C96.. A R. .. A LOW-DRIFT TRANSISTORIZED DIRECT-CURENT AMPLIFIER by James Louis Sitomer B.E.E., City College of New York (1959) Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June, 1961 Signature of Author Departmen} f Electrical Engineering, May 20, 1961 Certified by 'f Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Chairman, (Dd-artmental Committee on Graduate SSXalet s r'. A LOW-DRIFT TRANSISTORIZED DIECT-CUREENT AMPLIFIER by James Louis Sitomer Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering on 20 May1961 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. ABSTRACT New packaging techniques and new semi-conductor devices are investigated for use in a direct-current amplifier. Three amplifiers are designed and evaluated for use in a servo-loop which switches the amplifier alternately from one load to another. The first amplifier design evaluates the use of two silicon planar transistors packaged in a single can for a straight d.c. amplifier. The second amplifier design again utilizes two silicon planar transistors used as switches for a chopper d.c. amplifier. The last design considers the use of a pair of field-effect transistors in the first stage of a d.c. amplifier. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Paul E. Gray Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Acknowledgment The author is grateful to Professor Paul E. Gray of the Electrical Engineering Department for his guidance and advise while acting as thesis supervisor. Appreciation is expressed to all members of the PIPA Development Group, Miss Ila Lee Miller and Mr. Philip Paine of the Instrumentation Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This report was prepared under Project 53-138, Division of Sponsored Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, sponsored by the Bureau of Ordnance, Department of the Navy, under Contract NOrd 17366. The publication of this report does not constitute approval by the Bureau of Ordnance, US. tation Laboratory of the therein. of ideas. findings Navy or the Instrumen- or the conclusions contained It is published only for the exchange and stimulation Table of Contents Page The Problem 9 1.1 Introduction 9 1.2 The Application 9 1.3 The Specifications 9 Chapter I The Conventional D.C. Amplifier 15 2.1 Difficulties of D.C. Amplifier Design 15 2.2 The Differential D.C. Amplifier 16 2.3 2.4 Drift in a D.C. 19 Chapter II Differential Amplifier Practical Design of the D.C. Differential Amplifier 20 2.5 Temperature Effects on the First Stage 22 2.6 Performance of the Amplifier 27 The Chopper D.C. Amplifier 34 3.1 The Chopper Modulator 34 3.2 Performance of the FSP-1 39 3.3 Practical Design of the Chopper Amplifier 41 3.4 Frequency Considerations 3-5 Drift of the Chopper 43 46 The Field-Effect Transistor Amplifier 47 4.1 The Field-Effect Transistor 47 4.2 Field-Effect Transistor Amplifier 49 4.3 Temperature Compensation of the Field-Effect Chapter III Chapter IV Amplifier 54 Practical Design of the Field-Effect Differential Amplifier 56 -4- Page Chapter V The Current Switch 60o 5.1 Performance of Transistors as Switches 6o 5.2 Design of the Current Switch 61 Closed Loop Dynamic Performance of the Amplifiers 66 6.1 Evaluation of the Amplifiers 66 6.2 Performance of the FSP-2 Amplifier 66 6.3 Performance of the Chopper Amplifier 67 6.4 Performance of the Field-Effect Amplifier 70 6°5 Summaryof Performance 73 Conclusions 76 Conclusions 76 Aol Analysis of a Single-Stage D.C. Amplifier 78 A.2 Analysis of a Differential D..C.Amplifier 79 B.1l Analysis of a Single-Stage FE Amplifier 81 B.2 Analysis of a Differential F.E. Amplifier 82 Chapter VI Chapter VII 7.1 Appendix A Appendix B 84 Appendix C .1ol Important Characteristics of Fairchild FSP-1 Material Transistors 84 Co2 Important Characteristics of Fairchild FSP-2 Matched Transistors 84 Important Characteristics of Crystalonics C610 Field-Effect Transistors 84 C.3 85 Bibliography -5- List of Figures Figure 1.1 The Schematic Block Diagram of the System Page 10 1.2 Signal Block Diagram 12 1.3 2.1 Transient Response of the System Single-ended D.C. Amplifier 13 15 2.2 Differential D.C. Amplifier 16 2.3 FSP-2 Amplifier Schematic 21 2.4 Output of a Single-Stage FSP-2 Amplifier 23 2.5a Base Characteristics of FSP-2 No. 1 24 2.5b Base Characteristics of FSP-2 No. 2 25 2.5c Base Characteristics of FP-2 No. 3 26 2.6a VIM - Temperature Curve FBP-2 No. 1 28 2.6b VBE - Temperature Curve FSP-2 No. 2 29 2.6c VBE - Temperature Curve FSP-2 No. 3 30 2.7 Amplifier Test Circuit 27 2.8 Amplifier Temperature Drift 32 2.9 Closed Loop Test Circuit 31 2.10 Closed Loop Frequency Response of FSP-2 Amplifier 33 3.1 Chopper Amplifier Block Diagram 34 3.2 Simple Chopper 35 3.3 Transistor Chopper 35 3.4 The Differential 3.5 Voltage Offset of a FSP-1 40 3.6 Chopper Amplifier Schematic 42 3.7 Signal Block Diagram of the Chopper 44 3.8 Modulating Signal Waveform 44 3.9 Spectrum of F s (w) 45 Chopper -6- 38 Page 3.10 Convolutionof F(n) and Fs(w) 45 4.1 The Field-Effect Transistor 48 4.2 Characteristics of the Field-Effect Transistor 48 4.3 Equivalent Circuit of the Field-Effect Transistor 49 4 Transconductance as a Function of Gate Voltage 50 4.4b Drain Current 50 4.5 Single Stage Field-Effect Amplifier 51 4 .6a vs. Temperature for Silicon Conductivity 52 4.6b Saturated Drain Current vs. Temperature 55 4.7 The Differential Field-Effect Amplifier 53 4.8 Temperature Compensation 54 4°9 Field-Effect Differential Amplifier Schematic 57 .4a 4.10 Closed as a Function of Gate Voltage Loop Frequency Response of the Field-Effect Amplifier 59 5.1 A Transistor Switch 60 5.2 Transistor Switch Characteristics 60 5.3 Inductive Compensation 61 5.4 5.5 6.o Current Switch Schematic Switch Transients Closed Loop Equipment Set-up 63 64 66 6.1 FSP-2 Amplifier 6.2 FSP-2Amplifier Drift Test 69 6.3 ChopperAmplifierWaveforms 71 6.4 Chopper Amplifier Drift Test 72 6.5 Field-Effect Amplifier Waveforms 74 6°6 Field-Effect Amplifier Drift Test 75 Ao1 Single-stage D.C. Amplifier 78 A.2 Differential D.C. Amplifier 79 Waveforms -7- 68 Page B.1 Singloetage Field-Effect Amplifier 81 Bo2 Single-Flow Graph of the Field-Effect Amplifier 81 B,3 Differential Field-Effect Amplifier 82 B.4 Signal-Flow Graph of the Differential FieldEffect Amplifier 83 -8- ChapterI The Problem 1.1 Introduction Rapid development in the art of semi-conductor device manufact- uring has given the circuit designer new solid state components with greater stability and reliability than was possible only a short time ago. More and more instrumentation and control systems are being con- structed with semi-conductor devices as the critical components. Perhaps one of the more difficult problems of instrumentation is the It is the purpose of this paper to in- direct current amplifier. vestigate the newer semi-conductor components available and apply them to the design of a highly stable direct current amplifier. 1.2 The Application The amplifier will be used in a feedback system which accurately controls the current in an inductive load, block diagram of this system. Figure 1.1 is a schematic To further complicate the matter, the current will be alternately switched from one load to another. A highly stable source such as a standard cell can be used to supply the reference. The sensing resistor can be a high precision, low- drift wire wound resistor. system is the amplifier. The only other critical component of the The problem is that any drift of the ampli- fier can not be distinguished from signal changes and, therefore, it is desired that the drift of the amplifier referred to the input be less than the smallest signal that the amplifier will see. 1,3 The Specifications Defining the current in the loop that is being controlled as So} total system performance can be expressed: -9- 11I Figure 1.1 Stability of controlled current (1.1) 11 Referring to Figure 1.1 it is seen that IRs Rin B5 Rin B where Rin is the input resistance of the amplifier and since ,r Ve = _ Vr , V =V s Rs Rin Io R +s R Rin Where-Ye is the error voltage at the amplifier input it is seen that the error signal to the amplifier depends upon its input resistance; and also that any change in input impedance will affect the amplitude of I. Defining p ", si i the change due to input resistance variations can be found to be F2 (R + B5 )2 AR If we assume that Rin ARp flin 7 Rs, then (n 2 Rin .in and ARp Ja Rs ARin B Lin (1.2) Bin Rin Ep If we associate an output resistance with the reference a similar analysis can be made. Defining the voltage at the input of the amplifier as V , it is seen that: VR R + Rin Rin R and it is found that: VR RR V R. 'in Rin (1.3) R. in Solving both equations (1.2) and (1.3)-for Rin. In Rin R in/in R AY s Stability of the input resistance (1.4) Stability of the sensing resistor -11- Rin = in AVR in Stability of the input resistance Stability of the reference V (1.5) These equations will be used to determine input resistances necessary in the designs that follow. For the present, consider the two transistor switches in Figure 1.1 to be ideal. Then, for either switch position the following block diagram is a valid representation of the system. Figure 1.2 here the parameters are as follows: VR the reference voltage Vs the feedback voltage developed across the feedback resistor Vo the output voltage of the amplifier Vp the supply voltage V the drift referred to the input of the amplifier D Y the total admittance of the load and the sensing resistor Rs the sensing resistor Io the controlled load current A the voltage gain of the amplifier the significant break-point of the amplifier The only inputs to the system are the voltage reference, amplifier drift, and power supply variations. Dynamic performance of the loop would depend only on power supply variations and switching. Now if the switches are not considered ideal and have saturation voltages that are different and if the load in both switch legs is different, then switching will cause a step voltage change across these elements. In terms of dynamic performance, the effect on Io is the same as for a step change in Vp. If switching transients are neglected, the blaock -12- diagram of'Figure 1.2 will hold for the switching system with Vp containing variations due to mismatching of loads and switches. From the block diagram of Figure 1.2 the following relationships hold: Io(S) Vp(s)L= Y s Y + AsY 1 +ARY 1+ Io (s ) s s + + + 1 1 + ARsY +1 (1.6) X 1 + ARSY where K Considering Vp(s) to be a step voltage of magnitude V, Io(s) is found to be: I() YVm [1 - K (1.7) and finding the inverse LaPlace transform leads to: io(t) VmY[l - (l-K)e-K/Tt] Assume that AR S Y >> o(t) 1 then: [1 + AYeK/t] m (1.8) ARs '~~~s To t 0 0 ± Figure -13- 1 3 The transients shown in Figure 1.3 are added to the constant steady state value of I and for symmetrical switching the average value of these transients is zero. Since the possibility for un- symmetrical switching does exist an attempt will be made to minimize the error due to this transient over one period To From Figure 13 the following definitions are made: V Ions. = A o.s. AR = Offset current s I V Y Peak transient current e m Then the average current over one period is: o Iv + s 1 T e -K dt I =II Qv + I + T Os o For T >- K -K T (1 - e ) I v Ihv o +I + os T eT (1.9) K If the current to be controlled is 100 m.a. and the total offset is 1 microamp, the gain can be solved for. meters). (Knowing the other para- Considering the known characteristics of the system, V can be as much as 24 volts. With R = 60 ohms and Y81 the gain is found to be: m I o.S RS 24 -4 1X 0-6x60 -4Xl x 06 400:000 0,oo Allowing the average error for the transient also to be 1 microamp, the time constant can be found from equation (1.9). KT 'ARYT I 'Ie error =A Ie av for T 500 micro seconds Ie t I error av 24 X A-l 5 X 10 30 m.a. -4 so that the break frequency of the amplifier should be at fb ~ 314 cps. The previous results were determined by assuming that the transistor switches are ideal and that they switch simultaneously. is not exactly true. This assumption The effects of non-ideal switching will be discussed in a later section. -14- Chapter II The Conventional DC. 2.1 Amplifier Difficulties of D.C. Amplifier Design The design of transistorized d-c amplifiers has proven difficult due to the variations in transistor parameters. The major cause of variation is temperature with secondary effects caused by the drift with time of these parameters. The critical parameters in a transistor are the base to emitter voltage (VBE), the collector to base leakage current (ICBO), and the d-c beta (hFE). In a transistor amplifier, any drift of these parameters produces outputs which can not be distinguished from outputs caused by a signal change at the input. 