^^ L-'iL.^ HD28 .M414 % Time as a Trigger for Organizational Change Marcie J. Tyre Leslie Perlow Nancy Staudcnmayer Christina Wasson August 1996 Marcie Sloan J. Tyre Leslie Perlow University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan MT.T. Sloan School of Management Cambridge, Massachusetts 617-253-6679 mtyre@mit.edu WP #3920 313-764-4712^ Leslie Perlow@ccmail.bus.umich.edu Nancy Staudenmayer Christina Wasson M.I.T. Sloan School of Yale University, Department of Management Anthropology and E-Lab, Inc. 203-776-7843 Christina, wasson @yale.edu Cambridge, Massachusetts 617-258-7269 nstanden@mit.edu Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Cincinnati, Ohio, August 13, 1996. .^ i ^S 81998 LIBHAFrttiS ABSTRACT In this we paper, processes in integrate findings from four technology-intensive organizations. field studies of change Our findings suggest thai temporal shifts i.e., events that alter normal rhythms or that insert a complete break in the action — can be powerful triggers for organizational change. By contrast, problems (even when they were well-recognized) noticeably failed to generate active adaptation. In each of the cases studied, change efforts did not begin unless and until some event occurred that altered the rhythm of daily activities. We find that such breaks in the action forced people or groups to change their pace of work and the temporal focus of their work, and that only once this occurred could people devote attention to outstanding problems. Specifically, temporal shifts -- altered time in four important ways to enable change. (1) Time as a temporal shifts woke people up from their routines and refocused attention on possibilities for change; (2) Time as a resource: temporal shifts provided actual or perceived "time-outs" from regular, productive activities to undertake reflection and change; (3) Time as a coordinating mechanism: temporal shifts enabled all members of a group or organization to focus collectively on a change agenda; and (4) Time as symbol: temporal shifts stood as a powerful symbol of management's commitment to the need for change. trigger: A fundamental message while routines, scripts, constrain adaptation, from routines to eruption problem can work other that tend theme. this and examines that get noticed to away 1958; Cyert and March, we have Thus, the sorts a considerable Kiesler and Sproull, (e.g., of problems or discrepancies 1992, Feldman, how and why of research explaining between expected and actual outcomes lead search and adaptation (March and Simon, Lant 1992)— or to attention shift Louis and Sutton, Sitkin (e.g., other streams still discrepancies that is an enormous amount of the organizational literature can on the difficulty of noticing problems literature 1981), of a change (March and Simon, be seen as discussions on 1981), on organizations literature and repertoires that develop over time tend the elicit Indeed, 1963). the in how this March 1963, 1958; Cyert and process can go astray (e.g., organizational to March and Olsen 1975; Levinthal and March, Lant and Mezias). In yielded enormous search has certain other adaptation. we argue article this phenomena insights, help that adaptation occurs but problems or other discrepancies. here, unless and groups and to that change their important ways to or needs for change; actually not Indeed, that fact triggered in in in change or many cases, any direct way by four organizations the failed to some event occurred generate that altered active the rhythm find that such breaks in the action forced people or pace of work and the temporal focus of their work, perceived temporal shifts altered time Specifically, enable change. woke people up from or organizational only once this occurred could people devote attention to outstanding problems. actual is They noticeably until We of daily activities. the obscures systematically also problems were known and they significantly underlying predated change efforts. adaptation it trigger to Our argument stems from organizational described while the focus on problem centered that their (2) (1) routines Time "time-outs" as a Time as a trigger: in four temporal shifts and refocused attention on possibilities resource: temporal shifts provided from regular, productive activities to undertake reflection and change; (3) Time as a coordinating mechanism: temporal shifts enabled all members of a group or organization to focus collectively on a change agenda; and (4) Time as temporal symbol: commitment We begin this paper by outlining some of the vast literature on problem centered search and enormous the effort specifically, studies separate into developing and refining in organizations. appears that We interruptions problems that we studies, breaks in change served search "triggers" as both action We activities. subsequent (and focused that attention shifts the also note significant differences across our cases. the in alteration Based on both cases, on change and shaped or supported triggered horizon of ongoing activities. to adaptation) By juxtaposing these four commonalities in the ways that temporal routine activities, while in others limited critical a Rather, se. example, in some cases the temporal break took the form of a fundamental — had previously been ignored. discover significant the model, this plays we develop the a shift the in We rhythm. organization's core beliefs, stop to rhythm or the time in other cases technologies or operating parameters. similarities and the differences among our four thinking about organizational change that close by comparing our new model We the to because It enriches helps to explain not only it conditions allow change to happen approach that understand broad, using why change in accepted a particular notions complements groups and organizations. some organizational phenomena to it occurs, but also focuses on temporal events also enables not local more widely of problem-driven theories problem area of problem-driven us to search when An better such as search that --- shifts argue that our model does not compete with the existing view, but rather that approaches. was it of specific accepted notion of problem centered search. traditional For Also, while "change" sometimes consisted of new way of a meant it full emphasizes the key role of temporal events such as interruptions or in note then analyze data from four were not triggered by the appearance of problems per temporal — temporal breakpoints other it We organizational adaptation. or change where in smaller set of work suggesting that time far interruptions instigating in role its has gone that and we also highlight a role symbol of management's very powerful a need for change. 