Management of Natural Resources in Riparian Corridors

of Natural Resources inRiparianCorridors
Leonard F. DeBano, School of RenewableNaturalResources, University of Arizona,TucsonAZ 85721;
JohnN. Rinne, and Malchus B. Baker, Jr., Rocky MountainResearch Station,USDA ForestService,
FlagstaffAZ 86001
Ripariancorridorsareimportantcomponentsof the diverse landscapefoundin the Southwestalthoughthey occupy
less than2% of the total landarea.Historicallythese ripariancorridorshave provideda productiveenvironmentfor sustainingdiverseplantand animalscommunities,includinghumans.Riparianplantcommunitiescan be foundoccupying
the streambanksof perennial,ephemeral,and intermittentstreams.The ripariancorridorssharenumerouscomplexbiological, physical,andchemicallinkageswith the surroundingwatershed.Also these moist streamsideenvironmentsprovide criticalhabitatfor many species offish, mammals,birds, amphibians,and reptiles, many of which are currently
threatenedor endangered.Past uses for livestock grazing, wood cutting,recreation,and waterwithdrawalandtransfer
have destroyedmany of the formerlyproductiveripariancorridors.Managementof existing corridorsand restoration
concernsare thereforehigh priorityconcernsto present-dayland managers.
Riparianareas provide ecologically important
habitatsin Arizona,andthe Southwest,becausethey
possess a unique combination of hydrologic, biologic, and geomorphologic features (DeBano and
Baker 1999; Rinne in press a, b, c, d) (Fig. 1). Comparedwith other land forms, a combinationof high
species diversity, species density, and biological
productivitycharacterizesriparianareas (Johnson
and Jones 1977, Hoover et al. 1985). These highly
sensitive areas support plant communities interrelated with the surroundingwatershed. Riparian
plant communitiesare importantbecause they:
• Determinethe qualityof the associatedaquatic
• Provide a vegetative buffer for bottomland
stabilityduringoverlandwater flows;
• Offerseasonalandyear-longhabitatsto diverse
wildlife populations;
• Attractandaccommodateimportantrecreational
• Createa pleasing combinationof land, water,
vegetation, and wildlife, which is aesthetically
valuable (Hoover et al. 1985).
Southwesternriparianplant communities provide
valuable habitats for many threatenedand endangered plant and animal species (Rinne in press a)
(Fig. 2). Riparianecosystems have also played a
vital role in the settlement and occupancy of the
Southwest, and they continue to be importantto
regional societies.
This paperpresentsan overview of the characteristics, ecological relationships,and uses associated with the riparianecosystems. We also present
past and present management practices, and their
Figure 1. Riparianvegetationresponseto livestock
shownhere in the VerdeRiver,Arizona,occupy<2%of
theSouthwestdesertlandscape,theyare a vitalresourceto
manyanimalandplant species.Restorationof these
habitatsis a prime objectiveof landmanagers.
Figure 2. Thethreatenedspikedace(Medafulgid^),once
widespreadthroughoutthe GilaRiverbasinin Arizonaand
New Mexico,is now only in the GilaRiverheadwatersof
DeBano, L. F., J. N. Rinne,and M.B. Baker, Jr. 2003. Management of natural resources in riparian corridors.
Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science 35(1 ):58-70. ©2003 Leonard F. DeBano, John N. Rinne,and
Malchus B. Baker, Jr.
ManagingNatural Resources in Riparian Corridors + DeBano, Rinne,and Baker
Riparianareas supportedearly humancivilizations throughoutthe southwesternUnited Statesfor
thousandsof yearsby providingdrinkingwater,irrigation water, firewood as fuel for heating and
cooking, game, fish (Minckley and Alger 1968),
edible plants, and other amenities.The availability
of waterin these riparianecosystems allowed dense
and highly complex pre-Columbian societies to
exist and flourishin the inhospitableclimate of the
Southwest. The Hohokam irrigated and farmed
areasin the Salt River Valley,the SantaCruzRiver,
the San Pedro River, and other river valleys in
Arizonabetween 900 and 1400 A.D. (Tellmanet al.
1997). Their extensive irrigation systems significantly affected Southwesternriparianecosystems.
During Spanish exploration in the 1600s and
later during Anglo settlement in the late 1800s,
people depended on riparian ecosystems in the
Southwestto satisfy theirwaterneeds, and those of
theirlivestock and agriculturalcrops. Althoughthe
Spanishdidnot establishtowns untilthe secondhalf
of the eighteenthcentury,they foundedmissions in
1732 at Bac andGuevari (Sheridan1995, Scurlock
1998). WhenAnglo explorersarrivedin the 1800s,
many riverbottomswere alreadyheavily impacted
(JohnsonandCarothers1982). People settlingin the
Southwestprobablydidnotrecognizethe sensitivity
of riparianareas to concentrateduse. As a result,
they quickly stressed the water, grass, and timber
resourcesin these attractiveriversideenvironments
(MinckleyandRinne 1985). Exploitationof riparian
areas continuedafter Spanish and Mexican settlement.
