APPLIED PLASMA RIESEARCH VI. Active Plasma Systems A. Academic Research Staff Prof. L. Prof. A. Prof. iR. iR. Parker Prof. K. I. Thomassen D. Smullin Bers Graduate Students G. HI. Neilson J. J. Schuss NI. D. Simonutti N. J. Fisch S. P. Hirshman C. F. F. Karney J. L. Kulp 1. EFFICIENCY CONSIDERATIONS N1. S. Tekula A. I. Throop D. P. C. R. Watson \Widing FOR A PLASMA GUN SYSTEM\ National Science Foundation (Grant (G -28282X1) S. Hirshman, L. P. D. Smullin As reported in Quarterly Progress IReport No. 105 (pp. 89-93), we have been studying the efficiency of electrical energy conversion to plasma energy in a plasma gun system. This report gives a summary of our latest results.1 General Efficiency Criteria Several measures of efficiency have been proposed by Jahn" and 1en dl. 3 The dynamic efficiency is defined by id 1 2 2 s W p dT is the total work done on the sheet gas by the magnetic forces (including shock heating). In this measure of efficiency, only the final mass nmotion of the plasma is considered as a figure of merit. An alternative definition is the electrowhere V p my = ft o s mechanical efficiency, a measure of the ability to couple electric energy into total plasma energy , o where E o is the initial energy stored in the external power supply. This efficiency takes into account the fact that gas particles undergoing inelastic collisions with the snowplow piston are heated and thus represent a useful conversion of electric energy into plasma QP{ No. 109 (VI. APPLIED PLASMIA IRESEARCHII) Finally, the kinetic efficiency, a measure of the ability to couple electrical energy. energy to energy of notion of the sheet, is defined by 1 2 E Note that -q1 = o ; therefore, cc 1i\ is always less than either -yd or jelll The choice of p to be used in any efficiency analysis depends on the particular task for which the gun is to be used. For ion thrusters, for plasma injection applications, p (t LR Ie Et)V EXTERNAL CIRCUIT L it my is the both p i and relevant efficiency to optimize, while n (n are useful efficiency measures. , GUN (a) Fig. VI-1. (a) General gun circuit. bank with crowbar. I (b) Capacitor TO GUN -.-- CROWBAR APPLIED HERE (b) To obtain physical insight into the dependence of parameters, E(t) (Fig. it is useful to express all \-I-la) variables mK and e1m on circuit and gun in terms of the external circuit energy and the gun inductance I,(t), which is proportional to the instantaneous sheet position and hence representative of the "state" of the sheet in the accelerator. rThe result 1 is L E 1+ ofL +Lif and 1 S=em QPR{ No. 109 2 , mf ftf " 0 d \m er) 2 , (2) APPIED PIASMXA RESEARCH) (VI. where subscript f refers to the final accelerator state. It is clear that to optimize >> le is desirable; furthermore, the externally stored energy should be supplied One way to to the gun as quickly as possible and remain out of the external circuit. rlem' Lf prevent energy E from returning to the power circuit is to crowbar the power supply when E is at minimum. A typical circuit of this kind, which will be analyzed in greater detail, is shown in Fig. VI-1b. The second term in Eq. 2 represents losses from shock heating, and the effect on efficiency is not as readily interpreted as rln1 was before. Independent Parameters of a Gun System In any real gun system, there are numerous performance requirements that impose For injection (or thruster) constraints on the otherwise independent gun parameters. applications, the type of working gas, the final velocity, and the kinetic energy of the accelerated plasma are to be considered prescribed by the requirements imposed by fields, heating capabilities, plasma penetration into magnetic and so forth. These three constraints are sufficient to allow an optimum determuination of all other system per unit length Y. is (In a practical system, the inductance parameters. severely restricted by geometrical considerations and should be chosen as large as possible; cf. Eq. 1.) Our procedure consists in solving a normalized set of equations1 which completely describes the gun system of found that il (i) and -e 'ig. VI-1b. For a uniform distribution of filling gas, we depend only on two coupling parameters: Energy paramneter, e /1 (o1. Physically, E E is a mieasulre of the energy "match" between the gun and the external circuit. (ii) and t c Time parameter, = E O V I . 