'D^ the to stood as shifts that search. are is not well explained LITERATURE /. have contributed that the A number Problem-Centered Search and Adaptation. an to organizational experience of failure adaptation. In is central to search and organizational view, organizational success this which suggests perspective learning leads of authors repetition to Organizational search and adaptation are costly routinization of activities. and often aversive (Nelson and Winter 1982; Cyert and March Kiesler and Sproull, Failure between realization engenders willingness adaptation routines existing to insufficient, Thus, the 1988). failure triggers this realization and a time and other resources in search and invest This between failure experiences and relationship the organizational adaptation such. one: March and 1963, March of activities. However, as are logical a is new ways search for Levitt and 1970, and adaptation failure that to undertake change (Cyert and March to Simon 1958, Argyris and Schon link however, especially sudden and experiences, can induce organizations failure, doing things and 1963; 1982), and thus they will be avoided in the absence of powerful motivators. unexpected and is simple. not the First, problematic given the tendency is must be noticed "failure" to ignore disconfirming or very discrepant information by both individuals (Darley and Gross, 1981) and organizations (Kiesler and Sproull, Feldman. failures, far 1983; Major 1982). from encouraging adaptive responses, often lead to greater and therefore persistence with existing action programs (Staw, Small failures, or those which carry minor Sandelands, and Dutton 1982). rigidity consequences for the person(s) involved, are also (Louis and Sutton, 1981: Van de Ven. 1980; likely to be ignored Thus, 1990.). Isabella, it appears that only certain kinds of failures (those which are surprising but not too discrepant, implications but Further, are since but significant not overly failure is not overwhelming, carry personal threatening) essentially a will be noticed. gap between expectations and outcome, failure can be defined away by altering expectations outcomes. Research suggests that change suppresses adaptation behavior Another major problem interpreting in (Lant in aspiration levels to fit actual frequently 1992). learning from failure is the difficulty of what happened and why, given uncertainty, ambiguity, and constrained action in organizations. learning the underlying and undertaken only generated processes that Starbuck, 1976; (March and Olsen 1975 be overly narrow, so that change procedures those Argyris and Schon sum, the bulk of the In the to is failure, limited rationality events they experience, routines organizational motivation suggests despite that, organizational and actors the goals, adequate for achieving be to While salient. must be adapted. This provides the routines engage to the in major gap between expectations and outcomes helps a that of difficulties ambiguity a (unmet expectations) triggers failure normally assumed are realize to on organizational learning as change by making problems obvious and organizational existing among Nystrom and (Hedberg, 1978). literature organizational change for actors also exist fact examining the deeper organizational norms, assumptions and without basis may in procedures immediately related the in do not ihal Interpretations etc.). indeed induce change, yet change may be superstitious, assuming that action-outcome linkages may Failure in information search and adaptation of routines or even rules, despite the very real costs and risks involved in such change measures. The Role of Time 2. Organizational Change. in The idea that temporal breaks can serve as a trigger for search and adaptation has not received much in the organizational various aspects The most literature. of this concept have explicit surfaced treatments of this work on temporal milestones (1988, 1989, Gersick's are Nonetheless, attention. 1994), idea Weick's (1990) discussion of the impact of interruptions. Tyre and Orlikowski's (1994) research on (1988) description of Barley's social windows of opportunity order hospital in Gersick (1988, milestones, mark to in new that to shift the 1994) has suggested that clock-based events or 1989, midpoint of a time-limited exercise, or the five-year venture, can milestones deadlines, change, and departments. turn the focus of activity Here, the focus is from normal routine not on events that alter the rhythm of work, but rather on temporal markers. important its technical how temporal changes helped radiology reevaluation and change. actual on a the like for and that often this focus serves a as group's a or Gersick suggests organization's attention problem-signal thai initiates change. other words, organizational In how for deciding Weick with new more closely with events deals (Lewin via Marrow, are that create a events that stochastic break 1969; Mandlcr and Watson, 1966), the in work interrupt Drawing on experimental research technologies. interruptions time as a heuristic "use long to remain on the same track" (1989:303). He focuses on unexpected action. members psychology in Weick argues that key because they create an alarm signal which evokes high emotion (in Abelson's (1963) words, "hot cognition"). Since the breadth of attention varies with the level of emotion, Weick suggests that adaptive effort is some maximum likely to increase with increased emotion, point, after up least at to which arousal can actually disrupt adaptive activity. Tyre and Orlikowski (1994) build on Weick (1990) and others focus on the particular power of new beginnings. They show to that technology users do actively adapt their process technologies, but that these changes occur discrete in following users' spurts first experience with a new technology, or following some disruptive event that renews users' relationships with their tools. Dutton (1993) has also argued that understood as a problem or an opportunity demarking shift sharp break in the a people's routines -- to future, value of investing time thus now making to it effect -- -- whether can create change partly by -- She argues of time. from the present attention the How unexpected event an everyday such events that and pressures possible for people to see the improvements. future Barley (1988) uses data from his ethnography of technical change hospital radiology departments to show "socio-temporal order" of a workplace. CAT scan equipment entered hospitals, radiologists' work (from xray departments groups), to less thus paving the departments' social hectic, how new is he shows that Specifically, it altered short-attention the span work longer attention span way larger changes for in alter the when rhythm of frenetic, the in in traditional CAT scan radiology order. Other researchers have made the point buffer time technologies can in needed in that some slack time or order to consider changes to routine and to effect March and Simon (1958) and Scribner and Gutek (1987) note the importance of some organizational slack or buffer time for making changes; them. Hedberg (1981) suggests substantive change is some without unlikely Lounamaa and March (1987) add that while change can proceed without a pause, it may fail to lead to performance pause routine in activities. improvements unless actors take the time needed While many of scholarly papers cited above have received considerable the perspective how temporal breaks understanding for action can create opportunities for search and organizational balance of the In learning theory integrative to this explain paper, the we the time for enabling role attempt to provide a more of temporal breaks order to do In from four different organizations undergoing illustrate opening up the change agenda. In we draw on this, in enabling and in distinct importance of a temporal break kinds the of change, action for each case, problems existed and were recognized by organizational members, but they noticeably failed search and adaptation. the and change. encouraging organizational adaptation. all in in Each deals with adaptation. power of time and breaks different aspect of the that change past none has attempted or achieved an integrated attention, theoretical data assess and their impacts. actions a to A temporal shift to trigger or break in the action not only enabled change by creating some slack time, but actually triggered the change process by shifting the focus of attention from routine activities to improvements. potential Nature the of The results