INDEX (Primary citations; not all inclusive) A Academy’s IRB: in all sections Active Duty Military Personnel: IV-2, XVI-3 Administrative Issues and Support to the Academy’s IRB: VI-7, VIII-1 Adverse Event: II-6 Affected Populations: I-5 Amending an Approved Project: IX-2, XII-5 Amendments and Review Dates: XII-5 Appeals of “Not Approved” Recommendations: IX-16 Applicability: I-1, I-3, I-4 Approvals: I-7 Approval Citations in Public Release of Information: XIV-2 Approval Period: IX-14 Approval Numbers on Proposals: VIII-2, XIV-2 Assessment Activities: III-1, III-2 Assent: IV-7, IV-8 Audits: VII-5 B Belmont Report: I-1, Encl-1; Beneficence: I-1, C Capstone Courses and Projects: III-3, XV-1 Chief of Naval Research (CNR): VII-1 Classified Research: VII-3, IX-3, XIV-1 Closure Forms: XIII-1 “Common Rule”: XVII-1, Encl 1-1, Encl 2-1 Components of a Protocol Submission for a Meeting of the Academy’s IRB: X-3, X-4 Composition of the Academy’s IRB: VI-5, VI-6, VI-7 Concluding Projects: XIII-1, XIII-2, XIV-1 Conditions of Approval for All Projects: XVIII-5 Conflicts of Interest: VI-8 Consultants to the Academy’s IRB: VI-7 Continuing Projects: XII-1, XII-2 Continuing Review Dates: XII-3, XII-4 Course Evaluations: III-1 Course Instructors: XV-1, XVI-4 Index - 1 D Data: I-4, I-5, VI-1, VII-14, IX-14, XVI-7 Data Destruction: VI-3, VIII-3 Data Protection and Uses: VI-3, IX-14, IX-15 Data Repository: VIII-3 Data Safeguards: VI-3 Debriefing Participants: IV-10 Deception: IV-9, IV-10, IX-5 Deferring IRB Approval: XVIII-2, XVIII-4 Definitions: II-1, Encl 2-1 De-identified Data: I-4, IX-6 Department Chairs, Office or Center Directors: XI-3 Design Courses and Projects: III-1, XV-1 Disputes: IX-15, IX-16 Division Directors: V-2, VII-13, VII-14, X-1, X-2, XI-1, XI-2, XV-4, XVI-7, XVIII-2 DoD Navy Addendum to an FWA: VII-6, X-4, XVIII-3, XVIII-4 DoD Navy Assurance: VII-1, VII-2, VII-6 E Education: V-4 Educational tests: IX-5 Emancipated Minors: IV-1, XVI-3 Endorsements of Proposals: X-1, X-2 Ethical Principles: I-1, IV-1, V-2 Evaluation of Scientific Merit: XI-1, XI-2, XV-5, XVI-8 “Exempt”: II-3, VI-6, VII-3, IX-1, IX-2, IX-3, IX-6, X-1 “Expedited”: II-4, II-5, VI-6, VII-3, IX-1, IX-2, IX-7, IX-8, IX-9, X-1, XII-2 Extramural Collaborators: VII-5, VII-6, VII-15, XVIII-1, XVIII-3, XVIII-4 F Faculty Involvement at NAPS: I-6 Faculty Involvement at USNA: I-6 Federal Funds: XIX-1 Federal Limitations: IV-3 Federalwide Assurance (FWA): VII-2, VII-6, X-4 Financial Issues: XIX-1 Focus Groups: II-1, III-1, XVI-3, XVI-4, XVI-6 Follow-up on Concluding Projects: IV-4 “Full”: IX-1, IX-10, IX-11, IX-12, IX-13, X-2, X-3 Fundamental Premise: V-1 Funding: I-3, IV-3, VII-12, IX-1, XIX-1 Index - 2 G Glossary of Terms: II-1, Encl 2-1 Grace Periods on Review Dates: XII-5 Grant Applications: XVII-1 Greatest Protection: I-3, II-1 Guiding Principles: I-1, V-1, VI-1, VI-2, XX-1 H Health Care Providers as Consultants to the Academy’s IRB: VI-7 High Risk: II-2 Human Research Protection Program (HRPP): in all sections “Human Subjects” Definition: II-1, Encl 2-2 I Identified Data: I-4 Incomplete Disclosure: IV-9, IV-10 “Information” Definition: XIV-1 Informed Consent: II-5, IV-1, IV-3, IV-4, IV-5, IV-8, IV-10, XVI-2 “Interaction”: II-2, IX-4 “Intervention”: II-2, IX-4 Interviews: II-1, III-1, IX-4, XVI-3, XVI-4, XVI-6 Institutional Review Board (IRB): I-3, VI-1, VII-2 Institutional Signatory Official (ISO): I-7, II-6, VII-2, VII-3, VII-4, VII-5 Instructor Evaluations: III-1 Investigations of Non-compliance or Research Misconduct: XX-3 IRB Chair: I-7, VI-3, VI-4, VI-5, VII-7, VII-8, IX-6, IX-9 IRB Vice Chair: I-7, VI-6, VII-7 J Justice: I-1 K L Legal Experts as Consultants to the Academy’s IRB: VI-8 Legal Effectiveness of Informed Consent: IV-8 Limited Assurance: II-4, VI-6, VII-1, VII-8 Index - 3 M Membership of the Academy’s IRB: VI-5, VI-6, VI-7 Midshipman or Midn Candidates Involvement: I-5, I-6, VI-1, IX-4, XVI-1, XVI-6, XVI8 Midshipmen as Co-investigators and Student-Researchers: V-3, VII-13, XV-1, XVI-5 Midshipman Candidate Involvement: I-5, I-6, VI-1, VII-13, XI-1, XVI-1 Minimal Risk: II-2 Minutes of the Academy’s IRB Meetings: VIII-8, XII-2 Misconduct: VII-4, XIX Moderate Risk: II-2 N Naval Academy (USNA) definition: I-2 Naval Academy Preparatory School (NAPS): I-2, XI-1 Naval Academy Promise: I-2 Navy Surgeon General (SG): I-7, II-4, II-5, VI-6, VII-1, VII-4 New Projects: IX-1 Non-compliance: II-6, VII-4, VII-5, VII-9 O Office of Institutional Research (IR): I-6, IV-3, VI-7, XVI-1, XVI-2, XVI-8 P Permission: IV-7 Populations: I-5, VI-1, XVI-1, XVIII-2, XVIII-4 Presentation of Results: X-4, XIV-1 Principal Investigator (PI): in all sections “Private Information”: II-2, IX-4 Process Improvement: III-1 Protected Populations: I-5, IV-2, VI-1, VII-3 Protocol Submissions: IV-8 Publication of Results: X-4, XIV-1 Publicly Available Data: IX-5 Q Quality Assurance: III-1 Quorum of the Academy’s IRB: VI-9 Questionnaires: II-1, III-1, XVI-3, XVI-4, XVI-6 R Index - 4 Records Maintenance & Retention: VI-1, VIII-1, VIII-2, VIII-3, XIV-2, XV-5, XVI-7, XVIII-5 Recruiting and Selecting Participants: IV-1, XII-6, XVI-1 Regulations: I-2, VI-1, VI-2, VII-2, XV-2, XVIII-3, Encl 1-1, Encl 1-2 Research Approvals: I-6 Research Collaborations: XVIII-1 “Research” Definition: II-1 Research Fatigue: I-6, IV-3, XVI-2 Research Project Courses: III-1, XV-1, XVI-5 Research Overload: I-6 Respect for Persons: I-1 Restricted Assurance: II-4, VI-6, VII-1, VII-8 “Risk” Levels: II-2 S Scientific Merit: XI-1, XI-2, XV-5, XVI-8, XVIII-4 Scope: I-4, II-4 Secretary of Defense Approval: IX-3 Secretary of the Navy-level Approval: IV-2, IV-3, IV-6, IV-7 Senior Leadership Team (SLT): V-2, VII-13, VII-14, X-1, X-2, XI-1, XI-2, XV-4, XVI7, XVIII-2 Staff Involvement at NAPS: I-7 Staff Involvement at USNA: I-6 Statement of Work (SoW): XVIII-1 Submissions of Protocols: X-1 Superintendent as ISO: I-7, VII-2, XX-1 Superintendent as Researcher: VII-4 Superior to Subordinate: IV-2, XVI-2 Surveys: II-1, III-1, XVI-3, XVI-4, XVI-6 T Technical Experts as Consultants to the Academy’s IRB: VI-8 Tracking Numbers on Proposals: VIII-2 Training: V-1, V-4, V-5, X-4, XV-2, XVIII-1, XVIII-3, XVIII-4 Training, Academy Responsibility: V-3 Training of Individuals: V-1, V-2, V-3 Training, Initial: V-3 Training, changing roles: V-2 Training, Continuing: V-3 Training Midshipmen: V-3 Training of non-USNA Collaborators: V-1, V-2 Training, timing of: V-1 Trident Scholar Program Projects: XV-1, XVI-5 U Index - 5 Unanticipated Problems: VII-4, VII-9, XII-1 Use of Data: VI-3, VII-14, IX-14, IX-15 V W Waiver of the Documentation of Informed Consent: IV-6 Waiver of Informed Consent: IV-6, IV-7 X Y Z Index - 6