. v ( l I [ II %I : / )f )t1 ,/ j (:i ': I ' , ! j I( 1i c :: N ( I j, I \ '\ \ \ 1 Iv II ( ) 1 I 1 4 tl$St ( ' \c \\ \ \qk ii \r1 ' 4 \ / \ t ; < ( 1 h$L \ : k' J t ¼ I r i? 1 \i : ii I fr k k fl \ r / L f_ ( T\! k : ' % I ( > \ I tj /( \ : I f t' 2 : \ \ I (q \ f I II 1 \ ' \ S / r I , \ : ) : r !\\ \\ / ::: // / & ,1 1 ' \ . : :, \ 4 I ' 1 \ l 7 : ,c S I ? \ : I 1 4 \v ; c ( ;i / !A i : ' 7 J'I r \ 4 5j f I / :i )P L , 11 _ \ , s r ? ) rt / \ ' , 4' c#/ 4// : \j r &4l f I/ 1 ik t ::: 'I ?:L/ I eA : : : I ' : I' I I 4 : \ ' ' / r // y ?\ - I / , ) \ - J I \ ) \ I \ /1 : 1 'act hman hey is J tin; iic,z a lonely, scared; athiai trying, like everv; :;. through one 1 difference between th 'ewe hue:T: rest o life and order that we may survive on this earth, our homed tog..ther while protecting each her's right to BE. Then again? just maybe this isn't right - maybe the ideas are fucked This is your wor.d; its your crld; its up to you---maybe :iat through OVO1.OXIay hapenin J'amie Prof fit (maybe) al derived iitt !t bigger brain than other 1 ?te fo maybe because of this hajening we have the . fortune or miEfortur ti know th re Just for the sake o!' a urez: Umaybe it is kind 0± neat to that we re alive." Maybe the zcois tr istc !nakes us a 1; e d feeec tcm rest of life but ayhe ii doesnt change he fact that we re a1is ei need the help cs2 tae rest of life eo lie. If this is true for the rest of 1if irtar 'e cu1d look at ouie in the. swie 2ight 1aybe all of us tw ggzC. fas nature have to realize that jus: y being hurtan unts us all in the same boat of life s oth YT11aT. By kain in the s on the. :1e it mean that :1ot: only do we have t. oante with the rest of life. but a.Lso with those neebers af cur own race te. human ace 11S v1e htan CUO uants to iwe nd ;ua wants .o Ind raybe each of us wants st to hze. that right to :ve aWOflC else'S ?ht to ±. Maum t1. what xrake s e 11 the sane en iahle us to cross ±aJ. bouni . cnil ree aries as seuaJ anc Wy not? that aJ nas sees e burn with ayb :e3 b to ar the "in other ar4 mav 1oche. upon if et ..5O t ist icret ,Y .isnt pa si.e to or otr el 'nale rights thir mak-.-that e;se. L ay5e it troing any looking pretty----GO noto nent from the floor was that solu-. tions to probls= -'orne from each of us. Don't that people down--THINK SOLUTION. sad faculty to discuss the issues. Let's have 101% participation. Don't let the other guy go--YOt3 G0--and bring all your friends Don't waste the daylet's WORK FOR PECE -on--viclent activities to bring the issues to the peop ---not to physically prevent people from doing their own thing. ei1 right. Al Brown the right t life. is what livinq is all. about. iybe aatning s or living; 1OO oe' nayba e thivi, i fc. livinc. What nab.ue i nu for iii? come things tht nru a'e rt :fr 1 ir'r. be abe if there -atad that ncr; Ere at el: ed m'e zj a :zess isn't I0 is success,. fayba soneday je. people ii ltf; tO CtOI? going to other seur' fini he "iies" for iife re.iai eel c.:si:le 'cr iiod all the answers to t weri' uuus can erscn ;oaect eea' to fled the e An idea from the floor came up to have community ministers direct Eheir sert± thard "Thou Shalt Not Kill." He also asked everyone to call a friend, and to call your mother --ask her "what if I'd been a victim at Kent State," Reverend Conner added tha th ministers need student support to be able to speak outGO TO CHURCH and don't worry about it was determined this action at OSU is nut a strike---we are all pulling for gh. fr aaybe. it - The Modest Proposal for LIFE proposal was ratified, located on. page 4. ieraba ri:j: 'that is right fo ---a \ crow of 1000 students filled the.ballroth Thursdej night to get ideas, disseinixate information and hear what's going on. Doug Sweet asked for help. to relieve TIRED people in the Activities Center. }LP ?rJay. sehools are holding forums of students tpTitories., .jieme ai pit This inhereted ta BALLROOM RAP wars w:L they ehee- lont hncw or are to husy oth:e: tincj' to fir them. Maybe it etrt whei