Data reported in this paper come from four separate studies, each examining a different context and each focusing on a different kind of "break in the papers could various types Each of action". the Together, they show more powerfully than separate relationship between of organizational the studies temporal break a action and change. included here is a field study examining one or more successful examples of organizational change company. the in inside a particular Thus, while different kinds of change were achieved and while the precursors of change were different across the cases covered here, each case there was evidence of significant, documentablc change organization following the event each of the studies we label a addition, In acknowledged leader innovativeness. each of the organizations studied in and may for long-term represent one of the survival These cases were selected for inclusion theme, they collectively cover useful a from long- recuperate spectrum in the type of organizational change that resulted. Table 1, below, provides an overview of the dimensions along which our cases vary. we them describe the methods used results existing literature, theoretical in from each study regarding significant change. to terms of both involved, the nature of the "break in the action" observed, and settings to in because, while focusing on a the led ways problems. ingrained main may Thus, while the actions and reactions described here which companies bound below, are it an is terms of market share, quality, not be responsible for that success, they common Also, an in-depth case study, so that details about the is nature of the change and insights about the causality behind available. the in "break in the action". in Finally, and understanding of organizational change. we each study. the way integrate that these the section In Next we present the a break findings, in the action compare use them as the basis for developing a how temporal shifts can help to bring about 10 Table I : Four Case Studies of Ori^aniz.ational Change 11 heavily contingent on the accuracy of up-front planning activities. approach tends produce robust and reliable products, but to long and inflexible development cycle. relatively was experimenting with several Microsoft approaches and practices sacrificing "buffer" inserting time During the periods initial development alternative The present research analyzes reliability. the in impact of the development schedule. phase of investigation, two senior researchers Selby, 1995). company. focused on 7 projects currently across the The projects. product areas (e.g., components). The site research associate a During Microsoft. period she this development and interviewed 34 people in projects at develop to and development process across history During the second phase of research, spent two and one-half months on Microsoft at The goal of these interviews was knowledge of Microsoft's detailed the & without flexibility conducted 40 interviews with team members and managers (Cusumano cost of a the at At the time of the study, would provide greater that This were selected represent the major to desktop application, operating system, tools and projects also varied in terms of their size and complexity (the amount of code or number of components in software the product as well as team size and structure), legacy factor and performance. The second round of interviews therefore permitted examination of actual development practices complemented detailed selected in broader perspective taken in the the a first which projects phase of the investigation. Several points speak to the validity and reliability of the data collected. First, researchers 74 interviews were conducted by three different yielding over These interviews were distributed across functional areas transcribed). Over and levels of experience. projects throughout documentation. a also approximately 60 different represented are in this study. granted access to various forms of For example, postmortem project reports yielded a rich of data on over time. data on all, history Microsoft's The researchers were history 200 hours of taped conversations (ultimately how development These postmortems are practices written by at team members project and candidly discuss both the successful aspects of the project. They also usually Microsoft had changed and less at the end of successful include detailed performance data such as development cycle time and testing results. These reports 12 served therefore and yielded some rich examples of actual experiences on interviews 11. (For further details, see projects. different and augment evidence collected during the corroborate to Study of technologies-in-use Selby (1995)). BBA at The second study was undertaken Design and Sampling. pseudonym), & Cusumano at BBA (a European-based manufacturer of precision metal a components. This study investigated problem solving around new process technologies. Thus, made by of the technologies users mechanisms or organizational the altered machine in new ways of organizing production, new (e.g.. technologies). BBA high-volume, the improvement changes that may have been triggered by experience with At the same time. because (e.g., procedures for using the machines) as well as larger the new technology practices, focused on the incidence of small-scale changes it was a desirable high-precision, for the research, setting automated nature of relatively production placed significant time pressures on technology users. made it challenging for users of new technologies resources for ongoing adaptation. BBA in its is process a world leader This find time and to Yet significant adaptation did occur: industry with a reputation for excellence in technology. The study was West Germany, and Forty-eight projects out carried the in major geographic divisions— Italy, three United States— and involved eight different plants. involving the introduction and use of new process technology (production machines and systems) were missing data in studied; seven cases, forty-one cases are included in due the to current sample. Projects were experiences were studied using three types of data. obtained from detailed, Description and semi-structured interviews. Interviews lasted from one to four hours and occurred between 18 months after supplemented Respondents by project completion. multi-participant included project zero and These one-on-one interviews were discussions managers, and plant and division managers. Project whenever possible. operating activities and technical personnel, and their timing were 13 on reported written interviewed both their responses. in before In company and questionnaires below). (see Participants and after completing questionnaires addition, the plant documents. had access researcher (For further details, were clarify to to historical see Tyre data and Hauplman, (1992) and Tyre and Orlikowski. (1994j.) and Measurement of Organizational Change Definition Adaptation activities the new technology users" BBA were defined or relevant how or procedures, skills include at actions as aspects of the activities Activities. intended to modify operating context (including were organized, Examples etc.). debugging machine software, designing new tooling, training machine operators, or developing new maintenance procedures. Activities were considered part of normal production when the new technology was used with no effort to alter the hardware, software, or related context and procedures. As level of the written questionnaire part at BBA. respondents rated of effort devoted to adaptive activities such as modification of machine software or change in factory procedures. Respondents also out a project history in the form of a time-line, showing when were undertaken, and when unusual events of additional equipment) took place. the level (e.g.. arrival tilled activities new For each activity mentioned, respondents noted of adaptive activity during the period (rated as high=3. medium=2. low=l. and not information, computed level the as the sum significant or none=0). including date integrated (i.e.. parameters specific fullv to note major project milestones, installation, considered "production worthy" basis) this of the scores for activities noted during that period. of equipment consistent Based on of monthly adaptive activity in each project was Respondents also used the time-line the the (i.e.. when date it when new equipment was was producing parts on a and date when the new equipment was considered fully satisfactory defined). efficiency and quality achieved; operating During interviews, respondents also described problems they had dealt with, and when they were resolved. 