CENTENNIAL HONORS COLLEGE Western Illinois University Undergraduate Research Day 2015 Poster Presentation Smoke and Tobacco Free College Campus Amanda O’Connor, Monica Morton, and Eshe Mance-Porter Faculty Mentor: Cathy McMillan Exercise Science Purpose – The purpose of the Smoke Free Campus study, is to gather information about the smoking “hot spots” currently on campus, in order to help identify what areas of campus will be more difficult to enforce next year as Western Illinois University moves to a smoke free campus. Background Governor Pat Quinn signed legislation of the Smoke Free Illinois Act to prohibit smoking on the campuses of all state-supported colleges and universities. The smoking ban takes effect July 1, 2015 and applies to both indoor and outdoor spaces on campuses. Since, Western Illinois University is a state- supported university, this legislation requires that as of July 1, 2015 Western Illinois University will become a smoke free campus. In terms of a smoke free campus, “ “ smoke” or “smoking” means the carrying, smoking, burning, inhaling, or exhaling of any kind of lighted pipe, cigar, cigarette, hookah, weed, herbs, or other lighted smoking equipment. It also includes products containing or delivering nicotine intended or expected for human consumption, or any part of such product, that is not a tobacco product.” In order to educate students and faculty members at Western Illinois University, this legislation requires that “each state-supported institution of higher education shall create and post on its Internet Website a smoke- free campus map indicating the locations where smoking is prohibited under this Act.” In order to enforce this new policy, the legislation states “on or before December 31, 2014, each state- supported institution of higher education shall establish a community task force or the purpose of coordinating with community and campus leaders for the implementation of this Act.” The act does not specify direct disciplinary actions for those that continue to smoke on Western Illinois University newly smoke- free campus. It is up to the University’s judicial body to decide on a specified fine or disciplinary action. As part of a notice to students, faculty members, and the public, of Western Illinois University “No Smoking” signs may be clearly and conspicuously posted on each campus where smoking is prohibited by this Act. “This Act takes effect upon becoming a law.” According to the American Lung Association "Smoke free policies have been proven to result in lower smoking prevalence rates. Currently, there are 21 Illinois colleges and universities that have already implemented the smoke free campus policy and many more the will follow suit once the policy is in effect. As stated in the 2014 Surgeon General Report “cigarette smoking alone is responsible for more deaths than HIV/AIDS, alcohol, motor vehicle crashes, homicide, suicide, illegal drugs and fires combined”. The primary goal of this policy is to ensure the health and safety of all persons on a college campus. Long term it is the hope of the tobacco free college campus initiative to accelerate the elimination of tobacco use on college campuses everywhere. Procedures – During the first part of the Spring 15 semester, each student investigator completed the NIH training course. The following weeks students conducted background research. The investigators then submitted an IRB. The investigators received IRB approval. The investigators collected public observational data. Following data collection the investigators will analyze the data and prepare for the poster presentation. The investigators observed at University buildings. These buildings included; Brophy Hall, Waggoner Hall, Morgan Hall, Browne/Salle Halls, Sherman Hall, Stipes Hall, Memorial, Currens and the Union. The goal was to observe at least 300 students, staff, or faculty members using tobacco on campus. Each investigator was assigned to a specific building and observed individuals who are partaking in the use of tobacco products; including and not limited to cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and chewing tobacco. The researchers will use a data sheet to note observations. The categories on the data sheet will be as followed: Age, Gender, Location, Time, and Day. Results – This study is currently in data collection mode. The data will be analyzed and presented during Undergraduate Research Day at the poster presentation. Practical ApplicationHaving a smoke free campus at Western Illinois University will not only benefit the students and the faculty members at Western Illinois University, but the environment as well. Enforcing a smoke free campus will save money on maintenance of the campus. Today, it is hard to find a crack in the sidewalk on campus that isn’t filled with numerous cigarette butts. This will also allow for the campus grounds crew to divert their attention to other projects, since they won’t have to constantly be picking up cigarette butts. The Smoke Free Illinois Act also reduces the risk of fires on campus because it eliminates any cigarette butts being tossed into planting areas by careless individuals. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that college campuses have an accessible environment for everyone needing special accommodations. This also includes anyone who may have medical conditions such as asthma, where secondhand smoke could trigger an asthma attack. Lastly, the Act will benefit future Leatherneck’s for years to come. Second hand smoke “causes at least 65,000 death each year from heart disease, stroke, cancer, sudden infant death syndrome, low birth weight in infants, bronchitis, and pneumonia in children and adults.” With The Smoke Free Illinois Act in place students and faculty members of Western Illinois University will no longer have to breathe in other’s second hand smoke, reducing their risk of health effects, therefore eliminating the liability risk for the university.