XXIV. NOISE IN ELECTRON DEVICES Prof. R. B. Adler Prof. H. A. Haus Prof. J. B. Wiesner R. P. Rafuse RESEARCH OBJECTIVES While our work on the general problem of noise in linear networks came to a conclusion with the publication of Technology Press Research Monograph No. 2, "Circuit Theory of Linear Noisy Networks," by H. A. Haus and R. B. Adler (published jointly by the Technology Press of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1959), related special problems continue to emerge. These are conveniently handled by the general methods developed in the monograph, and we shall continue to present applications of the general theory to cases of current interest as they arise. R. B. Adler A. MEASUREMENT OF ABSOLUTE NOISE PERFORMANCE OF PARAMETRIC AMPLIFIERS Any measurement procedure that is used to determine the absolute noise performance of a negative-resistance amplifier must necessarily include the behavior of the amplifier in cascade. For practical considerations (bandwidth, nonlinearity, and so on), one of the members of the cascade usually is chosen to be a unilateral, and inherently noisy, amplifier of a class whose normal performance is not as good as the This situation is, capabilities of the parametric amplifier. in fact, encountered if a negative-resistance amplifier is added to an existing system in order to improve its noise performance. It should be noted that devices with negative-real input and/or output impedances, as well as positive-real devices driven from sources with negative-real impedances, are capable of being characterized and analyzed within the framework of exchangeable A suitable model for a generalized unilat- gain, noise figure, and noise measure (1). eral noisy amplifier (2, 3) is shown in Fig. XXIV-1. The excess exchangeable noise figure for this representation is (F-1) = (R /R )+ G R (1) + 2p(R G n)/2 where This research was supported in part by Purchase Order Lincoln Laboratory, a center for research operated by M. I. T., the U.S. Air Force under Air Force Contract AF19(604)-5200. 205 DDL-B222 with which is supported by (XXIV. NOISE IN ELECTRON DEVICES) e i n n P= 2 _ _2.2 Figure XXIV-2 illustrates the behavior of (F-1) versus source resistance. minimum magnitude excess noise figures are The two (F+ -1) = 2(1+p)(RnGn)/2 (2) (F -1) = -2(1-p)(R G )/2 (3) g, o opt (R/Gnll/2 for Rg opt = ±(R/G)/, respectively. Penfield has derived a simple model for the signal-frequency behavior of a lossy varactor (4, 5). He also has shown that the best performance is obtained with the diode series resistance as the total idler circuit load. Figure XXIV-3 gives two models for the signal-frequency behavior of a lossy varactor for which m = Penfield modulation ratio (m max < 1/Tr) Oc = diode cutoff frequency = 1/RsCmin w. = idler frequency Ws = signal frequency R s C R = series loss = average capacity d 2 m w. _ 1 2 w c R C s m 2 2 C c W. O G R 22 s 2C2 s o s 1+ M e (4) s 22 C2 s o 2 m cc -2 m c R s W . s 1 s (F-l) Co T. O - (l1/G) wi T 0 wi T s 1 P T R i R s +Rdd The best value of Me is obtained when Rd = Rd, max (strong pumping). 206 e n = 4kT o RnAf NOISE NOISELESS NETWORK NETWORK AMPLIFIER NOISY Fig. XXIV-1. [T]= ' =4kTGn Af R Any linear noisy two-port can Characterization of a noisy amplifier. be separated into a noiseless two-port preceded by a pair of correlated noise generators. (F- I) C+ + Rg (F_- I) Rg,opt+ Fig. XXIV-2. /G n Exchangeable excess noise figure. The two branches corresponding to ±R are particularly convenient when cascading. When the output g impedance of the preceding stage is negative, its exchangeable gain is also negative, and a definite contribution to over-all noise-figure results. Rd Rs Co -00OIR Fig. XXIV-3. Signal-frequency varactor models. A parallel equivalent circuit for the Penfield model is derived. 207 (XXIV. NOISE IN ELECTRON DEVICES) NEGATIVE - RESISTANCE AMPLIFIER L Rs -G0 IDEAL en yNI i IDEAL SECOND STAGE Fig. XXIV-4. Figure XXIV-4 Model of a negative-resistance amplifier in cascade with a noisy second stage. A signal-frequency model of a parametric amplifier is cascaded with a generalized noisy second stage. Two separate over-all noise figure expressions are necessary for the two regions. presents a typical signal-frequency equivalent circuit for a "two- tank" parametric amplifier. The behavior of the cascade noise figure versus Rg is -1 characterized by two regions for R (F12-1)G = OR o, opt and for R < /N 2 g (N2G, \o, max) max ~ For R g > 1/N 2 G o,max + (F/R ) + A (7) g Go, max (F12-1)G 2R = + (/R g) + X (8) g o, max where (FZ-1) (F 1 2 -1) = (F 1 -1) + e, 1 It is apparent from the expression for noise measure G M =M el2 el + AM of any cascade (1), -1 (9) - 1 e\G e12 that if Me, 1 is optimized by making Rd = Rd, max' then Me, is optimized by making 12 AMe a minimum and Ge, 1a maximum. This may be achieved in practice by pumping the varactor as hard as possible (achieving m max), adjusting the turns ratio of the first max transformer, N, in such a way that N2R (Go, )- (G oo), and simultaneously adjusting the second transformer turns ratio 'yN - oo, with the result that the impedance seen by the second stage is Rg, opt (from Fig. XXIV-2). The over-all exchangeable gain will be infinite in the limit, and Me, 12 reduces to (F 12 The calculated values of 0, F, A, -1). 