X. MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Prof. L. J. Chu Prof. J. B. Wiesner Prof. H. J. Zimmermann A. L. D. Smullin J. R. Fontana P. H. Rose M. Schetzen J. Sciegienny STRIP ABOVE GROUND PLANE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM In order to study and evaluate some of the new ideas continuously being introduced in the microwave field, the Research Laboratory of Electronics has recently organized a Microwave Laboratory. One of the first problems studied was the microwave printed circuit (I, 2, 3). The transmission system shown in Fig. X-I was investigated. This system consists of a conducting strip separated from a ground plane by a dielectric sheet. STRIP--ttti:Bi~~D~~:~;:IC L GROUND PLANE The upper dielectric sheet was used mainly for holding the strip. Polystyrene, teflon, and synthane were used as dielectrics. Fig. X-I A pure TEM mode of propaga- tion was assumed in all calculations. The strip above ground plane transmission system. Measurements were made in the X and S bands with the equipment shown in Fig. X- 2. In this apparatus the probe can be moved in both the longitudinal and transverse directions. The substitution method (4), the line voltage-distribution method (2), and the twoprobe power reversal method (5) were used to measure the insertion loss. The measured attenuation of the system was found to be of the same orde"!' of magnitude as that of a coaxial cable. The measured wavelength along the strip was longer than that calculated under the assumption of TEM propagation. Some results are shown in Table 1. Some typical measured patterns of the fields both in the transverse and the longitudinal directions are shown in Figs. X-3, X-4, and X-5. These results indicate that the assumption of propagation of the TEM mode alone is, at best, only an approximation. The following rf components were developed (see Fig. X-6): (a) transition to the coaxial cable, (b) transition to the x-band waveguide, (c) x-band ring structure, (d) x-band power divider, (e) x-band crystal holder, (f) silicon crystal, and (g) x-band balanced mixer. A new application of the quarter-wavelength technique for the printed circuits is illustrated in Fig. X-7. The movable short circuit in this tuning device can be placed at such a distance from the strip, that the left part of the tuner presents an effective open circuit. The single strip tuners, the variable quarter-wavelength transformers, -53- Fig. X-2 The standing-wave detector. 1.0 0.9 MAGNETIC PR08E 0.8 c 0.7 STRIP STRIP WIOTH 3/8 IN .• THICKNESS 0.002 IN. POLYSTYRENE THICKNESS 1/8 IN. FREQUENCY 3000 MC/SEC STRIP WAVELENGTH 7.44 CM .J "' ii: <.:> ;:: 0.6 "'e>Z ""::E ...0 GROUND PLANE 0.5 :I: l- e> z "' 0.4 II: I- lJ) "'> ;:: 0.3 "" -' "'II: 0.2 0.1 2.0 3.0 4.0 OISTANCE FROM THE STRIP AXIS (CM) Fig. X-3 Relative strength of magnetic field in the transverse direction for strip above ground plane transmission system. - 54- 5.0 a 1.0 ..J W ii: STRIP WIDTH 3/8 IN., THICKNESS 0.002 IN. POLYSTYRENE THICKNESS 1/8 IN. FREQUENCY 3000 MC/SEC POWER FED TO STRIP# I STRIP# I 0 i= w z STRIP#2~ 0.8 ~ MAGNETIC PROBE <t ::E u. 0 0.6 POLYSTYRENE I I- ~ z w a: IVl GROUND PLANE 04 W > ~ 0.2 ..J W a: 4 GROUND PLANE 6 10 /2 DISTANCE FROM STRIP AXIS (CM) Fig. X-4 Magnetic field distribution for two parallel strips above ground plane transmission systems. MAGNETIC PROBE STRIP WIDTH 3/8 IN .• THICKNESS 0.002 IN. POLYSTYRENE THICKNESS 1/8 IN. FREQUENCY 10,000 MC/SEC POLYSTYRENE a LiJ G: 0 i= w z ~ <t :;; u. 0 I I- ~ z w a: 0.4 IVl w > 0.2 i= <t ..J W a: a DISTANCE ALONG THE STRIP (CM) Fig. X-5 Distribution of magnetic field in the longitudinal direction for the strip above ground plane transmission system. -55- (b) (0) (d) (el (g) Fig. X-6 Radiofrequency components developed in the laboratory. -56- (c) (f) (x. MOVABLE) SHORT ~ MICROWAVE COMPONENTS) DIELECTRIC A GROUND PLANE (2n-I)"4 SHORT SECTION A-A OPEN Fig. X-7 Double strip tuner (llHll -tuner). Table 1 The Strip Wavelength For Strip Above Ground Plane Transmission System Thickness of dielectric material (inches) Measured strip wavelength (em) Calculated strip wavelength for TEM propagation Polystyrene 0.13 7. 15 6.26 O. 38 Polystyrene O. 13 7.44 6.26 8762 0.38 Polystyrene O. 13 2. 52 2. 15 9200 0.21 Teflon 0.06 2.85 2.05 O. 1 2.42 2.13 Strip width (inches) Dielectric material 3000 0.56 3000 Frequency (Me/sec) 8815 0.38 Polystyrene Remarks No upper dielectric sheet and the variable directional couplers using the above idea were investigated. Different types of loads, attenuators, tuning devices. and antennas were investigated. The performance of these devices indicate their practicability. J. Sciegienny References 1. D. D. Grieg. H. F. Engelmann: Microstrip - A New Transmission Technique for the Kilomegacycle Range. Proc. LR.E. 40. 1644. 1952 2. F. Assadourian. E. Rimai: Simplified Theory of Microstrip Transmission Systems. Proc. 1. R. E. 40. 1651, 1952 3. J. A. Kostriza: lVIicrostrip Components. Proc. LR.E. 40. 1658. 1952 4. C. G. Montgomery: Technique of Microwave Measurements, Radiation Laboratory Series. Vol. 11, McGraw-Hill. New York, 1947 5. A Laboratory Manual for Microwave Electronics. Dept. of Electrical Engineering. M.LT. 1950 -57-