High School Work Foundations for the 21 Century Content Standards


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High School Work Foundations for the 21


Century Content Standards

Tenth Grade (Recommended): Work Foundations for the 21 st Century (WVEIS Course Code: 2231)

Intense preparation for post school living, learning and work is essential for young adults to be successful in the 21 st Century adult environment. Work Foundations for the 21 st Century incorporates real world applications to prepare high school students with disabilities to make informed choices and set goals for lifelong learning and careers after high school graduation. Making career decisions and setting goals, gaining work and training readiness skills, and skill building are course components that prepare students to pursue and achieve long term goals. Students examine personal interests, abilities and aptitudes to begin development of a personal profile that will assist them in critical decision-making necessary to achieve desired adult outcomes and maximum independence in the community and workplace. Self determination evolves as students: 1) examine and interpret current personal assessment data; 2) explore information about career clusters; 3) identify and complete needed assessments; 4) analyze education and training requirements for specific occupations; 5) interact with incumbent workers; 6) evaluate the occupational outlook for specific jobs; 7) define personal career and occupational interests; 8) develop job specific academic skills; and 9) design a reasonable transition plan to achieve selected goals for living, further education and work. Students taking active leadership and contributing membership role in their own IEP meetings builds upon and promotes this evolving self determination within the school environment. Student decisions regarding high school and post secondary occupational training programs will be enhanced as they examine options and make decisions about their programs of study. The integration of 21 st Century Tools and Learning Skills throughout the Work Foundations for the 21 st Century Course will provide students with the foundation necessary to be prepared for post secondary education and the workplace, as well as to develop and apply the interpersonal skills necessary for social responsibility.

High School Work Foundations for the 21 st Century

Standard: 1


Career Assessment and Interpretation

Students will:

Identify and describe assessments that contribute to career planning, including 1) basic achievement skills, 2) vocational aptitudes and abilities, 3) employability skills, 4) work related social skills, 5) personality types and learning styles, and 6) career interests and preferences.

Interpret personal assessment results.

Select and complete assessments to fill informational gaps for effective career planning.

Analyze and summarize assessment information to formulate a comprehensive personal profile.

Performance Descriptors (WF.PD.10.1)


Students performing at the distinguished level in career assessment and interpretation independently explore a variety of assessments, summarize

Above Mastery

Students performing at the above mastery level in career assessment and interpretation investigate and interpret existing assessment results. They


Students performing at the mastery level in career assessment and interpretation identify and describe a variety of assessments that contribute

Partial Mastery

Students performing at the partial mastery level in career assessment and interpretation discuss and explore assessments for career planning. They


Students performing at the novice level in career assessment and interpretation match a variety of assessments to identified career skills.

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existing results, then identify, evaluate and select pertinent assessments for personal career planning.

They evaluate the effects of formal and informal assessments, interpret assessment results, and then present an up-to-date personal profile using a simulated interview presentation format. assume a leadership role in identifying and planning for additional assessments.

They create, publish and present a current profile, then independently complete additional assessments and revise their personal profile.

Students consult with the instructor to integrate technology to present their personal profile. to the career planning process. They examine and interpret existing personal assessment results, then formulate an assessment plan for filling information gaps. They create and present a personal career profile analyzing and summarizing all assessment results using presentation technology. explain results of personal assessments with instructor assistance and utilize a rubric to identify assessment gaps. They utilize basic presentation technology to develop and present a personal career profile from completed assessments.

They participate in discussions and find examples of personal skills identified through existing and completed assessments. They identify assessment gaps with teacher assistance using a rubric and schedule for completion of needed assessments. They use a graphic organizer and basic presentation technology to present a personal career profile.

