III. PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS AND SURFACE PHYSICS Academic and Research Staff Prof. Robert E. Stickney Dr. Mark J. Cardillo Graduate Students Ronald L. Levin Mehmet K. Tulga A. JS MOLECULAR BEAM STUDY OF THE APPARENT ACTIVATION BARRIER ASSOCIATED WITH ADSORPTION OF HYDROGEN ON COPPER Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAAB07-71-C-0300) Medhi Balooch, Mark J. Cardillo, Robert E. Stickney Molecular beam techniques have been employed to study the adsorption and desorption of H2 on the (100), (110), and stepped (310) crystal faces of copper. Each crystal was exposed simultaneously to a supersonic molecular beam of H 2 (energy variable from 1. 6-10.7 kcal/mole) and a highly dissociated beam of deuterium. The majority of H 2 molecules are scattered while a portion adsorb dissociatively and react catalytically with 1.0 I I 0.9 - adsorbed deuterium atoms to form HD mol- I I o ecules. Cu (310) A Cu(I00) 0.8- Cu (110) \ by a rotatable mass spectrometer. S\ 0.7 N 6, \cos So.s - 0\ DIFFUSE EMISSION - o 0.5- o 0.4 0 meation study (Fig. III-1). B 0.2 From the dependence of the HD signal o 0 0.1 -\10 three crystal faces the angular distributions ment with the results of our previous per- \ \ 20 30 40 50 8r (deg) For all of desorbed HD deviate significantly from diffuse emission and are in excellent agree- \ \-cu(I0o) ) S0O\o 0 These HD molecules desorb, and their angular distributions are measured 60 70 80 Fig. III-1. on the energy and incident angle of the H 2 beam, it appears that there are substantial energy barriers to adsorption. These bar- riers depend on crystallographic orientation Angular distributions of desorbed HD Cu(310). Cu(110), from Cu(100), from Cu(l0), Cu(00), and Cu(310). The dashed lines represent the angular distributions obtained from a pre- and can be correlated by the parameter E = E. cos 2 6., i where 6. is the angle of the inci- vious permeation study. 1 mal, and Ei is the average incident energy; QPR No. 114 1 1 1 dent beam with respect to the surface norJS is 1.0 -() 0 Cu (110) 0.14 0 0.13 0.9 0.12 0.8 0.11 0.7 0.10 0.09 0.6 0.08 0.5 0.07 0.06 0.4 0.05 0.3 0.04 0.2 0.03 0.02 0.1 I I 0.8 to I I I I C(b) Cu(310) 0.7 0.01 • - 0.10 - 0.09 o 0 0.08 A 0.07 0.5 -O S 0.06 0.4 0.05 LL 0.3 0.04 -- 0.03 0.2 0.02 0.1 a (C) 0.8 0.01 0.10 0 Cu (100) 0.09 0.7 0.08 0.6 - - 0.07 0.5 0.06 0.4 0.05 0.03 act 0.2 - Cu o (100) 1 111 0.1 0 0.04 A ] 0.3 0 I [ 1 2 o I I I I I 3 4 5 6 7 -I 8 0.02 0.01 9 E.L=Ei cos2 i (kcal/mole) Fig. III-2. Relative HD fluxes (left ordinate) and the dissociative adsorption probabilities for hydrogen, H (right ordiThey are plotted 2 against the correlating parameter El = Ei cos 0. for nate), for Cu(110), (310) and (100). a range of incident angles (0i) from Z5-50" with respect to the surface normal. QPR No. 114 (III. PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS AND SURFACE PHYSICS) this suggests that a one-dimensional potential to the point of dissociation is sufficient to explain our results. The estimated adsorption probabilities vs E l are S-shaped curves that appear to level off at values considerably less than unity. Fig. III-2. JS They are summarized in Both the energy dependence and the shape of the HD angular distributions are nearly identical for the stepped (310) and (100) surfaces (the stepped (310) may be described as a sequence of (100) terraces, 3 atoms wide, separated by steps 1 atom high), thereby suggesting that ledge sites are not the principal regions responsible for adsorption of hydrogen on copper. Switching the roles of deuterium and hydrogen in the two incident beams yields a dissociative adsorption probability for D 2 which is higher than that for H 2 by approximately the square root of the mass ratio. We have compared our results with a simple model Z with a single energy barrier to adsorption and obtain qualitative but not quantitative agreement for the angular distributions of desorbed HD (Fig. 111-3). Consideration of the adsorption probabilities when 1.0 = -- z 0.9 D0.8 V ss-- 800 *K calculated Ts =I100 °K) a Cu ( 00) molecular beam results 0 Cu ( 10) 1, 0.7 - 0. < S0.4 \\ S\,\. distributions calculated from van Willigan for the (110) and (100) surfaces at two temperatures using the point of inflections from Fig. III-2 to obtain \ <o.3 \ S0.2 mole) \ the activation energies E A A . o i0\V\mental . 10 20 30 40 50 from 800-1100"K, 60 a .a The experi- molecular beam results, which are surface temperature-independent ,\E\\\5 0.1 0 SAng ul ar 3(kcal/mole) Ea 3(kcal/mole) <0.6 -\ Fig. 111- 3. 70 80 are also shown. 90 Or (deg) the effect of the nonzero energy spread of the incident beam is removed, together with the results for isotopic switching, suggests that the simplest model must include (i) a distribution of barrier heights associated with the oscillatory nature of the potentials near the surface and (ii) a dynamic factor such as a characteristic collision time to account for the change in dissociation probability with incident particle mass. References 1. M. Balooch and R. E. Stickney (submitted to Surface Sci.). 2. J. E. Lennard-Jones, Trans. Faraday Soc. 28, 333 (1932); W. van Willigan, Phys. Letters 28A, 80 (1968). QPR No. 114 JS