JUN -121It DYNAMI STABILImY OF HYDRAULIC POPPET VALVES by Jens E. Jorgensen S.B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1959 SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE AT THE .. _.; ... . .. .* / * .* MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY May, 1963 Signature . ,;.. of Author:. Dep tmenchlnical Engineering, May, 193 CertifPied by: ... ... . .. , . /' .. . . ... . Thesis Supervisor Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students ii DYNAMIC STABILITY OF HYDRAULIC POPPET VALVES by Jens E. Jorgensen Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 17, 1963, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. ABSTRACT Stability criterion for a hydraulic poppet valve have been analysed and experimentally verified. The analysis were based on the linearized equations. and on this basis a stability criterion for stable operation of a hydraulic poppet valve as a function of valve position and upstream geometry was formulated. The validity of the equations developed were checked agoainst an experimental Thesis Supervisor: Title: model in the laboratory. Shihn-Ying Lee Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering i-i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his sincerest appreciation and irndebtnessto the following individuals for their contribution towards successful ompletion of this roJect: Professor S.Y. Lee, thesis advisor, for introducing me to the problem and for his helpful guidance and construct ive evaluations. Mr. Kermit Harner for his sincere interest in the problem and constructive suggestions. Mr. Karl Reid and all other members of the Engineering Projects Laboratory for valuable aid given whenever needed. This thesis was supported in part by a Grant in Aid of the Hamilton Standard Division, United Aircraft Corporation and sponsored by the Engineering Projects Laboratory at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. .1iv- L-r i- T irL TTRAp\ TO NT S t a i. - oe ; ont y ro vo heorti l1 stti- lume . Gener:,lized .a ..ion. . . . i '?ressure f'or-e and vs. yc ev::tv m7mW o iOs s,:o01 lr .... . . sysr em response .... Dimensionie ....... ln9me rT .-...9 Combinedeffect 1n ead vs. r9! ·KJ .. ................ o... models ..... b ..... 23a v ve posit in. 3 30b ind TR...... Downstream yt :omressibi lde r ........ Stati oe of resure vnd t it,svic poe force 'nd foce oopetvis.ace :osition ............pressure vs. .......... 32b P ase ag of presure and orce v.ive freqency .......... nd . 4 1 b onstant vs. pressure...... ame ....... .. 2-12 com : ressibit s s, '3 _-2 g v':, owen 2-3 - 1i 7h nstant oe ....................... n inge Dimensionless l: ime....econstant oTopetv- e oen:ng ... vs. .ooet ? o time _o peJ v-ie C6.... 12a &iYstern mode 2-7 e Sytem de cra?tion :yt -4 ia T=asa e Ug fr~equemc, ofD!essure an d of Lo ncd -7 Expe imentail time Ig -: La vs. Jfe.ts (summary).. *force s. . vs. .,3n oopet oasitnL t 33c d Z*lq9 t .. ?f 1 ut t:r tis i t d. F ' . u re: 3- .. se -ead 6 of measure and fore V I.f e.uency 31L ne nd P...... 4. I - d e,men vlve position, ffecs onstint vs o (ex· eriten ) 3-q Lead 3-10 Oytem 3-i_ S.ystem stabiity vs. System stability vs. valve j-o stability vs. Dynamics B- OComuter ogrm D-! OrLfice of 35b ............. 35c ressu-rIe and disvoiume and ositon.. 1L osit on . . 37b 37b 37c 39s 'ine........... 48 schemtic ................ 7 flow coef:ficient Cu vs. Reynolds i Nozzle ( Reynolds Viscosity 65a .0 o.a90 ° ) flow coefficient no. n vs. .... .......................... b -00 )flow coefficient Cn vs. Nozzle ( c Reynolds D-4 et rpar:tus. B-I D-3 35 (summay) k- S hemati2 of D-2 s. .- * no.... ........................ s. tem:e rature ......... o 11 ,- i NQOMENCLATURE f -ymnboI ion and Unit Descr is..ti *:re: of the Line L ( n') A ar'ea C7 2oe ff ient of damning (Lbs-sec /in) j di,;meter of line L and nozzle di meter (in) F poppret forcee (lbs) f valve frequency (s) G valve K spring rate of external sring K, ressure gain (ibs/in oppet flow 3 ) (bs/in) with disl a cemrent (in 2 /se c ensitivity KQ popoet flow sensitivity wiSh pressure (in/l.bs-se K3 upstream orifice K4 poppet downstream flow sensitivity K5 downstream orifice ( n//l bs- sec) L length of line M mass of poppet P fluid pressure, aiso of the -poppetvalve C :Flow rate T time for wave 9o system upstream volume (in f ow sensitivity with pressure (n/lbs-sec with pressure (in'/lbs-sec) volume flow senS tivity with resure in) (ibs-sec 2 /in) through ressure immediately the poppet to travel (in3 ) ;V fluid velocity (in/sec) X valve disrlacement (n) ) pstre-m (ln3/sec) the length of line L (see) UI a%' -i r Nomenc I -t-ure continut-d. ae ion nrd ri:g-t De s Symbol pO( pet cone ha lf ina UTnit e (der .) P er c-h.se a, betewee (0 fluid densit ,P /3 ffl-uidelasticity (psi) teLe nd fore (der.) ert ) (s-sec/n kinenmatic viscosity (inS/se) R_ VD 3> _ Reynolis no () nondimensional valve dislp .cement A Av Au nondimensional valve displ-.cement t valve time constint (see) 60 v:ilve frequency incremental D . dt (rad/sec) chinge of v-,riibie differential operator SubscripDts: o mean or time -Lverage condition s supply condition v vive - ref. u t ion ustreamm ond R -return condition I and 2 refers of a vriable to poppetvve to sections I nd 2 (adjacent) TABLE OF " ONTENTS I.-,'0 INTRODUCTLN...... .... . R DescriotiGEMonS A NO~ENfr vii ..... B Bckground ... 1."20 Con lusion I.0 Recommendations TAnRT II . * *........* ..... i 4 ....................... ANALY ITS S 2.00 introduction.................. -.0 Model and 'ystem descriotion ................ 2.20 Static charcteristics nd s tbiity........ 0. !0 .. . '2.30 Dynamicstabilty. ?.40 2 .5'*0 the onoet ......... 10 ?.31 Forces 2.32 General stability considertions .... on Compressibiiity model ...................... . 41 Dynamic 1 Stib - 12 16 quation ...................... t y *19 . .. Inertia model.................... tion i51 D rnam~c c--u .o.......20.. '.- otabi .i y.. ..... 12 .T " on:-nt s I' orin-nued. ... 2 mbned ;,.s . . ...... efes · DiDynami - e q u,a tt s····*·,··*···* re·*r···re·a···b 2 3 . round * * *. 'ha. f 'C P~ i56 i t i.i.. .t. · · · · ·,r·d·····,·*, e90 ·*8*··*·86· RTTTT r ment Exe ,.. Re .ulS - · · · · ,····r········· · *····r··+··O··r, ) 0nO n~ , g B ,::, D: .0 . yr 3......w C, cb Dyna-ii 3.2! 3 - qi o,:: > )tir . @ t.j Ir .. . bt. . .· .··,r···r,······ . · ' , - t' -ssbity ..... ^,>R e uit s ............... , osIA R Discussion -.,L .l i · · · · '2 ,,·e·,···r *········,··· · L · · · · · ·CI·rJ···rc · · ............. r · , · inert:. iam effec s · · + · -J , * · ·· * · , · o , · 36 "~_.: k 34 ····r·*··*r Df'' · · ,a *····r*r·rr·,··· . n, · .30 'tabiility . ti p.3? Combi'ned =fgc. ····*··,·r··· · b*·*·····*··*·· · · · 34 ,··a,,·+r+·r·· ..... e*r·····rl·r···· s.. · · · +··········*··· .3-3 Downsitream e fec s-, APPENDIX · ,s*r·rr·*r··r··r·r* 3.31 Simrli fid model- .. B- Inertia ... ... · · *,··***····· . A.JOJO~OO~l~O~Oo~OOO~O·oOOOOOJ600dOO~JOO0 ..i acoa' ? . .us . nd cro c xevri ment T-.. t us edur e. 39 o li-I - , -.-Ie o , - 0rcr. i J. A L, " - ,-Vi 'L ~/~.oL ~ l ort I ueJ . .1 . -i &-) s b3 .. e ·· · · or ob ?o e du r, · .· ·. , o · · · o e ® ® i ® · * · · ® 4, * · t r and F v. inn h k ng Prc-e u re, f,or . b 1i Aty c: B APEND.X ~lrrneaia. tion . ...tecniq~ ~° s of . iin&.. ... B- Dynan _- ,:2~t.bi t y rndRouth 44 · ' 47 V~i- L... i:! I- % P-4 Noni near.,3 or umer ogrlr r... . A?\ NDIX 2 Extension .: . r. of Analiyis . . 56 ,81- Inertia 1 astream res triction. model with ·.