The Urban teague of Porfiand
10 North Russofl Street
Portland, Oregon 97227
FAX (503) 281 2612
JUNE 15, 1995
7:30 A.M.
I J W!'1_
A United Way
(503) 280-2600
JUNE 15, 1995
7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Lawrence J Dark
Michael Lewellen
Faye Burch
Duane Bosworth
Elizabeth Kutza
Rian Brown
Judi Pitre
James Boehike
Peggy C. Ross
MAY 18, 1995
The Urban League of Portland's Board of Directors meeting was called to order at 7:40 am, by
James Boehlke in the absent of Michael Lewellen, Board Chair and Judi Pitre, Vice Chair.
Members present: James Boehlke, Duane Bosworth, Faye Burch, Carol Chism, David Duran,
Kevin Fuller, Laura Glosson, Bryan Hicks, Tom McDonald, Charu Manchanda-Nair, Terry
Rogers, Amoy Williamson.
Members absent with excuse: Rian Brown, Elizabeth Kutza, Michael Lewellen, Judi Pitre,
Peggy Ross.
Staff present: Lawrence J. Dark, President/CEO, Cletus B. MoOre, Jr., Vice President, Brian
A. Black, Ivy Chilcote, Clinton D. Clarke, Larry Foltz, Esther Hinson, Michael Pullen, Brenda
Sherman-Sanders, Don Chalmers.
Michael Pullen
Presentation of the visual aids of the 50th Anniversary which will begin this week for the next
month, which will be on busses, radio, television, which was prepared by AD 2, a young
advertising professional organization which each year chooses a non-profit in Portland to do a
pro bona campaign. They decided to select The Urban League of Portland, Since we have the
50th Anniversary, We planned and strategized on the kind of message we wanted to give the
community and how to utilize some of the veterans of the Urban League, since so much what
was prevalent then is still prevalent now. We have a lot programs that are helping people
achieve their dreams. These Ads will enable us to build up our business and individual
memberships, which is a key need of the Urban League. There is a lot of donated services and
also some hard cost which we will have to pay.
One of the newspapers advertisements shows a picture of Heloise Hill, widow of Shelly Hill, who
the Conference Room is name after. The other advertisement will be of Barbara O'Hare, who
is an Urban League client and now works for United Airlines. Advertisements will appear in the
Oregonian, Business Journal (a list of participating media to board members). Our Portland
Street Academy (different ethnic background) is still in production There will be a print ad
about our membership that will be featured in business journals, and business-oriented
newspapers and magazines.
Board of Directors
May 18, 1995
Page 2
Michael Pullen
There will be a histoiy story-type radio commercial featuring Barbara O'Hare of United Airlines
and Judge Hamilton. The honor co-chairs Heloise Hill and Judge Diaz for the campaign for the
50th Anniversary dinner. The radio covers our services and also some of our history, which
Judge Hamilton touched on. Two television commercials were presented, one about the history
and the other about our programs.
A detailed 50th Anniversary Budget was distributed to the board members. Items underlined
have been donated, the others are hard cost to the Urban League is responsible for. A souvenir
booklet is in the works for the October 11 Annual Dinner, which will have space for
advertisement, AD 2 will help with the preparation of the booklet. Another area for optional
items is T-Shirts, Bumper Stickers, Coffee Mugs, Other proposals being develop is a copy of
their corporate logo in return for sponsorship.
(A monthly budget was distributed to board members), which reflect the hard cost, showing that
we have spent $2,000 in April and May which will increase the visible of the Urban League of
Portland over the next 6 weeks, also there bus signs going on 40 Tri-Met busses and one for the
interior and exterior of the busses. The will be a lot of awareness of the Urban League from this
promotional drive.
Handling the Membership is also under the Marketing Department and also working with the
Fundraising Committee. The range over the past 2 years has gone from about $45,000 total for
our Membership Drive, now it runs about $100,000, that includes about $30,000 in dinner tickets
that the top Gold Members and Sponsor Members. The Membership revenue has remained about
the same for the last two years. One of the reason may be attributed to the transitional year. I
think that we should also get a more sophisticated membership software. We have been using
an accounting software, and not made for running a Membership campaign, The other
Membership software which priced at about $4,000 to $5,000, but since originally looking at this
software, the price has risen twice in the last 3 months.
For the 1995 Membership Drive, Brian A, Black will be working a lot. He has some good ideas
and we can broaden the scope which the 50th Anniversary will give us a lot of opportunities that
we are revelant and to stand out in the community. The Co-Chairs of the 1995 campaign have
not been confirmed as yet, but we would like to launch the campaign in June. Which leads into
the next suggestion to raising some of our dues especially the Individual and the Business. The
Individual dues have not been raised in a couple of years, to be in line with other organizations
that charge their Individual members. The Fundraising Committee will discussthis suggestion
BDminMay 18
Board of Directors
May 18, 1995
Page 3
Michael Pullen
Special events, projects like Porgy & Bess, which is coming up in July, will be announced in
our Newsletter, that is going in the mail this week. There is also a flyer to order tickets to Porgy
& Bess included. These kind of events do not always raise as much money as we might think,
they do have a lot of visibility. For example, the George Fraser event last summer. It was a great
success, but in reality we only broke even.
Grant writing is a major part of Marketing. One grant in particular is the Americorp grant that
has passed 3 hurdles and now goes back to Washington. Brian A. Black and I also are assistants
to specific departments of the Urban League. I work with the Seniors and Youth Services in
helping with their fundraising.
Communications and Advocacy are the other areas I handle, communications - News Releases,
Press Conferences, media inquiries and developing market pieces, such as the one that has been
developed for the 50th Anniversary. I feel a marketing plan for the Urban League is essential
with a board member, client or staff person helping to develop this plan. A group that is
promoting advocacy called Coalition For A Livable Future, in which I was assigned, is a real
interesting organization, they are trying to pull together interest in the Northeast Portland we are
doing research on disinvestment on urban part of the region and investment on the fringe. I
would like to present their research to you in a couple of months.
Lawrence J. Dark introduce two new members to the Urban League staff. Clinton D. Clarke,
new Director of Education and Career Development, who has spent last year home school his
own child, and has worked in social service agencies, grants and is looking forward to bringing
unity in the community and inter agency development, so we may utilize all the resources of all
the programs. and Tahja Jackson, the new Urban Parks Project Coordinator, who we are
partnering with Trust for Public Lands and Portland Public Parks, who has worked with the Boys
and Girls Club and UPS Service, and after being on the staff 2 weeks, produce a very exciting
video of some our parks and other local areas where beautiful parks could be established.
In your packet is information to show some of the things we are trying to increase creditability
and visibility and what I have been trying to develop in these last 11 months. Beginning in June,
I am going to start asking for hard money. Relationships alone will not get all the funds we
need. Hard relationships and partnerships in the community must be established, We now have
a clearer picture and a different message of what we need and how we can better serve various
organizations throughout the community.
BDminMay 18
Board of Directors
May 18, 1995
Page 4
Also, you will see included in the packet, a testimony that I have given twice about youth
corrections, just to let you know the kinds of things that we have been working on. Also, I have
been asked to on the Advisory Committee of the National Center For State Courts, which will
be meeting in San Francisco, they wanted one of the people in the organization, especially
community-based to develop a grant, which fits into all of what we are doing in Oregon and
around the community.
No report.
There was a discussion last board meeting regarding the slate of officers and what our BYLAWS
(copies of statement from BYLAWS distributed to board members for review) also,
Responsibilities of Officers. An open letter of suggestions of BYLAW changes, as noted on page
5, it states the vacancies maybe filled of new officers created and filled at any meeting of the
Board of Directors. So, we are able to create the office of Chair-Elect.
