Assessment of the Severity and Impact of Alder Dieback and Mortality in Alaska Lori Trummer, USFS R10 FHP, Anchorage Roger Ruess, Jack McFarland, University of Alaska, Fairbanks ABSTRACT: Substantial dieback and mortality of thin-leafed alder (Alnus tenuifolia) is occurring in riparian areas across south-central and interior Alaska. The dieback has raised concern since alders are considered “keystone species” due to their importance in riparian ecosystems and capacity to fix atmospheric nitrogen. Decline and mortality of alder is expected to alter ecosystem nitrogen accumulation, forest stand development, and likely forage quality for harvestable subsistence species, such as moose. In 2005, two projects were undertaken to assess the severity and impact of alder dieback and mortality: 1. Installation and monitoring of transects, and 2. Assessment of changes to nitrogen fixation rates. IMPACTS OF ALDER DIEBACK AND MORTALITY ON ECOSYSTEM NITROGEN BALANCE IN ALASKA TRANSECT INSTALLATION AND MONITORING INTRODUCTION Dieback and mortality of A. tenuifolia in riparian areas in Alaska has been reported since 2003. The damage appears recent in most locations, occurring within the last decade, and continuing. We installed transects to: Monitor the spread and intensification of dieback and mortality Assess site conditions, associated fungi, insect defoliation, and climate factors The objectives of the study were to 1) establish replicated long-term plots along riparian forests within 3 Alaskan regions (Tanana Valley, Anchorage Basin - Eagle River, and Kenai Peninsula - Quartz Creek), 2) permanently tag and assess stem canker infection and the degree of basal area & canopy losses from stem canker within these plots, 3) measure nitrogen fixation rates and associated characteristics of both soils (climate and chemistry) and plants (nodule biomass, leaf morphology and leaf chemistry, Frankia genetic structure) across a range of infected plants within each plot. METHODS 100-ft permanent transects were installed across south-central Alaska in the Matanuska/Susitna Valley and on the Kenai Peninsula. For each A. tenuifolia genet, we assessed stem condition and sprout abundance. Dominant overstory and understory vegetation and various site characteristics were recorded. For 3 genets per transect, every stem was marked and additional data were collected. The population of stems (N=512) from plants randomly selected for N fixation measurements constituted approximately 14% of the greater than 3500 stems surveyed in all plots across the 3 landscape regions. Preliminary results indicate: 38% Live with dieback 31% Fig 1: Within the 10 transects established in 2005, stems were nearly evenly divided among three categories: live & healthy, live with dieback, and dead (n=755). 2005 Y= 1.3897 + 0.7187*X r = 0.67, P<0.0001 Y = 1.3897 + 0.7187*X 2 r2= 0.067, P<0.0001 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Y= Y-4.1117 + 1.2336*X = -4.1117 + 1.2336*x r2= r0.15, = 0.15, P<0.0001 P<0.001 2 30 20 10 0 4 6 8 Genet mortality Fig 1: Across the 90 plants selected for N fixation measurements, the proportion of total basal area dead from canker infection scaled linearly with the associated percentage of leaf area lost from these plants. 10 12 14 16 Soil Temperature (°C) Proportion of BasalArea Area Dead Canker (%) (%) Proportion of Basal Deadfrom from Canker healthy live with dieback dead Fig 2: In one year, the proportion of healthy stems decreased 14% and dead stems increased 16% (n=440 stems). This indicates that alder dieback and mortality are continuing at a rapid rate. a 13 a 11 9 b 7 5 Eagle River Eagle River Alder woolly sawfly (Eriocampa ovata) -1 60 0 40 -1 80 Soil Temperature (oC) Fig 2: Across plants from all sites, N fixation rate was positively correlated with soil temperature. Soil moisture had no effect on N fixation rates. (%) Healthy 2004 Eagle River Eagle River Quartz Creek Quartz Creek Tanana Tanana Severe defoliation Dieback symptoms Drought stress Fig 3: A complex of host stressors is apparent at many affected sites, including severe defoliation by the introduced alder woolly sawfly and continued record-breaking hot, dry summers since 2003. The role of these and other stressors in causing or exacerbating alder dieback and mortality is poorly understood and under investigation. Tanana Tanana Fig 3: There were significant differences among regions in N fixation rates (F2,80= 4.98, P=< 0.01), with rates being highest in plants growing along the Tanana River, lowest at the Quartz Creek drainage, and intermediate along the Eagle River. a 25 20 % Basal Area Dead % Basal Area Dead % Leaf Area Dead % Leaf Area Dead A a A 15 10 b B 5 0 Eagle River Eagle River Quartz Creek Quartz Crk Tanana Tanana Fig 4: However, using an analysis of covariance, significant regional differences in N fixation rates could be completely explained by the combined independent effects of soil temperature (F1,80= 2.74, P =< 0.10) and differences in both percentage of total basal area dead from canker (F1,80= 3.82, P= < 0.05) and percentage of leaf area killed by canker (F1,80= 3.70, P =< 0.06) among regions. DISCUSSION These data suggest that greater levels of canker infection are leading to declines in N fixation rates at a regional scale. Although we haven’t completed calculations or analysis of nodule biomass data among plots, our observations during field sampling suggest that substantial amounts of nodule biomass were dying in plots most heavily infected by canker. Thus, we believe that combining N fixation rates with nodule biomass to yield total N inputs will result in even greater effects of canker on N balance at the ecosystem level. FUTURE MONITORING AND ASSESSMENTS Continued monitoring transects for dieback and mortality; Establish transects in Interior Alaska in 2006; Continue assessing relationships between incidence of dieback /mortality and host stressors including associated canker fungi, insect defoliation, climate change, and other factors. For more information: Lori Trummer, USFS R10 FHP,, (907) 743-9460 Quartz Creek Quartz Crk Proportion Basal Area oror Leaf Area Dead Fromfrom Canker (%) Proportion of Basal Leaf Area Dead Canker Dead 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -1 -1-1hr -1) N Fixation Rate nodule N Fixation Rate(µmol (μmol NNggnodule hr ) DWTDWT 31% Proportion of Stems (%) RESULTS Ten transects were established in south-central Alaska in 2005, where a total of 755 stems were examined within 140 genets. Additionally, within six transects established in 2004, 440 stems within 93 genets were reassessed in 2005. All transects had some level of dieback occurring. A stem canker, putatively caused by Valsa melanodiscus, appears to be the main cause of dieback (see top picture at right). V. melanodiscus has been isolated from cankered tissue and pathogenicity tests are underway. Preliminary results indicate: 100 N Fixation Rate (μmol N g noduleDWT -1hr )-1 N Fixation Rate (µmol N g noduleDWT hr ) Proportionof ofLeaf Leaf Area Area Dead (%)(%) Proportion Deadfrom fromCanker Canker Valsa melanodiscus canker Healthy Frankia root nodules For more information: Roger Ruess, University of Alaska – Fairbanks,, (907) 474-7153