VII. RADIO ASTRONOMY Academic and Research Staff Prof. A. H. Prof. B. F. Barrett Burke Prof. R. M. Price J. W. Barrett D. C. C. A. Papa Zapata Graduate Students M. S. Ewing W. W. Gebhart L. P. A. Henckels H. F. Hinteregger P. C. Myers G. D. Papadopoulos P. W. Rosenkranz P. T. T. W. R. T. L. J. Schwartz Wilheit, Jr. Wilson Wilson RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND SUMMARY OF RESEARCH 1. Development of long-baseline interferometry techniques and studies of small angular diameter sources. The use of highly stable atomic-frequency standards for frequency and time control has made possible the construction of radio interferometers of arbitrarily long baseline. Separate stations have been operated simultaneously at the Haystack facility of Lincoln Laboratory, M. I. T., the National Radio Astronomy Observatory at Green Bank, West Virginia, and the Hat Creek Observatory of the University of California at Berkeley, and the Onsala Observatory of Chalmers University, Sweden. The maximum spacing used, thus far, has been 43, 000, 000 wavelengths at OH frequencies, which gives 0. 004 second of arc fringe spacing. A map of the OH emission region in the radio source W3 has been constructed, and shows an assemblage of discrete sources, the smallest of which has an angular size of 0. 0045 second of arc. The observations continue, both at OH and higher frequencies. Observations have been made to check the validity of general relativity and to apply the technique to geophysical problems. 2. Observations of interstellar OH. Single-antenna studies of the 18-cm lines of OH have continued with the antennas of Lincoln Laboratory, M. I. T., or the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank, West Virginia, used. Strong OH emission from infrared stars was discovered in July 1968, and a survey of such stars is now under way. Further studies of 018H continue in an attempt to shed light on maser the- ories and the 016/018 interstellar abundance ratio. 3. Study of the microwave continuum from galactic and extragalactic radio sources at short centimeter wavelengths. The variable quasi-stellar radio sources are observed at 3. 75 cm and 2. 0 cm wavelengths to determine their time-variant spectra and polarization properties. 4. Study of microwave emission and absorption by the terrestrial atmosphere, with particular emphasis on meteorologcial satellite application. This work has included ground-based observations of atmospheric water vapor and ozone, and balloon observations of microwave emission by molecular oxygen. Up-looking balloon observations have been conducted to determine the line absorption coefficient, and down-looking flights have been carried out to test inversion techniques for recovering the temperature profile. 5. Aperture synthesis. A 2-cm interferometer is nearly complete and will be used to make high-resolution studies of the bright radio sources. The interferometer will This work was supported principally by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant NGL 22-009-016) and the National Science Foundation (Grant GP-8415), and in part by the National Science Foundation (Grant GP-7156) and the Joint Services Electronics Programs (U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, and U. S. Air Force) under Contract DA 28-043-AMC-02536(E). QPR No. 92 (VII. RADIO ASTRONOMY) make use of an on-line computer for real-time data reduction, and is intended to serve as a prototype for further high-resolution instruments for continuum studies. 6. Pulsar antenna. An antenna is being constructed for use at low frequencies (300 MHz and lower). The principal use ot the antenna will be to study pulsars at a variety of frequencies, and to search for new pulsars. The antenna is equivalent in aperture to a 200-ft dish. A. H. A. Barrett, B. F. Burke PULSAR FACILITY The design and testing of a prototype 143-MHz feed for the 16-50 ft dishes is now complete. Each feed consists of two orthogonal end-fire antennas. Each end-fire antenna consists of 4 half-wave folded dipoles spaced by a quarter wavelength and with a phase shift of 900 provided by the transmission line between the elements. The resulting power reception pattern for each feed antenna has a front-to-back ratio of approximately 20 dB and