Emerging and Legacy Contaminants in the Foodweb: Columbia River Contaminants and Habitat Characterization (ConHab) Project Elena Nilsen USGS Oregon Water Science Center 1 ConHab Team Coauthors (2008-2012) Bob Grove, Chuck Henny BRD, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center Jill Jenkins, Reynaldo Patiño, Leticia Torres Cooperative Research Units Dave Alvarez BRD, Columbia Environmental Research Center Tim Counihan, Matt Mesa BRD, Western Fisheries Research Center, Cook, WA Guy Gelfenbaum, Edwin Alias GD, Menlo Park, CA Jennifer Morace, Elena Nilsen, Ian Waite WRD, Oregon Water Science Center 2 Motivation 45 • Forty-nine wastewater indicator contaminants detected in CR basin sediments • Endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) detected at 22 of 23 sites sampled Nilsen et al. 2007 bisphenol A triclosan 40 anthraquinone 35 Compound (mg gOC-1) tonalide (AHTN) 30 galoxolide (HHCB) carbazole 25 para-nonylphenol (total) 20 benzophenone 15 4-tert-octylphenol 10 butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) skatol 5 indole 0 CS2 CS1 W5 Jo W4 Ke W3 W2 Site Tr W1 T2 T1 Fa2 Fa1 3 Motivation Percent of compounds detected in WWTP effluent 0 20 40 60 80 100 plasticizers steroids detergent metabolites pharmaceuticals personal care products PAHs flame retardants miscellaneous PCBs pesticides overall Contact Jennifer Morace: jlmorace@usgs.gov 4 Motivation • PBDEs doubling in fish in upper Columbia River (CR) every 1.6 years early 2000s (Rayne et al. 2003) • PBDEs adversely affecting osprey reproduction; egg concentrations increased rapidly in 2000s • PBDE widespread in lower CR (LCREP 2007) • Urban/industrial signal in Salmon bodies (LCREP 2007) 5 LCREP 2007 Motivation Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs) • What they do: mimic or block hormones and disrupt normal function • Examples of affected wildlife: -Feminization of males; collapse of lake population of fathead minnow in Ontario, Canada (Kidd et al., 2007) -Common carp in Lake Mead, Nevada (e.g., Patiño et al., 2003; Snyder et al., 2004) -Reproductive biomarker responses by multiple species in Columbia River Basin (Hinck et al., 2006) and Colorado Basin (Hinck et al., 2007) 6 Motivation Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs) • Affect organism development & population viability • PBDEs (Kuriyama et al. 2005) -Alter thyroid function -Reduce sperm counts -Delay sperm maturation • Goal: sample foodweb across sites representing a chemical gradient Chemical & Engineering News NOAA 7 Organic Baby Wearhouse Area Map Tacoma PACIFIC OCEAN WASHINGTON Columbia R. Portland Study Area RM 54-136 Willamette R. OREGON 8 Estrogenicity (YES) Passive Samplers Spring 2008 Between Lewis & Cowlitz Rivers Beaver Army Terminal Columbia River Columbia City (RM 84) Longview EEQ level suggests WWTP input Alvarez et al., in prep. Multnomah Channel Downstream end of Hayden Island Willamette at mouth of Multnomah Channel Downstream of Government Island “Reference” sites • Willamette River near Keizer • Skamania Landing 9 PBDEs and PCBs Passive Samplers Spring 2008 Between Lewis and Cowlitz Rivers Beaver Army Terminal Columbia River Moderate PBDEs & PCBs Low PBDEs Columbia City (RM 84) Longview Alvarez et al., in prep. Highest PBDEs Higher PCBs Multnomah Channel Downstream end of Hayden Island Higher PBDEs Low PCBs Willamette at mouth of Multnomah Channel Downstream of Government Island Higher PBDEs Higher PCBs Low PBDEs Highest PCBs Low PBDEs Highest PCBs “Reference” sites deployed at • Willamette River near Keizer Higher PBDEs, Low PCBs • Skamania Landing Low PBDEs, Low PCBs 10 PBDEs in Osprey Eggs ConHab Study Area Concentrations in ppb Portland C. Henny and B. Grove 11 PBDEs in Osprey Eggs Henny et al., 2011* *Ecotoxicology DOI 10.1007/s10646-011-0608-2 12 Longview Foodweb Site Map Columbia City Portland Skamania 13 Foodweb Sampling Passive samplers -contaminant analyses -estrogen screen Sediments Invertebrates -contaminant analyses -contaminant analyses -sediment transport modeling -community assessment Largescale Suckers -contaminant