficient detail The detailed operating procedures and logs may be found in Appendix C. The areas covered by this chapter are: a. WCS design procedure, b. test matrices, c. radiotracer system validation procedures, d. engine/dynamometer operating procedure, e. LIF/DAS procedure, f. piston exchange procedures and g. 4.2 radiological safety practices and procedures. Water Collection System Design As discussed in Chapter Three, a Radiotracer Oil Consumption System (ROCS) comprises a Water Collection (WCS) subsystem and a Liquid Scintillation Counter (LSC) subsystem. Sloan Automotive Engine Laboratory has access to an adequate LSC at the Radiation Protection Office (RPO), but construction of a WCS was required. The WCS was constructed on a portable lab bench which allowed relatively rapid configuration changes for system evaluation in much the same way that bread-boarding functions in electronic design. Design Objectives: The basic design for the system is that developed by Warrick and Dykehouse4 9 . The specific design objectives imposed by this project are shown in Table 4-1. Table 4-1: WCS Design Objectives Objective Priority Provide Sample Precision of 85% 1 Provide a Maximum Sample Period: 9.4 Minutes/Samples° 2 Minimize Cost 3 Materials: Design proceeded based upon the assumption that it would be unrealistic to perform an independent verification of the oil consumption measurements obtained from the system. For this reason the material selected for the majority of the WCS was various grades of laboratory glass; visual detection of sample line contamination. of the system piping stainless steel to and connections allow minimal was piping this allowed The remainder constructed corrosion of under typical exhaust gas conditions and to provide maximum heat transfer where that was necessary. 49Reference 14. SoThis sample period is based upon achieving 9 samples in a two hour engine operating period (pinned piston ring operating time limit) with a 20 minute engine warm-up period and a total of 15 minutes of stabilization time between engine operating conditions. The implicit assumption of this period is that only steady-state engine conditions (as indicated by temperatures) would be evaluated. Internal Connections: the condenser All ,system internal connections up to assembly were made with metal-to-metal compression fittings to allow operation at and above 6000 Celsius. Since the gas flow path was through three different materials (quartz glass, Pyrex@ glass and stainless steel) it was necessary to accommodate differing thermal expansion coefficients with Kovar-to-glass graded seals. Oxidation: Exhaust gas oxidation was achieved with a single thermostated oxidation furnace with a quartz glass oxidation tube filled with beaded 3-way truck catalyst5 1 . Satisfactory oxidation efficiency was achieved when the exhaust gases are above 5000 Celsius. catalyst and Due to thermal line losses, 80 to 90 percent of the catalyst bed length was used to reheat the exhaust gas to this temperature reducing the length of catalyst bed available for oxidation; heating tapes were added to the sampling lines and to the supplemental oxygen line to reduce the amount of reheating necessary in the oxidation furnace. Flow Control: The number of valves in the flow path was 51The use of this type of catalyst was based upon availability. Beaded catalysts are being phased out in passenger car applications, -but are still available in some truck catalytic converters. Use of a beaded catalyst allows creation of catalysis bed in a variety of geometries without specifically designing the catalyst element to each geometry. Put another way, the catalyst could be poured directly into whatever shape tube the oxidation furnace geometry dictated. 55 minimized to reduce the system head loss. However, it was necessary to provide the following valves for flow control: a. a system isolation valve and b. a condenser purge valve. The system isolation valve became necessary because exhaust a system pressure pulses moved ,exhaust gases through the WCS even when the sample pump (WCS pump) and line heaters were turned off creating a high degree of WCS sample line contamination during such operations as oil flushes and WCS system heatup with the engine operating. The condenser purge valve allows purging the tritiated water from the condenser system with ambient air during changes in engine operating conditions reducing WCS system stabilization times at the new condition.52 Carry-over Control: assembly to WCS Carry-over of liquid from the condenser pump has the following undesirable consequences: a. pump damage, b. reduced sample collection rates and c. increased pump internal contamination levels. 52 The alternative is to allow the condensers to be "purged" with tritiated water vapor at the specific activity of the new operating condition. The difference between these two methods of purging the condensers (although the analogy is rather rough) can be thought of as the difference between a fluid system "drain and fill procedure" and a "feed and bleed procedure". The air purge provides a much faster and more thorough removal of activated sample water from the condenser heat transfer surfaces. High gas velocities in the area of the vacuum adapter initially created a carry-over rate of approximately 75% of the condensate. To prevent this, the vacuum adapter throat was extended by 12 cm (Figure B-1) and a water trap added between the vacuum adapter and the WCS pump. Operating experience shows that the throat extension reduces carry-over to zero percent during normal operation. If, however, the level in the sample flask is allowed to reach the tip of the vacuum adapter throat, splashing of the sample water does create a minor carry-over problem well within the capacity of the water trap. Post WCS Sampling: WCS validation required that a post oxidation furnace total hydrocarbon (HC) sample be taken. The HC analyzer (HCA) used has a low volumetric flow rate pump (HCA pump) which is designed to sample exhaust gas that is supplied at approximately atmospheric pressure. To obtain the WCS sample period required, WCS flow rates are high and the post oxidation furnace pressures are well below atmospheric. The first opportunity in the WCS flow path to effectively 5 3 . To get withdraw a HC sample is at the WCS pump discharge an accurate HC sample it was necessary to provide the system with an "oil-free" vacuum pump. 53Sampling at this point introduces a mole fraction error because the water vapor has been taken out of the exhaust gas. However, this effect can be accounted for stoichiometrically. 57 4.3 Test Matrices The primary objectives of the project, as discussed in One, Chapter were broken down into the following test matrices: Table 4-2: Objectives and Experimental Groups Objective a. OC Measurement Validation b. Direct Observation of the Effect of Ring Gap Azimuth (AZ) on Oil Consumption c. Correlation of Actual and Predicted OC Matrix Test Matrices Designation Condenser Configuration Selection A 02 Flow rate Optimization B Oil Consumption Map (Unpinned Rings) C Radiotracer Measurement Azimuth Variation (Pinned Rings) D Hot Ring Gap Measurement E LIF/DAS Measurement of Cylinder Film Thickness and Pressure F To reduce experimental set up time, matrix A was conducted concurrently with C, and matrix D was conducted concurrently with F (combined designation: AZ). Condenser Configuration Selection: cooling (circulating) water The WCS was provided with connections to the condenser assembly to accommodate two glass condensers. Test Matrix A was designed to select the condenser configuration that gave the highest sample collection rate. The parameters on which the condenser assembly has an impact are: Three a. the sample gas flow rate (head loss) and b. the total heat transfer surface. condenser types were evaluated both singly and combination: a. coiled, b. Allihn bulb and c. Friedrichs. Matrix A is shown in Table 3-3: Table 4-3: Test Matrix A Parameter Value or Condition Engine Speed 2000 and 3000 rpm BMEP 345 kPa Condenser Configurations A Friedrichs B Allihn bulb C Coiled D Friedrichs and Allihn Bulb E Friedrichs and Coiled Each configuration was evaluated on the following points: a. steady-state sample rate (ml/min), b. initial sample response time (min) and c. purge time. in Optimum Oz efficiency Flow in Rate: Typical an automobile catalyst HC exhaust system is oxidation 95%."4 about To improve the efficiency of the catalyst bed of the WCS, supplemental oxygen is introduced to the exhaust gas sample just prior to the oxidation furnace. The supplemental oxygen also has undesirable effects on the sampling process, For the purposes of this discussion, volume flow rate; any oxygen displaces exhaust gas sample. though. the WCS has a constant introduced Furthermore, to the system because of safety and geometry consideration, there is only a certain amount of preheat that introduction, can so it be applied to the oxygen to tends to cool the sample thus reducing the efficiency of the catalyst as discussed above. the optimum oxygen prior flow rate, the catalytic To evaluate efficiency was evaluated using a HC analyzer at several 02 rates. Table 3-4 shows the test matrix used. Table 4-4: Test Matrix B Parameter Value or Condition Engine Speed (rpm) 2500 BMEP (kPa) 480 Lubricant Condition SAE 30W / Untritiated 02 Flow Rate (cc/min) Furnace Conditions* 0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 Bypass and Non-bypass The two furnace conditions allow measuring the catalyst efficiency. 5 4Reference 1, pg. 651. 60 Test Engine establish Oil the Consumption Map: normal characteristics of the (test test It was stand) engine desirable oil prior to consumption to alterations of the piston ring configurations. beginning In addition, this test matrix provided an opportunity to meet two other operational objectives concurrently: a. to evaluate measurement the radiotracer processes for sampling systemic errors and and effect corrections and b. to allow the engine operators to gain experience with engine and dynamometer parametric response in a broad range of operating conditions. Table 4-5 shows Test Matrix C: Table 4-5: Test Matrix C Parameter Value or Condition Engine Speed (rpm) 1500", 2000, 2500, 3000, 350056 BMEP (kPa) 345, 520, 760 Lubricant Condition SAE 30W / Tritiated Ring Tensions (N) Top 22.24 (diametral) Second 20.90 (diametral) 55Operation at this speed was considered unsatisfactory because of large load cell oscillation that could not be filtered out with the loadcell conditioner; this engine speed was subsequently deleted from the test matrix. s6 The first test point at 3500 rpm (bmep = 400kPa) caused the dynamometer motor-generator set output breaker to trip; the exact cause of the fault was not determined, but the engine operating speed was deleted from the test matrix. Table 4-5': Test Matrix C Parameter Value or Condition Oil Control 40.47 (tangential) Direct Observation of Ring Gap AZ Effect on OC: This test matrix pinned the top and second piston rings in cylinder number four. The second ring was pinned with the gap in the manufacturer's recommended position. The top piston ring was Ring End-Gap Locations (Piston Plan View) __ý-*hSet Let Set atecaef3dd Poof Sot 3dSt Second FTwoor Fo ToO Rlng Too Ring Figure 4-1: Ring NPoUm) Second Ring Top Ring Gap Locations pinned with the gap in four different locations. shows f@ AUSet iwo schematically the location of the Figure 4-1 cylinder compression .rings in the four configurations used. four To reduce piston-change times, four different pistons/connecting rod sets were used, one for each configuration. 62 The disadvantage of this approach is the slight variations in piston/connecting rod dimensions that may be introduced. Table 4-6: Test Matrix D Parameter Value or Condition Engine Speed (rpm) 2000, 2500, 3000 BMEP (kPa) 5 400 (Not used for control)" Intake Manifold Vacuum (inches of Hg) 10 Lubricant Condition SAE 30w / Tritiated Piston Ring Data Gap 0 coordinate (degrees) Ring Top 225 81 297 153 Second 45 45 45 45 Data Set Designation AZ1/AZ5 * (Set 1) AZ2/AZ6 * (Set 2) AZ3 AZ4 (Set 3) (Set 4) Top Ring Tension 26.6 (Diametral) (N) Second Ring Tension 29.4 (Diametral) (N) Oil Control Ring Tension (N) 77.8 (Tangential) Due to inadequacies of the first set of data taken, AZ1 and AZ2 had to be repeated. The initial intent of this matrix was to maintain the same engine hardware as that used in Test Matrix C so that the oil consumption numbers could be compared on a magnitude basis. 57 was found that it was easier to do one-man testing using manifold vacuum instead load cell readings because of indication stabilization times. Although this might appear a major departure from earlier testing, it was found that BMEP's varied little between speeds for a given manifold vacuum since all the engine operating conditions are below the speed for peak torque. It However, inadvertently piston ring packs with different tensions were used5 8 making such a comparison impossible. -GAP- pth n i tr iP P to i GAP n uson ro Figure 4-2: Hot Gap Roll-pin Configuration Hot Ring Gap Measurement: As discussed in Chapter Two, to predict OC using GASFLOW and the Shaw Model, it is necessary to perform iterative calculations to obtain solution closure. Cherry discussed a method for calibrating GASFLOW to a given engine.5 9 The method uses adjustments in compression ratio, second land dimensions (thermal effects) and ring gaps to match peak pressure, second land pressure and average blowby ssIt should be noted that each test matrix is internally consistent, so oil consumption magnitudes can be compared within a test matrix. 59Reference 19, section 5.4. to of measured values. five percent within Because of geometric constraints in access to the number four cylinder liner on the test engine, no measurement of second land To overcome this difficulty, one of pressure was possible. the geometric degrees of freedom was constrained by measuring the piston ring gap at operating conditions. This is done by drilling a hole into the end of the ring and inserting a rollpin into the hole with the pin end protruding into the gap. The hole is deeper than the length of the pin. This allows the pin to be forced into the gap by the other end of the ring as the gap closes due to thermal expansion during engine operation. The geometry of this arrangement is shown in Figure 4-2. The hot ring gap matrix is shown in Table 4-7. Table 4-7: Test Matrix E Parameter Value or Condition Engine Speed (rpm) 2500 BMEP (psi) As necessary to achieve desired liner temperature Liner Temperature (OC) 108, 115, 124 Lubricant Condition SAE 30W / Untritiated Cylinder Oil Film Thickness and Pressure Measurements: The dynamic are inputs used by the Shaw Model to predict OC average second land oil film thickness and cylinder pressure. These are measured for cylinder number four only using the Laser Induced transducer Fluorescence and Data System, the Acquisition System cylinder pressure described in the The actual test conditions used for this previous chapter. matrix are the same as those for Matrix D making Test simultaneous measurement possible.60 4.4 Engine/Dynamometer Operating Procedures: The test engine and dynamometer were operated manually according to the test procedures included as Enclosures 1 and 2 to Appendix C. The safety procedures used were in accordance with applicable Sloan Automotive Engine Laboratory safety instructions. Where simultaneous and radiotracer DAS data was collected two operators were used. 4.5 Radiotracer Method Validation Procedures: Since no external standard could be used to independently measure the oil consumption of the test engine and thereby providing explicit validation of the Radiotracer Oil Consumption System (ROCS), it was necessary to validate the ROCS implicitly by showing that the system efficiently oxidized all hydrogenated compounds sources to water and by analyzing the of error. (described above) discharge. 