UNIVERSITY PERFORMANCE GOALS & TARGETS AND QCC’S STRATEGIC PLAN 2004-2005 1. CUNY Objectives Promote CUNY Flagship programs and strengthen premier campus programs, while ensuring that every college offers a coherent general education program. CUNY Indicators Summary of key hires in flagship/premier areas Recognition/ validation from external sources University Targets 2004-2005 Outstanding faculty will be recruited to flagship/premier programs CUNY’s most prominent programs will draw greater recognition. QCC Strategic Plan 2003-04 The College intends to replace all 30 full-time faculty lines vacated as a result of the ERI. 25 of the positions have been filled for Fall 03; the other 5 will be re-searched for Spring 04 hiring. The lines will be allocated based upon the recommendation of the Lines Sub-Committee of the Faculty P&B Committee sometime during the Spring of 2003. With 37 additional lines allocated under the Investment Plan, a total of 67 new faculty members will join our ranks by Fall 2004. Create a year long advertising campaign that highlights the College’s prominent programs and distinguished faculty, specifically using the Excellence in Faculty Scholarship brochure. Create a year long advertising campaign that highlights the College’s new programs. 1. 2. In an effort to become a leader in community college pedagogy, Queensborough will launch its fully staffed Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning and collaborate with faculty at other CUNY campuses on research. 3. Beginning of Fall 2004 semester, conduct the second recognition ceremony and publish the Excellence in Faculty Scholarship brochure. 4. Determine an appropriate mechanism to recognize excellence among the adjunct faculty ranks. 5. Establish a process to review the College’s mission in its totality in light of new initiatives such as Gen Ed, the Coordinated Undergraduate Experience (CUE), writing intensive courses, learning communities, Honors program and distance learning. 6. In conjunction with the Office of Academic Affairs, the Faculty Executive Committee will utilize the results of the Oct. 2003 Faculty Meeting to plan the second annual Conference of the College for Fall 2004. 7. Using the information gathered at the Spring 2004 Conference, CETL will conduct a second Conference for Spring 2005. Utilizing assessment results, implement changes recommended for strengthening the Honors Program. Research award and faculty publication summary Faculty research awards/scholar-ship will increase from 2003-2004 levels The Faculty Executive Comt., Academic Senate Steering Comt., and Student Government, with the assistance of the Office of Academic Affairs, will organize an academic convocation for fall 2004. The Convocation will highlight faculty scholarly & creative achievements, opportunities for research, & the development and dissemination of best practices in pedagogy. CETL will work with Academic Affairs to organize an academic conference in the spring of 2004, highlighting best practices in community college pedagogy, and to promote publications in “community college pedagogy.” Through these & other activities, the College is fostering a scholarly atmosphere & encouraging research in effective and replicable pedagogical strategies, especially for teaching community college students. Incorporate monographs and excerpts of Presidential lectures in marketing documents for the college Review professional orientation program and incorporate changes. Continue with longitudinal study. QCC Strategic Plan 2004-05 Complete the hiring of faculty lines approved under the CCIP and of replacement lines targeted to areas of greatest need. In a continued effort to strengthen the visual and performing arts, liberal arts, the Nursing program, digital art and design program and the dual/joint education program, the 40 CCIP lines, 7 priority lines, and 30 replacement lines were allocated accordingly. UNIVERSITY PERFORMANCE GOALS & TARGETS AND QCC’S STRATEGIC PLAN 2004-2005 1. CUNY Objectives Promote CUNY Flagship programs and strengthen premier campus programs, while ensuring that every college offers a coherent general education program. CUNY Indicators Documented efforts to move flagship/premier college programs to the next level. Implementation of college plan to strengthen undergraduate education. University Targets 2004-2005 New resources will be shifted into flagship/premier programs All colleges will demonstrate a comprehensive approach to strengthening undergraduate education (CUE initiative). QCC Strategic Plan 2003-04 QCC Strategic Plan 2004-05 Add a new cluster hire in Nursing Fall 2003. Establish an on-site clinic for the Massage Therapy program. The clinic is necessary for this new program, the only one in CUNY. Investment Plan funds will be used to purchase equipment in support of flagship programs, including New Media Technology, Laser and Fiber Optics Technology, and Digital Art & Design. In addition, to support the Nursing program, a new Anatomy & Physiology laboratory will be equipped. 