Quality Transition Services Guiding Students To Early Adulthood March 20, 2012 Transition Services Defined • coordinated set of activities • results-oriented process • improving the academic and functional achievement of the student • movement from school to post-school activities Transition Services Guidance Coordinated Activities include: instruction, community experiences, development of employment and other post school adult-living objectives and, if appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and a provision of functional vocational evaluation Transition Services Post School Activities may include: post-secondary education vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment) continuing and adult education adult services independent living community participation The IEP Connection #8 #3 #1 #5 #6 #4 Post School Options Living ~ Learning ~ Work READY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Students engage in 21st century learning; Begin to develop self-responsibility at home and school, awareness of civic responsibilities and learn about community members; Gain interpersonal skills; Develop academic and literacy skills; Begin career awareness; and Support agencies provide wrap around services. Assessment decisions here relate to diploma decisions later MIDDLE SCHOOL/JUNIOR HIGH Students continue 21st century learning and technology skills, and literacy development; Build self-responsibility, independent work habits, and social skills; Explore careers and occupations with an emphasis on self-determination to promote informed decision making through an organized advisory program; and support agencies provide wrap around services. HIGH SCHOOL Students demonstrate 21st century learning and technology skills; Refine their goals/plans for post school education, training, work and living after high school linking with current course selections; Engage in career-decision making; Make informed choices and selfadvocate to build selfdetermination; HIGH SCHOOL Identify needed supports and build agency linkages for after high school; Learn about disclosure of disability; Explore ADA and 504 eligibility and agency supports; Develop work-related skills and social skills needed for work; and Perform community service ADULTHOOD Access adult agency supports ADA or 504 eligibility Disclosure Lifelong learning Work Independence One year follow up survey First: Consider what the post-secondary process is for all WV students and utilize all that is available. Second: Determine what additional steps are necessary to address the needs of each student with an exceptionality. Third: Assure that all requirements of special education are met. ISTP: INDIVIDUALIZED STUDENT TRANSITION PLAN Student Involvement What are self determination skills? Why should educators guide development of self determination skills? #7 Agency: Linkages If an agency fails to provide agreed upon services, IEP team reconvenes to identify alternative strategies #2 Annual Updates How are post secondary goals and IEP annual goals different? How are activities and linkages different than IEP annual goals or post secondary goals? •How do teachers get their knowledge of transition services? •How do we prepare students to participate in the transition process •When is it appropriate to address transition prior to the IEP when the child is age 16? Age of Majority Not later than the student’s 17th birthday, the student will be informed that special education rights will transfer on his or her 18th birthday unless the parent has obtained legal guardianship. Adult Services and Disability School Services = Entitlement Adult Services = Eligibility + Disclosure How do schools and agency staff work together to assist students and parent to understand this idea? Summary of Performance The district must provide the child with a summary of the child’s academic achievement and functional performance, including recommendations on how to assist the student in meeting his/her postsecondary goals. Summary of Performance How can a quality Summary of Performance assist the adult agency to determine services? How can the student be a part of presenting the information? Links on the following pages are found at: WVDE OSP Transition Web Resources Website Links: • Think College – Click Think College Island for middle school students or For Students to help your students explore options • O*Net – Select Advanced Search, then Skills Search to explore options • Bureau of Labor Statistics – Explore career information by selecting What Do You Like? areas of interest Website Links: • Office of Disability Employment Policy – Select the new curriculum, Skills to Pay the Bills • National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability – Select What’s New for new information and Publications by Topic: Disability Disclosure • Job Accommodations Network – Click on For Individuals and select Accommodation Information A-Z