\jAST. oFcf yivl AUG 16 1962 LIBRADRy9 ON PERTURBED BOUNDARY IAYER FLOWS by James Doyle McClure S.B., University of Washington, 1956 S.M., University of Washington, 1957 SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 1962 Signatur of Author Signature redacted partment of Aeronautics and Astronauties, June 1962 Certified by Signature redacted Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Signature redacted Chairman, DertmentaI Graduate Comttee ii ON PERTURBED BOUNDARY LAYER FLOWS by James Doyle McClure Submitted to the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics on May 11, 1962 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ABSTRACT The object of this investigation is to develop the concepts necessary for understanding the character of perturbed boundary layer flows. While the study is relevant to disturbances in the boundary layer adjoining a flat rigid wall, attention is imrkarily directed toward the role of the boundary layer in flows over perturbed The study ranges from the fundamental consurfaces. siderations regarding the qualitative and quantitative effects of the boundary layer to the explicit evaluation of these effects in problems of current interest. The theory for the laminar boundary layer with freestream Mach number ranging from O-e-2 is first considered. This part of the investigation is largely of an introductory The latter nature, although several new points are made. concern waves which travel with supersonic phase velocity relative to the free stream as well as the development and comparison of alternate analytical techniques associated with the "inviscid" solutions of the equations of motion. Some implications and limitations of the theory are disThe effects of the boundary layer are further cussed. illustrated by the examination of the stability of traveling wave disturbances in the fluid and an adjoining flexible Significant boundary layer effects are found to surface. derive from one of three more-or-less distinct causes: 1) the boundary layer thickness is comparable to the scale ABSTRACT, contId of the disturbance, 2) the disturbances are similar in nature to those arising in boundary layer instability and can cause "resonance" phenomena in the fluid, and 3) the disturbances exhibit "transonic" behavior. The investigations of the laminar flow are relevant to the studies of the perturbed turbulent boundary layer since the latter are based on an analogy with the laminar The analogy is established by ensemble average model. However, certain conjectures regarding the techniques. The associated nature of the mean flow are required. difficulties are largely removed by a detailed examination of the turbulent boundary layer over a rigid "wavy" wall and by correlation of the measured and predicted effects of the boundary layer on the surface pressure. These effects are found to be quite significant for certain geometries. The resulting clarification of the theory makes possible a fairly successful prediction of an observed "panel flutter" result under conditions for which an analysis based on the inviscid, irrotational fluid model is in serious error. Thesis Supervisor: Erik Mollo-Christensen Title: Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to express his gratitude to Professor Erik Mollo-Christensen for his encouragement, advice, and perhaps most of all for his broadening influence as a teacher; and to Professor Marten Landahl for his helpful criticism and advice on many aspects of this study. Appreciation is also expressed to Miss Theo Coughlin for her unstinting efforts in preparing the final manuscript and to the author's wife, Moyra, for the impossible task of translating the hand-written copy to draft form. The work was supported under the Air Force Office of Scientific Research Grant AF-AFOSR-62-187. If V TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter No. Page 1 Introduction 2 The Boundary Value Problem for Laminar Viscous Flow Over a Perturbed Surface 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 3 7 9 17 28 33 37 The Perturbed Surface with a Turbulent Boundary Layer 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 4 Nature of the Investigation Formulation of the Problem Asymptotic Solutions Boundary Conditions The Surface Pressure Discussion 1 Introduction Formulation of the Problem Relation to the Laminar Model Application of the Theory 48 50 63 69 The "Supersonic Wavy Wall Problem"' With a Turbulent Boundary Layer - An Experimental Investigation 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 5 75 80 84 88 Stability of Finite Chord Panels Exposed to Low Supersonic Flows with a Turbulent Boundary Layer 5-1 5-2 5-3 6 Nature of the Investigation Experimental Apparatus Experimental Procedure and Results Discussion and Conclusions Introduction Analysis Results Conclusion 92 99 106 ill WWT vi Page Appendix Stability of a Flexible Surface A Exposed to Potential and Laminar Vis cous Flows A-2 A-3 A-4 Introduction and Qualitative Results The Characteristic Equations and Techniques for Determining Eigenvalues Potential Flow over a Surface with Dissipation Laminar Viscous Flow Hydrodynamic and Aeroelastic Instability 117 126 134 - A-1 140 Figures 1 Predicted Effect of the Turbulent Boundary Layer on the Pressure Distribution over a Rigid "?Wavf' Wall 2 3 5 6 7 8 Mean Velocity Profiles for the Turbulent Boundary Layer Adjoining a Flat Rigid Wall Wavy Wall Model Mean Velocity Profiles for the "Unnerturbed" Turbulent Boundary Layer - M.= 1.405 "Average" Mean Velocity Profiles, over the Second Wave - M, = 1.405 Detailed Mach Number Profiles over the Second Wave Pressure Distributions over a TwoDimensional Wavy Wall - M = 1.405 Variation of Complex Pressure Amplitude with Reynolds Number and Surface Wave Amplitude M, = 1.405 9 10 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 Thickness Required to Prevent Instability of a Flat Simply Supported Panel - Theoretical and Experimental 156 The Single Degree-of-Freedom AnalysisEffects of the Approximation (5.4), Viscosity, and Structural Distipation157 U vii Page Figures 11 12 Stability Boundaries 158 cPrzY The Aeroelastic Mode-shape, = .0785 - Two Mode Calerkin for * Analysis with Viscous Effects included 158 A-1 The Function A-2 (aoicr) A-3 Stability Boundaries for Laminar Viscous Flow over a Rigid "Adiabatic" 160 Wall - MO = 0, 1.3 Stability Boundaries for Laminar Viscous Flow over a Flexible 161 "Adiabatic" Wall - M. = 1.3 Pro for Laminar Viscous Flow over a Flexible "Adi batic" Wall = 1,= 1.3 A-4 A-5 R q= A-6 for M,. 159 159 1.3 162 1.024 x 10 Effects of the Laminar Boundary Layer and Structural Dissipation on the Growth Rate of an Unstable Disturbance 163 Neutral "Surf&ces" for.Laminar Viscous Flow over a Flexible Wall 164 Mw = 0, R, = 1.04 x 10 Neutral "Surfaces" for Laminar Viscous Flow over a Fle ible Wall - 1, = 1.3, 165 Re = 1.04 x l0& Qualitative Neutral "Surface" for Laminar Viscous Flow over a Flexible 166 Wall - A-7 vrea A-P A-9 References 167 Dimensionial Non-Dimensional Description Dimensionial Non-Dimensional Description I Quantities Associated with the General Equations of Gas Flow * *0 z= C4."e" / 'W. e*/ ,r Z. 7-' -- Cartesian coordinates, scaled on total boundary layer thickness for laminar flows and on momentum thickness for turbulent flows Time coordinate, scaled on free stream velocity in i=1 direction and boundary layer thickness as above Fluid velocities scaled on free stream velocity as above - when ( is deleted, x1 direction is implied Fluid mass density, scaled on free stream density Thermodynamic pressure, scaled on free stream astatic Stagnation pressure associated with isentropic 7 o expansion to Al Thermodynamic temperature, scaled on free stream static - ~Coefficient static A7 <r" 4- 7- . .Internal of viscosity, scaled on free stream Kinematic coefficient of viscosity, scaled on free stream static Second coefficient of viscosity, scaled on free stream value of ordinary coefficient of viscosity energy of the gas 0 tlj Quantities Associated with the General Equations of Gas Flow.: (conttd) I r- = *C. ~ , Coefficient of heat conduction Prandtl number Local propagation -peed of sound waves, based on unperturbed (mean) quantities S a3 Description Non-Dimensional Dimensional Ratio of specific heats - assumed constant Local Mach number based on unperturbed velocity in i=l direction, 4'. .etj I-i. e'-= f(f, = (,b ts t~~d a?d' r Rate of strain tensor 2: Stress tensor, signifies 4 X / , repeated index 4C dipari,~. 0 fr~ "Total" local boundary layer thickness 0)v Local momentum thickness (=-C7/VL,'A laminar boundary layer, see Lees (6) ---()R RIX L'E'L- 7.;6 for the Local displacement thickness Reynolds numbers based on "total" momentum thickness Denotes transfer coefficients associated with "eddy" transport Dimensional Description Non-Dimensional Quantities Associated with the Small Disturbance Equations of Gas Flow over a Perturbed Surface Jr A' .A ITg Wave number corresponding to a periodic disturbance U c= C. W c -- Phase velocity of a traveling wave disturbance 0 Circular frequency for harmonic motion SrxVJ C it ! e7s Wavelength of a periodic disturbance Agj- w4 er O*-t a Swe'r'o-t) 4, 2 = 7-'* r(~) e(~) ;o 84F to 'I / 7 A 'a Small disturbance quantities for traveling wave disturbances in a frame with the x-axis aligned y with the phase velocity,; steady (mea4 quantities " g, a ,% , ae Coordinate describing surface deviation from x , f plane Small perturbation quantity in partial differential in ordinary differential equations equations, 4/,d /J'pr,, , II ,, associated with the (parallel) shear profile x Mom Dimensional,, Quantities Associated with the Small Disturbance Equations of Gas Flow Perturoect 3urrace (conl'd) -Exponent e 2 -U _ 11 -o cit-c, 'A) F-If for y dependence of "Inviscid" Solutions Quantity in (2.20) deriving from the "Inviscid" Solutions Quantity representing viscous effects in (2.20) ; SWA$=ssc I j,/3$ over a Arbitrary small number associated with approximate evaluation of integrals in (6"-'d .gF - II Description Non-Dimensional Non-imesioalDesripio /f4j(Ii Quantity representing viscous effects in (2.20) see Miles (11) for complete tables 'I Tieti enst function - Dimensional I-. Dimensional II Description Non-Dimensional Quantities Associated with the Small Disturbance Equations of Gas Flow over a Perturpea Surrace (cont'd) J, f.. .aw ,q = re'-c e-aj, F-e C 'ir. C ~ g =- f (Y:. Js -. Independent variable for "viscous" solutions a =e 3/z Yee I-I. Vf Argument of the Hankel function, /l, in the "Viscous" solutions jrj Quantities Associated with the Unbounded Flexible Surface and the Finite Elastic Panel S *j/ P* ' III Argument of Mass ratio for flexible surface - based on boundary layer thickness Inverse mass ratio for flexible surface - based on wavelength III Description Non-Dimensional Dimensional Quantities Associated with the Unbounded Flexible Surface and the Finite Elastic Panel, (cont'd) Mass ratio for elastic panel - based on panel chord C. + (C.VWOv) I ce is the flexure speed (phase velocity for a ) in the traveling wave with wavelength 2*r/W unbounded surface "in vacuum" I 4A* (/)=. . Oa4 is the natural frequency of the fundamental mode of vibration a'tr 4z~Z Viscous damping coefficient, -6 dimensions F'r/. Structural damping coefficient 9 Kinetic energy for a two-dimensional panel with chord Z4* P0at" 0o V- ;- 4, X &I (as) Potential energy for a two-dimensional panel with and characterized by flexural stiffness chord 2' only Deflection distribution for vibration in the nth mode 8. I Dimensional Quantities Associated with the Unbounded Flexible Surface and the Finite Elastic Panel, (Cont'd) -A P, ~Ds* 44Gira= 114, fa SD 3 The generalized coordinate for the nth vibration mode (specialized to harmonic vibration) Unbounded-surface/panel thickness and panel thickness ratio Unbounded-surface/panel mass density Effective flexural stiffness, dimensions /I4 Coefficient of membrane tension, dimensions 7- Ow / - 39 *e'0 , III Description Non-Dimensional Spring constant for elastic foundation, dimensions Young's modulus, dimensions he F 7 (Streamwise) spatial and time coordinate for panel X0.* c *=z' 4 Poisson's ratio Pc Panel chord CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This study is primarily concerned with the role of the boundary layer and viscosity in modifying the pressure on a perturbed surface that bounds the flow. One of the principal factors that motivated the study is the lack of correlation between theoretical and experimental studies of "panel flutter" (i.e., the "self-excited" vibration of an elastic panel exposed to a gas flow) at low supersonic Mach numbers. For the most part, the analytical studies of panel flutter have been based on the inviscid, irrotational (potential) flow model, for example, see the literature survey by Fung (32) which encompasses some seventy papers. For low supersonic Mach numbers, Lock and Fung (21) have recently shown that the results of an analysis based on this model disagree sharply with measurements, the two sets of results converging with increasing Mach number and reaching agreement at M 7 2. In this case, the observed boundary layer was turbulent and had a "total" 2 thickness of roughly 10' of the panel chord. One may note that panels with small dimensions relative to the wing chord or body length are common in aircraft and, therefore, the above ratio of boundary layer thickness to panel chord may not be exceptionally large, even for large Reynolds numbers. Miles (14) has examined the effect of a shear profile on the stability of traveling wave disturbances in an unbounded flexible surface and the adjoining inviscid flow. Although Miles' analysis indicated that the shear profile could have significant effects on stability, his results are rather qualitative and, in any case, the study of the infinitely long traveling wave is not directly applicable to realizable configurations. As is pointed out in Chapter 2, Miles' fluid model is of doubtful validity. Miles (14) also used this fluid model to examine waves generated by wind over water and Benjamin (1) extended the theory to the laminar viscous fluid. Both authors recognized the importance of the turbulent boundary layer (for high Reynolds numbers, the thickness of the turbulent layer can be a good deal larger than that of the laminar and, for this reason, the turbulent layer can be important for disturbances with larger spatial scales - e.g., wavelengths) and they speculated that the laminar flow 3 theory could be used in this case, provided that the laminar velocity profile was replaced by the mean turbulent profile. The investigations regarding the stability of the laminar boundary layer and an adjoining flexible surface, for examples see the papers by Benjamin (2), Landahl (3), and Linebarger (3a), have given additional impetus to this study. This physical system exhibits instabilities that derive from the laminar boundary layer over a rigid wall as well as those from a flexible surface exposed to potential flow, the former adding a new facet to panel flutter. This study corresponds to flow over an unbounded surface that is defined by small deviations from a plane, the plane being parallel to the undisturbed free stream and the material "particles" of the surface being constrained to move in a direction perpendicular to this plane. The study is then applicable to gas flows over rigid or elastic solids that have negligible motion in the streamwise direction. The unbounded nature of the surface will present no conceptual difficulty since the unperturbed boundary layer is characterized by a parallel shear flow. layers are considered. Both laminar and turbulent boundary The Mach number is taken to be in the range zero to approximately two, and the Reynolds 4 number is taken to be large, although finite, of course. The boundary value problem corresponding to a surface perturbation described by a planar traveling wave is considered in Chapters 2-4. The main object is to determine the expression for the surface pressure. The theory for the laminar flow, given in Chapter 2, is based on the earlier studies concerning stability of the laminar boundary layer. Beyond serving as back- ground material, the study of the laminar flow deals mainly with two points that have not been clarified by previous authors. The first concerns disturbances that propagate with supersonic phase velocity relative to the undisturbed free stream (hereafter these will be designated "supersonic disturbances"). The theoretical capability for handling these disturbances is essential for calculating the pressure distribution on standing wave disturbances with arbitrary frequency of oscillation if M)>l and for those with a frequency above a certain value, dacm) if M<l. This capability is also necessary for a thorough examination of the stability of the boundary layer over rigid and compliant walls. The second point is the consideration of alternate analytical techniques developed by Lighthill (10) and 5 Heisenberg for determining the "inviscid" solutions to the equations of motion. The Heisenberg technique has been extended to include compressible flows (Lin (5), p. 85) and has received more general usage, exceptions being Benjamin's papers (1) and (2). The Lighthill technique is here extended to include compressible flow and the resulting solution is compared with that due to Heisenberg. The boundary value problem for the turbulent flow, considered in Chapters 3 and 4, is based on an analogy with the laminar flows, the analogy being established by ensemble average techniques. As anticipated by Miles (14) and Benjamin (1), the results do take on a "pseudo laminar" form, i.e., they are of the same form as the laminar results with the mean turbulent velocity profile replacing the laminar profile. The more rational approach considered here gives rise to several interpretations of the theory that were previously overlooked. It is found necessary to resort to empirical observations to gain more insight into the factors governing the choice of the proper interpretation. However, the resulting semi-empirical theory is more securely based and of more general validity than that proposed by Miles and Benjamin. The results of the boundary value analyses display the viscous effects explicitly, thus yielding. 6 qualitative criteria for estimating the significance of these effects in a given circumstance as well as the expressions required for a quantitative analysis. The remainder of the study concerns the application of these results to the stability of flexible surfaces in the presence of boundary layer flows. The analysis corresponding to the Lock-Fung measurements, i.e., the stability of a two-dimensional, simplysupported panel exposed to a low supersonic gas flow with a turbulent boundary layer, is given in Chapter 5. The analysis is based on the conventional Galerkin technique with the assumed mode shapes corresponding to the natural vibration mode shapes of the panel "in vacuum." In this instance, the Galerkin procedure permits a convenient approximation for the surface pressure, the approximation facilitating a better understanding of the mechanism underlying the effect of the boundary layer on panel flutter and simplifying the calculations as well. The roles of structural dissipation and viscous effects in the stability of laminar flow over an unbounded flexible surface are examined in Appendix A. As was indicated above, this system exhibits instabilities that derive from the laminar boundary layer over a rigid wall as well as those from the flexible surfaces exposed to -I 6a potential flow. Indeed, one of the primary objects of this study is to view the general problem alternately from the points of view previously taken in studies of these two limiting cases. The supersonic disturbance in the laminar boundary layer adjoining a rigid wall is also examined. Further introductory remarks more relevant to particular facets of the section of each chapter. study are given in the first 7 CHAPTER 2 THE BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEM FOR LAMINAR VISCOUS FLOW OVER A PERTURBED SURFACE 2-1 Nature of the Investigation In the following, a laminar viscous gas flow over a surface undergoing prescribed motion is examined. The ostensible purpose is to determine the normal surface stress that is induced by the motion. The amplitude of the motion is restricted to be small, and the resulting linear analysis permits the usual superposition techniques. Therefore, only traveling wave disturbances are considered. The generalization to more arbitrary motion via Fourier transforms and a discussion of the limitations and implications of the theory are given in 2-6. In Appendix A, further insight into the latter is gained through an application to the stability of traveling wave disturbances in the fluid and an adjoining flexible surface. The foundations of the development rest on the theory of hydrodynamic stability which was developed by Tollmien, Lin, Lees, Dunn and others; see (4)-(7). Benjamin (1) (2) and Landahl (3) have considered the problem of finding the pressure on a perturbed surface for low speed flows. 