PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS MEETING PAPERS PRESENTED Colloquium Lecture to Technical Staff of the Central Research Instruments, Inc., Dallas, Texas Nov. 10, 1960 W. S. McCulloch, Laboratories, Texas Toward a circuit theory of brains (invited) Lecture to Faculty and Scientific Staffs, New York University, Nov. 21, 1960 New York W. S. McCulloch, A proper logic for circuit theory of the nervous system (invited) Symposium on the Dissemination Bloomington, Indiana Dec. 2-3, 1960 E. of Symbolic Literature, Indiana University, S. Klima, Some aspects of Russian syntax (invited) Linguistic Society of America Meeting, Hartford, Connecticut Dec. 29-31, 1960 Elinor K. Charney, Semantical interpretation of linguistic consonants Center for Cognitive Studies Meeting, Harvard University Jan. 12, 1961 W. A. Rosenblith, The contribution of computer-aided electrophysiological studies to problems in sensory communication (invited) Conference on Mathematics in the Medical Sciences, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts Jan. 16-17, 1961 M. Eden, Potential applications of mathematics to the diagnosis of illness (invited) W. A. Rosenblith, Mathematical models and computational techniques for the analysis of neuroelectric activity (invited) Concord Kiwanis Club, New Hampshire Jan. 17, 1961 "Adventures in Learning" Lecture Series, Concord, W. S. McCulloch, Bio-Electronics (invited) IRE, Professional Group on Biomedical Electronics, Massachusetts Jan. 17, 1961 N. Y-S. Kiang, Boston Chapter Meeting, Modern theories of hearing (invited) xiii Boston, MEETING PAPERS PRESENTED (continued) Colloquium of the Department of Physiology and Pathology, University of Texas-Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas Jan. 18, 1961 W. A. Rosenblith, Computer-aided analytical studies of the electrical activity of the nervous system (invited) Sigma Xi, Galveston Chapter Meeting, Galveston, Texas Jan. 18, 1961 W. A. Rosenblith, (invited) The role of electronic computers in studies of brain and behavior Executive Engineering Forum, Binghamton, New York Jan. 19, 1961 W. S. McCulloch, Link Division, General Precision Company, Neurons as circuit components (invited) Lecture in a course entitled "Man and His Environment," Medical School, Baltimore, Maryland Feb. 4, 1961 W. S. McCulloch, Inc., University of Maryland Brains as machines (invited) ONR Data Processing Seminar, Feb. 6, 1961 Washington, D.C. W. S. McCulloch, Biomimesis - The working of real brains and the simulation of their working (invited) Joint Applied Mathematics-Biology Seminar, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois Feb. 9, 1961 W. S. McCulloch, brain (invited) Toward a logical foundation for a theory of circuit action of the Lectures to Resident Staff and Research Division Seminar, Illinois State Psychiatric Institute, Chicago, Illinois Feb. 10, 1961 W. S. McCulloch, A proper logic for neurology (invited) What is new in biomimesis (invited) Fifth Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, St. Feb. 16-18, 1961 Louis, Missouri M. H. Goldstein, Jr. and A. Arduini, Cortical potentials evoked by shocks to the lateral geniculate body xiv MEETING PAPERS PRESENTED (continued) S. Levine, Similarities in the electroencephalograms (EEG) of identical twins R. G. Mark, Cortical responses to auditory stimuli in the guinea pig Symposium on High-Speed Computation Techniques in Biophysical Research, Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, St. Louis, Missouri Feb. 16-18, 1961 Fifth W. A. Rosenblith, The role of computer techniques in analytical studies of neuroelectric activity (invited) Brain and Behavior Conference, Los Angeles, California Feb. 19-22, 1961 G. L. Gerstein, Brain Research Institute, University of California, Firing patterns of neurons in auditory cortex (invited) Linguistic Society Meeting, Yale University, Feb. 20, 1961 New Haven, Connecticut N. Chomsky, Sound structure in the framework of generative grammar (invited) Ski Meeting, Eastern Feb. 23-25, 1961 Association of Electroencephalographers, Quebec, Canada J. S. Barlow, R. L. Rovit, and P. Gloor, Correlation analysis of EEG changes following unilateral intracarotid injection of sodium amytal Mitre Corporation Seminar, Feb. 28, 1961 Bedford, Massachusetts W. S. McCulloch, A logic for neurology (invited) JOURNAL ARTICLES ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION (Reprints, if available, may be obtained from the Document Room, 26-327, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge 39, Massachusetts.) J. S. Barlow, Autocorrelation and crosscorrelation (Summary, EEG Clin. Neurophysiol.) techniques in EEG analysis G. Bekefi, J. L. Hirshfield, and S. C. Brown, Cyclotron emission from plasmas with non-Maxwellian distributions (Phys. Rev.) A. Bers, Linear space-charge theory of gap interaction between an electron beam and electromagnetic fields (NTF) JOURNAL ARTICLES ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION (continued) W. A. Clark, Jr., Digital averaging techniques (Summary, EEG Clin. Neurophysiol.) T. H. Dupree, Dynamics of ionized gases (Phys. Fluids) B. Farley, Recognition of patterns in the EEG G. (Summary, EEG