Assessment Evaluation for ARTS 141 Written by Kenneth Yurkovitch Department of Art and Design Spring 2015 Course assessed: ARTS 141 Intro to Photography (Three sections of the course were assessed). QCC General Education Objectives: 1. Communicate Effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking. 2. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informative decisions. 5. Integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study. 10. Apply aesthetic and intellectual criteria in the evaluation or creation of works in the humanities or the arts. Course Objectives: 1. Camera; The technical ability to operate a 35mm manual film camera (focus, aperture and shutter speed). 2. Film; The technical ability to produce a correctly exposed roll of film and developed properly. The film negatives will be of correct density, exposure and proper use of chemistry. 3. Print; Technical ability to consistently make 8x10 photographic enlargements (proper tone, contrast, focus and proficiency in the darkroom). 4. Portfolio; A review of their portfolio consisting of all the work they have done over the semester. (A completed and finished portfolio defined by the professor that is properly presented and discussed in the students’ own artistic vision). 5. Overall progression: Defined by the professor as a gauging of how the student has progressed from the first week to the last. Each student is gauged on the knowledge they entered the course with and the knowledge and skill they have ended with. The following is a matrix illustrating the alignment of relevant QCC general education objectives and relevant course objectives with student learning outcomes. Assessment of Photography 1 (ARTS 141) – QCC Alignment of General Education Objectives and Course Objectives with Student Learning Outcomes General Education Course Objectives Objectives 5. Integrate knowledge 1.Student will and skills in their program demonstrate the of study technical ability to operate a 35mm manual film camera (focus, aperture and shutter speed) and 2. The technical ability to produce a correctly exposed roll of film and developed properly. The film negatives will be of correct density, exposure and demonstrate proper use of chemistry. Learning Outcomes Students will demonstrate the ability to produce a properly exposed and developed roll of film, also demonstrating the proper operation of a 35mm manual camera. The film negatives will have proper exposure, have well defined light and dark areas, sharp focus and will be suitable for producing an 8x10 photographic print. 2. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informative decisions Student will demonstrate the technical ability to consistently make 8x10 photographic enlargements (proper tone, contrast, focus and proficiency in the darkroom). Student will consistently produce a 8x10 photographic print with full tonal ranges of white, blacks and greys, including proper contrast and focus. 1. Communicate Effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking A review of their portfolio consisting of all the work they have done over the semester. (A completed and finished portfolio defined by the professor that is properly presented and discussed in the students’ own artistic vision). Student is able to use appropriate terminology to describe technical, aesthetic and conceptual elements of photographic prints that make up their portfolio. General Education Objectives 10. Apply aesthetic and intellectual criteria in the evaluation or creation of works in the humanities or the arts Course Objectives Learning Outcomes An overall progression defined by the professor as a measure of how the student has progressed from the first week of the semester to the last. Each student is gauged on the knowledge they entered the course with and the knowledge and skill they have ended with. Student is able to express his/her own artistic vision through technically proficient photographic prints that utilize symbolism and metaphor to express conceptual ideas with multiple layers of meaning that as been developed and discussed with the student throughout the semester. The department of Art & Design has developed these rubrics to measure student learning outcomes. These rubrics are shown below. Each student is measured within a matrix corresponding to each rubric. For each rubric there are four categories of achievement; Excellent is achieved when the student is able to demonstrate mastery of that skill consistently and is awarded 5 points, Very good is achieved when the student is able to demonstrate mastery of that skill but lacks consistently and is awarded 4 points, Good is achieved when the student is able to demonstrate mastery of that skill most of the time but lacks consistently and is awarded 3 points, Fair is achieved when the student occasionally exhibits mastery of that skill but is mostly inconsistent and is awarded 2 points, and Poor is achieved when a student is unable to exhibit mastery of a skill and is awarded 1 point. A 0 is only achieved if the student has not met the basic requirements of the course (attendance, withdrawal or missing the final). The numbers appearing next to ach category represent the number of students who scored that specific level of skill for each student outcome. For the purposes of this assessment, the final portfolio, both oral presentations and student work, served as the artifacts in three sections of ART141 that were evaluated against the rubrics. A total of 46 artifacts were included in the assessment. The following is a matrix representing the raw data produced by the instrument. Raw Data Collection Learning Outcomes Student will demonstrate the technical ability to operate a 35mm manual film camera (focus, aperture and shutter