A slate of officers for the Board of Directors was submitted; either the ballot form or vote by
show of hands or by yes or nea. The nominations are: Chair Person - Michael Lewellen; ChairElect - Jim Boehlke; Vice Chair - Emmett Wheatfall; Secretary - Laura Glosson; Treasurer - Rian
Brown. Option given for other nominees to be submitted.
The grand opening of Walnut Park, Saturday, May 27, 1995, all are invited to attend.
BDminMay 18
Board of Directors
May 18, 1995
Page 5
The;board was reminded of the big event, Porgy & Bess on July 19th. Sponsorship raising is
going on now and developing a media campaign. Ticket sales people and dinner committee are
working very hard. The Co-Chairs of the event is Arlene Schnitz, William Hillard and Marshall
Glickman and their patron solicitation letters are going out.
The other item is Membership Dues. There is a need for increase on the Corporate level. At the
Goal Level are somewhat substantial, it went from $3,000 to $3,500. The Sponsorship level went
from $1,000 to $1,250. The Corporate Level went from $250 to $350. Prices have gone up.
Lawrence J. Dark stated, one of the things looking at the budget and looking at finances and the
size of the Urban League, nationally and various communities to determine where are. In many
locale and cities our size, we have put things in place to bring people back in, the question that
comes to mind, have we gone past the deceit thinking for this community and asking for the
money to get things done. What I really need from Corporations to say what's going on, what's
not going on etc. (A lengthy discussion was held regarding the raising of Dues).
No Report.
Jim Boehike stated that there was a serious need for more Board involvement and participation
and Committee activity. Board members made comments and discussed the problem.
We had a rather gut wrenching meeting yesterday, we are almost out of money people. Our cash
situation is in dire straights. June is a bad time of the year, where the end of funding periods,
there are things move, cash comes in and out. Cletus has always been very good at managing
that cash and make sure it was there. If you look at the financial reports, you will see that we
are about $400,000 plus above budget for the year. That $400,000 above budget includes
$660,000 non-cash contribution of this building. That means we are not quite $200,000 under
budget for the year. Education had problems earlier in the year and we know the Employment
Department is not funding itself, never has funded itself. We had relocation cost, we didn't
anticipate, a lot of stuff that is pulling us down. We need to get involved, and get this thing
BDminMay 18
Board of Directors
May 18, 1995
Page 6
turned around. We are not in a position to do anything discretionary at the moment. Hopefully,
the cash shortage a temporary situation, but fora long term standpoint we have activities going
on that are under-funded at best.
We have known these problems exist. We also knew that Education Director's position wasn't
filled, therefore, and we were saving some dollars there and we were able to string it out for a
long time. The point is, we have strung this out about as far as it will go. We need to do some
positive work in the Employment Division, to start raising some dollars there, we may have some
fees-for-services possibilities that we have not persuaded adequately yet. In the Education
Division, basically we know the what we have to do to solve that problem. We need to match
our staffing and students populations one to another which has not been done in the last year.
So we know what the problem is but it isn't solved yet. Those are the kind of things we need
to get involve in. We need have all board people involved, the ones specifically charged with
that responsibility, need to get involved. Lawrence has a lots of grants going out and that is very
positive. When we hired Lawrence he was going to get all his Directors to be grant writers, The
Program and Planning Committee is not monitoring what is going on in the those grants and
matching the dollars that's coming. We are not there, and I don't feel that we are doing our job
as well as we ought to be doing.
Cletus B. Moore, Jr. stated, the other thing Dave mentioned was timing of membership, on the
individual side, about a year ago, Board decided to take the individual membership and do it on
an anniversary date of when you joined the Urban League. As Michael Pullen mentioned, the
software package that is needed to do that kind of membership drive isn't in place.
Lawrence J. Dark said that's one of the things, I am starting to do is be real honest with you all.
I don't know what was said and not said, but I am taking the position, I need to let you know
what it takes to run this agency. The way we have been doing it, just doesn't match financially
with all the hard work people coming here 7 days a week to do, It's just not.
Charu Manchanda-Nair ask the Board of Directors to endorse a community forum on Facts On
Affirmative Action for the Bureau of Labor. Brenda Sherman-Sanders is already on the Bureau
of Labor Council. After comments and discussion the Board voted on the request.
BDminMay 18
May 19-24, 1995
The Black Church - National - Education & Leadership Training Conference on
HJIV/AIDS - Washington, D.C., (underwritten by the American Red Cross National
May 25, 1995
May 25, 1995
Speaker - American Jewish Committee
May 26, 1995
Black United Fund
May 27, 1995
Holy Redeemer church
May 30, 1995
Dan Simmons
May 30, 1995
Miltie Vega-Lloyd
& Bess fundraiser
May 30, 1995
CCMH - Carol Chism, Tony Hopson-SEI, Phyliss Paulson-Garlington Center,
Johnny Gage-House of Umoja (partnership for community).
May 31, 1995
Laura Weaver
PEN - Portland Education Network meeting
May 31, 1995
Don McClave
Portland Chamber of Commerce
May 31, 1995
Oregon Symphony Focus Group meeting
Area Health Education Center meeting - Executive Committee
Annual Dinner meeting - Black & Jewish
Closing Beth Kaiser Permanente Hospital meeting
Ordination of 1st African American Deacon from Oregon
Camp Odyssey meeting (to consider 'tPartnership" Public Relations
meeting with Oregonian to get cover story for "Porgy
June 1, 1995
James L. Knoll President's Council on Sustainable Development Lunch meeting
June 2, 1995
June 2, 1995
Recruitment of Joyce Harris
Membership Campaign
June 3, 1995
African American Legislative Roundtable meeting
June 5, 1995
Interview for Red Cross's Newsletter
June 5, 1995
Charles Jordan, Parks & Recreation Dept.; John Holley, Boys Scouts meeting
June 6, 1995
June 7, 1995
Urban League's Executive Meeting
June 7, 1995
Red Cross-Health & Safety, HTV/AIDS Partnership, Assistant Director Marshall
June 7, 1995
EPFP - Education Policy Fellowship Program -Graduation from nine-month
Leadership Program
June 7, 1995
VIP Black Music Reception
June 8, 1995
Mult.Cty.- Oregon HIV Outreach Workers Training
Multicultural Senior Center's Health Fair
NW Regional Education Lab.
as Co-Chair
Rep. Avel Gordly
Public Relations and Marketing for
Business Youth Exchange - Board of Directors meeting
Jantzen Beach - presenttion for Big Brother/Big Sister
Emanuel Hospital
June 8, 1995
James May, President/CEO
June 9,1995
I Have A Dream Foundation
June 9, 1995
Leon Thieson
June 9, 1995
Jim Hill, State Treasurer
June 9, 1995
Oregon State Bar Affirmative Action Reception
June 9, 1995
City Club of Portland Annual Dinner
June 10, 1995
Planned Parenthood
June 12, 1995
Gloria Gostnell
June 12, 1995
North/Northeast Economic Alliance meeting
June 13, 1995
Larry Miller, Executive Vice President - Jantzen Beach
June 13, 1995
Dr. Kreider - Mt. Hood Community College - PlC Partnership
June 13, 1995
BSR - Business For Social Responsibility
Urban League
June 13, 1995
Introduction of Author, Henry Louis Gate - IFCC
June 14, 1995
The Private Industry Council - Board of Directors meeting
June 14, 1995
Joel Southwell
June 14, 1995
Oregon Symphony Conference begins June 14th to June 17th
Advisory Committee
Matthew Prophet
PSU Foundation - Lunch/meeting
Program Officer
ForDr, Joceyln Elders
Meyer Memorial Trust meeting
Lunch /meeting
(new business to consider supporting the
Administration Oregon Voc. & Rehb.