analyses -biomarkers Osprey -contaminant analyses -productivity assessment -well bird blood analyses 14 Contaminants in Fish Tissues 2009 Concentration (ng/g) 200 150 100 50 PCBs DDTs/10 OC Pest PBDEs gonad liver fillet stomach Columbia City brain gonad stomach liver fillet brain gonad liver stomach Longview fillet brain 0 Skamania Nilsen et al., in prep. 15 Contaminants in Fish Tissues 2009 FDA Action Levels DDT = 5,000 ppb PCBs = 2,000 ppb 400 Concentration (ppb) 350 300 250 EPA Cancer Risk Levels Liver Fillet 200 150 DDT = 117 ppb 100 PCB = 20 ppb 50 0 p,p-DDTs PBDEs PCBs %RSD: DDTs = 15%; PBDEs = 2-12%; PCBs = 2-11% 16 Longview so ni oa le ) (P CA ) CB (H or fe n rin hl ac -N on or flu ze ne en ob tr an s or hl ac nt pe or hl ac ex H xy O ld ie D e or hl ac on N s- ci rd an I ne n_ lfa lo Ch s- ci su do da or s ifo in CP A) (D hl -C En tr an s py r lo r al th ac D Ch ra l Tr ifl u Concentration (ppb) Contaminants in Fish Livers 2009 EPA Cancer Risk Level 5 4 3 2 1 0 17 Contaminants in Fish Livers (ng/g) 2009 2010 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 OC (w/o DDT) PCBs PBDEs triclosan Longview Columbia City Skamania Longview Columbia Skamania City current use pest/herb 18 Contaminants in Passive Samplers (ng/L) SPMD & POCIS 2009 2010 6 5 4 OCs 3 PCBs 2 PBDEs 1 0 Longview Columbia City Skamania Longview Columbia City Skamania 19 Contaminants in Sediments 2009 Concentration (ng g-1) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 PCBs 1 PBDEs 0 Longview OC Pest Columbia City Skamania 20 Halogenated Contaminants in Sediments 2010 0.35 Concentration (ng g-1) 0.3 0.25 0.2 OC Pest 0.15 PBDEs PCBs 0.1 0.05 0 Longview Columbia City Skamania 21 Wastewater Contaminants in Sediments 2010 800 Concentration (ng g-1) 700 600 500 400 I/PCP 300 PAH 200 100 0 Longview Columbia City Skamania I/PCP = Industrial/Personal Care Products 22 Biomarkers of PBDE and EDC Exposure and Effects in Resident Fish • • • • • Androgens (11-ketotestosterone) Estrogens (17β-estradiol) Blood vitellogenin Gonad size (gonadosomatic index) Gonad, kidney, spleen, liver abnormalities (histopathology) • • • • • • Condition factor (length: weight) Shortening of opercula External (skin) parasites Gill parasites Sperm quality Oligonucleotide microarray Largescale Suckers (Catostomus macrochelius) Torres et al., in prep. Christiansen et al., submitted Jenkins et al., in prep. 23 Biomarkers Show Fish More Stressed Downstream Compared to Upstream • • • • • Androgens (11-ketotestosterone) Estrogens (17β-estradiol) Blood vitellogenin Gonad size (gonadosomatic index) Gonad, kidney, spleen, liver abnormalities (histopathology) • • • • • • Condition factor (length: weight) Shortening of opercula External (skin) parasites Gill parasites Sperm quality Oligonucleotide microarray Largescale Suckers (Catostomus macrochelius) Torres et al., in prep. Christiansen et al., submitted Jenkins et al., in prep. 24 Biomarkers Show Fish More Stressed Downstream Compared to Upstream spleen abnormalities kidney abnormalities Torres et al., in prep. gill abnormalities 25 Summary • Fish tissue contaminant concentrations increase moving downstream - gradient of exposure achieved in 2009, 2010 • Gradient less in 2010, although median still similar • Many of same compounds in passive samplers accumulating in fish tissues, but trends not always same • Sediment transport model a very useful tool to predict accumulation of fine-grained sediments and contaminants • With sampling based on model, sediment concentrations follow fish (increasing downstream) • Median sediment concentrations lower in 2010 than 2009, except wastewater compounds • Biomarkers show fish more stressed downstream sites relative to upstream (not statistically linked to measured toxics) 26 Acknowledgements Water NWQL Geology 27 More Information Websites: http://or.water.usgs.gov/proj/Conhab/ (public) http://or.water.usgs.gov/preview/uo/internal_htmls/ ConHab/ (internal USGS) Video: http://or.water.usgs.gov/proj/Conhab/#video Contact: Elena Nilsen – enilsen@usgs.gov Jennifer Morace – jlmorace@usgs.gov 28