August, 1979 ESL-FR-834-9 COMPLEX MATERIALS HANDLING AND ASSEMBLY SYSTEMS Final Report June 1, 1976 to July 31, 1978 Volume IX ANALYSIS OF TRANSFER LINES CONSISTING OF THREE UNRELIABLE MACHINES AND TWO FINITE STORAGE BUFFERS by Stanley B. Gershwin Irvin C. Schick* This research was carried out in the M.I.T. Electronic Systems Laboratory (now called the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems) with support extended by National Science Foundation Grants NSF/RANN APR76-12036 and DAR78-17826. Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Mass. 02139 Presently with Scientific Systems, Inc., Cambridge, MA ABSTRACT An important class of systems, which arises in manufacturing, chemical process, and computer contexts, is one where objects move sequentially from one work station to another, and where they rest between stations in buffers. In the manufacturing context, such systems are called transfer lines or flow shops. In the research reported here, the dynamic behavior of a buffered transfer line with unreliable work stations is modelled as a Markov chain. The system states are defined as the operational conditions of the stages and the levels of material in the storages. The steady-state probabilities of these states are sought in order to establish relationships between system parameters and performance measures such as production rate (efficiency), forced-down times, and expected in-process inventory. The steady state probabilities are found by choosing a sum-of-productsform solution for a class of states, and deriving the remaining expressions by using the transition equations. In this way, the order of the system of equations to be solved is drastically reduced. Various properties of this reduced-order system are discussed, as well as methods to improve its numerical behavior. This algorithm suggests a general technique for solving large-scale, structured Markov chain problems. ii PREFACE In order for this volume to be self-contained, some material in Chapters 2 and 3 reproduce material that has already appeared in Volume VI of this report (Schick and Gershwin [1978]). Thanks are due to Mr. Wei-Tek Tsai for his early help with the computer program and Fig. 4.1. Mr. Steven C. Glassman did an excellent job in writing the final version of the computer program, and he and Dr. Alan J. Laub and Ms. Virginia C. Klema provided useful advice on the singular value decomposition method. Ms. Klema and Mr. John E. Ward also contributed editorial comments on the manuscript. Additional analytical assistance and experience with the program was provided by Ms. Brenda Pomerance. We thank Ms. Margaret Flaherty for typing the manuscript and Mr. Arthur J. Giordani and Mr. Norman Darling for drafting the figures. We are most grateful to Dr. Bernard Chern of the National Science Foundation for his continuing sponsorship of our research in automated manufacturing and materials handling systems. During the period June 1, 1976 to July 31, 1978, this research was supported by National Science Foundation Grant NSF/RANN APR76-12036. Since August 1, 1978, it has been supported by National Science Foundation Grant NSF/RANN DAR78-17826. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT ii PREFACE iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF FIGURES vi LIST OF TABLES vii 1. 1 2. 3. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Past Research 3 1.2 Overview of the Method 4 1.3 Outline of Report 5 6 MODELLING 2.1 The Unreliable Transfer Line with Interstage Buffer Storages 6 2.2 State Space 7 2.3 Assumptions of the Model 8 2.4 The Markov Chain Model 9 2.5 General Results from Markov Chain Theory 15 2.6 Performance Measures 17 ANALYTICAL SOLUTION OF TRANSITION EQUATIONS 20 3.1 Internal State Transition Equations 20 3.2 The Sum-of-Products Solution for Internal State Probabilities 22 3.3 Boundary State Expressions 26 3.4 3.3.1 Transient States 28 3.3.2 Boundary States Reachable from Internal States in One Step 31 3.3.3 Other Expressions of Internal Form 33 3.3.4 Other Expressions 33 Reduction of the System of Equations iv 38 Page 4. 5. 6. CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROBABILITY VECTOR 42 4.1 Analysis of the Parametric Equations 42 4.2 Analysis of the Reduced-Order System of Equations 4.3 Limiting Behavior of U 60 4.4 Limiting Behavior of i(u) 70 DISCUSSION OF METHOD AND RESULTS 5.1 Solution of Reduced-Order System: Memory Requirements and Numerical Difficulties 5.2 Qualitative Discussions of the Solution 75 5.2.1 Magnitudes of i Expressions 77 5.2.2 Values of Uj, j = 1,.., 79 CONCLUSIONS AND AREAS OF FUTURE RESEARCH 6.1 Different Boundary Expressions 6.2 Choices of Uj, j= 1,..., 6.3 Alternative Models 81 81 82 84 APPENDIX A. A SET OF BOUNDARY STATE TRANSITION EQUATIONS B. (s.,U) EXPRESSIONS WHICH ARE NON-ZERO AND NOT OF INTERNAL FORM C. LIMITING D. k (s) EXPRESSIONS k A COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR SOLVING THE THREE-STAGE TRANSFER LINE PROBLEM, WITH SAMPLE OUTPUT REFERENCE S 85 97 101 122 122 194 LIST OF FIGURES 2 Figure 1.1: A k-stage transfer line Figure 4.1: Locus of (X1 X 2) Page parameters 45 Figure 4.2: Graph of equation (4.15) 48 Figure 4.3: Non-zero k[s] 74 regions vi LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1: Transition Probabilities for Machine Operating Conditions 11 Table 2.2: Storage Level Transitions 12 Table 3.1: Transient States 29 Table 3.2: Boundary States Reachable from Internal States in One Step 32 Table 3.3: Additional States of Internal Form 34 Table 3.4: Expressions Obtained in Pairs 36 Table 3.5: Expressions Obtained Singly 39 Table 4.1: Limiting Values of Z. and W. J J 49 Table 4.2: Bounds on Sets A,B, and C 50 Table 4.3: Sign Combinations for the Curves on Figure 4.1 52 Table 4.4: Q, The Set of Odd States 55 Table 4.5: Limiting Qj Combinations 66 vii 1. INTRODUCTIQN An important class of systems, which arises in manufacturing, chemi- cal process, and computer contexts-, is one where objects move sequentially from one station to another, and where they rest between stations in buffers. In the manufacturing context, such systems are called transfer lines, and the stations are transfer machines. A schematic diagram of such a system appears in Figure 1.1, In the research reported here, the dynamic behavior of a transfer line is modeled as a Markov chain, and a method is proposed for finding the The steady state probability distribution of the states of that chain. probability distribution is used to calculate such measures of performance as average efficiency inventory. (production rate) and average in-process The method is applied here to three-stage systems. simpler form, the method has been applied to two-stage systems and Gershwin [1978], Gershwin and Berman [1978], Berman In a (Schick 119791). It is hoped that the method presented here can be extended to longer lines and more complex networks. In the model discussed in this report, the source of randomness is the unreliability of the workstations or machines. The machines fail at random times and remain inoperable for random periods during which they are under repair. It is possible to compensate for workstation failures by providing redundancy, i.e., secondary parallel stations that are brought into use in case of failures of primary machines. This process, however, can be prohibitively expensive if system components are costly. An alternative consists in placing buffer storages between unreliable stages. These provide temporary storage space for the products of stations upstream of a failed station. Similarly, they provide temporary supplies of workpieces for stations downstream of a failed station. Thus, they act so as to decrease the effects of workstation failures on the rest of the line. However, costs of floor space, material handling equipment, and in-process inventory are also of great importance. -1- It is thus necessary -2- V - 0 F*0) o L (D 0 9 + *- 44 - l- Io U CV)~~~~~() 0) rjC L m Cm m X C H ~~H *o 0 - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-x. 0 H) 0) V) - 10a C ~ -3- to find in some predefined sense the "best" storage configuration; leads to an optimization problem. this To solve this problem, it is essential to be able to quantify the relations between transfer line design parameters (i.e. average up and down times of workstations, storage capacities) and the performance measures. 1.1 Past Research Transfer lines were first (Buzacott [1967a]) through a probabilistic studied analytically approach by Vladzievskii [11952]. Applications of queueing networks and transfer line models are found in a wide range of areas, including computer science, coal mining, the cotton, paper and chemical industries, aircraft engine overhauling, and the automotive and metal cutting industries; an extensive literature survey of related work appears in Schick and Gershwin [1978]. The production rate of transfer lines in the absence of buffers and in the presence of buffers of infinite capacity had been studied by many researchers, including Buzacott [1967a, 1968], Hunt [1956], Suzuki [1964], Rao [1975a], Avi-Itzhak and Yadin [1965], Morse [1965], and Barlow and Proschan [1975]. Some authors analyze reliable transfer lines where buffers are used to reduce the effects of fluctuations in non-deterministic service times (Neuts [1968, 1970], Muth [1973], Knott [1970a, 1970b], Hillier and Boling [1966], Hatcher [1969], Patterson [1964]). Unreliable two-stage systems with finite buffers have been studied (Artamonov [1976], Gershwin [1973a], Gershwin and Schick [1977], Gershwin and Berman [1978], Berman [1979], Buzacott [1967a, 1967b, 1969, 1972], Okamura and Yamashina [1977], Rao [1975a, Sevast'yanov [1962]). 1975b], Longer systems are more difficult to analyze because of the complexity of machine interference when buffers are full or empty (Okamura and Yamashina [1977]). Such systems have been formulated in many ways (Gershwin and Schick [1977], Sheskin [1974, 1976], Hildebrand [1968], Hatcher [1969], Knott [1970a, 1970b], Buzacott and Hanifin [1978]), and studied by -4- approximation (Buzacott [1967a, 1967b], Sevast'yanov [1962], Masso [1973], Masso and Smith [1974]), as well as simulation (Anderson [1968], Anderson and Moodie [1969], Hanifin, Liberty and Taraman [1975], Hanifin, Buzacott and Taraman [1975], Barten [1962], Freeman [1964], Kay [1972], Ho, Eyler and Chien [1979]), but no analytic technique has been found to obtain the expected production rate of a multistage transfer line with unreliable components and finite interstage buffer storages. and Gershwin Schick [1978] propose numerical, as well as analytical methods for solving this problem. This report completes the analytical solution proposed there. 1.2 Overview of the Method To find the steady-state probability distribution of a Markov chain, it is necessary to solve a set of M linear transition equations in M unknowns, where M is the number of states of the chain. In the problem discussed here, M is large, so an efficient method is required. This problem does have a structure that can be exploited. Due to that structure, it is possible to find Z vectors _j (j = 1,..., each of which satisfies M-k of the transition equations. Cj vectors fails to satisfy the same £ equations. i), Each of the Consequently if the probability vector is expressed as a linear combination of these vectors p = C' (1.1) j=l ' then it is guaranteed to satisfy the M-2 equations each .j satisfies. In order to satisfy the remaining equations, the coefficients Cj must be appropriately chosen. To do this requires solving R linear equations in Q unknowns. Since Z is much smaller than M, this is relatively easy to do. The method is not without limitations. the k unknowns C 1,... , CA are poorly behaved. to use extended precision First, the k equations in It has been necessary (32 decimal place) arithmetic to obtain 5 decimal place precision in analyzing transfer lines with large storages. Second, 2 increases with the storage sizes. Even though 2 increases more slowly than M, the number of system states, it still limits the size of problem that can be treated. Also, this increase prevents the method, as currently formulated, from being usefully applied to longer lines. 1.3 Effort is being devoted to overcoming these limitations. Outline of Report The problem is formally presented in Chapter 2. is described and the state space is formulated. The transfer line The modelling assumptions are stated, and a Markov chain model is introduced. Formulas for the calculation of performance measures are derived. Steady state transition equations are solved analytically in Chapter 3. The equations involving only internal states are satisified by a sum-of-products form for the steady-state probabilities. Expres- sions are also obtained for the steady-state probabilities of boundary states. The system of equations is then reduced in dimension. The steady-state probability vector is derived in Chapter 4. The sets of solutions of the four parametric equations in five unknowns are analyzed and an efficient algorithm for computing solution points is introduced. The reduced-order system of equations is studied and its solution is discussed. The limiting behavior of probability expres- sions as solutions of parametric equations approach limits is investigated, towards rendering the system of equations better conditioned. The reduced-order system of equations is solved, and shortcomings of the algorithm, (memory requirements, numerical problems) are discussed in Chapter 5. A qualitative discussion of the solution is given, and in Chapter 6, tentative conclusionas pertaining to the method are presented. 2. MODELLING A formal statement of the problem is given in this chapter. A multi- stage transfer line with unreliable components and interstage buffer storages is described in Section 2.1 and a state space formulation is introduced in Section 2.2. The assumptions made in formulating the mathematical model are discussed in Section 2.3. Most assumptions are standard. (See Buzacott and Shanthikumar [1978].) A Markov chain model is introduced in Section 2.4 and the properties of such systems which are applicable to the present problem are discussed in Section 2.5. The performance measures are expressed as functions of state probabilities in Section 2.6. The Unreliable Transfer Line with Interstage Buffer Storages 2.1 The system under study consists of a linear network of servicing stations (machines) separated by finite capacity buffer storages (Figure 1.1). Workpieces enter the first machine from outside the system. Each worpiece is processed by machine 1, after which it moves to storage 1. The part moves in the downstream direction, from machine i to storage i and on to machine i+l, until it is processed by the last station, machine k, and leaves the system. The specific nature of the machine operations is of no consequence in the present analysis. In a metal working line, it may consist of drilling or welding; in a computer network, the operation may be data processing by a specific computing, storage, or input/output unit. is assumed, however, that the machines are synchronized. It That is, there is a common cycle time, and all machines that are operating on pieces start at the same instant. The buffer is a storage element. Parts pass through a buffer with a transportation delay which is negligible compared to service times in the machines, except for the delay caused by other parts in the queue. Machines fail occasionally. Failures may have many causes and thus, the down-times of failed machines, like the up-times of operating machines, are random variables. When a failure occurs, the level in the adjacent upstream storage tends to rise. -6- If the failure persists long -7- enough, that storage fills up and forces the machine upstream of it to stop processing parts. blocked. Such a forced down machine is referred to as Similarly, the level of the adjacent downstream storage tends to fall during a failure, as the downstream machines continue to drain its contents. If the failure persists long enough, the adjacent down- stream storage empties and the machine downstream of it stops processing parts. Such a forced down machine is referred to as starved. These effects propagate up and down the line if the repair is not made promptly. By supplying workpieces, or room for workpieces to be put in, inter- stage buffer storages partially decouple adjacent machines. While machine failures are to some extent inevitable, the effects of a failure of one of the machines on the operation of others is mitigated by the buffer storages. When storages are empty or full, however, this decoupling effect cannot take place. Thus, as the capacities of storages increase, the probability of storages being empty or full decreases and the effects of failures on the production rate of the system are reduced. An inevitable consequence of buffers is in-process inventory. As buffer capacities increase, more partially completed material is present between processing stages. The effects of interstage buffer storages on the transfer line production rate and on the average in-process inventory are studied here by formulating a state space description of the system and obtaining the steady-state probability distribution, 2.2 State Space It is natural to formulate the problem of calculating transfer line performance parameters as one of analyzing a Markov chain. This is because the probability of finding storages at a given level or machines operational or under repair after a cycle depends on the storage and machine conditions before that cycle. level In the Markov chain considered here, the state of the system consists of the number of workpieces in each storage and the operating conditions of each machine. For each machine in a k-stage t'ransfer line, its operating condition . is defined by 0 if machine i is under repair, a. = 1 i = 1,..., k ~1 (2.1) if machine i is operational, Here, operational means that the machine is capable of processing a workpiece. Whether or not it is actually processing a piece depends on two additional factors. At least one part must be present in the storage upstream, and at least one empty slot must exist in the storage downstream. (Certain authors, e.g., Kraemer and Love [1970] , Okamura and Yamashima [1977], define two additional machine states, for times when a machine is starved or blocked. However, this is not necessary.) For each storage j, the variable nj is defined to be the number of workpieces in the storage. Each storage has a maximum capacity N., i.e., 0 < n. < N. j = 1,..., k-1 . (2.2) The state of the system at time t is defined as s(t) = (n ) . nk-l ( t ) , al( t ), .--, . k( t) ) (2.3) where t, an integer, denotes time in machine cycles. From equations (2.1) and (2.2), it follows that the number of all possible system states is given by M = 2k(Nl+ 1)... (N + 1) . (2.4) In order to calculate such quantities as the average production rate, the average quantity of in-process inventory, and the fraction of time each storage is full or empty, the probability of each of the M states of equation (2.3) must be calculated. Since M is a large number, an efficient way to calculate these probabiliites is discussed here. 2.3 Assumptions of the Model The following assumptions are made, in order to render the mathematical model tractable while not losing sight of the physical properties of the system: (i) An inexhaustible supply of workpieces is available upstream of the first machine in the line, and an unlimited storage area is present -9- downstream of the last machine. Thus, the first machine is never starved, and the last machine is never blocked. (ii) All machines operate synchronously with equal deterministic service times.(This assumption should be compared with those of Gershwin and Berman [1978] and Berman [1979].) cycle takes one time unit. Time is scaled so that a machine Transportation takes negligible time compared to machining times. (iii) Machines are assumed to have geometrically distributed times between failures and times to repair. If machine i is processing a work- piece, there is a constant probability pi of machine i failing (i.e., of ai going from 1 to 0). mean operating time This probability equals the reciprocal of the (in cycles) between failures. Similarly, there is a constant probability ri of repair (i.e., of ai going from 0 to 1), given that machine i has failed (that a. = 0). of the mean time (iv) This equals the reciprocal (in cycles) to repair. Machines only fail while processing workpieces. machine i is operational Thus, if (ai = 1) and starved (ni-1 = 0) or blocked (ni = Ni), it cannot fail. (v) line. Workpieces are not destroyed or rejected at any stage in the Partly processed workpieces are not added into the line. When a machine breaks down, the workpiece it was operating on is returned to the upstream storage to wait for the machine to be repaired so that processing can resume. (vi) The convention adopted is that a cycle begins with a transi- tion in the machine operating conditions and ends with a transition in storage level. The The latter is determined by the new machine states. probabilistic model of the system is studied in steady state. Thus, all effects of start-up transients have vanished and the system may be represented by a stationary probability distribution. 2.4 The Markov Chain Model By assumption (iii) of Section 2.3, a machine that is processing a part has a probability of failure Pi, When the machine is operational -10- but forced down (either starved or blocked), it cannot fail. Thus, the failure probability of a starved or blocked machine is zero. When processing a part, a machine can either fail or successfully complete the machining cycle; since its failure probability is Pi, the probability that an operating machine remains operational is 1-p.. The probability that a failed machine is repaired by the end of any cycle is r.. This probability is independent of storage levels. A failed machine remains down at the end of a cycle with probability 1- r.. These transition probabilities are summarized in Table 2.1. Once machine transitions take place, the new storage level is determined This value is dependent on the new states of the adjacent (Assumption vi). machines. If the upstream machine is processing a part, the part is added to the storage; if the downstream machine is processing a part, it is reThe new storage level also depends on the storage moved from the storage. levels immediately upstream and downstream at the end of the previous cycle. For example, if machine i is operational (ai(t+l) = 1) and the upstream storage was not empty (ni i. (t) > 0), a new piece enters storage Storage level transitions are listed in Table 2.2. These probabilities are used in obtaining the state transition probabilities, defined by (2.5) T(i,j) = probIs(t+l) = ils(t) = j] . This matrix is related to the probabilities in Tables 2.1 and 2.2 by k(t+l))I ,+ l ) prob[s(t+l) = (nl (t+l),..., nk-ll(+l),..., (t ==n ((t) s ()n l(t)... nkl(t) k 1(. ] k-l probln i(t+l) Ini_lt) a (t+l), ni (t), ai+l(t) , i+l)I i=l k I prob [i(t+l)lni_l(t), ai(t), ni(t)] i=l (2.6) prob[ai ( t + l ) Ini ni-l()n.(t) , ai ( t ) , n i ( t ) ] a(t+l) .i probability o 0 1-r. 1 10 r. 0 1 1 1 N. 1 0 0 N. 1 1 1 n.(t) ~O o l( t ) -1~0 Ni o0 1 > 0 < N 1 0 Pi > 0 < Ni 1 1 -Pi Table 2.1: Transition Probabilities for machine operating conditions. -12TABLE 2.2 prob[ni ni-l i-i (t (t+l n.(t) 1 o0 o ) ni (t), l ni+l (t) (t) < i+l. Ni+l 0 * o >0,<N, 1 < N i+l Storage Level Transitions ai (t+l), n(t), ai+l(t+l), a(t+l) a. (t+l) i+l 1 0 0 O 0 1 O 1 0 O 1 1 O O O O ~1 0 0 1 1 O 0 0 ni(t) O 1 n(t)-1 1 o <N. i+l ni (t) 1 n i (t)-1 0 n i(t) O 1 n i (t) 1 °0 ni(t) 1 1 n i (t) 0 0 N. 0 1 N.-1 1 0 N. Ni+l0 N. i n i (t+l) 0 1 °>0,<N. ni+(t)] 1 1 N1 0 N. 1 Ni+l NN 0 0 N 0 1 N. 1 1 0 N. 1 1 N. 1i 1 = 1 if -13(Table 2.2 continued) ni-l(t) >0 >0 >0 >0 >0 > O >0 (t) n +(t) 0 i+l <Ni+ 1 0 >0,<N. 1 >0,<N Ni+ <N i+l <N Ni <Ni+l Ni 0 0 N i+l il ni(t+l) 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 n.(t) 0 1 n.(t) -1 1 0 n i (t)+1 1 1 n.(t) 0 n i (t) 0 1 n. (t) 1 0 n i (t)+l 1 1 n i (t)+1 0 0 0 1 N.-1 1 0 N. 1 1 N.-1 1 0 0 N. Ni0 Ni+l N. + ( t)(t+l) 1 1 N. Ni 1 0 1 Ni 1 0 N. 1 1 Ni 1 -14- where for convenience, no(t) > 0, nk(t) < - and Nk = , so that the conditions no(t) > 0 and nk(t) < Nk are always satisfied. Since all entries in Tables 2.1 and 2.2 are positive or zero, (2.7) T(i,j) > 0 . It is also possible to show that T(i,j) = 1. L i To do that, (2.8) (2.6) is summed over all values of nl(t+l),..., nkl(t+l), al(t+l),..., ak(t+l). 1 i:E this may be simplified to k 1 In Iprobai(t+l)~E .. a1(t+l)=0 (t) i (t) n(t) i ak (t+l)=0 i=l k 1 (2.9) because, once s(t) of nl(t+l),..., and al(t+l),..., ak(t+l) are chosen, exactly one set nkl(t+l) exists which contributes a non zero factor in That factor is unity. equation (2.6). Expression (2.9) can be written k 1 n prob E i=l 5.(t+l)= [(t+l) Inil(t), ai(t), ni(t) ] (2.10) 0 (t+l), since each factor in the product in (2.9) depends on a single ai. and since the summations are over all possible values of (al(t+l),..., (A proof of a similar exchange of summation and product can ak(t+l)). be found in Lemma 3.1 in Section 3.2.) Expression (2.10) is equal to 1 because, for each i, Table 2.1 indicates that prob[a (t+l) = 0lni + prob[a i (t+l) This proves (2.8). = ini_ l(t), l (t) ai(t), n i (t)] a.(t), ni(t)] A matrix that satisfies (2.7), 1 (2.8) is called a stochastic matrix, and this is required for the model to be a Markov chain. (2.11) -15- Note that Table 2.2 requires that, with probability 1, Ini t + l) - ni (t ) (2.12) I < 1. That is, in any cycle, a storage gains or loses no more than one piece. 2.5 General Results from Markov Chain Theory At time t, the probability that the system is in state i is represented by a state probability vector, p(t), whose components are p(i,t) = probls(t) = ii. (2.13) They satisfy p(i,t) = 1, L all t (2.14) all i Then, for a Markov chain, the state probability vector at time t+l is given by p(t+l) = T p(t). (2.15) Recursive application of equation (2.15) gives (2.16) p(t) = T p(O) where p(O) is the initial probability distribution. A Markov chain is termed ergodic if the limit lim T t = I (2.17) t-*oo exists and if the steady-state probability vector defined as p = p-(O) ' (2.18) (whose components are p(i)) is independent of the value of p(O) (Feller I1966]). As t (2.15) becomes, for an ergodic chain, + a, equation p = Tp (2.19) or p(i) = T(i,j) p(j), all j all i -16- since both p(t) and p(t+l) converge to p. In the rest of this report, only the steady state probability distribution p is considered. The following theorems show that equations (2.14) and (2.19) uniquely determine the value of the steady-state probability vector. A closed class is defined as a set of states C such that no state outside C-can be reached from any state inside C. Theorem 2.1: If in a matrix T, all rows and all columns corresponding to states outside the closed class C are deleted, there remains a stochastic matrix that defines a Markov chain on C. This subchain may be studied independently-of all other states (Feller [1966]). A process is periodic if a state can be reached from itself in d, 2d,..., nd steps. If d = 1 only, the process is termed aperiodic. States that can always be reached in a finite number of steps after they are left are termed recurrent. Theorem 2.2: Otherwise, they are transient. In a finite recurrent aperiodic closed class C, the steady-state probability distribution p is uniquely determined by the set of equations / p(i) = 1 (2.20) itc p(i) = L T(i,j)p(j) (2.21) jec '(Karlin [1968]). A final class is a closed class that includes no transient states. It may be demonstrated, by showing that any recurrent system state may be reached from any other recurrent state, that the Markov chain that models the unreliable transfer line under study contains only one final class. Furthermore, the existence of a self-loop (a transition such that T(i,i) / 0 for some i) on at least one state in a final class is suf- ficient for its aperiodicity. There are numerous self-loops in the -17- Markov chain under study. For example, if all machines are operational, and no storages are full or empty, the system remains in that state (i.e., the same storage levels and all machines operational) with probability (1- p ) (1 - 2) ...(1 - pk ) . For finite storage capacities, equation (2.4) indicates that the number of system states M is finite. It may thus be concluded that equations (2.14) and (2.19) uniquely determine the steady-state probability vector for the system under study. Note that (2.14) and (2.19) are essentially the same as (2.20) and (2.21) since the only states i that are not in C are transient, i.e., have p(i) = 0. The steady-state probabilities of the transfer line are de- fined, in accordance with equation (2.3), as p(s(t)) = p(nl(t),..., (t) (t)(t)) kn . (2.22) For reasons presented in Chapter 3, it is necessary to make a distinction between two types of states. The set of boundary states contains all states in which at least one of the storages obeys one of the following two relations: ni < 1 or (2.23) at least one i n. > N. -1 (2.24) 1 -- 1 The set of internal states contains all other states, i.e., all states for which the relation 2 < ni < Ni- 2 i 1,..., k-l (2.25) holds for every storage. 2.6 Performance Measures The material presented in Chapters 3- 5 is directed towards ob- taining analytically the steady-state probabilities of all system states. These probabilities are used in computing important performance measures, namely efficiency (production rate), in-process inventory, and forced down probabilities. Definitions of the performance measures in terms of state probabilities It is important to note that they are all are given in this section. linear functions of the probability vector. The efficiency E k of a transfer line may be defined as the probability Since the that a piece emerges from the line during any given cycle. machine cycles are fixed and equal (Section 2.3), efficiency is equal to It is given by (Schick and Gershwin the production rate per machine cycle. [1978]) Ek = prob[ak = 1,nkl > 0] (2.26) N 1 ik N 1 k-l . .. VE p(ni'...'n al -l' P(nl,...,nkkl, n · -· a l...I 51 .. 1) k-1 1 The forced down times are those events when an operational machine is unable to process workpieces, either because it has no pieces to process, or because it has no storage space to dispose of processed pieces. The former event, that machine i is starved, has probability given by PS = prob[ni_l = 0] (2.27) 1 11 a l= ° k =0 k N n = N. Ni 0 ni NkN. 0 = 1 i-2 P(nl* t~ni-2' °' ni' =n k-l ' nk-l' 1' k Similarly, the event that machines i is blocked has probability PB. = prob[n. = N.] B. 1 (2.28) 1 ~1N1 1 ='S...E C1=0° k=0 k l Ni-1 Ni E--- E n 1= ni_1- p(nil ... k-1 Ej *ni+l = I n i-11 Nil n,+,.... k-l . n kl' all .... a k) -19Note that at steady-state, prob[ni- = 0, ai = 11 = probnin 1 = 0 (2.29) and probEn. = Ni, ai = 1] = probini = Ni]. (2.30) This is because a starved or blocked machine can never fail- (by Assumption iv of Section 2.3) so that states where a failed machine is preceeded by an empty storage or followed by a full storage are transient Section 3.3.1). (Rule i of Thus, the joint probabilities in equations (2.29) and and PB reduce to equations (2.27) and 1 Finally, the average number of parts in storage i is (2.30) which define PS 1 1 ni E a1=0 E all s N1 Nk-l 2 · * * * ak=0 inp(s). nl=0 (2.28). n p(nl,. .. ,nk-l' atl' * tk) nk-l=0 (2.31) 3. ANALYTIC SOLUTION OF TRANSITION EQUATIONS Transition equations involving internal states only are discussed in In Section 3.2, a product form is proposed as a tentative Section 3.1. solution, and conditions on undefined parameters are found. This analysis of internal states and transition equations applies to a general unreliable transfer line of any number of stages. Boundary state transition equations are introduced in Section 3.3. These are used to complete the analytical solution specifically of a three-stage line; the derivation of boundary state probability expressions for the three-stage line is discussed. The dimension of the system of equations is reduced in Section 3.4. The expressions thus obtained are used in Chapter 4 to compute the steady-stage probabilities of a three-stage line. 3.1 Internal State Transition Equations Internal state transition equations are defined as those transition equations involving only internal states, i.e. equations in which the final state i as well as all the initial states from which there is a non-zero transition probability in equation (2.19) are internal. When all storages are internal, i.e., when they all have levels such that 2 < n. < N. -2 - 1 - i = 1,..., k -1 , (3.1) 1 all the operational machines can transfer parts from their upstream to their downstram storages. In other words, they are neither starved nor blocked, and thus remove a piece from the upstream storage and add one Then, the final level of storage i is given to the downstream storage. in terms of its initial level and the final operating conditions of adjacent machines by the equation ni(t+l) = n.(t) + i(t+l) - c i+(t+l) This is in keeping with the convention (Assumption -20- (3.2) (vi) of Section 2.3) -21- that in each cycle, first machine states and then storage levels change. Equation (3.2) exactly summarizes Table 2.2 when ni-l(t), ni(t), ni(t+l), and ni+ (t) are internal. For internal state transitions, the machine transition probabilities in Table 2.1 may all be combined in a single expression as (t), ai(t), ni(t)] = prob. a(t+l) In I-a (t1 l-ac (t+l) a.(t+l il (l-r.) E l-pi~a(t+l) (3.3) ai(t) i1 -i-(t+l) 1-r) -a. (t+l) i=l a. i(t+l) l-a.(t) .