Currents... A A ' c. , *,... Fish Habitat Relationships Technical Bulletin April 1995 Number 18 ., ,-,*'- . , ... >. -. :., ,.,, I 3F -..,:?. +r Resident Trout and Movement: Consequences of a New Paradigm Michael K. Young Rocky Mounluin Forest and Range Experiment Station 222 S. 22nd Street, Larnmie. Wyoming 82070 Abstract Trout living in streams have been tholight to move very llttle thr.oughout their entire lives. Recent research has demonstrated that adrill browr~trout, Colorado River ctitti~roattr0~11,brook trout, and rainbow r m t wcx-c far more mobile than previously bclicvcd. The rrlobility of trout h;u probably affected esli~natesof flsh abundance, pcrreptions of habitat quality, and the delineation of populations, and co~rldnullify the desired outcome of reslricrive angling regulations. Also, by fragrncr~tfng streams wc may be reducitig the probability of pcrslstence of native trout poptilatlons by restricting moverrrent ; ~ n dthus rcstrlcting population size. USDA Forest Scrvicc Restricted Movement: The Prevailing Paradigm Unlike their anadromous relatives, streal-n-rcsldent trout are often considered to he rslativcly irnrnobile. For cxarnple, Northcote (1992) stated that the "home ranges for [such] yearling arid older. salrnonids are ... usually a few tens or I-r~ctcrs." The notion of restricted movement of stream-dwellina trout has persisted for over 50 ycars (Hoover and Johnson 1937; Gerking 1959), and has been applied to trout species as tlifti-:r-cntas cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki) (Miller 1'357; Heggenes et al. 1991) and brown Irout (Salrno trutta) (Stefanich 1952; Bachman 1 984). Forest Service Fish Habitat Relationships Program Leaders or Representatives FHR Currents Purpose The USDA Forest Service Fish Habitat Relationships Program was established to further the development of fisheries technology and transfer this technology to fleld biologists. With ever increasing demands for natural resources, protection and management of aquatic communities requires biologisb to be knowledgable of current research findings and state-ofthe-art techniques. The purpose of FHR Cumnts is to provide a vehicle to quickly disseminate information important to fieldlevel biologists in the USDA Forest Service. National FHR Program Region 8 Jeffrey L. Kerstmer Washin ton Offlcr Plrh 61 k'lldllfe Department Utah Slate Universily Logan, UT 84322-5210 Clndy A. Wllllams, Southern Kegion Wildlilk, Fish Rr Bo~anyStall' 1720 Peachtree Rti. N.W. Atlanta. GA 30367 Region 9 Rcgion 7 Kathy Moynan, Northern Rcgion (Anadromous Flsh Pmgram) Nez Perce Nat~onalForcst Routc 2, Box 475 Gran~evllle.ID 83530 B r i m Sanborn, Northern Region (Kesldenl Fish Program) Dccr-lodjit! National Forest Federal k u l l d h Box 400 Butte, MT 597& Region 2 R. Nick Schmal, Rocky Mountain Rcgion Wildlife. Flsh & Botanv Staff IJniv. of W orning, c o i e g e of Agriculture PO. Box 3&4 Laramie. WY 82071-3354 Bnh H o l l l n p w n r t h , Northcast Rcglon IJSDA Forest Scrvlcc 310 W. Wlsconsln Ave. Mllwaukee. WI 53203 Region 10 Ron Dunlnp, Alaska R c ~ i o n Wildlife, Fish Rr Botany StaK Fcticral Officr B u j l d i n ~ Box . 21628 Juneau, AK 99802- 1628 Intermountain/Nor them Region Kerry Overton. Fish Rrscarch Work Unit Intcrmo~tntalnRrwarch Statlon 316 E. Myrtle St. Boise, ID 83702 Associates Submissions: If you wish to submit a paper for publication in FHR Currents. please contact the following people for information and guidelines: Jerry Bobe Karen Kenfield Txhnical dltors (707) 441-3669 B Six Rivers National Forest Fisheries Department 1330 Bayshore Way Eureka, CA 95501 Region 3 Glcntn Chcn Bryce Rickel, Southwest Region Wlldlifc, Fish & Botany Staff Federal R u l l d l n ~ 51 7 Gold Avel. S.W. Albuquerque, NM 87102 Fishcrlcs Blnlogist/Mnn~toriwSpecialist. USDA Forest Scrvlcc Fish Xr Wildllfe Deparlmenl Utah State UniversiLy Logan, UT 81322-5210 Region 4 Frcd Mangum Aquatic Ecosystem Ar~alysisLab 105 Pagc School Rrigharn Ynurig U ~ i i v r r s ~ t y Pmvo. U T 84602 Seona L. Brown, Intermountain R e g ~ o n Wildllfe, Flsh & Botany Staff 3 2 1 25th St. Ogden, U'S 84401 Region 5 Jerry Buberg, Pacific Suuthwest Kegion (Anadromous Flch Prograin) S L Kivers ~ Na~ioiialForest 1330 Bayshorc Way Art work by: Jerry Boberg, Six Rivers National Furcst Ken Roby Hyrlmlo~lst.USDA Fnrwt Scrvicc k'aciflc Soulhwest Experinien~Slauon PO. Box 245 Rcr~kclry,CA 94701-0245 Eurcka, CA 9.5501 JrtTrry Kririer, Pacifk Southwesl Region (Kesldent Plsh P r n ~ r a t n ) Lake 'lahoe Hasln Managcmcnt Unlt 870 Emerald Bay Kd.. Sulle 1 South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150 Region 6 Deborah Konnoff, Padflc Northwcst Rcgion Wildlife, Fish Pr Botan StaK 1133 SW. 1st Aw., PO. %ox 3623 Portland. OR 97208 Larry Schmidt St~wm Systcrns Technology Ccntcr USDA Forcst Scrvlcc Rock Mountain Exprrirl~entS~atiorl 240 Prospect Furl Collins, C O 80526-2098 3; Mark Vinson drologist/Mo~~itorirlSpeclalist, U ~ D Borcaa I u l Land f i a r ~ a ~ e r n e ~ i t Flsh KL Wlldllfr Departrncnt IJtah Statc IJn~vcrsity, Logan, U'T 84322-5210 H FHR Currents Unfortunately, the methods used In movement studies favor relocating immobile fish (Gowan et al., in press). The procedure for most studies was to mark fish in relatively short reaches of strcarns, return to these same reaches wceks to a year later to resample them, thcn discuss only the recapture of marked fish. Usually few if any areas outside the selected reaches were sampled. Because most marked fish that were recaptured carnc from the reaches where they were originally marked, the authors considered this evidence for a lack of movement. But they typically railed to address the fate of the 15 to 90% of marked fish that were nevcr recaptured, or attributed their absence to mortality or lost marks. Studies employing other techniques, such as direct observation, werc handicapped because fish were not followed during all seasons or at night (e+, Bachrnan 1984). Until the last fivc years, potentlal movement had beer) inadequately evaluated. - - -r New Views of Movement Recent research in the Midwest and the Rocky Mountains has disputed the paradigm or irnmc>hility of stream-dwelling trout. Clapp et al. (1990) and Meyers et al. (1992) used radiotelemetry to rnnnltor the positions of large brown trout in Michigan and Wisconsin, and observed seasonal movements or over 30 km. Similarly, Young (in press) implanted transmitters in over 50 adult brown trout in tributaries of the North Platte h e r in Wyoming. I observed fish moving as far as 96 km and hypo(.hesized that fish began spawning migrations from the river to the tributaries in late July, wintered in the tributaries (often in deep pools), and returned to the river during spring high flows (Figure 1). Young (in review) used the same technique to monitor much smaller Colorado River cutthroat trout (0.c. pleuliticus) and sprlng-sumnicr r r ~ u v c r r ~ e rinrn ~ t \ rivrr + .;~~rnm~r,-fall m o v e m c n ~ sInlu rribulnrlcs ........ Figure 1. Brown trout movcrncnts in the North Platte River drainage. The dotted line represents hypothesized summer-fall movcrnents into the tributaries, and thc dashed line represents hypothesizcd spring-summer moverncnts into the river. Small letters rcprcsent observed movements of three brown trout: fish "a" movcd 23 krn, fish "b" moved 66 km, and fish "c" moved 96 krn. Page 7 J FHR Currents detected movements averaging over 300 rn (and up to 2.4 km) in mid-summer. Twenty-four-hour observations of both species revealed nurnerous movements of over 100 m and tip to 1.1 km (Young, unpublished data). Using twcl-way lish traps to monitor movement, Riley et al. (1992) observed extensive, continuous movements of brook trout (Salvellnus fontinalis) in mid to late summer in small Colorado strearns. Investigations of these species, as well as rainhow trout (0. mykiss) in Idaho (Middle Fork Salmon River, Bjornn and Mallet 1964; Silver Creek, Young, unpublished data), continue to dcrnnnstratc that movement is far more commonplace among adult trout than previously believed. Consequences of Movement Many aspects of resident trout biology implicitly rest on the assumption of immobility. If this assumption is invalid, it challenges several teneLs of current trout management and research. Special regulations.