WATERSHED EROSION PREDICTION PROJECT (WEPP) SOIL EROSION RATES for FIA/FHM PHASE 3 PLOTS in IDAHO M.C. Amacher1, K.P. O’Neill2, and B.L. Conkling3 Rocky Mountain Research Station, 2USDA-FS North Central Research Station, and 3North Carolina State University WEPP-predicted soil erosion rates on FIA P3 plots State: Idaho Disturbance: none (mature forest) te, tons/acr e Soil er osion ra Disturbed WEPP inputs None Precipitation erosivity factor (R) Climate station data 40 Soil texture Soil erodibility factor (K) Soil texture 30 % bare soil, % litter cover, % plant cover, litter thickness, plant canopy height Cover factor (C) Total soil cover = 100 - % bare soil2 20 Slope factor (LS) Cultural practice factor (P) Forest condition class and ancillary data Number of plots None Slope length Not applicable Forest or disturbance type3 Not applicable 1 A = RKLSCP where A is the predicted soil loss, R is the precipitation erosivity factor, K is the soil erodibility factor, L is slope length, S is slope gradient, C is the cover and management f actor, and P is the erosion control practice factor. 2 Only % bare soil is needed to run WEPP, the other cover values, litter thickness, and plant canopy height data are needed for RUSLE, but not for WEPP. 3 Choices are 20-year old forest (mature forest), 5-year old forest (young forest), low-severity fire, high-severity fire, or skid trails. Paradise Dam Soil texture 2 Loam Element3 2 Slope length Gradient5 (%) Length 6 (ft) Area7 (acres) 20-year old forest 35 112 20-year old forest 35 Cover8 (%) 99 1.33 112 99 Select from climate station database. Use climate station with similar elevation nearest to plot location. Choices are sandy loam, silt loam, clay loam, and loam. Since slightly different soil textures are collected in the field, use the soil texture conversion table to match the soil textures collected in the field to those used by WEPP. WEPP div ides a hillslope into upper and lower areas or elements, but it can be applied to portions of a hillslope (e.g., plot area). Apply the WEPP model to a rectangular area surrounding the four subplots (fig. 1). Divide the area into two halves with equal slope lengths (e.g., 112 + 112 = 224 ft). Also, you may want to consider the orientation of the plot on the hillslope when selecting slope lengths since the area surrounding all four subplots is a rectangle and not a square. 4 Choose a forest or disturbance type. Choices f or forest type are 20-year old forest (mature forest) or 5-year forest (young forest). Choices for disturbance type are low-severity fires, high-severity fires, or skid trails. 5 Use the mean of the slopes for all f our subplots in the WEPP input table. Normally, the 1st slope of the upper element is the top of the hillslope (0%) and the 2nd is the slope at the midpoint of the upper element. The 1st slope of the lower element is the midpoint of the lower element and the 2nd slope is the bottom of the hillslope. Since WEPP is being applied to an area the size of the whole plot, which may be less than the whole hillslope area, use the same value for all four inputs. 6 Divide the whole plot area into upper and lower elements of equal slope length (e.g., 112 + 112 = 224 ft). 7 Corresponds to a rectangular area surrounding all f our subplots (f ig. 1). 8 Soil cover = 100 - % bare soil. Use mean for all four subplots. 1 2 3 Table 3. Soil textures used by WEPP that correspond to soil textures collected from P3 plots. Soil textures in FIA field guide Soil textures used by WEPP Coarse sand Sandy loam Sand Sandy loam Loam Loam Clay Clay loam Pr ec pe ipita rio t io d, n ye r et ar u rn s 16 Mature forest Low-severity fires High-severity fires Skid-trails 14 12 10 8 6 Slope length: 224 ft Area: 1.33 acre 4 2 0 MF LSF HSF ST Disturbance 10 35 Lower 4 0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100 Range of soil cover, slope, and slope length values Treatment4 % 10 0 0 Fig. 2. Histograms showing the number of plots found in each range of soil cover (top), slope (center), and slope length (bottom) values for FIA/FHM P3 plots in Idaho Fig. 6. Box plots of WEPP-predicted soil erosion rates for all FIA/FHM P3 plots in Idaho as a function of disturbance type assuming average (2-year return period) precipitation levels. The 25 th and 75 th