6"Initial This and procedure measured the system for other used HC in Test the Matrix WCS B pump Concern that the laboratory's only HCA not become matrix planning did not call for LIF data to be taken for in the ring gap azimuth matrices. However, preliminary results from ring configurations AZI and AZ2 indicated that film thickness measurements would be required. The LIF system was subsequently hooked up to the test engine and AZ1 and AZ2 configurations repeated under the designations of AZ5 and AZ6 respectively. radioactively contaminated, required that the validation be completed prior to putting tritiated oil in the test engine. 61 4.6 LIF/Data Collection System: The operating procedure for the LIF system is described in adequate detail by Deutch62 and Lee63 4.7 Piston Replacement Procedures: This project required multiple piston replacements; most of the replacements were done on radiologically contaminated components. Each replacement procedure was carried out according to the test engine maintenance manual. To allow greater speed in completing the replacements, and to prevent errors a detailed procedure/check-off list was used. This procedure is included in Appendix C as Enclosure 3. 4.8 Radiotracer Oil Consumption Measurement Procedures: The procedures for determining oil consumption rates using the ROCS are included in Appendix C as Enclosures 4, 5, 6, and 7. It is important to note that volumetric measures are not used 6 1Revalidation may be performed in the future, but should only be accomplished after the engine oil system has been flushed adequately to produce exhaust water samples that fall below the RPO's limit for free release. If revalidation is accomplished, it is recommended- that the operation of the catalyst be checked concurrently and fresh catalyst added as needed. 62Reference 20, section 2.4. 63Reference 16, pg. 24. for quantities under 50 ml., This is particularly critical in performing specific activity measurements on the tracer oil since the oil measurement. is viscous and provides poor volumetric The large volume dilutions used are specifically designed to allow solvation of the oil in a non-viscous, nonpolar solvent in volumes that allow reasonably accurate volumetric measures to be made. All water and oil samples have to be prepared for counting in the LSC by mixing approximately 1 ml of each sample with 10 ml of a fluorescing solution. Experience has shown that even the use of a micro-pipet introduces as much as four percent error; therefore, it recommended that LSC sample size be determined exclusively by gravimetric measurements done on an analytical balance. 4.9 Radiological Safety: Tritium (3HI) is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen with a 12.6 year half-life. It emits a low energy (18.6 keV) beta particle that poses a health threat only when inhaled, ingested or absorbed into the body. an ideal tracer isotope for organic compounds It is because it freely exchanges with 1H, in normal chemical equilibria and the difference between the isotopes is transparent to chemical processes. The normal equilibrium exchange of hydrogen isotopes can be accelerated through the use of catalysis to produce highly concentrated tracer liquids and gases. Although this project used such a tracer, it was in the form of a viscous, non-polar liquid, that provided little potential for absorption if handled with the appropriate precautions. Of greater concern is the tritiated water exhausted by the engine. lungs Water vapor is readily absorbed through the skin and and therefore poses a much personnel internal contamination. contamination, personnel the greater potential for To minimize the risk of following radiological precautions were taken: iý Radiological Precautions' Table 4-8: Personnel Training 2 hour course given by RPO Wipe Survey of Test Cell Weekly Personnel Urine Sample Monthly During Operation: Latex Gloves During Maintenance: Coveralls and Latex Gloves Protective Clothing Surface Decontamination Spot decontamination based upon wipe surveys Engine Internal Decontamination Pre-maintenance flush procedure Retained in test cell radwaste storage area for RPO pickup. Waste Disposal Prior to the initial introduction of tritium into the test cell, the RPO evaluated the flow rate through the exhaust trench exhaust as providing water based adequate upon dispersal estimated ventilation flow rates. 69 oil of the tritiated consumption and Chapter 5: 5.1 Results and Discussion of Results General This chapter presents the results of the radiotracer measurement of Fluorescence oil consumption and the Laser Induced (LIF) and pressure data acquired during Test Matrix AZ (Test Matrices D and F combined). In addition, the LIF and pressure data are used to predict oil consumption using the Shaw Model; the oil consumption predicted by the model are compared to the radiotracer results. discussion of data reduction is included A preliminary to provide a background for the interpretation of the results included at the end of the chapter. 5.2 Radiotracer Oil Consumption System Evaluation The details of the Radiotracer Oil Consumption System (ROCS) testing and evaluation are contained in Appendix D. Table 5-1 summarizes the performance evaluation of the system. The ROCS met all the design goals and was considered satisfactory for the continuation of the test matrices. Table 5-1: ROCS Performance Evaluation Criteria Goal Actual Sample Period (min) 9.4 7.7 Error (%) 15 5.4 70 5.3 Data Reduction The data reduction can be divided into two major categories: a. oil consumption measurements, and b. Data Acquisition System (DAS) output. The DAS output can be further broken down into cylinder pressure data and oil film thickness data. Oil Consumption Measurements: The methodology used for computation of test engine oil consumption is discussed at length by Warrick and Dykehouse64 . A detailed example of the calculation is corresponds to Sample 1 of included included as Appendix E. calculations has archival been in Appendix A; this calculation the data reduction spreadsheet All the raw data transcribed into used Appendix in E. the An copy of the original logs has been given to the supervisor of this thesis. Data Acquisition System Output: The Data Acquisition System output files contain discretized cylinder pressure and film thickness signals in ASCII format. digitizes voltages by allowing 4096 bits selected. The (212) DAS reads and for the range The range used in this project was ±10 volts; the size of a DaS output unit (OU) is therefore: 64Reference 14. 71 OU= 204OOmV 2 4 .88mV (6.1) The DAS samples data over a multi-cycle period (10 cycles in this case); this allows the creation of intermediate files containing either multi-cycle averaged data or single-cycle raw data. The multi-cycle data reduces random noise in the resulting pressure and LIF traces. The single-cycle data avoids the loss of resolution resulting from cycle averaging and can be used for the calibration of LIF traces. The intermediate files are created using DATAVG, an executable data averaging code written by Shaw. After the creation of the intermediate files, the pressure and oil film thickness data are processed differently to provide data files that can be used in GASFLOW and the Shaw Model. All computer routines used in the following discussion were written by the author routines is included in BASIC. Appendix F; as The text of the actual these routines themselves can be found on the thesis data disc under the directory labeled "Basic". Cylinder Pressure Data: The signal sent from the pressure transducer charge amplifier is a voltage proportional to the cylinder pressure. The calibration constant for the entire" is critical that the pressure transducer, transducer lead and charge amplifier be used as a complete set after calibration is conducted. Substitution of a new component invalidates the calibration. 65It pressure signal path is determined by using a hydrostatic pressure calibration device as excitation and a high-input impedance voltmeter to read the charge amplifier output. Table 5-2 shows the specific calibration constants. Table 5-2: Pressure Transducer Calibration Constants I Units Constant psi/mV 0.14646 kPa/Mv 1.009854 bar/V 9.9718 All the output files in this project use the units of kiloPascals (kPa). The pressure profiles generated for GASFLOW supply pressure data at two crank angle degree increments. The pressure signal conditioning is done by the routine titled PRESSURE. Because cylinder pressure is the driving force behind oil consumption in the Shaw Model, the raw pressure data was analyzed for the cycle-to-cycle variation in peak pressure magnitude. This analysis was performed using a simple maxima detector in the routine PRESPEAK. Oil Film Thickness Data: The signal sent from the photomultiplier tube of the LIF system to the DAS is a voltage proportional 66 to the volume66 of the oil illuminated by the With a constant illumination beam geometry, this volume is proportional to film thickness as discussed in Chapter 2. focusing probe. For the reasons discussed in Chapter 2, it is not possible to determine a fixed calibration constant for the conversion of DAS output units to film thickness; instead, it necessary to conduct a calibration evaluation of each series6 7 of LIF traces. Film Thickness Calibration: The primary method of calibration was conducted by matching a piston skirt profile to portions of that profile observable in the LIF trace. The calibration constant for a given set of traces is the factor that must be applied to the LIF trace to match the amplitude of the skirt trace. For this project, the skirt profiles were measured on a Dektak 8000 surface profile measuring system. The linear resolution of this system far exceeds the requirements of this project (360 data points per millimeter) so it was possible to sample the raw profile data at the same linear spacing as the DAS output file 68 (a maximum resolution of about 72 data points per millimeter). Theoretically, the portion of the piston skirt directly in front of the optical window (z=40) when the piston passes through top center should have given the best linear resolution because of the low 67 A series of LIF data is considered to be all the data taken for a given piston ring configuration. As a practical matter, a calibration can be considered good for all data taken between the time the LIF system is completely warmed up (as indicated by a stable laser output power) and when the system is powered down. Ensuring that the focusing probe is tightened sufficiently in its mount to prevent a shift in focus is critical. 68The linear (z dimension) spacing of individual data points in the DAS output file is a cosine function since the data are obtained at a constant crank angle spacing. piston speed. In practice,: the portion of the LIF profile immediately under the oil control ring (z = 27 mm) provided the best features for profile matching because the piston is fully flooded with oil at that point and because this tends to be the lowest wear part of the skirt. In the set of data designated AZ3 the LIF system was not . properly focused. Typical LIF Trace (Compression and Power Strokes) 120 0uC, o .-- 0 E 40 250 450 300 Degrees ATC, Exhaust Figure 5-1: The result Typical LIF Trace was a low resolution 69Proper trace that provided focusing consists of adjusting the focusing probe's location in its threaded mounting hole to achieve the maximum PMT output voltage for a motoring engine. It was discovered after the completion of AZ3 that this had not been done properly. Time limitations on pinned ring operation (2 hrs per set of rings) had already been exceeded on the AZ3 rings so no further tests were possible; it was hoped that normal calibration would correct the problem. 75 insufficient skirt features calibration. An alternative calibration of AZ3 traces. trace for ±600 of Several salient for accurate profile matching was used for the Figure 5-1 shows a typical LIF Top Center features method (TC) of the power stroke. are visible in each trace; two features were of special interest in finding an alternative means of trace calibration. The first was the oil film under the lower oil control rail; the second was the trace peak under the oil control ring. It was observed on the three properly focused data series (AZ4, AZ5 and AZ6) that the calibrated oil film under the lower oil control rail was of the same thickness for data sets that were obtained at the same speed (the load was held constant for all sets in the AZ Matrix). It was also noted that the trace peak was of roughly the same size in all the traces performed at the same speed. Since the only difference in the traces was the azimuthal location of the top ring gap, the above observation made physical sense also. Therefore, the AZ3 series was calibrated by matching the oil film thickness under the lower oil control rail for the data sets taken at 2000 rpm; the trace peak size was used as a second check on the validity of the method. The combined surface profile and LIF trace files used for calibration-were created with a routine called PROMATCH; the calibrated traces used for further analysis were created with the routine called LIF. 76 5.4 Test Matrix C (Unpinned Rings) Results Test Matrix C was conducted with unpinned piston rings in all cylinders. It resulted in an oil consumption map for the test engine. Figure 5-2 is a scatter plot of the Matrix C data taken at a bmep of 345 kPa. The most noteworthy feature of this graph is the large amount of scatter at 2000 rpm. The Oi I Consumption vs. Engine Speed Unpinned Rings O0 n~m[ 0 oI I I 1.9 I l 2.1 I 2.3 I 2.5 I I I 2.7 I I I I I 2.9 3.1 3.3 CThousands) rpm Figure 5-2: Matrix C Scatter Plot (bmep = 50 psi) increased number of data points at 2000 rpm was the result of an effort tG determine if error; the scatter was due to experimental review of the procedures indicates that the data is accurate. 77 5.5 Test Matrix AZ (Azimuthally" Pinned Rings) Results Test thickness Matrix AZ measured and pressure oil oil film matrix was consumption, simultaneously. The originally designed without the use of LIF and with only the first four series planned. However, prior to conducting AZ3, the results of AZ1 became available and indicated that AZ1 and AZ2 should be rerun with LIF installed. Therefore, AZ1 and AZ2 lack oil film thickness data; but the ring configurations were rerun with LIF under the designation of AZ5 and AZ6 respectively. thesis data The raw DAS data files are contained on the disk AZ2DATA, ... etc. under the directories titled AZ1DATA, The intermediate data files are contained under the directories titled 1DATOUT, 2DATOUT, ... etc.7 1 Oil Consumption Results: The oil consumption measurements in Test Matrix AZ were taken with strict accounting of the sample times. Figures 5-3 through 5-8 show oil consumption plotted against median sample time referenced to engine start time; engine speed for each datapoint is indicated above the point. In most cases the first sample after changing engine speed appears to be a transition sample with an oil consumption rate between the values of the two operating conditions. 70Referenced to the front of the engine and measured counterclockwise around the circumference. 71 The data locations are listed here so that should questions arise as to the validity of a given analysis, the data is available for re-analysis. 