8 Linebarger (3a) has extended Landahl's work to compressible flows under the restriction that the waves travel at subsonic speeds relative to the free stream. The investigations (2)-(3a) are concerned with the stability of a laminar boundary layer over a flexible surface and portions of Appendix A are complementary to these. The principal results of the present investigation, and those of previous researchers as well, depend on certain asymptotic solutions of the governing differential equations. These solutions require that the waves travel upstream with respect to the fluid at rest and they are expected to fail for M > 2, see Dunn(7). Also, the Reynolds number and wave number are required to be large and small respectively. Kurtz (8) has developed a numerical technique for incompressible flow that obviates the need of these asymptotic solutions and thus relieves the corresponding restrictions. The counterpart for com- pressible flow involves considerably more labor, but there appear to be no fundamental obstructions. The primary features of the present chapter are the consideration of disturbances traveling with supersonic velocity relative to the free stream as well as the development and comparison of alternate forms of the asymptotic solutions. The latter is useful since the various forms are in current use for low speed flow. 9 The general outlines of the theory are presented for the sake of continuity, even though some aspects are covered in one or other of the references above. Emphasis is placed on questions not previously resolved, as well as those that have particular relevance to the turbulent boundary layer discussion of Chapter III. 2-2 Formulation of the Problem Consider the flow of a viscous fluid over a perturbed planar surface of unbounded extent. The lack of a leading edge will present no conceptual difficulty since the boundary layer will be characterized by a parallel flow. The surface is defined by prescribing its transverse deviations, state. = The "particle xI , e* , from the planar points" of the surface are assumed to have motion only in the direction normal to the initial plane. The governing equations are the full Navier-Stokes equations and those expressing conservation of mass and energy, as well as the thermodynamic equation of state. The boundary conditions are (1) that the fluid disturbances are everywhere finite and that no energy is being radiated toward the surface and (2) that the fluid 'barticle; in contact with the surface move with the surface "particles. 10 The investigation is closely connected to the The latter concerns studies of hydrodynamic stability. the growth or decay of small disturbances in laminar The flow quantities are described boundary layer flows. by small deviations from the steady-state laminar solutions, i.e., Dunn (7) justifies the use of a parallel flow model for the steady two-dimensional boundary layer(Or)PQ$ and derives the self-consistent perturbation equations. These are listed by Lin (5) pp. 76. It is then sufficient to consider only periodic disturbances, i.e., ac Ce* =,4<')) (jr e In the present circumstance, the surface deflection is given by */ rA ReIT C (~~c4~dZ -/77 VJ - (* Ie 11 In a linearized theory, it is consistent to express the flow quantities in the same form given above, where the steady laminar solutions are to be continued analytically for y < Thus, the mathematical statement of the 0. problem takes exactly the same form as that for hydrdynamic stability, except for the surface boundary conditions. A detailed discussion of the latter is given at the end of this section. For purposes of calculation, it is convenient to reorient the coordinate frame so that the aligned with the phase velocity. X axis is In such case, C _0%'C' j1 The linearized flow equations for the disturbances of this form are listed by Lin (5) and Dunn (7). Beyond the approximations involved in the linearization process, certain linear terms which are expected to be small from order of magnitude'have been deleted. In terms of the non-dimensional variables defined in the nomenclature, these equations are: Navier-Stokes: Ck/ Fj i (Nei- c) ' J cl;7 (2.1) C)'-1 12 Conservation of Mass: j(Ug>)- C)+I,+e|, 1,, +9(,(i<9 +1(3>) 0 Conservation of Energy: State: et) , e(,) -A7/f-: ry) where in the reoriented frame. The unperturbed static pressure is taken as constant, i.e., A'; =I and the equation of state for the unperturbed variables is simply .1. 9Pcj Tr'W 13 The simplicity of (2.1) in the new frame is evident, z does not appear and 9c5 appears only as an auxiliary function irrelevant to the determination of the other variables. One should be cautioned, however, that this system is only pseudo two-dimensional since the Reynolds number and Mach number are based on the free stream velocity component in the x-direction, while the velocity, density and temperature profiles depend on Mach number based on the total free stream velocity. The order of magnitude estimates of the derivatives of the unperturbed quantities and of the perturbation quantities will be listed here, see Dunn (7). These estimates are determined by heuristic reasoning and requiring that the reduced form (2.1) is self-consistent. Their use is required in the solution of (2.1) as well as for intelligent use of the resulting theory. The solutions for the perturbations will be divided into two classes, the so-called "Inviscid Solutions" and the"Viscous Solutions" to be defined later. The order of magnitude estimates are: Undisturbed Flow: d "', P 7(2 ., = o() or /22ss r=/j2,-) 14 (The scale used for the non-dimensional independent variable is chosen so that this is so.) "Inviscid Solutions": '' r -f &- 49~ 7r, 7T')~'4,'e, rf. Tr) "Viscous Solutions": 4 (P 40r-'Y 'f e ~Z r 1i0 )e 1,-, -I I TI- << 6 iT The remaining task of this section is to state the boundary conditions appropriate to (2.1). Lin (5) has shown that (2.1) (excepting the third Navier-Stokes equation) corresponds to a 6th order system. expect six boundary conditions. Thus, we In dimensional form, these are: /, 4 74 = bounded and the radiation (if any) is in the positive y* direction 1c,7 s.) "/ , ,J,=0 L~ ~~~, i]6x~IJ~t* 15 Fixed Wall Temperature * [-7-/-) or "Adiabati c 3(T y w) -/- 7- ,r e~t.4 In = Wall" order to obtain linear wall conditions, the various quantities are expanded in Taylor series about y *= 0 and only the first order terms in the perturbations are retained. The conditions appropriate to (2.1) are then: bounded and the radiation (if any) is in the positive J direction. 9] jf-, (2.3) A .* C, 7 , 4iA &J7 J~=A LJ4 =.J34 0 Fixed Wall Temperature . "Adiabatic Wall" Some comments are in order regarding (2.3). Various investigators (see Benjamin (1), Miles (9)) have been 16 concerned with restrictions imposed by the conditions at the wall. if The problems are of two kinds. ~V- 1=0 is large, then 2 First, may have to be required unrealistically small in order that the velocity perturbations be reasonably small. Secondly, the linearized form (2.3) may be in serious error if '1 is larger than the distance over which the velocity profile is linear. The former difficulty is probably the more serious for the velocity profiles usually encountered. For incompressible flow, Benjamin has replaced the above restriction with a less serious one, namely that i be small. This was done by choosing a curvilinear coordinate system in which the wavy surface was coincident with a coordinate surface. These questions are certainly present in principle. However, there are reasons to believe that they are less serious than might be expected. to be derived for the pressure, Benjamin's for M = 0. First, the expression (2.20), is identical with One should also note that (2.20) is not a direct function of f ,but rather of and that it merges into the potential flow result in the limit as the boundary layer becomes infinitesimally thin. 17 The latter profile is the worst extreme as regards the limitations above. Lastly, the experimental results of Chapter 4 indicate that good results can be obtained even though the actual measured perturbations are so large as to indicate that any linear theory is questionable. Some researchers have proposed the use of the inviscid fluid model with a shear profile, see Miles It will be demonstrated that the analysis as (9). developed here is questionable for this fluid model, at least for small c. The primary reasons are that the condition (2.3) on the x velocity at the wall is irrelevant and the condition on the y velocity becomes of second order as c-+ 0. Miles proposes an alternative in attempting to apply the boundary conditions away from the wall. However, this induces some uncertainties and the resulting theory is no more attractive in form than that for the full viscous model. 2-3 Asymptotic Solutions The concern here is with finding the six linearly independent sets of solutions to the simultaneous system (2.1). Considerable attention has been focused on 18 finding approximations to these solutions for large R and small W real positive ; see Lin (5) and Lighthill (10). o& will be considered. Only For negative o, the complex amplitude function defining the pressure is the complex conjugate of that for positive oe with the other parameters fixed. "Inviscid Solutions" For large values of R, useful approximations to two independent solutions of (2.1) have been obtained in the following form: The determining equations for the C', are obtained by putting (2.4) into (2.1), interchanging the operations of differentiation and summation, and equating the coefficient of each power of The 0) to zero individually. formulation is identical to (2.1) with set equal to zero, hence the designation "Inviscid Solutions." 19 Performing the operations indicated above yields 4(r-c) n4 4,' 444~tf (2.5) The zeroth order solution of (2.5) is the only one to be retained in (2.4). The corresponding formulation (2.5) can be reduced to C(Ac) 41 (-c) 117.'- 41 0 7'19 -49 SZ$-(7r r= 7T where the 4.ej( e" 7e54r (Jo has been deleted. gives the two independent The first of (2.5') <f solutions and the remaining auxiliary relations serve to fill out each independent set. It is not possible to obtain closed form solutions to (2.5'), except for certain special velocity profiles, 20 U) . The techniques previously used to find approximate solutions have utilized the assumption that the various quantities functions of ce near ()(!dCCjA1) 0(= O . quantities in a Taylor series in similar fashion as with (2.4), were analytic Thus, one expands these Oe and proceeds in (2.5). Two such solutions have been put forward for M = 0. The first, due to Heisenberg, involves a direct expansion of 4V in a Taylor series in oC(z . This has been extended to include compressible flow, see Lin (5). The principle disadvantage, if it can be called such, is that neither solution so determined satisfies the boundary condition at y-+- co . Thus, a linear combination of the two resulting solutions is required. In order to find a solution satisfying the proper boundary condition above, Lighthill rewrote 47 as an exponential satisfying this boundary condition, times a new dependent variable. Putting this into (2.5') gives the formulation for the new dependent variable. Cle now enters to the first power series expansion in oel is required. However, so that a Taylor Thus, the solution converges less rapidly than the previous one. The compressible flow equivalents of both solutions will be presented here and some comments regarding their 21 application are made in section 2-6. It is sufficient to say here that the Heisenberg solution appears to have more general validity. It is also possible to obtain an expansion for large o by proceeding in a fashion similar to the Lighthill technique, with the difference that the new -g dependent variable is expanded in powers of . The author has shown that the result is attractive in form, but its rapidity of convergence etc.has not been investigated. The Heisenberg Expansion Writing 71=0 (2.6) yields upon substitution into the first of (2.5') and / / -/1 W to zero, / equating the coefficients of each power of 0 --- (2.7) Making a compressible flow transformation (2.7') 22 reduces (2.7) to a more attractive form. The 4 are obtained by inspection and the higher order terms by the method of variation of parameters. The two fre a~I J-and y (q',- Dil(OC0 ) i lo (2.8) I 1 The integrals are defined by generalizing the problem into the complex y plane and interpreting them as contour The contour path will be chosen such that (real c) correspond to the limit of growing disturbances (i.e., for Gt'>, Czr ilr For monotonicfy increasing velocity profiles ( C4sg4 ) > 0 ) the neutral disturbances . integrals. this implies that the contour in the complex y plane passes below the point yc' th nutalditubace (ea c crrspndtoth6lmi The Lighthill Expansion In section (2-4) the boundary condition appropriate to the "Inviscid Solution" will be shown to be (see 2.16) ) independent solutions to (2.5) are 23 where is defined in the nomenclature. Again, the compressible flow transformation (2.7') is convenient in the solution of (2.5') for M > 0. It is thus convenient to parallel the Lighthill approach by writing where is the new dependent variable and where it is evident that the exponential behavior is proper for yPy. Putting this into the first of (2.5') yields (2.10) Writing 477 (Y.; C(A2) (2.11) 24 a nd duplicating the procedure for the Heisenberg expansion yields 0/ r (Cr-c) z T-A~. (Or-c) Z / I jz 1,z IZ -1 e, - - z 4 (2.12) With the lower limit taken as infinity, it is clear that i = 1 is the proper solution. [h(Crc z )e Thus --L We fF I- CZ-I Ijk I % 1J5#Od]4 0(r [T (2.13) The singular integrals are to be interpreted as in (2.8) "Viscous Solutions" It remains to find the four remaining sets of solutions corresponding to (2.1),. The characteristic feature of the use of (2.4) in deriving (2.5) is that the viscous stresses do not enter the first order approximations. Thus, the 25 order of the system of differential equations was reduced and only two independent solutions resulted. It is evident that the viscous stresses must play an important role in the remaining solutions and hence, the designation "Viscous Solutions." The condition that the viscous stresses should be of the order of the other terms in (2.1) is precisely the determining factor in the order of magnitude estimates of (2.2). In particular, this requirement forms the basis for the concept that differentiation of a perturbation quantity with respect to y increases the order. The development is strongly analogous to classical boundary layer theories except that in the present case, the viscous effects are predominant in two sublayers that are rather thin as compared to the total boundary layer thickness. One of these layers adjoins the boundary ("wall friction layer") and the other surrounds the point yc ("critical layer"). More Complete discussions of these points are given by Lin (5) and Dunn (7). Eliminating W between the first two of (2.1) and applying the "Viscous Solution" order of magnitude estimates to this result and the remainder of (2.1) gives, upon deleting terms of order E as compared 26 to 1 (the terms deleted may actually be large near y so the resulting solutions are suspect there) 09 -- W (2.14) with the auxiliary relations: The solution, 9 = constant is rejected as not having the behavior of a viscous solution (i.e., the behavior ). assumed in deriving (2.14) was solutions with remaining i The two 9 "0 along with the auxiliary relations give two of the desired sets of solutions and vice versa with the solutions. 6 Transforming to the new independent variable, yeilds for the first d2 'Ii I. Ir,-C-/ two of (2.14) . - 1/3 27 where again terms of order were deleted. It should be noted that the coordinate transformation introduces the restriction c < 1. With the further transformations .33/z the above is reduced to a Bessel equation. The Hankel function solutions are appropriate since there are boundary conditions to be satisfied for infinite values Thus ( of the argument. .4==35 4 /2) /4/// With Dunn we note that, for large W'R , .3 is a large constant times a function that varies slowly compared to the Hankel function. F~?f (4) Thus one can make the approximation -I -. %.P Sif which satisfies the original differential equation with errors of the order already made. The homogeneous solutions 28 of (2.14) are then given by -f I/a ~j-+f 3 1 ~ ,~ 4 3 ~ ~ 3k ~ 6-Y, 4 (2.15) 3 jZ) .,/z 4 are obtained from (2.14). 2-4 Boundary Conditions The six sets of homogeneous solutions are given by (2.8) and (2.15) and the corresponding boundary conditions by (2.3). One could immediately write for all perturbation quantities n =z6 fi/ L The boundary conditions then give six simultaneous equations in the Kd . However, it is more convenient to apply the conditions at infinity first. that P and gi, of (2.8) as well as ;F It is clear ,, of (2.15) (see the phase definitions in the nomenclature and the 29 asymptotic expansions for Hank'el functions) are not bounded as y -lo . a Only two solutions remain if all of these are rejected and thus the three remaining boundary conditions could not be satisfied. The alternative is that two of the former could be combined to give another solution which is everywhere finite. This is of course not the case with the solutions of (2.15) so we are left with those of (2.8). Although it can be formally shown that the latter correspond to series expansions of functions that can be so combined; the procedure given by Lin (5) is followed here. Consider the "Inviscid Equation" (2.5') for where L.,)-+I , > i.e., Thus two linearly independent solutions to (2.5') exist which have the asymptotic behavior: For disturbances traveling with subsonic speed relative to the free stream, i.e., /-, clear that the proper solution is O6/2=e c< /-e ;< , it is 30 where P is real positive. Both solutions are every- where finite for disturbances traveling at supersonic speeds relative to the free stream, i.e., C>/* y.Thus, c<<~ 1 the finiteness condition no longer serves to eliminate one solution and, unless some other condition is imposed, well set. the boundary value problem is not The difficulty posed is precisely the one which occurs in choosing the proper solution for supersonic potential flow over a rigid wavy wall. The difficulty is easily resolved by use of the Sommerfeld radiation condition, that is the requirement that the disturbances radiate away from the perturbed wall (in a frame fixed with respect to the free stream) not vice versa. Lees and Lin (33) (pp. 37, 49) have discussed this point in connection with boundary layer stability, but they did not appear to recognize that the solution with no incoming radiation was of particular interest. In a frame fixed relative to the free stream, the complete solutions have ' ' - the form Examination of the above will show that the radiation is in the positive y direction for both if the solution is taken as C.f with # jp2(2.16) defined as in the nomenclature. C< and C I , 31 The Lighthill procedure in the derivation of (2.13) is now clear. To find the proper linear combination of the Heisenberg solutions of (2.8), one notes from (2.16) that or denoting the proper solution VIIJ) := ?V 1 _ _Pwhere r . 9P 1 2 (2.17) 4qqf~) The general solutions for the perturbation quantities may now be written in the form gives three inhomogeneous algebraic equations in the The inversion of these equations yields A . Utilization of the three boundary conditions at the wall 32 I 0 Kz I --9 M* d) k441;rAT ('M ~5 fo (*) h30 From (2.2), the terms denoted times the others. (0) e~- 0 ~~JJ were used. are of order is given by 0 Kz Al -r - 3o 0 0 ulo 0 1. 9r o f3 Ks)j C Thus, the first approximation for - K. 0 I where the relations - I(TO (.1) 4'6-o JO3 the 1c (4) ( I J3 0 c0i (1 _fro 0G(A 1c 0 7;ww i 30 (' JO 47)r fir (2.18) 33 The reduction of the denominator is not entirely consistent with the order of magnitude estimates. The approximation of small velocity fluctuations in the temperature mode I), is made as well. The denominator of (2.18) is precisely the characteristic equation encountered in the classical theory of hydrodynamic stability. 