Objectives Students will:

WF.O.10.1.01 Describe how a variety of assessment types contribute to career planning

WF.O.10.1.02 Identify specific assessment types and examine results of currently existing individual assessments

WF.O.10.1.03 Interpret and analyze the results of the ACT EXPLORE (8 th grade) and ACT PLAN (10 th grade) assessments as they relate to current career interests

WF.O.10.1.04 Take and interpret the results of the a variety of interest assessments

WF.O.10.1.05 Take and interpret the results of basic skills assessments, including KeyTrain Reading, Math and Locating Information assessments

WF.O.10.1.06 Research and identify desirable workplace skills

WF.O.10.1.07 Self-assess then set personal goals and benchmarks for workplace skills acquisition

WF.O.10.1.08 Make judgments about the results of a variety of vocational assessments, including interest, aptitude and learning styles inventories

WF.O.10.1.09 Develop and complete a personal assessment plan

WF.O.10.1.10 Develop a personal career profile to encompass all areas of assessment, career exploration, and career planning

High School

Standard: 2


Work Foundations for the 21

Career Information st Century

Students will:

Investigate career clusters and the continuum of occupations and jobs within each cluster.

Explore options for education and job training during high school and in the post secondary setting.

Self-assess beliefs and attitudes toward work.

Explore and analyze education and training requirements of specific areas of interest.

Discuss and reflect upon environmental factors and employment projections related to specific career interests.

Develop in-depth knowledge of specific careers of interest.





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Performance Descriptors (WF.PD.10.2)


Students performing at the distinguished level in career information establish a personal understanding of career cluster areas, the continuum of occupations within each cluster, and identify three possible career interest areas. They explore and identify careers of interest, defending choices using background knowledge of educational and environmental factors.

They anticipate and complete additional assessments to assist in development of a long term career plan, including a timeline for each of three interest areas.

Above Mastery

Students performing at the above mastery level in career information utilize multiple media sources to explore career clusters and identify areas for career interest. They investigate and make decisions about factors relating to specific occupations within career interest areas, considering a variety of factors and training requirements for each. They interpret the results of all assessments, then compare and contrast elements to develop a long term career plan and timeline for three career interest areas, including the spectrum of occupations.


Students performing at the mastery level in career information explore career clusters and analyze a continuum of jobs within each career cluster area.

They explore and analyze a variety of occupations within careers of interest, considering a variety of factors and training, or continuing education requirements for each.

They interpret the results of all assessments to critique personal career interests and develop a long term career plan. They develop and display in-depth knowledge of two selected career interest areas, including the spectrum of occupations.

Partial Mastery

Students performing at the partial mastery level in career information participate in career cluster exploration activities to identify careers of interest.

They give examples and discuss various occupations in each cluster area, indicating personal characteristics that match areas of interest. They obtain specific occupational information, such as environmental and educational factors, in order to analyze and identify two career interest areas, including the spectrum of occupations within each area of interest.


Students performing at the novice level in career information participate in career cluster exploration activities and find examples of each cluster. They differentiate characteristics associated with each cluster area and match specific occupations to the clusters.

They identify critical factors for the spectrum of occupations within cluster areas and define two career interest areas for further exploration. They use resource materials to identify occupations in two career interest areas and defend their choices.

Objectives Students will:

WF.O.10.2.01 Research and analyze labor market information related to the education and training requirements in occupations related to various careers of interest

WF.O.10.2.02 Research and analyze information related to the WorkKeys Reading, Math and Locating Information requirements of a variety of occupations related to careers of interest

WF.O.10.2.03 Discuss and reflect upon environmental factors related to a variety of careers of interest

WF.O.10.2.04 Interpret West Virginia employment projections data for occupations related to a variety of careers of interest

WF.O.10.2.05 Interview incumbent workers and/or view on-line interviews with incumbent workers regarding working conditions for a variety of occupations related to careers of interest

WF.O.10.2.06 Locate and analyze information relating to wages for occupations in career interest areas

WF.O.10.2.07 Obtain and consider parent input related to a variety of careers of interest

WF.O.10.2.08 Develop, present and relate personal perspectives toward work, careers of interest, and related occupations with varying education requirements

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High School

Standard: 3


Work Foundations for the 21

Career Exploration st Century

Students will:

Explore labor market information.