27 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2 1.8 1 1.7 0 1.5 14 1.3 12 1.1 0.8 0.7 Engon Fiur 5-: Figure 5-3: OC vs ie · OC vs. Time: OpCeratrng Trwe CmirO 025 AZ1 (0=225) Engine Operating Time CmTrO Figure 5-4: OC vs. Time: AZ2 2.3 19 1.8 1.7 S18 1.5 O 1.4 1 3 - 8 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.9 0.7 0. - 05 - 0 .4 - 8 1 10 I 30 I 50 I 70 Engino Operating Time CmrTn Figure 5-5: OC vs. Time: AZ3 I I 90 Engine Operating Trine Cmrnt I~· Figure 5-6: OC vs Time: AZ4 1.5 1.4 1.3 12 11 I1- 0. 7 O 8 051 0.4 I 10 30 I 50 I 70 I 90 Engine Operating Trme Cmrn) Figure 5 -7 : OC vs. Time: AZ5 I I 110 I I 130 24 2.3 2.2 2.1 2 1.9 17 1.4 1,3 1.2 11 09 0.8 07 0.5 0.5 0.4 M1nutes of Engire OperatTon Figure 5--8: OC vs. Time: AZ6 OC vs Top Ring Azimuth AZ3, AZ4, AZ2, AZ5 2. -1 az3 2 1.9 18 17 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 3 811 I 0.9 0.8 az2 a.3 0.7 0.5 4 =z2 0.5 .. 1 A .434 l l 50 I 120 I 10 Azfmuth 0 Figure 5-9: 2000 rpm + I 200 240 Thesta degeee) 2500 rpm Average OC vs. Azimuth 3000 rpm The average oil consumption7 2 dependence on top ring gap speed on and azimuth is Figures in shown 5-9 and 5-10 respectively. 01 1 Consumption vs. RPM AZ Srre 2.8 C~ump N par) 2.8 2.4 2.2 2 1.5 8 1.4 1.2 I 08 0B S4 0 Figure 5-10: 3000 2500 2000 alz + az2 EngIne Speed * az3 A Crpm) az4 X az5 V azS Average Oil Consumption vs. Engine Speed Series AZ1 and AZ6 demonstrated unusual behavior at 2500 rpm; the ring configurations for these series were the same as those for AZ5 and AZ2 respectively. Figures 5-11 and 5-12 show the oil consumption plotted against engine speed for both ring configurations. 72Average computed without the "transition" points. 01 OConsumption vs. Azi&AZS Cbm RPM 5sa p;e 2.9 2.8 2.4 2.2 2 a 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.2 08 04 Eng no 0 azI + Crpno =a5 0 Figure 5-11: OC vs. Time: Figure 5-12: OC vs. Engine Speed (Top Gap @ Ring Gap @ 9=-225 84 ) Pressure Results: The .raw cylinder pressure analyzed over nine cycles for pressure peaks. data was Each data set analyzed was then evaluated for the standard deviation of the peak pressures; the results of this analysis are shown with error bars in Figure 5-13. behaved except at AZ5, The peak pressures appear well 2500 rpm. This appears to be a significant outlier, although no unusual results were noted in the oil consumption. ^^~^ 3000 az5 az3 az4 az3 az4 az6 T 2500 2500 rpm 02 = 2000 2000 3000 rpm rpm iý 1~uu 0 10 5 15 20 Data Set (Groups of 2000, 2500, 3000 rpm) Figure 5-13: Cycle Averaged Peak Pressures. Oil Film Thickness Results: Figures 5-14 through 5-17 show the results of the oil film thickness analysis for the second land on the power stroke. (from 100 ATC Figure 5-14 is an expanded view (Power) to 600 ATC (Power) to show the second land traces in perspective. 85 100 50 400 390 410 - 2nd Land 420 Degrees ATC, Exhaust Figure 5-14: I Oil Film Thicknesses, AZ3(8=297 0 ) 50 5, 40 c, 30 (n r 20 E LE S10 ,0 .410 412 414 416 418 420 Degrees ATC, Exhaust Figure 5-15: 2nd Land Oil Film Thickness, AZ4(0=1530) I 10 n 410 412 414 416 420 418 Degrees ATC, Exhaust Figure 5-16: 2nd Land Oil Film Thickness, AZ5(9=225 0) 50 40 n C 0 E (n (, 30 a, C S20 E S 10 0 -410 412 414 416 418 420 Degrees ATC, Exhaust Figure 5-17: 2nd Land Oil Film Thickness, AZ6 (=81 87 0) The oil film thicknesses was averaged over the second land. i3 18 17 1i 14 13 12 11 10 * 7 ,IL a 5 4 3 2 1 0 2000 2500 AZM I Figure 5-18: z4 E az5 3000 azSSo Average 2nd Land Oil Film Thickness Figure 5-18 summarizes these results. Test Matrix E Results: The piston ring end-gap that exists at operating temperatures was measured using rings prepared73 as described in Chapter 3. The specially rings were installed under controlled conditions to prevent impacting the 73The rings were prepared by the Perfect Circle division of the Dana Corporation. roll-pin during the use of' a ring compressor.7 4 After ring installation, the engine was operated at sufficient load to bring the temperatures into the operating band. After temperatures had stabilized, the rings were removed and the exposed length of roll-pin measured using microscope calibrated to 0.0001 inches. a traveling Table 5-4 shows the change in the gap size from hot to cold. Table 5-4: Gap Size Change During Engine Operation (Nominal Liner Temperature: 116 0 C) Ring Change (mm) Top 0.20 2nd 0.16 This information allows a reasonable estimate of the hot ring gap of any set of rings used in the test engine if the cold gap of those rings is known. 5.6 Application of the Shaw Puddle Theory of Oil Consumption General: The Shaw Puddle Theory of Oil Consumption has two distinct parts. The first is the gas flow prediction using the Namazian/Heywood Model as implemented in the program GASFLOW; the second part uses the reverse blowby (RBB)75with 74It was determined that 25 lb-in. was sufficient torque on the ring compressor to allow piston installation with out compressing the pin. This was done by incrementally tightening the compressor until the piston would go into the cylinder, and then removing the piston to check the pin length. The piston was then re-installed using the same torque on the ring compressor. 75Calculated in GASFLOW. the film thickness measue.ed to experimentally compute a predicted oil consumption. the difficulties One of Calibration of GASFLOW: in employing the Shaw Model is "calibrating" the Namazian/Heywood Model to the particular test engine to which it is applied. Shaw extended Cherry's work on the calibration of GASFLOW with a detailed procedure that included the use of the cylinder pressure, second land pressure and blowby to allow "tuning" the hot engine results.76 geometry This in the model project did not to produce correct provide second land pressures because of the geometric limitations of the test engine; blowby was only measured on test series AZ1 (0=2250) and AZ6 (0=810) limitations. because of equipment and scheduling However, the Test Matrix E measured the hot piston gap, so some of the pertinent hot engine geometry was available to limit the number of geometric variables to the piston-cylinder clearance. The initially, piston-cylinder clearance (clearance) was adjusted in an attempt to match the AZ1 blowby. It was not possible to match blowby without opening the ring gaps and then the volume flowrates produced oil consumption rates two orders of magnitude larger than those measured. GASFLOW was Finally, "calibrated" to the measured OC in AZ5 at 2000 rpm; the calculation necessary for this procedure is included in Appendix A. The rationale behind such a "back-calibration" 76 Reference 19, pg. 61. 90 is that Shaw derived empirically based. s.veral relationships that were It might reasonably be assumed that there were perhaps some engine-specific relationships impacting his relationships for A* and h* (Equations 2.15 and 2.16). It should be noted when reviewing the results that the final blowby rate achieved through the manipulation of GASFLOW was only 50% of that measured in AZ1 and approximately 25% of that measured in AZ6. In addition, to achieve the required velocity, it was necessary to open the second ring gap to several times the gap actually existing in the engine; the top ring end-gap was maintained at the size measured in Test Matrix E. Shaw Model Results: Each data set was analyzed with GASFLOW using the peak pressures reported above and obtained in the GASFLOW calibration. were then input into the the geometry The output geometries Shaw Model. The resulting oil consumption predictions are shown in Figure 5-19 with the corresponding measured results. Equation 2.21 states that oil consumption is proportional to engine speed. If oil consumption is discussed on a "per unit time" basis, the engine speed effect tends to mask other relationships like initial film thickness and Taylor number dependency. on a Therefore it is useful to discuss oil consumption "per cycle" relationships. basis; this tends The discussion of oil 91 to unmask the other consumption will be shifted to the per cycle 'basis for the remainder of the chapter for this reason. I Predicted vs. Measured OC Cconsumptron per Cycle) 13 12 1. 11 0.1 13.09 0 08 1007 0.08 D13.05 0.04 0. 02 0.01 0 M Figure 5-19: RE Wedrcted OC M Mumured OC Shaw Model Predictions of Oil Consumption Predicted vs. Measured OC CCorralatfon Coeff = 0 10) 0.034 - 0.032 0 03 0.028 - 0.026 -0 0 024 0.022 C. 02 - 0 0018 - 0. 015 0.014 0.012 D001 0 0i. [ 0 0 008 - 0.008 0.0040 0 I 0.02 I II 0.04 0.0 D0.0DB Masured OC (C/cycles) Figure 5-20: Predicted vs. Measured Oil Consumption 5.7 Discussion of Results.' Correlation between Consumption: Predicted and Experimental Oil Figure 5-20 shows the predicted OC plotted against the actual OC. The coefficient of correlation between the two is only 0.10.77 indicates that while Review of Figure 5-19 for trends the measured oil consumption relatively well behaved, the predicted values are not. is There are several possible explanations for this. a. Piston Secondary Motion, b. increased flow resistance along the second land, and c. oil film thickness azimuthal variation. To allow evaluation of these effects, it is useful to consider different azimuthal references. Table 5-5 shows three sets of translated coordinates: Table 5-5: Alternative Azimuthal Coordinates Ref. to: Front of Engine Coord: e Ref. to: 8=2700 8, Ref. to: LIF Window ,w Ref. to: 2nd Ring Gap 8, AZ1/AZ5 225 45 135 180 AZ2/AZ6 81 189 9 36 AZ3 297 27 153 108 AZ4 153 117 63 108 8 is drawn through 360 degrees counter-clockwise, all the 77Post analysis of Shaw's results indicates that he obtained approximately an 84% correlation. other coordinate systems are drawn through 180 degrees of arc in the shortest direction. (A) Stap A: Pstcn cn An6d-Thnut Sidest Lnrer. Cnk Ange w 15 deare STVC (8) So 8: Sccm Crank Ane - FnI Irrnacs t P dgrs BTDC I (C) Tihnmt Side. (D) i r Stec C. -c cFPst= Irmcac ATC e czank nde 31 dges Fiue52: Figure 5-21: with Thrust Sce. Stea0: P.Smn Sta.:izes nIThrt sr e. C.ank Ant:= AC ce=ees AT C itnSa CncpulSqeceo Conceptual Sequence of Piston Slap rsCanted.n.i tna PizO C-emDt etyaSofi DeAzion of e, e Figure 5-22: Piston Secondary Motion Geometry Piston Secondary Motion: As the piston travels up and down the liner, a certain amount of rotational freedom is allowed about the wrist-pin axis by the piston-to-cylinder clearance. Figure 5-21 shows conceptually7" and Figure 5-22 motion."9 the shows secondary motion the geometry of that The geometry that has the largest effect on oil consumption 78Reference is the clearance 11, Figure 14. 79Reference 21, Figure 2. between the piston and the cylinder during reverse blowby. It may be seen that if the piston is inclined away from the top ring gap, the effective area of that gap will be greater and the gas flow geometry will be altered. Intuitively, one would assume that the reverse blowby would be increased, but experience with GASFLOW indicates that the actual effect will depend on the relative magnitudes of the specific geometries involved. Figure 5-23 plot the measured oil consumption against the Cosine(0t)08 or "thrust factor" since the amount that the ring gap is opened or closed by piston secondary motion can be approximated by a cosine function when the gap azimuth angle is referenced to a 0 angle of 2700. There is a definite effect on OC as the absolute value of the cosine approaches 1. However, there seems to be little effect in the intermediate region. Relative Gap Azimuth: The second land region may be thought of as a small pipe or duct with the piston ring gaps acting as orifices at either end. The greater the angle between the two gaps, the greater the effective "length" of the land for providing flow resistance. measured oil consumption plotted against the top and second ring gaps. position of the two gaps Figure 5-24 shows 02, the angle between Any effect of the relative is not clear from the results, although AZ2 (02 = 36) is the lowest oil consumption and has 80 A positive cos(0,) engine. corresponds to the "thrust" side of the the smallest angular distance from the second ring gap; AZ5 (82 = 180) has only slightly greater cyclic oil consumption indicating that the flow resistance effect is not dominant. Oil Film Azimuthal Variation: Using the LIF system to observe the second land oil film thickness while making simultaneous oil consumption measurements has the potential to provide a useful correlation. In the case of this project, 0.08 Actual OC vs. Acua OCv."hus Factor" "Thrust atr 0.09 0.07 0.05 , 0.05 o 0.04 0.03 SI -1 I -0.5 I I I I -0.5 -0.2 -0.4 ~J IIIIIIII 0.2 0 0.4 Cornno Thata-t a Figue 5-3: Figure 5-23: + 2000 rpm v. 2500 rpm O AtualOC Actual OC vs. Ot + 3000 rpm 0.5 0.8 r the assumption was made that the oil film was constant around the circumference of the second land; this led to the altering of the top ring gap azimuth. Figure 5-25 shows the average observed oil film thickness plotted against angle to the LIF window. e,, the relative Comparing the series AZ6 LIF trace in Figure 5-17 to those of the other data series shows marked differences in oil film profiles. Figure 5-26 presents the 2000 rpm AZ6 trace with that of AZ4 (720 from AZ6). The AZ4 trace shows the typical peak under the top ring; this feature is deformed or missing entirely on the AZ6 trace. Since the AZ6 peaks are the only ones that demonstrated this behavior, it is reasonable to infer that the proximity of the gap to the LIF window allows the observation of the oil film deformation caused by the gas flowing through the gap. It has the practical effect of disallowing comparison of the AZ6 traces with those of other series. As a direct consequence of this problem, the Shaw Model predictions will be in error if the second land oil film thicknesses measured are not the same as those under the top ring gap. 100 0 Oil Consumption vs. Relative Azimuth Raferenced to Seond Ring Ghp U 12 0 11 0 01 -0 00 0.08 0 0.07 0 0.08 0.05 0 - 0.04 0.03 00 0.02 0.01 I S 0 30 I 50 I I 70 I 90 l I•ltive Azflr.rth Cdgcl Figure 5--24: OC vs. I I 110 I 130 I I 150 I I 170 e) 0, O( I F1 Im Thickness vs. Relative Azimuth Rafarrencd to LIF Window 90 0 7 03 0 L u 5 a S 0 0 3 3 0 2 1 - 0 20 40 s0 80 100 120 FPlatfvs Aflmuth Cdesgee) Figure 5-25: Oil Film Thickness vs. 02 101 140 180 Post-operation Piston Appeakance: Each pinned piston, except the AZ3 piston, was limited to two hours of operation to prevent scoring the cylinder wall with the ring ends; the AZ3 piston was operated 3.5 hours due to an equipment malfunction. During operation the pistons developed a set of deposits that provide interesting insight into the top ring gap gas flow. Included as Figures G-1 through G-5 of Appendix G, photographs of these pistons show dramatic differences between pistons used for different AZ series tests; in these photographs the a small black dot has been made on the second land marking the position in which the ring was pinned. The density of the deposits on the AZ1 and AZ3 pistons (thrust-side top gap) tend to be heavier than the deposits present on AZ2 and AZ4 (antithrust-side gap) increasing confidence that the piston secondary motion plays a major role in oil consumption. There also appears to have been a large amount of interaction between the reverse blowby and the swirl. This interaction was the most pronounced in the AZ1 piston where the reverse blowby gasses left deposits on the second land only in the clockwise direction. It might be that the reverse blowby is exacerbated by the dynamic pressure effects of swirl. Anomalous Behavior of AZI and AZ6: Figures 5-11 and 5-12 show an unusual increase in the oil consumption for the AZI and AZ6 data sets measured at 2500 rpm. 102 The experimental conditions were identical to AZ5 and AZ2 respectively. Unfortunately, no oil film thickness measurements were taken during the AZ1 and AZ2 data sets. 17) However, the film thickness traces (Figure 5- for the AZ6 data series were reviewed for trends and nothing unusual was found; the pressure traces were similarly reviewed with negative results for both AZ1 and AZ6. Another -possible source of error is the OC measurement itself. The original logs of the ROCS were reviewed and nothing unusual was found. As of the writing of this thesis, no plausible explanation has been found. -- In 40 0 40 3. E - 20 €10 A 410 410 414 414 416 416 420 420 Degrees ATC, Exhaust Figure 5-26: AZ4 and AZ6; 2nd Land LIF Traces @2000 rpm 103 Chapter 6: 6.1 Conclusions and Recommendations General This chapter presents a summary of both the technical conclusions and practical lessons garnered during the course of this project. It also presents recommendations in several areas, both theoretical and practical, that the author feels have the potential to impact future studies in internal combustion engine oil consumption. 