0 V Figure 2.1 Figure 2.1 is a schematic of a single stage amplifier. As shown in Appendix A, analysis of this stage leads to the following expression. V V cc - V LV. A +hfRL v in Where A = R s + (1 + +hFERlEL V BE hFE) -15- +A CBO CBo I (2.1) In equation (2.1):VCC dependent variables. ICBO V, and h. have been treated as in- As a first order approximation, so as to under- stand the effects of the various transistor parameters, this assumption is valid. VEX hFE, ICBo depend primarily upon the base current, junction temperature and ambient temperature. transistor the effect of IBO For the silicon planar is negligible (typically less than 10-8 amperes) compared to the other parameters so that it will be neglected for all further analysis. Over small variations of base current hFE can be considered essentially constant. For the transistors studied 0 in this paper, doubling the base current changes hFE by 10% at 25° C. Over a limited range VBE can be expressed as a linear function of the base current, where VE = RBE IB . into equation (2.1) then A If the dependency of VBE is inserted Rs + RBE + (1 + hLe)RE. For the transistors tested RBE is found to be about 2.5 K ohms. for a base current of 15 microamps. The temperature variation of VBE and hFE at around room temperature is large enough to cause large error voltages at the output. One other deficiency of this circuit is the need for a well-stabilized power supply. 2.2 The Differential D.C. Amplifier The shortcomings of the single-ended amplifier stage can be reduced considerably by use of the Slaughter circuit. representation of this circuit. Figure 2.2 is a schematic The analysis is . . Figure 2.2 developed in Appendix A with the following result: -16- -h bE1l"LI v3 - 4 - VO hE2 "r2 + + i( R c + R e2 1 + R c + Rel 2[L+ -R R (1 + E)(v 1 2 - where c l (V V R +R A WI1 J2. (v + l )RL2 _i2( - V3 1 ) (2.3) R + 2 ) + (1 ) R3 + VBEl) vE 2 ) e i +_i2} +_( (1+ .h2)](V1 '1J i 0 RS+ R2 ( + i2t ++ 2 ( + 1)(1 + i 2) (2.4) Equations (2.3) and (2.4) are nearly exact; the only approximation made is the neglecting of the output impedances of the transistors. The out- put impedance is normally about 50K ohms for the transistors used in the common-emitter configuration. Again, V and h have been chosen as independent parameters so that their effects on amplifier performance are placed in evidence. Assuming that Rel - Re2 = Re, and hC>>1 studyF1 FE2 '- AR o + - + E 1hFE FE2 ' E (n2P ReL '' 2 he 1) RL + l1 hF ihE 1)r + (V2 - V1) iE1 " I = EL2 = B 2 -= then equation (2.3) reduces to; vl (V2 L h.FE ' ' (i1. a-i2 - e BE1 and 2 EL (Tw1- VE2) V19 925) hE2 i A study of equation (2-5) reveals that if VI1 - V2) (BE V' " VE2 and hll s i2 and if the rate of change of these parameters with respect to temperature is also equal, then the effects of these parameters have canceled. due to the differential action of the amplifier. This is Even if these parameters are not perfectly matched, it is reasonable to expect that temperature effects have been greatly reduced. -17- Power supply variations have completely canceled out. Use of this type of amplifier connection has eliminated the undesired characteristics of the single-ended amplifier. Further approximations to equations (2.4) and (2.5) will point out useful facts necessary to the design of a differential amplifier. Re VE R , R Assuming that R) 2, V 1 then equations (2.4) and (2.5) can be combined and reduced to: v FE - 1FE2 1 i+ (2.6) V1 ) L (V2 2 RS R 2) 2 hFE 2 Re 1 If the transistors are perfectly balanced so that hFEl ~ hFE2 - hFE, then Vo = RS+ (v2 - 1 ) % R (2.7) which is the expression for the voltage gain of the differential amplifier If, however, R stage. gain goes to infinity. s R e = 0 then it would appear that the voltage As found in the analysis of the single-ended stage, the assumption that VEE is independent of this result appears because of Appendix A shows the effect of considering the dependency of the input. t r gE 4 - n+eOwl+ UIJU. "ltl VV0 = I±LlP ST : h co` ;+; (rrc;c;ev U UJ %,UL0 JLUt.LL"6 LJi Ui LL7, +ho -ForArM Un U1 l ll1At UllU RL (2 - V1Re (2.8) where RBE is still defined as in section 2.1, Another important measure of quality of a differential amplifier is its common-made rejection (CMR). The output, as previously defined, is One form of unwanted signal or noise is taken between the collectors. This signal may the signal that appears simultaneously at both inputs. be due to pickup through stray wiring capacity7 or appear due to power supply variations or to a number of other reasons, If there are un- balances in the amplifier, an output voltage will occur. The output terminals have no way of distinguishing this signal from a wanted signal and therefore the unwanted signal should be as small as possible. CMR can be defined as the ratio of the gain Ac of the amplifier with the input signals equal and apposite (differential signal), to the gain Ad of the amplifier with the input signals equal and of the same polarity. So that for equation (2.3) with variations due to VEE ignored and all symmetrical resistors matched: -18- a n(E1 + 'E(Si + Re +1Rc) + CMR WL ACM'4 . hFE and assuming that CMR - 4hFE1 >> - hF?1 -)(R eI RC + RS) 1 then M R2 - hR 0)(e Nh(hE2 (29) The higher the common mode rejection, the better the amplifier will reject common made signals. Ideal matching of hFEts will give the best performance but for the non-ideal case, the larger Rc, the better the common mode rejection. 2.3 Drift in a D.C, Differential Amplifier random Drift in an amplifier can be divided into two categoriess and predictable. The latter can be traced to the variation of known parameters such as temperature and power supply. Once the limits of these disturbances are known, drift performance of any be easily determined. amplifier can Random drift can not be determined in advance; it is a function of parameters that vary in a manner difficult to describe. It has been pointed out in section 2.2 that use of a differential mode of amplification reduces the effects of drift considerably. Equation (2.5) indicates that if both hFE and VEE were to have the same rate of drift and if both values were matched for a particular pair of transistors then surely the effects of these parameters would The problem that exists is how to achieve this matching. cancel. Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation has come close to solving this problem. Instead of trying to match two transistors from one or more production runs, they choose their matched transistors before they are even placed on a header. This selection consists of taking the silicon dice from the same slab of the production run. The planar technique of diffusion allows the transistors to be selected before encapsulation in a transistor package. After the units have been selected they are both mounted on the same header and sealed in the can with six leads coming to the outside. isolated. The units are electrically Clearly, thermal gradients between transistors are kept to -19- a minimum by this technique if the transistors are operated symmetrically so that internal heating may be neglected. Also, it is hoped that drifts of the transistor parameters due to aging will be in the same direction. For the purpose of this paper, three matched units type FSP-2 were obtained from Fairchild, No specifications other than those listed in Appendix C were asked for. Performance tests to determine the devices stability with temperature and time were conducted. Ex- perimental determination of some parameters of signifigance were also determined, 2.4 The results of these tests will be discussed in later sections. Practical Design of the Differential D.C. Amplifier Figure 2.3 is a schemetic of a three stage differential amplifier. Each pair of transistors is a FSP-2. In the first stage the common resistor has been replaced by transistor Q5 with its associated circuitry. The zener diode in the base circuit of Q5 assures that nearly constant collector current flows. Therefore, Q5 is operated in the common base mode, causing its output impedance to be high and as has been shown this will improve the common mode rejection. The collector resistors are +1% tolerance low tempera- ture coefficient resistors with their values chosen so that 10 volts appears at each collector when 1 milliamp of collector current flows. This current was chosen to take advantage of the higher hFE at this value and to keep the load impedance of this stage from being too large. Generally, it is true that the noise should be a minimum at a lower current, but the tests later showed that noise was not a significant factor, A potentiometer is used to balance out any mismatches in the circuit. Under operating conditions, the voltage at inputs 1 and 2 is 6 volts and the output voltage is 85 volts. This neccessitates raising the voltage level at each successive stage. The second stage design is similar to the first with the exception that emitter resistors are used so that loading of the first stage is not too large and a resistor is used for the emitter coupling. The third stage converts the differential signal to a singleended signal by taking the output only at the collector of Q6 and shorting out the resistor in the collector circuit of 05. -20- 0 CZt. 1- m, Q o i lil 0 o 0 4. 0IC 0 I 0. 'iure 2z Figure 2.3 - 21- The supply voltages are all taken from a tapped, zener regulated supply. The addition of the zener diodes further helps to regulate the voltages supplied to each stage. Capacitor C1 is provided to limit the upper cut-off frequency and its effect will be discussed in a later section. Feedback is incorporated in the amplifier in order to lower the Feedback also gain to the value determined in the specifications. helps to accomplish closed loop stability and to limit the effect of hFE variations on gain from unit to unit. 2.5 Temperature Effects on the First Stage Tests to determine temperature dependency were run so that per- formance of the FSP-2 transistors could be evaluated. The results of the tests also were studied to see if transistor performance could be estimated by simple test procedures, Temperature control was accomplished by use of a Delta Temperature Chamber that can control to 10 Centigrade. The use of liquid CO2 to cool the chamber quickly allowed tests to be run in a short time at temperatures below ambient as well as at elevated temperature. The output of the first stage was monitored using a Hewlett Packard Microvolt ammeter. Figure 2.4 is a graph of the output variation as a function of temperature for the three FSP-2s, The voltage gain of the stage varies from 295 to 310 for the three units. Unit 2 has a temperature coefficient, referred to the input of this amplifier, of only 8.16 microvolts/oC. at 27°C. this range. It also shows the most linear variation over Units 1 and 3 exhibit greater temperature coefficients at 270 C but at higher temperatures there are bands where the coefficient is less than that of unit 2 three transistor-pairs. in Figure 2.5 a, b, c. There are marked differences in the A graph of the base characteristics is shown The base to emitter voltage of unit 1 follow very closely, except at high base currents. At high base currents there is a.heating of the transistors due to the large collector currents flowing. about -2mv per °C. curves. This should cause a change in VBE at the rate of The change is evident in the dropping off of the Since the hFE's are not perfectly matched, the power -22- F i iiiiI )tl4~ g f I!I g -1·· ~~ll i iE l iE I iI II - -f~I--i II i i-- t4[Ff-T4llIl-4-i- -·l I l4-.lliigli lkfil W ll~ll :W I tEXi I HfI i Po l vH H i I1 I j 4.RmX. :I ?11II ii : tIt-111-111 - IN - -1-UI 1i L~~~~~· .'fY"" Wi- Em ,.XlM X.71 XT q I~S ffi m7 set% Rvin ` tntii-~`~:r'1 ~ 1lt~r~#%f l:- -Ilt~~t~tt\ . i#-I t-ll 4. 