8. CETL and Institutional Research will coordinate with interested members of the faculty on research projects designed to measure the impact of new curricular and pedagogical initiatives on our retention rate. 9. Utilizing a sub-committee of the College Advisory Planning Committee, review with Institutional Research, data that are necessary to assess institutional effectiveness and guide strategic planning. The faculty General Education Committee will extend its inquiry into Queensborough’s General Education curriculum and work with Queens College faculty Education Committee to assess articulation and other curricular issues. 10. Begin to implement the recommendations resulting from the General Education inquiry project, as approved by the Academic Senate. Implement the Gen Ed pilot project with Queens College (Bridge to Transfer). Using the findings of the Gen Ed inquiry project, the following initiatives will be supported through CUE: ePortfolios, “Teachers that Care,” General Education and Pre-Professional programs, First Experiences/First Exposure, capstone and cornerstone experiences, General Education objectives and assessment. The Office of Academic Affairs and the CUE steering committee will guide and monitor the progress and effectiveness of all CUE activities. The CETL Advisory Board will report to the Academic Senate on CETL’s outcomes for the first year and goals for the next year 11. The CETL Advisory Board will report to the Academic Senate on CETL’s outcomes for the second year and goals for the next year. Utilize the CETL along with an October Faculty Mtg to facilitate faculty discussions on the use of learning communities and other modalities at our College, for the purpose of presenting an engagement plan for student learning, to the Academic Senate during the following year. 12. Create a design for a freshmen experience incorporating the outcomes of the general education inquiry so as to establish a community of learners. The Office of Academic Affairs, in conjunction with the Chairs, will establish up to 10 new learning communities and 5 Basic Skills/ESL learning communities in Spring 2004. 13. The Office of Academic Affairs, in conjunction with the Chairs, will establish up to 15 new learning communities, including five Basic Skills/ESL learning communities in Spring 2005. All new freshmen learning communities will be paired with the ST100 course. Continue to phase in College graduation requirement of two writing intensive courses or one writing intensive course and one writing intensive learning community 14. In consultation with the Academic Senate, make a final determination as to how the College will implement the writing intensive requirement. UNIVERSITY PERFORMANCE GOALS & TARGETS AND QCC’S STRATEGIC PLAN 2004-2005 CUNY Objectives 2. Use program reviews and assessment outcome efforts to enhance and update programs, pedagogy and use of technology to improve instruction. CUNY Indicators University Targets 2004-2005 QCC Strategic Plan 2003-04 QCC Strategic Plan 2004-05 Academic program review and follow-up reports filed by the college Colleges will conduct external program reviews and implement action plans from external review recommendations. Conduct a Nursing program self study and prepare for site visit by evaluation team from the NLN 15. Begin implementing the new timetable and revised guidelines for academic program reviews. Four A.S. programs to be reviewed: Environmental Health, Health Sciences, Engineering Sciences, and Liberal Arts and Sciences (Mathematics & Science). Support the newly instituted Continuous Improvement Cycle for TAC/ABET accredited programs. Accreditations, licensures, certifications. Evidence of progress on outcomes plan. Student experience survey; college investments to enhance technology; # Blackboard courses offered. More CUNY professional programs will be certified/ accredited. All colleges will show progress in implementing learning outcomes plans. Use of technology to enhance instruction and student access to computer technology will increase Complete Periodic Review Report for the Middle States Commission. Using College departments and offices & the Academic Senate Comts., the College community will participate in the preparation of this report. 