NI aEionaL U rEan League Conference
Miami beach Corrvenlion Center, Miami,
L July 23-26
June 2, 1995
PLanning Commi+±ee
'rack, Jr
eginaLd V.
Chairman, 77me Inc.
'eneraL Chairperson
M. Anthony burns
Cha,'rman, Pre5/derth and
Chief xecutive Officer
Mr. Lawrence J. Dark
Urban League of Portland
10 North Russell Street
Urban Plaza
Portland, Oregon 97227
Dear Lawrence:
Ryder y5 tern, Inc.
Pr5L'Ln+ n1
Chief Lxecutive Officer
M embers
We would like to invite you to actively participate at the 1995 Annual
Conference, which will be held in Miami, Florida, July 23 to 26. We would like
you to serve in the key role as a Conference Facilitator. A listing of sessions is
attached. Please select the sessions you would like to facilitate and return to us
by June 19, 1995.
Michael E'. Alexander
Angela l2obinson EeLLamy
\Villiam E'. Eond
NJancy Da'.ikins
T \Villard rair
Dean .3. 1'erris
.3tedman c'raham
In general, the primary role of a Conference Facilitator is to ensure the effective
and efficient operations for their specifically assigned areas of responsibility at
the conference. The secondary role is to ensure that the Moderator and Panelists
for each session are equipped to successfully conduct their presentations in a
timely fashion. Finally, Conference Facilitators will play a critical and major
role in the overall success of the Conference by coordinating the evaluation
feedback from a random sample of participants from each session.
'regory, Lsc.
Joshua 1-ugh
.3aundra L. McCleLLand
Diane .3tevens I2obinson
If you have any questions, please contact me at (212) 310-9033. I am looking
forward to your on-going support, dedication and commitment toward excellence
in making this another successful conference.
Lienry M. Thomas III
Dr. bernard C. \V'atson
Doris Carson \V'iLliams
Maria E. McFarlane
Director, National Conference
500 Last 62nd óbreet'
York, Nfr 10021-8379
(212) 310-9000
fax (212) 593-8250
Contributions to the NationaL Urban League are tax deductibLe.
Miami Beach Convention Center
Miami, Florida
July 23-26, 1995
CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE______________________________________
AX #
July 23, 1995
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Sunday, July 23, 1995
6:00PM - 8:00PM
Monday, July 24, 1995
Tuesday, July 25, 1995
Wednesday, July 26, 1995
Sunday, July
23, 1995
Monday, July 24, 1995
Tuesday, July
25, 1995
26, 1995
Wednesday, July
9:00AM - 5:00PM
10:00AM - 6:00 PM
10:00AM - 6:00 PM
10:00AM -12NOON
Monday,Ju1y24, 1995
U 10:45AM
Workshop Al
Parents: The First Teachers
Workshop A2
Voices and Visions of Our Youth
Workshop A3
Impacting Youth: Program Models for Success
Workshop A4
The Politics of Youth Programs
Tuesday, July
Workshop B5
Workshop B6
Workshop B7
Workshop B8
25, 1995
U 2:20 PM
Social, Academic and Economic Reinforcement:
Creating A Culture of Achievement
Youth Ministries: Mission in the Hood
School Reform: Educating for the 21st Century
Media Images and Our Youth: Changes and Challenges
Wednesday, July 26,
U 10:20 AM
Workshop C9
Workshop ClO
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
The Future: Our Children and Technology
Affirmative Action and Our Children's
Future - What's the Connection?
July 25, 1995
12:30 PM
12:15 PM
Ruth Standish Balwin:
Volunteer Recognition Luncheon
George Edmund Haynes Leadership Luncheon
Edwin J. A. Seligman Chairman's Luncheon
7:30 PM
Whitney M. Young, Jr. Conference Dinner
Sunday, July 23,
Monday, July 24,
Wednesday, July 26,
Monday, July
24, 1995
7:30 PM
Esther Ilinson
I Adult and Senior
information &
ReferraL AIthei,r
Prg., Grandparcott
Prg. Driver
The Board of
Michael Lewellen
Board Chair
Jim Boehike
Board Chair-Elect
Lawrence J. Dark
President and CEO
Counmeiing. Job
Oiocated Workors
Prr,ject, Carter
Don Chalmers, Executive Assistant to the
President and CEO & Administration 0111cc
Mike Pullen
Adminlslr4lve Stafl Front Deok
Spedal Eyont Pro,,
IBrenda Sherman- I
I Dir. Employment I
Brian A. Black
Assistant to the
President and CEO &
Dir, of Special Projects
& Training
Par Prec
Assist. Dir.
Gaylen Brannon
I Dir. Education & I
Clinton Clarke
The Urban League of Portland
Organizational Chart
Ivy Chilcote 1
Dir. of Finance &
1Payroll, insurance, Facilities
Larry Foltz
Youth & Family
arry Clayton
sist. i)lr.
AveI 7, Diveroion,
outh Employment,
ig Brother/Sister,
JTJNIE 15, 1995
Michael Lewellen We do have quorium, so we will get our meeting underway, Good Morning, Happy Thursday to
Your received your Pre-meeting Board packet with the Minutes from the last Board meeting,
should have ample time to read them, we will entertain any questions concerns, if there are any,
will entertain a motion to approve.
Carol Chism - I move for their approval, Motion by Terry Rogers, second by Dave Duran.
Any discussion?
All in favor, lijil those oppose.
Move on to the President's Report
Lawrence Good Morning -
First let me introduce, our newest addition to the Urban League, Mr. Sam Duplessis, You want
to stand Sam?
Sam is our newest accountant and Sam has really wanted to work with
organization such as the Urban League for a long time and we are glad that he finally had the
opportunity, he is from South Africa and Ivy is happy.
I want to call your attention to the flyer, announcing the Achievement Program tonight, as you
know nationally our President Hugh Price has set this year of the Youth and what we are trying
to do even though no one is graduating tonight is to celebrate the achievement of youth in our
Street Academy with got to give more positive things to let them know what they are doing is
OK and especially giving what's happening with Measure 11, we got help them understand, that
they have to act a little differently or we want see them for a long time about 5 years.
Second, I am pleased to announce that we are undertaking a very aggressive membership
campaign this year, we are pleased to announce that Mr. Peter Gray of the Bank of America and
Joyce Harris of Northwest Regional Laboratories, Northest Spectrum TV, and a community
activist, have consented to co-chair the event, we have set a goal of $250,000 for this campaign,
it is very aggressive, we have recruitment captains and if you want to get more information about
it, you can contact Brian Black, who is the staff to that, but they are very enthuism and excited
and I know it is going to be highly successful.
Michael Lewellen - To underscore that Lawrence, while you are on that point, this both our
Corporate Campaign, well as our Individual Campaign, you know that, like our special events
really at this point, the only main source of un-restricted dollars that we have coming in to the
organization, so those of you who represent companies, this is the opportunity to re-new your
Corporate Membership, hopefully at the Gold Level, but also the Individual Camapign, someone
like Joyce Harris and those of you who know her, know the way she tends to do throw herself
into the causes, that she supports, look forward to having a more Individual successul campaign.
Lawrence -
I just to let the Board know, we 4re doing some very very very senitive neogiatiqns with the
Private Industry Council, Multnornah County Health Department which could bring significant
financial funds to, definitely fund the Employment Department and also the State Health
Department and Multnomah County Health Department have ask us to take a more active role
around outreach and prevention and services to African Americans around HTV/AIDS, the reason
I say these are extremely senitive is they are not talking about RFP's, they are talking about sole
sourcing, but I can tell you the politics are very critical so I just want to inform you, but I
wouldn't go around annoucing, that we are having these neogiations.