(3.4) 1- i) a i (t+l)p Pi]1- Set S(s(t+l)) i (t+l)ai(t) is defined to be the set of all states s(t) such that given ni(t+l), i = 1,..., k-l, and ai(t+l), i=l,..., k, the initial satisfy equation (3.2). storage levels ni(t), i = 1,..., k-l, Equation (2.19) becomes p(s(t+l)) = p(s(t)) T(s(t+l),s(t)) ( s(t)S (s(t+l)) T1( s k n1F k(t)=O i=l Li(t+l), a ai(t+l' =li -(ri al(t)=o lri) pl-Pi a.(t+1 (t+l) -(ai 1 -_ Pi p(nl(t),..., nkl(t), ota (t) ] l(t),..., k( t )) (3.5) -22- where nl(t),..., nk-l(t) satisfy equation (3.2), i.e. are determined by s(t+l). 3.2 The Sum-of-Products Solution for Internal State Probabilities Many queueing theory problems result in product-form solutions. These have been studied by Jackson [1963]; Gordon and Newell [1967a] obtained product-form solutions for closed queueing systems with negative exponentially distributed service times; Baskett, Chandy, Muntz and Palacios [1975] formulated a theorem applicable to certain types of networks of queues with different classes of customers, stating that the equilibrium state probabilities are given by a product of factors each of which is dependent only on one state variable. Such product form solutions have also been found by other researchers, including Denning and Buzen [1977], Lam [1977], Solberg 11977], and Schweitzer [1977]. The work of these authors is concerned with flow through networks of infinite queues, and does not deal with reliability. It is assumed here that the steady-state probability distribution for internal states has a sum-of-products form: ~' P(nl''nkl p(n. n1 'l''k) k) C j=l jC E nl X Xj 1 k-l Ylj . where Cj, Xij, and Yij are parameters to be determined. ak Ykj (3.6) (3.6) These parameters must be such that the internal transition equations (3.5) are satisifed. In addition, the sum of all probabilities, internal and boundary, equals unity, E p(s) = all s 1. (3.7) To satisfy (3.5), these equations are treated as if they were an ordinary differential equation boundary-value problem. equation of order n, there may be n distinct solutions. In a differential Although each of these solutions by itself satisfies the equation, only a certain linear combination of these solutions satisfies the boundary equations (see for example Boyce and DiPrima [1969]). Thus, although the true probabilities -23- are given by summations of the form of equation (3.6), X.. and Y.. are 13 1J chosen so that each element in the sum by itself satisfies the internal transition equations. If a single term is the summation of (3.6) is substituted into (3.5), the following is obtained: CX n 1 (t+l) l' n· ~ '' al(t)=O J' a(t Yk 1 k 1 1 lE- 1) nk_ (t+l) ' 'Xk-l ak(t)=O ca.i(t+l) [ (l - ) (t + l ri (t+l 1-i (t) i=l i1- i(t+l)] a i (t) C n1 (t) nk_ (t) CX1 ...X k-l( t) (t) (3.8) where the subscript j is suppressed for clarity. Using equation (3.2) and si.mplifying, a1 (t+l) akl 1(t+l)-ak(t+l) ...X'k-1 ' 'l Y1 1 (t+l)-a2 (t+l) X1 a 1 M(t)=O a.(t+l) 1l-Pi) 1-a (t+l) Pi 1 Note that ni no longer appears in (3.9). by Hk a. (t+l) 1-a. (t+l) r. i=l leads to (t+l) Yk a.(t+l)) i=l (k (t)=O k r( [ -(t+l) 1 ' ''··C k Y. a.(t) (3.9) Dividing both sides of (3.9) -24a ittl) ai (t+l)-ai+(t+l) i-il k aLt+l) - 1-a (t+l) = )r a.(t+l) F-P 1-a. (t+l) 2 ° a0 k (3.10) (3t10) a.(t+l) r U-r ) 1= i( t ) Y 1(t+) -a. 1t) _ where for convenience, Xk is defined to be 1. Note that ai(t) only occurs as an exponent in the right hand side of equations (3.10); furtherThe following lemma is used more, a. (t) only takes the values 0 and 1. in simplifying equation (3.10): For all sets of real numbers {A1 ,..., A k} , Lemma 3.1: A.= ek=0 a1=0 a, proof: k i 1 (3.11) (3.11) (l+Ai) i=l i~l i~l Proceeding by induction, it is easy to see that equation (3.11) is satisfied for k=l. Assuming that the equality holds for k, the left side of (3.11) is, for k+l, 1 1 1 l . (3.12) :i. k+l ak=0 e=° =1 k+! 1 Ak 1 1 A. 1 ='''.Ai A k (1 + Ai ) = i=1 (by the induction hypothesis) ( 1 + Ak+l (3.13) -25- (1+ Ai) (3.14) Equation (3.14) completes the proof. Using Lemma 3.1, the right hand side of (3.10) is rewritten as ai(t+l) (lPi ) (1-lr) l-a i (t+l) i r 1 When (3.15) is substituted into (3.10), the argument t (though not t+l) vanishes. Simplifying and supressing the t+l argument leads to k 5 Y. Xi ai - i+l yai i=1 1 f j[(1 -ri) a1-a a. ie P a, 1 + ( 1-P .) 1 r. Y . (3.16) Equation (3.16) has been derived with no condition on a.; thus, it must hold for all values of a.. In particular, if ai = 0 for i = l,...,k, then (3.16) reduces to: k. (3.17) l-ri + piYi] 1 'J i1l IT qj 2 1, and a- ofor iij, i = 1,...,k, then (3.16) becomes k X-lXYj =n [11-r i [r. + (-PiYi .r)Y (3.18) {=l iEj where, again for convenience, X0 is defined to be 1. equation (3.18) can be reduced to Using (3.17), -26- X.Y. r. + (l-p.)Y.. Xj- 1-rj + pDY. + p.Y j=1,...,k . ,l-r . Any other sets of values for ai in equation may readily be derived from (3.17) and (3.19) are referred (3.19) (3.16) give equations that (3.19). Equation (3.17) and to as parametric equations in the sequel. Since X0 = X k = 1, there are k+l equations in 2k-1 unknowns. Furthermore, the weighting and normalizing constants C. remain to be computed. In the three-machine case (k=3), there are four parametric equations in the five unknowns X 1, X 2, Y1 , Y2 and Y3. Furthermore, since the equations are non-linear, there is the possibility of multiple solutions. Thus, additional information is needed to obtain the steady-state probabilities. The following notation is introduced: 3.3 U = (X1-...A Xk-l' Y1''' Uj = (Xlj,.'' Yk) Xk-l,' (3.20) j (3.21) Boundary State Expressions In sections 3.1 and 3.2, n1 (s,U) = nk Xk-1 it is shown that expressions of the form a1 a ... k ... (3.22) satisfy the internal transition equations, where s= (n, .. . , nk-l' al ak and where U satisfies the parametric equations (3.17), The quantity (3 .23) (3.19). -27- Q' C. (sU.) (3.24) also satisfies the internal transition equations, whatever the constants C.. In this section E(s,U) is extended to the boundary-states. Ex- pressions are found for all states, but these expressions do not satisfy all the transition equations. A small subset of the boundary states Q remains in.which the error g(s,U) = C(s,U) - L T(s,s')(s',U)- (3.25) all s' is not identically zero, j = 1,..., (See Section 4.2). The-e differences g(s, Uj), ' are used to choose the constants C. in (3.24) so that all the transition equations are satisfied, as shown in Sections 3.4 and 4.2. It is important to note that the set of expressions derived in this section is not unique. 4(s,U) It is hoped that this set results in a relatively compact solution, i.e., that 2 is a small set of states. Because of the complexity of the problem and the difficulties described in Chapter 5, attention is restricted to the three-stage line (k=3). Even for a system of this size, the complexity makes the manual generation of the boundary state transition equations impractical. A program was therefore written in the IBM FORMAC language (Tobey 1[1969], Trufyn [n.d.]) which generates these equations symbolically. The program listing appears in Schick and Gershwin [1978] and the output for a three stage line is presented in Appendix A. Note that transient states (Section 3.3.1) have been omitted in this listing. Boundary state transition -equations are defined as state transition equations in which at least one state (whether initial or final) is a boundary state (Section 2.4). There are two kinds of boundary states in a three-stage line; edge states and corner states. Edge states are those in which one storage level is internal and the other is not, i.e., either -28- nl = 0, 1, N1 -1, or N 1 (3.26) 2 < n 2 < N 2 -2 or 2 < n < N1-2 1- -5~ 1 ~~~(3.27) n 2 = 0, 1, N 2 -1, or N 2 Corner states are those in which neither storage is internal. n = 0, 1, N'1 , 'oor N 1 1- 1 1 l(3.28) n2 = 0, 1, N2 - 1 , or N 2 3.3.1 Transient States That is, their steady- Certain boundary states are transient. state probability is zero. Consequently, the choice (3.29) U(s, U) = 0 suggests itself. The difficulty in implementing a solution is clearly not in finding expressions for the transient states; it is in finding the The procedure is briefly described here and the transient states. results are presented in Table 3.1. There are two kinds of transient states. The first cannot be reached from any other state (i.e., the probability of transition from any other state to that state is 0). which .i= 0 and ni -1 = 0. An example is a state in Table 2.2 indicates that if and ni l(t) > 0, then ni_ (t+l) > ni l ni l(t+l) to be 0 is for ni l(t) = 0. that if nil(t)=0, the only way for ( t). i.(t+l) = 0 Thus, the only way for Table 2.1, however, indicates i. (t+l) to be 0 is for ai (t)=0. Therefore, a state in which ai=0 and nil =0 may only be reached from states in which a =0 and ni 1=0. 1 If, in addition, ai 1=l and machine -29- (0,n 2 , 0,O,c3 ) n 2 =0,...,N2; a3=0,1 (O,n 2 ,1,0,t ) 3 ; (O,n 2 ,1,1,a 3) ;n2=0, n2=0,...,N2; a3=0,1 ,N2; 3=0,1 (nl,O,al,O,O) n =,0..,N1 ;l=, (n 1 1 ,...,N nl=0,... ,N1 1; az11=0 =o,1 1 0,ct 1 11,O) (nl',O,1,'.1) (ni (nl, 1 ; ,,Ll,0) 1,0,1O) ;; nl=0,2,3,..',N 1 n 1 =0,2,3,...,N nl-l, . . ,N 1 1 (Nl-l,n2,0,1,0) ; n2=0,...,N2-1 (Nl-1,n 2 0,1,1) ; n 2 =0,..., N 2 -3,N 2 -2,N 2 (nlN2-lalo,l) ; nl=0,..., (Nln2,0,0,o )3 ; n2=0,..., N2 ; C3=0,1 (N N1; 1a=o0,1 ; a0,1 l,n2, (Nln2,1,1,0); n2=0,..., N2-1 (Nln2 ,1,1,1) ; n2=0,..., N 2 -3, N 2 -2, N 2 (nl,N2,al,0,0) ; nl=O,*.,N1; al=o,1 (nlN2 l, o,1); (nlN2,~l,1,1) TABLE 3.1 nl=O, ,N1; .. ; al=o,1 nl=O,...,N1; al=0,1 Transient States -30i-1 is not starved, this state cannot be reached from another state, since an operating upstream machine would raise the level in storage Similar results apply to the case in which ai=0 and n.=Ni. i-i. The remaining transient states are reachable only from other transient states. For example, consider states in which ni_ 2>0, ai =l,, ni.l=l, Table 2.2 implies that at the previous time step, storage i-2 had ai=0. one more piece and ni_ = 0. But this implies that at the previous time step ai= 0 because machine i cannot fail when storage i-l is empty (see Table 2.1). Thus, at the previous step, ni 0 and .ai= 0, which has been established as transient. The full list of transient states, which appears in Table 3.1, can be established by the following rules. States where n i-l= and .= 0, or a.=0 and n. =N. are i-l 1 1 1 1 This is because a starved or blocked machine cannot fail (i) transient. (Section 2.3). States where machine i-1 is operating (i.e., not idle) ni (ii) 1= and ai.=; or ai= O, n.= N.-l and machine i+l is operating, are transient. I 1 1 1 This is because machine i could not have failed if nl = 1-1 0 or n.=N., and 1 1 an operating machine upstream or downstream would have incremented the storage by plus or minus one, respectively, in the cycle during which machine i failed. (iii) States where machine i-1 is operating and ni l=0; or ni l=Ni l and machine i is operating are transient. This is because an operating machine upstream or downstream would increment the storage by plus or minus one, respectively, since by assumption (vi) of Section 2.3, machine transitions precede and determine storage transitions. It is important to note the following exceptions: (i) (1,0,1,1,1) can be reached from (0,0,0,1,1) (ii) (1,1,1,1,0) can be reached from (0,1,0,1,1). (iii) (N1 , N2-1,1,1,1) can be reached from (N1 , N2,1,1,0). (iv) (N -1, N2-1,0,1,1) can be reached from (N -l,N2,1,1,0). These states are thus not transient. -31Finally, the fact that machine 1 is never staryed and-machine 3 (for k= 3) is never blocked (Section 2.3) must be considered in deriving the transient states. 3.3.2 Boundary States Reachable from Internal States in One Step It is easy to derive E expressions for certain states. For example, the transition equation for p(1,2,0,1,1) is p(1,2,0,1,1) = (1-ri)r 2 r3 p(2,2,00,,0) + (1-rl)r2(1-p3)p(2,2,0,0,1) + (1-r 1) (1-p 2 )r3 p(2,2,0,1,0) + (l-r1 ) (1-p 2 ) (1-p3)p(2,2,0,1,1) + Plr2 r3 p(2,2,1,0,0) + plr2(1-p 3 )P(2,2,1,0,1) + p1 (l-p 2 )r3 p(2,2, 1 ,1 O0) + pl (l-p2 )l-P (3.30) 3 )p(2,2,l,l,l) All the states on the right hand side of (3.30) are internal. efficients are the transition probabilities from states (n1 , n 22 The co, l', 2' a3) to (nl-1, n 2 , 0,1,1), where nl and n 2 (i.e., the initial storage If (3.21) is substituted into (3.30) and the levels) are internal. resulting expression is simplified using the -parametric equations, it is seen that a natural choice for E(1,2,0,1,l,U) is the internal form (1,2,0,1,1,U) = X1 X2 Y2 Y3 (3.31) Similarly, it can be shown that f(1, n2, 0,1,1,U) = X1X22Y2Y3 for all 2 < n2 < N2-2. (3.32) The relation between (3.31) and (3.32) is generalized in Section 4.2. The same reasoning shows that the internal form is an appropriate choice for the boundary states in Table 3.2. -32- (1,n 2 ,0,1,0) n2 3,..., N2-1 (1,n2,0,1,1) n 2,..., = N2-2 2 (n1l,l,O,,1) nl = 2,..., N1 -2 (nl,N2 -1,0,1,O) n1 = 2,..., N1-3 (nl,N 2 -1,1,1,O) n1 = 2,..., N1-2 1(nl,1,0,0,1) (nl 1, 1, 0,1) n1 = ;nl = 2,..., N1 -2 3,..., N-1 (N1 -l,n 2 ,1,0,0) n2 = 2,..., N2 -2 (Nl-l,n2,1,0,1) n2 1,..., N 2 -3 TABLE 3.2 Boundary States Reachable from Internal States in One Step. -333.3.3 Other Expressions of Internal Form The expressions derived in Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 are the only ones that are determined unambiguously, once the internal expressions are chosen. The remaining expressions must be derived using guesswork and imagination. In a sense, there are no correct expressions; the objective here is to find expressions that satisfy as large a set of transition equations as possible. To guide guesses, numerical results were obtained for a case in which N1 =N2 =10 (Gershwin and Schick [1977]) by iterative matrix multiplications (the power method; see Schick and Gershwin [1978]). It was observed that several boundary state probabilities, in addition to those described in Section 3.3.2, appeared to be comparable to adjacent internal state probabilities. Generalizing from the case studied, the internal form is assumed for the states listed in Table 3.3. 3.3.4 Other Expressions To obtain 5(s,U) expressions for other states s, other approaches must be used. One fruitful method has been to look for pairs of equations that involve the same pair of unknown states, and in which all other states have expressions already determined. For example, consider the transition equations for (1,1,0,0,1) and (1,2,0,0,0). (See Appendix A.) states are all of the form (1,2,al 1 ,ac2,a 3 ). The initial Of these, S(1,2,1,0,0,U) = 0 and E(1,2,1,0,1,U) = 0 (from Table 3.1), E(1,2,0,1,1,U) has internal form (from Table 3.2), and E(1,1,0,0,1,U), E(1,2,0,0,0,U), E(1,2,0,0,1,U), and -(1,2,0,1,0,U) have internal form (from Table 3.3). From these equations, and by performing considerable simplifications using the parametric equations (3.17) and (3.19), the following are obtained: 2 X X2Y E(1,2,1,1,0,U) 1 2 1 P2 + p Y) 22 (3.33) + p Y )Y (3.34) (l-r 2 2 X X2Y (1,2, 1, 1, 1,U) = 1 2 P2 1 (1-r -34- (ln2 °) ; 2=1,.. .,N 2-1 (1,n 2 ,0,0,1) n2=1,. .,N2-2 (n ,1,0,0,0) ; (nl1,1,O; nl=2, . . . ,N1-1 (n1 ,N2 -1,0,0,0) 0 (nl,N 2 -1,1,0,0) ; (n N -1,0,O, 21, (N -l,n2 1 2 (N1 - l,n 2 ) nll.... 1 ,Nl nl=2, . . . ,N1 -1 0,0,0) n 2 1,. 0,0,1) n2=1, . . .,N 22= ,N2 l ,N2 -1 2 -2 (1,2,0,1,0) (1,1,1,1,0) (1,1, 0,0,1) (N -1,1,0,0,1) (2,1,1,0,1) (N 1 (N1 2 ,N2 -1,0,1,0) ,N2 -1,1,0,0) (N-1,N2 -2,1,0,1) TABLE 3.3 Additional States of Internal Form -35- Comparison of the transition equations for (1,1,0,0,1) and (1,2,0,0,0) with similar equations involving higher storage levels suggests the generalization of equations (3.33) and (3.34): XX n2 2 (l,n2,1,1,0,U) Y n2 =2,...,N 2 -1 n E(ln 2 l'l'l'U) = P2 (3.35) (1-r2 + P2Y2) (l-r2 + P2 Y 2 )Y 3 (3.36) It must be emphasized that this procedure is more nearly art than science, and is a way of organizing guesswork which must be verified later. According to the procedure and data described in section 3.3.3, the expression for E(l,n2,1,1,0,U) in (3.35) might also apply for n2 = N 2. However, there is no justification for this in the transition equations, and to choose this expression for this state would create additional non-zero errors g(s,U). The objective is to maximize the number of transition equations that are satisfied identically, i.e., to minimize the number of states for which g(s,U) is not the parameteric equations (3.17) - (3.19). zero for all U satisfying Consequently, E(1,N2,1,1,0,U) is chosen differently. Note that E(0,2,0,1,0,U) and ~(0,2,0,1,1,U) expressions were found using the (1,2,1,1,1) equation, which actually involves the (0,3,0,1,0) and (0,3,0,1,1) states. It was assumed, as discussed in Section 4.2, that E(0,3,0,1,0,U) = X2 E(0,2,0,l,0,U) (3.37) E(0,3,0,1,1,U) = X2E(0,2,0,1,1,U) (3.38) Other states whose expressions are found by solving two equations in two unknowns are displayed in Table 3.4. The second column of this -36- TABLE 3.4 States Expressions Obtained in Pairs Generalizations Equations n2=2,...,N2-1 (1,2,1,1,0) (1,1,0,0,1) (1,n2,1,i,0), (1,2,1,1,1) (1,2,0,0,0) (1,n2,1,1,1), n2=2,...,N2-1 (1,1,0 (1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0) (1,1,1,1,1) (2,1,1,0,0) (2,1,0,1,1) (1,2,0,1,0) (n1,,0,1,1), nl=2, (2,1,1,1,1) (2,1,0,0,0) (n1 ,l,1,l,1), nl=2,...,N 1 -2 (2,0,0,0,1) (1,1,01,1) (n l ,0,0,0,1), nl=2, ...,N-1 (2,0,1,0,1) (2,1,1,1,1) (n1,0,1,0,1), nl=2,...,N -1 (0,2,0,1,0) (1,2,1,1,0) (0,n ,0,1,0), 2 -i n =2,...,N 2 2 (0,2,0,1,1) (1,2,1,1) ((0,n 2 (0,1,0,1,0) (1,1,1,1,0) (0,1,0,1,1) (0,1,0,1,0) (N1 -l,2,1,1,0) (N1 -2,2,0,1,1) (N -l,n 2 , 1,1,0), n2=2,...,N 2 -1 (N -1,2,1,1,1) (N -1,2,0,0,0) (N -l,n 2 ,1,1,1), n2=2,...,N -1 (Ni,2,1,0,0) (N -1,2,1,1,1) (N (N1,2,1,0,1) (Nl,3,1,1,0) (Nl,n2,1,0,1), (2,N2-1,0,1,1) (2,N2-1,0,0,0) (nl,N2-1,0,1,1), nl=2,...,Nl-1 (2,N 2 -1,1,1,1 (2,N 2-2,0,0,1) (nl,N 2 -1,1,1,1), nl=2,...,Nl-1 ..,N1-2 ,0,1,1), n 2 =2,...,N 2 -1 2 1,0,), n2-2 'N -2 n=2,..,N2-2 -37- TABLE 3.4 States (Cont'd) Equations Generalizations (1,N2,0,1,0) (1,N2-1,0,1,1) (nl,N2,0,1,0), nl (1,N2,1,1,0) (2,N2-1,1,1,1) (ni,N2,1,1,0), n =l,...,N -2 (N-1,N2'0,1,0) (N -1,N2-1,0,1,1) (N1 -1,N 2 '1,1,0) (N -1,N2,0,1,0) ,...,N 1-2 -38- table lists the equations used, and the last column generalizes these expressions in the manner described above. Table 3.5 lists states whose expression can be obtained singly after express-ions for certain other states are available. The complete list of expressions appears in Appendix B. 3.4 Reduction of the System of Equations A small number of boundary transition equations were used to generate each expression discussed in Section 3.3. It is possible to show, using equations, that these expressions satisfy many of the the parametric remaining transition equations identically. A significant number of boundary equations, however, are not satisfied identically. The states that these transition equations lead to are called "odd" states and are discussed in greater detail in Section 4.2. The set of odd states is called Q. much smaller than M. The number of states 2 in Q is In this section it is shown how the Markov chain may be solved by solving a set of Z linear equations, rather than M. These linear equations are constructed in finding a linear combination of (U.) which satisfies all the transition equations, including those leading to states in Q. For the Markov chain described in section 2.4, p = Tp (3.39) (T-I)p (3.40) or where I denotes the identity matrix. For a general k- stage transfer line, the boundary state probabilities are expressed as a sum of terms, analogous to the sum of products for internal state probabilities in equation (3.6): p(s) = ECj j=l i(s,Xlj... ,' Xk-l,j'Ylj Ykj (3.41) -39- TABLE 3.5 Expressions Obtained Singly State Equation (0,0,0,1,1) (0,0,0,1,1) (1,0,0,0,1) (1,0,1),0,0,1) (1,0,1,1,1) (1,0,1,1,1) (N1 -1,1,1,1,1) (N 1-2,2,0,1,0) (Ni, 0,1,0,1) (N -1,1,1,1,1) (O,N 2 0,11,0) (0,N 2 01,0) (1,N 2 -1,0,1,1) (1,N 2 -2,0,0,1) (N1 -1,N 2 -1,0,1,1) (N -1,N2-2,0,0,1) (N1 ,N2 1,1, 0) ( (Nl, N 2 - 1,1,0,0) (N1 ,N2 -11,1,1) (Nl,N2-1,1,0,0) (Nl,N2-11,1,10) 1 ,N2 ,1,1,0) -40- The S(s,U) expressions are derived in Section 3.3. reduces to (3.6) when E(s,U) is given by (3.22). Note that (3.41) Following (3.41), the probability vector p may be rewritten as Z' p = E Cj _ (Uj) (3.42) j=l where i(U) is a vector whose components are E(s,U). The number of states M is given by equation (2.4), and Uj, j =1,..., I' are V' distinct solutions of the parametric equations. (T- I) E Cj(Uj) Substituting (3.42) into (3.40), . (3.43) j=l Defining the vector C as C1 C (3.44) C2 and the matrix ~ as = [(U 1 ) (U2 ) ,, g(U,)3 (3.45) equation (3.43) is rewritten as (T-I);C = 0 (3.46) System (3.46) has a nonzero solution if the matrix (T-I)E has rank less than or equal to V'-l. Equation (2.14) provides an additional condition on C through (3.41) which requires that C be nonzero. A unique solution is determined if the rank of (T-I)E is exactly equal to V-l. -41Because the expressions r(s,U) satisfy most transition equations, most components of the vector (T-I)_(Uj) are identically equal to zero for any U. that satisfies the parametric equations. For example, in the three-stage line with storage capacities N1= N2 = 10, 898 components out of the 968-vector are identically zero. to odd state entries in i (U). Those that are nonzero correspond If 2' is taken to be the number of rows not automatically satisifed, i.e., Z' =, then the system of equations has a unique solution C, once a set of £ distinct U. is chosen. system in (3.46) can be reduced by computing only those Z rows of that are not satisfied identically. (3.46) The (T-I)E The new reduced-order system can be written- (3.47) BC = 0 where B consists of thenon-zero rows of (T-I)S and is.xR MxM. This system is analyzed in Section 4.2. rather than 4. CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROBABILITY VECTOR The analytically derived E(U) expressions of Chapter 3 are used in the sum-of-terms solution for steady-state probabilities given by equation (3.42) to obtain the probability vector. The system of four parametric equations in five unknowns is discussed in Section 4.1. The properties of the set of solutions of these equations are analyzed and an efficient algorithm for solving these The reduced-order system of equations (3.47) equations is presented. derived in Section 3.4 is studied in Section 4.2. B matrix is analyzed. The structure of the A singular value decomposition solution is dis- cussed. The limiting behavior of the solution sets of the parametric equations After these limits are found, they are is described in Section 4.3. used in deriving limiting (UW) in Section 4.4. constructing a better behaved B matrix. These are utilized in The numerical implementation of these results is discussed in Chapter 5. 4.1 Analysis of the Parametric Equations By analyzing internal state transition equations and guessing a sum-of-products solution for internal state probabilities, the following parametric equations are derived in Section 3.2: k H (-r i + piYi) (4.1) 1 i=l X.Y. X---_Xj- 1 Here, X 0 r. + (l-p.)Y. J + Y_ -r + Yj j = 1,...,k = Xk = 1 are defined for notational convenience. stage transfer line (k=3), equations (4.1) and (4.2) For a three- (4.2) comprise a set of four nonlinear equations in five unknowns. As discussed in Section 3.4, a subset of R'distinct solutions of these equations may be used to compute the probability vector. -42- However, -43it is shown in Chapter 5 that because of numerical problems, certain sets of solutions are better than others. For this reason, the full set of solutions is analyzed in this section, and some important properties are discussed. Internal state probabilities have the form nl p(s) 1 j. X k-1 ..=C.X Xk~i'. 1 a 1 ...Ykj (4.3) j=l The exponents n. take integer values such that 2 < ni < N -2 i = 1,..., k-l i.e., n. takes on odd as well as even values. (4.4) For p(s) not to oscillate with period 2 with ni, it is necessary that X.. > 0 (4.5) all i,j The fact that the probabilities do not oscillate agrees with intuition, observation of computer simulation (Schick and Gershwin J19781)), and a numerical solution of the transition equations (Gershwin and Schick [1977]). In order to make the study of the solution sets clearer, a relationship is sought between Xlj and X2j, subscript notation (X1 , .. . Xk_,1 Reverting for simplicity to the singleY1' ' Yk) of Section 3.2, the variable Q.j is defined as X. j = 1,..., k Qj = (4.6) j-1 Equation (4.2) is solved for Yj in terms of Qj. Using the quadratic formula, it follows that Y. = [1-p.-(l-r.)Qj] + /[1-pj-(l-rj)Q.] + 4rjpjQ. J J-... .... a2j 2p Qj (4.7) -44Equation (4.7) can be substituted into (4.1), giving a single equation in the two unknowns, X1 and X 2 , for a three-stage line. not explicitely stated here. This equation is Generally, in a three-stage line (k=3), for any set of failure and repair probabilities Pi and ri such that 1-pi-r. > 0, i = 1,2,3, the full set of solutions of equations (4.1) and (4.2) with non-negative X. is given by a set of seven curves similar to those illustrated in Figure 4.1. (The conditions l-pi-r i > 0 is not restrictive, since for most realistic systems the probability of a failure or a repair during a single machine cycle is small.) That these seven curves comprise the full solution is demonstrated by using the following lemmas and Lemma 4.5 of Section 4.3. Lemma 4.1: The minus sign is equation (4.7) yields negative Y.. The plus sign in equation (4.7) yields positive Y.. Proof: Since Xj are non-negative, so are Qj. are probabilities and hence non-negative. [l-pj-(l-rj)Qj] < Furthermore, pj and r. It follows that Il-p-(1-rj)j] + 4rjpjQ (4.8) Since the dencominator in (4.7) is non-negative, equation (4.8) proves the lemma. Different combinations of signs in equation (4.7) give the different curves in Figure 4.1. Since k=3, there are 8 possible sign combinations. However, not all combinations satisfy equations (4.1) and (4.2) together with the requirement that Xj be non-negative, as shown in Lemma 4.2. Lemma 4.2: Of all possible sign combinations, only those which include at most one minus sign satisfy equations (4.1) and (4.2) and the requirement that Xj be non-negative. That is, either Y 1 , Y2 Y3 are all positive, or else exactly one of them is negative. Proof: Substituting (4.6) into (4.2), -45- t 3.0 6 -l66 4 4 -7 2.6 2.4 2.2 t2 0.2 1- 0 00 0.2 62 f 0.4 0.6 ~.6~5~X 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 .8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 xI Figure 4,1; Locus of (Xl,X 2) parameters, curves, a set of (Y1,Y,Y 2 For every point on these 3 ) exists such that (XlX ,Y 2 ,1 Y2,Y3) satisfies equations (4.1) and (4.2) for k=3. For this plot, the failure and repair probabilities are: P1 =.l, p2 =p3=. 05, rl=r 2 = .2, r3=.15. The large numbers indicate the curve, which should be compared with Table 4.3. The small numbers indicate the limit case, which should be compared with Table 4.5 -46r. + (1-p.)Y. = j J. (4.9) (49) Yj(1-r. + pjY) The parameter Z. is defined as J Zj = 1-rj Using (4.10), = + pY. (4.9) becomes (1p ~-J- Qj = (4.10) z. -'a ) 1,pj (4.11) _______________ Z. Z. (l-r.) Equation (4.1) may be rewritten as 3 H[ (4.12) Z. = 1 i=l while it follows from (4.6) (where X 0 = X 3 3 = 1) that (4.13) i - 1. i=l Defining the variable % as (4.14) Wj = QjZj it follows from (4.11) that --=(42) (4.1) Equations 1-j i-(4.15) (4.12) - (4.14) imply = 12,3p j = 1,2,3 -47- 3 7 Wi = 1 (4.16) . i=1 Thus, there are now five equations, unknowns, Zi and Wi, i= 1,2,3. (4.12), (4.15) and (4.16), in six These are equivalent to the four equations, (4.1) and (4.2), in five unknowns, X., i = 1,2 and Y., j - 1,2,3, through ) 1 transformations (4.6), (4.10) and (4.14). The graph of equation (4.15) is plotted in Figure 4.2. three such graphs, for j = 1,2,3. There are The W.- and Z -intercepts and asymptotes appear in Table 4.1. Equation (4.15) can also be written as j1-r -pj 1-r. Zj = (1-rj) Wj - (1-pj) % (1))] (4.17) Since Qj > 0, equation (4.14) implies that Zj and W. have the same sign. However, if Z. < 0, (4.15) shows that W. > 0. W. < 0, (4.17) indicates that Z. > 0. Similarly, if Therefore, Z. and W. must both be positive. The sets A, B, and C are sets of (Zj, Wj) pairs that satisfy equation (4.15) and fall in certain intervals. Table 4.2. These intervals are indicated in Note that 1-r. -p. 1- r< 1-pj 1--r.j < 1 3 and l-r. -p. < r 1- r. for rj > 0, pj > O. Y. > 0 Y. < 0 3 + l-p. < 1 It follows from equation (4.10) that Z. > 1 - r. 3 ++ Z. < 1 - r. -48- 1.5 I I I I-rI I iip; Y0.5O - A Zj Figure 4.2: Graph of equation (4.15) jPjI -Y. >O for pj=.l, I r.=.2 j -49- Z.j Wij = l-r . -p. -r. Zj + X Wj+ l-pj Z. = J W. = 0 1-pj Z. +1-r. TABLE 4.1: J W. +0 Limiting Values of Z. and W. ) J -50- Interval Set 0 <Z' Z A < l-rj-pj j-- O< W<. j - 1- 1-pj -r l-r. - r. < Z. < 1 B 1< w. < 1 < Z. < b 1-pj < W. < 1 TABLE 4.2: Bounds on Sets A,B, and C, -51Note that W. =Z.j 1, j= 1,2,3 satisfies (4.12), (4.15), and (4.16) and J J Y > 0, j= 1,2,3. Except for that point, equations (4.12) and (4.16) imply that (i) (ii) Z. > 1 and 1 Z. < 1 for at least one value of i and one of J Wi, > 1 and W., < 1 for at least one value of i' and one of -J i', i'/ j'. Statement (i) implies that (Zi , W ) i s C for at least one value of i. Statement (ii) implies that (Zi, Wi.) s B for at least one value of i'. Therefore, there must be at least two pairs in BUC and at most one pair in A. Since Y. > 0 in BUC and Y. < 0 in A, the lemma is proved. The curves in Figure 4.1 correspond to the sign combinations in Table 4.3. The identification of sign combinations with curves is established by examining limits and intercepts. (See Section 4.3.) By means of the Wi, Z i equations, it is possible to efficiently generate U points. Equation (4.15) may be substituted into (4.16), giving an equation in Z i , i = 1,2,3: l-r-p W= (l-P (4.18) so that J(1l-1-P= (1-pj) j=l Using equation 1=1 Zj - (1-_rj) (4.12), = -p)(-p)-(1-) (4.19) = 1( (Z Z 3) 13s 3uto is substituted for Z2 in (4.19), giving 2 . Zzl r (l-r I3(l) (r 2 ) fZ 3 ] - (1-r 3 )j 4 ] (4.20) -52- Signs Curve # . 1 I _Y - 2 + 3 + 2 Y ~+ + + + 4 + 6 + + + + TABLE 4.3 + + 5 7 Y3 + Sign Combinations for the Curves on Figure 4.1. -53- If either Z1 or Z3 is assigned a value, equation (4.20) reduces to a quadratic equation in the remaining variable. For instance, (4.20) can be written 2 2 2 + ]BZ Z 3[AZ + Z+3[CZ + DZ 1 + E] + [FZ + G] = 0 (4.21) where A = 2 - 2 . B = 01~2 - 12 2B3 - 72Y3 C = D = a(l-S 1 283) - (1 - E = y (4.22) 1Y2Y3 ) 2 - a F = Y3 G = ~1 3 3 - lY3 and 3 a=n(l-Pjp j=l 1-r -p.i i = i = 1,2,3 l-Pi = 1- ri Yi 1 1 (4.23) i = 1,2,3 In this manner, solving a system of four non-linear equations is reduced to solving a quadratic equation, since Y. is uniquely determined by Zi and Xi by Yi, using equations (4.10) and (4.2), respectively. 1 1 ~~1 -54- The use of each solution Uj = (Xlj, X2j Ylj' Y2j' Y3j ) in computing the probability vector is discussed in Chapter 5. To put this implementa- tion in context, however, it is necessary to analyze the reduced-order system of equations (3.47). 4.2 This is done in Section 4.2. Analysis of the Reduced-Order System of Equations The reduced-order system of equations (3.47) is obtained in Section 3.4 by deleting all the zero rows from the matrix (T-I)E. As stated in Section 3.3, only a small number of E(s,U) expressions do not satisfy Thus, most rows in (T-I)E vanish, and the all transition equations. order of the system of equations is drastically reduced. Set 2 is the set of states s such that g(s,U) = S(s,U) - T(s,s')E(s',U) (4.24) all s' is not identically zero. That is, Q is the set of states corresponding to those entries in the vector g(U) =- (T-I)_(U) (4.25) which are not zero for all solutions U of the parametric equations (4.1) and (4.2). Since these equations are derived from internal state transition equations, it follows that g(s,U) = 0 for all internal states. Furthermore, the expressions C(s,U) are chosen so that g(s,U) = 0 for almost all boundary states s. ary states. Thus, Q is a small subset of the bound- Transition equations corresponding to odd states (i.e., those in which the final state is an odd state) supply the information necessary to compute the weighting and normalizing constants Cj of equation (3.41). Set Q is displayed in Table 4.4. Odd states may be subdivided, as mentioned in Section 3.3, into two groups: edge states, and corner states. The number of odd edge states depends on the storage sizes; the number of odd corner states is constant. The total number Z of odd states, which may be obtained from Table 4.4 by inspection, is -55- (N1 -1,N 2 -1,1,1,1) Corner States (1,N 2 -1,1,1,1l) (N1 -1,N 2 ,1,1,0) (0,1,0,1,1) (N1,0,1,0,1) (nl,0,1,0,1) ; (nlOlOl) -2 n <1-N1 2 < n 2 < N2-1 (0,n2,0,1,0) Edge States 2 < n1 < N -1 (O,n2,0,1,1) 2 ; 2 < n- 2 -< N- - (N1ln21,0,0) ; 1 < n 2 < N2-2 (Nln ,1,0,1) 2 1 < n2 < N2-2 (nl,N 2 ,0,1,O) 1 < n < N1-2 1 < n < N1 -2 (nl,N TABLE 4.4: 2 ,1,1,0) ; Q, The Set of Odd States -56- (4.26) = 4(N+N)- 10 As stated in Section 3.4, I is linear in storage sizes, while the total number of system states (equation 2.4) is quadratic in storage sizes. Thus, the reduced-order system of equations (3.47) increases in dimension more slowly than the original system, (2.19). The matrix B has a special structure. Efficient algorithms to solve This has, however, (3.47) may be found if this structure is exploited. not yet been done. After possibly reordering the odd states s (corresponding to rows of B), the B matrix has the following form: B0 VlG VlG12 VlG13 VG14 B= (4.27) VG 2 21 V2G22 V2G23 V2G24 The block B 0 is a matrix corresponding to the corner odd states. Its dimension is dxl', where d is 14. It is not 6 (the number of odd corner states) because some of the odd edge states have error expressions which do not fit into the scheme described below. The number d is con- stant and does not depend on the storage sizes N1 and N 2. To describe the other blocks in B, it is observed that edge state expressions obey relationships of the fQor S(n 1 + n, n 23' 2 , 2 ' Uj) = Xlj(nl, n2, al' 2 ,3' ' Uj) (4.28) -57where n2 obeys (2.23) or (2.24) and nl and nl+n obey (2.25). 