a parson says "1 am and I lore life or we are all the same in that regari iut e just don't seem to want t anit .t. From me, as just aroaner heran -±og to you, let's love life touethcr a'. together to settle all a faren STUDENT MOBILIZATION COMMITTEE TO END THE WAR IN VIETNAM Mu 208 Sunday May 10th 3:00 p.m. if you are interested in forming a rational non-vio1nt effective branch of a national organization COME I- ONLY IN ANERICA - - - NBCs Huntley or Brinkley (never both) disclosed last evening that 429 campuses throughout the nation are closed (temporarily or indefinitely), out on. strike, and! or experiencing some form of demonstration, whatever. some o Apparently most, many, or these have been somewhat peaceful. state-by--state breakdown listed Oregon as having four such campus occurances. Scanty information available in Corvallis last everiing indicates that at least the following .11 four-year degree-granting institutions (and very pdssibly more) are experiencing strikes, etc. The score: NBC News 4, 1. Oregon State University 2. University of Oregon 3. Portland State University 4. Reed College 5. Lewis and Clark 6'. Maryhurst College 7. Linfield College 8. Oregon College of Education 9. Southern Oregon College ol1ege 10. Nazareth College 11. University of Portlan& the PEOPLE of Oregon 11. The PEOPLE win! There seems to be a slight.dcscrepancy between the actions of the people around the nation and the press accounts as to the magnitude of what's happening. .It appears that the media estimates for California and Ohio (where all public colleges and universities are closed) are accurate-. Elsewhere considerable doubt is cast by the press's misrepresentation of the response of the people in Oregon. Probably NBC's figure of 429 can be estirnted as around.double that and maybe even up to 1000. . IT.COULD NEVER HAPPEN AT OSU! Carl' Stromsnêss - : - -. 'IOR - . MORATORIUMS 'Ter : ' M.K. : We all know we must get it tog?ther, the question s -TO' T speak of bringing people into a uiüt, a whole, is to spealcof love.. Only..through love dan-we coi1e together. But love is a singular ihing.. It starts from you and: -me and brings 1xs- into a -oneness of huth Cly do we i.ve peace en we Ineed, .n1y are a unit - a brothhood can.we function to te change we know must take place. ter as the .not Or COti ilt thr tton. Its wealth and power have been derived from the exploitation of ethnic grDups, skilled and unskilled orkers,. end a vast empire based on an imperial-icie system where underdeveloped ent- .s are cono1led and their d toward tee of the tLS. ecox2omy (it prori - - We still have the estion "how?" The lOV and the peace in life it brings s The Wa -- Jesus Christ. .. . -px-o.-i initi response of Americans wa tecs of shock and aljenatjoflvove is this realization th £sFoyLded Individually of trying to find an exjsten i.;i 3ass fot oraiity. This was occurrc as the .. c: US. democracy vs. facism St ho - - Real love is to really- care; indd, oye. is .a cOttmeflt to life. To S - really love is to be-o coitted to others and he U.S. á a and facist at you would die for them. Jas just tMt. He died that we might e able :to by beingaij that we knowouse1ves are. He will let us love; .e . wil.: help us get it together if YOU will let-Hii. how coitted to life How about it, are you? Cit.djd abroad) - Therthre what nesds to be done- i to porialjst system which kickinc U.S. troops out of all e- the . 