6.2 Conclusions Radiotracer Oil Consumption System Performance: Measured test engine oil consumption varied over the range 0.3 g/bhp-hr to 0.9 g/bhp-hr. This is within the expected band for engines of this size indicating that System produces Evaluation of the Radiotracer Oil Consumption reasonable the pinned results ring on an results absolute scale. indicates that consumption measurements have approximately 8% variability for a given set Radiotracer consistent of Oil operating conditions, Consumption results to System support the indicating produces test that the sufficiently matrices of the Results of oil project. Oil Consumption versus consumption measurements Engine Speed: conducted with the piston unpinned indicate a modest speed dependence, but 104 rings a large .amount of data scatter. differences. First, The results for pinned rings show two the variability is greatly reduced. Second, the slope of the linear speed dependence of the oil consumption varied by a factor of three as azimuth was changed. the ring gap These differences indicate that piston ring rotation is responsible for the variability of the data in the unpinned case, and that the azimuth of the top ring gap plays a major role in determining oil consumption rates. Relative Ring Gap Azimuth: There. is no clear relationship between measured oil consumption and the angular separation between the top ring gap and the second ring gap. This indicates that the reverse blowby flow through the top ring gap is not significantly influenced by the length of the annular space between the two ring gaps. Absolute Top relationship (measured Ring between from consumption. Gap the the Azimuth: top forward ring There gap wrist-pin is a definite absolute axis) azimuth and oil If the gap is located near the center of the thrust side, oil consumption is maximized, and if the gap is located near the center consumption is minimized. of the anti-thrust side, oil This relationship implies that the tilt and lateral displacement associated with piston secondary motion effect the oil consumption by varying the "effective ring gap area." 105 Shaw Puddle Theory of Oil Consumption: There was no quantitative agreement between measured oil consumption and that predicted by the mathematical consumption proposed by Shaw. correlation for oil This was due, at least in part, to uncertainty in determining the effective gap area during reverse blowby and in determining the oil film thickness on the second land in the vicinity of the top ring gap. difficulties azimuthal arose due variations to in piston average secondary second These motion land oil and film thickness. However, qualitative analysis shows that the Shaw Puddle Theory of Oil Consumption is, plausible because variation of gap parameters causes a significant variation in oil consumption. Anomalous Behavior: In two instances measured oil consumption at 2500 rpm (and only 2500 rpm) was a factor of two greater than expected based upon engine speed and load. The oil consumption in these conditions may be governed by mechanisms which may be important but are, as yet, undetermined. 6.3 Further Study and Analysis The following areas are investigation and analysis: 106 suggested for further Analysis of Existing Data: Data taken in this and other projects might be analyzed for the following information: 1. The impact of secondary piston motion on top ring gap gas velocities. 2. The exact dependence of second thickness on ring gap azimuth. land oil film Existing data might provide the basis for this, but it is likely that the accumulation of more data will be necessary. New Areas of Investigation: The following areas are suggested for future experimentation: 1. Dual steadystate oil consumption rate. Future investigations of oil consumption, especially on the Chrysler 2.2 test engine, should provide a provision for observation of the dual steadystate oil consumption rate observed in this project at 2500 rpm during this project. 2. Second land oil cylinder azimuth. film thickness dependence on This will require the ability to monitor the oil film thickness at several azimuthal locations around the cylinder. This capability will soon exist in Sloan Engine Laboratory when the multi-optical window modification is complete to an existing Kohler Engine. 6.4 Recommendations and Observations Investigations 107 for Continuing The following recommendations are based upon the above conclusions and upon the experience gained in conducting this experiment. Radiotracer Oil Consumption System (ROCS): The Radiotacer Oil Consumption System (ROCS) designed and built for this project provides adequate accuracy (94.6%) for steadystate and pseudosteadystate measurements of engine oil consumption (OC). There are several design improvements that might be made to improve system accuracy should that be required; those actions are discussed below. The system's purge time, initial sample time and sampling period give the system a time constant that is between one and two orders of magnitudes higher than that necessary to achieve transient and non-steadystate measurements of oil consumption. The following changes are made concerning the configuration and operation of the ROCS: 1. The largest impact on the accuracy of the system is the efficiency of the catalyst. Should it become necessary to improve the accuracy of the system, the following steps will help: a. Substitute higher temperature heating tapes for the sample line heaters. This will allow better pre-heating of the sample gases. b. Replace the manual heater controls with an automatic thermal 108 controller. This will reduce response and warmup times. c. Reduce the length of connecting piping in the Water Collection reduce thermal System (WCS). losses and This will reduce the preheating requirements. 2. One of the most operations time involved determining subtractive the consuming in fuel 8 weighing." taking and inaccurate ROCS data consumption The time rate involved is by in taking the data might be reduced by providing an realtime fuel flow measurement device. If the existing scale must be used, the accuracy can be improved at the expense of sample period by measuring fuel consumption over a long period of time. 3. The ROCS in "transition"82 its current configuration produces samples when the engine conditions are changed because the operating system purge path only purges the condenser assembly. If the system isolation valve is replaced with a three-way valve it will allow the entire purged. flow path to be However, using air at ambient temperatures to purge the system will cool the components; this 81This particular operation was also the single source of experimental error causing the invalidation of results. 82Discussed in Chapter 5. 109 configuration change should only be made in conjunction with the line heating changes discussed above. 4. System modifications to allow other than steadystate measurements would be difficult. transient. oil consumption measurement If becomes necessary, it is recommended that an on-line sulfur dioxide system similar to that reported on by Ariga et al be created or procured.83 5. The ROCS may be used combustion-ignition ignition engines. to engines measure as the well OC as in spark- However, a soot filter assembly must be added as described by Hartman. The use of such an assembly requires some assumptions about exhaust content; the researcher using such a system should first satisfy himself/herself that those assumptions are true for the specific test engine. Employment of the Shaw Model: An attempt was made to calibrate the program GASFLOW using "hot" gap measurements measurements. This effort and did a reduced set not results yield of state that correlated with either blowby or oil consumption measurements. It is concluded that the only proven method for calibrating 83 Reference 22. 110 GASFLOW is the iterative approach used by Shaw.84 If it is necessary to provide the optimum predictive results from the model, the experimental equipment should be set up so that the top ring gap is directly illuminated by the LIF optical window and provisions made for measuring second land pressure and blowby. These parameters will allow use of Shaw's method of calibrating GASFLOW. Test Engine Operation with Pinned Rings: The test engine was operated for up to 3.5 hours with number four cylinder piston rings pinned in the fashion described in Chapter 3. After each set of data, the cylinder liner was examined in detail for adverse effects; none were noted. The conclusion drawn is that the 2 hour limit originally imposed on engine operation with pinned rings is a conservative limit and, as long as the rings are properly installed may be exceeded by 75% with little chance of engine damage. Engine Decontamination: the At the completion of this project, standard three phase flush performed on the test engine. (found in Appendix C) was The only modification to the flush procedure was that fresh oil and a fresh filter were used for each phase. The dilution factor for the complete 84 Shaw's method uses a sequential adjustment to the engine, piston and ring geometries to iteratively match peak cylinder pressure, second land pressure and blowby volume flow rate. (Reference 9, pg. 61). 11 flush process was 0.008 (the final specific activity was 0.8% of the original activity). This indicates that dilution factor for each phase (one drain and fill) is about 0.20; this can be used for planning purposes Protection Office. 112 with the Radiation This Page Intentionally Blank 113 References i. Heywood, J. B.: Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw Hill, 1988. 2. Johnson, J. H., Bagley, S. T., Gratz, L. D. and Leddy, D. G.: "A Review of Diesel Particulate Control Technology and Emissions Effects - 1992 Horning Memorial Award Lectrue," SAE Paper 940233, 1994. 3. Wentworth, J. T.: "Effects of Top Compression Ring Profile on Oil Consumption and Blowby with Sealed RingOrfice Design," SAE Paper 820089, 1982. 4. "A Systems Approach to Hill, S. H. and Sytsma, S. J.: Oil Consumption," SAE Paper 910743, 1991. 5. Wahiduzzaman et al.: "A Model for Evaporative Consumption of Lubricating Oil in Reciprocating Engines," SAE Paper 922202, 1992. 6. Hoult, D. P. and Shaw, B. T. II: "The Puddle Theory of Oil Consumption," Triboloqy Transactions, Vol. 37, 1994, pp. 75-82. 7. Namazian, M. and Heywood, J.: "Flow in the PistonCylinder-Ring Crevices of a Spark-Ignition Engine: Effect on Hydrocarbon Emissions, Efficiency and Power," SAE Paper 820088, 1982. 8. Hartman, R. M.: "Tritium Method Oil Consumption and its Relation to Oil Film Thickness in a Production Diesel Engine," S. M. Thesis, Department of Ocean Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1990. 9. "Direct Observation of the Oil Shaw, B. T. II: Consumption Mechanism of a Production Single-cylinder Diesel Engine," S. M. Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992. 10. Schneider, E. W. and Blossfeld, D. H.: Measurement of Piston Ring Rotation in Engine," SAE Paper 900224, 1990. 11. Ryan et al.: "Engine Experiments on the Effects of Design.and Operational Parameters on Piston Secondary Motion and Piston Slap," SAE Paper 940695, 1994. 12. Taylor, G. I.: "Deposition of a Viscous Fluid on the Wall of a Tube," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume X, 1961. 114 "Method for an Operating 13. Wu, C., Melodick, T., .Lin, S., Duda, J. and Klaus, E.: "The Viscous Behavior of Polymer Modified Lubricanting Oils Over a Broad Range of Temperature and Shear Rate," Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Tribology, Vol. 112, July 1990, pp. 417-425. 14. Warrick, F. and Dykehouse, R.: "An Advanced Radiotracer Technique for Assessing and Plotting Oil Consumption in Diesel and Gasoline Engines," SAE Paper 700052. 15. Peters, D. G., Hayes, J. M. and Hieftje, G. M.: Chemical Separations and Measurements: Theory and Practice of Analytical Chemistry, W. B. Saunders Co., 1974. 16. Lee, J. M.: "Film Thickness Measurements in a Production Spark Ignition Engine, " S. B. Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1993. .17. Shaw, B. T. II, Hoult, D. P., Wong, V. W.: "Development of Engine Lubricant Film Thickness Diagnostics Using Fiber Optics and Laser Fluorescence," SAE Paper 920651, 1992. 18. Hoult, D. P., Lux, J. P., Wong, V. W. and Billian, S. A.: "Calibration of Laser Fluorescence Measurements of Lubricant Film Thickness in Engines," SAE Paper 881587, 1988. 19. Cherry, T. A.: "Gasflow Computer Code Calibration Using S. M. Thesis, a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine," Department of Ocean Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1991. 20. Deutsch, E. J.: "Piston Ring Friction Analysis from Oil Film Thickness Measurements," S. M. Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994. 21. "A Wong, V. W., Tian, T., Lang, H. and Ryan, J. P.: Numerical Model of Piston Secondary Motion and Piston Slap in Partially Flooded Elastohydrodynamic Skirt Lubrication," SAE Paper 940696, 1994. 22. Ariga, S., Sui, P. C. and Shahed, S. M.: "Instantaneous Unburned Oil Consumption Measurement in a Diesel Engine using SO2 Tracer Technique," SAE Paper 922196, 1992. 115 Appendix A: Calculations This appendix contains calculations in support of various parts of this thesis; each calculation is provided as a separate enclosure. List of Enclosures Enclosure 1: Validation Calculations Spreadsheets Enclosure 2: Catalyst Inefficiency Error Calculation Enclosure 3: of Total Calculation Consumption System Error Enclosure 4: Validation Calculations Modeling Spreadsheets Enclosure 5: Calculation Flowrate of 116 Desired for Oil Consumption Radiotracer Oil for Oil Consumption GASFLOW Volumetric Validation Calculations for Oil Consumption Spreadsheet I. Unit Definitions cm-lIL g= 1M sec-= IT dpm I Q Ib= g453.6 min -sec-60 ml-=cm II. Input Data Ambient Temperature: T a := 2 3 (All temperatures are in Celsius.) Ambient Pressure: P a.:=769.3 (All pressures are in Torr.) Relative Humidity: -1.:=60.0 Engine Speed: RPM =2033 Load Cell: Load := 22.2. lb Initial Fuel Weight: FW =62.7. lb Final Fuel Weight: FW =61.5.1b Fuel Measure Time: T' 1 = 6.75.min Activity, Oil Sample: A = Vol, Oil Sample: V := 0.009019.m1 Activity, Water Samp: 66236-dp m A ,:=38132-dpm Vol, Water Sample: V H/C Ratio, fuel: SIC =I ml = 1.88X H/C Ratio, oil: 1) =.XX89 Oil Density: 1111 Water Density: 1) = 1.O .9 ml w III. Assumptions This set of calculations assumes the following: a. The engine is operating at an equivalence ratio of 1, b. Linear interpolation for the saturation vapor pressure of water; this is based upon the assumption that temperature will stay within 5 degrees of 20 degrees Celsius. 