1(nl' n2+n' a 1' 2'a3' 2j(n, n2, al Uj) = X ' a3 ) where n1 obeys (2.23) or (2.24) and n 2 and n2 +n obey (2.25). Also (4.29) It must be noted, however, that in some cases, after equations (4.28) and (4.29) are assumed, it is found that similar relations hold for storage levels equal to 1 or Ni-l also. Thus, for instance, the expressions ;(nl,O,O,O,l,U) may be written (2,0,0,0,1,U.) U(3,0,0,0,l,U) 2. = Xlj (2,0,0,0,l,U.) l N1-4 E(N1-2,0,0,0,1,Uj ) = Xlj (4.30) U(2,0,0,0,l,Uj N 1 -3 where E(2,0,0,0,1,U) is given in Appendix B. Each element in B is given by g(s,U) as defined in equation (4.24). Each g(s,U) which corresponds to an odd edge state may be shown to obey relation of the form of equations (4.28)- and (4.29). Thus, for example, n -2 r g(nl,O,O,O,l,U) = Xl IE(2,0,0,0,1,U) -(l-r 1 ) (l-r2)r3 (2,1,0,0,0,U) - (l-r) (l-r2 ) (1-p3)r(2,1,0,0,1,U) -(1-rl)p2 (1-p3 )P(2,1,0,1,1,U) - pl(l-r2 )r3 -Pl(l-r2)(-P3)(2,1,1,0,1,U) -(l-r 1 ) (l-r 2 )E(2,0,0,0,l,U) - plP2 (1-P ) (2,1,1,1,1,U) - pl(l-r 2 )(2,0,1,0,1,U)], nl = 2,..., N1-2 This relationship is only valid for n n = N -l because U(nl(2,l,l,l,l, ) n -2 X1 (2,l,l,',0,U) (4.31) = 2,..., N1-2 and not for 1 (2,1,,1,1,U) for nl= 2,...,N12 -58- only, This is why g(N -l,l,l,l,l,U) is part of B0 and why the dimension of B 0 is dXZ' where d is greater than 6 (i,e., d= 14). This leads to a relation similar to equation (4.28), n -2 g(nl,O,O,O,l,U) = X 1 g(2,0,0,0,1,U), n1 = 2,..., N 1 -2 (4.32) Equation (4.32) suggests that the elements in B corresponding to these odd edge states may be rewritten as a product of two matrices, V1Gll, where V = 1 1 Xll X12 Xl 2 Xll 2 X12 2 Xl' N1-4 . . . N-4 X11 X12 1 1 (4.33) -4 . . X a Vandermonde matrix (Bellman [1970]) of dimensions (N1 g(2,0,0,0,1,U1 ) 0 G 11 = - 0 g (2,0,0,o,Q 0 0 0 0 3)X' and 0 , 2) . 0 is diagonal, of dimension 'x . g(2,0,0,0,1,U,,) (4.34) The elements corresponding to the states in the second, seventh, and eighth rows of the odd edge states in Table 4.4 may be rewritten as similar matrix products, with the same V 1 post-multiplied by different Gli, i = 2,3,4. Similarly, the third through sixth rows are rewritten -59- as products V2G2i, i = 1,..., 4 where 1 X21 v 2 =. . . . 1 1 X29, X22 . 222 N 2-4 N 2-4 X22 X21 (4.35) N2-4 . . X2z and the matrices G2i are appropriately defined diagonal matrices. From the reduced-order system of equations (3.47) it is clear that the B matrix must be singular, since C f 0 if equation (2.14) is to be In Lemma 4.3, it satisfied. 'isshown that, for It is believed that for '" > I, if the U. are all is no greater than X. distinct, the rank of S is exactly A. B of shows that the rank If A' > Lemma 4.3. Proof: Let (T-I) -, the rank of i l'> is R-1. Under this assumption, .Lea 4.4 In the.sequel, Qu Q. ,.. the rank of S is at most Z. be the jth row of T-I. Matrix E has been constructed so that exactly M-k of the M rows of T-I satisfy (T-I). = 0 .T = (4.36) Form the matrix T' by deletina one of the other rows of T-I and replacing T it by V = (1,1,...,1). Again exactly M-t rows T! of T' satisfy T'= . (4.37) T T. (4.38) 0 This is because V T, which is possible to verify, tediously, using the internal expressions (3.22), the boundary expressions in Appendix B, and the parametric -60equations (4.1), (4.2). (It is easier to do what the authors did: to verify this numerically.) Matrix T' has been constructed to have rank M. row vectors in equation Therefore the M-k (4.37) are linearly independent. are orthogonal to these vectors. The columns of E They therefore lie in a subspace of dimen- sion < Q, and the lemma is proved. Lemma 4.4. Proof: Assume . '= Z and the rank of 2 is Q. The rank of T'I is L (Hadley [1964], Then the rank of B is i-1. page 139). Therefore, the rank of (T-I)E is k or Z-l, since it is the same as T'E except for one row. If e is a nonzero vector of dimension Q, there is a unique solution C to (4.39) T'EC = e which isnot zero. T Let e be (0,...,0,1,0,...,0), where the non-zero element is in the location corresponding to the V row in T'. Then (T-I)EC = 0 (4.40) since the row that is replaced in T-I by V is linearly dependent on the other rows (because T-I has rank M-l). Therefore, the rank of non-zero rows of (T-I)5 is Z-1. Since B is composed of the (T-I)-, B also has rank Z-1, and the lemma is proved. This property is used in Section 5.1, where the numerical problems caused by solving (4.40) by singular value decomposition are discussed, and a procedure to avoid such problems for at least moderately large storage capacities is introduced. 4.3 Limiting Behavior of U It is shown in Section 4.2 that the reduced-order system matrix B may be partitioned into submatrices. Some of these are products in- volving Vandermonde matrices, which are known to be poorly behaved (Bellman [1970]), and may be partly responsible for the difficulty in - ---- - ·- ·- ·· ··- ·---- ·- ·-- ·--- ·- - · ·--- ·----- --- · ·- · ·· ·· ;· ;--r · ·- 11 ·· I'---·--·- ·· ·- · ------ · ·---- ·- ·· -61treating. B (see Section 5.1.) Furtherxore, this difficulty is exacerbated as N 1 or N2 (and hence the dimensions of B) increase. The behavior of the vector i(U) as U approaches limiting values is analyzed with the motivation of rendering the B matrix better behaved and easier to construct. The limiting values of U are obtained by allowing Qj (i.e., X1 , X2/X 1 , or 1/X2 , for j = 1,2, and 3 respectively in equation (4.6)) to go to zero or to infinity for some values of j. Once these are analytically derived, the limiting i(U) are obtained by substituting the limiting U into E(°) and scaling so that the vector is non-zero and bounded. Limiting V(U) vectors The derivation of limiting U is described below. are derived in Section 4.4 and a complete listing appears in Appendix C. As a first step, the limiting Z. corresponding to limiting Qj are derived. Equation (4.11) may be rewritten as a quadratic equation in Zj, - Z [Qj(l-rj) Z2jQ (4.41) 1-p] + 1-rj-pj = 0 which, using the quadratic formula, yields EQ.(1-r.) + 1-p. + + 1-p.] 2 - 4Q.(l-r.-p.) + /[Q.(l-r j 2Qj (4.42) + + + If Yj is obtained from Zj by equation (4.10), then Yj > 0 and Yj < 0. The case where Qj + X The root in equation is analyzed first. (4.42) may be rewritten as = ([Qj(l-r) - (l-pj)] 2 + 4Qrp)u/2 (2 J=([+ Qj ((1-rj - ] (1-pj)Cj (4.43) +4r.p. + 4 4 1/2 p ) + 4rip..) 1 / 2 (4.44) -62- where by definition, and Ej + (4.45) Qj J 0 as Qj + i6. = Q o. Equation (4.44) may be expressed as Ef ) - and using a first order Taylor expansion around 6- Q [fj (j') (4.46) = 0, 0. Ej. ()+ (4.47) + f'(0) = Qjf(0) (4.48) where from equation (4.44), f(O) = 1-r. (4.49) ,-r.-p.-r.p. j l-r. f'(0) = (4.50) Thus, equation (4.48) becomes l-r.-p -r.p. 6. Q J(-r.)] - 1-r. Equation (4.51) is substituted into (4.42), giving, as Q + ~ Z + o, + 1.-r . 1-r. + (4.51) (4.52) l-r.-p. Z3 O (4.53) J Qj.(1-rj) The case where Qj + 0 is analyzed similarly. Expanding the right hand side of (4.43) in a Taylor expansion around Qj = 0, that it follows -63- (l-r.-p.-r.p.) 6j -pj l-p. Z.j (4.54) (4.42) yields, as Qj Substituting (4.54) into Z.-, .j -Q i-p j + 0, r.p. + Q. (4.55) + 1-p l-r.-p. J1-pj (4.56) The limiting relations between Zj and Qj for each value of j are given by equations (4.52), (4.53), (4.55), and (4.56). The relations among Qj and Zj, for j= 1,2,3 are now analyzed. Equations (4.53) imply that as Q. (4.52) and (Zj); equations finite value (Z.) or zero as Qj + + , Zj approaches a + (4.55) and (4.56) imply that 0, Zj approaches infinity (Zj) or a finite value (Zj). 3 3 Since + Y. is obtained from Z. by equation (4.10), and Y. < 0, Lemma 4.2 inpoges restrictions on which combinations of limits satisfy the parametric equations. Specifically, Zj + Zj for at most one value of j. Investigating the limiting behavior of U as X. + 0 or X. + X for some 1 3 values of i and j is equivalent to investigating the behavior of U as Qi' i = 1,2,3 approaches limits (equation (4.6)). It is also equivalent to deriving limiting U as Wi , i = 1,2,3 approaches limits. Using this latter approach, the limiting values of U are completely characterized in the following lemma: Lemma 4.5: There are 12 sets of limiting U = Zj and W., j = 1,2,3, corresponding (X1, X2 , Y1 , Y2, Y3 ). (through equations (4.14), The (4.6), and (4.10)) to these limits are given by: (a) For each permutation w (a,~,y) of the numbers (1,2,3), 0 (4.57) l-r-p -64w + -*. (4.58) Z~ 1-r + (1-l-p) (p-r-p)(1-r (1-p) ) (1-r -p ) i . W + Yr t a(1-1-p- Pa) (1-r)(1-ry) (4.59) 1-ip (1-ra-po) (-r (b) For each permutation z+ ) (a,a,y) of the numbers (1,2,3), 0 (4.60) l-r-p a 1-r zg ' Z+ I l-pS (4.61) (1-r-) - (1-r(1-()r,-p) ( 1 -PO (1)y -p)(1-p)(1-p) 1-r, Y (l-zj-) ~ (4.62) l-ra W + Proof: (a) If both W -r W + If Wa + 0, then W W and Wye-, Y then equation for equation (4.16) to be satisfied. (4.15) is used to give -65-ra-pa + Z 1-r Z-+ Z Y + 1-r (4.63) B Y These values cannot satisfy (4.12) since they are each less-than one. only one of (WB,W ) may approach infinity. Assume W i. Then, Z Thus, and Z8 are given by (4.15) and appear in (4.57) and (4.58). Finally, Z is chosen -1 to satisfy (4.12), and is (ZaZ) . Note that the expression for Wy is finite and positive. The denominator is positive since i-pa (4.64) (l-ra-pa)(l-rY-p) (4.65) (l-r-p) (l-r ) (l-ra) < l1-r-pc < and the numerator is positive because (l-r,-pa)(l-r )(l-r -p.) < (4.65) < (l p(X) (l-PY) Case (a) covers six cases, for each permutation of (1,2,3). Case (b) covers the remaining six cases, and are treated in exactly the same way. Lemma 4.5 is thus proved. To expressthese results in terms of X1 , X2, Y1, Y 2, and Y3 , equations (4.10), (4.6), and (4.14) are used. Some symmetry is lost, = since Q1 X1, Q2 = X 2 /X1 , and Q3 = 1/X2 . For example, in part (a) of lemma 4.5, (4.14) implies that Q%+0, Qgi~, and Q approaches a nonzero, finite constant. If (c,~,y) = (1,2,3), then XF0, X /X1 + a, and X 2 approaches a nonzero finite constant. X2+0, If, on the other hand, (a,B,y) = (1,3,2), then X 1 and X2 /Xlapproaches a nonzero, finite constant. quite different cases, as discussed below. (b) implies that Qa+X, Q+O, and 9 + 0, These are two It may also be noted that part approaches a nonzero, finite constant. Although this appears to be merely a different ordering of (a,c,y), in fact the cases are different because the constant terms differ. limit combinations in terms of X i and Qj appear in Table 4.5. The possible The last two -66- -1 Permutation ((,Y) Part Case Xl=Ql 1 0 Constant 0 (3,1,2) b 2 0 Constant 0 (1,3,2) a 3 0 o Constant (2,1,3) b 4 0 o Constant (1,2,3) a 5 Constant 0 0 (3,2,1) b 6 Constant 0 0 (2,3,1) a 7 Constant o 0 (2,3,1) b 8 Constant o ~ (3,2,1) a O0 Constant (1,2,3) b O Constant (2,1,3) a Constant o (1,3,2) b Constant o (3,1,2) a Case 9 10 11 12 co TABLE 4.5 x2/x= Q2 Q X2 Limiting Qj Combinations.(Note that Qj are related by equation (4.6).) and X. The "Constants" are finite, positive real numbers which are generally all different. Compare with Figure 4.1. -67columns of Table 4.5 indicate the part of Lemma 4.5 and the permutation that each limiting case corresponds to. Case 1: Some examples are analyzed below. X1 and X 2 approach zero, and the ratio X 2 /X1 approaches a constant (see Figure 4.1, curves 1 and 6). The limiting Qj are the following: Q1 -+ O Q2 (4.66) constant + Q3 + 0 From equation (4.55), it follows that if Q1 + 0, then either + Z1 . Z1 Z ~ 1-r Z1 1 Z~~~~~~~~+ 00 ~~(4.67) -P 1 (4.68) Z1 = ~1 1-p 1 must If Z -+Zi+, as in (4.67), then at least one of the remaining Z. I 11 approach zero, in order to satisfy equation (4.12). Since Q2 + constant implies that Z 2 + constant (see equation (4.42)), it follows that (4.69) Z3 + Z3 = 0 Then, by Lemma 4.2, it follows (using (4.12)) that Z+ 2 z2 (4.70) 1 +- 1 3 Substituting the first-order Taylor expansions in equations (4.53) and (4.55), Q3 (1 -r3 ) Q1 z+ = - (4.71) 1l-r 3 lr (4.72) -68where equation (4.13) has been used. two unknowns, Z2 and Q2 . Equation two unknowns. Equation (4.72) is an equation in (4.42) is an independent equation in these Substituting (4.72) into (4.42) and simplifying, it follows that (I-p )(l-r3-1 (1-p )[(3 2 (1-Pl)-r3-P3) (l-r 2 ) 3 p2 32 ) (1-r l-r3) 3 (1-Pl)(l-r2 -P2)(l-r3-P3)] (4.73) (l-r2)(l-r3)- 2 Z+ 2 (1-p 3 l-r 3 - (1- 1) 1 - 2 ) (l-r2 2 P 2) (1-r 3 3 ) (4.74) 3 (1-P2) (ll-r3_P3) The limiting U follows from equation (4.66), as well as (4.67), and (4.10). As Z , Y1 + + I. (4.69), If Z3 + 0, then from (4.10), P3 Y 3 = (4.75) 3 l-r 3 Y2 is found by substituting (4.74) into implies that Xl + 0, X2 + (4.10) and solving, while (4.66) 0, and X2/X 1 approaches a nonzero, finite con- stant. Note that these results could also be obtained, as indicated by Table 4.5, by using equations (4.60) - (4.62) with (cL,O,y) = (3,1,2). To obtain the limiting Xi, Yi, and Qi' transformations (4.10), (4.14), and (4.6) are applied. Case 2: One the other hand, if Z 1 + Z1 as in (4.68), then since Z1 is nonzero and finite (as is Z2 ) , it follows that Z 3 must approach a zero and finite limit. Z3 3Z3 23 = From equation non- (4.52), lr 3 3 (4.76) Furthermore, Lemma 4.2 requires that Z2 + Z2, so that using (4.12), Z2 2 (Z3 (4.77) 1-p 1 ( l-r3 ) (1-r l -P) -69- which determines Y .2 Also, substituting (4.68) and (4.76) into (4.10), it follows that rY 1 (4.78) 1-p 1 Y3 = 0 (4.79) The limits of X1 , X2, and X2/X 1 again follow from (4.66) and are 0,0, and a nonzero, finite constant. A complete listing of limiting U appears in Appendix C. These limits, or Lemma 4.5 and Figure 4.2, may be used to characterize curves 1-6 in Figure 4.1. In part (a) of Lemma 4.3, the pair (Za,Wa) must be in region A of Figure 4.2, as it approaches limit (4.57). Thus, Y,<0. Moving continuously in region A, (ZcaIWa) approaches (4.60) in case (b). If a=l, then X 1 = Q1 = Wl/Z1 (from (4.14)) varies from 0 to infinity. If R2in part (a) and y=2 in part (b), then X /X1 = Q2 varies from infinity to a finite value, so that X 2 varies from a finite value to infinity. that this characterizes curve 4 in Figure 4.1. It is clear The other five unbounded curves.may be similarly described. Finally, the fact that curve 7 is bounded and is in the neighborhood of (X1 , X 2 ) = (1,1) when r.i and Pi are small may be demonstrated as follows. If all Y. > 0, then Z.1 > 1-r.1 for all i. 1 (Zi. W i ) e BU C in Figure 4.2. For any permutation (1,2,3), Z > l-r This implies that (a,E,y) of the numbers implies that (4.80) Za < (l-r) (-r from equation (4.12). W.i > 1-Pi for all i. Similarly, if (Z., W) Thus, from (4.16), W Wc< Then, (-psince) (-p Then, since e B U C for all i, then > 1-pc implies that (4.81) -70W zQa (4.82) it follows that (l-pa) (-r B ) (l-r) < < (4.83) -p (4.83) implies that Q~ is in the neighborhood of 1. For small Pi and ri, Since the same development applies to any permutation (a,O,y) of (1,2,3), it follows that X1 , X 2,and X 2 /X 1 are bounded and are in the neighborhood of 1. 4.4 This characterizes curve 7 in Figure 4.1. Limiting Behavior of i(U) The scaled limiting E(s,U) (henceforth denoted by Ek(S), where k = 1,...,12 denotes the limiting cases derived in Section 4.3) is described in this section. limiting vector E k ( s) # 0 (U) is scaled to ensure that the The vector is nonzero and bounded. for some s k |ik ( s ) I That is Ik-1,.,. 12 (4.84) < - for all s The conditions expressed by (4.84) are achieved by performing the following operations: (i) If a variable that approaches zero occurs in the numerators of all elements of (-) divide by the lowest power that the variable is raised to. (ii) If a variable that approaches infinity occurs in the numerator of at least one element of _(-), divide by the highest power that the variable is raised to. (iii) If a variable that approaches zero occurs in the denomi- nator of at least one element of E(-), multiply by- the highest power that the variable is raised to. -71(iv) If a variable that approaches infinity occurs in the denominators of all elements of E(.), multiply by the lowest power that the variable is raised to. It is important to note that in scaling i(-), the direction of the vector is not changed, and that is all that matters. The change in the magnitude of C(.) is compensated for by the magnitudes of the elements of the C vector (i.e., the weighting and normalizing constants of Section 3.4). In performing operations (i) - (iv), it must be borne in mind that certain products or ratios of variables which approach zero or infinity For example, in case 1 of Section may themselves approach constants. 4.3, X 1 + 0 and Y1 + o. From equation (4.2) (with j = 1), it follows that r + -r X1Y. = as Y1 + (l-pl)Y + p Yl 1 + P 1Y 1 1 1-p (4.85) p1 o, giving a nonzero, finite constant. Similarly, X2 always appears in the numerator of expressions in which Z3 appears in the (See Appendix B.) denominator. Thus, from equation (4.2) (with j~3), it follows that Y + (l-p)3)Y3 r + rY (1-P)Y (4.86) X2 1-r 3 + P 3 Y3 Z3 so that X Y Z 2 3 3 +(l-p 3)Y 3 l-r l-r 3 3 -P 3 as i-r 3 Y -+ _ - -3 'P - 3 - (4.88) The limiting behavior of i(U) for case 1 of Section 4.3 is analyzed here as an example. k A complete list of the elements of -- appears in Appendix C. k 1,..., 12, -720, and both these parameters occur in the In case 1, X1 + 0, X2 numerators of all are both 1. (s,U). The lowest powers that X 1 and X 2 are raised to In this case, Y1 + (or alternately, Z 1 X + ). Parameters Y1 and Z1 do not occur in every denominator, but they do appear in some numerators. The highest power of Y1 is the first. Finally, Z3 + O occurs in some denominators; however, those elements of 6(U). in whose denominators Z 3 occurs all have high powers of X 2 in their numerators (see Appendix B), and the ratio X 2 /Z 3 approaches the constant given in (4.87). Thus, 1 is obtained by dividing _(U) by X X2Y 1 and taking the limit determined for case 1. Using the notation (k) (k) (X1U (k) (k) , Yk (k) ), (k) Y.., , = 12 (4.89) (where again k stands for the limiting case number), limiting expressions are found as follows. From Appendix B, (l-rl (r (O,O,O,l,l,U) = 3 - rr 3 - rlP3 XlX2Y1Y2 (4.90) r 1P3 Dividing by XlX 2 Y1 and taking the limit, (l-r) (,0,0,0,1,1) where Y = 2 r1 P3 (rl+ r 3 - 3 (4.91) rlP3 )Y is found by substituting (4.74) into (4.10). Similarly, (l-rl - 01,,1,l,0,U) = which, when divided E1(' 0 1 ,0 ' 1 , ,) Xrl (4.92) by X1 X 2 Y 1, yields the scaled limit = (1-rl( r 1) Y2 )(4.93) Another element of _(U) is (l,l,0,0,l,U) = X1X2Y 3 123~~~~~~~~~~~(.4 (4.94) -73- Rere, Y1 does not appear in the numerator, and Y3 approaches a finite limit. Thus, The (4.95) 0 E1(1,1,0,0,1) (') expressions for higher storage levels involve higher powers of X.. For example, from equation (3.22), 2 3 5(2,3,1,0,1,U) = X X2Y1Y3 (4.96) After equation (4.96) is divided by X 1 X2 Y 1 , the right hand side becomes X X2Y3 and since X1 + 0, X 2 + 0, and Y3 is finite, (4.97) E1(2,3,1,0,1) = 0 In fact, it is easy to verify that internal state always yield zero limits. But the limits have even more structure than that: the regions that yield nonzero given in Figure 4.3 .(-) expressions k(s) on the (nl, n2) plane are If both X 1 and X2 go to zero or infinity, the non- zero Ek(S) appear only in the corners corresponding to small and large ni, respectively. On the other hand, if one of either X 1 or X2 approaches a constant and the other tends towards zero or infinity, nonzero may be found along edges of the (nl,n 2 ) plane. the limiting vectors E k(S) A consequence is that contain large numbers of zero elements. In addition to decreasing memory requirements, this causes some elements of B matrix to vanish and thereby makes it somewhat better behaved. -74- N2 ocases cases 7&8 - N10 nc Figure 4.3. IIk Non-zero [ks) regions for k=l ,, . ,12 5. DISCUSSION OF METHOD AND RESULTS The algorithm for studying the unreliable transfer line with buffer storages is now complete. 2. A Markov chain model is formulated in Chapter In Chapter 3, state transition equations are analyzed; the form of expressions for the probabilities of internal states is guessed and the remaining expressions are derived. Coefficients are obtained by solving a reduced-order system of equations, as discussed in Chapter 4. Numerical problems inherent in finite precision digital computers give rise to serious difficulties in the implementation of this algorithm. Furthermore, memory requirements are considerable, since the size of the B matrix increases with storage capacities. discussed in Section 5.1. given in Section 5.2. These difficulties are A qualitative discussion of the solution is Finally, conclusions and a discussion of directions for future research appear in Chapter 6. 5.1 Solution of Reduced-Order Systems: Memory Requirements and Numerical Difficulties As discussed in Section 3.4, the reduced-order system of equations (3.47) is obtained by deleting all the rows that are identically zero in the matrix (T-I)B. Since only a small number of E(-) expressions do not satisfy all transition equations, the dimensions of B (given by equation (4.:26)) are considerably smaller than those of T. It is shown in Section 2.4 that equations (2.14) and gether uniquely determine the solution vector p. (2.19) to- It may be concluded that for the present Markov chain, the matrix (T-I) has a nullity of 1. Furthermore, it is proved in Section 4.2 that the nullity of 1 per- sists in B, if {UJ, j l,..,2 is chosen so that. 2 has rank Q. The matrix equation (5.1) BC - O may be solved by performing a singular value decomposition on B. a detailed review, see Golub [1969], Golub and Kahan [1965].) p is normalized so as to satisfy (2.14). -75- (For The vector -76- The singular values are the non-negative square roots of the eigenvalues v. of BTB, i.e. of a. which satisfy B BC. = a. C.. - (5.2) 1-31 The vectors C. are the singular vectors (which are the eigenvectors of T 1 B B) corresponding to these singular values. If B has a nullity of 1, then exactly one eigenvalue of B is zero, so that if C is the cor- responding eigenvector, (5.3) BC= -k and thus T (5.4) B BC = 0 k That is, 0 is a singular value of B and Ck is the corresponding singular vector. Because of finite precision, however, ak may be very small (e.g., below the range of machine precision) but not exactly zero. If there is a significant gap between the smallest and next smallest singular values, then the smallest singular value may safely be assumed to be an approximation to the zero singular value. Its corresponding singular vector is then approximately the solution of (5.1). If a gap separates more than one small singular value from the rest, the singular vectors corresponding to all small singular values span the solution space, i.e., numerically, the singular vectors corresponding to each of these singular values, or any linear combination of these, are legitimate solutions of (5.1). Since the nullity of (T-I) is 1, however, a unique nontrivial solution p exists. The singular vector which yields the correct solution may be found by scanning over all those that correspond to small singular values and choosing the one which gives a distinctly non-zero p. Other singular vectors yield nearly zero p vectors (before normalizing according to (2.14)). If, however, the singular value decomposition does not exhibit a gap, no information on rank is available. Computer implementation of -77the algorithm described in this report fails to yield a gap when applied to some lines with large storage capacities. In such cases, the method Ultimately, the measure of discussed here fails to give good results. the accuracy of any computer run is given by the error p -Tp. The solution is found to be generally sensitive to numerical errors, so that IBM extended precision arithmetic (32 decimal digits) has been used for lines with both storage capacities greater than 10. The accuracy obtained depends on the r i and Pi parameters as well as the storage sizes. -3 between the smallest two singular values has been obtained A gap of 10 for a case with storages of 15 and 16. Pomerance 11979] used Honeywell double precision (18 digits) and failed to obtain accurate results for Extended precision arithmetic in- storage capacity more than N1 = N 2 = 9. creases both computation time and memory requirements by close to a factor of 2 over double precision (16 digit). This difficulty is one of the main limitations to efficient use of the methods presented here. An additional difficulty of as great significance is the large memory Although relatively efficient storage techniques may be used; requirement. memory requirements remain high due to the size of the B matrix. Although values may be stored on slow memory (e.g., disk) or computed as needed, this would certainly be at the expense of speed and may render the method prohibitively expensive. 5.2 Qualitative Discussion of the Solution In this section is a short discussion of qualitative aspects of the form of the solution outlined in the present report. This section does not describe those physical attributes, such as efficiency and average in-process inventory, which are independent of the solution method. These are investi- gated qualitatively in Schick and Gershwin 11978] and Pomerance 11979]. 5.2.1 Magnitudes of · Expressions Examination of the values of probabilities p(n1 , n2 , al' 52' a3) reveals some.distinctive characteristics. Internal state probabilities are generally smaller than certain edge probabilities, and these edge -78states are less probable than some of the corner states. The smallest edge and corner state probabilities are on the same order as internal probabilities. This is not merely a result of the solution method described here. If it were, this procedure would not be valid. It can be observed in the solution displayed in Gershwin and Schick [1977] which was calculated by iterated matrix multiplication. (See Schick and Gershwin [1978].) The parameters of that case are N 1 = N 1 2' P3 = 0.05, rl = 0.20, r2 = 0.20, r3 = 0.15. -3 -4 are on the order of 10 and 10 . 10, P = 0.10, P 1 0 05, 2 The internal probabilities Some edge states (which appear in Tables 3.2 and 3.3) have probabilities in that range, but others (such as (l,n2 ,1,1,0), n2= 2,...,N2-1=9 have probabilities in the neighborhood -2 of 10 . Some corner probabilities (in Tables 3.2 and 3.3) are as small as internal probabilities; others (such as p(0,l,0,l,0)) are comparable to edge probabilities; still others are larger than 10-1 . This may be because the p.i and ri values are such that when the system leaves an edge or corner due to a change in a machine state, it is unlikely that another change in machine state will occur before another edge or corner is reached. Consequently the system tends to move through internal states until edges are reached, and along edges until corners are reached. To insure this, it is assumed, in the discussion that follows, that Pi = Pi6 and ri = ri6, where pi and r i are 0(1) and 6 is 0(1/N) where N = max N i. i The U(s,U) expressions found here tend to agree with these observations on p(s). Of course, some boundary state expressions agree with these observations because they were deliberately chosen to agree. (See Section 3.3.3.) Others, however, are chosen to satisfy transition equations. Certain edge expressions in Appendix B (such as (l,n2,l,,1,0,U), n2= 2,...,N2-1) are clearly 0(6-1 ) times an internal expression. It is more difficult to assess the magnitudes of such edge expressions as (O0,n2,0,1,0,U), n2 = 2,...,N2-1. contains a difference of two terms. This is because the numerator However, when U is on the closed curve in Figure 4.1 (curve 7), then X.Zi. - 1 is also 0(6). 1 1= 0(6) and (1-r (See Sections 4.1 and 4.3.) i + PiYi) - 1 = Therefore the -79difference is 0(6) and the expression is 0( 1 ) times an internal expression. Similarly, some corner expressions, such as E(0,0,0,l,l,U) are -2 0(6 ) times on internal expression. 5.2.2 Valuesoff U., j-1,.,$ Several numerical experiments were performed concerning the distribution of U.= (X j equations. X 2j, Ylj, Y2j, Y3j) solutions of the parametric It was observed that the quality of the numerical solution obtained varied with different choices of the parameter sets Uj, j= 1,..., For example, a simulation is described in Gershwin and Schick [19771 from which values for X1 , X2 , Y1 , Y2, and Y3 were estimated under the (incorrect) assumption that V'= 1 in (3.41). The estimates and sample variances indicated values for X 1 and X 2 near curve 7 in Figure 4.1. An experiment was therefore performed in which the algorithm described here was run with all U. so that Xlj and X2j parameters chosen fell on this curve. The results were surprisingly bad: the numerical rank of the KxX matrix B was roughly L/2 rather than the correct value Z-1. That is, roughly Z/2 of the singular values of B were indistinguishable from zero. This may be attributed to the fact that all the Xlj and X2j were close to one another, and to the block Vandermonde structure of B described in Section 4.2. By contrast, relatively good results have been obtained when none of the points were chosen on curve 7. That is, when points are dis- tributed relatively uniformly on the other six curves in Figure 4.1, the B matrix has unambiguously had a rank of k-1 for the same storage capacities. The smallest singular value has been indistinguishable from zero (i.e., below the range of machine precision) and there has been a substantial gap between the smallest and second smallest singular values, with the second smallest singular value being clearly non-zero. P Also, the vector p-Tp has been substantially smaller than . -80- The best results have been obtained when the points are relatively evenly distributed on these six curves. Using the extreme points (limiting U and r ) discussed in Section 4.3 and 4.4 also slightly im-Jk proves the solution. Using only extreme and curve 7 points, however, is not better than only curve 7 points. The question of how to best choose the Uj points is not well understood. Considerable freedom is available for choosing these points, and it is clear that how they are chosen makes a difference. Further study is required. 6. CONCLUSIONS AND AREAS OF FUTURE RESEARCH This report describes a method that may be useful for solving a wide variety of Markov chains and processes, and which has been applied to the analysis of a three-machine, two-storage transfer line. This application illustrates that the method requires considerable involvement with the system under investigation. It is not, currently, a general technique which can be mechanically applied. The complete program written for the transfer line is limited to systems whose storages hold about 20 workpieces each. It is limited by both memory requirements and, more acutely, computer precision. Further work is needed for the program to be applied to large storages, and for the method to be usefully extended to longer lines. In this section, some research areas are described which may help reduce these difficulties. 6.1 Different Boundary Expressions When the E(s,U) expressions in Appendix B were obtained by the method described in Section 3.3.4, it was not fully understood, at first, that some transition equations would not be satisfied by these expressions. Also, the consequences for the size of the B matrix were not appreciated. As a result, no effort was made to reduce the number of such equations. = AN 1 As pointed out in Section 4.2, there are + A2N2 + C (6.1) unsatisfied equations, where Al = A 2 = 4 and C = -10. A proposed research task is to try to treat the boundary equations in a different sequence. Edge states should be fully analyzed before any consideration is given to corner states. The intention is to reduce A1 and A2, possibly at the expense of increasing C. This is a cost that should be willingly paid since it reduces the growth of Z, size of theB matrix, as N1 and N2 are increased. -81- the -82- 6.2 j Choices of U., J = 1,..., The set {U1 , U 2 ,..., UZ } . is not determined. Each point is required to fall on the manifold determined by the parametric equations, but there are an infinite number of such points, and only k are required. Once they are chosen, {C1, C2,..., Cj p(s) C } is determined and (6.2) S,Uj) j=l can be calculated all states s (subject to normalization). If for a given problem (i.e., a given set of Pi, ri, and N.), two different sets of U. are considered, two different sets of C. will result, but both J I will produce the same p(s) for all states s. On the other hand, it is noted in Section 5.2.2 that the choice of the Uj makes a difference in the numerical behavior of the solution. Thus, there must be a best way of choosing these points. For example, it may be useful to choose U. some odd state s. (See equation (3.25.) so that g(s,U) = 0 for This will cause many of the elements in column j of the B matrix to vanish, if s is an edge state. Another possible approach comes from the observation that if U(s,U) satisfies all transition equations other than the odd equations, then so does m d (s,U) i= 1,2, m > 0 (6.3) m > 0 (6.4) and m d (s,U) dym i = 1,2,3 1 where full derivatives are taken, i.e. where relations (4.1) and (4.2) are taken into account. This is because if both U and U+ AU satisfy -83(4.1) and (4.2), then both (s,U) and odd transition equations. (s, U+ AU) satisfy all but the The same is therefore true of 0 AX, I(s, U+ AU) (s,U)] ; - i=1,2 (6.5) i =1,2,3 (6.6) and A1 [(s(s, U+ AU) -](s,U)], where AU = (AX1 , AX2, AY, 1 AY 2, AY3 ), and it remains true as AU + . By the same reasoning, higher derivatives also satisfy all except the odd transition equations. Consequently, derivatives (6.3) and (6.4) can be used to generate the probability vector: 2 . p s) m. E 2 i=l 3 E+ i=l where ij j=l =O : m: ' 1 C· e- = j=1 as before, the C.. m di m (s,U) (6.7) 1 and C!. ivij c (sI)= (U= U ECE m E ij a3m coefficients are obtained by solving a suitable set of equations BC = 0 (6.8) p(s) = 1 (6.9) all s The reason for investigating this is that that resulting B matrix no longer has the block Vandermonde structure of Section 4.2. its blocks have columns which are combinations of In fact, -84- 1 0 0 X. 1 0 X.j 2X. Xij :2· N.