Dense Event Ordering with a Multi-Pass Architecture Nathanael Chambers United States Naval Academy Taylor Cassidy Army Research Lab IBM Research Bill McDowell Carnegie Mellon University Steven Bethard University of Alabama at Birmingham Abstract The past 10 years of event ordering research has focused on learning partial orderings over document events and time expressions. The most popular corpus, the TimeBank, contains a small subset of the possible ordering graph. Many evaluations follow suit by only testing certain pairs of events (e.g., only main verbs of neighboring sentences). This has led most research to focus on specific learners for partial labelings. This paper attempts to nudge the discussion from identifying some relations to all relations. We present new experiments on strongly connected event graphs that contain ∼10 times more relations per document than the TimeBank. We also describe a shift away from the single learner to a sieve-based architecture that naturally blends multiple learners into a precision-ranked cascade of sieves. Each sieve adds labels to the event graph one at a time, and earlier sieves inform later ones through transitive closure. This paper thus describes innovations in both approach and task. We experiment on the densest event graphs to date and show a 14% gain over state-of-the-art. 1 Introduction Event ordering in the NLP community usually refers to a specific labeling task: given pairs of events and time expressions, choose ordering relations for them. The TimeBank corpus (Pustejovsky et al., 2003) provided a corpus of labeled pairs that motivated machine learning approaches to this task. However, only a small subset of possible pairs are labeled. The annotators identified the most central and obvious relations, and left the rest unlabeled. Partly because of this, there has been little research into complete event graphs. This paper describes our recent exploration into the dramatic changes required of both learning algorithms and experimental setup when faced with the task of a more complete graph labeling. The most obvious shift required of a complete graph labeling algorithm is that of relation identification. Research on the TimeBank and in the TempEval contests has largely focused on relation classification. The event pairs are given, and the task is to classify them. We are now forced to first determine which events should be paired up before classification. Our experiments here fully integrate and evaluate both identification and classification. We are not the first to approach relation identification with classification, but this paper is the first to directly and comprehensively address it. Most recently, TempEval 3 (UzZaman et al., 2013a) proposed a labeling of raw text without prior relation identification, but the challenge ultimately relied on the TimeBank. Systems were only evaluated on its subset of labeled event pairs. This meant that relation identification was largely ignored. The top system optimized only relation classification and intentionally left many pairs unlabeled (Bethard, 2013). This paper presents CAEVO, a CAscading EVent Ordering architecture. It is a novel sieve-based architecture for temporal event ordering that directly addresses the interplay between identification and classification. We shift away from the idea of monolithic learners, and propose smaller specialized classifiers. Inspiration comes from the recent success in named entity coreference with sieve-based learning (Lee et al., 2013). CAEVO contains a host of classi- 273 Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2 (2014) 273–284. Action Editor: Ellen Riloff. c Submitted 11/2013; Revised 5/2014; Published 10/2014. 2014 Association for Computational Linguistics. fiers that each specialize on different types of edges. The classifiers are ordered by their individual precision, and run in order starting with the most precise. Each sieve informs those below it by passing on its decisions as graph constraints. These more precise constraints are then used by later sieves to assist their less precise decisions. One of the main advantages of this CAEVO architecture is the natural inclusion of transitive reasoning. After each sieve proposes its labels, the architecture infers transitive links from the new labels and adds them to the graph. This type of expansion has not been adequately evaluated due to our community’s sparsely labeled corpora. We are the first to report the surprising result that edges from transitive closure are more precise than the original sieve-provided labels. Finally, CAEVO enables quick experimentation. Classifiers are pulled in and out with ease, quickly testing new theories. As in D’Souza and Ng (2013), we created rule-based classifiers based on linguistic theory. We naturally integrate these with machine learned classifiers using the sieve architecture. Each classifier focuses on its independent decisions, and the architecture then imposes transitivity constraints. CAEVO contains 12 sieves ordered by precision, and it outperforms the top systems in event ordering. 