Late in the 1950s and early 1960s, people
viewed riparian ecosystems mainly as a water
source. As populations grew, demands for more
water-dominatedriparianarea management. This
focus resulted in riparian area destruction in an
attempt to salvage water (Horton and Campbell
1974). However, by the 1970s, people were
beginningto understandthat riparianareas were a
critical part of the landscape (Johnson and Jones
1977). Wildlife biologists understoodthat riparian
areasprovidedessential habitatsfor many animals
including fish, birds, mammals, and amphibians.
Also, by the mid to late 1980s, managersbegan to
applythe conceptof ecosystem managementwhich
integrates the physical, chemical, and biological
processes,alongwith socioeconomic concerns,into
Although riparianecosystems occupy <2% of
the total land area of Arizona, they are the most
productiveand unique of all the state'secosystems.
Southwesternriparianecosystems are saturatedin
diverse ecological and climatic environmentsthat
range from high-elevation montaneforests to lowelevation desertshruband grasslands(Szaro 1989).
Some majorriver drainages,andtheirtributaries,in
Arizona that support riparianecosystems include
• Lower Colorado River (from Lee's Ferry in
northernArizona to the Gulf of Mexico);
• Gila, Salt, and VerdeRivers in centralArizona;
• Santa Cruz and San Pedro Rivers in southern
Arizona(Brownand Davis 1977, Rinne in press
Riparian communities in these river environmentsexist mainlyalong streamchannelswhere surface or near surface water is present regularly
throughoutthe year. The streamsare either perennial, intermittent,or ephemeral. Headwaters for
these majorrivers supportnarrowstrips of riparian
vegetation(called stringers)alongperennialstreams
at high elevations. Otherriparianand wetland ecosystems are wet meadows called cienegas at elevations 1,000 m and higher (Hendrickson and
Minckley 1985), and mesic areas found around
water storage structuresat all elevations (DeBano
and Schmidt 1989).
Physiography,Geology,and Soils
A wide range of geologic events and processes
has shapedArizona'sgeology for at least 1.8billion
years (Nations and Stump 1981, Chronic 1983,
Hendricks 1985). Arizona is composed of three
physiographic provinces- the Basin and Range
provincein the southandwest, the ColoradoPlateau
in the northand east, and the TransitionZone. The
Basin and Range province is intensively deformed
and occurs as numerous elevated and depressed
blocks. Both desertsandmountainousareasmakeup
the major subdivision of the Basin and Range. In
contrast,the Colorado Plateauhas only undergone
moderatedeformationprocesses.Betweenthese two
contrastingphysiographicprovinces is the Transition Zone, which consists of many canyons and
large structuraltroughs.
The rock in the Basin and Range province
ranges from Precambrianto Quaternary.Igneous,
metamorphic,and sedimentaryrock are well represented throughout the province. Igneous rocks
include granites and volcanic rocks (Hendricks
1985). The sedimentaryrocks are in the intermontane basins where gravels, sands, silts, clays, marl,
gypsum,and salt representa combinationof fluvial,
lacustrine,colluvial, and alluvial fan deposits that
supporta wide range of ripariancommunities. In
Managingnatural resources inripariancorridors + DeBano,Rinne,andBaker
contrast,the ColoradoPlateauis composed of thick
layers of gently dipping sedimentary rocks that
eroded to form prominent plateaus dissected by
deep canyons. Volcanoes occurringduringthe late
Cenozoic Period addedto the geologic diversityby
formingprominentmountainssuch as the San Francisco Peaks near Flagstaff.
Soils in high elevations are consolidatedor unconsolidatedalluvial sedimentsfrom a wide range
of granitic,metamorphic,and sedimentarybedrock
materials,which form the surroundinghigh-elevation uplands(Hendricks1985). Soil depths vary in
riparianecosystems, dependinglargely on the topographicsetting andparentmaterials.Soils in mountainousareas are usually shallow,rocky, and gravelly. This contrasts with soils on low-elevation
floodplainsthat, althoughthey exhibit little profile
development,were recently deposited and are uniform within horizontal strata.Alluvial soils in all
ecosystemsaresubjectto frequentflooding andcontain a range of textures.Riparianecosystems are in
widely different geomorphologic environments,
which vary fromnarrow,deep, steep-walledcanyon
bottomsto intermediatelyexposed sites with at least
one terraceor bench to exposed, wide valleys with
Climateand HydrologicFeatures
Climaticcharacteristicsof riparianecosystems
exhibit a wide range of conditions due to extreme
elevation differences and the distributionof associated mountain ranges and deserts. Although the
climate of Arizona is generally arid, variations in
moisture and temperatureexist between the high
mountainand the low desert environments(Green
andSellers 1964, DeBano andBaker 1999). Annual
precipitationranges from <5 cm in the low-lying
desertsto >76 cm in high-elevationmixed-conifer
forests (Rinne 1995). In low-elevation environments, annualprecipitationis limited to only a few
months in the summer (July-September)and the
winter (November-March),which causes frequent
and long droughtperiods duringthe remainderof
the year.In Arizona, about50%of the precipitation
at high elevations falls as rain or snow between
November and April. Although intensity is low,
these winter stormsrelease large amountsof water
that sustainperennialstreamflow.Another 35% of
the high-elevation precipitationfalls from July to
Septemberas localized, intensestorms,which significantlyaffect erosionandsedimentationprocesses.