1s inherent weaknesses,eg. his inability to get it to let the Spirit of od fill us is to let each of us find qhat he -is. Th Christ is to find who You are. Only when you are strong-nyo. self can you hope- toovee Othj -' .. COUncries, nationaliao ct,h niQn..nonvjo1etl. - i 0se s eqtive,- COrLstive o:oughl aiented 1ndivicua a:ed no onv from themseve There.fore we call for a three-d, other people and their Society.) eErninate all vestiges anä exthe capitalist explcta_ r--or.s ing elite. ROTC must o, rnerica must go United cessation of all University functj99__ which means a three-day closure o versity classes on Nay 8, 11, and - -- - ---- Cel / - - ary, the armed kilers: .the. jt:.a- Guard, police fl1US all go no declare a moratorju or o use violence but you ca-1 thCI They may have taught Usvjolence have taught us law and Oer through means, and they have tauget us -: we live in a violent country will not hesitate to use reflal. We must not a11n -ohe wiped out--we must th- rep- incident of hay 4, 1970, 3 tQ Ooder the Use of v1olee and all other means of supprion of lawful dissent, from iture denendeec upon a netrotic -- into Caibo<j and iuu sultjg from the Kent State ;nggle ox liberai-0 also cnentin the Cconom to tn nuan a;en nec freeing ourselves - FOR LIFE" 1 these goals: to protest the scalai2 to mourn the deaths tr' - Duke Bec :.- PURP0S OF "A NODEST PROPOS We will u.s. omPanjes abroad, and elim-:r:ng fore:gn aid so that the develcunres. may. progre to aenendet economj serviig th needs and ro'. the eop corporate .n rica At home we xpis - Only wè : ni II ,. of the U.S. in terms of affluence for the upper classes can be directly linked t.o the government's military spending which stimulates the ecomy C is only groly repreenting a COInnercalized -cuLture ard a manipuJratve Anerinay ?italjsm = we no snipers at Ohio State tMs time , but we havesure1y learned ouz 1esson iy next tire omately 80% of all foreign ad is iL1ndry armaments The prosperity This ccun.try wa - ::-: ------::: st as the siieit najority was a x'yth, It is ncre DcL±can to be violent tl-ianto eat J3±e pibr o to sute the flag rip- -a' of life .------..- .--- ' - , -- -- :movobstac1es which impede th development f dialogue between the State University comxmjty and the Co-11, community, and within each counjty, Such dialogue we maintain to be necessary the attainment of these goals. We feel our progm of non-violent congt tive action is of primary importance to ol.lr\ community. -issued by the Coordinating Committee of Associated Students Nay 7, 1970 : - ., PlAN 'GAT . i . . : . . : be : -ation Cord 128, 130, Grnhose Gm 210, e1asse, rnQments o crng g amè5 and v21cg outdated pro es s and ,' er Agr±cD1tra] e Is that have gone unheeded f'or t years? ' USDA . 1; Econ Res. Serce E 227A, 2320 Monroe LFrestry Sciences Lb hun- 3200 effeson Way SoilConservat,jon Naterials Center 3b20 NE Granger ' f the repondeance o a new 1ue system t) prevail effective action is necessary is ti- 200 SW 3th Weather Bireau, Batche11er 7 Itmaybepotedut that th Air ROTC - G229. campus is home to great variety o appendages o the Army, ROTC .- Armory 2O0 United StateB Givernnient, more so -ivan u NarRQTC _ Nav. rnoy ' TT (1 , (Federally- suçpx ±s campus as a protest against th actns - dly Stát - Sea Grant - Dearborn Radia-ionCenter35h anc3 Ur vcsty'wou1d hav eeqs n levels Oceanogiaphy Center - 26th and Orchar Air ResQurces Center - Ag 1 cience es.' Institute - g 3 her thanthe OSU; camp, tne City of --f is or the State of egon This is *a rotet agatns the st aint civn:1 pro uñiversiy5 this is p-uter Center - KIdderand Computer Center Western. venue Finarcia1 Aid Office - SHS 108 MCenter -Kidder1O9 assacré frein torage f deadly gases endangeithig the s .f the peple of the West Coast and a f other nplasns aaist the atroci f the UIiitd States gcverume at hme . Cyclotren Ib . Teacher Corp - WaldD 318 Upward Bound - Walcio 318 The action o picke-j reer fceswoiu1d-beeffective wjiether or no Sec1f±ä places on may be pi&td-in protst are, thecampii TDA a road Wa-terscures es Institute - CovelI 11 .. - Hall, the Raiaon West Campus., the- War.ra - . . tory on th Mall, the ROTC Building Ofl Jf±'erson, and anywhere ,élse prefaced by the (See below) u.s . knI,- protest, pécefu11y at the Federal SHflS SI hange lu attitudes and ays? eop1e givo extra ene±-gr--to guns and . like kilhin . 