Out Annual Meeting will be held July 12, 1995 at Emanuel Hospital in Atrium and Chair will
speak so more later's, that's July 12th at Emanuel in the Atrium.
On back of your Newsletter, we had a Wish List, this Wish List, this Wish List is real.
Somebody ask me if this is Real, Yes, it is Very Real. That's all because I know that we have
other important things to discuss and I just want to thank you all for your cooperation in this past
month for some really senitive things.
Michael Lewellen - Any questions for Lawrence, regarding his Report?
Again, I want to underscore, the value of memberships, aside from our Corporate Membership
as some of us have, it is also an expectation, that each of us as board members also carry our
own individual memberships in our own names and names of our families, so that is an
opportunity for you to renew on that front, going into my Report, Lawrence has already mention
the hosting of our Annual Meeting at Emanuel Hospital, Jim May is not here, but I certainly
want to Thank him in writing later on but certainly but his willingness for Hosting, but
underwrite the cost of the facilities, food, but he will also underwriting the cost of the production
and the printing of the Urban League Annual Report again, a clear example of how partnership
with a member of our board can payoff, certainly thanks to Jim for that,
But I would like to take some time to Thank Terry Rogers and her organization for the $1,000
contributions the Legal Aid to the Urban League toward the development of the historic piece
for our 50th Anniversary as you know that will be our Annual Dinner this year in October, it will
be quite the gala affair, if Lawrence has anything to say and do with it, Terry we certainly want
to thank you as well.
Terry Rogers It was an individual contribution,
Michael Lewellen
Terry Rogers Not Legal Aid.
Michael Lewellen - Instead of a Thank you, let's say AMEN.
Well, Terry again, thank you so much, cause it serves as an excellent bit of C capital on that
development, it is a critical piece to that celebration.
We are going to talk about the Porgy & Bess Fundraiser, a bit more when we get into the report
from the Fundraiser Committee, but and I think that I will save my comments until then other
than just raising the point again, if you have not gotten involve as a board member, either
through ticket purchase, ticket sales, possibly purchasing a table, through your organization or
coming on board as a sponsor, you will hear in greater detail from Duane Bosworth, he is
testifing this morning via the telephone, but he plans to join us, but in the event he is late, I do
have some additional information on Porgy & Bess Fundraiser, based upon what I have learned
through Duane in the last 24 hours, don't panic, I think everything is going to be fine, as you
know on June 27th, the President of United States will be here in Portland, he will be here
hosting a conference, specifically they will home in on Pacific Rim Trade issues, economic
issues, for the Western States, At this point, it is my understanding from the White House they
are still identifying who quote, unquote will be invited to this session which will be held at
Portland State, the Agenda though appears to be flexing into work issues, appears to be flexing
into family issues and the impact of economics to that extent, I have taken the iniative to contact
the President's schedulers to ask the name of our organization has not surface on the invitee list
that certainly consideration be given to inviting our President and CEO if no else from this
organization, we have also asked, since the President will arrive on the 26th, that he give some
consideration in his usual desire to tour certain organizations while he is in the community that
give some thought to touring the Urban League of Portland, we will not likely to hear, he is in
Nova Scotia today, we will not likely not hear on this, if it is like they tend to do, like a day
before, but we have made that request formerly on behalf of the organization, we will see what
we get. They request is purely for the PR value, not so much as we would expect anything
substantial to come from it other than the general exposure of the organization. But the line is
long as you might imagine of people trying to get the President's attention while he is in the
Pacific Northwest.
Michael Lewellen I am going to tincker with the Agenda somewhat this morning because I want to home in on the
support from Finance/Personnel Committee as early in the board meeting as possible to feel the
discussion from you at this stage, as you know, the summer months tend to rather lean months
for us, it's always been that way, a lot of our programs are grant driven, contract driven, they
tend to be in many cases evolving around the calendar of the school year in terms of when most
of the dollar are coming in with the exception of those programs that are purely summer oriented,
some are youths employment etc., etc., but this particular summer coming into some of things
that we discussed earlier, in terms of the budget, we are facing probably a more difficult summer
than we would have under normal circumstances to that end, the Executive Committee and the
Finance/Personnel Committee specifically decided to take some action, action that an organization
our size probably should have taken a long time ago in terms of underpending our financial
ability, our financial weaponry, when lean times roll around, whether it's low membership, lack
of successful fund raising, etc., etc., as a means of keeping things steady and solid, we have
taken some action, as part of our Finance Committee reports, so Rian, if you will allow me to
tincker with Agenda, will you give that report.
Rian Brown -
Well, obivously, we don't have a Financial Statement for the Month of May, as you will recall
we did April at the April meeting, because we delayed the April meeting, so you want see one
until next month, even at that the Financial Statement looks really good because as you recall
the building is in the Financial Statement and covers the expenses, we are always showing that,
pretty good financial statement right now, one of the problems that we are having is the cash
flow and we have never had a Line of Credit to deal with cash flow issues and because of some
of things that has happen and some of the large expenses, particularly things like Porgy & Bess,
hugh fusion of dollars, and number of other things that came up that was not part of the budget,
we have a cash flow problem. So we really needed to have a Line of Credit and so we contacted
Key Bank and within a week because of our financial status in the community, knowing how
well we have done in the last few years we were able to receive a line of credit for $250,000,
that will last for one year, renewal year after year if we chose to do that, so we need to have that
money available any case we have a cash flow problem, of course you always know that you
have that $60,000, $50,000, $65,000 every two weeks which is the payroll you have to meet, so
that is an important issue to have that cash, As part of the condition receiving that Line of
Credit, obivously, we have to have a Board Resolution to see receive a Line of Credit and so,
that is one of the first things we need to do and then we also need to by their process have
grouping of individuals who can sign for that Line of Credit, the Finance Committee has put
together, once the board adopts a Resolution and after this meeting hopefully, we write up a
Resolution that I can sign for the Board, they will approve the Line of Credit for $250,000,
authorizing to extend to Sept, 1996 and then every year, we will need to re-adopt that Line of
Line of Credit. All the members of the Finance Committee felt this was a very appropriate thing
we should have a Line of Credit all along, in case we in need of cash, when big issue come up
that we need extra cash so it is really the prudent thing to do, and we need to do that, so that is
the first ACTION that we need to take, SO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE WILL PROPOSE
Michael Lewellen - Are you submitting in a form of a MOTION?
Rian Brown - I am, yes.
Michael Lewellen - Submitted in form of a MOTION by Rian Brown, seconded by Carol Chism.
Michael Lewellen - Let's open the floor, yes
Rian Brown - I was going to say, now we can answer questions.
Michael Lewellen - Let's open the floor for discussion at this point, let me lead off by saying
Ladies and Gentlemen this does not represent pennies from heaven, this is not a lottery winning.
Any of this money that we spend we will have to pay back, you will find from the Finance
Committee standpoint and certainly from my vantage point that spending dollars from this Line
of Credit will be the most difficult thing to get approved. They are there for emergency
purposes, when I say emergency, not from the standpoint of keeping the doors open because
when we get to that point, I sense a failure to plan somewhere along the line as just
emergency of that magnato happening on even bases, yet, by the same token, those of you in
business know, you end up have to spend money to make money, the Porgy & Bess Fundraiser
is an example of that as our Fundraiser Committee, there will be other examples where a nominal
investment on the part of the League, the opportunity to reap un-restricted dollars in these
instances are substantial, we have not often been in that position, we found ourselves going to
others, board members and other organizations that we have already tapped for membership that
already tapped, for special events and already calendared etc., etc., but that is my perspective,
I love to hear some discussion from the rest of you.