2-5 The Surface Pressure The quantity of primary interest is the normal stress at the surface. viscuus stress is of the order E times the thermodynamic pressure. here. It can be shown tiiau Tiie normiai Thus, only the latter will be investigated The pressure could be obtained from the expression //o =ZI h7 777(0) Benjamin (1) discusses more convenient procedures of obtaining the pressure directly from the x or y momentum equations. Although the use of the y equation is probably more accurate, the x equation will be used here due to its convenience. Landahl has shown that they give the same result for small c. 34 Elimination of between the fourth and fifth of (2.3) yields - tC Thus, - = of (2.1), from the first J* :Fsero, -7-oi terms of order E , or from (2.18) and (2.15) one obtains, upon deleting 2 r'A4. ~(2.19) Integrating the fourth of (2.14) under the same approximation used in deriving the first of (2.15) yields, with use of the latter, Cor, C cIe ,' Yr,9V (2.19') where N and %,, Z are defined in the nomenclature. Integrating the first of (2.14) under the above approximation gives f + in terms of and with the first of (2.15) // h3o 30C JwR C -/ (2.19'') 35 Expressing the quantity 40 fro in terms of the quantity as defined in the nomenclature gives the identity (2.19''') - Combining the equations (2.19) gives finally -1 r/- C) 'o/'+ - (M a 00 < c< iAj ( - S - ir)](1+ AccSi (2.20) (7 s/;O 4 is written in terms of 4Pr with the aid of (2.5'). Thus, with 0, given by (2.17) and (2.8), i.e., corres- ponding to the Heisenberg expansion, U(-)(+g:-/~MVZ(/--)2#W(/-c)ZJZ +ir o +r~~ -z ___-_ __ (W2) (2.21) Equation (2.20) with this result is equivalent to the results given by Linebarger (3a) except that the limitation c 7/- -1 Alternatively, with has been removed in (2.20). 4 given by the expression (2.13), which corresponds to the Lighthill expansion - m. (a3 W(/-C)/-, (- + +- (o1) qc)l- c) 4 El f (2.22) 36 The function in the literature. rzi) has been extensively tabulated Probably the most complete tabulation is given by Miles (11) . The quantities CZy) and 7e for the laminar boundary layer are given by Lees (6) and Dunn (5). The same singular integral appears in (2.21) and It is necessary to remove the singular part (2.22). since the velocity profiles are usually given in numerical form only. This is done by expanding the argument in Taylor series about y c and integrating across a narrow region including y . For example, one obtains for small c (Je )r (2.23) where E is an arbitrary small number. It should be noted that (2.21) has been carried to higher order in c( than (2.22). The order of both can be extended by retaining more terms in (2.8) and (2.13). However, examination will show that the particular orders retained are unique, in that they represent the modification due to viscous effects, yet give a non-trivial value for the surface pressure in the limit as c-* 0 (i.e., the rigid wavy wall). w 37 2-6 Discussion flow (inviscid, irrotational fluid model with p m.f ) One may note that (2.20) is simply the potential result with the denominator modified by viscous effects. r*vO'-) contains the term arising with the potential flow model and a term representing the influence of the shear profile. r"ez) from unity The deviation of represents the effect of the viscous stresses associated with the perturbations. Thus, as aO J (i.e., c'-*4 ), (2.20) merges uniformly into the potential flow prediction. co as for Also, - , (2.20) takes the form R-e , the inviscid fluid model with a shear profile. However, the viscous stresses are generally rather important as will be indicated shortly. There are three more-or-less distinct instances where the viscous effects can be of paramount importance for the traveling wave disturbance. The first is the obvious condition of the boundary layer thickness being rather large relative to the spatial scale of the perturbation, *l/l.* is large. This is perhaps of i.e., lesser significance for the laminar layer, but will be important in the next chapter concerning the turbulent problem. The second is the condition of transonic disturbances, i.e., C ./- L . In this case, ( of (2.21), (2.22) becomes small relative to the other terms. 38 The last, which is not entirely exclusive of the above, is associated with the classical hydrodynamic stability problem. The denominator of (2.20) is precisely the characteristic equation for the latter problem. Thus, it is clear that the pressure is strongly modified by viscous effects near such eigenvalues. Certain of these eigensolutions are associated with the conditions mentioned above. by small However, there are other eigensolutions characterized O and large R see Lin (5) and Appendix A. , As indicated in 2-1, these comments are further illustrated in Appendix A. The role of the supersonic disturbance in the stability of the laminar boundary layer over a rigid wall is also considered there. It is a curious, but regrettable, fact that the inherent limitations of the theory are most severe in precisely the instances where the viscous effects are most important. For example, the expression (2.20) is singular for those values of the parameters corresponding to eigensolutions of the hydrodynamic stability problem. The physical explanation is quite simple. This is a resonance condition for the fluid, that is, finite (but indeterminate) disturbances can exist for the rigid wall (7 O ) and the linear theory predicts infinite A disturbances for finite 'Z . In order that the linear theory be applicable, one must restrict to increasingly 39 smaller anplitudes in approaching the eigenvalue condition. However, it is expected that the singular behavior of the theory does reflect a real physical effect as is the usual case with resonance phenomena. At leastto some degree, the usual difficulties associated with the linearized theory for transonic flow are present here. That is, outside the boundary layer the order of magnitude estimates (for the "inviscid solutions") break down as . However, examination of (2.20) shows that the viscous effects do remove the singularity in the surface pressure and that (2.20) evidences a smooth transition from flow The of supersonic nature to that of subsonic nature. fact that the transonic singularity is mild for inviscid flow is indicated by the fact that the latter model is well-behaved for unsteady flow problems (excepting often the infinite traveling wave, of course). Thus, there seems little doubt that the full theory postulated here is acceptable for such problems. The inherent difficulties with eo being large are, of course, associated with the small cf of 2-3. expansion The asymptotic solution for large c complicates the picture. also The alternate large ce expansion mentioned in 2-3 can possibly be used to 40 alleviate the situation. However, the latter procedure is not without its difficulties since it implies expanding about a condition where the initial hypothesis, that the x scale of motion be much larger than the y scale, is not met. lies with At any rate, the practical difficulty = 011) where both procedures are suspect. The same difficulty is present in the experimentally confirmed problem of hydrodynamic stability. The only real alternative is the use of numerical methods, in which case the restrictions on a/, R , C can be , largely removed, see 2-1. A comparison of the quantities (2.21) and (2.22) is made in the following. It is to be noted that the essential differences occur in the real parts of the terms of order ( (and the higher order terms). -Cllzis real and of order unity. For low subsonic flow, Thus, the differences are of lesser importance in this instance. In fact, Lin (5) postulated that the relevant term was of little However, for importance in the characteristic equation. '~' transonic and supersonic disturbances, /MA becomes d small and pure imaginary respectively. Uner these conditions, the differences become of real importance. One notes that (2.21) is accurate to higher order in than is (2.22). The rationale for retaining these 41 particular orders is given in 2-5. The experimental results given in Chapter 4 indicate that (2.21) is far superior in an extreme condition with c = 0. One may also note that the higher order terms of (2.13) are singular for sonic disturbances. This is not true of the seemingly less attractive form (2.17). A word is in order regarding applications for c-0. Equation (2.5') has a singular point at yc. Also, viscous solutions (2.15) are suspect near y due to approximation made in their derivation. Thus, the use of (2.20) would appear questionable as c-0. with o"= 0 and 7 */0 the However, ("Adiabatic Wall") the singular point in (2.5') is only apparent. The relation to the potential flow model holds with c = 0 and one may expect that the judiciously chosen forms (2.21) and (2.22) are representative. The viscous effects are generally of a simpler nature for c = 0 since the conditions associated with the hydrodynamic stability problem are absent (except at very high Reynolds numbers). Preliminary calculations indicate that the viscous effect at low subsonic Mach numbers is primarily a reduction in pressure amplitude and that at transonic amd moderate supersonic Mach numbers, a significant modification in phase shift is indicated as well. 42 It should be noted that the results for c-O are not valid this case, for the inviscid fluid model. In the denominator contains a term /L c-WO which gives zero pressure. c V The reasons for this failure were given at the end of 2-2. Preliminary calculations have shown that the direct effect of the viscous stresses are substantial for c rather greater than zero. There is no apparent reason for using the inviscid approximation except that the limitation c<l can be removed. The remaining task of this chapter is to generalize the foregoing results to more arbitrary surface motion. A full rigorous treatment cannot be given due to the inherent limitations of the asymptotic theory. However, the results should be useful for certain classes of motion. Benjamin has considered a similar problem for the two-dimensional rigid wall (with the surface elevation varying in the streamwise direction only) with incompressible flow (See .(1) and for the surface elevation varying in two directions (see(12)). The latter concerned fluid of finite depth flowing down an incline. The lateral displacement of the surface considered here will vary only with the streamwise coordinate, but extension to more arbitrary motion is straightforward. Consider the linearized Navier-Stokes equations mentioned in 2-2 (see Lin (5), p. 76) after having i 43 specialized to harmonic time dependence (or after having taken Fourier transforms with respect to time). One obtains the set (2.1) (with the dependent variables interpreted as transforms of the original physical quantities) by Fourier transforming the above equations and removing the x derivatives by partial integration, providing that the Fourier transforms are defined by C:>O alWX' Y)-dA (2.24) The same process yields the boundary condition (2.3) where -j deflection. eve) is the transform of the surface For example, suppose e t're'c= ,d *- (2 .25a) is the reduced frequency Positive - Real is the specified spatial distribution Then ~, ~ (2.25b) T 44 In such case, (2.20) corresponds to the Fourier transform Ibq- * I 4(- - of the pressure and the inversion integral (2.24) yields 4w, ~y---- ____ < (2. 2 c) In general, it will be necessary to compute the inversion integral (2.25c) by numerical means. The extension to a number of such modes of motion is easily accomplished by superposition. The principal difficulty encountered is that the pressure transform is not available for all values of That is, due to the expansion for small c( and the fact that the requirement c <1 was imposed, the transform is not available in the indicated regions 91-77 x - eI (ce i) r'. 45 Thus, the class of functions 4'rz> for which this I "'I decays rapidly for ice) . Of course, * approach is to be useful, must be restricted so that must also be small with respect to the range of interest in o( (since one must estimate the transform through the region o<-4*' ). A second difficulty arises in the numerical The eigenvalues for the hydro- evaluation of (2.25c). dynamic stability problem imply that the argument has first order poles. are from one to three such values of C= corresponding values of -; (i.e., for A = will vary rapidly near critical. , see and Appendix A. This e'; 4 Q14- although the ), for values of M integrand near the The resolution of the problem for these critical values lies in contour, C. /' W' will only be encountered for special values difficulty of /R , there In general, for fixed to the complex (13), p. 459. If 4/g-xj in the pressure only for formulation is generalizing the transform see morse-Feshbach ot plane, o and if one is interested A'O , then the present appropriate and the be passed under the critical point, contour is to D/ cI' . Otherwise, the relevant spatial functions must be split into two one-sided functions as in Morse-Feshbach. In order to wL 46 treat the function nontrivial for x <O, one must pass the contour above the critical point c'- . All of these considerations are based on the assumption that The portion of the integral (2.25c) on 4> W the segment of contour near analytically when value. * 0' should be evaluated is near or equal to the critical The latter is accomplished by expanding the argument in a Laurent series about 4" and integrating term by term. A related approximate technique that is appropriate to certain special problems is utilized in Chapters 4 and 5. If the surface deflection can be represented by a finite number of traveling waves in the region of interest, i.e., then the following approximation for the pressure is suggested where the 7T are given by (2.20), i.e., they are the pressure amplitude ratios for the infinite traveling wave disturbance. mom 47 This approximation is not of universal validity, but it is extremely convenient where appropriate. Of course, the pressure expression becomes exact if V., Y, -- yPtd and this procedure then represents a trivial reduction of the general Fourier transform application. 48 CHAPTER 3 THE PERTURBED SURFACE WITH A TURBULENT BOUNDARY LAYER 3-1 Introduction The physical problem considered here is essentially that of Chapter 2, except that the boundary layer is taken to be fully turbulent. The main object is to determine the regular surface-pressure perturbation induced by a regular surface deflection. prescribed perturbation in the The surface deflection may be fully described by the regular perturbation, or may have an additional unprescribed random component. The relevance of the resulting theory to the examination of regular "self-excited" oscillations in the flow over rigid and flexible surfaces is considered in section 3-4. Benjamin (1), and Miles (9), (14) have postulated the direct use of the laminar results for the turbulent layer. UeVr was interpreted as the turbulent mean profile, i.e., the problem was considered "pseudo laminar. Although this is attractive for engineering purposes, 49 several conceptual difficulties arise. For example, the use of the turbulent profile accounts for the macroscopic difference from the laminar flow, but ignores the mechanism causing this difference. Also, the physical processes in the laminar layer are intimately connected with the existence of a critical layer where bef - c = 0 . Benjamin (private communication) later became skeptical of the "pseudo laminar" formulation due to the fact that a given turbulent flow exhibits no such distinct layer. Questions regarding the interpretation of the mean flow quantities for the flexible and/or perturbed surfaces also arise. A rigorous analysis for the turbulent layer is quite complicated. The following investigation proceeds largely along qualitative lines with the primary intent being to set forth a rational analogy between the turbulent and laminar problems. A rather precise analogy is found for the incompressible fluid if the surface deflection has no random component. The results do take on a "pseudo laminar" form and the earlier objections are removed. The more general problem is on a less secure theoretical base. An analogy with the laminar problem is established and a formal iteration process - with the zeroth iteration corresponding to the "pseudo laminar" result - is developed. However, the higher order iterations are complicated and 50 depend on cross correlations of the turbulent fluctuations which are difficult to determine. No direct evaluation of their significance is made. The analogy to the laminar problem is based on one of various possible conjectures regarding the mean flow quantities. The question of which, if any, of these conjectures is appropriate to a given class of physical situations can be established only by experiment. This question and the role of the "pseudo laminar" results are clarified in 3-4 and Chapter 4 It is sufficient to say here that measurements indicate large boundary layer effects under commonly encountered situations and that these can be successfully predicted by the theory. 3-2 Formulation of the Problem The physical situation under consideration is the same as described at the beginning of 2-2. However, one must keep in mind that all quantities, including the surface deflection (,?,t., , are now random functions. The special case with no random surface-deflection component will be an obvious reduction of the more general case. The governing equations in their non- I dimensional form (see nomenclature) are, in tensor notation, 2 (e',~~ 1'f4 *) & 4?(PA d6P ---+ a(iI) = -~-- =0 CP i~A 7 (3.1) Note: In order for the first of (2.2) to remain valid, and thus Re,, J-; the length scale is taken to be will appear throughout. where % + 4.4- ,) '=-~1:, J.:-Z3 -- d - ~ -4 ~ 4VW.' ~ _~a'4 j The boundary conditions are = W .0 , 1J T lat - and the radiation (if any) is in the positive y direction bounded .0 11*. (4e) = -- (3.1') 52 - Fixed Wall Temperature or - - "Adiabatic Wall" The decomposition of these quantities into a mean steady component and a superimposed random part with zero mean is well known in the applications for the rigid wall. In the present circumstance, the averages will be construed in the ensemble sense because of the time-dependent nature of the boundary conditions. That is, one consideres a large number of physical flow realizations with the regular portion of the boundary motion identical in each realization. The mean quantities to be discussed are then the numerical averages of the total random functions. this concept is The mathematical statement of (taking the velocities as an example) r(3.2) where a.'. 53 The Oi signify the time dependent regular motion and the di the random fluctuations. It is assumed that the M.' can be further sub- divided into a regular time-dependent perturbation corresponding to the surface traveling wave and the mean steady portion, &l e The existence of the former is quite clear for the boundary value problem under consideration, providing that the amplitude of the surface perturbation is not so large so as to induce serious separation. Although the obvious analogy to the laminar problem is to interpret the VWCA-2,z) as the mean turbulent profiles over a flat rigid surface, some special difficulties arise. There is reason to believe that the turbulent fluctuations, and likely the mean profiles as well, are affected by a compliant wall. A more serious consequence arises from the fact that the mean profiles are strongly influenced by the turbulent fluctuations. Thus, any modification of the latter, due to the regular perturbations, could have significant effect on Zo r z, . The various interpretations are discussed below and a partial resolution of the question is given in Chapter 4. The assumption is made that the of E x, variations (and all other mean steady quantities) are 54 due to boundary layer growth. The parallel flow model will be used since only then do the fluid equations admit solutions periodic in X Calculations , based on turbulent flow over a rigid wall show that the assumption of the parallel flow implies errors in the differential equation of order to 7, -/a as compared for the laminar layer. In analogy with classical studies of the turbulent boundary layer, it is convenient to consider the ensemble mean of (3.1). Summing Eqs. (3.1) over many realizations and taking the numerical average of the results yields the following expressions, where the products of the regular perturbations have been deleted as small with respect to the terms which are linear in the regular perturbation: S- )4-J 42 (3.3) 10 714 55 at xax- 0- e thaut -(a a7- ,;-J - f!J n piu n Irute ua th t en e 4X 'p in y 'Poll,' Alf 4L 4, temswoldb boundaryX zeo__erl o;r o 4rltpae) h em o FAye the rth ubln -1ayer The quantities marked off in the E r .brackets are the counterparts of the ensemble average equations appropriate to the turbulent boundary layer in the absence of the regular perturbations. (Many of these terms would be zero or nearly so for the turbulent boundary layer over a flat plate.) The terms not indicated by the I I or fIbrackets are the counterparts of the equations for the perturbed laminar boundary 56 layer; and the terms marked by the f ,I arise from direct coupling between the random and regular fluctuations. The latter are primarily associated with density fluctuations in the convective derivatives of the Navier-Stokes equations and would vanish for incompressible flow. In a strict sense, the introduction of (3.2) triples the number of unknown functions. From this point of view, Eqs.