Berkeley Two-Port Noise Analysis Prof. Ali M. Niknejad U.C. Berkeley Copyright c 2015 by Ali M. Niknejad 1 / 26 Equivalent Noise Generators vn2 Noisy Two-Port i2n Noiseless Two-Port Any noisy two port can be replaced with a noiseless two-port and equivalent input noise sources In general, these noise sources are correlated. For now let’s neglect the correlation. 2 / 26 Equivalent Noise Generators (cont) Noisy Two-Port observe output noise Noiseless Two-Port noise only f (vn2 ) Noisy Two-Port observe output noise vn2 open input i2n equate noise vn2 i2n equate noise short input The equivalent sources are found by opening and shorting the input. Noiseless Two-Port noise only f (i2n ) 3 / 26 Example: BJT Noise Sources vr2b rb i2b Cµ r C + v gm v ro i2c If we leave the base of a BJT open, then the total output noise is given by io2 = ic2 + or in2 = ic2 2 2 2 ib = in2 2 + ib2 ⇡ ib2 4 / 26 BJT (cont) If we short the input of the BJT, we have io2 ⇡ 2 2 gm vn ✓ = Z⇡ Z⇡ + r b 2 ◆2 2 = vn2 (Z⇡ + rb )2 vr2b + ic2 (Z⇡ + rb )2 Solving for the equivalent BJT noise voltage vn2 = vr2b + ic2 (Z⇡ + rb )2 vn2 ⇡ vr2b + 2 ic2 Z⇡2 2 5 / 26 BJT Generators at Low Freq at low frequencies... vn2 ⇡ vr2b + ic2 2 gm vn2 = 4kTBrb + in2 = 2qIC B 2 gm 2qIc 6 / 26 Role of Source Resistance Rs Vs vn2 i2n Noiseless Two-Port If Rs = 0, only the voltage noise vn2 is important. Likewise, if Rs = 1, only the current noise in2 is important. Amplifier Selection: If Rs is large, then select an amp with low ii2 (MOS). If Rs is low, pick an amp with low vn2 (BJT) For a given Rs , there is an optimal vn2 /in2 ratio. Alternatively, for a given amp, there is an optimal Rs 7 / 26 Equivalent Input Noise Voltage vn2 Rs Vs Noiseless Two-Port i2n Let’s find the total output noise voltage vo2 = (vn2 A2v + = vR2s A2v ) (vn2 + ✓ Rin Rin + Rs in2 Rs2 + vR2s ) ◆2 ✓ + ✓ Rin Rin + Rs Rin Rin + Rs ◆2 ◆2 Rs2 in2 A2v A2v 8 / 26 Noise Figure Rs 2 veq Noiseless Two-Port Vs We see that all the noise can be represented by a single equivalent source 2 = v 2 + i 2R 2 veq n n s Applying the definition of noise figure F =1+ 2 veq Namp,i =1+ Ns vs2 9 / 26 Optimal Source Impedance Let vn2 = 4kTRn B and in2 = 4kTGn B. Then F =1+ Rn + Gn Rs2 Rn = 1 + Gn Rs + Rs Rs Let’s find the optimum Rs dF = Gn dRs Rn =0 Rs2 We see that the noise figure is minimized for s r Rn vn2 Ropt = = Gn in2 10 / 26 Optimal Source Impedance (cont) The major assumption we made was that vn2 and in2 are not correlated. The resulting minimum noise figure is thus Fmin = 1 + Gn Rs + Rn Rs r r Rn Gn = 1 + Gn + Rn Gn Rn p = 1 + 2 Rn Gn 11 / 26 Fmin Consider the di↵erence between F and Fmin F Fmin = Gn Rs + Rn Rs 2 p Rn Gn Rn Gn Rs2 Rs p (1 + 2 Rn Gn ) Rs Rn Rn ! ✓ ◆ Rn Rs 2 2Rs = 1+ Rs Ropt Ropt = Rn Rs = Rs Ropt = Rn Rs |Gopt 2 1 Gs |2 12 / 26 Noise Sensitivity Parameter Sometimes Rn is called the noise sensitivity parameter since F = Fmin + Rn Rs |Gopt Gs |2 This is clear since the rate of deviation from optimal noise figure is determined by Rn . If a two-port has a small value of Rn , then we can be sloppy and sacrifice the noise match for gain. If Rn is large, though, we have to pay careful attention to the noise match. Most software packages (Spectre, ADS) will plot Yopt and Fmin as a function of frequency, allowing the designer to choose the right match for a given bias point. 