Assessment Deliverables

Patricia Kinneary
Department of Nursing
Queensborough Community College
Assessment Institute Fall 2014
Assessment Deliverables
1. The name of the course being assessed is: NU102 - Safe and Effective Nursing Care of Clients –
Level II. There are 8 clinical groups, or sections, included in the Fall 2014 semester. Each group consists of seven (7)
or eight (8) second semester students.
NU-102 provides the student with the theoretical basis and application of nursing concepts underlying the safe and effective practice of nursing as it relates to self-care needs - across the life cycle - with a focus on the adult and pediatric
client. Psychosocial, end-of-life, spiritual and cultural aspects of care are included. Teaching-learning principles are utilized for clients across the life span. Relevant therapeutic nutrition, pharmacology and holistic healing modalities are
presented. Students continue to develop communication and assessment skills as well as critical thinking strategies.
Professional practice is further developed utilizing evidence-based research. Clinical experiences take place in the college laboratories, hospitals and community settings. A pediatric clinical experience is provided.
2. A total of 62 students will be assessed using the NU-102 Clinical Progress Report.
3. NU-102 Course Student Learning Outcomes and the related General Education Outcomes are presented in the following table.
General Education Outcomes
1. Communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking
2. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or
problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions.
3. Reason quantitatively and mathematically as required
in their fields of interest and in everyday life.
4. Use information management and technology skills
Effectively for academic research and lifelong learning.
5. Integrate knowledge and skills in their program of
NU 102 Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of NU102, the student will be prepared to:
 Demonstrate effective therapeutic communication through verbal, non-verbal, written and
technological communication when providing client-centered care.
Clinical Decision Making
 Apply critical thinking strategies, NU-102 and general education course content, and fundamental evidence-based best practice information to plan and implement safe, effective, quality care for adult and pediatric client(s).
 Conduct comprehensive assessments of adult and pediatric clients utilizing the nursing process, multiple data sources and incorporating developmental and cultural influences to establish a foundation of nursing care.
Clinical Decision Making
 Apply critical thinking strategies, Nu-102 and general education course content, and fundamental evidence-based best practice information to plan and implement safe, effective, quality care for adult and pediatric client(s).
Professional Behaviors
 Apply knowledge of nursing best practice and professional standards when planning and implementing safe, effective, quality, client-centered nursing care for the adult and pediatric client.
Managing Care
 Utilize agency management systems to provide safe, effective client-centered care to the
adult and pediatric client(s).
Clinical Decision Making
 Apply critical thinking strategies NU-102 and general education course content, and fundamental evidence-based best practice information to plan and implement safe, effective, quality care for adult and pediatric client(s).
Caring Interventions
 Demonstrate compassionate and respectful nursing behaviors when caring for diverse adult
and pediatric client(s) and working with members of the healthcare team that results in dignified quality care.
 Incorporate principles of teaching, learning, and developmental and cultural influences when
developing a teaching plan for the adult and pediatric client(s).
6. Differentiate and make informed decisions about issues based on multiple value systems.
Clinical Decision Making
 Apply critical thinking strategies, NU-102 and general education course content, and fundamental evidence-based best practice information to plan and implement safe, effective,
quality care for adult and pediatric client(s).
7. Work collaboratively in diverse groups directed at
accomplishing learning objectives.
 Interact respectfully with peers and agency nursing staff in shared decision-making to administer quality, safe, effective care to adult and pediatric clients.
8. Use historical or social sciences perspectives to examine formation of ideas, human behavior, social institutions, or social processes.
Clinical Decision Making
 Apply critical thinking strategies, NU-102 and general education course content, and fundamental evidence-based best practice information to plan and implement safe, effective,
quality care for adult and pediatric client(s).
9. Employ concepts and methods of the natural and
physical sciences to make informed judgments.
Clinical Decision Making
 Apply critical thinking strategies, NU-102 and general education course content, and fundamental evidence-based best practice information to plan and implement safe, effective,
quality care for adult and pediatric client(s).
10. Apply aesthetic and intellectual criteria in the evaluation or creation of works in the humanities or the arts.
Caring Interventions
 Demonstrate compassionate and respectful nursing behaviors when caring for diverse adult
and pediatric client(s) and working with members of the healthcare team that results in dignified quality care.
4. Students regularly participate in a clinical rotation in their assigned facilities. They are expected to apply nursing concepts underlying the safe and effective practice of nursing as it relates to self-care needs across the life cycle. Psychosocial, end-of-life, spiritual and cultural aspects of care are essential elements commonly assessed.
5. NU-102 students attend the clinical component of the course twice weekly. They provide novice level nursing care to
their assigned patients under the direct supervision of their clinical instructor. The clinical instructor is actively assessing the students throughout the day. The instructor carefully evaluates the student’s delivery of care with regard to
achieving the student learning outcomes.
6. A clinical evaluation tool, NU-102 Clinical Progress Report, aligns with the student learning outcomes
and is used to measure the student’s performance in the clinical area.
7. Not applicable
8. A written midterm and final progress report will be given to each student. An unsatisfactory grade on the final clinical
progress report results in a failure for the course regardless of the theory grade.