117 Encl. 1 IV. Specific Humidity Calculations Saturation pressure of water vapor in air at the ambient temperature: T a- 20 SP =4.6+ 17.4 5 SP = 20.16 Torr Partial Pressure of Water: H PP := SP 100 12.096 PP= Ambient Pressure as read from the barometer, must be correct for temperature effects on the mercury. The appropriate correction are instrument specific. For the instrument used in this experiment, the corrections from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius range from approximately -2.0 to -2.25 Torr; correction in all cases of -Torr has been applied. Corrected ambient pressure: Pac a- 2 Pac = 767.3 Torr The average molar weight of dry air (approximately 20% oxygen and 80%) nitrogen is 28.8, and the molar weight of water is 18.0. For a given volume of a gas mixture, the individual gases will occupy the fraction of the volume corresponding to their partial pressures. = 18.0 MW, MW air = allI MW air 232+.828 = 28.8 Specific Humidity (lb H20/lb dry Air): S H'[I HM PP %vMW NV (I) ac:. ) -Mw air, H s =0.01 118 Encl. 1 V. Fuel Rate FWi- FW f Rf:- T I' R = 1.344 mass time -1 VI. Water Formation Constants The water formation constants for fuel and oil (Kf and Ko) express the number of pounds of water produced for every pound of hydrocarbon burned. They are calculated from the stoichiometry of the combustion equation. In each case the single variable is the H/C ratio. 9.HC f K- 12+ HC f Kf= 1.219 9.-HC Ko0 12+ tiC = 1.2246 K VII. Air to Fuel Mass Ratio To simplify the experimental apparatus, no air flow measurement was taken. It is therefore necessary to establish the air to fuel mass ratio (Kaf) in stoichiometric burning. 34.41-IC K af 12+ H-IC K af= 4. 6 5 9 4 VIII. Air Rate R a : = R fK alr\ _/ cr/·r·r K a = 6.26O22 ImhSS" 1imle 119 1Encl. 1 IX. Specific Activities Specific Activity, Water: A w SA :=-.D V SA w= 3.8132- 104 mass - A SAo0 - charge D 0- V0 SA o =8.2703- 106 mass -charge X. Oil Consumption Rate The oil consumption rate is calculated from the equations given in SAE paper #700052. R fK f+ R a-H R "= SA o SA R - = 0.0079 -mass'time 120 Encl. 1 Catalyst Inefficiency Error Calculation I. Catalyst Efficiency Calculation Conc. of Cl1 in exhaust, furnaced bypassed: Conc. of Cl1 in exhaust, w/ furnace flow: Catalyst Efficiency: II. C im = 11.4 ppm ppm HC fium H=1 HC bp Effca t ElTcat IHCbp= 715.4 0.984 Unit Definitions: cm= IL mole IT dpm IQ 1 ml cm1 For the purposes of tracking units in this derivation, dpm is called a unit of charge and a mole is called a unit of time. These definitions make it possible to use the software for a chemistry problem instead an engineering one. III. Inputs for Error Calculation H/C ratio for oil: n = 1.87 Density of oil (20 C): pi) =O8·XX± Density of water (20 C): P % = 0o.999 ml2 Typical Spec. Act., oil: SA, Typical Spec. Act., SA sample sample: 121 =734334d( mi = 2 4 3 12 Encl. 2 IV. Unitized Molecular Wt of Oil For the purpose of this calculation a quantity called the "unitized oil molecule" is defined as a single carbon atom with a fractional hydrogen atom equal in'number to the H/C ratio. V. UMW :=(12+ n).-. mole UMW = 13.87 mass time - Weight Specific Activities SA WSA Weight Specific Activity of Oil: Po Weight Specific Activity of Sample: WSAsample SA sample Pw WSA o = 8.27" 106 .mass I charge WSA sample = 2.434" 10'4 mass - VI. I charge Molar Specific Activities Molar Specific Activity of Oil: MSA :WSA t.IJMW Molar Specific Activity of Sample: MSA sample saMilpl c MSA W 4 sample 18. sa0Pmle I111rle = 1.147 108 "ime - ' "charge MSA saMPl = 43X)1 l10 5 ine 1 charge 122 Encl. 2 VII. Molar Water Formation Constant of Oil: Moles of H20 per Mole of Oil: K VIII. K() 2 = 0.935 Specific Activity (dpm/mole) of Water from Combustion of Oil MSA MS K0 MSA ow= 1.227- 108 * time - • charge IX. Mole Fraction of Water from Oil in Sample F MSA sample MSA ,l =O0.004 123 Encl. 2 X. Mole Fraction of Water from Oil in Exhaust Gases Total number of moles of gas from combustion of one unitized mole of oil (since H/C ratio is close to that of fuel): N t ::= 1 + 3 77 3 + 3.773.(i Ntm 4)+2n +- 2 N tm = 7.472 Molar fraction of exhaust gas water: EMF EMF w 2 Ntm = 0.125 (The preceeding calculation assumes stoichiometric burning.) EMF ow :=EMF w"MF ow EMF = 4.469 10-4 or oV ppn PPII := EMF-,ow )W 106 ppmi o\v = 446.852 XI. Resolving ppm Cl to ppm H20 The actual concentration of unburned hydrocarbons in the oxidation furnace effluent (given in ppm Cl) can be resolved into the ppm of H20 that would have been experienced if the hydrocarbons had been burned. This is done by correcting the ppm C1 by the molar water formation constant. The potential water thus described is called "error water". ppIn e\v : [IClim K o ppmn ew = 10.659 124 Encl. 2 XII. Figuring the Error from Inefficiencies in the Catalyst The upper bound on the error generated because the catalyst does not fully oxidize the unburned hydrocarbons in the exhaust gases is evaluated by assuming that all the unoxidized hydrocarbons in the furnace effluent are from the oil. Eror catalyst "- ppn ewv ppnm ow Error catalyst = 0.024 Given typical numbers, the maximum error given by catalyst inefficiency is 2.4% 125 r-•l 2 .~ ' " " Calculation of Total Radiotracer Oil Consumption System Error r. Unit Definitions g=IM cm- IL sec- IT dpm= IQ lb- g.453.6 min-sec-60 ml - cm II. Input Data Ambient Temperature: T :=23 (All temperatures are in Celsius.) Ambient Pressure: P a =769.3 (All pressures are in Torr.) Relative Humidity: I-I. =60.0 Engine Speed: RPM Load Cell: Load =22.2-lb Initial Fuel Weight: FW Final Fuel Weight: FW =61.5.l 1 Fuel Measure Time: 1Tf= 6.75.min Activity, Oil Sample: t A0 =6623 66d pm Vol, Oil Sample: V 0=0( = Aw Activity, Water Samp: III. 2033( 38132dpim = I ml Vol, Water Sample: V H/C Ratio, fuel: I CI = I.88 H/C Ratio, oil: IIC Oil Density: ().888 . I) =0 Water Density: D = 1.89 = 1.0)00. Assumptions This set of calculations assumes the following: a. The engine is operating at an equivalence ratio of 1, b. Linear interpolation for the saturation vapor pressure of water; this is based upon the assumption that temperature will stay within 5 degrees of 20 degrees Celsius. 126 Encl. 3 Specific Humidity Calculations IV. Saturation pressure of water vapor in air at the ambient temperature: T a - 20 4.6+ 17.4 SP, I¢'V = 20.16 SP Torr Partial Pressure of Water: := SP PP -* 10 0 PP,=12.096 Ambient Pressure as read from the barometer, must be correct for temperature effects on the mercury. The appropriate correction are instrument specific. For the instrument used in this experiment, the corrections from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius range from approximately -2.0 to -2.25 Torr; correction in all cases of -Torr has been applied. Corrected ambient pressure: Pac a=P Pac =767.•3 Torr The average molar weight of dry air (approximately 20% oxygen and 80%) nitrogen is 28.8, and the molar weight of water is 18.0. For a given volume of a gas mixture, the individual gases will occupy the fraction of the volume corresponding to their partial pressures. = 18.0 MW MW a =.2 32+.8.28 MW ir= 28.8 Specific Humidity (Ib H20/lb dry Air): PP MW (Pac- H V. 1Iq ) MW air =0.01 Fuel Rate Rf:=- FW - FW T 127 Encl. 3 R f = 1.344 -mass time- 1 Water Formation Constants VI. The water formation constants for fuel and oil (Kf and Ko) express the number of pounds of water produced for every pound of hydrocarbon burned. They are calculated from the stoichiometry of the combustion equation. In each case the single variable is the H/C ratio. 9.HC f Kf:- 12+ HC f Kf= 1.219 9-HC 0 12+ HC O = 1.2246 K Air to Fuel Mass Ratio VII. To simplify the experimental apparatus, no air flow measurement was taken. It is therefore necessary to establish the air to fuel mass ratio (Kaf) in stoichiometric burning. 34.4-1 IC Kaf 12+ H1C K af =4.6594 VIII. Ra R IX. Air Rate = kRIKK a' = 6.2622 mnass time -1 Specific Activities Specific Activity, Water: A V SA, ,,, = 3.8132* 104 "mass I •charge 128 Encl. 3 SA A .Do -o V SA o = 8.2703" 106 .mass - ' charge X. Oil Consumption Rate The oil consumption rate is calculated from the equations given in SAE paper #700052. R fK f+ RaHs Ro 0SA 0 Ko FSA r\ K o =U.UU/09"mass'tlme XI. Error Analysis 1.01 1628 Fuel Rate Error Factor: Air Rate Error Factor: E a. =1.011628 Water Pipeting Error: E \VI = I+ 1() l( I +10.10 Ear Ic ,Cat = 1.024 Catalyst Inefficiency Error Factor: Oil Pipeting Error: I Counting Error Factor: 1C = I+ I M'5 1.002 od = 1.012 Oil Dilution Error: 'oa Oil Activity Error: Eod opE c E pEC I Water Activity Error Factor: = 1.0142 ' \Va \• -pat -c E v = 1.0262 Activity Ratio Error Factor: Ear =E wa Eoa 129 E = 1.0407 129 ar Encl. 3 R fK f÷ R a).H o SA •o w wSA Total Error: E t := R -K fE fi RRa'E ar'Hs SAEo I Ro Ko SA w E ar 1 Et = 0.0542 130 Encl. 3 Validation Calculations for Oil Consumption Modeling Spreadsheets I. Input Data A. Lubricant Specific Data Density at Reference Coditions (g/ml): o: =0.888 unit conversion (kg/m^3): p0o :=Po1 000 P o = 888 Walter's Equation Constants: m := N:= I Surface Tension @ Reference Conditions (N/m): a :=.0266 Temp., Reference for a (Degrees K): T =373 Temp., Reference for p (Degrees K): T :=293 Surface Tension Proportionality Constant: k =0 B. Geometric Data Clearance Between the 2nd Land and Liner: D-.312 Top Ring End-gap (mm): g2.376 Length, 2nd Land (mm): I-4.92 131 Encl. 4 C. State Data Temperature, 2nd Land (Degrees K): T :=450 2nd Land Film Thickness, Initial (mm): h :=0.008 Initial Assumption for Puddle Radius (mm): R 3.298 Average End-gap Volumetric Flow Rate (1/min): Q maxa59.5 6 Q :=Q max 10 60 unit conversion (mm^3/sec): Q = 9.917- 105 2. Time to Q.max (sec): t Engine Speed (RPM): N 7m 3000 000555 Calculated Data A. Lubricant Data Low Shear Kinematic Viscosity (m^2/sec): V := 10' + 10N 0.6 v := .0000013 Density: P: 0 - 0.63. (T- T P) Low Shear Dynamic Viscosity (kg/(m*sec)): •t=\vp ýt= o.U.4_34 a Low Shear Surface Tension = 2.294. 10 (N/m): a =k.(T- T)o) +o 132 Encl. 4 B. Geometric Data Reference Radius (mm): R = 1.188 Average Velocity over Puddle (mm/sec): n-U D.R i-Ro) R =0.434 U 1000 I100o U = 489.58 m/sec T a '- Taylor Number: G, 1' = 212.478 (Defined based upon Shaw numbers pending receipt of lubricant viscosity and surface tension data.) Reference Area: A rf't T'-- Recalculation of Puddle Radius: (This calculation is based upon the assumption that "R", the puddle radius, has the square root of the puddle area Taylor number dependence. "Ri" above should be iterated until it is equal to "R"; this method provides the correct solution to the simultaneous equations for puddle radius and average gas velocity, "U".) 4.1 133 Encl. 4 R =3.298 C. Non-Dimensional Geometric Data Film Thickness (eq. 22, ref 2): h star:= 1.30- U. t max) +0.61 Ta 3 Puddle Area (eq. 21, ref 2): Astar- 15.28 2 Ta- 3. Oil Consumption Calculation (The equations used were adapted from equation 23 of reference 2 to adjust for input and output units.) OC cycle ( star) A e A star 10 0C c = 6.320- 1() g/cycle Cycle per Second: n - N2Ipm n = 25 )C clindr c\,cl. Ccvlindcr- = C0.002 ()C ylinder 4 1000 O C engine OC engine (g/sec)/cylinder = 6.326 mg/sec 134 Encl. 4 Calculation of Desired GASFLOW Volumetric Flowrate 1. Unit definitions: mm nIL mg IM sec- lT mE dm = 100 nun g= 1000-mg kg - 1000. g min = 60. sec 1:10.6 mm 3 N kg. 2. 2 Given DATA: Desired OC: Density of Oil: OC =.028598-mg p : 789. kg 'Il Initial Oil Film Thickness: h i= .006- mm Reference Area: A icf Dynamic Viscosity of Oil: t = 38 in2 kg 0.0I 155 111 scc N -( 0.0266 - Surface Tension of Oil: I11I End--cap: 3. o= .305 m Non-dimensional Quantity Determination (h* and A* together). = hi A P.h -A ret 4 4 A = 0.04 hA = 0.04 135 Encl. 5 4. Taylor Number Determination Iz,- o c Ta : ( O •J.1-6) I hA Ta = 763.099 5. Velocity Determination: b = 20 U := Ta-. It rat : t G U = 1.757-103 6. rat = 4.342' 10- 4 . length - 1 time In sec Desired Puddle Radius: land := 2. :. ref land r= 2.158 -mn 7. Desired Q/D ratio: Ratio := U- (Iai 1~ 2 Ratio =417.833 dill see D- 7 n11n1 Q := Ratio.l) Q = 175.49.min 136 Encl. 5 This Page Intentionally Blank 137 Appendix B: Equipment This appendix contains detailed lists of equipment used during the course of this project. It also contains detail photographs of three Water Collection System components. Enclosure 1 Engine Specifications Enclosure 2 Water Collection Specifications Enclosure 3 Sample Preparation and Counting Equipment Enclosure 4 Figure B-I: Modified Vacuum Adapter Enclosure 5 Figure B-2: Catalyst Tube Enclosure 6 Figure B-3: Water Trap Arrangement 138 System Equipment and Engine Specifications TYPE in-line 4 cylinder SOHC DISPLACEMENT 2.2L BORE 87.5 mm STROKE 92 mm FIRING ORDER 1-3-4-2 NUMBER OF CYLINDERS 4 CYLINDER BLOCK cast iron PISTONS Al alloy COOLING water COMPRESSION RATIO 9.5 RATED POWER 74kW (100hp) @ 5600 rpm MAXIMUM TORQUE 149 Nm (110 lb-ft) @ 3200 rpm LUBRICANT Various LUBRICANT SYSTEM Pressure feed-full flow filtration COOLING SYSTEM forced circulation FUEL indolene 139 Encl. 1 Water Collection System Equipment and Specifications Item Equipment or Specification Oxidation Furnace 220 VAC, Lindberg Hevi-Duty, Type 59344 Oxidation Tube Quartz Glass, 1 inch Catalyst Pellet Type, Pt-Pd-Rh 3-way, AC Rochester Designation HN11024 Condenser Fredrichs, 24/40 Sample Pump 115 VAC, Oilless Vacuum, Emerson Model SA55NXGTE-4870 Line Heaters 115 VAC, Tape Type, Thermolyne Heavy Insulated Fibrox Temperature Sensor K type (Chromel/Alumel) Thermocouple Temperature Indication Omega Engineering, Model 175 (4 channel) Fuel Consumption Measurement Balance Scale, Howard-Richardson, Model 5400 High Temp. Tubing Pyrex Glass / Stainless Steel Low Temp. Tubing Rubber Hydrocarbon Analyzer Flame Ionization Detector, Rosemount Analytical Model 402 Heater Control Manually Varied Voltage, Superior Electric "Powerstat" Sample Flow Indication Wet Test Meter, Precision Scientific Model 63111 Oxygen Flow Indication Flowmeter, Matheson Type 603 Pressure Indication Manometer, Arthur Thomas Co. Temperatures Furnace 6000 Celsius Max. Heater Tape 482' Celsius Min. Condenser-inlet 500 Celsius Flow Rates 140 Encl. 2 Item Equipment or Specification Sample 14.2 1/min Oxygen 1000 ml/min (optimum) Sample Collection Rate 0.5 ml/min 141 Encl. 2 Sample Preparation and Counting Equipment Item Sample Weight Measurements Micro Pipet Analyzer Fluorescing Solution Equipment Analytical Balance, Mettler AE200 1000 ml, Medical Laboratory Automation, Inc. Liquid Scintillation Analyzer, Packard Model 2500TR OptiFluor, Packard Co. Average Counting Efficiency 0.41 Sample to Solution Ratio 1:10 142 Encl. 3 143 Encl. 4 II I) ~ii a) E-o Hr o ** 4-) I um $*Hl (~"' 144 Encl. 5 145 Encl. 6 This Page Intentionally Blank 146 Appendix C: Operating Procedures and Logs This appendix presents the final version of the operating procedures and logs used in this project. They are intended to be used in conjunction with a system "walk-through" as some of the terms are not self-explanatory. Enclosure 1: Shut-down Start-up, Normal Engine Emergency Shut-down Procedures Enclosure 2: Engine Operating Log Enclosure 3: Piston Removal/Installation Procedure Enclosure 4: Oil Consumption Measurement Tritium Tracer Procedures Enclosure 5: WCS Sample Log Enclosure 6: Procedure for Drawing an Oil Sample Enclosure 7: Oil Sample Log Sheet 147 and Procedure Using Start-up Procedure Component Position or Action Pre-Startup Checks ******* 1 Engine Oil Dipstick In operating range 2 Engine Coolant In sight glass 3 Dyno Oil Sump In sight glass 4 Dyno Foundation Clear of fluid puddles, Drip pan in place 5 Engine Foundation Clear of oil puddles 6 Fuel Can Half Full Minimum ***** Valve Line-up ***** 7 Circulating (Circ) Water Supply Valve (on south wall) FULL OPEN; check supply pressure 40 to 60 psi on black scale. 