'The peàeecling actio is one f many ways to - Why do peop.1e --'o . NT ! -. l.abs in Cordley Oentr Prorainsonca111Pus) moti. n ahbIng of ging. just doing idth endless ' * Oh: My' leffect evel, others nay be picetir.gof ... Federal 'Th.i1dings anywhere, 'writing to ru respec src States senators demanding a call for a Us '-hate vote to end th Vietnam war and/or refusing +c pprove the defense (war) budget ormiuiii.cation with others not n thas inpijs to parforni simii.ar action is uecesay,. support for Peace candidates in th OPL.oThing aL1 federal (congressional) .LeCtin5 revolution had been waging fe: tw hundrs yar's in the US It 11 1m1btedly aet ontil ,nexb Fal1, Notify' your State eyes, 'my.eas, my heart is so,' so-hea of passi: n f. .r pèace love, and happiness. dont pe.'p1e open up their eyes, ears and When tue, S anc show 1 ye, peace. and, happinees ShLnes? Diann Y+AI - EF - Our formula is p1e. You, the student, by becoiiing Aát-ively Inv1ved can be an Effective Force in alter..i.ng the course of the faltering - to th Nassacr1.. y 1mg men Iro cjst The myth that bg business juntary seitude in 'undeclared, ora1 7eent has made many' Americans controls our wars. Whjj. wxluang your varous Big business cannot exist without complacent. re'utatives (sic) demand that action be cthisumer con_ sumption of. their goods and services. tcc to deny esee nits in the. Un ted People ae the most portant eement of -caying live ammun1tjo g v-eriwents,, which, Sifl1J.lar -i-g Legislative at10 absolve any market transaction. your support or non .' this system can force support of A -uent and faculty Ctrike will effect the executive of the corporate businesses in America to pa:t f -the university coimnunity and that only realize that s. nut the portion more directly concerned part unless the wish of the majority'is wi-.h Federal government activit' If we are' the system will cease toultimately function. S -. to free the Jniversity comniunity and have Na'funal effects, we must attempt to affect the operation of that part of the University that will continue tO operate in spite of 'a' The Coca-Cola Company a multi_million world_ide enterprise receives over a dollar thousand dollars a week in the Oregbn State MU sales alone, The student faoultystudent strflce: ame1y'the Federal of America is responsible for ofpopuja-0 the g'os Income (fflces. Departments,, and pograIns o this of-the CocaC.iâ Company'. We tho students of Oregon State by' iemoving our .supp of the .Coca-ola producThe abve are suggestions for ACTc uioa is COkA, Ta.b5' Sprf-. Fresca. Samtiba Sport Ade, Legal .411 it demands is a 1t3 tJi va Spartan_Ade, Simba, (ni quick Kick, Energade, n yb stamp) Choices for tion 'hat is Butternut High-c uiau Nái products, 6ff eot.:v'e are Unlimited (legal r -thrwise), Coffee, and Fanta can dem,nstrate our r Revolution for Peace.., u Nak It collective 's'udent pc.wer This we feel, is the (contfnuedo page 6) . S . - - S ' eric oa2ty n2cs_ affeve wasr of making the txedsnd-d --- -pp -Oregn-thether we like ..t or the student 1aton: .th:ec?51ca1 swamped us in a ; G every crisis has its price---but. the money s rmming out. The mess will onlybe solved by Prolt) noird. GET-fl'. ON INVOLVED TOflLTI3OYCOTT th Steve Richard Hbin on c1dSTt : ineffectual governmenti, based a1 bureaii6XatIc, raticnaJ- mentality, believes o± the individual is the prime üccess-factor: of 'PJ.P. PrOpsition far :The àci.'ns - everyone (thats yu aiidme1*orkiflg tgethz' fISO1Ut±fflS! : : Nelson : We must get i into our heads tht ne lnger will 'they' A.NEST PROPOSAL FOR LIFE makes beasts of the It inakes-devils f those who adirooste it, and rapists of those who would seek ic re rb3ims th± hideeuz and soul. cae OSU, with peace, tboughtrn*.h, and 1ev oi ibUigexe .