XX. GASEOUS ELECTRONICS Academic and Research Staff Prof. S. C. Brown Prof. W. P. Allis Prof. G. Bekefi Prof. J. C. Ingraham E. M. Mattison J. J. McCarthy W. J. Mulligan Graduate Students W. B. Davis G. A. Garosi L. D. Pleasance T. T. Wilheit, Jr. B. L. Wright RESEARCH OBJECTIVES A great deal of effort continues to be spent on the fundamental interaction of the particles of plasma physics. In this group we have concentrated on measuring diffusion coefficients, collision probabilities, particularly in partially ionized and fully ionized gases, and on the mechanism of production of radiation. Within the last few years we have studied the production of microwave radiation, and we are pushing this toward shorter and shorter wavelengths in the direction of the very long infrared. Our objective in this area is to study as many of the mechanisms involved in electron-atom and electron-molecule collisions as are susceptible to our microwave, infrared, and probe techniques. S. C. Brown A. ELECTRON-ELECTRON RELAXATION RATES AS DETERMINED FROM THE OBSERVED TIME-DEPENDENT ELECTRON VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION Experimental observations of the time-dependent electron velocity distribution function, f(v, t), during the early afterglow of an argon discharge have been previously reported.1 Solution of an appropriate theoretical model showed good agreement with both the observed steady-state distribution during the DC voltage pulse and the instantaneous energy loss rate at the beginning of the afterglow. experiment (argon pressure -1 Torr and electron 2 Under the conditions of the density ~10 10 cm -1 ), electron- electron and electron-atom collisions are found to represent competing mechanisms with comparable characteristic rates. In interpreting the observed time dependence of f(v, t), it is desirable to examine quantities which to some extent separate these two effects. Thus, since mean electron energy is conserved by electron-electron inter- actions, the rate of energy loss previously analyzed is largely determined by electronatom collisions. Electron-electron effects, however, play an indirect role in the cooling by replenishing f(v) at higher velocities where (in argon) the energy loss rate is greater. To obtain a more direct measure of the rate of electron-electron interaction, we This work was supported by the Joint Services Electronics Programs (U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, and U. S. Air Force) under Contract DA 36-039-AMC-03200(E). QPR No. 84 137 (XX. GASEOUS ELECTRONICS) note that the ultimate effect of this interaction is the attainment after a few micro0 seconds of a nearly Maxwellian velocity distribution with a temperature (-10, 000 K) well above that of the neutral gas. Parameters which in some sense measure the departure of f(v) from a Maxwellian should consequently provide information on the electronelectron relaxation rate. In defining such parameters f(v) is to be compared with a Maxwellian that has the same average electron energy, and only the over-all shape of We thus define a dimensionless velocity variable, z = v/w, in terms of the characteristic velocity, w, defined by f(v) is important. 3 -w 4 v 4 f(v, t) dv. (t) = 4rr 00 Here f(v, t) is normalized so that 4r fO velocities, g(z, t), is now given by v2 f dv = 1. The distribution function for scaled g(z, t) = w 3f(wz, t) which satifies both 4rr z 2g dz = 1 and 4-r zg dz = . This function is to be com- pared with the correspondingly scaled Maxwellian, S g(z) = n -3/2 e-z Perhaps the most classic measure of the departure of a velocity distribution from a Maxwellian is Boltzmann's parameter H. It represents a generalization of the concept of entropy to systems not in thermal equilibrium. For the scaled distribution function, H is given by z g ln g dz H(t) = 4Tr 0 ^ 3 which is to be compared with the Maxwellian (minimum) value, H = - (ln rr+1). Other less physically justifiable parameters may also be used. For example, the quasimoments given by Qt0 Qn(t) = 4Tr zZ+n g dz z can (for n# 0, 2) differ from the corresponding Maxwellian values 3+n Finally, a crude gauge of the departure from Maxwellian may be determined from the mean absolute difference, QPR No. 84 138 (XX. A0 (t) = 4Tr o A 0 GASEOUS ELECTRONICS) zZ Ig-g1 dz. A Thus H - H, Qn - Qn, and Ao are all quantities that should approach zero as f(v, t) Semi-logarithmic plots of the time dependence of these quan- relaxes to equilibrium. The open squares represent experimental values based tities are shown in Fig. XX-1. H-H 0 Q3 -Q 3 I II II II SI Fig. XX- 1. I I I 2 0 4 I I i A0 I 8 6 t (p sec) 10 12 14 Afterglow time dependence of quantities that measure the departure of f(v) from a Maxwellian. on the same data (p = 0. 72 Torr, n= 1. 1 X 100 cm-) discussed in the previous reports.1 ' 2 In Fig. XX-1, the vertical positions of some of the plotted quantities have been shifted for purposes of display. In comparing the observed decay rates with a theoretical model, at this stage, we are still dependent upon solution of a steady-state problem which provides f = a f(v, t) only at the beginning of the afterglow (t=0). Nonetheless, dependence of the scaled distribution is given by g= w 3 QPR No. 84 w 3-fw w +-vf'+f W ' a 3 +W f e' 139 if f and f are known, the time (XX. GASEOUS ELECTRONICS) where f' is the partial derivative of f(v, t) with respect to v. separated f into fa' attributable to collisions electron-electron interactions only. In this expression we have with atoms, and fe, attributable to In the absence of electron-atom impacts or for a collision frequency independent of velocity, the term in brackets vanishes. When H, Qn and Ao are evaluated from g at t = 0, positive theoretical slopes are obtained. Initially, electron-atom effects are dominant, farther away from a Maxwellian. Indeed, and the distribution is driven Experimentally this has never been seen to occur. simplified analysis of the electron-atom collision-dominated case shows that the initial trend at t = 0 is quickly reversed in a time of approximately 1 which Maxwellization can occur. p.sec after Thus it seems inadvisable to compare the instanta- neous theoretical rates at t = 0 with the observed relaxation of these parameters. the other hand, if, depend, after some interval, collisions with atoms cease to dominate, for the most part on fe (v, t). that slopes obtained g will The relaxation rates resulting from electron- electron effects are not expected to vary much with time. prising On It is therefore not too sur- simply by using g = w fe(t=O) (shown as solid lines in Fig. XX-1) agree fairly well with the experiment. We find, then, that the time dependence of parameters that measure the departure of f(v, t) from a Maxwellian can be correctly given by our simple collisional model, provided electron-electron interactions dominate. Reconciling this fact with the theo- retical result that electron-atom collisions are initially important will require a full time-dependent solution of the model equation. B. L. Wright References 1. B. L. Wright, "Microwave Measurements of a Time-dependent Electron Velocity Distribution Function," Quarterly Progress Report No. 80, Research Laboratory of Electronics, M.I.T., January 15, 1966, pp. 99-103. 2. B. L. Wright, "Comparison of Measured Time-dependent Electron Velocity Distributions with a Theoretical Model," Quarterly Progress Report No. 83, Research Laboratory of Electronics, M. I. T., October 15, 1966, pp. 59-64. QPR No. 84 140