2 Previous Work Two lines of research are particularly relevant to our work: research on event ordering annotation, and research on event ordering models. We briefly review both here. 2.1 Event Ordering Annotation Most prior annotation efforts constructed corpora with only a small subset of temporal relations annotated. In the TimeBank (Pustejovsky et al., 2003), temporal relations were only annotated when the relation was judged to be salient by the annotator. The TempEval competitions (Verhagen et al., 2007; Verhagen et al., 2010; UzZaman et al., 2013b) aimed to improve coverage by annotating relations between all events and times in the same sentence. However, event tokens that were mentioned fewer than 20 times were excluded and only one TempEval task considered relations between events in different sentences. 274 Events Times Relations R TimeBank 7935 1414 6418 0.7 Bramsen 2006 627 – 615 1.0 TempEval 2007 6832 1249 5790 0.7 TempEval 2010 5688 2117 4907 0.6 TempEval 2013 11145 2078 11098 0.8 Kolomiyets 2012 1233 – 1139 0.9 1 Do 2012 324 232 3132 5.6 This work 1729 289 12715 6.3 Table 1: Events, times, temporal relations and the ratio of relations to events + times (R) in various corpora. To avoid such sparse annotations, researchers have explored schemes that encourage annotators to connect all events. Bramsen et al. (2006) annotated timelines as directed acyclic graphs, though they annotated multi-sentence segments of text rather than individual events. Kolomiyets et al. (2012) annotated “temporal dependency structures” (i.e. dependency trees of temporal relations), though they only focused on pairs of events. In Do et al. (2012), “the annotator was not required to annotate all pairs of event mentions, but as many as possible”, and then more relations were automatically inferred after the annotation was complete. In contrast, in our work we required annotators to label every possible pair of events/times in a given window, and our event graphs are guaranteed to be strongly connected, with every edge verified by the annotators. Table 1 compares the density of relation annotation across various corpora. A major dilemma from this prior work is that unlabeled event/time pairs are inherently ambiguous. The unlabeled pair holds 3 possibilities: 1. The annotator looked at the pair of events and decided that multiple valid relations could apply. 2. The annotator looked at the pair of events and decided that no temporal relation exists 3. The annotator failed to look at the pair of events, so a single relation may exist. This ambiguity makes accurate training and evaluation difficult. In the current work, we adopt the VAGUE relation, introduced by TempEval 2007, and force our annotators to indicate pairs for which no clear temporal relation exists. We are thus the first to eliminate the 3rd possibility from our corpus. 1 Do 2012 reports 6264 relations, but we list half of this because they include relations and their inverses in the count. 2.2 Event Ordering Models The TimeBank In part because of the sparsity of temporal relations in the available training corpora, most existing models formulate temporal ordering as a pair-wise classification task, where each pair of events and/or times is examined and classified as having a temporal relation or not. Early work on the TimeBank took this approach (Boguraev and Ando, 2005), classifying relations between all events and times within 64 tokens of each other. Most of the top-performing systems in the TempEval competitions also took this pairwise classification approach for both event-time and event-event temporal relations (Bethard and Martin, 2007; Cheng et al., 2007; UzZaman and Allen, 2010; Llorens et al., 2010; Bethard, 2013). These systems have sometimes even explicitly focused on a small subset of temporal relations; for example, the topranked ordering system in TempEval 2013 (Bethard, 2013) only classified relations in certain syntactic constructions and with certain relation types. Systems have tried to take advantage of global information to ensure that the pair-wise classifications satisfy temporal logic transitivity constraints, using frameworks like integer linear programming and Markov logic networks (Bramsen et al., 2006; Chambers and Jurafsky, 2008; Tatu and Srikanth, 2008; Yoshikawa et al., 2009; UzZaman and Allen, 2010). The gains have been small, likely because of the disconnectedness that is common in sparsely annotated corpora (Chambers and Jurafsky, 2008). An approach that has not been leveraged for event ordering, but that has been successful in the coreference community is the sieve-based architecture. The top performer in CoNLL-2011 shared task was one such system (Lee et al., 2013). The core idea is to begin with the most reliable classifier first, and inform those below it. This idea also appeared in the early IBM MT models (Brown et al., 1993) and in the “islands of reliability” approaches to parsing and speech (Borghesi and Favareto, 1982; Corazza et al., 1991). D’Souza and Ng (2013) recently combined a rule-based model with a machine learned model, but lacked the fine-grained formality of a cascade of sieves. This paper is inspired by the above and is the first to apply it to temporal ordering as an extensible, formal architecture. 