speed) Students will demonstrate the ability to produce a properly exposed and developed roll of film. The film negatives will have proper exposure, have well defined light and dark areas, sharp focus and will be suitable for producing an 8x10 photographic print Student is able to consistently produce an 8x10 photographic print with full tonal ranges of white, blacks and greys, including proper contrast and focus Student is able to use appropriate terminology to describe technical, aesthetic and conceptual elements of photographic prints that make up his/her portfolio Student is now able to express his/her own artistic vision through technically proficient photographic prints that utilize symbolism and metaphor to express conceptual ideas with multiple layers of meaning that as been developed and discussed with the student throughout the semester Excellent 5 pts. 17 Very Good Fair Poor N/A Good 3 pts. 2 pts. 1 pts. 0 pts. 4 pts. 9 5 1 3 11 14 7 7 1 4 13 13 9 7 3 3 11 18 11 2 2 2 11 22 6 3 2 1 12 Once the raw data has been compiled the scores are then weighted from 5 points (excellent) to 1 point (poor). The weighted scores are as follows: Assessment of Photography 1 (ARTS 141) – QCC Learning Outcomes / Rubrics – Weighted Score Learning Outcomes Student will demonstrate the technical ability to operate a 35mm manual film camera (focus, aperture and shutter speed) Students will demonstrate the ability to produce a properly exposed and developed roll of film. The film negatives will be properly exposure, have well defined light and dark areas, sharp focus and will be suitable for producing an 8x10 photographic print Student is able to consistently produce an 8x10 photographic print with full tonal ranges of white, blacks and greys, including proper contrast and focus Student is able to use appropriate terminology to describe technical, aesthetic and conceptual elements of photographic prints that make up their portfolio Student is now able to express his/her own artistic vision through technically proficient photographic prints that utilize symbolism and metaphor to express conceptual ideas with multiple layers of meaning that as been developed and discussed with the student throughout the semester Weighted Scores 144 125 131 146 148 Assessment Results Evaluation Students in ARTS 141 complete an individual final project that consists of a portfolio of 15 - 20 photographic prints representing the culmination of the semester’s work. Students must utilize the skills learned in the course necessary to meet the QCC general education objectives as well as the course objectives. Students are required to demonstrate all skills outlined in the course objectives cited above related to the technical abilities learned in the course. Additionally, students are required to use oral communication skills in the presentation of the portfolio to describe their artistic vision of their work and the successes and challenges that they experienced over the semester. The Art & Design department breaks down the learning outcomes into two categories: Technical ability and Conceptual ability. Technical refers to the mastery of use of photographic equipment that is used during the semester: 35mm camera, film development equipment and the photographic enlarger. Conceptual refers to the students’ ability to use photography to develop an individual voice to describe their work that allows multiple layers of meaning. Students must show mastery of both of these skills to receive a high grade in the course and on their final project. The first three learning outcomes deal with the technical skills required in the course and fourth and fifth deal with the conceptual component of the course. First learning outcome: Student will demonstrate the technical ability to operate a 35mm manual film camera (focus, aperture and shutter speed). Weighted score: 144. Analysis: Overall the students scored very well in the use of a 35mm camera. The majority of students scored Excellent (60%) or Very Good (26%) meaning that most were able to master this skill. Developing this base knowledge of the use of a 35mm camera will serve them well in any future or advanced photography course they may take. Conclusion: This is an identifiable area of strength of the program. Students achieved a high level of technical ability in mastering the use of the 35mm camera, a primary course objective. This learning outcome maps to the QCC General Education Objective – Integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study. The high scores here demonstrate the program’s ability to meet this college-wide objective extremely well. Second learning outcome: Students will demonstrate the ability to produce a properly exposed and developed roll of film. The film negatives will have proper exposure, have well defined light and dark areas, sharp focus and will be suitable for producing an 8x10 photographic print. Weighted score: 125. Analysis: This outcome scored lowest out of both the technical and conceptual categories. Students expressed that this was the most difficult part of the course. The drop in score is not major but there were many more scores in the Good to Poor (44%) point ranges than the previous technical outcome. Conclusion: This is an area identified as needing improvement. Although students will have the opportunity to improve this skill in future photography courses, it would benefit the program to address this area in the introductory course. Third learning outcome: Student is able to consistently produce an 8x10 photographic print with full tonal ranges of white, blacks and greys, proper contrast and focus. Weighted score: 131. Analysis: The use of the darkroom also showed a drop in points similar to the previous technical category. Again there