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Thesis Supervisor Accepted by . . . . . . . Chairman, A partmental Committee on Graduate Students Archives Ar S ABSTRACT THE ATTRITIOUS AND FRACTURE WEAR OF GRINDING WHEELS by Stephen Malkin Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering February 1968, in partial fulfillment of the requirements the degree of Doctor of Science for A detailed investigation is made of the nature and extent-of grinding wheel wear in finish grinding. The wear is broadly either attritious or fracture wear. classified as Attritious wear results in the dull- ing of the tips of the abrasive grain by rubbing against the workpiece surface. Fracture wear is the removal of abrasive particles from the wheel either by fracturing within the grain (grain fracture) or fracturing at the bond (bond fracture). Most of the wear is found to consist of grain and bond fracture particles. The rate at which fracture wear occurs is directly related to the grinding forces. The attritious wear, although contributing insignificantly to the total, is the most important form of wear. The dulling of the grains by attrition, measured by the area of the wear flats, uniquely determines the grinding forces for a particular workpiece material and for given grinding conditions. Both the horizontal and vertical grinding force components (For steel this is true only increase linearly with the wear flat area. This linear variaup to a critical wear flat area where burning occurs.) tion between grinding force and wear flat area is explained by considering the force as the sum of a cutting force due to chip formation and a sliding force due to rubbing between the wear flats and the workpiece. Related investigations are also made of wheel dressing, surface finish, workpiece burn, and grinding temperatures. Thesis Supervisor: Nathan H. Cook Professor of Mechanical Engineering -ii- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author welcomes Professor this opportunity to express his gratitude to N. H. Cook for his supervision of this thesis and his continual interest and encouragement. He is also indebted to the members of his thesis committee, Professor E. Rabinowicz and Professor R. L. Coble, for their helpful advice and discussions. The author gratefully acknowledges the financial support of Norton Company, Thanks are due in particular to Dr. G S. Reichenbach of Norton Company, formerly of M.I.T., who supervised this thesis in its early stages and continued to be helpful for the duration of the work. A special note of thanks is due to Messrs. J. Leach, F. Anderson, and R. Whittemore S. Marcolongo, for their R. Bowley, practical assistance in the experimental program. The facilities of the Harvard University Computing Center were used for making numerical calculations. The author's wife, Judithwho is a member of that organization, was especially helpful. Thanks are also due to Miss Angela Theodore who did the typing. Finally the author would like to again thank his wife for her support and assistance. -iii- Table of Contents Title Pag e .......................................... eeeeeeeeeeeleeel . Abstract .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . eeeeeleleeeeeeee ............................................ * AcknowledIgements..................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ..... iii .0........ iv 'Table of Contents.................................... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeemeeeeeeeee vii xi List of Fables ................................................ eeeereeeeeeeeeee List of Symbols..................................... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I. Intrroduction. II. Lite eratureReview xii ................................... eeeeeeeeeee·eeee 1 of Grinding Wheel Wear........ eeaeeeeeeeeeeeee 4 * . 0 . 0 . . . . . . 0 * III. Equi.pment,Material, Procedures, and Parameters.eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 3.1. Introduction ............................. 3.2. Equipment..................... 3.4. Workpiece Materials 13 ........ eeeeeeeee:eeeeeee 13 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .................... 3.5. Parameters ............................. 0 . 0 0 0 . . . 0 . . 17 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee * v v .v .v . 0 0 . . Forces and Energy ...... leeeeeleeeeeeeee 3.5.2. Per Cent Wear Flat Area ......... 18 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .. .. . 0..... ... 3.5.3. Active Grains per Unit Area..... eeeeeeeeoeeeleel 0. .0.. .. 0... 0. 3.5.5. Per Cent Bond Fracture.......... ... 21 0...... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .. 0. . . .. 0. . . . . . . 0 . 0 . . . . 25 11 - 4.1. Introduction...........................eeeee~eeeeeoeeee 4.2. Results ... .. , . . 0.. * 0 .0..0.. 4.3. Discussion........................... -iv- 25 .0.. ................ .. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee . . 0 . . . 22 ..... eeeleeeeeeeeeeee Dres3sing....................................... * 20 ...... 3.5.4. Grinding Wheel Wear............. eeeleeeeeleeeeee .. 17 .0..0......- ...... .. 16 16 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee * 3.5.1. Grinding 13 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 3.3. Grinding Wheels .*................... ... IV. ii . eeeleeeeeeeeeeee List of FFigures...................................... i eeeeeeeeeeleeeee . . 0 . . 26 . 32 V. Attritious Wear and (Grinding Forces....... ............ 36 5.1. Introductiorn..................... eeeeeeeleee. 36 .~eeeeeeeee, 36 .......... * . . . . . . . . . ... eeeeee. 5.2. Results.... ......... 5.3. Discussion., .. e................... 53 ........... ee........ VI. Grinding Temperaturesn..................... 66 .. eeeeeeee 6.1. Introductioi, * . . . 66 . . . . . .eeeeeeee·ee eeeeeeeeeeee . 6.2. Geometry of Chip Formation....... eoe·eeeeeeee 67 6.3. Energy Partdition ................. eee·eee·eee. 71 6.4. Calculated (Grinding Temperatures. .eeeee·eeeee 74 1................... VII. Surface Finish........ 79 ........... .e..e.... .eeeeeeeeeee. eeeeeeeeeee. 7.1. IntroductiorI..................... . . . . . . . . .. . . 7.2. Results and Discussion........... rVIII.Fracture Wear ..... .. . . 79 .eeeeeeeeeee 79 . . . . . eeeeee·leee. 8.1. Introductior eeeeee·eeeee 82 82 .......... 8.2. Results.... eeeeeeeeeeee 82 .eeeeeeeeeee 91 .eeeeee·eee. 96 .......... 8.3. Discussion. * IX. Conclusions ......... X. Suggestions e * ee e e .e !Gr ..eeeeeeeeee for Futuire Work.............. References............... ..... Grains eeeeeee·eeeee ....... Appendix A. Calculation 4of the Maximum Number of Active Appendix B. Calculation 4of Temperatures due to Appendix C. Calculation of Temperatures due to Sliding. *............ Appendix D. Calculation of the Average Temperature Cutting. .. ,............ ,.eeeeeeeeee. @* 99 101 105 106 108 in the Grinding Area......................................... 110 Tables............................. ........ Biographical Notee...................................... -vi- ......... 111 131 List of Figures No. Title 1. Illustration 2. Photograph of the equipment .................................. 3. Microphotograph 4. Number of active grains/inch2 versus bond per cent Page of the three types of wear .............................. 3 of wear flats ....................................... 19 for fine and coarse dressing ............................... 5. ............................ 28 Wear flat area per grain versus bond per cent for fine and coaxse dressing ................................ 7. Number of active grains per square inch versus 100 minus for dressing particles ............... 34 Grinding forces and force ratio versus number of passes for 1018 steel workpiece, v 11. ... 30 ...................................... 31 per cent bond fracture 10. ...... Per cent bond fracture versus bond per cent for dressing particles.... 9. 29 Particle size distribution for dressing particles and abrasive grain.... .. .... . 8. 27 Wear flat area versus bond per cent for fine and coarse dressing............ 6. 14 8 ft./min., d fine dress, V 6250 ft,./min., .001 in .................................. 37 Per cent wear flat area and wear flat area per grain versus number of passes for 1018 steel workpiece, dress, V = 6250 ft./min., v - 8 ft./min., d -vii- fine .001 in ........ 38 12. Grinding forces and force ratio versus number of passes for 1018 steel workpiece, coarse dress, V = 6250 ft./min., ................................ 39 v = 8 ft./min., d = .001 in .. 13. Per cent wear flat area and wear flat area per grain versus number of passes for 1018 steel workpiece, coarse dress, V = 6250 ft./min., v = 8 ft./min., d = .001 in .......... 14. Number of active grains/inch 1018 steel workpiece, d 15. = .001 in Microphotographs V 2 versus bond per cent for 6250 ft./min., v = 8 ft./min., ...................... ............... ........ ....... 41 of wear flats after 20, 40, 60, 80, and .................. 100 passes ............................... 16. 40 43 Grinding forces versus wear flat area for 1018 steel, fine and coarse dress, V = 6250 ft./min., v = 8 ft./min., d = .001 in 17. . .................................................. 45 Grinding forces versus wear flat area for 52100 steel, fine dress, V = 6250 ft./min., v .18. - 6250 ft./min., v = 8 ft./min., Grinding Grinding d = .001 in .................. 47 = 8 ft./min., d = .001 in ..... 48 forces verses wear flat area for niobium, fine dress, V = 6250 ft./min., v - 8 ft./min., d = .001 in ................ 21. 46 forces versus wear flat area for 130 A titanium, fine dress, V = 6250 ft./min., v 20. 8 ft./min., d = .001 in ..... Grinding forces versus wear flat area for T1 steel, fine dress, V 19. - Grinding forces versus wear flat area for molybdenum, fine dress V = 6250 ft./min., v = 8 ft./min., d = .001 in ............... -viii- 49 50 22. Grinding forces versus wear flat area, for Stellite fine dress, V = 6250 ft./min., v 23. Grinding 8 ft./min, d = .001 in..... 51 forces versus wear flat area for 1018 steel, fine dress, V = 3125 ft./min., v 24. No. 6B, Illustration of chip formation sliding force components 4 ft./min., d = .001 in.... = and the cutting and ...... ..... ... ......................... 54 25. Illustration of the grinding geometry......................... 26. Pressure distribution due to contact between a punch and a semi-infinite elastic solid Specific cutting energy versus wear flat pressure . 28. Specific cutting energy versus melting point of the workpiece.. .29. Geometry ..... :30. Geometry of chip formation. 31. Fraction of grinding chip ... 56 ............................. 59 27. of undeformed 52 . ............62 ... 63 ......................... 68 ................................... 72 energy conducted to the workpiece versus the wear flat area for 1018 steel, fine dress, V = 6250 ft./min., v = 8 ft./min., 32. d = .001 in ............................... 73 Variation of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity with temperature for mild steel .............................. 75 33. Distribution of calculated grinding workpiece surface........................ 34. temperatures along ... . ....... ..... 77 Surface finish versus the number of passes for fine and coarse dressing for 1018 steel, V v = 8 ft./min., = 6250 ft./min., d = .001 in ................................... -ix- 80 35. Accumulated wear versus number of passes for 1018 steel, 6250 ft./min., v = 8 ft./min., d fine dress, V 36. Accumulated wear versus number of passes for 1018 steel, coarse dress, V - 6250 ft./min., v 37. Accumulated 8 ft./min., d - .001 in.... 84 wear versus number of passes for 52100 steel, fine dress, V 38. .001 in ...... 83 6250 ft./min., v 8 ft./min., d .001 in ...... 85 Particle size distribution of wear particles and abrasive grain for 1018 steel, fine dress, V - 6250 ft./min., v 39. 8 ft./min., d .001 in ..................................... 87 Particle size distribution of wear particles and abrasive grain for 1018 steel, coarse dress, V - 6250 ft./min., v 40. 8 ft./min., d - .001 in .................. ,..................... 88 Particle size distribution of wear particles and abrasive grain for 52100 steel,fine dress, V v - 8 ft./min., d .001 in .... .. 6250 ft./min., ... ..... .. .. 89 41. Per cent bond fracture versus bond per cent for wear particles.. g90 42. Illustration 43. Correlation between the wear per active grain and the of the force on an active grain .................... bond stress factor ..... 92 ........................................... 95 List of Tables No. Title 1. Description 2. Workpiece Materials.......................... 3. Wheel Dressing - Experimental Results.......... 4. Sieve Number - Screen Opening............................. 114 5. Forces and Wear Flats - 1018 Steel, Fine Dress............. 115 6. Forces and Wear Flats - 1018 Steel, Coarse Dress .......... 116 7. Forces and Wear Flats - 52100 Steel, Fine Dress ........... i17 8. Forces 118 and Wear Flats - T1 Steel, Fine Dress................. 9. Forces and Wear Flats - 130 A Titanium, Fine Dress......... 119 10. Forces and Wear Flats - Niobium, 120 11. Forces and Wear Flats - Molybdenum, Fine Dress............. 121 12. Forces and Wear Flats - Stellite No. 6B, Fine Dress........ 122 13. Forces and Wear Flats - 1018 Steel, Fine Dress ............. 14. Summary of Results Frc)m Least Square Analysis.............. 124 15. Energy Partition - 10118 Steel, Fine Dress .................. 125 16. Surface Finish, 1018 Steel................ 12( 17. Wheel Wear - 1018 Steel, Fine Dress....... 127 18. Wheel Wear - 1018 Steel, Coarse Dress..... 128 19. Wheel Wear - 52100 Steel, Fine Dress...... 129 B.1. Calculated 130 Page of Whee6s ......................... -xi- . . .0 .. . . 111 . . . .. .. . . 112 Fine Dress................ Values of T ................... c . 00000000000000000 ................. 