LICHENS AS BIOMONITORS OF AIR QUALITY IN THE SOUTH COAST Evaluation Monitoring Grant # WC-EM-07-05 AIR BASIN OF CALIFORNIA RIDDELL, 1,2 JENNIFER , Pamela 2 Padgett , Thomas H. Nash 1 III 1.Arizona State University, School of Life Sciences, POB 874601, Tempe AZ 85287, (; 2. USDA FS, Pacific SW Research Station, Riverside, CA; biomonitors of air pollution for over a century, beginning in the industrializing European nations in the 1850’s. Their usefulness is tied to the fact that lichen species are differentially responsive to pollutants, and lichen community composition changes readily with shifts in air quality. Monitoring changes in lichen communities allows for early detection of potentially greater ecosystem change due to air quality. However, for this type of monitoring to be effective, lichen responses need to be calibrated to pollution levels. Day 1 Day 7 25 Day 28 20 15 10 5 0 Humid HNO3 Humid Control Dry HNO3 Dry Control Figure 3 40 Ozone fumigations were conducted for two months, and O3 levels were 0, 60 and 120 ppb. (Winter 2007-08) -1 Gross Photosynthesis of Ramalina menziesii in Ozone Fumigations Day 14 Day 28 Day 42 30 Day 56 25 20 15 10 0 No O3 60 ppb 120ppb Figures 3 and 4: Gross photosynthesis and chlorophyll content of R. menziesii in O3 fumigation chambers. Treated thalli did not show significant physiological decline in response to O3 fumigations. Day 14 Day 28 1.5 1 0.5 0 Humid HNO3 Ambient Air Transplant Experiments Santa Rosa Plateau (moderate pollution) 40 35 Gross Photosynthesis of Ramalina menziesii in Ozone X Nitric Acid Fumigations 20 18 Day 1 Day 18 Day 36 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 HNO3 HNO3xO3 O3 Control Figures 5 and 6: Gross photosynthesis and chlorophyll content of R. menziesii in O3 x HNO3 fumigation chambers. Ozone treatment responses did not differ significantly from control fumigations, but was significantly different from HNO3 fumigations (p<0.001). 3.0 Chlorophyll Content of Ramalina menziesii Tissue Fumigated with Ozone 20 7/10/2007 7/24/2007 8/7/2007 8/21/2007 15 10 5 Palomar Mountain (control site) 9/4/2007 9/18/2007 10/2/2007 0 High Deposition- San Dimas Moderate Deposition - Santa Rosa Control Site - Sedgwick Reserve Plateau Acknowledgements: Day 1 Day 14 Day 42 Day 56 Day 28 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 60 ppb 120 ppb 3.5 3 Chlorophyll Content of Ramalina menziesii Tissue Fumigated with Ozone and Nitric Acid Day 1 Day 18 Day 34 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 HNO3 HNO3xO3 O3 Control Our fumigations to date have demonstrated that Ramalina menziesii is highly sensitive to gaseous HNO3, and far less responsive to ozone, contrary to previous thought. Converse Flat (moderate pollution) 30 6/20/2007 6/26/2007 Dry control Conclusions Gross Photosynthesis of Transplanted Ramalina menziesii Summer 2007 25 Dry HNO3 Figure 6 Camp Paivika (high pollution) Los Angeles Humid control Ozone Concentrations in Treatments San Dimas (high pollution) µ g C O 2 g a in e d / g o v e n d rie d w e ig h t m in -1 Day 7 2 no O3 Sedgwick Reserve (control site) 1. Padgett, PE and A Bytnerowicz, PJ Dawson. 2004. Design, evaluation and application of a continuously stirred tank reactor system for use in nitric acid air pollution studies. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 151 (1-4): 35-51 2. Riddell. J., T.H. Nash III, P. Padgett. 2008. The effect of HNO3 gas on the lichen Ramalina menziesii. Flora 204 pp.47-54. 3.Sigal, L. L. 1979. I. Lichen communities of southern California mountains : an ecological survey relative to oxidant air pollution. II. Gross photosynthetic response of lichens to short-term ozone fumigations. III. Preliminary studies of the gross photosynthetic response of lichens to peroxyacetyl nitrate fumigations. Thesis. Arizona State University. Day 1 Day 1 5 -1 O3 X HNO3 Fumigations Lichen samples were treated with a 2x2 factorial fumigation: 80ppb O3, 80ppb O3X HNO3, and HNO3 for 36 days. (Winter 200809) References: 2.5 Figure 4 Figure 5 Gas levels can be controlled in each of our ten chambers, allowing for multiple levels of fumigations. With an understanding of the effects of the pollutants and independent toxicants on R. menziesii in fumigation chambers, we investigated the effects of ambient pollution under field conditions. We transplanted Ramalina menziesii (left), a sensitive species extirpated from the area from pristine locations to moderate and high pollution sites, monitoring them over the summer and fall of 2007. The map (above right) of S. California shows transplant sites. Chlorophyll Content of Ramalina menziesii Tissue Fumigated with Nitric Acid Ozone Condentrateion in Treatments We used fumigation chambers1 to conduct controlled investigations of each pollutant independently and in 2 x 2 factorial fumigations using the pollution sensitive lichen species Ramalina menziesii. nitric acid (HNO3) pollutants often cooccur in urbanized arid regions, as they are formed by the same photochemical reactions between nitrogen oxide (mostly from automobile emissions) and volatile organic compounds. Research on the effects of O3 and HNO3 has focused on toxicity to plants and humans, and the toxicity of O3 to both is well established. Much less is known about the effects of the individual pollutants on lichen biology. This research seeks to understand independent and combined effects of O3 and HNO3 on lichen biology and distribution. µg CO2 gained / g odw min Ozone Fumigations 35 µg CO2 gained/ g odw min Pollution: Ozone (O3) and gaseous HNO3 levels ranged from 7 to 35 μg m-3 24 hour averages for one month. (Winter 2006-07) 30 3 mg chlorophyll per g air dry weight Lichens: Lichens have been used as µ g C O 2 g ain ed / g o d w m in -1 Fumigation Experiments Nitric Acid Fumigations2 Gross Photosynthesis of Ramalina menziesii in HNO3 Fumigations Figures 1 and 2: Gross photosynthesis and chlorophyll content of R. menziesii in HNO3 fumigation chambers. Treated thalli showed significant physiological decline in response to HNO3 fumigations (p< 0.001 for photosynthesis and chlorophyll). Humidity was an important mitigating factor. mg Chlorophyll / g air dry tissue Overview 35 Figure 2 m g ch lo ro ph yll / g d r y tissue Figure 1 Pollution levels at sites were monitored with passive filter HNO3, NH3, and O3 monitors at two week intervals over the course of the transplant experiment. Figure 7: Gross photosynthesis of transplanted Ramalina menziesii thalli, which showed a sharp physiological decline after three weeks at San Dimas This research is funded by the USDA Forest Service Forest Health Monitoring Program, and the US EPA Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Fellowship Program, and from Arizona State University. Thanks also to the Sedgwick Reserve, the San Dimas Experimental Forest, and the Santa Rosa Plateau Preserve. Our transplant experiments confirmed these results, with transplanted R. menziesii dieing within 5 weeks of being transplanted to high pollution sites. Other species, such as Hypogymnia imshaugii, are far more tolerant of nitrogen pollution, and some species thrive in the presence of high levels of ammonia. We are also working with other species of lichens to capture a better idea of community responses. By developing a clear understanding of lichen responses to pollution, we hope to improve the usefulness of lichens as indicators of air quality and forest health.