16. Implement recommendations emanating from the Middle States Periodic Review Report (expected in October) and from the National League of Nursing review. Support new program proposals from the departments in conjunction with employment needs as identified through QCC Labor Market survey, to be conducted during 200304. 17. Support the development of new degree and certificate program proposals, such as Music Therapy, Yoga Instruction, Rehabilitation Engineering Technology, and others. Write and implement learning outcomes for at least 15 additional courses. 18. Identify at least three areas appropriate for potential certificate and licensure to be offered through the Office of Continuing Education. Implement course assessments for 26 courses in Fall 2003; present findings at Spring 2004 conference. 19. Using the course assessment form revised after the 2003-04 pilot course assessment project, write and implement learning outcomes for at least 15 additional courses. In association with the Office of Academic Affairs CETL will sponsor at least two faculty workshops on assessment of student learning. 20. In association with the Office of Academic Affairs, CETL will sponsor at least two annual faculty workshops on assessment of student learning. In consultation with the Academic Development Committee of the Academic Senate, assess utilization of techniques learned in the workshops on integrating technology into instruction 21. The Office of Academic Affairs, in consultation with the Computer Resources Committee of the Academic Senate, will determine a process for studying the effectiveness of integrating technology into instruction. Utilize the wireless library network system to increase access to library information and resources, and provide free access to computer applications. Begin a project to make digitized reserve and AV materials available for wireless and off-campus accessibility. 22. Complete the project to make digitized reserve and AV materials available for wireless and off-campus accessibility. UNIVERSITY PERFORMANCE GOALS & TARGETS AND QCC’S STRATEGIC PLAN 2004-2005 CUNY Objectives 2. CUNY Indicators University Targets 2004-2005 QCC Strategic Plan 2003-04 Expand the number of distance learning courses (asynchronous and hybrid) by 10, from 25 to 35. Expand the number of Black- board-supported courses by 10. Use program reviews and assessment outcome efforts to enhance and update programs, pedagogy and use of instructional technology. Expand the use of wireless technology in at least 20 sections. 23. Explore ways to utilize wireless technology infrastructure. Frequency of student use of computer technology, as indicated on the CUNY Student Experience Survey, will rise above 1.84. 24. Frequency of student use of computer technology, as indicated on the 2003 CUNY Student Experience Survey, will continue to rise over the next two years, above 1.94. Student satisfaction with access to computer technology, as indicated on the CUNY Student Experience Survey, will rise above 2.90. Show and pass rates on CUNY Proficiency Exam. 3. Increase instruction by full-time faculty. QCC Strategic Plan 2004-05 Change in full-time teaching faculty 7/1/03-6/30/04 25. Student satisfaction with access to computer technology, as indicated on the CUNY Student Experience Survey, will continue to rise over the next two years, above 3.03. Show and pass rates on the CUNY Proficiency Exam will rise CUNYwide. The percentage of required invitees taking the CUNY Proficiency Exam will rise from 70% in 2002-03 to 72% in 2003-04. 26. The percentage of required invitees taking the CUNY Proficiency Exam will rise to 70%, above the 58.5% reported for 2003-04. The percentage of required test takers passing the CUNY Proficiency Exam will increase from 70.4% in 2002-03 to 72.4% in 2003-04. 27. The percentage of required test takers passing the CUNY Proficiency Exam will rise to 75%, above the 73.8% reported for 2003-04. Instruction by fulltime faculty will increase incrementally. Once ERI faculty have been replaced, the % of instruction by full-time faculty should rise to 56%. With an additional 37 new Investment Plan faculty, the rate should approach 63%. 28. Once ERI faculty and CCIP faculty have been appointed, the % of instruction by full-time faculty should rise by at least 10% , from 50.2% to 60.2%.. Efforts to recruit under-represented groups to the profession will be made. The College will emphasize recruitment of candidates in under represented groups. Recruitment for additional faculty will include outreach efforts not limited to advertising, i.e., visitations to Graduate schools, review of adjunct pools. 