113 123 LIST OF SYMBOLS Symbol Description Dimensions a Semi-width of punch in. aA Apparent in. 2 area of contact between wheel and workpiece aR Real area of contact between wear flats and workpiece in.2 A Wear flat area per cent lb Width of cut in. Per cent of wear due to bond per cent iB fracture c Correlation coefficient C1 Constant C2 Constant C Number of cutting points per unit area in -2 d Downfeed per pass in. D Wheel diameter in. f Function used for contact pressure distribution fH Horizontal fV Vertical FH Horizontal grinding force FHC Horizontal force per grain force per grain force due to cutting -xii- lb. lb. lb. lb. Description FHS Horizontal Fv Vertical force lb. Vertical force due to cutting lb. Vertical force due to sliding lb. FVC FVS force due to sliding Dimensions H Workpiece hardness I Function used for moving heat source calculation k Thermal conductivity K Constant ,1 Semi-width of band for moving heat source calculation 1C Undeformed chip length L Nondimensional variable in moving heat source calculation m Number of grains per unit weight lb. lb./in.2 lb./sec. OF of abrasive M Number of whole grains corresponding to a given weight of abrasive 11 Number of active grains "instantaneoudly" in contact with workpiece N Number of contacts which occur between active grains and workpiece p Contact pressure between punch elastic solid or between wear flat and workpiece lb p Average contact pressure between wear flats and workpiece lb. -xiii- /in.2 /in.2 Symbol Description Dimensions Probability that a grain will experience a bond fracture for each contact between a grain and the workpiece P Force per unit width between punch and semi-finite solid q Grinding energy flux qf Energy flux due to sliding between wear flats and workpiece Q Total grinding power r Ratio of width lb./in. 2 in. lb./in. in. lb./in. in. lb./sec. to thickness of undeformed chip R Fraction of grinding energy conducted to workpiece Fraction of cutting energy conducted to workpiece Fraction of sliding energy conducted to workpiece tl Undeformed chip thickness in. (tl)max Maximum undeformed chip thickness in. t2 Actual chip thickness in. Actual chip thickness when in. the cut is 50% complete (t 2 )max Maximum value of t2 TA Calculated temperature rise over the grinding area -xiv- in. sec Symbol (TA)ave (TA)max Dimensions Description Average value of TA Maximum value of TA TC Calculated temperature rise due to cutting (Tc)ave Average value of TC at (TC)max Maximum value of T shear zone u Specific grinding energy in. lb./in. 3 u Specific cutting energy in. lb./in. 3 v Velocity of workpiece ft./min. VII Velocity of wheel periphery ft./min. Velocity of moving heat source ft./min. Vb shear zone at Fraction by weight of bonding agent in the wheel w Wear per "instantaneous" active mg. grain in 20 passes. W Wear in 20 passes mg. x Coordinate of punch; wear flat, and moving heat source in. X Nondimensional coordinate of moving heat source oi Thermal diffusivity 2 in. /sec. Constant A? Shear angle -xv- degrees I. INTRODUCTION Grinding of metals is similar to other metal cutting operations as metal is removed by a shearing process of chip formation. cutting operations a tool of known geometry and orientation grinding is accomplished by numerous insofar In most metal is used, but tools (abrasive grains) of varied and indeterminate geometry. These hard abrasive grains are held together by a weaker bond to form a grinding wheel. As the wheel rotates, the grains cut chips out of the workpiece. As a grinding wheel wears, the surface of the wheel becomes uneven. Dulling of the abrasive grains also occurs. in the quality of the workpiece surface. This leads to deterioration For finish grinding where precise surfaces of low surface roughness are required, it is necessary to periodi- cally sharpen or dress the wheel. For abrasive machining, where the objective is bulk metal removal, the quality of the surface is relatively unimportant and the grinding wheel is not periodically dressed. The present investiga- tion is concerned only with finish grinding. The main difficulty encountered by the grinding of the grinding wheel best-suited for a given work. engineer is the choice It is often found that the best grinding wheel for the job is the one which experiences wheel wear. the least This is not due to the cost of the wheels because in finish grinding that cost is but a small portion of the total expense. The general belief is that if the wheel consumption time required is low, the unproductive for dressing the wheel will be less and the grinding operation will be more efficient. -1- It is therefore not surprising that grinding wheel wear has been the subject of numerous investigations. Most of these investigations are empirical in nature and the experimental cable only to the particular been a pitiful results are usually appli- case at hand or a similar one. There has lack of basic research in this area. Grinding wheel wear can be broadly classified as either attritious wear or fracture wear. Attritious wear results in the flattening or dull- ing of the abrasive grain by rubbing against the workpiece surface, illustrated by (A) in Figure 1. grinding wheel. This accounts for the glazed appearance of a Fracture wear is the removal of abrasive particles from the wheel by either fracturing within the grain (grain fracture), illus- trated by (B) in Figure 1, or fracturing at the bond (bond fracture), illustrated by (C) in Figure 1. This thesis describes a detailed investigation into the nature and extent of grinding wheel wear. The total wear is measured of the grinding wheel wear particles. statistical The wear particles are sieved and a analysis is used to determine the relative amounts of grain fracture, bond fracture, and attritious wear. measured from the weight The attritious wear is also as the area of the wear flats generated on the grains. ficance of these different The signi- types of wear is clearly observed. Related investigations are also made of grinding forces, wheel dressing, surface finish, grinding temperatures, -2- and workpiece burn. Figure 1. Illustration of the three types of wear. A - attritious wear, B - grain fracture, C - bond fracture. -3- II. LITERATURE REVIEW OF GRINDING WHEEL WEAR The first significant scientific investigation of the grinding process was performed by G.I. Alden of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. report "Operation of Grinding Wheels in Machine Grinding" ( the A.S.M.E. in 1914, a mathematical ) In his presented to relationship was derived for the "grain depth of cut" or chip thickness as a function of the grinding conditions. Alden reasoned that the wear of the grinding wheel "on a given kind of work is almost entirely dependent upon the grain depth of cut", a larger depth of cut causing greater wear. Almost twenty years later, a Swedish engineer, R. Woxen, working country at Norton Company, performed in this the first extensive and systematic inves- tigation of grinding wheel wear.(2) W6xen introduced the wheel wear parameter which he called the specific wear, which is defined as the volume ratio of wheel wear to metal removal. index or G-ratio (grinding ratio) which describe grinding wheel wear. wheel This is equal to the inverse of the grindability is almost exclusively used today to He also originated the notion of a grinding tool life which is arbitrarily judged from the deterioration of the workpiece surface. The specific wear and the grinding wheel life were related to the grinding variables (wheel speed, table speed, chip thickness, metal removal rate) from which the optimum grinding conditions could be determined. He concluded that the specific wear "is not univocally chip-thickness as Alden supposed". -4- (unequivocally) determined by the At this point a question of semantics of grinding wheel wear. The G-ratio arises over the definition is in fact a measure of the efficiency of the grinding operation where the objective is maximum metal removal with minimum wheel wear. In finish grinding, which is considered here, the abra- sive cost usually represents an insignificant expense of the grinding operation. contribution to the overall In fact, more abrasive is used in dress- ing the wheel than during grinding. This was clearly recognized by both Alden and Woxen. From an analytical point of view, it is probably better to consider wheel wear as the weight (or volume) of abrasive removed for a given length of travel of the wheel periphery. This is consistent with conventional practice in the general treatment of other wear systems.( 3 ) Alden may have thought of wear in this way, in which case, his belief that grinding wheel wear is determined from the grain depth of cut has never been really explored. Most experimental studies of grinding wheel wear consist of measuring the G-ratio and the specific energy particular set of grinding (power consumed/metal conditions. limited success in optimization removed) for a While this approach has enjoyed of grinding conditions, very little has been learned about the fundamental aspects of grinding wheel wear. small changes in grinding conditions differences Tarasov steels. Furthermore, often lead to large unexplainable in the G-ratio. (4) used this approach to investigate the grindability of tool He concluded that "the power or energy consumed in grinding cannot -5- be used to predict the grindability (G-ratio) of tool steels, since these can be the same for steels known to be extremely difficult to quantities grind as for those comparatively easy to grind." obtain some correlations between On the other hand, he did the alloy content of the steel and its G-ratio. Essentially the same approach was taken by Backer and Merchant(5 ) who measured the G-ratio, grinding forces, and specific energies for several grades of aluminum oxide wheels on steel and cast iron. Attempts to corre- late the G-ratio with specific energy, chip area, chip length, and cutting- speed were unsuccessful. For mechanisms of grinding wheel wear have been proposed by Peklenik(6' 7 ) 1. Pressure softening of the grain due to high temperature producing wear flats of individual crystals from the grain 2. Splintering 3. Partial grain dislodgement 4. Complete grain dislodgement The first of these is dulling of the grain. The second and third are types of grain fracture, and the fourth is bond fracture. Peklenik considered the wear flats in grinding flank wear of a cutting tool. to be analogous to the The dulling of the grains was quantitatively expressed by the fraction of the total active area of the grinding wheel on which wear flats appear. This was measured by running carbon paper between the grinding wheel and a piece of glass. A replica of the wear flats is transferred to the glass as black carbon spots. The wear flat area is -6- determined with a planimeter from an enlarged photograph of the glass. The tests showed that when a given wear flat area was reached, burning of the steel workpiece occurred. This critical wear flat area was found to be between 5 and 10 per cent, the larger wear flat area corresponding to wheels of smaller grain size. was proposed'as Therefore the wear flat area a criterion of grinding wheel tool life ("Verschleisskri- terium"). Yoshikawa(8' 9) arrived at essentially the same conclusion. In his tests the wear flat area was determined wheel taken through a microscope. from photographs of the grinding With the proper lighting, the wear flats exhibit a mirror-like effect and stand out brightly over the dark background of the rest of the wheel. corresponding their weight The white traces in the photographs to the wear flats were cut out and weighed. to the weight of the original photograph The ratio of determined the wear flat area per cent. At a critical wear flat area of 8 per cent, a sharp rise in the grinding forces occurred. For smaller wear flat areas, the grinding forces were found to be essentially results presented constant. (This last observation is contrary to in this thesis and will be discussed in detail.) He concluded that the grinding life depends on an increase of wear flat area due to attrition and a decrease of wear flat area due to fracture. Tsuwa( 1 0 , 11) investigated observing the progress of individual wear flats by the profile of the grain tips. wear flats were measured. Both the breadth and number of The changing nature of the cutting edges were -7- attributed to 1. Attritious wear 2. Grain breakage 3. Dig out (bond fracture) 4. Newly appeared grains The first and fourth increase the wear flat area, the second and third decrease it. A photoelectric device was also developed to automatically determine the number and area of wear flats on the wheel.(11) The number of wear flats was determined from the number of light peaks reflected from the duration of the light peaks. Tsuwa et al (1 2 ' 13) made numerous detailed flat surfaces. of the wear Wear flats were found to develop on the vitreous bond as well on the grain. mately bservations The ratio of bond to grain wear flat areas was approxi- equal to the relative amounts of bond and grain in the wheel. Two types of surfaces were observed on the worn grain. smooth and has striations parallel to the grinding direction. contains a network of cracks, and is quite rough. only the first region appears. The first is The other At the beginning of wear As the wear flat grows, the second region suddenly appears at the trailing edge, presumably where the temperature is greatest. Attritious wear was also measured by Iahn(1 4 and Lindsay(15) for con- trolled force (constant normal force) internal grinding. Wear flat areas were determined from planimeter measurements on microphotographs of the -8- wheel surface. As grinding proceeded, was accompanied by a proportional It was also reported the increasing wear flat area decrease in the metal removal rate. (16) that the natural roughness of the wear flat surface corresponded to the best surface finish obtainable on the workpiece. The dressing technique can have a strong influence on the size of the wear flats observed. Lind-say( 15 ) ing technique (higher infeed velocity found that when a coarser dressof dressing tool) was used, less wear flat area was observed on the wheel. A finer dressing technique was believed to dress a larger initial wear flat area on the wheel. I1 D.K. Bruckner (17) showed that increasing wear flat areas were accompanied by increased radial wheel wear. was used for the wear flat measurements. Peklenik's pocedure For low alloy and structural steels, the radial wheel wear before redressing one-tenth of a grain dimension. plete grain dislodgement (7 ) amounted to only about From this it was concluded that com- (bond fracture) was very unlikely to be a sig- nificant form of grinding wheel wear. The attritious wear of abrasive occurs at high temperatures where chemical interaction and Williams (18) rubbing against the workpiece the wear rate should depend on the between the grain and workpiece materials. investigated surface Goepfert the attritious wear of single point tools of aluminum oxide and silicon carbide abrasive against various metallic materials. Qualitative assessment of chemical interaction was independently obtained from metallographic observation of the reacting material pairs which had been placed in contact and heated. -9- In general those combinations with higher wear rates also had more extensive reaction. These results the overall wear of grinding wheels. were not applied to interpreting In this same paper, the effect of grain toughness on the G-ratio is also indicated. Grain toughness is an arbitrary measure of the break- clown resistance of the material under impact loading, a high toughness breakdown number signifying a low percentage of particles. However, was found to increase with toughness. The G-ratio this result is of limited value since neither the test conditions nor numerical results are reported. The general shape of the radial wheel wear curves has been found by Backer and Krabacher regimes. ( 19 ) and Grisbrook et al ( 20 ) to consist of three In the first regime there is a high initial wear rate which decreases with time. This is followed by a more or less constant wear rate in the second regime and an increasing wear rate in the third regime. The same type of wear rate curve is often found in other situations, (e.g. wear lands on cutting tools, ball bearing wear,) where the three wear regimes are called run-in, run-with, Pattinson and Chisholm ( 2 1) and run-out. considered wear in the first and second regimes. the effect of dressing on the With coarser dressing technique (larger crossfeed velocity of dressing diamond) the initial wear rate of the wheel is higher. In the second regime, however, affected by the dressing Grisbrook et al (2 0 the wear rate appeared to be un- technique. ) stated that the increasing rate of wheel wear in the third regime is due to bond fracture, where whole grits are being dislodged from the grinding wheel. No experimental support this contention. -10- evidence was presented to (22) attempted to correlate grinding wheel wear with the Colding "grinding equivalent", which is the ratio of the length of the chip to its cross-sectional area. The only reasoning which underlies a possible connection between the wheel wear and grinding equivalent is that a somewhat analogous cutting edge length to chip equivalent (the ratio of total engaged the cross-sectional area