14 III. Study of Time Use Ditto. at This study took place Inc. Ditto (a pseudonym), at major manufacturer a of office equipment, and involved intensive study of a single group of software engineers working on the creation of a new color laser printer. The purpose of work (and at how people study was to better understand the home), and see to if time use at could be improved such that people this could accomplish the same amount of work, but also have more time to spend outside of work. The researcher observed the date the until product launched week on The researcher site member in observing engineers other 15 in all members of 17 all members of the it approximately midway intervention, all one another through 17 at established ("quiet interact group on multiple the division), and "shadowed" down study the engineers paper took place this in period During (January-March). agreed collectively Whereas normally engineers could and did intervention aspects of their work. occurred. The exploratory intervention described interrupt September of the software group for at least half a day, writing each activity as time. in The researcher spent an average of June. interviewed also occasions (as well as the months from software group for nine funding was committed to the development project four days a each the to restructure interact their with and any time that a colleague was working, the certain blocks of time when engineers could not time"). At the end of the intervention, the researcher administered a questionnaire to developers of their to assess worktime. the perceived productivity Furthermore, researcher was the restructuring site throughout the intervention and for two months following recorded changes all engineers on multiple that she observed. the see occasions before, during and Perlow (1995)). it. on She Moreover, she interviewed after about their work patterns and any changes they observed. details impact of the intervention (For further 15 IV. Shift in Work Practices and Attitudes Motorola at This study examined Motorola's Arcade plant in New Western York, a 30 year old plant producing automotive components such as alternators The research focused on and regulators. work attitudes Specifically, how and did that weeks to in Elma total narrative of the gathered additional (also at the in Western Elma New facility move from Arcade plant's 1992 and during Elma move from The researcher spent seven York). to the after is 1993. The resulting based on oral histories from 40 employees (supplemented by information from over 200 employees), as well as on archival materials such as reports, memos, and whom the researcher The researcher interviewed the plant The Elma employees with presentations. spoke covered a wide spectrum. manager, most members of the plant engineers, another location. occur? it Data were gathered retrospectively, Arcade to what motivated the change, question, the work practices and in move occurred prior to the plant's researcher asked the changes the production workers, functions such as human the staff, manager for empowerment, team leaders, and members of support The researcher resources and finance. also talked number of former Motorola employees and with three employees who had moved from Arcade or Elma to other Motorola facilities. to a While collecting the facility, this data, the researcher including attendance during spent shifts. all full meetings of all kinds -- the The researcher meetings of production teams, the weekly meetings of committees, the weekly off-site meeting of plant forth. The researcher outside working hours. also participated (See also The researcher consistently attended lines. daily at Early on, the researcher received plant and line tours from key team leaders. worked on several production working hours Wasson in (x) a for number of social further details.) staff, and so activities 16 RESULTS we section, this In describe the overall sequence of events at first Then we analyze each of the organizations studied. to trigger or 1. how, identify setting at temporal breaks all, Shifts Microsoft. A opportunities efficiency. for In action problem in and reevaluation response to this inserting in is without revision challenge, temporal some teams "space" in was intended of buffer time software production to at their in Microsoft began product the The schedule. enable team members to and instead turn periodically stop attention broader issues such as the need to production sacrificing development cycle by creating specific "buffer times" insertion helped to many ways the most straightproduct development is how to create The case of Microsoft experimenting with the Four Organizations in central in data from each change. enable organizational Temporal forward. if the to their collective product strategy, revise schedule or design. tj' To do broken down this, into implementation phase of the segments. three a project was typically Each segment consisted of several weeks of regular development time (during which planned coding and of features occurred), testing The exact buffer time. ratio followed by one to two weeks of unallocated of implementation to buffer time varied depending on the complexity and degree of uncertainty of the product. Project buffer managers deliberately time was limited unspecified, in the fast left insisting the tasks that their changing world of to be ability PC performed during to software. forecast this future the As one team leader explained, been in situations ... where you present a schedule to [the manager] with some buffer space and he says 'What, are you guys just going to go fishing or something? What are you going to do in that buffer space?' ... Well, if could tell you exactly what I was going to do, I'd tell you what the tasks are... But trust mc don't know what (buffer time is] going to be needed for, but lime and lime "I've I .. again, I know it's needed." I 17 Analysis indicated several kinds that, of activities. in fact, was typically used buffer time for Buffers enabled the teams to capitalize on unexpected competitive events PC fast-moving the in new industry, customer demands or even new ideas they acquired by "learning by doing" during production. unanticipated to overcome noted, And also we the 'oops Teams to biases and limitations of the use. things-- think of that' didn't experimented that their inevitable the First, with is analysis. As one worker 'Oops, we think of lengthen the schedule; what the buffer buffer times team leaders were able it Finally, only appeared to do this Microsoft improved