00 Here t j4 /t , where t = /u with u0 the w, is a measure of the matching of circuit (t ) gun time scales. snowplow velocity, (I c ) and intrinsic L In the particular case considered here, L0 = 1 2 CV 0 and 0 = CV /l., so that C = 1 - e L 0 and = 2to/(LC)1/ Therefore, for any gun system driven by a capacitor bank and obeying the snowplow dynanics, the efficiency of enetrv conversion depends only on the two parameters lurthe rmore, %with l, Fu. and in., and uf= u E sp(cified, the remaining system parameters can be expressed solely in terms of c and p.,provided we make an optimum choice of system length. There is an efficiency, m, associated with any pair of coordinates (C, K). eral, there will be level curves of constant Tj In gen- in c, K space, and any point in this space for which 1j is a maximnum represents an optimum solution to the efficiency problem. There are, however, certain practical constraints that limit the region of accessibility QPIR No. 109 (b) Fig. VI-2. (a) Kinetic efficiency level curves. (b) Electromechanical efficiency level curves. 10 Fig. VI-3. QPR No. 109 Final velocity fraction (K) curves. 100 10 0.1 1 10 41 4 Fig. VI-4. Typical constraints V , C, Le 2 15 Fig. VI-5. Intersections of regions of accessibility (net region shaded). O (E= 0. 25, = 3.5) is the point of optimum attainable efficiency. 80 10 0.01 i o L 0.1 QPR No. 109 101 0.75 ELECTROMECHANICAL 0.50 THERMAL 0.25 1.0 0.5 0.5 2. 2.0 1.5 KINETIC 5 . 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 TIME CAPACITIVE 0.50 INDUCTIVE GUN 1.0 0.5 2.0 1.5 2.5 1.0 0.5 TIME Fig. VI-6. 0 1.5 2.0 2.5 TIME (t = 0. 25, F = 3. 5): Optimum realizable parameters. 1 .0 1.0 r-ELECTROMECHANICAL 0.75 Z 0.75 THERMAL Ou Z - 0.50 0.50 - a / 0.25 KINETIC R/ 3 4 1 5 2 TIME 3 4 5 TIME 1.0 CAPACITIVE 0.75 z 0.50 INDUCTIVE 0.25 GUN 1 2 3 4 1 5 TIME Fig. QPR No. 109 VI-7. 0 2 3 TIME (E = 0. 04, S= 5): 102 Optimum parameters. (VI. in c, APPLIED PLAS\IA RESEARCH) 4 space, and hence the optimum value of jj. The contours of constant kinetic and electromechanical efficiencies were numerically computed and are shown in Fig. VI-2 for the c, . space of practical interest. Figure VI-3 shows curves of constant final velocity fraction K(E, k). Note the great sen- sitivity of the efficiency curves on c ~ Le/Lo, as expected from Eq. 1. Once these curves have been obtained, they can be used to design a plasma gun that The typical constraints 5 kV < Vo < 30 kV, will operate in the most efficient manner. 7 10e mass 10 L in Fig. VI-4 for hydrogen gas of total filling are shown 5 kg and final velocity 105 m/s. In Figure VI-5, the intersection of all three H, and C < 100 iF The point O (E = 0.25, constraints is plotted, with the net region of accessibility shaded. 4= 3. 5) appears to be the point of optimum attainable efficiency for this design, and corresponds to TK = current, voltage, 2 5%o and nem = 60%. The (normalized) system variables (velocity, efficiencies) are plotted in Fig. VI-6 for point () as functions of time. Note how the initial capacitive energy is entirely converted into inductive and plasma energy. In Fig. VI-7 the point 0 (E= 0. 04, 5) demonstrates the favorable effect obtained i= by lowering the circuit inductance L e approximately an order of magnitude. Note the 25% gain in plasma efficiency over point 0. 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.25 ELECTROMECHANICAL KINETIC S_ KINETIC i------T - 8 4 ELECTROMECHANICAL KINETIC 12 16 0.4 20 0.8 1.6 2.0 1.6 2 0 1.0 1.0 0.75 1.2 TIME TIME - 0.75 CAPACITIVE 2 2 z 0.50 0.50z CAPACITIVE u u 0.25 0.25 TOTAL INDUCTIVE GUN INDUCTIVE 4 8 12 16 0.4 20 (a) (b) Inefficient mode of operation. (a) P 1: E = 0 025, i = 0. 