of the chip, before metal removal) was used with some success in correlating for milling and turning. Using W6xen's log-log plot, a linear relationship the tool life data, Colding did obtain, on a between the G-ratio and the chip equivalent. Other data did not provide such a neat correlation. Yoshikawa wheel wear. and Sata (2 3 ) took a new approach to the problem of grind- They classified the wheel wear as 1. Attritious wear 2. Mechanical 3. Fracture of bond bridges (bond fracture) fracture of grains The third type of wear was theoretically (grain fracture) considered from the standpoint of delayed fracture of brittle materials. Analytical results indicate that the rate of bond fracture varies linearly with grinding time and exponentially with the stress on the bond. to vary linearly with the resultant Experimental verification force per grain. of the effect of grinding time and force on the rate of bond fracture was obtained (F-grade). The bond stress is assumed for a weakly bonded wheel With a soft wheel such as this, the average wheel wear particles are only slightly smaller than the grains used in the wheel production. -11- Virtually all the wear id due to bond fracture. In a later paper, Yoshikawa (2 4 ) attempted to generalize this The overall wear was analyti- approach for harder grades of wheels. cally determined as the sum of grain fracture and bond fracture particles. The predictions were partially supported by experiments using grinding wheels of different grades. The complex form of the analytical expressions preclude their practical application. The theoretical analysis presented be questioned on several points. in these last two papers might However, it is more important to real- ize that this approach is the only instance in the literature where an attempt was made to come to grips with the complex problem of grinding wheel wear in fundamental terms. A similar approach to the problem is used in this thesis. -12- EQUIPMENT, MATERIAL, PROCEDURE, AND PARAMETERS III. 3.1 Introduction Numerous experimental techniques and parameters have been devised to characterize the behavior of grinding wheels and the grinding process. Yet there are hardly any routine tests or standardized symbols which have been adopted by the various laboratories engaged in basic grinding research. appear In some instances, in the literature" where different apparent contradictions techniques were used to measure what was thought to be the same physical value. Therefore, it is especially important in grinding research to closely identify experimental results with the methods by which they were obtained. In this section the equipment, materials, of the parameters used in this investigation detail. and some procedures are discussed These are also compared to similar experimental in some techniques used by other investigators. 3.2 Equipment The experimental in Figure 2. apparatus used in this investigation All the tests were run on a Norton 6 x 18 surface grinder using 8 inch diameter wheels (8 inch diameter x 1/2 inch wide and 1 1/4" bore) on a 1/4 inch wide workpiece crossfeed). is shown under plunge cut conditions (no This machine has a D.C. drive variable speed spindle and -13- Figure 2. Photograph of the equipment. Note the microscope which can be positioned to view the wear flats and the box for collecting the wheel wear and chips. -14- a variable speed hydraulic drive table. Most tests were run at a wheel speed V = 6250 ft/min. with a table speed v = 8 ft/min., and a down feed d .001 inch. Both the horizontal and vertical components of the grinding force FH and FV were measured with a very stiff and sensitive semiconductor strain gage dynamometer Semiconductor connected to a Sanborn Model 150 recorder. strain gages are about 50 times more sensitive than the conventional wire gages. approximately This dynamometer has a stiffness of 700,000 pounds per inch, and thus is about 50 times more rigid than the grinding machine. Force differences as small as .02 pounds can be detected. Grinding wheel wear was determined from the weight of wear particles generated in a given number of passes. The wear particles were collected together with the metal removed and ultimately separated by chemical means. The particles were then weighed and sieved. Details of these procedures are given below. With a microscope attached directly to the machine, both the wear flat area and the number of active grains per unit area were determined without removing the wheel from the spindle. of the procedures used for these measurements The details are discussed below. Surface finish measurements were made with a Cleveland Roughness Meter Model BK6101 (not shown in Figure 2). With this device, a hand held instrument was traversed along the workpiece surface. Measurements were taken intermittently without removing the workpiece from the dynamometer. The results, indicated on a meter, were -15- estimated to 1 microinch A.A. finish of 20 microinches (arithmetic average) below a surface A.A. and to 5 microinches A.A. with coarser finishes. Although there were more refined instruments available for obtaining finer surface finish measurements, instrument was 3.3 more than sufficient the accuracy of this For this investigatfon. Grinding Wheels The grinding wheels furnished by Norton Company for this investigation are described in Table 1. These wheels vary only in grade which is determined by the amount of vitreous bonding material in the wheel. The abrasive is !o:rton's32 Alundum (32 A), a light gray colored single crystal aluminum oxide of high purity which is widely used for grinding steel. mean grain diameter of about 3.4 The 46 grain size corresponds to a .015 inch. Workpiece Materials The workpiece materials are listed in Table 2 together with their chemical composition and room temperature hardness. materials were used for the attritious wear studies. Only the 1018 and 52100 steels were used for the fracture wear studies. were 1/4 inch wide and initially 2 inches high. All these The specimens The 1018 and 52100 steel specimens were 4 inches long, and the other specimens were 2 inches long. -16- 3,5 Parameters 3.5.1 Grinding Forces and Energy As previously mentioned, both the horizontal and vertical components of the grinding forces, FH and FV, were measured with a semiconductor strain gage dynamometer. This instrument was sufficiently stiff so that it would have had virtually no influence on the grinding process itself. In the past, grinding forces have been typically measured with dynamometers using conventional wire strain gages. To achieve adequate sensitivity, these devices are rather flexible. For instance, Marshall and Shaw(2 5 ) report using a dynamometer with a stiffness approximately equal to that of the machine itself. of the grinding system in half. This in effect cuts the stiffness Machine stiffness is a significant factor in grinding, and there is a concerted effort today to build very rigid grinding machines. The grinding force measured by the dynamometer sum of the forces between represents the the active grains and the workpiece. The tangential component of the grinding force can be used to compute the specific grinding energy, u, which is defined as the energy required to remove a unit volume of material. widely used in metal cutting research. For surface grinding with wheel speeds much greater than table speeds, FH multiplied This parameter is the horizontal force, by the wheel velocity, V, is the total power input. -17- With a high G-ratio, the metal removal rate is the product of the table speed, v, the downfeed or wheel depth of cut, d, and the width of cut, b. The specific grinding energy is given by the ratio of the power input to metal removal rate. FH V u 3.5.2 = (3.1) v bd Per Cent Wear Flat Area The attritious wear of the grain rubbing on the workpiece surface leads to the development and growth of wear flats on the active grains in the wheel. The percentage of the total area was measured with a microscope attached directly to the grinding machine. This microscope had a self contained illuminator the objective lens. with a light coming directly through When the microscope was focussed normal to the wheel surface, the wear flats reflected light directly back through the microscope. The remainder of the wheel surface reflected the light in random directions and appeared quite dark. A photograph of a typical observation is shown in Figure 3. The fraction of the total viewing area covered with the wear flats was easily estimated with the aid of a fine grid on a reticle mounted in the eyepiece. A minimum of ten locations chosen at random on the face of the wheel were used for each measurement. -18- 35 X Figure 3. Microphotograph of wear flats. Wheel - 32A461I8VG, workpiece - 1018 steel, V = 6250 ft./min., v = 8 ft./min., d = .001 in. Taken after 60 passes. -19- The main advantage of this technique for wear flat area measurements, as compared to most of those described previously in this thesis (see Literature Review), is its efficienty and simplicity. other methods, which to work. it is not necessary It is possible Unlike the to take numerous photographs from to obtain a data point here in a few minutes where the other methods normally require hours of work, and the amount of data previously gathered has been rather limited. 3.5.3 Active Grains per Unit Area There have been numerous attempts to measure the effective number of cutting points per unit area of a grinding wheel parameter (or their mean spacing) in the surface ofa grinding (6, 10, 11, wheel 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28) This is usually confused with the number of active grains per unit area, the number of wear flats per unit area, or some other measurement which is related to a particular experimental procedure. The tacit assumptions are that there can be only one cutting point per grain, one wear flat per grain, and one cutting point per wear flat. these assumptions None of are justified. In the present investigation, the number of active grains per unit area in the surface of the grinding wheel is a particularly important parameter. To illustrate, it is used together with the grinding force and wear flat measurements for the calculation of the average grinding force and wear flat area per active grain. -20- The number of active grains was experimentally determined with the microscope together with the wear flat measurements previously described. By lighting the wheel surface at a glancing angle, still viewing normal to the surface, the grain corresponding wear flat could be seen. to a particular The total number of grains on which there were wear flats divided by the viewing area was the number of active grains per unit area. Numerical results obtained in this manner were typically lower, by a factor of two or more, than measurements reported by other researchera on similar grinding wheels. This was, of course, to be expected. A single grain may have more than one wear flat and more than one cutting point. 3.5.4 Grinding Wheel Wear Grinding wheel wear is usually expressed by the G-ratio, which is defined as the volume ratio of metal removed to wheel worn. volume of wheel worn The is given by the product of the decrease in wheel radius, the circumference wheel used for grinding. of the wheel, and the width of the The actual measurement of the decrease of wheel radius is usually made with a micrometer. For finish grinding, the radial wheel wear before redressing typically amounts to about one-tenth of a grain dimension. be shown that most of the wear (by weight) It will consists of particles which are almost as large as the initial grains. Therefore most of the wear consists of particles whose average diameter is much larger -21- than the decrease in wheel radius, and the measurement of the wear in this way does not give a true indication of the amount of abrasive removed from the wheel. This would account, at least in part, for the lack of success in correlating the radial wheel wear (or G-ratio) with other parameters of the grinding operation. In this thesis, the overall grinding wheel wear was determined from the weight of grinding wheel wear particles. A special box-like collector described above was constructed which enabled virtually all (See Figure 2) the wear debris to be collected. The interior of this container was coated with white petrolatum grease which caught the debris as it was generated. The wheel wear particles were ultimately separated by dissolving away the grease in boiling trichlorethylene and the chips in aqua regia acid solution which does not attack aluminum oxide. Wheel wear particles were sieved and weighed on an electric balance to determine the total wear and particle size distribution. 3.5.5. Per Cent Bond Fracture Grinding wheel wear particles are generated the grain at the bond, fracture within grain on the workpiece surface. as bond fracture, grain fracture, from the fracture of the grain, and rubbing of the These are'respectively and attrition. referred to Bond fracture wear particles are almost as large as the grains used in the wheel manufacture. Grain fracture particles are somewhat smaller, about -22- half as large as the grains. Attritious wear particles are orders of magnitude smaller. Experimentally, most of the grinding wheel wear is found to consist of particles almost as large as the initial grains, and only about five per cent of the wear consists of particles small enough to be caused by attrition. In other words, about ninety- five per cent of the total wear is generated by either bond fracture or grain fracture. With this in mind, a statistical approach was devised to determine the percentage of the total wear due to bond fracture. on the particle size distributions It was based for both the wear particles the grains used for production of the wheel. and This statistical approach was also applied to the analysis of abrasive particles generated by dressing the wheel. The following assumptions were madet 1. There is only one bond fracture per grain. 2. The total wear is proportional fractures. 3. The largest particles are due to bond fracture. 4. The grain and bond fracture particles have the same density. 5. The weight of a grain or bond fracture particle is proportional to the cube of the average particle to the number of bond diameter as determined by sieving. 