8 Circ Water Supply Manifold a. Oil Cooler Supply: Check OPEN b. Coolant HX Supply: Check OPEN c. Fuel Cooler Supply: Check OPEN (These are the red handled valves on the circ water supply manifold) 9 Circ Water Drain Manifold Coolant Head Tank Vent Isolation: Check OPEN 10 Steam Supply Manifold Check all valves SHUT 11 Coolant Head Tank Drain Valve Check SHUT 12 Coolant Head Tank Isolation Quick-throw Valves Check OPEN (in-line position) Step r***** 148 Encl. 1 Step Component Position or Action 13 @ Fuel Manifold a. Pump Discharge Control Valve: Check TO ENGINE position b. Fuel Return Isolation: Check OPEN (both valves should be pointing at the 9:00 position.) 13a Oil Cooler Recirculating Pump Check: a. Coupling is fully mated. b. Three-way discharge valve is positioned to discharge to the sump. 14 Power Strips on back of Control Panel Switch ON, light ON 15 Ignition/Fuel Power Strip Switch ON, light OFF 16 Heat Exchanger Oil Out Setpoint 190 degrees F. **** Dyno Startup **** 137 "Sloan-lab, GE Dyno" breaker in Rm 31-037C (Key #187) ON position (indication light on breaker burned out) Check indication on Dyno Control Panel (Blue light) 18 Trench Fan Controller ON, light ON. 1.9 MG-SET switch on Dyno control panel ON 20 DYNO REV SWITCH @Dyno control panel REV (starts dyno oil pump) (allow 5 minute warm-up from this point before performing step number 24) 21 Power Switch for Stepper Motor (rocker switch @bottom of Dyno control cabinet) ON, light ON 149 Step Component Position or Action 22 At Engine Control Panel a. RPM display: ON, Light ON b. Temp Display: ON, Light ON c. Oil Recirc Pump: ON, Light OFF d. Load Cell Readout: ON (reading zero) 23 Dyno MANUAL RHEO 24 Dyno START SWITCH 25 Engine OIL Pressure Check at "O" position by using the DYNO rocker switch in the "lower" direction until you hear the rheostat click. **********Critical Step************** START; MANUAL RHEO to increase speed to 1200 RPM as indicated by manual rheo indication of "10". (Electronic indication responds too slowly for this initial adjustment.) ***********Critical Step************ 70 to 80 psi, cold Idiot light off. IF EITHER LOW PRESSURE OR IDIOT LIGHT CONDUCT IMMEDIATE DYNO SHUTDOWN (Step 7 of Normal Shutdown Procedure) 26 Load Cell Readout Positive (+) number [indicates that the engine is motoring] 27 @ Dyno a. Oil Pressure: approx. 10 psi b. Drip-o-lators: atleast idrip/5sec. c. Fan: Positive Air Flow. 28 Wall Fan ON Point fan at engine exhaust manifold. 29 Thermocouple Readouts Check for proper operation; means an open thermocouple **** Engine Startup **** 30 Throttle manometer *********Critical Step*********** 10 inches of mercury 31 Ignition Switch ON Verify 12 to 14 VDC indicated. 32 Load Cell Readout Check negative (-) number; indicating that the engine is firing. 150 "EEE" Engine Normal' Shutdown Procedure Step# Component Position or action 1 THROTTLE Rocker 10 inches of mercury 2 MANUAL RHEO 1200 RPM 3 THROTTLE Rocker 10 inches of mercury 4 OIL OUT Temp Maintain light load until less than 95 degrees Celsius. 5 IGNITION Switch OFF 6 Load Cell Readout Check Load (+) 7 OIL OUT Temp 70-80 degrees C for proper cooldown **** Secure Dyno **** 8 MANUAL RHEO *********Critical Step*********** Slew to "0" and immediately: 9 Dyno START SWITCH STOP (Counter Clockwise) 10 Dyno REV SWITCH OFF (Counter Clockwise) 11 MG-SET SWITCH STOP (Counter Clockwise) 12 @ Engine Control Panel Take all remaining switches to OFF. 13 Power Strips of back of Engine Control Panel OFF, light OFF 14 Circ Water Supply Valve Shut 15 Dyno Oil Sump In sight glass 16 "Sloan-lab, GE Dyno" Breaker in Rm 31-037C (key# 187) OFF 17 Vent Fan Controller After visually verifying that no other lab engines are running, OFF 151 Emergency Shutdown Procedure (Oil Trouble Light On) Step# Component Position or Action 1 IGNITION Switch OFF 2 MANUAL RHEO Rapidly to "0" and immediately 3 Dyno START SWITCH STOP Jrl**** Continue normal shutdown procedure **** 152 Chrysler 2.2L 'Engine Operating Log Item M i n N o r m M a x Engine Hours RPM Throttle Load Cell Engine Temperatures 1 2 85 95 95 105 3 4 5 40 6 7 8 9 Oil Press. 70 Ignit. Volts 13 Fuel Press. 20 Coolant Pres. 0 Dyno Oil Press. Dyno Sump Level 2 10 1/2 Dripolators (1 drip/5 sec) 1: Cooianu into engine 2: Coolant out of engine 3: Oil out of cooler (OOC) 4: Oil Sump 5: Exhaust Gas (OOC) Fue± into engine Intake air 8: Coolant, Cylinder 2 9: Liner, Cylinder 4 b: 7: 153 Encl. 2 Piston Removal/Installation Procedure for Chrysler 2.2 Liter Engine Tool List: a. Bundle of Rags b. Bundle of Paper-towels c. Head Gasket d. Manifold Gasket e. Rubber Bands f. Q-Tips g. Gasket Glue h. Box / open end wrenches: - 7/16" - 1/2" - 9/16" - 11/16" - 3/4" i. j. k. 1. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. Acetone U. Sockets (3/8" drive, 6 point): - 1/2" - 8mm - 10mm - 13mm - 13mm deep - 14mm - 15mm Coolant Drain Tank Oil Drain Tank 500ml beaker Pliers Set of slot screwdrivers Oil drain adapter Coolant drain adapter Pipe wrenches: - 14" - 24" Socket drives: - 3/8" ratchet - 1/2" ratchet - 1/2 to 3/8 adapter - 3/8" long extention - Two 3/8" short extentions - 3/8" speed wrench Electric Drill w/ small brush attachment Engine oil Wire toothbush W. Channel-locks X. Nylon Hammer Y. Ball-pien hammer Z. Brass "chisel" aa. Ring Compressor V. 154 Encl. 3 bb. Thread Protectors, cc. Torque Wrench: required range 40 to 120 lbf-ft (1/2" drive, calibrated in "lbf-ft") dd. Set of Cross-recessed (Philips) screwdrivers. ee. 12" Crescent Wrench ff. Special Tool for Cam Pulley alignment. gg. Anti-seize Procedure: # Tools Action Engine Oil Flush la Oil Drain Adapter Drain Tracer Oil, Hang "Do Not Operate" sign on Dyno Start Switch lb Crescent Wrench, 7/8" Disconnect and cap Oil Cooling System connections. Be careful not to cross-thread the swage-lok fittings. 1c Flush filter kit. 1st Flush Oil Remove and store the Tracer Oil filter; install the 1st Flush filter. Fill engine with 1st Flush Oil. id le Operate Engine until oil is 50 degrees C. Flush filter kit, 2nd Flush Oil if ig Remove and store 1st Flush oil and filter. Install 2nd flush oil and filter. Operate engine until oil is 50 degrees C. Flush filter kit, 3rd Flush Oil Remove and store 2nd Flush oil and filter. Install 3rd Flush oil and filter. 3rd Flush oil should be the same grade as the Tracer Oil. 1h Operate the engine until the oil is atleast 50 degrees C. ii Drain and store 3rd Flush oil and filter. Install Tracer Oil filter. Water Collection System 2 Unplug 110 and 220 VAC. 3 Unplug heaters on sample line. 155 # Tools Action 4 9/16" Disconnect 02 line from sample line, baq end. 5 9/16" Disconnect Sample line from furnace tube; baq ends. 6 Remove sample line bracket from cart. 7 Remove sample line from exhaust line bracket. 8 11/16" Remove sample line from exhaust line. Cap exhaust line and bag end of sample line. 9 Disconnect water supply 10 Remove WCS cart. Set up parts cart on starboard side of engine. Engine i1 Isolate coolant head tank. Unplug all thermocouples on engine. _12 13 Remove air cleaner. bench (WB). 14 Unplug pressure sensor. 15 Unplug wire from 02 sensor. 1-6 Unplug sensing lines #6 and #7. 17 Disconnect wiring harness from throttle block. (4 numbered connections) 18 Disconnect sparkplug wires. 139 Remove coolant sensor (#5). 20 15mm socket Set on work Remove 2 ground connections. 21 Hook up coolant drain adapter under engine. 22 Disconnect headtank-to-thermostat hose at thermostat. 23 Coolant Drain Tank Drain Coolant. 156 # Tools Action 24 Coolant Drain Tank Disconnect coolant by-pass hose at the thermostat. Drain coolant in line. 25 Pliers Disconnect coolant lines to throttle block. 26 Remove adapter. 27 Disconnect fuel tank and remove. 28 Slot Screwdriver (SS) Remove fuel lines from intake manifold. Retighten hose clamps to prevent loss. 29 500 ml beaker Drain residual fuel. 30 31 32 Remove dipstick; place on parts cart. 33 Shut oil drain valve; bag adapter. 34 remove and 14" Pipewrench (PW), 24"PW, 7/16" Disconnect #4 exhaust line from mounting bracket. 35 1/2", 1/2"socket Disconnect main exhaust line. exhaust donut on parts cart. 36 10mm socket Remove timing belt cover. cover on workbench. 37 15mm socket, long extention. Loosen timing belt idler pulley. 38 Disconnect #4 cylinder exhaust line. Put Place Slide timing belt off cam pulley. 39 10mm socket, 13mm socket, long ext. Remove valve cover. cart. 40 13mm socket Remove EGR line. Place EGR line on parts cart place gaskets and bolts in throttle block. 41 Place on parts Disconnect stepper motor. 157 # Tools Action 42 10mi socket, short ext., long ext. Disconnect intake manifold; place manifold on parts cart. 4:3 10mmi socket, short ext., long ext. Remove exhaust manifold; place on parts cart. 44 45 Loosen head bolts according to loosening sequence diagram. 46 15mm socket Remove cylinder head; place on parts cart on rags. 4:7 10mm socket, 8mm socket, 2 short ext., long ext. Remove oil pan. cart. 48 Rag Wipe coolant out of cylinders. 49 Q-Tip Swab headbolt holes in block dry. 50 Elec.Drill, 1" drill attachment, Small handheld steel brushes, rags, acetone, engine oil Clean cylinder walls. 51 Channel-locks, Nylon hammer, Ball-pien hammer, Brass "chisel" 14mm socket w/extension. Remove con-rod bearing caps. Place on parts cart. When pistons are available, put caps back on appropriate con-rods. 52 Hammer handle Rotate piston to top of stroke. Then rotate crank free of piston. Use hammer handle on bottom of piston to remove piston. Place piston on parts cart; protect with Place on parts -_rag. Piston Re-installation 53 Bring crank to top of piston stroke. 158 # Tools Action 54 Install thread protectors made of rubber tubing. 55 Stagger compression rings by 180 degrees for design ring position. See manual for exact azimuthal position. 56 Oil, Rags Smear side of piston with oil. 57 Ring Compressor, Large SS Install compressor being careful to ensure that rings are seated in groove. Leave 1" protruding at bottom of skirt. 58 Oil Put oil on bearing liner and oil channels. 59 Insert piston in cylinder with the numbers toward the distributor side. 60 Nylon hammer Tap compressor level so that the bottom part is in complete contact with the top of the block. 61 Hammer handle Drive piston into place. 62 Rotate crank to BDC for piston while pushing down on piston. 63 Check bearing liner did not rotate out of proper position. 64 Thread protectors. 65 Remove thread protectors. parts cart. Place on Inspect bearing cap and liner for cleanliness and burrs. 66 Oil Coat liner with oil. 67 14mm socket, Torque Wrench Install bearing cap. Torque to 20 lbf-ft, then to 40 lbfft. 68 10mm. socket, 8mm socket Install oil pan. Install 8mm bolt first. Do not tighten until all bolts are in place. Timing Setup 159 # Tools 69 70 Action Rotate cam follower manually to purple-purple. Crossed, recessed screwdriver(CRS) 3/4" Rotate crank to zero degrees for #1 cylinder; check that distributor rotor is pointing to #1 wire. Cylinder Head Installation 71 Gasket glue, Q-Tips Put thin film of glue around the oil supply hole of the head and the block (Aft, port side of block). Use Q-tip to remove the glue from the edge of the holes. 72 Install head gasket on block. 73 Install cylinder head on block using bolts for alignment. 74 15mm socket, Torque wrench Torque bolts per torquing pattern in manual. Step 1: 45 lbf-ft. Step 2: 65 lbf-ft. Step 3: 65 lbf-ft. Step 4: 1/4 turn (> 90 lbf-ft) Timing Completion 75 Special Tool 76 77 Line up cam pulley per the picture in the manual. Install timing belt. Ensure that the port side (distributor side) is under tension. Crescent wrench Tighten tensioning pulley (CCW) until timing belt is firm. Final Installations and Connections 78 13mm deep socket, 10mm socket, long ext. Install valve cover. Place two studs in the front. (105 lb-in) 79 80 . 81 82 Connect oil cooling system. Install new manifold gasket. 10mm socket, short ext. Install exhaust manifold. in) 160 (200 lb- S# Tools Action 83 10mm socket, short and long ext. Install intake manifold and throttle block. (200 lb-in) 84 13mm socket, short ext. Install EGR line. 85 15mm socket Connect 2 cylinderhead ground wires. 86 Re-install sensing lines #6 and #7. 87 SS Install thermostat and thermostat by-pass hoses 88 Anti-seize Install Exhaust lines. seize compound 89 Pliers Install coolant lines to throttle block. Use anti- 90 Install harness connections to throttle block. 91 Install thermocouples. 92 Connect 02 sensor. 93 Connect pressure sensor. 94 Connect sparkplug wires. 95 96 Check the PVC line connections to the valve cover. 97 Check shut the following valves: -Fuel Drain Valve -Oil Drain Valve -Coolant Drain Valve 98 Open the following valves: - Coolant head-tank isolation. - Both oil cooling system isolations. 99 Refill oil system. 100 - Refill coolant system at head tank. 101 Vent cooling system at thermostat thermocouple. 102 Conduct pre-operation line-up per the engine operating instructions. 161 # 102a Tools Timing Light Action Connect Timing Light and ensure coolant sensor (#5) is disconnected. Be careful to position the Timing Light pickup with the appropriate side toward the sparkplug. 102b Remove fuel pump fuse. 102c Motor engine at 850 RPM 102d 102e 1/2" Check timing at 12.5 degrees BTC as indicated on the harmonic balancer. Adjust timing if necessary by rotating distributor. If unable to attain the proper timing with the distributor, the cam follower must be readjusted per step 69. Secure engine. Remove Timing Light. Re-install fuse and coolant sensor (#5). 103 Conduct tightness check on fuel system by operating pump and throttling (to 50psi system pressure) the return line at the fuel manifold. Check particularly the connections to the throttle block. 104 Re-connect WCS. Ensure that 02 line is connected and 02 isolation valve is open. 162 Oil Consumption Measurement Procedure Using Tritium Tracer Procedures Step Action Potential Radiologic Hazard 1 Don Surgical Gloves 2 Unplug or switch "off" sample pump. 3 Turn on master power strip. - Ensure both the thermocouple (TC) reader and the line heater power strip are energized. 4 Set TC reader to monitor channel 1: line temperature. 5 Set Variac at "80". 6 Set furnace at 600 C. 7 Shut Water Collection System (WCS) isolation valve. 8 Open: 9 Turn on furnace. Sample isolation valve, Sample Bypass Valve, Circulating Water (CW) throttle valves on WCS, CW Manifold Supply (on south wall) WCS CW isolation on CW manifold 02 10 Bring Engine to operating temperature. This means that the following conditions exist for a given set of load conditions: a. Oil Temp Steady (recirc motor cycling on the thermostat). b. Liner Temp Steady. 11 Verify the initiating a. b. 12 Set 13 Start WCS sample pump. 14 Open WCS Isolation Valve 15 Shut slowly, the Sample Bypass Valve. 02 following temperatures prior to sample flow. 400 <Sample Line Temp<470 C. Furnace Temp > 550 C. flow at 27mm on the 603 tube. 163 Encl. 4 Step Potential Radiologic Hazard 16 17 yes 18 yes Action Collect 5 minutes of purge water in a round bottom flask. This ensures that the tritium concentration in the condensers will reflect that concentration in the exhaust gas. Remove the purge flask and replace with a sample collection flask (Graduated flask). Empty the purge flask in the sink and flush sink. (Regulations allow the disposal of tritiated water up to the concentration of 100 micro-Curries/ml down a sink drain.) Collect 10ml of sample: 19 Ensure during a. b. the following conditions exist sampling: Constant Throttle Setting Constant Dyno Speed setting Minimum sample time is 5 minutes. 