how its if are although there success rate and popularity of the concept. is At BBA, the central problem was, how ongoing improvement to technologies-in-use, production workers and engineers look at where to focus given to the firm in both find opportunities for the pressures on on current production Regular use of the technologies was not consistent with the requirements. kind of mental and physical (Tyre and Orlikowski. left little or effort 1994). required to develop and implement new- Production schedules and efficiency no lime or attention for experimentation and Routines became established and, even when recognized as flawed or inefficient, they were protected get the a variation across the adaptation. take to] of this success, most projects have voluntarily adopted buffer time practice, requirements As one manager "[we come projects use buffer time, the ideas the filling clustering..." result BBA. fact without projects for to in one based the problem-solving process. understand what are the risks on the project. ..and a meet customer by monitoring what activities ended up explained, by examining As several schedule and predict to better to that.' there for." is attributed comparison on unrealistically optimistic estimates [problems] didn't Second, teams found that adding buffer time did not expectations. buffers, an human market launch dates more accurately, and thus buffers. as Buffer times also provided a mechanism or vacation. illness "there's benefits with internal events deal to wreak havoc with pre-planned schedules, such often that Buffers also enabled teams work done. if they were they served to 18 however, during brief and intensive spurts of Adaptation did occur, activity that were almost always triggered by some disruptive event. events Significantly, disrupted that only occasionally problems events which interrupted normal production schedule were the More and of themselves. in they were often, normal flow of production by necessitating the a new problem with the These events included the introduction of new machines technology itself. or tools (14 cases, or 40% of all instances observed), the addition of new product requirements (6 cases, or 17%) or permission from management to temporary take the stoppage, but which did not signal a line machine temporarily off events breakdown (2 cases, 6%). ignored during normal production, reported thus, 12% to outstanding but which teams not only problems had been that had caused chronic examples of new technology studied adaptation activity occurred following at such BBA, 88% of disruptive events; of technical changes were accomplished some kind of break the in action proved beneficial improvement for to in all absence of the a the in retrospect that specific breaks the in given project, often enabling a team to technology. make However, not one engineer or manager who was sampled questioned entrenched assumptions about need for uninterrupted production. situation the action. Managers often recognized significant sudden machine a inconveniences. or the 41 only as In each of these cases project breakdown), but they also attended Of Occasionally, immediate problem (corrected the source of the with the inefficiencies 17%). were themselves problems, such disruptive dealt (6 cases, line Thus, no one saw so that "breaks in the action" a way to the change the could be instituted as a legitimate and ultimately efficient mechanism for enabling technological improvement. Ditto. their in At Ditto, the fundamental problem was work done early, stay in late a were not the as no one could get "reasonable" amount of time; engineers had to and work weekends complete their own work. affected that in come order to get sufficient time to These efficiency problems also adversely product development process itself, although apparent to the members of the organization. these effects 19 The researcher observed "me about their lack of uninter:_r software to group, research:: the examine collectively when engineers could to work done. get their way a was One engineer and assumptions. work respect others' Interruptions occur, still doing before are agreed that the quiet Managerial as> i: fr "The value was :. that I , "I do not I am me :, move from traditional work : workforce"? From 1955 ur: plant it me to to a to and its management of state a and local to local the practices, community were more .:er ta-^k v constantly my do One engineer ^: said: Managers shoulder. efficient It how does study was. that plants. a an empowered, involved However, strong. sold are :;s." . operated in and technology, though .Automotive Group decided close the .Arcade plant. in :\g : presented an appearance of great stability to company, and announced manufactured ..:o grour o-e. 1980s, the .Arcade late ^''^ . The software in this practices ....:..-, incremental changes over time, were relatively stable, and the plant to It Employment, work workforce. to manner. traditional do ._ ways of :ir . . The question investigated Motorola: a a _ _:... engineer^ ___-i .: constantlv looking over not constantlv standing over :•"., change as well. this .. -e've< .. n. to f'-^e" to in shift ..;.j t^.e detlne a to ij-.::-.ed The engineers noticed feel like ._ individua. were also -ns :^ "interaction -^trained .. : ..me : believe -^eo-^'e ^-.ve begu" ^ and then just give the engineers time inspecting." "I "0'::et j .;.^...^^^,n •-d r. -eorle take b',:: . : : . wrote: the dav ;.^ end of the intervention the evidence of a inter..::. tin:e — about productivity said: e-^ v.. The focus has movec time. ... ^-- >;...„.„_. .. .At still .: .- even once interruptions were Yet, lifted. what they ...re"' wav r_. _:so as a periods of the day. there was team. .; .^ineers formal schedule dictating "quiet lime" the •• provide to recognize the value of interactions. period, ...a c Block> _„..: c Tv-^'-t^- an .-eate - .;.:.:_.. time" was created both as continually work. to ....:,^d their -.vo'V not engineers that to - some a>>et> lies subject between in 1987. the of New York and product lines other product lines One reason all its for this would be was Motorola's 20 rebirth as low-tech products produced relatively was purely high-lcch producer, and thus a months Si.x later, however, the decision was reversed, partly due management decided line Also, Arcade the the facility and increasingly unprofitable. out of date, old, Arcade. at move away from its out of pull New York lobbying efforts by major customers. to build to to a new facility and nearby, Instead, manufacture a to They eventually selected of high technology products there. state a site in Elma, some 26 miles away from Arcade. This second announcement marked the beginning of a specific time (about period 14 months) during which plant personnel would have develop a new production system, and As productive team. to ready themselves to become a of this process, the plant manager introduced a part massive "empowerment" or involvement program. daily rhythms were radically workers' production additional activities. required new designing the layout of the extensive training were altered example, at to required In existing all review, competing for a levels large were involved number of meetings. meetings. For the to production schedules. deal with temporal activities. For safety, workers time, their among time demands. during the time when the plant was readying for the move, rigid considerable there in and each first allocate to After was all, a the one hand, for the many squeezed out by At the same time, however, employees had time pressure customers constant On make time meetings and training