The remainingannualprecipitationhas little hydrologic importancebecause it is so small and infrequent.From the northernregions of Arizona heading south, summerrain amounts increase because
most summerstormsoriginatein the Gulf of Mexi-
co andmove north(Greenand Sellers 1964). A key
characteristicof Arizona's ripariansystems is the
general availabilityof waterthroughoutthe year or
at least duringthe growing season.
The hydrologic processes importantin riparian
stream dynamics reflect the climatic regime described.Runoffmagnitudeandtiming are influenced
by whether the precipitationfalls as rain or snow.
Sediment movement and channel configurations
depend on the size and intensityof the rain storms.
Streamflow generated by the climatic regime
described is importantto maintain riparianareas
throughoutArizona. Most streamsin low-elevation
desert environments are intermittent. Generally,
water flows in these streams during the winter
months or infrequentlyduringthe summer in response to convection storms (Hibbert et al. 1977).
Although streamflowin the low-elevation environments is usually ephemeralor intermittent,riparian
vegetation often occupies the adjacentflood plains
because the water table is near the surfacefor most
of the year. Potential evapotranspirationexceeds
precipitation in the desert environments.At high
elevations, precipitation is generally sufficient to
sustainlongerstreamflowperiods.Perennialstreamflow is common in many high-elevation streams,
where it provides a reliable source of water to
sustainriparianplant communities.
Riparianvegetationoccupiesthebanksof perennial, ephemeral,and intermittentstreams.However,
water that flows into streamside riparian zones
differs significantlybetween perennialstreamsand
intermittent or ephemeral streams. In perennial
streamsthatflow in moremesic environments,such
as the easternUnited States,precipitationinfiltrates
into the soil and is delivereddownslope as groundwater into the riparianzone and associatedstreams.
During this type of water flow, the riparianvegetation acts as a buffer by removing source and nonpoint sourcepollutantsreleasedfromthe watershed
In contrast, in arid environments,such as the
southwesternUnited States,surfacerunoffis important process because the sparsevegetationcover on
a watershed does not protect the soil surface from
high-intensityconvectionrainstorms.Therefore,surface runoff quickly reaches dry ephemeral and
intermittentstreams,whereit becomes channelflow
without filtering into the groundwaterto perennial
streams(Martiet al. 2000). Whenthis occurs,water
in streamsideriparianzones, which borderintermittent andephemeralstreams,is replenishedby stream
bank recharge.This type of streambank recharge
eliminates the buffering capacity of the on-site
ManagingNatural Resources in Riparian Corridors + DeBano, Rinne,and Baker
riparian vegetation, thus, upstream contaminants
might travel considerable distances downstream
SedimentMovementand ChannelDynamics
The storageandmovementof sedimentthrough
the channelsystemaffects how riparianecosystems
in Arizona function (DeBano et al. 1996, DeBano
and Baker 1999). Generally,the transportof sedimentinto andthroughriparianecosystems throughout the Southwest is episodic because only infrequent,largestormsprovidesufficientstreamflowto
move the sedimentthat has been deposited in the
streamsystems earlier duringsmaller storms. The
intermittentstorage and subsequentmovement of
sediment throughchannel systems in response to
disturbancesare complex processes (Heede et al.
1988). The loss of plantcoverassociatedwith either
managementpracticesor wildland fire, which produces sufficient surface runoff and streamflowto
move sediment that was previously stored in the
channel system (DeBano et al. 1998), is an important disturbancefactor.
Channeldynamicsin areassupportingriparian
ecosystems depend on the movement of sediment
from hillslopes into the channel systems. Disturbances, such as road construction,timberharvesting, grazing,andfire, can cause excessive sediment
movement. In intermittentsystems, sediment is
deposited in the channel until a sufficiently large
streamfloweventmoves the sedimentfartherdownstream. Sediment can be stored in a channel for
many years, making it difficult to interpretthe
sediment-generatingprocesses (Heede et al. 1988).
Althoughsuspendedsedimentis usually the largest
portion of the total sediment moved in a channel,
the bedload component is importantto determine
the channel structure, and its dynamics (Heede
1980). The episodic movementof sediment,involving both aggradationand degradation,also affects
the stability of downstreamriparianecosystems.