20 During sampling: a. Fill out sample log sheet. b. Ensure fuel rate is sampled over a minimum of a 5 minute period. c. Fill out a sample label on Radiation tape with the following information: H3 1 d. 21 yes Sample # Date: Place label on clean sample vial. Remove sample flask and replace with purge flask. (Care should be taken to avoid breaking the central extention on the vacuum adapter as this is custom made to prevent carry-over.) 22 Open Sample Bypass Valve. 23 Shut WCS Isolation Valve. 24 Secure WCS sample pump. 25 yes Using a pipet bulb and a 10ml pipet, transfer 5 to 7 ml's of sample to a sample vial. 164 Step Potential Radiologic Hazard 26 Action Double check that the sample # is on the sample vial. 27 yes Place pipet in contaminated pipet holder. 28 yes Condensers should be flushed according to the following procedure prior to changing sample conditions: a. Remove condensers b. Flush with tap water c. Flush with 50ml of DI water d. Blow dry with compressed air 29 Secure a. b. c. d. the following: 02 supply at the cylinder valve CW manifold supply and WCS isolation Furnace Master power strip. 165 WCS Sample Log Parameter Sample # Date Ambient Temp Ambient Pressure Relative Humidity Engine Parameters RPM Throttle Load Cell Liner Temp Oil Sump Temp Air Inlet Temp WCS Parameters Line Temp Gas In Temp Furnace Temp Condenser In Temp Variac Setting Fuel Rate Calculations Initial Wt. Final Wt.. Time Duration Sample Times Time Started 166 Encl. 5 I i (IParameter I I I I 1 _ I Time Isolated 167 I I I I . Procedure for Drawing an Oil Sample Step Equipment Action 1 Oil Adapter Don latex gloves and attach adapter to the oil pan. 2 100 ml mixing cylinder and Mettler Balance Remove the stopper to the cylinder and place it on the balance, rezero the balance. 3 100 ml mixing cylinder Draw approximately a 10 to 20 ml sample from the oil pan. 4 Mettler Balance Weigh the oil sample; record weight. 5 ------------------ Allow sample to cool to ambient temperature. 6 1000 ml buret Ensure that the buret is full of heptane or some other non-polar solvent like toluene. 7 100 ml mixing cylinder Dilute the oil sample to between 90 and 99 ml total volume with solvent from step 5. Record volume under ist dilution volume. Mix thoroughly: this means that you cannot see any oil film on the side of the mixing cylinder. 8 10 ml graduated pipet, pipet bulb, 250 Pipet approximately 10 ml into the 250 ml mixing cylinder. Record volume transferred (read it off the pipet). 9 1000 ml buret Dilute mixture in the 250 ml cylinder to about 150 ml; record the total volume. 10 Scintillation Vial (Glass), Clean 10 ml pipet, pipet bulb. Transfer between 5 and 10 ml into the scintillation vial. Ensure that the cap of the vial is numbered. ----------- Dispose of rad waste properly and wash glassware. 11 168 Oil Sample Log Sheet Sample #: 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- Date: Oil Designation: Initial Volume: Ist Dilution Vol: 2nd Sample Vol: 2nd Dilution Vol: Sample #: Date: Oil Designation: Initial Volume: 1st Dilution Vol: 2nd Sample Vol: 2nd Dilution Vol : Sample #: Date: Oil Designation: Initial Volume: Ist Dilution Vol: 2nd Sample Vol: 2nd Dilution Vol: Encl 169 7 This Page Intentionally Blank 170 Appendix D: ROCS Validation and Evaluation D.1 General: This chapter evaluates the errors involved in the ROCS, discusses two areas where performance optimization was conducted and finally makes recommendations as to what future improvements might be considered. )D.2 Error Evaluation: A system error evaluation was conducted on the ROCS. The accuracy of the system (A) is defined as: (D.1) A=1-E where: E is the aggregate system error. C.85 during Test Matrix was on-going This analysis Corrections were made to equipment and sampling techniques to By the completion of Test correct problems encountered. Matrix C, the equipment and procedures were considered mature and no further modifications to either were made. Table D-1 shows the initial and final evaluations of component errors. Table D-1: ROCS Error Evaluation Measurement Initial Error Final Error Oil Dilution 1.7% 1.2% Fuel Weight 4.2% 1.2% Oil Sample Preparation 2.0% 0.015% Water Sample Preparation 1.0% 0.010% Sample Counting 0.2% 0.2% Catalyst Inefficiency 2.4% 2.4% System 10.1% 5.4% The errors were determined by the following methods: 85To avoid reducing the validity of that test matrix, the number of readings of a given measurement was increased so that those readings could be analyzed statistically; in such cases a normal distribution was assumed and the mean value was used for further calculations. 171 Single Measurements: Each measurement that is used as a single data point, like a volume measured in a graduated cylinder, is evaluated by assuming that the error in any careful measurement can be assumed to be one half of the finest scale gradation. The percentage error is taken to be the error divided by a typical measurement.86 Statistical Measurements: In the cases where there is no obvious way to evaluate the error (like the LSC or the micropipet volumes), multiple measurements of a standardized quantity were made. The measurements were analyzed for consistency and the standard deviation taken as the error. This is an admittedly simplistic approach, but gives a good indication of the relative magnitude of the system errors. Catalyst Inefficiency: Obtaining an absolute measure of the systemic errors caused by the unoxidized hydrocarbons is difficult; separation of unburned hydrocarbons from the post catalyst gases is difficult because of the diverse nature of these compounds and because some are polar enough to be miscible in exhaust water. As an alternative to an involved chemical extraction, it was assumed that all the HC leaving the catalyst bed were derived from the lubricating oil. This assumption gives an upper bound on the error due to nonoxidation in the catalyst. Taking as given the geometric constraints of the catalyst tube, the largest source of catalyst inefficiency is sample gas entrance temperature. As part of initial assembly, this temperature was evaluated and found to be close to 1400 Celsius (3600 from the temperature required for efficient catalyst operation). Line heaters and insulation were added increasing entrance temperature to approximately 2500 Celsius with the line heaters operating just below burnout temperature. No further thermal improvement to the catalyst efficiency was possible. The calculation of the catalyst inefficiency error is included as part of Appendix A. Multiple Measurement Error: In the case where a parameter is ,derived from multiple measurements (such as multiple dilutions) the error was calculated from the following formula: 86 For exa:riple, if 150 ml of liquid is measured in a 250 ml graduated cylinder with 1 ml gradations, the error is 0.5 E•~me"150 or 0.33 percent. 172 Atotal=1lB where: (D.2) A i is the accuracy of component measurement. the ith The overall system error was calculated by System Error: applying the worst-case error to each measurement and The performing a complete oil consumption calculation. resulting flawed oil consumption rate was then compared to the This results of the same calculation without the error. calculation is included in Appendix A. Error Reduction: It was found that the volumetric measurements involved in Oil Dilution, Oil Sample Preparation and Water Sample Preparation were the principle contributors to those errors; as many of the volumetric measurements as possible were changed to gravimetric determinations to reduce those errors. For example, micropipets were found to have an error of about 2%; if subtractive weighing on an analytical balance was used to measure the same quantity of liquid, the error was approximately 0.015%. Originally, the largest error in the system was that of the fuel consumption measurement. This error was reduced by increasing the length of time over which fuel consumption rate The optimum appears to be between 8 and 10 was measured. minutes. Longer samples are not desirable because at least two samples should be taken at each set of engine operating conditions to provide a double check (concurrence between the samples) D.3 Performance Optimization: The performance of the ROCS can be evaluated in two areas: a. sample rate and b. measurement accuracy. Test Matrices A and B were specifically designed to provide data to aid in performance optimization. Condenser Configuration: Test Matrix A evaluated the system performance using five different condenser configurations. Table D-2 presents the results of that evaluation. Table D-2: Condenser Performance Condenser Configuration (defined in Chapter 4) Criteria A B C D E Steady State Sample 0.49 0.47 0.52 0.58 0.65 Rate (ml/min) 173 Table D-2: Condenser Performance Condenser Configuration (defined in Chapter 4) Initial Sample Response Time87 (sec) 55 90 58 117 125 Purge Time 312 55 20 >360 >360 (sec) The twin condenser improved in steady state sample rate, however, all configurations met the 9.4 minute sample time Experience showed that the criteria for a 4 ml sample. minimum useful sample period is about 8.5 minutes for one-man operation of the system and the engine; all the ancillary tasks required in sampling (log keeping, etc.) are actually more time limiting than the sample period. More important are the Initial Sample Response and Purge times; these two times dictate how soon after a change in engine operating conditions valid samples can be obtained. Configuration E, a single c.oiled condenser, is considered the optimum condenser configuration. In the course of conducting Test Matrix A, it was discovered that applying vacuum grease to the fittings of the condenser assembly increased sampling rate by as much as 4,0%. 88 Supplemental Oxygen Flow: To improve the catalyst efficiency within the constraints discussed above, supplemental oxygen is added to the sample gas upstream of the catalyst bed. Test Matrix B was designed to optimize the amount of oxygen added to the sample; as discussed in Chapter 4, excess supplemental oxygen slows sampling and can drive down catalyst efficiency by excess sample cooling. The system was operated in two configurations: a. Bypass: the oxidation furnace bypassed, and b. Non-bypass: the oxidation furnace in its normal mode of operation. This allowed the measurement of non-catalyzed and catalyzed exhaust gases for varying oxygen flow rates. The resulting unburned hydrocarbon concentrations [HC] were used to calculate catalyst efficiencies (hat): 87 Initial Sample Response Time is defined as the length of time from when sample gas flow is initiated until the first drop of condensate enters the sampling flask. "8This also indicates that without the grease, the system develops air leaks that are severe enough to cause noticeable inaccuracies in the system measurements. 174 byp [HI S [HCI b,-paaa (D.3) The results are shown in Figure D-1. Based on these results, the ratio of the oxygen volume flow rate to the sample volume flow rate is optimized at 0.074.89 Catalyst Efficiency vs Oxygen Flow Rate 0.985 0.884 0.9 83 0 982 0. 981 0.98 0.979 0 979 0.977 Figure 5-1: D.4 0 /L * I I 0.2 I I 0.4 I I 0.8 I I I I 0.8 1 CThousanc•) Oxygen Flow Rate Ccc/mln) Supplemental Efficiency. Oxygen I I 1.2 I Effect I 1.4 I on I 1.8 Catalyst System Summary and Future Modifications The Radiotracer Oil Consumption System developed for this project has the following performance characteristics: 89In current configuration of the WCS, a stainless steel ball reading on the 602 flow tube will give this ratio; it should be checked frequently for approximately the first half hour of operation as the components in the oxygen flow path tend to cool and change the flow from the desired value. 175 Table D-3: ROCS Performance Summary Criteria Goal Actual Sample Period (min) 9.4 7.7 Error (%) 15 5.4 As currently configured the system employs a single furnace, single condenser design. The line heaters are limited to 4820 Celsius and are controlled manually. If future work requires increased system performance, the following recommendations are made. a. System response and sample rates might be improved by using two parallel coiled condensers. The two-condenser designs evaluated by this study were placed in series; a parallel arrangement would preserve the time response provided Iby single condensers, but provide the higher sample rate of dual condensers. b. The system currently takes about 30 minutes to heat up to operating line heater temperatures. The line heaters can only bring the sample gas to 2500 Celsius, requiring an additional 250 degrees of heating internal to the furnace/catalyst bed. The use of higher temperature heating tapes and thermostatic line heater control would allow a faster thermal response in heatup situations and more efficient catalyst operation. c. Future construction of a similar ROCS should also shorten the internal connecting piping as much as possible to obviate some of the heaters. 176 This Page Intentionally Blank 177 .rpen ix E= Oil Consumption Spreadsheets This appendix contains the data reduction spreadsheets for Test Matrices C and AZ. All the data from the data log sheets has been transcribed into this appendix. For the actual cell contents the original spreadsheets may be addressed on the thesis disk under the titles: OILCALC.wkl and AZOC.wkl. These spreadsheets also contain the pertinent oil specific activity calculations. Enclosure 1: Data Reduction Spreadsheet for Test Matrix C. Enclosure 2: Data Reduction Spreadsheet for Test Matrix AZ. 178 Data Reduction Spread Sheet for Test Matrix C Sample #: Date: 1 9E+05 2 9E+05 4 9E+05 6 9E+05 7 9E+05 8 9E+05 9 9E+05 LOG DATA Ambient Temp (deg. C): 23 Ambient Pressure (torr): 769.3 Relative Humidity (%): 60 23 768.8 60 21.5 762.7 61 19.5 767 60 19.5 767 60 19.5 767 60 19.5 767 60 Engine Speed (RPM): Throttle (indicated): Load Cell (#): Liner Temperature: Oil Sump Temperature: Air Inlet Temperature: 2033 12.1 22.2 114 90 36 2027 12.1 22.5 113 90 37 2065 11.8 21.8 117 89 30 2004 11.3 20 111 86 33 2004 11.3 20 111 86 33 2016 15.6 29.8 115 89 32 2016 15.6 29.8 115 89 32 Line Temperature: xh. Gas Into Furnace Temp: Furnace Temperature: Condenser Inlet Temp: Variac Setting: 411 208 645 154 80 417 244 653 163 80 426 242 604 146 83 439 244 631 145 83 439 244 631 145 83 445 249 619 145 83 445 249 619 145 83 Initial Fuel Wt. (lb): Final Fuel Wt. (lb): Time Duration (min): Sample Volume (ml): Sample Start Time: Sample Isolation Time: Duration Time: Median Sample Times: 62.7 61.5 6.75 62.7 61.5 6.75 49 47.7 6.67 81.3 80.45 5.75 81.3 80.45 5.75 77.8 76.6 5.5 77.8 76.6 5.5 SPECIFIC HUMIDITY SECTION Corrected Atm.Press.(torr) 767.3 Part.Press.H20 @100%Humid. 