USNA Cemetery Documentation Project Cemetery Inventory Form Summer 2005 Name: Bird, Lillie Material: Shape: Features: Lenora Marble Cross Tablet - faces East on Base with Plinth Section/ Lot Number: 08- 1694 A Type: Ornamentation: Category: Private N/A Civilian Photograph: Condition Assessment: _X __ __ _X __ __ _X __ bio growth broken chipped detached from plinth fallen listing offset other: ____________ Comments: Inscription (face): TO THE MEMORY OF LILLIE LENORA WIFE OF ROBERT MACDONALD BIRD AND YOUNGEST DAUGHTER OF PAUL & ELSIE NEUMANN BORN IN HONOLULU, HI 18 TH NOVEMBER 1884 MARRIED IN LONDON ENGLAND 28TH JULY 1904 DIED IN MEXICO CITY 9 TH APRIL 1909 REQUIESEATIN PACE - Some bio growth on East - Base offset Plinth - Cross loose Inscription (back): N/A Surveyor: Hillori L. Schenker University of Maryland Date/ Weather Conditions: 09/21/05 Clear and sunny skies.