Explore occupations related to careers of interest.

Explore training and education options for occupations related to careers of interest.

Collect, organize and analyze information from a variety of sources to develop a plan for achieving personal career goals.

Make decisions and develop a timeline to achieve long term career goals.

Performance Descriptors (WF.PD.10.3)


Students performing at the distinguished level in career exploration explore and analyze occupations of choice, defending decisions using a peer review process matching aptitudes and interests. They independently arrange to

Above Mastery

Students performing at the above mastery level in career exploration utilize multiple real world and simulated sources to formulate and revise occupational decisions.

They effectively match interests and preferences to


Students performing at the mastery level in career exploration participate in simulated and actual job shadowing experiences, gather specific occupational information, consult with school staff, and formulate occupational decisions

Partial Mastery

Students performing at the partial mastery level in career exploration explore occupations of interest through small group discussion, classroom activities, simulated and actual job and training program shadowing


Students performing at the novice level in career exploration find occupations related to careers of interest through guided teacher support and participate in real world activities to identify critical characteristics of each shadow and interview incumbent workers in occupations of interest.

They consider all factors, including potential future earnings, educational and environmental factors to establish a career plan for not only deciding on an occupation, but for maximizing their potential for the occupation of choice. aptitudes in order to develop long term career goals. They investigate and make decisions about specific occupations, considering the timeline for achieving the long term career goals. They create, organize and present a personal plan for achieving their long term career goals. based on research and consideration of post school educational requirements.

They utilize individual assessment results to match interests and preferences to aptitudes in order to develop long term career goals. experiences, and face-toface interviews. They discuss and consider education options for a spectrum of occupations in the cluster of interest, using a rubric to make informed decisions. They develop a realistic timeline to achieve long term career goals with teacher support. occupation. They identify training and education options, then make decisions based on personal preferences using a rubric for decision making.

They develop a realistic timeline for achieving long term career goals with teacher support.

Objectives Students will:

WF.O.10.3.01 Shadow incumbent workers at local job sites and/or access Internet videos of incumbent workers at job sites to obtain career information

WF.O.10.3.02 Conduct face-to-face or other interviews with incumbent workers in varying occupations related to careers of interest

WF.O.10.3.03 Consult school counselor (local high school, career and technical center, or Rehabilitation Services) to discuss a variety options for career interest areas





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WF.O.10.3.04 Visit and observe high school or local career and technical center courses related to careers of interest

WF.O.10.3.05 Interview high school or local career and technical center instructors to explore careers of interest

WF.O.10.3.06 Match individual assessment results, environmental factors, education, and training requirements to identify potential occupations

WF.O.10.3.07 Establish a work environment profile which considers environmental dynamics to identify potential “matches” for both training and work for occupations of interest

WF.O.10.3.08 Design training plan timelines to reach career goals for a variety of occupations

WF.O.10.3.09 Compare and contrast a continuum of occupations related to career goals

WF.O.10.3.10 Explore options and opportunities for entrepreneurship or small business ownership

High School Work Foundations for the 21 st Century

Standard: 4


Career Planning

Students will:

Recognize and illustrate the concept of a lifelong learner, relating personal considerations about learning.

Analyze the impact of education on lifestyle projections.

Compare and contrast pathway options for careers of choice.

Identify a continuum of career options within the career cluster of choice.

Develop and evaluate personal options for career preparation and propose a plan for achieving goals for adult living, learning and work.

Develop adult living and lifelong learning goals after considering and exploring pertinent factors.

Performance Descriptors (WF.PD.10.4)


Students performing at the distinguished level in career planning debate the merits of lifelong learning and lifestyle projections as they relate to personal goals.

They defend personal career choice options and evaluate long term effects of personal choices. They incorporate results of all career assessments and personal careeroccupational goals presenting a logical progression for high school programs of study and

Above Mastery

Students performing at the above mastery level in career planning debate aspects of lifelong learning and lifestyle projections as they relate to work, further education and adult living.