-2_t Comined e.feet- s models ... PAfPENDIXD: -:PTPENDI:X R Re ? e 'ence s . . ...... .. .,~ --nd constants ..... Flow coeffic ients ~ ~-e · ~ 1 · · · · b. ............. ~ e · ® l l· 64 L.1 Part I 1 .10 Introductiorn,Conclusions and Recommendations Introduction A) Desc riton A opet s a seating type valve valve where valve member, poppet, has a relative motion to its seat. of a poppet Figure i-I. A schematic the erDendicular valve is hown in The design principle is simple in that the fluid forces on the poppet are balanced by an externally applied orce, usually a spring force, and fluid s allowed to escaoe. This type of device has extended use in high erformance hydraulic systems as regulators, relief valves or hydraulic amplii.f'iers. Major advantages with the poppet type valve is of manufacture, .eakage and insensitivity to dirt. low The major problems iitsease arise in dynamic stability. The valve member itself is basically a mass spring system with little or no external damping and therefore oscillatory. Any additional flui.d forces in hase with the valve velocity will lead to rapid Cscillations unstable o th s oscillations. ype not only degrades the vaive performance, but when sustained will1destroy the valve. The purpose the cause of hi of this investigation Instability oceration wrhere they exist. and sow s to determine lits of stable 0. J ;f QL Q II II I _0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Poppet valve. I I I I I I I _ _ _ F Q,- Supply flow Qz- Load flow Q - Relief or poppet flow FP- System pressure POPPET I VALVE. I FIGURE 1-1 II Qo .Ba .. g-...ound Previous Lnvestg' tion on stabil valves h- s been done n sl.ding spston ty of ydra ul : nd ype vai ve . Lee nd 3lackburn (Reference ) nave shown that transient valve forces my cause nstabilitty. by Stone of poppet valves was investigated ot.abilLty (Ref.#2) Static and dynamic studies on neum ic fla-rpertype valves have been c:rried out. (Ref.,3,4 nd 5) In- vestigations by Ainsworth (Ref.#t6)pointed out that the fluid delivery line interacts with a valve to cause instability, by n investigation extended to the pop)et valve unk (Ref..#7). The result here is that the critical he system iS the fi st; hnrmonic frequency of the delivery n line higher th,'nthe natural frequency of the valve. in interestlng shows derivation by Frendenreich (Ref./#8) that a spring loaded relief valve regulating a consta nt flow is stabilizzed by the transient orces created due to the change in volume by the poppet motion, but will become nstabLe due to elaisticity of the'oil. In this invest-i ation the stabil ty of the itself will studied, rather than srtabilitydue to inter- :.ctionwith other elements of . system as ixE. .I- br~ r·ls~ - ~, f`~~fe~ne vlve this is one steo -,- furtlse :rremoved. Assumptions will been made as to the e:onfigurat" on to be studied, lnd catin made articular and an ana 1 -is will be he sstem chracterrisstics and stability epending on the pnhysiai characteristics. The model to be studied will of fluid nertia include the effects nd compared with and compressibii.itT experimental resuits. The analysis is resented in Part II and the experimental results in Part III of this thesis. 1 .20 Conclusion This invest^gation has lead to better understanding of the basic problem of poppet valve stabiilty. The major fluid orces acting on the poppet valve are due to the fluid pressure. These pressure forces have components n the drection of the velocity and may stabilize or unstabilize the valve. shownthat the fluid eiastcity It has been contributes an unstabilizing force in the direction of the valve velocity and acts as a negative damping, where as the inertia forces associated with fluid acceleration have stabilizing components opposing the valve velocity and hence acts as The effect of fluid ositve e lasticity was by damping. ar the largest -4- f actor Ln theh cause of Lnstability. The stabilizing component due to inertia decre.sed due to frictional The system nalysis nonlinear differential Ls also losses in the fluid flow. was made by linearizin uations the predictions :nd were m,-dewith r-espect to system performance. limit for stable valve operation was derived A and the experimental results verified the validity of the euat ions. This study was only concerned with the condition upstream of the valve, but extension of the analysis to include the downstream effects are possible. . 30 Re commendat ions Based on this investigation the following recommendations are made. They are categorized in the two groups, Experimental and Design Analysis. A. Experimental Further data could be needed to extend the theory to some of the models not considered A more important study cn here. be made on the stability due to the downstream fluid momentum effects. re;ted -round o the ;the Studies ressure distribution and flow p-attern ocpetwhen confined in a narrow downstream chamber will be imortant, and qualitative information is lacking B. Design nalysis The nonllnear equations that describe this system can easily be studied on a analog computer. on A sudy he nonlinear characteristics could give more accurate information on valve stability, esnecially in the region of small valve openings or large disturbances. A computer aided design would also reveal information not now available to the designer in the form of graphs and diagrams relating system stability and valve performance as function of the physical parameters. Part II. 2.00 Analysis introduction The main task of this analysis is to conceive a meaningful mathematical model and define the p-oblem. By breaking the system down into basic components and investigating each, it is hoped to gain insight to the nature of the stability. The basic components are then combined and the overall system stability studied. 2.10 Model and System Description A- general schematic of the system is shown on FFigure 2-a . It s comrised of a constantustream pressure -3 - Ps, an u st,rea restr iton Au, a deivery Iine L, and the system vol ume o terminated by the poppet valve. The poppet va ve s desc.ibed by the motion x and ts correspond- The downstreamconditions are assumed ing valve area 'v. constant and The fluid (3 n the analyss PR is ~rbitrarily s characterized by its density (psi). of this nature A system set to zero. and elasticity can be looked upon as distributed or lumped parameter system. The analysis model a ere will based on tlhe lumed arameter this will yield the most information. The borderline between the two cases is aoroached when wave transmission due to valve motion becomes important. The time T for a wave to travel the distan ce L is given by T L; and the particular given as t. (1) tme constant for the systemrrmay be Our criteria then becomes 7< t (2) and for a line -it will be shown later that t so that we have (3) F? A iS th- weere L.izne ree assume ere that Q.suat on (3) is vail d. ment.- (Re f.9) experi f luid f'orac on the sure forces. estbl DwJas ised We From earlier major the th1at oppet were contributed by the pres- t sk Lhenbecomes to caicuiate The first these presure forces, and to make the ainalysis easier models two basic it 1 flow. .mean are first considered, nd shown on 2-1 b and c. Figure Compressible Model Inertial effects are assumed negligible and the by tneorifice Au, the poppet valve Av s system is described system volume 2to and the fluid Inertia nd and Model The volume incom-ressible. orifice, ropperties /f valve %ois assumed small and the fluid is System is described by the line L, nd the luid density p The total system is then described by these combinations in a combined model later, which will be the representation of the system as shown on Figure Before the actual c-irried out, stability 2-1. nalysis on -he secific generai description of will be cons idered. models the forces nd are - i, L I-' General System Schematic. (A) - Ps Compressibility (B) Model Inertia Model (C) SYSTEM --- -- DESCRIPTION Fig. 2-1 . - i,,,, 2.20 Static C,,.c a ers tieCs and Stbility Evaiuation of the tatic forceis done by a)pplyng the momenturnm equation to the control Figre (- v oume shown on ,-f o F (ZVZsJ eZrJ Relating the velocitles use ontinuity to the (4) -- .;agnation pressure and equation for the control] volume gives: 6= --- (6) where the dimensionless valve displacement is defined only between o S / - Two variations of equation (¶) exist,: ifP he system (7) employs an upstream.:rflce or not. Without an upstream orfice, Po = faced P and for a flat oDDoet CaO) F- p . (/-b'9 (s) The satic force is seen o ncrease with displacement, so the oppet must be restrained by an external spring of rate K. ,4 xp Pv 0 0 I I I ' I r T5 V - sI- - - V2 P I c- I 0(_ L - _l _ I h x sin *.r SYSTEM CONTROL VOLUME FIGURE - 2-2 0 K (2a7')8 (9) to nsure st<atic stabil ty. For he case wne!