Battle of Big Hole. Artistic rendering appeared in Harper's Weekly December 28, 1895 Medals of Honor, Big Hole BROWN, LORENZO D. Rank and organization: Private, Company A, 7th U.S. Infantry. Place and date: At Big Hole, Mont. 9 August 1877. Entered service at: Indianapolis, Ind. Birth: Davidson County, N.C. Date of issue: 8 May 1878. Citation: After having been severely wounded in right shoulder, continued to do duty in a most courageous manner. CLARK, WILFRED Rank and organization: Private, Company L, 2d U.S. Cavalry. Place and date: At Big Hole, Mont., 9 August 1877; at Camas Meadows, Idaho, 20 August 1877. Entered service at:------. Birth: Philadelphia Pa. Date of issue: 28 February 1878. Citation: Conspicuous gallantry, especial skill as sharpshooter. EDWARDS, WILLIAM D. Rank and organization: First Sergeant, Company F, 7th U.S. Infantry. Place and date: At Big Hole, Mont., 9 August 1877. Entered service at:------. Birth: Brooklyn, N.Y. Date of issue: 2 December 1878. Citation: Bravery in action. McLENNON, JOHN Rank and organization: Musician, Company A, 7th U.S. Infantry. Place and date: At Big Hole, Mont., 9 August 1877. Entered service at: ------. Birth: Fort Belknap, Tex. Date of issue: 2 December 1878. Citation: Gallantry in action. ROGAN, PATRICK Rank and organization: Sergeant, Company A, 7th U.S. Infantry. Place and date: At Big Hole, Mont., 9 August 1877. Entered service at: ------. Birth: Ireland. Date of issue: 2 December 1878. Citation: Verified and reported the company while subjected to a galling fire from the enemy. WILSON, MILDEN H. Rank and organization: Sergeant, Company I, 7th U.S. Infantry. Place and date: At Big Hole, Mont., 9 August 1877. Entered service at: Newark, Ohio. Birth: Huron County, Ohio. Date of issue: 2 December 1878. Citation: Gallantry in forming company from line of skirmishers and deploying again under a galling fire, and in carrying dispatches at the imminent risk of his life. Trap Door Springfield M-1873 trowel bayonet This M-1873 trowel shaped bayonet is made from tempered carbon steel. The scabbard is made of wood and covered with very thin black leather. It comes with a brown wooden plug, which attaches to the socket and becomes a handle for digging. Overall length: 15.75 inches. 1881 Rand McNally Map Note Bannack City and [Jackson] Hot Springs All Archaeology Data on air photo Data on DRG— scanned map Army Springfields Bullets Cartridges Army Trenches Siege Area 1000 yd range Target and shooter 2 m above ground Siege Area 1000 yd range Target and shooter 1 m above ground Siege Area 1000 yd range Target and shooter 0.5 m above ground Siege Area—Decreasing Visibility as Fighters Get Down Twin Trees Region Many of the data layers from the DXF file should be points (e.g. bullet locations), but translate as lines. This works reasonably well until you zoom in very far. Twin Trees Sniper 1000 yard range 5 m up in tree Twin Trees Sniper 3 m above ground Sniper and Siege Area Weapons 28 and 35 Weapons 45 & 55 Weapon 49 Henry Path This translates as 19 line segments, which are not identified as to which of the 4 weapons they belong to. They could be joined with a little work by using the common points, but that would not add much to the image. Army Paths Map above shows the DXF files for the paths of the soldiers. This would benefit of showing each soldier in a different color, or by using an animation to show each solider in sequence. However, the conversion to a GIS format leaves only a series of points, with no indication of which go together. It is unclear why this file translates differently than the other one. Chief Joseph, leader of the Wallowa Valley Nez Percé, and General John Gibbon, whom Joseph defeated at the Battle of the Big Hole in 1877, pose together in 1889, twelve years after Joseph's epic retreat. (Courtesy Smithsonian Institution, National Anthropological Archives [43201]. Images from the National Anthropological Archives may not be reproduced without permission.) Harper's Weekly, vol. 21, pages 641, 905