4ot-u'71 oNS Spring 200/1 Prof. A. Ni,kneiad Uniuers'ityof Cali,forni,a,B erkeley EECS117 Exam II (closed book) T\resday,March 30, 2004 Guidelines: Closedbook and notes. You mav use a calculator. Do not unstaplethe exam. Warning: Illustrations not to scale. L. (25 poi,nts)A conductorwith o : 107S/mand dielectric constant € : €0is placed into a uniform electric field Eo : *50V/m. Es + 55 A./ + -+ \3 5TD -+ 5,t v6p e,l 11 Pt p + (a) Find the chargedensity everywhere.Showthe location of the charge distribution schematicallyon the figure above. //b Q€ rtr E:O t 77fE CbYDuc-7oKt Ss a fr- D = 6uRft.<-{/ 3=o €o Eo sl x r;'' c/^. = 44 ", E ?- (b) Estimate the time scaleto reach the steady-statechargedistribution. S€uqe,rz fl,vtv 7-= w Ttrt ffitul1 CoUSf-/4\N--7j t6^ )N g ls 1Yl;t1 EXPrtn'tNA7fu ( So;{ f}orvs Z- (") Is there a force on the conductor? If so, draw the direction of the force and calculatethe magnitude. ?er<o TS fuXC€ N6T 1Eo -t Eo t 1= St'A (d) Now a dielectricobject is placedin the field as shownbelow. Half of the material has dielectricconstante1: 2 while the other half has €z: 4. Is there a forceon the obiect? If so. calculatethe masnitude and indicate the direction of the force. Es -4 -* + --+ + + -+ v \ -)> / V /Lt , +o 1,tt)T 43 4 7a -)> ryJt)rtD 'flfv CDF+€UV PoU#t?flcto S 4tut€ (N 7)+E Q v t r t o ^ / s ' S r= 1-ago(t* 1w o Z) = -!aue, S4- +{o6a(t-€)= A%E' € ( t S > t - ' - E ' E , ? , ) { - " € > ( ( - 2o s, -9:s -!rt / -41,€o Et = f z= ?3 +loEo'-A _J L( 4 €d Eu" -A 2 1 o Eutft ZF=O )y 5at-r (1oN9 3 . (30 poi,nts)A transmissionline is formed by running a single wire of radius o parallel to earth. The cross-sectionof the transmissionline is shown below. We wish to find the transmissionline parameters.You may assumethat the region abovethe wire is air and thus e x e6,p x lJ"s. \ O (a) Find the potential in the charge-freeregion f.ory ) 0. You may assumethat the wire radius is negligible. H'int: Use the method of images. '7V llt g tv oTL( e (e SWC€ Ex bLzrritoEr 9P - 8e I =--L bJ 6 1, tW€ r/ 2h s Z(co tat€T 9-/L r Lr-- ffi 3x"Lt / /8. t<-(tv V 6^/9s/ L^P / 0e + = O\.t lcatv 4 tr a%ot2 lrtzt'+G€> b^ ("n*+ b {,P-^(r- o\iI (b) Find the capacitanceper unit length of the line. \0 ( tr- | o NarE f (r') ?rtL6 x' + dz ^ l ^ .h l- = -y a{t$ -.a-,^ - \ lU - | I lc. I o= 0 ( r - ), 1 - a-.) tu 24Co ) a \LA-N 7r €o - Vo K u('4-'t f 4au, {l ous (c) Find the ind'uctanceper unit length of the line' L'Cl -- Vu € o Surtc-u L ( =aTTA r'^(1 -tl (d)CalculatetheshuntconductivelossG'perunitlength' RC= 6 Ca - <o ertr 4.1 _ l I a. that current (e) Estimate the seriesresistanceper unit length R'. You may assume flowsuniformlyinalayerofthicknessdalorrgtheouteredgesofthecondtrctors. Assumeearth ltas a conductivity of'o2' Hin't:' I]_ffi:^ 5a'vt-?c,c't 7 \ &rL(28 (T, Pl'{J Ll= -L Rlu,,ge e Tn*>= €cz'uD + Q-, o, (/+ Jnu, 3.*o= l^\^J I * f - 2na,b '1/f fi.D^lr=" (f) Calculatethe lirre characteristicimpedance' -rL'* il Ca Gl )u.'r f=-v/ E5 ( 1 = o ) T(*)= ii xn+ A' K{o Se u >( x ) 9.n ! 'l =) L lc (x"+au) ,j -d = y _ a ,K'+ d' = t"ts-++ Ce++ 6 "t lTf av L eP(k F f (* L \ ' tLX I \ c*'+'1")) = , = J We* 2rJ ) Ru* = drr- )4r4 5 h.- I t Q'* ?'crdt f 2r'L t JaLu Tl o pJ stores9ne-r'Yequal to i.CV2, and the 4. (10 points)Using the fact that a capacitor D, caiculatethe capacitanceof the electrostaticfield has energydensity of |E' stored in the cap to the energy following structure by equiing the totai energ'y fields' containedin the eleclrostaticfield. Neglectfringing r,_w1 i -! I T t €2 e1 ,: II I I I w Dt= tt €1 Dt= t7 9z- t 1,,E - D o t v + t fr. E'D (,-',) I +\ L c(= ct Vo' Wr t1 L , f r \ / (Ls-utt) 5z /{. vu' Z