4, 0£, and X necessary to predict the cascade 208 (XXIV. NOISE IN ELECTRON DEVICES) noise figure for non-optimum conditions are: 22 (1-p S= Gn n P y 1 aR To \ + y T. 1 N2 aR o Y2 R yR il . T oN 2 1+ T. s T W. n R s/ aR a y T.i a(R )2 s+ o T 2 1 o 2y R si n 42 n n 4N2Rw n 2 (coT.) s i 1 2 Rn W. T 0 4y R n / I (G n/R n)1 n2 oT P I RG 2R3 s 2 2 4\ - 2a R s s W. Ti 1 o/ 2 S T. s 1+P . T 1 o i To [yN] (10) Rn s (11) P i 1i o [y N]2R s n FaRZ 2pR ( ns )/J 1 aR 2 1/ + (G /R Co P + -- (12) 1P Pi s WiT o (yN) 2 R where 2 W2 coC so l + W2C 2 R 2 SOS These values are calculated under the constraint that G is always adjusted (by varying the pump amplitude) so that the over-all noise figure is a minimum for any Rg (provided that G o, max is not reached). The other parameters 2 (13) n Co T. 2= s - + N2G o. T + 2 2 N4R G n o 1 o max C T P (2 2 G +G max X = 2p(R G )1/2 - 2(yN) n + aR N 2 - aR2N2G max 1 oT s - 2p(R Gn ) 1/2 N 2 G nn s Oma x (14) max (15) R G max 209 y=co 12 2 10 _A -p i/N 2 Go,max 0 Fig. XXIV-5. Theoretical behavior of cascade noise figure versus R g and y. 2.0 1.5 1.0 L 0 Fig. XXIV-6. 100 200 300 Excess noise figure for an experimental second stage; (F 2 -1) versus source resistance was measured for a typical 108-mc receiver. The values of R n , G n, and p are calculated from the measured values, and the curve is drawn from these values. (F 12 -I ) 2.0 oMEASURED 0 1.0 - I' \ R:I/N2 G R/ 2 o,m ax 100 Fig. XXIV-7. 200 300 Theoretical and experimental behavior of over-all excess noise figure. The theoretical noise-figure performance for an experimental cascade is compared with the measured performance. 210 NOISE IN ELECTRON DEVICES) (XXIV. hold for values of Rg < (N2G -1 max)1 Illustrated in Fig. XXIV-5 is the behavior of (F 12 -1) versus y and Rg. it is necessary to know the extent to which the optimization procedure tical reasons, These relations should be continued for a given varactor and a given second stage. (Eqs. For prac- 10-15) are all that are necessary. Table XXIV-1. Numerical values of A, elements characterizing fier, and those derived values for the six basic for two values of y. 0, r, X, £2, and (D. From the necessary an experimental negative-resistance amplifrom the second stage, a set of numerical parameters are derived. These are shown y=l y=2 = 65.7 = 1.4 X 10 i = 252.8 = 4.5 X 10-2 r -2 0 = 5. 3 X 10-3 = -1. 28 £ = 3.0 X 10 A = 0. 14 r - 2 X = -5.33 = 4.5 X 102 0 = 1.32 X 10 - 3 A = 0. 14 Figures XXIV-6 and XXIV-7 and Table XXIV-1 contain data on a specific experimental cascade. R It is apparent that (F12-1)best is nearly achieved by a combination of = 100 ohms (with N 2 g = 50) and y = 2. It is interesting to note that, if the signal cir- cuit is loaded too heavily (N small), a much poorer performance results. The agree- ment between theory and experiment indicates that the models chosen are adequate; the optimization procedure is evident from the curves of Fig. XXIV-7. In conclusion, it can be shown that, as y becomes very large, r, 0, and A reduce to o T.R s p 1 .T N 2 (16) 10 co T. (17) N2 i W. T 1 0 (aR aR) w. T 1 (18) s 0 These values result in oT (Fs F12 op t o.1 T 0 0. OT P 1 T0 41/2 (aR2-a2 R4 -a saR for R o-1/2 2)] 2 - N2(a-aZ R s/ I g, opt (19) R. P. Rafuse 211 (XXIV. NOISE IN ELECTRON DEVICES) References 1. H. A. Haus and R. B. Adler, Circuit Theory uf Linear Noisy Networks (The Technology Press, Cambridge, Mass., and John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1950). 2. A. networks, 3. H. G. Th. Becking, H. Groendijk, and K. S. Knol, The noise factor of 4-terminal Philips Research Reports 10, 349-357 (1955). Rothe and W. Dahlke, Theory of noisy four-poles, Proc. IRE 44, 811-817 (1956). 4. H. A. Haus and P. Penfield, Jr., On the noise performance of parametric amplifiers, Internal Memorandum No. 19, Energy Conversion Group, Department of Electrical Engineering, M.I.T., Aug. 11, 1959 (unpublished). 5. P. Penfield, Jr., Interpretation of some varactor amplifier noise formulas, Internal Memorandum, Microwave Associates, Inc., Burlington, Massachusetts, Sept. 1, 1959 (unpublished). 212