--; the system have an upstream orf ice of area Av the flowcontinuity gives Fa _ I (10) (Io) .P__= L 1 where Substituted into(5) for aflat faced poppet this gives F I Fwhere thessumpon is made t hat and where he assumption is made -that Cd yS23 and Fo = Ps.,A This result is plotted on Fignare 2-2. and since the force now decreases with displacement the system is statically stable and with a hydraulic spring rate Ks= -'2E7OD)p5 + .- Figure 2-3 :iso shows vari.tion in (13) he response to a slow sinusoidal the v ve displacement. Z) ) cJ c Csj >0 0 >0 0) V%- -Q vftft; c) LC) OaJ Q. ... FIGURE 2-3 -lThe response s seen to deuend not only on the operating displacement x but also on the amplitude Large amplitude represented by curve of the valve. (I) is seen to ve noninear (2) gives a linear operation. output where as curve Operation at small valve neutral position wil alsogive nonlinear operation regardless of amplitude. This analysis is most concerned with the linear operation because by linearizing the differential equations analytic solutions may be obtained, where as graphical or comuter the nonlinear 2.30 techniques must be employed in case. Dynamic Stability In this stability section a general will be given. presentationof system The system is assumed statically stable and the major consideration is given to linear operat ion. 2.31 Forces on the Popepet The momentum equation used on the control volume in Figure 2-2 for the dynamic case yields: (Ae PZ)4 - F (m ev -ptq VPZAVCO3OC (14) -11- Eiuation (14) as wrirtten assumes that Pr is everherp hre boundary downstream and fluid is carried only by the fluid jet. complexity of the downstream and vorticitj constant across This leaves the out the "low patternwere turbulence in generalcomplicates t e .icture. Considering a flat poppet only and assuming that VlcA V2 the momentum equation leaves only pressure force and external force to balance the momentum change within the control volume. evaluated, The poppet momentum is easily but the momentum of the oil is more complicated. The assumption is made that this is small as previous experiments indicates this. analysis). 1/9 for (See Ref. detailed The momentum equation then reduces to the simple form if P2 is constant and arbitrarily setto zero, and pressure immediately upstream of the valve is P PA - F MX (1) M is the Doppet mass and F the external force. This then shows that the major fluid force is the pressure force actinrg on the poppet. The pressure P can be derived analytically or determined experimentally as functions of system parameters. here o Both methods are employed - i 2.-4 ra1 e:ne _ Ti e orc dration on dsi y on te (15)whirh w2rliten pop3 t Ls described for by equation system shown on Figure n ... i, yiedas F- KX-- P In (15 ) I" nearized form where the motion x is some oint iven abott xo we have x x0 o AX F = F+ AF that P S Po+ A P where it Fo= 7o . (z:). - X-,-This equation is shown for a free vibration Let us look (F is specified 'his Tives M,- C'- o (17) n the vector diagram on Figure 2-4 0). at the physics of the system first. With the fluid incompressible and inertia effects neglected the fluid pressure behind the -poppet P is given by the instantaneous position of tihe oppet. Forthe free vibration this is shown on Figure 2-4 where x vlbra.tes the or,'-ire var.es about the mern -res.ure about x and po, given by curve a, but opposite of the motlon x, so it acts as spring force. 'The net work done by the fluid pressure t~he opopet is here zero, as when t he p.D-ool-et moves on nward from I..,. Q0 A (0-)= -G(jeo) r C Nuo\\\ X sinwt I (AP)A-KX- CX- MX=O I I .AX I X= X; AXsinot AP P= @- APsinot lertia) ,0~ ) )mpressibility) GENERALIZED SYSTEM RESPONSE FIGURE. 2-4 I--~~~~-U. 9 lI"U-a" - B to D the me-n oressure in D - F the mean gains nor loses pressure and .for the outward motion s again po. The oppet neither nergy fromthis component of pressure. Clons-iderfirst the effect of inerSia, and use the suoer ooswit;on rinciple, as the inertia effect will modiy the existin : Dressure. As the valve moves outwards, the flow ncreases and the resulting fluid acceleration further decreases the pressure. On the nward motion the flow decreases and the retardation of the flow increases the pressure further. This gives rise to the additional pressure P1 shown in (on Figure 2-4) maximum at c. which has its minimum at position A and The total ressure is now given by op (shown vectoriaily as (P A) on Figure 2- p1 ) but as p does not clontribute any net energy to the system, we need only consider p.' the mean When the oppet moves from B - D ressure is greater than for the outward motion from B - so that the net work done by the poppet is negative. The pressure p depends on the velocity and opposes it, so it acts as a postive damping in that the fluid gains energy from the motion, nd stabilizes i. The component in the direction of the velocity of (P A)' on Fi ure ?-4 s then p. NText ens. der the effL t of o omree"s _billt only.u - apacity modifies the original again, this addedstorage s te press-ure shown in a . - ....the flow exce ed s h di ly droos w s.tea e ;copet moves outward trom mn mnd te motion on the inward ? The additional has a minimumat c pressure due to the compressibility and maximum:zt A and 2, so the total ?-4) pressurei as ( (This 2s shown veotoT-.lly Again we consider seasure the flow is less then the mean and the oressure rises. + P 4- s now ) on Figure the work done by pp only. poppet moves from B - D now it sees a mean pressure As the less Po and for the outward motion is !rger work done by the fluid on the -s than po so the net Again the ositive. pressure p depends on and is in the direction of the velocity. This is an unstable vi-bration, as once started the fluid pumps energy into the 'system and the vibration increase s. If the effects of compressibility and inertia are combined it depends on the vectorial. sum of the three pressure forces if the resultant is to have a component in pase or out of phase with the velocity. Mathematically this will be exorressed by equation (17) combinedwith the equation for P f(x) that wi11 be deveiooed later. Assumethis function is of the form of a genera] diferen;al equation a() -6(D) ( Combi.rnedbwith equation A tF )= (17) this ives / \H< *CD *K -#46D0) which when examined for stability gives the frequency equation /MD +CD+K.,, 6(D)~ x 9 0 where jA (19) (20) will be substituted for D. Assume further that the general solution for G(D) i of the form: 4(D) DDzco t RoD+(21) , Substituted into 2D it gives a general fourth order vibration equation. /,"/I . D*'-, (1 cR. :C ) ++( c K. ,qz, ( ,s,) 4c'C 6A3,) # (C 4- )jkRo The stability of thiis equation is given by the Routh criteria (See Appendix B-3) and will be discussed in detail, as the various forms of G(D) are developed. (22) 2.40 Compressib .41 I ity Dynami Euation n Sthisse ion the analysis wll be made of the adooted model b"y considering the e lastic propertes 'he ui.d. of The system under consideration s shown in Figure (2-'a) The system consists of an upstream orifice (Au), the volume valve (AV) and assumes VO, and poupe, PR constant, density e and comprssibility Csand (3. 