They demonstrate a leadership role in analyzing assessment results and exploration activities in order to compose a plan for achieving personal career goals through designing their high school programs of study and educational opportunities beyond high


Students performing at the mastery level in career planning recognize and discuss aspects of lifelong learning and lifestyle projections as they relate to work, further education, and adult living. They utilize assessment results and career goals to make choices for high school programs of study and beyond graduation as part of the ISTP, WV Policy

2510. They defend personal opinions and make decisions to develop a plan

Partial Mastery

Students performing at the partial mastery level in career planning demonstrate a fundamental understanding of the concept of lifelong learning and lifestyle projections.

They relate and give real world examples to identify personal lifelong learning goals. They compare requirements for pathway options during high school in order to achieve long term career-occupational goals. They establish a timeline and benchmarks to


Students performing at the novice level in career planning identify and match characteristics of lifelong learners after classroom activities and discussion.

They make choices and defend personal views for lifelong learning, considering career interests and pathway options. They find examples of occupations in career areas of interest and arrange along a continuum to assist with informed career decision making. They use

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beyond as part of the

Individualized Student

Transition Plan (ISTP), WV

Policy 2510. They develop and present a plan for lifelong learning in the community taking into account the impact of personal decisions about lifelong learning. school as part of the ISTP,

WV Policy 2510. for lifelong learning. support follow-through for achieving lifelong learning goals with teacher support.

They utilize assessment results and career goals to make choices for high school programs of study and beyond graduation as part of the ISTP, WV Policy

2510, given guidance from school staff. career assessment results and fundamental knowledge of occupations of choice to evaluate personal options and to determine a long term career plan, including a timeline for achieving lifelong learning goals.

Students discuss and make decisions regarding the impact of education on lifestyle choices. They utilize assessment results and career goals to make choices for high school programs of study and beyond graduation as part of the ISTP, WV Policy

2510, given guidance from school staff.

Objectives Students will:

WF.O.10.4.01 Discuss and describe the concept of lifelong learning

WF.O.10.4.02 Develop and defend personal beliefs regarding lifelong learning

WF.O.10.4.03 Clarify and describe a expectations for life satisfaction, including analyzing the impact of education on lifestyle with consideration for rewards and sacrifices

WF.O.10.4.04 Design a continuum of learning and training options for achieving occupational and career skills during and after high school

WF.O.10.4.05 Evaluate the suitability of pursuing further academic preparation after high school graduation as the best way to prepare for occupations related to careers of interest

WF.O.10.4.06 Evaluate the suitability of engaging in enhanced job coaching activities during high school, in addition to further academic preparation as the best way to prepare for occupations related to career interests

WF.O.10.4.07 Evaluate the suitability of enrolling in a regular career and technical education concentration, with consideration for further academic preparation, as the best way to prepare for occupations related to career interests

WF.O.10.4.08 Evaluate the suitability of combining enrollment in a combination of career and technical courses with community based job training, with consideration for further academic preparation, as the best way to prepare for occupations related to career interests

WF.O.10.4.09 Develop and propose an education and career plan, including high school programs of study, for achieving occupational and career skills which most closely matches selected career choice with lifestyle projections and commitments to further education and training

High School

Standard: 5

Work Foundations for the 21 st

Work and Training Readiness






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WF.S.10.5 Students will:

Synthesize skills needed for work and specific job training in the 21 st century workplace.

Recognize and self-evaluate 21 st century learning skills acquisition.

Develop transferable skills (Hard skills- include basic academic and technology skills; Soft skills-include problem solving, reliability, teamwork, customer service) to improve marketability in the workplace.

Self-evaluate interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, establishing targets for improvement.