Riparian vegetation in Arizona is extremely
diverseandreflectsa wide rangeof site-specificdifferences in climate, water availability, and soil,
geomorphologic,and geologic conditions (Brown
1982, Szaro 1989).Althoughstudieshave described
several classification systems (Johnson and Lowe
1985, Szaro 1989), in this chapter,a generalized
systemusingthreetypes of ecosystemsis presented.
The classification system used here categorizes
vegetation into the following three classes, which
are delineatedby elevation.
Riparianecosystems below 1,000 m are associatedwithperennial,intermittent,andephemeral
rivers, with broad alluvial floodplains and terraced bottoms. These sites currently support
high densities of deep-rooted trees including
saltcedar (Tamarix pentandra), sycamore
(Platanus wrightii), cottonwood (Populus
fremontii), palo verde (Parkinsoniaspp.), and a
wide range of herbaceous plants (e.g., Carex
spp.,Juncus spp.,Eleocharisspp.,Scirpusspp.).
Before intensive settlement in New Mexico,
Arizona,andsouthernCalifornia,many of these
rivers were perennial, and were lined with
riparian communities dominated by willow
(Salix spp.), cottonwood, and mesquite
(Prosopis spp.) (Minckley and Rinne 1985).
Today, only a few of the large rivers that
traverse the low-elevation deserts maintain a
perennialflow (e.g., the lower ColoradoRiver).
Past timberharvestingand regulatingthe flow
of large rivers has destroyed many original
riparianareas. As a result, only a few of the
formerlywidespreadmesquitebosques remain,
and saltcedar and Russian olive {Elaeagnus
angustifolia) have replaced most of the large
cottonwood and willow galleries.
• Riparianecosystems between 1,000 and 2,000
m containthe greatestnumberof plant species
and the most canopy cover. Cottonwood,willow, sycamore, ash (Fraxinus velutina), and
with three or four species often growing
together, along with several species of herbaceous plants. These species usually grow as
narrow strips along mainly intermittentand
ephemeral streams, although some perennial
streams exist at intermediate elevations.
Chaparral, pinyon-juniper (Pinus-Juniperus)
woodlands, and encinal (oak [Quercus])woodlands often occupy the watershedssurrounding
the mid-elevationriparianecosystems.
• Above 2,000 m, willow, chokecherry(Prunus
virens),boxelder(Acernegundo),Rocky Mountainmaple (Acerglabrum),andvariousconiferous treesandherbaceousplantsdominatestream
channels.In some locations, cienegas and other
wetland communities occupy areas that have
excessive perennial soil moisture. Ponderosa
pine (Pinus ponderosa) and mixed conifer
forests occupy the surrounding watersheds,
some aspen (Populus tremuloides)stands, and
Both vegetationandtopographyaffect sediment
movement and storage. Vegetation dissipates
streamflow energy and stabilizes stream banks
(Medina 1995, Brooks et al. 1997). Decreasingflow
Managingnatural resources inripariancorridors + DeBano,Rinne,andBaker
velocity allows more water to infiltrate into the
streambank,whichrechargesgroundwater.The dissipation of energy and increase in infiltrationprevents excessive erosion, maintains the physical
stabilityof the riparianecosystem, and encourages
riparianvegetation establishment.
Riparianecosystems provide food, water, and
cover for many differentkinds of wildlife. Species
of fish, mammals,birds, amphibians,and reptiles
thrive in the water and lush vegetation providedby
cool, shaded streamsideenvironments.In Arizona
andNew Mexico, 80%of all vertebratesdependon
riparianecosystems duringat least half of their life
cycle, and more than half are totally dependenton
riparianareas (Chaney et al. 1990). Additionally,
many of these wildlife species are eitherthreatened
or endangered.
Native fish species arein high mountainstreams
(elevations > 1,800 m), streamsat intermediateelevations (1,800 to 3,600 m) and streamsin the low
desert (elevations < 1,800 m) (Rinne and Minckley
1991, Rinne in press a). Riparianecosystems provide criticalhabitatsfor about40 native fish species
in the Southwest (Rinne 1994, 1996). In Arizona
alone, 21 of the 27 native fish species are threatened, endangered, or are being considered for
listing. Native trout species, including the Apache
{Oncorhynchusapache), the Gila trout (O. gilae),
and the Rio Grandecutthroat(O. clarki virginalis),
are found in high-elevation mountain streams
(Rinne 1982, 1985, 1988; Calamusso and Rinne
1998, in press) (Fig. 3). The high-elevationriparian
habitats also provide stable channels; a sustained
supplyof clean, cool water;shelterfor insects under
overhangingvegetation,which producesvegetative
matterfor fish and otheraquaticlife; and a diverse
mixtureof grasses, forbs, shrubs,and trees.