(3.3) merely imply certain constraints on these functions and are by no means sufficient to determine them. However, the equations can be reduced to a form which serves as a small perturbation theory for the regular disturbances. This reduction rests on alternate arguments which are intimately related to the various interpretations of V above. The structure of the resulting equations is the same in all cases, but the interpretation of the quantities serving as coefficients depends on the particular argument. For example, suppose that the mean flow quantities and the turbulent correlations are associated with the unperturbed boundary layer over a flat surface, be it rigid or flexible. This would imply that the 1) quantities in 57 correspond to the equations of motion in the absence of the regular perturbations and thus can be eliminated from (3.3). The condition of the turbulent boundary layer is reflected by the difference in the macroscopic environment as represented by the mean quantities appearing as coefficients and by the f I terms which reflect the average influence of the turbulent fluctuations. These coefficients are presumed to be known from theoretical and/or empirical studies of the unperturbed boundary layer. This interpretation, with the Ii deleted, corresponds to the "pseudo laminar" model considered by Benjamin and Miles. For the incompressible fluid, Yc about the critical layer is seen to exist in an average sense. More will be said about the compressible flow in 3-3. An alternate set of perturbation equations which directly reflect the turbulent transport of momentum and energy, can be found by accounting for the influence of the regular perturbations on the other quantities in a The turbulent transport phenomena are represented by the terms and the classical boundary layer equations. ew in The use of the "eddy" viscosity and conduction coefficients, to account for these effects is z. well known. 4 ( , particular way. If one proceeds in an analogous fashion for the unsteady problem 58 and replaces the corresponding terms in (3.3) by and C-4 n respectively, a curious result is obtained. O- That is, again linearizing in the regular perturbations and assuming that the remaining mean flow and correlation terms are unaffected yields a formulation identical to the one above, except that, in the terms of interest, the laminar coefficients of viscosity and heat conduction are replaced by the sum of the laminar and "eddy" values. It is presumed that the "eddy" coefficients are available from studies of the unperturbed boundary layer. The physical difference between this and the previous interpretation is easily explained. Due to the large magnitude of these particular correlation quantities, small percentage changes can give sizeable contributions in the perturbation equations. It will be shown later that the two procedures essentially coalesce for surface waves with small c. One can write still another set of perturbation equations which account for a postulated effect of large amplitudes. It is expected that the mean flow quantities are strongly affected if the surface perturbations become 59 The mean level of the correlations may change and they may have wave-like variations in X , -, - large. for the surface traveling waves to be considered. However, it is postulated that the latter can be largely removed by the "eddy" transport concept and that the remaining correlation quantities can be taken as functions of y only. The terms involving the regular disturbances are periodic in x , for surface traveling waves and due to the independent nature of the functional forms, the removed. CI terms can again be The remaining equations have the same form as before, but the mean flow and correlation quantities which serve as coefficients are unknown. Indeed, the theory is non-linear since it implies linearization about a condition that depends on the perturbation. The problem of predicting the mean quantities as functions of the perturbations must be solved before the theory could be used to predict the flow for a given perturbation. This question is not considered in the present work, but the value of the general procedure is demonstrated in Chapter )4. It can be shown that the order of magnitude estimates given in (2.2) are again self-consistent with the reduced form of (3.3) provided one modification is made, namely, that for the viscous solutions r-e- - -f .0 60 4a. and Ca are numbers characterizing the amplitudes of and /4 4 /4s This modification respectively. implies no new restrictions on the theory for typical values of the correlation coefficients over a rigid wall, see Hinze (15), ilorkovin (16). Adopting the parallel flow model and re-orienting the coordinate system so that the x axis points in the cirection of wave propagation yields for (3.2) and the surfacc deflection under consideration L3 e .0 -A(X-CR/ (3.4 xV ,e,-vx The use of (2.2) to delete the nonessential terms in the reduced form o2 (3.3) yields for the special motion of (3.4) (see nomenclature) "4P 7- g!E- f ~2 e[uo~4J I [, Pa ,1,Z r+(a A6 I1, (3.5) 4t 61 7- 7F.= Pg 7-IP I , the mean equation of state is where again = #7- including 7' .. ej (.fr) , and where the mean flow quantities can be interpreted in the various ways mentioned above. The boundary conditions appropriate to (3.5) are found from (3.l') by considerations similar to those The process will be demonstrated used in deriving (3.5). for the first of the surface conditions of (3.1'). Expansion of the left hand side in a Taylor series from the wall yields with (3.2) Deleting non-linear terms in the perturbations and taking the ensemble average of the result gives (with tr O) P /-*-- * 12 I L -I ~ ... =0 62 Any one of the alternate assumptions that permitted elimination of the Fl eliminated here as well. in (3.5) allows them to be One does not expect the higher velocity derivatives to be strongly correlated with the surface displacement and thus it is reasonable t o assume -;t .0,2 The further restriction that An estimated equivalent of this condition is 11 e<6 12 a * is made. The previous expression then reduces to 2 (i~)(44~~J Similar expressions can be derived for the other boundary For the particular motion of (3.4) conditions. these become .64. zoJa. (3.6) 63 0 Fixed wall temperature "Adiabatic Wall" = 4, P. & 3-3 bounded and any radiation is in the positive y direction. Relation to the Laminar Model The similarity of (3.5) and (3.6) with (2.1) and (2.3) suggests that the techniques of Chapter 2 will be useful here. In fact, the mathematical formulations, including order of magnitude estimates, are identical for the incompressible fluid if the random surfacedeflection component is absent. The results of Chapter 2 are directly noolication to this case. Although the general case is more complex, one may note that the differences from the simple case above arise from two sources: 1) density and temperature variations which couple the random and regular fluctuations and 2) the expansion of the non-linear wall condition. With this in mind, an iteration scheme is established for which these differences enter only in the higher order iterations. As was indicated in 3-1, the latter involve considerable labor in applications. Chapter I4 show that their use refined calculations. The results of would be warranted only in 64 The dependent variables of (3.5), (3.6) are now functions of the correlations of the turbulent With the largest of these characterized fluctuations. , a perturbation expansion can by the amplitude, be written in the form ()% (3.7) theories, (i i.e., is taken to be independent of 7 . The subsequent development will be limited to the linear The mean flow quantities will be taken to correspond to a given value of 4' so that the introduction of into (3.5} and (3.6) yields +~~ CV /(c7-c) 24, (3.7) (3.8) 7Tz - a- 7 +< 4:I(ZXcJ&,r -7.rv =-~r~me 4f~ -/11jjC~~~4A,) +(, e vs - 4 (4-c } 65 4M3&) frai, 4/r, + Jb , Gfa ) bounded and any radiation is in the positive y direction are known functions. where 7/,87 , The estimates of (2.2) are independent of hence they are expected to hold for each individual iteration. Thus, the same concepts leading to the asymptotic solutiors ol Chapter 2 apply here. open to question whether the set It is (3.5) has a critical layer - i.e., note that the coefficient TC in a different fashion in each of (3.5) - is modified and thus the fact that (3.8) implies an iteration on a set which does have a critical layer may be disturbing. However, the restrictions on the solutions are no more severe than on the laminar solutions since the latter fail near Ic as well. Expanding the quantities of (3.8) in the power series (2.4) yields the formulation for the "Inviscid Solutions." The set corresponding to put into the form (g) can be T 66 /ra ___ _ 419__ A1047c ~Ca a , 40 jffar'/~*sg(LC& s~>~ ~p~Z - r ~ ~ C (-c) T . ___ 0 V.,&(H.></..) ' . -' .+ ,, + ___ / ,,em..) I -, (0 q 4. 7-Praj ~~4; 4 (4j (7) 4Z '2~ I A(4 Z-V 2-:: r - ' * I -F'ZAlf ( 63 fAI I eew) - f417 P eAM-0) 4 4 * g~' J15/40 4 -'C-0:iAP The zeroth order (homogeneous) solutions of are found in the same manner as those of .) . (3.9) only the particular solutions of the higher iterations are 67 needed and these are found in terms of the homogeneous solutions by the method of variation of parameters. The '"viscous solutions" are obtained by the same considerations that led to (2.14). The corresponding formulation is w-(3.10) 4,9 /C31 7*J Again the zeroth order formulation is identical with (2.14) and the higher order particular solutions are given by variation of parameters. Note that the streamwise velocity fluctuation corresponding to the thermal mode is not zero in the higher order iterations. Application of the boundary conditions away from () h e sam d rUa ) the wall again shows that the solutions are of the form where, to the same order as (2.18), applicatlion of the wall conditions in (3.8) gives 68 0 0 Lf ., 4X0 zj -fro ;~- e-P~rL 13r ~ffa~ $"a Vyd) Jjrdl~b~,)ki 071a 7.-i eb AM~w f3OtA~j -ro (3.11) Eliminating -iC ro> A between the first two of (3.6) yields +y,',,= - AECf,rzC'r> Keeping terms of the same order as in (2.19) one has (3.12) The first term is identical in form with (2.19) and (2.20). Equations (3.9)-(3.11) provide the necessary information to compute the higher order terms. 7 69 3.4 Application of the Theory The assumptions and restrictions implied in the use of the "pseudo-laminar" result for the turbulent layer depend on the particular application. The results of this investigation show that the earlier objections and restrictions (see 3-1 and Miles (9), relieved or removed. (14)) can be For example, the application to the incompressible fluid over a surface with a negligible random deflection component requires only that the time and spatial variations of the turbulent correlations be small. Even this requirement can be made less severe by the use of the "eddy" transport coefficients. The more general case requires that terms in the equations of motion of the order of the largest correlation coefficient be deleted, although this restriction can be relieved under the assumption that the regular perturbations do not affect the mean flow quantities. The limitations of the laminar theory apply here as well. Indeed, the magnitude of the viscous effects is increased and the objections to the asymptotic solutions are accentuated due to the diffuse character of the turbulent profile. Two aspects of the theory are still to be resolved. These are connected with the conjectures made in the reduction of the system (3.3) and no way has been found to resolve them on a deductive basis. The first concerns 70 the alternatives of using the mean quantities for flow over an unperturbed surface, be it rigid or flexible, or those in the presence of the perturbation. One expects the proper choice to hinge on disturbance amplitude. Indeed, for the experimental configuration of Chapter 4, the first alternative is found adequate for disturbances of moderate amplitude and the second is successfully used for extreme amplitudes. No attempt is made to predict the effect of the large amplitude disturbances on the mean flow quantities, but Uf,' over a rigid wavy surface is shown to be qualitatively similar to the profile for a rough wall. The remaining question is whether the coefficient of viscosity corresponds to the laminar, or the "laminar plus eddy" value. If C is small, the question is shown to be of little significance in calculations for the surface pressure. The fact that variations in 92 of order 1-2 change the viscosity dependent term in (2.20) by only 25-300, is evident from the definitions of , g'.) . Preliminary calculations for the turbulent layer show that the latter term is reasonably small with respect to the tA*407) term. Hence, the surface pressure is insensitive to such changes in It is also important to note that the values of Z entering the calculation are associated with the layer -1 71 - c The following sketch shows the qualitative . distribution of the "eddy" viscosity which was determined by Clauser (17) for incompressible flow over a flat rigid wall. i,;0 I S-~ - -9 4~J T p 4I P -t .) ~ 0 ,I I l.a -z From these considerations, one can conclude that the inclusion of the "eddy" coefficient is immaterial for c~o C 0} or less. , rr Preliminary calculations for large C indicate that the addibion of the "eddy" value brings the result much closer to that for potential flow, but the basic question is still not resolved. 72 It is evident that this study is basic to the examination of regular"self-excited" disturbances in the turbulent flow over rigid and flexible surfaces. The expression for the surface pressure is required in the case with the flexible surface and the denominator of (2.20) is the approximate characteristic equation for the disturbances over the rigid surface, i.e., the "equivalent" Tollmien-Schlichting waves in the turbulent boundary layer. These applications have special features that are not associated with similar investigations for the laminar viscous flow or for the boundary value problem with the turbulent flow. In particular, the existence of the regular time-dependent perturbation in each flow realization is only postulated (see Eq. (3.2)) and the equations (3.5), (3.6) are not the governing equations for one physical system, but rather the (approximate) average equations for an ensemble of such systems. Aside from the approximations involved in their derivation, (3.5), (3.6) must describe any such perturbations that actually exist. However, it is conceivable that the inverse is not true, i.e., solutions to the set (3.5), (3.6) may not imply that the regular perturbations exist for each realization. In mathematical terms this would mean that these solutions imply sufficiency, but 73 not necessary, conditions for the existence of the Further theoretical and regular perturbations. experimental studies will be required to determine if these comments are of more than academib interest. One certainly expects that the theory will be useful for examining the effects of the gas flow on disturbances deriving from the natural vibrations of an elastic surface. This is verified for a particular example in Chapter 5. The existence of the "equivalent" Tollmien-Schlichting waves remains to be resolved since they have neither been predicted theoretically nor observed in the laboratory. As was indicated in Chapter 2, the theoretical prediction of these waves would imply that the expression for the surface pressure has singularities. The fact that the mean profiles are not generally available in analytic form causes difficulties in the For example, one needs to know pressure calculations. such quantities as , , . These quantities can be estimated from measured profiles, but perhaps a better procedure is to fit universal profiles - which have been developed in classical studies of the turbulent boundary layer - to measured data. Jo can be determined from knowledge of the coefficient of viscosity and the wall stress in cases where the unperturbed profile can be used, see (18). 724 The question of determining the temperature profile also arises. It is proposed that the usual assumption of constant total temperature be made for applications with the "Adiabatic Wall." However, heat transfer is not expected to be very important for pressure calculations in the Mach number range under consideration. 75 CHAPTER 4 THE'"SUPERSONIC WAVY WALL PROBLEM" WITH A TURBULENT BOUNDARY LAYER - AN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION 4-1 Nature of the Investigation Preliminary calculations based on (2.20), (2.21) indicate that the presence of a typical turbulent boundary layer can significantly influence the pressure on a perturbed surface. These effects are most dramatic in a broad transonic and moderate supersonic Mach number range. on a For example, the pressure distributions rigid wavy wall witu u.uulent boundary layers characterized by the velocity profiles measured by Lock and Fung (21) and Morkovin (16) are shown in Fig. 1. These profiles are exhibited in Fig. 2. The purpose of this experimental investigation is to examine the interaction between the boundary layer and the surface perturbation. In particular, the orders of the aforementioned effects are to be firmly established and the character of the boundary layer is to be investigated, 76 both for its intrinsic interest and to clarify the The physical configuration for the study is a fully turbulent - intuitive concepts of Chapter 3. although not necessarily equilibrium - boundary layer adjoining a rigid wall whose surface elevation varies in a sinusoidal fashion. Mach number is 1.4. The undisturbed free stream This physical configuration permits simple experimental techniques, yet gives a severe test of the theory (e.g., c = 0 and ce is large) and gives a large and interesting boundary layer effect. Similar experiments have been carried out for low speed flows, see Stanton, Marshall and Houghton (15), and Motzfeld (20). Benjamin (1) gives a rather complete discussion of these results. No regular surface pressure component was discovered in (15) and this implies that the boundary layer was badly separated. Benjamin uses his form of the "pseudo laminar" theory to predict the Motzfeld result and finds good correlation between the theory and experiment. The boundary layer effect for this condition is largely modification of the pressure amplitude. Benjamin predicts the amplitude within 10% while potential flow theory is in error by 50%. The use of the sligntly different rormulation (2.20) gives essentially the same result, the amplitude is predicted within 15% with (2.21) and within 10% with (2.22). 77 There are several features in the Motzfeld experiment which can be adversely criticized. Motzfeld's observed velocity profile more nearly resembles fully turbulent pipe flow than a flat plate boundary layer, e.g., the "boundary layer thickness" was half the tunnel height. The fact that the wavelength was larger than the tunnel Thus, it is felt that the height is also unsettling. correlation between the theories and experiment could at best be taken only as a tentative confirmation of the former. The present measurements show that the mean profile, is not strongly affected for moderate disturbance amplitudes. Measures of the upper limit for which this is found to hold true are 0 (/,/a). -p on UZry) roughened. E =.