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ : WgX m mm m i --~t~--gmt~~ fitt··tltl~l Ii -- -11 -lit -11 .11Mv 11ffff T-1 ffiflt~~3~f t I- i H-t4 2:~1I~dllffl:I ~ 4# ~ ~ ~ 1 iZ I~ f -fa-fI-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4#1 -fl RL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 114 X fti ~ ET M, m M ir _ f I Jt ~ ~~~~~~~------~ Li l flM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I-f-a-114 HI f: L t 1 8 t1-1 41i4 ''II tH~4l M ttd II I I -If -t1 V Mi4l41-14-4 II 4 W It-_ ttt |l4 RIM WWtt ff H_ "S I RR ii,.~~~~~~~M -1 Alex I I @ IM I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.1 X. IIII~~( li·1 T · 1~(1111 t i~btH t~i-4+ 44Q1t*-fl4 fI- 1411 3II4I~tfH ---H14If1-FiR-4-!-1dfr ~~~~ ~-rl-.7· .T~~~ l''*~,_r-''-PrfT.-~----~i.J!T"* -tiI :IiI·- bi.Hti :J4-P -a- I-H~~~~~~~ -l-$t~rL--f I 9II: ti,,tt up *;-I--I-I -m UH rrrr glgl :* - 1. *t- Hi,9 t Figure 2.4 U":LIJ4t am -Pli'l jj 1 rrrrrznz~r i'dlllllllllllllU I:1 dI M4Al l: iiii- i-i~ 1; J l· il l' ]:IIJ,---- N-,j~j 1 i-i : d i j a iI ii L i Ai X -t e I IIJ 1. :ii i-i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i-1~~~A W BX Wf IIIIJIff I A- i:0 0 II gHT -I l -f T1 ffl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Si FIT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -41-tT W1Ht Fij ifi :l e mr!.t -r- I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~7 .1~ i~ttt414104i~l~:frff_~t11if1 WS m lg g m@S~~~~~~~~~~t wisF L1 a Figure 2 .5a -24- +IPlfSlS ui Of i -tt4-~~~ :: ii ii! H1144-41-41--41l"1 XX i Iiiii _-4 i 4- ii iii J< !X f-q--l ,I- - X, fil, ,fl f..WJ' t~~~~~:-ilI J -1itt I I1-r W :t I1X g T1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f r tX,. i-;I I i -s ,-|ii ii i;-i- -&t-t-|-1 i | --,, UtM|-l iiii '44--H1-4-1-0- --1-1- --At1 t i im i-i -- I I IEH L W--11 l SL J.t-W J: -+-I-EiX W -4W-X-%~~~~~~~~~~~7 -t E il ,i-4 f W --W- --4 9t -4 -I-X m-- --f -i JJ1 |- W t m ffi1fi i S1--i-t- 4 AtAll ilit s~~~iW~~JH-g14-m1S 1-: t--}-W W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-------------M -41-0-t~ 1-I~~~~~~~~~+ l+WW1-tA X I- 44 Wi-i-l E m. H ,4etf9;1W t- 1-+-~WL1.-1W S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-44--- - m lE __fff1!1WI-W$tL- Figure 2.5b -25- I'AL 7 -4Xt ,-i44 - W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WW ---------WXW 1X 1-1 ttti- -iH I .1:;i! Hi , I 1j;'Ai t Xis4WX Iii M HIM - ii t-A 1-1 HH4 -+I W44 WX @~~~~~~~-14 Ii i : , 14 iX . 4 i , t i~~~~~~~~~~i~~- gggNtW w gg g g luliti11. g g~~~~ I-It - - I T UT- Z ,14 :: W~~I -- j fI1 Jff 14iImIffiI I l I tgiiB 1111 1T 1-I I I11t .t~~~~~~~~~Hil 11III I'·' Itl-f-l I t -ill 1I 1I Mt1 t g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 tIf t [if l~ lfl ~~~~~ml FI H H H: tl §~II X P Xill g | | XMUm E11 >rmIImonrr XI I X:-.1 I I i4iL~i3HlmTITIII *EtW AT~kIIIIII8GI ~nE[I CCCC I [tIII|m[||[E{||F lallelllgltmmmlllltlllulll-llllllllllltCI _~~~~ '. ~ Figure 2.5c -26- 1 Wf'-,,FW-m 4HfiI.fix iH m mSMFl !l;Im I E thA ,-llm TUTT X -;· 1|| EESilSl- _; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r IfI I llWL~kIXi1 r dissipated in the transistors is not equal due to the different collector currents. This would cause some of the mismatch, but it is believed that the greatest contributing factor is AVBE. unit 2 nor 3 has its hFEt s exactly matched, but the VE does not occur at higher base currents. very closely over all base currents. differential Unit 2 appears to be matched It is also true that this unit had the best temperature coefficient. 1 and 30 microamps. Neither Unit 3 is poorly matched between These data would suggest that unit 2 had the best- matched characteristics, and this was borne out by previous tests. Figures 2.6a, b, c show the variation of VE as a function of temperature at a constant base current and collector voltage. is very close agreement for all three units. There Unit 3 is the only one showing any marked differences. 2.6 Performance of the Amplifier With the amplifier operating open loop, data would be hard to obtain because of the high gain. The voltage gain of the amplifier is greater than 1 million and therefore feedback is used to lower the gain so that measurements may be made more easily. one test setup that was used. 10,000 amplifier. 6 vLT1 Ill Figure 27 1 shows diagrammatrically The amplifier was connected as a gain of One volt output drift on the recorder was referred to 100I I'il A A 185 V -- 0 I~~~~~ I7 - 79 79~~~~~-I I Figure 2.7 the input of the amplifier as an equivalent input drift signal. The 79 volt battery was used to step the voltage down so that the quiescent voltage at the input was zero for the output adjusted to 85 volts. Stable 1% resistors were used to minimize error due to these components. The 1 Test circuit devised by Go Rubissow of the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory -27- ' i i 'i t : t t! i~ 'ij'.'i ik I H i i 1t ;i 4 Hi ltfit i I a, t i!-i -tL'. J. t - !i i i i,, i 4' i. 44 -L{ 4ia1 if] iM:"I I. t== ! iiti itlt-t i ii1! t I ill -[ i -114 |tttltl d~~t~~t........... : 1-W -t1 : -II -- .SIf-t-I - h 3X W~,fiW W.,~, #X IIt 1!!-t00-1t1 --0Xir! tg... t ttXX0X JU~lr, :bi !tiliit V- ":: -- M _ - _ t i-'- i 4W0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tt-,-,t t~,B u1 B l:a }H ,I,:,,f~1tlt WWPtttt.:t-f i!t[Xt f, tf -= ' i' 1 , LItq-. ... -1;I ~ , t 1tiii ' - tl_--lHitift4,-~tft IttI:l ~t- a ii I:. 1 0 -0 i 14-1111: ~ Hq$tJ,-ft ~11~i t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Il:HIS~lXf liilttlft¢li ' i~X=I,! iLX. I~lfIHtt~:tl-tti~tu., 1tt ~tgt :~ t-ttf~ IH:'.IH~tt~tH f ;+t:-It~ tH~lt -1 tt-tli~ It -f/tf:tittl-~ftU:-:ttk ijt: I -Ht7tw :t-l-lllt$~$ [FitIi-:t fli-iIIlilt tXilX !:~ tt i--ilt-t-ii----iii-ii-i ~ tifftftt-iljttittttlif!14 Iiii l f ti-1t !Ml _ i~t I-IItNiitf.Hit Mt, '-I -H0t-titL~ t~H tH:R-Bt~t-t-,: -ttttt:W iH:-i4tit10+ttl 4i fi9 1-1W i W1 - -tit -W ~-W/ft tI-ItXt:--t .Aiti-i' L4: tt-Watf ~ igt tt:01:I:HWEt t ttit-t:H:it~t! tt i 1WgW -!Xt-tut U0 1 101fl-M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fl4X til j X0------- ff tIWtt t- I AiS[ Xt IS -~ 1 r- 1i4-Vt 1-t t* !-Stoltt W4XX X tti0XlMXWW W0410 I +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l [i-WtttW a1MWW~ t-0t ANiIMt~lg M-T tXWi ' ~ f M - ITMR11- -I M M J ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-i -1 'II ....... ,, ''- I itc~~ji~fr~ I.... ;Ii-Hl ,-l1 -I, I L..-.,.L.L. I.iiI t Hl 1-IE~~~ftEi_ .-- LL4-/ i. 1 t ,-R-l,1 ,l-4 II II r-!Fl-il II II I.......... L... iT-rTl-!l rlJ1T IIL .. ~, -- I- 'TmT1-T-I.-~IT I T .. r' nTTT1TT - 11 MA,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i,.-P--. 1 I- - I... I........ .- qTTI ITrF14 !!TTTnZ'i-4-4T.rTT - 11111. ....... .. t- ti; J VLj H-fl- i -IMMUM -41- -41 T I 71I m I Il i TlTI- !T Figure rlTII. T. 1 2. 6 a -28- I Xt 11If~~~~~ I :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L ,,~~~~~~~~~~~,j MR ' '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... mI t I., t~~~Il.~~~l~~tH~~~t~!~~~~t .ltit l M.M111W aMt - I -43 M -1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iIil~·~L-·-L·-·-· l-~ ~m4 :ii 1fi 1:-1f H1441±1*#f4IiiI'4w IIIHIF~t 1464 tLRL UiE+fl [tl rTi Wi·t~ tttltH~htt I fllt{? 1M.1.4flI NK'-7 .................. E ~~itt~itffif - . .... I....I..". I''...'.I- - - 1 -I ... .... .-.- 1 1._1_.- -- . ... -- - * .44VH-4 . T +flA _4 -iIran H I.1 :_. ' .. .441- - -i - I I I I V . -1111-14 :: --...J.-_11 . .1 :, I..... F lii~~~~~~ MT,' : I.I-...... 44: :M. 4T~i . . * -.. --.. i..I-.., : Ml -field _1-.... IM .. 4141: ~~~~~~~~~w .:1: 1 :4: M X VW Ittti44I4444 : 41111111 + . I I. . ~ WMIRI'l-fiffB l ' ':. t2 N. jI rr R I :a faffo . 111111-1-014THT =IM--14T+T1R1_Tqa IIE Irnfi2T_tSf-tCit-IW t-Httrf-C)tfH3Ifl I i-t#M-l #'! IHIillf: tiIllllllI [;I I I~4 I Il I'-fH, -HHf i iflli'H......ffiHiUliilifft I 1.{fL.it..f..... "i"ttthtr1fflf .fIttmt ftftfR H fH.Hi+ RiOUl IM:W ,tttftttCtftt 1I'm'ltfU ittlibiU 'l:l tittmmff ,---111111 I1 11 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · ·· · · · · ·· ·-· · · ··--------------------.. . . . . N r- tlJ .I ..- I I. I . .FI'-111 .-. -U _I:L:I.n......... flTI ~TI IITI LL~I;AI. . 41.4 Ll14I.i1..I-.4-1-14-4-1-1,-fi ~ I IA-I I -! I I I Iil ll 4 I-I4144-4I: i.t HEkIiH.+ -E 1H, I-tttl11 ~l~fl~f~t~.~t~i~~.t~.~~Hl~t~L~:41111141--- 711 1 1- f-t1lH:ti U.I-- Y' ... .......... ........ Iflitifl Y 4I[ tat41 1:I 4't HH+-H+H- tHJSTpl= J11t111t I41i 1!fII f 44-Itt t. I I It Ii .11 I1- I3 IT 14-I4-4-4.-1,h Ilt-tlHt[- -U.: Pt -4--h - . . . .------I "" tI:1I "'1H '1 :-iL IStMtSl'M'tH-t:" ]HHHif][L_Jit R-OH-UMBIH I liE 4411_-#1-dA-44#4444#-tM - 1114 ,1W ll' Frr[1.T-tT:IT FI-I fj i I.I..1IH4+H-I44+t+H-t +l-H J 11 J. I-t I I I '~lll I'tTI'I-I ifr~tll11-'rrll-rl] IITq~ t. I'll. , - E1 - TI -T .. I I I'= I T]--ri W11-41 4 'II I. 11'tII~Ill .lI ... I llll I J]111L12.I.1.Iil '4144Hl 1Eftfl1ItIJ -~ I - . _l I I IItIIV'. fIIm II-11 I I I- II.IITT fl r1LItI1FtLFntniuhIt If tItIJtIITII tI] 11FIift Lm - , " MMIUMM T tt:[fl-ffIfTlt'1 tff I fTII2 f1LIFrrl 1.11111H1 I IflM1]M lI... 11&LLII&~II HAIl~ F 4 1i]144+LL 44141++-I-t111 1T l I .. .I . ..I l... -1410-mmutaI.: .... W 'II Hfffffthm~~.tmm~ I1I1V14114H.1:HI. ~= I.... I.I - " 114 '414 F1 4J1 tid-flitttttmd-attv ttttil-W . I~A1ii. -11i i I T 'l~rtttl1'1 ¸ 11 :IfflmhRh [ .4I LI4 'II I'ti_. .&. flittffitll1 M I -1th I~-fjft iV liiiii e :L ## 4t HI4 4 -tt 14444-. WHIM.-MMV111: Mt-i f '-... 1ttttL t.1 =j'A'ttLt1tt I'Ll . .. --. U 'tJIttftf- ]t:l-t-t' -_....'. mIt If ImmI-tMv=ttn4 1111-+ t+14 AtrnlttllrC~ttIlhttEtHBfftmi TEfFHiRl,-] I.I:] ~III7iil-nIFH-I; ·. r-lr ... · . i II11ttttt1tfHtittAP-4441-0-~lt kft` ttV=Vf:l VI Ii- 1111I M-11t! I 1F-HT If: WP~.t j 1110 17 1I i~ffT=l · I fl I Figure 2.6b r it tM I_I I I II L!.It tli t 1 1 I 1 Illi it t Af - = = I Ir~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~~M i Ir'1$ l _1 r~ i iiIH. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i t i 1ti -iT i Si2 E ~it E itfi ff~lt 1:...1000i42;f -.t2.XX~l0#~l-li..i~t~i}0t-ti-t} 1tillE~l XE>H 0 -+T4,0$-$' tiltt -111l~ig +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ W X W~v[;E SS X +;XW11-XS tifXT: '~tit~fIM ·,iX ,-1 -0'I 1 103fl4-l-00-llti 1A1t f4 i iw II-tIII··Il I-CC·IICI----il-0XFAX I-·--·+ICI-U-C-CIWII l -l~-t-·IltI t l-40 H:-1 i .4 k X T'. i·1 1..,I !.1'tl~ tCl0 lig tflf3:1-11 ffi! I J I- I 1M_ t11 ilS kfW G If "T T Rl 7-t -HI fill ·- 4 rr··l L8 fI g I 41i IIIIH-H I 1111.14~~~~~!rt. S I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t!-i~~~~~~~~4 g 4 1, :11: lt I 4eg:t 4+0I-4-) IIXiC--(l~-tlCr# · iI-lI0M t f.ISSI-lr W Jji~~~~~~~~~f w w w l W el-II-IK X l ·CI···H~ 1 ti-IrItt~ l; S M 1#W tt1Ms~rlX0X EJX llL l 1 llt EWW1W gfItT[ -i-lt H H T.i -XXT 4ti ari I ~ i ~ 114 T IM IP+F1117s! III-I-RH·I:IIIr~~~:i~~~FF~ IT-~~~~L~~.T·FF7TF~~FIFFR~~~~ 1~1T~~liT-l:~~7I1TI -~j I·7rFT-IC mTA-I~~~~TI I UV4 :I FT- g T4-t 4E-* !:P I "H1,1011fl-A'dflMfl .... MHERE 1-:1-1-1-i...''.1W.1ilit4ttlI I dii ITjjT, f j !] . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 'T 'Blt~HAEi'fttif# ~ IbH#J~l ., ' fff ...... fiffUl1fli I11 .`'f W ,.....I, .. _. ...- '.. ...... ... tiTZrT1i-t'lr LI.IVIII U·il-i iTlI 4,'ssl.L44 'Itt 4-+ IT= Z__l] 1 4 ii ; . . . . . . .. . . . T-1,-T-TRIFU g T[ gR V -T -I-H I-t- IL ;L - - - f 414ft] .m tft f' :I-I'IiI H k I'+ t-i-t-..t.H-t IN-'it Fit!SI U1-1-1t1-1 ti 'rt--t .;i L-tt rtT1 "L11! 'I11'f -11l -1 -r-H r1 t'tl-tr r"-t- I 'In-n1 11 rri-r T'l -I- t X D' i :f 'Eflff-RHIN .............. :?iI 'I I :M it-H-[tt-I-t ItI-t:H-I IHHi-l-lil+ H-il --HHt- It tf~ ~A~f#~fr~Tf , !'!: g ., f f'lf f WfTjfj1fmwlw,41111M '14gg W SIE I ,q',,·r lIl a i I Figure -30- 2. 6 c r t i i Ii . six volt battery was a standard cell. With unit 2 in the first stage, the temperature drift of the amplifier is shown in Figure 28. The drift was in close agreement with the expected drift of the first stage alone. For power supply variations of +10, the worst off-set occurred when both the +120 volt supply and the -30 volt supply decreased to +108 volts and -27 volts. The variation referred to the input was 75 microvolts, Tests for frequency response and long-time drift were taken in the test setup of Figure 2,9. This is the system loop without switching and wer levels. also operating at lower power 12 milliamps. The current being controlled is Over a fifteen hour period, the peak to peak drift was less than 10 microvolts with the amplifier at constant temperature, 4V0 V 6v 500.5K 1 $oo.