-Restrictive regulations are usually d e s i ~ n c dto rcduce harvest of some or all of a trout population. These regulations presume that the protcctcd groups will remain within designated stream reaches. But this presunlption Is not always correct; Clapp et al. (1990) noted that some large brown trout, originally tagged in a nokill scctlon of the South Branch of thc Au Sable River, spent most of their time in a standarclregulation reach. In Wyoming, a slot limit has protected 254-406 rnrn trout i r ~the North Platte Rwer since 1982 (Mike Snigg. Wyoming Game and Fish Department, personal comrnunicatinn) , and t.his may have led to irw-eases in the abundance of spawning adults in the tributaries during the spawning run. The trlbutaric:~,however, are under standard regulations, and fluvial fish are unprotc:ctcd once t h y cntcr the Iributarles (often as early as July). If anglers harvest thcsc large: fish in the tributaries (arid anecdotal evidence suggests that they do), future gains to the owrall populatjon may be limited. Page 2 Up- and downstream effects.-Another belief is the overriding importance or local habitat on fish populations. For example, structural rehabilitation has been thought to increase the abundance of trout in a treated reach by incrcaslng survival, but this assumption has never been verified. In contrast, Riley and Fausch (in press) attributed the increased abundance of trout In structurally enhanced reaches of six Colorado strearns to greater retention of mobile fish arriving from outside the treated reaches. This irnplies that the absence of a critical habitat outside an "enhanced" reach rnay be responsible for suboptimal trout densities within the reach. Consider that suitable edge habitat for fry of Colorado River cutthroat trout was usually unoccupied unless spawning habitat was nearby (Bozek 1990). The possibility of fish movement is frequently ignored when building in-stream structures not , intended to enhance trout populations ( e . ~ .water diversions or dams). One consequence is that fish may be blocked from seasonally critical habitats up- or downstream (eng.,spawning or overwintering sites). Alternatively, such barriers may cause the extinction of mobile life history forms, and if these forms are genetically distinct, thelr genetic contribution to the population will be lost. A gcnetic contribution to mobility Is plausible but speculative (Jonsson 1985; Northcote 1992). Regardless, these structures fragment populations that then run a greater risk of extinction without the opportunity for natural recolonizalion. Up- and downstream effects are not limited to physical disruptions. The stocking of non-native trout has led to the eventual loss of many indigenous trout populations, except where barriers prevented nligratlon of the invading species (see Young 1995). For example, a single stocking of brook trout in a headwater lake apparently led lo their eventual replacement of Colorado River cutthroat trout in most of the Battle Creek, Wyoming watcrshcd, except whwc a pollutcd strcarri prevented their invasion into t~npollutedtribt~tarir:s (Eiscrmarl 1958). Iroriic:ally, the relalivcly rapid spread of introclucecl populations was apparcr~tlydisrt:prdcd as cvidcnce that trout wcrc mobile. FHR Currents Sampling fish abundance and population charactcristlcs.