9(as () System eqn's: Q %(%o) ) L/ Qs= RAL 02 P; (24) (2) -P (26) As is evident, these equations are nonlinear by the nature of the flow, so we are going to cons-ider their linearized .orm. We shall onsider motions round operat-ng oint of he .orresondinr' -pope, wi tlh ~v~e flows and pressures =n p ~ ~, The bove operations ~ ~:etc, akes the form (Ref. Appendix B-L) then Os-Q= 'DP Q's= - (27) 3 P (29) where the variables now denote changes f rom the mean, and D is the linear differential oerator d/dt and Ko and K are the flow sensitivity coeffic ients wth respect the flow sensitivity with resoect to to ressure and K i valve oosit on. These equations solved for p vs. x give 2 o __ ar: 3(,+,) __ I3 _ 'L1~~~~~(L~~~i+~~C~~C Jv+ i] (30) ( w he re (33) Z/3(K3 ÷ K) Equation (3i) describes the desired pressure variation nd as expected itis wit:h poppet posi tion, a simple with a time constant 0 promortional to the voume I.-g and By inversely pro-oortional to the flulielasticity. the vaLues for Ki,, K2 nd K3 as functions of introducing geometry (Ref. Appendix -1), we can further (32) and (33) educe equations to: 2 770 ,a=~~i~l (34) Xs-I1 (3 g7 ) Introduc in a system comrl iance z given by and the 'break frequency ,. = I nd = z.'' (35) gP YZc=Z r, iven I by te so Z. r -rt rela tions (- N weh~ve I:';ar~lrrii~ti 31a i and the function piotted on Figur>e'-t;* The minimum ooint for i given 1s by which ive mn,,= 2.60 .t ' r The poinh; .7,7 ( 38) .707. - t;en .re-resents the largest value of tc and the minimum brea-kf'reuency. 2.4 2 t .- i 1y v With the system transter we have 'or the HtF-'L;st function as given by (31.) r-,equency ecuat ion (22 ) + C6,X .cD+ )D +('C+C)D ,+ ssume e () 0, and from Arpp;endix B, equal,;on a , 6, >o (39) . B-30' : Au (A) COMPRESSIBI LITY r PS L_ r L Jp F L- -- P QC i MODEL - F :L/x FO r P F QR (B) INERTIA MODEL SYSTEM MODELS FIGURE 2-5 Dimensionless lag tnimecons tan ys p.ppet valve openng 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1.0 FIGURE 2-6 2.0 3.0 tr K/ : n. - J Mr (K+ 6r) I 6, <o But the i:: ;t;a ,:ttenent by euati(on iy ive u~nsacbl. directior. (4) , so we ;onelude Lge-ntroduCd -ve.s easoning of' velo t, i ienth and a ine of area .D-~ramica1 Equation he fl1ud ,qLithdenitg p . The generaL - _s r by shown inby genera erminated nd system is hce cons. dered .i F;Sffre 2--,, i syster !^ for e comprie ne in thei Mecessary dampring fCor system stability Pr '< t":t also agrees with the physic. T^s becase t-' ' ts the .·.nequai ity.l contradie _ncom-pes1ress *ble and system 1s shown in ;nd sf oonss .Jconstant ressure suppl and a line of" length L and -ea A erminated tre us o -oet valve. Again we consider the by lniearizeu .foorm : Systemeqlaaions: I- Li, -,ne: *C .-- i" A !-, "I?, - df,:-,nd ,..'S P= /-D- ,Q ; 'e Lo c (42) Q S= ~ X TValve: CSombinre :nd soie -P i z (4'7) or p oo A(pX) whi.h can be reduced. to the A(9 A - G 4) ToLrm (15) L where the guantities are defined by equatiorn (44). Substitution or K1 Ko gives: L/ L ir ( y47 a and =/+ . These equatons nondimensional The eid (48) z on Figure 2-7 and 2-8 in a plotted 're foirnm. f .en'th a=n~diLve r>ly c. Cuency # -s p-roorional rf0onal to the to to le ;ine ressure nd vaive ooenring The vaive gain is given by Z 'rso For a (49) ystem with anL upstream orifice included, the ca cuiations are the same arid shown in Appendix C-l. The vaTa1ues for the time constant are changed by the -tatioof the ucstrem 2 . 72 Sta'bi to downstream area. iy With G(D) given by equation (45) we have for the frequency equation exernal (22) with am 0,, .e., no damping. [M DD' '- (r.-': Stability is again given by and Z Ke-o6 . 462ZK)2= Z ,) +)-- x60O .-36 and 37 and gives /:) which gives (52) ____1___11_1__1_111__-. . .... lead timeconstant Dimesionless - --L-l_--anu-hnT-· ,_ - 2n .. v vs. poppet valve opening 18 4 1 .20 10 6 6 4 .80 .2 0 .20 .40 .60 & FIGURE 2-7 .80 1.00 L) Q V) QL C I Z) Z) WV) rv) () V) ci, LI) Q III (i C) 0 0) 'L v1;) 11 C 11 C\; 04 I F C C 0 1i, 11 )i I C tN C (O FIGURE 2-8 C From equattion( we see above inequalitty as te the inerta always holds. This shows that descr ption ishlc given earlier and the commonent his lead ooooses the of force due ;o acts . s system is always stable tabl izes the .alve, whichverifes force . The that this valve velocLty and ositive damning. CombinedEffects 2.60 The orevious two sections showed the effect of' Vluid elasticity .4and inertia considered separately. These effects can be checked experimentally in a laboratoratory experiment, but in a real model they occur in combinaton. In this section the model shown on Figure 2-la (section 2.1) will be treated in a more general sense. We are still concerned with the lumped Darameter model" only, and frictionless flow. Combning the effects of fluid inertia and elasticity ?-ve rise to three basic configurations shown in F gure 2-9* Model a is the straight pressibility sfeot Models b and n *i J,J4; 1 !A , nat - r-inc: and com- ombined with the pooppetvalve. aIe two varia-tions tm- .e: ' forward inertia of a with the introduction _ , ro nce Theoe s-wo models lcora u Len (Dynam.;.i iaract rL. t cc. ; 1L 'l1kle Combined effects models X 13 _- cOx La R L 3 C FIGURE 2-9 -~~~~~~~~~-_ -24 pressur dis slacement differ°e The analysis o for these two cases are shown in the ATppendix (C-2). Attention will 2.65 ocussed node on now be a. Dynamic Equat ion The inertia ompressiblity model nder consideration is model a of Fi-ure 2-9. The system consists o a conotant ressure source po, with a delivery line o length L and crossection A onnected to the volume and the poppet valve. The downstream condition are steady, pR assumed constant and arbitrarily to zero. The luid has density p set and elasticity / In this lumped parameter model all the volume is (psi). lumped into ' o and the line L considered incompressible. From the previous analysis we exnect the system stability to depend on the relative lead (EL) and lag (') magnitude of the time constants from the line and volume models respecti vely. System Equations: A 0 (5:) Line: p_-[+D* Volume: Q,,-=hg -DP (54) Va Q =l, X l p (55) ( / .., ) vel · ?R - J, K- and. K used revLou sly. aive are the flow coeffiints By combniing and eliminating AP_ which as the VI.ow (56) an be ritten as (R7) where the coefficients are defined by equation (56). introducing the values for coefficients using t tc' 2 the equation reduces By LA/r' and to 02(59) I' ((6c) These last euations with equation (57) give the des.ired functions to ook at the combined stability equations. 2 .62 Stab ity The desired frequency equation is obtained by substituting (57) into (22) andgiven ,qNoS/o3 -iYo -lls----lpB--l--- LI_ .I--^^I___ ___._ _ _ i9634o below cAX=O (). -6$ a Her, - and K ThmestabiALty a frst arro .Xiaton. . vena by -35 is Beo.fo substitutng we tan the right hand sde smal1 or negligible, and when 't is large. roups see two when In order to investigate further we htave "forthe in (62) involved: (63) (X(T4,) ;'--- (_ z94P& _ Cr (65) reta2ostans BoXth and R are constantsrplaed of the evident; as (6( )4) R -uastream cases here: - oppet. to the cond]itions The two oonditions 0 euation (63) (i6) now become 'secomes zero, but equation (64) tends to _infinity. Tle inequality of (62) is hen violated, so at very small displacement8 the valve siould fe unstable. Solving (62) gives ___I__PII__IIII_·_I·L-·-Yln-*L-t i-- but for tiIa his reducs o (6) ifthi= 7DT'X 6 this becomes Eqauat-on(693) ives the stability limit for smal.l valve dislaements. For stable operation x must be greater than the right hand side of (69). The other two roots to thLs equation can be found by using equation (67) for the condition R-0O and large. Th. s yie ds gt ii4 (70) or Xo< 2" e: (71 ) Equation (71) only makes sense for values of the s(quare oot l.es; then unity as x o larger no t r -D ersent a ::so: on (o e > , than D/4 does "ter.ombn Lin' (71) (657) and we ave. i, o _4(72) eLR Equation (72) then descr*ibes the desiredstability limit on displacement of the poppet valve. If the external scpring is included the stability equation becomes: (74) '7For , ZP momD (75) small, this becomes (/+5)- }?fR~ff+) Figure 2-10 shows a f'unction of Figure o-1i0 shows 7(76) he general trend of equation , the nondimensional ; tends to infinity rate. sring at (76) as I? when the denominator of (76) vanishes, but of more interest wouid ,-e when S given by unity, ntproachs * Y I.I1 lI I I ¢ / / / II'', I FIGURE 2-10 -29- 7- If then 2.70 - point of stable operation exists. Downstream Eff'ect Downstreameffects are connected with the possibility of pressure variations behind the poppet due to flu.d mot ion. These are due o both fluid and comD-res- nertia Ibility, but also are strongly affected by the luid vorticity and turbulant mixing from the jet as it leaves the poppet Previous investigators (Stone Ref#t42) noted that a popet stable whenexhausting into a "infinite ? downstream chamber would oscillate when confined by a circul'ir tube, indicating that the change n flow pattern caused by downstream effects and largly due to fluid compressibility. A simplified analysis will show the adverse effect that this may cause. 