Streamsat intermediateelevations supportseveralspecies of short-livedminnows (e.g., spikedace
[Medafulgida]) and longer-lived suckersand minnows (e. g., Sonoransucker,[Catostomusinsignis])
(Rinne in press a). The physical conditions of
streamsat intermediateelevations are highly variable, and water temperatureranges from 2°C to
30°C in the summerand from 12°C to 25°C in the
winter.Streamflowat these intermediateelevations
is also highly variableduringthe year,varyingfrom
intermittentflows in the fall months, to sustained
perennial flow duringthe winter, and flash floods
duringthe summermonsoon season. Fish communities in the low-desertrivers(riverineenvironments)
contain species such as roundtail chub (Gila
robusta),speckled dace (Rhinichthysosculus),bluehead mountain-sucker(Pantosteusdiscobolus),and
the flannelmouthsucker (C. latipinnis) (Rinne in
press a). Low-desertriverenvironmentsareusually
remnantsof regional rivers such as the Salt, Gila,
Verde,SanPedro,andSantaCruzRiversin Arizona.
The streamflowin many low desertstreamsis intermittentbecausethe wateris often divertedfor irrigation, industrial,and domesticuse (Rinne in pressb).
Also, native Southwestern fish are subjected to
additional threats including aquifers pumping
(Neary and Rinne 2001, Wirth and Hjalmarson
2000), water diversions, and competition from
introducedfish species (Rinne 1995, in press a, b).
A wide range of large and small mammalspartially or wholly depend on healthy riparianecosystems. Importantspecies of large mammals include
mule deer(Odocoileus hemionus),white-taileddeer
(O. virginianus), elk (Cervus elaphus), coyote
(Canis latrans), raccoon (Procyon lotor), and the
river otter (Lutra longicaudis), which was once
extinctin Arizonabutwas successfullyreintroduced
in the Verde River. These mammals use riparian
habitatfor food andwater,cover fromheatandcold,
cover from predators, and breeding and rearing
areas. Beavers (Castor canadensis) were once
widespread- they occupied most Southwestern
streams and rivers. Beginning in the early in the
1800s, trappingand extensive habitatmodification
dramatically reduced beaver numbers (Sheridan
1995). Small rodents, such as the desert pocket
mouse (Perognathus penicillatus), Merriam's
kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami), and cactus
mouse (Peromyscuseremicus),also dependon Arizona'sriparianecosystems (Andersonet al. 1977).
Figure 3. The endangeredGila trout,once widespread
in the Gila River headwatersin Arizona and New
Mexico, now lives in <5 streams naturallyand 12
streams due to restorationefforts.
ManagingNatural Resources in RiparianCorridors + DeBano, Rinne,and Baker
Riparianecosystems provide food, cover, and
nesting sites for birds ranging in size from hummingbirdsto eagles andareeitherresidentor migratory populations.Rapidlygrowing riparianvegetation provides a multistoriedhabitat, and old trees
with holes or cavities providehomes for many bird
species. Examples of birds found in Southwest
riparianecosystems include vermilion flycatchers
(Pyrocephalus rubinus), yellow warblers
(Dendroicapetechia),orioles {Icterusspp.), ladderbacked woodpeckers (Dendrocopis scalaris),
mourning doves (Zenaida macroura), violetcrowned hummingbirds(Amazilia violiceps), elegant trogons (Trogonelegans), and tropical kingbirds (Tyrannus melancholicus) (Wauer 1977,
Brown and Davis 1998). Large predatory birds,
such as the black hawk (Buteogallus anthracinus)
and the great horned owl (Bubo virginianus),
depend on riparianecosystems for survival. Bald
eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in areas with
permanentwater to supportfish, which are a food
in the Southwest provide an importantsource of
food and cover for birds that migrate south in the
winter and north in the summer (Stevens et al.
1977). Speciesof neotropicalmigrantsareabundant
in many Southwestern riparian ecosystems and
include the black-chinned hummingbird
(Archilochusalexandri),the black-headedgrosbeak
(Pheucticusmelanocephalus),andtheblue grosbeak
(Guiracacaerulea) (Yong and Finch 1996).
Amphibiansand Reptiles
Amphibianandreptilespecies in the Southwest
depend on water provided by riparian habitats.
Amphibiansinclude toads (Bufo spp.), spadefoot
(Scaphiopus spp.), frogs (Rana spp.), and salamanders(Ambystomaspp.) (Rosen et al. 1998). The
Chiricahualeopardfrog (R. onca) is an endangered
amphibianthatis decliningprecipitouslyin population andwas thoughtextinctin the 1950s (Sredland
Howland 1995).
Severalspecies of reptilesthatrequirethe moist
environmentto complete their life cycle are the
yellow mud turtle (Kinosternon flavescens),
Sonoranmudturtle(K. sonoriense),Mexicangarter
snake (Thamnophiseques), checkeredgartersnake
(T. marcianus),and the black-necked gartersnake
(T. crytopsis) (Lowe 1985). The Arizona skink
(Eumecesgilberti arizonensis),the Sonoranwhipsnake (Masticophis hobartsmithii),and the ringneckedsnake(Diadophisbilineatus)areconfinedto
riparianareas(Jones and Glinski 1985).
Many physical, biological, and chemical links
exist amongandwithinthe streams,riparianvegetation, and the surroundingwatershed (Baker et al.