-"to act like an. enraged animal; it takes no war, sr.ged greed, -We ci' tile sitttatons tory by "sacrificing animals." - The universIty apparently has helped to alienate us further from life. Our society demands citizens, and --th TJrjiverucrsuplies -this work i'ore along the lines "useful, .prduetive' The immediate cause of our antj-vioienoy t-was President Nixon1 a into Canbodia. This ve is an obviou immoral, undeclared war. When students of J(ent State University -protested the move, six f them were 5 S voicing dis5ent against an insane war were murdered by men weapons -and power ol' the here? I. belieye here to 1arn how to live wth each, other -iqe're to live with all the peoples-- ol' the or1d 1x- harinny. What fcrm Why are we goèrn- of society, what institutions are necessary, 5 what values are riecessary re-evaluate our foreign policies, the'preseniaduniflistration, and. the American it is time to of life that do.- But what :15 demanded is that c-curing, as nd Vietnam. ,tion the stand - Write ------- - Berry -Hobby - in.- -- es- this --- tions. we here? What is a University? What academic we :say no, -- 2 '-- -., - Purthermre, we mus-t resist-being mnstitution that clict with chanour consciences. Hopefully, this can be peaceful resistance. If that i -not possible, if we are forced to comply with the wishes of that institutoSn, then it is o'ir du-y t alter or -abolish that institution. by game have to do with Cor-. illis, with Oregon, -with theU.S., with the ,,rld, with the universe?- But mare importantly,this whole picture? Are we This iS.what; rëvolutioh is all 3.omed forever to be trapped in' an economicabout - revolution in our- heads. -Ii' we dontt cio-political organization that larger change- during and -urger numbers of this society are a. revo-lutiorx, 'nothing will be fundamentally seriously changed after the revolution. alling int question? Think about it.! : ,:ere àrewe in -- - - - then rals the nelled S are if meantime, I think it is niandatory that ;we critiOize'in an open formn all, the irregular±ties and deficiencies of existing institu- - ay is doing?-?' -And - WHY JRE -WE HERE? -- -. we all sit can I with all our in a-worJd-oomraunity and. build the- new society. I suspect: thi will sitate a new set upon which to build this new society. -congressmen, 'organize - learning to None of us ask ourselves we-must-epme together with friends, come to OSU -nd. participate. We need- you,-the u.S. -needs you, the world needs you to finid the way to PMCE 5 individually and government with us agaius-t the-murders Cambodia, Keit State, yrnu'. down -honestly say thaI agree. iOC . a result :f groups, rap fo±'.this he realized within, I 'dont know. rtyie allows violence and. -.hreat ci' violence to dominate our image. Je beg yoi.i to tT ol' division of labor- and intensive-specializatin, .-with humanity thro!rL Out the -window "thatts the o1±er guy1s ob!" shot to death. Americancitizens 5 are prgañib in nature, like the environment it takes place in, and to cause everything, to SWP is athiost precisely the same as stud3lang life in the biology labora- : 5rT with the on, to act >ub " star ation or killing to act like a uan. OSU pledge ourselves ,meflt that.hf us - I- must savr ourselves. uori - to peace here in Corvallis, Oregon. We are trying to show Mr. Nicn that in a nation of violence peace can xist, that it is not ugly or dirty or prnograhi Tresidexit Nixon he will not let he U.S. lose its first war;says we have alreadr jost. the war of reason -' Th. the: 1aat analysis, no one tb analyze-them, tobas decisions 6 takes no - wiJl.Wemut ri we fii. urselves doesn.1 t ask, but ii-demz4s that we change. We Ithist' not be cntent >to sit , on thVsidelines whilc the eprts" tell us what to do.. The. erts-disagreG. Wtiy? Beouse veiits are frc4 to come to a stop bhor- iolcnce' We am f Gandhi's Satygraha ul power. heritagi hJ'ee ravaged by war, let mans ture. b Mankind Who will save us? i,ihat des this in' It means the stuatan S studet them, on],y:. sink us mt .abigër, deeper uag.r. Vilence, th word. whowould utter it. affect ori mant s brdy ntualr take-are, of. business. They bae tried for centüries to; solve - ie invaiicn -:'rt- -4y - into Cambodia is but one 1-4r ' ni1+c +,h -action to the sick policies of our recent- - - - - -- - government - Al Brown -- - - hear on the news that more fronts rure opening -. Cambodia; unemplo'iiuent is soaring; nerve gas -- -- -- -