a 28 dB minimum toward the horizon to reduce reception of The feed will provide approximately a cosine squared distribution of field across the aperture of the 50 ft dishes. The illumination at the edge of the local interference. reflector is -10 dB. Each column of 4 Open wire transmission lines to the dishes are being installed. dishes in the North-South direction is connected to a central point via the equal length transmission lines. At the central point the 4 signals thus obtained can be combined to give a multibeam response for the entire array. A ten-channel receiver has been designed and is being built. It employs a 100-kHz bandwidth for each channel and covers a 1-MHz band at 143 MHz, the selected observing frequency. B. F. Burke, R. M. Price, M. S. Ewing B. MILLIMETER-WAVE ABSORPTION BY ATMOSPHERIC OXYGEN The atmospheric oxygen program - 5 has been continued during the past year. There have been four flights of the previously described balloon-borne radiometer.2 See Table VII-1 for general information on the flights. Two flights were made with the antenna axes pointing upward at zenith angles of 600 and 750 to measure the absorption line shape. Two other flights were made with the antennas pointing downward at nadir angles of 00 and 600 in an attempt to obtain data that could be used to infer the atmospheric temperature profile. In all flights the local-oscillator frequency was 64.681 GHz, corresponding to the 21+ oxygen resonance (64. 687 GHz). Three intermediate frequencies were used, 20, 60, and 275 MHz. Only the first of these flights has been analyzed QPR No. 92 0 Table VII-1. Flight # Date L.O. Frequency General flight information. Float Altitude Descent Purpose Comments 380-P Feb 12 1968 64.681 GHz 30 km valve (slow) To investigate atmospheric absorptions near 21+ 0) line Good flight 5 hours 381-P Feb 24 1968 64.681 GHz 30 km valve (slow) same Good flight 5 hours 406-P Jun 27 1968 64.681 GHz 36 km parachute To measure (fast) atmospheric temperature profile below balloon Interference problem on 20 mc otherwise good 9 hours 408-P Jul 5 1968 64.681 GHz 35 km parachute (fast) lost local oscillatox after 2 hours a, same _I 25P0 20.0 IS C, "" 0.0 T 900 800 700 C o1000 1200 1100 1300 TIME(CST) Fig. VII-1. Height vs time, Balloon Flight 380-P. 200- - 200ISO- 0 I 2W-- 10- 150- z IOD z oo 1oo- 7o ao 900 00 I 1200 1 1100 WO 1300 so0 Fig. VII- 2. Antenna temperature vs time 20-cm channel, 60* Antenna Flight 380-P. QPR No. 92 - 0oo Io000 100 1200 1300 (CS) nTIME TIME (CS1) _ L __ Fig. VII-3. Antenna temperature vs time 60-MHz channel, 60* Antenna Flight 380-P. -- 0 -- - 250 250- ~200 150120No z 100- 50 3- -0 - -50 700 m m 1000 100 110]0 1200 1200 1300 00 1300 TIME(CSD) 0 1000 3 TIME(CM) Fig. VII-4. Antenna temperature vs time 275-MHz channel, 60* Antenna Flight 380-P. Fig. VII-5. Antenna temperature vs time 20-MHz channel, 750 Antenna Flight 380-P. 2W50 250- 200 S200R 150- z 1o z 50- 50 11 -0 -50 700 0M 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 00 TIME(CST) Fig. VII-6. Antenna temperature vs time 60-MHz channel, 75* Antenna Flight 380-P. 900 1000 1100 1200 100 TIME(CST) Fig. VII-7. Antenna temperature vs time 275-MHz channel, 750 Antenna Flight 380-P. QPR No. 92 - m I (VII. RADIO ASTRONOMY) enough to be worth discussing now. Meeks and Lilley 6 compared the absorption data then available (1962) Van Vleck-Weisskopf 7 theory and found that agreement required a pressure-broadened linewidth, 6, not quite proportional to the pressure, on altitude, h, with the P. Rather, they found it depended in the following way. 3 85 6 = ag(h) p( g(h) = a h -< H 1 g(h) = a + (1-a)(h-H 1 )(H 2 -H 1 ) H 1 > h > H2 g(h) = 1 h > H2 where T is the temperature in degrees Kelvin. The values that Meeks and Lilley found to agree with the data are a = 0.51 H = 8 km H 2 = 25 km a = 1. 55 MHz/Torr. Carter, Mitchell, and Reber 8 have done an extensive series of solar extinction measure- ments between 53. 4 GHz and 56. 4 GHz from various altitudes 0 to 14. 75 km. results similar to those of Meeks and Lilley. They find They find good fit with the values a = 0.476 H1 = 8 km H 2 = 25 km a = 1. 