-4' X N -5 ((N1 I i] 4 ijJX , .. N. -6 ) ) 1(N1 5) (-4)X These vectors are linearly independent and not numerically close to dependent. 6.3 Alternative Models The transfer line problem is interesting and difficult because of the boundary behavior. It may be possible to make it less difficult but no less interesting by slightly modifying the boundary. New models should be investigated which have the qualitatively important features of transfer lines, but whose boundaries are easier to deal with. This again is intended to have the effect of reducing A1 and A2 of equation (6.1). One possibility is the exponential service time model described (for a two-stage line) by Gershwin and Berman [1978]. This appears to be a likely candidate because the boundary seems to involve only two storage levels for each storage (n. = 0 and N.) rather than four (ni = 0,1,Ni-l, and Ni) as in the deterministic service time model. 1 1 1 (6.10) APPENDIX A A Set of State Transition Equations for N1 = N 2 = 5 The FORMAC program described in Schick and Gershwin 119783 was used to produce the complete set of state transition equations for recurrent states for a transfer line with storage capacities N 1 = N 2 = 5. It may be noted that this case is the smallest (in terms of storage capacity) for which the upper and lower boundaries and their immediately adjacent internal states are completely distinct. The transition equations thus obtained appear in the pages that follow. -85- -86'"13 ** EQUAT¢ O = - 1 P. 0, 0, s) - F! 4 1 ) P. ..................................... 4 " 1, I C¥1, 'II - ?. : il 4 1 ) r.:. 1 2 I ),I, 0, I, 0 ) i ) P.I 3, 3 3, ~2,3, 1, 1, ., 1, 0 ) 3· 1, 0, 1, 1 ) P3 1- 1 I P 0, a. 0, 1, I · 3 · I - 4 - R1 : *1%.JJTjJAI'J.V 1:. - +1 - 1 .1) EtQUATI1N No3. Z."3 *e * ( * ) - R1 · 1 ) P. . P3* 0, I 1, 0, 1 0 4*4 '3 ) 113 ( ' hi * I ) P.( 1, 0, - 0, 1 ) £2 * ( 0,, 1 ) ( RI - 4 1 ) P.( 1, 1, 0, 0 1)c =£2. - ---P*) J.-)(--- --1, 211, 1) 1 ) ?1P.( 1, -221) -234tP·l 1)2 - -1 -) 1,1 z'o .C --'3,-----2, P. 0, 1,---I0)C---1,+ 1, 3, 3, 0 ) h2 h3 ( - P41 P.( 1,' - 1,-1C-P3) 1,- -1 -) -P1- P3 -------------------------------------------- -1,1) - - - -(- 1 e. 1 ) 0.,: ,1`2, 0, 1, 0 ) 3 - P 2+ I ;) 1 0 0,1, 0, .{ I ) 2 1. P3 * - RI + I ) .(1 4. O. P .0) -+ 1 P. 2NO. ) 1, 3 , 1 *"EQUATION Z *44L·QUATICN~ I )=.2 : 113. ) P.2 ZERO = - P.C ,,2232, + ,I 11 0 .· ---- - ---- -------P1+1) --- . 1 1, 14 ) (- 2 - +1 ) P.C 1, 6* 444 ,5 - RI1*· I 1) ) -P. P.o 11, , 2, - --- ;----- - ·--------------------- 2, 0 3, 3 ) 444EQ0ATI0N ZERO = - P.r, - -- )p.-:-jF-3P.:0, ).-3--3, ,1O, , 1, c--1 )P3 + -------------- I 1, ,0 - - 3.O 3, 00,1, , 1 ) 1, - , 1)+( 0.). -?21)-NO. 1) (-**EQUATION-2 ZERO = - P. -RI+1 ) - -- - - - . ( 1, 2, , D) * ( , 3, ) - 22 2 , 1, 1) · I ) ( - R3 ---------'------------------------**-EQATIO)PN 1 O, . .EO1 lP) (· I (O ,I', 3, P. R -O,, I)+D R1 - )2 1)0) 4*** EQOTIO) 20.;e , 4a Oe l -881~ c O,1· 15 ·3,-------------O O,) ;'. ) R2 -------- P 4**4EQATIOI ------ZERO = -I P. P NO. 0, 3, ------- )(,, P3-+1 )1 ,P NO. O*. ·***EQ2AT1i ZERO R3·I}{- 1-IRIP.3 P'. ))1,, I ) : ;'13 3, -- I 1I1t I ) P.' 1, P.Ci, P.( 1, *44 2 1, - E 1) 4 2, 1, -1 0,, 1 1, 2 R3 1, 3 - 1) --R1 --- 14-1)?-I1) p - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 4 + -I )1I - P2 + 1 ) P. 23, , 1, 0 1 ) ;3 - P3 2 P3 + I, P.( I ) C - 1) 0O 3, 0, 1 1, 3 ) P1 233 1, 3 ( - P - P2 · 1 ) P. + 1) P.[ 1, 23. 1 11, 0 ) P1( I ) 1P.: : 1, 2, 0, 1, 1) I I P. l + 1) P , 30, I1 2, 0, 1, 1) 1, 3, 12 1, ) -R3 P3 1 ) P1 33 '1) ) P. +11) ,[ 3 - ·I 1 1 -I1 P.o 0. P 3. 0. I 0 ) ------------------- - 13, 1, -I3 I ) ), P. )P.0---0)----------0--- -2)C3 5 131 1P2 -----------------------------P ------------- -''"" .al *3 -; P3 * 30(.1..)3C, -1+ I) -: 81 P,(1 -13I1) O [. i,, O= P,2 * I) ), P2 ----------- -1) - ---------------------C( -21)P.1)P(C1,3,1, "I3-C---C---------------------------P ---------- I. ---- ------ ~·( 10 : · r [ . 44 ;'3 * R3 -·a1Ii r I I* )3 P.C :~ +--)11 - I P) + 1 3 -· P2. PC 1, . ),hl8 1·3, 1, I 1 I;'[l 1 -, ) ) P 3e Oe · CB34 +1,)P 1 ) [-t 1., -.) O,! 4. 1 I ... '-----------------P. 1, 1, 1} 11, I3l ) -----------------PP 2 P * C P- -----------------------------------------------+1 ) C - 21 1) PCi, l 1 , I0. . 23 4 "P.. 1N P.:0 ( , 1 ·5,) 11 O,O , 3[ 0, · f "-"- 1,-I 0, PI -----------------+-------------1, ) P.C I 1 1, " P2--1, P 1,* ) 32 *- ·2 ,0 I ) )42-+ ZERO,- P.: 1,1, 1,1,2 3,, 1, 13 4 12 P) ) i, · 4*42EQAT33 CO - 1 14: El, 0)23 -P3, 3 P -*NO. 3****EQUAT 1' NO. 1,,, 2. O,l 1 I } li·* = 1+ R IION Z.ERO O, [, -P;2 P}P. I)-P.( ?{1 I2 ' 2 P* { ,, 1, · 1, I a, I' 1, ), - ;3·I, - --- """~--------R) [ 0,C 0. ) ,3·.)RI 1, 10+ 1I4i, - 1 3I., 13 · I )': P.3 0 1, ------------------------------. ------------------------------1I 1 -( ---- 1 1----1, 0,- '.0=----0, ) - - -1 ---------P3 P. )21 -- 1- -I - -- - - - - I- - - - - R - - - ------------- ~ + : ------------------------------------------------ ,,, ----- P2 1,,1,I 1,)1, 1.I 1, (1 ) - P13 P3 I ) ( ( ------------------------------------- P1 ) P.: 1, ------ ----- ------------------) I - **OEQUATICH~~~~ N. 1PZ '.2) ·1, 1 1,) P.( - P3 -- 2.0O.~1.0) 23 0. 1, 1) 2, 0, -R31)P..' 1-+ 2 · o0,0, 0) - 1 ) ;P. I ) 71 )------------------2 2341) C lP)2,l,0) .(1,4.i,1,1)P14(----""'--"'-""""--'------------------------------ ----------1-10, -P3 P3I 4 I) ( -I -214)1·1) - 2 · - 1, 2, .1, 1, 0) *4 1, 1 1) P'. ) 0 3 · - 1 -P2 234~-31-1) P31 6) , i -- - - - - --------------------------,,----------- 0, O, 2, 0, 1 1 I ) ,0, 0 12 P3 0, 1) ,-22 -- -1) -R RI·- 1) -14 P4 2,1,0 -0, 1,1) -) -3.- [ -( 1)C -3I --I P.o - 1, .` -) I. ' -1, P3 - R3- + ) 3 3 P22 03 1, P.( 3, j -- -- P2 41 -2+ 1 7C - 1 ) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -7 - - - - - 2 -2 10. 3, . 1, I ) P.:, :f ,---- 2 --- · 0 P. 1, 1 3i -,1tP P 23 1+ I Ot1. + IP 3., l ) . ----------------------------- ) 1.2 - -I 2.1, 1-·3 PI3 , 21 P.C 1, 2- I 0P341) 1 14-21.1) I I3 P 1C 4.2 4= 1, 41 . ,1 )* 1,e-.:21 12 3C3· I O P .I P. I 2. I )0 0, 1 21 3) -1I ),P410,1.1) · Ip .O,P.( ' 1,, 1,, i I E.l P ~ IRI } I. 03 1, 3 P,2, P 1I3 )) · I ?2 I11,,E' 2,,1, :PI ,) I,,O, 2 O,+ (+ ) P.{ )3 I: ~3 I I ) I -I (3 it1 + P.. I R1 2, -. I I· ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. -874**~,I~TIOp :4o. :EAU : P. C2I ,1 0 1,%9* P. 2.. ,1) 1 -- - - -- - - I'-- -- - - -- ~l) 1 ,~( IP.CO, I , ......... = ---- ?3 · 1) I P. ....... 1 -. , 1,0. z, -1 p ) 0, 0, 1, ---- ~.( ) ---- 1,0I .) 0 )P.( P2 , 1 2 , 1P, 1( 1, , - RI 1 *. I ) P.{ 2, 0,REl4 I2, '- ----- , 1 )P ---- ( ( -- ) * 3 2 3ERO= -~.Cl. p.[1,12 11..OO,0)4~. LEF0 Pl3 1l) P.C1l,2.' 1, ) 1):) - P) + 1,¶+ P.: ZP3Z :) ) P.I p.1P. R221 0, NO. PI - I2+ I { I,3 ) + t -31I ),) , 0, :>F. 0, 4*L*UP.7T~3N 80. ·*330=1_1 ]1:.1)P &EP= .(2 1 -P.1,20,l.O)4Pf ,2, 0,1,1) - 1,1 1, P. 0 1., ) I I, 20 .(2,1,1, :241, .) )1 I )) P.( + 1, - ) 4 ,1-2)PC )P1 1-, 0, 1. P I)P3,r 1)2 ) 1, 1, R2 { -- P1 I -· P3 1 '2+ I - ---- ( 1, -2. P 0 ( Pr3 · I) - it-1+ I ) P.! ). 2w 2, 23 P.,( 2. 1, 2. . O 1I(, ------------------------------1, 0 ) P lP.3+ --------------------------------------***EL0UATog0 ZEUO = - P.( NO. 1, 2, 1. 1, 22 -P.( 0) 1 1) ,320~,+0, I) I -82 ) P.( 2 1,.R1I +P 0 , ) P.( It 1, , .( +*:*EQDATIOI P ): - ?3 NO. +1 ) 1 R1- + 23 ZERO.0 -P.[ 1, 3,0l, 0, I .CZ. , 0,0.3I2p + e2 -831+ ,1,I)?.C2 .: 1)p1 1)) P . 2, -. P 3 0, 1, I ------------------O, 1 ) + ,l3 2 :- - P.a)I) · - : ,+ I ) P .1I * ) p2r PI2 ap 0 -0, ---------I -PF3 ) P21(l , + ,, P-CI, ) C ) P2 P1 RI + 2… R2 - -0 - , - 0,) ,, P3 1'. 2, ) - 1) --- 1 …-----… ,…------------------------------------, )- --------21 - l [ , ) F3 P.C10,·-------- ,321 )P e3I . 2, 3.. ) P. c - P32 · 1, 1 --------------0, - +2 -2.-...P 0, 1 1) P3 - …--------------------------------------------------------- O, 1,. - )C2 - 33+ +4~-1 C - 81 1 ) E3 2 **#EQUATIO a1 - - 1 - --NO. P.- +- 1,- -) -O,- -O, - -27) - CZL;O0 - P.C 1, ,O, 1,1,3+ P.2 P.C( 2,32, 1, 1, I ) P1 -P341)+I C 1 C 33. 1, 3, P1 0 1, 2 ~ ~~ 33 , 82+[- 1 P2, · 0w1 0) PI I · &eeEQUAT6 I P 3+: +' . 3, ZBF3NIOX I. 2 1 ,1, -, P.2. 2O,, 28 P.- , I ) 31 * - - RI &I R+ I +I - E-------C 3, 2, 2. ( ) 0, P.( , 0.. - - 1, - 1, 3, - 1,,- RI · , 0 P2 * 1 )- C + -P2.) ~ I ) P P. '.1 · 2, : -R 1, I]P ------------------------ --0, : ~0 1) + .1P.(2. P.C .--- -3 4 3, 321)1' fi P.( -E - - 2 0..0).. ----- 2, 1, 1 -3, 21.) l m( -3 C - -I 1O . P . -P241) 2. 3, 1, 0. Z3 1 ) Pi 1,1) -lP2. 1 ) 1 ) P2 P P1 1 ) P. P 4 PC2 03 + ) ) e, ·P2'I 1( 2 3 , , 1, 3w. C, 1 - PI P2 + I )· ~ f': [1-I 2.) F1 P 1~ 1 3 1 $· I P3 C P P( II - -- , ),IO, P( IO)P 3, R 3,. 2w 0 )* P.C0- P2 0I3I 1,P 1 3… 3, C.0. ., ,I I ) + …2 … - P…2 + I ) 2., 2I 1 I, )1 P12OIil*P.1 ,3 4. R1 .3 13 2+ (I )C-.[1 1 -jP-- - P2 *7* 21 2, ) P-[ P. 2, [ P1- .- I …- --- 1) I … - 31 - - - 1 …---… - - 2 1, I ) P2- P3 - PC El I)P. 2, 2.10.OI)82834 ~ ~ I ~-= 27-~P.8P) ~ ~ 0 ) . -…-- 1 ---- ) 83 P32 -) 1 P.C 2, 2. 1, ) Pp.C3 2, I3, 0- 1. I ) P3 -,) 0)3+P2 3, 0, …--------------… P. (I- - . …-- - 3+ - - 3 ) C +- 31 + P2 I1 - *I) …--1 · -;P2 - - P- 2, 24 …--------…-… P.C 1- -0) 4 -…-C2, - -3 + 01 I 3)--P.21, 0.q I Pi32 - I * 1 ) P.C 2, C 3 +I *·*EQUATION ZERO = - P. : P2w 3, * - - 2. )- PI - ....…---------------P2 P3 4 -----I 1, 0) - PI I, ~~~- ·· *EQUATION ZERO . - --P.- t -NO. I , 3,- - -O, -,0. -I - -+2S -P. - [ -'1, - 4, - --I.1, C,:.11, -1 , ) -' 1, , ) P2 2+ 1,2+ I )1* I) I 1) P. I+I) 1, . P.(1, 2,1 )~1 2, 1, - P2a + P1 1I P3+ lw- p1 2w 2{ 2---------- . I. ------------ - )----------------------------------------C,.2.0;, 1 . ( R-1 P-2 ) P. - *·· 32I , 0.3 2, …)-P1 I O, 2, ' 1P.C 1, 1, 1, 1),3 0, ) P.( ) 3?22, 83 2, 1,C - P2 1 )+p1 ) 1}C- -----------------------R11 1 }P.C2,01, 3, II ) ) 1.P. -33+1) * C I, 2, 3 C , …---…-----------------…----------I, I ) Ft. t .2. .I. IO, 0)R P1 2#I). L'2 i*Ip · 1I) P.11, 1,1,1)-33+ f,) **·EQUATIO# NO. * 3, ) 1.,[ 1,-31+1)PC-t3. ZERO =- + P. 4[ 2) P 1, P.( . C 1, 3, P3 0O 1. ) 0) C+P233 C - El 1 ) 1,3, P. 110, 3, 0,0, 1 0, 0 C - P3 ) I )P2P. PI C+ 1, I 6. 1, 1. 1 ) P2 pi -I RI 4+ I [2 , .2 P Of I , 1, 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ) 33 ) 32, 1, 31 1 11 I- ) 22 ) t2 PI 1 ) - ------------- --- -- ------ -- -----------------------------I --' + 2. -O1E3--+ -I1 )--2 -+1,--, 2w - -P2 PI * (I -------I- c P.( ! +P.( 1,) . 2,- RI O, + O,I I ) )P ,'3 (2. -0, ) F, P.{ 1,, + lw 1: ) ) ( P2- PI 83 · 2, 1 )21 ' . -12,51 I ·) 1Pi) O,( Io: …"---""--'---------… **¥EQUATION 0O. 2 ZERO P. 1,1,, 2.. .3 ·RII ) ( 0, t8 1) 0, 0, P.(2, 1, 1,--------------------------1, 1 1P3 + -- P2 + ------------------------------------1 ) . - P1 * 1 ) P 2, 32 1 ) . 0) ------------------------3 +( + I) P.( -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 .1, I ) 32 + : - 2 ) - 3 2+ - ) 1 I ) P. ( 0, )-------3, 00 0, ----------- P,--------I -K' -1 (-R - P 2, l,, 1, 1,I343 ) RJ - El + P. 1: 1', 21 1P- , o, 1, o ----- -I) iP.: 1, - ) -3 , 1,0.1, ----------------------------4**FQUATIO3 NO.-------21^----------I----------------ZERO - 1, P.()2 1, I 2, 0,,PIP3( 1, P.(2 ), I 1, -p , 0 .I)P. ) P2 P1 C2,. 3 + -I, P.1 , 1, -, ---------------------------w---------------------------------41)C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -P3+ 0F., + I )?~ I ,2 3 + I. +, ) I 2( ) )[-1P-. F 1, 3,0, 82 83 + P.( - P2 + I I o 2 I1 0) ----- ,)PZ* P0 · ( 1 0, :, 19 1, 1 ) P2 , {. - P24-1 P O I 1 2( ZER3 li 2,1,32_ 0, ,0I'0,0I LI, 3 + ) E3 * C 2., -1 , R31,. tI+)I P)2 PIP 3 ( 2, . , - PI +4 1P. )( ?.C *-*PQUATION - 2 )P -: C, 1) 2,0 1, i, 1, 0, 0, ---- 1)+ P.( 11 1i - 1, ) 1) * P.( 1, 11,~0, -P 4 t P1__ 2,c 30. I, 1, 1 1, 1,) 1·_"r ( ), - 0 )1)32 atP. 3x ***L2UATIoN 18w ---- 1 -.P P3 , 0+0,)[ I1 I )1, P.. . · 1,t[ , ,O (. I 8 -1. 2·0 I) 2*IIt .. l 0 …3 …2 … P.2 n3I Al I2*) , P * 1P D - 2 -R P1 - Pi2 · 2 ) [ t t -88*,4.;:I.TIO!I a RJ 1, 1 29 .'0. 7.~;~:) -- - ,'.: l, , 1, 1, - pi 3 **$ 1 ) + p.[ 1, 1 ) P. 1, 3, 3, O, 0, ro2 P 3 L I 0, I ) 1-2 RI 3 P 0, - P3 :, I, , ) , 4, ', 1 1 ) P2 81 I , 1 ) iii I - P2 P , 1 3. , I 4 - 23 4. 1 I ----;.---- ---- --- --- -;----- --- -------;- ---------- ' ; -------- ------- ----- ----- --- ------- --- ---- -------- --- ----- ---- 1 )i'.l1, 3,3, .1,1) I1 + I ) P. ( 1, 3, 1, 1, .......................... ***LQ39I tON 3. ER3 - . , , , P. ( 1, 1, 4, - 2 I2 - P11 PI+) I ) P.,,1, 3. 1, 1 ) 343# , -P2 21) - PI1)4 I P3 I ) , 1, 3 ) ,2 33 P. ) *!o 1 , - C -I3 1 1, , 1, 1, P+ Pt 1'3RI *1 P3 + ) P.I 1, l +1 } - 4, 0, 1. P. 1, 4. ), 3 ) P2 * - 1, I ) P2 P3 . 2) + I - 13 3 * 1 - 1I RI 4. - 1 ) ?. 4 1, *4, 3, 3, 0 ...................--1 )~~~~~~~~~3 :'**L. 3X(. C0. 31 .*** lEr,o - ?.( 1, ', O, I, 0) . a.( 2, 3 , 1, 1 ) P1 12 73 :. - R1 * 1 ) P.: 2, 3, O, O, I ) 112 P3 * [ - p2 .I ) ....................................................................................................................... P. ( 2,3, 1, 1, I) 1P3]( -P2 + I ) ( -1.1)?.(2,3,0,1,1)P3*( - R3.1)P.( 2.3,1, , 0O)P1 ........................................................................................................................ P2 * 4 - E .1 - 1 1 _) P.I 2, 3, 0, O, 0') 12 * 4 - P2 * 1 ) ( - R3 * 1 ) P.( 2, 3, 1, 1,. 0) P1 4 ( - P2 + 1) : -1341 I) ...................................................... *F.IjATIN LZEO = · 0 ) - P. 1, P - P1t1)P.4:2, !13. 3+( 3.0, 1, 0) 32 .4$0 4, 3, 1, 1 ) * P.: 2, - 22 ) .( 4, 2, 4,', 1, 1, 0, 0 ) P1.3 +( -R1 1) P. ( 2, 4, 3, 1, 0 ) 3 1 -2 + ) (-P31). ....................................................................................................................... * 1 ) '. 4 2, 4, 0, 1, 1 ) 4***E..23AXTF I'NO. LERO , 1) -P.( 1, 4, 1, 1, P3 Pi. ( - F.3+1) i.C.,3,0, 32Re( 1 1 ) P.( + I ) P.1 i, 1, *** 1) 2 P3 aR · P. 43, 4, 33 · P.( 1, 3.0, 0, 0 t * ( '- 3 ) PI ?2 P ( 2., ,3)3. ) -3 5, ) 0, 2, 3, 0, 0 ) g2 1, 0 ) R3*( P1 I -P2 1, 1 ) P.{ 4, 0, 1) -1 ) P3 R1 : 4O, 0,I,o1, 3 + P.( -P2I ( I, - 1 R1 + P3 - P2 31 1, 5, ) -2 I ) P. 1, 3, -P2E41) 1,1 -I33 1 ) P. 1, 3, ,1,1, 0.) [,I + -P2 + 1 ) - P1 + P. 1, 3, 1, 1, I ) P3'+ (P2 + I ) - P1 1 ) 3 .-.......-- - -- -- -- -- --- --- -- --- --- --- - - -- . . -- -------------- --- --- -- - -- .- ...... .. . ------ ----....................... .i I1 P. 1, 3, 1, 1, 0I .......................... ***EQ~UATION 0D. 34 *** ZEFO = - P.: 1. 4, 1, 1, I ) + P.: 1, 4, 0, 0, 0 ) i2 F3 Il + P.( 0, 5, 0, 1, 0_) 3 R1 + [ - P2 · 1 ) P.[ 1, 4, 0. 1 , .1)R3 - 4 I1.4 ' -P2+ 41,5, ,)+ ***EQUATIOU -P3 P -P2+ + I )3 P. ,1, -3 3, :2, * 1, 1, 1 ) C - )I 1, 3 , 1 ) PI 2+ 1 + 1, - . I 1, 4 + P3 - + :-P3 P2 -1 P.42, - --------------------------------------------------------- I2 + 1 ) P. 411, 3, A,1 1 ) Pi P3 - [R3 , 1, -2PI? ' ( f1 , 0, O, 3 ) - + 1 * 1 I 2+ - I ) P3 1 2, 2 - 1 '( I 1 3 P.( 2. 4, 0, , 0 -3 0 ) R2 2. -1 I + I ) P.4 0. 1, S, 0, 1, 4 0 , 1. -, 1, I ) P2 + 1, 4- R'.. t, 0, 0 P2 + I ) ) 32 0, -P3. P-------------------)[ - ,1, I ~,, I 112+[-1 -------------------------- I 1 ( 1 4 1 - P_ 0) )- ( )2 4 -2.IR ) [4 0, 1 ) P1 4 2) I 4 3-2 -11R2 I PI1 .( 1I ) - R1 + 1 3.. 1,, 0, -.. 0,0 ?. 4. i 2, 0 ) B3 31 -4 )P1, . 1 - ) 1, I. P3 I P. +-- , --------O, 1I, ) -R. P3 + I) P. 1 1[ 1,1,. 1. 1, 0I, 1,, O,0 , ) e -------12, ) P2 RI 1 + . -, 1, 1 ---------------1, ) P2.. --------------------------------------------------------------------***.EQATIO3 NO. 39 ZEIO3 3. 3+2 ,) 1, 1, + 4. 0. - P20, +I 1 ) )P3P. 2,4 I1,- P+ 1. 0, ) 3 P- R33 + 41 ) - P.[ 311 P. 2,- -, .P.[1, 2, 0,1 .1, ) : - P.t2 *, 1 .1. - F )*P21 1 ) P.P32., ---40---- - P---4 14 )-P -------. 1) 1 3243-- + 2 - 1-, -1 -- . - 1 -)2,PI- )-- P.1- -- - ,-- 0,- 0, -- 0 - -- - 4-- - ----. 2 -12---0, -1 - - --2--1,*** 0,, EQUATIO' 1 ) N3. 1 ZE1RO= - P.4'2, , 1, 1 ) +41P.4 3, 2 , 1, 1, 3 .** ) PtI3233+ - 1R2 + I 3 P.( 2,, 1, . 0, 0) P2 33 + 2 3, 1 P. 1 2, 2, O, 0 ) P2 13 + : Fl2 1 ) : -, 11I + I ) P. 2, 2, 0, O, -0 ) F;3 .+ [ - P3 + I ) P.{ 2, 2. 1, I ....................................................................................................................... t'1 + [ - F2 + I ) , - P 3 + I ) P. [ 2, 2, 1, O, I ) P1I + t - P 3 · I ) [ - El · I ) P. t 2, 2,, 0, 14, I I P2 +I . 1I.1) 1 P-). 0.01) -----------------------------------------------------3*: -P 1 +) P. 1,0.1, 1, 1 ) , P2+ -p --------------------------------P. ' 3, )1, 1, 0, ,+ I )) P11 314.:-P4. 1, + ~ · I ) P.( P.4 1, 4P 0. 1, 1. 0, 1, 1 4q, 3I + -3 -01' ( P *** ( 1, 2. 1 0, ) 1 + + 1 ) P. 12,0. -3,2 .1 + I ) P.4 2, - 2 1, *** , 1, -41+1 j P.2,2, 1., 1,1,0) 3 ..................................................................................................................... 0) R3 + I ) P. 1, 1 ) P2 Pi + )PP.{ I - P2 · 1 ) 4 + 1 ) P. 1, 0 ) Pi + ,0,1, 43 - 1 2 + I 2) ,P. 1)I-2.1) + * 4 1 + 1) 38 3I, I1 1, 1, 2 P. ( 24, 1) I) 4.. 37 1 ) +C 3 + 1 ) P.4 2, ***EQUATIO NO 3. ZERO = - P. : 2, 0. ----0 ) P2 + -31*F - P2 + 1., 1) - P3 + 1) - P2 + 1 ) P.! - P2 ***EQUATION NO. ' Z"_: = - P.: 2, 0,0,0, )3 2 1 )I 1, 4, 0 ) P1E 1. + 0) + ) 03+ 1, 4, - P2 + I ) P. ( 2, +1) 1, 0) 0, 1 36 , 1, , 5, 1, )1 P. .* + I - : NO. - P., 1. 5 .41, 35 * ,1 1) I ) p. 41, + 4, P3 - · ) P.2, 2,, 4, 1.0 1,1,) 1, 8Z£O = P3 1+) ... 0, 1, 0) +1 4 : P-1 ***FQUATIO; NO. ZERO - P. 1, 5, )P3 3 + 1) 1 )+ P2 - -23.1)4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~4 ~ ~ ,O ~ ,O~ ~ ~2*[-P ~ ~ ~ ~ 2, I - , I 0 J .2 i t - i12 -31 I -... -89- ~~e = - lO~ l NO P.: 2, ,eHJ:l& Zao ( - 1, H3 I 1, 1- ) P I. , 0 I .( ,I '.1,2, * + - 21 · tF4QiAT' i EP EO I , Ji, ' 1 ) N - P.( 2, : · 3, · 1 I 1, - Pi P3 F1 p2 + I ) P.'.: 4 C - 22 1 t , ,1 +I , I, ) ) P.: P2 P3 1, ', 1, + {, - ,I ) C - 22 P3 21 * 1) P?1 + I [ - a.3 · I J 1, 1, 3, P1 I1- ( --- -- O, **£Q]ATION 3, 1, 2- =O P. .1, ( 1, 4, 1, 1 3 I , + 1, P3 )( - P3 , ,3 , ---- 0, I R2 R3 RI 1,, - - --- O, + I ) P. 1, O, I )) . 2. 0. + · P.: 2, 0, 0, 0, I1) )-.(2PI 0-PI)+ - - - - - - -- P. 2, 2 0 1, o 1 ) 82 !) - -- 0. 0 P IP I R1 { R 3 R1I + ) P.( 1, 1 2, ) - , , - 2 3· 1) 1, , , - - P3+' I ) C 1, ) 2, 0 .1 1 3, 1, 1, J P2 P1 3 * ( - R1 + 1 ) P.: 2, 2, * I ) P1 1, }O, , 1, 1 1, 1 ) P - I * . 1, 1, )( ) P. { - t3 2 1I) --- --- ( 2, 1 2 --- ---- ) --- ---- + I 3. 2 , , 0, . ZI 1) 2, + - - R2 1 ) P. ( 2, O, 0, 3 P3 'P.C 1 ) 1, 1, 13, 21, I 1 ) P3 + ) : - E1 I) -R1 3, 3, 0. 1, 1 + I 1) -22 1C - ) P. , 2. 0. +I I 2, 3, ) P. 951 +-P.C R1I 3, 1, 0, C - 3 · I + 1 ) P., P.2, ) a3 3 0) P I3 ) P.( 2, ,1, 3, 0,0 C - P3 + - 1- R +1 ) ( - P3 P3l1 * P12 , R 31, + ( 2, 0, 3, - 1, I ), P 12 ) P.[ 3+ 2 3, 1, 3, ) P 3 .2 ] 3, .PC P. *1) 12, 0., I, I 1,2. 0, ) P3 - R3 0,1 ) P3 P3 +'1 ) P. C * , 2. 1, 1 2, ) ) 22 33 R2 , 2, . 1, 0, ) P. ,, 1, I2 · , ) 31, P2 32, 0, +I I 0t ) P. ) - 31 3 P3 13, 3, +C I ) 0. 0, 0 ) P3 E*3, I P. 23 )2, P.C 1, i C · 1, 1, 3, I } 2,. ) 1, 53 ) * P. : 2, - - - - - -- C 3, 1, - P2 2 P3 E1 0 ) 2 , ) P.C 2, 1 C , , 2, ) P.{1. 2 ) . 1 ) P3 R1 P+ P. (. - 13 11,I ) P2 . *. 1, 1, 1) P2 P - -- - * I * {1 O, - )~ - I~ ) P.[( f [I + I !N0. 2, 1, R3 C - P2 --------------- - -3 - -- .... + 1 ) P. 2, - - - --- 3, 1. ..... 0 P2C I + -C -------- ----- P . 1) P ----- ,"3 * I ) ) P. 3, E 2,, 1, - P1 13 O, 3, 0,, 1,, 1, 0 + II ) ) ) Pi P.(( 2, 2, P. 2', 3, O,, 1, O, * R3 * I 4I, O, II ) ,1 * }P3 ( El #: [( I -- a3 P13 - I I 0) I + I P,.( 2, I...1 P1 "" C -, 11 21 - )P. 1, ----- 3. 1. ----- 0. 1. 0) O, 1,, PI C -382 P. ]3 · ) P} Pi1 P3 C - P3 El 1 1, 1, 1) - I. ---- 1 1 1 ,0 * 4R' I13. 3) 22 .2 ( R2 0~, 0) 5llte 3, 0 ) 2, C ( )2 "~ 1, 4, P.( 3 ++ I1 ) } I1 1.I C - P3 ~ .,, P. ( 2, - ) - i. P2 2 P2 P2 + 1 ) P .' 1,2 , ) ,R2 3,1 - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - ------ E1 P3 + + ', ( 03 1 ) -- * 1, , 2. )~ P2 ) ?2 P2 ) 1 P32 , Pi1, 0 = 1) ) PI 1 I ), P., : -+C , 2, C - 3 3,, eCEQSATION 2 32 3.1 3,,. ZERO 1) ) P12 - )) P. 2P P. ( f 2,, Ii -;3 I ))t 1 P.: ( 2, 2, P. } ) P2 - Rt2 , 3, +I 1) 4 C - 32 1, 1 ) P2 ..........-- 21.+ ( - P.241 P.( 2, 2, 1, 3,1t .0.0) ) P12 * ( - 33 * 1 ) C - 214 1) P.C 2. ----------------------------------------P3 +1 ) 1I ) )(( C-0r3 ·4 1) + ) 1i ) { -- 31 '3 +1 I ) P.C2,-0,-1---P2 } P.(?.2 2, 2, 1 1,, 0,1, 1 ------------------------------------------------- ***EQUATIOi --------------" -------4* NO. 52 · **EIQUATION NO. 53is ZERO - P P.( 2, 32, 0, 1, 0, 0 P.CI 2, 2, 2 1, .3 )I P 21 P3 R3 · C -2 1 ) ) P.: P.C 2, 2, $, , 1,1, 3, ZERO = .: 2, 3/' 01 ) ) * P. 3, 1,, 1, ! P2 PI -R + I -- - - - -- -'---------------------- - -- -- - -- - - - -- - ----- - - - - -- - - -- - - * I 1 1, 10 0 ) R2 CO, -O',83 I + ) 1 82) P. + · 3, + 1 ) P.. 10 ) ,2 h i ------------- R2 ---- ) + 1 ) P. 21 + II) - R3 1, P2 *3, 1) 2, - P.'.: ) +: I 31 1 1,1 ***EQUATION N0. ZERO= - P. : 2, 3, 0, 1, -- - -- - - - - -- * { )- P2 --- *4* 1 ) + P.C - ) P2 + I 1, 1, 0 ............. 1), 2 3 , , 1, + P. + .3I 1, 0, .'), 0, - ~'" 2, 3, 1; ........... 3, p.t P. 2, 2, 3, ), .-------- , - :2 1,) - + I O, 0. P.C, 2.3, ----------- 2, 48*s 5 - +( 11)- - P1 + I 0 ) P2 P.: ,*EFQUATION N O. 52 ZERO = - P., 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 ) · P,. 2, 23. , 0, 0) P2 i3 PR + - 22 + I ) P.C 2, 23, , 1, 0 ) 33 Rt1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -" --" --'- -- " -- -" "-- " --" ------------{ -P3+1) P.,2,23, . 0 1I) i1P+ t-PI1+ I PP.C2.23.1., P.12,2,0.1, 1)I 2F.1R* : - R2 + 1) a3 + ( P3 l 2 1. 1, O, f O) 22 ? 3 - Pi3 - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - P.( -- --- -- -- - P - -3 --- -t C ----- ---- - . 2, ) ?344*' 1) - --- ---- 2, - P2 + 1 ) ' 4 1 ) P2 El + .1.I 1, R2 2, I ) P2 47 *atEQUATION NO. .C 2, 2, ZERO 2, 1, +Pit P 22 --- 1)I2 * ) +P. R1] - P.C 2, 2 3, I2 P.3 + 1 ) P. 1, 1 N0. RI~ ,44 . 465** + ?., 1.: )I 1+1) - ---- R3 ) P. ( 1, 1, , 13, 48 1 ) 1 = + : 12 23 0U&TION NO0. - P. 2, 2, - P.:* a2 +1. ?3 1, 1 ) *EQURTION ZE:O 1 ) 2 + 1 2, 1, 3R2 P1 1, 40644 2, 2, - P3 *E , 14. 1 ) ZER ) P2 2, ................... 3 1., no. -P. 2, 2 45 --- ---- . 2,0, 1, I. 1, + P.( *. 3 I - a2 . I ) ' - 23 ---.-- -*1-- ) - : -I----.-- zEO = 2, · 2, P. -) P --- 1 ~1P~S3.N0. 1 ) I 1 ... *4*E;']U;LTI0N ZERO = - p. 2, 1 } 92 -3 41 --- -2 -2 1 )----- Pi' 1 ) P. [ 4+1 2 , O , I , O) I - P3 1, 1 ) P.C:. -------------------------- P. :-I 43 + P - ( I, I 140. P. 44*4ia4'htLN )2 2, 0, 1 13.1 ) P2 P. ) .1 1) .C221 ------------------------------------------ P.[ 1, 1, ,,, eO, 0 2,,,F2 . P. ) ".: , 0 ) F2 4*LuA!rI,)s:JO. ZL,-,O = - 1. ( 2,1 h3 ,ee' 12 1, { 0,, 0,, P2 113 + ( - P I I )+ + I P.( 2', .2 + I ) P.[E 2, 4, I) PI F 4, O, P2 +I P1 k3 P'.; ( 2, 1.[ 2 1, I ) P'2 ......................................................-- O, '*I 0 ) ) P.C ;..3 2~, 4, 1, P -;3 · O,, 0 }Plii~ I ) P.{( 93 2, [ i 1 I1, I t I I !'2 -90- ~ P. · . m .1':UATTON .r:3 =- 30. 2, 3, ~ ,,,,;''o.5i** '1 , 01) 3, :·Z 2, 1,*(-i~~~3,))! 1, 1 ) 21." , . 2 + I1 ) ' - P3 - 23 .1)+ 1 : I , s. PV.2 1 t,3 : - - 11 El I I.e1 - H 21 41 I) J ,I 2,13 I, ,~, *1)-1, 3,I,: -R I*~'Z 1& ) ~,,z P.'v3 3,·. 2,t.Or0, 1 ) )I ?.: ) P. 3. (, 3, , 2, ,0. (, 4 3 1,0 )1 P2 ) ( - P2 1) ( 4. , 2, PJ 3 3, 3:, 1) .2 P3 - R3 + 1 ) P2 3, - P 1) P. .13, ( - P2 4 2, 2 i, 1, , ,, Ii 0 ) p1 0 ) P1*( - 12 #t**E.) pilT NO. 57 , *4 Z ==O P.{ , 1, 0,I ) + P. 1, 3,) 0, + I ) P.' + 1, 0, 0, 0 ) 233, 133,+, 1 I2 1, + 1,2,1 3, (,e, 1, -O,RI I ) ,') 21 1P2' E23 P. C ( ,3,- .3,2+ O, pI -3, P3 ?2.: *3, 'I 3,- P3 ),) : PI - F3F.I · ( 1 )- ?P2.' +3,1 -~ + 1)1, 0( ) - R.3 P3 *{ I ) P. ( +3, I ) 3, e.1,( 1, I ) PI O,., I( ) - PiP2 3 1: P3 - 1) - + 1 ) P. ,3, I)2 31, 1. * 58 E*:QU.OA.3:NO. ZE.C P.: 1,2, 0 3, ) *-P.:f2 1, , 0, 1, 1,13 ) '3 21 1, ?.: 1,- 3,- PI ) 1, P2 0, .1E.3· 1 ++ + 1 22 ?3 r 3, + I I ) P.,1 4 1,1 )3, 2 1, - 1, 72) P, P' 224 ' **tQUATI:0 ( 3, , 3, :2 O, (1 1, 0 I ) 21i P. * 3,.-Pi0, 0.,I 4 0 ) ),3P.( 1, 3I ) 1P2 ) 1, I( ,-I 3, 598* N3. ~EO= - 2. 1 2, 3. 1, 1, 0 3 * P. i 2, 2. 3, 0. 1 ) i42 3Ipi *1 1 - P2 4 1 ) P. 1 2. 2, 0, 1, 1 3 23 21 * ( - 23 4 1 ) 23. +-P241 2,2. 1,3 0.O9) ZE= - P. 2, ) 3,:-P141)P.: 1, 1, 1 ) i 2.' 2, 3, 1,1.,1)P34: 0, 0 ) ?2 23 1l ,-?l1+)- 22 + 1 )-2341 P. 12, )P.1:2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 0 . R1 + 22-P3 *-22 1) 13 lP1 .C2 2. 1, 3. ) 22 ) 22 P.1~ * -?2 *1 !3 3 41) 3 2, 2. 0, 1, 0 ) El . I · 2. 2. 4, 3. .3: ( , 2, 1, I ) P2 H * 1 ) P.: 1 2, + , 3, 1 3 4 ) 2 23 + 1, P I 1 P.( ) 2, 1 0 , 1 4 , 22 , ?12 *1)*L*EQUAIO -2141 r) ( TION NO. Z!J.2 - - P. 2, 4, 1, ?.: 2, 2, ) 1, 1), P(2, 3, 59 P. 2, 4, 3, 1,1t,1O)h3:P 0, I P2 P3 PE * 2.1 2 +1 - ?2 + 1 ) ( - P3 + 1 ) P.: + 1,) P2( I+ I1 ...................................................... P. 2, ) ( - 1 3 31 LQUATION NO. Et IE.3 =- ~ - P31).) 0, 0 ) 62 4, I, 1, )' ?. 23, 3, 1, 0, 2, 4,21., + )1 ) P.P 2. 3. *4*l 1) P 12 3~).(2 P.' 2, - P2 + 1) 0, 0 ) 0, PP3 + 1 2, O, 1, ( -3+ ,1 I ) 1) 2 P. ,1B+. P3 * ( - -) 2, 2,1, ) ( 1- +I ) ( *r#*QUO7AION ZERO = - P. NO. 2, 4, 3, - P3 +1 63 1 P. 1 3 1, ) P.( 2, 3, 3, 1. 4, 1. 0, - P'2 + I ) P. 1 3 0, P21 P2 P3 3, 32, 3, - R1 * 1 3 P.: 3, * 1, 0 ) 32 R3 + 2 . NO. 1, ***EQUATION 1, 3.3 Z-R3 = - P.: 2, 4, , 1, ,1) 2 + 1F3 ) + I ) P- 65 0 ) + P. -3, ) P13 1) - . (-LP2 ,1, 23, 3 1 2 , O, . 1)I - 1)P.2. 66 **EQUTJATION N3. ZEEO = - P., 2, 4, 1, , 1 * P. ----------------------------------'---------------------------' 3, - P3 + ) 2P + , 3, 1, I ) R2 83 5,o ) -,)3. P2 - -----------------2, - I P31) P. P2 3R2P3 + 1. I )) P. - 2 - --------------" - "' (0 - 23 * 1 ) P.( 1 34, , 1, ) P2 1P34 3, -;213,1 + I 1.}: , 1 P2 ) P33 + I ) - P. P1 I * +3,. 3, (.1,..-I 1,)3 0 **3 1 ) 2PIR2 R3 - P2 + 1 ) P. 23, 3, 0D1, 0 ) R23 31 3 P.4, I 1, ,P1, 0. I -),1P2+1) 2- P1 P3* 1 3 ) P. P.(I, 2,)R 3. 3. a 0. . 1 , ( - 1I2 ) P. 0[.-P2 .4. PI * P. 2. 3 3 -e+ I) +I1 ) 24 ( - - 3 ,(. 1 I- I i1 3 S-~I , 1 *4* 4, 2 231 1,, 5, 0 , *1, P) 0 1 2 67 66** + P. [ - 24, P2.4, 2,.3 4, R.3 1, El +1P.[. 3 1, P3 2 5, O, 04, § 3, h221 0I P2 .- 3,5, 34 P.R ----------------------- P2 RI ) 2, ) 22 1 - P1 4 P3 . - - P3 2, P4. (F. - 22 O 3 ) 23 El 4 21 23. I1 P ,1, 1 0P23 31 3 *IP.1 2, P 4, 1,1 0, 0 PI+ )1 1, P.1) 2.l21 4. ,* 1 3 ) F 2 *+ , 1 1) P4( I,1 I,P.E,n] IP25+ _ 1,1, + I ) P. 2, 3, 1, 3 ) 2 + I )I ) P. t 2, P.3,1, 1,1, 1, )4 ) 3, + , , P1 + )3 I P3 -2:-PI 23+ + I [ R+ 3 4. +I ) NO. ·*EQU3ATION NO. ·***EQUATION ZI.5 ZSl:O = = - P -P. [ 2, 2, 5. 4,, 1,, 1 1, 1 0, 0 j R2 1. *e 1, 4, 0,I + 0. 0) + - P14 01 ) I)*1R2 P.. - R<I I+ )P..' I ) P. 3,( 3,3, 3, O, O,O, 1, 0 ) * P.- + 3 31 3 1 +P.1 )(.-R , 4, a2 e * i) ( R3 - R23 +I ) ( 3. () P.(P2 3,R '4,+33 ,1, 624 P2. 0 24, 1. ) ( - a3 I ) P+ 2 41)242, .- , P. ( 2, 12, 1 P2 ,1P1,1)P-32 ) P.( 3,4. -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -'"-- '- - " -- -"- "-- " - ' - -" -l - c -'--------. 1 ) P. ( 2., 4, 3 ) ( - P23 + I ) ( - R3 0 ) + ( ,- 2 1,P.(3,2 4 ***EQUATION 1 ) P. ( 3, 4. NO. 0. 1, Z722 = - P. 2, 4, 1, , I ) 02 - P31 .I ) P. 2, ?. 2, 3, 1, 1, 1 ) B2 P3 4- ' - 22 * 1 ) - 13 + I ) P.: 2, 3, 0, 1. 1 ) E3 + ----------------------------------------------,,,,,--,,,--,,--------------------------------,,,,,,,,,,,------------R32 ( - 23 , 1 ) C 1 + 1 ) P., 32, 3. 0 1 0, 0 ) 3 + - P2 * I ) 1 - P3 + I ) P. 2,. 3 3. 1. 1. 1 3 * I1) + 3 1RI ) 04,1 I1,-I 02.1) R1 - 2 4. P2 · I P.1 }P. 3, f 2, 4. 0. I -- 11. P4, P2) 0, 4. 1. I 1 0. · 3 ) R3 El + '. - P2 * I ) ;, - P3 + I ) P. [ 2, 4s, P., 1, I ) EI1 + [1 - Pi + I ) P. [ 2, 4, 1, 04, 0 ) ir2. a3 + t - PI P.-, 4-2- 3. 1---2,3- I ,1)1 12 *(1, - 33 1) P.( 3. 4,1I, P3 )I -0..0· 1 -- ) 21, ( 0,OJ-- P13-13 +P. -2-3--1-) ) , 4-- 13,, --- 1--1-)-P. , P1. )0 - 1- -P.-P3 2. 5, ' i )P1 1 I ) P.:. 1, 5, I, _,I _O) _R3_-+ 1: P2 + I ) [ - Pi) + I ) P.:' 2, 4, 1, I1, 0 ) R3 · [ - P2 4. I ) ( - PI · I ) [ - P3 1, 1, I)._. ·eeE~J&TION NO. ZERD = - P. :1 2, 5, 0, 1,, 0 + I ) P. ( 2, )P3 {2, · 0 4, + -!33 5, 1, 1, + I ) P. [ 3, 0 ) PI 4.( } + ;, - ?2 + I ) [. ) 4, 67} + - P2 1, O, + I ) P.:. 0 ) Pi R2 2 + I ) (-R3 - P3+ I ) I + 3, ~ ,1, 14, I ) PI ,°3 · ra3 + I )[-RI 4. I ) P. ( 3, a, 1, 1, -t2 + I):- · I ) P. [ 3, 0 ) PI 4, R3 + I - El + I ) P. ( 3, {4, O, 1, 0 ) ...................................................................- -- - RI + I ) P.- 3,, I%, 0,,1 I,1 O, O, 0 ) R2 · t - B3 4. I ) P. R · -I I } P'. [1 2, S,, O, I -91U ATC3 -, i ). 48 - p.( 2, 5, ., 31 +I ) .'3) I ..( a*"Ft;UATioNi ) 3, 0) } 0, : 1,I, NO. 0, O, 3, ·1 ) I ) P1I ( I.[ I 2, 3, 93 ) P1 0, I1,1 ) P3 - E3 · L1 · I ),,P.(0, 2. - P3 1 ) - 3, , ) P.[ 2, 0 ) R 0,0 , 0 ) R a, - P2 ( -PI*1) 8, 1, 1. 0 . 3 2, 1 0, ? - PI * 1 P3 +1 ) P. 2, 71 *r ): 1.) 2 1) ( · 1 ) [ - p3 · 1 3 ------------------------------------------- [ *t*L1UATION NO. ZR3 = - P.' 3. 1. i, - -- 1 3, 2, 1, 1, 0, R2 · - 0, 1, 0, I ) P2( I1 I ( - R1 · ( 1 -a2 0 ) R3 R1 P3 P. I 1, 1, 1, 0 ) P2 P -- -,,,, - - - -- I ) P. - , 11 0, 3, R3 · 1, 0, , . 1 2, ,I 1, 1, 0, 0) 2 2,I , : 1, P2 El C2 , 2.3.1,I) 2 1) ) P.( 3. 1, 2 1) ( - RI I -P3 1, 0, * 1 ) P.( 0, 2, * ( 1 ) El P).( 2P · ----- : ------ 1I : P. -------- 3, P1 1, - ------ ) :I 2, , - 32 I ) P.[ 3, 2, ( ( -----------------------------------I---------------------------"" IP3 4, 1 1, 2, 1) 1, 1 , P33 . I P.C 3., - -- --- . 1, 0. O ) P1 R3 P.( 8, 2, 1, P. ~-ll- -B 1I ) - P3 1 · t) -I F2 1, 1, 1, 1) 1. 1, - 0.,, 3 ', P.( 2, P, 3, 2, 3. , 1% --- --- 1, 0, 12) C · - P1 1. C -P 1i 2. 0 1 } 1... .... 33 E1I3 · ( : -· 2, 2, 1. 2, . 1, 1. 1 1. 0 12 t - P1 P2 --- --- --- 3. 1, --- --- 1 ) 32 1, 1, - ,1 .* .,1 I ) P. - --- - 3, ,0 ) RI 833 --- --- -C - P2 * I - 1 ) P.. - P3 1, -- -- - - .7 . 1) - ...... 1, 0 ( - P -.. . - I... - - ................ P3· 3,2 - R2 1I 0. 0, 1 ) P.C 3, 2. C 3 1, 0 3 - R1 3, 3, 1, ) P1 P3 I ) P. C 3, ----------- - RI + 1 ) P.C 3, 2, 3, - 23 P2 P1 P3 . · 1 ) P.: 3, 0, 1 ) PI C I 3, 0,10,) -+11 2, I. 1. 1, 0 ) Pi C - 1, a ) P2 22 C - a2 3. I ) P. 13, 0, 0, 0 ) 33 · C - P3 * 1 ) : - 1R 3. 1 0,, I ) P.- C - 31 R .) 1 0 ) p1 83 2 - P3 . I ) P. C 3, 3 3, 3, 0. 1, I' ,1 I P2 C - 82. P2 .. . 1, 1, 0, · e2 "1 P3 , I, 1, 0, ------------------------------ 21 1, 0, 0 --- -------------- I3) P.( 4, P1 32 3 ------------- 2. 1, I ) P.:,, [· --------------- … - P3 . 1 ) P.( 4, - 0. O) - R2 · I ) E GO P. (· - 82 e '- (- 1, 0 - R 1 32 · I ) P.C 2. - I ) ?-C 2, P3 + I ) P. - -- 1, -- 0, 0 3 P1 1, 1, 0) ------------------------------ P3· 1 C I 2, 2, 0, 0, 0) P. 0, 04 0, 1 -3,.2 _) --- --- P..3. 1 +I ) . - ------------------------------- F3 , 0, I) ..... I ) II )P --- + 1) 3, 1, 79 0, 1, 0 ) + P. C 4, 1, 0 ) P1 · ?P.( P -I p1 2 0. 0 ) 32 2, P ) P2P I ) P.(3, P1 P3 + ( P2 - a2 I ) P I ) P2 P3 I ) P. C 2, 2, ..... - - 2 * 1 ) ·1 )P.( 1 t1, 1) I ) P2 · E ) R2 ,3 ------------ . 11 * I ) - 1, r-l 8, 1, 0, 0,0 - - - - ( 2, * 78 1 ) * P.C 3, I· · : ( - R2 + I ) P I ) C -P3 1) P1+ 1)P.: + **eEQUATION NO. E·.O = - P. 3, 2, 0, 1, I 3 - - 0, 1, *e 0, 0 ) :2 33 21 · P. ----------------------------------------------22 ----- -( ·1 - ---- P2 R3 RI 0) 76 P. C 3, I ) P.: -------- 1, - a{ a 1, 1, · I ) P.C 2, 1. 0 2,-1, 0. - - 1)(- **EQUArICN n0. Z = - P. 3, 2, P.( P2 P3 - P3 2. - · --------------------------------------------- ----------------- 1-' *,1) I, P, P.I ) P.'4 1 ) P. C 2, ) + P.32,,,1 - 1, 0 ) P2 R3 - E2 + 1) · 1) )P3 - , + ·- P 1 0 1,, O,,1) I ) 221 R - P1 + I 3 ( - -------------------------------- ~--------------------'-------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- P1 I I P * c-- 1) 0, 1. -P 2, 2, 0, ~----- ---- *-*EQUATION HO. ZERI = - P. : 3· 2, C, 3, I. I ) P2 ?3 -R3 P. : 3, O, 77 - E2 * 1 ) : +1)( -P3 0 . 0, . )P.: . 1 ) h2 3, , 1, 1, C -P2+ 3. - P, P. : 3 ) 1. 1. 1. I .I 3, 2, 75 P.( 1) ------------- *** EQUATION ZERO = 2, , ) F.1 -31 - P2 · 3 3P.: , 1, *I ) 3P. ------------------ I )C P. 0 3 0, - - - -- 2C 0 I ) -. - - - - - - - - - - -P R2 i3 P 0, 0, 3 *e *-P. , £2 - 1 ) ***EQUATION NO. ZER3 = - P. 3, 1,1, I ) - P2 0. I 3) e P , O0) 1) 1 · 1 ) C - R2 · I ) [ - P. C- 10, 74 3, C a, 1,1 - ) ?2 + C 1, 0, O ( f~ - - - - - - - - -- ,1, ?. I ) P2 ·1 ) P. I ) P3 · +1) 73 · * ?P. ( 4, 1, 1, I · 1) ***EQUATION NO. ZP O = - P. [ 3, 1, :3 · ~ 3,L 2, ----0, 0, I ) ------- 1 ) P.' 4 .10. - P. p3 ,, - P3 ***EQUATION ZEDO = - P1 -- "----"------------------ - - -- - - - - -- ) PI R2 I )P -R.).l P. 3,2,), 1, ) P233 3 - 2+ 1) 1+ I ) P. ( 3, 2, 0, 0, 0.) 3+ -+P3 +1) 7.43, ....................................................................................................................... P'1 * - .2 · 1 ) : - P3 * 1 ) P. : 3, 2, 1, 0, 1 ) P1 · C - P3 · 1 ): - RI + I ) P.: 3, 2, 0, 1. ---- · C al - 'i 10 I 1 3·- ?o P31. 1 ) R, . I-3 -- - - 1,0, 1C 1,0, , ( ] I ) P.( 3, it ) P. - 1, 0, 0 ) P I - R2 +I - E: · 1) 1 + f 1, P2 P1 · ( )9 ( 72 7· 1 ) * P. 3, - - - - - - - - - - - I) 7"* ( - B2 ·1 0, P2 * 13. 3. 1 , 0, * I ) P.( 1,1 )1 ', 1 ) , I **#EQUATIc ZERO = - P. , -R3t1)?P.C2,810OE+ 3 * I ,-P. ! 2, 41 · ***i.Q:UATIOP ::3. 1, : - ,2 I, 1, -P3 ·**ZUAT ICG l2). . Z -O = - P.: 3, O1, ) P. + 1 ) F.( 2, 69 n, - R2 * ¶ ) C - P3 - P,2 · - P2 -P ·.1) PI + I - P3 · I ) P.( 3, · 1 ) + ( 0 ) P1 + (- -P21)( I 1, I - P.: 3, .3 + ( 1, S, l',-72,l)1) +)* T - ?2 ZERO = 1, 0, I) 2 - - R1 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- - - -------------------------- P2 I ) - P3 * I ) P.[ , 2, 1 1, I ) P1 R2 .......................................................- - P3 , 1 ) a2 , , 3 · * C - ------------------ I 3 P.: ------------------- P1 R22 1 1)I """"" 1 C - )R1 , 2, 0, 0 0 ) 2I2 83 "" - 31 ---- P.4. 2 1. 0. 00 C - P2 "'~~'" "" "" 1 ) P. , 2, 0 0 ---- ---- · I ----- … I ---- ---- + 1 ) --- -924 'EQUAT1iN - - ['.( P. ( 2, 2, 0, 1, C 3) +I P3 · '1 - 71 +1 81 + P.( 2, NO. 3, 2, 1, 0, 0) AEPO 1 * 1 - 2, 2 *1 0, 1, 1 ) ( - :- ii2 * I ) P. (2, 2, 1, U, I ) P3 ) ) :-821 ) - '3 + 1) P.' 2,2, C - P2P3 H1 2, + 1P3) P.( 1, O 0 P. I2 1) * 2,11 , 0, 4 ) 2, 2, 0, O0 1 P3 R1 3.11) (* - *( - PI1 · I ) ( - R3 * I I - 83 : 12, 2, ,1, 1) 4 I ) P2 1.(2, 2, le, 1, 0 ) P 2 · ( - PI ) 44 82 * E2UATDI3 N2. ZEiO = - P. ,3, 2, 1, 0, 1 ) + P. 2, P. ' 2, + I ) U3 3. 0, i, · '- ) · I 1 ) ;2 21 + 1 - + 1 ) : -21 ) -22 £2 1 ) 444 P. 3, 0, 1, 3 ) 222 83 2. 3, - P 3 + 1 ) P. : 2, 1, '),1, ) 3, 1, 1 1 ) P. PI - 2, A3 -+ (3 - 2 * 1} 3, 0, 0, Pl 13 1 P.C 2, E1 · : 3, - P3 ) 0, 0, 0) 83 a1 + - p1 · I ) P.( ( .I 2 , 3, 2. 3. 1, ( - 93 *1 1, 1, 0 ) P2 1 ) ?2 + PI ,) I 4 444 83 ** FQUATIO0I 80. ZEFO = - P. 3, 2, 1, 1, 0 ) + P.: 3, 1, 0, O, 1 3 2 p3 a1 · - P2 ...... 