1998). Processes that areresponsiblefor the continual flux of water, air mass, dissolved particulate
matter, organisms and energy occur within and
amongthe stream,riparianvegetation,andsurrounding watershed.Specific processes involved include
runoff, erosion, sedimentation, groundwater
recharge and movement, nutrient cycling, food
webs, streamflow,water nutrient enrichment,and
waterandnutrientexchangesin the hyporehiczone.
This zone lies below the stream bed and extends
laterallybeneaththe streambankto form an areaof
saturatedsediments(Boulton2000), andis a biologically active area that traps,transforms,and mineralizes organic carbon and contained energy,which
otherwise are transporteddownstream(Kaplanand
surface runoff and erosion have the most obvious
linkswith the watershed,streamsideriparianvegetation, and streamflow (DeBano and Baker 1999).
Runoff and erosion processes are key factors that
affect the stabilityof landwithinthe stream-channel
network, the riparianarea, and on the surrounding
watershed.As discussed, water falling on the soil
surfaceof a watershedmay reachthe streamchannel
via differentroutingpathsdependingon whetherthe
streamis perennial,intermittent,or ephemeral.
Groundwateris less obviously linked with the
watershedand the riparianand aquaticzones. Contributing water to streams, groundwatercontains
manydissolvedmaterialsthataffectthe riparianarea
riparianareasvia groundwaterflow arenitrogenand
phosphorus,which are importantto streamecology
because they limit the primary productivity of
Food webs also provide links within and
between the terrestrialand aquatic componentsof
riparian ecosystems. These pathways represent a
flow of energy throughthe ecosystems, or through
parts of them. Membersof the food web vary from
unicellularprotozoaandlargeinsects thatlive in the
streams to birds and mammals residing in the
streamsideand watershedenvironments.
An especially importantlinkbetweenthe stream
andthe adjacentriparianareais the hyporheiczone.
A dynamicexchangeof waterandmaterialsbetween
the groundwaterbelow, lateralalluvial aquifers,and
the river flowing above occurs in the hyporheic
zone. The flow of waterthroughthe hyporheiczone
Managingnatural resources in riparian corridors + DeBano, Rinne,and Baker
promotesbiochemicalprocesses that are important
for water quality and to aquatic habitats.Waterin
perennial streamsenters the hyporheic zone at the
head of the riffle (i.e., down welling) andreturnsto
the streamat the tail of the riffle (i.e., up welling).
As water flows through the hyporheic zone,
microbial and chemical processes, which include
transforming nutrients, consuming oxygen,
decomposing organic matter, and other activities,
alter its chemistry (Boulton 2000). The hyporheic
zone also exists in intermittent and ephemeral
streams(Martiet al. 2000).
Many links involve nutrient cycling. The
regularand consistentcycling of nutrientsis essential for plantgrowth,and the sustainedproductivity
of naturalecosystems. Nutrients cycle continually
within and among terrestrial,riparian,and aquatic
systems. The most importantnutrientsin natural
ecosystems are carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus.
Carbon is important as a source of energy for
biological processes (e.g., decomposition,respiration) and as a reservoir for all the other plant
nutrients.Organicmatter is created when gaseous
carbon from the atmosphereis convertedto living
plant biomass during photosynthesis. Other nutrients enter the system via the soil by naturalprocesses suchas precipitation,dryfall (e.g., particulates
containedin dustandsmoke), nitrogenfixation,and
geochemical weathering. The main source of
nitrogen in the ecosystem is through nitrogen
fixation- precipitationanddryfall areothersources
of ecosystem nitrogen.
other uses in riparianecosystems is a criticalmanagement concern. Animal use in riparianecosystems:
• Removes the protectiveherbaceouscover;
• Compactsthe soil throughhoof action;
• Interferes with the reproduction of native
• Degradeswater quality with fecal materialand
• Creates unstable streambanksand erosion by
trailingand concentratedtrampling.
Overgrazing,whichoften severelydeterioratesriparian habitats, adversely affects many wildlife
species. Protecting critical riparian habitats for
threatenedandendangeredanimal(Rinne 1999) and
plant species is a focus of many grazing management plans for many riparianecosystems.
To protect riparianecosystems, managers are
evaluatingthe following grazingstrategies.
• Constructingriparianfences to exclude, either
completely or during critical seasons, certain
areasfrom grazing (Platts 1991);
• Developing plant-use standardsto help critical
plant species; and
• Implementingdifferentpasturerotationplansto
Use and Management
of RiparianAreas
People use riparianecosystems in Arizona for
timber production, livestock grazing, floodplain
farming,groundwaterpumping, and water-control
projects(JohnsonandCarothers1982). Inresponse,
managersimplementspecial managementpractices
to try to mediate the increasing competition for a
finite water supply among many different users
(DeBano and Baker 1999).