-Most estimates of fish abundance in streams are derived from one or. a few short. reachcs of a stream, typically only once cacti year (or less often). Movement of fish through these reaches would render counts suspect, in part by violating an assumption of mark-recaplurc cstirnat.c:s. Decker and Ernian (1992), after rr:peatedly electrofishing adjoining reaches uf one stream throughout a summer, noted that the abuntlance of several trout species varied asynchronously. They attributed this variability to species-specific movements, and questioned the value of one-time sampling for estimating fish abundance. Over 50 years earlier, Shetter and Hazzard (1 938) similarly concluded that "populations of slrearn fish are relatively unstable in specific a n a s of a strearn durlng the summer months, and ... calculations of stream populations from counts made on one or two short sections of stream at only one period of the year are riot reliable." Long-term modelling of population fluctuations (Platts and Nelson 1988) or community composition (Ross et al. 1985) are especially sensitive to annual or specics-speclfic variation in mobility. Even one-time basin-wide inventories cannot account for trout rnobility. Herger et al. (in review) perlorrued two basinwide surveys one month apart on each of two streams, and noted that the redjstribution o l Colorado River cutthroat trout led to different estimates of habitat-specific dcmsities and overall trout abundance within each stream. This unrclhbility can extend to other killds of sampling. For example, meristic and tnorphornclric analyses were used to determine the gcmetic purity of Colorado River cutthroat trout from two trlbutaries and the mairistcrn of the North Fork Little Snake River in southern Wyoming (Binns 1977). Ttie analyses indicated that fish in the rnainstem were genetically purc:, fish from Harrison Creek werc obviously contaminated by hybridization, and fish from Greer~Timber Creek were assutnecl to be intermediate. However, in rrlnvcrnent studies conducted In 1992 (Young, in review), a single radio-tagged adult occupied all three locations within 23 days. Mnreovcr, nearly all the fish origjxially captured in 14arrison Creek and Green Timber Creek eventually riiigratecl to the North Fork Little Snake River and could have been thought to represent the putatively isolated populations in any of the three streams. Because of the potential seasonal and annual variability in populat.iori cornposition, we should consider the consequences of one-lime sampling for describing population genetic structure (Fausch and Young, in press). Habitat modelling.-Modelling may also be confounded by trout movement. Many habitatbased models, constructed from physical or biological data often collected at a singlc point in time, attcrnpt to predict the abundance or biomass of salmonids (see Fausch et al. 1988 for examples). The inability to incorporat.c! temporal variation in stream characteristics has been recognized as a shortcoming of such models i.e.. habitat characteristics change seasonally without apparent concurrent changes in fish abundance (Ccmdcr and Annear 1987). Yet rarely consicicrcd is the potential temporal variation in fish abundance produced by mobility, which could add st~bstantiallyto the unexplained variation in such models. Additionally, that species ( e , ~ .brown , trout) may riot be in feeding positions when sarr~plcdby electrofishirq (Young, personal observation) may further degrade the performance 01thesc: models. Arbitrary definition of populations.-Perhaps because or a perceived lack o f mobility in fishes, biologists often attempt to geographically, but n o t biologically, define populations. That is, we often designatc the trout in a srnall strearn as a singlc population (in a sense, isolated by irrirnobility). Yet rarcly is this designation merited, becauso trout may imrnigratc to the small slreani (to reproduce, feed, or escape floods) or emigrate frorn it (to overwinter or escape desiccation), That far. the rangc of a single population may Incl~~dc: more waters than the "type loc:ationUis consister-it with thc crnerging conccpt of rnetapopul;ltic-)~~s. Metapopulatioris consist o l a cullcction of silt)populations that are linked by immigration a r d e r n i p t i o n (Hanski and Gilpin 1991). Thc inciividual suhpopulations may thrivt!, suffer losses of gericlic variation, or go extinct, but individuals from other sukpopulations wit.kiin the Page 3 FHR Currents metapopulation can contribute to the growing subpopulations, restore genetic variation