7----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.................. P. 3 1, ,,, ), I ) £2E1 ' ,- PI · 1 ) P.'i 3, 1 1, 1 ) :2 P3 + I P3 + ' - 1 + 1 ) : - P3 · 1 ) P.: 3, 1, 1, , 0 ) R82 -----;---------------------------------------,**FQUATION NO. 84 * zLRo = - P. 13, 2, 1, 1, 1 )* P. 3, 2, O0, 0. ) R2 83 al ( - ,2 P.: 3, 2, 0., I 33 2, 0, 1, 1 ) * C - P2 2 1): R1 +: - P2 + 1) 1 - +I ) 1I 13 -3 P --------------------,-----------------,-----,,-, artEQUATION NO. ZERO = - P. C 3, 3, 0, 1 - p3 + 1 ) P.: 3, P. 3. 2, 1, 1, ) P. 3, 2. 1, 3, 1, '1) ) 3 + C - P '1 ) P. C 3. - P2 1, ·I ) [ P. C 3, + 1) 2, 1 ) R1 + +1 ) 0, 1, .1 I 0, 1, - - P3 + *1 1 ) P3 21 - P1 0) 3, ( - i3 1I -.............. 1, !, !,I ) 2, 1, * 8 381 3 1) ) P.C 3, P-: 3, P.C ( - P3 1 0. 0) 2, 1, 0. 1 ) 82 + i2 - P2 1,1 a 85 +,P.C 3, p2 P1 P3 · C - P2 P 1, 1 · 1 ) P. C 3, 0. 1 ) P1 P3 * C - 81 + 1 3. 1, P.C 3, 3, 0, 1, 1 3 22 P3 4+ - 82 · 1 ) ' - i1 1 ) P.C 3, 3, 0, 0, I ) P3 · ( - 83 + 1 ) P.C 3, 3, 1, 1, 0 ) P2 -----------,------------------------------------------------- _,, _,_,-,,,,,;,, :--------,---,-----------,,,,,,,,,,, P1i - E2 + I) : - 3 · 1 ) P. 3, 3, 1, 0, .0 ) P1i - 3 1 ) - R1* 1 +e. C 3, 3, 0, 1,.0 ) P2 82 + 1 ) C -. 3 1 ) : -1 +1 ) P. : 3. 3, 0. 0, O) **$EQUATION NO. 8644 ZERO= - P.C 3, 3, ', I, ) P. ( 3. , 1, 1 --------------------------------P. { 3. , O, 1, 0 ) 22 83 * C - 82 · 1 ) C - ) P2 P183 C - 2 · 1 ) P.C 3, 4, 1, 0, 0 ) P1 3 · C - R1 1 ------------------------· 1 ) P.: 3. 4, 0, 0, 0 ) £3 * ( - P3 + 1 ) P.C 3, 4, 1. 1. I 3 P2 ~------ P1 + ( - ;3 1 · ) : - B1 + I ) P.: **EQOUATIO NO 0. ZE8C - P.C 3, 3. 3 1, ) 87 P. P. 4, 2. 1, 1. 1 ) P P3 +C - ·3 ............................... 82 ( - P2 + 1 ) 3 I P.: *-*EQUATIO = =E -P.C Z P. 82 4. 3, ( 1, NO NO. 3, 3.),1, 2, - P2 3, 0, 4, 4,. 2, O, 1,1 1, ', ) i2 ** 1 ) P1 82 P3 + C - R I ) - P3 1, 1, 1 ) P. , 3, 1, 4. 3, 89 P.C 2, 03 1. 3 ) P2 81 R + 1 ) P.C t 4, 2, O, 0, I ) 82 P3 - P2 1 ) I ) P.: , 2, 1, 0, 0 P1 R2 · ( - e3 1 ) ( - 81 I ) P. ( 4. 2, o, o0., 0. 0 .. ........ .......................................--..... ........................-4. 2, 1, 1, 0 ) P1 0. 0) 1, 0 } P1 a3 *. C - P3 + 1 ) P.: 4, **EQUATION NO. ZERO - - P. C 3, 3, P.C 89 P.( 1) 3, 1 I - 3, 1 1, , ) 1 1. C -1l P182832 3, 1. 0, 41 ) P.C 4,3, 0. , 0, 8283 ' 13) C .- 81 * 1 1 ) Pi 82 + C - P3 P.[ q, ( - 3. 3, 0. I)). P2 1) I . *$. 1 ) P2 ?3 I1 + - E3 + 1 ) P.- 2, 3, 2 + 1 ) P. ( 2, O, O, 0 ) 81 3, 0, C - 83 0. 1 ) 23 81 R - P1 · I ) P.C 2, 3, 1, 1. 1 ) 1) PZ P3 - P1 I ) - 2 I ) P.: 2, 3, 1, 0 1 ) P3 : - P1 1 ) : - 83 1 ) P. C.2, 3, 1, 1, 0 ) P2 - P -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- -- ----------- - - -- - - - ---- - --- --------1)I ( - R2 1 3 + I ) P. ( 2, 3, 1, 0. 0 ...................................................... **EQOUATION NO. 90 * ZEEO = - P.:3 3 3, 1, 0., 1 ) P. 2, 4, 0., )2 381 · - E2 1) P.C 2R, . 0, 0 ) R3 1. I1J l · - 3 P. ( 2, 83 ---- 4, 0, 1, 1 P2 21 { ( - P1+ 1 ) P.( 2. 4, 1, 1, 0 ) P2 83 C - P1 t 1 ) : - 82 4 1 ) P. 2, 4. 1, 0. 0) - 3. +. C - PI1 ) ( -P3 1 ) P.C 2, 4, 1, 1, I ) P2 -------------------'^"-------------------4**E2UAXION 10. 9144 ZER3 - - P. ( 3, 3, 1, 1, 0 + P. C 3. 2. 0, 0. 1 82 23 81 P. ( 3, 2 , 0, 9, 0) .2 {1 + - P2 ) ( P3 ( - P2 1 ) ( - P1 .( I ) P. 3, 2. 1, - ------------------------------------------------I) -( 1·)-3 I ) P.( 3, 2, - - - - - --------------------------*4**QUATICN 80NO. 92 ZE8: = - P. C 3, 3, 1, 1, 1 ) · P. C 3, 3, 0, ------------------------------------------------------------------P. ( 3, 3, O, 0, 1 ) P2 R1 · ( - V2 · 1 ) ( ---------------------------- -- - - -- - 3 (-P2 *1 ) (P 1 ) p. 3, 3. 1, · I ) C - P1 + 1 } I ***EQUATION 1.hO = - P.( -r------ P. ( 3, 0NO. 3, 4, O, -------------- 4, 1, 1, c. 1, 0 ) P2 : ----.------------- - P3 +.1 ) P.! 3,3, 93 0, 0) · P.C 3, ------------- 0 ) .22 1 · ( 4, 1, -83 3 - 22 ) P. ( 3, 1, 1 ) P3 · : 0. 1, - P1 I ) 4 1 P. 3, 0 ) 1 ( -P1 - 83 ---- 2, ', . 1 ) P3 i t 1 )P. 3, 1 P. 3, 2, 1, ------------------------ C 2, 1, 0. 0 ) 32 ) 0, 1) 82 2 - 1. 1, 0) ------444 2 R3 81 C· - P2 · 1 ) P. C 3, 3. 3, 1. , ----,----- P3 · 1 ) P.( 3, 3, 0, 1, 1 ) 1 4 C - P1 4 1 -- - - -- - ------- - - -- ----- -- --- -1, 0 ) 3 ( -P1 1P3 I ) P.( 3, 0, 0 ! 1, 1, 1 ** 1 ) P2 P1 · 1 3 C - F3 3 ) 83 814 C * 1 I3 -) P.: 3. 3. 1, 0. 0 3.. 3. --- - - - --- -- --- -3, 1, 0. I ) 2 P2 1 C - R1 P3 ------------------- - 22 2, · 1 ) P.: 3, ------------- I ) P. 3, 4. 1, - 0, 0 ) P1* - 2 1 ) - 83 1) ( -1 I ) P. ( 3, 4, 0, 0, 0 ) --- ----------..---.............. . .. - ........... 4. 0, 1, I ) P2 P3 4 C - 33 · 1I ------------------------------------ - 3 4 I - 81 1 P.( 3, 4. -9344 9l4 4QU ATIOS 140. ' . -= -P.( :- 3, P.( 4, 3, 1, 1, ·2 P2 4 ' 4 1, 4, 0, P.( 0) i'3 · ( 1 ) P1 3 1 ) C - ? * I ) P. ·**Q414T4ICU NO. 1) P.- P PI(-,3. I 32 9~: - P2 · 1){ ) .) 1,+ 1, 3 C 3,3 ·. 1 '2 1) -P P. 3,1 , - , 1 NO. 0 4. 3, E**FQU.TION ZERC= - P.( , O, 3 . )C, 3, 4 9d9* 3 +P- -**EQUATIOI NO. ZERO - P. ( 3,, 4 ) P3 ,· t, 31 . 1 3, 1I F3 +) ·1· = I 1 -1·I .CO 4 ----------------------------***3QUATION£ ***E 3= NO£1. P.R N0. 4,,). 1. ZERO = U-- TIC ZERO P.C 4, , ·I 1 {1) - - -- .C 3, -) IC ' P. I) · ?.-1420. -i. 3,+ { I UATI0# ) Pi NO. ·C.,O **EQ 1, 3 C )C P , 0, ) P2· 1 1 -3 + P.(3 3,1 - ?2 1 1.1 I 3 · 1 ) ) ZP.( ) -2 2 P, I , 1+ .( 3, 4, 3,,, 1, 1, 5 O, - 0 ) (a]· .P1 · .I . [ 3, P........... [ 3, 0 (-2P1 I ) C,( - P2 ) 12 P2 ,4 ) -1, 0. -p , [ 1 - 3, · , ) ·I ) P.( 1 1, - · .3 0 ) RZ IPI.1 -· [4) 1)PC + #. 0, 3, 0., ) P O0, . P1 ) ~.. P3 -. ~ ~ ~ ~ · I ).[ .3 - I9.3 3 P. · · . - 3,), 4, C C…----------------------…--, 2 )* ~ ~ P3 P1 · I PI + ) [ R3 + ~ ~ ~ ) ,3PI. 33 4,110· -O,1 …- - -- , 1 .I 3 I 0P(. 0) #, O, )(~_B (O, - 0 -· 13 ……--------------------------* 0,- . O ) a2.191 O, I P 1) · I -1 P …-------------------------…------------------------------------… 0 ) R I ) P.! Pa : --1,,.3 0 2, 2.S. )R13) PI# P.I P. 3, 3· 0, 4,,..1 C, 0, 1 R. + P. · 1P3 I) C )-- 01 ) -P.[ + pIR 3, 1 ·2 1 ) {P-[t I ) P3 ,P. C1, 3, ,1 · 1 C - 3P , ) P3 · 1 1, ( ·C, P -I+)PaI ~ ~ ~ 9.42 -I 1, ~2 - · { ) [ 3,,-------------------------1, .-)IIaP.) --104 ** I, PI 13· P.I --------------------------------3, , 2, ,1, 1· 1P 4 3) P2 P2 0, 0,, 01 ) 4 P.( 1, 1, ) · 103 ~ RI ') IPi+ 1)P., I P.-,0I P.-l) - 2*.I I I } 2 [, P I----------- 1, · 1 . }2# P.( 3,, 0, ....... 1 1, -"""'""" 0,.... I, , ·- · )1 P.2 1 * (. - P.( 3, 22 ,1 C P21..00 P1) PRI33, · I1) ) P.( C (1 I-12 1 3 1 )0. 1 P2 RI P.( -* 1 ------ P.)- - ---------------3.1. 0, 1.I ) 1,, 0. 31, I ))1, P3I I( ----- ---I 0 ) P3I1 · ----- · --- -- RI . -P212.2 --- ---- 1. i ) 2p 1 [) . --I …- ---- l5* 1, P.. 0,, 1 3, 2,, 0, 0,-02) -P. :1) 2 ) {ills* - I P1· · , 4O, 2, 1,) P2 I 31 -P R2 3· -I.2*l)P.1 - ·2 - P2 9 1 3, 3,- 3,, ) C1 3 - P3I· I ) P. [ 3,1,P 1. -------------------------------------------------------10 * 3I P.' , 1, 1., I 1I) P2 t3 0O, 0, 0 1, -- ***EQUATION NO. - P.C. 4, 1, ZE.O F.(G 0.. 0, 0 ) R 2 Et3 ) ( 3 .1) I) ,3 - I,,1, -, . --) ,2-- 1,)----3 -- --,RI Pl2 - -l I -P - [1 C ,O·C-)n )- .-2 -. - - -.- ) -31 -P C - C-- -P. - .1,,1- O· C- --E-RI ) P0 C. O, :1- · -I #, ) ?. I· * ( -- - 3. …----…------P.C3.44.¶.0,0)32.:.............1)...C.5......... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0, ,0 0+)? - I R2 + I I-3 - -2 + 1 ) P.C 3, C,~ -llPC41001,pC P -g =1 - 0, 1 , 0) 5, 1PI I ) FI 4. 3. 3, p183 R P. O, ·. Pi0, + II)0 .. 2·1 30. , 1, 20, T1IR -1 4, i1 I ) -1- P.(? · 1)3 (0 ) -I3) P.II·.1.0 I -PI+ P.t, · 1 ) P. 4,* + 1, 1- 1, 1 PI I( I 1 · 0 3, P ---------------------------------------------------------! I. 1, 1, 0 a3 · [ ,,·I. ZERO 2, ?I + , O, 1, C -33.) 1-) C…· - ---RI3 **EQUATION NO. ,0,, 1, 03 C3 ·- P., 0 4,0,1)p )-ZER= -------------*4+*P 3 C - P2 - ) · P1 S2 , ----------------------------4. 1, 0, 0, 1 ) 3130 · P24 I 1,1, ) ?I.I ) P3 1,· 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------NO. I 1· 1, . ) 1.30I- . · P2 3, 5 0, 0, 4, - C 1, 0 C 1 1P.., ) 3·I)P' 1, - P.' ( 4 4, · I1 ) P.( I ) P.{. 2, 34, 0, - --------------------------------------------------. . . . .~3.La.1.1,13p3.: -P1411 -- 1**ELOATIo1 I-------------- 1 1 ) R12 P'3 991 . O, 1, . ------------------------- 80RO = F1JC , 3, 3 · IC.) (3, -,2 P3 P. O,2,, 1, , 0 ),, 1a1,3 · )[ P2 - E3 4 1 3,) S. - P2 4 .-0, I. I ) .I·I I) ) P.( P.0 a,0 : )3,1 .( 3, ,O.0, 1 3. 1? , 1 ), .l23, - .I ) P · 1,, ·P3 I ) 1) :2 ....................................................................................................................... .......................... 1·- 1 P12333 -) R 0.0 .: 1) --------. ,I1P./25, · ) P. R I P, 3 1 )32 3, I -- R3 4, * 3, ) 1. 32 · ( P1 : ,)' 21 1 ) 32 P3 1 1, , I'3 ) P3 ·V3 I · ) [ . - -E1,I· ·3, 2 P-P2) 3, ---------------4 ;. · I p3 ) P................ ,') 1 3, -+ 0, 0 3 1, * 1 ) P. - 22 I)P1.( )P. - 413, I ) P. C1* -2, P1, - 1,1 C[I)) ) (3,{,, -434I)P.t3,0,1.o)i81t 1·-1 97 1 ) + P. 3 . 0 ) P.1 - 4I 96 P.( 1, 1 25 ) I, 31O, 1, 0- ) 0,+ 1, 2- ?I **,Q'UATICNNO. ZEfROC= - P.( 3, 4, P.C [ 3, , 1, 1, 2 P PP 3 : 4ee 9.C- 4*thQUATICN NO. 41, 1, Z'LE0 -P.{3. .C) 3, P( P 2. 1, ) P.( 4, P2 1, )+.II1) -1, '4, 1 C - [24, 4 1, - P.( 3. ZERO ) = PI t ),, R3 4P,+ I,( 1I )0 l p. P3 4, .95 NO.l 4,4,1 · 1 ) P.( . P3 - 0. 1 ) P1 3· 1, 4. - 3 -.................... :- 1.0 1, 0 P2 · 31 ( - 32 -P3+1) 1,, I )142P. 1 3· 1,2· 1,I1) - R I + P.C3 I P 2 PI33 I .2,...- P I. I 2 C …..........---' 3 0I.1 ) 10, 3I 1, · ---- · 1,,1. ---..........- 2,) · I ) P.( O,Ip2P 3 ' 2 3,, P. O· 1, I P. )I 3, 2. + ( {2I P.{ P32-PiCI -) 1 0, - Pt· 0,, 0, 1) ( ( - RIl 3, 9.2 P..{12, -P.C.2+1) · 1)P.(3 3 . ................................. ..... -944 4'2~J4~I C1 40. 107 * "4'~3p~4 137*( ZERO = 12-- ,?.( N'E0J~.TIL{.O. 2, 1, ?I1, 1 1,II.;, 1 )P.(+ p .(4.4 --- -- 71 ------+ 1 ,-------,----------,--E2 + ( - 73 Pi · 1 ) , 1, -, 1, O,0 1P2 ) +3 1 R3 ·P. R,1 21.,P, . 1, ,+2 , 1. i3 ' RZ 2 0, -, 2130I ) I - - -1 - -P04. 1. 4.- 1- ,,-0,) 0 - ,1, - - I, - O, - - I -) i- - 5,, - -0, - 2- - P.[ I,, --0, - I -} -P[2- - ( -- -[3- - ·IP L' S. 5 I, I, O, I { R2- P.I - PI · 1 ) C · :1 - :12 E**iU:,ThION ZEP..= 1, - P.[ 4, 1 2, r, 0, 2, Ci -· 0, 1 ) P. .: 4., 2, pi 1, -1 2 4**,QuA'Jx'IC 44. ZZRO. - - P.: 4, 2, : -1 P3 1 0 4 I 4, 2, - 23 · ! [ 3, 2,2 0,, P3C· 1, 1 0 -P2C 1 ) 72 .1 + - P.1 )- 1 - t~2 -' 2 3 ***EOA1'TiON'{ NO. ZEO = . .2, P.: I, 1 1, :3 - i ***EQTU.TIGN ZERO = - P. P.[R - · ,I ) '.2 Pt3 1} P. N3. 14 , 2 q, ) 1 3 2, 3, , - 1.[ 4, 3. ,3,I) ,-----O,---- 1, - I--) P2 ----P.3, -3, 3 --------------' 1, I, I ?3 + 1 ·( I - PI + +I ) 3 1, 1, | 4 I ) ?. : P3 · m, ------- ***EQU.TION NO. ZERO = - P. . 4, 3, 1, P.:3 P2 R 1 3, 2-.,, 1,) ', I i &ZEo = - . P. ( a. 3, I - P 3+ ) :. P. 1, [ 4, I1) 3, 03 1, · P3 ·( , 1, 1, I3 4, 1, 1, 1) i P.( - 0 ) P3 13 ( - 142 { C- 3 3 1I .( 4, 4 ·I P.. 3, C - P3 ) P3 R1 · 0, 0, - PI ) P.( 3, 2, 1. 1, ) 3, 0 ) 1I * 1 ) 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 0, 1) P1 R1 · ( - P3 _-....................... 1 } P.I 3, 3.1 3, P3 i ) P.: ----- .0. - '1· ?2 · ( ?2 - P1 , 1 ) ·1) 2 +I - 0.1,,0) I ) P.[ 4,1 - Pl3 2 1 1, 1. I3 P3 + I.) - P R2 + 1 3 P. 3- 1P 4, 3 3. 2, 1 ) 0. ? I.C --- 32 31 + { , 2. 2, 1,1 2,1 * 1I - L3 P 3 .. P+ . P1 - - 4 141~ * 1. 1.1 33 - PP3 1I 1 . C. P. P1 P2* 1· 3r - P2,*2.1 --------------------------- * P2 1 P3 3 CP.C 5,- * 2, 11 3 0 · ) P2 it2-C -P2 . C,#, .,1,3, 3 ) P2 PI · 83 ·I * 3, - a2 , C - P2 · I ) P. 4s, tl, I, ,3 ) 1,, ---,a -l+(-P -I3 1.I ) t,, 1,PI · "" ------------- + , , P 0 ) 3·1, 4, 2 R3 · 1 1 O,,0 3, 1 , 3, ['2 + ( R1 + [ 2 ·I - R2 O! 1 ------------ 10) P. I31 1 3 C- I i O ) Pi G{ ·[ - O, " 23 -"?2I - . -" ·3. -R " · "I I1)P. (5, · I :: ,?5 [· 2 J -· - R3 ) -P -e ) 3 3 0 1 !-+ I ) [ . 3, 0· P3 O , . .PI:3 1P+R I 2, 10)2+ - -I3) P.[Ca4 ·I 3.1.,,0 P.1s, 2+21 3, 4. ---- R2 + ( - I 4, 12 · 3, I , I ''~" t.1)P........... P.( 4I iS 0 ) R3 , IP. ·I I t) 3. ?2 3, - P3 4. 1,0. 3 7 1+ 1, + I1} 1, 0 ) I.... I) O} - PI .I(. I- I ) -1 ...... ---... - 22 R2I 27,, - a3 ----- 1, 03, ) 1,?2·[- 0O, OI_}_R2_Rl 7PI ( I ) P.[C#, I1) R1 - ) 3, P I,, .[ 3,1, PI - · 3,I P.([ 4 1P-2 ·--------------------------------I ) : - PI + 1) 21 .- ) P.: 2'3 P. ------ --------------------------------------------- R3 +1) P. ( 4.2, 3, 0, . 3 [ ) a2 a3 R~I - P3+ - - O ------O,, "0 3, -3, P: , + - I ) [ P. 0 ) R2 R3 + ,31I· --------- I **· ) ?P2 P3 RI · + , 3 4, q 1 , 0,1I) I ) P.14 1 ) I, 1? + P2 + 0, 0, O, 0 [ .! P. R3 3, 2, - R3 · 1 I 4 - P2 1- * P2 C I 3+ +R133 ) PI ) * ,_ "' R2 I) 3, .I '+ ( 13, E2 P3 P1 + 4 0 {"----------'-'--------------4, O .2, 1, O,---------------------------) E2+1, 119 1, a ) - 3 5C 1, ----------------------------.3 -3) I P'3 ) ·P..P.2_P. [ 3,I 3. 3, }/1, .3,1, O, I0.) 7** 111 ) P. + P. ( 5, 0, - P2 3 · 3I +I 112 3 0 -----------------------------------"" " 1, "0, '-I1) R2?23 + P. I5,2, P. [q, 1, · I 3 1, 0, ^---------------~---------------------,3, PI 0 ) 72 £3 O, ** }0, 2,0 ,,1,,1)·?.,,3 ,', - 42 + 1 P.( ( 2,, - P1 + P3" +: " - P2 1) - a2 1 ) P.( 4, 2. - I ( -F2 ---- : P. O, 3, I ) P1 P33 + I1 ) - a2 4 11 - P2 · 1 ) C : ) P2 2 P ,4 2,, ----1, 4, I I ) [' 3, ------------------------------------------3 ***EQUXTION · --P1 ·I -----------{ 3 ·1 ) P.( 3, 4, 1, 1, I SO. 11 ip* ZERO = -?P. C4, 3, 1, 1,3)+P.[t 4, 2, C, 0, I 1-+ I )(------------. q,3+ 2, 1. P. ( 3(,*EeQU&TION NO. 1, - R2 ** + P.( ) 1 ) P.( 1, 0, 3, I ) R,2 P3 + : 3 ?P. R2 P.( 3 4, P 2} EI 2 + / ·I : :P.3+1_} ( I } ) O 1 P2 O 4. -,,,,, 1, ) 116 +· P. 9, , 1, 0, , 2, + *4 5, 2', --,--------,----- ----------,-- S3.-,-r,,, ***EQI{~TIO{ ZLR3 = t , 3. · ( + 3, 1, I ) 0 } I3 1, 9, 3, i , RI P3 + I 1, 115 +. [I ?.[ 0, 1, 1 0 ) P2 '1 O)1 114 ,· - a2 + 1 ) ?.( , 24, 02, O0, 0 ) P. 3,,, I, 1, O, P.:3+ ,3 I ---------------------------------) ,3)P P '--------'-------'-----------------------------' 4 4, .1+:-R : n, 0 ) R3 , ):-8 ,[ ----R1 R, 1, ,. 0, 113 * P.C ,0 , 3, · 1 1***,Q/ATZON -0 ) Ii 1)4 +NO. P.::2 4 PI£, 1, P.: - i 3 · · 3, 112 P. ,2 .,3 + P. NO. , 3, ***EQCUTION ZERO = 3 - P. ( 0, 1 3 P2 P3PI1 0, 2,,, 1,1 3, I}~ P.C: 5, 1 3 · 1144 ,*4 P.', 3, 3, 1 1, )P2.1· ?2. ............................................................................ I-12C } · , 0- , , 1. 3 1 P3*. ,.Z ?3 ·, 23 1.0. -1,3 P2) P. , 14 13 4,1 .4, - ----- --- ------------------4, 2, 1, 1, ) I ) 3: P., 2 4, 3, 0 ) P2 P12 P3 R3 1, .[3, ~1).3 . P P2 1 R1 · 1 ) - P1 3 + 1 ) 1. · 1 4,1 3, I--------------------- ZEEO= , 1)+ '- · 1) I - 3, PP.2 · 1. 1 ) : 1 }: 1, - 13 · 1 ) P. +1 t - I2 2 - F. 1, 1, , 3, 1, i 2 ***ZQU£4TZON ND. 2, 1,0 ZERO= -P. ',4, .......----------0.3 · PI, 4, I 1, ** i P. P3 3, - ?1 0 I ) +1 3 4 1 11,9 0, 0, ? 0, 1 ) 1, .:., 1 P.( O, O, 1 ) [3 · ( I, C 1) -P 2 :1 1P. 3 ............................................................................. ·**.'Ui-;!3'T . O;, N. 11 ZER.O = - P.: 4, 2, 1, 1.,0) 4 1.( 3, P. ) P.: 1,V8 8to NO. 1I -7 Pi.. I..-. Pil 3 · ( -Pi ·.... ( - PI· 1I) ( -!'{ ....................................................................................................................-_. -95- 13 ,]-,QIUATli N 4* = .1. 4, ZErO , 0. 120 +' 0 0, $**EQUATION NJ. ZEO - P.! '4 .t. 0I .1 ---------------------------------------------------------- P. -ER: ( '- }:3 1' '4, , 1' P.( 3, 4,,, O, 04.. :) ' - P1 0 )2 + , 1, **SEQiJA'TIOi NO. ZE.P: = - P. ', , 1, .), P. ( 4, 3, 1 3, ,1. ! ) 1.1,0 -2 1, 1 ) + : 1, . 1 ) 3 I ) P3 + ( ) P. ( 3, 4. '2 P3 R1 *+ 2 P3 - ( +I I0 - I · 1. -P P1 ,4. 3. ) P. {,4 1, - - a3 .1 { *1) 2 3, 4. ) P.( 0 ) 0. 1 - PI * 3, 3 ) P2P 1 + 1) I ) P.: S. 3 4. 3. 1, 3,, - FR3 3 P.( ( -,, 3 · 1 ) P.: ) P2 P3+ - P2 + I ) ' 1.1, 1. 0., 0 '. P. 4. PR3 1, 0) 4, 1, 1 1. 1 3, 0. - P2 0, ,0 ) R2 3 ) 3, C - P1 * 1 ) 2 RI 1. ) P3 * I 1, 1 (I . ) - 3+ *4 - P2 + 1 ) P.. 4, 4, E.3. - P1 4 ( -+ 3 +I " ) P 1 ) ( - P3 + I ?2 82 P2 3 . ) (-+ - C R3 21 P1 . 1 ) P.( 3, C 1)( p 5, P.(, 4 -P3+. 1) 3 1 1+) + ( - 3. .R 1+) P.( 4, 5S 0.1. 4 O, 1. I ) P3 E1 + C - R3 * 1 ) P. C 4. 4. 0. 0., : 0 0 4 P. 1 , 0 ) , 4, 1 ----------------------------------- 4 - R3 + I ) P.( 4, 22 0 1 *· ) R2 4, 1, - P2 + I ) P.I 5, P3 + 4 1 ) P.( I -3 + -- ) a2 , 1,+ -P1 + I 2 +I ) - 0 a, 0- . - P 1 ) -, P2, ,4 5, ) 0. 1, P. 5, 4. 1, 0. 0) I - : F.3 . * 1 ) P.C 4, 5, 1, 1. 0) 0-I ) F . 1, P1+ P I + P. ( 3. 2 R3 0 P. [ 125 ) ( 1, 0 ) 1, - .I2 I ) P. ) + - 1) -P3 + I ) P. 1,. + I1 ) - : 21) 1 , 1 ) P.C 4, 1, 0. 0. 0 ) E3 R1 ( - R2 + -I ) P.( ' 1. - 32 1 ------------------------------------+ ( - P1 + 1 ) C-------, 1 ) Pt. --1, ., 4, C - P1 , 0 ) P3 1I +I ) 3 - 3 · I ) ( I - 1. I) [. 0) 1. 127 P. 1 ' - P3 4 3. 4., 1I, 1. 1 1)0 0 ----------- 3. 1) I 126 5, ------------------------------- P3 2 + 1) 5. 1 -PPI+1) ) E**4QUATION 30. ZERO 1 ) P2 P3 , ( it2 · I ) ( - #* I ) ) +:- - El e. I}----------------141)----------------- 3 O, 1 ) O, P4I- 2 3. + 5, - F3 + 1 ) P. P3 1 * O, 1 1 0, 124 ***EQUATION NO.. I ZE.O = - P. 4 5.0, 01, - 3 -- . )} _2 1.1. I,, - 22 -+ 3NO. **PQ[IATI(N - P. ( 4, 5, ZE:O I, O . 1, --------- - SI ' 1 ) P.(C4.5, 5 : 1.I + 1 ) P.' - 3, -) 3 P *e I )1 2 ,,! , 1, )PI ) 0, I , 1 ) -.1 + .4, 4. 3, 1, t,, 1 ) 123 0 ) I P.' :1, -**EQUATION 43. 4, ,4. 1, ZE.Ro - P. p.. 2 - 4 P.( - R1 · 1.) _R34+1)P.C4U1O - -- . 1, +. .2 P3 + P.( 5, 1 j + 1 ) P. I,4, 3. 3, , 3 -1 1 ) ( - , 1, - P.3 + 1 ) } ( 121 I ) + P.I. 4, 5, ( 1 ) P2 P1 '3 I ) - -- -- 122 1, . ). 0 ) + P.: NO.. **EQUAT:O4 1, .. 4), 1, --- P. (t ,It2. I,4..1.0J?2i'14 - - -- -------- ,---------------------------' ). ) 1 ) P. [ '4..- 3 1, P3 + I ) P.C 4, 1) -P3+ P.#,4. 1, 1, 1. +[ , 11 1 ) P2 * C 1,00I,) 1) 0. 0. I C - 0. ) R3 · ' ( O, 0 1. 1 - P1i -R2+ 4. ) P.( 1 11 I -. + I ) P.( - R2----- 32 + I ) P.( 4. 0. 1. 0. 1 . -R2+1) P.{5, 0.1.,0,1) ) ------"" ------------------------------------"--------" " ------5--------,1, 1, 0, '---"" " " - - - I'" " '- ***EQUIATO ----------------"--N3. - a3 1 I P.C 4, 1. 0. 0, 0 ZEPO - P. 5, 1. 1, 1. 0 ) 128: - E2 * I ) P. C*4. 1. 0, 0, 1 ) P3 31 · C - R2 + 1 ) . 4.. 129 ***EPQUTIC, NO. P. 4, 2. 0.,O. 1 P3 1) + }C 2 0, 0, 0 ) R3 2 I ) P.: 4.2, 1.., 3, 1 ) : = -P. 5,. ZEO '------------I----"" "" ---------------------------------- -"--'~"~------------ ) 17-------P. 1 ) P3 * C - R2 * I ) P. --4. ti,1. 1. 1 ) P2 P3 + C - P1 + I ) C - R2 + I ) P.C 4. 1, 1, ., 4+ [ - P1"'- + I ---------------C5,1 ) - --------3+ ,10,.I -P1+1)- ------- ------------: -------E21) .1,1.0.,0) ------ -R3+.1)------------P.(4, ------------* - - ----------R2$1)P. ) - 1 ) --- I -) - P.- - .3" 4 " --------------,-- 8.- 0-- ) --R3 -4 C -- -R2 * C - -P1--i I1 -) - --- 12-- 4 - I -) -P. -4. -2.-- 12 '. ---------------2.- ----1,1., 1 )' P2 El1 + - P1 + ----- -R I1 - + -------------- 12 + 1 ) 1 )2 P3 1*- C P.C 4, 2. 1. 0. -------- P1i 1 )------------C - R2 + I )---------------1. 1, - 1) P2 P3 + P. '4, 2,- ----- P1 + I 1 ---------------'~ " " --------------------------------) -P3 " 1)" C -P P 1) C 1 ) - P3 1)P.C 4. 2, 1. 1, 1) P2 [5. 2, 1, , 0 } [ - P1 ?3 +1, 0,I) 1- )(- ( 4, 2, 1, 0, 0 } * C ---- ***EQUATION ---------------10. 2, 1, 3~ EIO . = - P.: 5, ***EQUATICN NO. 5. 2. 1, . ZEBO = - P. C5, 2, --4, - -7 .( 2, - 1,- 0, )F1+ ( 5, · 4. 3, P.( 4. 3, -P11I) 1. 0, I 1 } [ ( 5, 3, 1, 0, I1 - - P1 1 ) P.C 2, **4 1 ) P.: 4, 3. R2 P23* ( 0, 1 ) P3 0, 0, 0 ) S3 al + C - 32 -P14 P 1 + . 0, -iI2* 1) - R2 1) - -''3 3 - I ) P.. S. 0 "--'-----"----------------- ----- I ) C - F +I [ }4,. P C3 3, -------- 1, 1, ... 1 3 C - 33 · I }C - P3 +I 4 P.( 4. 3.1.0. 0) C -R21) 1) 1-3 13 I) P. 4. I ) P. C 4. 3* C 2, 23., 3, 3. -12+1) I 0, 0. 1 P C -P3*1)1I I ) P3 E1 - R2 +1 ) P.( **4 4, 3, 0, 0, 1) 1., I ) P2 P3 · ( - P1 ' I ) ( - B2 4 .IC -------- 4 -21P 3.'1, -P 2 ' C-P1l 0 ) P2 4, 2,1,1, C -P3+I)P.(4,3,1,1,1)P2C - F2 + I ) C. ?3 + f. r- - E2 1,1,0) -----------------'------ -------132 ***EQU1ATIO &EEO .. - P.( NO. 5, 3, 1. 0, 0) * C ) El + ( - .1 + I ) P. ( 4 , 3. 1, .C #, 3, 1, ------------------- -R3 + 1 ) P.C "-' - - 5,- 1), I ( -- -' P3 - - I ) - P.: 2, -1,- - -----------------------C - P.3 + 1 ) P. C 5, 2, 1. 0, 0 ) ----------------------------4 -PI1*) -?3-( 3,.1.,0, PI + I -"R2 4- 1) P2 4 1 ) - -- 130 - ) * . 131 I1 ) : P. P. P P C24 1) 4.i 3. I ) P. O ) P2 + ( - ,33): )P. 5, 3. 1. 0. 0 ..... --T -. .. -------...........---.... - P14 I C -1 i3 1. 0. t C I1) P.o I4. 3,0. 0. 0. P IF. I ) P3 + t - 12 · I - R2 + 1 ) ( - 3 4I P -96***Q(!.TION NO. P.: 5, J, Fz.C - P1 1, + 1 ) P- ' 1t, , 5 ) E3 * - 21 aI'2ITION. 110. i,a, 1, inO = - P.- 133 ) * o, + 1 ) ?P.( - 9, 0o4, 1 ) P. t 4, - P3 134 p.( , 5,1, 4, ** 1 ) 1, - P2 * I ) 1P. 1, I ) P2 P2P3 RI 4, 4, 1, , 1, 1 ) ?2 P3 + 1, 1, 1 ) P2 P3 + P.1 5, 4 , 4, * 1 ) P.. O. O ) 4, 4, , ) 2. f1 + 1 -2 F I- ) - P: + . . . . . -.................................................... , 135 4t*E 'I.YTICi NO. 1 ( 1 LPFC = - P. t 5, t, 1, 1, 1 ) * P.( 4, 5, o, 1, 3 ) R3 - P 4, - PI + 1 1, h3 . 5, 1, . 1) P. . 1 5, * (' ,4, ) E O 4, 1, 1, 0 ) P2 t, 1, 3, 0 ) ----.-------1, 0 ) R3 * P. [ S.5, 1, 4, ) P.( 5, *1 1 ) P2 {( - R3 * I ) P.{ 4, - 2 +1 ) . . 1 ) P. ( 4, 1, ) P( .4, -- 2 * 1 ) +( , 0 ) 1 3 * ( - h2 *( 1 I )12 1, , 4, P.( P .2 ) P. ( 5, - ?3 * 1 -3 O ) a3 - Pl + 1 ) : 1, 0 ) P2 E3 * 1,1, 1) *t 4 , 4, I, 0 ) S3 136 -*cEQUATICN NO. '5, 5, 1, 1, ') 'ZfiC = 1 ) P. '3 + ..----------------..---.-- - 5, 5, 1, 1, 0 ) _--_____.. + I P. ** 4, 5 0, 1, 0 l( ) PI1 -3 - 1 ) P.( 4, *I+ 5 1,, , 0 ) APPENDIX B E(s,U) Expressions which are Non-Zero and Not of Internal Form (See Tables 3.1- 3.3 for transient states and boundary states with expressions.) internal E(-) Edge States E(l,n2,1,1,lU ) n = X1 X2 2 Yl(l - r2 + P2 Y2 )/P2 2,...,N2-1 n2 n E(l,n2 r 1p2 1-r 3 + P3Y3 n2-1n 2rlP ~l-r 3 ) P3Y2 + = ;11X2Y2(1-r3+P3Y3)/P3, n E(nl,l,l,l,l,U) = X1 X2Y2 (1 n2 1=2 1 1 1 ) r2p3 = 1 P3Y3)/P3 + 3 3p3 - 3 X2Y Xnl-n= 2 n~~= (nl,0,0,0,1,U) iAn1 ,O,l,O,l,U) 3r 1-r3 -- 3 2 ' l-r3-P [ lr2 1-rr2P p+ Y2 1 N2-1 1 32 2,..., N1-2 n l , 1 (1 -I r 212 n- -1X2Y1 Y 1 rnl3 1 = 2,..., 1 1 N2-1 r2-P - n n 5(nl,l,0,1,1,U . 2 2 3 2 2 ), (2-Pl (1 2n1 21 n ,X -1 (O,n,O,,O,U) 2'0'1'0'U) = n=2 r2 + P 2 Y 2 )Y 3 /P 2, Y(1 - = X1X2 ,1,1,TU) U -r p 2 )(-r 3 -P3 )j nl =- 2,...,Nl-1 -l xl j l1 n1 = 2,..., Ni-1 -97- , -98- N -1 n = X1 ,U) ,1,1,0 (N -l,n (1-rl + PlY 1 )Y2 /P X2 = 2,...N2-1 2n 1, N -1 n2 = (N-,n2,1,1,1,U) E(Nln 2 1,0,0,U) 2 I - r 1 2 = 1,...,N2-2 -r+3P Y3 (l Plr 2 2 33 3 x 2 Ja3 xl = (n,N2-1,,1,1,U ) 1 = X1 S(n 1 ,N-1,1,1,1,U) 2 -p )(1p (1-r 2 + 2 X1 N2 1 p 1 2 3 n n- (nl,N 2,0,1,,U) (1-P 2 )] (1-r-P 2 n2 -1 n N n 2 = 2,...,N2-1 + PY1)Y2Y3/Pl (-r 2 1 2YY /P 3 3 3 N2Yl(1-r2 + PY X2 3 2 2)Y /P = 1,...,N -2 1 n 2 2, n1 = 1,...,N1-2 n= N2-1 1 - r2 (n 010,1U) r3 i-rl X , -12l2Y =x 2-,lO1,1,U)2n nl N -1 (OlO X U(nlN ,1,0,U) 1 2Pp = 1 1 + _ 2p 3 X1 X 1 n(1-r2 p P2)(l 3, = 1,...,N 1 Y1 2 2 2 r3 2 L1-r 1 + pY 1 1-2-)j (1-r-p) n1 = 3 1,., Corner States: 1 -r 2 rlP 3 (0,0,0,1,1,U) (r (1 + r 3 - rlr 3 1 -r (0,1,o0,1,o0,U) - -12 XX2Y1Y2 121 YP3rl)XYX2Y1Y 2 N1-2 -99- 3rr 3 r r( r2r+)2 r--P- r ,rI + r 3 (0,1,0,,1,U) r P 3 rl = xlx2 ( 2 +rp (1,0,0,0,1,U)= 3(rl - - r= +r =r E(1,1,O,1,1,U) r lP Y2 = X P 1 Y + + (1 - p 3 ) r 2 )j - r3 )(1 -(1r1-) - r 3 11 +2) 3 3 U(1,Q01,1,,U) = (1 p (rr- x y1 y 12 3 (1 -2 r 3 + P3Y3)/P3 [(1 - r H(1- - r 3 ) + (1 - r+ 12 = O1,1,1,1,1,0U) P 2Y 2 )PY3 N1-1 x1 x P1 P 3 (Ni-,1,1,1,1,U) (1 - r1 + P 1Y 1 )Y 2 (1 - r 3 + P 3Y 3) Pr1 P-1X2Y 2 3 2 S(N1,O,1,O,1,U) E(NlO,1,O~lu) i(N-,N2 0,1,0,U) = = x = 2 P1r2P 3 [ N-1 1X2 X1 -1-rl)(1-r3 ) (1-rl-Pl)(1-P2 ) (1-r3-P3 (l1-2)(l-r3 P1 N2-1 N-1 X2 (N1-1,N2',1,1,0,U) = X1 1 (1-r 1 + PlY1)Y33 ) (+rl)P2r 3 (r+.r3 - rlr3 ) (1-r2 ) 2r (1-r)p (l-rl)P1P1 1 2 -100N1-1 N2-1 4(N1 -1, N 2 -1,0,1,1,U) = X 1 X2 (l-rl N1-] N2-1 = X1 X2 (l-rl i(N1,N2,1,1,0,U) 12 2 (1-r) + PlY1)Y3 (1-rl)P2 (r +r + PlY1)Y3 1 (N1,N2-1,,1,1,U ) E(Ni,N2 x = X X2 )(1 2) (1-r3 11323 N-1 N 1 rr 3 (1-rl)PPr 3 (r (1-r + rPr3) 3 1Y )Y 11 3 ( -r ) r- (-r)pp2r3 ,-1,Q,0,,U) = N -1 N -1 x 1Pl(1-Pl-r r)) )(-r+ 2 3 (1-r1 1 rY 3 1 (r 2 2 + r 3 -r 2r 3 ) APPENDIX C U k[ s]- Expressions Limiting The limiting solutions of the parametric equations (4.1) and x(k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (X1 zero , 2 k(S), , Y 2 (4.2), ), as well as the corresponding non- for k = 1,...,12 are listed below. For each case, all other Ck(s) tend to zero as U + Uk). Each limiting case is indicated by the italic numerals and arrows in Figure 4.1. Case 1 X 9 O0 X 1 + X 0 } x2/xl + Q2 + 0 Y1 +00 (1) 2 2 y 2) Z2- ( p2 --r3 l-r3 +y(l) 33 P3 where + (l-r3) Q2 ( 1 2 )P l )(1-r3 -p3) and (l-r 3 ) [l-r 3 (l-p1 ) (l-P 2 )( -r3 -3 )] Q2 = (1-pl)(1-r3 -p3 )(1-r )(1-r -(pl)(1-r -P )(1-r -P) Limits: 1-r ( 0 ,0,0,1,1) = 2 (rl + r3 - rl 1 r3 rlP 3 1-r (0,1,0,1,0) = 1r (2 -.0J-- rl3)y2 -102rl = E (0 1,0,1,1) '1-r +3 1 = r13 (1) 2 2 3 (1) 5 3PlP2Y2 +r = p (1,0,0,0,1) 1 3 (rP1 r 2 1 2) r + r3-rP 13, I,133 ~1(1,0,1,1,1) = Y2p 51(0,2,0,1,1) =1Case -+(1) r 1 ~l(0,2,0,1,1) =2 r~p 32 [ (1-r3P3) (- [(1 3(l) Case 2 XX 22 Y1 0 0 + y(2) 1 + Y '((2) 2 Y where 2 + 0 1 = _ 1 1-p + 2 2 p (1) (1) 3 ) ) (-p)(-r 2 -p2 -103- + Z2 1'-p 1 2 (1-r 1 -pl ) (1-r3 ) and (l-P 2 )Z2 - (1-r2 -P2) +2+ 2 Z2 (Z - (1-r2)) (0,0,0,1,1) = Q2 Limits: 1-rl 2 r1P (rl + r- + r r 3 rlP3) rlr3 2 3 (2) 1-r(01010) 1 ~(0,1,0,1,1) = 2 (2) (2) -n (2) 31 1 13 21 rP3 (110,0,o0o) = 3 3P2 _(2)_ + 1 - p3 2 (1,0,1,1,1) = r1+ r3 -r 1 r 3 -r 1 P3 ( r 1 2 (1,1,0,0,0) = 1 (l-r3) (1,1,1,1,0) 2 = y (2)y(2) 1 2 (2) ( (2) (2) 1 12 (2) (1-r3 -P3 ) (1-rr) 2 -104- (!'r2)(!r3) 2(1'1'11'1) (2) 1 =P2P3 ) ( (1 -P 52(0,2,0,1,0) = - 52(2,0,0,0,1) = (!-r3 .1 r 2 p 3 (lrl ~~2 ~2 1 ~2 )' 1 ~ r 1 P2 (l-r3 r2P 3 (1-r 52(2, 0,1,0,1) = 1-r-P2 P ) (2) (2 2 p1 (2) (2) ) (2) 1 2 Case 3 X1 +0 X2 + X23) y > y2( 3 ) y 2 + 2(3) = 1/Q 3 l-r2 3 P2 (1r 3 ) + (1-r2) 3 Q3 (1-Pl) (1-r2-P2) and 3 where~r Limits 3(31 p rl3 ( 2( (1-r 3 ) 2 P3) 2(3)Y2(3) -105- rl+r r 3 (0'1',0,1,1) = - 3rr3 X23 p r = p1 3 r2 2 2 3 rlp 3 (r1 + r2 - r lr 2 ) 1 3 r 1 P3 1 3 1 = i(1,01,1,1) 3)(3) y2 (3) X(3) r p p X 3 (1,0,0,0,1) = 2 3 3 (3) (3) 2 2 (3) (3) E3(1,1,1,1,0) = X2 Y2 (3) 3(1,1,1,1,1) = p 2 p (1-r2)(l-r Case 4 X1+ Y2 0 X+ X () 2 (4) 3 1/Q + Z3 - 3 (1-r 3) P3 where + (1-p 1) Z3 3 (1-rl-P1 ) (1-r2 ) and (l-p 3 ) Z3 3 + + Z. (Z3 - (1-r3 -P3 ) (1-r3)) 3 + p3Y3 ) + P 2P 3 Y 2 Y3 -106- Limits -p P3(rl 4 (1,1,0,0,0) = X2 E4(1,1,0,0,1) ~~4 p) 3(1-r 4(1,0,0,0,1) = + (1--rl) r 2 - rr 2 ) 2 (4) 2 4) X (4)Y)(4) 2 3 (1r +)((4) r 3 +P 3 Y3 2 (4) (4) 2 1 X ( 4p2P3 For 2 < n < N2-2, (4) n-i 1r) [ 2 2 [1-r 3 + p 3Y 3 (0,n,0,1,0) = ~~4 5 4 (0,n,0,1,1) r1 p 2 (4) 2 3 1 r (,n,0,0,1) X2( P2 (l-r2 = P2 _2 v X (4) 2 (4) Y (l-p (1-r-p) 1 2 2 2____ (lr2)(4) Y3 ) -r1 2 4 (0,n,1,1,0) = ) (4) _ X=( E4 (l,n,0,0,0) 4 n-1 (4) (4) = (4) 1 (4) (4) (4) 2 1 3 - (1rP 2 -107- f 4 (0,N2 0,1,'0) ( 2 _____= p2 3_ _2 i r3 2 = 2 (r1+ 'P(-rlr3) N -1 ( 4) 4 (1,N2'1-1,0') 0) = N2 -1 (1-r2 ~4 (l1'T N2 -1'0'1l' 1 l -r E4 (1,N2 -1,1'10) = N 2 -1 ( x (4) 2 P2 2 (4 (4) N -1 N2-1 (4) (4) Y (4) (1-r ) (1,N2-1,1,1,1) (4) ) 2X(4) P2 (-) = 2 P2 N2-1 y:(4) Z(4) 2 )YX~ (1,N2,O,1,0) K 3 2 2 P2r 3 (1-rl + PY(4) (1-r 1,1,0) =l(4)(4 (1'N2' ) 4 Case 5 Xy + X2+ 015(5) 0 Pl Y1 (5) y3 3y - (l-r3 ) p P3 -1 24) P2r3 (1-r 1 4 + 2. (4) ) iYl Xl (4) 3 -108- where + Z Qi1 (1-P (1-r 3 ) 2 ) (1-r3-P3) and 3) (1-r =Q1-p 2 3 -r (1-p 3 [1-r 3 -(1-p 2 ) (1-p 1-r 1) )L(1-r 3 (1-r 3-P 3 )] (1-Pp 2 ) 3 -r 1) )-(1 3 ) (1-P 1 -r 1 ] Limits: (1-rl) r3 1(rl+ 2 5 (0,0,0,1,1) = .(5) - rlr 3 -r P 3 )X 1 (5) r 1 P3 f5(0,1,0,1,0) 5 1-r1 = rl (5) (5) X Y (5) (5) (r + r3 -r r3 lr3) X(5)(5) 3 1 1 1 r1 P 3 (0,1,0,1,1) = (5) (5) Y1 r3plP2X1 Y 5 (1,0,0,0,1) =rp ;5(1,' = (r1 + r3 -rl3 1,1,1) ........ ~5 5 1 1r (5) (5) 1 ' '' 1 ( - r1 P 3 (5) (5) P (5) 3 N 1 -1 X (5) S5(Nl,1,1,0,0) = r- 51pir 2 (l-rl)(1-r3 (1-r -L3 - P 3 -P )(1-P 2 -109N 1 -1 5(Nl,1,,1) ~5 = 11( 1) =0 (l-r ) ( 1-r3-r 3 -p 3 p1 r2 1'~ 3rl) ) N1 -1 r (5) (N (1-r 1l-r) = ,0,1,0,1) 3) - (-rlP 1 ) (-P Case 6 (6) = Q1 X1 + X( X2 ° v + v( 6 ) 1 1 zl + Y3 r2 1-P = y(6) 2 2 (1-rl) - 2 0 where (- P 2 ) + 1 (1-r 2 -p 2 ) (1-r 3 ) and - (1-p 1 )Z1 = Q1 + (1-r 1 -p 1 ) + zz1 (Z (Z1 - (1-r - 1 ) Limits: (1-rl ~6(0 0,0,111) (rl+ -2 r 1P 3 ( 11 (0 6 1 0 1 0 ) = r3 -r -. (6) (6) 1 1 (6) 2 1 (6) r 3 - rlp 3 )X 1 (6) 1(6)2 (6) 2 ) (1-r 3 -P -110- 6 rlP3 1 1 Y2 3(6). (6) 66 (1,0 ,0 , 0,1) = 3 1 P 3 (rl + r2 - r lr 2 ) (6 ) (6) 2 r1 + 2 1 - P3 - (1-r3 -p3 ) (1-r 1-r1 ~6(1,0,1,1,1) : (r + 6r r3 P3) - r()3 r 1p 3 3 rlP 3 1-r 2 ) (6) X (6 )y (6)y (6) 1 1 2 E6(1,1,0,0 ,0 ) = X6( ) (6 (1 l (l-r) - X3(6) (6) P3 6(1,1,1,1,0) - X ~6 ~ '= (6) (6)(6) 1 Y2 (1 (1-r3 (6r2) P2P3 (1-P1 n-i (6) For 2 < n < N1 -2 6(n,'0,0,0,1) ) . (6) (6) 1 1 (1-r2-P 2 () ) (6) r (6) ( = 2P3 x(6) 56 (n,0,1,0,1) =1 1 y (6) y(6) (6) 1 2 6r2 p3 3 l 1-r. +pY(6) ) (1( P 3 r3- 3-3 (6) -P (1-r3 1 2) 3 j 6(n 1,,0,0,0) = X(6) 6 (n,'l'0'') = - X3(6) p3 (n 6(n',1,1,0,0) .3 1 (6) Y2 (6 (6)1,1,oo) (6) = X1 y 1(6) (l-r3) p3 (6)n (6) (6) 1 1 2 N1-1 6 (N1 -1,1,,O,O0) - 6 (N = 1,1,1,0,0) I 1 ( N -1 (6 ~N (l~3 (l-p)N-p 1) '6 ,P3 0)+ (6) -1 (6) : (6 -1 )X1 Y. -r (-r ) N -1 · (6) ~(6) 6 (Ni,0,1, 'I1 P r p 2 - Case 7 X1 +X(7 = Q1 x2 P2 7 Y1 ) Y2 + Y ( 7 ) 2 Y2 3 c 1 (1-r 1 ) 1-r 2 3 [ (1 i 1 -p1 ) -P -112- where + 1 (l-r 2) Q1 (1-P 3 ) (1-r2 -P2 ) and (1-r 2 ) [1-r 2 - (1-p p33 )l-p (l-p3 ) (1-r 2 -P2 ) [(1-rl) (1-r2 ) - 1) (1-r 2 -p2 )] (1-p 3 ) (1-r 2 -P2 )(1-rlP 1 )] Limits: (1 -r) (N N 7 (N.l,N2-1,0,1,1) = N 1 2) -(l7r 71 2 (1-r') . (1-rl + PlY1 1 1 N -1 ___(7) p1 -1 )X1 1 2 7(N -1,N2 -1,1,1,1) = (7) (7) (7 y (7 ) X1 1 p1 (1r(7-r -1,N ~7S71(N - ,0,1,0) 22 = -1 (1-r) 1) (1-r )P2r3 (1-r1 + plY )X1 (7) (N7 N -1 %7(N-1,N 2'1,1,0) = 2 r1 P3 = ( l + p 2 7(N1 ,N 2 -1,1,1) P'r3 (r (8) X1 =1 x+ 2 00 Q1 N -1 X + r3 -r2 r 3)(1-r (rl+ r 3rr3 -Pr3 1 .. 2 ) (1-r ) . (1-r )p 1P2r3 Case 8 13) 11 Y(7 ) (N1N -X1,1,00) = 2 rl 3 + (1 ) 1-r)plP2 r3+ (1-r2)(1-r r 1 N -1 (7) (7) 1 (1-r1 + p1 Y1 )X 1 -113- Y1 Y2 Z1 + + y(8) 1 (1-r p1 0 (8) 3 3 r3 1-p l 3 where + Z1 p = 3 ) 1 (1-r ) (1-r3 -p3 and -pl ' ~:(z(1 ) - (1-rl Z 1 1-1 ) Limits: ,0, t8 (1,N 2 -1, 0 ) 0 = X18) 1'-rx 8 (1,N2-1,0,1,1) = (8) (8) Y3 ) X 2 82 1 (1-r2 (1,N -1,1,1,1) 8('2 = 1() (8) (8) (8) (l2 1 P2 - (8)y(8) x () P 8 (1,N2-1,1,1,0) = 3 3 1 For 2 < n < N1-2 S 8 (n,N 2 -1,0,0,0) = Xl (l-r2) E8 (n,N 2 -1,0,01,) = 1(8) 2 (8)n 1 (8) (8) 3 -114- _ (8) (8) (l r2 (8 ) Y3 Y X (nN -1,1,) 1-P2-(1-P2-r2) (1-r (0 NP0,1,0) = 22 1) 3 (1-r3) 1 3 For 1 < n < N -2 () (8) ;8(n,N 2 0,1,0) l= r3 (8) (8) (8) 1 1 3 8 (n,N2 '1,1, 0) r + l-rl 2 1 P1 (1-r2 -P 13 1 (8) 1___2 2 3 2 1-r 1 + (1)3 ((8r2)P) -1-r1 2 (8) 1( 1 (1-r -p 2 )2 x1 - (1P 3)j N1 -1 8 (N -1,N2-1,0,0,0) = X1 (- 8 8 (N1 -1,N 2-1,0,1,1) = + p1 1 1 y )3 N -1 x1(81 S (N -1,N -1,1,0,0) 8)(8) X~ 31 2 ,-(N -1,N .0,1,) 8 1 +l r-r3 2Pl1-3 r 2)) (1-P + (8 (1-r 1 )p 1P213 NN~ (8)+X(8) 2 -1,1,1,0) 58(Nl-N ll( = + (1r32(1-r pY 1-1 P ~1 (8) X1 l(1-r (8) .~ 1(8) +-1 '(1-r r+ 1+ 1 (8) )(1-r 2 ) p1 Y1 -r + ~- (8) (8) ( 3 (8) 3 8(N (rl+r3 N 2-ll, 1,1) =1 r3 p - (l1r ) 12 (l-r2 rl S(0,N 8 2-1 ,0) = 2 ) -r3 (2 ( -r + p y(8))X(8) 3 1 (8) (8) (1-r3 + p3Y 3 (1-r2 8 rl P 2 (1-r 3 + p3Y3 X2) (8) (8) (8) Case 9 X2 + X9) 2 = /Q 11(9) = (9) Y3 1-r P! Z3 3 3 P3 where (1-r 1) + =3 (1-P2 ) (1-r l-P 1 ) and (1-r) [1-r 3 Q3 = (-P2) (1p (1-P 2 )(1-Pl-r 1 ) [(1-r 1 )(1-r ) 3) (1-rl P1 ) -(l-P 2 ) (1-r-P) (1-r3 -P3 )] y(8) -116- Limits: (9) (9(N1,o,1,01,) 23 = I(1-r 1) (1-r P g (N-1,0,0,0,1) r 9 p(9) 1 2 (9) (r 2 -X "9 · ' ' =-1lO~l Y1 p 3r 2 Case 10 -00 X (10) X21 + X210) = 1/Q3 2 (10) ~y2~~ Y3 - P2 1 3 - (l-r (10) 3 3) p P3 3 where 1l-P + Z3 2 (1-rl) (1-r 2 -P 2 ) and (l-p Q3 3 ) Z z+ + - (1-r z 3 (Z3 - (1-r 3 - (1-rl -pi) (1-P 2) (1-r3 -P 3 (lrl)P(l3 = (Ni-1,0,1,0,1) 3) 3 )) -p 3 ) (1-rl-P ) (1-rl) 1 (1-r - - (l-r )p 3 1 p 1 3 p (-P 2 )(1 ) (1r3-3 -117- Limits: (10) (10) ·, , 1, t0(N1,0,10 1 2 P) 2 3 = l(-rl)(l-r3)-(-rl-Pl)(1-2)( - r3-P3 . (10) 1O(N 0 1 -l,l,O,O,i) = X(10)y(10) (1-r ) (1-r 0)(10) + (1-r 1Hl-'3 + p3Y 3 3 =- (10) (10) X2 Y2 P P For 1 < n < N -2 x(1 0 ) (10) (-rX l-r3+ p 3 Y 3 X E1 0 (Nl,n,1,0,1) = (10)n. (10) (10) Y -y 2 2 P r2 32 [ (1-r )X [ For 2 < n < N -2 -2 (10)n E10(N-l,n,0,0,0) = X2 E (N -1,n,0,0,1) = 10 1 (10) (10) 2 3 X (1-rl ~101 ,2, p Y (10)n (10) 2 (10) 3 (10) -r3 + P3 Y3(10) (1-r-P)(1-p2 1 -118- N (10)-1 10O(N 1 -1,N 2 -1,0,0,0) = X2 , (l-r 3 X (110(N-1N2-1 11 2,p N10 1' 3 X 2 P2 -lN2-1,0,1,1)= 1O(Nl N -1 (10) (10) 2 1 N2-1 (10) 2 X210) 2 + .(1-rl)10) 10 N1,N 2 -1' 1,1, 1) = P 2 (10) 2 (10) l (10) (10) N -1 (10)( X2 + Pi(r2 r 31 ( 3 -r2 1 r3- p r) 10(21' Sio (N 1 ,N-1,1,1-1) 2 3_-. = 2- 31 1 (-r) 3 P 1 P2r ) 10 10 ( . N21 -2,N (N 2Np 1- ') = 1r -1 (10) (10) N2 -1 (10) 2-r (10) 3 (1-r (N Nl03,L3 10(N1-1,N2,,1,10) ( r (10) 3 2 2=x) 1P2 -1r,01 (1-r 3 -p )3 ) (r(+i (l-p 2 =-2 1 P3) (1-r2 -P2 ) = 2 )(1-r 3 N2 -1 ) 21 (10) 2 2 3 (10)(10) 2 2 x(10) 2 21,0) (10) (10) -119- Case 11 + 00 X + X2/X1 P1 1 P2 2 2 y Q2 Y3+ 0~ X where (l-r 1) _ Z Q2 (l-p3 ) (1-rl-P1 ) and (1-r 1))[1-rl- (1-P (1-p 3 ) ( 1-r 1 -p1 ) Q2 2) (1-p 3 ) (1-rl-P 1) ] 1-r 1 ) (1-r )- (l-P 3 )(1-r1 -p1 ) (1-r2 -p 2 ) ] [ ( Limits: 11 1 = (N1 -2,N2'0,1,0) rp 3 2 Case 12 1+~ Y1 Y22 + 1 +X2/Xl Q2 3 X2 + 0 2(12) (12) (1-r2) Z22 2 P 2 ) (1-P [ (1-r 2 [ 1-r-P 1 (1-r2 ) 2(-p 3 -120- y . (12) - 3 3 1-P3 where + (1-P ) 3 Z 2 =(lr)1 (1-r3-P 3) and Q= 2 (l-P 2 )Z 22 - (1-r 22-p 22) ++ Z2 (Z 2 (1-r 2 )) Limits: :12 (N1 N2-1,N -10,0,0) = 1 (1-r2 E12 (N-1,NN2-1,0,1,1) = (12) 2 (3 (l'rl 12(N 1-1,N (12) P1 2-1,1,1,0) 2 (1-rl 12 (N 12 (12) (12) (N1 -1,'N 2 -1,1,1,1) = 1 'N2-1,,0 0) 2 P (r 2 +r 3 3 - r2 r 3 ) (1-r 1- + (r + r 3 -r ) (1-rp) (1-r (l-r2) r3 -Pr3 (1-r 2) 12 P2 2 r32 ~-,N,0120) ( E12(N1-2,N 3 (1-P3)(1-r2--P9 r2'0,1,0) p r 32 r1 (12) 3 (12 ) 3 3 Y(12)] 2 ) -121(1-r2 )(1-r3 ) 12(N1i-iN2 1 2 0 1,0) ;12 12(N1-2,N 1, 1,10 )= = 2P 3 2 3 y (12) (12) 3 P l P2 r3 S12(N 'N2 1'''0 ) = E12 (N'N 1 2 -2'1,0,0) (rl + r3 - rr3 -Pr3) 2 Y = (N(1-r)y (12) 2 (12) P 1 r2 (1-r3 + P3 ) 3 (1-r )y (12) y(12) 12 (N1 N-2,1,0,1) = 2 (12) P l r 2 (1-r 3 + p 3Y 3 2)(1-r ((1-r (12) -122- APPENDIX D A Computer Program for Solving the Three-Stage Transfer Line Problem, with Sample Output The FORTRAN program written by S.C. Glassman and I.C. Schick to implement the solution described in this report, and a sample output, appear in the following pages. Numerical experience with this program running on the IBM/VM and Honeywell/Multics systems is discussed in Pomerance [1979]. -123- I;::rJT CII.''G3E OF'PTION: 1, 2, OR 3 (II .1 IiNPUT NI AND N2 (I5 FORMAT) * 5 5 INPUT R'S THEN Pa' (3F8.6 FORMAT) .20 .20 .15 .10 .05 .