6. The contribution to the total wear by particles of bonding agent is negligible. Calculation of the percentage of total wear due to bond fracture (hereafter called "per cent bond fracture") with the assumptions stated above was based on the following line of reasoning. -23- A given weight of wheel wear, w, corresponds Let to a given number of whole grains, M. m equal the number of grains per unit weight of grinding wheel. This is experimentally determined used in manufacturing the wheel. by sieving a sample of abrasive M is obtained by multiplying m by.w. M is also the number of bond fracture particles in w miligrams of wear. The ratio (x 100) of the weight of the M biggest particles to the total wear "w" is equal to the per cent bond fracture, B. The per cent bond fracture also represents the weight of an average bond fracture particle compared to the weight of an average whole grain. With the per cent bond fracture B expressed in decimal form (B/100), its cube root is the ratio of the average bond fracture particle diameter to the average whole grain diameter. -24- IV. DRESSING 4.1 Introduction Most grinding operations are very sensitive to the manner in which the wheel is dressed. This is especially true in the case of precision grinding where the depths of cut are small and the radial wheel wear amounts to only a small fraction of the mean grain diameter. In this investigation, two different dressing procedures were used which are referred to as "coarse" and "fine". Coarse dressing was accomplished by passing the flat side of a pyramidal diamond across the wheel face with .001 inch radial infeed at 3 ft/min. cross- feed at the same wheel/speed inclined 13 degrees used for grinding. The diamond was towards the trailing edge of the wheel. This procedure was repeated five times beyond what was necessary for tring the wheel: typically a total of ten or fifteen passes were taken. The diamond was rotated 90 degrees after each test in order to maintain its shape. The fine dress was achieved in a similar manner but with two additional "spark-out" passes (no downfeed) also at 3ft/min crossfeed velocity. Although differences between these two dressing procedures may appear to be slight, substantial differences in grinding action were observed. The number of active grains per unit area and the initial wear flat area on the wheel face were determined for both dressing techniques -25- using the methods previously described. Prior to making these measurements, a single grinding pass across the 1018 steel workpiece was taken. This was necessary in order to clearly view the wear flats on the grains. The particle size distribution was also obtained for particles removed from the wheel during a coarse dress pass. The per cent bond fracture was calculated and was related to the wheel grade and the number of active grains per unit area. 4.2 Results The experimental results are listed in Table 3 and shown in the graphs in Figures 4-8. From Figures 4 and 5 it is seen that harder wheels and finer dressing produce more active grains per square inch and a larger initial wear flat area. Between the G and K grade wheels 8.6 per cent bonding agent respectively) (3.1 and there is about a factor of three increase in the number of active grains, and a factor of four increase in wear flat area. These parameters are about 15 per cent greater with the fine dress than with the coarse dress. The average wear flat area per grain is shown in Figure 6 as a function of wheel grade and dressing condition. This is obtained by dividing the wear flat area per square inch (.01 x per cent wear flat area) by the number of active grains per square inch. The wear flat area per grain is constant for the H through K grade wheels at -26- a r- I bOu 1250 (NJ I I000 z 1,, 750 IL.) 1W (3 500 250 C) v0 2 4 BOND Figure 4. 6 PER CENT 8 I0 Number of active grains/inch 2 versus bind per cent for fine and coarse dressing. (The letters denote wheel grades.) -27- LLJ -j _J LL Ll 3 -o Figure 5. 2 4 6 8 BOND PER CENT 10 Wear flat area versus bond per cent for fine and coarse dressing. (The letters denote wheel grades.) -28- D o 7 - -vO X zt D 20 EL wL I0 .._ iLW CE r) 0 2 4 BOND Figure 6. 6 8 I 0 PER CENT Wear flat area per grain versus bond per cent for fine and coarse dressing. (The letters denote wheel grades.) -29- ___ ___._ 100 GRAIN LLI U' at 0> 80- LLJ bu Al_ 10 / m I I / _ A P &+Vr H I. / I / / / I $ I : 3D 20 K DRESSING PARTICLES I, w-1 C) 20 Figure 7. 40 N 1_LTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ...__ 60 80 100 200 325 >325 SIEVE NUMBER Particle size distribution for dressing particles and abrasive grain. (The letters denote wheel grades.) -30- I h IUU ' - 80 | | ~ _ I I LUL U) ~~ .% I w; _ I j _ <: - 60 -.... I N..- - i I tl Z co I.- I 40 ! II I .I IIj DRESS IN G (.) PART ICLI -S5 I. I - 4 ,. .. . .. _ . _ cr: LLJ H G A vC ) Figure 8. 2 2 l I i I J I li i I 4 6 8 BOND PER CENT I? I I 0 Per cent bond fracture versus bond per cent for dressing (The letters denote wheel grades.) particles. -31- about 17 x 10- 6 inch 2 , and about one-third lower for the G wheel. The wear flat area per grain for the harder wheels represents only about 8 per cent of the grain cross-sectional area which is determined from the square of the mean grain diameter. Figure 7 shows the particle size distribution for wheel particles removed during dressing for the various grades of wheel. ings corresponding to the sieve numbers parison, the distribution The screen open- are given in Table 4. is also presented for the 32A46 grain (32 Alundum, These distributions 46 grain size) used in production of the wheels. plotted on a cumulative basis from larger to smaller particles to larger sieve numbers). For com- are (smaller A higher elevation of the curve corresponds to less fragmentation and larger particles. The results clearly show that there was more fragmentation when dressing the harder grade wheels. This can also be seen in Figure 8 where the per cent bond fracture, which is calculated from the particle distri- butions in Figure 7, is plotted for the various wheel grades. 4.3 Discussion The surface of the grinding wheel is defined by the tips of the active grains. In order for a grain to be "active", it mst periphery, say within 10-5 inch which approximates be close to the wheel the chip thickness. If a wheel is dressed in such a manner as to decrease the height deviations among t:he tips of the outermost grains, there are likely to be more active grains in the surface of the wheel. -32- It has been shown (see Figures 4 and 8) that the harder wheels tend to have smaller dressing particles and more active grains. Smaller particles are to be expected since grains more firmly held with larger to fragmentation amounts of bonding agent are more susceptible prior The number of active grains should increase to total dislodgement. with increasing wheel hardness since the smaller particles leaving the wheel would minimize on the wheel surface. the height deviations among the grains left This is clearly illustrated in Figure 9 which is a crossplot of the active grains per square inch and 100 minus the per cent bond fracture. per cent bond fracture Zero on the absicissa (an infinitely corresponds to 100 soft wheel).with only whole grains removed by dressing. The extension of this curve almost intersects the origin. This makes sense from a physical standpoint. In Appendix A it is shown that the potential number of active grains is about 3240/inch2 For an infinitely soft wheel . this is also the number of grain tips expected to extend to within one grain dimension of the wheel periphery. With the wheel periphery wheel and the tip of the outermost distribution defined by the center of the grain, assuming the height of the grain tips is random, of the potentially the probability active grains is active periphery) it equal to 10 (mean grain diameter 5 (within 105 that any of the wheel divided by the mean grain diameter .015 inch) or .0066. The expected number of active grains per square inch for 100 per cent bond fracture is then .0066 x 3240 = 22, which is very small. -33- 1500 1250 CM I(3 1000 Ln z 0 750 LU -) C2 <~ 500 250 Cl 100 80 60 40 20 '0 IOo-(PER CENT BOND FRACTURE ) Figure 9. Number of active grains per square inch versus 100 minus per (The letters decent bond fracture for dressing particles. grades.) note wheel -34- PAGES (S) MISSING FROM ORIGINAL PAGE 35 MISSING V. ATTRITIOUS WEAR AND GRINDING 5.1 Introduction FORCES Attritious wear in grinding refers to the development of wear flats on the tips of the active grains. and growth This type of wear is measured by the percentage of the wheel surface covered with wear flats. In the previous section it was seen that wear flats are dressed on to the wheel and therefore, in this sense, the initial attritious wear is not zero. While the wear flat area will, in general, increase as grinding proceeds, this is not a necessary requirement since fracture wear can diminish the wear flat area. Grinding forces are measured with the semiconductor strain gage dynamometer previously described, and each data point is the average of an "up" and "down" pass. "Up" grinding refers to the condition where the workpiece velocity, v, is in the opposite direction to the wheel velocity, V, at the grinding area. motion. "Down" grinding refers to the opposite table In the present series of tests, the grinding forces were only slightly affected by the direction of the workpiece motion, the "down" grinding forces being at most 10 per cent greater at the largest wear flat area. 5.2 Results Experimental results are presented n Tables 5 and 6 and Figures 10- 14 for the 1018 steel with the fine and coarse dressed wheels. Figures 10 and 12 show the variation in the grinding forces and force ratio and -36- A LL .5 tn0 m O rJ oI >0 L3 0 LL *J C 10 O. -0 20 40 60 80 100 PASSES 1018 STEEL,) FINE DRESS oG OH al +J XK Figure 10. Grinding forces and force ratio versus number of passes for 1018 steel workpiece, fine dress, V - 6250 ft./min., v 8 ft./min., d - .001 in. (The letters denote wheel grades.) -37- CO < bo cax 60 . 40 < z 20 H - aL 20 LLU af Ll I 4 I 2 n "'IO 60 40 20 80 100 PASSES FINE DRESS 1018 STEEL) G Figure 11. A1 OH +J XK Per cent wear flat area and wear flat area per grain versus number of passes for 10-18 steel workpiece, fine dress, V .001 in. (The letters 6250 ft./min., v - 8 ft./min., d denote wheel grades.) -38- I0 __ _ LL c 5 LL 0 - I10 =zzz6 Tz-__ 0 LL m30 _J m t) > x 20 IL I10 - rM N it n 0O 20 40 __x- - ----iff -0 ----o C- 60 80 100 PASSES 1018 STEEL) OG COARSE DRESS aH xK Figure 12. Grinding forces and force ratio versus number of passes for 1018 steel workpiece, coarse dress, V - 6250 ft./min., v - 8 ft./min., d - .0OI in. -39- (The letters denote wheel grades.) c) 6C I' < W 40 z LL - -- -e O 20 L <- .,. .... LU X ___.'--. C' -- -- -I"-"-- S LU: X~ 6 - -J LL ~~~~~ - .I 4 X--.. LU 2 0 ----x ci - -._ _ . .. ....... .. ...---....- 0 20 1018 4 6 PASSES STEEL I 80 _o_ 100 COARFSE DRESS oH Figure 13. Per cent wear flat area and wear flat area per grain versus number of passes for 1018 steel workpiece, coarse dress, V 6250 ft./min., v 8 ft./min., d - .001 in. (The letters de- note wheel grades.) -40- r, IDW 1251 I z 100 0 - 75 , 5 2 50 25 0 Figure 14. 2 6 4 BOND PER CENT 8 10 Number of active grains/inch 2 versus bond per cent for 1018 .001 steel workpiece, V - 6250 ft./min., v - 8 ft./min., d in. (The letters denote wheel grades.) -41- Figures 11 and 13 the variation number in wear flat areas as a function of the of passes for the different grades of wheels. The wear flat area data points for 1 pass, Figures 11 and 13, are those presented in the previous section in Table 3. To simplify the-graphs, only the results for the G, H, and K wheels are plotted in Figures 12 and 13. The number of active grains was more or less constant as grinding proceeded, and therefore, the average values are presented in Figure 14 for the different wheel grades and dressing techniques. The grinding forces in Figures 10 and 12 are characteristically higher for the harder grades of wheels. where the grinding With the harder wheels a transition appears forces increase rapidly, the rate of increase being about seven times greater for the vertical as compared to the horizontal force component. This transition is more readily obtainable with the finer dressing technique where it occurs almost instantaneously for K-grade wheel, after about 35 passes for the J-grade wheel, and after about 60 passes with the I- grade wheel. At this point workpiece "burn" is surface takes on a bluish tempering observed where the ground color. The wear flat area measurements in Figures 11 and 13 follow the same general trend as their corresponding force measurements. As previously stated, the number of active grains per unit area for each wheel was found to be rel- atively unchanged as grinding proceeded. Therefore increases in the wear flat area with the number of passes would be expected to be primarily due to the growth of existing wear flats rather than the development of new ones. This can in fact be seen in Figure 15 where photographs -42- of the same area of 40 passes 20 passes 80 passes 60 passes 100 passes 20X Figure 15. Microphotographs of wear flats after 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 fine passes. Wheel - 32A461I8VG, workpiece - 1018 steel, dress, V = 6250 ft./min., v = 8 ft./min., d -43- .001 in. a grinding wheel are shown after 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 passes. Although little variation was noted in the number of active grains as grinding proceeded, substantial differences were found for wheels of different grades, the harder wheels exhibiting more active grains. A smaller increase was generally obtained with finer dressing. presented in Figure 14, are substantially These results, the same as those previously pre- sented in Figure 4. Figure 16 presents cross plots of the horizontal and vertical nents of the grinding forces, FH and FV, each plotted against wear flat area, A. compo- the per cent The data for all grades of wheels using both dressing techniques fall on a single curve consisting of different slopes. The straight of two straight line segments lines in this figure were obtained by the method of least squares with the force taken as the error free variable. intersection of these two straight line segments, at about 3.6 per cent wear flat area, corresponds observed. The to the transition above which workpiece Data points used for determining "burn" is this section of each of the curves were the ones where burning was actually observed, as indicated in Tables 5 and 6. The relationship between the grinding forces and the per cent flat area was also obtained for the other workpiece materials listed in Table 2 for the same grinding conditions, and for 1018 steel with both the wheel speed and table speed decreased by a factor of 2. sented in Figures 17-23 and Tables 7-13. -44- These results are pre- 1018 STEEL 0 v' RTICAL FORCE) FV 4( 1 - H O RI Z NT XL FORCE, F H o on o o o0 -J LU LIL 0o -_7 Z 2 0o cc 0D o I 0 0 v0 Figure 16. 4 2 WEAR FLAT AREA, 6 A 8 )O7Q Grinding forces versus wear flat area for 1018 steel, fine and coarse dress, V - 6250 ft./min., v - 8 ft./min., d - .001 in. (The letters denote wheel grades.) -45- 52100 STEEL FV 4 FH n I ,-3 0 LL O z 2 0, (D 0 I 0 I v0 4 2 6 8 WEAR FLAT AREA,A o/ Figure 17. Grinding forces versus wear flat area for 52100 steel, dress, V - 6250 ft./min., v - 8 ft./min., d - .001 in. -46- fine 4 _--I . (I J (-7 i L._ Z' Z 1 4 I,: x~~ 1 WEAR Figure 18. FLAT AREA) A, 0 Grinding forces versus wear flat area for T1 steel, fine dress, V - 6250 ft./min., v - 8 ft./min., d - .001 in. -47- 40 co _J '30 IL C) 11 z D z 20 (3 I0 0 Figure 19. 2 WEAR 6 4 F LAT AREA ,A 8 ,) Grinding forces versus wear flat area for 130A titanium, fine dress, V - 6250 ft./min., v - 8 ft./min., d = .001 in. -48- 40 _J w 30 LJ Cr z D 20 z 10 0 2 WEAR 4 6 8 FLAT AREA) A, jo Figure 20. Grinding forces versus wear flats area for niobium, fine dress, V - 6250 ft./min., v - 8 ft./min., -49- d - .001 in. 40 tcn -J LL 0 U- L220 a I z D0 I0 n 2 4 WEAR FLAT AREA,A, 0 Figure 21. Grinding forces dress, V - 6250 6 To versus wear flat area for molybdenum, fine .001 in. 8 ft./min., d ft./min., v 8 0 O 40 STELLITE 6B o FV O FH J , 30 o 0 () LL z 0 20 O 0 O w3 O 0 m I10 M / I / /-'. ' 0 0 I I I I 2 4 6 WEA R Figure 22. FLAT AREA , t,: Grinding forces versus wear flat area for Stellite no. 6B, fine dress, V - 6250 ft./min, v - 8 ft./min., d - .001 in. 8 40 J) IS ,_1 LL3 0 C' (D 0a I10 , 0 2 WEAR Figure 23. 