Clin. Neurophysiol.) L. Gerstein, Neuron firing patterns and the slow potential (Summary, EEG. Clin. Neurophysiol.) M. H. Goldstein, Jr., Averaging techniques applied to evoked responses (Summary, EEG Clin. Neurophysiol.) S. Gruber, Statistical analysis of radio star scintillation (J. Phys.) J. M. Heinz and K. N. Stevens, On the properties of voiceless fricative consonants (J. Acoust. Soc. Am.) H. R. Hirsch, Hyperfine structure in the 3P mercury 197* (J. J. 1 level of the twenty-four hour isomer of Opt. Soc. Am.) L. Hirshfield and S. C. Brown, Incoherent microwave radiation from a plasma in a magnetic field (Phys. Rev.) R. J. Hull and H. H. Stroke, 201 T1 01, C. Atmospheric and Terrest. T1 202 , and TI 204 Nuclear moments and isotope shifts of T1 1 9 9 , T12 0 0 , - Isotope shifts in odd-odd nuclei (Phys. Rev.) S. Johnson, Jr., M. A. Weiner, J. S. Waugh, and D. Seyferth, The nuclear resonance spectra of allyllithium and vinyllithium (J. Am. Chem. Soc.) N. Y-S. Kiang, J. H. Neame, and Louise F. Clark, Evoked cortical activity from auditory cortex in anesthetized and unanesthetized cats (Science) W. A. Rosenblith, Critical commentary on "Computer Techniques in EEG Analysis" (Summary, EEG Clin. Neurophysiol.) LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION A. G. Baker and W. C. Morris, Deposition of metallic films by electron-impact decomposition of organometallic vapors (Rev. Sci. Instr.) A. S. House, Discussion of relation of linguistic theory, speech therapy (J. Hearing Res.) Speech W. B. Nottingham, Comments on the Barnes cold-cathode gauge (Rev. Sci. Instr.) S. Weinreb, Digital radiometer (Proc. IRE) xvi TECHNICAL REPORTS PUBLISHED (These and previously published technical reports, if available, may be obtained from the Document Room, 26-327, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge 39, Massachusetts.) 353 G. Rosen, Dynamic Analog Speech Synthesizer 366 D. A. Chesler, Nonlinear Systems with Gaussian Inputs 377 Jane H. Dennis, Anisotropy of Thermoelectric Power in Bismuth Telluride SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS M. Blum, The construction of reliable circuits using unreliable neurons (Proc. Bionics Symposium, September 1960) S. C. Brown, High-frequency waves in ionized gases (Proc. Fourth International Conference on Ionization Phenomena in Gases, N. R. Nilsson, ed., North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1960) N. Chomsky, On the notion "Rule of Grammar" (Proc. Symposia in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 12, American Mathematical Society, 1961) J. D. Cowan, Many-valued logics and reliable automata (Principles of Self-Organization, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Illinois) J. D. Cowan, Toward a proper logic for parallel computation in the presence of noise (Proc. Bionics Symposium, September 1960) M. Eden, On the formalization of handwriting (Proc. Symposia in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 12, American Mathematical Society, 1961) M. Eden and M. Halle, A characterization of cursive writing (Information Theory, edited by C. Cherry, Butterworths Scientific Publications, London, 1961) B. G. Farley and W. A. Clark, Jr., Activity in networks of neuron-like elements (Information Theory, edited by C. Cherry, Butterworths Scientific Publications, London, 1961) M. Halle, On the role of simplicity in linguistic descriptions (Proc. Symposia in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 12, American Mathematical Society, 1961) U. Ingard and L. W. Dean III, Excitation of acoustic resonators by flow (Proc. Second Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, August 25, 1958) T. Kailath, Adaptive matched filters (Proc. Rand Corporation-University of California Symposium on Mathematical Optimization Techniques, Santa Monica, California, Oct. 18-20, 1960) xvii SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS (continued) T. Kailath, Optimum receivers for randomly varying channels (Information Theory, edited by C. Cherry, Butterworths Scientific Publications, London, 1961) N. Y-S. Kiang, The uses of computers in studies of auditory neurophysiology (Trans. Amer. Acad. Ophthalmol. Otolaryngol.) W. S. McCulloch, Where is fancy bred? (Lectures on Experimental Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1961) W. S. McCulloch, Abracadabra (Mental Patients in Transition, edited by M. Greenblatt, Charles C. Thomas, Publishers, Springfield, Ill., 1961) P. Penfield, Jr., Generalization of the frequency-power formulas of Manley and Rowe (Proc. International Symposium on Active Networks and Feedback Systems, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, April 1960) W. A. Rosenblith and Eda Berger Vidale, A quantitative view of neuroelectric events in relation to sensory communication (Psychology: A Study of a Science, Vol. 4, edited by S. Koch, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New York) L. A. M. Verbeek, Reliable computation with unreliable circuitry (Proc. Symposium, September 1960) J. M. Wozencraft and M. Horstein, Coding for two-way channels (Information Theory, edited by C. Cherry, Butterworths Scientific Publications, London, 1961) xviii Bionics