275 TimeBank-Dense There were four or five people inside, and they just started firing There were four or five people inside, and they just started firing Ms. Sanders was hit several times and was pronounced dead at the scene. Ms. Sanders was hit several times and was pronounced dead at the scene. The other customers fled, and the police said it did not appear that anyone else was injured. The other customers fled, and the police said it did not appear that anyone else was injured. Figure 1: TimeBank document on the left with TimeBankDense on the right. Solid arrows indicate BEFORE and dotted INCLUDED IN. Relations with the DCT not shown. 3 TimeBank-Dense: A Dense Ordering We use a new corpus, called TimeBank-Dense (Cassidy et al., 2014), to motivate and evaluate our architecture. This section highlights its main features. The TimeBank-Dense corpus was created to address the sparsity in current corpora. It is unique in that the annotators were forced to label all local edges, even in ambiguous cases. The corpus is not a complete graph over events and time expressions, but it approximates completeness by labeling locally complete graphs over neighboring sentences. All pairs of events and time expressions in the same sentence and all pairs of events and time expressions in the immediately following sentence were labeled. It also includes edges between every event and the document creation time (DCT). The document event graphs in TimeBank-Dense are thus strongly connected2 , but they are not complete graphs because edges that cross 2 or more sentences are not explicitly included3 . See Figure 1 for an illustration of the significant difference between a TimeBank document and a TimeBank-Dense document. The specific edges that were labeled are as follows: 1. Event-Event, Event-Time, and Time-Time pairs in the same sentence 2. Event-Event, Event-Time, and Time-Time pairs between the current and next sentence 3. Event-DCT pairs for every event in the document (DCT is the document creation time) 4. Time-DCT pairs for every time expression in the document 2 Viewed as an undirected graph: since all events connect the DCT, there exists a path from every event to every other event. 3 Though many are inferred through transitive closure. TimeBank-Dense contains 12,715 labeled relations over 36 TimeBank newspaper articles. It uses TimeBank annotated events and time expressions, and then annotates the edges between them. The set of temporal relations are a subset of the 13 original Allen relations (Allen, 1983). The TempEval contests have used both a smaller set of relations (TempEval 1) and all 13 relations (TempEval 3). Published work mirrors this trend, and different groups focus on different aspects of the semantics. The TimeBankDense set is a middle ground between coarse and finegrained distinctions: BEFORE , AFTER , INCLUDES , IS INCLUDED , SIMULTANEOUS , and VAGUE . The main reason for not using a more fine-grained set is because we annotate pairs that are more ambiguous than those considered in previous efforts. Decisions between relations like BEFORE and IM MEDIATELY BEFORE complicate an already difficult task. The added benefit of a system that makes finegrained distinctions is also not clear. We lean toward higher annotator agreement by using relations that have a greater separation between their semantics.4 Annotators of TimeBank-Dense also had to mutually agree on each labeled edge, otherwise it was labeled VAGUE. Precision between annotators averaged 65.1%, and the kappa ranged from .56 to .64. For comparison, TimeBank annotators averaged 77% precision with a .71 kappa. The breakdown of relation counts is shown in Table 2. T3 refers to TempEval-3. TempEval-3 used TimeBank documents, but removed a small portion of its events. This paper evaluates on T3 data to maintain a connection to the recent competition, but this resulted in the removal of a portion of the densely annotated edges. The most significant change in this new corpus is the inclusion of the VAGUE relation. This allows a system to separate relation identification from classification, if desired. The VAGUE relation makes up 46% of the annotated graph. This is the first empirical measurement of how many edges do not carry a clear semantics. This annotation eliminates 1 of the 3 ambiguities (discussed in Section 2) that has plagued ordering research: the annotator failed to look at the pair of events, so a single relation may exist. 