Carol Chism - I just know that we are funded similarly, and that our cash flow is geared up and
down too, especially with transition is at stake and it prudent to have a Line of Credit, I know
in the Fall when things kick in again that will be an opportunity to re-pay that.
Michael Lewellen - And when our special events and if you look at this particular summer,
because we have moved what would have normally have been our Annual Dinner to October,
that kind of influct of dollars is not there, the fluctation of some of the grants and contracts that
we have which is tied to the school year, we also know of budgeted errors that have been made
in various departments that have created some deceit that we did not anticipate, these are the kind
of things that you have to be prepared to handle, other discussions? Terry
Terry Rogers - I actually have no problem with obtaining the Line of Credit, I just would like
to hear a little bit about what the Finance Committee is thinking or the Executive Committee in
terms of using the Line of Credit and what kind of presentation have we made to which
committees or the board as a whole. How do you, we authorizing it in principle now we are to
look at, when you actual take a loan and what are procedures are going to be, so we have a good
feeling for the fact that cash flow problem only I well understand cash flow problems, none us
that work at non-profit or for profits understanding that and often it isn't simple a cash flow
problem but it can get you into big trouble later, if you really don't have the money to pay it
Rian Brown - As I told you before, one of the things that we always bring Financial Statement
where we stand with cash flow and we were anticipating some problems but not as drastic as we
have this year. We usually the cash flow a lot lower, but we always had a fairly good reserve,
at least to cover two payrolls, that has always been our to go a hold month and cover the cash
flow, cover the two payrolls with the cash flow, we are way below that level right now and so
what we have ask Ivy to do is to prepare a 120 day cash flow anticipation statement and we will
be watching that, because apparently what actual happen to cash flow against 120 days, of course
that 120 days takes us into the beginning of the program, all of the programs and the assumption
is as those programs get up and running again, the education program and youth services and that
where we start receiving our money again, we should become better cash flow by that point in
time. So, our plans is take 120 days and approve a statement for each month. The Finance
Committee met Monday night, a couple of hours, I guess, worrying about cash flow, what
payments needed to be paid right away, how we do that cash flow statement, our plan is to not
to take the money out of the Line of Credit without having a plan to return it, we do not plan
to take money out of there without that process, refund the cash flow credit, What we are going
to propose to do once we adopt the Resolution, is adopt a procedure for taking the Line of Credit
out and require Ivy signature at lease one member of the Executive Committee to take the money
out of that credit, one of the other things that we are doing is, regularly every month, the Finance
Committee which has not done this role, is going to go through Accounts Payable, what's being
paid, what's could be delayed until we get into a better cash flow situation, again I could tell
you, the issue is there is no revenue, membership needs to get up and moving, the special events
are great but as rapidly as expenses go out first and revenue comes in much later and that is a
very difficult situation, that leads into cash problems. We are doing all of our expenses up front,
we see situations where people committed to things and its 2 or 3 months before we get the final,
those kind of things really figures into our cash flow problems.
Michael Lewellen - In some of those instances, it's as you might think minor, but it plays a
major role in processing bills, that people havn't been invoiced or people assume that out of a
coporate membership whatever the case may be or their level of member ship, that table x or y
has already been taken care of and in some instances it has and some instances it has not, so
that's the reason too for better tracking of the payable side as well as the recerivable aspect too,
what do people own us, getting on the case a little bit better, in terms of getting those dollars that
are due, any organization want to pay us? They have already committed the dollars and in many
cases think that they already have and they simply have not, just because the process isn't there,
Tom McDonald - From the historical perspective over 2 ro 3 years or maybe 5 years, you
mei'ition at time when there have been cash flow problems, you have gone to board members or
other friends of the organizations, tied the organization over during those rough times, however
many occurences does that general mean, in a given year. A couple times?
Rian Brown - Since I have been on the board, I can on right at the end of a financial situation,
during that period of time. We have always had a substantial cash flow.
Tom McDonald - So this is not a first time,
Rian Brown - In the time I have been on the board, this is the first time we run into that
Michael Lewellen - To the extend Tom, that we could not tape reserves in a way to off set that,
to the extend that a lot of what we are working on, the 50th Anniversary, Porgy and Bess, a lot
of the old reliables that has always been there for us, it has not been advantageous to go back
to them again and again, I think that it sends a poor signal to an organization, I will take my
chairs' off and put on my Nikes' hat, I think that it sends a poor signal from the planning
perspective, when I go into a year of support of the Urban League, I know the things in which
I want to support, yet 3 times in the course of the year, I am hit for miscellaneous kind of things,
you don't necessarily mind, because I am not crazy enough to think that all creative things
happen at the beginning of the budgetary year. There are ideas and opportunity that come up
throughout the year that frankly, I would like a crack at, just to support the organization. But
the repetitive which we have done this, sends the wrong signal. This is not the Nike Urban
League, this is not the U.S. West Urban League, this is the Portland Urban League, we will get
better over time and broadening the base of who we actually approach, I think through the work
of employment and the other organzations that has become to support us at the lower level, there
are some opportunities there, to build some level of commitment, but again, I think we are too
contract and too grant reliant and Larry and the follks can attest to this, there is not a lot of
flexible in most of those grants, in terms of administrative support of the organization and we
do not have an organization, then we do not have programs, regardless of those contracts and
grants, the organization must be bound to,
Lawrence J. Dark - I met recently with Don McClave of the Chambers, to talk about, how my
perception it looks, there is a lot of good will from corporate america, and I am gratful for that,
but in terms of actual dollars, out a $2 Million budget, $1.7, $1.8 Million is contract and grant,
un-restricted, I think that there has been, this is just my impression, I am new so you can jump
on me, There is an illusion that if you buy a table that you have done something for the Urban
League, you have done something minor, having a payroll of $100,000 a month, is a lot of
money and that says nothing about the bill and I think what we trying to do internally, is just be
and be more honest with the Finance Committee and the Board what it takes financially to run
this organization and think we just going to have to be much more aggressive with the corporate
business community and individual giving because to say, I often joke that it should be called
the Multnomah County Urban League, we are glad that we have that kind of relationship but it
put us in these kinds of binds, this is an evolution for all of us.
Rian Brown -I think that one of these things the Executive Committee has asked us is to directors
to look at their budgets and make sure that they are spending, we hoping that in September, the
normal process starts up again, and cash will be back, anticipating paying this back as quickly
as we can, when we need to bonow money from them, I will say I think that we need to, will
need the money before the summer is over, and plan on paying it back as quickly as possible.
As you look at the Financial Statement still looks very good, within the budget, below budget,it
is revenue there, there is a positive statement in the Financial Statement, we do have a cash flow
problem, we can solve that, it is a critical one for us, I think, there has been a lot of turn over
in the structure, that has an impact, lot of things happen that we were not quite sure, who did it,
why it happen, we are not pointing fingers at anyone but it happen. I want to make sure that it
is not seen as we are in a financial problems, we don't, we have a Resolution for this problem,
there is a way for us to get out it, we plan to get out of it, what we need to be careful, to be
prudent right now.
David Duran Rian, I think what I would like to see in some future time is really a comprehensive plan, a long
term plan, maybe 2 years, 3 years, what we feel that is really needed, what the challenges are,
what I would like to see, what you have in mind, what we should be looking at in terms of
meeting that challenge, using all the tools possible, so we have an idea, what we need to be
participating in, I am like a lot of other corporate supporters, I think, that is, I know that I do
things, a table here, I am ask to support things in a course of a year, having different budgets
to that with, sometimes I really don't have a good sense of what the overall participation is in
the League so if we could over time have some kind of tracking system says look at the
corporate entities, here is the scope, their support, then I think people like Lawrence and Mike
and others can say, there is an opportunity here, there's a lot of head room here that we did not
realize that was there before, cause I don't know that we have that information today, I think that
it would be good to have.
