IV. ATOMIC RESONANCE AND SCATTERING Academic and Research Staff Prof. Daniel Kleppner Prof. David E. Pritchard Prof. Dieter Zimmermann Dr. Theodore W. Ducas Dr. Richard R. Freeman Dr. Rudolph G. Suchannek Graduate Students Riad N. Ahmad Jerome Apt III Timothy A. Brunner William E. Cooke A. Martin C. Kaplan Walter P. Lapatovich Michael G. Littman William D. Phillips Naser S. Saleh John A. Serri Myron L. Zimmerman OPTICAL FREQUENCY STANDARD JSEP Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAAB07-75-C-1346) Riad N. Ahmad, Walter P. Lapatovich, David E. T Pritchard We have taken test spectra of Na marily of Ar or Ne. 2 in a supersonic molecular beam consisting priUse of a supersonic molecular beam has two advantages: the Dop- pler width of the transition is reduced because the beam motion is perpendicular to the laser beam, and the gas expansion cools the molecules into the lowest vibrational and rotational states. A sample spectrum is shown in Fig. IV-1. IA Fig. IV-1. Soectrum of seeded Na. molecular beam near 6020 A. N Z 0 'D (positive) marker pulses are separated 0. 019 A (0. 159 A). The test spectra show a 0. 002 A linewidth. approximately +0. 001 A (100 MHz). PR No. 118 etiv -- From day to day, the line position varies JSEP (IV. JSEP B. ATOMIC RESONANCE AND SCATTERING) VELOCITY DEPENDENCE OF ENERGY TRANSFER CROSS SECTIONS Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAABO7-75-C-1346) Jerome Apt, David E. Pritchard We have measured the velocity dependence of fine-structure changing cross sections between Na and the target gases Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, N 2 , and CO 2 . These measurements 1 were made with the use of our technique of velocity selection based on the Doppler shift which permits the measurement of the velocity dependence of collision cross sections Na +Xe A AA -7, 4At - x I I 31 I I I i L t 0.5 0_ F 0.2 5o 31 .8 1.2 i.0 VELOCITY (105 Fig. IV-2. I I c I I 14 1.6 m/sec) Velocity dependence of Na-Xe fine-structure changing cross 3 1 section for j =~- = -. Lower section shows rms velocity resolution achieved by our velocity-selection Doppler-shift (VSDS) technique. in a gas cell, in contrast to the usual and more cumbersome crossed molecular beam machines. Typical results are shown in Fig. IV-2 for the process Na(3P 1 /2) + Xe - Na(3P JSEP 3/ 2 ) + Xe - AE where AE is the amount of translational energy that goes into exciting the fine structure PR No. 118 (IV. ATOMIC RESONANCE AND SCATTERING) of Na. JSEP Measurements of fine-structure changing collisions such as this one are important both for comparison with recent theory 2 and because this process is an important collision process in fine-structure lasers such as the high-power atomic iodine laser. References 1. W. D. 2. J. C. ELECTRIC FIELD IONIZATION RATES OF SELECTED STARK STATES IN SODIUM Phillips and D. E. Pascale and R. E. Pritchard, Phys. Rev. Letters 33, Olson, J. Chem. Phys. 64, 1254-1257 (1974). 3538 (1976). Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAAB07-75-C-1346) Michael G. Littman, Myron L. Zimmerman, Daniel Kleppner We have undertaken to study electric field ionization by tunneling in Rydberg states n = 12-15. We have studied the rm! = 2 states, which are well described of sodium, by hydrogenic theory. The theory of ionization by tunneling has been developed by sevIn particular, Bailey, Hiskes, and Riviere have calculated rates for eral workers. states up to n = 25. ment with theory. Early spectroscopic observations for low levels (n< 6 ) are in agree- Field ionization studies for statistical population distributions of Stark states with larger values of n have been carried out, 5 ' 6 but to our knowledge there have been no direct measurements of spontaneous ionization rates from selected Stark sublevels. beam. Using pulsed excitation, we have observed ionization of atoms in a The apparatus has been described elsewhere. 7 , 8 Ionization rates were mea- sured by direct observation of ion current vs time and in some instances by observation of level broadening. The lowest level in each manifold ionizes at a rate that is in general agreement with the results of Bailey et al. 4 ment. For many levels, however, we find striking disagreeTheir theory predicts that ionization rates increase with field in a rapid mono- tonic fashion and the redder states of a given manifold (i. e., ionization limit) ionize first as the field is increased. those farthest from the We find that the bluer compo- nents ionize first, the rates for these states are not monotonic, and the onset of ioniza- tion occurs at fields that in some cases are a factor of 2-3 smaller than predicted. The anomalous lying terms. ionization phenomena appear to be due to interactions with higher The essential mechanism is as follows: numerous level anticrossings can occur before the level of interest ionizes according to the theory of Bailey et al. If the anticrossing occurs with a level from a higher term with a large ionization rate, then the level of interest will also ionize because of level mixing. PR No. 118 Data exhibiting these JSEP (IV. ATOMIC RESONANCE AND SCATTERING) JSEP I S i t io I I . I F pheomwin I o LL13- 12- I I I I 680 660 I 1 I 720 -1 I 740 ENERGY (cm ) Fig. IV-3. Spontaneous ionization of Rydberg states of Na. phenomena are shown in Fig. IV-3. Excitation curves obtained by scanning a pulsed dye laser for increasing electric fields constitute the data. Energy is measured from the ionization limit. The signal is generated by ions collected following a 200 -ns delay after excitation. The disappearance of a signal indicates that the lifetime of the level has fallen below 200 ns because of ionization by tunneling. In regions of long tunneling lifetimes, the signal is due pri- marily to a small amount of collisional ionization. cate the positions of levels with = 2. m In Fig. IV-3 the straight lines indi- These levels are essentially hydrogenic and are labeled with the parabolic quantum numbers (n, n I , n 2 , m). Unlabeled peaks are due "A" indicates where the long-lived state (12, 6, 3, 2) to the m = 0 and 1 levels. Quenching phenomquenches because of mixing with the short-lived state (14, 0, 11,2). ena of this type, which can lead to violation of the "no crossing" theorem, have been described by Lamb. 9 n = 15 levels; Level (12, 7, 2, 2) ionizes at "B" because of mixing with very broad the result essentially is premature ionization. In the absence of level mixing, state (12, 7, 2, 2) would disappear at ~25 kV/cm. References 1. C. Lanczos, JSEP Z. Physik 68, 204 (1931). Opt. Soc. Am. 52, 239 (1962). 2. M. H. Rice and R. H. Good, J. 3. J. Hirshfelder and L. Curtiss, J. 4. D. Bailey, J. Hiskes, and A. Riviere, Nucl. Fusion 5, 41 (1965). 5. A. Riviere, in Methods of Nuclear Physics (Academic Press, Inc., p. 208. PR No. 118 Chem. Phys. 53, 1395 (1971). New York, 1968), (IV. ATOMIC RESONANCE AND SCATTERING) 6. R. Il'in, in Atomic Physics 3 (Plenum Press, New York, 1973), 7. T. W. Ducas, M. G. ters 35, 366 (1975). 8. M. G. Littman, M. L. Zimmerman, T. W. Ducas, R. R. Freeman, and D. Kleppner, Phys. Rev. Letters 36, 788 (1976). 9. W. E. Lamb, Phys. Rev. 85, PR No. 118 Littman, R. R. Freeman, 259 (1952). p. 309. JSEP and D. Kleppner, Phys. Rev. Let- JSEP