29. In the College’s 2003-04 Affirmative Action Plan, specific areas of concern were identified. To date, we have been successful in meeting 53.5% of these goals. Nevertheless, QCC remains among the least diverse of the CUNY colleges in its full time faculty. After consultation with the Academic Senate, the Faculty Executive Committee and the Affirmative Action Committee, the President and the Vice President for Academic Affairs will meet with the Chair of each department identified as being underutilized and institute a plan for the departments to meet the stated goals. UNIVERSITY PERFORMANCE GOALS & TARGETS AND QCC’S STRATEGIC PLAN 2004-2005 4. CUNY Objectives Increase retention and graduation rates. CUNY Indicators Fall to fall retention rates. University Targets 2004-2005 Retention rates will increase by an average of 2 percentage points. QCC Strategic Plan 2003-04 Conduct another support staff personnel retreat and implement workable recommendations. Conduct another HEO retreat to discuss customer relations, fundraising, marketing and retention. Develop a “one-stop” system for entering students (advisement to registration). This would involve interoffice planning and potential reorganization of space. Determine the impact of the new policy on academic alert on student retention. 32. Increase fall to fall retention rate for entering freshmen (full time) by 2%, from 70.6% to 72.6%. Increase fall to fall retention rate for entering full-time transfer students by 2%, from 62.8% to 64.8%. 33. Increase fall to fall retention rate for entering full time transfer students by 2%, from 59% to 61%. The Office of Institutional Research will conduct an analysis of factors contributing to the decline in retention rates of transfer students over the last 3 years. Using this analysis, the Vice President for Student Affairs will institute a plan during Spring 2005 designed to reverse this trend. Seek private funding that would support increased opportunities for student achievement, such as presentations at conferences, development of portfolios, stipends for student research. Graduation rates will rise by an average of 1 point in associate programs. 31. Implement expanded academic advisement program as agreed to by the Senate and administration. As part of this program and funded by the CCIP, establish an advisement center which will produce an Academic Plan for each first-time student during the first semester and assign an academic advisor to each freshman. Increase fall to fall retention rate for entering freshmen (full time) by 2%, from 65.4% to 67.4%. Assess the effectiveness of the volunteer mentoring program Six year AA, AS, BA, BS graduation rates; four-year MA, MS & Certificate graduation rates QCC Strategic Plan 2004-05 30. Student Activities with the Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Art will create an interactive theater experience around diversity for the College community. Increase six-year graduation rate by 1% to 24.6% for 1997 entering freshmen (first-time, full-time) cohort, and to 32.1% for the 1997 entering full-time transfer students. QCC realizes the need for careful monitoring of student goals. As part of the Investment Plan, the College is proposing an Advisement Center which will ultimately produce an Academic Plan for each student and assign an academic advisor to each freshman. The advisors will follow the students’ progress throughout their stay at QCC. This, in addition to the existing Early Warning System and the academic support services, will increase the College’s understanding of student goals & should enhance retention and graduation rates. Evaluate the impact of the Web-based advisement system 34. Establish an endowed scholarship program. Support student research in scholarship activities. 35. Create an endowment to support 30 scholarships per semester at a minimum of $500 each. 36. Increase six-year graduation rate by 1% to 27.8% for 1998 entering freshmen (first-time, full-time) cohort, and to 37.3% for the 1998 entering full-time transfer students. UNIVERSITY PERFORMANCE GOALS & TARGETS AND QCC’S STRATEGIC PLAN 2004-2005 5. 6. CUNY Objectives Improve postgraduate outcomes Improve college readiness CUNY Indicators Pass rates on licensure/certification exams University Targets 2004-2005 All teacher education, nursing and accounting programs will improve performance on certification/licensing exams. QCC Strategic Plan 2003-04 Improve on the 2002 pass rate on the nursing licensure exam, 83.6%. QCC Strategic Plan 2004-05 37. Improve on the 2003 pass rate on the nursing licensure exam, 86.7%. VTEA job placement rates. VTEA job placement rates will continue at high levels or rise. Improve the job placement rate by 2% from 80% to 82% of those responding to the CUNY Perkins graduation and placement surveys. 