· 05 N R 5 5 0.2000 ' 0.2000 0.1500 :JS T ilS CORRECT? O-YES. .0 FORMAT) 0.1000 P 0.0500 0.0500 IMACHINE 1 FAILIJURE F'PrDABILITY. o.100oOO REFPAIR FROBABILITY 0.200000 EFFICIENCY IN ISOLATION 0.667 MEAN UP-TIME MEAN DOWN-TIME 10.000 5.000 MACIHINE 2 FAILURE PROBOABILITY 0.050000 REPAIR PROBZABILITY 0.200000 EFFICIENCY IN ISOLATION 0.800 MEAN UP-TIME MEAN DOWN-TIME 20.000 5.000 MACHINE 3 FAILURE PROBABILITY 0.050000 REPAIR PROBABILITY 0.150000 EFFICIENCY IN ISOLATION 0.750 MEAN UP-TIME MEAN DOWN-TIME 20.000 6.667 LINE EFFICIENCY 0.559302 EXPECTED STORAGE LEVELS AND FRACTION OF MAXIMUM STORAGE STORAGE 1 2.3175 0.4635 STORAGE 2 1.8667 0. 3733 TOTAL EXPECTED INVENTORY 4.1843 PROBABILITY PROBABILITY PROBABILITY PROBABILITY OF OF OF OF MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE 1 2 2 3 BLOCKED BLOCKED STARVED STARVED 0.1610 0.1144 0.1900 0.2543 IT IS F THAT THERE WERE NEGATIVE PROBABILITIES ORIGINAL SUM OF P WAS 0.632Q+01 DO YOU WANT FULL PRINT? O=NO. (I1 FORMAT) .0 DO YOU WANT A PRINT OF C AND U? O=NO. .0 DO YOU WANT TO COMPUTE P - AP (O=NO) ? .1 THE SUM OF THE ABSOLUTE VALUES OF P - AP WAS 0.296314Q-20 THE MAXIMUM ELEMENT OF THE DIFFERENCE WAS 0.9789830-29 FIRST AND LAST 2 SINGULAR VALUES 0.1646190+07 0.1218250-02 DO YOU WANT TO GO AGAIN? O=YES. (I1 FORMAT) .1 "Sample Printout" 0.2713930-29 -124- 2- ------ ----.XAIN: C TdLS IS THEt --- --- ---- INT£iiACTIVE tlREE-rA.;E TiANS? ER - DiIViL. ------ .iAI00010 d.i323 3- ------------ FDR THE! MAI0030 iAL33O)4 5 10050 .hI)jO6~ LINE PirOBLEM. C iP?ITTEN BY S.C. GLASSSN .1hD I.C. SCHIZK, LA3C£RAT)EY FOR I!;FOc ATION At5) DEBC1SION SYSTEMS,*tI3':73 ZA$SSZiV:JSI.TS INSTitUTE 5P TFLiN3LCOGY. PFrOi;RA. C ¶AIOO080 m.AI".s J9 C FOE Taf35lY, SZE: EAIOv,11 S.B. G'AS:iWIN AND I.C. SCHICK, 'ANA.LYSIS GF TRANSFER LINES CONSISZING OF Tdl;EE UhiitLIABLE IACHINES AND ,TDFINIrE SIC0AGE JUFFELS' , '0OMPLE.X ASTZELALS HA';DLING A:ND ASSEIl3LY SYSTEMS, FI:.NL REPDE.T, C C C C 1X', VOLdJ: INFOhi,-ATION C ESL-FS-Ie34-9, LABOE.trOY¥ FOR AND DECISION SYSTV.S FtOrMELY MAIO0120 .AIOC130 kIu140 -AII3153 AII.'160 ?,,AIOc170 aAI(~18J MAIO0 190 AI0v20D 2----------------A EtLEicONIC SYSTE$'S LABCE.ATSPY) ZASSCtifUSiTrS INSTIi!UTE OF TECHNZLD)Y, 1979. C . ThIS VERSI3N: 22 MiAY 1979 I00100 C c tAIG0I22D COSO.N /i?ARalS/ F '3), P 3) t;.tAX :2), AX 4) IAI BC23'i .,AIO%.240 I NTi;E IN EG ;i 3o:DSTAT(150) ,JCGL '150, 11), INL£X W'15a) NFCDD, N?SIZE,IOPT, IGOG,N3)DD,'STATE. N1AX ,IA,I,J,IIP, IEr h IN DXVL. IPRINT, IUC, IAP iLAL*16 FEAL*16 EIAL*16 REAL*16 REAL*4 FIINW, FMINW2, W (150), P, P D(150) T(153, 11), B :150, 153), KSI 3528), 'XJ13) * C UFZERO TJ.NS OFF THE UNDERFLDI C -C 5 V1(150), U :153, DUIM MY, Pa03(3528), 5) DJTPUT . . . CALL UFEEBO lIP = O NFODD = 15) NPSIZE = 3528 C 10 C C OnTlINJE WiI TE :6,930) R E D 5,933) IOPT . .AIO00440 i AI 0'450 Al100460 1A13D470 MAI~'I483 ~AIOC 490 MAILU5*0 3AI00510 IAIO520 IF IOPT = 1 THiN N:EW N, B AND P IF lOPT = 2 T;EN JUST EVY I IF ICPT = 3 THN JUST NEW B AND P. 3) GO TO 20 :TiT . L. W.ITE 6 ,91 0) F3AD(5, 320) NiAX :1) . NMAU'2) IF IF ICtPT C 2) CONTINUE .EQ. 2) GO TO 33 aAI0v250 AIA00260 lAIOJ27) ?1&AI 00280 SJ?P SA103290 5AI033C) 3AlOC0310 . AI I320 .'AIOG3-30 S AIC'34$ AO I10u350 !AIO0360 AI00370 ,qAI033'0 ikI100390 AIC OA400 MAIC#415 AIA0420 Alu:'43O "AIO0530 A130540 A I0u550 -125WHRITE (6,920) fiEAD(5,810) DUM(1), DO 348 I-1,3 348 I (I}=EXT(DU (I)) READ(5, 810) DULi(1), DO 349 1=1,3 349 P(I)=OE XT(DUH(I)) DUiI(2), cUH(3) DUN(2), DUM(3) C 30 CONTINULE WRITE(6,990) NMAX(1), WRITE (6,1000) RiAD(5, 800) IGO IF (IGO .NE. 0) GO TO NODD =. 4 * (NMAX(1) + NSTATE = 8 * (NMAX(1) NBAX(2), R{1), R{2), 10 NMAX(2)) - 10 + 1) * (NMAX(2) R{3), P(1), P(2), + 1) P(3) MAI00 560 HAI0C570 MAI00580 MAI00590 MAI00600 MAIO0610 HAI00620 MAI00630 MAI00640 AI00650 MAICC660 MAI00670 MAI00680 MAI00690 LAI00700 MAI00710 C CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL INIT(KSI, NSTATE, NODL, ODSTAT) FORHU(U, NORD, NFODD) FORMT(T, JCOL, ODSTAT, NODD, NFODD) FOhftBX (B., U, KSI, T, JCOL, CDSTAT, NODD, NSTATE, NFODD) EXMIN(NFODD, NODD, NCDD,B, W, IIP, DUMMY, IERh, RV1) SCANW(W,B,NFODD,U,NOLD,INDXVL,INDEXW) FOM PX (PROB,U,KSI,B(1,INDXVL),NODD, NSTATE, SUMP,NFOID) I NFY (NSTATE,PROB, SUMP) C WRITE (6,9 30) READ(5,800) IPRINT IF (IPRINT .EQ. 0) GO TO 40 C WRITE (6, 960) WRITE (6,970) (W (I) ,I=1,NODD) -WRITE (6,980) WRITE (6,970) (B(J,INDXVL) ,J=1,NCLV) CALL PRINT(PROB, NSTATE) 40 CONTINUE IF(IPRINT.NE.0) GO TO 50 WRITE (6, 101 0) READ(5,800) IUC IF (IUC .NE. 0) CALL UCPRT(B(1,INDXVL), U, NODD, NFODD) C. 50 CCNTI- UE WRITE (6,1020) READ (5,800) IAP IF (IAP .NE. 0) CALL PNINAP(PROB, CALL PRINT(KSI,NSTATE) C 800 810 820 900 910 920 . KSI, NSTATE) -MA0 IF (IPRINT ,EQ. 0) WRITE(6,940) W (1), W(NODD-1), (NODD) WRITE (6, 950J READ (5,800) IGO IF (IGO .EQ. 0) GO TO 10 STOP FORHAT (I1 FCRhAT (3F 8. 6) FORIAT (215) FORiMAT(//.' IIPUT CHANGE OPT1OY: 1. 2, OR 3 (I1 FORMAT)') FOLIAT(' 1NPUT N1 AND N2 (15 FCfiMAT)') FORMAT(' INPUT R"S TIIEN P"S (3F8.6 FORMAT)') MAI00720 MAI00730 fAI00740 MAI00750 MAI00760 !AI00770 MA100780 MAI00790 MHA I00800 MAIT0081G MAI00820 AIO100830 HMAI00840 AI100850 MA100860 MAI00870 MA100880 MAI00890 MAI00900 !nAI00910 MAI00 9 20 HAI00930 MAI00940 MAI3095C HI00960 HAIC0970 AI0 0980 MAI00990 IA101 000 1010 HAI01 020 M AI0 1030 MAI01340 MAI01050 MAI01 060 MAI01070 MAI01080 MAI01090 MA101100 MAIC1110 MA101120 -126) Yn)U WANiT FULL PFL;;T? 0=NO. '11 FOFi.i'AT} ') F3Ith;Ar r' YI. ST A'!D LAST 2 SIN3:JLAi VALUES ',3j15.6) POR. i2: F3RMAXT DC.YOU WAN'T TO 30 A;%i1I? L=YES. '11 FI).IIAT) I FOGZAT(/,' $SI>GULAh VALUES OF 3') FORMAT' ' 7Q15.7}) FORiAT(/,' C(J) ViCZTOr) F 3 T.iAT" N * /, 21 5, 38.4,5X,3Fe .4) ') FE . C? 1003) FChA'l ' ' S TItS :i t=YES. 1910 FC -0MV1('iOD Yi)U WAITT A PSINT 3F C Al;D U? O=Ng. ') :A3=N) ?') . ANT TO COMPU3TE - A? 1 320 ?r, ,MAr" DO YOMU 1END 930 940 953 960 970 90a 990 P'. Pi JAI01110 .AAI;)1120 AIO1133 IAI01 140 iaI$1153 MAID1160 AYI'1 173 Al 01180 H¶AI1 190 3A131200 AI0110 ?.AIO 1220 -127- ALEGC010 LC LSCAL rFUNCTICN AL(GAL(N, M.ACH) ALE00020 C ALE09030 .---------------------------..--.........--- ---------C ALEOC040 :C 1T'iIS FUNCTIOIN DECIDES ;HET'rEP~ O$ NOT A GIVEN STATE ALEOO050 ( N (1) , N (2) , `AChi(1) , MACH (2) , MACH{(3) C ALEO00060 C IS A FrCtI/.1SNT CR ThANSIENT STATE. ALE03970 IiTAhSIENT 1S S-3ADY-STATE ?RCB5ABILIY IS ZEPO. IF iT IS C ALECC380 C ALE00090 C 'N;S:CiL' IS IiH STOFiAGE A.f-AY ?ADD-D I'IT3 FICTITICU3 S:OQEAGFS ALECO100 FCFR:EP IS NON-E-:?TY AND THE L4TTEF NON-FrLL. C 1 A.;D K+Il. iH C-------------------------------------------------------------ALE0110 ALEO0120 C CQ-O:,O:;/?UAAS/ . (3), CCT.~C'.c ?(3), 1.'1IX(2), A.LECj130 !.AXST(4} ALEO0140 ALEOC 150 AL003160 ALEO0170 ALE00180 ALE0)190 ALEO0200 ALEOC210 ALE0C220 (4) /ST(E S/ NSTCO C . I:N7:E£ iN1 ,:*S :N(2), ZACIt(3) N' .(, N!;STCR,!A\ST,IND3 c ::AL*16 R,P C AL-kGAL = .TIFUE. uC 11 IND3 = 2,3 IF (;;STO£z(IND3) IF (.ACid(IND3) (';STOr(lND3 - 01'iF O) ALE02 3.0 GO TC 102 ALE00240 1) . O) GO TO 0Q. %LE00250 11 AL500260 (I,;D3 .- Q. 2) GC TO 101 1 .AND. ,IACH(IND3 - 2) (:STu- (I;D-3 - 1) .E. IF 101 .NE. .EQ. 9) GO TO 1 IF IF GO TO 1 .N-v . 1) GO TO 1025 ALE00290 ALE00300 (4ACH(IND3 - 1) GC Tr 11 102 IF (NSTC, (IND3) 1) G0 TO 11 ALE03270 ALEOC280 .EQ. 1) .EQ. -LEO0310 1) GO TO 11 ([ACli TND3) .EQ. TO 103 GO TO 105 IAXST(IND3)) (NSTOCi(IND3) .NE. (IACH(IND3 - 1) .ZQ. 0) GO TO I MAXST({IND3 + 1)) GO TO 11 (NS$Tou.(IND3 + 1) .E. 3) GO TO 104 (IND3 .E2. (NSTOF(IND3 + 1) .EQ. (.'AXS.(IND3 + 1) - 1) .&AD. MACH(IND3 + 1) .EQ. 1) GO TO 11 * 1 4 IF (!"Cd(lhD3) .EQ. 1) GO TO 1 GG TO 11 IF GC 1025 1' IF 1'!3 1F IF IF 135 IF (NSTOF.(IND3) .RE. (IAXS (IND3) - 1)) iF (ACH(IND3 - 1) .EQ. C) GO TO 103 11 CCN=INUE C C 1F A STATE GETS TC HERE IT ISi ECURiFENT C ETLTFPN 1 CCNTINUE C C CTnil WISE T TS TPANSIENT C ALEGAL = .FALSS. }ETI--J N C END OF E*** END LLEGJAL GO TO 11 ALEO0320 ALE00330 ALEOC340O ALEOC350 ALE00360 ALE00370 ALE00380 ALE00390 ALE00400 ALEOO410 ALE00420 ALE0O430 ALECO440 ALE00450 ALEO0460 ALE00470 A.LEO00480 ALE00490 ALE00500 ALF00510 ALE00520 ALEO0530 CALEO 540 LEOC550 ALEO0560 AXLE00570 -128- SUoF(UiiN& A'r2.AN !L1,L2,L3,PP,.JN1,JN2) C TdIS SUJ.A:~3UrIN C.!PUTrES liiE rI-ANSITIGN PROBABSILITY ?Cl? Al A-;!1IC'N I'J Til3E OPEFA2i;ONAL STATUiS 0O. A MACIINr.: C P1I00760 PM10'770 d'109780 P.I3)3790 P."100800 ---------------------------------------- PMI00820 PnISO3 '3 P I'-' 840 2PMIDU850 P1A' "860, PMi110870 C CC;,'!XON /?A::AAS/ AR[3), AP(3), NP(2) C INr 5F i L 1,L2,I.3,J1';l,JN2, Nlll, NN21,NP C F A L*15 .nA,P,AL3, PP C , AL3 =L3 - 1 NN11 = NP(1) + 1 NN21 = :N?'2) + 1 IF (L2 .;E. 1) 30 TO 10 10 1 5 4 il?1C88O PIO00890 P11003900 PP = Ar :L1) *AL3 + 1. Q0-Ak 'L1))* 1. Q-AL3) R ETU RN IF 'L1-2) 1,2,3 IF (JN1 .EQ. ~NH11) GO TO 4 PP = A? (L1)* (1. Q0-?L3) + :1.0-AP'1))*IAL3 ET[E; 1 PP = AL3 ErnfiN 2 IF (JN1 .E. GO TO 5 3 IF 'JN2-1) END 1 .OR. JN2 4,4,5 . N21) G 1..1 O O 4 .2:11)910 PM1100920 P13%,93; PMI00940 ? Mn!(950 PMI00960 P1100970 PMIo00980 PMI00990 PMI01000 P1Io101:3 P1I1020 PMI01030 PB1O1J#40 -129- STI-CUJTIiNE A.T.NS (PECR, AP;'V, AFINAL, NI, NIP1, NIACH) ATROO0010 C ATE00020 -----------------------------------ATRO030 C--------------------------------c T.i!S ST1j.CUTINE cCi2PUrES THE !'.OfDABILITT OF THE AACHINE STATE ATO00040 C T .A:SITIOCN OF? ACHIN- 'N?.ACH' FiOM STATE 'APEV' TO SAE 'AFINAL'ATOO050 C ATFOCC60O C I'NI' ;AD N'IP1' AFE 7TH? S-C'.AGE LEVELS OF THE UPSTREAM AND £DCiNSST.5.A BUFFER STCEAGES. C C 1'1AX' IS TH2 .MXIi.U¶. CAFACITIES OF IHE STORAGE AFEAT PADDED WITH C C FICTIICUJS SIOF.AGES 1 AND K+1. TiJ FPOFMER IS NCN-E.IPTY AND C THE LATTER NGN-FUIL. ................................... C--------------------------------------C CC; C,':/?AfRA.S/ f(3), P(3), N,¶AX(2). iAX(4) C I !'T _r:, PY AFINAL, NI, NIP1, NMACH ATRCO070 ATPOCC80 ATFCUOS90 ATFOlC10C ATi.90110 ATEROD12C A 130 ATE00140 AT.FOO150 ATF00160 ATOC 170 '4N.AX, IN-JE kTF03180 ~1AX C Ft--'* 16 PR.OB, QFLCAT LZIAL*16 F, P C IF C C C C C (ARHEV .NE. O) GO TO 10 IF APPEV = 0 THE IACItlNE IS INITIALLY DOWN. OF REPAIR IS INDEPENDENT OF THE LEVELS TT'HEir -0P3.BILITY IN ADJACT-NT STORAGES. P]CB = yFLOAT(AFINAL) * R(Ni'ACH) + QFLOAT(I - AFINAL) * (!.C2+C ~EETU. N * - P(NO!ACH)) C 13 CON INUE c C I? TH. UPSTREAM STCRAG£ IS EMIPY OR THE DOiWNSTREAM STORAGE IS PFULL, THEN THE PRCBABILITY OF FAILURiE IS ZERO. OTHE.uISE, THE PBOBADILITY IS COMPUTED. C C IF (NI .Q. 0 .OR. NIP? .EZ. %AX(NMACH+ 1)) PEiB = QFLOAT(1-AFINAL) * P (NMACH) + * QFLOAT(AFINAL) * (1.CQ+C P(NMACH)) FETURN C 20 CCONTINUE PrCB = QFLCAT(AFINAL) fETU.N C C ***** END OF ATIEANS i:D END ~ATI GO TO 20 ATFOC 190 ATIFOC200 ATRO0210 ATRO0O220 ATRO00230 ATE002240 ATRO0250 ATOO0260 ATE 00270 ATROO280 ATROC290 ATE.00300 ATROO310 ATP00320 ATF30330 AT00340 ATR00350 ATROC360 ATRO0370 ATROO380 ATRi00390 ATR00400 ATROQ410 ATR00420 ATOO4 30 ATfR0044O ATFOC450 ATR0D460 ATE00470 ATO0080 00490 ATOO50050 -130- 30U03910 B30U00320 030 aou3G04C OIUN!S (X1iiAX,X2dAX}) SU3BOU7INE C C--------------------------------------C THIS SUBOUIIINi CCavPUNES THE UPPER BCU:NDS AND) 'X2AXI C:N 'XI1 ALD 'X2e ,SPECTLIVLY. C 'X1l.XI "*AX(LIMiTS) C BOGUND = 2.0 BCU1O03050 30U3O06C 70 C ------------------------------------- C CO¢.S MC/?AP X$S'/ (3) , P (3) ,V MAX (4 C.QON/F.ACTT-CF/.r 1,9 2 ,A 3,?1,?,3,Ci? C Lk 1pIC., 2P2.C~l 3 P3, h! fi2, * 1,3,CU1i;2, f: 3,i ,?.1,I0.P2,C1.P3, 3. E 1C2,F !P3,h 23,i\2P1 t4O . A 1OUX IiNTEGE:, bX, 1,NC2,)31C5121,N12,;~2f2, 2 IFF C 3-u,315C C fiLAL1b r AL'*16 * * C c C U 1 LU E2,?Ut 3, ,P l,,X%X 2ZA , A, i.1, I ,}3,P1tP2,P3,Cir, 1C!;Ei2,CGi . 3P3, f1F2, ii15 3, O.IR 1P 1,C Z:}.2P2,G h 2 F 1, 2',F2P3, 3 P!, 3P2, 3P 3 CCO'.PU.-' UPP;tL DU4 #4i AX '" 3,Ci21 ,-.P2,CP3, .. 2R3 P2, I1 P3 i 1P1 , k;1 t,P2P3,P2P23 ,3 BCUND CH X1 -3030 t1 3P3)/ (O~P21'O.'I 323* (O.".Al *O.u.jD U 1 =Ci,3 * (CŽ.ii3-CSp2 *.iP 1*C 0.' 2*CIh3?P3*CGl1P1)) * D U..2=0O P2/ (J.'M 2P2*03ofR3) 1)) / C,1E 1) (LO2*(D[J!2-OlF:. DU.= 2 ? 3*.Pl *O.5 2iP2)/(G0irP3*Cr, 2P2* (GIC 1*cIt2iL ,U3=OZ,. 2* (Or. 2-CL3 P2 .2*C 1P1 )) =J1P3 "O I E2* C" 3P3) D U1 4=OP 3/ (c, . CCOPUTE dPPEE 3CUND GU X2 2?22 (OER2*C,1R3*;i DU a1=.Ih2 * (C3 2-C.fP31*C MP3*C.'h2P 2) / (OMcP 1* CNP 1*CoIh 2P2*0b3P3 ) DU1 =1. .I+0O/DU 2OU)000390 DUv 2= CP 1/( C. 1P1*C0'i2) D1U.%2 = Eu.i ( cu . 2 -CM.E 3 ) / (OPP3* iU."2-cOl 3P3) * 1-C rP2*C MPJ*CMI-1P 1) / (C EP2* C'i-1El i* ({O-.l323) C: P 2C .F 1 P1 *CO._". DU Y,3=01i. "* DUM3=1.0j+3/DJfE3 DU ,4=0o 012/ (C .P, 1 *C.2P2) u4-CERU3) / (OMP3*L:U154-C8IE3P3) D)U5i4=)DU.'1* ( U! X2.AX =2.GQ+) * QmiAX 1 ()DUl,DUM2,LLu3,L0ri4) C E TUF.N C C **** LND OF BCUNIDS C END , 33OUg0163 30B'O i70 30U.u0-td3 CU31930 UJ00230 B~OUO0210 BOO;1J220 230 O U0C 240 3C1090250 DOU0O260 B(0,'I*DU!2BCO'03270 33U002803 BOU3 0290 BOU00 30 3ao000310 i0U3U032C D U1-4= (0o P 1 *DU 3 4- Cl,. 1 1) / (oUMI*I ( D1UM 4-CNR 1 ) ) U2,1U.i3,DU!4) A,1AX1 ('JUNl,I, X1lAX=2. 5Q+3 * C C c 30 1.O 3a8C 3e93090e 30030190 B iiOU6C110 UtO, (GCl1 *OJh 3- 30UJ3O330 3000) 34C 30UU335C BOU00360 O3U00370 3OU00380 BO BOU300400 BOUo.; 10 BiCUO 420 0ou0043C 3OU00440 0OU 0450 BOU03460 BO000470 --BOU0048C s3CU03490 30U005CC B30U00510 30000520 -131- C . C C - -- --- -- ------------------------------- - SUB ROUTINE B.IERRR.V1} EX rI KN! ,,M,N,A,W,IP, C INErGER I EL, M, N,II, IP, I 1,K K 1, LLL ,J, 1, a 1 , avI TS,IY-RR IMlOol 0 -X 0 20 i xi 0;30 _VX M.GC040 _7X.ioo050 i.X~360 :X00o070 -_X 0080 z.X 00090 ELXMju103 C c*4***************** ********$***t********t****$$**t*$$****J8*t***********X 30u 110 C THIS SUBROUTINE IS A RrAL*16 VERSICN OF THE EISPACK SUBiOUTINE zXi9Ov123 zX do0 130 C MINFIT. C1*******$***#************#** ************************* *****************Xi*J*4* Xi.X0150 C THIS SU3FROUTINE IS A TRAhSLATION OF THE ALGOL PROCEDURLE MINFIT, Xz00O160 C NUM. MATH. 14, 403-420(1970) 'Y GOIUB AND REl.NSCM. ELX,3C170 134-151(1971). C HANDBOOK FOR AUTO. CCMP., VCL II-LINEAE ALGEBRA, tX,30 180 C .X10 0190 THIS SUBiROUTINE DETERMIRES, TOWARDS THZ SOLUTION OF THE LINEAR C T rXMC0200 C OF A P£XA213 REAL C SYSTEM AX=B, TlE SINGULAR VALUE DECO.POSITION A=USV C T z.M00220 M B3Y N RECTANGULAR MATRIX, FORMING U B RATtiHER TAN U. HCOUS-HOLCBEzXM.o~230 C iEM00240 C BIDIAGONALIZATION AND A VARIANI OF THE Qk ALGORITHM ARE USID. C EXdOU250 C ON INPUT: X 00260 LX1M00270 C C NM MUST BE SET TO THE RON DIMENSION OF TgO-DISENSION AL EXM0(,280 LX100o290 C ARRAY PABAMETERS AS DEClARED IN THE CALLING P.OGRAN C DIMENSION STATEMENT. NOTE THAT Nn MUST BE AI LEAST LXMOU330 C AS LARGE AS THE MAXIMUM OF n AND N; EX M00310 EXM30320 C C M IS THE NUMBER CF RiCS CF a AND B; .X00330 6XM00 340 C £LXM0350 N IS THE NUMBER OF CCLUMNS OF A AND THE ORDER OF V; C 51"00360 C EXM00370 C A CONTAINS THE RECTANGULAR COEFFICIENT MATRIX CF THE SYSTER; C LXMO00380 EXM00390 IP CAN BE ZERO; C IP IS THE NUMBER C? COLUMNS OF B. C XMOCG400 C B CONTAINS THE CONSTANT CCLUN M.ATRIX OF THE SYSTE! EXM00410 C IF IP IS NCT ZERC. CTIHE.WISE B IS NOT EFERENCED. LXM30420 EX-M00430 C C ON OUTPUT: EXMCs4I0 C EXI00450 XMSOu463 C A HAS BEEN OVERWRITTEN BY THE MATEIX V (OETHOGOIAL) OF THE C DECCMPOSITION IN ITS FIRST N EOWS AND COLUMNS. IF AN EXMOO473 ZX33Ui480 ERROR EXIT IS MADE, TlE COLUMNS CF V CCRRESPONDING TO C i.X 00 490 C INDICES C, CORRECT SINGULAR VALUES SHOULD EE CCERECT; C IX00(500 LXMO0513 W CONTAINS THE N (NON-NEGATIVE) SINGULAR VALU2S OF A (THP. C EIX00520 THEY ARE UNORBDRED. IF AN C DIAGONAL ELEMENIS OF S). EXM00530 ERROR EXIT IS MADE, THE SINGULAR VALUES SHOULD EE CORLEECT C LXHOO540 FOa INLICES IEin+1,IERR+2,...,N; C EX5;)550 C (N) EAL* 16 A (NM, N),W{(N), E(N ,IP) ,V1 REAL* 16 C,F,G,H,S,X,Y,Z ,'PS,SCALE, rACHiLP EEAL* 16 QSQiT,QiAX1, ABS, QSIGN -132C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C ** ** T B HAS BiEN OVERWRIT2EN BY U B. IF AN ZEEOR EXIT IS MADL, T TH E RO'S Cl U B COF!ESPGiIINlG TO I!'DICES OF CORh.ECT S.lGULAR VALUES SHGULD BE COfLECT; IEFi IS SEI 10 ZERO FOE NCA. AL RETUNF, K IF THE K-TH SINGULAk. VALUE FAS NOT BEEN DETEEMi E:;D AFTEE 30 I TEFATIONS; EVI IS A TEMPORARY STOEAGE AERAY. ' QUESTICNS AND CCM.IENTS SIOULD BE TIFECrED TO B. S. GARBaO, APPIIED MATHE;MATICS DIVISION, AhGCNNE NATIOCNAL LABOEATOEY .X. - - - - LXMCU563 .X 00570 EXm;S58) tX1iOO590 L X1,O0600 X 0u613 ;x.00 620 EX.3O630 2-XMOOb40 iXh_,65 3 LXf)3C660 XM003670 £X0J680 .-X.A30690 LX03700 X307 10 -72… LX 30730 *ACiEP IS A nACHINE LEZPLND.NT PARAMIEP SP.ECIFYINGG ZX:i007-0 THE RELATIVE PRECISICIN C;F FLOATING -POINT ARITIMETIC. L.XJi750 ACHEP = 16. C0C** (-13) }OE LONG FORS AEITIHITIC iXML00760 CN 'S360 .. . .Xl0J770 X.O..: *** ** ******ClIA NG D TO EXTEN DE PI.ECISIG************* **********LX *0C780 DATA MACHE?/1.0OQ-32/ tX.0i790 C :=X 00800 IERR O 0= EX 1OC81,3 C :::::::::: HOUSEHOLDER EEDUCTION TO BIDIAGONAL FOES :::::::::: -XM00820 G = O.0i_0 LXM"id33 SCALE = 0.OQO ELX.08 40 * = 0.0'0 EX.00850 Z..X100860 C DC 300 I = .1, 1 =X.t3i870 L = I + I LXt 00 880 PVI (I) = SCALE * G x 500890 G = 0%.0 X'U.O9090 S = 0.00Q £X t00910 SCALE = O. OQO EX0-0920 IF (I .GrT. M) GO TC 210 .-X100930 C .EX00940 DO 120 K = I. I EXM30950 120 SCALE = SCALE + QABS (A (K,I))}X 00960 C LXnZ36970 IF (SCALE .EQ. 0.0CO) GO TO 210 .X MO3980 C ' X'00990 DO 130 K = I, ! .xMO1000 A (K,I) = A (K,I) / SCALE XO.010 1 S = S + A IK,I)**2 £301320 130 CCTINUB .x , 01030 C EXH3010#O FA ( II) -. XMO1 350 G = -QSIGN (QSQRT(S),F) EXI 01060 B =F * G - S L 3X81070 A(I,I} = F - G £X131080 LXn)3109 IF (I ,EQ. N) GO TO 160. C Lxn31100 :::::::::: -133- DC 150 J = L, S = 0.0Q0 . X EX0 1110 -LX531120 -X DO 140 K = I, MS S = S + A (K,I) * A[l,J) C 140 1X01130 XM01 140 LX£01150 EX -. O 1160 C F = S/ HB .XMA1170 c ''cX 150 150 K = I, J A (K,J) = A (K,J) CCNTIN;JE 160 IF .l31180 EXn01190 .XM01200 LXiM1210 DO + F * A(K,I). - C (IP .EQ. XM11220 0)' GO 10 190 Xi;X01230 ELX01240 C LO 180 J = 1, .X .IP LxO 1250 s = 0.3OQ EXJ)1260 iX £M01270 Ic DO 170 K = I, J S = S + A (KI) * B{K,J) 170 c F = s / a C DO I, J = B (K,J) : 180 180 K B (K,J) CCNTINUE 190 200 EC 2CC K = I, a A K,I) = SCALE * A{(,I) 210 w(I) = SCALE * g6 G = .Q090 s = O.0U0 SCALE = 0,.000' IF- (I .GT. S .OR. + P * I.K,) . C C I EQ. N) GO 2IO 290 .X t;01440 . IXl 501450 XBi01460 EXtO 1470 C 220 DO 220 K = LI SCALE = SCAL U + CQAES ((I,K)) C IF (SCALE .E. 0.0Q00) Exno1 480 ElMO51490 GO TO 290 C EXO01500 EX 01510 LX£Y01520 CO 230 A1 L, I A(.I,K) A(I,K) / SCALS S = S + A.(lK) **2 230 EXM01530 EX1101540 EXa31550 LZ.x01560 EXt501570 . Yx.01580 CCI TINUII c F = AfI L) G = -QSIGII (QSQRT (S). 1 %* 6 - S = A(X,L) =6 ) LX01590 LxL.P01600 C 240 rO 240 K . L, I 111 (K) = A I(,K) / C IF C {I .EQ. 1) GO TO 270 i:XM01280 LXJ01290 kX,2t01300 i.n:1310 E l01320 MX XM01330 1xr,01340 r. XH01350 t.XM01360 iXM01370 LX x01380 LXfL31390 -Xro 0100 EXM31410 L xa01420 XXM01430 .I XB501610 xs01620 K0EX 1630 £XBC1640 50165X O50 -134DG 260 J = L, S = 0.00 I - z.X,101660 XMCt1670 LAX F.0 1680 ZXH/ 1690 £Xo01 700 -Exr101710 C 250 DO 250 K = L, N S = S + A (J,K) * A(I,K) c c 260 DO 260 R = L, N .£X01720 A J,K) = A (J,K) + S * RV1 (K) CONTINUE 270 280 DO 280 K = L, N A tI,K) = SCALE * A(I,K) -XM01730 -:. X 1 74 3 L.X1M31750 SXd31760 £LX:31 770 LXM 3 1780 X'31 790 EXg01800 ;XMK01810 £X031820 LXM 31830 c 293 0 = Q2AX1 (X,QABS J (I)) + QABS(fV 1(I))) 300 CONTINUE C ACCU.'MULATION OF RIGHI-iHA!D TRANSEGRIATIORS. C FOP I=N STEP -1 UNTIL 1 LO -:::::::::: DO 400 II = 1, N I = * 1 - IIIF (I .EQ. N) GO- TO 390 IF (G .EQ. C.OQO) GO TC 360 C DO 320 J = 1I, U C :::: : DOUBLE DIVI.SION AVCICS iLOSSIBLE UNDERFLOW :::::::::: 320 A (J,I) (A {II,J) / A {I,L)) / G C · ;X DO 350 J = L, s = c.00o C :XMH01940 DO 340 K = L, N 3 40 S = S + A (,.K) * A(K,J) ' C DO 350 F = L, I S * A(K, ) A(K,J.) = A(K,J) 350 CONTINUE C ,.XM0020 360 DO 380 J =t, IN A -aO (I,J) = 0.00 A(J,I) O.OQO 380 CCNTINUE C 390 A (I,I) = 1.0Q0 G = RV1(I) L= I 400 COCNTINUE C 0) GO TO 510 IF (H .GE. N .OR. IP .EQ. 51 = N 4 1 ,.XMJ2130 C DO 530 I = 111, 1 -X1.02150 C .Xl102160 DO 500 J = 1, IP B 1I,J) 0.oQO 500 CONTI NU C :::: DIAGONALIZATICN OF THE BIE1AGONAL FORM : £XEf0 1840 . x101850 XLX101860 LXM01870 E1131880 fXEu1890 XM1 900 "l0 1910 -zXMO 1920 £iXM01930 iXMI01950 X1O01960 ,.XI-j1970 LXn01980 XM01990 X 102 330 EXM 02010 2030 LX LXM$2&W40 X 1102050 · . 141X02060 EX M02070 i-X 132080 EXM02090 LX,02 100 EXH02110 £X 102120 .Xi102140 I1.102170 EXZ02180 £X B02190 :::::: £k 2203 -135510 EPS = MACHEP .* e nX302210 - ' XH02220 -X102230 r02240 FOR K=N STfP -1 UNTIL 1 EO -- :::::::::: DO 700 RK = 1, N :EX K1 N - KK K = K1 + 1 ITS = 0 C EST E:::::::::: FOR SPLITTING. C FOB L-K STEP -1 UNTIL 1 DO -:::::::::: DC 530 LL = 1, K 520 C LI = K - C C 530 C 540 kEX102250 LXM02260 XM.02270 XM62280 :.X!!2290 LL LX~.92300 L = L 1 + 1X IF (QA3S{RV1(L)) .IE. EPS) GC TO 565 R:::::::::V1(1) IS ALWAYS ZERC, SO THiEiE IS NO EXIT THROUGH THE POTTOM OF THE IOCP :::::::::: IF [QABS(W (Ll)) .LE. EPS) GO TO 540 CCNTINUE .X102360 1 :::::::::: :::::::: CANCELLATICN OF ;VI(L) IF L GEATE THIBN 1XM02370 C = O. OQO S = 1.OQO c DO 560 I = L, K F = · BV1 (I) * i 1({I) = C* P. V1 (I) IF (QABS (F) .LE. EPS) GO TO 565 G = W(I) H = QSQRT(F*FP+G*G) w (I} = -HX C = G / H S = -P / I 0) GO TO 560 IF (IP .EQ. ' . C 0O 550 J = 1, IP Y = E (L1,J) Z = E(IJ)X B(L1,J) 550 B (I,}) CCNIINOI = Y * C + Z * S -Y * S + Z * C X1m02560 XY102570 EX102580 EX B02590 560 CCNTINUE 565 Z = (K) IF [L .EQ. K) GO TO 650 SHIFT FROM BOTTOM 2 BY 2 MINOR ::::::::: IF (ITS .E(. 30) GO TO 1000 ITS = ITS + 1 X = i (L) Y = (rK1) G = RV1(KI1) -EX02690 5 = EV1 (l) F = ((Y - 'Z) * (Y + Z) + (G. - H) * (G * H)) / (2.000 G = CSQRT (F*F+1.+ G.O) F ((X - Z} * (I + Z) + H * (Y / IF + QSIG (G,F)) NEXT QR TRANSFORMITION C = 1.OQO S = 1.OQO C C TEST FOR CONVERGENCE -;:Xi02380 LXM02390 31.E02400 _XrZ02410 £XH02420 _X.Q02430 EXM02440 X 1102450 EXn02460 L 0 2 470 5X102480 XM02490 XM102500 EX1-02510 EXE02520 EX02530 E02540 EX502550 C C H12310 tXM-102320 EXM02330 '-X02340 £X-02350 ELX02600 :::::-:::: NO 2610 EX0 EX502620 EX 02630 Lx.02640 kYX 502650 EX802660 EXb02670 B X102680 * H * Y) H)) / - EI*02700 EXO02710 i02720 L::::::::== C2730 SXa02740 EX02750 -136C DC 600 11 = L, K1 I = I!. +1 G. = RVl (I) Y = W(I) H = S * G . G C *G Z = QSQRT (F*F+H*H) .aVl(I 1) = Z C = P / Z S = H /Z F = X * C+ G * S G = -X S + G * C H = Y * S gX02820 - C 570 DO 570 J = 1,. N X =. (J,I1) z= AIJ,I) A (J,I1) = X * C + Z * -S A (3,I) = -X * S + Z * C C ONTI NO I C .C 580 Z = QSQRT (F*F+H*H) .Xm33000 ( I1) = Z :::::::::: ROTATION CAN 3E A.BIT-RA.Y IF Z IS ZERO :::::::::: IF (Z .EQ. O.OQC) GO TO 580 C = F / Z S - H / F = C * S+ S * · X = -S *G + C I IF (IP .EQ. 0) GO TO 600 ;LXM03070 C 590 CCNTINUE C Vl1 (1) = O.Co RVI(K) = F V (K) =X GO TC 520 C ::::::: CCNVERGENCE :::::::::: 650. IF (Z '.SE. 0.OQO) GO TO 700 C ::::::::: (K) IS MADE NCN-NEGATIVE w(K) = -Z C -ro 690 J = 1, N 690 AIJ,K) = -(J,K) C 700 CONTINUE . .~ EXM02830 EX 102840 EXa02850 X 2860 EXl'J2870 i-X02880 -XM?, 0 2890 £X 02910 EX702920 EXZ02930 LXI02940 EXZO2950 iEXfiJ2960 EX I 3297 0 EX902980. z:* XM02990 LXM33G10 kXI03020 XMu3C30 X 0 3040 XZ EXMu3050 EXM03060 £-EXH03080 EXM103090 EX103100 EX,03110 EXM33120 EXM.03130 xnM3 140 Exn03150 L.X 803160 EXMU3170 EX X 03180 EXM 03190 Exn03200 EXP103210 EXM03220 £XM03230 E:::::::::: XM032#0 'XM03250 EXM03260 DO 590 J = 1, IP. -= E 11,J) Z = B(1,3J) B(I1,J) = Y * C + Z * S B (I,J) = * S + 2 * C CC NINUB C 600 X X02760 LX.02770 x32 XI 780 EX M,02790 gXZ028GO 2 8 10 £X nO03270 . EX0i3280 .XH03290 EXXM03300 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -137-Xi10331 GO TC 1001 'IO CONVERGENC I TO A SET ERROR -: :: : :::: C SI:'ULAR VALUE AFTER 30 TTERATIONS C 1000 IER = K 1001 RETURN LAST CARD OF MI';FIT :::::::::: :::::::::: C END C 0 Ex M3 3 320 EX3,03330 X, 03340 X:::::::::: £.XM33350 iX E03360 EX103370 EX.03380 -138SUBROUTINE FORMBX C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C -C C C C C C C C C C (B, U, KSI, T, JCOL, ODSTAT, !1ODD, NKSI, NFODD) FROOE0010 FOR00020 -... FOf.00030 THIS SUBEOUTINE FOPMS THE B MATfIX IN EQUATION B*C=O FCOR00040 THE B AATRIX IS THE CONDENSED FCRM OF .ATRIX (T - I)*KSI FOR00050 WHERE 'T' IS THE TRANSITION MATRIX AND FOR00060 'KS1' IS THE MATRIX CCNSISrING OF KSI(STATE,UJ). FORO0070 THE CONDENSED FOPM 'B' ONLY ITNCLUDES THOSE POWS OF (T - I)*KSI PORO00080 THAT ARE NOT IDENTICALLY ZERO. FOG 00090 FORO0100 T' IS A SPAESE NKSI X NKSI 3ATRIX; 'KSI'. IS A DENSE NKSI X FORO1.10 NCDD .MAThIX. THE CONDENSED MATFIX 'B' IS NODD X NODD. FOF0O120 FOE00130 SINCE 'KSI ' TAKES UP MUCH SPACE, IT IS GENERATED AND USED FOPOO140 COLUMN BY COLUMN. THEREFORE 'B' IS GENERXATD CNE COLUMN AT FOR00150 A TI.E, AS THE RCOWS CF 'T' ARE MULTIPLIED BY THE COLUMNS POR00160 OF 'KSI'. FCE00170 FOFC0180 IN 'FORMBX', THE FIRST TWELVE COLUMNS OF 'KSI' ARE EVALUATED FOF03190 AT LI.ITING UJ (SEE SUBROUTINE 'LIMKSI'). FOP00200 FOR00210 'T' IS STOPED IN COMPACT F3RM, WITH ELEMENT T (I,J) CORFESPONDING FOR00220 TO THE ACTUAL ELEMENT T (ODSTAT(I), JCCL(I,J)) IN THE FULL FOR00230 'T' MATRIX. FOR00240 FOR00250 THE SUBTRACTION CF THE IDENTITY MATFIX FROM THE TRANSITION F0R00260 MATRIX IS ACHIEVED BY SUBTRACTING KSI(ODSTAT(I)) FROM EACH FOR00270 PRODUCT 'ROW CF T'*'CCLUMN OF B'. FOR0C280 FOR00290. 'U' IS THE ARRAY CONTAINING 'NODD' SOLUTION TO THE FIVE FOR00300 INTERNAL TRANSITION EQUATIONS IN THE FOUR UNKNOWNS Xl1,2,Y1,Y2,Y3.FOB00310 FOR00320 'JCOL' CONTAINS THE COLUMN INDEX ·OF THE COERESPONDING 'T' ELEMENT.FOROC330 . FOR 00340 'ODSTAT' CONTAINS THE fROW INDEX OF THE GIVEN 'ODD STATE'. FOR00350 --- -------- -FOR ~ 00360 FOB00370 IN-EGER JCOL(NFODD, 11), ODSTAT(NODD) F0R00380 INTEGER ICOL, NOD, NCDD, NKSI,NTELEM, IROW,JSUM,KSU FOR00390 FOR 0000 BEAL*16 B(NFODD, NODD), T(NFODD, 11), KSI(NKSI), U(NFODD, 5), SUM FOR00410 FOo00420 DO 121 ICOL = 1, NODD FOR00430 PO00Q440 LOOP OVER THE COLUMNS OF THE B MATRIX FOE00450 FOR00 460 IF (ICOL .LE. 12) CALL LIMKSI(KSI, NKSI, ICOL) FOR00470 IF (ICOL .GT. 12) CALL FRMKSI(ICCL, NODD, NKSI, KSI, U, NFODD) FOR00480 DO 110 IRCW = 1, NODD FOE.00490 FO00500 LOOP OVER ODD STATE BOWS FOR 00510 COMPUTE B(IROW, ICOL) FOR00520 FOR0053C -139- SUs = 0.OQ+O NTELEN = JCCL(IROW, C C C NTELEM IS 1) + I TRE NUIIBEi O NON-ZEFO DO 100 KSUM = 2, NTELER JSU. = JCCL(IRCU, KSUS) SUM SU= + T(ICW, KSUI) CONTINUE 100 c C C SUBTPACT CUT THE DIA.ONAL -1 110 120 C C **** C B (IF.CW, ICCL) = SUN CONTINUE .FOR00670 CC NTI NUE RETUEI. END OF FORMB END * .ELE4ENTS IN KSI(JSUM)- * KS KSI(CDSTl7(IROW)) THE POW OF T FOE00540 FOR00550 F.CE000560 FOP00570 FOBO0 580 FOR00590 FPOR00600 FCP00610 FoP00620 F0OR006 30 PFOR00640 FOR00650 .FoR00660 FO 00680 F00OC690 FORO0700 FOR00710 FO 00720 FO00730 1-140- SULEC'UTINE FPC.;PX(P, C C--C C C C C C C C -. C C C C C C C C C C C C U, KS1, C, NODD, NSTATE-, SUMP, NFODD) THIS SU3P0UTINE FOFMS THE NORMALIZES VECTOR 'P' (TIlE STEADY-STATE PROBABILITY VECTOR). 'P' IS GIVEN BY THE .MA'RIX EQUATION P= KSI * C WEliE. 'KSI' IS NSTATE X NODD AND 'C' IS NODD X 1. rC:IUSE 'KSI' IS A V:RY 'LAIEGE rMATRIX, IT IS ONLY FORiED-AND USED ONE COLUMN AT A TIYE. 'P' IS FCrMED BY CCMPUTI'NG THE SU CF C(J) * KSI'(*,J) CVEF THE COLUMINS OF 'KSI'. 'WSI' IS FORFED IN 'FP. i:SI'K FOIMS THE 'INTKSI' FOFrtS THE 'LI'KSI FORMS THE THREE SPAFATE ROUTINES: EXPFESSIONS CFRhESPCl;DING TO BOUNDAFY STATES. EXFFSICNS CORrESPONDING TC INTEtNAL STATES. EXPFESSIONS FCR THE LIdITING VALUES OF UJ. 'P' IS THEN NOR~MALIZED SC THAT ITS ELEtENTS SUM UP TC 1. 'C' IS TIlE SOLUTICN CF B * C = 0 (i.E. THE WIGH7ING CCNSTANTS IN THE SUM EXPRESSION 'OR …..--...……---…--- C 'PS). FOE00240 C INTEGEhi NODD,N'STATE, NFODD,I,J . . C -iKAL*16 P(NSTATE), C C C - U(NFODD, 5), KSI(NSTATE), C(NODD), StUMP IITIALIZE P AND KSI TO ' DUO 1 C C C C 10 I = 1,NSTATE P(I) = O. GQ+ KSI (I) = O.OQ+O CCONTINUE FO. EACH COLUMN FPOM THE FULL KSI THEN ADD TO THE ?ARTIAL P SUMP KEEPS A P'NNING SU3 OF P 15 20 30 40, SUMP = O. OQ+O DO 49 I= 1,NDD lF (I .LE. 12) CALL LIP.KSI(KSI, NSTATE, I) IF (I .LE. 12) GO TC IS CALL FFMKSI(I, NODD, NSTATE, KSI, U, NFODD) CALL INTKSI(I, NODD, WSTATE, KSI, U, NFODD) CONTINUE DO 30 J = ,NSTATE IF (KST(J) .EQ. 0..OQ+0) GO TO 20 P(J) = P(J) + C(I) * KSI(J) SU.YP = SUMP + C(T) * KSI(J) CONTINUE CONTINUE. CCNTI iZUE FOOC3 o10 FOti00O20 F--------------------------------------------OO30 OP000040 F OF 0050 FOPOCC60 Foi00070 FOROCC80 FOPO0990 FOFOOlCO FCRGIO110 FPCOF00120 PGEOC130 FO-RCC140 FORl00150 FOEOC160 FOh00170 FOROO180 ohOO3 1 90 FOFCO200 FOf G021.0 FORCC220 FOP00230 FCRO0250 CC260 FOR00270 FGE00280 F0R00290 FOROC 300 FC B00310 - 0 fi00320 FOR00330FQR00340 FOR00350 FOR00360 FOR00370 FOR00380 FOR00390 FORO0400 FOEOO00410 FORCC420 FOR00430 FOROC440 FOR0450'O FORC0460 FOR00470 FOROO480 FCR004 90 FOR 00500 FORO05 10 FOR 00'520 F0R00530 c C C :'C5.MALI7Z, DC 50 PFOR0540 FChOSSO5 FOR03560 FCOOCSO0 FCFC?580 FOf00590 FOGOC6C0 FCR00610 P SO SUM EQUALS 1. 51 I = I,NSTATE P(I) = P(I) / SU,3 CCNTINUe ~~~Ft~~~~~~~~~~UUP~ C C -*** .ND OF FOfGLP FOP0620 FOR0630 c END El;DE -CFOR00640 -142SUEJOUTINE FCI3.T(T, C C C c C C C C C C C C C C C, C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C JCOL, ---------THIS SUIB:OUTINE! FORIS TtIF ODSTAT, NODD, TRANSITION NFPODD) O........-----------M1AT1tIX 'T'. FOR00010 FOR 00020 .000030 (NLY THOSE FCiS CF 'T' COPEES?ONDING TO THE 'ODD STATES' ARE IFE2DFD. ?UhTiEIl;,ORE, 'T' IS VEiY SPARSS. THUS, ONLY THE NONt.7-,.O ELS:1ElTS OF THE r0CUS COEFESPONDING TO 'ODD STATES' APE STCRED. FCR FACH IOW THEFE APE NO MOFE THAN 10 ENTRIES. FOt0 .ACH 'ODD STATE', A SEARCH IS MADE OVER ALL RECUFRENT STATES TO DET-EMINE ;iiICR HAVE NON-ZEFO TEANSITION PROBABILITIES TC HtiAT STATE. TEE 'l' MATRIX STCiiES THE iTRANSITION PROBABILITIES, W-HILE THE 'C)STAT' AND 'JCCL' .ATRICES CONTAIN TidE ROW A4D COLUMN ?CS1TiONS IN THE FULL TRANSITION MATRIX. FOE EXAI?LE, TO FIND THE LDCATION OF T(I,J) IN THE FULL ?lATEIX, 'HE FI.C INDEX IS ODSTAT(I), WHILE THE COLUMN INDEX IS JCOL(I,J) . JCOL(I,1) STLF3_S ThE NUMBER OF NON-ZERO ENTRIES IN THE ROWO. CCUIENT STORAGE LEVELS AFE PASSED CN TO OTHER SUBROUTINES THLOUGH COMON. 'NCPrEV' AND "'3?PEV' ARE DUMMYY STOPAGES: THE FORMER IS h;ON'-E.PTY AND THE LATTER NON-FULL. -FOOCC280 'N' AND 'ALPHA' D'NCTE IRE FINAL STATE (AN 'ODD' STATE). 'N-WN' AND 'IALPHA' DENOTE A OE3SSIBLE INITIAL STATE. '-'1,'P2',AND 'P3.' BARE TIHE MACHINE TFrANSITION PROBABILITIES. 'ALEGAL' IS A LOGICAL FUNCTION WHICH DETERMINES WHETHER A STATE IS TFANSIENT (I.E. ZERO STEADY-STATE PROBABILITY) OB RECUERENT. FORC'J040 FOROOO50 PF000050 OFGFO0060 OR00070 FORC0080. FCOO0090 FORCOlC0 FCROO1 10 FOR 00120 FO.00130 FOCiOO 140 FOPOO150 cFC00160 FOR00170 FOR00180 FCFOC190 FOC200 FOR00210 FO.00220 FlOR00230 FPC00240 FOR00250 FOPOC260 FORG0270 FOR00290 FOhCC300 FOfi00310 FOP00320 FOR00330 FPOOC340 FCOE00350 C----------------------------------------------------------------------FRO0360 C CCMMON /PAhAMS/ R(3), P(3), NIAX(2), MAX(4) CCI'.ON /STORES/ NOPREV, NPREV(2), N3PREV C INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INT EGEr INTEG ER JCOL(IFCODD, 11), ODSTAT(NODD) N1KAX, IAX NOPFEV, NPREV, N3PREV I, ICNT,IN1,IN2,IA1,IA2,IA3 ALPHIA(3), IALPHA(3), NEWN(2), N(2), C E£AL*16 T(NFCDD, 11) E-AL*16 R, P RErAL*16 P1, P2, P3 C '' FOEO500 LCGICAL ALEGAL C C FOR00370 FOR00380 FOP00390 FOROO0400 FOR00410 FOR00420 FOE00430 FORO00440 IA1, IA2, IA3, INl,IN2FGOI00450 PFOR00460 FOROC470 FOR00480 FOE00490 _EGIN LOCP OVE 'ODD' STATES. FCR00510 FOEOC520 FCE00530 -143C DO 150 I = 1,NODD CALL STOFh(ODSTAT(I), ICNT = 1 30 143 IN1 = 1,3 C C C CHECK N, AL?BH) NEI',;iBOEING STATES FOE POSSIaLE TRANiSITICNS OF N(1) = N(1) + IN1 - 2 1F (Ni EV (1) LT. 0 .01. NPE7V (1) DO 130 IN2 - 1,3 N REV(1) FOECC620 GT. NMnA (1)) F0O00630 FOOC0640 FOR00650 CHECK NI.-IGHd3.ING STATES FCE. TRANSITIONS OF N1(2) FOR00660 FOC00670 IF (1N1 .EQ. IN2 .AND. IN2 .NE. 2) GO TO 130 FOR00680 NPF-V(2) = N(2) + IN2 - 2 FOF03690 IF (N?r:EV(2) .LT. 0 .OR. NPEV(2) .GT. I'1AX(2)) GO TO 130FOR00700 FOR007 10 CALL N T'ANS(NPFEV(1), N-'WN(1), ALPHA(1), ALFHA(2), 1) FCh.00720 IF (NEWN(1) .NE. N (1)) GO 0O 130 FOfiO0730 FOR00740 CALL ;TRANS (PfiEV (2), NEWN(2), ALPHA(2), ALHA , (3) 2) FOF0O750 IF (NWNE(2) .NE. ; (2)) GO TO 130 FCE00760 FOE 00770 AT THIS ?GINT, NPREV(1) AND INPinEV(2) ARE POSSIBLE STORAGE FOROC780 LEVELS WHICH HAVE NON-ZERO TPASITION PFOBABILITIES TO THE FOR00790 FINAL LEVELS N(1) AND N (2). FOP00800 FOR00810 IHE IACHINE STATE TRANSITIDNS ABE NOi CHECKED. FOPOC820 P0B00830 DO 120 IAl = 1,2 FORCC840O C C C C C C C C C C C C IALPHA(1) = IA1 - IALPHA(2) * J* GO TO 140 I FOE00850 CALL ATRANS(P1, IALPHA(1), ALPHA(1), IF (P1 .EQ. C.OQ+O) GO TO 120 DO 110 IA2 = 1,2 C C C C C C = IA2 - 2, NPREV(1), 1) 1 CALL ATEA!S(P2, IALPHA(2), ALPHA(2), NPEV(1}), NPEEV(2), 2) IF (P2 .EQ. O.OQ+0) GO TO 110 DO 100 IA3 =- 1,2 IALPHA (3) = IA3 - 1 CALL kTRANS(P3, IALPHA(3), ALPHA(3), NPREV(2), 2, 3) IF (P3 .EQ. O.0Q+0) GO TO 100 IF (.NOT. ALEGAL(NPREV, IALPHX)) GO TO 100 HEZE THE S'ATF (iPRE7V(1),NPREV(2),IALPHA(1),IALPHA(2),IALPBA(3)) WILL TJND-RGO A TRANSITION TO STATE (N(1) ,N(2),ALHA(1),ALPHA(2), ALPH{(3)). WITH PFOBABILITY = P1*P2*P3. THE APPF.OPEIATE ENTRIES ARE 3ADE -INTO 'T' AND 'JCOL . ICNT = ICNT 1 T(I-, ICNT) = P1 * P2 * P3 JCOL(I,ICNiT) = NOST(NPREV, IALPHA) C C C FCR00540 FORCO550 FOE00560 FOR00570 FGR00580 FCE00590 FCE00600 FOR00610 END OF IALPHA(3) LOOP . FOR00860 FOR00870 fOf00880 FFOR00890 FO00900 POEC09 10 FOR00920 FOROC9 30 FOR00940 FOROC950 FGR00960 FORC0970 FORO0980 FOR00990 GFOR01000 FPOo1010 FOE01020 FOR01030 FORI0104C FEO01050 FORO1060 FOR01070 FORO1080 VOR01090 FORE01100 FCfiO110 -144- lC END OF IAL?HiA(2) LGOP C CONTIN14U 110 - C C C FND OF I.AL?IA (1) END OF NPREV(2) LOOP C-NTINCC NTINUE END CF NPREV(1) LOOP 13C C 130 C C C CONTINUE .FOR01290 £'ND OF LOOP CVTER ODD STA ES 140 C C C JCL 150 **+** LOOP CCNTINUE 120 C C C C C FOF01120 01130 P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FCF. FCF. G11 O CONTINUE C (I, = ICNT - 1) END FOR013C0 FOP01310 FOR 01320 FOB01330 FOR01340 FoaC!350 CCGTINUE RE'URN LND CF FOC' 1 FOR01160 FCF;01170 FOR01180 !90 OPOl FCF01200 FOR 0121C FOR01220 FOR01230 FOR01240 FOR01250 F0R01260 FOP01270 CFCG1280 T FOE01360 FO01370 FOE01380 -145- SUBROUTINE FCRMU(U, NODD, NFOLD) C C------------------------C THIS SUBROUTINE GENERAIES 'NOCD' SOLUTIONS OF THE FIVE C PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS IN FOU.E UNKNCWNS. C THE SOLUTIONS AEE UJ = (X1J,X2J,Y1J,Y2J,Y3J). C C THE EQUATIONS ARE REDUCED TO A SINGLE QUADRATIC EQUATION WITH C ONE INDL'?EHNTNT VARIABLE (X1 OR X2). C C ACCEPTABLE SOLUTIONS ARE THOSE FCR WHICH X1, X2 ARE POSITIVE. C (OTHEitWISE THIE PROBABILITIES WOULD BE PEPRODIC WITH C PERIOD TWO IN STGPAGI LEVELS). THIS IS CHiCKED IN SUBROUTINE 'UTRY' C C C THE SUBROUTINES CALLED TO SOLVE THE QUADRATIC EQUATIONS ARE C 'Y1SOL', 'Y3SOL', 'ZSCL'. C ---------------C COMnON /PARAMS/ R(3), P(3), Na.AX(2) COMMON /USOLV/ ALPHA(3), BETA(3), GANMA(3) C INTEGER NODD,NFODD,L,N.MAX,IIKAX,II,IX,N1,N2,I,J INTEGER IFLAG,IFLAG1,LA, AG2,IFLAG,IFLAG4,IGY1,FLG1ILGY3 C REAL*16 U(NFODD, 5) REAL*16 R, P REAL*16 ALPHA,. BETA, GAMMA REAL*16 Z(3,8), W(3,8), PHI(3,8), Yll, Y12, Y31, Y32, X1MAX, X2'!AX, X1DIPF, X2LIFF, QFLOAT C L = 1 C COMPUTE UPPER BOUNDS ON 'X1' AND 'X2' C C AS WELL AS STEP SIZE. C CALL BOUNDS (X1MAX,X2NAX) X1DIFF = X1IAX / QFLOAT(4 * NMAX(1)) X2DIFF = X2LAX / QFLOAT(4 * NMAX(2)) IIMAX = dAX0(4*NMAX(1),4*NMAX(2)) C DO 200 II = 1,IIMAX DO 190 IX = 1,2 X1 = X1MAX - X1DIFF * QFLOAT(II) X2 = X2MAX - X2DIFP * QFLOAT(II) IF (IX .2EQ. 2) X1 = X1DIFY * QFLOAT(II) IP (IX .EQ. 2) X2 = X2DIFF * QFLOAT(II) C N1 = 4 N2 = 4 C CALL Y1SOL(X1, Y11, Y12, IFLGY1) IF (IFIGY1 .LT. 0) GO TO 20 N1 = 1 C FOR00010 P0F000020 FOPOO020 FOGO30 POfo0040 FOR00050 FPOS0060 FOE00070 FO00080 FO00090 FOR00 100 FOO00110 POE00120 FOR00130 FO00140 OP. FOOU1 50 F0600160 FOR0017C O------------------0180 FOE00190 FOR00230 FOR00210 FOR00220 FOR00230 FOR00240 FOR00250 FOR00260 F0R00270 FOR00280 FOfi00290 FOR00300 FOR00310 FOR00320 FOR00330 FOR00340 FOR00350 FOR00360 POR00370 FOR0t380 FOR00390 FOR00400 FOR00410 FOR00420 FOR00430 FOR00440 FOR00450 FOR00460 FOR00470 FOR00480 FOh3O490 FOR00500 FOR00510 POR00520 FOR00530 FOR00540 FOR00550 -146- Z(1,1) = 1.04+O - .