Lawrence J. Dark
What I sense is, in talking to the Chamber is, they have ask me to put together a corporate
presentation of 3 or 4 things that the League really needs and I think what we have to do ask
them and Don McClave has consented to do, he will make the calls to CEO's for a breakfast,
luncheon or dinner to cover, so they hear the story in a different way, because they might think
the way it has been brought out that they are doing what they should be doing, but we just need
to tell them and I have no problem that they will support us, but we need to tell the story in a
very direct systematic way.
Michael Lewellen -
With that I would like a closure to this discussion, we have do have a MOTIION on the floor
and again, Rian, I will para-phrase the comments from Lawrence. The Resolution for this Line
of Credit be authorized by the Board of Directors and will be signed by me for $250,000 which
of course to Terry's point, a plan by the Finance Committee not only how the dollars will be
spent and what the circumstances are for the dollars to be spent as how the dollars will be paid
back, and I correct? is there anything I missed?
The MOTION was seconded by Carol Chism, will call for a vote at this point. All in favor say
"I", those oppose.
Rian -
The second part of that is the request for the Line of Credit, I suggest that you designate people
who can sign for the Line of Credit, in the Committee we talked about in order for us to have
access to that, obviously, the Director Finance, in the charter, a member of the Executive
Committee, needs to be also a signature, that would include Board Chair, Chair Elect, Vice Chair,
Chairs of the Committees, our preference is obviously to be the Board Chair. This kind of a turn
around issue, we need cash, we can't wait, it is real important that we have a process.
Michael Lewellen -
I almost go as far as you mention, the Director of Finance, someone from the Executive
Committee, Board Chair, as a back-up. I will put this out again, the Finance Director, and the
following members from the Executive Committee, the Chairman of the Board, Chairman Elect,
and the Treasurer being the authorized individuals who can sign for expenditures from the Line
of Credit, does that sound viable?
So I am throwing out for general discussion, are those designees OK?
Michael Lewellen - Is this ready for a MOTION?
Rian Brown - There needs to be a MOTION.
Moved by Rian Brown and seconded by Beth Kutza, that the following individuals be authorized
for Line of Credit, The Finance Director, Board Chair, Chair Elect and Treasurer, and two
signatures, of course by the Finance Director and one of those other 3 people will be required.
It has MOVED IN SECONDED BY, MOTION ON THE TABLE, those in favor, if not
discussion, all those in favor "I", those oppose, The MOTION PASSED.
Michael Lewellen - Rian, anything else from the Committee?
Rian Brown - Are we going to talk about the Membership Drive?
Terry Rogers - Let me say one more thing, I am sure that this has been assumed and stated, but
since taking a loan over the Line of Credit does not require a board approval, I think that at the
next board meeting, the board should be informed, it normally would be, but I think it should
very very clear that the board should be informed and the plan for paying back the loan should
be put before the board at it's next meeting.
Rian Brown - Our Finance Committee, will issue a statement each time we use the money,
quoting monthly.
Michael Lewellen -. I do have on my agenda, a discussion about the next board meeting because
we have our annual board meeting in July, how we want to manage conducting our board
business and still handle the Annual Meeting.
Rian Brown - The only thing, the Membership Committee that's working on the Membership
Drive, they need again to discuss this issue of the Membership Drive, the Membership software,
to make the Membership Drive effective, it should be spent. The Finance Committte felt we
should not address this question, that question should be discussed by the Membership
Committee, that is an issue that has come up regarding buy the software. It came to the Finance
Committee obviously it's $5,000, it is something we don't want to do right now, but somehow
my understanding that is real critical to the Membership Drive to have that information, we need
that committee to discuss that issue, with this is the appropriate time to buy it, if it is critical to
the Membership Drive, we see the Membership Drive as one source of revenue, we ought to
orginize it right.
Michael Lewellen Let me raise this, I chaired the Fundraiser Committee, in past on the Board and the Membership
Campaign is under the Fundraising Committee, and there was a little many task force within that
committee that address specifically campaign, Mike Pullen, you are the staff person and have
been involved with the Fundraiser Committee, I am assuming this still the case, the Fundraiser
Committee is also working on Porgy & Bess,
Michael Lewellen -
Mr. Black talk to us.
Brian A. Black -
Good Morning, I apolize for being late. We have approached 2 companies to underwrite the
Software, the software package, we found a cheaper software package that will be just effective
as the orginal software earlier, But, we have a nicer plan that we will share with the Executive
Committee, the information, the Membership Software is critical, the amount of level that we
want to get to, but we have built a budget to approach the Peter Gray.
Michael Pullen - The product is about $4,000 and it is not all payable up front as the $5,000.
Michael Lewellen - I remember this previous discussion about this, do we have the hardware to
support this? Have we built in, we do now, or we do not?
Brian A. Black - Not everyone has it, but we do have the capability.
Michael Lewellen - Is it out of the relm of reasonable request to, as part of the request for
underwriting the software that you build in an extra $3,000 and get a 486 that will run it?
Brian A. Black - That's a possibility.
Michael Lewellen - Doesn't hurt to ask.
Rian Brown - I guess the only concern I have, you can see it in detail that the Finance
Committee is looking at, expenditures, this is not normally you bring up at board meeting, but
I think that the Finance Committee is concern of looking at all the bills that is one that could be
discretionary one, but also means that the campaign does not run, it may have an impact on a
revenues, we want to make sure it is a good decision being made and my only concern is being
ask, can we approve this expense.
Michael Lewellen - I agree, it's sound like this proposal is out to have it underwritten?
Brian A. Black - With Bank of America, with this new software Mike has said, the felt it would
cost to actually run this, but with this new software, I suggested that they could make the 1st
payment, and they also looking for additional to do this underwriting, recruit money to pay for
the rest of it. He trying to do what he can as well as acquire more funding. If we got the
software, the computer that I use and the computer that Ivy use in the Administrative area,
would be the only computers that could handle it. The co-chairs are meeting next Friday to
discuss all those ideas.
Michael Lewellen - Here's what I would suggest, because July kick off the campaign season for
us, that you come back with a recommendation, hopefully, actual settle or solving of the issue
in terms of whether or not it can be underwritten, because if it is not, then we don't have a lot
of choice, The other thing is that, membership is critical, we talked about this before and part
of what the software program is if my understanding is correctly, not only manage our
membership list, managing correspondence and contact with your members both the corporate
level as well as the individual level, one of the things that I think that has hurt us in the past is
a lack of value, or received value in particular in the individual side, receive value of the
memberships beyond simple getting, so as part of the discussion to happen at the July meeting,
layout in bullet form, without getting highly technical, what the benefits of the software programs
are, what's it going to do for us, that we havn't been able to do for us before, so if we end
having to spend our money, at least the board can be comfortable with the fact that it is worth
Elizabeth Kutza -
Just seems this is one of the instances that we kind of nickel and dime, rather than go through
a hold request, the first half payment, re the financial obligation, strikes me as a situation that
we have been talking about, that we will have to layout at some appropriate time, and say this
is our need, if it is a $10,000 need or whatever it is, we should just go for it.
Brian A. Black That was the way it was presented, this is what we need, and we would try and do what we can,
and we are working on some other strategies as well, just to get all paid for, that was the way
it was presented.
Michael Lewellen -
I support Beth a 100%, let's not slice off brand here, brand here, I would just as soon hope that
the visibility factor that Bank of America, and Peter Gray specifically will get of being the chair
of the corporate campaign is what he going to lead, would be worth more than a $5,000 or a
$10,000 investment on the part of the bank. But again, I would ask for it all.
Brian A. Black I did and that is what we did.