-I% Figure 2.9 Without the capacitor across the input to the second stage, the system oscillates at a frequency of 320 K.C. Since this is a three stage amplifier, this might be expected due to its high gains Figure 2.10 shows the effect of this capacitor upon the frequency response. As the capacitor is increased in value, the damping of the system is also. increased as is evidenced by the reduction of the peaking. The cross-over slope is -12 db/octave so that this system looks like a second-order system at lower frequencies. A measure of stability of a system is its phase margin, and for a second-order system a good approximation is:2 pm (2.10) 'A -31- r i1 i i1 1' 7<; 7, 1 M ii 1/ 1; ii -T-i -i I i Ii1 -t tL I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I W1~~~~~ 0 V 0 ? ; W W fid g S rHW gg W 0AI _ :I~ ~ ll I ;1IlII~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ iiliil WifittlXXG ri iiiiT I~~~~~~~~~~~~qf 4f4 i i X11 X -M t i iE -if~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i ~ll-i~lW ii,II tt XgI 1 i -igi ; i iiIi' ;Eilni lYWlig}[-Wt W1i gt gl l i-ii itaiE r iiilii ET~-i-iWt0lAAf 1 M t I tW R I i';t IlimtTT~fiB 1ilni-0 ~ fiIt mE g X t 1 -H S M :1 1 4 I il Iil 1. 1w li~~~~~~~i~~~~~l '3· 11011t1141f10V t t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l i f_ 1141 LS ii I~~ i t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I V W20;figE,~~~~~~~fi i !fiibi TSlitilgl IXIT till, 1-; X wig i 1l, t± E i·t~~~~~~t. W i t Wii i "· t q UEAhiitiMW~lit- I TO M m~~~~~~~~I M It I~~~~~~~ Itt J-1 M XtXf EEt0--1ii04m lM EtXWW MMu' M, M hi f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I III~li-1l-t'l-t m wE ml 114-lW iT { - mX rt t442mXg 14 1 1741 t1I-~1qt m ql 4 a w A ITT TI -I tl H 1H2 'Y· '1' t·l !···_ -_··---- -! . i..D 4tttT 144 1 ,4 f fi4 ifhf-t -tfl $1h'1 II I 44'It'Hl'I's'!'T 1-4 t 4-41 -t.-l 14-444 44-4 I t LL.._ FtlII~llIEtttlI : i hWE M 4$fI$ -4- +-'i - T - r 1r1 I I i il~ 4 XM gEEg I" slinma-12 77T MM41TRUR-Inii -T-m ki t W i~i WE Wg0 i-i-- 4 1 t M T RIM F ll A-wE~~~~~~~~~M-lg W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g~~~~~g .I I. I. .. .... 7. .. ... ... - t fttttt YL;-4+WF4-4+-FFCCtF . Figur2 2.8 H~ II -= I4+4L:-t1 i +s I 8p1.1--1 I -4 3 MId H t14il-I,- 1- F U ''l-!-li4. .1 ~WUTff~HTH i i 44-U M1 14aT, A, i1 ---tttil a r I 7 - t . |-:;-t |-, s1 -I-tS--n~a fX 1 ! 'li!! ii+11-||11 -L·IL i i l i i . 1 : !| t-: . A g J_ fiy~f 4 + I' i 11 i |:1*-t1|., t:2. i t V _11 ·_i i.i it-t-..;t-.l pi: -st- t | a< 1--t-1}!1-! X La .1Lo4 tidf; J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"i 1}|- fl a tW W Wg~~~~~~~iglW Wgg W~~~~~t~-0 I i fI I I Hit I1- J-1 I 1 1 TfW If * li~~~~~~~~2 ---W .-- A -|-1----N 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I1 .1 IA VI:-T ~~~~~~~T Zlmx ZX vtitl+§^4= i +.-~~~~~~~~~~~U --. ~ilZ-llpitlh-m-m -t-t4-- m1 Xt~tet,:i-,Lp1 tlwH-| i-.S0-- -44-41:st .r1i -t 7,7_, i, '7-i i ifti=1'T- 31 '-@ -;z;_ 4'1 - ,L,. U WX -.- ;= . .L p -II_I J- - -t I l; · rtl! ; I · .--. ~ [ '' ' 1-·-1-r-1-1 4Tt4f#11 11 91 . _ - lI T__1X-lM I:' if:;7; : !-f-' In ' 1-- , . ,- H -- W =t gk~~ H-1W7 A1'@ : tt t~q.--5!,-iF----t.t . ; | |:} :g1 |-i-t.-t i5---- |X~ -ltt ".7:..fU.T_. I i i i -t[± - I lt 4-rI4-- .t] _HL * * .: i -l;l 1--f-; 1- :1~ . .1 ' .s I-- '_I 1r T- hi-4i _ -I -.t., ] -14 Th4f iffl .1,d I , . ., ::. I -l-! I 11-1 I i I' ;:-!- i1::t: !tt· II:JEII -±.i `4''R:H 1+H I .I .. .- - _r~f~iff+HF -zR! . i=E I t444 LThkA4tkt4I 1 ·, Iit-I_4 -I1 -fTM- Mtt.4-i Lr._TH 1RTh114Mt11 lll 1I _i.. Lt 2- ttr. ,,4: =PIF : r :.i '!-rU-1 -m- l -- M_ Ht441+ I i 1!r_ T I mrlrlrr~~~~1 lt-mmt I II I I 1 11 1 t I IIIl r1 ; t .- . M E W 1-:l I--VEi 'i1 - -JL~ JJ!II!! [~ -I 4-1.7 1 ||7 ql-rLI.T | || -4 P. L, ! I-k`S -l m I 1 11 F-t-@EEE- -k4 U:i:iiE :j-1iAi I , ; t.t -t. 'L J L L I-~ ,-1 HiT - ... r.: F-F. I-i *I' '·-1-! _. , - tI= i-, ' 1 I z i ITT _ ;1-, I' = i14i .It :t -:-I.I FFF -|-tk W1-W W 4.t . ,Lffl·~ k I I I II B !111111,,,,lll,,, ._1 T *'I .Ti _,A4-,, _17:- 1 J:;I' --J _N1 .1. M ,itLi.4-l iT~to~"'I 4.1i s :!.'U-r,,,,te -4-i- -CF-A 1X, * '' ,. U.~TULaz-t . Al i .I k -i 1i-, wF:[ UH FF-41 i' !tj -U4fmr SH lLIIl1w1 1hIis|| 1IIILIII IIII' LLL 1III111111 IILE t 71; i-Xi4 4-4->t---t!k~l~- .X I 1, IgMtttttS 2 1 :Ld :. Lt4-i-- rL-111 H:F-,4 F.i l- f rl-= I} . i .L;-! tt- .. I .I . .I . - . I II - - - - - - - - - - -- Figure 210 -33- .. c ll .. w I I tI - - - - - - - - - . . L ... . . . .I I . . Ir 661&66.66666W I I Where is the damping coefficient. From standard curves of second- order systems, it is found for curve C that is .25 so that pm 28.5°. This indicates that it will take another 28450 phase shift to make the system go absolutely unstable. For comparison, curve A has about 9 margin. 2Deltoro V and Parker, Principles of Control Systems Engineering Dept. o Electrical Engineering, UoCDoNYo L'.. -33a- phase Chapter III The Chopper D.C. Amplifier 3.1 The Chopper Modulator It has been pointed out that the most difficult design problem in "straightv d.c. amplifiers is the drift of parameters. problem is the use of a chopper modulator. A solution to the The modulator shifts the in- formation from being centered around zero frequency to being centered This-shift in frequency allows the signal around some carrier frequency. to be amplified by conventional a.c. amplifier techniques. Due to the capacitive coupling of an a.c. amplifier, VBE and hFE drifts are not amplified by successive stages and are thus negligible as long as the amplifier remains in its linear region, After amplification, the signal is demodulated. Figure 3.1 is a simple block diagram of a chopper amplifier. The input signal is modulated by the carrier signal wc which is produced by the oscillator.- After amplification the signal is demodulated by the same oscillator so that synchronism is maintained. V Vo Figure 3.1 -34- r- As shown in Figure 32 switch. the chopper modulator is a synchronized In practice this is very often a mechanical switch which has the advantage of being a passive device that comes very close to having zero impedance when closed and infinite impedance when open. When the switch is open the input appears unattenuated at the output terminals; when closed, the output is zero. The limitations of the mechanical chopper are its short lifetime, limited switching speed, and its size. An answer to these shortcomings is to use a transistor switch. Vo R%.~ -- 4I t -IC IL Figure 3.2 Transistors operated as switches do not suffer from any of the mechanical chopper deficiencies but, instead, have their own particular drawbacks. Figure 3.3 shows a simple transistor chopper along with its equivalent circuit. The switch is considered ideal. V is the voltage from collector lC , vin I _LFLF (h) (6) Figure33 -35 to emitter when the switch is closed with R s being the dynamic resistance. kprepresents -When the switch is open the current the leakage current. It is assumed that the driving source is positive enough to drive the transistor If we consider the switch open, then into its saturation region. oRLR v RL e VIn elL .- %1I + I (3.1) p and for the switch closed vfL R Vp - E RC Vin +V. M.RR- RS Vo= A 'h Ip (3,2) A where I~ R3s +RL c (303) C It is clear that the output voltage is a function of the transistor parameters VpI I, and Rs. These parameters are functions of the operating conditions and of temperature for any transistor, Clearly, then, the drift If we consider that EL>> RC problem has not been completely solved. (3.4) Rcp Vo M Vin for the switch closed. then A lowering of Rc would decrease the effect of Ip, but this would also lower the impedance seen at the input terminals to the chopper. If, also, RLT> S', 1>> V-V o C SR, then +V -RIsp 3-5) in +p for the switch closed. Therefore, even if the effect of V limit the magnitude of the signal that could be detected. would For a typical I will p usually be less than 100 milli-microamps at 250 C and s will normally be silicon transistor V is in the order of 100 millivolts or more. P less than 200 ohms. and I the transistor is often P p operated in the inverted connection, the roles of collector and emitter In order to reduce the magnitude of V are interchanged. The advantages of this mode of operation are reduced offset voltages and leakage currents. An approximate expression for the offset voltage in the normal connection isl kT 1 V 1 kT 1 (l+ 1 --. .. n 1 Sperry Semiconductor Division "Chopper Transistors" Technical Application Bulletin No. 2107 November 1960. -3O- (3.6) I where k - Boltzmannls constant 1.38 X 10- 23 joule/°K T - temperaturedegrees Elvin q - electric charge 1.6 X 10 ' 19 coulombs *I- forward current transfer ratio measured near the saturation region with collector and emitter reversed in the common base configuration (inverse alpha). PI- inverse beta near the saturation region If the expression for the offset voltage in the inverse connection is found, it is Where kT I 1 "P-n Pi l n + k q) q q .. N (37) N and )N are the normal alpha and beta near the saturation region. Normally PI is much less than and m = 2 then PI VPN N so that VpI is lower than VpN. If AN = 50 1 , a considerable reduction. 20 A relationship can also be expressed for IP so that for the normal 1 - connection 1--OB I +N (38) and for the inverse connection -.1 -aO 1 -DC Z^ In Where Il .I Bo.L + 9I EB (39) 1 +ja is the collector to base cutoff, current and IEBO is the emitter to base cutoff current. Again, it is seen that the inverted connection has a distinct advantage since ·.(NIEB = OIICB0, Therefore', the ratio of offset currents is PI 1 +I i; 1 + iEd o 1 + 0CBO 1 The dynamic resistance f I E I CotN 1 25 can also be described for the normal and in- verted connections with the following approximate results.3 Rs kT i N (3.10) 2INB 2~I!PNi+i IS(l+.0o BI 2IBid 3Ibid -37- (3.11) where IB is the base drive. There is little difference in the order of magnitude for either connection, although RSI will be slightly lower than RSN. RS is also a function of base drive. A method of further reducing the effects of Vp and two transistors in the manner indicated in Figure 3,4. is to connect This is a differ- ential chopper mode where both transistors are turned on and off simultaneously. The input signal Vin is equal to V 1 - V 2 and the output signal Vo is equal to V 3 - V 4 . If RLl X RL2 L V L 2+ RC2 2 V vI RL RLL+ R1 1 R It is seen that for the switches open -1 %,C2 vo 3 EE + RC (V-V) 1 -2 + C2 - -L2 L + R 1 BI I 2 +RCLP2 then v ( 1 _) (310) v_ ,,., V.,., %r - - 'W, t, a 16, I V/L (6) (') Figure34 Any error due to the offset current is constrained to the difference between transistor leakage currents which for a matched pair of transistors may be made quite low. Vo, f,__ sl RL RCl Rsl - . Al For the switches closed 11L2Rs2 "Ll c I %L2 Rc2 -vA-P 2 : V2+ 'L cvpl_ A , vp2 2 Rc2 Rs2 i pI+ EL2 - Ip2 2~~~~~~~~'~-38- (3.11) where L RL1 Rsl 1 + RL1 Rl + R1 Rcl 4J RL Rs2 + RL2 Rc2 2 and for RlE Y0 R2 RL, RcL -V2) + A(V, + Rs 2 Rc2 Rc2 Rc R (VP, Rs2 P2) Rs (IPl 1 A P2) (3.12) Errors with the switch closed due to Vp and Ip are again constrained to differences. A matched pair of transistors used for a chopper application brings up many problems such as those mentioned in Chapter 2. tend to be the major source of trouble. the same technique discussed before: Drifts of Vp and Ip A solution to the problem is to use two transistors in a single can. Fair- child has available silicon planar transistors selected primarily for chopper application. In this case only five terminals are brought out of the device. The transistors have common collectors as shown in Figure 3,4a. The device is called a FSP-1. 3.2 Performance of the FSP-1 By using a Tektronix transistor curve tracer it was determined thatPN is about 50 and that I is about 2 for two separate units (four transistors) tested, so that the ratios developed in section 31 nitude. amperes. are of the proper mag- Fairchild lists the maximum value of IEBO at 250C of 10 X 10-9 Using equation (3-9) it is found that IpM So if RL>7>R = -377 X 10-9 amperes. and if EL = 100K then the maximum offset due to leakage current on one side of the chopper of Figure 3,4(b) would be only 37-7 microvolts. Since differences are used in the differential chopper, this offset due to leakage can be ignored when the switch is open. Fairchild claims a maximum offset voltage of 100 microvolts at IE and IB 300 microamps. 0. Since it is conceivable that emitter current might be flowing in the differential chopper, tests were conducted at emitter currents of 13 milliamps, 110 microamps and 10 microamps to determine the effect of temperature upon the offset voltage. Figure 3,5 shows the results of experimental data obtained using a Delta Temperature chamber to control temperature. At the high current AVp has a slope of 10 microvolts per °C -39- flt .,t 4!: t i~~tiitt~~~t X .