sessions which were previously Thus, e.g., etc.) temporal rules and rhythms were discarded. lime. in schedules Third, skills. empowerment roadmap, workers were encouraged and even required their production Second, employees participated make decisions about how to short, at facility. available announcement the limited their and organizational frequent cross-functional multiple, was employees' result, 35 new teams were created (including, peer were required these technical make time least housekeeping, in a spend considerable time on three to employees First, As Whereas before altered. responsibility sole now were they routines, to still and uncertainty about how to to use expected regular on-time deliveries. and unprecedented tension between the demands of production and "involvement" or empowerment 21 This shift the in temporal rules and rhythms affected worker plant's behaviors and attitudes. The change was a new awareness among initial employees; they moved from taking the workplace and granted, what serious to reflection encourage long-term employees Thus, the temporal apparently changes led adopt new awareness appeared workers' in for shifts attitudes following announcement of a toward their to kind of work practices and the major behavioral changes to How Time 2. to This which can generally only be introduced successfully attitudes sites. routines about the future of their employment and would require from them. it its in work practices greenfield at new plant and to work. Enabled Change Time As A Trigger Production interruptions in forced people stoppages the to or rhythm changes created distinct midst of familiar work patterns. focus on underlying problems, partly because people could not easily use perpetual busyness as a way increasing uncertainty boundaries, to these Such interruptions to ignore problems. By and by cutting people off from familiar temporal interruptions may also have helped increase to openness change. For example, team members tend that at Microsoft, engineers agreed that without buffer time, become to so focused on meeting specific project goals they forget or are unable to reflect about what they are doing and what is happening in their environment. According to one, "[With an] end-date motivated schedule. ..developers were so busy meeting deadlines that there was no time for the reflection on 'where we stand'. ..[We] did not stop and reassess problems... [just] plunged ahead." By teams to contrast, actively the insertion "shift of a buffer time within a project enabled gears" during development from a mode of 22 implementation one of reflection, awareness and analysis. to words the In of one engineer, "[Buffer times] are a time for stopping and insisting that developers heads up from their work for a reality check on progress.... Too often, teams are too close to projects to see (and admit) where they are falling behind." pull their BBA Similarly, at breaks and change, even though this was not an intended outcome of random did not really focus on [the placer was brought in [and the line was shut weeks]; that sort of focused our attention." new addition of the the speeds), other, previously-ignored operating issues. also engineer explained that bringing inflection the in "[When need (the new in In work on the run the line at another project tooling was a critical at BBA, an point of project: new the came tools and the in line forced to take the time to do a great deal of ideas suggested from to to two for helped the project team stop and reassess several faster it down placer not only triggered problem raised by the new placer specific that: remaining] problems until the new Significantly, of analysis levels For example, one project manager noted production stoppages. "We action spurred unusual the in go through [all] sides. "what a lot of -ifs" was stopped], we were mental testing of the So instead of running in parts, we had our minds." During these "mental simulations", project members went back through project logs and developing a outstanding Shifts own their new successful tooling package, but in also addressing some temporal patterns and schedules, like those a trigger accepted, taken-for-granted forced entertain the for rhythms could be altered. possibility intervention at Ditto at Ditto and change because they showed that other Thus, aspects of their could change, and thai they could effect change. time" they ended up not only problems with the new technology. Motorola, also created to recollections of events; that people work were settings For example, the "quiet provided engineers with the blocks of 23 uninterrupted not time they desired, that work could be done all exactly what They others. could wait. interactions that like doing others namely, interrupting them, to became more conscientious about therefore that both the realize to realize to recognize that they were doing to others to they didn't fact them forced also They came isolation. in importance of interactions, and the Furthermore, they came but interaction their patterns. sum, temporal breaks In activities, or shifts in the to accepted rhythms of work -- because they forced people for full banishing uncertainty In each organization members normal because triggered change to points out, the most powerful organizations in random or "self-imposed temporal boundaries constraints." normal productive make uncomfortable decisions about how to As Barley (1988: 125) use their time. technique whether stops -- is treat to inviolable as even external of the four cases studied, temporal breaks forced make actively to temporal boundaries decisions about and how were constraints to use time, temporarily suspended. At Microsoft, for example, managers deliberately avoided specifying activities the to be accomplished during buffer times, realizing time could only function Thus, teams had the team. the temporal space as it how decisions about if to buffer that use the time were left to determine for themselves what to do with to At occurred. BBA, production halts were not planned; they had the effect of throwing people out of the extremely wellstructured world of production how they had to decide used best to At Motorola, employees fill. to make who had been pace of work did not slow down transition complex In structure time than to to — faster during if anything had been previously it -- was it it in shift rhythm at this new ways of working exist; happen whenever a structure the old off attention While the plant. the to. Ditto provided more, not less team members' days because of However, trade was also much more manage than what workers had been used one way, the to how and when planning for the new decisions about production, to training, and to time. and into a temporal void that relying on a rigid production schedule to structure their time to suddenly had to schedules, the imposition forced people assumption (that need arises) had been broken. to of rigid quiet recognize that multiple interruptions can and must Engineers also began to 24 experience a feeling of empowerment for the that first Managers learned time. engineers could be trusted to do their work and, as a result, managers trusted engineers to determine their manager said: time to do "Managers it are "I own usage As of time. software the learned to define a task and then just give the engineers One engineer explained: without constantly inspecting" not constantly standing over me me pulling to do other things." Table 2 provides some summary examples of trigger for change at each site. Table 2: Time as a Trigi^er for Change Evidence or "[Buffer times] are a time for stopping and insisting that developers pull their heads up from for a reality BBA time acted as a Four Organization s Representative Quotes Organization Microsoft in how "We the line work check on progress." did not really focus on problems their until the new was shut down]; [the placer remaining] was brought in [and that sort of focused our attention." Ditto People were forced to reflect on their current ways of working; "It made me think about making any interruption Motorola first." "People are having to take on more responsibilities as part of their basic jobs..." This complexity in schedules caused some pain, since people did not know how to juggle meetings, experiments, and regular production. But, they believed that this "pain drives change." 