2.7i Downstream Compressibility A it is simplified system is shown in Figure 2-i1a where assumed the upstream do.wnnstrram volume is pressure n, is constant, the and the :restric tion y simil itywe know that the equation co _ 4 _ o, Tze it doH o- n t. is given by AR. are those of e 1t (7a) rhere (80) lefr4l(/Ll K4 and K5 are the flow coefficients with respect to D.ressure for valve and downstream restriction. The dynamic equation in this case depends on the downstream construction In this of the Doonpetas shown on Figue 2-11 b. case we have ,~ i A.n ,-- -x - ,,v,X which for linearized considerations yield, with equation (79) substituted for : (f z /3 #zD 3 c )OD For stability: (Ref. Aopendix C) 2, Qc0 Zji. (744 Ito. kZR)O Q 6 RRe (82) > Qs ao (83) >'G9 (84) .(.( A (A) SCHEMATICS 'ORCES AR A _ F meKX c DOW N STR IEAM FIGURE - COMPRESSIBILITY 2-11 ~i I",. Z a. C -J U) (D 6< II cn U) U) w cJ So 0 0(o 0, 0 0 00 rY) <a <' C'M 0 0 0 ,· -31 - K r&/ or hen subst t ted (8)5) forCR ,9 ZP77Ln9 Z (86) wIhere bt= Figure s*R. (87) 2-1:2. shows tie behavior o ecuation 86, two values o K stable, wile a has the unstable region in a and . nd for the The value of "O -. s always iven by he intersection of the line with the curve defined by E:uat-ion 8b. Part III 3. 00 Exoerimentia Results B'ckground The experimental is briefly outii red ionaratus and test coreedure in Aooendix results are divided into The ex.perimental hree groups, Statilc Characteristics, Dynamic Forces, and Stability. flow A- . In Appendix D are shown the oefficents for the fixed orifi es and the poppet valve. Thse vaLues are used in evaluating the results, Al th;e " ,-suits ~reented are for 'a O. orpet of' ,d'a eter = gi,in i3eh o -il id t i "..amter o rem l'i ne ;'}Sd the ioZ7 .] e is D) 1.0 Stat c tCha.. TMe s"tat1c Figu res 3-I and force for constant shows the fove n- ' -1,' Ae. erist°s press; or e and re curves -. Figure 3-! reoresents ae shown n the ipstream oressure. Figur e 3- and utistrearm; oressure orifice Au is ntroduced. :txed Lwhen The dashed curves eyresent the theory given by equation(12and Figures '-3 with the The sine wave. response to a large input, slowly varying, output is seen to be nonlinear as expected with the pressures less than the teory predicts. The discsepancies in flow coefficients, are largily due to the variations especially eak that of the poppet valve. (Ref. Fig. D-'). Again Figure 3-2 gives indications on the (low frequency) output to be expected as function of vaire meran oS' tion. .- 3.20 Dynamic Characteristics In this section the val;dl t developed in sections 2-40 y of he equations and 2.50 were checked out. The poppet valve 1isexcited sinusoida1.ilyand the force, dis-lacement nd upstream pressure is arfed t toe teory. recorded and com- Ill II I Ill __ I I i i - _ I I1 II Ill L . -4 I-i C E - I I ii I I U 1o(0. 0 i \II i ii I -\J i I _ \ A I I 0 _ I N - - _ _ I I . I- I U 0I. Ix I I I 0 Ol~ 0 0 I-- -- 'Q -- I- 0 0 t 0 \-- JA 0 ---- -- U -- Q C) - - - (n _ 0,n -_ 0 0 0CM 11'm *: ' a . 0 - zl V"O 0 0 0 eO 0) o r a." FIGURE 3-1 Vwo 0 c(i n 0 0 0 0 0 L II 0 cL ><> .) LLI"c6 i o FIGURE 3-2 0t SLnce tie ~ on~~ from 0 h .rs'~n~ omne y t i i erome,ry as m is F equ ei enc pce paratus 3- trough (ot)e at cps) a .n mi u o.? of th e upstream C )~ the ma agnif led to create measurale Lag values :'or pre ss re The results ii; ed ,ead and and force. cart from thi are sown Li.nFi gtlres 3-7 a Compre s s ib I ity 1k. Rte sul isS: , 3. The system tested is that shown on Figure ~P-ib. In the exoerimenta. st-u, both L .nd u are changable as :well as the mean valve position [o (or Xo). Figure 3-7 shows the phase lag ~ betw-veen either force or pressure with dis.olacement as a function of system volume. Figure 3-4 shows the effect of changing both volume and valve mean operating postion. shows a crosspiot Fifgue -* - of data obtained from Figures 3-3 and 3-4 on a nondimensional b-:as. and i to be ,compared with the value of equat ion (37) · B. Dis ussion The results oS Fi gure 3-5 follow the theory well. The vali e used for Pis when it i - -onsidred th;t ·.eii* d rwvaic. u UC TVr r50,00 , OSi, WiCi is high the oil haesai entrained tl.t . 't-e ?I> Jt 'T C c O O- j c~J) 0u u u 0L O LO.L) O II U 1 C I1 I1 1 U ) X) - CJ 0Ln LOC (Y) 0 QL ....... -4il-- I' LCJ '0cLu .- I I - I I I.. - I I1 oO uU - CM ......, 0)> LO O (n O O 0) 00 O N O () O LO 10 O FIGURE 3-3 O Cv) O NM O 0 o V 0t 0)' 0 LO O O II tI II lii II (~ (1 ' a0. 0 51 ~ i I II Lf3(DaEL < I II 0 Ln 0 LCI (Y) Lc 0 0) 0 0.O uc 3 I WA H~~~~~~ 1) U)) Oo 0 t > iiH i CU Ii c'J (Js b O aUL 0 0 1 00 a) O 0 O N O CD O I) o . 0 0 (V) C FIGURE 3-4 FIGURE 3- 4 0 0 Ex 10 imental time lag vs pet disp cacment 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 .1 0 0 1.0 2.0 6 FIGURE 3-5 3.0 X'0 t) I .5 I I Q( IG, D 1 A !t I. I j4 -rLAuIlkLU % 0 1 G,(j Newtons la. C (iP)A- or: - KX = M X -G,(j)A-- KX-CX~~~~~~i MX = 0 _ , . . .. . .. VECTOR -G -w ---I4~yle unstabilizing comp. I I I II Le\ . DIAGRAM a aT \ _ -C I I I I LA G EFFECTS FIGURE 3-6 ; - dl s - a % x of" thiK urve is n -sebjly o-rot>o na rt i o se n is oios witnhn ressur oeffi- e;nt, l to s,hne su urroo the rlow -t ,cn be een that K- nfrinid for -ma' starts -t (34,}where t c fornm equation and de r ases, whle K,- then gives :for the starts at zero and. rncrease. The l3um resultant at aquation ai maximumfor t (or minnmumf'or f, S .707, Thraex-eri.mental va).iue here areed Since the excitation low, the nertia nelLigibie and reQuency.. . of t he popvoetis force due o the he fluid motion ooppet is forces were measured directly by the force gage. The resultwas, then, fluid forces were those caused by the fluid in phase with the nressure. this results that the pressure and thle force diagram snows the resultant force and that itt has a and For the case of compressibilitv Figure 3-6 shows a summary is a simple 1ag. we l. omponent in the direction of the ressure of the veiocity so that it is unstabilizing. 3.22 A. Inertia Effec-ts Results The iJnertia model tested was that given by Figure 2 5 in he analysis, and the results are oresented in Figures 3-7 and 3-,3. variation Figure 3-7 shows uantitatively the of the ohase ilcad of' ressure and force against valve displacement the data and presssure. obtained for variation of F igure 3- contaii al1 he oarameter, eroT0S Jotted on a nondimensional form. 3. Discussion The agreement between the theory and model was initially off by 20, at the most, but by including frictional losses and entrance loss due to the constriction ait both the valve and source and, the theory and exoeriments agree well. The experiment shows that the inertia force gives riseto a phase lead. and that this is realized resist in short lines. Figure 2-9 shows a summary of with the transfer function () he system substituted into the dynamical equation and this shows that the nertia force has ~ component proportional to the velocity, but opposing it and thereby acts as positive daming, hence stabilizing the valve. The effect of friction as a restriction can be lumped and considered (Ref. Appendix C-i) and reduces the time lag predicted. 