Michael Lewellen -
Then let's see what they come back,
Michael Lewellen We have discussed this before and we have been somewhat strapped I think in being responsive
and tools to be responsive, that's what we got to have, then let's get the tools, the proper tools
and tools that will last.
Michael Lewellen Back to the agenda, I appreciate your indulge, this was an important thing for us to go over, with
that we will go to the nominating committee
I have one name, we looked at 5 people who had, recommendations that 2 corporate membership
committee, fundraising committee another we will get more information. The one name that we
are going is Larry Miller, he is Executive Vice President of Jantzen, Mr. Miller represents
strategic planning, and accountant background, he is also graduate from the Urban League
Leadership Institute, you may look at his bio that has been distributed for a few seconds. I will
make my recommendation for the nominiation.
Michael Lewellen - You heard .offered by the Nominiating Committee by Faye Burch and
seconded by Mrs. Glosson, any discussion? Lawrence you met with him one on one?
your impressions in 60 seconds or less.
Lawrence J. Dark - One of the things think that impressed me for the fact that this Leadership
Institute that he was in, I called Philadelphia Urban League to check on him to sure he was real,
like Faye said, people put Urban League down on their resumes and they had glowing things to
say about him, he will probably be moving up to a higher position in the company in a couple
of months. But he is on the fast track and one of the things I have said that wanted african
americans at the coporate level that could also make a difference and not he is all gun ho, he
even came dressed up. I think that the staff that met him was very impressed, I think that he is
dynamic, like Jim Hill, who met with last Friday, I know that he want be able to make every
meeting, but he will be able to make a serious impact and I told him what my needs are.
Michael Lewellen - My comments are, Nike's relationship with Jantzen is good, we try to do it
with swimwear, we tried to do it ourselves, we tied in with someone who knew actually how to
do it, Swimwear and Nike will hit the market this fall.
Lawrence J. Dark - This was his idea to do this campaign with Nik\e.
Michael Lewellen - There has been some concern raised in various corners about keeping a
balance of community and corporate on this board, as we continue to Fe-engeer ourselves, I take
hats to the Nominiating Committee, I think that they have to keep thabalance in mind, we also
added some governmental present on this board, which we have had t vary levels throughout
the year, but I tbink as we again, and I think David you made the cothment of the day around
strategic long term planning, we have individuals from a variety of perspective that can contribute
toward the implementation of such a plan as it develops. Any other dis'cussion?
If not, then we will entertain a vote on Lany Miller as a member of the Urban League Board of
Directors, all in favor, "I", any oppose. if not so be it.
FAYE - The employment representative from the different partners are meeting with Brenda and
Lawrence on a regular monthly basis, have been concerned that the board is not clear on how
important employment is, They want to make sure that we understand that and so they have
approached that with a position that they have commission on our board, that represent their
membership, how many partners are there Brenda?
Brenda - 44.
Faye Burch - There are 44, and there would be one (1) person representing those partners, they
wanted to follow the model that the Guild had and the young professionals, and would involve
a BYLAW change, open for board discussion.
Michael Lewellen - Interesting.
Faye Burch - I ran it by our nominiating committee and they certainly discussed it and felt very
Michael Lewellen, they were supportive, but it does require a BYLAW change?
From what it is worth from my perspective, the employment partners are been a key source for
us on a variety of fronts, Only in terms of source of direct support of the department we run,
but number of those partners are also members at various levels of the organization, a lot of them
also supports of our special events etc. etc., if this a way to further capped their expertise as
getting them involve with working of this organization, I am not oppose to that at all, I guess my
only concern is again, the biggest concern is the question that led to this position, what is it that
is not happening in connection with this board and the employment department and those partners
in particular to give the impression that we do not see employment as a priorty, that is something
for the Resolution by not only by myself but for a chair, certainly Lawrence as CEO to get to
the root cause of that.
Faye, I think that probably a lot of communication that we don't talk to them enough, and they
do not know what's going on in our board meeting, they want that in the future to make sure.
Lawrence J. Dark - One of the things that a number of the employment partners have called
personally, in reading the Newsletter, we say that they are grateful that you put Employment as
part of your vision and I said that the Urban League has always been about employment,
education and equality, those things have always been there, and I am not real sure, but when
you talk about the sensetive neogiations with PlC, what people are saying is, Lawrence, you are
the first one to step up and say employment is important, all I can say is money is what runs this
and I just feel
agency and whatever that's about, they feel a need that employment is kind of
that everything that we do, in each of our department, supports employment, education, youth,
seniors, but for some reasons, I not sure, the number of people that I have talked with have said,
it seems that employment is a different priorty.
Michael Lewellen - There has always been that impression that Urban League is rights
organizations, issues like employment not necessarily being something that is key, yet we all
know that our mission statement, we are about equal opportunity and things underpend that
including, economic viablity and that starts with employment, so I don't think that there is any
question whether it is important, it just may boil down to packaging, it may boil down to
messages that we send out about the League to the partners and others activities that we are
involved with,
Terry Rogers - I think that there is something strange a community representative looking out
for particular department on the board when we have many many departments, so that strikes me
as something needs to be looked at and I suspect of the 44 partners in your group that supports
the employment deparment, we probably already have a board member in one of those.
Michael Lewellen - Do we?
Brenda Sherman-Sanders - not necessarily, one of the issues is that there is a tremendous move
the metropolitan area right now, that specifically involves people of color,
employment/development, people look at the Urban League to have a community role in the
arena, many of the employment partners who also members of other organizations that the Urban
League, iniatially come to the Urban League, they are coming for that connectiion and although
they feel that dinners, theatres and receptions are wonderful and part of the market, they also
want the league to show that feeling, economic development and family are important, packaging
is an issue, when we start to getting into economic and partners, housing development and federal
dollars, channel those funds, there is a lot of lobbying taking place, most of those decisions are
made way before the RF's comes out, who gets what and the lobbying has to take place
throughout the year.
Terry Rogers - I think that there are a lot issues here, from the board position, I would suggest
at this time, rather than have the board take action now, now this issue be referred to the
Executive Committee, I think that it is an important one that it should be explored and then
brought back with recommendations for the Executive Committee.
Michael Lewellen - I agree 100%, I think that there are a couple of angles to work this, we could
also designate and firm it up a member to sit with your employment partners, so they can feel
that there is a champion from the board who carrying their message back and the other way , it
sounds like there desire for two-way communication here as oppose to these partners all learning
about the Urban League when they pick up your Newsletter from the organization, so I think
there are a couple of ways to go about it, with Faye in terms of something to take back, Brenda
to take back as well, that we welcome their idea so they want think that we turned thumbs down
it, but I would agree with Terry, that we will refer this to the Executive Committee and we will
address this through possible one route, there maybe other ideas in the Executive Committee that
will surface as well. I would also enphasize to them that Annual Meeting in July will be a
tremendous opportunity for them to get an overall macro view what has gone in the past year.
So for those who are ill-informed or un-informed, I would certainly incourage them to come out.
Faye - So what we will take back to them,
Michael Lewellen - It will go to the Executive Committee and we will offer them up some action
within the next 30 to 45 days.
Faye - This went through the nominiating committee as well, we are coming up to our 50th
Anniversary and they got the idea of having two honorary board members, long time volunteers
for the Urban League, James DePriest and Heloise Hill, that is a recommendations to give to the
Ivlichael Lewellen - that they would become honorary board members,
Faye Burch - Honorary board members,
Michael Lewellen - And that means what?
Faye Burch - That means that it simple a Resolution type idea and to be announced at our 50th
Anniversary and we have not written a Resolution as yet.
Michael Lewellen - You have not. Could you may submit, here's what I am after, what is the
substances? It is a nice PR move and it would be great.