38. Improve the job placement rate to 76%, from the 74.3% of those responding to the CUNY Perkins graduation and placement surveys of 2001-02 graduates. Enrollment in immersion as % of freshmen who need basic skills work; % of immersion students who progress at least one level; pass rates on skills tests at end of remedial/ESL sequence. Associate colleges will increase the % of non-exempt freshmen in immersion, the % of immersion students who progress a level, and the pass rates on skills tests at end of remediation/ESL sequences. Increase the % of students needing basic skills work on application to CUNY who enroll in USIP from 13.5 to 15.5. 39. Increase the % of students needing basic skills work on application to CUNY who enroll in USIP above 16.6%. Increase the percentage of USIP participants whose placement level improved as a result of USIP by at least 1%, from 62.1% to 63.1%.. 40. Increase the percentage of USIP participants whose placement level improved as a result of USIP above the 54.9%. reported for 2003 (defined as those passing at least one exit from remediation test). Expand the Nursing offerings to include Saturday Clinical experience. Increase pass rate on basic skills tests following remediation/ESL sequences by 2 percentage points, from 57.1% to 59.1% in reading; from 49.5% to 51.5% in writing, and from 56% to 58% in math. QCC realizes that it is imperative to improve its pass rates in reading & math and is working with individual depts. to determine ways to improve these rates. An idea under discussion is a proposal to provide more time for instruction in Basic Skills reading courses by assigning test preparation responsibilities to the ISSC. The Investment Plan should increase the number of full-time lines in the Math Department. Assess the effectiveness of center. 41. Increase pass rate on basic skills tests following remediation/ESL sequences above the Fall 2003 rates: Reading – 72.6%; Writing – 43.4%; Math – 52.4%. The College is giving serious attention to this goal. Remedial math courses are being revised; performance expectations are being reviewed by Basic Skills & English; new ESL and mathematics faculty have been hired, and additional academic support services are being provided through CCIP hires and the CUE initiative. the new computerized testing Meet College Now enrollment targets & achieve and maintain a 70% success rate for College Now students. 42. Meet College Now enrollment targets and maintain a 70% or better success rate for College Now students. In Fall 2003, 62% of College Now students were female; in Spring 2004, 61% were female. In an effort to increase high school male enrollments in College Now, the College is offering ET710 (web design). College Now’s new full time Assistant Director will be charged with assessing instructional methodology in all College Now courses and workshops. UNIVERSITY PERFORMANCE GOALS & TARGETS AND QCC’S STRATEGIC PLAN 2004-2005 CUNY Objectives 7. Improve quality of student support services CUNY Indicators University Targets 2004-2005 QCC Strategic Plan 2003-04 # of College Now course/workshop participants; course completion and pass rates. Colleges will meet their College Now enrollment targets, and 70% of participants will complete courses and earn grades of A,B, or C. Develop an overall strategy for the College’s relations with high schools, incorporating College Now, Tech Prep, Project Prize & TechASCEND 43. Assess the performance of all high school collaboration projects (College Now, Tech Prep, Project Prize, Tech ASCEND) and determine their impact on the College enrollment and retention. Student survey results on satisfaction with academic and student support services. Student satisfaction with academic support services and student services will rise at all colleges. Revise the QCC Student Survey to incorporate questions regarding the student experience with University testing. 44. The Academic Senate committee Chairs will review the results of the QCC Student Survey and make recommendations to the College administration. During Spring 2004, in consultation with the Student Activities Committee of the Academic Senate, a plan will be developed to address concerns raised in the Fall 2003 Student Experience Survey QCC Strategic Plan 2004-05 45. Student satisfaction with academic support services, as indicated on the CUNY Student Experience Survey, will continue to rise over the next two years, above 2.96. 