Ch hief Insstructional Leaders/Tiitle I Faall Confeerence Octob ber 5, 2010 8:15 AM – 8:30 AM Welcome and Ovverview of the Day’s Oppo ortunities C Carla Williamson Salon DE 8:30 AM – 10 AM Wha at does it meaan to provide e instructionaal lead dership for teachers and sttudents todaay? C Carla Williamson Salon DE 10 AM M – 10:15 AM M Brea ak 10:15 5 AM – 11:45 5 AM Conccurrent Sessions Elementary Mathematics: Thee National Direection Computation Fl C uency LLou Maynus Wharf AB In nquiry Based Leearning: Mathematics and Sccience LLynn Baker & M Marty Burke Student Engageement Through h Implementatiion of PBL Jo oey Wiseman nstructional Ma aterials: The Fu uture is Here In A Alma Simpson, Robin Anglin & & Carla William mson Rich Formative R Assessment: C Critical Component of I C nstruction D Denise White 11:45 5 AM – 12:45 5 PM Luncch 12:45 5 PM – 2 PM Conccurrent Sessions Salon BC C Waterfron nt Salon E Salon FG G Student Engageement Through h Implementatiion of PBL Jo oey Wiseman Balanced Assesssment: What iss it? Do you haave it? LLisa Youell & M Monica Beane Are You Data‐D A Driven or Numb ber‐Drive? LLynn Baker C Salon BC Why We Must T W Teach Science, Social Studies and Arts Conten nt Standards an nd Objectives iin Elementary Schools R Robin Anglin & Jack Deskins Salon FG G WV Process for W he Common Coore Adoption of th Standards in English and Math hematics with Update on Socia U al Studies and Science C Carla Williamso on 2 PM M – 2:15 PM Brea ak 2:15 PM – 3:45 PM M Conccurrent Sessions Waterfron nt Wharf AB Salon E Salon BC C In nquiry‐Based Learning: Math hematics and Sccience LLynn Baker & M Marty Burke Elementary Mathematics: Thee National Direection Computational C Fluency LLou Maynus In nstructional Ma aterials: The Fu uture is Here A Alma Simpson, Robin Anglin & & Joey Wisemaan Salon E Balanced Assesssment: What iss it? Do you haave it? LLisa Youell & M Monica Beane Wharf AB Rich Classroom R Assessment Th hrough Im mplementation n of PBL D Denise White Waterfron nt G Salon FG