>4 = O('4)or For larger amplitudes, the effect is qualitatively the same as if the wall were It is curious to note that this implies an increased momentum loss through the boundary layer and hence increased friction drag. However, the boundary layer effect decreases the supersonic wave drag. Although no total drag is estimated, it would appear that the latter effect is dominant for the conditions of the experiment. The existence of mild separation is not. 78 necessarily of great importance for perturbed boundary layer flows. That is, it is possible to predict flow reversal near the wall with linear theory. However, even at the maximum disturbance amplitude, 7=.oZA, no indication of the flow reversal is found in the profile measurements. This indication that no serious separation occurred is reinforced by the nearly sinusoidal pressure distribution on the surface. The detailed variation of the velocity profile along the wave is found to correspond directly to the usual considerations of favorable and adverse pressure gradients. The measurements confirm the boundary layer effects indicated in the preliminary calculations for the surface pressure. The use of the "pseudo laminar" expression (2.20) - with the auxiliary relation (2.21), which is derived from the asymptotic Heisenberg expansion - is shown to give results which are well correlated with the measurements. On the other hand, the auxiliary result (2.22), which is derived from the asymptotic Lighthill expansion, is found to underestimate the boundary layer effect considerably, although it does predict the correct trend. Recall that the latter has some inherent inadequacies, particularly for high speed flows. It is remarkable that (2.20) gives such good results since the quantity a. zr is of 79 the order 1.5. (Note that (2.20) is independent of the scale factor and that the upper limit of the integrals of (2.21), (2.22) are of order unity if is used. Thus, the quantity O( is the proper measure of the boundary layer effects even though c'e is the quantity appearing in the analysis for the turbulent boundary layer.) However, the success in predicting the effects of variation in Reynolds number and amplitude - and Mach number as well if the tentative correlation with the Motzfeld result is included - is too complete to be explained by coincidence. One may also note that the asymptotic theory of hydrodynamic stability has been experimentally confirmed for large values of Oe . Of course, the surface pressure calculations depend on the interpretation of 7 (jIJ The use of the mean profile in the perturbed flow or - the profile corresponding to the unperturbed flow which for the first few wavelengths is taken to be identical to the profile measured immediately upstream from the wall perturbation - corresponds to the alternate conjectures made in 3-2. Thus, separate calculations are made with each interpretation, and comparison with the measured values enables one to infer which, if any, of the procedures of 3-2 is proper. Both profiles 80 give good results for the moderate amplitude disturbance, although it is found that the use of the Pnperturbed profile is preferable. However, the use of the modified profile is found to largely explain the non-linear variation of the pressure amplitude with surface-wave amplitude when the latter is large. The sinusoidal variation in surface elevation has its starting point in the test section and it is found that the pressure distribution settles down to the "infinitiwe wave train" result (recall the approximation discussed in the final paragraph of 2-6) in half a wave length or less. The question regarding the use of "eddy" transport coefficients cannot be answered with a rigid wall experiment. 4-2 Experimental Apparatus The measurements were made in the 18" x 23" x 30" test section of the Aerophysics Research Laboratory. This is a continuous flow, closed return wind tunnel and permits relatively large variation in stagnation pressure (1 psi-20 psi), but is restricted to a small variation in stagnation temperature (600 F-120 0 F), see (22). The lowest design supersonic Mach number is 1.5. 81 Although a set of slotted transonic nozzle blocks were available, the corresponding flow conditions were considered too rough for precise measurements. Since a supersonic free stream Mach number below 1.5 was desired, a "bastard" configuration consisting of an upper nozzle block for M = 1.5 and a lower nozzle block for subsonic flow was used. This configuration had been previously found to give good flow conditions with a Mach number of 1.35, although the latter was raised to 1.405 as a result of fairings required to accommodate the wavy wall model. The latter was mounted on the floor, i.e., on the subsonic block. The test section is equipped with a traversing mechanism giving arbitrary streamwise and vertical motion in the vertical center plane. A two probe rake, which consisted of an ordinary 1/16" O.D., 1/32" I.D. total head tube and a small boundary layer probe mounted 1/2" below the former, was mounted on the traversing mechanism for free stream calibration and boundary layer survey measurements. The centerline of the boundary layer probe was inclined downward 70 from the horizontal in order to obtain complete velocity profiles on the positively inclined portions of the waves. The tip was tapered to .011" x .038" O.D. and .003" x .030" I.D. The upper probe was used to check the accuracy of the 82 lower and to decrease the running time required for the boundary layer surveys. The total pressures were measured with a 60" differential manometer containing silicone with a pressure-head relation, in the case of low stagnation pressure and with Wallace and Tiernan absolute pressure gauges for high stagnation pressures. The reference pressure was essentially vacuum in all cases. The vertical positioning of the probe was determined by touching the surface and using the traversing counter system to measure vertical distance from this location. Although the "touch point" was judged by eye, extensive initial calibration indicated that an accuracy of .002" could be obtained. Streamwise positioning was determined by the traverse counter using a fixed forward reference. Serious lateral probe flutter was initially encountered near the surface. The vibration amplitude was reduced to 1/16" by stiffening the probe. Comparison of profiles before and after stiffening indicated that this final vibration caused no measurable error in total pressure. No vibration in the vertical plane was observed. The wavy wall models were constructed from 1" thick mahogany blocks and were firmly attached to a 3/8" thick 83 aluminum base plate, see Fig. 2. Eight wavelengths of sinusoidally varying surface deflection were cut with milling cutters made especially for this purpose and the surface was hand-rubbed and filled. The two- dimensional waves spanned the 18" test section. Two such models were constructed with waves of .04" and .08" double amplitude respectively, both having 2" wavelengths. Careful measurements after installation showed that the surface elevation of the small amplitude model had a tolerance of - 0.0005". The same tolerance applies for the large amplitude model, except that the elevations were measured relative to a mean surface which was characterized by a smooth bow with 0.002" amplitude over a 6" chord. Thermocouples were mounted on the upper and lower surfaces of the mahogany block upstream from the surface perturbation. These were used to set the stagnation temperature at a value which corresponded to the "Adiabatic Wall" condition. The models were equipped with 39 static pressure orifices which consisted of .02" I.D. steel tubes mounted vertically and filed flush with the surface. The majority of the orifices were on the lateral centerline, giving rough pressure distributions over the first and seventh waves and detailed distributions on the second and fourth, see Fig. 3. Static pressures were also measured before and after the waves and limited lateral surveys were taken on the second and fourth waves at streamwise locations where separation would I 84 be expected to first set in. The static pressures were measured with 110" differential manometers containing the fluid mentioned above. A vacuum reference was used for the low stagnation pressures and the balance-house-chamber static pressure was measured by gauge and used for reference at the high stagnation pressures. 4-3 Experimental Procedure and Results Figure 2 shows a boundary layer profile measured at the Aerophysics Research Laboratory by Baron (23) with approximately the same test section configuration as that for the present experiment. Profiles measured elsewhere by Lock and Fung (21) and Morkovin (16) are also shown. The profile measured by Baron would give less significant effects on the surface pressure at the same Mach number and free stream Reynolds number. Therefore, the Reynolds number for the present experiment was varied from roughly that of the above measurements to an order of magnitude smaller in order to obtain velocity profiles that more nearly resemble the LockFung-Morkovin profiles. The variation in Reynolds number was achieved by changing stagnation pressure. 85 Figure 4 gives the unperturbed velocity profiles measured above the forward static pressure orifice. The stagnation temperature was adjusted to correspond to the adiabatic wall condition and the usual assumptions of constant static pressure and total temperature through the boundary layer, as well as normal shock and inviscid pitot compression were made. Measurements gave actual variations in total temperature and static pressure through the boundary layer of 312%. The stagnation temperature varied from 81 to 85 0 F depending on room temperature. Free stream surveys were made and they indicated Mach number variations of less than .015. The differences in the total pressures measured by the two probes were less than those due to non-uniformities in the stream. Total pressure profiles were measured at various streamwise locations along the second wave. The measurements were made at both the low and high Reynolds number conditions for the low amplitude wave model and at the low Reynolds number condition for the large amplitude model. The static pressure is, of coursenot constant through the perturbed boundary layer. However, assuming that the static pressure and the velocity are of the form -fry) + ax, ;arm ki3, one can show that the pitot pressure is of the same form including 86 all higher harmonics. profiles with Averaging the total pressure 4 streamwise separation distances of removes the first and second harmonics and thus yields the non-periodic portion with errors of third order in the perturbation. The non-periodic portion of the pitot pressure is related to the non-periodic portions of the .Mach number,, , ' , and static pressure (this is equal to the undisturbed freestream static) by the usual normal shock-isentropic compression relations with error of second order in the perturbations. Hence, the average velocity profile can be obtained under the constant total temperature assumption. The errors incurred above were found to induce errors in the velocity profiles of the order (1/3f%) conditions of the experiment. for the In the averaging process, y is interpreted as the vertical distance measured from the surface. The resulting profiles, eY , are given in Fig. 5. A slightly different technique follows from the "assumption" that the static pressure through the boundary layer is constant (recall that this is not the case) and equal to the surface value at that particular streamwise location. This enables one to calculate Mach numbers and velocity profiles directly from the total pressure measurements. These profiles 87 are accurate to an undetermined distance (of order A < 'f.vp-~.'r) from the wall. The Mach number profiles are shown in Figs. 6a-6b along with the average profile calculated by the previous method. It is to the average of the other profiles even for 1>>4f , be noted that the latter corresponds very closely to since the actual variations in pressure are periodic in x and the errors average out. check of the Thus, a semi-independent average profile is obtained. The latter technique is not very practical in the outer portion of the boundary layer due to the fact that the computed Mach number is very sensitive to small errors in total pressure if M = 0 (1). The first technique avoids this difficulty since the pressure profiles are averaged before calculating Schlieren photographs of the boundary layer and external flow were taken. These are not included in the text since they were unclear in the area of most interest, i.e., near the surface. The most valuable contributions of these photographs were to assure that no undesirable disturbances were present upstream and to define the character of the model. shock pattern which formed above the An oblique shock wave formed in the outer boundary layer at each streamwise point of maximum compression. These shocks were shown to be weak by 88 the fact that the shock angles were all identical and equal to the Mach angle for M = 1.4 The measured streamwise pressure distributions are shown in Figs. 7a-7c. These were recorded at the beginning of a run (after the stagnation pressure and temperature had stabilized) and at the end with the elapsed time of the order 30-60 minutes. The pressures did not vary appreciably with time except where noted. Small variations in stagnation temperature did not appear to have any appreciable influence on the surface pressure although no specific data was taken. The pressures measured in the lateral surveys did not differ appreciably from that on the centerline. 4-4 Discussion and Conclusions The "unperturbed" velocity profiles of Fig. 4 show the anticipated effect of increasing the Reynolds number, i.e., the profile becomes more full and the momentum thickness decreases. Figure 5 indicates that the surface wave influences the average profile in the same fashion as a rough wall, the inner portion of the profile being less full and the outer part almost unaffected. The intercepts of the individual Mach number profiles in Figs. 6a-6b are directly correlated with the compressions 89 and expansions indicated by the pressure distributions of 7a-7b. The Mach number profiles also indicate the thickening and thinning of the boundary layer in adverse and favorable pressure gradients, respectively, and the results of 6b indicate that separation would probably set in for of the order .03-.04. 7 The pressure distributions given in Figs. 7a-c are so nearly sinusoidal over the wavelengths first one or' two that they can be usefully characterized by a complex amplitude factor, i.e., the ratio of pressure amplitude to surface amplitude and a phase shift. The variation of boundary layer thickness over the wave causes a slight distortion in this sinusoidal character. That is, the effective forward phase shift varies + 50 in the regions of adverse and favorable pressure gradient, respectively. The upward drift in the mean static pressure may be due to the losses in the weak shocks, although it is not evident over the first one or two wavelengths and could result from an inherent pressure gradient in the test section. Tne continuous aeuiease of pressure amplitude and increase of phase shift with x is likely caused by the changes in the boundary layer profile which, in turn, result from the adverse gradient in the mean static pressure. ~1 90 The results regarding surface pressure are summarized in Figs. 8a-8b which exhibit the variation of the complex pressure amplitude witn Reynolds numoer ana suriace ampiitude. The experimental results correspond to averages over the first and second waves. It is seen that the deviations of these averages from the potential flow calculations are an order of magnitude larger than the distortion over a given wave. The pressure amplitude ratio is seen to rapidly approach that given by potential flow with increasing Reynolds number, but a strong phase shift remains. Increasing the wave amplitude at the low Reynolds number causes even more serious deviations from potential flow and a non-linearity is indicated, i.e., the phase shift varies witn wave amplitude and the pressure amplitude varies in a nun-linear fashion. The theoretical predictions of the pressures are also given by Figs. 8a-8b. These results correspond to the expressions (2.20), k2.21) with the profile data taken from Figs. 4 and 5. not shown. The results using (2.22) are The latter gives the proper trend from potential flow, but the indicated boundary layer effect is an order of magnitude too small. the linear theory - i.e., It is seen that (2.21) with the unperturbed 91 profiles of Fig. 4 - gives the best results for the variation of Reynolds number in the case of the small amplitude model. The non-linear theory - i.e., (2.20) with the perturbed profiles of Fig. 5 - gives much better results for the large amplitude model at the lower Reynolds number. One must exercise particular care not tovassociate large boundary layer effects with uncommonly low Reynolds numbers. Comparison of the data given in Fig. 1 with that in Fig. 8a indicates that the boundary layer effects at high Reynolds number would be expected to be much larger in the wind tunnels used by Lock-Fung-Morkovin than at the Aerophysics Research Laboratory. from the This results differences between the Lock-Fung-Morkovin velocity profiles given in Fig. 2 and those given in Fig. 4. As was indicated in section 4-3, it was precisely these differences that motivated the use of the lower Reynolds numbers for this experiment. Incidentally, it is worthwhile to note that the direct effect of increasing the Reynolds number in (2.20) (without accounting for the change in the velocity profile) is to increase the deviation from the results model, see Fig. 1. for the potential flow As is expected from order of magnitude considerations, both the theory and experiment show that the overall effect of increasing the Reynolds number is to decrease these deviations. 92 CHAPTER 5 STABILITY OF FINITE CHORD PANELS EXPOSED TO LOW SUPERSONIC FLOWS WITH A TURBULENT BOUNDARY LAYER 5-1 Introduction The "self-excited" vibration of an elastic panel exposed to an airstream - i.e., "panel flutter" - is examined with particular emphasis on the effects of a turbulent boundary layer. The Mach number range is taken to be low supersonic since the phenomenon can be highly dependent on boundary layer effects in this regime. The structural model is a flat, two-dimensional panel with "pinned" end-conditions and is characterized by flexural stiffness and structural dissipation. The inadequacy of the potential fluid model under these conditions has been demonstrated by Lock and Fung (21). In their analytical work, they used a two- mode Galerkin technique and the "exact" linearized potential flow aerodynamics. Their primary results are summarized in the "flutter boundaries" of Fig. 9 93 which show that the theoretical and measured results converge at /APYZ', but disagree sharply lower supersonic Mach numbers. for the Nelson and Cunningham (28) have found that a similar four-mode analysis gives essentially the same results for clamped-end panels and that the additional degrees of freedom were of no qualitative importance. The latter results were compared with experimental points taken by Sylvester and Baker (29). Although the Lock-Fung measurements were designed to remove undesirable features of various earlier measurements, they can still be adversely criticized on several counts. The wind tunnel in which the experiments were made was only 4" wide and from their measured mean velocity profiles over the panel - see Fig. 2 - one anticipates that the side-wall boundary layers covered 10-20% of the span. The authors realized this difficulty and terminated the panel 0.2" short of the side walls. Unfortunately, this procedure introduces the possibility of more serious three-dimensional disturbances for the low Mach numbers and small span-to-chord ratios - of order (1) or less - of their experiment. However, the general agreement with the Nelson-Cunningham and SylvesterBaker stability boundaries indicates that the results are qualitatively correct. Attempts were also made to induce static deformations in the panel by slight accelerations 94 in the free stream, but this may well lose the The corresponding character of a controlled experiment. variations in the flutter boundary are indicated by the shaded portion of Fig. 9 and these can perhaps best be interpreted as uncertainties in the measured results. Lock and Fung felt that the disagreement between the analytical and experimental results was due to failures in the aerodynamic model used since this difference arose as a function of Mach number. They suggested that the difficulty might be due to the boundary layer because other obvious sources of error had been eliminated. They also suggested that the effect of the slight flow acceleration might be associated with the measured change in the boundary layer profile. To the author's knowledge, the only previous theoretical attempt to account for the effect of a turbulent boundary layer in the present context is the qualitative analysis given by Miles (9). In this, Miles used an inviscid shear profile which roughly corresponds to a turbulent mean velocity profile and examined traveling waves in a'flexible surface of infinite extent. As is mentioned in Appendix A, the applicability of this idealized model to realizable systems is in doubt at supersonic Mach numbers. It is relevant to note that the Lock-Fung measurements were definitely not associated with traveling wave motion. 