Acquire personal skills in areas, including: 1) goal setting, 2) time management, 3) communication, 4) decision making, 5) problem solving, 6) intrapersonal (self) communication, 7) workplace ethics, 8) respectfulness, 9) wellness and safety, 10) ability to accept criticism and praise, and 11) basic financial literacy.

Develop a personal skills profile of work and training readiness.

Performance Descriptors (WF.PD.10.5)


Students performing at the distinguished level in work and training readiness investigate and critique personal skills needed for the 21 st century workplace.

They take the lead in selfidentifying skills they already possess for the

Above Mastery

Students performing at the above mastery level in work and training readiness investigate and analyze skills needed for the 21 st century workplace, including interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. They take the lead in self-


Students performing at the mastery level in work and training readiness investigate skills needed for the 21 st century workplace, including interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. They self-evaluate current skills and complete activities to

Partial Mastery

Students performing at the partial mastery level in work and training readiness identify basic skills needed for the 21 st century workplace, including interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. Using a rubric, they self-evaluate


Students performing at the novice level in work and training readiness observe and identify skills needed for the 21 st century workplace, including interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. They self-identify current skills, workplace and prioritize acquisition of skills not yet mastered. They model effective time management skills, budgeting, communication skills, problem solving strategies, workplace ethics and professionalism, impact of wellness and safety, and make decisions related to disclosure of disability. They set goals and identify criteria for mastering personal workplace skills. identifying skills they already possess for the workplace and pursue development of skills not yet mastered. They model effective time management skills, budgeting, communication skills, problem solving strategies, workplace ethics and professionalism, impact of wellness and safety, and make decisions related to disclosure of disability. develop necessary personal skills. Students develop a personal profile of work and training readiness skills.

They practice and apply time management techniques, understanding of budgeting, communication skills, problem solving strategies, workplace ethics and professionalism, impact of wellness and safety, and factors related to disclosure of disability. current skills and complete activities to develop necessary personal skills.

Students work cooperatively to clarify their personal profile of work and training readiness skills. With teacher direction, they practice and apply time management techniques, understanding of budgeting, communication skills, problem solving strategies, workplace ethics and professionalism, impact of wellness and safety, and factors related to disclosure of disability. discuss processes and complete activities to develop necessary personal skills. Students use an outline to develop a personal profile of work and training readiness skills and develop a presentation.

They practice teacherdesigned time management techniques, fundamental budgeting activities, communication skills, problem solving strategies, workplace ethics and professionalism, impact of wellness and safety, and factors related to disclosure

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of disability.

Objectives Students will:

WF.O.10.5.01 Discuss and evaluate self esteem and self confidence

WF.O.10.5.02 Develop a process and set measurable goals for adult living, learning, and work

WF.O.10.5.03 Identify and demonstrate time management techniques

WF.O.10.5.04 Demonstrate money management strategies to maintain a budget

WF.O.10.5.05 Demonstrate listening, oral, and written communication skills for social and career settings

WF.O.10.5.06 Demonstrate effective strategies to make informed decisions

WF.O.10.5.07 Describe and apply problem solving strategies in a variety of settings

WF.O.10.5.08 Discuss issues and factors related to wellness and safety on the job

WF.O.10.5.09 Describe the 21 st century company and desirable worker traits, including teamwork and leadership skills

WF.O.10.5.10 Describe the 21 st century learning skills, self evaluate, and set goals for acquiring target skills

WF.O.10.5.11 Investigate, describe and debate workplace ethics from the employer’s perspective

WF.O.10.5.12 Discuss and evaluate personal skills for professionalism and respect for diversity in the community and workplace

WF.O.10.5.13 Describe an employee’s rights and responsibilities

WF.O.10.5.14 Describe the importance of maintaining balance in life and work

WF.O.10.5.15 Demonstrate self responsibility skills to work productively and complete assignments in a timely manner

WF.O.10.5.16 Prepare for and take employment tests

WF.O.10.5.17 Identify and demonstrate job seeking skills, including completing job applications, developing a job specific resume and cover letter, and simulated interviews

WF.O.10.5.18 Practice and use strategies to listen for understanding

WF.O.10.5.19 Describe strategies for dealing with difficult situations, resolving conflicts, giving and receiving constructive criticism

WF.O.10.5.20 Describe basic financial literacy skills, including rules and procedures for establishing different banking accounts, budgeting, credit, and payroll.