86 MHz/Torr. Their value for a is considerably larger than the Meeks and Lilley value. In the present experiment, we measure the thermal radiation from the Earth's atmosphere as a function of height from 0 to 30 km at frequencies approximately 20, 60, and 275 MHz removed from the center frequency of the 21+ oxygen line (64. 687 GHz), and at antenna zenith angles of 60' and 750. QPR No. 92 The radiometer was continuously calibrated (VII. RADIO ASTRONOMY) throughout the flight by cyclically switching the radiometer input in the order: 600 antenna, hot calibration load, cold calibration load, 750 antenna, with a 4-min period. The effective temperatures of these loads differ from their physical temperatures because of losses and reflections in the waveguides and the switches, and are, in general, different for the two antennas. The radiometer was calibrated on the ground to determine these effective temperatures, but the uncertainty in the cold-load temperature was still large. During Flight 380-P some 5 hours of data was obtained. the equipment, some of these data had to be rejected. On account of malfunctions of The data were edited for self-consistency and the points inconsistent with the bulk of the data were rejected. The 20-MHz channel worked extremely well, and 93. 5% of its data was retained. The 60-MHz channel was noisy, but 83. 8% of its data was useful. The 275-MHz channel was extremely noisy and degenerated into complete nonsense after approximately an hour and a half into the flight. Only the first 22. 1% of its data was kept. Coincidentally with the flight, radiosondes were launched from the N. C. A. R. Balloon Base in Palestine, Texas, and from 3 downrange sites, Shreveport, Louisiana, Lake Charles, Louisiana, and Jackson, Mississippi. By using the atmospheric temperature profiles thus obtained and the measured antenna patterns, it was possible to calculate, on the IBM System 360, antenna temperatures as a function of height for various models. Thus far, they have been calculated for a = 1 and a = 0. 51 (the Meeks and Lilley value), for a range of values of a. Since the cold-calibration temperatures were uncertain, they had to be determined by comparing the data with each theory. The calibration temperatures were chosen to minimize the ratio of the mean-square error to the mean-square signal noise. We shall call the square root of this quantity the "normalized error." The best fit for the a = 1 model was obtained for a = 1.60 GHz/Torr and gave a normalized error of 1.91408 (12. 7°K). The a = 0. 51 (Meeks and Lilley) model gave a best fit of 1.853 (12. 2°K) for a = 1. 65 MHz/Torr. For the Meeks and Lilley value of 1. 55 MHz/Torr we obtain a normalized error of 1. 8577. No calculations have been done for the a = 0.468 (Carter- Mitchell-Reber) model, but it is not expected to be significantly different. For their value of (1.86 MHz/Torr) and a = 0. 51, however, the relative error is 1. 8664. The statistical error analysis for this experiment is not trivial and has not been done yet. At any rate, it appears that the Meeks and Lilley model is substantially correct. The value of a may be slightly larger than theirs, but probably not as large as the Carter-Mitchell-Reber value. The experimental data, fitted to the a = 1. 65 MHz/Torr, a = 0. 51 theory, are shown in Figs. VII-l through VII-7. T. T. Wilheit, Jr., A. H. Barrett QPR No. 92 (VII. RADIO ASTRONOMY) References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. W. B. Lenoir and J. W. Kuiper, Quarterly Progress Report No. 75, Research Laboratory of Electronics, M. I. T., October 15, 1964, pp. 9-18. W. B. Lenoir, Quarterly Progress Report No. 77, Research Laboratory of Electronics, M.I.T., April 15, 1965, pp. 20-33. W. B. Lenoir, Quarterly Progress Report No. 79, Research Laboratory of Electronics, M.I.T., October 15, 1964, pp. 17-19. W. B. Lenoir, Quarterly Progress Report No. 82, Research Laboratory of Electronics, M.I.T., July 15, 1966, pp. 36-41. W. B. Lenoir, Quarterly Progress Report No. 84, Research Laboratory of Electronics, M.I.T., January 15, 1967, pp. 42-47. M. L. Meeks and A. E. Lilley, J. Geophys. Res. 68, 1683-1703 (1963). "The Absorption of Microwaves by Oxygen," Phys. Rev. 71, 7. J. H. Van Vleck, 413-424 (1947). 8. C. J. Carter, R. L. Mitchell, and E. E. Reber, "Oxygen Absorption Measurements in the Lower Atmosphere," J. Geophys. Res. 73, 3113-3120 (1968). QPR No. 92