to small subpopulations, or found new s~~bpopulations after extinction. To persist, metapopulations must consist of periodically mobile individuals in habitats without contjnuous barrjers to movement (Gilpin 1987). Whether metapopulatior~theory explains trout population structure remains to be investigated, but it seems likely that most populations of salrrionitls have been founded by mobile individuals from large populations (cf. Milner and Bailey 1989). Conclusions A new paradigm for stream-dwelling trout. considers (but does not mandate) mobility as one of the possible responses to food, growth, cornpctition, predation, environmental disturbance, and daily and seasonal cycles. Movement may be minimal under somc circumstances e.g.,abundant macrolnvertebrates, complex habitats, and environmental stability (cf. Bachman 1984). But because most streams are spatially and temporally heterogeneous, trout may elect to rnove frequer~tly and extensively. The challenge for managers and rescar.chcrs is to recognize when and where movement will be advantageous or necessary for maintaining wild trout populations. Literature Cited Bachrnan. R.A. 1984. Foraging behavior of frcc-rar~girigwild and halchery brown lrout In a slrearn. rl'ransactlons of the Amcr~canFlshcrics Socicty 11 3: 1-32. Elms. N.A. 1977. Present status of Indigenous populations of cr~tthrnatt r o ~ ~Safrno t. clnrkl, in sotlthwcst W y o r r ~ i r ~ ~ . Wyoming Garr~carid Fish Department, Cheyen~ie,pisherles 'I'cchnlcal Rrlllctin 2. Bjormn. T.C., and J. Mallet. 1964. Movements olpla~itedand wild lroul in an Idaho rlver syslem. Transactlons of thc Ari~cl-icariFisheries Society 93: 70-76. Bozck, M.A. 1990. Generality of habital models for Colorado Klver culthroat trout fry and the Influence of adults on habitat choiw arid behavior. Doctoral dissertaliur~,'IJn~versi~y of Wyoming, Laramle. Page 4 Clapp, D.F., R.D. Clark, Jr., and J.S. Diana. 1990. Range, activity, and habitat of large he-ranging brown trout in a Michigan stream. l'ransactlons of the American Fisheries Socicty 119:1022-1034. Condcr. A.L.. and T.C. Anncar. 1987. Test ofweighted usable area estimates derived h n a PHABSIM model Tor instream flow str~dlcson trout streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 7:339-350. Decker. C.M.. and D.C. Erman. 1992. Short-term seasonal rhdi1f.y~ - in composition and abundance of flsh In S a-~ e h e n Creek. Callfornia. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 121:297-306. Eiscrman, F. 1958. A fisheries survey of the Little Snake River drainage. Wyomlng Game and Flsh Commlsslon, Cheyenne. Flshcrles Technical Rcport 6. Fausch, K.D., C.L. Hawkes, and M.G. Parsons. 1988. Models that predict standing crop of stream fish rrom habitat variables: 1950-85. USDA Forest Servke, P a c l k Northwest Rcscarch Station, Portland, Oregon. General Technical Rcport PNW-CTR-213. Fausch, K.D., and M.K. Young. In press. move men^ or resldenl stream flshcs and managing ESU'S: a carltinnary tale. In Proceedings of the confcrcncc on cvolutiori arid thc! aqrlatir ecosyslem: deflnlng unlqr~eunits in population conscrvatlon. Arlicricar~Fisheries Society, Belhesda, Maryland. Ccrking, S.D. 1959. Thc restricted movement of flsh populatlons. Blologlcal Rcvlew 34:221-242. Gllpln. M.E. 1987. Spatlal stnlctrlrc and p o p ~ ~ l a t l ovulncrn ability. Pages 1 2 5 1 4 0 In M.E. Soule', editor. Viable populations for ronservallon. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Guwari, C . , M.K. Young, K.13. Pausch, and S.C. Kiley. In press. Thc rcstrictcd movcmcnt of strcarn-~.csidcntsalrnonids: a pa~wllgmlost? Canadiari Journal of Fisheries arid Aquatic Sciences. IIanski, I., and M.Gilpin. 1991. Metapopulat~ondynamlcs: brlef hlstnry a n d conceptual domain. Biological Jourml of the Lir~rieanSociety 42:3-16. H c ~ ~ c n cJ.. s ,T.C. Nor~hcotc,and A. Pctcr. 