4 F'aT 8 Ao AIREA, Grinding forces versus wear flat area for 1018 steel, fine dress, V - 3125 ft./min., v - 4 ft./min., d = .001 in. For the steel workpieces (Figure 17, 18 and 23) the same general behavior was observed as in Figure 16, and workpiece burn was always observed beyond the transition. The results for-the other materials, Figures 19-22, all fell on a single straight line. An attempt was made to grind a number of other materials including nickel, cobalt, copper, bronze, brass, and aluminum. the phenomepon For these materials, commonly referred to as "loading" occurred where fragments from the workpiece would stick to the wheel and prevent normal grinding action. With the eception Under these conditions, 5.3 of the cobalt, no grinding sparks were observed. it was impossible to obtain any meaningful data. Discussion The experimental results for the force vs. wear flat area relation- ships, with the exception of those for the Stellite, are consistent with the following interpretation. The vertical and horizontal grinding forces are both made up of two components, one due to cutting and one due to sliding on the wear flats. FV ' FVC + FVS (5.1) FH ' (5.2) FHC + FHS This is illustrated in Figure 24. The chip mechanics and therefore the cutting force components are assumed to be unaffected by the size of the wear flats. At zero wear flat area, the sliding forces are zero and the grinding forces are equal to the cutting force components, FVC and FHC. -53- GRAIN CHIP -FHS ---- V "FHC FVC FVS WORKPIECE Figure 24. Illustration of chip formation and the cutting and sliding force components. -54- The linear increase of the vertical force with-wear flat area (only up to the transition for steels) indicates that the average contact pressure p between the wear flats and workpiece is force also increases linearly with wear sliding friction j is also constant. constant. Since the horizontal flat area, the coefficient of Defining aR as the real area of contact between the wheel and the workpiece, equations 5.1 and 5.2 then become FV FVC + aRP (5.3) FHc + aRp FH The actual wear flat pressure (5.4) dFv dA can be calcultated from the slope and a consideration of the grinding geometry, Figure 25. area of contact between the wheel and the workpiece, The apparent aA, is given by the expression aA = l where 1 l c x b (5.5) is equal to the undeformed 1 =-/D chip length ( 29 ) d (5.6) and b is the width of the workpiece. wheel and the workpiece, The real area of contact between the aA, is equal to the product of the fraction of the total area covered with wear flats and the apparent area of contact, aR .01 A x aA (5.7) -55- WHEEL FH FV WORKPIECE Figure 25. Illustration of the grinding geometry. The average pressure p is then dFv - da .O1 dF VS P = r dR R V The friction coefficient dFH/ dA Fvs dFV/ dA ing operations. (5.8) is given by FHS The same interpretation b x 1 dFv d dA (5.9) can also be applied to other types of grind- Story (30) has recently shown that forces obtained with coated abrasives, for both fixed feed and constant force grinding, considered as the sum of cutting and can be Although the sliding components. they are rela- origin of the sliding forces is not discussed, presumably ted to the size of the wear flats. (14) has found that for controlled Hahn is constant), force cylindrical grinding (FV the metal removal rate decreases in direct proportion to the increase in the wear flat area. This can be explained by assuming that the average wear flat pressure is constant- and the fraction of the controlled vertical force employed in the cutting action, Fvc/Fv, is proportional to the metal removal rate. From Hahn's data on 52100 steel, I calculate the average wear flat pressure to be about 7000 lbs./in. Yoshikawa (8 ) has stated that below are constant and independent the transition, the grinding forces of the wear flat area. of his data reveals that this is . not true. A closer examination Force vs. wear flat area curves were presented only for the harder grades of wheels and the grinding forces measured in the first few passes were incorrectly -57.- assumed to correspond to zero wear flat area. (See Figure 5). He did obtain smaller grinding forces with soft wheels but no wear flat area measurements were reported for these. An analogous situation has been observed in the case of turning where the cutting forces are found to increase linearly with the area of the wear land (31, 32, 33, 34). pressure between Zorev (3 4 ) has pointed out that the contact the wear land and the workpiece "can be considered elastic since the plasticity condition is fulfilled only at the cutting edge where the contact stresses reach a maximum". To visualize this more clearly consider the wear land as a punch with a plane base on an elastic semi-infinite plane, Figure 26, where P is the total contact force per unit width, 2 a is the contact length, and x is the local variable. by the formula The elastic pressure distribution under the punch is given (35 ) x P(a P a (5.10) l- (x)2 a Thus at the corners of the punch, x +a, the pressure is infinite, How- ever, in reality, there is plastic deformation in these regions, and the pressure will approximately follow the dotted lines reaching the full in- dentation hardness H at the corners of the punch which follows, the size of the plasticity . In the discussion region is assumed to be much smaller than a. In the case of a wear land on a cutting tool or the wear flat on a grain, full plasticity will probably be reached only at cutting edge ( x = - a) and the pressure towards the trailing edge, x = + a, would be -58- P T H H -a Figure 26. +0 Pressure distribution due to contact between a punch a semi-infinite elastic solid. and less than H. In this case, the pressure distribution is given by an expression of the form P ( a) (5.11) f(aa 2a and p 2a - (5.12) If the shape of the pressure distribution of 'a' and the boundary f( a ) is independent of the size a -a is fixed-by. the hardness H, then condition at x equation 5.11 is also independent of a'. The average pressure is then constant and proportional to the workpiece hardness H. In Figures 16-23, the straight lines were determined by the method of least squares with the force taken- as the error free variable. These re- sults are summarized in Table 14 together with the standard errors, correlation coefficients specific flats qF c, cutting forces, cutting force ratios cutting energies uc, and the frictional The specific U c (FHC/Fvc) energy flux on the wear cutting energy is given by FHC V - (5.13) vd and the frictional energy flux by qf (5.14) p V. Note that the correlation coefficients the straight line approximation are close to unity which means that is valid. -60- Figure 27 shows a cross plot of the specific cutting energy and the average wear flat pressure. Materials which reqire a larger cutting energy generally experience vious discussion, a greater contact pressure. In line with the pre- such a correlation would be expected to be valid only to the extent that the cutting energy describes the plasticity condition under the cutting edge of the grain. The results for the T 1 high speed steel fall outsAde this general relationship possible because of its high alloy content. At the peak temperature generated at the chip which is near the melting temperature of the workpiece, be relatively unimportant energy as 1018 steel. and the T1 Calculation steel requires about the same cutting At the lower temperature under the cutting edge, the alloy content becomes significant steel. the alloy content of the steel should and T1 would be relatively harder than mild of the grinding temperatures are presented in the next section. With the 1018 steel run at half the speed, the cutting energy is approximately the same as that found at the higher speed. tact pressure is about twice as big. However, the con- This suggests a dynamic effect whereby decreased grinding speeds raise the contact pressure and, in effect, move the curve in Figure 27 to the right, possibly far enough so that it will intersect the origin. This dynamic effect could account for the improved grinding performance which has been observed at very high grinding speeds (36) When the specific cutting energy is plotted against the melting temperature of the workpiece material ear with the curve passing (Figure 28) the result is approximately through the origin. -61- (Melting temperatures lin- for the 8 . 0O Nb. z7 ro ) 6 u5 5210 1018 4 z z 3 - 2 250 FT./MIN. v=8 FT,,/ MIN. V =6 LL d =.001 I IN. a, O ra -- VW0 WEAR Figure 27. I 5 I 10 I I 15 20 FLAT PRESSURE,), LB./IN2?XI03 Specific cutting energy versus wear flat pressure. 0 x 8 . ) I . I1 52 *1018 4 / z / a0 / / -- A 2 / / / /. / LL / / U A lA r 0i vCI I 1000 I 2000 MELTING POINT, Figure 28. 3000 OK. Specific cutting energy versus melting point of the workpiece. alloys are given by the melting result temperatures of their base metal). This is not altogether unexpected since a high melting temperature signifies strong bonding. It can also be seen that all the steel alloys require roughly the same cutting energy. At the high temperatures generated in grinding chip formation, which will be shown to be near the melting temperature, the effect of alloying and prior heat treatment should be relatively unimportant. It is interesting to note that all the metals which were found to load the wheel have a melting temperature below that of iron. Hence no data points are given in Figure 27 for the lower end of the curve. Why wheel loading should occur with these-materials is not understood. Workpiece burn, which appears at a critical wear flat area for a particular steel, is characterized bluish by sharply increasing grinding forces and tempering colors on the workpiece. ridge of material is also observed In addition to this, a flash or to form along the edge of the workpiece which indicates that some of the material to be removed is ploughed aside by the grains instead of being formed into chips. Metallurgical examina- tion of burned workpieces by Littman(3 7 ) and Tarasov(3 8 ) have shown that the surface layers are over tempered and softened. The burn color is the result of surface oxidation at high temperature. Apparently this metallurgical softening, and non-metallurgical tures in grinding, softening due to the high tempera- lead to a fully plastic condition under some of the wear flats, and the slope of FV vs. A beyond pond to the hardness under the grain. the transition would corres- These pressures are about 10 times greater than the average wear flat pressures below the transition. -64- The drop in friction coefficient above the transition (Table 14) is also to be expected. Littman( 3 7 ) has empirically found that the surface temperature in grinding TG, is uniquely related to the energy input per unit area of work surface ground, or G FV 1ccb (5.15) Referring to Figures 16, 17, 18 and 23 it is seen that the transition did occur at approximately the same energy input rate (FHV) or in other words; the workpiece burn did commence at approximately the same temperature in all four cases. With the Stellite workpiece a flash of material also forms as in the case of steel workpiece burn. the vertical Looking at Figure 22, the extension of force curve to zero wear flat area would result in a negative value of the force, FVC. In reality this could not exist and the curve must turn toward a positive value. grinding this material The wear flats grew so fast when that data below a cent could not be obtained. and the flash formation, Considering wear flat area of about 1 per the shape of this force curve the grinding mechanism here is probably as that for steel beyond the transition. -65- the same VI. GRINDING TEMPERATURES 6.1 Introduction Some of the most serious problems by grinding heat. in the grinding process are caused Grinding burn with steel is associated with softening of the surface layer or in severe cases, softening Cracking is often observed in the ground surface as a result of the rapid cycle of heating and cooling. difficult The desired dimensional accuracy may be to obtain because of the thermal expansion of the workpiece. Control of these problems is usually accomplished However, a fundamental understanding is needed followed by rehardening. by using coolant. of grinding heat and temperatures to provide a broader approach to their solution. It has been shown that the total grinding energy can be considered as the sum of frictional energy due to sliding on the wear flats and cutting energy due to chip formation the cutting energy is associated with (Figure 24). To be sure, part of frictional processes but this is not to be confused with the sliding energy considered here. wear flat area increases, the additional dissipated as heat at the interface between There has been some confusion in grinding. theory energy required is the grain and the workpiece. about the concept of surface temperatures Outwater and Shaw (39) used Jaeger's moving heat source (40) to calculate the temperatures on the shear plane of the chip. Their results are questionable assumed grinding As the to be associated insofar as the total grinding energy was only with cutting -66- (FHS O0). Sato (4 1 ) used the concept of an instaneous heat source over the total grinding area (apparent area of contact) to determine an "average" surface temperature. (37) Littman positioning experimentally determined grinding temperatures by a thermocouple at the bottom of a hole (.021 or .026 inch diameter) which extended nearly to the ground surface. Temperature measurements (TG in equation 5.15) seem to be obtained in this way closely related to some metallurgical changes in the ground surface. However the cross sectional area of the hole was so large, compared a grinding chip or wear flat, that the relationship and the actual temperature distribution In this section, the distribution to between this temperature on the surface cannot be determined. of surface temperatures in the vicinity of the chip and wear flat (for an isolated cutting point) will be calculated as the sum of two moving heat sources, one at the shear plane of the chip and additional the other on the wear flat. There is also an temperature rise due to all the other cutting points which is calculated as a single moving heat source equal to the apparent area of contact. 