3.30 Stability Stabilizing t'orce Fo L~~~ = pA the poopet was done by applying a constant :and havin g the _____ ^____IW__L_^__iX___YIWLP___I____I__I pet suspended by Pt~usoece ____ L-_·II·I··I)LII--l-·-----Y--_l --IICIIICCIIPPlp CIIP--·-- -- 0 ea. O 0 O 0" 0 0 . J 0) o I! 11 0 I I xO 0 0Ln l' I 0 'Co N ra~t 31 I 0 0 > ol cn L.cC Ln a. I CM 'IS 0 > lI) N 0 0 4 0 . a. I ---- I - I I I 0 FIGURE 3-7 I 0 I 0 Line lead time constant vs. poppet valve position 15 14 12 10 8 'V6. 4 2 0 0 .20 .40 .60 A FIGURE 3-8 .80 1.0 t I i I QS Ps I"&l I i I i I I (X)GtD+ i ().t - L-7rt1 i 1 Newton. or (AP)A-CX -KX-MX -G(jc)A-KX-CX-MX VEC TOR =0 DIAG RAM. II +X - bI +X ig comp. LEAD EFFECTS FIGURE 3-9 The system damping is practicail. pring. cantileverecd zero when ter The mean :iS0o ydraull of sition o the ressure a pl ed. I oopet was stepwise cha;nged and at each position it was plauced. the 2nsu n died ou,l it was considered vibr.tion This metnod, even though stable. f rude, has a fair degree of accuracy. Simli fied Models 3.31 A. Compressible Model This model was always found unstable The :freaueny o oscillation as expected. was given by the combination of the hydraulic and popet mass. applied spring rates and othe B. Model- This was Inertia ound stable, small displ-icement, it was unstable. but for The reason here is that at small (displacements,t he volume intertaction of the line becomes important nd the system approaches that of the combined effects re- -orted next. 3? Combined ffe ts The stab)1iitJy teaistic system na ysed n section of what may be Twas tested here. :.cO, onsidered a more The system is that and shown on Figure -9a. Ih these test~s the Lne were varied w ,i:~D-uy ~:ressure The results dip3lacement. 1. thro o.L. ures ~rn r t tr are sown on igure > 1 -renrp Ag 3-10 and e vve n Flgures -10 t2 eauations (5) limit and (69). t he experiment only cecked 0. The had no meaning here as the square root 'I equation (70) was always was ross l. ,Jhestaibiityfor the lower limit, I.. upper i are here ,comcared again to the theory The results for 7, volue Ir and te .nih then stable larger than unity. The system for values larger than the exnerimental curves. Within experimental error the experiment agreed well with the theory, and it showed that the euations definitey h? ad validity. Two main factors contributed to the difference in the e,,erimental theory; the value for and f'rictional effects results with the of 250,000 psi is too high decrease and raisethe stability t e ffect of the ead limit, as ndicated by the previous experiments. 3. 30 Downstrea-m Ef ec s, A qualified analysis 'ring e of this was rim l...lv stiaLot ot made, but ,1lat i ns ..- L a () u 0 '0 LO ) 0 , (n U) In U) U C L- i >' 0~~~~. : x u3, (U I I l I o x r- I 0x 0 o z w CL U w a2, LJ V) C 0 00 C4 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nssad cddnS !sd sd aJnssJd: lddnS FIGURE 3-10 0 x - m w -) >00 i- Ub- Q ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C- ft~~~~~ 54~$0 QI ) :IQ) z 03 Q II II s~~ -i~~~~~~~~~I v) 0 0 oQ) 0 t cz CO\ 0% CO t%%Z · Lrj N % crP 90~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . a I _ z 0 L n00 0 (n i.- a. n U U) C u > 0O C 0 to ·n L) H. > a E II A XI' 0 11 0O II I I X <1 . I i CM CQ oD (D x -J x CM FIGURE 3-12 occurred that er not expl.ained :Rot no external the sorin a opDet woulld osc'llltions by ied he theory. or very into no siow os.c liat-ons occur ed for w These same valve Irferdisplacements or Kr e fows when "he valve was restrained by a hevier Th is seems to tie comoressbi ;he return fre'quency o the valve. in with the effect downstream i ty as out linedin section2.20. line was oscil tA-ted with a gate vve, ations Since the could be changed by cosing The downstreampip Ing consisted of elastic hoses which reduced the effective system. of spring. compressibitLity of the A I•ENDIX A: Exper:mental arparattus a,d ,,ocedure The Ao' aratu., An -acarat.i was des i.ned a-nd esed Murra.y (Re.9) as art of a iMaste : by Taft Thesis pro ct. This same ap.-aratus was sed in this investigtion with somemodifications. The schematic of the apparatus s shown in Figure A-I. The apparatus consists of three major nits: the nozzle, the poppet and he drive assemblies. The nozzle is a removable unit and can be changed to conform to any pstreamn condition that one would like to represent. The poppet assembly includes the poonet and the drive stem. The stem s housed in an air bearing to reduce friction to a minimum. A ,compensating chamber is provided, applying constant force by the Air pressure p, to compensate for the static hydraulic forces on the popoet. force gage s an integral part of the stem. a semiconductor bridge-type The This gage with very high stiffness and sen-sivty. A iLnear, variabie, s differential transformer (L.v.D.T.osltion cickup is attached to the stem, I Lt - LL 0 U I : w ,* v ,q LL to mornitor va. e d is_1 acement . The drive unit is a sinusoidel. am, provided by grrnding the cam surface that holds the cam bearing ecentrl Ito the two mairnbearngs. The can am displacement b varied by movin the cam bearing in any position between the bearings marked () and (2) and is roportional to the distance rom bearing (i). Range of eccentricity s .001" s.eed, to The cam is driven by a variable O07". motor with seed range from 3.0 to 45 electric cycles per second. The upstream pressure s measured by a pressure transducer, mounted in the nozzle housing immediatel. upstream of the nozze. The electron:.c instrumentation pensating networks, preamplifiers consists of and a C.E.O recorder, The output signal from each transducer s preamplified, then sent through variable gain and damping network to be recorded on the ballistic This gives three simultaneous and displacement, om- compensator CEC Recorder. traces of force, ressure and the phase and am litude relation can be deduced easily. Calibrat ion The calibrat.ion Tke uorsss re was -erformed a follows. ensi;v ty of the pressure t:ransdu cir was cmheked aa g ns t innutt to tthe iie, gTal'vanome ter ea e -t ii of of' 5Ihs. At 2 VDT transducer .indicator to yield a ive by arnlyi.ng vO iltS was checked senstivit o a exc - tation, outout wa adjusted to give def-lecton of The a 6 voit i/In OK The forc. gag- was cai Lbrated known foru o et so 3ao and the gain defecton este it. 'bs/in. l agains ta aiial .0 02T'/n of ga vanomete r t raveit. These ca!ibrations were done aFteach set of runs s the output of all these transducers proportional to .s the excitation voltage. Procedure for Obtaining P and F vs x. The rocedure here was straight- apar The ,.tus had rovisions for changrlng th,e ustream parameters L,?To and the vaive dislacernent. uostream orifices were fxed, was The but ,2'hangabie. For a given set of conditions st an orward.l the hydraAulic test tart-ed alon g with the varUi ble see-d : oi;or. Data was recorded at s-peed increments both for increasing -'nd derreasnag speeds, and dwelling eacn speed to assure "steady' ol:ong (uni f orm) enough ;t onditions. - ProtCllur.for 'Cv: licin o-'the oope et one of ' e en -et the efnd' .o of th sautort. eraing the -tenm and catn b of lengtli to thicklnes' The dynamic resoonse o on - srg;l- .E The sp" ng r ate va-r:ied y changing the ratio was checked out , " w valve, seru.-3oi ded da vi was removed and a o,.mflvered wasttached , Stability the st;ibLty To t.est q C-. 