-si 00 1llM MR~ t4~~M -Hll t M-il hi- I 1:it Il l I i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii i I 1-, i` gt X gf t fl I 11l HI:M IX fll I I' tf!tj I -iJ MI-,1 f-tt fflffi g -!--ft111-1!3-1 i - gI t V--, 1I4 . 11114A..:11 EE1-11 lS E i 7" o lrWWXX:! tX tW Wgt X1 X l g ~~~~~~~~~~4 g- gX t- I M· if -. g t i- ifl i i1 i fl- M - il l fi:i 11 I I J- g~~ ~ ~~~~t-j:~~t,,~i ggzsiM-TX0-W -t Ml'lt-lltll 1.1 I f V III t If 1111RRM ffi fil I Ittll--'L! 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 . -X --- MwXT wE t~~~~~~~~N MM0 m4mg:1:.--0l 1WggXN m-[ W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" t~~~~~~~~~~ X U~e -fi IIl--I ilU t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l tu m m w w W M w . hilfF I .- i mWEWWWggf84 PT41-11 7f M !~; I~rffftI ItI*! I: I'l I mFFFF--~-ttI~ 1-,494MM ' 1tt11 It1 IU 1.~.4. 1.4.v -It-t-tt tIt-titt l~nTM-t m tit ~:f M ttl+ . ~lf 8tli : I-t gF0 f -_ TR THIT~i~JIlll~JC1IJC-~ It11rl~·I TTF~'7F ttIt- T,Sig 4 14... t ffp-ffTTtH~f ff'M 4.- =FT'TF'rT-KB -.. ! q -WORNIMIRM t- t A, t -M-29 . I' -1-1-1i L 4++--f ' H--I+H 4. . [ 4I iIs t I I ,. H+H Hf++l+4+14++H 1 1I:1-I1 -! -CI · CHm' -CI-CCC+· I--C1- CI-·* + · 1·I CCI-I4, S 7 A,t't TF.Vi4:4T14T:iTTT--lt:141ITF]-iTfi44 tS~I r-t Trr-l='l~-~t . . tL tm::1 tr·ttlt tl-r l 1 ·I-I-I··-+C-CI I··+-tCCCCCCI ftll'T,4 tftlrf :mt lli M. .1-1.1 TO-10-Mtl M M!1 11111 1 1 1 1 t4- '''T I441 Ts· - I irf I HII 11t14Tl I1; t11BUMf H-trtfl t ;iC I I I.. I ....11 -11. ...J.l-~~ ...... I....lli........ i LI t -t t"licln-I-llll ilt'lttt -111111 It tlt ?ll'l-t-'tTttl~~.LllI ..Iltt.l _t MITt I 1 I . .H. . i fltj. t.i-i i ;1U-11 [If fllSffIfCf'-fft!-l-ffl:ff it tlThEt. w.t r~Th'ffi1ThFHI:,LFTw':T: 1 1 Il I I I I II I I I ii I I I I I r I I I II , I I I I i I· I I I I I I 1 tr I I l1 I _L U14,.. · .4 f:tl:i-4lll:llll-I-: l-441 :::i41 ll!H:Hi41 'TI'I. I -i4t4,14tl I-, g.t '' i`"'""*" rrrrrrrm rrrn-··rr-l, r·,+-t+-r · -r-r-· t fid!if IT4 t'1-I-1tA-IT4TTI4-.-141t4-l" 1lt: T-IMlll 1H4 ti iI- ttH-t-l-t H I -i' tIl i f: E--I -~ ,Ft~I.- l,,'li-t#rt . li iri walr IIli.i...l 144 I I 1LI 11111 !;iLI' .1111. mWrr *4 I II !II . Figure 3 5 whereas at lower currents this is decreased appreciably. For a current of 110 microamps there is actually a region in which the differential voltage is essentially constant over ten degrees. It also appears that at lower currents the transistor offset voltages change at different rates so that the temperature coefficient changes sign. From this data it would seem that the current should be kept below or around 100 microamps for minimum effect of VpI if emitter current must flow in the circuit. Another consideration of importance is the frequency of chopping. Up to this point, the capacitance of the chopper has been neglected. The collectors of the transistors have a capacitance of about 25 picofarads maximum. When the transistor is turned off the capacitance must be charged. If the rise time of a circuit is defined as the time that it takes the output to rise from one-tenth to nine-tenths of its final value then it is found that the rise time is 4 tr 2.2 RC (3-13) If the input signals are at a six volt level with respect to ground, then Rc should be about 50K in order to operate at the desired current level. For this value of resistance the rise time is 2.75 As. To minimize errors due to changes in rise time with aging and drift of components it 'is necessary to chop at a low enough frequency so that the rise time is short compared to half the period of the chopper frequency. chosen is 1 K.C. The chopping frequency This allows the rise time to be slightly more than 1/2% of the half period, It is reasonable to expect that RC will not drift more than 10% in value so that the total change of rise time should be less than 1/20% of the half period. 3-3 Practical Design of the Chopper Amplifier Figure 3.6 shows one possible chopper amplifier design. The design is divided into five sections. The oscillator is a simple astable multivibrator designed to oscillate at 1 K.C. The output swings from approximately 14 volts positive to 5 volts negative, delivering about 600 microamps to the FSP-1 transistors and 140 microamps to the 2N697 demodulator. The chopper is the differential configuration discussed earlier. Since the transistors are on only half the time, the impednace is 50K Millman and Taub "Pulse and Digital Circuits" Chapter 2 P New York 1956 -41- 41 McGraw Hill Co. 4 lI I Figure 3.6 - 42- '1 when the switch is closed and infinite when the switch is open. resistors are used for the reasons discussed in Chapter 1. Stable The diodes used in the base-collector circuit are protective devices and limit the reverse voltage to the breakdown of the IN660 diodes, about 500 millivolts. The capacitors are added in the base circuit in order to improve the turnon switching time. The first stage of the a.c. amplifier is a differential to singleended stage. As in the d.c. amplifier the differential stage has the advantage of high common mode rejection. The small signal beta of the 2N336 is about 100 so that use of a lOK in the emitter branches of the input stages allows a high input impedance. is about five. The gain of the first stage The second stage is direct-coupled to the first, thereby allowing the second stage bias scheme to be as simple as possible A high voltage gain is accomplished by using a TI 474 high beta transistor. The small signal beta is about 150 at the bias level used. A low im- pedance emitter follower output is used to drive the demodulator. Internal d.c. drifts within the amplifier will not be coupled to the demodulator because of the capacitive coupling. The demodulator stage uses a synchronized switch to sample the output. The action is similar to the modulator action, except that errors caused at this stage by offsets are not as significant as at the input, since any offset here is divided by the preceeding gain when referred to the input as drift. The switch section drives a filter with a break frequency below 10 cps. The filter then drives an output d.c. stage with a control to set the output at 85 volts for a zero differential input. 3.4 Frequency Considerations In order to illustrate more completely the effect of the chopper frequency on the bandwidth, a frequency domain analysis on a chopper Figure 37 model will be done. is a block diagram of a chopper amplifier. Consider that the bandwidth of the amplifier is large enough to pass fl(t) completely. The form of f(t) the Faurier transform is -43- is as shown in Figure 3.8, so that F (n) = T f(t)e-jnwlt dt 0 e-jnwlt dt sin(nwl T/4) e -jnwlT/ 4 1 2 where T 1 (3.14) nwT4 l() -- P, (-~ fS (jo 4 I,\ l -C{(*1 -M "i-1 pro(t)-PO (°) Figure 3,7 If the input signal is considered to have a rectangular spectrum with bandwidth of 2ws as shown in Figure 39 then Fl(w) can be found by con- volution of Fm(n) and Fs(w) so that F1 (w) x Fm( ) Fs( (3 15) -UE)d tY The convolution is done graphically in Figure 310. It is seen that if 2ws) W1 , then there is overlapping of the spectra and distortion will occur since a filter could not be built to extract the information. t ao Figure 3.8 Fs (W i I IT ,I - a WS 1 , II EI , r (MJ Figure 3.9 , I I or 36u, _ I 1 aw, 1 i r l - - a I.) ! I I -:>'5b '"s F (- I 2 E IHE n I LI -- w 'i E w r ,7 w a.I-lo - 1 l . - I It :I 4, W -0 317 Figure 3.10 -45- - I .,s 1,z.5 -9 - I ·I IT - L1 , ,J I Since the chopper amplifier is operating at 1KC the filter cut- off was purposely made low enough to filter out any high frequency components in the signal, so that the current being controlled in the system will have a minimum of high frequency noise. The chopper amplifier designed will not meet the transient specifications of the system but since the purpose of this paper is to achieve a low-drift amplifier, the design was tested. The transient specifications can be met by utilizing the chopper amplifier in a chopper-stabilized amplifier 3 using a d.c, amplifier or by using another a.c. amplifier in parallel with the chopper amplifier to increase the bandwidth. 3-5 Drift of the Chopper A forty-seven hour drift test..of the chopper amplifier described run using the test setup of Figure 31. was The amplifier had an average drift of less than ten microvolts when allowed to operate at room temperatureo The temperature variation was probably about 4°C during the run of the test. 3 Okada.:, Rt. "Stable Transistor Wide-Band D-C Amplifiers" Communication and Electronics March 1960 Page 26 -46- Chapter IV The Field Effect Transistor Amplifier 4,1 The Field Effect Transistor Recently a device called a field-effect transistor has appeared on the market. Although not involving minority charge movement as does the con- ventional transistor, it will be referred to as a transistor throughout this paper. It was originally proposed by Shockley in 1952 with much of In 1953 Dacey and Ross1 constructed the his original transistor work. first few units on the basis of Shockley's equations. These transistors appeared to operate according to predictions, yet very little was done with them. Figure 4.1 is a representation of the field effect transistor. By applying a negative potential to the gate leads, the resistance of the channel can be controlled. Keeping the drain voltage constant allows the following definition of transconductance: am VD constant (.l) If the drain current is plotted as a function of drain voltage with the gate voltage as a parameter, the family of Figure 42 results. There is a striking similarity to a pentodeo Dacey and Ross have shown the following relations to be true. The resistance of the channel is: L °RO~~ where: 1 ' L 2a Z 2(3;~(4.2) conductivity of the n-type material length of the channel the channel thickness the channel width lacey G. and Ross, I.M. Unipolar Field Effect Transistors, Proc. of the IRE 1953 Vol. 41 Page 970- -47- I SOUKCE Figure 4.1 ls VA L o x It H V oL w z i: ta 0 WO D Figure 4.2 _ 48_ lrva \R t-A.oF Vi) VeLT .2 The pinch-off voltage is: = qNa 2 /2K W c qN Where: K (4-3) magnitude of the fixed donor charge density = dielectric constant TW then the transconductanceis gmo[l - If VD - V G ( VG - !G (4.4) 1/2] 0 26a Where gm o which is the maximum transconductanceo -- V5 V4 current is I G I [ +W (3 2 W 0 g where IDO The saturation drain (45) )] 0O which is the maximum current. The input impedance of the field effect transistor is essentially that of a back-biased p-n junction and is normally in the order of lO0 megohms for silicon. The output impedance is usually greater than 1 megohm. Figure 4-3 is a circuit model of the transistor that will hold over a wide frequency r range GR IN Figure 4.3 here Cll 35 mmf, C 2 1 7 mmf, C2 2 2 mmf. It can be seen that a field- effect transistor can be handled in much the same manner as a pentode tube. 4.2 Field-Effect Transistor D.C. Amplifier The design of an amplifier2 using a field-effect transistor is basically simpler than a conventional amplifier design but some care must be taken to utilize fully the characteristics of the device. Equation (4.4) describes the transconductance as a function of the gate voltage V if VD - V Wo The transistor will be used under normal operating conditions so that V G This would forward-bias the gate to will never be allowed to go positive. 