6.2 Geometry of Chip Formation As a first step it is necessary to consider the geometry of chips formed in the grinding process. subject can be found in reference undeformed The details of the treatment of this (26), To a good approximation, grinding chip can be considered width as shown in Figure 29. the as a long wedge of constant The undeformed chip length 1 c is given by (t ,) max J( I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- --- Ic UN DEFOR MRME D CHIP Figure 29. Geometry of the undeformed chip. -68- the chordal length 1 and the maximum undeformed = (6.1) VDd chip thickness by' / (t)max 1] 2 (6.2) w here D = wheel diameter d - downfeed per pass V - wheel speed v table speed C number of cutting points per unit area r chip ratio of width to thickness of undeformed From taper section studies of ground surfaces r, which is (26) , the value for chip thickness to width, has been the ratio of underformed found to be about 15. As previously discussed, the number of cutting points per square inch, C, has been often confused with other wheel parameters. The only direct measure of this value was achieved by Grisbrook(2 8 ) where the value of C was actually determined from the number of chips generated. For a 46 grit wheel, a typical value for C has been found to be about 6000 per square inch. This is higher than values obtained by other methods which supports the contention that there can be more than one wear flat per grain and more than one cutting point per wear flat. -69- For the present case (D - 8 in., d = .001 in., V = 6250 ft./min., and v 8 ft./min.) equations 6.1 and 6.2 give - (8) (.001)~ .09 in. (6.3) and (8) (tl)max (6250)(6000)(15) The dimensions of the undeformed 8 ) 15 25 x 10 6 25 x 10 in. (6.4) chips are of course different from those of the chips actually produced. Grisbrook (2 8 ) has observed that the ratio of the real chip length to the undeformed chip length is about .1. Neglecting undeformed chip thickness t chip sideflow, this suggests that the ratio of the to the actual chip thickness t2 is also about .1. Further supporting evidence is given by Brown (4 2 ) who, for chips produced with single grains, found that this ratio is usually between .05 and .15, again .1 being a typical value. In other words, the chip produced is about-10 times thicker than the undeformed chip. With this, the shear angle in Figure 20 can be easily determined to be *- tanl .1 (6.5) or 6° . (6.6) -70- 6.3 Energy Partition The grinding temperature distribution is calculated by considering the shear plane and wear flat areas as moving heat sources on the workpiece surface which move at a velocity (Actually the velocity equal to V. For this calculation should be V + v, but since V>, v, v is neglected.) it is necessary to know that heat fluxes which cross the shear zone AB and wear flat AD into the workpiece R 1 of the cutting energy conducted That is, the fraction (Figure 30). to the workpiece at shear zone and the fraction R 2 of the sliding energy conducted to the workpiece at the wear flat must be determined. determination Experimental reasoning. Both R and R 2 should be relatively of the wear flats, and virtually to the workpiece of these values is based on the following unaffected by the size all the sliding energy should be conducted as heat since the steel workpiece is a stationary heat source, has a much higher thermal conductivity than aluminum oxide, and has a much bigger volume. In turning,. R 1 is typically on the order of .20 but will probably be greater here due to the relatively small shear angle in grinding. The fraction of the total grinding energy conducted to the workpiece has been experimentally insulating the workpiece and measuring determined its average temperature rise after one pass by means of a thermocouple attached piece. for 1018 steel by Wear flat areas were also measured. to the center of the workThese results are listed in Table 15 and plotted in Figure 31, where the straight line relationship is obtained as expected. The fraction R 1 is the value of R at zero wear -71- GRAIN - A - RUBBING WV WORKPIECE Figure 30. Geometry of ship formation. D I.00 1 1I I .80 l w ---- - -V ·- - I I I I - - 5l O'I i (3 nf U .60 so I IO, - I ---- I I I i I - - -- - -- - - " - I L- z LU .40 : I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1018 STEEL FINE DRESS .20 V=6250 v=8 FTMIN. LU d _ _ 1 _ _ 2 = .001 I IN. I 4 3 WEAR FLAT AREA, Figure 31. FT./MIN.- A 5 )1 Fraction of grinding energy conducted to the workpiece versus the wear flat area. flat area which is approximately Comparing the slope of equal to .61. this line with that of FH vs A in Figure 16, the value of R 2 is found to be equal to .97, or virtually heat to the workpiece. all the sliding energy is conducted as As a thermal analogy, this presents additional of the grinding forces as the evidence to support the interpretation summation of cutting and sliding components. Sato (4 1 ) has measured R for cylindrical grinding also by measuring the temperature rise of the workpiece and has given a value of .85. Similar values have also been obtained by other Japanese researchers(4 2 ) and are in the same range as those presented 6.4 here. Calculated Grinding Temperatures Jaeger's theory of moving heat sources the temperature is based on the assumption workpiece considered will be used to calculate rise on the ground surface at the chip and wear flat for the 1018 steel near the transition approach (40) (A = 3.5% in Figure 16). This that the thermal properties of the do not change with temperature. For the temperature ranges here, this is really not the case, and the variation of thermal properties with temperature are shown in Figure 32 for data taken from reference (44). However, a reasonable approximation to the actual situation can be obtained by using this constant property solution with the thermal properties evaluated at the average surface temperatures In the present case, the thermal properties will be found to be lower than the average at 12000F will be used which temperature at the chip but higher than the average temperature on the wear flat. -74- (39) -H I i _L 25m LL (36 LU r aI2 20o C H 15< -< U 9 10- z ) 2 ( _ m m 5c x CY - o, I 0 500 I 1000 TEMPERATURE Figure 32. I 1500 n 2000 ,OF Variation of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity .Data taken from Referwith temperature for mild steel. ence (44). The temperature rise TC due to the cutting energy is considered as a band source of width t2 moving along the workpiece surface at the wheel velocity V. Since the shear angle AB will be approximated by AC. is small (Figure 30) the band The calculation will be performed where the cut is 50 per cent completed or t1 is half (tl)max. Then the width of the band for this case, (t2 ) 50 is equal to (t2)50 = (.50) (10) (tl) = 125 x 10 6 in. (6.7) The energy flux across the band into the workpiece is equal to R1 times the average cutting energy per chip divided by the average chip cross sectional area. Appendix The details of this calculation are presented in B. In a similar way, the temperature rise T S due to sliding is calculated as a band cource of strength R2 times the sliding energy qf (qf is given in Table 14) moving at the velocity V. of the grinding wheels, From observations of the face the wear flats at this wear flat area (A = 3.5%) are typically about .004 inch, and this value is used for the band width. These calcualtions are presented in Appendix C. Both of these temperature distributions shown in Figure 33. and their superposition are Curve (a) is the temperature rise due to cutting and curve (b) is due to sliding. Zero on the abscissa represents the cutting edge, with the chip to its left and the wear flat to its right. Note that this scale is distorted with the chip magnified compared to the wear flat. -76- 20 times 2500 2000 * - L_ 0 LI Ilcn I " V V CHIP GRAIN -1 rar LLJ a-1000 i,! 500 - a 16 b n v.15 .10 .05 DISTAN CE Figure 33. p I I 0 w 1 I I I 2 3 4 FR OM CUTTING EDGE, IN.XIC 3 Distribution of calculated grinding temperatures along workpiece surface. Curve (a) is for temperature rise due to cutting, curve (b) is for temperature rise due to sliding. -77- The peak temperature rise occurs at the shear plane and can approach the melting point (2798 F.) of the steel. The temperature rise over most of the grain is smaller, with the major contribution still due to the cutting. There is an additional temperature TA due to the cutting and sliding of other grains in the grinding area. This is approximated by a band source moving at the workpiece velocity v, having a width equal to the undeformed chip length 1c, and the strength equal to R times the total grinding energy. This calculation presented in Appendix D gives a maximum value (TA)max = 7210°F and an average value (TA)ave The average value, 5380F (TA)ave )can be interpreted temperature which a grit "sees". as the average initial The actual grinding temperatures would then be about 500 degrees above those given in Figure 33. -78- VII. 7.1 SURFACE FINISH Introduction Grinding is often employed as a finishing process where accurate surfaces of good finish are required. Consequently it is important to understand the factors which affect the quality of the surface produced. 7.2 Results and Discussion The surface finish generated during grinding was measured every twenty passes for the 1018 steel workpiece using both the "course" and "fine" dressing techniques. These measurements were obtained simultaneously with the data previously presented in Tables 5 and 6. The test results are presented in Table 16 and plotted in Figure 34 for the different wheel grades. It is interesting to compare these results with those in Figures 10 and 12. With the fine dress a good surface finish in the range of 10 to 15 microinches is obtained below the transition, with very slight improvement noted with harder wheels. Beyond the transition, where burning occurs, the finish deteriorates rapidly to about 30 or 40 microinches. The coarse dressed wheels give a much poorer surface finish than the fine dressed wheels below the transition. wheels give a slightly improved finish. -79- Here again, the harder 1018 *FINE STEEL o COARSE DRESS DRESS 30 K 15 O0 30 zz 15 J 3O 30 o [i 15 ___ __ 0 30 G 0 20 60 40 80 100 PASSES Figure 34. Surface finish versus the number of passes for fine and coarse 8 ft./min., dressing for 1018 steel, V - 6250 ft./min., v d - .001 in. (The letters denote wheel grades.) -80- Theoretical considerations of the finish produced in surface grinding have often been based only on the geometry of the undeformed chips. Orioka (45)and Nakayama and Shaw (4 6 ) considered this problem both theoretically and experimentally and determined that the height differences between the tips of the active grits is usually a more significant factor. This is consistent with the present findings where, in the absence of workpiece burn, the "fine" dressing produces a significantly better significantly better surface finish. The two additional spark out passes for fine dress apparently reduce the height difference among the active grains. -81- VIII. 8.1 FRACTURE WEAR Introduction Grinding wheel wear is usually determined as the decrease in the radius of the grinding wheel. As previously mentioned, the wheel wear before redressing usually amounts to a small fraction of a grain dimension, yet it will be shown that a significant portion of the wear consists of particles almost as big as whole grains. Determination of wheel wear from the weight of the abrasive particles removed, and a study of their size distribution, therefore provides a more fundamental approach to the study of grinding wheel wear. In this section, the results of the grinding wheel wear studies are presented for the 1018 steel using both the "fine" and "coarse" wheel dressing and for the 52100 steel using the "fine" dressing. analysis of the wear particles was performed of bond fracture. A sieve to determine the amount A quantitative relation was obtained between the grinding wheel wear and the grinding forces. 8.2 Results The test results are presented in Tables 17-19 for the 1018 steel with the fine dress, 1018 steel with the coarse dress, and 52100 with the fine dress respectively. The accumulated wear is plotted against the number of passes in Figures 35-37. -82- 200 E 150 I w 100 J D < 50 n "0 20 40 60 80 100 PASSES Figure 35. for 1018 steel, Accumulated wear versus the number of passes d - .001 in. v 8 ft./min., ft./min., V 6250 fine dress, grades.) (The letters denote wheel -83- 200 150 a _J < L'I050 WO 20 40 60 80 100 PASSES Figure 36. Accumulated wear versus the number of passes for 1018 steel, coarse dress, V - 6250 ft./min., v - 8 ft./min., d - .001 in. (The letters denote wheel grades.) -84- 200 c 150 3 <~ LI. 0U 100 -J D D (L) () 50 C v0 20 40 60 SO 100 PASSES Figure 37. Accumulated wear versus the number of passes for 52100 steel, fine dress, V = 6250 ft./min., v = 8 ft./min., d = .001 in. (The letters denote wheel grades.) or It appears that the wear rate curve is characterized by three distinct regimes, all of which are evident in the results for the I-grade The first regime shows a high initial run in wear. wheel in Figure 35. This is followed in the second regime by a more or less constant but smaller wear rate. In the third regime, the wear rate rises again. This increasing wear rate corresponds previously mentioned. to the transition or grinding burn For both J- and the K- grade wheels (Figure 35)) In the grinding force transition occurs near the beginning of the test. this case, only the third wear regime can be clearly observed. With the coarse dressed wheels and the 1018 steel workpiece (Figure 36), only the first and second regimes are clearly visible except after 80 passes with the K-grade wheel where burning occurred. maximum wear was obtained with the intermediate The I-grade wheel. The results for the 52100 steel (Figure 37) clearly show only the run-in a steady state wear, and the harder wheels experienced less wear than the softer ones. Workpiece burn did occur after about 60 passes with the K wheel and 80 passes with the J wheel, but the third wear regime did not appear. The size distributions of abrasive wear particles are presented Figures 38-40 for the different wheel grades. in The distribution for the wheel abrasive particles is also given for comparison. As grinding proceeded the particle size distribution remained relatively unchanged and the curves are for the total wear in 100 passes for each wheel. per cent bond fracture corresponding The to each of these distributions is presented in Figure 41. -86- 100 LL U0 Co 0 80 U Z LLJ (I LL 60 -J 40 1:, I 20 LL n 20 40 60 80 SIE VE Figure 38. 100 200 325 >325 NUMBER Particle size distribution of wear particles and abrasive grain 8 ft./ grain for 1018 steel, fine dress, V - 6250 ft./min., v grades.) wheel denote letters (The in. .001 d min., 0_7 A! 1(U GRAIN n 0 80 / Z LLJ Ld LL 60 , / / I F- J 40 K I 1018 STEEL COARSE 20 DRESS . LdJ n 20 Figure 39. Ii 40 60 80 SIEVE 100 200 325 >325 NUMBE R Particle size distribution of wear particles and abrasive grain for 1018 steel, coarse dress, V - 6250 ft./min., v - 8 ft./min., d - .001 in. (The letters denote wheel grades.) _-Q_ I00 a: < -.Z LU 3 60 LI (-. I20 j40 LJ D Li 20 40 60 80 SIEVE Figure 40. 100 200 325 >325 NUMBER Particle size distribution of wear particles and abrasive grain for 52100 steel, fine dress, V - 6250 ft./min., v 8 ft./min., d - .001 in. (The letters denote wheel grades.) -89- I ^ ^ IUU LU _1,. 80 LL 0 60 Z7 40 LJ 20 LU 0. "0 2 4 6 8 BOND PER CENT Figure 41. Per cent bond fracture versus bond per cent for wear _particles. Corresponds to Oarticle size distributions given in Figures 38 - 40. (The letters denote wheel grades..) I As in the case of dressing particles (Figures 7 and 8), the harder wheels generally have larger wear particles. Presumably, this is again due to the fact that with harder wheels with more bonding agent, a fracture within at the bond. the grain is more likely to occur before dislodgement The wear particles are slightly bigger than the dressing particles, Figure 7. 