Lawrence J. Dark - James DePriest would never serve on our Board, if anybody who has the
highest name recognition and all the poles show, it took him seven years to do what he did for
the Urban League and MLK, the conservations that I have had with him, I know that his heart
is here and I guess that I want to recognize that and have the community to know because of him
and Mrs. Hill and Shelly in her own right not because of Shelly, I think that recently the
Garlington Center, honorary chair, the son of Garlington, I think that organizations their are
significant people who would not be able to serve in a certain way, but by having a recognition
and an identity with the organization, I think that it sends other signals,
Michael Lewellen - You could also, you can make them lifetime members and gives them
something to walk away with that is tangible, there are a number of ways to play around with
this, and to this point, the only thing name after Vernon Chapman, E. Shelton Hill, are the
scholarships that we give, we may can toy with a number of things, but, Faye what I would
almost suggest is that if we got the idea that I would like to see maybe a tangible request of sorts
come to us in the form of not only what you would like for us to do but the substances, what's
the tangible benefit.
Faye - I bring information,
Michael Lewellen - Excellent
Thank you very much,
Judi Pitre - Mike, I am sorry that I have to leave, but I hope we still have a qourm.
I will let Mike Pullen give our report.
On the table, we do have a little bit of information update on the 50th Anniversary that Mike
Pullen will share with you.
Michael Lewellen - Why don't we go ahead, there want be a Report from the FACILITIES
COMIIvIITTEE that I am aware of at this point, anything to report on the GUILD? that anyone
is aware of? I have not spoken to Peggy,
GUILD - Mike Pullen
Mike Pullen - She was at a meeting last night, they are electing officers and looking for a
President, especially for the 2 year term which begins in July. Trying to find ways to get involve
with Porgy & Bess, phone bank.
Committe discuss some of the ways to follow up on the advocacy questions that was raised at
the Regional Conference and think that Judi was going to check with Faye about see if African
Ameican Legislative Roundtable will continue to exist after the end of legislative sessions are
Faye - We are meeting on the 24th of June to discuss this and I will let you know in July.
The second item was the Partnership with the American Jewish Committee, Porgy & Bess
program, this is an event that has a couple of purposes, looking for some kind of way to follow
up the dinner we had between the board and the American Jewish Committee back in January,
we have had an on going partnership with leadership of the Americn Jewish Committee over the
last few years, and we are looking for something to do to continue the relationships and Porgy
& bess we decided was a great vehicle, also to make it a successful fund raiser, Porgy & Bess
was written by Ira and George Gershwin two Jewish brothers from New York, a classic story
about Charleston, S.C. black community, so next Tuesday, World Trade Center, we are having
a free program, mailed all the Urban League membership about 800, 400 American Jewish
Membership, and looking at getting some media interest, Porgy & Bess and deliver a message
of Multiculturalism, which we are trying to establish with this 3rd event.
Third item, is something that is going to happen now, Thursday, June 29th, we change the date,
Rep. Orrfield, state Representative from Minnesota, who is the national gurr on connections
between inner city decline and surburan sprawl, the Coalition For Livable Future, a dynamic
speaker, will be hosting a presentation of research on Portland specifically,. June 29th,.
Last thing, the 50th Anniversary book, which dinner itself is a hugh task, raising money for the
book, another cost which we incurred through the media campaign, the book is way to pay, to
attract the sponsors also, We have a plan to get the book paid for through sponsorships, form
of advertising, the missing pieces, who will write the book, because I just want have time, Terry
Rogers with her leadership of personal donations of $1,000 and has gotton this off the ground
Yesterday, Judi and I met with Howard Shapiro who donated $500, and gave us a lot of ideas
about other people to contact, the book to be done for about $6,000. Ad To is still involve with
the design of the book,
Michael Lewellen - Isn't there a Writers Guild? Find out if there is a local Writers Guild here
that might consider taking this on as a project, because if they will, they will certainly publize
that organization, a may as tribut to them, give them a Ad in the booklet, a number of things that
you can do, you might contact the Historical Society. Then the Oregonian does.
Michael Lewellen - I would recommend that you do, draft a letter of request that Lawrence
would sign to the Portland Chapter of International Association for Communicators, PRSA,
Women In Communications to see if either of them might be interested in writing project as a
community service project. I am members of two of those organizations, we have to do
community service projects as part of our national charter, and it's affialiates offer this up. You
can do this within the next week. Get the letters out.
Terry Rogers - We have talked about doing some fundraising from ex-Board Members, members
no longer serving for this project because the Committee Relations felt the urgency of getting
going because time is really getting short for something like this and it is a very very important
project the 50 years, so wonder, I thought I better raise it because we had discussed doing it,
whether if conflicts with all the other fundraising plans involved.
Michael Pullen -- We have a pretty good systems of checking with, a couple of suggestions we
can follow.
We are re-organizing, what we think is important to do and as we mention before, a couple of
previous meetings, we are going to re-organize in such a way that we are going to have a couple
of people on the committee being delegate to the program departments, we will get a much better
input from the people to direct liaison. Emmett Wheatfall has joined the Program and Planning
Committee. Hopefully, 2 of us assign to each department. I am asking the Program Directors
to think in very specific ways about the kind of help that such liaison can do be helpful.
Michael Lewellen - That fundraising isn't just one of those things, the individuals should also
be bringing expertise in helping you mn your department, background on managing people,
background in areas of training that you might be needing that you might not have received by
having a detail conservation with people on this board, in terms of what they do in terms of
expertise, useful ways to sharpen your skills as a departmental director through direct liaison with
some of the people on the board, that would assign to your group.
Michael Lewellen - With that Duane did not make it in time, so as we get ready to wrap up, the
Fundraising Committee is really homing in Porgy & Bess event, I mention in the opening
Fundraising Committee basically said, this will make money for us, But it will not make money
without some effort, you really have two keys for the Porgy & Bess fundraiser, one, Tickts for
Opening Night for which if all the tickets for opening night are sold, the organization will net
$30,000 un-restricted dollars; if we sell all of the ticket for opening night, we will net $30,000;
the Porgy & Bess aside to this creative a very interesting package for the evening, basically they
are;selling tables, some of us are committed to buy tables for the event and that is terrific, for
that $1500. you get the pre-theatre dinner and of course tickets to the function, those tables are
$1500. a piece, if we sell the patrons tables, I think that there is a goal of 80 tables, something
like that, there is an additional net profit potiential of $45,000, so if you add those two things,
we are talking about making $70,000 or $80,000. Marshall Glickman with the Blazers has been
wonderful for us, Arlene Schnitzer has been wonderful for us, Marshall has already sent out 90
letters of solicitation to his supporters, Arlene Schnitzer has sent out 300 letters of solictations,
what I would ask if we have not sent letters Lawrence, from your signature and my if need be,
to people who are also friends of the Urban League that we do so and we do so within the next
seven days.
Lawrence J. Dark - I signed
Michael Lewellen - They are gone, perfect.
These letters are out?
Michael Pullen - About 500 or 600 are out, about 150 or so go out today.
Michael Lewellen - These are first class mailings? These are not bulk mailing?
Michael Pullen - We will continue creating more.
Tom McDonald - I believe that we are going back this week and looking at and mailing out
some more, I found out we sent out the 90, we tried to sent to best candidates to be involved.
I think that we limited it too much, we are going to try to send out another 150 next week.
Michael Lewellen - The Third leg on this triangle is opportunity to be presenting sponsors of
opening night, those presenting sponsorship $7500 a piece to my knowledge only 3 people, Key
Bank US West Northwest Natural Gas. Opportunity with Employment Partners, those at lower
levels, WE are talking about un-restricted dollars, Every existing Gold Member get a proposal
for sponsorship.
Meeting to adjourned.