(1) + P(1) Z (1, 21 = Z( 1, 1) 1. C+C - 5(1) + P(1) Z (1,3) ~,3) 41= Z(1,f4) FO.00560 1FOJOu570 F'OiO05t0 * Y11 * Y12 .FCi)O590 P?3)26 C ? Os0f) 610 'lOR00620 oF0.E 0630 FOE.00640 ?O3).03650 FOE-30 660 F03.00670 FCP3O680 FOFC'690 MOi)0700 '0.F33710 C C 1, CALL ZSOL (Z (1,1), 2, 3, Z (3,1), Z (3,2), IFLAG1) C 1, 2, CALL ZSCL(Z(1,3), 3 A..tD. IF (IFLA.1 .LI. 3, Z(3,3), Z(3,4), IFLAG2) O) GO TO 200 IFLAG2 .LJ. C 20 CONTINUE CALL Y33OL(X2, Y31, Y32, IFLGY3) IF' (1:-LY3 .LT. 0 .AND. IfiGY1 .LT. C) GO TC 200 iF (1-'L,3 .LI. 3) GO .IO 30 C Z(3,5) = '.cQ+C ( 3, 5) Z(3,6) = - 5(3) + E;(3) POE00720 * Y31 PO0O37 30 FO 0 74C FG33750 FOB0Si760 ?CIF300770 FOR0O780 7FOEC0790 P0113800 FOECCoSl FC 103820 FOh'0830 FCE00840 C Z(3,7) Z(3,8) = *= 1. 3Q+0 - a(3) + P(3) Z(3,7) * Y32 C CALL ZSOL(Z (3,5). 3, 2, 1. Z(1 5), Z(1,b), IFLAG3) C CALL ZSCL(Z(3,7), 3, 2, 1, Z (1,7), Z(1,8), IFLAG4) IF (IFLAG3 .LT. 0 .AND. IFLAG4 .LI. O) GO TC 30 tC N2 = 8 CGNTINUE 33 ?·70110v850 C DO 130 I=Pl1, N2 Z(2,1) = 1.0.+30 / (Z(1,I) * Z(3,I)) C i)0 93 J=1, 3 W(J,I) = U(L,2+J) PHI (J,I) CONTI NDIE U(L, 1) = PII U(L,2) = PI 90 ALI.A(J) * (Z(J,I)-3BTA(J)) / (Z(J,I)-GA'llA(J)) = (Z(J,I) - 1.CQ+0 + 2 (J)) / P(J) / Z(J,I) = W (J,I) (1, (1, I) I) * PiI(2, I)} C IF (I._Ej.1 YXIMAX, IF (I.E2.3 X1iAtX, * IF (I.-Q.5 X1!lMA, IF (I.£Q.7 ' X1YAX, " IF (L .GT. CONTINUE 1C0 190 CONTINUE 200 CONTINUE. 300 CCNTINUE * C .OR. I.EQ.2) X2MAX, L) .0R. I.QZ.4) X2!MX, L) .0h. I. EQ.6) X2MAX, L) .OR. I.ZQ.8) X2MAX, L) NODD) GO TO U(L,2), IFLAG1, CALL UlhY (U (L,1), U(L,2), IFLAG2, CALL UORY(U(L,1), U(L,2), IFLAG3, CALL UiiY(U(L,1), U(L,2), IFLAG4, CALL UTfiY(U(L,1), 330 Ff130360 FO0O0870 FOP0C0880 OF100890 F0130900 70500910 FO.00920 0FEOO930 FO003o940 0ii00950 PFOR00960 FO1i00970 FiO00980 0a.o00990 701101000 F0101010 EOE01020 OPI01030 PFO01040 FOR01050 FCR31060 0E. OE1070 FOh 01080 7F0111090 FOE01100 -147- BETURN C ***** END OF FO[RlU C ' , END - PFC!112 FOEgO 1 120 FOF.O1130 PFOEO1 110 PFOR01150 -148SUiHlOUI'Jr E FiK-SI (tilELE.I, NDIMU, VKSI, KSI, U, NFODD) C · C --------------------------------------. C THiIS SJBEO.UrINE CCLPUTZS THE NCN-ZERC ELEMENTS OF THE KSI C VEYCTOE FOR /IiE GIVEN U(lUELEM) WHICH IS THE SOLUTION C (X1 X2 Y1 Y2 Y3) Ci THEi PARA..TE.iC EQUATIONS. C P S uJ.( C * KS1( O ).. ) FRO00010 FR00020 00030 Fis'00040 FRIMO050 FROCC060 ?R3300;O C FR.MCCO8C J J J C----- - - - ---------------------------------------------------C CO'inCA /3AEAMIS/ ; (3), P(3), NMAX(2) COit:iCN /FACtCh/ Fl, 3,2,P13, 1,, P2, P3, C1, i2, OMR3, GMP1, * CMP2, 0:P3, CS121, O1.[2P2, OhMF3P3, I.1F.2, .1E.3, 51?1, R1P2, * E1P3, P2E3, R2P1, 1,2P2, R2P3, R3P1, fr3P2, R3P3, P1P2, PP1E3, * ?22P3, N1, N2, N1.ii, i2M1, N1112, N2.12, NDIF C INTE GEi NMAX,I,J,iUEtLE K. S, NK I D NL IMU,NKS1,N , 1,N2,N1,1 ,N2 1 1,12, N2M2, NDIFF INT EG ER C B EAL*lb R, P . REAL*16 KSI(NKS1), U (NFCDD,5) REAL*16 X12(100), X2P(100), * il,I2, ri3, P1, P2, P3, Xl, X2, Y1, Y2, Y3, ZI, Z2, Z3, * OMFF3, C.i2 OrF3, , C£1, CM P2, CmP3, OE.51P1, C'1P2P2, OAit3P3, *.R1f2, E.133, R?11, ,1P2, R1P3, B2R3, [2r1, B2P2, E2P3, * E3D1, R3P2, E3P3, 21P2, 21P3, P2P3,. - X1X2, X1Y1, X1Y2, Y1Y3, X2Y1, XiY2, x2Y3, Y1Y2, Y1Y3, Y2Y3, * FACT C C FOR CCGDPUTATIGNAL £FFICIENCY AND SIMPLIFYING TrH LXPRESSIONS A C NUIHBSIiUF CCMaCE LXPEESSICNS ARE CALCULATED. C' C X1 X2 Y1 Y2 Y3 = U (,1) U(I,2) U(1,3) U(1,4) U(1,5) I=IUELER C C EI = R (I) 1=1, 2,3 C PI P (1) 1=1,2,3 C C NI = N-AX(I) I=1,2 C · C X1P(I): X1 ** I C X2P(I): X2 ** I C C OMRI: 1.0+0 R(I) I=1,2,3 C 0HPI: 1.'3J+0 - P(I) *=1,2,3 C o0iR12l: 1.0U+3 - P(I) ,(I) 1=1,2,3 C C XIXJ, XIYK, YIYJ: Xi * XJ, XI * ¥YK, I * YJ FOR ALL I,K J>I C C rIfJ, RIPK, PIPJ: .El F.J, El * PK, PI * PJ FOE ALL I,K J>I C YI FOR I=1,2,3 C ZI = 1.0Q+O - '1 + 21P C FOE 1=1,2 C NI.1, NI12: N1 -1, NI - 2 C C 'NDIFF ]=8 ' (N2 +1) hiiICH IS THlE KSI VECTCR ADDRESS DIP- . F RM0 1.30 FR.'OO110 F500120 FRM30130 ?R'ioi140 FPr.iC150 F1.;10)160 FE-&V ;170 FRMOC180 ?PMI3C190 RM00200 - FR5?n1210 FR.MC0220 FERCO230 FRM?0240 FRrO0250 FE r,00260 FRMC0270 FRM00280 FEM00290 FRC03o300 ERM00310 FRMCO320 FRMOC330 FR MOO 340 FR100350 PRMCO 360 FP.MC0370 PRO00380 FRM00390 PR00430 PfiMO0410 FE100420 FRMOO 13.0 FPMCC4O40 PFRQ0450 FiRCO460 FEM00470 FPREOG48C FE.CC490 FPE 03500 FRP.00510 FE M00520 FPMG0530 FRMOS054 P.:M04550 -149- FE-'.'gCEv UiETWEEN STATES C (1 J K L 1M) AND (i+1 J K L n) FR1G057dO C C C -?R1C590 BEGIN ?RhE-CALCULATION OF FACTCR$S X1 X2 Y1 Y2 Y3 = = = = = FR103690 FRC 6 10 FH.-P00620 FM0 36 30 FCJ6.4C FRA.3)650 1FPRt'660 F R 3670 F 'i 33630 F Y.00690 ?Ej7)0 FP30)710 C 0,7 20 FFE. i73O `0750 FRMC00750 FRM03760 FR i0770 U(IUELEL, 1) U (IUELLi,2) iUE(iUZLZ , 3)U(IUELEM,4U ) U(IULLE.M,5) C FACT = 1.0Q+0 DO 10 1=1,N1 FACT = FACT * X1 XlP(I) = FACIT CONX2NUE 10 . C C .?i FACT = 1.OQ+0 DO 20F 20 i-1,N2 ?AC£ = FACT * X2 X2?(I) = FACT CCNTINUE 20 -FR.10780 X1X2 = Xl * X2 X1Y1 = X1 *F?,C0800 * Y1 :1Y2 = X1 * Y2 YFHMCC820 XlY3 = Xl * Y3 X2Y1 = X2 * Y1 X2Y2 = X2 * Y2 X2Y3 = X2 * Y3 Y1Y2 = Y1 * Y2 Y1Y3 = Y1 * Y3 Y2Y3 = Y2 * Y3 FRMC3790 . F P ?RE00860 FfMCG870. ?RmG0380 FRAo03890 Z1 = 1.0Q+0 - 31 + P1 * Y1 Z2 = 1.0Q+3 - a2 + P2 * Y2 Z3 = 1.0+*0 - B3 + P3 * Y3 C C C c C c FR?,O0900 BEGIN COMIPUTING KSI VECTOR IN APPF.QXI.IATELY OEDiE 0 0 1 1 , 0 1 0 1 , A3D D 0 1 0 CF KSI(1) 1 = XlX2 * Y1Y2 * COR1 * (R1 + f3 - 1.123 - R1P3) / (1P3 * R1) .Fmot010O KSi(11) = X1X2 * Y1Y2 * O0a11 / E1 KSI (12) = X1X2 Y112 * (F.1 + R3 - R1R3) / R1P3 KSI(4) * 3810 FRIIGO830 PFRI'C0840 FRM00850 c C C C C PR.10 O560 .Ff101040 0 2 0 1 0 TO 0 N2-1 0 1 0 FACT = X11l * (CdE2 * X2 / Z3 - OGP1 * 0fR2P2) / J '= 19 DO 103 1 = 2,N231 KSL(J) i= ACT 4 X12P(l-1) ElP2 FRi00910 FR°00920 F.M00930 PFRM0094O ON UPFRMC0950 ?FR.CO960 1, 970 F6FR00980 ?RECO09.90 FRIC1000 F?!01020 F.M31030 PRM01050 FFRN01 060 FEO3 1070 FRM31080 FRM01090 FFRC1 lC -150- 3 J · 1 KSI(J) = rAC' J= J 7. 100 CONTIN3E C C C * Y3 * I301110 F,.0C1120 FR. 01130 F. V1140 FE HOC 1150 1160 1F01170 FiY01 130 X2?{I-1) 0N2 0 1 0FR[.C -R:':O J = N2 * 8 + 3 KSI (J) = Xl * (P2 * C C C 4 X2P(I;2w1) * (({CAP2 - OBi2P2 $ GMR1 * CMI3) FR,0121C FOR A = 0 0 , 0 3 1i 1 1, 1 1 0, * -Y3 * Y2 * Z3 / P3 * Y1.Y2 + Y1 N2-1 0 0 1 AND * * (CO1A2 Z3 + P223 * Y2-Y3) / 1 1,. 11 0, . 1 I 0 1 0, 0 1 N2-1 0 1 J = NDIFF + 8 * N2.1 + 1 KSI(J+1) - O.OQ0+ KSI(J+3) = X1Y3 * X2P(N211) C C C 1 N2 0 1 0 AND FF;:01230 FRMC 1240 FRn101250 FR'10 1260 F?R01270 FEO 1230 FBR0129C FiM01 30 . FRi01310 FR f01320 FRMO1330 .FR"101340 1 2 A TO 1 N2-2 A FOR A -= 0 3, 0 3 1, 1 1 1 1 . J = N-IFF + 17 DO 113 I = 2,N2111 KSI(J) = Xl * X2P(I) KSI(J+l} = X1Y3 * X2P(I) KSI(J+2) = X1Y2 * X2P(I)' KSI(J+3) = X1Y2 * Y3 * X2P(I) KSI(J+6) = XlY1t X2P(I) * Z2 / P2 KSI(J+7) = XlY1 * Y3 * X2P(I) * Z2 / J = J + 8 110 CCNTINUE C C C 1P3 . 1 1 A J = t;DIFF + 9 KSI(J) = X1X2 J = J + 1 KSI(J) = X1X2 3 =3 + 2 KSI(J) = X1X2 J - J + 3 KSI(J) = X1X2 J = J + 1 RS1 (J) = XlXr c C C C FRM01190 FR M0122C O 3 1 AiD 1 0 1 1 1RMUC122C J = ND.FF + 2 KSI (J) = XIX2 * (31I'1 * P2 * Y1Y2 / 1 + CP33 * ClR1 * Ci%2) / (°3 * (El + * R2RlfE2)) KSI(3J+) = X1(2 * Y1Y2 * (E1 + i3 - r1.l3 1P3) ./ C C C / {(1 + i3 - E1R3))) 1 ARF SPECIAL CASES Z* 2 / P2 1 N2 1 1 0 3 = D1lFF + 8 * N2 + 1 KSI(3J+2) = X1Y3 * X22(N2M1) P2 P2P3 FI101350 FEiMC136 FRB01370 FRM01380 FRM01390 FRM01400 PRM01410 F FR101420 FRF101430 FR-101 4140 FR"01450 FRF01460 FRf.01470 FRMOt1480 FR.FO01490 FRM01530 FR101510 FRM01520 FM1101530 FRM01540 FRM01550 FEM01560 FR F01570 FRM01580 FRSi01590 FPM01630 FH1'01610 FPPM01620 FRM01630 FFM01640 * (01FR2 / Z1 FPR01650 -151- * - X1 * CXb2P2 * C:P3) KSI J+6) = KS (J+2) c C C DO / ?PRl 1660 h3P2 $ Y1 LOCOP? OViiA TtiE INTLiNAL STATES OF THE N1 STOR(AGE . DO 120 I = 2,N1.2 C C C I 0 03 1I A;3D I J -?RfG1710 0 1 0 1 F + 1 KSIl J+1) = X2Y2 X1P(I-1) *(OMB3 / X / 2PE3 KSi J+5) = Y1 * KSI (J+1) * C C = I * NDI I 1 A FRt01670 RO1F680 FEC1690 FRRO 1730 FOR .A= 0 0, Z1 - 0 0 1, 0 1 1, 1 0 0, X1 O.'MP2 1 0 1,1 ' o.i3P3) 1 c . J = I * NDIFF + 9 KSI (J) X1(1) * KSi(JJ1) - XlP(1) RSI(J+3) = X1P (I) KS J'+44) = X1(1)} KSI J+5) = XI (I) KSI(J+7) = XIP(i) C c: I N2-1 A FOR A = C C 0, J = L * NDIFF + FAC: = X1P(I) * KSI (J) = FACT KSI (J+2} = FACT KSI(J+3) = FACT KSI(J+4) = FACT RSI (J+6) = FACT KSI(J+7) = FACT C C C I N2 C 1 O AND I C 1 0, N2.1 * 8 X2P(N231) 3 1 1, P3 1 0 0, 1 0 1, 1 1 1 1 * Y2 * Y3 * Z2 / P2' * Y1 * Y1Y2 * Y1Y3 * Z2 / P2 N2 1 1 0 J = I * NDIFF + N2 * 8 + 1 KSI(J+2) = XlP(I) * 12P(N21!1) * 13 * (.(OER2 / Z - Xl * 0,.1I2P2 * COMP3) / KSI (J+6) = KSI(J+2) * Y1 * C C C X2 * X2Y3 *MX2Y2 * Z3 / P3 * X2Y1 * X2Y1 1 Y3 , X2Y1 Y2 * Z3 / R3P2 '. END OF LOOP OFP I CGVE N1 STOIAGE INTERNAL STATES 12C CONTINUE c C C N1-i 0 0 O1-1 0 1 AND C 1 0 1 J = NlMl * NDIFF + 1 KSI(J+1) X=1 XP(N1I2) * X2Y2 * * (CMR3 / Zl - X1 * OP2 * (.,R3P3) KS (J+5) = KSI(JO+1) * Y1 C C C N-1i 1 A FC A =0 0 O, C 0 1, / 1 C C, i2P3 1 C 1, 1 1 1 ?RM0O1720 ?F0 1730 ?FR 01740 FRx01750 FE. M 1760 ROQ1 770 FR;1nl7dG FRM01790 IhHOC1800 V .018a1 Fm a FRM01820 101830 R. FRM01840. FRMi1850 FRMOd60 FRM01870 FRMO183O FEM0 1890 FRO1 930 FRr01910 fP RM01920 FRM01930 FRMC1940 FR 0()1950 FRo01960 FRM0 1970 FRNM 1930 . FRP01930 FR1M02000 FRPM2010 FBR?02020 FMC2030 FRM02040 FRM02050 PFRM02060 FRM02070 FRE02080 FRa02090 PRN02110 FR!L02110 FP..C2120 FR.02130 FR.02140 FRI02150 FEMO2160 FER02170 FRM02180 ?RMC219C FR M02200 -152- J = tl1,1 KSI(J) = KSI (J+) KSI (J+4) KSI (J+5) KSI(J+7} C C C C * NlFF' + 9. XlP((N1) * X2 = X1P(:?1X1) + X2Y3 = X1P(Nlitl)} X2r1 = Xli?(N11;) * X2Y1 * Y3 = XlP ({131)} X2Y2 * ZL1 a1-1 2 A TO N1-1 ,42-2 A FOP A = G 0 C, 0 0 1, 1 0 1 00 J = N1:11 , :DIFF + 17 DO 130 I = 2,N1252 FACT = X1P(NlI.) * X22(l). KSI (J) = FACT KSI(J+1) = FACT * Y3 KSI(J+4) = }ACT · Yl KSI(J+5) = FACT Z3 / P1P3" -FR02270 , 1 1 0,, 1 1 . * Y1Y3 KSI(J+6) FACT ' Y2 ' Z1 / KSI(J+7) = K.SI(J+6) * Y3 J = J + 8 130 CONTINUE C C C - . '11-1 N2-1 A FOP. A = 0 0 0, 0 1 1, 1 0 0, = N1131 * NDIFF * N2a1 * 8 + 1. FACT = X1P(NlMI) * X2P(N2M1) KSI(J) = FACT KSL (J+3) = FACI Y3 * O.¶E2 * Z1 / KSI (J+4) = FACI * Y1 KSI (J+6) = FACT a Y2 * Z1 / P1 KSI (J+7) = Y3 * KSi (J+6) C C C FRM,02280 FR 32290 FR:I32330 FR102310 FPA;02320 PFA02330 FR:102340 FRAI'C2350 FRM02360 FEa02370 PI 1 1 0, 1 1 1 J C C C FRM02210 F- 02220 Fil1102230 FR102240 F.?02250 PdRi2260 FEm023d0 FRMi02390 FRaM2400 P fi R02410 FRr102420 F M02430 FR0C2440 FS M02450 N2 0 1 C AND N1-1 N2 1 1 0 . J = NP1l1 * DIFF . N2 * 8 + 1 KSI (J+2) = X1P(N1I1I) * X2P(N2t1) * Y3 * OMR3 * 01.2 * Z1 / * (0,511 * h3P2) KSI(J+6) - XlP(Nll) · X2P(N2M1) * Y3 * Zi FBM02460 FRM102470 FR.,0248C FP- ,02490 FR.M02530 FPd02510 FRP02520 FR1M02530 FRM02540 FE. O2550 FRM02560 FRM02570 FRM02580 * FRM02590 (P2 * O1r,F1) N1-1 * (j l + L3 - RIR3) * CMfE2 / (OMRfl PIP2 * R3) FR102600 FR M02610 F. FERn02620 J = i1 * NDI1F + I FR.M02630 KSI (J+5) = XP (Nltil) * X2Y2 * (C1RB1 * O113 FRMC2640 * - OiElP1 * OnP2 * CME53P3) / (P1P3 * R2) FP102650 C FRM02660 C Nl 1 A TO N1 N2-2 A FOE A = 1 0 0 AND 1 0 1 FRZ102670 C FRM02680 J = N1 * NDIFF + 9 FRS02690 DO 140 I = 1, N2t2 FF.n02730 FACT = X1? (Nl ) * Y2 * (C1E1 * X2 / Z3 - C.RlP1 * OMP2) / B2?1Ffit02710 KSI (J+4) = FACT * X2P(I) FRMF02720 KSI(J+5) = FACT * X2P(I) ' Y3 FR102730 J = J + 8 · Ff02740 140 Ct;TINUE F? M02750 Ni O 1 .1 -153C C C fN1 N2-1 1 0 C ANID N1 N2-1 1 FR nC2760 F.R32770 FR H02730 1 = :1 * :DLPFF + N2A.1 * 8 + 1 KSI(J+4) = (X!P(N1l;1) * X2P(42.r1) / * · ((A1P1 - (t*f.1I1 01ii3 * O?:'2) O* J FR1302 790 (P1 * ( i'2 + X3 - F.2h3))) .- Z1 t 0.12 ¥ * 3 ', Rli'3 * / (O:O1p * K3)) KSI (J+7) = X1P (NlH1) * X2P(N2;1I) * Y3 * Z1 $ GOh2 * * (a1 + R3 - i1Hs3 - j13p1) / ( C.i1 * P1P2 * 33) C C C N1 N2 1 1 0 J = N1 * NDIFF + N2 * C P TUFi C C *$*'.* ±ND OF F,$,s1 C END FRa02820 PfiRM283C FE3029O40 PFMs2850 ?E028d60 3FRM02870 (LAST KSI i;LZMLNT) 8 + 1 KSL(J+6) = (h 1 + 3 - hl. 3 - 1,3P1) * 0 C X2?(N2t1l) * Y3 Z1i / (C?.i.1 4* R3P1 ?F.MO2330 FRY02310 .M2 * OAH3 D3!2) r* -3-32830 t ][1?(JN1) 4* FRn302b90 FR0132930 ?FRM92910 FRM 02920 \?RK02930 Ffi'32940 FRP32950 FRs02960 -154- SUBEiUTINE II1FO(ISTAT, P. SUmP) -INFO010 IN0020 c C-- -I1F30030 ------- C THIS SUB3:OUTINE C>2:..i'UTES TIlE P£EiFOiLZANCE MEASUBES GIVEN THE INFO0004 C PROBA BILITY VECTOQ. IFO O 50 IH30060 I.IF00070 P. ---------------------------------------------- - c COMdON /PARTAS/ (3), PP(3), N3AX t2) INF00080 INF00090 C INTEGER N(2), INFOCo100 1NF0110 ALPHA(3) c REAL*16 h, PP fiEAL*16 P(NSTAT), SUMP FR..AL*16 EFF, EQI, EQ2, PS2, PS3, PB1, ?PE2, AQ2, INVENT *CHFPF(3), AQ1, IPFOl120 rJTIME(3), DNTIrFE(3), C· LOGICAL BEG C C C C C C C C C C NgG EFF EQ EQ2 PS2 PS3 PB1 PB2 = = = = = = = EFF EQt EQ2 PS2 PS3 PB1 PB2 IS IS IS IS IS IS IS .FALSE. O.OQ+O O. OQ+O O.OQ+O O.OQ+O O.OQ0+O O.OQ+0 0.0+. THE THE THE THE TdE THE THE INF00250 · LINE EFFICIENCY EXPECTED SIZE OF QUEUE EXPDECTED SIZE OF QUEUE PROBABILITY OF 5ACHI.NE PROBABILITY OF MACHINE PROBABLITTY OF MACHINE PROBABILITY OF MACHINE IFP00130 ItFO0140 IFcOt150 INF00160 INFO0170 11700180 INF00 190 INFO0200 INFO0210 INFO1220 INP00230 INF00 20 1 2 2 3 1 2 STARVED STAEVED BLOCKED BLOCKED DO 100 I=I,NST IF (P(I) .LT. Q.OQ+O) NEG = .TRUX. CALL STOFN (I, , ALPHA) ALPHA(3) .EQ. 1) EFP = EFP + P(I) IF (N(2) .GE, 1 .AND. EQ 1 = EQ1 * N(1) * P(I) BQ2 = EQ2 + N(2) * P(I) ALPHA(2) .EQ. 1) PS2 = PS2 + P(I) .EQ. 0 .AND. IF (N (1) IF (N(2) .EQ. 0 .AND. ALPHA(3) .EQ. 1) PS3 = PS3 + P(I) IPF (N(t) .EQ. NnAX(1) .AND. ALPHA(1) .EQ. 1) PB1 = PBI + P(I) IF (N{2) .EQ. NnAX(2) .AND. ALPHA(2) EQ. '1) PB2 = PB2 + P(I) 100 CONTINUE C . DO 110 1=1,3 UPTIEi (I) : 1.OQ+O / PP(I) 1.0Q+0 / E(I) DNTIME(I) lC.HZPF (I) = E(I) / (X(I) + PP(I)) F. (I), DNTIME(I), iCHEFF(I) WRITE (6,500) I, PP(I), UPTIME (I), CONTINUE 10 WRITVE(6,540) IMkX STORAGE CAPACITIES : ',2110,/) 540 FORMAT(1H0,/,.' iNF00260 INFO0270 IFO00280 IPNc290 I1P00300 INF00310 IN F00320 INF00330 INF00340 I F100 350 INFOO00360 INF00370 INF00380 INF00390 IN10400 INF0010 INF00420 INF00430 IN00440 IN00450 IFO0460 INPFO070 INF0080 INF00490 INF00500 INF00510 INFO00520 INFOO530 INFO0540 INF00550 -155- AQ1 = EQ1 / QFLOAT(NMAX(1)) AQ2 = EQ2 / QFTLOA.T{(NAX(2)) INVENT = EQ1 + FQ2 C C C C INF00560 INF00570 INFOO530 I NFO 590 WRITE(6,510) EFF, EQ1, AQ1, EQ2, AQ2, INVENT INFO0600 WRPTE(6,520) P31, PB2, PS2, PS3 INFOO610 WITE(6,533) NEG,SUdP INF00620 INFC0630 50C FORMAT(/,' :ACHINE ',I13,' FAILURE PROBABILITY ',F9.6, * *' iEAN UP-TIME ',FlO.3,/,11X,' EPAIR PROBABILITY ',F9.6, INF00640 * MEAN L DOWN-TINE ',FP10.3,/,11X,' EFFICIENCY IN ISOLATION ', INFO0650 INFO0660 * F6. 3) 510 FORiNAT(/,' LINE EFFICIENCY ',F10.6,//, INF00670 * ' EXPECTED STORAGE LEVELS AND FRACTICN OF MAXIMUM STORAGE ', INFO0680 INFOG690 * /,' STORAGE 1 ',F1O.4,5X,PF6.4, INFO0700 STORAGE 2 ',F13.4,5X,F6.4,/,' TOTAL EXPECTED INVENTORY ' * /,' INFOO710 * ,F1O.4) INFO0720 2,F6.4, 520 FORMAT(/,' PROBABILITY GF MACHINE 1 BLCCKED * /,' PROBABILITY OF MACHINE 2 BLOCKED ',F6-4, INF00730 INF00740 ',F6.4, /,' PFOBABILITY OF NACHINE 2 STARVED * INFO0750 * : * /,* PROBABILITY OF aACHINE 3 STARVED ',F6.4) THAT THERE WERE NEGATIVE PROBABILITIES',IFP00760 530 FOi.MAT(/,' IT IS 0,L4,' INFOO770 - e* /,' ORIGINAL SUN OF P WAS',Q10.3,/ INFOO780 BETURIN INF00790 INF00800 +***t END OF INFO INF00810 INF00820 END -156- SUBROUTINE INIT (KSI, NSTATE, NOCE, ODSTAT) C C ---C -THIS-SUBROUTINE INITIALIZES VAR-ICUS VALUES OF THE PROGRAM AND C SETS UP -ODSIAI', THE ARRAY CF CDD STATE-S. C . C eN' ABE THE 'PADDED' STORAGE LEVELS. C THE COMMON BLOCK 'QUAD' CONTAINS THE FACTORS NEEDED TO SOLVE C THE QUADiA-TIC EQUATICN USED IN OETAINING (Xl,X2,Y1,Y2,Y3)-. C I'USOLV' IS USED TO SCLVE FOR (X1,X2,Y1,Y2,Y3). C--…… C C C C C C C C ---- IN1OO010 INI00020 N100030 003----------------INI-00040 1-NI00050 -IN100060 INIOO0070 INI-00080 INI00090 I NI00100 --------------------- 10---INI001 10 - INIO00120 COMMON /P-RA.IS/ R(3), P(3), NMAX(2), MAX(4) INIQO0130 COMMON /STORfES/ N(4) IN-I00140 COMMON /FACTO-R/ I1, E2, R3, P1, P2, P3, CMRi, 01M2, OMR3, OmP1, INI00150 *- 0HP2, OMP3,-OMRIP1, OYR2P2, CMR3P3, R1P2, FiR3, RlP1, R1P2, IN100160 * R1P3, R2R3, R2P1, R2P2, R2P3, E3PI, M3P2,f3P3, P1P2, P1P3, - INI00170 * P2P3, Nl, N2, NIMI, N2,1, Nl12, N21M2,. NDIFP INIOOO80 CCMMON-/jUAD/ Al, A2, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, El, E2, E3 IJNIO0190 CO-MtCN /USOLV/ ALPHA (3) ,BEIA (3) ,GAMMA(3) INI00200 INI00210 INTEGER ODSTAT(NODD) INI00220 I-NTEGER NMAX,'MAX, NSTATE, NCED, N IN100230 INTEGER N1, N2, N1, N21, N12, N2M2, 22, NDIPPFF -INI00240 INIO0250 REAL*16 KSI (NSTA'E) I N1100260 REAL*16 R, P INI00270. REAL*16 E1,R2, 2 i3, P1-, P2, P3, OMR1, O-MR2, O0R3,. OP1, INI00280 * OflP2, OMF3, O145P1, OMR2P2, CMR3P3, 11R2, R1R3, R1P1, R1P2, INI00290 -* A-1P3, R2R3, R2P1, R2P2, R2P3, -3P1, E.3P2, R3P3, PIP2, P1P3, INIO03000 -* 2P3 1NI00310 REAL*16 A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, C-l, C2, El, E2, E3 INI00320 RBEAL*16 ALPHA, BETA, GAMMA INI00330 .IN100340 THE PEECOMPUTED FACTORS USED IN THE PROGRAM ARE CALCULATED. INI00350 INI00360 DO 1- I=1, NSTATE .INIO0370 KSI(I} = 0.OQ+0 1NI00 380 1 CONTINUE INI00390 . I NI-00400 MAX(1) = 4 INI00410 MAX(2) NAX (1) N= INI00420 MAX(3} = NMAX(2) INI00430 TIN00440 MAX(4) = -4 -I NI00450 N(1) = 2 N(4) = 2 . INIC00460 -IN00470 R1 = R({1) IN00480 R2 = R(2) -N1I00490R3 = R(3)INI00500 P1 -P(1) P2 = P3-= N1 = N2 - P(2) P(3) NMAX(1) NMAX (2) - INIOOS10 INI00520 INI00530 _INI00540 INIoo0550 -157- Nu11 = N1 N211 = 12 N1M2 = N1 N212 = N2 NDIFF = 8 - - 1 - I - 2 - 2 * (N2 + 1) 1 '1I00590 INI)O0630 iI13C610 C -IN100620 cO1 AiiO2 = 0tRi3 = O'P1 = ONP2 = C.P 3 = OaA121 o01i:2?2 O;4R3P3 C c C C 1. ):+03 - F.1 1. JQ+O - h2 1.0Q+0 -- 1(3 1.0Q+C - P1 1.0Q+0 - P2 1. 02+0 - .P3 = 1.OQ+0 l(1 - P1 = 1.JQ+0 -h 12 - P2 = 1.OQ+0 3 - P3 - f15(2 = 5113 R1P1 51P2 P 1.P3 h21;3 ni2P1 P.P2 Ei2i3 h3p1 R3P2 R323 P1P2 P1P3 P2P3 = 1l t = R1 * =l * = k1l * = Ef2 * = R2 * = R2 * = n2 * = h3 * = n3 * = K3 * = P1 * = P1 * = P2 * Fh1 I N00630 INI!0640 II103650 INIC0660 I NIO)670 INIOC680 INI09690 INI03700 INIJ30710 7120 .11i3 * h2 IN103730 F3 P1 P2 P3 h3' P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P2. P3 P3 . - - . 31 = OP1 * OP3 3B2 = G5i1iP1 * 01]3P3 B3 = OMR1 * 01O3 INI00890 IN1O0900 I100910 INI0092C INI00930 INI00940 1TIO0950 - .1100960 C IIO0970 INI00980 1NIOG990 IY 01000 IN110101 Cl-= 05R1 C2 = OSP3 * OMR1P1 C El = 011E2 E2 = 0MB2P2 / E3 = 01P2 OP2 INlIOt020 INI01030 INI01040 1IO01050 INI01060 C DO 5 I=1,3 ALPIA (I) = 1.OQ+O - P(I) BETA(1) = (1.OQ+O - R(I) - P(I)) cGA, AA(I) = 1.00+0 - a(I) 5 CcITINtUE IN100740 IN10750 IN10760 INI0770 INIOC780 INI33790 IN100800 IRI00810 IN100820 NIIOC830 INI30840 INIM03850 I1100860 1I130870 -INI00880 THE FACTORS FOR QUAD ARE CALCULATED. A1 = 10A3 A2 = OIP1 * O0R3P3 C C 1NI930560 I I30570 IiI,3580 / ( 1.OQ+O - P(I)) iN:01070 lIt01080 I I01090 1I01100 -158- C C C C C C C C C C C GENEFATE THE INDIC$3 OF THIE ODD STATES. TH±ERE AbE 4 *- (I1 + N2) - 10 ODD STATES. FIRST IiL 6 CORNER SIATES 0 1 0 t 1 CDSTAT(1) = 12 1 1 1 1 . ODSTAT({2) = NDIXF. + 16 1 N2-1 1 1 1 ODSTAT(3) = NDIFF + 8 * N2,11 + 8 N 1-1 N42-1 11 1. ODSTA (4) = N1' 1 * INDFF + N211 * 8 + 8 .INI01230 . N-1 N2 1 11 0 ODSTAT(5) = N1M1 * NDIFF + N2 * 6 + 7 N1 0 1 0 1i ODSTAT(6) = N1 NDIPF + 6 C CC C C C 1 N2 0 1 C 1 N2 1 1 0 2 0 0 3 1 2 0 1 0 1' TO N1-2 N2 0 0 1 TO 1-2 N2 1 0 1 TO N0 0 0 1 TO N1-1 0 1 0 1 . 111101270 INTO 1280 1NI01290 INI01300 IN101310 INI01330 1 INI01340 11o101350 32 = 2 * NDIFF INI01360 + 2 ODSTAT(ICNT+1) = J1 IN131370 INI01380 + #4 ODSTAT(ICNT+2) = J2 ODSSAT(ICNT+3) = J2 + ICNT; = ICNT + 14 31 - J1 + NDIFF J2 = J2 + NDIFF CONTINUE 10 INI01390 INI01400 IN101410 INIO1420 4 INI01430 . 0 2 0 I 0 TO 0 2 0 1 1 TO Ni 1 I 00 TO N11 1 1 0 1 0 N-1 01 0 0 N2- 0 1 1 1 N1 N2-2 1 0 0 N1 10N2112 10 1 ~~C J1 = 19 J2 = N1 * NDIFF + 13 DO 20 I=, N2M2 ODSTAT(ICNT) = J1 ODSTAT(ICNT+1) = J1 + 1 ODSTAT (ICNT+2) = J2 ODSTAT(ICNT+3) = J2 + 1 ICNT = ICNT + 4 J1 = 1 + 8 . J2 = J2 + 8 CONTINUE EETURN C C INI01260 ICNT = 7 J1 = NDIFF + N2 * 8 + 3 DO 10 I=1,N112 ODSTAT(ICNT) = J1 20 INIC1240 INI01250 -INI1320 - C C C C C INI01110 I NI01120 INI01 130 IN101140 INI01150 INI01160 NIO 1170 I I0180 IN INI01190 INI01200 IINI01210 INI01220 ***** END OF INIT C END IN101440 IN1101450 IN101460 IN01470 INI01480 INIO1490 INI01500 1u~-INI01510 INI01520 IN101530 INIO01540 INIO155C IN101560 INI01570 INI01560 INI01590 IN101600 INI01610 IN101620 INI01630 1NI01640 IN101650 INIO 1660 INI01670 .- 159- SUBKOUfINE INTKSI(I, DIMU, DI¶KSI, KSI, U. NFODD) c --------------------C--THIS SUBROUTINE COMPUT'£S TH7 ELEHENTS OF THE KSI VECTGE WHICH C C COERESPOND TO THE INTERNAL STATES. C C THE ELEMENT FOR STATE (N1,N2,A1,A2,A3) HAS THE FORK: 3**A3 * Y1**A1 * Y2**&2 * C X1i*N1 * X2**N2 C THE INTEFfNAL STATES RUN FRON N=2 TO nMAX-2 FOR BOTH N1 AND N2 C C C FOP. CO0;PUTATICNAL EFFICIENCY COhMON PEODUCTS ARE PECO'!PUTED. …. ...... C-----C' COHtON /PARA!¶S/ E(3), P(3), NMAX-(2) C INTEGER DI!U, DINKSI INTEGER NtMAX, I, NFODD, J, N1, N2, NDIFF, IA1, IA2, 113 INTEGER N1N2,N292. c C Xl 12 I Y2 13 1) U(I, 2) U:(l, 3) 4 (I. q) U(1, 5) = U(IX, I AND X2 SET UP THE PRODUCT ARRAYS OP X FACT XI 2 NMA(1)312 IF (N31X(1) .LE. 3 OR.0 NHAX(2) DO 10 J = 1, 1182 iP2(J) = FACT FACT = FACT A X1 10 CONTINUE FACT - 12. 1232 = WMAX(2) - 2 DO 20 J= 1, 1252 X2P(J) = FACT FACT = FACT * 12 20 CON TINUOE C YIP(1) = 1ITg.0 Y2P(1) = 1.OQ*0 Y3P(I) = 1.0Q+0 1IP(2) = 1 72 72?(2) 713 !3P(2) 8 * (BHA1(2) NDIFF 1) I INT00210 INT00220 INT00230 IT00240 INT00250 INT00260 INT00270 INT00280 IMT00290 14T30310 INT00310 INT00320 INT00330 117··INT00340' c C INT00130 INT00 140 INTO0150 INT00160 INT00170 1-NT00180 INT0O190 -INT0o200 REAL* 16 KSI(DIIIKSI), UI(NFODD, .5) REAL*16 e, P REAL*16 X1P(100), X2P(100), 11P(2). Y2P(2), T3P(2), Xi, X12, 1, ,2, Y3, FACT' C C INTOO10 INT00020 -INTOO030 INT3O040 INT03050 INT00060 INT00070 INTO0080. INT00090 INT0O100 INT00110 II{T00120 INT00350 .LE. 3) RETURN INT00360 INT00370 I11T00380 INT00390 INT00400 INT00410 IT00420 I1T00430 IT00440 INT00450 1NT00460 INT00170 13700480 I00490 INT00500 INT00510 INT00520 I1700530 INT00540 I NTO0 550 -160C C CO:iPUTS THE INTEENAL STATES . DO 70 N1 = 2,NIM2 DO 60 N2 = 2,N2M2 J = Nl * NDIFF + N2 * 8 + I DO 50 IAl = 1,2 DO 40 IA2 = 1,2 DO 30 IA3 = 1,2 C * KSI(J) = XlP(N1) * X2P2N2) * YlP(IA1) * Y2P(IA2) Y3P (IA 3) J =J + 1 C 30 CONTINUE CGONTINUE 40 50 CONTINUE 60 CONTINUE 70 CONTINUE BETUI.N C C C ,***#END OF INTKSI END ' * . INTO0560 INT00570 INT00580 INT00590 INT00600. INT00610 INT00620 INT00630 INT00640 INT00650' INT00660 INS00670 INT00680 I NT00690 I NT0700INT0710 INT00720 INT00730 INT00740 INT00750 INT00760 INT00770 INT00780 -161- FUNCTIGN ID(IX) C C C - ------------------------------THIS SUBRDUJTINE IAKZS INrO ACCOUNT THE CONDITION IN WHIi:i A DONSTPEEA1 NACHINE IS BLOCKED. C C CO-MON /:tS/ I4(2) COi.1o /PAFiA$1S/ h '3), . P :3), NP t2) C INTEGER ID,I, .C IN,NP . REAL*16 h,P C IF :IX .EQ. 2) 30 TO 1 IF 'IN:IX * 1) .NE. 1 + NP:IX + 1)) GO TO 1 2 ID O 0 RETURN 1 IF IN IX) .EQ. 1 ) 0 TO- 2 ID = 1 BETURE C . . C ***** gND OF ID CEND 162 --- BI'O1603 2'I01610 IO 0 Pi131633 PM'I01640 P/1t01650 PM1i01660 M101670 P1I)1680 PMI 01690 P31 1700 PII 0171 0 P£1I01720 PM IO1730 PMI01740 PM101759 PM101760 PSIU 1770 PH01780 PHIO 1790 ?n 101800 PMI01810 PMI01820 P1I01 830 PSIO 1840 -162- INTEGER FUNCTION ITRANS(NMACH) C c --------------------------------------------------------------C THIS FUNCTION RETUENS 1 IF THF MACHINE IS OPERATING. C IT RETURNS 0 IF THE MACHINE IS FORCED DOWN. C C 'MAX'IS THE MAXIMUM CAPACITIES OF TtHE STORAGE ARRAT PADDED WITH C FICTITIOUS STORAGES I AND K+1. THE FORMER IS NON-ESPTY AND. C THE LATTER NON-FULL.. C C 'N' IS THE CURRENT LEVELS IN THESE 'PADD2D$ STORAGES. C---------------------------------------------------------------C . . COMMON /PARAMS/ R(3), P(3), NMAX(2), NAX(4) CCfcN /STORES/ N(4) c INTEGER NIMACH iNTEGER MAX, NMAX INTEGER N C REAL*16 R, P C ITRANS 1 IF (N(NMACH) .EQ. 0 .OR. N(NMACH + 1) .EQ. MAX(NMACK + 1)) ITRANS = 0 RETUEN C C ***** END OF ITRANS c END ATEfi00750 ATR00760 ATR00770 ATR00780 ATROC790 ATR00800 ATROO810 ATR00820 ATR00830 aTEo008o ATE00850 ATROC860 ATRC0870 ATROC880 ATI00890 ATROC900 ATRO09 1O ATROO920 ATR0930 ATR00940 ATRO0950 ATROO960 ATRO0970 ATR00980 ATR00990 ATRO1000 AT~.10101 ATR01020 ATR01030 ATR1040 -163- FJnr IO4 I[I fIX) . C .. C C TiHIS FUNTIOII TAKES INTO ACCOUNT TUE CON.DTI3rD IN WHICH A. 0PSTREAA MACHiNbE IS STAEVED. _ ----------------------------------------------C---------------------- ~C~~~ COa:O1N /$NS/ I'N2) COHMON /PARAIS/ R(3), P(3), NP(2) C C -PHIO INTE(;ER IU,IN,NP,[X .REIL*16 R,P IF (IX .EQ. 1) GO TO 1 1 IF (IN IX - 1) ,NE. 2 IU = 0 RETURN 1 + NP(IX)) I IF (INfIX) .EQ. IU = 1 RETURN - C ***** END OF 1c END ) GO TO 1 3) TO 2 - Pn1101330 ?Ml 1340 19135) Pn101360 Pn1111373 I1383 P~~~ .9101390 P ilO1 400 PM 3 1413 I422 PHI01430 P·1i)1443 - PMI01450 PNaI3463 PMI01470 PZ101480 paRII490 P. I01500 PIu01510 PMI'01520 . P3IO1530 PO101540 P1101550 PRM1560 -164- SUBROUZIN. LIMKSI(KSI,NSTATE,JKSI) LIM00Q10 C LIM00020 C----------------------------------------------------------------------LIMO30 C COMPUTES ANALYTICALLY TIE LIMITING KSI VECTORS LIM00040 C FOR LIMITS AS uX, X2 OR BOTH GO TO ZERO OR INFINITY LIMOO)50 C---------------------------------------------------------------------LIM 060 C LIM00070 COMMON /P ARAMS/E (3) ,P(3) ,NSTCR (2) LIM00080 COMMCN/FACTOR/R1,R2,E3,P1,P2,P3,GMR1,OMR2,OMR3,OMiP1,OMP2,OMP3, LIM00090 * Q iOHMP 1,R,0P2L 2, OMP3R3, filR2, R R3,R1P1,.l P2, R1P3, R2i3, R2P1, LIMO 100 * R2P2,R2P3,R3P1,R3P2, .3P3,P 12,PIP3,P2P3,N1,N2,N11,N21, LIM00110 * N12,N22,NRIFF LIMOO 120 C LIM00130 REAL*16 KSI (NSTATE),R,P,R1,rE2,R3,Pl,P2,P3 LIMO0140 REAL*16 OMR 1 ,OtR2, OIR3,OMP1, CMP2, CMP3,OiFP1R1,OMP2R2,OP.3R3 LIM00150 REAL*16 R1PI,R1P2,R 1P3,R2P1,R2ZP2,R2P3,R3P, R3P2,R3P3 LIMo0160 R3AL*t6 R1R2,R 13,R2R3,P1P2, P1P3,P2P3 LIM00 170 REAL*16 X1,X2,Y1,Y2,Y3,Z 1,Z2,Z3,Q1,2,Q3 LIM0180 C LI00190 INTEGER NSTOR,N 11, N 12,21,N22,N,NSTATE,NDIFF,N1,N2 LIM00200 INTEGER IN, IOUT, JKSI LIO00 210 C LIH00220 GO TO (100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000, 1100, 1200) ,JKSI LIM00230 C LIMO240O 100 CONTINUE LIM00250 C -------------LIM002.--60 C LIMITING CASE NUMBER 1 LIM00270 C (LOWER LEFT CORNER - Xl AND X2 GO TO ZERO) LIM00280 C (CURVE: +-+ -) LIM00290 C (NORMALIZING: X1 * X2 * Y). LIMOO00300 C---------------------LI---MO31-------------------------------------L003 Q2=ONR3*(O'-R3-ONMP1I*MP2*0MP3R.3)/(OPl*OMP3R3*(OMR3*0MR2LIM00320 *~OM Pl*OP3Ph3*CNP2R2)) LIMC0 330 LI K00340 Z2=OMR3/ (Q2*OMP1*OM P3R3) TY2= (Z2-O1i2)/P (2) LIM00350 Y3=-OOMR3/P(3)I LIM00360 c……. .......---------.-------------LIM00370 CALL ZEROC (KSI,NSTIAE) LIM00380 KSI (4) =OMRI* (R(1) +R (3)-R1R3-R 1P3) *Y2/ R (1)*RIP3) LIM00390 INDEX=NOFST2 (0 ,10, 1,0) LIM00400 KSI (INDEX)-OMR1*Y2/R (1) LIM00410 KSI (INDEX+1)= (R (1) +i (3)-E13) *Y2/RlP3 LIM00420 INDEX=NOfST2(1,0,0,0,1) LI00430 KSI (INDX)=R3P2*P (1)*Y2/(RP3*(R (1)+R(2) -R R2)) LIM00440 KSI (NDEX+6)= (1) +E (3)-R 13-R1P3) *Y2/R 1P3 LIMd00450 INDEX=NOFST2 (1,1,1,1,0) LIM00460 KSI(INDEX)=Y2 LIM00470 KSI (INDEX+1)=Y2*Y3 LIM00480 INDEX=NOFST2 (0,2,0,1,0) LIM00490 KSI (I NDEX) =(OaR3*CMPf2/OMP3R3-O IP1*OP2R2)/R 1P2 LIM00500 KSI (INDEX+1) =KSI (INDEX)*Y3 LIM00510 GO TO 9999 LIM00520 200 CONTINUE LIM00530 C LIM00540 C ----------------------------------------------------------LI 550 -165C L1,')0560 LIMITING CASE 113Ji.3ER 2 C (LO;{ER LLFT CORNItE, - Xl ANID X2 GO TO ZERO) LIM00570 C (CURVE: - + +) LI;OO0580 C (NORIALIZIUIG: X1 * X2) C ----------------------------------Y1--R (1)/O1P1 L2 =O P1/ (O LIMOC590 ----------------------------------- LIM00600 LI'lOG610 P1. l*ON4f3) LI OO 620 Y 2= (Z2-0.R2)/P (2) LI100630 L C---------------------------------------------------------------------- LIOO6406O CALL ZERO(KSI,NSTATE} KSI (4)=OCR1* (t (1)+R (3)-R 1R3-R 1P3) *Y1Y2/(R( 1)*R1P3) INDEX=NOCFST2 (0, 1,0,1,0) KSI (INDEX)=OiR 1*Y1*Y2/R (1) K S (INDEX+1 )= (1 )+R (3) -R 1R3) *Y1 *Y2/R1P3 INDEX=NOFST2 (1,0,0,0,1) KSI(INDEX)=( F3P1P(2) Y1I*Y2/E (1)+GOP3-O1P3 3*CO.R1O 1 * (P (3) * (hi( 1) + (2) -E 1R2)) KSl (I NDEX+6) = (R (1) +E (3)-R1R3-R 1 P3) *Y1*Y2/1 P3 KSI (INDEX+7) =1 .QO KSI (INDEX+ 1 3) =OaP3*Y 2/P (3) KSI (INDX +1 3) =Y 1*Y2 KSI (INDEX+14) =0O,tE2*0MR3*Y1/P2P3 INDEX=NOFST2(0,2,0,1,0) KSI (I NDEX) =-OMP1 AOAP2 R2*Y 1/B 1P2 INDEX=NOFST2 (2,0 ,0,0,1) KSI (I ND.K) =M0E3*01aP1*Y2/ (R2P3*OMP 1R 1) KSI (INDEX+4) =KSI (INDEX) *r 1 GO TO 9999 300 CONTINUE . C C -------------------------------------------C LIMITING CASE NUMBER 3 C (LEFT EDGE AND CORNERS - X1 C (CURVE: 4 - +) C (NORMALIZING: XI * Y1) C ------------------GOES TO ZERO) .L------------------------------------ Q3=0 1MR2* (M01R2-O!i P 1*0 P3*O P2E2)/ (OMP 1 *. t* GO1dP1*OMP2R2*OMP3R 3)) Z3 =OMP2/(Q3 *OlP1*O3 P2R2) Y3= (Z3-O1R3)/P (3) Y2=-0 MR2/P (2) X2=1.QO/Q3 C .E2)/ LIM00650 L00660 LI.900670 LIhOC680 LI M30690 LIM0700 0 LI.NOO710 LI i00720 LI100730 LIM007'40 LI100750 LIMf100760 LIM00770 LIM00780 LIMOO 790 LIHMO0800 LIMOo810 LIM00320 LI-00830 LI00C840 LI100850 -- L 00860 LIM00870 LI M00880 LIM00890 LIM00900 LI0910 P2a2* (O 2*onM3- --------------------------------------- CALL ZERO(KSI,NSTATE) KSI(4) =OR1*R((1)+R (3)-R1R3-RP3) *X2*Y2/(R(1) *1P3) INDEX=NOFST2 (0,, 1 1,0) KSI (INDEX) =OM 1*X2*Y2/R (1) KSI (INDEX+1l)= (R (1) +R (3) - 1R3) *X2*Y2/P3 INDEX=NOFST2 {1,0,0, 0,1 ) KSI (INDEX) =R3P 1 *P (2) *X 2Y 2/ (lP3* (R(1) +1F(2) -B1E2)) KSI (I NDEX +6) = (R ( 1) +R (3) -E 1F 3-F 1 P3) *X2*Y2/R1 P3 IN DlX=NOFST2 ( , 1 1, 1,C) KSI (INDEX) =X2*12 KS I (INDEX+ 1)=X2* (Oai 2*Z3 +P2P3*Y2*Y3) /P2P3 GO TO 9999 LI M00920 LIM00930 LI M0940 LIM00950 LI M00960 LIi100970 LI00980 LIM00990 LIMO1000 LIEO1 010 LIM 1020 LI01 030 LIMO1040O LIMO1050 LI MO 1060 LIM01070 LIM01080 LIMO1090 LIMO1100 -166LIMO 1 110 LIM11120 LIM01130 LIMO 140o LIIO1150 400 CONTINUE C C------------------------------C L;'!'TI-NG CASE NUMBER 4 (LEFT EDGE A'D CGRNERS - X1 GOES TO ZERO) C (CURVE: C - LIM01160 + +) LIMOl1170 LIO110 LINt01190 LIa01200 LIM1210 (NORMALIZING: Xl) C C-----------------------------------------------------------------Z3=OMP1/ (OIP1RI1COMR2) 'Z3 -CM P3R3) /(Z3* (Z3-OME 3) ) Q3 = (C3i3 X2=1. QO/Q3 LIMO1220 LIM0 1230 Y1=-H (1)/Cp!P Y3= (Z3-OiIR3)/P (3) -- C----------CALL Z EO (KSI, NSTATE) IND&X=NOFST2(1,0,,0,1) KSI {(INDEX) = (Ci.IP3-OiIP3R3*-OMi1*OGME2) *X2/(P (3) ({R (1) +R (2)-R1R2) ) INDEX=NOFST2 (1,1,0,0,0) KSI (INDEX) X2 KSI (I NDEX +1) X2* Y3 KSI (INDEX+7)-X2*Y1*OMR2*Z3/P2P3 lNDEX=NOFST2(0,2,0,.1,0) DO 401 N=2,N21 2E2)/R1P2 KSI(INDEX) =X2 **(N-1)* Y1* (OMR2*X2/Z3-CM P1 **OP KSI ({INDEX+)=KSI(INDEX) *Y3 401 INDZX=INDEX+8 INDEX= NOFST2 (1,2,0,0,0) DO 402 N=2,N22 KSI (INDEX)=X2**N KSI (INDEX+1)=KSI (INDEX)*Y3 KSI (INDEX+6) =KSI (IN DEX) *Y 1eOR2/P (2) KSI(INDEX+7)=KSI (INDEX)*Y1 *Y3*OMR2/P(2) INDEX=INDEX+8 402 INDEX=NOFST2(0,NSTOR (2).0,1,0 KSI (INDEX)=X2 **N21* (GMP2-OMP2R2*OR1*OM 3)/(P (2) {(B(1) +R(3) -i1E3)) INDEX=NOFST2(1,N21G.0,00) KSI (INDEX)=X2**N21 KSI(INDEX+3)=KSI(INDEX) *Y3*OMR2/P (2) KSI(INDEX+6)-=KSI(INDEX) *Y 1 *CM2/P(2) KSI (INDEX+7)=KSI (INDE;X) *Y1 *Y3*O MR2/P(2) INDEX=NOFST2 (1,NSTOR (2) 0, 1,0) KSI(INDEX)=X2**N21*Y3*OMRE2/(R3P2*(CnR1+P (1) *Y1)) KSi (INDEX+4)=KSI (INDEX) *Y 1 GO TO 9999 500 CONTINUE C LIM01240 LIM01250 LI101260 LIM01270 LIM 01280 LIM01290 LIMO1390 LIM01310 LI01320 LIMC1330 LII.013 40 LIM01350 L1031360 LIM0 1370 LIMO1380 LIMO1390 LIM01400 LIMO1410 LIM01420 LIM01430 LIMO 144.0 LI n01450 LIO01460 LIH01470 LI M01480 LIt01490 LI101500 LIMO1510 LIM01520 LIM01530 LI01540O LIM01550 LIM01560 LIMO1570 L…I…01580 C…--- C C LIMITING CASE NUSBER 5 (LOWER EDGE AND CORNERS - X2 GOES TO ZERO) LI101590 LIM01600 C (CURVE: + + -) LIHO1610 C C LIM01620 (NORMALIZING: X2 * Y2) --------------LIO1630 …………L1M0_________---LIO1640 Q1=CME3* (On R3-OMPP2*OMP1 *OMP3Eb3) / (CP2*OrP3R3* (OHR1 *ONR3LI101650 .* 01MP2*03P3R3*0PIP1R1)) .