Business Department — Queensborough Community College/CUNY Assessment Plan for BU102 Principles of Accounting 2 (Fall 2012) Objective: Communicate Effectively Analytic Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Integrate Knowledge Implementation Assessment Tools (Courses & Assignments) For each disciplinary learning objective, describe where in the curriculum and through what kind of activities students will attain the disciplinary learning (Measurement/data collection) Describe the data collection (e.g., classroom assessment activities, student surveys, graduate surveys, employer surveys, portfolio analysis, CPE or other test results) that will be used to demonstrate students have met the objectives. The General Education objectives listed below are covered in BU102. Principles of Accounting 2. The material is covered through lectures, discussions, exercises, problem solving, and financial statement preparation. In class examinations were conducted and homework assignments were collected to assess if the curriculum objectives were met. Rubrics Describe or attach the rubric (descriptive scale of standards) to be used to measure student achievement of the learning objective. Data Describe assessment results: how did students perform on each objective? The rubric was designed to cover four general education objectives and scaled: = or > 90%% - Full comprehension = or >70% - Partial comprehension = or < 69% - No comprehension 1 Evaluation of Data Resulting Action What do the assessment results mean? How well have students met the learning objectives? Did the assessment process show whether students had met the objectives? What changes if any will be made as a result of the assessment? In all areas assessed, there is a significant number of students who are not able to complete part or all of the financial statements. (Details of each assessment for partnerships, corporations, and inventory indicate financial statements to be the weakest area) 1. We will provide additional homework, class time, and assignments on Financial Statement preparation to gain a higher percentage of students understanding the format. Business Department — Queensborough Community College/CUNY Assessment Plan for BU102 Principles of Accounting 2 (Fall 2012) Analytic Reasoning Integrated Knowledge Theoretical foundation, division of income/loss, liquidation, admission of new partner, and withdrawal of partner in a partnership 50% full comprehension 35% partial comprehension 15% no comprehension Communicate Effectively Analytic Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Record the issuance of three types of stock, donated capital, and closing income/expense accounts. Post to G/L and prepare Stockholders’ Equity section of Balance Sheet Calculate cost of goods available for sale, ending inventory, and cost of goods sold using FIFO, LIFO, and Average Cost inventory methods. Prepare a condensed income statement comparing all three different methods. 50% full comprehension 35% partial comprehension 15% no comprehension Analytic Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning 2. A committee of accounting faculty will work on other possible changes to this course. This will be based on research at other community colleges. 55% full comprehension 30% partial comprehension 15% no comprehension 2