2. (b) P2: e = 4, No. 109 1.2 TIME Fig. VI-8. QPRP 0.8 TIME 103 L = 10. (VI. APPLIED PLASMA RESEARCH) Furthermore, we may conclude that there are only two basically different ways in which the plasma gun system can operate inefficiently. These two cases are represented by P1 and P2 in Fig. VI-5, and correspond to small i and large c (and kL), respectively. When i is small, the gun is electrically "too short," and the acceleration process is over before the external circuit can transfer its energy to the plasma (Fig. VI-8a). When E (and i4) are large, energy is transferred only from the capacitor to the external inductor and never gets into the gun circuit. This inefficiency is illus- trated in Fig. VI-8b. Conclusion We have found that with reasonable circuit and gun parameters, it is possible to design a plasma gun that meets typical operating specifications with kinetic efficiency of 25% and overall plasma efficiency (including shock heating) of 60%. estimates were based on a final plasma velocity of -105 below the thermonuclear threshold. It can be shown final velocity by a factor of 10 is to decrease the Therefore, I The efficiency m/s, which is (for hydrogen) that the effect of increasing the system efficiencies to < 5-10%. there is a severe reduction in system efficiency as the velocities required for thermonuclear applications are approached, a situation that casts doubt on the appli- cability of a plasma accelerator for thermonuclear heating. References 1. Detailed results are presented in S. P. Hirshnian, S. M. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, M. I. T. , January 1973 (unpublished). 2. R. G. Jahn, Physics of Electric Propulsion (MIcGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1968). 3. C. W. QPR No. Mendel, J. 109 Appl. Phys. 42, 5483 (1971). 104 Department of Inc., APPLIED PLASMA RESEARCH VI. Laser-Plasma Interactions D. Academic and Research Staff Prof. II. A. IHaus Dr. P. A. Politzer Dr. A. H. M. Ross Prof. E. V. George Prof. A. Bers J. J. McCarthy W. J. Mulligan Graduate Students 1. C. W. Werner D. Wildman D. Prosnitz Y. Manichaikul J. L. Miller SHORT PULSE PROPAGATION National Science Foundation (Grant GK-33843) Ross A. H. M. A computer code has been developed to solve the wave equation for electromagnetic propagation in resonant media. While the ultimate goal of this effort is to produce a realistic numerical model of short-pulse amplifiers, including the effects of collisional exchange processes and rotational state degeneracy, preliminary testing with the ideal- ized model of a two-level medium has produced new results concerning the so-called 07r pulses. 1 The one -dimensional wave equation in the slowly varying envelope approximation is 1I a_ aJ c at at a--+ az a3 2y e- i -o 2v 0 , where 0- is a phenomenological conductivity included to account for nonresonant losses, ii-s the admittance of free space, and vo = \ of the electric field and polarization, 6' and Y are the complex amplitudes respectively. (1) E(z, t) = LRe [6(z, t) exp{i(ot-ko 0 )}]. Schr6dinger's equation for a gaseous medium is most easily written in terms sity matrix distribution function p(z, v, t). i dp -dp) ~dt 1where d QPR No. - a 109 + v Th a collision' is the convective derivative. 105 The constitutive relation is 2 of a den- (VI. APPLIED PLASMA P = n RESEARICH) dv Tr (ip(z. V, t)), The nornmalization of p is taken to be where no is the mean particle density. S (p) = 1. dtv Tr For a system of two nondegenerate levels these relations become apaa at at - a = + - Im at (iabab h Im ( p ) ab ,! ;ab) -bbb ab i Y(z, t)= 2no a a (2) rbb (3) ap + a aa + aa-Pbb dv Pa (z,v,t).(5 -cc The collision ter'm has been represented by phenonmenological relaxation irates and pumping terms. In the limit of very short pulse lengths, where electromagnetic ones can be neglected, all terms in (2)-(5) analytical solutions of (1)-(5) Among them are the nr pulses, which leave the mnediun passage as before their arrival. other than the can be found. in the same state after their 1Particularly interesting are the pulses with bipolar envelopes such that their area is zero(, the Or, pulses. XWhile most coherent propagation effects are drastically modified by degeneracy- of the participating has been shown, both theoreticallyI and experimentally,3 atomic levels, it that On pulses can exist in more complicated