2 The only commercial supplier of field-effect transistors at the present is is Crystalonics, Inc., All the following tests were performed on devices obtained from this company. A list of the significant characteristics can be found in Appendix C. -49- source junction and consequently limit the device's use as an amplifier. For all VG negative, equation (4.4) can be plotted as a function of V G as shown in Figure 404a. 9I 90 l WA Figure 44a gm is a maximum when V G = 0 and goes to zero when V G W0 . Therefore, for maximum gain it would appear that the bias should be operated at zero or slightly negative. The second critical factor in the design is the saturation drain current. Equation (4.5) also expresses this quantity as a function of VG - Figure 4.4 shows this relationship graphically. uration current occurs for V G = 0 Clearly the maximum sat- The curve of Figure 4.4a is the deriva- tive of the curve of Figure 4.4b. Ivc 10 W o Figure 4.4b -50- T The d.c. The circuit of Figure 4.5 is a single stage amplifier. - IDG RL. output voltage is V If Vin - VBB 0, then IDG t IDOO small variations, the small-signal equivalent model of'Figure 43 used. For can be Ignoring the capacitors and assuming that all impedances are large compared to IR and RL, the change in output is Vo -gm RL AVin (4.6) \C v'c V's Figure 4.5 It can be seen that if a large voltage gain is desired, both gm and RL should be large. Normally, the higher gm is, the higher the drain current will be and in order to operate in the linear portion of the characteristics Vcc will have to be large. sired and if n For example, if a voltage gain of 100 is de- 1000 micromhos, then RL x 100 K, so that for IDG 1 m.a. a supply voltage of about 130 volts would be required to operate in the saturated region. With this high a supply voltage, care must be taken that the drain-to-gate voltage does not exceed the breakdown voltage. Another important point in the d.c. amplifier design is that both gm and IDG are temperature dependent. found i dg m dT From equation 4.4, for V G 2a 2a L -dT= 0 it is (4.7) The temperature dependency of 'gm is due mainly to the effects of temperature on conductivity. Experimental work 2 has been done which expresses conductivity as a function of temperature. At temperatures below 300 0 K the temperature dependency of the conductivity is controlled by the impurity content as shown in the sketch of Figure 4.6a. Pure intrinsic silicon has a positive Cornell, Esther Mo "Properties of Silicon and Gemanium" Proc. of the I.R.E. 1952 Vol. 40 Page 1333. -51- '1 temperature coefficient but as the doping increases, the temperature coefficient actually changes sign. As found from the data sheet dis- tributed by Crystalonics, the temperature coefficient of gm is negative and therefore the device is being used in the extrinsic region. Since data on the conductivity ere not obtained from Crystalonics at the writing of this paper, only experimental determination of the temperature coefficient was possible. I- U 2 0 IL 0 0 0-j 1lW6 G \/TeMP Figure 4.6 dD From equation (4.5) the devices tested Wo for Va 0 it is found that DG = dg d For is approximately 15 volts, so that the temperature coefficient of IDG is about three times that of the transconductance. Figure 4.6bis a graph of the change in IDG as a function of temperature for a typical C610 field-effect transistor. The measured temperature coefficient is -.845% per °C. A differential d.c. amplifier configuration would be superior to the single-ended stage. Drifts in saturation current between stages would tend to cancel one another. stage is shown in Figure 4.7. A simple differential The circuit can be biased so that the source -52- voltages of both transistors are close to the d.c. level of the signals V 1 and V2 . V 1 and V 2 must also be kept from going positive with respect to the source. If the circuit and the transistors are perfectly balanced the differential voltage V 3 - V4 will be zero. be: 3G2 RL2 - IDG RL1' V3 V4 where g gm V2 where gm gm g2' RL For imbalances it will The small signal gain is found to be: 3 _ 4 s (4.8) iRL +n E1 RL RL2' = RS RS1 P RS2 12. Figure 4.7 The differential field-effect amplifier offers some advantages over the conventional transistor differential amplifier. is much higher for the field-effect amplifier. The input impedance This is an important consideration for the system in which this amplifier will find use. There is no VHE drift term to consider but instead a IDG drift term. The drift voltage due to a tIDG is referred to the input of the amplifier -53- by dividing ADG ~AT2 -2 by gm. From the curve of Figure 4.6, it is found that oC at 25.5°C. For these transistors gm c 200 micromhos, so AV that AVB G- 10 mv/°C. A typical silicon transistor has a of about - -2.5mv/°C, so it is seen that the field-effect transistor has a slight -disadvantage in this respect. Both gm and hFE changes with respect to temperature depending upon the drain current and collector current in the transistors. From the typical curves given by Crystalonics at a drain current of 1.5 m.a. and at 250 C. gmn -A25%/ C At the same collector current and temperature for a 2N338 transistor, Ah_ 55*/oC The field-effect has a very slight advantage. 4.3 Temperature Compensation of the Field-Effect Amplifier In order to achieve temperature stability in a field-effect transistor amplifier, it is necessary to temperature compensate. Matching of transistors should help considerably but since the units are in two cans, temperature gradients will undoubtedly exist. a differential amplifier. Figure 4.8 shows one scheme of compensating The resistor R T is temperature sensitive. input to the amplifier is zero, then the following relationships hold: Vo i I2 R2 - Il(Rl + ) and if only the eff'ets of temperature are considered, dVo R2 dI T dT I 1 1 -Figure 4.8 -54- 1 T IdT If the I7. -i~~~~~~ t"ii-H .. I1:! I . , ~ I i'li i . ', l~l ,... . , I''i . a 'lo -. . ,' JM iii~ , .'.t,'-. . "ttl i -1-. II: i T:. 1.'. f .. ''''!l ' i t li -i J i.. t :: " '.. _ . . t4 f. i" i ~ !_ ~::t::(-,-:_,::.:-tit-~,,~-ti il..H.i ~:!ir'li~t-'i:',: .? Fi, - l ·1~t-tt!. :.,-,!'--!'-',~ : IN,, :,;.1.. . I ti I: ~i:.-f:l-!i': 1 ,1 . i Rfalkali .i.. 14~~~~~~ WV]1 H*:~.'*"'':,"m" ff :~.!ttlf .. ''41t rr iit:t:!.tt-:: !ti:-tf-iii~.: ! ,qt ,,:....4 ~~~~~:··I·-~ ~~I:.'. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Il ~~ '~;i ;T;'·1~·· It -4 -,,-,,,..,. ''~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J --,,:-ftLi ; ...'~:¥' !lr'~.....I '"""' . 1!:.~'tH . M !l: ~ -,:41 - + .J J:I~: IM-1 -It I ...... I ....l:' i -P I111 :i i. _! " l1 ~ ~~ '.-4-'- 1-,',: ~ ~~~~~i,'.i.!h , -, : I -- -'--'.4'..'---+--.-. -, ~f. ,'~-" ' .-. 4u'~.. :., ..,I, .t. --. '..-.t.,.'i.''--- '.I ~'._": ~ i, ~ ~:': ~":tf ~ ~1 ~ i .i ~ r tl ' I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"'" .. ,~.·t, ,ri~~~~..;~,"'-'' -'~:~,' ' I~~I~ N 1411fit . i, Ii ::h!~h-- .. +.i l.lItItf~~tf1tii' r~~-i Ii!O~~~~~lr~~rllF~~M,::nr~ ..- !-..[. 41- i"':t:i --- '~' 14~~~~" ,: -,, :j.,~~ . ;-];'A . ' '~"' "~" f-l-tt -. :t: t ~~~~~~~~~'~~ .it-; ~ ~~~~:-1I i-:! I-.--.i ?r~ 1. .i!firI .l.ii[.I'-'...~ I·~~~~~~~~~~~~-·· t,~I1~i 'i'i:~;~....i~ :it:Kl ·f ,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i :i - :ilf:;!-tlfii,~:mtt~i~t~t~tt~tt~~ t~ ttiif~ rrtm,t-;f~:tt~tt~itfttt~ tt~mttffr t-ttd ' " ifi i.'1~t~l~f fLL~Ut~~~~` i?~;i: -I:,~ ~!;'~.'~: :!:i,~ iliif~ffit!t:it,~:f~t¢~t.titt:i ~~ ~ ~~~~~~i~ _!!tttt;11l' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· ........ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,.li. ."?~ t !!t- ~lttl--t;4~~t!l~;ti -lt:-ftt-.ltl'tt -1-_! t-~, Ff--?t- t 1t1 t?i-;-~, ? dF'l1-!l-.11-Yt'M t~li i l t-. 2'-l-'l.-t-t-''..! !~ 't it:' J1-* [i-'tl-l l¢.ts t~tWifX -t'Itl--tt-t -! I ..:-L' d4 i sI-'' i ' -4I .l i:I!l !Illllir;li: -IMtttUCI i i i ff · · 1 ; I.llil .L.I4:41 t I- It tt -i . i : .,i · I·i:. I I L!li·· -I:F111"J _ . .':. c--.1 ! Ill J. I tale . ,' I I-~ll I. till ~F __1a. t:f . -1·mL.ii;. t~ .... C!-.; !i Il LI ! tiJ .:i J!. i; . I.LliL~ t . :i 1i i'1 rj i. . I .. -FI tU-: 11tt I! t tl--F"t-tvt i 1:11;. i . . *-- ... I,.... . I 4H i. ' n--m I,-,,r.__!·· , ir- t t-t- -H.H4-I--tt-- il i .i I -ti t-_ ll !4'. 'A i Figure 4.6 b -55- I!IPll .. .. I _SS tIl,.ii, 1 -- !ir ,.t'l I I. : ~ 7.i" 1 , ,IT, ·- l Fl tFt-t LC +H 'l"t't tl 11 It1- I _. ' * . lT..: 4:tI- :H-1ii-IH:0 :-ft-,:t::Ft I:t `"'"''~~~'"~' rrrrlr?·rrr-rrm· rt+-er·rr-·I I-ld M-ii..t-J+t'tl-l 1-~l+ttt H f+i+iHFtI J[irllll liJ I11 -------- I I! -! "-'"i-i-.- ;FS ftfti-H 't HtHi -;- "4 '~H4 "-' ' i. I1rll iiiiii i' I-4 -' 1i ili.-ll I .r ..Ii.'F-T: -lT I:,:, ..F.-1 ,iI Mt!4 ", _' - I.1..1.. , i imi! ,L_" +.' rt-t .LA!mI ,,,, .r _ , ,'1! tA i Hq+I+flt H-i-. i -iWW1 i 1+ i --- !!g t" I- I· -l11 t' tI t * 11 141-+4+H -1-1I-I$ tlil:; &r i- ' t1 :!fi7fttttt.! 401i0 | .Ja 4 1:,'-i:,t:'. - | +F-+I ;`!:tlfiftl:fitrJtfl-t:tl· ;1 tt 1 SB WZ .Jj~tD« 4> X :~t[~:-fi-:-l,[-.!..ltf!.:H t' +;' ! tt~ tH 'I'," '! '' t . :id'-|11-:t-t l , I-.:~'i"~:.-t'Y:Jt i, W;i S .d:i.: I . .- H~iti1$ i: -H-tt ~4 i [J If the amplifier is originally balanced for To with R 1 + RT dV I1 Z 2 = I and if it is desired that x 0, then R dI I R and R2 (4.9) dRT dT where dI dI2 - dI1 dT dT If the temperature sensitive resistor has a positive temperature coefficient then must also be positive. In the actual case this can be accomplished dI by interchanging the transistors if dT is negative. In order to have some idea of the order of magnitude involved some typical data was taken. R = 100K I .25 m.a. and dT 0, was found to be With 2 microamps per °C In order to satisfy equation (4.9) the temperature coefficient of RT must be 80 ohms per C. This coefficient was obtained from unmatched transistors; it is expected that matched transistors might do better. balance reflects to the input as a 1 mv/C 4.4 This current im- voltage imbalance. Practical Design of the Field Effect Differential Amplifier Figure 4.9 is a schematic of a differential amplifier using a pair of field effect transistors in the first stage. field-effect transistors is 3 ma. The drain current in both For input voltages of 6 volts the common sources will be at 6.2 volts, thereby backbiasing the transistors by -.2 volts. The temperature compensation is accomplished by means of a network in one of the drain branches of the amplifier. Control of the temperature coefficient is accomplished by means of the 10K potentiometer. The 51R6 thermistor has a temperature coefficient of -4.4% per 25°C. Its absolute value is about 100Ko C at For a parallel network of a standard resistor and a thermistor the temperature coefficient can be found to be dR P dT Where R P 2 R (R + FT d T(410) dT is the parallel combination of the standard resistor R and the thermistor RT . Use of a negative coefficient thermistor necessitates selection of the transistor location so that temperature coefficients will cancel. -56- 'l 0 '4 . 0 (0 4 4 CE It I d 0 !A Figure 4.9 - 57- I i I rrl a n Ad^t ±.LUuLtlDUbUU.U a4[7 4' Li -_nA_ Ub5Lu aZ curLre-t±j.Ut WL as for the conventional d.c. amplifier. =n .2-Isuurc L lnte : |SA ce sheL malnner The remainder of the amplifier uses standard resistors and the design is similar to that discussed in Chapter 2 FSP-2 units were used for the final two stages. The test set-ups were identical to those described in Chapter 2, In order to accomplish temperature compensation the entire amplifier was immersed in a denatured kerosene bath that was controlled by a Gebrueder Haake temperature controller. This allowed temperature to be controlled to within 0.1°Co Figure 4.10 shows the frequency response of the field-effect transistor amplifier. The capacitor across the input to the second stage is a .01 microfarad capacitor chosen so that the predominent break point is at about 100 cps. The peaking that occurs at 22 KC. is due to the significant break points of the second two stages. A drift run at a constant temperature for a period of fifteen hours showed drifts less than 100 microvolts. -58- ,:i-!_ ji .~: _ ~t ? ' ' " -: . ' A~~~ ' ':;- J.::% ; k~~~~~~~~~~~~~-: - : . ;.:b 4 I 1 :I::: I:. 7, : 4-t;r. ~~~~~~~iii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-: -i:~~':~-- :...~_~~_ r9r . .-.,. . _; *X -2 1 -· .I...........; * ....--;- · |"···rW fJ2I 5 ':-J'i _L.. I_ .......... L ".1~i .. ;M;|..... !........ 1 .: _tt- .t................. f: # ........J:1 7; 7 W1-Xt-91-W ,, : X . · ·- 1 ;~t:l- $t;-IiW- .;~·~,:. . i 1 giF j W4* !- ~ ; t?- 4 L:~ tj mgW i ; i --I|-1!||i:-:|.ii!-:i ! i. i i: :--!:;*'FI::. _: ::L m X4WW . ! :7 7-j -.. .-. ..::. .. -I-' t -u-| -i -':.i ~li'fl ~i -t .-II:'+-l _-,l |L' ,-Ii- -l-j } - t-tt- . ff .... - . T. -Fi-~ --'i -,':l i -l f ' .- : i.;i '-i:FFT.~ ' -i i.h: ::,., Vfl -i Ug _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -a: |-.1:" tL0M· -iil 4(| .--i. ......'-;!'-''' l lf.... ' "A: ! }R1 ,.i, t-D l{j ;s, -i.,gl'i : 1li . '' l-&: a lt~ii ,-.. - .'| :,>: : ' ' I II 1 f}4 t I 11:L ''..-.i -~*'~ L:I:!~i - -m I E -i-*-Bl i i i- L 1 :.::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!.: -I - - - . - - t. 1. . .- |. i I - "1: i J.j -,.~--_ I i :-..--- i--- :!": 11'~i JI. .HI~:~:.~ I..... -. . · ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i-~. F'F---' ,.77p~~~~~~~r -~ : . F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:-ir4..10 1 :l 2 - [-~,- '. .:ii' ':: ' ~ 1'. -.- : - IIAL ~-L'~W ~~~~~~~~:: ~ ~:,.:,...~.' _ i;',-:~ I··:'.I " i.I..,....r ...... ...... I'~ '....4'' ~. -~..,_~., ...7 . 