percentiles are shown as a box centered about the median, the 10 th and 90 th percentiles are shown as error bars, and the 5 th and 95 th percentiles and outliers are shown as points. MF = mature forest, LSF = low-severity fires, HSF = high-severity fires, ST = skid trails •P3 plot slope values tend to be normally distributed, while soil cover and slope lengths are skewed (Fig. 2). •WEPP-predicted soil erosion rates for P3 plots in mature forest (median cover = 99%) are negligibly small (Fig. 3) even on steep slopes (median slope = 35 %), although rates increase with slope steepness and precipitation return period (Fig. 4). Median soil erosion rate for an average precipitation year = 0 tons/acre. Ma ximum soil erosion rate for a 100-year return period precipitation year = 0.7 tons/acre. •Disturbances greatly increase potential soil erosion rates (Fig. 5, 6 & 7), especially high-severity fires on steep slopes during wet years (Fig. 5). High-severity fires produce the greatest soil erosion potential followed by skid trails followed by low-severity fires. The maximum predicted soil erosion rates for a 100-year return period precipitation year on Idaho P3 plots disturbed by high-severity fires, skid trails, and low-severity fires are 85, 41, and 13 tons/acre, respectively for plots on the steepest slopes. •Soil erosion potentials are not sensitive to soil texture for undisturbed areas (Fig. 8). Silt loam soils have the highest soil erosion potential under high-severity fire conditions (Fig. 8). Summary and Conclusions: •The WEPP model can be used to calculate soil erosion potentials on FIA/FHM P3 plots. WEPP offers several advantages including use of climate station databases and calculation of soil erosion rates for a range of precipitation return periods and disturbance scenarios. Recommendations are presented for using the WEPP model with P3 plot data. •Preserving soil cover is the key to soil conservation. Since it is not possible to predict when high return period episodic precipitation events will occur, managing forest resource use to minimize disturbance impacts to soil cover is the best way to forestall catastrophic soil erosion events. Prompt post-disturbance implementation of effective rehabilitation practices will minimize the time bare soils are exposed to erosive events. FHM Posters home page Matu re forest Low-severity fires High-severity fires Skid trails | FHM 2002 Posters 0 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 Fig. 5. Three-dimensional scatter plot of WEPP-predicted soil erosion rates vs. slope and precipitation return period for all FIA/FHM plots in Idaho assuming high-severity fire disturbances. WEPP-predicted soil erosion rates on FIA P3 plots for different soil textures, disturbance histories, and episodic climate event return periods State: Idaho Disturbances: none - mature forest (MF), high-severity fires (HSF) 100 yr 120 High-severity fires 50 yr 20 yr 10 yr 100 Precipitation return period 80 100 yr MF Erosion 50 yr MF Erosio n 20 yr MF Erosio n 10 yr MF Erosio n 5 yr MF Erosion 100 yr HSF Erosion 50 yr HSF Erosion 20 yr HSF Erosion 10 yr HSF Erosion 5 yr HSF Erosio n 60 40 20 Mature forest 5 yr 0 Clay loam Silt loam Sandy loam MF LSF HSF ST Disturbance Slope length: 224 ft Area: 1.33 acre Results: 100 80 60 40 20 Slope length: 224 ft Area: 1.33 acre Fig. 4. Three-dimensional scatter plot of WEPP-predicted soil erosion rates vs. slope and precipitation return period for all FIA/FHM plots in Idaho assuming mature forest conditions (no disturbances). 100 80 60 40 20 0 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 40 30 20 10 0 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 25 20 15 10 5 0 40 Sl ope 20 ,% Slope length: 224 ft Area: 1.33 acre Fig. 3. Three-dimensional scatter plot of WEPP-predicted soil erosion rates vs. soil cover and precipitation return period for all FIA/FHM P3 plots in Idaho assuming mature forest conditions (no disturbances). 