4 For instance, a relation like STARTS is a special case of if events are viewed as open intervals, and IMME DIATELY BEFORE is a special case of BEFORE . We avoid this overlap and only use INCLUDES and BEFORE. INCLUDES 276 TimeBank-Dense Relation Count All T3 train T3 dev T3 test b 2590 1444 242 589 a 2104 1148 218 428 i ii s v Total 836 1060 215 5910 12715 473 629 120 3013 6827 37 73 20 359 949 116 159 39 900 2231 Table 2: The number of each relation type in the TimeBank-Dense corpus. T3 is the TempEval3 version used in this paper’s experiments. # of Mutual Vague Partial Vague No Vague 1657 (28%) 3234 (55%) 1019 (17%) Table 3: VAGUE relation origins. Partial vague: one annotator does not choose vague. No vague: neither annotator chooses vague, but they disagree on the specific relation. This is a significant improvement over previous ordering annotations. Several questions can now be answered to benefit learning algorithms. Which set of edges in the graph are unambiguous? Can I know for certain that I have all BEFORE relations in this document? These questions are critical to supervised learning, and we see the removal of this ambiguity as an important step toward better classification. Of course, an ambiguity still remains: does VAGUE mean that no relation exists, or that multiple relations are possible? This is not unique to our corpus, but is present in all current ordering corpora. We erred on the side of caution because it is not clear how this can be resolved. Though we don’t solve this problem here, we can more deeply analyze how VAGUE relations come about during annotation. Table 3 shows the 3 annotation scenarios that result in a VAGUE relation, and how often each occurred: (1) mutual vague: annotators agreed on VAGUE, (2) partial vague: one annotator chose VAGUE but the other chose a nonvague relation, and (3) no vague: annotators chose different non-vague relations. These disagreements will be released with the corpus, enabling future research into distinguishing these fine-grained semantics. TimeBank-Dense is split into a 22 document training set, 5 document dev set, and a 9 document test set 5 . We follow this split in all experiments. 5 Available at 4 Sieve-Based Temporal Ordering based approaches to capture these phenomena. The sieve architecture applies a sequence of temporal relation classifiers, one at a time, to label the edges of a graph of events and time expressions. The individual classifiers are called sieves, and each sieve passes its temporal relation decisions onto the next sieve. The input to each sieve is the partially labeled graph from previous sieves. These previous decisions can help inform a sieve’s own decisions. The sieves are ordered by precision, running the most precise models first. Events and time expressions are assumed to be annotated with their standard attributes (such as verb tense). This work uses gold event attributes for consistent analysis of ordering decisions. One of the benefits of this architecture is the seamless enforcement of transitivity constraints. Independent pairwise classifiers often produce inconsistent labelings. The architecture avoids inconsistent graphs by inferring all transitive relations from each sieve’s output before the graph is passed on to the next one. Specifically, the nth sieve cannot add an inconsistent edge that is inferrable from the previous n − 1 sieves. Transitive inference is run after each stage, so it is not possible to relabel an already inferred edge. In a similar fashion, the architecture enforces the precision preference rule: the nth sieve may not label edge e if one of the previous n − 1 sieves has already labeled it. Transitive inferences are made with all possible relations (e.g., A before B and B includes C infers A before C). The only relation that does not infer new edges is VAGUE. This architecture facilitates a seamless integration of a wide variety of classifiers. We experimented with both rule-based and machine learned classifiers. The following subsections describe the final set of 12 temporal classifiers in CAEVO. We begin with the deterministic rule-based sieves. 4.1 Deterministic Sieves The most precise sieves come from linguistic insight into syntactic and semantic patterns. Many pairs of events share common syntactic attributes that clearly indicate a temporal relation. Machine learning is not needed for these known linguistic phenomena, and a trained classifier can incorrectly label these obvious pairs if other features incorrectly override the decision. We therefore rely on deterministic rule277 4.1.1 Verb/Timex Adjacency Many prepositions in English carry either explicit (e.g., before, during) or implicit temporal semantics (e.g., in, over). Several are so reliable that a simple series of rules can label event-timex edges with very high precision. This Verb/Timex Adjacency sieve thus applies to event words and time expressions that are connected by a direct path in the syntactic parse tree, as well as all event/time pairs such that the event is at most 2 tokens before the time expression. Time expressions under a preposition are handled with specific rules. For instance, in, on, over, during, and within all resolve to IS INCLUDED. The prepositions for, at, and throughout resolve to SI MULTANEOUS . In the absence of a preposition, a timex might simply be a modifier of the verb. The following is one such example. Police confirmed Friday that the body found along a highway... The confirmed event IS INCLUDED in Friday. The edge between an event and a direct time modifier all default to IS INCLUDED. The precision of this sieve on the development set is 92%, the top performer. 