WEST VIRGINIA TITLE I SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT 1003(g) GRANT FUNDING SCORING RUBRIC FOR TIER III Criteria/Indicator Letter of Intent to Apply SCALE Meets/Exceeds Requirements Minimally Addressed If applicable, acceptable revisions of the letter of intent was submitted by the LEA. Inadequate or Information Not Provided If applicable, acceptable revisions of the letter of intent was not submitted by the LEA. Points Earned For Section No Points for This Section 0 Section I: Schools To Be Served Section I Schools to be Served & Intervention Selection - Identification of Schools Meets/Exceeds Requirements Minimally Addressed Proposal includes an identification of the school to be served with a school improvement 1003(g) grant. Inadequate or Information Not Provided No Points for This Section Information is omitted for the school to be served. 0 Additional information (i.e., NCES #, principal contact information) is indicated. Section II: Descriptive Information Section II-A Data Analysis (10 points maximum) 7-10 Meets/Exceeds Requirements 1-6 Minimally Addressed All data sets are current, carefully examined and provide unquestionable evidence students are performing at levels below state standards. All relevant data sets have not been examined, are vaguely examined or do not support the need for reform. Information is not summarized nor is an analysis of data provided. The data analysis is used to identify the root causes for each area (i.e., administrators and teachers; curriculum and materials; master schedule, classroom schedules, and classroom management/discipline; students and parents). Root causes are not identified for specific areas. 0 Inadequate or Information Not Provided Limited data analysis has been completed. Points Earned For Section No root causes are identified. 1 Section II-A LEA Capacity (no points for this section) Meets/Exceeds Requirements The LEA scored 20-24 points on the capacity index and does not require SEA technical assistance. Minimally Addressed Inadequate or Information Not Provided The LEA scored below 20 points on the capacity index and has identified technical assistance and support needed from the SEA to build capacity. The LEA scored below 20 points on the capacity index and DOES NOT identify technical assistance and support requested from the SEA to build capacity. Points Earned For Section 0 Revisions Required/Comments: Section II-B Summative and Growth Goals (5 points maximum) 4-5 Meets/Exceeds Requirements Measurable summative and growth goals have been developed for the school and will be used by the LEA to monitor progress of student achievement on the State’s assessments in both reading/language arts and mathematics. The proposal includes a clear description of how the goals will be reviewed by the LEA to evaluate the school’s academic progress. Revisions Required/Comments: 1-3 Minimally Addressed 0 Inadequate or Information Not Provided Proposal includes realistic and measureable summative goals for the school. No growth goals or vague growth goals have been identified. Proposal lacks realistic and measurable goals for the school. No growth goals have been identified. The proposal does not address how the goals will be reviewed by the LEA to evaluate the school’s academic progress. The proposal does not address how the goals will be reviewed by the LEA to evaluate the school’s academic progress. Points Earned For Section 2 Section III: Tier III Activities (Subsections A-E as applicable = 45 points) A. Comprehensive Instructional Reform Programs 1 – Utilization of Data 2 – Continuous Use of Data to Inform and Differentiate Instruction Meets/Exceeds Requirements The LEA clearly describes how the school will use data to identify and implement an instructional program that is research-based and vertically aligned from one grade to the next as well as aligned with state academic standards. The LEA vaguely describes how the school will use data to identify and implement an instructional program that is research-based and vertically aligned from one grade to the next as well as aligned with state academic standards. The LEA clearly describes how the school will promote continuous use of student data to inform and differentiate instruction. The LEA vaguely describes how the school will promote continuous use of student data to inform and differentiate instruction. 3 – Other Permissible Activities Revisions Required/Comments: B. Increasing Learning Time and Creating Community Oriented Schools 1 – Schedules and Strategies for Creating Community Oriented Schools Minimally Addressed Meets/Exceeds Requirements The LEA clearly describes how the school will establish schedules and strategies that provides increased learning time and creates community oriented schools. 0 Inadequate or Information Not provided The LEA does not adequately describe how the school will use data to identify and implement an instructional program that is research-based and vertically aligned from one grade to the next as well as aligned with state academic standards. The LEA does not adequately describe how the school will promote continuous use of student data to inform and differentiate instruction. Optional section (no points awarded) Minimally Addressed The LEA vaguely describes how the school will establish schedules and strategies that provides increased learning time and creates community oriented schools. Points Earned For Section 0 0 Inadequate or Information Not Provided Points Earned For Section The LEA does not adequately describe how the school will establish schedules and strategies that provides increased learning time and creates community oriented schools. 3 Meets/Exceeds Requirements The LEA clearly describes how the 2 – Ongoing school will provide ongoing Mechanisms for mechanisms for family and Family and community engagement. Community Engagement 3 – Other permissible activities Revisions Required/Comments: C. Provide Operating Flexibility and Sustained Support 1- Operational Flexibility 2- LEA Technical Assistance 3- External Lead Partners 4- Other Permissible Activities Minimally Addressed The LEA vaguely describes how the school will provide ongoing mechanisms for family and community engagement. 