1-i:; :::: ~ ::1A: : :4:. : i:4-,i, A. HW1:m - -I t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .... : :' ::i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ : _.I ,:,,. -~9t-i 4 'il . : ~ -,-1.' ... :.,- .-. If I i i :.t:':-' IT~~~~~~~ i C3 ile1, F-11 -r :i HI i iF ".1 ..... ,._ :.>_ "'·"-~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A... ...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~4-:--'! --:_.:?~~~~~~~~~~~~igr 4. : : .._ ":!,... ij: :~~~~~~~J""- '.;i: ·59 Chapter V The Current Switch 5.1 Performance of Transistors as Switches It has been assumed until now that the transistor switches described in Chapter I are perfect. In the actual case there are delays associated with the turn-on and turn-off times of the.transistor. a typical common-emitter switch. Figure 51 shows The response of the collector current to hen a base current large a step base current is shown in Figure 5.2. enough to saturate the transistor is applied the time from to until the II~~p1________~ 'I _T I c I 1 .9 .1 Figure 5.1 R1 - A rr N Figure. 5.2 collector current reaches 10% of its steady state value is the delay time td. The rise time, tr, is as defined previously from 10% to 90% of the steady state value. When the base current is returned to zero, the transistor does not respond immediately but is delayed a time ts, the storage time,.from t to.90% of the steady state current. The time from the 90% to 10% of steady state current is the fall time tf. f' -60- The delay time is a function of the reverse bias applied before switching and the time required for the carriers to diffuse across the base region. Since the d.c. beta is a function of the emitter current, the delay time is also a function of the rate of the increasing d.c. beta as the emitter current increases. The rise time is a function of the alpha-cutoff frequency, the amount of base drive and the dc The larger the base drive, the beta. shorter the rise time. .When the transistor is saturated the collector voltage falls below the base voltage, thereby forward biasing the collector-base junction. The collector The collector then injects a charge into the base region. current can not begin to decrease until this stored charge is swept away. This is the cause of the storage time, The storage time is a function of the length of time the transistor is on, hFE, the inverse alpha, and the drive-on and drive-off currents. The fall time is similar to the rise time and depends upon the frequency response of the transistor. off currents. Figure 51 It also depends upon the drive- If the voltage driving the base through resistor RB in is allowed to go negative, the turn-off current will go nega- tive until the transistor is turned off. 5.2 Design of the Current Switch It has been mentioned that the load being switched is an inductive The switching of an inductive load would cause problems due to load. high voltage transients which may cause transistor voltage breakdowns. Another problem might be closed loop instability. One solution to the problem is compensation of the inductive network, Figure 5.3a shows I I ra~~~~~ .L II t ~I I L If I Figure 5-3 -61- ff-\ the uncompensated network having an inductance L and a resistance R, The admittance of this network is R1 sL The network may be complemented so that the admittance seen across its terminals is a pure conductance 1/R. of The complement of the RL network is an RC network with an admittance 1 R + 1/sC L where C w -R ive for all frequencies, . With the compensation the network is resist- When the switch is turned off the energy stored in the capacitor and inductor is dissipated in the two resistors. The circuit is critically damped so that the decay current through the inductor will have a critically damped exponential wave form. Use of the compensated network allows the design to be made without consideration of inductive transients. Figure 54 is a schematic diagram of the current switch. two transistor switches (Q3 and The 4) in series with the load are driven from the two driver transistors (Q5 and Q6), which in turn are driven by the flip-flop pair (Q7 and Q8). The flip-flop is a bi-stable multivibrator driven by negative pulses in a complementary mode. The frequency of oscil- lation is therefore determined by the pulse source. The two driver transistors are driven just slightly into saturation. Also, tspeed-upw capacitors are used in order to decrease the rise time of Q5 and Q6 by allowing a large transient base current to be drawn. The capacitors are variable trimming capacitors; the reason for their use will be explained shortly. Since the transistors are not driven deeply into saturation, storage time is decreased. The switch transistors Q3 and Q4 are driven by Q5 and is turned off, Q3 is driven on. The base current for 6* When Q5 3 is determined by the +120 volts, the 8K resistor and the emitter voltage. Since the d.c* amplifier controls the voltage across the 60 ohms to be 6 volts, 100 milliamperes will flow through the switch, For this circuit R ohms, so that the voltage at the emitter of Q3 is 81 volts. the base current to be 75 750 This causes milliamperes, driving the transistor just slightly into saturation, thereby decreasing the storage time. Wlhen Q5 is turned off the emitter is slightly reverse biased by use of the 200 ohm resistor.in the emitter branch. 4 and Q6 operate in an identical manner. Transistors Q1 and Q2 are connected in a Darlington connection. output of the dc. amplifier is connected to the base of Q1. -62- The The input C. -; Flrik 0-----I N66. I N'vi l r I] _· F )I-SE Figure 5 -63- I t f; ' impedance seen at the base terminals is approximately hFE1 hFE2 R where hFEl is the d.c. beta of Q1 and hFE2 the d.c. beta of Q2. For the transistors used the input impedance is approximately one megohm which is sufficiently high to cause a negligible effect upon the d.c. amplifier gain. Transients caused by switching will cause an error in the average current being controlled by the d.c. amplifier, which senses the voltage across the 60 ohm resistor. delays discussed earlier. The transients are caused by the various For example, it can be seen that the current flowing through Q3 is delayed in time from the triggering pulse by the delays of Q7, Q5, and Q3 itself. and on respectively. The three transistors turn on, off, Clearly, the delays are due to the turn-on times (td + tr) of transistors Q7 and Q3 and to the turn-off time (t s + tf) of transistor Q5, While this sequence of events is occurring, the com- plementary sequence is occurring for transistors Q8 , Q6, and Q4. Three separate limiting cases can occur as shown in Figure 55. eel I / -7 U -r i~- t 7 Ii t H i~ 'if ' ......... *' ' '' - --..... iR - --·------ ·- kt ;I --- CAse d Coe Figure -- 2 Z 5.5 - . v ..- Cts .3 Z. ......... t l l The delays have been greatly exaggerated in respect to the switching frequency so that their effect can be more easily shown. Case 1 is the desired effect, Although the delays may occur in the transistors, the effect on the sampled waveform, which is the sum of the two emitter currents of Q3 and 4., is a constant if the rise time and fall times are equal and if they occur simultaneously (assuming the same type wave form for each). This case is unlikely. Case 2 in Figure 5-5 shows the effect of one transistor turning on before the other has turned off. This assumes that the response of the d.c. amplifier is too slow to sense the change. The illustration of the third case in Figure 55 if one transistor turns off before the other turns on. shows what occurs For this case, the amplifier can not respond since the loop is open for this brief period. For this circuit without the .47 microfarad capacitor across the 60 ohm resistor experimental results indicated that case 3 was the actual case. Using a Tektronix 545 oscilloscope to record the waveform across the 60 ohm resistor it was found that there was a negative pulse of slightly less than a micro-second duration. Since the pulse went completely six volts neg- ative, this showed that one transistor turned off completely before the other turned on. Two schemes were used to minimize the pulse, First the 'tspeed-upt capacitors of transistors Q5 and Q 6 were made adjustable so that the rise times of the transistors could be varied. This allowed better balancing of the delays to both transistor switches. The ranges of the capacitors were determined experimentally by observing the oscilloscope pattern. The second scheme used was correcting of a .47 microfarad capacitor across the 60 ohm resistor. The filtering action was sufficient to cause the pulse to be decreased to less than 100 millivolts. Since the frequency break-point of this filter is at about 5000 cps, the effect upon the d.c. amplifier performance is negligible. -65- Chapter VI Closed Loop Dynamic Performance of the Amplifiers 6,1 Evaluation of the Amplifiers The three amplifiers designed in this paper were tested in the complete closed loop. The tests included the effects of switching frequency and of load imbalances upon the drift stability of the loop. Figure 6.0 shows the complete test set-up for each amplifier. With this arrangement all the necessary information was obtained. PULSE GEN. I Figure 6.0 6.2 Performance of the FSP-2 Amplifier With the FSP-2 amplifier connected in the loop about 15 microamps of base current is drawn at each input. -66- The use of internal feedback in II For this the amplifier tends to increase the dynamic input impedance. amplifier the input impedance is greater than 10OK4 The output impedance of the amplifier is the parallel combination of the 51K output resistor and the output impedance of final stage transistor. The total impedance is in the order of 25K, which is sufficiently low so that the switch does not load the amplifier, The photographs in Figure 6.1 show the dynamic performance of the amplifier while switching 1600 times a second. Figure 6.1a is the out- put of the amplifier with the switch loads matched to give an offset of less than Because the amplifier is underdamped, ringing of the 5 volts. Figure 6b output occurs for every switching time. an approximate 25 shows the effect of volt mismatch of loading upon the amplifier output. The positive pulse occurring just before the drop in level is caused by both transistor switches being off simultaneously. the sensing resistor is shown in both Figures 6.c in fwitc.hina lvr ncav n not ortn be notied The voltage across The difference and 6.1d. on the Tektronix scone when the load is mismatched but the difference between levels is iOO microvolts as measured on the d.c. microvolt meter. error in the average current. This is equivalent to about a 1.6 microampere The negative pulse caused by both switch transistors being off simultaneously can be seen in Figure 61c. The last photograph, Figure 6.1d is an enlarged view of the transient. Random drift is a difficult parameter to define for a d.c. amplifier since it can consist of a constantly increasing error and also an error that oscillates at random frequencies, Figure 6.2 is a four hour section There is a consistent noise level of a drift-test on the FSP-2 amplifier. of about 10 microvolts. microvolts. There is also a peak to peak drift of about 40 The transients of sometimes 200 microvolts can be attributed chiefly to line surges and temperature control transients. There appears to be no constant drift over this short time interval and this section is taken from a 24 hour test in which every 4 hour section is essentially the sameO 6.3 Performance of the Chopper Amplifier As mentioned earlier, the input impedance of the chopper amplifier 50K with switch closed. The input current into the amplifier is 120 -67i O -c)0 0 oEle o0 O-t Cu N a) o f_ Id 0 0 oO 00 C N C) IC Figure 6.1 -68- . vt Figure 6.2 -69- microamperes when the transistor switches are closed or an average of Since the resistors used in the chopper are highly- 60 microamperes, stable components, the drift of input impedance should be small. The output impedance of the chopper is approximately 20K and is therefore small enough so that the switch does not appreciably load the amplifier. is a collection of Figure 63 amplifier. 