20.16 Specific Humidity (g H20/g 0.01 766.8 20.16 0.01 760.7 18.78 0.01 765 16.94 0.008 765 16.94 0.008 765 16.94 0.008 765 16.94 0.008 STOICHIOMETRIC RATIO SECTION Ko: 1.225 Kf: 1.219 Kaf: 4.659 1.225 1.219 4.659 1.225 1.219 4.659 1.225 1.219 4.659 1.225 1.219 4.659 1.225 1.219 4.659 1.225 1.219 4.659 FLOW RA.TE SECTION H/C ratio, oil: 1.89 H/C ratio, fuel: 1.88 Equivalence Ratio:: 1 Fuel Rate (g/sec):: 1.344 Air Mass Flow Rate (g/sec) 6.262 1.89 1.88 1 1.344 6.262 1.89 1.88 1 1.473 6.865 1.89 1.88 1 1.118 5.207 1.89 1.88 1 1.118 5.207 1.89 1.88 1 1.649 7.685 1.89 1.88 1 1.649 7.685 ACTIVITY SECTION Local Sample #: RPO Sample #: Date Analyzed: Sample Activity(dpm): Sample Volume (ml): Density of Water (g/ml): SAw (dpm/g): SAo (dpm/ml) Oil Density (g/ml): SAo (dpm/g): 1 1 8 Feb 38132 1 0.999 38170 7E+06 0.888 8E+06 2 2 8 Feb 36593 1 0.999 36630 7E+06 0.888 8E+06 4 4 8 Feb 22429 1 0.999 22451 7E+06 0.888 8E+06 6 6 8 Feb 22301 1 0.999 22323 7E+06 0.888 8E+06 7 7 8 Feb 24312 1 0.999 24336 7E+06 0.888 8E+06 8 8 8 Feb 13096 1 0.999 13109 7E+06 0.888 8E+06 9 9 8 Feb 14162 1 0.999 14176 7E+06 0.888 8E+06 0.008 7.899 0.008 7.579 0.005 5.073 0.004 3.81 0.004 4.154 0.003 3.297 0.004 3.566 OIL CONSUMPTION SECTION Rate of O/C (g/sec): Rate of O/C (mg/sec) 179 Encl. 1 Sample #: Date: 10 9E+05 , 11 9E+05 12 9E+05 13 9E+05 14 9E+05 15 9E+05 16 9E+05 LOG DATA Ambient Temp (deg. C): Ambient Pressure (torr): Relative Humidity (%): 19.5 767 60 18.5 773 58 18.5 773 58 18.5 773 58 18.5 773 58 18.5 773 58 18.5 773 58 Engine Speed (RPM): Throttle (indicated): Load Cell (#): Liner Temperature: Oil Sump Temperature: Air Inlet Temperature: 2008 23.4 44.3 121 90 36 2006 19.1 45.5 120 90 33 2011 19.1 45.5 118 92 32 2506 11.1 19.7 109 92 35 2506 11.1 19.7 109 92 35 2518 15.8 30 114 96 36 2518 15.8 30.1 115 95 35 Line Temperature: xh. Gas Into Furnace Temp: Furnace Temperature: Condenser Inlet Temp: Variac Setting: 455 255 633 150 83 472 249 531 89 83 459 245 548 110 83 455 250 577 123 83 455 250 577 123 83 450 250 608 126 83 458 252 617 127 83 Initial Fuel Wt. (ib): Final Fuel Wt. (ib): Time Duration (min): Sample Volume (ml): Sample Start Time: Sample Isolation Time: Duration Time: Median Sample Times: 70.3 68.1 6 65 58.5 16.95 65 58.5 16.95 55.16 53.56 8.05 55.16 53.56 8.05 49 47 7.5 49 47 7.5 SPECIFIC HUMIDITY SECTION Corrected Atm.Press.(torr) 765 Part.Press.H20 @100%Humid. 16.94 Specific Humidity (g H20/g 0.008 771 16.02 0.008 771 16.02 0.008 771 16.02 0.008 771 16.02 0.008 771 16.02 0.008 771 16.02 0.008 STOICHIOMETRIC RATIO SECTI Ko: 1.225 Kf: 1.219 Kaf: 4.659 1.225 1.219 4.659 1.225 1.219 4.659 1.225 1.219 4.659 1.225 1.219 4.659 1.225 1.219 4.659 1.225 1.219 4.659 FLOW RATE SECTION H/C ratio, oil: 1.89 H/C ratio, fuel: 1.88 Equivalence Ratio: 1 Fuel Rate (g/sec): 2.772 Air Mass Flow Rate (g/sec) 12.92 1.89 1.88 1 2.899 13.51 1.89 1.88 1 2.899 13.51 1.89 1.88 1 1.5 6.99 1.89 1.88 1 1.5 6.99 1.89 1.88 1 2.016 9.393 1.89 1.88 1 2.016 9.393 ACTIVITY SECTION Local Sample #: RPO Sample #: Date Analyzed: Sample Activity(dpm): Sample Volume (ml): Density of Water (g/ml): SAw (dpm/g): SAo (dpm/ml) Oil Density (g/ml): SAo (dpm/g): 10 10 8 Feb 9417 1 0.999 9427 7E+06 0.888 8E+06 11 11 8 Feb 3137 1 0.999 3140 7E+06 0.888 8E+06 12 12 8 Feb 7436 1 0.999 7444 7E+06 0.888 8E+06 13 13 8 Feb 15598 1 0.999 15613 7E+06 0.888 8E+06 14 14 8 Feb 15886 1 0.999 15902 7E+06 0.888 8E+06 15 15 8 Feb 12640 1 0.999 12653 7E+06 0.888 8E+06 16 16 8 Feb 12448 1 0.999 12461 7E+06 0.888 8E+06 OIL CONSUMPTION SECTION Rate of O/C (g/sec): Rate of O/C (mg/sec) 0.004 3.983 0.001 1.382 0.003 3.278 0.004 3.563 0.004 3.629 0.004 3.878 0.004 3.819 180 Encl. 1 Sample #: Date: LOG DATA Ambient Temp (deg. C): Ambient Pressure (torr): Relative Humidity (%): 17 9E+05 18.5 773 58 Engine Speed (RPM): Throttle (Indicated): Load Cell (#): Liner Temperature: Oil Sump Temperature: Air Inlet Temperature: 3679 12.6 20.2 Line Temperature: xh. Gas Into Furnace Temp: Furnace Temperature: Condenser Inlet Temp: Variac Setting: 465 258 628 127 83 Initial Fuel Wt. (lb): 37.81 Final Fuel Wt. (lb): Time Duration (min): 1 Sample Volume (ml): Sample Start Time: Sample Isolation Time: Duration Time: Median Sample Times: SPECIFIC HUMIDITY SECTION Corrected Atm.Press. (torr) 771 Part..Press.H20 @100%Humid. 16.02 Specific Humidity (g H20/g 0.008 STOICHIOMETRIC RATIO SECTI Ko: 1.225 Kf: 1.219 Kaf: 4.659 FLOW RATE SECTION H/C ratio, oil: H/C ratio, fuel: Equivalence Ratio:: Fuel Rate (g/sec):: Air Mass Flow Rate (g/sec) 1.89 1.88 1 2.22 10.34 ACTIVITY SECTION Local Sample #: RPO Sample #: Date Analyzed: Sample Activity(dp:m): Sample Volume (ml): Density of Water (g/ml): SAw (dpm/g): SAo (dpm/ml) Oil Density (g/ml): SAo (dpm/g): 17 17 8 Feb 12448 1 0.999 12461 7E+06 0.888 8E+06 OIL CONSUMPTION SECTION Rate of O/C (g/sec): Rate of O/C (mg/sec) 0.004 4.205 181 Encl. 1 Data Reduction Spreadsheet for Test Matrix AZ Sample #: Date: Series:: LOG DATA 40 940315 AZl 41 940315 AZ1 42 940315 AZI 43 940315 AZ1 Ambient Temp (deg. C): Ambient Pressure (torr): Relative Humidity (%): 20.5 752 70 20.5 752 70 20.5 752 70 20.5 752 70 Engine Speed (RPM): Throttle (indicated): Load Cell (#): Liner Temperature: Oil Sump Temperature: Air Inlet Temperature: 2029 13.9 21 114 87 31 2035 14 21.4 114 91 33 2042 14 21.2 114 89 35 2040 14 21.2 114 90 34 Initial Fuel Wt. (lb): Final Fuel Wt. (lb): Time Duration (min): 61.125 58.5313 13.75 61.125 58.5313 13.75 61.125 58.5313 13.75 61.125 58.5313 13.75 Engine Start Time: Sample Start Time: Sample Isolation Time: Duration Time: Sample Times (ref eng start time): 5 18 28 10 18 5 28 37 9 27.5 5 37 48.5 11.5 37.75 5 48.5 60.5 12 49.5 SPECIFIC HUMIDITY SECTION Corrected Atm.Press. (torr): Part.Press.H20 @100%Humid.: Specific Humidity (g H20/g Air): 750 17.86 0.01067 750 17.86 0.01067 750 17.86 0.01067 750 17.86 0.01067 STOICHIOMETRIC RATIO SECTION Ko: Kf: Kaf: 1.22462 1.21902 4.65937 1.22462 1.21902 4.65937 1.22462 1.21902 4.65937 1.22462 1.21902 4.65937 FLOW RATE SECTION H/C ratio, oil: H/C ratio, fuel: Equivalence Ratio:: Fuel Rate (g/sec):: Air Mass Flow Rate (g/sec): 1.89 1.88 1 1.42609 6.64468 1.89 1.88 1 1.42609 6.64468 1.89 1.88 1 1.42609 6.64468 1.89 1.88 1 1.42609 6.64468 ACTIVITY SECTION Date Analyzed: Sample Activity(dpm): Sample Weight (g): SAw (dpm/g) : SAo (dpm/g) : 940316 3615 0.9810 3685.02 8554748 940316 3440 0.9819 3503.41 8554748 940316 3266 0.9445 3457.91 8554748 940316 3284 0.9666 3397.48 8554748 OIL CONSUMPTION SECTION Rate of O/C (g/sec): Rate of O/C (mg/sec) 0.00078 0.7798 0.00074 0.74135 0.00073 0.73172 0.00072 0.71892 182 Encl. 2 Sample #: Date: Series: LOG DATA 44 940315 AZ1 45 940315 AZ1 46 940315 AZ1 47 940315 AZI Ambient Temp (deg. C): Ambient Pressure (torr): Relative Humidity (%): 20.5 752 70 20.5 752 70 20.5 752 70 20.5 752 70 Engine Speed (RPM): Throttle (indicated): Load Cell (#): Liner Temperature: Oil Sump Temperature: Air Inlet Temperature: 2504 14 21.4 114 93 36 2502 14 21.4 112.5 93 35 2497 14 21.4 113 91 36 2925 14 21.4 114 94 37 Initial Fuel Wt. (ib): Final Fuel Wt. (ib): Time Duration (min): 50 47.1875 12.4333 50 47.1875 12.4333 50 47.1875 12.4333 43.8125 39.75 15.7667 Engine Start Time: Sample Start Time: Sample Isolation Time: Duration Time: Sample Times (ref eng start time): 5 67.9 77 9.1 67.45 5 77 86.5 9.5 76.75 5 86.5 97 10.5 86.75 5 105.8 113.1 7.3 104.45 SPECIFIC HUMIDITY SECTION Corrected Atm.Press.(torr): Part.Press.H20 @100%Humid.: Specific Humidity (g H20/g Air): 750 17.86 0.01067 750 17.86 0.01067 750 17.86 0.01067 750 17.86 0.01067 STOICHIOMETRIC RATIO SECTION Ko: Kf: Kaf: 1.22462 1.21902 4.65937 1.22462 1.21902 4.65937 1.22462 1.21902 4.65937 1.22462 1.21902 4.65937 FLOW RATE SECTION H/C ratio, oil: H/C ratio, fuel: Equivalence Ratio: Fuel Rate (g/sec): Air Mass Flow Rate (g/sec): 1.89 1.88 1 1.71012 7.96808 1.89 1.88 1 1.71012 7.96808 1.89 1.88 1 1.71012 7.96808 1.89 1.88 1 1.94794 9.07616 ACTIVITY SECTION Date Analyzed: Sample Activity(dpm): Sample Weight (g): SAw (dpm/g): SAo (dpm/g): 940316 6705 0.7757 8643.81 8554748 940316 9624 0.9734 9886.99 8554748 940316 9682 0.9626 10058.2 8554748 940316 6526 0.9707 6722.98 8554748 OIL CONSUMPTION SECTION Rate of O/C (g/sec): Rate of O/C (mg/sec) 0.0022 2.19501 0.00251 2.51116 0.00255 2.5547 0.00194 1.94412 183 Encl. 2 Sample #: Date: Series: LOG DATA 48 940315 AZI 49 940315 AZI 50 940318 AZ2 51 940318 AZ2 Ambient Temp (deg. C): Ambient Pressure (torr): Relative Humidity (%): 20.5 752 70 20.5 752 70 20 750.9 63.5 20 750.9 63.5 Engine Speed (RPM): Throttle (indicated): Load Cell (#): Liner Temperature: Oil Sump Temperature: Air Inlet Temperature: 2913 14.05 21.4 114 93 36 2907 14.07 21.8 113 93 36 2053 13.4 21.4 115 89 31 2037 13.4 21.8 115 86 34 Initial Fuel Wt. (lb): Final Fuel Wt. (lb): Time Duration (min): 43.8125 39.75 15.7667 43.8125 39.75 15.7667 91.125 88.2188 15.7333 91.125 88.2188 15.7333 Engine Start Time: Sample Start Time: Sample Isolation Time: Duration Time: Sample Times (ref eng start time): 5 113.1 123.8 10.7 113.45 5 123.8 131 7.2 122.4 38 52 62.5 10.5 19.25 38 62.5 75 12.5 30.75 SPECIFIC HUMIDITY SECTION Corrected Atm.Press.(torr): Part.Press.H20 @100%Humid.: Specific Humidity (g H20/g Air): 750 17.86 0.01067 750 17.86 0.01067 748.9 17.4 0.00944 748.9 17.4 0.00944 STOICHIOMETRIC RATIO SECTION Ko: Kf: Kaf: 1.22462 1.21902 4.65937 1.22462 1.21902 4.65937 1.22462 1.21902 4.65937 1.22462 1.21902 4.65937 FLOW RATE SECTION H/C ratio, oil: H/C ratio, fuel: Equivalence Ratio: Fuel Rate (g/sec): Air Mass Flow Rate (g/sec): 1.89 1.88 1 1.94794 9.07616 1.89 1.88 1 1.94794 9.07616 1.89 1.88 1 1.39648 6.5067 1.89 1.88 1 1.39648 6.5067 ACTIVITY SECTION Date Analyzed: . Sample Activity(dpm): Sample Weight (g): SAw (dpm/g): SAo (dpm/g): 940316 5136 0.9493 5410.3 8554748 940316 5249 0.9670 5428.13 8554748 940318 2865.57 0.9756 2937.24 8554748 940318 2127 0.8558 2485.39 8554748 OIL CONSUMPTION SECTION Rate of O/C (g/sec): Rate of O/C (mg/sec) 0.00156 1.56423 0.00157 1.56939 0.00061 0.60583 0.00051 0.5126 . 184 Encl. 2 Appendix Sample #: Date: Series: LOG DATA 52 940318 AZ2 53 940318 AZ2 54 940318 AZ2 Ambient Temp (deg. C): Ambient Pressure (torr): Relative Humidity (%): 20 750.9 63.5 20 750.9 63.5 20 750.9 63.5 Engine Speed (RPM): Throttle (indicated): Load Cell (#): Liner Temperature: Oil Sump Temperature: Air Inlet Temperature: 2026 13.4 21.8 114 85 34 2034 13.4 21.6 114 89 34 2497 13.55 21.4 116 92 36 Initial Fuel Wt. (lb): Final Fuel Wt. (lb): Time Duration (min): 91.125 88.2188 15.7333 91.125 88.2188 15.7333 83.5938 80.2188 15.8333 Engine Start Time: Sample Start Time: Sample Isolation Time: Duration Time: Sample Times (ref eng start time): 38 75 85 10 42 38 85 93.5 8.5 51.25 38 98.5 106.5 8 64.5 SPECIFIC HUMIDITY SECTION Corrected Atm.Press.(torr): Part.Press.H20 @100%Humid.: Specific Humidity (g H20/g Air): 748.9 17.4 0.00944 748.9 17.4 0.00944 748.9 17.4 0.00944 STOICHIOMETRIC RATIO SECTION Ko: Kf: Kaf: 1.22462 1.21902 4.65937 1.22462 1.21902 4.65937 1.22462 1.21902 4.65937 FLOW RATE SECTION H/C ratio, oil: H/C ratio, fuel: Equivalence Ratio: Fuel Rate (g/sec): Air Mass Flow Rate (g/sec): 1.89 1.88 1 1.39648 6.5067 1.89 1.88 1 1.39648 6.5067 1.89 1.88 1 1.61147 7.50845 ACTIVITY SECTION Date Analyzed: Sample Activity(dpm): Sample Weight (g): SAw (dpm/g): SAo (dpm/g): 940318 2364 0.9682 2441.64 8554748 940318 2361 0.9650 2446.63 8554748 940318 2818 0.9629 2926.58 8554748 OIL CONSUMPTION SECTION Rate of O/C (g/sec): Rate of O/C (mg/sec) 0.0005 0.50358 0.0005 0.50461 0.0007 0.69657 185 E: Enclosure 2 Encl. 2 This Page Intentionally Blank 186 This Page Intentionally Blank 187 Appendix F:' Basic Routines This appendix contains the BASIC routines used in this project. These routines can be run on BASIC interpreter. The routines are stored on the thesis disk (in the care of the thesis advisor) in the directory titled "BASIC". Enclosure i: LIF.bas Enclosure 2: PRESPEAK.bas Enclosure 3: PRESSURE.bas Enclosure 4: PROMATCH.bas 188 LIF.bas This routine provides a calibrated LIF trace for the measurement of film thicknesses. It requires the calibration constant be derived manually using the traces derived by PROMATCH. 10 OPEN "i",1,"b:az42000b.out" 20 OPEN "o",2,"b:az42000b.lif" 30 LET K=0 40 LET N=0 44 ' 45 'Set crank shaft radius 50 LET A=46 54 ' 55 'set rough calibration constant for film thickness. 60 LET LS=1 64 65 'set conrod length (mm) 70 LET L=152.4 80 INPUT#1,D 90 LET N=N+l 100 IF N=1 THEN GOTO 80 105 IF N=3 THEN GOTO 40 11.0 LET DEGREE=K*360/2000 12(0 LET THETA=DEGREE*.017453 130 LET Z=A*COS(THETA)+(L^2-A^2*SIN(THETA)A2) ^ .5 - 1 96.5 + 38.1 140 LET V=D*.002441 150 LET FILM=V*LS 160 PRINT#2, DEGREE,Z, FILM 170 LET K=K+I. 180 IF K<4000 GOTO 80 190 CLEAR 200 END 189 Encl. 1 PRESPEAK. bas This routine calculates the cyclic peak pressures and the crank angle at which they occur. The routine assumes that the pressures are contained in a file with two columns in which the pressures are the first column. 10 OPEN "i", 1, "b:az42000b.dat" 11 LET R=0:LET K=0:LET L=0:LET P2=0:LET P1=0 12 LINE INPUT#1, A$ 14 LET R=R+1 15 IF R<44 THEN GOTO 12 20 OPEN "o", 2, "b:az42000b.ppk" 24 CLS 25 INPUT; "Enter pressure test interval: " , PINTERVAL 26 CLS 30 INPUT; "Enter rise slope trigger: ", ST 31 CLS 32 INPUT; "Enter peak slope threshold: ",PS 33 CLS 34 PRINT "Deg ATC","Pressure" 35 LET M=0 40 LET N=0 50 REM 59 IF L=2000 THEN LET L=0 60 INPUT#1,I 70 LET N=N+l 80 IF N=2 THEN GOTO 40 90 'IF N=3 THEN GOTO 40 95 K=K+l 961 L=L+1 100 LET M=M+1 110 IF M< PINTERVAL THEN GOTO 60 115 LET M=0 120 LET Pl=P2:LET P2=I 130 LET DIFF=P2-Pl 140 IF Q=1 THEN GOTO 160 145 IF DIFF>ST THEN LET Q=1 150 GOTO 60 160 IF DIFF>PS OR P2<580 THEN GOTO 60 170 LET DEGREE=L*360/2000 180 PRINT#2,DEGREE,P2 190 PRINT DEGREE,P2 200 LET Q=0 210 IF K<36000! THEN GOTO 60 220 CLEAR 230 END 190 Encl. 2 PRVESSURE. bas 5 REM "This program uses the cycle-averaged DAS output file as an input. It reads the data and uses a counter to determine which data points are pressure data, and then writes the data to a pressure output file with the corresponding crank angle." 10 OPEN "i",1,"b:AZ42000B.OUT" 20 OPEN "o",2,"b:AZ42000B.P" 30 LET K=0:LET D=0 40 N=0 50 REM 60 INPUT#1,I 70 N=N+1 80 IF N=2 THEN GOTO 60 90 IF N=3 THEN GOTO 40 100 LET DEGREE=K*360/2000 110 LET DIFF=D-DEGREE 120 IF ABS(DIFF)>.1 THEN GOTO 150 1:30 D=D+2 140 PRINT#2,D, I 150 K=K+l 160 IF K<4000 THEN GOTO 60 170 IF D<358 THEN PRINT "Less than full cycle data!!!!"ELSE PRINT"pressure file complete." 180 CLEAR 190 END 191 Encl. 3 PROMATCH. bas This routine prepares matched surface files for calibration purposes. The surfaces can then be manipulated in a spreadsheet program. 10 REM open input & output files 20 INPUT; "Enter name of LIF data file path: 310 CLS 40 INPUT;"Enter PROFDAT$ name of surface profile data ",LIF$ file path: 50 CLS 60 INPUT; "Enter name of matched profile ouput path: ",MATCHFILE$ 70 CLS 80 OPEN"i",1,LIF$ 90 OPEN "i",2,PROFDAT$ 100 OPEN"o",3, MATCHFILE$ 110 REM initialize constants 120 LET Z1=26.797: LET SWITCH=0 130 REM 140 REM 150 REM 160 REM initialize data identifiers: m=profile, n=lif 170 LET M=0 180 LET N=0 190 REM routine to find first z. 200 INPUT#1, LIF 210 LET N=N+1 220 IF N=1 THEN GOTO 200 230 IF N=3 AND SWITCH=0 THEN GOTO 180 240 IF N=3 GOTO 262 250 IF LIF<Z1 THEN GOTO 259 255 GOTO 200 259 LET LIFZ=LIF 260 LET SWITCH = 1 261 GOTO 200 262 N=0 263 GOTO 280 270 REM routine to build a matched profile file. Initial z point is stored in Lifz, n=0, lif contains a voltage. 280 INPUT #2, PROF 290 LET M=M+1 300 IF M=2 THEN GOTO 360 304 REM convert prof from cm to mm. 305 PROF=PROF*10 308 PRINT PROF,M 310 IF PROF<LIFZ THEN GOTO 400 320 PRINT#3, LIFZ, PROF1 325 PRINT LIFZ,PROF1 330 IF EOF(2) THEN GOTO 370 340 GOSUB 500 350 GOTO 280 360 LET PROF1=PROF 365 GOTO 280 192 Encl 4 370 380 3190 400 405 500 510 5:20 5:30 540 545 550 5650 5'70 CLEAR PRINT"end of profile data" END M=0 GOTO 280 INPUT#1, LIF LET N=N+1 IF N=1 THEN GOTO 500 IF N=3 THEN GOTO 560 LET LIFZ*=LIF GOTO 500 PRINT"subroutine is not working" N=0 RETURN 193 Encl. 4 This Page Intentionally Blank 194 ,Appendix G: Photographs of Piston Deposit Patterns This appendix presents photographs of the pistons removed from the number four cylinder after operation. The principal feature depicted is the deposit pattern on the side of the piston above the gap pin (designated by a small black dot on the second land). Enclosure 1: AZ Test Pistons; Comparative View Enclosure 2: AZI Close-up Enclosure 3: AZ2 Close-up Enclosure 4: AZ3 Close-up Enclosure 5: AZ4 Close-up 195 5i 11 / I -- 'A I Ft Y 196 Encl. 1 197 Encl.2 Nw K 198 Encl. 3 C 03 00 Ne N 'ii;, 199 IC Encl. 4 NJ~ 200 Encl. 5