was a higher number of students scoring in the mid (Good – 16%) to low (Fair to Poor – 7%) range of points. This could be attributed to the students working in an unfamiliar environment, the darkroom, for the first time. Given the lack of limited visual references and limited sight it may be difficult for them to make the transition. It is very different to be in a lit lecture class and work in a low light photographic darkroom. Conclusion: This is an area identified as needing improvement. Although opportunities to acquire additional skills to make a successful transition to working in the darkroom will occur in intermediate and advanced photography courses, it would benefit the program to address this area in the introductory course. Fourth learning outcome: Student is able to use appropriate terminology to describe technical, aesthetic and conceptual elements of photographic prints that make up their portfolio. Weighted score: 146. Analysis: This outcome was the second highest rated in the assessment with an increase in both the Excellent (61%) and Very Good (31%) point ratings. More students scored higher in these ranges then all previous learning outcomes, indicating that most students had more difficulty in the technical categories but when it came time to discussing their work, they excelled. They demonstrated the ability to discuss their work in terms of technical, aesthetic and conceptual ideas. Conclusion: This is an identifiable area of strength of the program. 92% of all artifacts scored in the highest two rankings (Excellent and Very Good) in the use of terminology when describing work. This learning outcome is an important indicator of the student’s ability to engage in professional dialogue about their work and maps to the QCC General Education Objective - Communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking. Clearly, the program has met this objective related to oral communication. Fifth learning outcome: Student is now able to express their own artistic vision through technically proficient photographic prints that utilize symbolism and metaphor to express conceptual ideas with multiple layers of meaning that has been developed and discussed with the student throughout the semester. Weighted score: 148. Analysis: The highest scoring and most improved of all outcomes. Students achieved the highest scoring of Excellent in this conceptual category meaning that most (74%) of students showed a significant progress toward improvement over the course of the semester. The students were successful when it came to imbedding conceptual meaning into their work and increased skill in the technical aspects of the course. Conclusion: This outcome is an area of strength for this course. This learning outcome maps to the QCC General Education objective - Apply aesthetic and intellectual criteria in the evaluation or creation of works in the humanities or the arts. Assessment results indicate that the students made significant progress in this area over the semester with the final outcome demonstrating that students are able to develop these skills successfully in the introductory course. Summary and Action Plan Based on the assessment results of the learning outcomes used, three technical and two conceptual, there are three areas of strength and two that have room for improvement. Technically the students have a strong understanding of how to use a 35mm camera but need improvement in film development and darkroom management. Film development was not always correctly achieved i.e: not producing properly developed negatives, sometimes too lite or too dark or improper use of chemistry producing no negatives at all. The darkroom was one area of technical ability where students struggled, often producing prints that did not achieve the correct contrast; either too grey without proper black and white tones, or lacking contrast in a full tonal range of greys. Mismanagement of darkroom chemistry resulted in improperly produced prints, either of incorrect contrast or stained prints from chemical contamination. Conceptually the students excelled in portfolio presentation, discussion of their photographic work and overall progression over the semester. The students were able in a critique setting to describe their work in terms of technical, aesthetic and conceptual ideas. The following recommendations will be implemented to address the areas identified as needing improvement: Learning Outcome 2: Students will demonstrate the ability to produce a properly exposed and developed roll of film. The film negatives will have proper exposure, have well defined light and dark areas, sharp focus and will be suitable for producing an 8x10 photographic print. Recommendation: Students will be encouraged to practice more techniques inside and out of the classroom to improve their skill resulting in less mistakes and better film development. More dry runs can be practiced to prevent improper film development. Learning Outcome 3: Student is able to consistently produce an 8x10 photographic print with full tonal ranges of white, blacks and greys, proper contrast and focus. This outcome is directly related to the use of the darkroom. Recommendation: Students will be encouraged to attend the open labs, which are provided by the department during the semester to familiarize themselves with the darkroom environment. More practice in this environment will improve their ability to manage their new surroundings and achieve better prints. Use of the open labs will be monitored by the College Laboratory Technician through the use of attendance sheets and formal communications with the course instructors. Artifacts The following artifacts are samples of student work produced in all three sections of the ARTS-141 course.