95 The present study is not intended as a broad investigation into the particulars of panel flutter, but rather as a preliminary effort to ascertain the physical role of the boundary layer in the instance of the Lock-Fung experiment. The measured results are predicted reasonably wellwithe inclusion of boundary layer effects, and the failure of the potential fluid model is clarified. While the results of Chapter 4 might lead one to expect that the boundary layer effects would be important throughout the Mach number range 1., M < 1.7, the primary failure of the potential flow model is found to derive from a special feature dynamical system. of the The spurious portion of the predicted flutter boundary in Fig. 9 is directly associated with the single-degree-of-freedom instability noted by Miles and Rodden (30),, This is demonstrated by the fact that the instability is predicted by a single assumed mode analysis with potential flow aerodynamics. This instability is suppressed entirely by the inclusion of boundary layer effects and the detailed role of these effects is clearly exhibited. Thus, two assumed modes are required to predict a meaningful stability curve with boundary layer effects included. Again the neutral solutions are characterized by a single-degree-of-freedom 96 oscillation (i.e., the ratio of the generalized coordinate amplitudes is essentially real), but it appears that the new instability does not derive from the previous instability. Although the boundary layer effects are apparently significant for the new neutral solutions, it is possible that a potential flow analysis would give reasonable results if the spurious instability is ignored. This point is not investigated in detail since it is not felt to be basic to the present study. Of course, such a conclusion would be of real practical importance to the practicing aeroelastician. It may be relevant to note that the results of Chapters 2-4 give, perhaps for the first time, tne underlying information requisite to the rational study of a perturbed surface with a turbulent boundary layer. In view of the results of Chapter 4, the Lock-Fung measurements strongly suggest that the assumption regarding the compositionvof the field variables, i.e., (3.2), is appropriate and that the "linear" interpretation of the mean profile as the one measured over the flexible surface in the absence of the harmonic vibration is reasonable. While the question of the interpretation of the coefficient of viscosity has not been resolved, the particular wave speeds of interest are small and the laminar viscosity is used. The linear analysis - in which 97 the Galerkin technique is used - admits an especially convenient approximation of the aerodynamic pressure for the particular structural model considered; namely, the superposition of pressures corresponding to a finite number of traveling waves (recall the discussion at the end of section 2-6). This is the analogy of the direct use of (2.20) in predicting the measurements given in Chapter 4. While this approximation is not of universal validity, it is shown to be adequate for the present purposes and its peculiarities are clearly isolated. The approximation not only eases the computational problem posed by the Fourier superposition techniques of 2-6, 3-4, but facilitates understanding of the underlying mechanisms as well. In regard to more comprehensive studies of panel flutter, it may be relevant to point out that the analysis at hand is similar to the investigation based on (A-2) of Appendix A (in contrast to the study based on (A-2")). This similarity appears to have no importance for the present analysis, but it is conceivable that this approach could overlook instability phenomena associated with boundary layer instability over a rigid wall (see Appendix A). In this instance, the ratio of "total" boundary layer thickness to chord length is of the order 0.3"/6.0"=0.05. 98 (Again recall that the appropriate measure of the boundary layer effect for the turbulent layer is a/.. r a/ , even though that appears in the analysis). 0/e is the quantity Thus, one does not expect this to be an exceptional case in which the boundary layer measure is unduly large, although it is evident that it can be of some significance. However, these order of magnitude considerations may be somewhat misleading in applications regarding stability boundaries and of course (2.20) does not correspond to the mode of motion to be studied. As is evidenced by the study of structural dissipation in Appendix A, small changes in certain parameters can have large effects on the stability boundaries. A more detailed examination of the eigenvalues is expected to show that these areas correspond to small growth rates, but the implication of the latter is another question. The boundary layer effects encountered here appear to admit a similar interpretation, i.e., the spurious single-degree-of-freedom instability mentioned above appears to be only mildly unstable. The latter is demonstrated by the radical effects of structural dissipation as shown by Lock and Fung (21). 99 5-2 Analysis The analysis is based on the Galerkin technique and it is assumed that the panel deflection can be expressed in a truncated modal expansion, i.e., with the same coordinate system as in previous chapters are taken as the natural modes of where the the panel in the absence of the air. With the panel characterized by mass and flexural stiffness (see the nomenclature for the kinetic and potential energy expressions) and the forcing term arising from the induced normal pressure, the application of Lagrange's equation yields the equations of motion in the generalized coordinates, 0 eej . . The subsequent assumption of the harmonic time dependence with a set of homogeneous algebraic equations for the . and the introduction of the structural damping yields For the panel under consideration with "pinned" endconditions are for /'=2 , y , ... ), these equations 100 ~~z L ITS 14q2 if 01 Jra 0IV0 aax"j 2. -kj, z I rz 0 (5.2) where the non-dimensional quantities are defined in the nomenclature. The 7r7, are ('!' the non-dimensional complex pressure amplitudes due to oscillation in the The equation for AVI 7it4 mode. (i.e., the fundamental mode) is simply that the first term of (5.2) vanish. In general, Eq. (2.20) gives the Fourier transform A and (a' AS " of the pressure where is to be interpreted as the Fourier transform of the mode shape, OPM erP . The inversion transform can be found in closed form for the potential flow (i.e., '-+ 0 ) and gives a convolution integral, see for example Bisplinghoff, Ashley and Halfman (31), pp. 364. means. Otherwise, it must be obtained by numerical 101 However, for the particular mode shapes of the present example one can write 0 z4<X i.e., in the range of interest the total deflection is + composed of the traveling waves with wave speeds This fact suggests that the pressure due to deformation in a given mode be approximated by the superposition of waves. The measurements of Chapter 4 - see Fig. 7 - the pressures corresponding to the infinite traveling indicate that this is good approximation for the turbulent boundary layer over a rigid wall (i.e.,C = 0). Unfortunately, the measurements do not include the first half wavelength which is of paramount interest here. Comparative studies made wi tishe potential flow model give further insight into this approximation. That is, ) the power series expansions (in the reduced frequency,* of the "exact" linearized expression for the pressure and of (5.4) with (5.5) show that the approximation is in 102 error by terms of order - . Further, in section 5-3, the corresponding errors in the stability boundaries for the single-degree-of-ireedom analysis are shown to become of real significance for i.e., as the downstream C.= 1 * - /- wave becomes transonic. The reduced frequencies of interest here are rather less than this number so the approximation is quite acceptable. Therefore, the pressure is taken to be where the are dimensionless complex pressure pl amplitudes associated with the traveling waves of unit dimensional amplitude, the latter having wave numbers ~and wave speeds Assuming pressurized air behind the panel (with negligible dynamics), the )%_ are found from the "pseudo-laminar" expression (2.20) with the Heisenberg form (2.21) and are 103 -2 's' (/ - C-,) l mma,' OF- 04V ~c -- /z tZ.VC)l 2 9--0 (, -) +J[- O) w $1 - , r; ~ (n ~-~:- /--.2) (/ e--.>4 -r.., 751 1* 7;., 1 e ir)] 0 6K, aj 7 U-IGOda 4f +;- ---e 440 - KI -C44 - 'L " a I-A& 0 1- C.N ) 4 7- //. if ft16 -; jr C-?C', =- 7,7r 7 C Iz4 14 * The computations for the JJ~7 'O ~ RW,:: R ) 11/3 C 7.;& are based on the assumptions of the "Adiabatic Wall" (the Lock-Fung measurements were made with a cavity of still air behind the panel) and constant total temperature across the boundary layer. The profile derivatives ~~ar) 104 are found by the "Rapid Computing Technique" of Lees (6) and were based on the laminar profiles given by Lees with a scale change in the normal coordinate to adjust to the value taken from the measured 0 profiles of Fig. 2. This point is not essential since both the laminar and turbulent profiles are essentially linear for the pertinent (small) values of Z~c E CV and therefore it is only the value O, that is of importance. The possibility of non-trivial solutions to (5.2) requires that the (complex) characteristic determinant vanish. Utilizing (5.4), the resulting characteristic equations for the single-mode analysis become z (5.6) Similarly, for the two mode analysis, 105 c7 )(e)+ (A ( C)- Jri -4j0 )(j#,w. A (F*>()( *.- For the one-mode analysis, and * = = 0 + (c (.$)(. ')6 (5.6) gives the eigenvalues , directly for particular values of I/ I real and . The two-mode analysis proceeds in a similar fashion except that the simultaneous solutions of (5.6') are determined graphically for given values of *' and 9 . Thus, stability boundaries in space can be found with the parameter, each boundary. , varying along The stable and unstable regions can easily be determined by the technique associated with Eq. (A.6). For a given atmosphere, Mach number and panel material and 1 take the forms z2 106 where 2 is the panel thickness ratio a second curve with the parameter i &, in space. I . Thus, can be constructed The intersection of this curve with the stability boundary gives the value of 'e required to prevent instability at a given Mach number. 5-3 Results The failure of the potential flow model and the relevance of the approximation (5.4) can best be understood by reference to Figs. 10 and 11. Figure 10 shows that the spurious portion of the two-mode boundary with "exact linearized" potential flow aerodynamics (derived by Lock and Fung) is predicted by a single-degree-of-freedom analysis with the same aerodynamics (discrete points) or with the approximation (5.4) specialized to potential flow, i.e., 4-7140 in (5.5). are erroneous for large values of These latter boundaries 2 due to the fact that the reduced frequency becomes large, which in turn implies that the downstream wave becomes transonic relative to the free stream, i.e., the approximation (5.4) fails. Figure 11 shows the character of this failure in the A domain. The failure for small values of 'r 'Z is due to the fact that only one degree of freedom is allowed. instability is entirely suppressed by the inclusion of This 107 boundary layer effects. The character of the instability and the role of the boundary layer are illuminated by using (5.4) to compute the energy flux to the panel This is over a cycle of harmonic oscillation. Ir ,w' A fir - f AZ~ zr __________ Wr f, (5.7) It is evident that the out-of-phase components of the pressure act like "damping" terms. In the potential flow limit, the pressure associated witn the downstream wave corresponds to energy addition and that with the wave to energy removal. upstream One finds that the energy addition term dominates in a Mach number range bounded by that C Af' . Detailed calculations also indicate is considerably smaller than each individual contribution. Owing to this, the boundary layer effects are rather more important than for a simple traveling wave. Indeed, for the boundary layer under consideration for all M > 1. C<o 108 These effects are largely associated with Ae 7 and . (rerlected by Re ii:t The effects of the shear profile /'i ) are somewhat larger than the direct viscous effects (reflected by the deviation of from unity), although the latter are certainly ' appreciable. The lesser value of 6 for the super- imposed waves also leads one to expect that the indicated instability for the finite panel corresponds to a smaller growth rate than that for a wave traveling downstream under otherwise similar conditions. The increased flexibility of an analysis with two assumed modes is then required for the new predicted stability boundary of Fig. 9. are again associated with an of-freedom oscillation. The neutral solutions essentially single-degree- That is, the ratio is real and fairly large, see Fig. 12. ./' However, tne previous neutral curve was traced from the one-mode to the two-mode boundary layer analysis (it lies in the domain - <0 and so is meaningless) and hence the new meaningful instability does not appear to derive from the old. The single-degree-of-freedom character of the neutral solution agrees with the Lock-Fung observations, but the reduced frequencies are rather too low. change in the boundary layer profile due to "panel The 109 curvature" would give the same trend as the LockFung observations, but this refinement was not felt to be warranted here. The corresponding two-mode analysis with the approximate potential flow aerodynamics is not very informative. It predicts the same spurious single- degree-of-freedom instability and two other less critical modes. One of these appears to arise directly from the approximate aerodynamics (it is suppressed both by boundary layer effects and apparently by the texact" linearized potential flow) and has pathological stability characteristics. The second appears to correspond to a second mode predicted by Lock and Fung, but it is associated with rather large values of for moderate values of '/ZZ . A- V* and thus cannot be adequately studied with the approximation (5.4). The relation of the stability boundary predicted in Fig. 9 (whichincidentally, is the only meaningful instability with the effects of the boundary layer included) to the second aeroelastic mode of the twomode analysis with "exact" linearized potential flow is not examined. However, the character of the predicted and measured instabilities for 7 is well-known and is associated with coupling between the two assumed modes. The smooth transition of the measured thickness 110 to prevent instability from to suggests that the potential flow analysis might predict the observations rather well if the spurious boundary is ignored. ill CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION In closing, the principal features of the preceding The chapters are summarized and criticized. interrelated natures of various facets of the study are indicated and topics needing further clarification are emphasized. In Chapter 1, the limitations and qualitative implications of the theory for a traveling wave disturbance in a laminar viscous flow and the adjoining boundary is examined. These implications are illus- trated by the study of the stability of the laminar flow over a flexible surface, see Appendix A. The theory for the perturbed flow with a turbulent boundary layer, given in Chapter j, is intimately related to that for the laminar viscous flow. Thus, the study of the laminar flow has direct bearing on that for the turbulent flow and vice versa. As was pointed out in section 2-6, the boundary layer significantly influences the pressure on a surface whose deformation is described by a planar 112 C-/+ (and presumably d/ C ), c</ limited to A R., is ol= 27 traveling wave if a) %w , large, b) C-+-/~ although the theory is and c) the values of the parameters M approach those values associated with hydrodynamic instability over a rigid wall, i.e., the surface disturbance excites natural oscillations in the boundary layer. The theoretical limitations on the expression for the surface pressure (2.20), are most severe under these same conditions. and imposed on The restricitions c/5 dA', C by the use of the asymptotic expansions can be Me relieved by resorting to numerical techniques. However, the theory of hydrodynamic instability has been confirmed for =W . Also, the correlation between the theo- retical and observed pressure distributions on a rigid wavy wall with 0( = 0(1.5) (Fig. 8a) is good. can conclude that the limit.tion on oe restrictive. Thus, one is not overly One should recall that this conclusion is valid for the studies with expansion, see Eqs. l, O only if the Heisenberg (2.8) and (2.21), is used. The com- parisons of the postulated Fourier transform applications of (2.20) with and without viscous effects (section 2-6) leads one to expect that the "transonic difficulty" (c-v/- -J- ) is not serious for most surface disturbances. One may also note that the results for the viscous - -9 fluid are well behaved in the worst extreme, i.e. a traveling wave with C=-,. The validity of the theory for surface disturbances that excite the natural oscillations in the boundary layer remains to be resolved. Possible analogies with simpl, mechanical systems indicate that this point should be investigated further. For example, the effect of a mass-spring oscillator attached to a massive body may be considerably overestimated by a linear analypis body vibrates with a frequency to the oscillator that is if the large nearly equal frequency. The results of Chapters 4 and 5 show that the turbulent boundary layer can, indeed, have significant effects on the surface pressure and on phenomena which depend on the surface pressure. The observed effects on the pressure distribution over a rigid wavy wall (Chapter 4 and Fig.b) are directly associated with large values of the measure, equation (2.20). 9 , in However, the panel-flutter analysis of Chapter 5 (Fig. 9) shows that the boundary layer effects can be more signigicant than the value of (sr o0-04) might inaicate. This results from the fact that the out-of-phase componenti distrioution for a standing wave is of the pressure sensitive to Dound- ary layer effects. The results of Chapters 4 and 5 also snow tnat the analysis based on Lhe 'linear' conjecture made in 114 Chapter 3; namely, that the mean quantities describing the turbulent boundary are unaffected by the regular perturbation; is valid for small amplitude disturbances. This conclusion can be questioned for values or less than those considered ( A*I'/r= 0 () W ) and for values of the phase velocity greater than those considered (c %oC44)}. The use of the "eddy" viscosity to account for exceptions to the above conjecture is suggested, but is still unresolved (except that it is shown to be unimportant for small values of C , see pp. 70, 71). An extension of the experimental investigation of Chapter 4 is suggested for direct examination of this point. If one passes an endless moving belt over tne rigid wavy wall, the condition of a traveling wave with c O O can be generated (as seen by an observer in a frame translating with the belt). An alternate indirect procedure is the study of natural or forced In order to generate sufficiently large values of C , vibrations in a panel exposed to the boundary layer flow. one would have to design the system so that the frequency of oscillation is higher and/or the panel length is less than those values considered in Chapter 5. The correlation between the observed pressure distribution for the large amplitude wavy wall model 115 (Fig. 8b) and that predicted by the analysis based on the "non-linear" conjecture of Chapter 3; namely, that it is consistent to consider a first-order perturbation on the mean quantities which are modified by the perturbation; demonstrates that this concept does describe the non-linear mechanism. The theory is semi- empirical in the context of Chapter 4, i.e., the mean quantities are determined by measurement. However, if a first order analysis could be put forward to describe the inverse problem (the determination of the perturbation in the mean profile, 4ur' = for a specified periodic disturbance), then the two linear theories could be used in counterpoint to predict the basically nonlinear phenomena. A final comment regarding the relevance of the examination of panel flutter (Chapter 5) to aerospace craft may be of interest. The intent of Chapter 5 is to demonstrate the significance of boundary layer effects for a particular example and the studies are limited in scope insofar as possible parameter variations are concerned. These studies roughly correspond to a constant dynamic pressure trajectory with varying Mach number and altitude (in the range 30,000-50,000 feet)9 The boundary layer effects are expected to increase with altitude at constant Mach number. Figure 9 shows that the maximum required panel thickness corresponds to ,I 1.2, a condition for which the boundary layer effects -I 116 are extreme. The importance of these effects in three-dimensional flows remains to be examined. 