4. the ocpet and o7 ot.thae 3rng the oppet dis l--picemrent disr i-'red nd -ioso - oe. n osc 3B:pluclking the .oppet, the natural rrequency and damping could be de terrmined. The damning ratio of the system Twth no hydrau c pressure on was from .03-.05, :n the theory that c so the assumption made 0 is good. The natural frequency compared we11 with that calculated. To determine the stability for any given ustrea m configuration, a constant force Fo was applied pop.petto ompensate force by the The poppe for te onstant air the steady-state hydraulic ressure position was then changed through out the range of interest each time it was ing a sep :input), out, the to and if the luc ked (represent- nitial oscillation ystem was stable; otherwise died t was deemed - urst. abe. Att tmes I ticas not ev neessaru to touch the oeu -tocheck Its stabii ty. Eventhough ths method seems :riude, wth a bit of s onsisttfent resut . yild PE or iX, .. t D- 44F A P PEND I'X B- i Linearizat-ion Techni-iues Or fl3e and Valve low Equations Consider the flow through a variable in an incomoress ibe low. The flow rate orifice (n3/se ) is then given by whe re : c - orifice flow coefficient orifice area (in 2) Av = C0 X 5 fluid density Pi and P2 are the upstream nd downstream fluid pressures in (psi) The linearized form of equation B-i is arrived .t by considering the small changes in flow around some ing point given by the valve displacement x. Sincr flow is a function of both nressure ':-ndarea we operat write the change n flow as 0 =/r,Ax -X'-IZ2 AP( (B- ) where K and K are constants. eva' uated s These constants , A i is oP Mathematri o lOwS. is the f orm and the total change in flow given by By comparison with B-2 this gives: aX1) k, (B-5) ~xyx where K, and Kr) are evaluated at the oerating An example of this technique will be given. poin. Consider the flow from a constant pressure source through fixed orifice A and a valve (Ref. Figure 2-i) where the constant pressure is Ps, the intermediate pressure is p and the exhaust pressure is arbitrarily set to zero. From the continuity equations we get for the ntermediate Dressure J P Rs- 1 (T 7' .r. F" ow or 2nIed it.... o<e otroena from the a6~cA- /4t31Ž F om - weobt1-in,ay (B-9) If-erenti atlon, 2_) 2PS P) 2/P (B-iai ) -7 gives: but the use of gqain" b Eoationm tMd 53-1 now de scrlbe 3-a Fixedor lI4 ..... ifny oeer c:; t 1 ng > jAv -1 73-2, I-voc Iee downst = r/ X t.¢ n t The t e.'i l:iow through valve the kztp f-1t`LQ o, J th- of the valve. point .tlAdx P:o:rt e ts5 i ) fow is: (s- ) . iv S.' res , -3-I -I- - ,- j,II I i ... :1.nd :::i wiit s Dynicm csiz f -i _Lin : frictionlesu, The dynramic-- equtcior of Incomnressibe, 0ow f or i section of p ,: ip e ,a differenti .,.re sp differ .~ eanh i3y :p0 shown r Figu -e :i s 1 Lien -ced t PA-(p dp)() part -a Asecion The two sections ind thre propertie ' mon ts, T4d 4dR d ffe:renti. tl equa tion of mnoton for sthe (B-.'6 line e cro i 2see s t on. olf v7.';r 'ab For (x r yieids torde d(p4)=pwqdfdX I This i -i of mot:Lo- we have. l -Js of higher D± ro'ing different -1ia. ornly by diffeent .ewton's equatilon lying Coonsder d e re. ot o ne Wi 1 be de vre I T-Q -e°omes, l- e, of , onstil,nt n n t ir'e ; ed nd en th L, e1u-on I--- dx -- I I I I I I I p p+dp V V dV A A+ dA Valve L H- L Valve I © DYNAMICS OF A FIGURE B-1 LINE / ..... "n+u tn O J" .( Sj I}i iIr)°-)S 4. ..... j . I: ra~r> v e2 >A of 3 -rt_,.a cornz Th-b in Fe rs 2onrected o° the vae (' F1o-* 3n 2, = from the nta -uA ( ' ' i n, hownna o o to the oine :eeY the relation the 1 ,d:,'l1,.s, :ow in . 8-! B in Fiu f glv orr Ih :-.i --is bs B . b- a nd u t' 07. = p 71pzi =7 ,Ltine :t >btween ;h nI .o srwd' are oes r' or mai na Kt by te vlve. L and t ": " ) '-it Liow : nd e -r,:..,.z'r r :niosumed - at ,t." PS= O' ( so by combining e se rvoir, f -l- ' a.r d -` we have 9+ - D- nnod-'lw -s :,u-I1 s S.,~e J!n 'o. ;o d 'O , mean r±low. ; or, 1f the UdIfŽ;erntia form i where - tauaion -21 decribes k -'-t ur b t on By- eL r t as..:tlonwe the desLred L.n -he varlaba e ItLaon by wrting p or 0 the appronria t equat:ion for the valve. The second ase i-n is shown estrL>+tons have been inserted. .ressure t,'- The relation where for and equation B-1,8 for the line. As'Ume e i.an rite ; _ witiisn -1 and f ow w- l1 now be given by the flow equation for the restrction as ?isihe 75=meB 1-' 3 :e h::.ts the flow through the restriction K-r (5-2zf , dO )P= r rn J7 . betwee- res sue, Explicit functlions for e. h- ,anbe obtained w-' tropped., he va'at'or and 0 reresents ".ow asnd 2Ier lo :na n1 OnSI t'he- 3)m'.a 1. ne ;e - a w o; r;,4 non L-l ,~i-'-" .. ~'e:! ~-e relation re-~ This . no aot Oi ne, :restrlction j to any grt,. te x nt in a pipe on a lumped basis. for K given 'rsy th eaation B-1 APPENDIX B- 3 Lo orfie e np-ied tih be due to the frctionai IW ith the expre ssion (equation B-) irea go o the 'eu t~ing the orlfie or~r. t3 K cou also thought of as representing effects V- a ted with .iApes, ar or ..f l.ce, ~ 7.oss -ssoi. thaz ,~nvra.nrc 0or se -'-~'~ w and by ipoe area A, we e . Stabiiity and Routh Criteria The stability conditions for a fourth order .a.l uation will be derived here. A more dif e;rert detailed derivation is found in Ref. A10section 14.t) · he dK 2 rer ial equati'on [QDv +Q3s 3 #QaD2*QgI5 whee - d We s,2 ek ; e se t o D -itns is: eQZXO (P -a4) .·i -l9 t~p· A4 ·- " eI 0/ L *-} to e aI a-l (B-ei) (B-27I a, 4] lav b2= - 'a23 Q0at5 :)) The condition for stability in the ( s-28) 3sm = .00ea 0064 it now hat all column are posti 'irst For ondition the cof icieents ve,, , ... b', o (B-29 ) C,>1 (B-B30) &29tiis gives CZ~~~~~~~(LLI~~ 6r/a~~~~~~q, >0 rr a 3 a2 Z>2a, For cond ion 5-3-: (B-31) (B -2) a2 a >a3 c2 00 Nw, th. ne:es.ary it., s ;y that b ..... -re s ti Th'y a) and sucffcrint neqa t .e , . ~onditions For nd ti 3 e :s o.- f ied.. an be rewritten s a Qs2a2- 2Q, > Since we assume that a11 the coeff cients ae postive, ten he te rm c2,a Thus, .i quation -3' s >t° atisfted (A-34) then 8-32. s aays sat isfi ed. Equation 8-32' is then redundant and the s a tability only .,oncerned with 8-33'or: a, By simpfl reduction the otab'ilt.- of a tth1d orde 1__11__ _______^_I·---··-_--------·YI-· IIII·llsl·-PLIIPIIYII· "- on :s,' ound b,' s;e tl ng a', :q a a2Q >> a,, al..O g so: so wiJ , APPfENDIX B-4 Nonlinear Analo > O2 (Q-aL Cornouter Program Compressibi ity Effec1t This secion deals biefliy with a comuterpogram made for ·,naiog (omuter) n section 2.4C. The system s hown '?-5 conSi sts of' ,onstant pressure suppl.y p and flow s discussed throug'h te upstream orizce A ;olm; comrressbilit presu ied the .uid s deUscr½ y (psi) and density ce out througrh re S poppet valve >o o. and The intermediate , IsO system study of non-inear by the p . 1 The t'ow pR, the downstream o ns-t at Sys tem quaionr Q6P~~~ ~~6Ps~~~~P) O~~~~(~9 _ - ----- _ _ __ 1~ and differentil ti, ,te resulting By combinan , ( p=/Oo. /3 P s equatioLn obtained. r d 4v 2 (B-4 O ~~'P)kzcc. In order to study this equation on the comnuter, we bring it into nondimensional form. De ine: Z P y= (B-43) Return pressure PR is small suln thatpR, << E uat ion then becomes dz (B-44) Y/ -- where (B-45) 3tuation Is tLm J, '. in .: . " ~ sl e ' .t 'oa riaI nondirension':i tae, n&t !a i ' 1 .':trd.'nmeAion . t1·!--d. men* ' e, wne '": ~ ~ ~ 'i. s on .e t. -. IJ n siorla me tm d8 Equateon 'T _i. w - 4vS t e desr. d d& ritia c' tion w -e wmtan to s is our input and 7 is dy. the system response> The systm idaly, n Chis case was driven sinu soi ing- -cao thi Sinrce .r... S.n sent , '.in ~th," signals "o t .In tLA analog cormputer variables, I.mu. a -hav: same sea .'-:ustio n ' p ':,'~w 2o .,,ou ng (or unit) S kS ' 'tre t1:p.-,:. nt so a no , t s .o !n ; :er io analogou .s In mehan - st ,:XY-¥am-. ~ - ges" su~. .m:gka h , ro V. The . n ao pa.rd of" d:rrtmens"onal ?.a!.ysis .