63a. waveforms taken from the chopper The output voltage at the chopper output is hmrn in Figure The transients are caused by the current switch and on the scale of this photograph the chopper transients are not noticable. Figure 6.3b is the waveform across the sampling resistor with the loads matched. It is noticed that the frequency response is too low, as was mentioned earlier, by the long time constant (about 30 microseconds)- that is shown in Figure 6.3c. The effect of the lower gain is seen in the photograph of Figure 6.3d. The load had' been mismatched to 25 volts with a differential of 40 millivolts occurring between levels at the sensing resistor. This corresponds to an error of about 330 microamps in the controlled current. The noise pulses that appear at switching are caused by feedthrough of the triggering pulse from the pulse generator. A section of a twenty-four hour drift test is shown in Figure 6.4. There iskan obvious drift of about -100 microvolts per hour. It should be pointed out, however, that as the test progressed the drift reversed direction from time to time so that the drift was not constant over the entire 24 hours. volts ridingon 6.4 There is also a peak to peak noise of about 100 microtop of the drift. Performance of the Field-Effect Amplifier The field-effect amplifier has the advantage of having a very high input impedance, so there are no input stability problems with which to contend. Since the output stage of the amplifier is identical to that of the FSP-2 amplifier, the output impedance is also in the order of 25K. Figure 6,5 shows the waveforms at the amplifier output and across the sensing resistor. The photograph of Figure 65a is the output of 0m i 00 c.) - o 0cN CM O0o IC)0 1uo ro rd :> ,0 I iI I C) i o oCu n i I i 0 0 CJ . i I 0 0 co i i Figure 6.3 -71- o o O 0 +) O - C) Figure 6..4 -72- the amplifier for the loads matched to within 100 millivolts. graph of Figure 65b The photo- shows the same output when the loads are mismatched to 600 millivolts. There was no noticable effect upon the waveform of the sensing resistor which is shown in Figure 6.5c. The transient that occurs at switching is shown expanded in Figure 6.5d. As expected, the waveform indicates that the loop is under-damped. A four hour section of the drift test is shown in Figure 6.6. The transients occurring approximately every two minutes are caused by the turning on of the temperature controller. about 50 microvolts. The constant noise level is It is seen that the drift over four hours was in the order of 50 microvolts for this sample. As was the case for the other amplifiers, this drift would change direction from time to time. 6.5 Summary of Performance The table below summarizes the performance of the three amplifiers. FSP-2 Chopperd.c. Straight D.C. Amplifier 1 ___ _ _ __ __ Input Impedance Output Impedance Transient Response Freq, Response (closed loop) Short term drift ____ I _· _____ > lOOK I L I _ Underdamped ! J Overdamped I v/day I -73- _ o to 38 K. . 100 vhr __ __ ___ > 10 Meg. Meg, I o to 30 K.cV 5 _______ 50K or)l00 20K I 25K . Field-effect d.c. Amplifier Amplifier Amplifier I - - t 25K Underdamped O to 5 cps 12Av/hr . _ _ o 0 OH 0o o UN 3) 0 > a) 1-1 10 0C) 0 O Ln H *N . 0 a) O Cd Figur -74- m 6 .5 0cu) . . . I I il . P . . . .. ... i I' I 1 __I··__i__ 'r·.--· C-··----·: f''~-'2h·-; r i .i . j f I _ !. $,,, $,_I_.iV,,_r;, ... -- i j , , I .- , j , , : , ; j ,. "- ,, -· 1j.' iii: i' ;11 i ,! i. . ,· . - , -I --5 -- 1 r . ;! iVi I i iI I I , .. , i it I I . i 1 I; - .vq*·-- 1 7 ::t: L'i ·--51 f ·-- - . ! £ I !:!-l - > = - i~_~1 i P i : 1 :I I ; i 1 I- IlI . ,,_ II I' :. i!: , . I I,is Ii i i 1 ; . ! I ji -*·L i , i ; ii -- i . 1 i' i ]. I U~~~~~~~~~ - I :3 I-- ---.I-.----.-. ti·· ?BI' _,-- -· - -i ..._i ·- ; i ,e , cll ·· i ' i }''' f , 'II'Ij\ i, ·i S ' ", ! iii' - · - iiii 1 r ii I iI i: · i, ',i 1 - II,, ;; j j-: i ,L 1: i i e i ¢ jI --- ,-!...I---I i I ,.i'l * i I '''- I i , 'ii'' ''T-''I '' i. iI i i II;' _"- lii, i ;i i'i ,i,: i, Ii iit i i, I ''i ,: i.C,', .H.,_ ;i il . _i : II Zi I' ',ii i i~ I I i: _!~ ,i t 'i I'': . ' 4 i·j! i iii-: ii J I !! ':' , :|, i Z . jiiilliiil~i l i I l il I._ ! , 'i itiiII WI; 1 i i I i l_.; _: _ -1 i' 7 ,,11 l j 1I ; i w 1 !; iI : i , ! i 1 I I ! I 1 j L,j i Ii _C..T: J,! i iii :iij t j ! !'I ,I ' ;i jI , i - ''i-'~I, I I 1 L- .l . ~~~~~~~~I ,im : ii I ~ I l t ! ' ; . _.i , 1 i; i I IiZ ji i i 1!1 ~ iii,' ;.. ---··i-----· ---- . ='? , ! ' 7 ' i- -- 1771~1l~ ii I Ii I Ii -t 1 f ,i I !; I1 t i !I i ... , ··:7! .,.,, , m oz i ~II rrr ·e zl u I ' I II ' i i 1 1,1 Ii - ,; iii I l U_-U-C I_ i l i.i.; Figure 6.6 -75- Chapter VII Conclusions 7.1 Conclusions The objective of this paper was to investigate the most recent semiconductor devices on the market and evaluate their use in a low-drift direct-current amplifier. All three techniques investigated have met with some measure of success, The FSP-2 straight d.c. amplifier has presented the simplest answer to the problem. The design itself is not critical and components are limited to only those necessary to achieve acceptable performance. The two-in-one approach has shown that a 'straight' d.c. amplifier can be constructed with as low as 5 microvolts per °C temperature drift without any special temperature compensating circuits and without close tolerance selection of transistors. If transistors are to be selected for stability with temperature variations, it appears that a comparison of the base characteristics along with hFE matching might result in very good temperature stability of a differential amplifier. The field-effect transistor has also proven its feasability for d.c. amplifier design. The major source of difficulty is the temperature dependency of the transcenductance and the drain current. Although it was thought that matching of these parameters for transistors used in the first stage of a differential amplifier might improve the temperature coefficient of the amplifier, this was not found to be the answer. As pointed out previously, the mechanisms controlling the temperature dependency of the conductivity are complicated, so that the solution to this problem is not completely evident. It is expected that as the state of the art advances for the field-effect transistor, better temperature stability will be 'achieved. Nevertheless, the amplifier can be compensated for these temperature variations, and good performance can be the result. _76- It is also felt that the high input impedance of the field-effect transistor is an important factor, and for this reason the device is superior to a conventional transistor for many dc. amplifier applications. The chopper amplifier was the poorest of the three amplifiers but not because of the chopper transistors. It was found that the two-in-one approach works very well for minimization of offset errors. Because of its complexity it is believed that the chopper approach is reasonable only when size is not a problem, -77- Appendix A A.1 Analysis of a Single-Stage D.C. Amplifier Figure A.1 is a schematic representation of a single-stage amplifier along with its associated signal flow graph. NleE :E. \I' Vir Ve m Figure k.1 If YEE is considered an independent source, the output is FE FERL Vo VCC - S 1 (1 + IBO RS Rin + in VE + 1 +-R Is (1 + h )[-ICBORL](A.1) Considering VBE to be a dependent variable adds another loop in the flow graph as shown by the dotted branch RE. With this addition the third term on the right side of equation (A.1) vanishes and the determinent of the network changes, so that · ~~~ Re · _ e a = +RS ~ + -78- ~ ,· RBE ~ X J+ S k ' J A.2 Analysis of a Differential DC. Amplifier Figure A.2 is the schematic representation of a differential D.C. amplifier along with its associated signal flow graph. The effects of Ico have been neglected, as has the output impedance of the transistors. If VBE is considered to be independent, solution of the flow graph for V 3 results in the following equation. Vo N - Rele., V -RL) R si l3 I c VcC - C er I 1 1ZSL - - R 2/kjs Z Figure A.2 -79- Lz hFEJL (v1 - V 1 ) v3 vcc- R A hEl + (1 + [ 2 hE2 ) + +C A . 2 )] (v 2 - VE2) (A, 3) where A~-" 1 +RC + [l+ e - +( ++ 1 1 2 ) % ~slR e2 R l.2 ( If hEl, + hFEl)( + hF.2 ) RC>> R ,' RC>> R 2 Vz VCEc2 (A.4) then equation (A-3) can be reduced to + (V2 - V VBE - BE2) vhF RS2+ F2 R31 + hF1 h 2 Re e 2 ) ( In a similar matter the expression for V 4 can be derived, so that VV-V -4 hE1 V 3 h.--- 2 (1 +L2 )(v2 --v + ' El RS2 ¥2 l $ hE1h 2 V2) (Rel If the transistors are perfectly matched and if RL1 Rel Re2 m Re, then _ + Re2 RL2 RL, ..(A.6) -[ 1 S 2 = PRS (V2 _ - V1)(A7) _ If VEE is considered to be a dependent variable, then the two additional loops of the flow-graph in Figure A,2 are added. be found that 1+S where E2E +e ,hE R '(v - V ) where RM1 - -M2 * - - -80- If this is done it can (A.8) Appendix B B.1 Analysis of a Single-Stage F.E. Amplifier Figure B.1 is a schematic representation of a single-stage fieldeffect amplifier and its associated small-signal equivalent circuit. The flow-graph for this circuit is shown in Figure B,2. In order to simplify the analysis the impedance from source to drain has been neglected along with the input and output capacitances. graph R 1 = In the flow + Ri I. IMcc RL 'RS 4 TO Ie Figure B.1 Vf Vo Figure B.2 -81- Solution of the flow-graph for the output voltage leads to g o R Vo = R R R L (1 + e) + e R 1 ( A o% o 1 V I(B.1) . in where A.=1 + e(1R+ gm R) 1 + L + Re R o +R L ( 1 + 2g Ri) R.R R R o (B.2) I i If both R i and Ro are large compared to all other resistors in the circuit, then equation (B.1) reduces to V B.2 -g m (B.3) Analysis of a Differential F.E. Amplifier The equivalent circuit of the field-effect transistor shown in Figure B.3 neglects all impedances of the transistor since these are all large compared to the circuit impedances. in Figure Bo4. Solving for V 3 , it is found that A \ v, The signal flow gtaph is \3 V4 Re?, C Figure B. 3 -82- shown V = [ 1 m.l1 - + Re2)] g A 3where m2 RL RC V2 + gml (Bo4) where + A = 1 + gm-1(Rel + RC) gn2 (Re2 + RC) gm2 r Re2 + 2gm + gml gm2 Rel Re (B.5) Similarly, V4 can be solved for so that the differential - V2 - ( gm2 RL2 V2 - gml RL V1 + gm gm2 R o =3 output voltage is V1) 4 gi -Rel) V2 gm2 FRI2 (c (Rc + Re 2 ) V1] (B.6) If the circuit is balanced so that RL1 = RL2 = R,, Rel = Re2 = Re then R + 2)+g g2 ( +Re) 1+(R e+R)(gmg C + R)(V RL (gm2 V2 - GM1 Vl) + gm gm2 RL Also, if gml = gm is gm2 2 V) (B.7) ubstituted into equation (B.7), then it can be factored so that + Re)] 1 L[ +gm - = RL[ + Re)] (v 1 - V2 ) V - (1+ gmRe)[l + g(2R (B.8) which is simply - V 1 +gm me (V 1 (B.9) - v2 ) I .'" .o -r -t----- *1~~~~~~~ US. 574 ' iI -- i RC 9^- ge 51 - V4 2.-O Figurd B.4 -83- L, QLZ o \t 3 Appendix C C.1 Important Characteristics of Fairchild FSP-1 Matched Transistors 300 Maximum offset voltage 100 V at IB1 and 2 .6 m a at VEB 1 Typical emitter to base cutoff current Typical collector to base cutoff current 0.6 Collector to emitter voltage 20V C.2 IC = 0. or 2 = 5V = IE=O. 25V IB - 0. at ICE 1 and 2 = l.Oma VCE = 5V. Important Characteristics of Fairchild FSP-2 Matched Transistors Minimum D.C. current gain 30 at IC = 1 m.a. VCE Typical collector cutoff current 0.8 m a at VCB = 25V at IC Maximum base voltage differential 30 my 10V. IE = 0. 1 m.a. VCE = 5Vo D.C. beta ratio between 0.9 and 1.1 at IC = 1 m.a. C.3 O. El and 2 m a at VCBl or 2 ICE1 or 2 = 1 ma D.C. Beta ratio between 0.9 and 1.1 a - VCE - lOV. Important Characteristics of Crystalonics C 610 Field-Effect Transistors Maximum pinch-off voltage Transconductance 20 volts. between 100 and 400 micromhos at drain voltage of of 24 volts. Maximum saturated drain current Maximum gate current 1 m.a. at drain voltage of 24 volts. 0.1 microamps at gate to source voltage of -40 volts. Bibliography 1. Conwell, Esther Mo, "Properties of Silicon and Germanium" Proceedings of the I.RoE., 1952 Vol. 40 page 1333. 2. Dacey, G. and Ross, I.M., "tUnipolar Field-Effect Transistors", Proceedings of the I.R.E., 1953 Vol. 41 page 970. 3. Gunion, A.R., A Transistorized Operational Amplifier for Time- Shared Analog Computer, Master's Thesis, MIT Course V 1960. 4. Mason, S. and Zimmerman, H., Electronic Circuits, Signals, and Systems, John Wiley and Sons, N.Y. 1960. 5. Millman, S. and Taub, H., Pulse and Digital Circuits, McGrawHill Book Co., N.Y. 1956. 6. Shea, R.F., Transistor Circuit Engineering, John Wiley and Sons, N.Yo 1957 7. Shive, J.N., The Properties, Physics and Design of Semiconductor Devices, Do Van Nostrand Co., Inc., Princeton, NoJ. 1959. 8. Texas Instrument Application Notes, Transistors as Switches, October 1959. -85-