1991. Spatial stability of cutthroat rruut ( O n c o r f ~ y ~ ~ cclarki) t ~ u s in a small. coastal strcarii. Car~adianJournal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sdences 48:757-762. I Ierger, L.G.. W.A. Hubert, and M.K. Young. In rcvlew. Evaluation uP a basin-wide invenlory of culthroat trout habltat In small tnotmtaln strcarns. Nnrth Amcricarr J o ~ ~ r n a l o l Fisheries Managemenl. Hoover,, E.E., and M.S. Johnson. 1937. Migralion and depletion 01slocked brook trout. Transactlons of the FHR Currents Arncrlcan Flsherles Society 67:224.227 Jonsso~i,B. 1985. Llre hislory pattclrns of freshwaler redden1 and sea-run mlgranl brown tsot~tIn Norway. Transaclioris of Lhe Americari Fisheries Socle~y114:82-194. Meyers, L.S., T.F. Thucmler, and G.W. Ko~mcly.1992. Seasonal movemenls ol-brown trout In norlheast Wiscurisi~~. North Amcrican J o ~ ~ r nor a l Fisheries Management 12:43344 1. Mlller, R.B. 1957. Permanence and size or h u ~ n tc!rritory r in stream-dwelling culthroat trout. Jot~rnnIof the Flsherles Research Board o l Cariada 14:687-691. Milner, A.M., a ~ i dR.G. Bailey. 1989. Salrnonid colonl7atlon of ncw streams in Glacicr Bay National Park. Alaska. Aquaculture and Fisheries Mana~crncnt20: 179-192. Norlhcote, T.G. 1992. M l p t l o n a r ~ drcsidcnry In strcatn sal~iio~iids: some ecolo~lcalconsitlcrations and evoluHunary conscqtmnces. Nordic Journal of Freshwa~erResources 67:517. Plalls, W.S., and R.L. Nelson. 1988. Fluctuations In tlmul populations and h e i r implications for land-use evalualions. Norlh American Jot~tnalor Fisheries Mariagrrnrnt R:333-345. t Riley, S.C.. and K.D. Fausch. Iri prrss. T r o l ~ population response to habitat crihancemen1 In six nor-rhcrn Colorado strcams. Canadlari Journal of Flsherles and Aquatic. Scicnrrs. Riley, S.C., K.D. Fausch, and C. Cowan. 1992. Movernen~ol brook trout (Salvelir~usfontir~allr)I n Four small subalpirie slrea~nsin ~iorthcrnColorado. l h l u g y of Frcshwatcr Fish 1:112-122. Ross, S.T.. W.J. Matthews, and A.A. Ecticllc. 1985. Perslstence or stream nsh assemblages: efrecls or erivirorirricrital changc. Alncrlcan Naluralis~126:24-40. Shetter, D.S., and A.S. H a n a r d . 1938. Sprcies composltlon by age groups and stabllily o l Ilsh populations In secllons or three Michlgan (rout strea~nsd ~ ~ r l nhe g summer of 1937. Trarisactions of thc American Fistierics Society 6R:281-302. Stcfanich. F.A. 1952. 'l'he population and mowmen1 or nsh in Prickly Pear Creek, Montana. Transactions ul thn American Fishcrles Soclety 81:260-274. You~ig.M.K.. tcchnlcal edltur. 1995. Conscrvatlon assessmen1 for Inland cutthroat trout. USDA F o r e s ~Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and RanRe Bxperirncnt Statlon. Port Collins, Colorado. General Technical Report RM-Grl'K-256. Younp,. M.K. In press. Browri trout rnohlllty In sou~h-central Wyoming streams. Canacllan Journal of Zoology. Young, M.K. 111scvicw. Tclcmet~y-determir~rd niovcrnrnt and habitat use of Colorado Kivcr cutthroat trout (Oncork~yr~cttus plrurltlcc~s).Canadlan Journal of Fishrr.ics and Aquatic Sciences. Page 5 T h e Urllled Slalas L)aparlmer~lurA~r1cultu1-r (USIIA) I:nrrsr Servlcr Ir n d l v r w n~.gnnizntInncommltrrd to rqunl nppnrrlrnlty In emplnytr~rr~r orIrl p r n p m dcllvrry USIIA prnlilhlrq dlccrlmil~atinnIun thc Iuasiu of lace, culcrl, r ~ a l l u r ~urlll ~ l r l sax, , r e l l + m , age, ~ l l u l ~ l l l rpoll~lcul y, aflllla~lur~ ar~cl falnlllal stnrus. Pe~surlvl ~ e l l e v l hr ~e ~y have bacn dlscrlrnlnnrrrl ngnlnrr rlinuld cnnrnr t the Sccrrrnry, IJ.5. Dcpnrtmrnr of Agrlr~rlrul-c,Wnshlngron. L)C 20250. ur call (202) 720-7327 (volcr) or (202) 7211.1 127 (TDD) T o lilv a cornplnlrlr, w r l ~ [he e S ~ c r e ~ a nrAgrlnlIrurr. ry U.S. 1)rpnrtmrnr nf Agrirult~tir.Wnqhlngron. D.C. 20250, nr roll (202) 720-7327 (vadrtv) nr (203) 720-1 127 ('ITID). USDA 1s M I H ~ L HI ~ ~I I ~ ~ U ~ Iu ~p I p~ oI ~I L~ u rniplnyrr. n~~y nnd cnnvrnlencroftherondcr. Such Ilse dorsnot ronstllclte on offlclnl Tho 1158 of trade. f l m orcorporatiort n . m m lrr rhlr p ~ ~ l ~ l l r a f I\l olor r l fhvloli)rrrlr~llon or- nny prodlrct or, service to rl~eexcl~rsior~ of others that may be strltoblr. rndorsrrr~rrltor appr-ovsl Iry rtw 11 S. Drpnrmrnl o[Agrlc~tlt~we