46. Student satisfaction with student services, as indicated on the CUNY Student Experience Survey, will rise over the next two years, above 2.76. UNIVERSITY PERFORMANCE GOALS & TARGETS AND QCC’S STRATEGIC PLAN 2004-2005 CUNY Objectives 8. Meet enrollment goals CUNY Indicators Enrollment/SAT/ CAAs University Targets 2004-2005 QCC Strategic Plan 2003-04 QCC Strategic Plan 2004-05 CUNY’s enrollment will rise incrementally while mean SATs and CAAs of senior college baccalaureate entrants continue to improve. The College will increase its enrollment by 2%, to 11,759 in Fall 2003 & 12,133 in Spring 2004. 47. Although the University allocation is down by 15%, the College hopes to increase enrollment through direct admits and start the Fall semester with 11,500, the same enrollment as Fall 2003. Refine marketing campaign to enhance college image and increase enrollment, with an emphasis on technological capability of the College 48. Determine effectiveness of our advertising on first time enrollees. Create both Web-based and CD-based catalogs for electronic distribution. Print a limited edition. Percentage of admitted students who enroll will increase by 2%, from 60.8% to 62.8%. Increase the number of direct admits (freshmen and transfers; Fall and Spring) by 2%, from 2008 to 2048. Demonstrated actions to better coordinate student transfers from CUNY associate to baccalaureate institutions. 9. Increase revenues from external sources Alumni/corporate fundraising (CAEVSE report) All colleges will take actions to better coordinate and facilitate movement from the associate to the baccalaureate level. Alumni-corporate fundraising will increase 10% CUNY-wide. Create a publication or web page outlining articulation agreements. 49. Determine the effectiveness of the improved website and CD catalogs. 50. Percentage of admitted students who enroll will increase above the 59.3% reported for 2003-04. 51. Increase the number of direct admits (freshmen and transfers; Fall and Spring) above 2,072. 52. To continue facilitating movement between associate and baccalaureate levels, the College will provide data on transfer patterns to academic departments for follow up analysis as part of program review; the new Bridge to Transfer program will facilitate transfers to Queens College. 53. The College will implement the CUNY Community College Teacher Education Transfer Protocol and will work to enhance the existing TIME, a QCC program for mathematics education teachers with Queens College. Increase private support as follows: • Current operations by 15%, from $212,291 to $244,135; • Art work by 15% from $973,675 to $1,119,726; • The total of the operational fund raising effort will increase by 15%, from $1,185,966 to $1,363,861. • Last year’s total included a budget of $450,575, that is being counted toward the Capital Campaign. • Complete the second phase of the capital campaign of $4.5M over five years. Increase private support for specific programs such as the Holocaust Center, Port of Entry, Gallery and Scholarships. 54. Increase private support as follows: • Current operations by 10%, from $301,376 to $331,514; Working with the Gallery and Performing Arts Comt. of the Academic Senate, develop a plan to increase the community’s awareness of the College as a cultural & historical beacon in this area of Queens, featuring the Art Gallery, HRC, Performing Arts Center, as well as performances & exhibitions of the academic departments. 55. Open the new Art Gallery with a major exhibit. Assuming funding for the HRC, begin design of the new facilities. • • Art work by 10% from $1,196,024 to $1,315,626. The total of the operational fund raising effort will increase by 10%, from $1,711,264 to $1,882,390. • Complete the second phase of the capital campaign of $4.5M over five years. Increase private support for specific programs such as the Holocaust Center, Port of Entry, Gallery and Scholarships. UNIVERSITY PERFORMANCE GOALS & TARGETS AND QCC’S STRATEGIC PLAN 2004-2005 9. CUNY Objectives Increase revenues from external sources CUNY Indicators Contract and Grant Awards (RF Report) University Targets 2004-2005 Contract/grant awards will rise 10% CUNY-wide. QCC Strategic Plan 2003-04 Increase the total of grants, contracts, and awards administered by the RF by 10%, from $2,704,877 to $2,975,364. QCC Strategic Plan 2004-05 56. Increase the total of grants, contracts, and awards administered by the RF by 10%, from $2,968,345 to $3,265,179. 57. Increase foundation grants by 10%, from $79,400 to $87,340. Increase foundation grants by 10%, to $77,000. Indirect cost recovery as ratio of overall grant/contract activity Indirect cost recovery ratios will improve CUNY-wide. Increase Auxiliary Enterprises revenues by 2%. Revenues of $591,218. The College will strive to reach $4 million in OTPS by 2004. 