0 Inadequate or Information Not Provided The LEA does not adequately describe how the school will provide ongoing mechanisms for family and community engagement. Optional section (no points awarded) Meets/Exceeds Requirements Minimally Addressed The LEA clearly describes the operational flexibility (e.g., staffing, calendar, time, budget) the school will be given in order to fully implement a comprehensive approach to substantially improve student achievement outcomes and increase graduation rates. The LEA vaguely describes the operational flexibility (e.g., staffing, calendar, time, budget) the school will be given in order to fully implement a comprehensive approach to substantially improve student achievement outcomes and increase graduation rates. The LEA clearly describes ongoing, intensive technical assistance and support the LEA will provide to the school. The LEA clearly describes the technical assistance and related support provided by a designated external lead partner, if applicable. The LEA vaguely describes ongoing, intensive technical assistance and support the LEA will provide to the school. The LEA vaguely describes the technical assistance and related support provided by a designated external lead partner, if applicable. Optional section (no points awarded) Points Earned For Section 0 0 Inadequate or Information Not Provided The LEA does not adequately describe the operational flexibility (e.g., staffing, calendar, time, budget) the school will be given in order to fully implement a comprehensive approach to substantially improve student achievement outcomes and increase graduation rates. The LEA does not adequately describe ongoing, intensive technical assistance and support the LEA will provide to the school. Points Earned For Section Approved _______ Revisions Required ________ 0 4 Meets/Exceeds Requirements Minimally Addressed D. Recruit, Place and The LEA clearly describes the strategies utilized to recruit, place Retain School and retain staff in the school. Staff The LEA vaguely describes the strategies utilized to recruit, place and retain staff in the school. E. Other Permissible Activities F. Job Embedded Professional Development (30 maximum points) 1. PLC Professional Development Optional section (no points awarded) 2. Overall Description of Professional Development 3. Specific Annual Professional Development Plan 7-10 Meets/Exceeds Requirements 1-6 Minimally Addressed 0 Inadequate or Information Not Provided The LEA does not adequately describe the strategies utilized to recruit, place and retain staff in the school. 0 Inadequate or Information Not Provided The LEA clearly describes the format for professional learning communities in the school. The LEA vaguely describes the format for professional learning communities in the school. The LEA does not describe the format for professional learning communities in the school. The description addresses: structure (e.g., grade level, content area, facilitators, others), frequency of meetings, major areas of focus and how the effectiveness of PLCs will be monitored. The description addresses some of the following: structure (e.g., grade level, content area, facilitators, others), frequency of meetings, major areas of focus and how the effectiveness of PLCs will be monitored. The LEA provides a vague description of the school’s overall professional development plan. The description does not address: structure (e.g., grade level, content area, facilitators, others), frequency of meetings, major areas of focus and how the effectiveness of PLCs will be monitored. The LEA provides an incomplete listing of research-based and sustainable annual PD activities for each of the three years. The LEA provides an incomplete listing of research-based and sustainable annual PD activities for some of the three years. The LEA provides a clear description of the school’s overall professional development plan including the focus of the PD and how it will fundamentally change teaching and learning in the school. The LEA provides a detailed listing of research-based and sustainable annual PD activities for each of the three years. Points Earned For Section Points Earned For Section The LEA does not provide an adequate description of the school’s overall professional development plan. Revisions Required/Comments: 5 Section IV: Budget IV: Budget (10 points total) - Budget - Budget Narrative 4-5 Meets/Exceeds Requirements The budget spreadsheet: - Covers a three year period - Includes correct amounts for the total, LEA, and each individual school - Includes indirect costs - Reflects sufficient funding amounts to effectively support school improvement activities in Tier III schools 1-3 Minimally Addressed Budget amounts or required information is not complete. 4-5 Meets/Exceeds Requirements 1-3 Minimally Addressed The budget narrative aligns with the budget, is representative of the contents of the proposal and clearly focuses on full and effective implementation of the activities in Tier III schools. The budget narrative does not clearly align with the budget and/or is not representative of the contents of the proposal and does not clearly focus on full and effective implementation of the activities in Tier III schools. The budget narrative clearly reflects how funding will be spent at the LEA level and in each individual school. The budget narrative does not clearly reflect how funding will be spent at the LEA level and in each individual school. Funding sources include school improvement, Title I, other federal sources (e.g., regular school Title I, Title I 1003(a), Title II, Part A, Title III, Part A, state/local commitment, and community resources). Additional funding sources are omitted or are vaguely described. Narrative includes a clear description of large budget amounts. Narrative omits or provides a vague description of large budget amounts. 0 Inadequate or Information Not Provided Budget amounts or required information is omitted. Points Earned For Section 0 Inadequate or Information Not Provided The budget narrative does not align with the budget and is not representative of the contents of the proposal and does not clearly focus on full and effective implementation of the activities in Tier III schools. Points Earned For Section 6 Required Revisions/Comment: Section VI: Assurances VI: Assurances (no points for this section) - Assurance Agreement Meets Requirements __________ Requires Revision _________ All applicable assurance boxes have been checked indicating agreement to comply with the stated assurances. Assurances that are not applicable are marked NA. Some applicable assurance boxes have not been checked or marked not applicable. The superintendent has signed and dated the school improvement grant application indicating agreement to comply with the stated assurances. Required Revisions/Comments: The superintendent has not signed and/or dated the school improvement grant application indicating agreement to comply with the stated assurances. Section VI: Waivers VII: Waivers (no points for this section) - Waiver Agreement Meets Requirements __________ The LEA has checked applicable boxes indicating which waivers it intends to implement for each school served with a school improvement 1003(g) grant. Requires Revision _________ The LEA has not checked applicable boxes indicating which waivers it intends to implement for each school served with a school improvement 1003(g) grant. Required Revisions: Total Possible Points = 100 Points Earned 7