117 APPENDIX A STABILITY OF A FLEXIBLE SURFACE EXPOSED TO POTENTIAL AND LAMINAR VISCOUS FLOWS A-1 Introduction and Qualitative Results The roles of fluid viscosity and structural dissipation in the stability of flows over a flexible surface are examined. The study is confined to the unbounded, initially flat surface and the associated traveling wave disturbances - which are taken to be two-dimensional with their phase velocity in the stream direction - because of their analytical convenience. As may be anticipated, this model affords a convenient vehicle for the illustration of the viscous effects discussed under 2-6. With viscous effects included, the model exhibits instabilities that derive from two limiting cases: 1) potential flow over a flexible surface and 2) the boundary layer instability over a rigid wall. Emphasis is given to considerations of the phenomenon from these alternate points of view. A cursory examination of the "supersonic disturbance" 118 (i.e., C < in the classical hydrodynamic stability problem is also made. The stability of a non-dissipative surface with a uniform potential flow has been previously investigated by Miles (24) and serves as a point of reference for the present investigation. Similar investigations, which take structural dissipation into account, have been made for the infinite cylinder, see Miles (25), Leonard and Hedgepath (26). The latter authors noted that the neutral curves for the model including structural damping did not converge to those without damping as the damping coefficient was taken uniformly to zero. The results for the non-dissipative model were rejected as meaningless for real systems. This phenomenon is also present for the flat plate and a study of amplified, as well as neutral, disturbances removes the conceptual difficulty. The results of the non-dissipative model are indeed meaningless insofar as absolute stability is concerned, but they indicate the onset of severe instability for lightly damped surface. AI/ The case for with the flat, dissipative surface exhibits an especially disturbing feature in that the mild instability occurs for almost all values of the structural parameters, excepting a small region corresponding to large dissipation. This vast region of instability is sharply curtailed by 119 the presence of the boundary layer, even if the boundary layer is infinitesimally thin as compared to the wavelength of the disturbance. The new portion of the neutral surface is intimately associated with the effect of the boundary layer on "transonic" disturbances. The previous investigators found that structural dissipation can have a destabilizing effect. This is reaffirmed and a qualitative explanation based on recent work by Landahl is given. Miles (9) has extended his investigations to include an inviscid shear profile. Adverse criticism of the inviscid fluid model is given in Chapter 2. Miles' results were highly qualitative and were based on the first iteration of an approximate solution to the characteristic equation. The potential flow studies are here extended to include the full laminar viscous model of Chapter 2 and more quantitative results are found through the use of graphical techniques, due to Landahl (3). M = 0, 1.3. Detailed calculations are carried out for The latter is within a Mach number range of considerable interest in connection with panel flutter. The effects of the boundary layer and viscosity are shown to be highly important for conditions approaching those of hydrodynamic instability over a rigid wall, 120 although the amplitude limitations mentioned in Chapter 2 should be noted. It is found that no simple rule can be given concerning the stabilizing or destabilizing effects of the boundary layer or structural dissipation, although sufficiently thick boundary layers tend to suppress those instabilities deriving from the elastic surface exposed to the inviscid potential flow. Certain pathological neutral surfaces are found when the viscous effects are included. That is, these surfaces do not demarcate regions, in parameter-space, for which an eigenvalue changes its stability characteristic. This fact is of course disturbing in light of the usual implications of neutral surfaces. Even in the latter case, the possibility of other eigensolutions which have the same stability characteristic on either side of a particular neutral surface exists. Indeed, amplified disturbances that are not indicated by the above examination are found for certain boundary layer configurations. These disturbances are found to be intimately related to the classical hydrodynamic instability over a rigid wall. The investigations mentioned above proceed along lines conventionally used in aeroelastic investigations. That is, the equation of motion for the panel is taken directly as the characteristic equation and neutral 121 surfaces are defined in the structural parameterspace for discrete values of the aerodynamic parameters. One may note that defining such surfaces as functions of all parameters would require a hyperspace of six dimensions. conclusion Perhaps the most important practical of this analysis is that the difficulty noted above points up the danger of dealing with a parameter-space of reduced dimensions. Some practical difficulties occur near the eigenvalues of the hydrodynamic stability problem since the term arising from the aerodynamic pressure is nearly singular. An alternate technique, which has been utilized by Benjamin (2) and Landahl (3), proceeds along lines similar to those used in the hydrodynamic stability investigations. In essence, this consists of considering the inverse of the equation of motion of the panel and determining neutral curves in the dj,R discrete values of the other parameters. space for Of course, the solutions must be identical with those found by the method above, the differences being only in the practical difficulties just mentioned and in that different areas of the parameter space are investigated. A brief study is made with the latter technique, the ostensible surpose being to investigate the effect of variable wall flexibility on boundary layer stability. PO 122 The wall flexibility (or more properly wall rigidity) CO is characterized by the wave flexure speed, defined in the nomenclature. Co , as is a function of the wavelength for the dispersive surface and the Co variation of is of fundamental importance since any one such surface admits disturbances with different flexure speeds. This analysis is applicable to both dispersive and nondispersive surfaces, but only the latter is considered in detail. An obvious example of The non-dispersive surface is the simple membrane under tension. The study, which corresponds to M = 1.3, indicates that the wall flexibility is unimportant for Co >/ (at least for the rather high values of panel mass and damping coefficients considered, i.e., -5 = 2.5). " = 30, However, the flexible surface begins to react unfavorably with the flow for first occurs at Co <I . This C,1.4 and further decrease in Co causes amplified disturbances that are relatively unimportant for the rigid wall to dominate the complete A'R domain. These disturbances travel very slowly and correspond to a visco-elastic interaction. They have "supersonic" phase velocities for 7,? 1, but are approximately independent of the "inviscid solutions" and hence M.. Landahl (3) has carried out more extensive investigations regarding the variations of -4 and 7w 123 for CO>,4, M=o . The comparison of the results gained by this technique with those mentioned above provides the key to the discovery of those amplified disturbances for which no neutral surfaces were previously found. Detailed examination of the characteristic equation for the rigid wall or the flexible surface with positive dissipation reveals that no neutral disturbances exist for C<O at any M. This rules out the possibility of neutral supersonic disturbances in subsonic flow (except possibly for C>/ which cannot be investigated with the It also rules out the possibility asymptotic solutions). of standing waves in the unbounded flexible surface. The remaining possibility for supersonic disturbances is 0 <C <1---L . The calculations for Mr= 1.3 show that no such neutral disturbances exist for the rigid wall. Qualitative considerations indicate that this conclusion should hold for all M and that it holds for moderately unstable disturbances as well. The definition of moderate instability was taken as / 0(Z . The possible exception to these conclusions is for low is untrustworthy in this case. Lin (5), p. 69, a'sR , but the theory Thus, it appears that lost no important information in disregarding the supersonic disturbance, although the 124 work of Landahl (3) introduces the possibility that Lin's energy arguments could be in error. In conclusion, some qualitative remarks are made regarding the relevance of the study to surfaces of bounded extent. Quantitative criterion with which to make such a judgment for a particular configuration is difficult to obtain because the effect of the overall geometry enters the solutions in an inexplicit fashion. It is useful to note that the results of the studies on hydrodynamic stability have been experimentally confirmed near the leading edge of a plate. This implies that the hydrodynamic phenomena is local in nature, except for the variation in the boundary layer profile with distance from the leading edge. The requirements are more stringent for the flexible wall because the structural end-conditions also enter. The effects of the end-conditions are confined to narrow regions near the panel edges provided that the spatial derivative terms in the panel equation of motion are small with respect to the other terms. Thus, one would expect the unbounded panel result to be applicable in the intermediate region. Another way to characterize the existence of this region is by requiring the energy flux along the panel to be small with respect to the 125 local energy density. Dugundji (27) has used a potential flow analysis to show that the traveling wave results correspond closely to a two-mode result for a "long" panel with pinned ends if Mw< 1. (The panel was long in the sense that the modes of interest contained 8-9 wavelengths.) This was not the case for the same configuration with M.> 1. In the latter condition, the two-mode analysis indicated standing waves and, as was indicated above, such solutions do not exist for the unbounded surface. Thus, it is doubtful that the analysis for the unbounded panel is directly applicable to the study of bounded panels in the case My,1> 1, unless further experimental or analytical studies show that the bounded panels can admit disturbances that resemble traveling waves. 4 r 126 The Characteristic Equations and Techniques for Determining Eigenvalues A-2 The Characteristic Equation The characteristic equation considered here corresponds to an initially flat, unbounded surface that is characterized by inertia, viscous damping, and generalized stiffness forces. For purposes of definiteness, the characteristic equation will be derived from the equation of motion for a thin elastic panel with the generalized stiffness forces corresponding to flexural stiffness, membrane tension, and a spring foundation. However, it is quite possible that more general surfaces will lead to a characteristic equation of similar form. The equation of motion for small deformations perpendicular to the plane of the undeformed state is in dimensional form / -3Fr * a' (A.1) ' is the total compressive surface stress arising from the perturbed fluid on one side of the surface. order of magnitude estimates of Chapter 2 show that can be approximated by order (e ). -' within The inclusion of Ar errors of (i.e., the undisturbed static pressure) can be regarded as a The '2' 127 pressurized fluid (with its dynamics ignored) on the underside of the surface or as a linearization from the statically deformed state with that deformation disregarded. As in Chapter 2, we consider traveling wave motion and orient the X axis to point in the direction of the phase velocity. Reverting to the non-dimensional quantities of the nomenclature and utilizing (2.20) (with Acc)I O ) yields the characteristic equation in a form conventionally used by aeroelasticians, namely, / (-C) .~ 2 where the surface admittance, A (or the impedance, . ) (A.2) is defined by 4' (A.21) C 2Zjc- Z4WC It is to be noted that the parameters characterizing the structure are defined so as to be independent of Thus, one can consider the potential flow model by simply letting Q . the boundary layer thickness. 128 The Heisenberg result, (2.21), and (2.23) are used rka',W in calculations for . The characteristics of the laminar boundary layer for compressible flow and a"rapid computing technique" for finding It is to be noted that the computations throughout. (N4r/ are The "Adiabatic Wall" is considered taken from Lees (6). for P are rather more lengthy for transonic and supersonic disturbances than the simple low speed approximation given by Lin (5), pp. 37 and 43. As was mentioned previously, the denominator of the right hand side of (A.2) is precisely the characteristic equation for the problem of hydrodynamic stability over a rigid wall. Thus, to avoid practical difficulties for combinations of parameters near the eigenvalues of the latter problem and to investigate the modification of those neutral curves due to flexibility, it is convenient to consider the inverse of (A.2), i.e., (A.2") The characteristic equation (A.2), or its alternate (A.2"), is a complex equation and thus corresponds to two constraints on the parameters. the complex number C One can think of as the double eigenvalue which 129 can in principle be determined if all other parameters However, exact solutions can be found only in special cases. generally been restricted to real values of Thus, one can take have The tabulated values of' Ci . are fixed. and one other parameter as the eigenvalues corresponding to neutral eigensolutions. In fact, it is usually more convenient to choose values for Cv as well and determine two other parameters as eigenvalues. C , However, there are multiple eigenvalues, for fixed values of the other parameters and one can never be assured that all those corresponding to unstable motion have been found. Some specific techniques for determining information about the eigenvalues are explored in the following paragraphs. The Nyquist Criteria The Nyquist technique is well-known for its value in determining the areas in parameter space fcrwhich unstable eigenvalues occur and the number of such eigenvalues. It is limited by the facts that it does not give complete information regarding the eigenvalue and that the behavior of the characteristic equation must be known for complex C . To illustrate the value of this technique, let us specialize (A.2) to potential flow by letting W-50 , see (2.21). 130 ) (/-c (4-c Cc - / ;// (A .3) (See nomenclature for the definition of Now E has branch points at C C analytic in the half plane but it , / 0 .) /-M('C-' if is the branch lines are chosen to fall into the region can then be written in the form In principle, CZ:-Vo (C) .1: one fixes the parameters -* C4, c&- ) and lets in the half plane, C ' , ea, d , 40- traverse an infinite semicircle S7' , will undergo a phase change of is the number of zeros of 16: then the function (rC) where 2/- (A-Al) /- in the given domain, and the number of poles (in the present case M = 0). A Al, Thus, the number of unstable eigenvalues, can be found. and (and thus AMw Systematic variation of , , - If enables one to determine the areas in the parameter hyperspace for which unstable motion occurs. Miles of (24) has exploited this technique in the examination (A.3) with -4 =do . The extension to considered in the next section. -t 4 -0 is 131 Other Graphical Techniques Landahl (3) has usefully employed direct graphical techniques for finding neutral solutions of (A.2"). Wrx has been tabulated for Cr- 0., see Fig. A.l. If the structural parameters and the Mach number are fixed, families of curves corresponaing to the right hand side of (A.2") can be drawn; for example, see Fig. A.2 which corresponds to the rigid wall ( A 0 The intersection of one of these curves with the CezJ curve gives a set of values W, , C, , 0, , which satisfy (A.2") . The corresponding value of As then be found from the definition of Z . can A simple analytic equivalent of this technique has been given for tne rigid wall, see Lin (5), p. 37. Typical results of these techniques for both rigid and flexible walls are given in Figs. A.3 and A.4. The same technique can, of course, be applied to (A.2). values for c/ , P , A& and graphs of Cs- cy1 as a function , equating the imaginary parts of (A.2) for a given value of -6 CA 7- If one chooses .Equating implies one or more possible solutions the real parts for a particular yields z ( c ). 4, = (A.4P -9 132 C10 2 This gives a simple linear relation between and 4- the neutral surfaces in the Thus, . domain can be easily found. C with The variation of is given in A.5 for several boundary layer configurations (see Fig. A.3) with M,= 1.3 is It has large fluctuations in to be noted that the region near the eigenvalues for hydrodynamic stability, and that this will be reflected in the neutral surfaces. Landahl has also utilized a convenient technique for determining mildly unstable eigenvalues. that one chooses all parameters except (rc) for assures that Z' d'c) C > 0 = Now Liie aeivation of Chapter 2 for any given value of fCrweicCa-J r Oca CGM) ) and grapns can be continued analytically to Thus, . one can compute E . ces c- C Suppose J-I 4 1 (cCe) -'CZ* Cr, by oc- C'>o (A.5) This process is demonstrated in the accompanying sketch. -TAW E 133 To first order, r to the tangent at CR on a ray perpendicular Therefore, some particular will be an eigenvalue -.. Cr value of lies Cz) C= This value is, again to first order, (A.6 c'( =6 Thus, one can investigate the amplitude rates in the vicinity of a known neutral curve by perturbing one parameter from its neutral eigenvalue. However, the technique is not limited by the existence of a neutral curve, but rather only by the accuracy of the first order form of (A.5). The equation (A.6) can easily be used to decide which side of a neutral curve is unstable without calculating the magnitude of Cf*0 .I/c=That is, one needs c only to know how the trace of E~ passes the origin with a particular parameter perturbed from the neutral eigenvalue. However, implicit differentiation of the characteristic equation yields this information more directly for variations of certain parameters. example, Cal all For if one differentiates (A.2) with respect to under the constraint that (A.2) be satisfied for Co , i.e., CCrz), one finds 134 -~2 C Evaluating this for real C (i.e., at a neutral eigenvalue) gives dc) ez In this way, inspection of Fig. A.5 which is to be used with (A.4) indicates whether increase or decrease of Co above the neutral eigenvalue corresponds to instability. A-3 Potential Flow over a Surface with Dissipation The object of this section is, as was indicated in section A-1, to examine the effects of structural dissipation in a surface exposed to an irrotational, It is intended to be complementary to inviscid flow. the works of Miles (24) and Leonard, Hedgepath (26). It is evident that one can obtain exact solutions to the characteristic equations (A.3) for the special case M = 0. That is, -Ac~ C -2 (A-7) 135 The relation defining the parameter region for which unstable solutions can exist the condition -6w O , is easily obtained under i.e., one unstable solution exists for 6~o (A. 7') and two neutral solutions exist otherwise. (A.7) is less convenient for -- C' , The use of but it is evident from (A.3) that the only possible neutral solutions are with C o i.e., , C..a . Examination of (A.7) shows that one unstable solution exists for (A.7") and that two stable solutions exist otherwise. The fact that the requirement (A.7") is independent of -6 leads to the apparent contradiction between (A.7') and (A.7") in the limit - . resolved through (A.7). However, the difficulty is It is evident that there is no discontinuity in the eigenvalue for given as %-+. Therefore, ,C in the area 1Co14 < the one analysis indicates the existence of two neutral solutions, while the other indicates one stable and one 136 that approaches zero as -- "PO . unstable solution, each having an amplification rate The exact solutions of (A.3) cannot be obtained for MgY> 0, but Miles (24) has used the Nyquist criterion to are similar in nature show that the results for -d=O The relation bounding the region for which to (A.7'). unstable disturbances (one actually) can occur is given in parametric form by 3 2 CO < c C/- c)1 ~2c.u/vZe(/-c;)" It (A.8) 2_-_________) is convenient to examine the conditions , <4/ 0 and (A.3) (I-c)e ) and w40 , /V.;>/ -4* In the former, separately. the only neutral solutions are with C , 4f/~) 0 (with use of the Nyquist technique) shows the equivalent of (A.7") to be (A.8') to# 137 (A.8 ) and (A.8') are summarized The results in the following sketch: ,t4a4* / o~ CO CO It J4 i#Alv A~o 04 -7 's) 0 i -as (Note: The Nyquist technique shows that one unstable o <c,, </ ) exists in the indicated root (with areas. The amplification rate of the unstable mode is indicated for small values of -- . The use of (A.7) or of (A.6) in conjunction with (A.3) indicates that the area between the two curves is mildly unstable in these cases, but Thus, the conceptual difficulty fully resolved. at the lower curve. for -/--o , that severe instability sets in is Of course, the practical implication of of - . the region between the two curves depends on the magnitude 138 Considerations of the conservation of energy immediately imply that, for the potential flow model, C =O neutral disturbance must correspond to and /- << . if That is, the total energy of the panel and fluid in a volume one wavelength long and infinitely high, is the same at as it was at . ;& this element at A & D Further, the energy flux into +7 is minus that at 5-+ e there is no energy flux at - and However, the . structural dissipation is positive definite. Thus, the only possible energy balance is with zero dissipation, i.e., C wO . One may note that this argument does - since the solutions do not decay as . not hold for the disturbance with supersonic character One may further inquire into the mechanism of the destabilizing effect of structural damping (which of course corresponds to energy removal). Landahl (3) has investigated this point rather carefully. The key concept is that the total energy of the fluid can be decreasing as the disturbance grows. (An obvious example is .) Thus, the increased total energy of the panel, plus that dissipated, is equal to the decrease in the total fluid energy. termed such waves "energy deficient." Landahl has However, it is important to note that this characterization depends on 139 In the next section, it is shown that a wave exists which is energy deficient for -6aC , the eigenvalue. - but is stabilized again by further increase of , i.e., it is destabilized by a slight increase in - This implies that the wave eventually changes from the The behavior of neutral solutions with .