8.3 Discussion Most of the grinding wheel wear consists of particles which are almost as big as the initial grains. This observation has formed the basis of the statistical analysis of the particles where it has been assumed that the overall wear rate is proportional to the rate at which bond fractures occur. Since the bond material is a brittle substance, the rate at which the bonds are fractured should depend in some way upon the maximum tensile stresses in the bond bridge. Consider an active grain in the wheel surface (Figure 42) which is subjected to a horizontal force fH and a vertical force f a positive bending stress which is porportional bond at the plane AB. stresses at AB. Likewise, Due to fH, to fH is induced in the the vertical force f induces compressive The maximum tensile stress in the bond is then given by at = C1 fH - c2 fv where c1 and c2 are constants. -91- (8.1) D A I KI Figure 42. Illustration of the force on an active grain. -92- For harder wheels with more bonding agent, the forces at the bond bridges are distributed over a larger area and therefore the stresses are lower. With the bond bridges between the grains approximated as penny- shaped slugs of constant thickness, the stresses would vary inversely with the fraction of bonding agent in the wheel, Vb. The tensile stress in equation 8.1 can thus be written as K t where K and Vb) are constants. (8.2) The expression within the parenthesis is called the "bond stress factor". For each contact between an active grain and the workpiece, there is a probability PB that a bond fracture will occur. is proportional The total wear W to the product of the probability of bond fracture PB and the number of contacts N between the active grains and the workpiece. N is proportional to the number of grains n that are "instantaneously" in contact with the workpiece. Therefore the wear per active grain w is given as w Experimentally, = OaCpB (8.4) Experimentally, the value of n is obtained by multiplying the the value of n is obtained by multiplying the number of active grains per square inch (Tables 5, 6, and 7) by the apparent area of contact aA between the wheel and the workpiece. The values of fH and fV can then be obtained by dividing FH and FV by n. In view of the above, the wear rate per active grain w should depend in some yet undetermined way on the bond stress factor. -93- Indeed when w is plotted against the bond stress factor (with = .20) a single straight line (Figure 43) is obtained on a semilogarithmic equation 8.4 is taken as the wear in 20 passes.) probabilities are also given. for the steady state wear. plot. (W in The corresponding The data points in this figure are only The wear rate per active grain is given by thpfnrmla _ w = .27 exp. (8.5) and the probability of bond fracture is given by A] -6 PB The constants = 3.32 x 10 exp (8.6) .27 and .51 in equation 8.5 were determined by the methods of least squares with the bond stress factor taken as the error free variable. According to equations 8.2, 8.5, and 8.6, the probability of bond fracture and hence the wear rate is found to depend exponentially on the tensile stress in the bond bridge. was suggested by Yoshikawa ( 23 This same type of dependence ' 24) who considered the bond fracture from the standpoint of static fatigue where the rate of fracture is expressed by the Arhennius equation. Although it is questionable whether the fracture occurs in this way, the analysis does give an equation which is consistent with the experimental observations. The total wear observed after 100 passes (Figures 35-37) requires that only about one in twenty of the active grains experience a bond fracture. It would therefore be expected that most of the grains initially -94- I m I U.u I1x04 0 50 5X10- 5 3 z lc C -0 CD r 2.0 2X1 0 - 5 -< cL n1~ 1.0 xIx-5 I XIO C() z Z .5 0C Ix0 -6 mo ': -- LL 3: C .2 2X104 c2X- I 1 "O 2 BOND STRESS Figure 42. 3 FACTOR 4 5 fH-.)20fv Correlation between the wear per active grain and the bond stress factor. -95- 'w active would persist for the duration of the test. Furthermore, since the radial wear is only a small fraction of a grain dimension very few "new" active grains would appear. Therefore, it is to be expected that the number of active grains in the wheel surface remain relatively unchanged as grinding proceeds. This was found to be true (Figure 15). The particle size distributions (Figures 38-40) indicate that a small percentage of the total wear consists of attritious wear particles. A rough estimate of this percentage can be made as follows. For this example, the results for the I-grade wheel with the fine dress and the 1018 steel workpiece are used. The average wear flat area over 100 passes (Figure 11) is about 3.5%. The total area of the wheel which grinds is equal to the wheel circumference ( D = 25.12 in.) times the width of the workpiece (b = .25) or 6.28 in. , and the total area of the wear flats is 3.5% of this or .22 in. 2 The radial wheel wear after 100 passes has been measured to be .0006 in. and therefore, the total volume of attritious wear is (.0006) x (.22) or 1.22 x 10 aluminum oxide (p Multiplying by the density of .56 x 105 mg./in. 3 ) the attritious wear in 100 passes is about 6.8 milligrams. wear in.3 . Comparing this to the accumulated (Figure 35), the attritious wear constitutes about 10 per cent of total wear. This is more than would be expected from the particle size distributions (Figure 38) where attritious wear particles would be expected to be smaller than 325 mesh. wear debris is not recovered. Undoubtedly However, some of the attritious this does not change the previous conclusion that most of the wear is due to grain and bond fracture. -95a- IX. CONCLUSIONS In this section the important conclusions of this investigation are presented. 1. The wear flat area on the face of the wheel uniquely determines the grinding force components for a particular workpiece material and for given grinding conditions. Both the horizontal and vertical force components increase linearly with the wear flat area. (For steels this is true only up to a critical wear flat area where burning occurs.) This linear variation between grinding force and wear flat area is explained by considering the force as the sum of a cutting force, due to chip formation and a sliding force due to rubbing between the wear flats and the workpiece. 2. The specific cutting energy required in grinding increases linearly with the melting temperature of the workpiece. wear flat pressure is also higher for In most cases, the average materials which require a larger specific cutting energy. 3. Grinding burn with steel occurs at a critical wear flat area which depends on the particular steel being ground. For all the steels, burn- ing occurs at the same total grinding energy. 4. Finer dressing results in a larger initial wear flat area on the wheel and a greater tendency toward workpiece burn. On the other hand, with finer dressing a better surface finish is obtained. For a particular grind- ing operation, these two opposing factors must be carefully considered. -96- 5. Most of the grinding wheel wear is due to grain and bond fracture. The rate at which the fracture wear occurs i directly related to the grinding forces. 6. With harder wheels, smaller particles are produced since with their stronger bonds, there is a greater probability of fracturing within the grain than at the bond. This is also related to the fact that harder wheels have more active grains, larger wear flat areas, and hence require larger grinding forces. 7. Attritious wear particles constitute of the total grinding wheel wear. tious wear is the most important an almost insignificant portion However, in finish grinding, the attritype of wear as it is directly related to the size of the wear flats, grinding forces, and workpiece burn. The abrasive best-suited for a particular workpiece should have both a low attritious wear rate and a low rubbing friction coefficient. 8. Virtually all the sliding energy and about 60 per cent of the cutting energy are conducted to the workpiece as heat. thermal expansion of the workpiece flat area. This is accomplished dressing technique. Grinding errors due to can be minimized by reducing the wear using either a softer wheel or a coarser For instance, at 3.5% wear flat area with 1018 steel (Figure 16), the thermal expansion for ten grinding passes is about .0007 inch. At, 1.0% wear flat area, the thermal expansion is proportionally reduced by about 50%. A greater decrease in thermal expansion is obtained for material which have a higher ratio of sliding energy flux, qF, to specific cutting -97- energy, uc. 9. Peak grinding temperatures, which occur at the shear plane of the chip, approach (or even exceed) the melting temperature of the workpiece. Over the whole wear flat, surface temperatures on the order of 1100°F are obtained for mild steel. I -98- X. -SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE WORK 1. The study of the relationship between the wear flat area and grinding force should be extended to other conditions of speed and feed. For such an investigation it would be desirable to use a grinding machine and wheels which have high speed capabilities of up to 10,000 R.P.M. This should shed light on the dynamic effects in the contact between be interesting the grain and the workpiece. It will also to observe if and in what manner the specific cutting energy varies with the geometry and rate of chip formation. 2. In finish grinding, the abrasive best suited for a particular workpiece should have a low attritious wear rate and low rubbing friction coefficient. Therefore, it would be desirable to study the sliding friction and wpar of abrasive materials against workpiece materials under simulated grinding and temperature. conditions of load, speed, This should provide a rational basis of abrasive selection for finish grinding. 3. The grinding forces can be considered as the sum of cutting and sliding components. It would be desirable to study the action of ing fluids in this light. grind- The possible lubrication effects of these fluids could be clearly observed. 4. ditions. Fracture wear studies should be continued for other grinding conIn the long run, it might be possible to obtain a generalized expression (analogous to equation 8.5) which will predict the wheel wear as a function of grinding forces, wheelspeed, _99- grain size, bond material, etc. This should be particularly applicable to abrasive,machining (bulk metal removal) where abrasive costs constitute a large portion of the total expense. 1 no REFERENCES 1. G.I. Alden, "Operation of Grinding Wheels in Machine Grinding", Trans. A.S.M.E., 1914, pp. 451-460 2. R. Woxen, "Wheel-Wear in Cylindrical Grinding", Akademien Handlingar, Nr. 124, 1933 3. E. Rabinowicz, Friction and Wear of Materials, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1965 4. L.P. Tarasov, "Grindability 1174 5. W.R. Backer, M.E. Merchant, "On the Basic Mechanics of the Grinding Process, Trans. A.S.M.E., Vol, 80 (1958), pp. 141-148 6. J. Peklenik, "Beitrag zu Grundlagen des Scheifens", Doctoral Dissertation, Ingeniors Vetenskaps of Tool Steels, Trans A.S.M., 1951, pp. 1144- Aachen Technische Hockschule, 1957 7. J. Peklenik, "Untersuchen Uber Das Verschleisskriterium Beim Schleifen!', Industrie-Anzeiger, Vol. 80 (1958), No. 19, pp. 280-284 8. H. Yoshikawa, "Criterion of Grinding Wheel Tool Life", Bull. Japan Society of Grinding Engineers, Vol. 3 (1963), pp. 29-32 9. H. Yoshikawa, "Theory of Tool Life for Grinding Wheel", Paper Presented at 15th Annual Meeting, C.I.R.P., Liege, Belgium, August 1965 10. H.H. Tsuwa, "On the Behaviors of Abrasive Grains in Grinding Process" Bull. Japan Society of Grinding Engineers, Vol. 1 (1961), pp.7 -8 11. H. Tsuwa, "An Investigation of Grinding Wheel Cutting Edges", Trans. A.S.M.E., Series B., Vol. 86, Nov. 1964, p. 371 12. H. Tsuwa and S. Kawamura, "On the Wear by Attrition of Abrasive". Bull. Society of Precision Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1966 13. Y. Tanaka, H. Tsuwa, S. Kawamura, "Effect of Grinding Conditions on the Journal of Japan Soc. of Precision Performance of Grinding Wheels", Engineering, Vol. 31 (1965), No. 3 (Translated by K. Nakayama) 14. R.S. Hahn, "Technical Factors in the Operation of Grinding Machines", A.S.T.M.E., Paper No. MR 67-592, (1967) -101- PAGES (S) MISSING FROM ORIGINAL PAGE 102 MISSING 29. G.S. Reichenbach, J.E. Mayer, S. Kalpakcioglu, and M.C. Shaw, "The Role of Chip Thickness in Grinding", Trans. A.S.M.E., Vol. 78 (1956), p. 847 30. R.W. Story, "Forces and Force Ratios in Grinding with Coated Abrasives", A.S.M.E. Paper No. 67-WA/Prod -13 31, K. Okushima, K. Hitomi, "Progress of Flank Wear and Variation of Tool Forces", Bull. Japan Society of Precision Engineering, Vol. 1.,No. 2. 1965, p. 6 9 32. E.G. Thomsen, A.G. Mac Donald, S. Kobayashi, "Flank Friction Studies with Carbide Tools Reveal Sublayer Plastic Flow", Trans. A.S.M.E., Vol. 84 B, 1963, p.53 33. G.F. Micheletti, A. De Fillippi, R. Ippolito, "Tool Wear and Cutting Forces in Steel Turning, CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Technology, 1967, p. 513 34. N.N. Zorev, "Mechanics of Contact on the Clearance Surface", Chapter 3, pp. 129-180, in Metal Cutting Mechanics, Translated from Russian, Published by Pergamon Press, 1966 35. L.A. Galin, Contact Problems in the Theory of Elasticity, Translated from Russian,Published by North Carolina State College, School of Sciences and Applied Mathematics, Oct. 1961 36. H. Opitz, W. Ernst, K.F. Meyer, "Grinding at High Cutting Speeds", Proc. of 6th International M.T.D.R. Conference, September 13-15, 1965, pp. 581-595 37. W.E. Littman, The Influence of the Grinding Process on the Structure of Hardened Steel, Sc. D. Thesis, M.I.T, November 1953. Most of this is also published under the same title by W.E. Littman and J. Wulff, Trans;. A.S.M., Vol. 47, 1955, pp. 692-714 38. L.P. Tarasov, "Some Metallurgical Aspects of Grinding", Machining-Theory. and Practice, A.S.M., 1950, pp. 409-464 39. J.O. Outwater, M.C. Shaw, "Surface Temperatures A.S.M.E., Jan. 1952, pp. 73-86 40. J.C. Jaeger, "Moving Sources of Heat and the Temperature at Sliding Contacts", Proc. Royal Society of New South Wales, Vol. 76, (1942), pp. 203-224 -103- in Grinding", Trans. 41. K. Sato, "Grinding Temperature", Bull. Japan Society of Grinding Vol. 1 (1961), pp. 31-33 Engineers, 42. R.H. Brown, "Forces in Single Grit Grinding", M.S. Thesis, M.I.T., August 1957 43. See K. Sato, "Progress of Researches on Grinding Mechanics in Japan", Bull. Japan Society of Grinding Engineers, Vol. 5 (1965), pp. 1-25 44. C.J. Smithells, Metals Reference Book, Vol. II, 3rd Edition, 1962 45. T. Orioka, "Probabilistic Treatment on the Grinding Geometry", Bull. Japan Society of Grinding Engineers, Vol. 1 (1961), pp. 27 - 29 46. K. Nakayama, M.C. Shaw, "An Analytical Study of the Finish Produced in Surface Grinding", Unpublished -104- APPENDIX A CALCULATION OF THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ACTIVE GRAINS The maximum number of active grains per square inch in the wheel surface is assumed to be identical to the number of grains which intersect one square inch of a plane which passes through the grinding wheel. For simplicity, the packing of grains is assumed to be cubic, with the center of each grain located at a point where four cubes meet. The plane in question is assumed to contain a square array of grains. For a wheel with the densest possible packing, the grain spacing is equal to the mean grain diameter. For such a wheel, the per cent of grain has been experimentally determined to be 58 per cent for the 32 A46 abra- sive. This was accomplished by tightly packing abrasive grains into a known volume and comparing their weight to the weight which would result if the volume were 100% aluminum oxide. The wheels used here are 48 per cent abrasive. Their mean grain spacing is therefore equal to the cube root of 58/48 times the mean grain diameter or .018 inches. number of active grains per square inch is then 1/(.018) 2 . grains/inch - 105- 2 The maximum or 3240 APPENDIX B CALCULATION OF TEMPERATURE DUE TO CUTTING The cutting temperature is calculated as moving band source of width equal to (t2 )50 as given by equation 6.7. is a rectangular source of dimensions More precisely this (t2)50 by 1/2 r (tl)max but the (40) band source solution provides a good approximation The total cutting energy is FHC V - (1.333)(6250) 12 1666 in. lb of which the fraction R1 is (B.1) sec. 