25 Time as a Resource One action the in This of the most obvious but nevertheless valuable aspects of a break most clear is BBA at adjustments provides the time to undertake change activities. it Microsoft and at at BBA, where temporal the forward action of production. a full break in leader that is was very explicit about the shifts For instance, involved one project importance of making time for new technology: to "[During the time when the line was stopped] we were able to set aside time and effort to a special job [involving adjustments to tooling and procedures]. ..That gave a calm environment for doing the work, and the people involved [could] work very hard." At Motorola and Ditto, where there was no break temporal shifts provided pockets of time still For instance, work. hard to find the time to attend to diverse make time radically get in the activities, even though it was it was possible At Ditto the engineers were under immense pressure altered. product that They suspended market. to to because old temporal routines were already being these for new the action, undertake new kinds of to Motorola there was a sense at in their to normal ways of working order to implement periods of "quiet time" because of their desire for uninterrupted Quiet time, however, not only provided such time. uninterrupted blocks of time to work on technical problems, provided time they to reflect on interaction patterns, and to but realize also the impact were having on others. Besides simply providing a calm period in which to consider and accomplish change, temporal breaks also provided resources for change a more conceptual At level. all four companies, managers and employees were normally so focused on speed and time efficiency conceiving of time only as once they began to constraint or we did However, the embedded rhythm of members began to see that For example, secret that outcome measure. they ended up in measure, and a variable that can be used project. that experience breaks organization activities, a at at to time is these both an outcome control what happens in a Microsoft a project manager explained, "The big when we finally started shipping things on time - [is] 26 we finally put time in simply adding weeks buffer" — the to As he explained, schedule." schedule the but rather by using people up, and enabled them time do to was not done by what he termed "lazy and stupid -- novel and creative ways. in better job a this in This freed same amount of the time. Table 3 summarizes the evidence supporting the use of time as resource for change. Table 3: Time as a Resource Organization Microsoft a in Four Organizations Quotes or Evidence Representative "The big secret is that. ..we finally put time in the schedule..." BBA "...[During the time were able to set when the line was stopped] we aside time and effort to a special job [involving adjustments to tooling and procedures]. ..That gave a calm environment for doing the work,." Ditto Managers and engineers set aside blocks of time each week to try new ways of working and to reflect to do Motorola on the "...quiet time has enabled get rid of a lot of unproductive things that diverse time for already move. I used me to were unnecessary." Even though to effect, it new these being was hard to activities, it find the time to attend was possible to make because old temporal routines were radically altered by the impending 27 Time as a Coordinating Mechanism Because schedules, deadlines, and temporal rhythms means of organizing human strong structures served to workgroup or even an break it is entire these activity, shifts the shift nonroutine plant. By coordinate to are in such a temporal activities across a without some temporal contrast, often hard to capture the attention of the critical mass of people necessary to accomplish real change. manager at BBA. "From the time According to one experienced project equipment was delivered, we could see that we needed to change the way that the machine was configured. But until we were forced to take the machine off line we could not get [the necessary people] to go back and reexamine some of those basic engineering decisions. For all the high-level managers and technical experts associated with this machine, we were not able to get them to focus on the specific problem of internal configuration until that So. we wasted a huge amount of time fixing things on the shop point. floor instead of attacking the real problem at the level of the The whole process was very frustrating.. .we wasted a lot technology. the of time." At Microsoft, buffer times served as important "re-synching" points during product implementation. As engineers concentrate on coding and individual pieces of a product, there testing is a tendency for things "drift apart." For example, a minor change made communicated to others design change is only noticed by one-half of the team temporarily, points, but who collectively, are one area impacted by that change. stopping team management ensured the in that to the reassess (it project Or a fails status to get major happens). whole team was on Table 4 provides evidence of time acting as a to at By buffer track. coordinating devise. 28 Table 4: Time as a Coordinating Mechanism Organization Microsoft Representative you "First in Four Organizations Quotes or Evidence finish [individual software features] 100%. ..Then, [during buffer time], you reevaluate where you are" as an integrated product. BBA managers and technical experts associated with this machine, we were not able to get them to focus on the specific problem. ..until we were forced to take the machine "For off line. Left Ditto high-level the all " engineers alone, interrupted each other without even being aware of the effect they had on each other. Shifting to established quiet times changed this because it forced engineers to change their patterns of behavior simultaneously. If individuals had tried to set their own quiet time, one would be left with business as usual or with no way at to all get their work done. Given the more complex set of activities to be completed before the move, the entire group of employees who were moving from Arcade to Elma had to coordinate their activities closely. Coordination efforts enabled smooth completion of tasks, and it also created a social bond among Motorola employees. Time as a Symbol In each of the companies that symbolic value. meeting tight we studied, time had enormous There was an emphasis on maximizing speed production schedules. to market or Thus, anything that broke the smooth flow of time was also symbolically important. This was especially true at Ditto and Microsoft, where time considered the most valuable and scarce resource of in the all was and where breaks normal rhythm of work were intentionally created, and not just unintended accidents. In the software industry, the notion of deliberately 29 inserting