mendia. Since the closed-form solutions have been found only fotr completely unbroadened absorbing media, and because they cannot a(:commodate arbitrary inputs, it it necessary to use numerical methods for mnore realistic situations. Because of the interest in Or pulses, we present solutions of (1)-(5) in homoneneously and inhonogeneously broadened absorbing (pbb(t= 0) 1, paa(t= 0) = 0) eases for inputs that would otherwise e Obe pulses. As Lamb has shown, trated in Fig. VI-9, there are two simple types of Or pulses. The first, separates into twvo relatively inverted 2-, pulses. illus- The effect of finite phase damping is shown in Fig. VI-10 where the homnogeneous linewidth has been QPR{ No. 109 106 0=0 0 -20 0 -12 -12 -8 -4 4 0 8 12 16 20 -8 -4 -8 -4 -8 -4 8 i2 0 4 8 (e) 3 4 0 24 4 (d) 6 20 24 2 16 20 24 2 16 20 (0 t e n -2 0 -8 -12 -4 4 0 8 12 16 20 12 24 0 0- 10 S= 2 2 -8 8 4 0 -4 12 0 20 16 -12 24 8 (f (c ) T Fig. VI-9. Evolution of a separating 07 pulse in E two-level medium of zero spectral width. Pulse widths: 1 = 1, 2 3. ordinate the electric field envelope; sionless.) Abscissa represents retarded time; 6 depth in medium. (All units dimen- Fig. VI-10. t 0 Separating 07T pulse emerging from a homogeneously broadened attenab = 1. (Other parameters uator: e -10999 -12 -8 -4 8 4 0 12 20 16 24 as in Fig. VI-9.) Fig. VI-11. 0 Separating 07, pulse emerging from a Doppler -broadened attenuator: AwD= e -I 0 20 -8 -12 -4 4 0 8 12 20 16 24 1/ -2. (Other parameters Fig. VI-9.) as in T-- Fig. VI-12. 0 e -1 Separating OT pulse emerging from an attenuator with both broadening 5 0 mechanisms: -12 QPR No. -8 109 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 107 ab = 1, AD = 1 / 2. (Other parameters as in Fig. VI-9.) 0 e t e 0 -8 -12 -4 4 0 24 8 12 16 20 8 12 16 20 24 10 16 20 24 (d) 10 e 0 -I -1 0 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 2 6 20 2 -8 4 4 24 (b) e 5 0 e 0 :2 SIJ -1 .0 -8 -12 8 4 (C) 0 -4 12 -1 24 20 16 12 -8 -4 8 12 (f T-- Fig. VI-13. 4 0 T- Evolution of cohesive O7 pulse in a two-level medium of zero spectral width. 1 =1, Pulse widths: T2 3. VI-14. 0 40 -Fig. 4=5 Cohesive O7 pulse emerging from a homogeneously broadened attenuator: yVab = 1. (Other parameters in Fig. VI-13.) e -0 Sas -12 -8 0 -4 8 4 12 16 24 20 as in Fig. VI-13.) 7---- 5 e Fig. VI-15. emerging from a Cohesive OrT pulse Doppler-broadened attenuator: Aw D = 0 1.0o -12 -8 -4 8 4 0 12 16 20 24 1 / -. (Other Fig. VI-13.) parameters as in T- Fig. VI-16. o40 e Cohesive Om pulse emerging from an attenuator with both broadening mechanisms: yab = 1, AWD = 1/ 2. 0 -0.40 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 T- QPR No. 109 108 (Other parameters as in Fig. VI-13.) (VI. APPLIED PLASMA RESEARCH) chosen to be equal to the inverse pulse width of the shorter of the two pulses after separation. Figure VI-11 illustrates the same situation for inhomogeneous (Doppler) broadening with no phase damping. Figure VI-12 combines both broadening mecha- nisms. The second type of 07r pulse, in the absence of broadening, remains localized; it resembles a modulated hyperbolic secant in which the modulation varies with time. Figures VI-13 through VI-16 illustrate the effects of the various broadening mechanisms on this pulse. broadening. Note the relative insensitivity of this pulse to the pure inhomogeneous In all cases, however, energy loss to the medium eventually reduces the pulse to the linear regime. Work continues on a more sophisticated model of a medium containing the effects of a rotation spectrum. This will be essentially a two-vibrational-level rotator that should provide a reasonably realistic model of many molecular lasers. References 1. G. L. Lamb, ,Jr., "Analytical Descriptions of Ultrashort Optical Pulse Propagation in a Resonant Medium," Rev. Mod. Phys. 43, 99-124 (1971). 2. A. II. M. Ross, June 1972. 3. H. P. Grieneisen, J. Goldhar, N. A. Kurnit, A. Javan, and H. 1t. Schlossberg, "Observation of the Transparency of a Resonant Medium to Zero-degree Optical Pulses," Appl. Phys. Ietters 21, 559-562 (1972). QPR \o. 109 Ph. D. Thesis, 1Department of Electrical Engineering, o109 M. I. T.,