'C60 conducted to the workpiece. Since the cross sectional area of the chip at 50 per cent of the cut is also the average chip cross sectional area, the source strength qc which is the energy flux into the workpiece A C[t) a 2 50 given by 3 22 x 108 in. lb. (.61)(1666 R1 FHC V qc- i x r x (t ) 2 max I- (.09)(6000)(2.34)10 -8 -3.22 x 10 in. (B.2) For moving heat source calculations, the value of the nondimensional L = necessary to calculate variable L which is defined as V1 (B.3) where 1 - half width of band V it is velocity of the source - thermal diffusivity -106- 2 sec. In this case = 9.4 x 10- 3 in. 2 /sec 1 (tl)max = 62.5 x 10- 6 in. 4 V = 6250 ft./min = 1250 in sec. = and therefore L = (1250)(62.5 x 106) (2)(9.4 x 10 3 The temperature distribution = 415 ) (B.4) on the surface is obtained as a function of the non-dimensional variable X, (B.5) 2Ck X where x is the local variable in the plane of the source measured from the center of the band in the direction of the velocity V. The temperature distribution is given by the function 2qc c T c = c 'rkV [ I(X + L) - I (X-L)] where k is the thermal conductivity (B.6) (k = 4.10 lb./sec.°F) and I(X+L) and I(X-L) are integrals which cannot be explicitly evaluated and are given in tabular form in reference (40). Equation B.6 then becomes -8 = (2)(3.22 x 10 T c -3 )(9.4 x 103) [I(4.15 x X) - I(4.14 -X)] () (4.10)(1250) Table B.1 gives the values of T as a function of X. (B.7) With the appropriate shift in the variable x, this result is plotted in Figure 33 as curve (a). -107- APPENDIX C CALCULATION OF TEMPERATURES Essentially the temperature T the same procedure DUE TO SLIDING as in Appendix B is used to calculate due tofsliding between the wear flat and the workpiece. The source strength or energy flux to the surface is given by R 2 times qf In this case R2 is approximately unity and where qf is given in Table 14. qf is 2.28 x 106 sec.). The other parameters of interest are OV= . V = 1250 in./sec. 1 = (.004)/2 = .002 in. = 9.4 x 10 - 6 in.2/sec. and k = 4.10 lb./(sec. The nondimensional L = F). parameter L is then given by (1250)(2 x 10-3) 133 (C1) 3 ) (2)(9.4)(10 For such a large value of L, the temperature distribution under the band (-L X L) is approximated by T = 2/ (C.2) 2(L-X) The maximum temperature rise (TS)max occurs at the trailing edge of the band and is equal to 2qf a (TS max kV (2)(2.28 x 10 6)(9.4 x 10- 3 )( 27) 2 = () - 110F (4.10) (1250) (C.3) -108- and the average temperature rise within the band (Ts)ave is two-thirds of the maximum or T ) = (Ts)ave 3 (T ) s max = 740 F. (C.4) With the appropriate shift of the coordinate x, the temperature distribution in equation C.2 is presented as curve (b) in Figure 33. -109- APPENDIX CALCULATION D OF THE AVERAGE TEMPERATURE IN THE GRINDING AREA The heat source is taken as a band of width 1c, the undeformed length, with a velocity equal to the table speed v. chip The grinding energy input rate Q is given by Q FHV (D.1) where FH is taken at A is 3.5% from Figure 16, and the total energy flux q = equal to Q divided the apparent area of contact A a. Q_ = q 3.42 x 103 a = 1.52 x10 10 5 .0225 in. The fraction of this energy conducted to the workpiece Figure 31 where R at A = 3.5% is approximately The value of the nondimensional (8 x 1 L - 23 12 - (D.2) sec. is obtained from .80. variable L is then 1 )(.009 x -)(.3) 2 860 = 3.8 (D.3) 2(9.4 x 10 -3 ) For this value of L, from reference (40), the maximum value of the temperature in the band is equal to (6.3) (2)Rqg max kv (T.) (6.3)(2)(.80)(1.52 x 105)(9.4 x 10(X) (4.10) (8 x 60 ) 721F (D.4) and the average value over the band is (T A) A ave =e (4.7)(2)Rq( = 538F. nkv -110- Table 1. )escription of Wheels Wheel Grain Grain Designation Type Size Per Cent 32A461G8VG 32 A 46 3.1 48 32A461H8VG 32 A 46 4.4 48 32A4618tVG 32 A 46 5.8 48 32A461J8VG 32 A 46 7.2 48 32A461K8VG 32 A 46 8.6 48 -111- Bond Weight Grain Volume Per Cent Table 2. Workpiece Materials Material Nominal Composition, % SAE 1018 Steel .18C, .25 Mn, Bal Fe 89 B AlSl 52100 Steel 1.00C, .35 Mn, .30 Si, 1.40 Cr, Bal Fe 62 C T1 High Speed Steel 0.7C, 18W, 4Cr, 64 C Molybdenum 100 Mo 95 B .130A Titanium 92 Ti, 8 Mn 33 C Niobium 100 Nb 95 B Stellite No. 6B 3.00* ni, 2.00* Si, 3.00* Fe 38 C V, Bal Fe 2.00* Mn, 30 Cr, 1.50 Mo, 4.25 W, 1.25 C, Bal. Co * Maximum -112- Rockwell Hardness Table 3. Wheel Dressing - Experimental Results Wheel Designation Dress Active Grains/in. Wear Flat Area, A,% Per Cent Bond Fracture coarse fine 424 476 .50 32A461H8VBE coarse fine 567 592 .97 1.06 59.2 32A46118VBE coarse fine 669 849 1.20 1.48 50.2 32A461J8VBE coarse fine 939 1132 1.67 1.85 43.8 32A461K8VBE coarse fine 1145 1235 2.04 2.32 39.6 32A46lG8VBE -113- 70.4 .55 Table 4. Sieve Number - Screen Sieve Number Screen enin Opening, in. 20 .0331 40 .0165 60 .0098 80 .0070 100 .0059 200 .0029 325 .0017 -114- Table 5. Forces and Wear Flats - 1018 Steel, Fine Dress ( V = 6250 ft./min., Active Wear Flat Grains Area Wheel Passes per in A, v -H'- 8 ft./min., Wear Flat Arel/Grain6 in. x 10 d = .001 in.) Horizontal Vertical Force Force _FH lbs. Fv, lbs. FH/Fv - 1.13 1.23 1.50 21.1 17.3 25.8 23.9 29.2 1.37 1.19 1.99 1.41 1.71 23.7 21.0 30.9 24.8 26.6 1.89 1.81 1.84 2.04 1.96 2.39 2.21 2.30 2.43 2.70 .79 .82 1119 1132 1119 1132 1106 1122 2.80 3.43 3.84 4.77 5.30 25.2 30.2 34.2 42.1 47.9 2.49 .80 .79 3.07 4.07 6.35 3.12 3.43 4.49 9.42 22.85 20 *40 * 60 *80 * 100 926 1350 1106 1222 1363 Ave. 1193 3.31 5.32 5.60 6.80 6.02 35.7 39.4 50.7 55.4 44.2 3.12 4.66 7.30 7.25 7.97 4.83 8.88 29.25 31.45 34.95 .64 20 40 60 80 * 100 5.97 6.27 6.62 7.31 7.55 44.3 47.5 51.8 47.9 55.4 6.50 7.80 8.04 8.94 8.25 18.78 31.95 34.20 38.40 36.75 32A461G8VG 32A461H8VG 20 40 60 80 100 Ave. 270 424 437 514 514 432 20 40 60 80 100 578 566 643 566 643 Ave. 32A461I8VG 32A461J8VG 20 40 60 * 80 * 100 Ave. 32A461K8VG * * * * * .57 .73 1.64 1.56 1.56 1.63 1.66 2.02 2.03 1.85 1.91 1.96 .81 .77 .84 .85 .85 .80 .84 .73 Z'60 1350 1325 1273 1530 1363 Ave. 1368 Workpiece Burned -115- 2'.69 .68 .43 .28 .52 .25 .23 .23 .35 .24 .24 .23 .22 Forces and Wear Flats - 1018 Steel, Coarse Dress Table 6. v = 8 ft./min., (V = 6250 ft./min., Active Wear Flat Area Grains Wheel 32A4618VG Passes H/Fv .66 1.55 1.57 1.60 1.51 1.56 .93 604 630 668 60 630 80 669 100 Ave. 640 1.04 1.48 1.81 1 81 2.00 17.3 23.4 27.0 28.8 29.9 2.00 2.04 2.12 2.20 2.31 2.45 2.49 2.74 2.87 3.11 .82 .82 .77 .77 .74 682 669 720 707 759 Ave. 707 1.20 1.57 1.53 1.94 1.90 17.6 23.4 21.2 27.4 25.2 1.96 2.00 2.09 2.19 2.40 2.06 2.30 2.43 2.75 3.26 .94 952 862 862 862 1.67 1.85 2.41 2.63 2.59 17.6 21.6 28.1 30.6 27.0 2.02 2.06 2.06 2.49 2.40 2.25 2.23 2.34 3.04 3.00 .90 2.91 2.96 3.28 4.12 4.16 23.0 24.8 28.1 35.3 36.0 2.13 2.21 2.36 2.72 4.47 2.34 2.64 3.15 4.02 12.26 .91 .84 100 398 360 347 386 334 Ave. 365 .44 .56 20 40 20 40 60 80 100 32A461J8VG in. 2 x 10 1.33 1.36 1.38 1.36 1.45 60 80 32A46118VG A,% Vertical Horizontal Force Force _Fv, lbs. F , lbs ) 11.2 15.5 14.0 11.5 19,8 20 40 32A461H8VG per in. Wear Flat Area/Grai~ d = .001 in. 20 40 60 80 966 100 .49 .44 .86 .87 .87 .86 .86 .86 .80 .74 .92 .88 .82 .80 Ave. 900 32A461K8VG 1273 1183 1170 1170 * 100 1157 Ave. 1190 20 40 60 80 * Workpiece burned -116- .75 .68 .36 Table 7, Forces and Wear Flats - 52100 Steel, Fine Dress (V = 6250 ft./min., Active Wear Flat Grains Wheel 32A461G8VG Passes per in2 20 40 60 80 100 399 424 463 399 437 424 32A461K8VG * H orizontal Vertical Force Force Area/Grain in.2 x 10-6 FH, lbs. _FV, lbs. FH/FV V .88 3.25 3.45 3.77 3.98 4.09 .46 .44 .43 .42 .42 579 630 669 656 720 651 .69 .97 1.11 1.48 1.67 11.9 15.4 16.6 22.6 23.2 1.95 2.04 2.56 2.31 2.51 4.74 4.91 5.21 5.92 6.72 .41 .42 .44 .39 .37 836 836 797 784 887 841 1.34 1.71 1.90 1.76 1.71 16.0 20.5 .23.8 22.4 19.3 2.11 2.34 2.13 2.23 2.36 4.72 5.06 5.47 5.96 6.79 .45 .46 20 40 60 80 *100 1067 1080 1106 1042 1119 Ave. 1095 1.99 2.11 2.17 2.26 2.57 3.34 4.72 5.13 5.66 7.66 12.75 .45 .42 2.55 2.78 3.05 18.7 18.9 23.1 26.7 27.3 20 40 60 * 80 *100 1.44 1.76 2.69 3.29 3.80 13.0 15.9 25.9 28.1 34,4 2.43 2.43 2.70 4.19 4.87 6.34 22.64 24.34 .57 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100 Ave. 32A461J8VG A % Wear Flat 1.51 1.53 1.62 1.67 1.70 Ave. 32A461I8VG ... Area- d = .001 in.) 12.3 13.7 17.5 19.0 20.1 Ave. 32A461H8VG 8 ft./min., v 1106 1119 1080 1170 1106 Ave. 1116 .49 .58 .81 .76 2.04 Workpiece burned -117- 5.,28 5.45 .39 .37 .35 .40 .34 .26 .50 .43 ,23 .22 Forces and Wear Flats - T1 Steel, Fine Dress Table 8. (V = 6250 ft./min., v Wear Flat Passes Wheel Designation 8 ft./min. d = .001 in. ) Horizontal Force, F, lbs. Vertical Force, F , lbs. V ~ 32A461G8VG 10 20 30 40 50 .72 .90 .95 1.06 1.20 1.83 2.00 2.04 2.09 2.09 6.54 6.92 8.08 8.68 8.68 32A461H8VG 10 20 30 40 50 1.44 1.71 1.91 2.22 2.08 2.35 2.43 2.70 2.83 3.04 8.85 9.62 11.92 13.46 15.38 * 10 * 20 30 40 50 1.99 2.36 2.36 2.59 2.78 2.83 3.04 3.48 5.00 5.43 10.38 12.31 18.46 26.92 34.61 * * 32A461J8VG * * * * = Workpiece burned -118- Table 9. Forces and Wear Flats - 130 A Titanium, Fine Dress ( V= 6250 ft./min, Wheel Designation 32A461G8VG 32A461H8VG Passes Wear F].at Area, AL, d = )01 .C* in. Horizontal Force FH ; bs. -zH Vertical Force F lbs. 10.19 8.68 7.74 7.55 7.55 10 20 30 40 50 1.48 1.48 1.16 .88 .97 2.77 2.77 2.55 2.34 2.21 10 20 30 40 4.03 3.52 3.66 3.80 3.98 6.38 5.53 5.96 5.98 6.17 13.21 12.45 13.58 12.45 13.21 4.40 4.31 5.51 4.54 5.53 5.74 5.53 5.50 11.32 12.83 14.15 13.58 50 32A461J8VG v = 8 ft./min., 10 20 30 40 -119- Table 10. Forces and Wear Flats - Niobium, Fine Dress (V Wheel Designation 32A461G8VG 6250 ft./min., Horizontal Passes Area, A, % Force, 10 1.02 1.27 1.20 3.62 4.47 3.91 A.91 3.24 3.61 3.33 7.87 8.72 8.09 12.07 13.96 12.83 30 4.86 5.19 5.05 9.36 9.79 10.21 17.36 19.62 20.38 10 20 5.42 6.53 11.49 12.77 14.62 23.40 10 20 30 32A4611I8VG 32A461K8VG Vertical Wear Flat 20 40 32A461H8VG d = .001 in.) v = 8 ft./min., 10 20 -120- , lbs. Force, F, 5.85 5.47 lbs. Table 11. Forces and Wear Flats - Molybdenum/ (V = 6250 ft./min., Wheel Designation 32A461G8VG Passes Wear Flat Area, A, d = .001 in.) Horizontal Vertical Force, FH, lbs. Force, F, 6.04 5.28 4,53 3.77 40 .31 10 3.28 3.82 4.07 3.84 11.49 12.77 13.19 13.62 20.38 22.64 22.64 22.64 4.35 5.79 6.29 6,29 15.32 16.17 18.72 18.72 24.15 27.36 32.08 32.08 20 30 40 32A46iK8VG 8 ft./min., 3.83 3.83 2.98 2.77 .86 .46 10 20 30 32A461H8VG v Fine Dress 10 20 30 .40 .65 -121- lbs. Forces and Wear Flats - Stellite No. 6B, Fine Dress Table 12. (V = 6250 ft./min., v = 8 ft./min., Wear Flat Wheel Designation Passes Area, A,% d = .001 in. Horizontal Force, FH, lbs. ) Vertical Force, FV, lbs. 32A461G8VG 10 20 30 40 50 1.57 1.57 1.67 1.20 1.39 2.68 3.19 3.62 3.70 3.53 9.43 11.32 14.34 15.47 15.09 32A461H8VG 10 1.57 2.04 2.31 2.64 2.54 3.83 4.26 4.89 5.53 5.74 13.58 17.36 20.38 27.34 28.30 2;64 3.10 3.01 3.19 3.29 5.32 5.96 6.38 6.81 7.23 25.47 30.19 32.08 33.96 36.79 3.06 3.52 3.56 3.56 4.07 6.38 6.60 7.66 7.66 7.87 32.08 33.96 39.62 42.45 43.40 20 30 40 50 32A461J8VG 10 20 30 40 50 32A461K8VG 10 20 30 40 50 -122- Table 13. Forces and Wear Flats (V = 3125 ft./min., Passes Wheel Deisgnation 32A461G8VG 32A461H8VG 32A461I8VG = 4 ft./min., Wear Flat Area, A, % d = .001 in.) Horizontal bs. e FH la. 1.87 1.74 1.70 1.83 1,79 20 40 60 80 100 .42 .63 20 40 60 80 100 1.20 20 2.64 2.87 3.43 3.80 4.21 3.83 4.68 4.26 * * 40 60 80 * 100 .46 .44 .44 1.57 1.39 1.85 1.76 * * 60 80 2.92 4.21 4.77 4.63 * 100 5.37 32A461K8VG 20 40 * v 1018 Steel, Fine Dress Workpiece burn -123- 2.55 2.47 2.55 2.64 2.94 4.89 5.74 7.02 6.80 8.09 8.94 8.30 Vertical Force, FV 2.57 2.34 2.26 2.38 2.42 3.02 2.83 2.94 3.21 3.28 5.09 6.04 8.30 11.32 15.85 5.28 10.56 18.11 23.40 23.58 lbs. *,4 %O 0 *14 '4-4 Co N 00 u' 14 1-4 (IN %0 o C4 CIN C4 SJ) d". 0) It W; %C cr% 0%~ NI 0 ; -4 V- 0 r( N u C' 0 4 02K U) m .0 '-4 4 -H 0 Co .4. .4 1 ::x I &I.0 , -r.4 0 '3 O~ II: c0 -4 *n %D 0 I co , -4 m 4 N4 . -4 e -4 I*~~ * *-~~~ * * * D0 D T4 0 * ru N co f) * -. N * O -0 * A~~~~~~~-** -4 4 S r. 02 2 10 m 0 0 00 co r- la. o0 0 C 0 c + L + ' +l W r m +I 0o 00 0 C" 00 D0 -TN -4r - +I +I 00 n U' % +1 0Un4 -O 0N -I +1 Om N (n 0 00 r4 + 0W -cr C o +I °° +1 o +t 0 r 0 . c- Q 0 0% gz, .4. NI mC, .c -T '.0 U: 0O - '4 0 a2 4) 02 ,aco G) ;a w .0 "-4 u NlO 'NN "~ C4 ¥ r; +l r'3C *_Ln -**.- JIo +l + '.0; 0 * 400 - C, +l : '-4 %4. ;I '4. 0 O C, '. JI ,,l -T rUf Cl\ ~0* Nt O 0% 0 0* C0 *O* m O O O O O O O O0 0 O 0 O 0O 0O 0O 0O ) . 0* * 4 I 0 cr Q O O 0O 0O * . . > O a: O 0 O 0O 0U W U . . * '-4i .M Ca --'4 > 44 Co O CO C '.0 11 Nr '.0 Sf N\ '.0 Sf N) '.0 O 1t N) 0 0% ,-4 0 , C COC Oq N '.0 Ni '.0 Sf N '0 r-q 4' r-I 0 Sf NI 0 O 0 0 O 0 Sf '.0 Sf N '0 r 10 0D Sf N N '.0 (4 e cN ( -4 ,-4 - IU 3 U 00 co O-- ,-4 I:: '4) 0 N O c~4 · U, N I ¢ i A i,,-4 , -4 ong 4c O -'U, ,r- v 4 ,, c) CO V4 ~r-44l D. Co * 0 - CvO 0CP - - 4Y -124- O 4 O Table 15, Energy Partition - 1018 Steel, Fine Dress (V = 6250 ft./min., Wheel Designation v = 8 ft./min., d = .001 in.) Wear Flat Area, A,% Energy to Workpiece,R 32A461G8VG .74 .64 32A461H8VG 1.34 .69 2.82 .75 3.06 .76 3.98 .81 32A461K8VG -125- Table 16. Steel Surface, itntsh 1018& (V = 6250 ft./min., Wheel Designation 32A461G8VG Passes v 8 ft./min., Fine Dress 20 40 100 15 17 14 12 15 60 80 32A461H8VG 32A461I8VG 28 microinches 28 30 31 30 20 12 26 13 26 60 80 13 100 13 27 24 24 20 12 14 13 25 35 27 26 25 25 25 10 25 30 30 35 23 23 20 25 30 30 30 20 22 22 22 14 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100 32A461K8VG microinches Coarse Dress 40 40 32A461J8VG d - .001 in.) 20 40 60 80 100 -126- 24 22 22 40 Table 17. Fine Dress Wheel Wear - 1018 Steel, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I H ~ i _ ! 11 Jl, v = 8 ft./min., ( V = 6250 ft./min., d = .001 in.) Accumulated Wear, Mg. Wheel Designation Passes 32A461G8VG 20 40 60 80 100 85.0 33.0 20.1 23.5 29.0 85.0 118.0 138.1 161.6 190.6 32A461H8VG 20 40 60 80 100 59.6 28.6 17.4 18.4 12.7 59.6 88.2 105.6 124.0 136.7 32A461I8VG 20 40 60 80 100 46.3 23.9 22.5 23.0 52.0 46.3 70.2 92.7 115.7 167.7 32A461J8VG 20 40 80 100 46.0 35.0 39.8 41.2 40.3 46.0 81.0 120.8 162.0 202.3 20 40 60 80 100 61.6 33.6 35.2 28.4 26.0 61.6 95.2 130.4 158.8 184.8 60 32A461K8VG -127- Wear, Mg. Table 18. Wheel Wear - 1018 Steel, Coarse Dress ( V= 6250 ft./min., Wheel Designation Passes 32A461G8VG 20 v = 8 ft./min., Wear, Mg. 40 60 80 100 32A461H8VG 20 40 60 80 100 32A461I8VG 20 40 60 80 100 32A461J8VG 20 40 60 80 100 32A461K8VG 20 40 60 80 100 -128- d = .001 in.) Accumulated Wear, Mg. 83.3 30.6 28.0 16.7 17.4 83.3 113.9 158.6 158.6 176.0 39.0 16.6 12.0 14.8 13.9 39.0 55.6 67.6 82.4 96.3 29.0 11.1 10.4 11.3 8.4 29.0 40.1 50.5 61.8 70.2 30.1 14.4 11.6 11.8 10.0 30.1 44.5 56.1 67.9 77.9 29.5 21.9 16.5 11.2 19.1 29.5 51.4 67.9 78.9 98.0 Table 19. ( V Wheel Wear - 52100 Steel, Fine Dress 6250 ft./min., Wheel Designation v = 8 ft./min., Wear, Mg. Passes d = .001 in.) Accumulated Wear, Mg. 32A461G8VG 20 40 60 80 100 30.0 15.6 11.3 10.9 13.4 30.0 45.6 56.9 67.8 81.2 32A461H8VG 20 40 60 80 100 29.2 10.1 8.6 8.7 8.8 29.2 39.3 47.9 56.6 65.4 32A461I8VG 20 40 60 80 100 25.7 12.6 9.8 9.1 7.2 25.7 38.3 48.1 57.2 64.4 32A461J8VG 20 40 60 80 100 23.4 31.1 39.4 46.6 58.5 23.4 31.1 39.4 46.6 58.5 32A461K8VG 20 40 60 80 100 20.7 4.7 5.8 9.5 12.1 20.7 25.4 31.2 40.7 52.8 -129- Table B.1 Calculated Values of T Vx TC C L O m 376 .5L 1410 0 1940 .5L 2350 -L 2327 -2L 1367 -3L 1053 -3.5L 989 -5L 865 -10L 639 -20L 414 -30L 357 -50L 320 -80L 263 -130- F BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE The author was born June 20, 1941 in Boston, Massachusetts. lived in Malden, Massachusetts He until his graduation from the Malden public schools in 1959. In 1959, the author entered M.I.T. where he was awarded the degrees of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Master of Science in 1965. of Liquid Lubricants His master's in 1963, thesis entitled "Behavior in Vacuum" was supervised by Dr. G. S. Reichenbach. The author was elected to Pi Tau Sigma and Sigma Xi while attending M.I.T. The author was married to the former Judith Greenberg of Valley Stream, New York on August 30, 1964. -131-