4.1.2 Timex-Timex Relations One of the most precise sieves is a small set of deterministic rules that address relations between time expressions (including the DCT). This sieve uses the normalized time values for time expressions to compare their start/end times. Given two time spans with defined starting and ending time points, the temporal relation is unambiguous. The more difficult cases involve time expressions without stated start/end points. Examples of these include references to the abstract future or past, such as in phrases like ‘last year’ and ‘next quarter’. This sieve chooses BEFORE if the abstract references are not the same, but in clear opposition to each other. For instance, a past reference and a future reference are labeled BEFORE. If the abstract references are the same, then VAGUE is typically applied. We defer to the publicly released code for further details. 4.1.3 Reporting Event with DCT Newspaper articles contain an abundance of reporting events (e.g., said, reply, tell). We crafted a targeted sieve to handle this genre-specific phenomena. Since the document creation time is often the day of the reporting events, edges between reporting events and the DCT are labeled as IS INCLUDED. This is essentially a high baseline for event-DCT edges. One of the advantages of the sieve-based architecture is that this sieve can be placed later in the cascade of sieves. More sophisticated reasoners run before this one, making more informed decisions when appropriate, and this sieve cleans up the remaining reporting-DCT edges that are still unlabeled. 4.1.4 Reporting Event with Dominated Event We also created rules for edges between a reporting event and another event that is syntactically dominated by the reporting event. Statistical classifiers can pick up patterns for reporting verbs, but the labels are consistent enough that a few deterministic rules can handle many of the cases. The following rules are solely based on the tense and grammatical aspect of each event. The following is a sampling of these rules, where gov is the governing event and dep the dependent. 1. If gov is present, and dep is past then (gov AFTER dep) 2. If gov is present, and dep is present perfect then (gov AFTER dep) 3. If gov is present, and dep is future then (gov BEFORE dep) 4. If gov is past, and dep is past perfective then (gov AFTER dep) 5. If gov is past, and dep is past progressive then (gov IS INCLUDED dep) 4.1.5 General Event with Dominated Event We generalized the above reporting-event sieve to apply to all types of events. This ‘backoff’ sieve handles the non-reporting event pairs where one event immediately dominates another. It operates similar to the preceding sieve and uses event features like tense and aspect to make its decisions. However, unlike the preceding, the decisions are split into different rule sets based on the specific typed dependency relation that connects the two events. We have separate rules nsubj, dobj, xcomp, ccomp, advcl, and conj. 4.1.6 Reichenbach Rules Reichenbach (1947) defined the role played by the various tenses of English verbs in conveying tem278 Simple Past: John left the room E,R S Anterior Past: John had left the room E R S Posterior Past: (I did not know that) John would leave the room R E,S Figure 2: Timelines in which the ordering S < R is fixed because the verb to leave is in the past tense. poral information in a discourse. Each tense is distinguished in terms of the relative ordering of the following time points: • Point of speech (S) The time at which an act of speech is performed. • Point of event (E) The time at which the the event referred to by the verb occurs. • Point of reference (R) A single time with respect to which S is ordered by one dimension of tense, and to which E is ordered by another. Reichenbach’s account maps the set of possible orderings of S, E, and R, where each pair of elements can be ordered with < (before), = (simultaneous), or > (after), onto a set of tense names given by: {anterior, simple, posterior} × {past, present, f uture}. The relative ordering of E and R is indicated by the first dimension, while that of S and R is given by the second. Figure 2 depicts examples of the ordering R < S. Similar to Derczynski and Gaizauskas (2013) we map a subset of Reichenbach’s tenses onto pairs of TimeML tense and aspect attribute values, which are given by {simple, perf ect, progressive} × {past, present, f uture}, where the first dimension is grammatical aspect and the second is tense. We refer to an event’s tense/aspect combination as its tense-aspect profile. Consider two events e1 and e2 associated with S1 /E1 /R1 and S2 /E2 /R2 . Intuitively, given R1 = R2 and the time point orderings for each event (derived from its tense-aspect profile) we can enumerate the possible interval relations that might hold between E1 and E2 , which we can interpret as a disjunction of