Advising Newsletter February 10 UPCOMING EVENTS News & Updates A Note from Adrienne Dumpe Each year, the Office of Student Involvement presents sixteen awards to individual students, student organizations, and faculty/staff members of the Boston College community. These awards were previously known as the Leadership Awards, but have been renamed the Ever to Excel Awards this year to better capture the essence of the awards. Advisor Workshops The Advising Center will be hosting advisor workshops later in the semester, likely late February/early March. These workshops will focus on a range of topics including but not limited to: advising GLBTQ students at BC, preparing for registration, and Professional Development Account refresher. Dates are TBD, Keep on the lookout for specifics Conversations With... As a faculty adviser, please consider nominating the students you advise or have gotten to know through your courses. As an adviser you have a unique lens into a student's experience at Boston College and you often serve as a primary mentor to outstanding students. The Ever to Excel Awards committee would like to specifically encourage you to nominate these students. We will hold two more Conversations With… programs later in the semester with the School of Social Work and the Lynch School of Education. They will present on the particular graduate programs of study open to graduating students. THURSDAY, MARCH 31 in Stokes S139 Nominations can be submitted on MyBC. For tips on writing an excellent nomination and to see past winners, visit Please note that all award nominations must be received no later than 9:00 p.m. on Friday, February 12, 2016. PULSE will be hosting two information sessions as well as drop-in hours at the end of March for prospective PULSE students, specifically rising sophomores. Contact Shanteri Baliga ( with any questions. Email or call 2-3480 with questions! 10 FebrFuary Conversations with CSOM & Law Come to these sessions and talk with faculty and staff from CSOM, the Law School and the Advising & Career Centers about how to make the most out of your undergraduate years and prepare for a career in business and law! FEBRUARY 9 & 11 from 3:00-4:30 PULSE MEETINGS Professors, Pastries & Professions Attend our ever popular networking event where students, faculty and staff meet and discuss options centered around a particular topic. Feb 17 – Grants & Fellowships Feb 23 – Interdisciplinary Programs FEBRUARY 17 & 23 from 3:30-5:00