10. Improve productivity, service to students, and environmental health and safety. 58. Increase the indirect cost recovery ratio above 5.6 reported for FY2004. 59. Increase Auxiliary Enterprises revenues above $607,399. Explore ways to find aid for foreign and undocumented students. Productivity Targets Each college will achieve its productivity savings target and apply those funds to student instructionrelated activities; the savings will total $16 million CUNY-wide. Productivity initiatives by various offices (procurement, printing, mailroom) will be improved by 1% to $371,000. 60. Implement recommendations regarding the Queens Initiative on productivity and meet the College’s assigned productivity target. Surveys of student and faculty satisfaction with administrative services. Student satisfaction with administrative services will rise at all CUNY colleges; a faculty satisfaction baseline will be set. Complete the construction of the Student Cyber Café in the Student Union. 61. Student satisfaction with administrative services, as indicated on the CUNY Student Experience Survey, will continue to rise over the next two years, above 2.90. Establish a recruitment campaign utilizing the College Web-site. Utilize Web Advisement, Web-Registration and WebFinancial Aid as tools to improve timely communication with students. 62. Student satisfaction with facilities, as indicted on the CUNY Student Experience Survey, will continue to rise over the next two years, above 2.91. 63. Utilize Web Advisement, Web-Registration and WebFinancial Services as tools to improve service to students. 64. Revise the scope and mission of the Financial Services Office to ensure effective services to students. UNIVERSITY PERFORMANCE GOALS & TARGETS AND QCC’S STRATEGIC PLAN 2004-2005 CUNY Objectives CUNY Indicators University Targets 2004-2005 10. Improve productivity, service to students, and environmental health and safety. QCC Strategic Plan 2003-04 Implement an on-line foreign language placement program for entering students. Expand the function of on-line registration and advisement by developing an on-line course scheduler, which will build a schedule of courses for students based on their advisement and course availability. QCC Strategic Plan 2004-05 65. Implement the on line course scheduler. 66. QCC will use the CUNY OIRA biennial faculty satisfaction survey to be offered in either the Fall of 2004 or Spring 2005 to identify areas for improvement. Increase percentage of financial aid applications completed on-line from 40% to 70%. Percentage of budget spent on administrative services. Every college will lower the percentage of its tax-levy budget spent on administrative services Utilize higher education center in Flushing to increase enrollment in the Port of Entry program and enhance the services of the Immigration Center. 67. Evaluate enrollments and services provided to international students and Port of Entry students at the CUNY Center for Higher Education in Flushing. Tax levy budget spent on Administrative Services will decline by 1%, from 27.1 to 26.1. 68. Tax levy budget spent on Administrative Services for FY 04 will decline by 1%, from 27.3 to 26.3. With the input of the College Environment Committee of the Academic Senate, initiate a campus-wide assessment of the use of facilities to improve utilization of offices, classrooms and parking. 69. With the input of the College Environment Committee of the Academic Senate, initiate a campus-wide assessment of the use of facilities to improve utilization of offices, classrooms and parking. Conduct a facilities survey for ADA/504 Compliance. 70. Review and begin implementation of the recommendations of the ADA/504 Compliance Survey. The College will review all frozen administrative vacancies and request University approval for replacements. Percentage of instruction delivered on Fridays, nights and weekends. The University will increase the percentage of instruction delivered on Fridays, nights and weekends to better serve students and make fuller use of facilities. Evidence of compliance with environmental health and safety regulations. All colleges will hire or assign a dedicated environmental health and safety officer to assess compliance and correct findings. The number of sections offered at night, on Fridays and weekends will increase by 1% from 36.1 to 37.1. 71. Review weekend program offerings so as to ensure the ability to complete degree programs. Increase the number of Friday, evening and weekend sections, so FTEs will increase above 38.5%. 72. The College will comply with all environmental health and safety audit requirements.