-167Z 1-=0fR3/(Q1 Oi'P2*Of1P3P3) LItO 1660 X1=Q1 LIt01670 Y1= (Z1- R1)/P (1) LI M01680 Y 3= - OBR3/P (3) LI 10 1690 C -------------------------------------LI1 700 CALL ZERO(KSI,NSTATE) L I 13 17.10 KSI (4)=OMR 1- (R ( 1) +R (3)- R31 R I1P3) *X 1*Y1/{H (1)*R1P3) LIM01720 IND)X= NOFST2 (0,0,1 1,0) LIM01730 KSI (I~DEX)=0o il 1X 1*Y 1/R (1) .LIM01740 KSI (INDEX +1)= (R (1)+R (3)-H 1F3) *X I* Y 1/R1P3 LIM01750 INDEX=NOFPT2 (1,0,0,0,1) LIIM01760 KS I (INDLX) =.Pj21 tP (2)-'X1 *Y 1/ (R1P3* (E( 1)+P (2)-a 1R2)) LIM31770 KSI (INDLX +6) = (R (1)+R 3) -R 1R3 -Rl P3 )*X1 *Y1/81 P3 LIM0 1780 IND-EX=NOFST2 (1,1,1,1,0) . LIN01790 K SI (INDEX) = X 1*Y LI 01800 KSI (INDEX+1)=KSI (INDEX) *Y3 LIM01810 INDEX=NOFST2 (NSTCa (1),1,1, o, 0) LIa01820 KSI (INDE X)=X 1 **N 1 1 (0.A 1OR 3/0 MP33-OMP2*OMP1 1)/R2P1 LIM0 1830 KSI (I NDEX + 1) =KSI (INDEX) *Y3 LIA01840 INDEX=NOFST2 ({NSTOR(1) ,0,1,0,1) LIM01850 K S I (I NDBX) =X 1**N 1 1* (O MR1 *OMP3-on P 1 1 *01 P 3R3-OMp2) LIfM01860 * / (P(1)*R2P3) -LI0 1870 GO TO 9999 LI0i1880 600 CCONTINUE LIO 1890 C LIMO1 900 C ------------------------------------------------------------- LI01910 C LIMITING CASE NUMBER 6 LIA01920 C (LOWER EDGE AND CORiNERS - X2 GOES TO ZERO) LIM01930 C (CURVE: * - +) LIM019&40 C (NOP MALIZING: X2) LIM01950 C ----------------------------LIMO 1960 Z 1 =OP2/ (CGMP2R2*0C! 3) LIMO 1970 Q 1= (O a71 +Z1 -Ot P1 P1 )/ (Z1 (Z1-OMF 1)) LIL 01980 Xl=Q . LIM01990 Y1= (Z1-OMBl)/P(1) LIM02000 Y 2=- R (2) /OP2 -LIM020 10 C--------------------------------------------------------------------LI02020 CALL ZERO(KSI,NSTATE) LIM02030 KSI (4) =OM* 1 ( (l1) +R (3) - 1R3-B 1P3) *X 1Y1*Y2/ ( (1) *R 1P3) LIM02040 INDEX=NOFST2(0,1,0,l1,0) LI MO 2050 KSI (INDEX)=CMh i*X 1*Y¥1 *Y2/B (1) LIM02060 KSI (I NDEX +1) = (( 1 ) +R {3) -Rl 13) *X 1 * I*Y2/ 1 P3 LIA 02070 IND&X=NOFST2 (1,00,0,0,1) LIM02080 KSI (INDEX)=X 1 *(E3PI*P (2) *1 *Y2/R (1) .+OMP3-0MP3R 3*OlR1*OMa2) LI 02090 * / (P (3) * (R (1) +e (2) -fi R2)) LIz02100 KSI (I(NDEX+6) = R (1) +R (3) - R1 R3-1P3)*X1*Y1* 2/B1P3 LI102110 KSI(INDEX+7)=Xl LIM02120 KSI (INi)EX+10) =X1*Y2l2*O.3/P(3) LIM02130 KSI (INDEX+13) =X1*rl*Y2 LI02140 K I (INDEX+14)=X1*Y 1*OM 2*0MR3/P2P3 LIM02150 INDEX=NOFST2 (0,2,0, 1,0) LIM02160 LIr02170 KSI (INDEX)=-X 1 *Y1*GP 1P*oP2R2/l P2 INDgX=NOFST2 (2,0,0,0, 1) LIM021 80 DO 601 N=2,N1ll LIM02190 KS I (INDEX) =X1** (N- 1) *Y2* (0MR3/Z 1-X 1t*01P2*0oP3R3) /22P3 LI02200 -168- LIN 02210 KSI (INDEX+4}) =XSI (INDEX) *X 1 LIM02220 {(STOR (2)+1}) I`IND.X=INDZXI8t I.lI02230 INDX=NOFST2 (2,1,C00,3) L6i-J2240 DO 602 N=2,N12 LIl02250 KSI (INDX)=X1**N. LI M02260 -- 2*O0R3/P ( 3) = +3) X 1 }:l3 KS-I{I NDEX LIM02270 KSI (INDXX+Q) =X1**I*Y1 LI M0228C KSI (IEDEX +7) =KSI (INDEX+3) tY 1 LIM02290 INDRX=INDEX+8 ({NSTOR(2)+1) 602 LIM 02300 KSI (INDEX)=X1*+N 1 LIM02310 KSI (IN9EX+4)=KSI (INDEX) *Y1 LIiIC2320 KSI (INDBEL+7) =KSI (INDEX) *Y2-Z 1*0OaR3/P1P3 LIM 02330 I NDEX=.OFST2 (NSTOR (1) ,1,1,0,0) LIMO2 340 KSI {INDSX) =-X1 I**N11*Y2OP2*CAP 1a 1/R2P1 LI n02350 INDI=NIOFST2 (NSTOR (1), 0, 1,0, 1) LIM02360 KSI (INDEX)=Il1*N 11*Y2*(CO1R1 *GMR3-OP1lRI *OM3R3*0nP2) LIMf02370 /(?(1)*P2P3) /{ * LII02380 GO 'O9999 LI 2 390 700 CONTIhUELI02400 . C -LIO210 C ---------------Ll,02420 LIIITING CAS3 NUBER 1 C LIM02.430 (UPPES EDGE AND COENERS - X2 GOES TO INFINITY) C' LIM02440 (CURVE: * - +) C LI02450 (NCORALIZING: X2**N21 * Y3) C C26-----------------------------------------------------------------------LI2460 LIM02470 / P3*ON P2R2*(OMR11*O 1R2Ql=OnfR2* (OaP2-C1.P3*OaP1l*O P2 R2)/O LIM02480 0CMP34OftP2 22CffP 1R 1)) * LIMO 2490 Z l=OMR2/(Ql*GlP3*CMP2R2) LIM02500 Xl=Q . LI 02510 Y1=(Z1-oaR1l)/P(1) LIhO 2520 Y2=-0132/P( 2) C---------------- ----------------------------------------------------- LI02530 LIM02540 CALL ZERO(KS.I,NSTATE) LIM02550 INDEX=NOFST2(N11,N21,0, ,1) LIB02560 KSI (INDEX.)=X1**11*Z10*N'E2/(P (2)*OMRI) LIM02570 KSI (INDEX+4=) X 1**N1 1*Y2*Z 1/P(1) LIM02580 }, 0, 1,0)' INDEX=NOFST2 ({N1,NSTO (2) LIM02590 KSI (INDEX)=X1**N 1 1Z1*OMR2*OMlR3/(OMR1*R3P2) LIM02600 KSI (INDE +4)=X1**N11*Zl* (R(1) +R(3)-R1R3)*0OR2/(OMR1*P (1)*R3P2) LIMOQ2610 INDEX=NOFST2 {NSTOR (1) N21,1,0,0) LI ~102620 KSI (INDEX)=Xt**N11*Z I*OR 2*R1P3/ (P3Pl*OiRl# (B (2)+R (3)-R 23)) LIM02630 (1) +R 3})-R 1 3-R3 Pl)*O1ER2/C(OtR1*P (1)* KSI (INDEX+3)=Xl**+I11*Z1* (R LIN02640 B3P2)) .* LI M02650 KSI (INDEX+1 0)-KSI (INDEX+3)*O MR3/R (3) LIM02660 GO TO 9999 LIn02670 800 CONTINUE LI02680 C 6--------------C LI02700 C LISITINGCASE NUABER 8 LIa02710 (UPPER EDGE AND CORNERS - X2 GOES TO INFINITY) C LIM02720 (CURVE: * + -) C LIM02730 (NORMALIZING: X2**N21) C C2740-------------------------------------LIM02750 Z 1=OP3/ (OfR2*OP3R3). 601 -169- Q 1= (o iP1.Z 1-oP1R1) /(Z t1 (ZI-ORN 1)) LIM02760 X 1=Q1 LIMO 2770 Y 1= (Z1-O0R 1/ P ) LI)2!780 Y3=-F (3)/O P3 LI02790 C-.. .------------LI02800 CALL ZERO(KSI,NSTATE) . LI'02810 NiDEI=CN'OST2 (1,N21,0,0,0) Lr02820 KSI (IND)EX) =X1 LIM02830 K SI (INDEX +3) =X1*Y3.*n0R2/P (2) LIM 02840 KSI (INDZJ;X+6)= X1 YICO*AR2/P (2) LIM32850 KSI (INDEX +7) =X 1 *Y1*Y3*OMR 2/P (2) LI '12860 I:iDEX=NOFST2 (2,1421 ,0,0,0) LIM 02870 DO 801 N=2,N12 LI1102880 KSI (INDE) =X**N LI )2890 KSI (I;i4DiX+3) =KSI (INDEX)*Y3*OMR2/P (2) LI?102930 KSI (IND-ZX +4)=KSI (INDE;X) *t1 LIa02910 KSI (IND.:X+7) =KSI (INi)EX) *Y 1*Y 3*0 NP2/P(2) LIM02920 801 IN DeX=INDEi)-X +8* (NST OR (2)+ 1) LI 102930 INDEX=NOFST2 (0,14STOR (2) ,0, 1,0) LIM02940 KSI (INDEX)=X!* (OMP2-C[P2 52* Ofiit*OMi3)/(P (2) '(E (1)+R (3)-i 1R3) LI!M02950 INDEX=NOFST2 (1,NSTG (2) ,0, 1,0) LIM02960 DO 802 N=1,N12.. LIM02970 KSI (INDEX) =X1 **N*Y3* (OnR2/Z1-X1 0 P2 2*0MP3)/R3P2 LIM02980. KI3 (INDEX+4)=KSI (INDEX) Y 1 LIMO2990 802 I N DEX =IN DEX +8* (NSOR (2)+ 1) LIM 03000 INDEX=NOFST2 (N11,N21, ,0, O0) LIN03010 KSI(INDtX)=X1**N11 LIM03020 KSI (I NDEX +3) = KSI (INDEX) *Y3 *Z 1*01i2/(OCE'l *P (2)) LI O3030 KSI (INDEX+4) =KSI (INDEX) * 1 LIM03 0040 INDEiX=NOFST2 (N11,NSTOR (2),0, 10) LIM03050 K SI (INDEX) = X1**N 1 1*Y3*Z 1 OMR2*0nR 3/ (OMtR 1 *3 P2) LIN03060 KSI (INDEX+4) =Xl1**N11 *Y3*Zl* (R (1)+R (3)- 1 3) *OMR2/(OM1R*P(1)*R3P2) LIli03070 IN DEX=NOFST2 (NSTOR (1), N21, 1,00O) LIMO03080 KSI (INDEX)=X1**N11l*(OiP1I-OCR3*OtIPlRl*OaR2+Z t*O1R2*P1P3*Y3/ LIM03090 * . (P 3) *OX1))/(P (1)*(R (2) +R(3)-R2 3)) LIM03100 KSI I NDEX+3) =X 1**N11*Y3tZ3 1* ( (1) +R (3)-PR1e3- R3P1) *CmR 2/(OR8 l*p (1)* LIM03110 * R3P2) LI M03120 KSI(INDEX+10) =X**N 11*Y3Z1 *R(1)+R(3) -E 13R3P1)*on 2*0DR3/ LIM03130 (* O IR1*R3P1*R3P2) LIK03140 N DEX=NOFST2 (C,N21,0, 10) LIH03150 KSI (I NDEX) =X *Y1 *OMR2/ (R1P2* (01R3+P (3)*Y3)) LI 03160 KSI (INDEX+1)=KSI(INDEX)*73 LIM03170 GO TO 9999 LI03180 900 CONTINUE LIM03190 C LIM03200 C ------------------------------------------------ LI03210 C LIMITING CASE NUMBER 9 LIH03220 C (RIGHT EDGE AND CORNERS - XI GOES TO INFINITI) LI1.03230 C (CURVE: - + +) LI103240 C (NOCRALIZING: X1**N11 * Y2) LIn03250 C 032-----------------Q3=O1l* (OlR1-O3P2*O+0P3*OaPIR 1)/(CO3P2*0 P1R 1* (ORE 1*OMR3LIE 03270 * O11P2*OMP lE 1*01P3B3)) LIr03280 Z3=Oa i1/(Q3 *0 P2*OaiPla1) LI03290 Y3= (Z3-0tiR3)/P (3) LIM03300 -170- Y1=-OR 1/P( 1) LIŽ03310 X2=1.QO/Q3 LIM03320 C …--…LIM03330 CALL ZEEO'(KSI,NSTATE) LIH03340 INDEX=NOFST2(NSTOR (1),0,1,0,1) LIM03350 L KSI (I ND EX) =-2 :'f{OaB1*O*I?3-OMP t 1*0 1P22*0MP 3R3)/ (P (1)*R2P3) LI M03360 IND3X=10FST 2 (N11, , 0,0,1) LIM03370 KSI (I NDEX) =X2* (0O1 1 '1OIR3/COP 1B 1B-0MP2*0MP3R3) /R2P3 LIM03330 KSI (IiDEX+4) =KSI (INDEX)*Y1 LI.03390 GO TO 9999 LIM03400 1000 CONTINUE . LIM03410 C . LIM03420 C 0--------------------C LIMITING CASE NUINBtR 10 LIM031440 C (RIGHT EDGE AND CORNEES - X1 GOES TO INFINITY) LI103450 C (CUEVE: + - +) LIM03460 C (NORMALIZING: X1**N11Nt) LIff03470 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------LI03480 LIM 034 90 Z3=0o P 2/(OMR 1 *OP2R2) Q3= (CP3*Z3-OMP3R3)/ (Z3* (Z3-o1a3)) LI M03500 X2=1.QO/Q33 LIM03510 Y2=-R (2)/O3P2 LI M.03520 Y3= (Z 3-G. R3)/P (3) LIM03530 C -3----------------------------------------------------;.__--- -LIm103540 CALL ZERO(KSI,NSTATE) LIH03550 INDSX=3:OFST2 (NSTOR (1) ,C, 1,0, 1) LIM03560 KSI (INDEX)=X2*Y2* (OMR 1*G1'R3-OMP 1R1*OMP2*CM3P3) / (P(1)*R2P3) LI03570 INDEX=NOFST2 (Nl1,1,0,0,0) LIMO03580 KSI (INDEX) =X2 LI 03590 KSI (INDEX+1)=X2*Y3 - LI103600 KS1 (INDEX+7)=X2*Y2* O R *Z3/P1P3 -LI 03610 IND3X=NOST2 (NSTOR (1) 11, O00) LIM03620 DO 1001 N=1,N22 LIM03630 K SI (INDEX)=X2 **N*Y2* (O MR 1*X2/Z3 -OXP.1EP 1*C MP2)/R2P1 LI M036 40 KSI (INDEX 1) =KSI (INDEX) *Y3 LIM03650 1001 INDEX=INDEX+-8 LI M03660 INDEX=NOFST2 (N11,2,0, 0,0) LIM03670 DO 1002 N=2,N22 LIO03680 KSI (INDEX)= X2**N LIN03690 KS I (INDEX+1)=KSI (INDEX)*Y3 LIM03700 KSI (INDEX+6) =KSI (INDEX)*Y2*0:OR1/P (1) LIM03710 KSI (INDEX+7)=KSI (INDEX+6)*Y3 L11103720 1002 INDEX=INDEX+8 LI 103730 INDZX=NOFST2(N11,N21,0,0,0) LI03740 KSI(INDEX)=X2**N21 LI03750 KSI (iNDEX +3) =KSI (INDEX) *Y3 *O¶R2/P (2) LIM 03760 KSI (INDLX+6) =KSI (INDEX)*Y 2*0OMR 1/P (1), LIN03770 KSI (INDEX+7) =KSI (IN DEX+6) *Y3 LIn03780 INDZX=NOFST2 (NSTOR (1), N21, 1, 0, 0) LIM03790 KSI (I NDEX)=X2**N21* (OMP1-O0R3*OMP1R1 *0 .2+.0MR2*R 1P3*Y3/R (3))/ LIM03800 * (P(1)*(B (2)+R(3) -R2R3)) LIM038 10 KSI (INDEX +3)=X2**N21*Y3* (R (1) +R (3) -R laR3'R3P 1) *OMR2/(P (1) *R3P2) LI M03820 INDEX=NOFST2 (N11, NSTOR (2),0, 1,0) LIM03830 KSI(INDEX)=X2**N21*Y3*OMR2*01R3/R3P2 LIM03840 KSI (INDEX+4)=X2**N21*Y3* (R (1)+R (3)-RlR3) *OIR2/(P (1) *R3P2) LI 03850 -171INDiiX= -OFST2 {NSTOR (l}, NSTOR (2), 1, ,0) LI803860 KSI (INDX)-: .. '2*N21*Y3'(R(1) +8 (3)-E1R3-{ r :;'1) *GOIR2* OMR3/(R*3P1*R3P2) LIi03870INDS,(=NOIST2 (N11 0,0, 0,1) LI 03880 KSI (I I':.;X) =-X2 *Y 2*OLP2*OM P3R 3/H 2P3 LIM 03890 I ND:-X=NOFST2 (N12, NSTOR (2), 0, 1 ,0) LIMl03900 KSI (INDEX) --- X2*IN21 Y3 -:;o1 P3*0 MP 2R2/R 3p2 LIt03910 GO 1'TO 9999 LIh03920 1100 CONTINUE t11103930 C LLIM03940 C --------------------------------- L 03950 C LIIIITING CASE NUMBER 11 ' LIM03960 C (UPPER RIGtT COlNEl - Xl AND X2 GC TO INFINITY) LI.03970 LIg03980 7 -+) + (CUP.E:" C C (NORiHALIZING: Xl*+*N1 * X2**N21 * 1Y3) LIM03990 C --------------------LI04000 Q2=O'RP.1(O'iR1 -OP20'-, P3*O0P 1R 1)/(0iP3*CMPi a 1*(OM1*01R2LI1M') 4010 $ OaP3*O0MP1E 1*CaP2E2)) LI,04020 Z2=O01 Rl/(Q2*OMP3*OM P 1 ai LIM04030 Y 1=-Our 1/P (1) LIM04040 Y2= (Z2-OtIa2) /P (2) LI U04050 C----------------------------------------------------------------------LIM04060 CALL ZERC(KSI,NSTATE) LIH04070 I NDiX=NOFST2 (N12,NSTOR (2) ,0,1,0) LIMO40d0 KSI (INDEX)= (OiR2*0R1 OMP 101-O1 P22 2*0MP3) /R3P2 L111a4090 KSI (I NDEX+4) =KSI (INDEX)*1I LL104100 GO TO 9999 L110u41 10 1200 CONTINUE LI11,04120 C LIo04 130 C------------------------------------------------LI04140 C LIMITING CASE NUMBER 12 LI104150 C (UPPER i.IGHT COLNER - Xl AND X2 GO TO INFINITY) LI04160 C (CUrVE: + -) C (NORMALIZING: Xl**N11 * X2**N21) C ----------------------------------------------------Z2=0z1P3/(0,'R 1*C P3R3) Q2 =(0 a2*Z2 -o P22)/(Z2* (Z2-Oaa 2)) Y2= (Z2-021a2)/P (2) Y3=-R(3)/O0P3 C------------------------------------CALL ZEO.(KSI,NSTATE) INDEX=NOFST2(Nl,N21,0,0O,0) KSI (I N3 ZX) = . QO0 KSI (1 NDEX +3)=Y3*OMR2/P (2) KSI (INDEX+6)=Y2*CMR 1/P (1) KSI(INDEX+7)=KSI (INDEX+6) *r3 INDiX=NOFST 2 (NSTOF (1), N21,1, 0, 0) KS I(I NDEX)= (OaP1I-OR3*OMP1 E1*0Ml+E2+P. 2*1P3*l 3/ (3) P ) / (P (1)* ·* (h (2) +R (3)-R2R3)) KSI (INDkiX+3) =Y3* (R (1)+t (3)- R1B3-i 3P1) *CoR 2/(P (1)*R3P2) INDEX= NOFST2 (N12,NSTO£ (2),0, 1,0) KSI (INDEX)=-Y3*0 iP3*CMIP2B2/R3P2 INDEX=NOFST2 (N11 ,NSTOR (2) .0, 1,0) KSI (INDEX)=Y3*0OR22*CAR 3/B3P2 KSI (I NDEX +4)=Y3* ( (1) +R (3)-RH l3)*O,1E2/(P (1) *R 3P2) INDZX=NOFST2 (NSTOR (1), NSTCE(2), 1,1,0) LI04-170 LIt04180 IM04190 LIM04200 LIMO04210 LIM04220 LI 104230 LI04240 LIM04250 LIM04260 LIM4C270 LI ,04280 LIMO.4290 LIM04300 LIM04310 LIM04320 LIo04330 LI104340 LIM04350 LIM04360 LIH04370 L1I104380 LI%04390 LI104400 -172KSI (I iT'?bX) =Y3* (I. (1) +R (3) -Rl1R3-R3P 1) '0,.920,*0 R3/(R3P l*R3P2) I;i)':X-=NoFSr2 (NJ'£OR (1) ,N22,1,0,0) KSI (INDEX) =Y2*OMk 1/( (O IC13+P (3) *Y3) *R2P1) K SI (INDEX+1)=KSI (INDEX) * 3 C 9999 RETURN C C t***t END OF LIKKSI C END LIM04410 LIlO 4420 LIM04430 LIM04440 LIMO4450 LIM04460 LIM04470 LU1104480 LIMO4490 LI0O4500 -173S Itj3CU'i JN LIIIVAL i(:CASE ,il, LI1100010 LIu0v)20 ST2, ST3, S%4) C ---- C----------------------------------------------------------------LIMITING KSI-VECTOR EiirdIES COŽ.ilT.S THi THIS SUBiRuUTIN C TO r'iiE FOUii F LLVUtNT STATES IJTILIZIED BY CORhiSPONDIIi; C tliNGULAh VECTOR. C 'SCAN*' TO. OETLIEMINE TilE COr(JEiC (LIMVAL iAML) (LIdKSI NAnm) C KSI '4) ST1 C KSI(INDiiX*1) , LiLO.iX=ONOFS2 (0,1,03,1,0 ST2 C X'1iiX), IND'X=N;CFST2'NSTO fi1),fSTORfl'2) 121,1) KSI S'i3 C KS1(iNDLX+7), INDEX=NFS'T2 (N11,N21,0,0,0) ST4 C C .'O) KSII.NDLX+4~), 1DEX=;GFST2 (N11,,21,0,1, 1) ST4 C C-----------------------------LIM00 C 2 P3, 3, ,0t13.Pl,02,01"? ,2,0m3 :1 3,0MI CO;:ICN/PACi'O0R/fi1, 2.2,t3, PlP2 3E3, E1 .;2, R1E3, 1P1, 31P2, 123,; 2R 3,-. 2P 1 * C 1 1 ,CM22, 2P3, N1 ,N2 ,N11 ,N21, i12P2, .2i3,.3 £1 , r.3P2,13P3 ,P1 P ,I21 ?3 ,i' * * LIM0006'J LIiOU070 LIiOJJ080 9 LId 00 LI0l1 )0 LIiOo11 LIMtJv120 LIiiJv130 140 LIIM00150 Lt410 160 LI(itC 17') LIM0I)180 LIM0j 190 N12,N22,;NDIF 2) CO IMON /PA n A1S/ '3) ,P'3), .3NAX C IN rEGEl INTEGi.L L IoQij3G LIHM00 40 LIi13v050 N11,N12,N21,;N22,1PDIFF N1, IN2, NCAS1:, INMA : LI 100 '200 LI11, 210 LIIM;0020 LIa00230 LIiMJO240 C ,BR,P ,P ,'33 ,3,1 2 rL'AL*16 ST1, S'EP2 S3SP 1.I ,X2,Y1,Y2,Y3,Z 1,Z 2,Z3, Q1,Q'2,Q 3, * 2,C23 F.3 C.P3,C MP l 1 , O2, _*Mhl, C 2, 0 M3, O3,,P1,OAP2FeL R lhi2 ,t R 3 E 1P 1,R1P2, 1P3, E2.2i 3,I2P 1, R2'2, R2P 3,R3P 1 * R3P2,i3P3, P1P2,i 1 P3,P223 * C GO TO 10C,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,93, 100,110,120) ,UCASE C 10 CONTINUE 3 * (OM.i3*O[i21 Q2=C Mh 3 (0.133-cM ?1 o0P2 *0 i.P 3r.3) / (OYP .*(P3R * QOYP1*4OMP3R3*OiP2R2)) -LI Z 2=0 1M3/( Q2 *Ct1*OP3R3) Y2= :Z2-OMH.2)/P2 ……LIM a --------------------C-----------------------ST1=Oii, 1* (h 1+R3-E 1.* 3-i 1*P3) *Y2/ 't1*R1*P3) ST2= (i· 1E3-i 1*Li 3) *Y2/ 'R l*P3) ST3=0.OQ +0 = . OQ+O ST40 GO TO 999 c 20 CONTINUE Y =-R 1/C?21 Z 2=CGP1/(O01P1a1*OMRi3) Y2= 'Z2-CMR2)/P2 -0 C… ------------------------ST1=Otii 1*'i,1+h3- 1 *i3-F.1*P3) *Y 1*Y2/'.R I*R 1*?3) .LI.SOi510 ST2= 'it1 +R3-l 1 *fi3) *Y 1 *2/[R1 *P3) ST3=O. u-.,+0 +4 ST=).GO TO 999 C LIH00250 L15030260 LIZ00270 LIMa30284 LI 0tUo290 LIMu03;vO LIM00310 LI00320 LIM00330 LI.300340 LImc0t350 M00360 LIS00370 3O LI O u380 LIa00390 Lli1O0400 LILI04 10 LIMON 420 LIMOiG430 LIIMOu440 LI 100 450 LIM0046 0 LI O)0,470 LIM00480 LI490 LIaLO500 LIM00520 LIMO0530 LIdOOS40 LIO00550 -17430) CI)NTINUL 2 ),2*IQ)R3) / (O iL'1'b. P2R2* .2 ( 3 C M . (Ci:!.2- C 1P1*O:i P3J'G I 2 hR i.'1i:ot u2H212'O;sIR3)3 ) + R2) Z 3-C l1 2/( 3 *Ci I?1*GOaP2 t Y3= {Z3-O3R3)/P3 Y2=-CMEL2/P2 X 2= 1. 0JQ+0/Q(3 -------C --------------------------------------------* X2*t2/ (ii1*1*P3) t 3-i;1P3) ST 1=Ciii t1 1 R,1*P3) . 9'T2- ' 1 +R3-R1*tk 3) *X2 *Y2/ . ST3=. 0+0 ST4= 3O.0+3 GO TO 999 C 40 COiNTINU C---------------------STr 1=0. 0% +O .O S12=0. :) ST3 =3. 2.+0 ST4= 0.0+ 3 GO TO 999 .. C 50 CONTINU tOMa. 10,o.*3M3-OdP2 *OM1i El *10MP3Ii3)/'iKP2*GiaP3t 3* Q1 =C.ii3 * tUo 1) ) . * Gd P2* oP31,3*o0i?la Z 1=O0ah3/ ,-1*CaFP2 o0 P3 R3) . X 1=1 .1 Yl= :TZ1--oa1)/1 Y3=-OMh3/23 C- ---------------------------------------------------------' 1 3-EI. 1*,P33)* i l * Y1l/' E1*R l*P3) ,1+E ST1=OM?1*r X1*Y1/(1*P3) ST2= (l1 -I3-R1*3) . ST3=0.0Q+0 ST4=0.02+0 GO TO 999 C . 60 CCNTINUE 2OM r 3) Z 1=Oi?2/ 'Oa 2 2* . 1) I(Z / 1 :Z 1-0D5 l AP1 1) 01 =:C;1£1 z1-O X 1=Q1 Y1= Z1-C,HR 1)/P1Y2=-R2/CiR22 C--------------------------------------Y1 Y2/ ( 1*R1*P3) ST1=Cil*'tIR1+Z3-Rl *3-1 1.*3)*1 Yl ST2 = ' 1. 1+R 3-k 1*t: 3) *X 1 *Y1 *Y 2/: 1 *p3) ST3=0.03+0 . ST4=0.0 +0 GO TO 999 C 70 CONTINUS (O !3*oiIP22*. (0oalt*oIR2dP3 *oiP1 *0.P2P2)/: l1=o0iaŽ *toaa2-C · * oiP3*0 32a2*0 oP 1R 1)) Z 1=OAR2/ fQ1*CHP3*OM P2R2) 1= Q1 YI= 'ZI-OIH 1)/P1 LII00OU50b Llih0 570 LI;tuJ580S LIM0 3O 590 LI 10 00) LI;300610 LI M00 620 LI)0630 Lito4 IiH3-Oi1 Lii:J,650j LI i1O0uG60 LI iiJj 670 Li(3. 68-J LI'(0 0b90 LIii0u700 l. IMOf100'1 LIM0U) 720 LIa (-.73 LI 3dO740 LIMi0?750 LIMv 760 LIM00770 LIM00730 LIMJl3790 Lii0C 30 rIMOO810 LIM00820 LIMv,,,839 O40 LI3 LIMO0 850 LIM09860 LIMI0ocU7 L.lXJ880 LI.0O 890 LIMOi900LIM0091 0 LIMO0920 LI?.f9,930 LI 00940 LIO00950 LIM0 96 0 LI 0O970 LIav;98& LIM06990 LIPi3G 1 0 LIM01010 LIMO 1020 LIHv1' 030 LIiO 1o40 LIM0150 LIaO1 060 LUi0 1070 LIM01 G80 LII11090 LIrt1 130 -175Y2=-C Lk Z/P2 C ------------------------STl=0.0~+0 -. ST2=0.++J ST3=X 10* (.N 1- 1) * Z* (±I1 +i 3-* / I'/YiE *1* 13*P2*R3) ST4=X 1** ( d1-1) *Y2*4Z 1/-1 GO TO 999 C .... 80 CON TIN OZ Z 1=0MP3/ ?O1i,2 C P3R3)} 1I= (uaiPI*zX 1-3M P 1 1) / (Z1* (l-Ol} X 1=Q1Y 1= (l-Cmd 1) /El . Y3=-i3/0a 13 R3*P1 ) *iiOd.2*Oa3 . .LI01 } . - - C----------- LII01260 ST1= 0. 0+0 ST2 =0. 0iQ+) . S-T 3= X1 - (1 - 1) *y 3*Z 1* (a 1 +2t3 - *R 1 3-h3. P1I*0MR2 ) *0 PR3/ *Oi 1 *R3*P1 *Ai3*P2) S t4= 0.0°+0 G; TO 999 iId 1270 LI 301 80 LI;Hi 1290 1.IM0)13 00 LI~iU 1310 LIi1l 320 LI 0 1330 LI101340 1 5--------------0 LIM01360 LIM1)370 LIM 01380 LI 0 1390 LIM14Q00 LIM101410 LIX.01420 LIdOl 430 Lza 1440 C 90 CON TIiN US C----~-----------------,,, ,-,,-,,-, --- ,--,,C---…LIM01350 ST1= 0.0+ ST2=0. Q+0 ST3=0.0OQ+ ST4=0.+O+ GO TO 999 C 100 CONTIN UE Z3=Or;P2/ (OMh1 *C P2 2) SQ3= ( C,1P3*23-c, 3R33) / Z3* (3-oR3) ) X2= 1 . i,+3/Q3 Y2=-R 2/C3P2 Y3= 'Z3-Oa1h3)/P3 C LIift11 0 LIAO 1 120 LitJ130 LI01 140 LirA0 1 150 l10 L;1a 1t170 LIi51l 18J LIMI 190 LIi0 1200 LI1012210 LIM01220 LI: )0123 0 LiV)1240 LIM a1 250 ---- ,---,-,, - .LIM01450 …------------.---------.--. ST1=0. 0,+0 ST2 =0.) .+0 ST3=X 2** ( N2-1) * Y3* (aR +a3-h 1*R3-1a3*eP1) *0if2*OHE3/ (3 *P1 *-R3*22} ST4=X2* N2- 1) *Y 2*Y 3*0 h1/P1 GO TO 999 C 110 CONTINUE . IC……------------------------------------· ------~~~-------ST1=O f. 0+90 ST2=0.0Q+0 ST3=0. OQ+O ST4=O.C2+0 GO TC 999 C 120 CONTINUE Z2=OaMP3/: 01a1*CP3R3) 2= (Ch P2 *Z 2-C AP2R2) /(L2* (Z2 -O a2 ) ) - LIM 01460 LIiJU1470 L1101480 LIh0149 LIO1 500 LIn01510 LIA01 52 0 LIa01530 .LIaO1540 L101550 LIL .01 560 L Ia01. 570 L1.0 15b0 LIM01590 LIX01600 LIO 1610 L1a01620 LI0 Olb30 LI:U 1640 LI0 1650 -176Y 2= (Z2-Oi 2J /P 2 Y3=-£3/CM23 C........-- - ST1=O. C~,+.~ SI2=UO.+0 ST3= Y3* [ 1+i- 3-ft 1* 3-ar3*P1) *Ot'h2'071RI3/ '~,*u1*Efi3*PL2) STQ=Y2 *Y3 #C;RI/P1 ~~~C~~~~~~~~~~~ 999- RETURN C C **** EID- Of LIIVAL ENC ~~~~~LIAU - LIAO 1660 LIMO1670 LI lbdO LIM0169'~ LIHO 1700 Lla')1710 LI nO 1720 1739 LIM01'~O L;1I, 1750 LIifti 76 ) LItAO17d7 -177- STOO.I1 a IALPHA) INTEGIk FUNCTIGN OGFST .N, STGOO020 C 3 C----------------TO---------------------------------------------------T STcQOOO40 OF T}I FOR3 C THIS SUi.ROUi.'INt CONVLRTS A SYSUAI STATeG STOL3)t, ), LALA3) 'iN ( ), a '2) , ILi C ST00u060 iOWOF. COLJaN ihDLX IN THE'TRANSITIO1 C INiir IT.; CORtiR:SPONDi)NG STOO070 MATRIX Old PROiAUILLIY VECIORi. C STO(uS8d3 C STO00090' C THE AF.GiJ:I.NTS ARL GIVEN IN AF.fAY FCRa. STO, 1OU (EXPLICIT LISTIa'G OF A.lGiJl;.N'S RAiTHER THiAi Ait:AY: SE1Z NOrST2) C C -----------------------------------ST00110 STOOu 120 C STOi130 CO aCON /PAihAIS/ h'i3), P'3), N.IAX{2. . STC00 140 C STOwu150 TNTE(;ik R 2), iALPHA 3) ST000160 . INTEGER dAX SS-re00s7-3 roo;o17 Cc .. STO0C 18u R iAL*16 R,;P STC0' 190 C ST00C200 IALPHA(1) + = 1 + IAlLPHA 3) + 2 * IALPdA.2) + 4 NOFS STOO00210 8b* (iN(2) + {(1) * (IiAX'(2) + 1)) * STOOu220 RETURN T000 230 C STOOOi240 C ***** END 0? NOFST ST000250 C ST000260 END -178- INTEGER FUNCTION NOFST2(tl,N2,1A1,IA2,IA3) …C ~~~~~~~~NOF00020 C--------------------------------------------------------------------THIS SUBROUTINE CONVERTS A SYSTEM STATE OF THE FORK C IALPHA (1), IALPHA (2), IALPHA (3)) (N (1 ) , N (2), C C C INTO ITS CORHESPONDING ROW OR COLUMN INDEX IN THE TRANSITION MATRIX OR PROBABILITY VECTOR. C THIS IS ~~~~C~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A VERSION OF 'NOFST' WHEREIN THE ARGUMENTS ARL LISTED EXPLICITELY RATHER THAN GIVEN AS ARRAYS. C ---------------------------------C-------------------------------C COMMON /PARAMS/ R(3), P(3) , NMAX(2) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~c REAL*16 i, P NOFST2 = 1 + IA3 + 2 * IA2 + 4 * IA1 + + 1)) 8 * (N2 + N1 * (NMAX(2) * C C ***** END OF NOFST2 C RETURN END NOO30 NOFO0040 NOF00050 NOF00060 NOF00070 NOFOC080 NOF00090 NOP00100 NOF00110 NOF00120 NOF00130 ~~~~NOF00140 INTEGER N1,N2,IA1,IA2,IA3 INTEGER NMAX C NOF00010 NOFO0150 NOF00160 NOF00170 NOFOO180 NOF00 190 NOF00200 NOF00210 NOF00220 NOFO00230 NOF00240 NOF00250 NOF00260 -179- SUBROUTINE C NTRAN (A,B, NI,2,III) .,I 01080 PMId1,9 C C C P1 01-100 ------------------P2MI01110 THIS SUd3ROUTINE COMPUT6S TIlE FINAL STORAGE LEVEL GIVEN T.El INITIAL STORA:E LEVELS AIiD TIHE FINAL :3ACI{INE OPERArIDNALP-11I1129 PIi01 130 CONDITIONS. PI01 1143 _ TRHE SrARV3D AND BLOCKED CONDITONIS ARE TAKEN INTO ACCO]JNr PaI01150 PM101160 BY FUNCTIDNS 'IU' AND 'ID'. C C…-----------------------------------------------------------------------PIO1170 PM2I01183 MODIFIL) TC ACCOUJT POR STORAGE BACKUP PMI0r1 190 C PMI01200 o.0O,0N /NS/ I1N(2) PMI11210 C PMI31223 INTEGER A, B, N1,.N2, III,IN, IU,ID 2PI01230 + N2 = N1 PMI01240 (B-1)*ID(III) (,-1}*IU {II) i1 PNI0125, RETURN P1IO 1 260 C PIO 01270 C ***c* END OF NTRAN P I01280 C PMI0 1290 END -180- ATPO0540 SUBROUTINE NTR.lNS(NP~f.V, NNEW, ALPHA1, ALPHA2, NIACH) ATF00550 C ----------------- ATE00560 --------------C.---- ----------5-----------ATE00570 TIHIS SUBROUTIINE COMPUTES THE FINAL STCRAGE LEVEL, 'NNEW'.. C ATR0o580 GIVEN TilE INITIAL LEVZL, 'NREV', AND THE STATES OF ADJACENT C ATR00590 MACHINES. C WHETHER OR 'NOT THESE MACHIINES ARE STARVED OR BLOCKED IS TAKEN INTOATE00600 C ATR00610 ACCOUNT BY FUNCTION 'ITRANS'. C - ---------------------------------------- ATE0620 C------------------------ATR 00630 · C ATR00640 INTEGER NPREV, NNEW, ALPHA1, ALPHA2, NMACH, ITRANS ATRO0650 C ATR00660 NNEW = NPREV + ALPHAl * ITRANS(NM¶ACH) - ALPHA2 * ITRANS(NhACHt1) 1TR00670 iETUDN ATR00680 C ATR00690 C ***** END OF NTRANS ATRO0700 C ATR00710 END -181- SUBEiOJTLNE PdINAP P, A?, NAP) C . C---P..............PNOOO3))3 C THiIS SU31ROUTILNE COI:PUTS TIHL iihOh P T * e C C ([IlRa . P=P1.C3AbILITY V' CTOR, T='IrANSITIUo C CAUS'cD J1Y Pf LCISIC'N / XOU lDOFF PROBLEMlS. C " . C ANALYTICALLY, P = T * P C .i3jl100 ; C THIS SUR3OiUII1N. CALLS IAl.S A AND 'JNT. AN . C 'INTRAN' CA.LLS 'U I aIND ; AID. C C~dMCOi /2AL.,AM3S/ t?.IO)10 -100020 1P?I00 40 PMIi, u5) idIOO 110 PHIAL,123 --------------------------------------. '.f3), P?,3), NP (2.) COaON /NS/ J.41, J32 .1IJU B A1,U A2,B2, 1 iNTEGER AA, BE1, INt(£GI :,.NP kJill, :1N2, NNP1, 1i2l, K,13, I, · . JN1, .JN2,IN1. IN2, J1, J2, J3 C C PlIOuObO PA IO C70 PflOJJ8O I. ju90 NATHIX) I1, P ~-I Pli150 1Mli,'16'3 170 PlO0'180 d31 0019O 12, PdIOO200 P10l0210 . P(NAP), AP(NAP),, , P?, £E. 2, PP1, AX, SUAD1F, DIFMAX, DIF, QAS , I NN11= 1= :1) NN21=NP (2)+1 K=N N11*lN 21* 8 tlAL*16 PP2, P.IO0U220 I PP3, * C .R 2=1.Q-6 90 8008 8007 8006 DO .90 I=1, MAP AP(I) = CONTIUNUE DO 8001 I1 = 1,2 ' · DO 8002 12 = 1,2 DO 8003 JN1 = 1,_NI11. DO 8094 JN2 = 1,NN21 CALL lITRAN (I1,I2,JN1,II,1) DO 80C,5 13 = 1,2 (I2,13,JN2,IN2,2) CALL 1lTdAA . DO 8006 J1 = 1,2 1 ,JN1,J2)CALL AIRAN (1,J1,I1,PP ARR2) GO TC 8506 IF 2P1 .LT. DO 8007 J2 = 1,2 2 ,J2, I2,PP2,JN1,JN2) CALL ATRAil IF (PP2 .LT. ERlF2) .GO TC 8007 DO 8008 J3 = 1,2 2) CALL ATRAN (3,J3,I3,PP3,JN1,J3N AX = 2P* PP2*PP3 .RR2) GO TO 68)8 IF 'AX .LT. A2 = I3+2*I2+4*I1+3*1N2+8*NN21* (Ib1-1)-14 * (JM1-1) lI0O -14 A 1 = J3+2*J2+4*J1+6*JN2+8*NN21* IF AI.JlT.K.CR.A2.GT.K) GO TO 8B08 AP(a2) = AP(A2) + AX * P'1l) CONTINUE CONTINUE CONTINUS 30 14U ,PM100240 PMI*;j250 PHI00260 P1110 270 . -P10I0280 - PMI00290 2,1+0 PMI14C300 Pl2I00310 320 PI P2I00330 PMI10#340 PSI0Iv350 PI100360 PHlJ0370 PI 00380 PI390 PnIOC 400 PuiO41 0 PHI00420 P3l1i430. PH100440 PSO16 450 PH130460 Pa10O470 PMIcL-480 PMIU0490 0 PI00510 P100u520 2PI0O530 ?PIO0 540 PO110550 -182- 8005 800t4 8003 8002 8001 CONTINU i CONTINUZ CONTINUE CCNTIIU CONT lNU SUMDIF = 0. 0+0 DIFHAX = )..)Q+Q DO 1iCO =I,IAP DIF = P 'I) SU&DLIF AP 'I) = SUAtDI1 + QABS1DPIF) IF (DIaiiXt . LT. ,'2ALjS (DL)) DlFMAX = QAB:'iDIF) 100 COiNTiU ' W'IT( .(6,90.)) SUMDL1 , CIFiiAX 900 FOLE.niT '/, 'i'i SUti OF 'iit ABSOLUTr; VALrJZS O(F P * /,' T'H' i 1.AX iilU1 ELr.A EN T 0,F Ti lIE;F HETURN C C ***** END O? P?1NAP C END PMIO00 560 Pii i .570 ?2I00580 2?MI0 590 PMI0o600 iI00610 d £'I)'. 620 PMIOub30 a i),640 PMIu.io50 AP WAS ',213.6, WIAS ',Q13.6) PIuU0660 PI uu670 PiM100680 iPlHIO690 ilI031700 2 IAtl7 1 J P1d;)0720 P KeIOC,73i) P MIO 740 -183- SUBROUTINE PRINT(STATE, NSTATE) C C PRINTS PROBABILITY DISTXIBUTICN WITH THREE-STAGE LINE C FORIAT. C----------------------------------------C COMMON /P.%RAMS/ R (3), P(3) * NSTOk (2) C INTEGER NSTATENSTOR,N1,N2, NBEGN,I,NN1,NN2,K C REkL*16 A, P, STATE(NSTATB) C WRITE (90,1) NSTCR(1), NSTOR (2), ( (I),I=1,3), (P(I),1=1,3) 1 FORMAT(1tl1,2X,'PhOBABILITY DISTRiBUTION FOR N1 AND N2 = ',2I5,/, * ' PROBABILITIES OF REPAIR = ',3(FB.6,2X),/, * ' PROBABILITIES OF FAILURE = ',3(F8.6,2X),//) N 1=NSTOR(1)+1 N2=NSTO'R(2) +1 NBEGN=O DO 6 I=1,N1 NN2=0 NN1=I-1 WRITE(90,2) NN1 2 FOEMAT(lI[0,/,10X,'N1 = ',I5,/,3X,'C00O,1CX,'001',10X,'010',10X, 1 '011',10X,'1000,10X,'101',10X,'110,10X,'111',21X,'N2',/) DO 6 J=1,N2 WRITE(90 ,5) (STATE(NBEGN+K),K=1,8),NN2 5 FORMAT(1H ,dE13.5,11X,I4) NN2=NN2+1 6 NBEGN=NBEGN+8 RETUE N C C ***** END OF PRINT C END PRI00010 PRI00020 P-------------------------------------RI0 PRIOC040 PRI00050 PRIO060 PRI00070 PRI00080 PRI00090 PR100100 PRI00110 PRI00120 PRI00130 PFI00140 PRI00150 PRIOC0160 PRI00170 PRI00180 PR100 190 PRI00200 PRI00210 PRI00220 PRIO0230 PRI00240 P:I00250 PRI00260 PRI00270 PRI00280 PRI00290 PRI00300 PRIO0310 PRI00320 PRIO0330 PRI00340 PRI00350 PRI00360 -184SiJBROUUYIN.: USOLV A, B, C, SOL1, SOL2, -IFLAG) C --------------------C . (OTS 'rs OL1' AND $SOLz COitP'JTS TiHE T'O C TItiS SU;3ROUTINEi C OF Tiif e QUADRAIIC QIUATION + C = 4 * B * X A * X**2 C IFLAG=-- IF ROGTS Air C0(i2PLEX (REAL ?iA'rT=OCL1, i.AG.XitTP.=SO,2) C ;S0001* 20 -SO'J&030 QSO0oJ40 2SOG00050 2SUO'`'J360 i0t,;070 sG ........................... iNTEGEi SLou )~0} IFLAG C QSGou103 SOOI 0110 QSO -A- 120 lSO0u130 QSOi0t, 1 40 dSOG.i 15) uSOGO'i 160 :$, S17.) ISC0j 180 VS.iuv 190 . REAL* 16 A, !3, C, O L 1, SC L2 RhEAL*1S ROOT, :SUT C iF LAG = 3 RGOOT = J * B - 4 .. L.. IF '1ROT .LT. i0.J.+0) *' A * C GO TO. 100 C RO2:T = jSQEHT(GOT) IF (B .GT.- J).,+0) LOCr = - LOOT SOL1 = (-S + iOCOT) / (2.,O+O * A) SOL2 = C / fSCL1 * A) hEI.I U QSO0U200 uSO00 210 2SOOC22)z SOiu 230 SiU -i:2 q40 SOU 250 i SOOt.26)0 270 - C 100 CONTINJIE IFLAG = -1 SOL1 = -b / (2.3Q+O * A) .SCIUu SCL2 = -SQET '-ROOT) / 2.0Q+0 * A) hETURN C C ***** END Of C EnD. £ .ySOOC2d80 -SGC00290 2S.OLV . U SCO0 3GO S000310 SO00320 SOOb330 -185- SUi.OUTINE lSCAtiW (W, B,NeLDD,U,NOD1D,INDXVL,INDtXW) C C C C C C C C C SCAOO0 13 SCAOt)02 0 . . ..-.. ....... ----------------CA030 THIIS SUt}hLOUTIZNL ATriSAPTS TlE 'C-SCANNiNGI' DETESiLNATIO; OF TIiE CORiiirECT SIN iLAEF V£CIG;UR TO CiTAIN THE -POEBAbILITY VzCTOiH F.OL1: P = SUdO( C * KSI(0 3 } J J J '.{IIERE '.L IS Tli. SI(;GULArt VLCIOR). SCA.iiJ4 0 SCAJ)050 SC O ' J6 -) 5CAOU070 SCAvC,8. SCAOUi090 SCAOiJ 10J C f dE SI:iGULAh V.;CTO[i a;hlCii YILLDS Tti. C C C CF TilL iodABi3ILITIS Of FOURA FEOQUNT STATES iS SELECTED -AiMGNG T6l03r. COWi~kS'UiND1I;G TO SINGULAR VALUSS BZLOW :ACiIINi PI.PCISICI 1.ANGf. c - COt;14ON /i.Ai'Ar SUN SCAO0110 SCAUu120 SCA Ou13 SCAOUv140 -SCAl160 S/h '3),P '3), N:AX'2) SCAOJ 170 SCAO0 180 IN-EGiE• I:JDEXW (UFODD) ,iCDD,;)iiOD)1 ,AGAIN, ID.IY, N2XP, IDLST, 1 DXVL, SCA00190 · N1,N2 . SCA00200 SCA0U 210 E LA L* 15 X 1 , 2,Y 1 ,Y2,Y 3, P 1,P2,P 3, R1, 2,3, SCA00220 · 'Gi30 1 1 , P 01 01 1,iD, iUr, O , TO PX,DGTE ,TSUi; GI j, SITSMDUIYr SCAJtu230 · * d 'vNFC3DD),3 ' NFODD, NFCL)), U N fODiD, 5) ,CUTO fF,R,P SCAuv,240 i{LAL*16 CAR :1,CiZi.2, Oi'E3 .CA30250 S CAuLt26u' SCAOU270 PI=P1 ) SCAOJ 280 P2= P(2) SCA00290 P3=P 13) SCA00300 1=R(1) s cAG313 R 2=: [2) SCAOi 320 R3=R {3) SCAO0 330 N 1= N1'I AX (1) SCAOi N2=N3Ax '2) 4 ,340 SCA0 0350 OI 1: 1 .X OQ+O-1a 0 a 2=1. ,U)+- R2 S CA(ro360 oMR 3=1. 3 +0-3 83CA0o370 c C C 10 DO 10 I =1,NODD INDEXWi 'I)=I c NOD 1= NO DI)- 1 15 :AGAIN=.) DO 23 I=I,NOLD1 :I+1))GC TO 20 IF:'I).G.W U ,I) * DyIy w I))=4 :I+1) =IJuily ) w I+1 IDUoiZ Y= L1i[DNi.Ai fI) :I-1) INDOXi :I)=INl;EXi IN D.X ,X4( + 1) = I DU Z IAGA1J1= 20 CCNTI.Ug IF 'IAGAIN.LQ. 1) GO TO 15 C LARG--.T-YA.GNITUD':: SCA00390 SCAQ(,400 SCA 00410 SCAOU 420 SCAJ0430 SCAOU440 SCAuis45O SCA0 460 s CA;L'470 SCA04 80 SCAJV 490 SCAJ30500 sCAO50 iO SCA 00520 SCAO 530 SCAu 50 $cA00550 -186- NEXP=QLOG10 (W(1)) CUTOFF=10.0** (NLXP-32) BESTSM=O. OQ+0 IBEST=O C 25 C 26 27 30 DO 30 I=1,NODD IF(W (I).LT. CUTOFF) GO TO 25 IF((I.EQ.NOLD) .AND. (IBEST.EQ.O0))GO 10 40 GO TO 30 TSUM=O.OQ+O DO 26 J=13,NODC X=U (J,1) X2=U J.,2) Yi=U (J,3) 2-U (J,4) Y3=U (J, 5) P00011=X1*X2*Y1* Y2*O R 1* (R1+R3-Ri*R3-R1*P3)/ (P3*RI**2) PO 10 11=X1*X 2*Yl*Y2* (RP1 +3+R1*13) / (Rl*P3) PTHIRD=PR(N1 N2 1 1 0) PFOUr,=PR(Ni-1 N2-1 1 1 1) TOPEX= (X1** ({N1-1 ) * (X2** (N2-1)) *Y3* (CIR1 +P1 *Y1) BOTEX=CR1 *Pl*F2*R3**2 PTHIED-=TOPEX*OHR2*OR3* (RP+R3R*R3*R3-R3*P )/BTEX PFOUR= (X 1+*(N 1- 1) ) (X2**(N2- 1) ) *Y2*Y3* (OR1+P1*Y 1) /P TSUM=TSU+ (B (J,INDEXW (I) )* (P00011+P010 11+PTHIRD+PFCUR)) DO 27 J=1,12 CALL LI1VAL(J,P00011,PO101,PTHIRD,PFOUR) TSUi=TSUI+ (13(J,INDEXW(I))*(P00i11+P01011+PTHIRD+PFOUR)) TSUM=QABS (ISUM) IF(TSUM.LE.BESTSM)GO TO 30 BES1Sl=7SUM IBEST=I CONTINUE C INDXVL=INDEXW (IBEST) GO TO 50 C 40 45 900 50 WRITE (6,900) STOP FORtiAT(' SINGULAR VALUES NOT SHALL ENOUGH FOR SCANW CONTINUE RETURN C C ***** END OF SCANW C END ') SCA00560 SCAOO 570 SCA00580 SCA00590 SCA00600 SCA00610 SCAC3620 SCA00630 SCAO0640 SCA00650 SCAOO 660 SCA00670 SCA00680 SCA00690 SCAO0700 SCA007 10 SCA00720 SCA00730 SCA00740 SCA00750 SCA00760 SCA00770 SCA00780 SCA00790 SCAO0800 SCA00810 SCA00820 SCA00830 SCAO084O SCA00850 SCA00860 SCA00870 SCAOO 88O SCA00890 SCA00900 SCAO0910 SCA00920 SCA00930 SCA00940 SCAO0950 SCA00960 SCA00970 SCAO0900 SCA00990 SCAO1000 -187SURCUl3iT.l. STOFNil (NS£AT, N, IA'LPIIA) sTOviu300 STO00310 C C---------------------------------------------------------- C C ----------- THlIS SL.)sOUTI:zE CON Vr.iTS TliE ,OW Ori CGLUt.N IN)LOX OF A STATi !N'TO Ti?.: ?ORa : C ( (1), J(2), IALiIA (1), IALPHA(2), IALPHA (3)) C C g NSTAT IS T.iE i.On/COLUMIN INDLX (F THti STATE. C--------------------------------------. C colai./?AniAAS/ i ,(3), 2 3), LIIAX 2) c lNTEG;Eh .ISTA'T, I'TA.IE, N(2), IALPiiA(3) Uzi2 INTEG1.k. JNAX INTLG. it I IT, Ur, C R'.AL*16 ii, P C NSTATE =- STAT - 1 OD(:{STAT . 2) IALPHlA(3) = NSTATE = IISTATE / 2 IALLPiA(2) = 1MOI(N.STATt,2) NSTAT. = NSTATL / 2 IALPHA(1) = .40i(NiSrATE,2) NSTATE = NSTATIB / 2 N.i2 =. AAi 2) + 1 a(2) = 20O(NSl!ATE, N 2) N 1) = NSATE / N2 c RETURN C C**** C END OF STOPN END .0 o 2 STO00330 STOO;i34u STO00350 srobA36J STOOU370 380 ST000390 ST(0r. 4u;J ST'OOu410 STC1iU1420 srooo 620 S'TOOj43 3 ST0v0440 STOj, ~450 STOu0C460 STO0 S4780 ST000I48 STCGO 490 ST03u500 STOuS510 STO 0520 TOOC530 SIOO054 0 ST000550 ST000 560 sroT000570 ST00 580 ST0OO0590 ST000600 STON T)0610 STOOU62 0' ST000630 SUiiOUTI'.. JUCs'T(C, U, NUiii uiOCiOO 10 ui ci ,.J2Q dCi,-ju330 UCPOU040 NFOiOD) C C--C TIIIS :UBiOUTl!iLt PRINTS i~C~T~G .1ITLGE[R 1009J, C OUT Tifi iU' AND 'C' ARtA$YS. il CP i0,6 ( JCtJ)G70 PO380 IFOJDO .CPCY R.AL*16 C :NODJ) , U [NFODD,5) i3CPO0J90 c UCk?'t,, 100 d CP',t 11 ) 4fITE '9 ),95,C ) DO 19:; 10 -1,NODD D ilhIi'~:0,91) OJ=l, ,C UCPCO120 UCi-Lt13'; . I) CCNTiN'Uti; RiTU FN 90,J FORMRAT:' * 91) 'u vtJ) C ') eOI;.AT" END C20iOC 14 0 UC PiO 15a X1 ' ,6,.15.7) 2 Y1 Y2 Y3 u Ciu 16:)6 UCPGOt 170 JCPi'J180 JCPO 193 -189UTAU.UO X2iMAX, ICNTl) LFLAG, 21FA;A, UBSEOUTIN,~ UTiY'X1, X2, UTiO'W2 C 0 --- ;-TR03 -__ _ rC-_____-_ UTR0004O TiLS SUJR0UTI:lE CHiACKS TLHE CO:;,£i'LTluNS FCR( A SOLUTION C UTii0005O 'IJ AEI{AY. OF THle P,'AA;ILThiC AQUA'IONS TO Bt ADD-Z TO liH C UTH'~'~O C ------------------- O7O0 UTR C! UTROL.,70 UTIiUOJ80 ii,9 U TR9 UT39U100 UTiOu 1'10 U C INTEGrt-i IFLAG, IC.NT C REAL*16 X1, X2, X1 MAX, AX2AX X1;dA .ANl . X 1 .LT. .;,+C X 1 . GT. iFLA G . Q. ) .u. ICNT = ICNT .AND). X2 .GT. C..')0+0 .AND. X2 .LT. X2:iA.) RETUR] IF * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~c C bND 6**** C ID bND £ iUTn¥ ~~C~~~~~~~~ ~~~UTiRO . + 1 T 012 0 UTEJ0130 UT i'Ru 14S 150 UTJt0cL:160 .i~~UTRJi170 UT0ThO 180 -190- aSUOJr~'UriT£L .N Y1'OL'X;i , '111, 1Y Y12, IFLAG) - C C C C C 'rlfIS SJ:{OUTINE Fi, P:iS Till QutUADArlC , EQ'A'.AiON F;k C 'QS O'( LV S) LituS Tfi{ AS R03fTS. AS G)I:;-. · C C C TiTiiE1S F 'Al iPAEA"I\.TRIC 'Y1' IN TOWA$. )S 'CiS. t LCONIUTAI1CN OiF A S:(LUTION OF TtilE Q1UJAT1ONS. j Ii4 I"AiA 'Yr1' e.UA IAl'ATlC l'iJATAI ----- C IllTEGL IYLAG C EitAL*16 X, Y11, Y12 RLAL*lbi R, P REAL*16 A, J, C; '1Slj. C A = P(I) B = X * iX :1. 2+o - . 1))) 2[1) - 1.CQ +0 C = -E. [1) C CALL QSOLV' A, B, C, SETURiN ill, 'Y12, FLAG) C C **'** END OF YlSCL ENiD ¥Y1S00290 AND O'12M OluJ10 1SOu020 Y 1S)0040 Y1S').uJ53 Yl1SU)ObO Y 1S:')u.;;7,3 Y 1i5001)80 Y1Sv-Ji09:J Z 1500 100 YlS)U110 Y 1S) 130 ¥ISt,; 14) '11S, 150 Y 1 50u160 :1S'3J173 180 0 1 0- ,1 93 Y 1500200 Y1S'.210 Yt S0V220 Y1 Su 230 Y1500240 Y 1 500 250 k¶ is Ci'. 2160.2b Y 1500270 SU ROU'I:i Y3SCLL(X, Yi31, Y32, IFLAG) Y3SOuO10 Y3S 35, .)20i) C -----------¥3S00030. C ThiS SU3ROUTINZ FO..1S THiE QUADRaATIC E2iIATIOi k'Oi 'Y3' 1N C TERiMS OF 'X2' TGriAhDS ¥iHL COCYPOTATION iF A SOLUTIOV OF TM;t PARAMET;IIC EQUATIONS. C C C 'QSOLV' SULVES Ttft IIJAiJRATIC r.E'UATICN WiTH 'Y31' AND 'Y32'. 1 C AS RCOTS. C -----------------------C C. ACN / P ArtS/ ( 3), 3 (3) C INT G E IFLAG C RE-AL*16 X, Y31, 332 [itAL*16 R, ' REAL*16 A, B, C CY A = P '3) Y3S'L23 B = X + 'P (3) - 1.0'X+0) C = - X * R '3) + 1.vG+O - it3) ¥ C CALL S3)LV(A, RETUEP N C C ***** END OF Y3SCL C END Y3S0040 Y¥3SOJO0S 'Y3SU0360 Y 3SU)070 Y3500080 Y 3S00090 Y3 S 1 Y3S0u110 Y3 Su C 120 Y3SJ0130 Y3SO 140 Y3 SJ, 150' Y3SOU0160 Y3SOu 170 Y3SO1 80 Y3S00 190 B, C, Y31, Y32, IFLG) Y3S0 210 Y3S00220 Y3S0U230 Y3SU O240 Y3S00250 Y3SOU260 Y3SUoi270 Y3S00280 !3S00290 -192- C C C--C bi 10 Z0;F0U20 ZERO [X,N) SUERfCUTIN& ZZEK -INITIALIZZES AN ---- -- - - -- N-DI LMSIONAL VECTOi. - -.L X. INTLGER N C -E SEAL*lb X(N) C J)O1 1=1,N ZLLtCv110 1 X 1)=0.QO R TURi C C +*k** -.ND OFR 0 C . .,0 ZER. LEO hEhO0040 i ERk0O60 ZEROO070 LZRlsouO80 0 090 ZEhOO100 Z EI120 ZEL6J 130 140 EO'150 ZiiRCu 16,) .:ND ZEEu 170 -193SUu fcOU'£l 1lE SOL (Z, IZg IR, IS, SOL1, SOL2, IPLAG) C 3 ....... O C--------------------------_-------------------------------------------C TlIiS :JUL.UU.tII' FOiRNiS AND SCOLVCS '1tiE QUADRAT'IC t;UATIOI C wliC;i RziSiJULTS rjiiiA: O.N Z IS hLLMI£NTPiel AND A SE;COND IS C tGIlV. ? il; THIRD IS Til,. UN KNOWN IN TIIE QUADiATIC. c .ti. -i¥LN Z. C ZfIZ') IS C Z(Rl) iS rlii-i:LIiiLTINATED Z. IS 'r' iJ I) ' IZ Z C C C C iif L.OO'TS. .iD ' t; L2' A Ln S) L1' A: A LPtHA= 1- P (I) I))/ '1-P JIhrA= ,1-k ')-nGA M"1A - - i)tI JSOi ZSO,0120 Z SO. 0 130 ZSOJu~140 000 150 ..... -------.Z SO!: t. 169 -. o00170 'ZSOO0180 ZSO30190 ,Z)) ~C~Ic GC INi'EGi:a IZ, AL2tlA(3) BE.A(3), GAMMiA (3) . · Ii, IS, IFLAS ZS0U0200 C ZS000219 ZS000220 ZS000230 ZS000240 hLAL*lb ., OiCL1, SOLZ . 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