the possible orderings of e1 and e2 (Derczynski and Gaizauskas, 2013). We identify a subset of tense/aspect profile pairs that unambiguously yield an interval relation from our 6 relations, and implement them as rules in the Reichenbach Sieve. Three such rules are given here: 1. If e1 is past/simple and e2 is past/perfect then (e1 AFTER e2) 2. If e1 is future/simple and e2 is present/perfect then (e1 AFTER e2) 3. If e1 is past/simple and e2 is future/simple then (e1 BEFORE e2) The Reichenbach sieve achieved a precision of 61% on the entire dataset, and 91% when links labeled VAGUE were excluded, a notably larger increase over other sieves. The lower 61% is primarily due to the abundance of non-canonical usages of various tense/aspect profiles. For example, the present tense may convey habitual action, an event conveyed with the future tense in a quotation may have already occurred, the present perfect may be used to indicate that an event occurred at least once in the past, etc. 4.1.7 WordNet Rules Determining whether two words are precisely coreferent is notoriously difficult (Hovy et al., 2013). Synonymous words, or even those sharing the same surface form may be only partially co-referent and thus likely labeled VAGUE by annotators. For example, news articles state what someone said multiple times without revealing temporal ordering between the events. Event-event edges whose events share the same lemma, or are each a member of the same synset are thus labeled VAGUE. Time-time edges with the same lemma/synset are labeled SIMULTANEOUS. 4.1.8 All Vague The majority class baseline for this task is to label all edges as VAGUE. This sieve is added to the end of the gauntlet, labeling any remaining unlabeled edges. 4.2 Machine Learned Sieves Current state-of-the-art models for temporal ordering are machine learned classifiers. The top systems in the latest TempEval-3 contest used supervised classifiers for the different types of edges in the event graph (Bethard, 2013; Chambers, 2013). In the spirit of the sieve architecture, rather than training one large classifier for all types of edges, we create targeted classifiers for each type of edge. The resulting models are again ranked by precision and mutually 279 Event-Time Features Token, lemma, POS tag of event Tense, aspect, class of event Bigram of event and time expression words Token path from event to time Syntactic parse tree path between the event and time Typed dependency edge path between the events Boolean: syntactically dominates or is-dominated Boolean: time expression concludes sentence? Boolean: time expression day of week? Full time expression phrase Figure 3: Features for event-time edges. inform each other through the architecture’s transitive constraints. All models use the MaxEnt classifier from the Stanford CoreNLP with its default settings. Below we describe the features for each sieve. 4.2.1 Event-Time Edges We created two different sieves for labeling edges between an event and a time expression. Similar to the event-event distinction, one classifier applies to intra-sentence edges and the other to inter-sentence. The features for these classifiers are shown in Figure 3. The same features from the above eventevent classifier are used where applicable. These include the parse paths, syntactic dominance, and event features with POS tags and token context. Features specific to event-time edges include the event word’s tense, aspect, and class (included independently from the time expression). Time features included a boolean feature if it was a day of the week, the head word of the expression, and the entire expression if it is more than one word. A boolean feature indicating if the time expression ended the sentence is also included. 4.2.2 Event-Event Edges We created three different sieves for event-event edges. They use the same features, but are trained and applied to different subsets of the graph edges. 1. intra-sentence: Label edges between all event pairs that occur in the same sentence. 2. intra-sentence dominance: Label edges between all event pairs that occur in the same sentence and one event dominates the other in the syntactic parse tree. 3. inter-sentence: Label edges between all event pairs that occur in neighboring sentences. Event-Event Features 4.3 Text order normalized (put the first event first) Boolean: syntactically dominates or is-dominated Boolean: is there an event in between these two? Syntactic parse tree path between the events Typed dependency edge path between the events Token n-grams, POS tag n-grams Pairs of tense, aspect, event class Prepositions attached to each event, if any We now present the sieves used by CAEVO. Although the final system contains 12 sieves, we experimented with over 25 different classifiers. The final set of 12 are sorted by precision: precision(sieve) = Figure 4: Features for intra-sentence event-event edges. The features for these classifiers are summarized in Figure 4. The POS tag features for each event include its previous two tags, the event word’s tag, and the POS bigram ending