~e.. comn3jares vola :~ tPt f ~:"s ' s From >'h >} 80 we see that un. t of VOltrs/ , when Z is unity the term is zero. represened Let, u- .:)ust tting of Z. ''un'iL or by 'one reresent by h S 'weget (: -" e = i scitng 0 Jvolts/unit of an andre erm thus C, and Is gSiven in relation to the unit re- presentat ion of Z,7 imilar ;.rguments hold for tie other terms. By completing the scaling draw T he comletie schenatic for each term we can omuter on -. Philbrick anaiog computer, done on the K5-Munits and digram as used The square root :is ntegrat'on -nd summation on the KS-1uunits, This is s hown n F i gure B-2. This program was used on the comuter' to test out the vaIldy of data obtained both n linear and non- linear oeraton of t he poppet valv e. between comoruter values and e,-ermenta . good. Tlhis substantiates in the stabiiity analysis. the idea o The agreement . resu'ts ere the com.-Dter, i11se ANALOG COM PUTOR PROGRAM I- I Q-u KL - 2 ... .r tl ? -- Ik- . :~oo:'n a/ :c *vr S·' $m;g %1: Xvf · ' · (U' ( b3+"% n Jwii', o-': ' _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ki; .s o:-. ' 7 _* - , o n ,>_)) p Ca3 i i,, 0tz Lj ' J; , ... Aik X._ " nI a u e 1 a iv~PL nd SP. lal n '.omr % h 0 o fj J ~o, w i n . ·u ' £p- p~ p)=.-i ii-e .: cfr-,K C$ 0, rn r,t , 9;1 n, ".'... r zJ .P 14 -, : ~.nt c C an; ·~ F; LA f 5'-(' ,' · \ oo V.' .. D ^, ". a .. · 19 m ("-"'P. B* . - ~'~ ~; ].owngr ''...... ~k 4<2 I~Ji 4c-t * ·- ·· .~D ,..._ 'j . fr= -1 t !X -i ( '~,_!~n ~* nom n 6r ; @) e.. o i-6 s AC2. Inf' ,-~:' bd '-:' n .;_ X,2~~~~ <f> er) ,,-v+i.'0 t ; r -A yi fnt K :l - .· 0 :.L 0O 3 . .............. 'sunction ob .ned * w ti i s - et u t -o orn a c s -Z3 D / -o 46 TleZvau es g* -- 41 ( ~r ,t ^ne By subsKb+wut ' on %-nd e r:nn-rement rti. -I 3 ~ MO-0 I 2 = AAO J'qr% n.ua I i ina °n 'hYi ~e z g. 2 V- .471 fin ' di 'y:/eA sS Au __ :3*rq(r (c-9) desired =xression for stabiit -ne ., according to e. uaton sec - ion ;ra:r ,ways.an ur iy,T ria - d gcnir; TheA cn 471 I *TQ-f, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;r r? IL Fl~ 1f / - (c) t Equation 1]3 s rS) -Je'nbye-qu ,Pi -it- =/ E dn - Z74 AD 06 2' * -2 and since e Soytem is ' y s ti -tabla5e by 46 vu IL a +- a- it I % ( ILI. " • i ) * _ 7!~JIDI _ ¥ .T _ 2omb.ibne _ ,,C - _2, Effect-s frn this ,onfiguration the two remaining se tion, confiugrations showin_n F._re 2-9, S-ction 2.60 will be considered. Model b in Figure 1,-'t.is considered first. System Eauations: 2s= - K< P Ori fice p . =--p;44D 0: line Va ve = 0 >c(;AZip P= Z? -- .W0 0 ) on the form vs..* x sonte.for -Y{7= =geZtt+Ag3 = ) (C-11 ) 0*z5-,z-or 0.* ~o* x-t 5,f-Z , w1 rm ..... -- (C- IS 3vycombining, the expression for r/P~' (I 3DP s Q Vo 1lume whtlnere (C-tL) to 4 Ka , 0 - r- (-10) (c-17) Ith -A #K o *.ea (C- 18) The exrss.ions identIcal in equations C-9 is identeal These equations -1: ?ae and wi h those of t he )reviou. secton ',k-ation '.;40. C-l , C-7, and with equation 34, Se>ton arz- more general in that if A A, theline area, this solution In the unitrepresents the soloutol in i ec Lon c. . The stability equation of the system is related So2, Sec'ion 2.bi. LeC us now consider the t;hird basic shown on iigure 2-0, Seton basic a mode. The only change is onfiguratlon model assumrtionsare again the same as orevious through The with the hat the compress- Ibility alidnertia elements have been switched around. ,yo'ten e uat ions: Or rfce iVolune ljine Va ve S-K (c-2) 3 QP. (c-il C. P P-SE~P~, -cr~D-1 Qalv -X k2 PP, ('2 1-4 :.-, -3 :By ~h~c aoin and ins fol owing 4whh morean oveiently be wrtte (-,an more conveniently be written :Ls obtai e A2 (C-25) iPkq/ he coefficients d n Ba nl B,D ~ I Z3 2 D2 ÷,D4/ 00, whee t'e 2e ~aranging are defined by equation 30. Rerlernmbe ring tha t : LA3 " ; C)=o? a, k a+hena 23- .+ B'= afnd = 2 (Y (C-27) f z' ) I(04-8 , ,, +t/) (C -) gS(uJ+ /) )--= 6,70, t- a: =f uL_ .., , _ Y-I--UEI--L---_--C-·-_L---_-. _ / tC9 -1 4 /*l J (0-29) (c - 30.) ~,r, S ia. T"e anTlysis " 0o any on.e has Snown tht can be obtained om os-y;m bination func- ion o tvj the basic the trarnsfier lead exresed end nd l.ag time cons tants on t~'e CornQl.xt;y de end nl Tithe.i.t o t o of1 L an Trlo" i Al i 2ie Lnertla model reduced Zhe system t,.me consants ~omnpoaredto he rezcse eding marg'in of stablitr. :o.nsidered as ttrl.it r-estane n thne as no.deland. also reduced the s th e ustr, earn orifice xled system res istance, can be this then shows In general decrease the avallr-able ysteAm amo ing .. Introduction of an upstream orifice .case had a )simlar effect of the iens. tion avi ons. in the combined arnd also increased the comDlexity For'rmodel e this lead to a di.ffeential equation of higher order than the revrious case. Even though th-nis modewias the most gener+a the euations are omplicated to analyse. Digitai or analog comnutation seems the easiest way to eneral stabin ty conditions in this I ----- - ----- ase. ------T---·LPY9CCP(·IBsriurr--·i---(- -4 - DIr, D N D o;?iCoe4'.cfert nd 2nsta ns o. oi 's in; Th :ior the a e 2 lD;t s ream or i of 90 1n econtain the f'Iow s ° ffiien; ,oe v> 1e vOpet id 'the o the -O 0 The hydraulic oil used is J-43 :-ndits vis osity is given on .igureD-4. Th densty ronstnt temperature dring iOOF. we(sewas 'umed oDeration was held t is the pproximately /p= . 80 y/O-Y /bS-t,/ whie, is based upon the aIssum-tlon that the s'oecifi gr.:,ity ,---r-7·, ---- Y-YIIYa.----UIl-·LI-P···-·lll· is .83 at 100 degrees I·III-YtaUU1---_X·-_^·C F. C) (Z CZ) tic) 0o 0o (3 0 Cl) C) 0 0. I II-"t*'N %V Q) V) 0 t li; ct QJ c) Q) Cr 0* 0Z Z:) Iz jljeO2 M O e/iJO Q q0 C C) -0 QE' OR LZ C, LL . Q) - CZ) Qj - 0.-" 0s' cZ) 0o c( 0 c) 0) 0 0 0 Qo . Nh Qj cE 0 *-.. LA N 3 I Nt t3 ____ -·---·IIIIPI·I^--YI-_-LLI .II1_I·II_--·.·IIL_----·II_-LLIIPL_ L (o O ;roo M/oj alZZON Q) C"** N%.d % V.. ,I.-I r'l VISCOSITY VS. TEMPERATUR HYDRAULIC OIL ; FOR UNIVISJ-43 Temperatur; degr F 10 1 0)fl U) oQ 0 - 0 (n *5_ 10 E 0 E~ 1.0 0 100 200 FIGURE D-4 I __ __ __·_I __I___U__________JII__WIIIIII---III·i 300 400 A FPE ND X E .a*;, -99 , Oo s Re. t er n es ' Y and Backblrn, J .F, xK'l Fo res on Le , ,olto-Valvz Pistons, an COtol Dynamic Ana.ysis %oaborat ory Reoort M. I. T., June 1t 5. ':: .... o.:)ne J.A,, Discharre Coefficiens andSteady- :;tate !ow for Hydrauic Ponpet Valve-- ;s IFo -s 5MBo., Journ-al a of F3a Marcn I960 (1:44. . sai TH. and Esngine ring Volume ., dy, E 0 , Dynamic Behavior of ACMEpaper a Pneumat c ?ressure Redaucer, a Simole WA- be&. 4 .Fen T Y., J : and Dnamni. Characterstics ctions M a Ic: z -T Vaves Va e s of Flapr ol (i,81). . awiak, Fa pe r ' tabilitiy of a neuma t ,, Valve, Course notes, J,7d, M.E. nept. M.I.T. Ainsworth,F. , :6 .EffC et of O '- Column Acousti Resonancla Hjdraui.ic Valv e on, HydResonanc, Iran za cs~f~ i.o on, . Tn to K3'3 (773). f~y F1:nk, 7* tabi.lity, The C<i.tt - ; ....re.e 9 M. urvyI AS4tE oaor, -a FluA alves - jq-U-. Fy I Tyr .ai..v, a.i.. sanient Tr1 M For es on Hydrlic N... 1,.~, .. 6,1 Serwtir;. It M.E. De3t. oM. la'ckburn, .iRee tof an d "1ea- r d anu JhYnW Ton-, r Sons, "-on, . ,~~~~~~~ rIfe and ~s:; and John W~~~~~~~~~ie~, ower' i Jont'ol Zd. Pejhnolom I~lll.pl~~l~ll~~.^'PI-·III···P·_-·LP ASME D .. Freuden;•: . c' , J von, The Chattering of .aety ind ism-: aMe.1.nsnLs, The Frown Boeri Re .,¢y/J -P. : J.;;, BTpet V'alve JL2i. /!,, Sq uel : · l.-L-_^._... -------. - L____·li.--rYIIY-LL_·I--_L--·L---LIII--III_-ILIII -- _~__________I_.1·111_._ .-- ~~~-~~~~~ MlTLibraries Document Services Room 14-0551 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.5668 Fax: 617.253.1690 Email: docs@mit.edu http://libraries.mit.edu/docs DISCLAIMER OF QUALITY Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. We have made every effort possible to provide you with the best copy available. If you are dissatisfied with this product and find it unusable, please contact Document Services as soon as possible. Thank you. Some pages in the original document contain pictures, graphics, or text that is illegible. .caa-Y·;·ssupaPIrurr;mu-ulCappa(- lurCIXs.P·L··i-siY"UTPLiC16·IYiYIIYII - _I·____ _Il^·_____X__1I__I___ll__ ·II-C4P----PI·IIPs- --· ----1