WF.O.10.5.23 Discuss environmental factors that impact success of work and learning settings and identify effective solutions

WF.O.10.5.24 Develop and prese nt personal profile of “work-ready” skills

High School

Standard: 6


Work Foundations for the 21

Skill Building st Century

Students will:

Explore and document current achievement in basic skills areas of reading, math, and locating information.

Establish goals for gaining basic skills required for occupations related to careers of interest.

Utilize technology tools required to perform job duties for occupations related to careers of interest.

Demonstrate skills to identify and obtain resources required for occupations related to careers of interest.

Pursue basic skills that support efforts to seek, obtain, or maintain a specific job.

WF.O.10.5.21 Create written and electronic documents suitable for the workplace

WF.O.10.5.22 Discuss the necessity and appropriateness of self-disclosure in education, training, and work settings





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Performance Descriptors (WF.PD.10.6)

Distinguished Above Mastery

Students performing at the distinguished level in academic skill building draw conclusions and present a proposal for developing deficient basic skills. They explore and critique identified national Work

Readiness Skills for entry level workers, rating themselves individually.

They explore skills proficiency requirements for specific occupations of interest, compare results to personal levels of performance, and design a plan to acquire needed skills. They demonstrate sophisticated application and use of technology tools that improve the quality of adult living, learning and work environments.

Students performing at the above mastery level in academic skill building analyze and present a personal profile. They explore, create and present information about identified national Work Readiness

Skills for entry level workers. They interpret proficiency requirements for specific occupations of interest, compare results to personal levels of performance, then establish a plan to acquire needed skills. They practice and refine basic skills to achieve desired levels for selected occupations. They demonstrate proficiency in use of technology tools for living, learning and work environments.


Students performing at the mastery level in academic skill building establish an understanding of reading, math and locating information skills. They discuss identified national

Work Readiness Skills for entry level workers. They explore proficiency requirements for specific occupations of interest and compare results to personal levels of performance. They practice and refine basic skills in deficient areas to achieve desired levels for selected occupations. They demonstrate proficiency in use of basic technology tools for living, learning and work.

Partial Mastery

Students performing at the partial mastery level in academic skill building develop a basic understanding of reading, math and locating information skills. They compare and give examples of national Work Readiness

Skills for entry level workers. They discuss basic skills proficiency requirements for specific occupations of interest and compare results to personal levels of performance. They practice and refine basic skills in deficient areas to achieve desired levels for selected occupations. They demonstrate limited use of basic technology tools for living, learning and work.


Students performing at the novice level in academic skill building consult with the teacher and describe their current baseline skills in the areas of understanding of reading, math and locating information skills. They explore and list identified national Work Readiness

Skills recommended for entry level workers. They locate and identify proficiency requirements for specific occupations of interest and compare results to personal levels of performance. They practice and refine skills in deficient areas to achieve maximum desired levels for occupations of choice. They use basic technology tools for living, learning and work, given support from school staff.

Objectives Students will:

WF.O.10.6.01 Explore and identify work readiness skills as identified by the National Work Readiness Credential and WorkKeys Career Readiness


WF.O.10.6.02 Explore levels of proficiency required for the continuum of training options for occupations of interest

WF.O.10.6.03 Identify and develop basic academic skills, at the minimum in reading, math and locating information for occupational training programs of interest

WF.O.10.6.04 Use KeyTrain or other skill building program to achieve the scores on the WorkKeys reading, math and locating information tests identified as the minimum level for selected occupations of interest

WF.O.10.6.05 Identify and develop proficiency in technology skills required for entry, or beyond, in selected occupational areas