on the event word. A POS bigram is also created from the POS tag of each event. The token word, its lemma, its WordNet synset, and the token bigram from each event word are also used. Various syntactic features are used, including preposition words that dominate either event, boolean dominance features if one event is above the other in the parse tree, the parse path between the two events (append the non-terminals together), and the typed dependency path between the two. Finally, we use event attributes of tense, aspect, and class to create event pairs of their values (e.g., if both events are past tense, then the feature’s value is ‘past past’). The final CAEVO architecture includes both intrasentence learners, but not inter-sentence. The latter’s precision was not high enough to warrant its inclusion. As mirrored in recent TempEval competition results, inter-sentence event relations continue to be an area of future research. 4.2.3 The Complete Sieve Gauntlet Event-DCT Edges Temporal relations between events and the document creation time (DCT) are also separately classified. The features for this machine-learned sieve focus solely on the event word, including its POS tag, the two previous POS tags, event lemma, WordNet synset, token unigrams from a window of size 2, and event attributes: tense, aspect, and class. Since this sieve relies entirely on the event’s features with no DCT specific features, it can be viewed as a singleevent classifier. We also experimented with a number of rule-based sieves for Event-DCT classification, but they were all outperformed by the machine-learning sieve on the training and development sets. 280 #correct #proposed by sieve (1) Transitive closure is not included when calculating precision. Sieves are ranked according to precision, placed in order from highest to lowest. Sieves with a precision lower than the All Vague baseline were removed. Table 4 shows the final sieve order. 5 Experiments and Results We now present the first experiments on the TimeBank-Dense corpus, using the set of events used for TempEval-3. These experiments highlight two separate contributions. The first is a new approach to temporal ordering, the CAEVO architecture with a cascade of classifiers. The second is an evaluation of an ordering system on the densest event graphs to date. We provide per-sieve results and compare against two state-of-the-art systems. All sieves were developed on and motivated by the TimeBank-Dense training data. Precision was initially computed on the development set, and final sieve ordering is based on individual performance. Final performance is reported on the test set. We compare against the All Vague baseline that labels all edges as VAGUE. We also compare against the winner of TempEval-3, ClearTK (Bethard, 2013). We include ClearTK in four configurations: (1) the base TempEval-3 system, (2) with CAEVO transitivity, (3) with transitivity and altered to output a VAGUE relation where it normally would have skipped the decision, and (4) retrained models on TimeBank-Dense with transitivity and all VAGUE. We also include the second place TempEval-3 system, NavyTime (Chambers, 2013), retrained and run as (3) and (4). Results are shown in Table 5. The optimized TempEval-3 systems ultimately achieve ∼44 F1. The transitivity architecture automatically boosted ClearTK from .147 to .264 with no additional changes. CAEVO outperforms at 50.7 F1, improving over the retrained TempEval-3 systems by 14% relative F1. Ordered Sieves Sieve Verb/Time Adjacent TimeTime Reporting Governor Reichenbach General Governor WordNet Reporting DCT ML-E-T SameSent ML-E-E SameSent ML-E-E Dominate ML-E-DCT AllVague Brief Description Rules for edges between one verbal event and one Timex Rules for edges between two Timex Rules for when a reporting event dominates an event Rules following Reichenbach theory for edges between two events Rules for edges where one event dominates another via typed dependencies Rules for edges between two events/times based on WordNet synonym lookup Rules for reporting events and the DCT Trained classifier for event-time edges Trained classifier for all intra-sentence event-event edges Trained classifier for edges where one event syntactically dominates another Trained classifier for all event-DCT edges Labels all edges as VAGUE Dev P R .92 .01 .88 .02 .69 .01 .63 .02 .63 .04 .52 .02 1.0 .00 .50 .03 .45 .11 .41 .05 .40 .06 .38 .38 Test P R .74 .01 .90 .02 .91 .01 .67 .03 .51 .02 .57 .01 1.0 .00 .42 .03 .44 .10 .44 .05 .53 .07 .40 .40 Table 4: The final order of sieves in CAEVO. Precision was computed on the development set. ReportingDCT only matched one pair in the dev set, so we moved it below the other more common rule-based sieves. CAEVO Component Ablation System Comparison System ClearTK ClearTK + trans ClearTK VAGUE + trans ClearTK Dense VAGUE + trans NavyT Dense VAGUE NavyT Dense VAGUE + trans Baseline: All Vague CAEVO P .397 .390 .431 .460 .485 .483 .405 .508 R .091 .199 .431 .426 .415 .427 .405 .506 F1 .147 .264 .431 .442 .447 .453 .405 .507 Table 5: Comparison with