Grazingand LivestockProduction
In Arizona, livestock grazing by Spanish
explorers occurred along permanent streams that
providedthe animalswith shade, water,and forage
(Scurlock 1998). Ranchersare beginning to understand the negative impacts of domestic livestock
grazing in riparianareas, and they often remove
their stock (Medina and Rinne 1999) (Fig. 4).
However, land managers remain concerned about
the grazing that continues to occur in Arizona's
Figure 4. Livestockgrazing in a ripariancorridor,
VerdeRiver,Arizona.Most domesticlivestockhave been
removedfrom ripariancorridors to restore valuable
Riparian ecosystems in the Southwest have
never been a large-scale source of timber because
they cover only <2% of the land area and do not
supportcommercialtimberspecies (e.g., ponderosa
pine). However,the Anglo explorerswho arrivedin
the 1800s exploited trees for fuel, poles, and
building materials (Johnson and Carothers1982).
Currentuses for timberharvestedfromriparianecosystems are limited- recreationists,likely the pri-
ManagingNatural Resources in Riparian Corridors + DeBano, Rinne,and Baker
maryuser,occasionallygatherdeadwood for camp
importantto provideadequatestreamflowfor native
fish populations.
Recreationand Tourism
Southwestern riparian ecosystems provide
opportunitiesfor both consumptive and nonconsumptiverecreationuses. Consumptiveuses include
fishing, hunting, and other activities that remove
part of the resource. Although nonconsumptive
uses, such as birdwatching, camping, hiking,
boating, and rafting, do not remove a resource,
intensivenonconsumptiveuse can affectthe recreational quality of riparian areas (Johnson and
Carothers 1982). The recreational potential of
riparianecosystems is generally associated with
threetypes of waterresource:
• Rivers and streams(runningwater);
• Lakesandreservoirs(standingfreshwater); and
• Beachesadjacentto the Pacific Oceanor around
large lakes or other large impoundments
(Hoover etal. 1985).
Commonactivitiesthataffect the riparianplant
communitiesalong rivers and streamsinclude fishing, camping,tubing,off-roadvehicularuse, rafting,
swimming, and summer homes. Stream environmentsprovidea shadyplace to walk, birdwatch,or
enjoya quietmoment.Lakesandreservoirsprovide
opportunitiesfor a variety of activities including
swimming, fishing, waterskiing, power boating,
sailing, and canoeing. Riparianvegetation is concentratedmainly where streams and rivers enter
lakes and reservoirs. Beaches and associated
lagoons are restrictedto the Pacific Coast, where
they host many activities including surfing, sail
boating, swimming, sun bathing, kite flying, and
beach combing.
Waterprovidedby streamflowthroughriparian
areas has been in high demand since Arizona's
settlement.Some competinguses includefloodplain
transfers.Dams andreservoirsconstructedfor flood
protectionand water developmenthave also altered
streamflow (Johnson and Carothers 1982; Rinne
1994, in press b).
Floodplain farming and the development of
large agrariansocieties have occurredin the southwesternUnited States for thousandsof years. Many
agriculturaloperationscontinueto farm floodplain
environmentsusing efficient irrigationtechnology.
significantly affects the sustainabilityand health of
many riparianhabitats, particularlythose at low
Groundwaterhas been an importantsource of
waterin the Southwestfor decades.Initially,settlers
extracted water from shallow depths using windmills. As pumping and irrigation technology
possible. However,people now understandthatsurface water is also importantto support growing
agriculturaland urbanneeds. Waterimportedfrom
the Owens Valley, the Colorado River, and, most
recently, from northernCaliforniaallows southern
Californiato sustain a high level of development.
Most of Arizona,however,relies heavily on groundwater. The Salt River Valley obtains about half its
waterfromgroundwater,with the remainingcoming
from local water storage and the Colorado River.
Many Arizonacommunitiesdependalmost entirely
on groundwater.As a result,intensecompetitionhas
developed between those who need groundwaterto
support urban development, and those who
understand that groundwater as vital to sustain
perennialstreamflowin riparianecosystems (Wirth
and Hjalmarson2000, Neary and Rinne 2001).
On the lower ColoradoRiver,engineeringstructures built for power and water production have
resultedin the following changes.
• Increasedevapotranspiration;
• Increasedsoil salinity;
• Physiochemicalchanges;
• A drasticreductionin many of the native plant
and animalpopulations;
• An increase in populations of introduced
species; and
• Changesin the naturalerosionalandsedimentation processes, particularlyin Grand Canyon
National Park(Johnson 1979).
Protecting and enhancing the habitat for
threatenedand endangeredspecies and balancing
acceptablegrazing activities between native ungulates and domestic livestock are the two objectives
of wildlife managementin Arizona. Bird management activities include identifying threatened or
endangeredspecies, determiningtheircriticalhabitat, and developingand implementingmanagement
plans to ensurecurrentand futurespecies survival.