-6 e2, /f / energy deficient character due to change in the eigenvalue. are rather different than in the subsonic cases, although (A.8) still with applies for --ef4 , (A.3) 2 For neutral solutions . requires that - //-mJ 4~Cc J6-O (/- cejt (A. 9) *4c arbitrary which can be easily solved by graphical means. The qualitative results are most conveniently presented in a three-dimensional sketch. A) 2 (4 - p) (Note: The Nyquist criterion shows that one unstable ) exists in the indicated areas. root (with Oc cI 140 These results are rather disturbing since an 4 unstable root exists for all - if , , less than the generally large value, is The . variation of the amplification rate corresponding to the unstable root is shown in Fig. A.6. Its relation A- =o is essentially the same as for to the result for Md< 1 except that the region of mild instability is no longer bounded. This difficulty is intimately related to the fact that the potential flow model admits no C< /- neutral solutions for " ,> , . The region of instability is sharply reduced by boundary layer effects as will be shown in the following section. A-4 Laminar Viscous Flow Hydrodynamic and Aeroelastic Instability With viscous effects included, the characteristic equations (A.2) or (A.2") have six independent parameters, ( C, ,. , c , R, l, (Recall that the relationship., panels is not considered.) besides the eigenvalue I = CO z C for dispersive In order to make the problem tractable, certain of these parameters will be kept fixed, or at most discrete variations will be considered. With this in mind, the problem can be usefully framed in two alternate ways. First, one can inquire into the 141 modifications of the neutral surfaces for potential , flow, (in 4d , space) due to variations in For a given Mach number, these variations can be attributed to changes in the boundary layer configuration. Alternately, one can consider the neutral curve in a, R space and find the modifications _, from the condition " , i.e., the influence of wall flexibility on the classical problem of boundary The first technique (which utilizes layer stability. A.2) is the natural extension of the previous section. However, the second (which utilizes A.2") will be explored next because it gives valuable perspective for the first. The neutral curves and corresponding domains of 4$'* instability in space are given in Fig. A.3 for the rigid wall with Mr= 0, 1.3. These are taken from Lin (5), p. 73 and the curve for M = 1.3 is recalculated with (A.2") (with X =0 ) for purposes of comparison. It is to be noted that a second branch of the neutral curve is found, at least for M = 1.3. es asymptotic to the to small aIR . and ' This branch is axes and always corresponds Therefore, it is neither important nor trustworthy for the rigid wall - which may be the reason why it was omitted by previous authors. However, it can become of paramount importance when the flexible wall is introduced. The possibility of neutral solutions 142 to (A.2") for C<O is entirely eliminated by noting >O that Fig. A.1 shows shows while Eq. (2.21) C)'- and )< 0 Polar plots of the right and left hand sides of (A.2") are presented in Figs. A.1 and A.2 for the rigid wall with M = 1.3. It is evident tnat no neutral supersonic disturbances exist in this case. of N and The possible values are also indicated for small (ak'r-) cc and these show the improbability of amplified supersonic disturbances with at low o WI? cc /c., 0 (2) , except possibly where the theory is untrustworthy. Comparison tne data in Fig. A.2 with extensive calculations given by Lees (6) gives a qualitative indication that these conclusions hold for all (supersonic) Mach numbers. The modifications of the areas of instability due to surface flexibility are given in Figs. A.4 for MNI= 1.3. The value of -w= 50 is taken as a compromise between values typical for panel flutter and for stabilization of the boundary layer. -=-/5~ The value is taken to be typical of lightly damped surfaces. effect of decreasing the flexure speed, Co , The can best be discussed in terms of the two branches of neutral arve exhibited in Fig. A.3. The introduction of wall flexibility (in the form (A.2')) immediately causes these two branches to join. The upper branch is 143 largely independent of flexibility except in the range Co W.4 (see Fig. A.4b) in which case resonance phenomena with C ~ CO is felt everywhere. This phenomenon is seen to be largely destabilizing. R The lower branch moves rapidly in the increasing direction with decreasing C0 . This of course means that unstable disturbances exist in large portions of the Md domain and that the concept of a minimum critical Reynolds number ceases to have meaning. o i.e., C- / C</- For these disturbances are supersonic, . However, this fact is not particularly significant (except locally where the two branches join) since the wave speed becomes extremely low with decreasing Co and to very good approximation (A.2") takes the form This means that the "inviscid" solutions play no role and that the results are nearly independent of M,,. Inverting the above to retrieve the panel equations of motion shows that the panel forces are being balanced by the viscous stresses in the fluid. Since the wave speed is extremely low, the panel inertia forces are small and panel forces are themselves viscous and elastic in origin. In the final Fig. A.4d, this branch i 144 d has moved off to . I-+ appears to always it connect in some way to a third branch at low No detailed calculations were made for the connecting curve since it was associated with large values of O. The results of the alternate procedure, i.e., , A determining neutral surfaces in A for fixed values of (A.7)-(A.9). Figs. , and /R /Wl, , are shown in of for M= 1.3. &,,AP, Pcc) For M = 0, found from quantities tabulated by Lees Pe space These neutral surfaces correspond to the solutions of (A.2), (A.4). gives C' (6). is Figure (A.5) In Fig. (A.3), the values that are considered are shown relative to the neutral curve for hydrodynamic stability. It is important to keep this relationship in mind throughout the following discussion., For the most part, the results for M = 0 merge uniformly with the potential flow results in the limit Q'-+O (see Fig. is for + (A.7a) and Eq. in which case (A.8')). C--/ The exception and the results with viscous effects included become ambiguous. The instabilities deriving from the surface exposed to a potential v'& low are generally suppressed with increasing , see Figs. (A.7a-d), except for those disturbances which are strongly affected by hydrodynamic instability phenomenon. The latter is evident in Fig. (A.7c) and 14 145 is associated with the lower branch of the A'eo neutral curve shown in Fig. (A.3). For a given atmosphere and free stream velocity, the various values of Re de' with = constant correspond to disturbances with different wavelengths with a boundary layer of given (constant) However, the surface pressure is much less thickness. sensitive to Pa than to W except when hydrodynamic stability phenomena play a dominant role. the overall trends due to increasing oa' Therefore, can be roughly associated with the effects of increasing the boundary layer thickness on a disturbance of given wavelength. Another branch of the neutral surface that is not shown in Fig. (A.7) is discussed below. Figure (A.8a) shows that the potential flow results for M = 1.3 (recall Eq. (A.9) and the associated sketch) are strongly modified by viscous effects, even if the boundary layer is extremely thin relative to the wave- length of the disturbance. The vast area of mild instabiii'cy that was indicated by the potential flow analysis is sharply reduced. The portion of the neutral surfaces in Figs. (A.8a,b) that extends to high values of and .6 CO (excepting that for c+o ) is strongly affected by hydrodynamic instability phenomena. The latter are associated with the lowest branch of the neutral curve of Fig. (A.3) (and the disturbances are transonic in 146 nature) for Fig. (A.8a) and with the lower branch of the "loop" of Fig. (A.3) for Fig. effects of increasing (A.8b). The overall are rougnly similar for W' M = 1.3 and M = 0. A brancii oi tiie neutral surfaces in Figs. (A.7c,d) The character of this and (A.8b,c) has not been shown. branch is similar in all cases and it is described in (A.9). Fig. and those of The associated values of -6 C are Cs< c41 are -d < C -. where .25 This 4. branch has rather pathological behavior in that its intersection with certain planes of -6 = constant consists of two straight lines that intersect at some A--- value of where is - (A.9). shown in Fig. Thus, this surface does not demarcate regions of stability and instability -e . ;-e, in -#e , , 2 space for Comparison of the results of Fig. and (A.4) with Figs. (A.3) (A.7) and (A.8) brings another interesting feature to light. That is, the boundary layer investigations show that unstable disturbances exist for certain regions in of C . ' space for all values Figures (A.7) and (A.8) give no information regarding this characteristic value. However, using (A.6) in conjunction with (A.2) enauies one to investigate the moderately unstable eigenvalues for the various cases. The amplification rates for the various boundary layer 147 configurations and M = 1.3 are shown in Fig. A.6 and, indeed, a root that is unstable for all the case / = cZ exists for .0416. One may finally conclude that, while the study of (A.2) gives considerable information regarding the modifications of the potential flow analysis due to viscous effects, any comprehensive study should be based on (A.2"). Further, stability boundaries corresponding to the inviscid rluid moctel without structural dissipation g-nerally correspond to tne onset or severe instability. 148 (~~G.) FIG.I 'GO P0 rEN/AL /41<I I PO EA (oC e .4>/ = 0) 0 / w1 _____ t e ?*Xd= Re 9*e19 '5- (Oe 0) =Ref/i A P, _ , ii A* =R" - = iij I, 0 00 TlE NOTE. BOolNOARY L AYER /rROFILE DATA ARE GIVEN IN .=1& 2. T7hE CURVE 19S ]- qOR g, =.R,0/2 DOE S NOT THE EFFECT O R VAR/A T/ON ON rlE PROPILE /NCLUOE / / o /. - I PRED/CTED EPP4 ECT OP T/E >/3 1.6 A4,. TURULENr BOUNDARY LAYER ON T4E. 7-RZ/4a/7r/OAf OV&R A 1GID VV WAVY WAL. 149 FIG.2 I 0.8 M, =/. /, R' /106 .0+-V5" .04#8", 6|= 0.6 37 R//A/ = 3. 7 X I 64/ =-/7;300,/5,800 LOal crz4l/Ne(2/ 0 6* 6 =. = -= 72 / = 3.3 I /0 s I 500 ,' I P4/NNEY (/6) I / AfOCRKOV/N 0.4 R //v 06 53" . A-f .I /0 o ~.028" R 8AROW /,000 (23) (A AL) (i-h I I / I 0 TL/18UL ENT 0., MEAN 0.4VELOClry / If/ 0.G PROFILES I _ 0.8 OVER /.0 A FL AT Zcz, RIC71 WALL A STA77/VONS FOR BOQND I I 4RY 4 AVER SU/RVEYS II I S= Ref'ej, 0-o 4=.0,2" f . 04"' R~ Fti meI - -- jj~jJJJJJJ~fiJJJAU[ISTA T1.1ERMOCof 7,- 5- 71 - -- 7f1- cSSrEM 7 I IkLEl 3/ " AL (/IAU/I 84S2 tpLA T H 0 2,CONSTRUCTEO /IROM- MAHOGANY AS p p p "'e~pp TI-ICK /8 ~p *:et~p: / BLOCK p p 0 0 0 WAVY WALL MODEL. (4 151 /.0 i FG. 4- 0.8 NOTE. 0.6 i ALL PROF1 LES EXCEPT 84 RON (2,3) COA 'RESPOND TO T7WE "48/ABA/C WALL " AID TO TIE / 9CAT/ON OF TAIE ST/?EAMWISE C PRE SSC/RE FORWAR SAT D54 OR// CE SE E - F/G. 3. IN .iX/ F 4. -?5 x/0I 04// =Z2.08 x = 053" Re =-., /00 R /0 5 J S=3.62 e/O / R 1 8 400 0.2 5x/O 35, R//r- A4=/ w 028" R 1/ 000 (23) SARoN /01 I 0.2 0.4- VLNPERTUSEDTURBUL.sNr MEAN 0.6 vaLOcry 0.8 0.8 PRoP/4i.ES 7.to- A4 (-, = /. Zw 4.05 152 FG. 6 T .0 0.8 PEIT/Rukef o PROF/LES A1RE BASE D ON T4E AVERAGE OF r9E PR ESSURE PROFILES SEA SWRED AT TH E STT/ONVS /ND/CA TE D /N F/G 3. NOTE.: JHE 0.6 y/04 R/II/I 4.95 Ro = 4030 0.2 R/N =3.62x c5* = .078" 1=. /NPERUR8EO M /i/I =4-.9 5X1/ /0 8; =.060" Re =2, 600 R1= =-*..95.I" RI/N 95 x/e' ZINERTRSD 02" 4 0.2 0 ';4VERAGE"MEAN ti-2 Cal.5L 0.G VELOCITY PROFILES, 0.8 /.0 trcq), OVER SECOAID WAVE-M4,=f.405 r 153 p. I y '?) YS STW' 872*' q*02" F16 6 ,Q/I N = 4.95 .(01- -dTr'f7r It AVERAGE -- ROFILE E y-y F/y6 - -. 2 c 0 / si 6)17 4.95.xi0 4 0~R/A / / / I I /00 0000, .0 0 .8 .2 DE TA-E MACH MUM 8 ER PROFILES /.0 1.2 OVER MWE SECOND WAVE - /oo = /.405 154 40 a) >=. 9I=4..e./04 A' p0 = Ff6.7 4 C, I .35 A VER A6E SrA r/C .30 I or RL a x r I a I I I wPsTr/EA4 Oj/i .(/C& S/ It L7 .20C b) ; = =_g1, .02 "R/i=/_4A. 95X/0 _ ,0 .3 '-t -o V T111 C __s__1lwx .25- .dA -. o2"R/IN =3.62 x1 CKp f =+ ) C) , Ir C- .25L2NL - 7NROOSWOUT ?ESSURE o/STr'eu771oN OVSR A -P C t.77~/ TWO--D/AM-NS/ONALI.- WAVY w4LL-~, O= 1.405 1'55 /80 z2 '.o2"A >RI // gOraFw I 1i - I 'O02 5 .4. ss.9X/., ii z F/6 8 /810 ALL 1#,<I . .0 /A, /2A 4A40>1 60 4 * I 0 I/ -2 Int=o)(Ze< p */'Re 2 z/ e tx POTENtIAL FLOW(8 A4EA SURC -0- SECONO (VERAGE =0) OVE/ /Sr WAVE S) Y( vVir4 vicous L.,NE AR' rle o E /FECT5 - SEE I-ROPFL ES O CIG. _.-; osN-LINEAg TI4EORY wiTH VIsCoi Nff CrS - SEE PRO ,/..E 5 O# IG. 4 S/ 5I g5/ -1*~ / R/IN X 2 3 -?- 0 -02 VA R/A r/ONS oF COMPLE X PRESSURE AMPLITUVE WI/- I REYMOLDs' AMUmER A Ai SURFACE WAVE AMPLITUDE- M, = /.405 156 Ff6.9 bLE ----- UNSTABL E MEASURED RESULT WITH TlRIULEN T SEE LOCK * --- TWO A4O0e SOUNDARY AN ADJoNiMq LAYER - 3 7-4 TWO MODE 6AL ERI(IN ANA LYSIS, WI/TH TE SURFACE PRESSURE GIVEN BY 'FYACT"L/AEARIZEo POTENTIAL FLOW -SEE L 0CK FUNG (~2) FUING (2/) G.ALERKIN ANA4L'/SIS ftWlr BY T1E SURFACE PRESSUR& GIVEN TA/E APPROX i MA rION (-4) INCLUo ING $ VISCOUS 26* EFFECTS. MOTE.: rE ANALYTICAL RESULTS CORRESPOND To _9=.O/. TE MEASUREO> VALUES : .! 2 - SEE (Cz) oF 9 ARE .0O1?5 x .L1I~ 1 /.0 4 /.-f TA'ICK/ESS REQU/RE SuPPORTE D PAN EL I I. I ro - PREVENT /.6 &.4 co (NST8AILITY OF A FLAT, SI MPL.Y AND EXPERMENTAL. THEORETiCAL 157 FIG. /0 . vZol-=AILu 1 A Pitox e ODE To 7HE /MArON - - TWO MOE GALERKAMA LS/S WITM T4E SURFACE PRESSURE - (DOWNSTREAM WA VN BUrCOA4ES 7YR NS'OA/IC ) GIVE A 8Y oE 4C74/NE ARIZEo POTENrIA L FLOW - SEE (Z) O ONE MODE GALERKIN ANALVSIS THE SURFACE PRESSUR WIT GIVEN BV EXACT"LINEARIZED .06 POTENT/AL FLOW ONE AM0OE GALERkIN ANALYfS WiT/ T14E SURFACE PRESSwRE C/VEN BY LNEARIZED POTENTIAL FLOW UNEER TUE APPR0YIDA4ATI.N 00=.O5 (6-4) .0/ o .0/2 .0/5 NOTE.* THE INCLUSION OF VISCOUS EFFECTS IN THE APPRO1VATION C-} ENTIRELY SUPP/?ESSES TIHE INSTASILITY FOR THE ONE MODE GALERKIPI ANALYSIS. .008 11"Im- PA/LURE D UE ro SINGLE DsGREE OP FREEDOf ANALYSIS 01 1.0 THE 1 SINGLE I. 1 /-2 VEGREE O A/4 RROYIA4A r.nO N(s-4), FEEOO-f V/sCOSi)Y 1I A"ALY~ss-E'PFEcrS ANC sTRqucruRAL lo-Ico /.-r OF TIHE Dlss/PA r7o r 158 /i T4 A4,v = /.Z 19 Ac / loe-I -/If _____ UNSrABLE ONE STA - 8 LE - MOE ONE MODE - FLOW wlrH PoTENAL FLOW ISCOUS EFFECrs -(5-4) WO l40E-(s-4)i I r T k= .0785 R-ACT POTENT/AL .03 . / 78 .. __ __ _ DOWN STREAAoM - =.O 785 WA VE BECOA-ES rRANSoNIC .0755 ,02 . 20 M -/37 0 - ./57 -.01 A-/..3 Ali =39Z wo 3 .11/717 Ow - .2, . 0 .j5 ./o .05 SrA/,1lTY 8OUNOARIES F6.12 C I K 4 A4,0 2 /,jAPPRdo 1.37 -. /7 - / /.2/9 - . /51 \ Irk 0 N x / .~&L 21 *- = 5/v 77kI -/ L- TH E AEM04EL 45T1C MO D E .OR /Z =VISCOUS A A Z YSiS W/ 7 0 7&5- TWO MADE GALtER I./ EAFle Cr3 1NCLUcSP 159 /6 4-1 3-2 "0 2.9 -4.o 2 - 2-f 25 20 ;0..,1.5 .2 / / .. 2.0 a -- .. 4 0(\-2.' CZz .6 .1.5 -2.0 /-2. fPE ,=cUNDCr#o AIz rr FG. A -2 /0+I c = 4.0 .0~ e =. co .7 . 55' OO5 C 2.09 -~0.-5 U 2.0 1o .5 C = 1- - r< 11n o 23 C .25 A-5 A. PF'PROXIAM4ArE 0OAIN w / rH r 14 -t 46 Vr C OR I-g , /.LE/ ., c ibi = /- ,i3 FOR (u t it) ,I C -*'- 0 16o F1 . A-3 .161 M0A.= N 1. /2k- . . ng '4 N I .04H- o /0' &T7AUJL/TY l 22 W 104 P9 43OUJNARIEST =O fAA4.1VAR W. VISCOUS$ PLOW OVEM A /GOA0413qaT/C WAL L ---. .-- - RIGID WA LL FLEXIBLE WALL 1" =,O -.0/7 =.05 F/6A-4 ----. FLE/LE WALL M1-=50 -46/m=.0A (UNS7ABLE ROOTS ARE DETECTED ON 3or4 SIOES OF TUE NEUTR4L CURVE) ----UAISrABLEN b) co = . l a) Co= 1.0 ace -I0 10 -51 i .05 m O /0 , 0 /os (0 z loomm- /oz /08 /04 R c) C = .10 oe . /0 .1/0 .05 .05 --- *, c -- 1__k .0 - - -, 6>m-. a f0' /02 /o' 103 Re R9 STA8/4/rY BOUNDARIES FOR LAMINAR A FLEXI,98L2 "AD/ABA TIC" WALL /ov- /02 VSCOUS - , FLOW OVER .3= 1-3 II j1 102 F16.4-5 t = 0 (Po TEN 7l4 i) 3 cz .00/04 .0/0+ 2 . .04/6 0 I ~ 'I ~ZIKN --I ~ ~ '0+ l .6 -I-- z I U ----- I I- .8 f4 -2 - -3 c < I-- c C?/--j r2,P 3 2 .o+0f n Nib. l i Elam . i m. /l .6' -2 -. 62 o. 000 -U -27 P = 0( 'cTENTIAL) F01 L.A M/4R V/SCO/S FLOW OVER A FLEX/&8E WAL L- A4,= /. 3, Re = /. 0* /O 3 AD/484r/C 163 Ff6. 4-6 - e cxc Re =/04x -Ta. 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OVR * /03 PL=OW 0 A PLEXISLa 166 F16/-7 . . ...... . S qc/AL/r.4r1v NEuRAL "SURPACE " FOR LAM/MAR S(uRFACE FiOW OVER A PLEX/SLE V/SCOVS '167 REFERENCES 1. Benjamin, T. Brooke, "Shearing Flow over a Wavy Boundary, " Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 6, part 2, August 1959. 2. Benjamin, T. Brooke, "Effects of a Flexible Boundary on Hydrodynamic Instability," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 9, part 4, December 1960. 3. Landahl, M., "On the Stability of a Laminar Incompressible Boundary Layer over a Flexible Surface," to be published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 3a. Linebarger, J., On the Stability of a Laminar Boundary Layer over a Flexible Surface in Compressible Flow, S.M. Thesis, MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1961. 4. Tollmien, W., "Laminare Grenzschicten, Hydro-and Aerodynamics," FIAT Review of German Science, 1939-1946, 5. Wiesbaden, 1948. Lin, C. C., The Theory of Hydrodynamic Stability, Cambridge Monographs on Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 6. 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W. and Hedgepath, J. M., On Panel Flutter and Divergence of Infinitely Long Unstiffened and Ring Stiffened Thin Walled Circular Cylinders, NACA TR 1302, 1957. Doe//, e. 4uJ Per 27. Dugundji, J. . S. Subsonic Flutter of Panels on Continuous Elastic Foundations - Experiment and Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Aeroelastic and Structures Research Laboratory Report 74-4 (to be published as AFOSR TR). 28. Nelson, H. C. and Cunningham, H. J., Theoretical Investigation of Flutter of Two-Dimensional Flat Panels with One Surface Exposed to Supersonic Potential Flow, NACA TR 1280, 1956. 29. Sylvester, M. A. and Baker, J. E., Some Experimental Studies of Panel Flutter at Mach Number 1.3, NACA RM L52116. 30. Miles, J. W. and Rodden, W. P. "On Supersonic Flutter of Two-Dimensional Infinite Panels," Readers' Forum, Journal of the Aerospace Sciences, Vol. 26, March 1959. 31. Bisplinghoff, R. L., Ashley, H. and Halfman, R. L., Aeroelasticity, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 55. 171 32. C. B., A Summary of the Theories and Experiments on Panel Flutter, AFOSR TN 60-226 uing, Y. May 1960. 33. Lees, L., and Lin, C. C., Investigation of the Laminar Boundary Layer in a Compressible Fluid, NACA TN 1115, September 1946. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE James D. McClure was born in Clayton, New Mexico on June 23, 1935. He received his secondary education at Eureka, Montana, and completed the studies leading to the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Aeronautical Engineering at the University of Washington in Seattle. He was associated with the Dynamics Staff Group of the Boeing Airplane Company from June, 1957 to August, 1958. Subsequently, he came to MIT to do doctoral work and has been associated with the Aeroelastic and Structures Research Laboratory and the Fluid Dynamics Research Laboratory, both through the Division of Sponsored Research at MIT, during the summer periods.