20 35 Upper 6 0 0 S lop e len gth: 224 ft A rea : 1.3 3 acre 30 Table 2. Example of a data input table for the Disturbed WEPP model. Location 1 Slope 8 0 40 0 50 40 30 20 S WEPP-predicted soil erosion rates for FIA P3 plots State: Idaho % Slope Slope length 40 WEPP-predicted soil erosion rates for FIA P3 plots State: Idaho Average soil erosion rates 0 10 70 60 lo pe , 20 60 So il co 40 20 ve r, % Soil cover 10 % Slope 100 80 60 40 20 Soil erosion rate, tons/acre RUSLE Soil cover, slope, and slope lengths on FIA P3 plots State: Idaho Disturbance: none (mature forest) 80 Soil erosion rate, tons/acre Field data 0.0 Fig. 1. FIA/FHM P3 plot diagram. The rectangular area shows the proposed soil erosion plot area for determining slope gradient and slope length for soil erosion modeling. The mean of the soil cover values from the four subplots was used as the input soil cover value for Disturbed WEPP. 0.0 10 0 80 60 0 .2 inputs1 60 0.2 0.4 Table 1. Soil erosion data collected from P3 plots and input data needed for the RUSLE and Disturbed WEPP models. 80 0.4 0 .6 •Demonstrate how the WEPP model can be used to calculate soil erosion potentials using 1999 P3 plot data from Idaho as an example. 100 0.6 0 .8 Objective: 0.8 P re c pe ipita rio tio d, n r ye etu a r rn s WEPP-predicted soil erosion rates on FIA P3 plots State: Idaho Disturbance: none (mature forest) WEPP-predicted soil erosion rates on FIA P3 plots State: Idaho Disturbance: high-severity fires , tons/acr e Soil erosion rate 224 ft tons/acr Soil erosion rate, 1.33 acres •Rates of soil erosion are an important indicator of forest soil health. •The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) was initially selected to assess soil erosion potential on FIA/FHM P3 plots and data collection methods were developed accordingly. •The Watershed Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model for assessing soil erosion potential can also be applied to P3 plot soil data. This model has many advantages including use of climate station data, calculation of soil erosion potential for ranges of precipitation return periods, and calculation of soil erosion potential for different forest disturbances. Soil erosion rate, tons/acre Introduction: e 258 ft Pr ec i p e p ita r io tio d, n r ye e tu ar r n s 1 USDA-FS Fig. 7. Box plots of WEPP-predicted soil erosion rates for all FIA/FHM P3 plots in Idaho as a function of disturbance type and precipitation return period. Loam Soil texture Climate station: Fenn Ranger Station, Idaho Slope: 75 % Slope length: 224 ft Area: 1.33 acre Cover: 99 % in late succession forest, 45 % after high severity fire Fig. 8. WEPP-predicted soil erosion rates for an FIA/FHM P3 plot near the Fenn climate station as a function of soil texture and precipitation return period assuming mature forest and high-severity fire conditions. Recommendations: •Apply the WEPP model to the entire plot area (fig. 1) instead of to each subplot area individually. Divide the whole plot area into equal halves for the slope lengths for the upper and lower elements in the WEPP input table. Additional enhancement: Consider the orientation of the rectangular area surrounding the whole plot area on the hillslope for selecting slope lengths. Note: A new slope length protocol is being developed for a future version of the field guide. •Discontinue collecting the litter cover and plant cover estimates as part of the soil erosion indicator. These data are not needed for WEPP and can be obtained from field data collected as part of the vegetation indicator for use in RUSLE. Note: This recommendation was included in the change proposal for version 1.5 of the field guide. •Delete the 4-ft radius soil erosion miniplots from the soil indicator. The litter thickness and plant canopy height data collected from these mini-plots are not needed for WEPP and can be deri ved from data collected by the down woody debris and vegetation indicators for use in RUSLE. Note: This recommendation was included in the change proposal for version 1.5 of the field guide. •Develop a procedure to automatically match the location of each P3 plot to the nearest climate station with an elevation similar to the plot. •Change soil texture designations in FIA field guide to match those used by WEPP. References: Renard, K.G., G.R. Foster, G.A. Weesies and others. 1991. RUSLE: Re vised universal soil loss equation. J. Soil Water Conserv. 46:30-33. Elliot, W.J., D .E. Hall, D.L. Scheele. 2000. Disturbed WEPP: WEPP interface for disturbed forest and range runoff, erosion, and sediment delivery. http://forest.moscowfsl.wsu.edu/fswepp/docs/distwepp.doc.html.