Managementof endangeredfish species includes
providing adequate streamflow and managing
introducedfish species. Thejudicious implementation of instreamflow rights (a legal entitlementto
the nonconsumptiveuse of surface water within a
specified areaof a streamchannelfor fish, wildlife,
recreationaluse, and maintenance of streamside
vegetation [Kulakowski and Tellman, 1990]) is
Managingnatural resources in riparian corridors + DeBano, Rinne,and Baker
The above alterationsillustratethe dramaticeffect
of streamflowmodificationdueto damconstruction
on large, low-elevation Western river systems
(Johnson 1979).
Notable engineering projects affecting water
flow and ripariancommunities include Roosevelt
Dam, which was the first Bureau of Reclamation
dam, completed in 1911 (Fig. 5); Hoover Dam,
completed in 1935; and Glen Canyon Dam,
completed in 1962. Engineering structures and
water withdrawal have also affected other lowelevation rivers including the Gila, Salt, and Verde
Rivers in Arizona (Rinne 1994, in press b).
greatestlosses have occurredalong banks of large
river systems (i.e., the Salt and Gila Rivers) that
flow throughthe lower-elevationdeserts(Carothers
1977, Rea 1983). Rinne (1994) suggeststhat70%of
the streamsidehabitathas been alteredor lost along
these low-elevation rivers in Arizona. High-elevation wetland communities in Arizona have fared
better, and researchers estimate that 35% of the
originalareahas been lost (Dahl 1990).
The rehabilitationof depletedriparianareashas
promptedlandmanagersto implementactivitiesthat
encourageriparianecosystem healthandto develop
managementplans that addressthe conditionof the
Also, attentionis now focused on ways to improve
the conditionof degradedecosystemsby evaluating
site conditions and identifying the causes of past
degradation(Briggs 1996). This type of analysis
allows managersto design and implementeffective
remedial treatments. Unconventional techniques
involving groundwaterrechargeusing importedand
to enhanceexisting riparianandwetlandecosystems
andcreatenew ones (KarpiscakandGottfried1998).
Figure 5. Completedin 1911, RooseveltDam on the Salt
River,Arizona, was thefirst Bureau of Reclamationdam.
Thedam and many other mainstreamdams on the Salt
Verde,Gila and Colorado Rivers, have either completely
dried mainstreamrivers or altered the quantityand
quality of the waters. Thesestructuresnegative impact
nativefish populations.
The competitiveuse of groundwaterfor agricultural irrigation,urbandevelopment,and to sustain
healthy riparianecosystems has intensifiedrapidly
during the past two decades. Sometimes, groundwatermanagementbasins havebeen designatedand
groundwaterlaws have been developed to ensure
long-termurbanand agriculturaluses. However, it
is becoming increasinglyapparentto many riparian
managersthat increased groundwaterwithdrawals
are beginning to seriously jeopardize perennial
streamflow in low elevation streams that support
riparianecosystems. A balance between instream
needs and water for agricultural and domestic
purposesis currentlythe focus of active debate.
The past loss of riparianand wetland ecosystems in Arizona is significant. Although the estimatedloss of riparianecosystems varies widely, the
Although riparian and wetland ecosystems
occupy only a small portionof the land areain Arizona, they make up a valuablelandscapecomponent.
As such, they have historically received concentratedhumanuse andwill be increasinglyimportant
in the future. The pleasant Southwesternclimate,
particularly during the winter, encourages large
influxes of both winter visitors and permanent
residents.The rapidlygrowing populationwill further intensify the demandsplaced on riparianareas
and will requireimplementationof new and inventive managementand policies. A list of presentand
futureactivities that will likely affect riparianecosystems throughout Arizona includes continued
groundwater withdrawal (Wirth and Hjalmarson
2000), grazing(Rinne2001), recreation,use of dams
and reservoirs, and urbanization.The number of
threatenedand endangeredplantandanimalspecies
will continue to grow. Additional stresses from
diminishedstreamflowandthe spreadof introduced
fish species will continue to challenge native fish
populations, particularly in the low-elevation
riparianecosystems in the Southwest.
The equitabletreatmentof instreamflow rights
is anotherrapidly emerging issue that will increase
the competitionfor waterbetween offsite andonsite
wateruses. Instreamflow has importantbiological,
geomorphologic,and legal implicationswhen managing streamflowfor fisheries,wildlife, vegetation,
and, particularly,threatenedand endangeredplant
ManagingNatural Resources in Riparian Corridors + DeBano, Rinne,and Baker
and animal species. Instream flow requirements
affect streamflowregimes and the importantlinks
among the stream,floodplain, riparianand upland
zones, and watershedgeomorphology.
All these factors combine to create a sense of
urgency to preserve existing riparianand wetland
ecosystemsandto developan aggressiveprogramto
past loss of this unique resource emphasizes the
need for a closely coordinatedeffort among land
planners; land managers; scientists; developers;
local, stateandfederalgovernments;andthe public
to ensure that present and future generations can
sharein the diversebenefits providedby Arizona's
uniqueriparianandwetland ecosystems.
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