top systems. The “Dense” systems were retrained on TimeBank-Dense. The “Opt” systems were optimized to label unknown edges as VAGUE. The bottom of Table 6 illustrates the contribution of transitive closure in the labeling decisions. Prior research has hypothesized that transitive closure should help individual decisions (Chambers and Jurafsky, 2008; Yoshikawa et al., 2009), but this has not been adequately tested due to the sparsely labeled graphs available to the community. We computed the precision of edges directly labeled by sieves, and the precision of edges inferred from transitive closure. Transitive inferences achieve better performance than directly classified edges (54.5% to 49.8% precision). Table 7 breaks apart precision by edge type. Since CAEVO labels all edges, precision and recall are the same. Edges between an event and the DCT show 55% precision, while event-event and event281 P CAEVO with only ML Sieves .458 + Rule-Based Sieves .486 + Transitivity .505 + All Vague Sieve .507 Direct Sieve Predictions .498 Predictions from Transitivity .544 R .202 .240 .328 .507 .398 .109 F1 .280 .321 .398 .507 .442 .182 Table 6: System precision on the test set with and without transitivity, and precision of transitive labels. time edges achieve the lowest performance at 49%. Linking time expressions to each other is helpful. While far less numerous, time-time edges are the easiest to classify (71% precision). Upon removing the Time-Time sieve, overall results drop almost 5%, despite the time-time edges only making up a smaller 2.6% of the data. Combined with transitive closure, they positively influence the other event decisions. Finally, Table 8 shows CAEVO’s per-relation results. We also reversed the order of sieves (but with all vague still last) to see what effect it has. Performance on the dev set dropped from .48 F1 to .46. 6 Discussion These are the first experiments on event ordering where the document event graphs were annotated so as to guarantee high density of relations and strong Edge Type Performance Edge Type Total P/R/F1 Event-Event Edges 1427 .494 Event-Time Edges 423 .494 Event-DCT 311 .553 Time-Time Edges 59 .712 Table 7: The number of edges for each edge type, and the system’s overall precision on each. Since CAEVO labels all possible edges, precision and recall are the same. Per-Relation Performance Relation P .52 AFTER .55 INCLUDES .44 IS INCLUDED .57 SIMULTANEOUS .71 VAGUE .48 BEFORE R .45 .38 .21 .43 .31 .66 F1 .49 .45 .28 .49 .43 .56 Table 8: Performance on individual relation types. connectivity. Most related to our experiments is the dense annotation work of Do et al. (2012), but as they did not force annotators to label every pair, unannotated pairs in their corpus are ambiguous between a VAGUE relation and a relation that was simply missed by the annotators. This ambiguity causes problems for evaluation that are not present in a corpus where annotators were required to annotate all pairs. Constructing event ordering systems that will be evaluated on dense, strongly connected document event graphs is fundamentally different than optimizing a system to label a subset of edges. This can be seen in the performance of the ClearTK-TimeML system, which achieved the top performance (36.26) on the sparse relation task of TempEval 2013, but performed dramatically worse (15.8) on our dense relation task. This is not to fault ClearTK, but to illustrate the difference of evaluating only a subset of an event graph’s edges rather than the entire graph. We also presented the first sieve-based architecture for event/time ordering. The CAEVO architecture allowed us to focus on specific classifiers for local decisions, and leave constraint enforcement to the architecture itself. There are several intangible benefits to this setup that don’t appear in the results: (1) seamless integration of new/existing classifiers, (2) extremely quick ablation experiments by 282 adding/removing sieves, and (3) facilitation of the development of specific classifiers that are agnostic to global constraints. The final results are encouraging. Our multi-pass system achieved an F1 of 50.7, a full 10 F1 points over the All-Vague baseline, and a 14% relative increase over the top two systems in TempEval 3. This increase is based not just on the top systems out of the box, but after retraining them with TimeBankDense. The largest factor contributing to this gain is the enforcement of global constraints. Transitive inference alone boosted performance by about 10%. Finally, we note that a lot of effort was put into linguistically motivated rule-based classifiers. The overall gain from these high precision sieves was 2 F1 points. The Reichenbach sieve’s application of a more traditional linguistic theory of time helped increase performance. Error analysis reveals there are inherent difficulties in relying solely on tense and aspect for ordering decisions, but we hope to continue experiments into this and other theories. CAEVO and its code is now publicly available6 . 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