13 / 26 BJT Noise Figure We found the equivalent noise generators for a BJT i2 2qIC B vn2 = vr2b + c2 = 4kTBrb + 2 in2 = ib2 gm gm The noise figure is F = 1+ 4kTrb + 2qIC 2 gm 4kTRs + 2qIC Rs2 rb 1 gm Rs = 1+ + + 4kTRs Rs 2gm Rs 2 According to the above expression, we can choose an optimal value of gm Rs to minimize the noise. But the second term rb /Rs is fixed for a given transistor dimension 14 / 26 E rc scalable length emitter C base collector BJT Cross Section B rb The device can be scaled to lower the net current density in order to delay the onset of the Kirk E↵ect The base resistance also drops when the device is made larger 15 / 26 BJT Device Sizing We can thus see that BJT transistor sizing involves a compromise: The transconductance depends only on IC and not the size (first order) The charge storage e↵ects and fT only depend on the base transit time, a fixed vertical dimension. A smaller device has smaller junction area but can only handle a given current density before Kirk e↵ect reduces performance A larger device has smaller base resistance rb but larger junction capacitance 16 / 26 Correlated Noise Sources Let’s partition the input noise current into two components, a component correlated (“parallel”) to the noise voltage and a component uncorrelated (“perpendicular”) of the noise voltage in = ic + iu where we assume that < iu , vn >= 0 and i c = Y C vn We can therefore write veq = vn (1 + YC ZS ) + ZS iu 17 / 26 Noise Figure of Two-Port Which is a sum of uncorrelated random variables. The variance is thus the sum of the variances 2 = v 2 |1 + Y Z |2 + |Z |2 i 2 veq s u C S n This allows us to immediately write the noise figure as F =1+ vn2 |1 + YC ZS |2 + |Zs |2 iu2 vs2 Let vn2 = 4kTBRn , iu2 = 4kTBGu , and vs2 = 4kTBRs . Then F =1+ Rn |1 + YC ZS |2 + |Zs |2 Gu Rs 18 / 26 Optimum Source Impedance If we let Yc = Gc + jBc , Ys = Zs 1 = Gs + jBs , it’s not to difficult to show that the optimum source impedance to minize F is given by Bopt = Bs = Bc r Gu Gopt = Gs = + Gc2 Rn The minimum acheivable noise figure is q Fmin = 1 + 2Gc Rn + 2 Rn Gu + Gc2 Rn2 For Gc = 0, this reduces to our previously derived expression. 19 / 26 Minimum Noise Fmin Very similar to the uncorrelated case, we have F = Fmin + Rn |Ys Gs Yopt |2 This equation stats that if the source impedance Ys 6= Yopt , the noise figure will be larger by a factor of the “distance” squared times the factor Rn /Gs . A good device should have a low Rn so that the noise match is not too sensitive. 20 / 26 FET Common Source Amplifier Rs Vs 2 vR g Rg Cgs Cgd + vgs gm vgs ro id RL Consider the following noise sources: Rs vs2 = 4kTBRs Rg vg2 = 4kTBRg Rch id2 = 4kTBgd0 B RL iL2 = 4kTBGL 21 / 26 Total FET Drain Noise Summing all the noise at the output (assume low frequency) 2 io2 = id2 + iL2 + (vg2 + vs2 )gm Which results in the noise figure F =1+ =1+ vg2 vs2 + id2 + iL2 2 v2 gm s Rg gd0 + GL + 2 Rs Rs gm 22 / 26 FET Noise Figure (low freq) Assume gm = gd0 (long channel) =1+ Rg GL GS + + 2 Rs gm R s gm If we make gm sufficiently large, the gate resistance will dominate the noise. The gate resistance has two components, the physical gate resistance and the induced channel resistance RG = Rpoly + Rch = 1W 1 1 R⇤ + 3 L 5 gm The factors 1/3 and 1/5 come from a distributed analysis (EECS 117). They are valid for single-sided gate contacts. 23 / 26 FET Layout To reduce the gate resistance, a multi-finger layout approach is commonly adopted. As a bonus, the junction capacitance is reduced due to the junction sharing. 24 / 26 CS Noise at Medium Frequencies Rs Vs 2 vR g Rg + vgs Cgs gm vgs ro id RL If we repeat the calculation at medium frequencies, ignoring Cgd , we simply need to input refer the drain noise taking into account the frequency dependence of Gm Gm = gm = 1/(j!Cgs ) 1/(j!Cgs ) + Rs + Rg gm 1 + j!Cgs (Rs + Rg ) 25 / 26 CS Noise (cont) The drain noise is input referred by the magnitude squared |Gm | 2 2 = gm 2 (1 + ! 2 Cgs (Rs + Rg )2 ) So the noise figure is simply given by (neglect the noise of RL ) F =1+ Assume that Rs noise is given by F1 Rg 2 + 1 + ! 2 Cgs (RS + Rg )2 Rs ↵ Rg (good layout). The “high” frequency 2 R2 ! 2 Cgs s =1+ =1+ ↵ gm RS ↵ ✓ ! !T ◆2 gm Rs 26 / 26