unallocated lime -'bulTer" into the development schedule runs counter to current industry practices. directly focus on compressing the development cycle. resource, usually allocated "waste" is down Most software companies Time is scarce and precious a the task level, and no excess to "slack" or As one Microsoft engineer explained, tolerated. what happens is when you schedule in buffer time everyone goes crazy! They say 'you bozo, you idiot, how could you schedule [that]? That pushes our ship date way past the point we want it, get rid of that!'" "[Traditionally,] Thus, by legitimizing breaks and mentality At notice. the normal schedule despite busy schedules, very Ditto, in for example, the fact management ensured that quiet ... crisis that people took time could be executed during a high-pressure period of product development was a strong symbol of management's commitment to addressing problem the that individuals could not get their work done during the normal (9-5) day. At both Microsoft and Ditto, by explicitly and deliberately slowing or changing the pace of work, managers were signaling their belief and ultimately the utility time further reinforced of reflection and change. its role as trigger, as in the importance This symbolic role of resource, and as coordinating mechanism. BBA At and Motorola, the events we studied were driven by exogenous changes "do" anything place. need Still, to in in technology or competition; they were not intended particular to the technologies or work practices already in temporal shifts carried symbolic weight. In both settings the meet production goals was considered overriding. Thus, the normal flow of production symbolized "business as usual". that flow signaled a shift Anything that broke from entrenched assumptions and embedded routines. Table 5 summarizes the evidence for time acting as a symbol of change. to 30 Table 5: Time as a Symbol Organization Microsoft Four Organizations in Quotes or Evidence Representative Managers use buffer time as a way to team members that while short development cycles are important, people also need to look for and sometimes respond to "Once you admit you don't the unexpected. know everything about the alcoholic that says, 'Yes, BBA In but no time we get ... 1 future, it's for trying into production I can't new signal an like have a problem.' typical project there a to " is solutions. "plenty of money Once do any more improve the technology], only try to Thus, when attend to everyday issues". [to a break in the action occurs, it stands out as a highly unusual opportunity. Ditto The fact that quiet time could even be implemented was a strong symbol of management's commitment to addressing the problem that individuals could not get their work done during the normal work day. Employees Motorola is a move south of the border make time employee involvement move. stone...". that feel I if that they can't Thus, it was management was for training in "our business that very competitive"..." squeeze water from a remarkable to people willing to felt and planning for the there will be 31 A New Model Discussion: The data above suggest about change established Change of a model of how temporal organizational settings. in theory, in It is notable that, in contrast to Problems were obviously relevant; they were generally well-recognized and openly discussed by people -- provoke change. that was no way there to change Temporal breaks or ways. a First, assumed to be failed to Thus, the source of any organizational inertia was not break and acted as felt to break a if enable change in several made time — which was normally unchangeable, and unrelenting When of sort situations. appeared the action in inviolable, trigger for change. their shifts was some Rather, until there organizational rhythms, the people involved in sometimes -- somehow every level, but they at problems were unrecognized. break help to bring none of our cases was organizational search and change primarily problem driven. incessantly shifts the in -- become a people suddenly action occurred, found themselves cut loose from regular routines or assumptions. Even where these events were not themselves problematic, they served to people out of an everyday mental frame that said, "problems arc just there", and into a frame that said, Second, breaks reasons that in "it's time for a change!". the action provided time as a resource. why well-recognized problems went unresolved people felt for they were simply too busy to attack them. normal action provided the slack time or rerlective time such time create tasks. necessary temporal breaks and Indeed, time" -- to assess shifts without actually adding to work done break during in the action in a at the for But — long a or the the was break in ability to resolve them. experience of "more accomplishing certain Ditto and at Microsoft found that product development. operated as a coordinating mechanism. event, time the to so One of given time period once they inserted a Third, breaks or rhythm changes collective created elapsed Thus, for instance, developers they could get more problems and often the jolt in the regular tlow of activities Change in organizations is a and pacing, rhythm, and temporal milestones arc among most powerful forces for organizing and coordinating a group of people 32 (Zerubavel, By 1981). group disrupt all same token, breaks the group members the at same in the normal rhythm of the This facilitated change time. by ensuring that readiness for change was synchronized among who needed to Finally, a be the break in role its For example, at "slowing" the pace of work At frequently carried enormous action the as trigger, BBA in these all. settings, importance and ultimately the the as symbolic resource, and as coordinating both Microsoft and Ditto, time was considered most valuable and scarce resource of belief in of those involved. power which reinforced mechanism. all and Motorola, pauses in By explicitly and deliberately managers were signaling utility of reflection their and change. production were symbolically important because they so directly contradicted the iron rule of focusing only on maintaining the Figure cases studied 1 production schedule. summarizes how temporal here. shifts led to change in the four 33 Figure J: Temporal Triune rs for Organizational Chang e BREAK BREAK IS INTENDED AS TIMEOUTto PRODUCTION IN Microsoft Trigger Signaled people made people look up from their work; assess work. production the : Coordination common together: a Symbol Acceptance by : admission is inevitable. Result: to : Quiet time affects team members; all as : and schedules problem". "time the changes Significant works because it members follow the "rules". Symbol Management acceptance signaled commitment to solving all change that lime find reflection. for focus. management was seen an about people time; less in Buffer time team entire schedules daily in twice think impacts of "routine" interactions. Resource: More work accomplished status. Freed from : Coordination brought Ditto Trigger: Change : Resource ALTER WORK RHYTHM S vs Result Imposed : behavior changes during; project Mixed results in changing how projects managed and structured. parameters. intervention lead longer-lived to changes and new- attitude patterns interaction within the team. BREAK IS NOT INTENDED AS Trigger TIMEOUT production, Motorola BBA Forced : Resource a short halts Result: how out Resource: lime. lime : Production away from : Disrupts affected Symbol together to Production urgency attracts attention. Significant changes to technology and use and halt novelty; procedures, use. no real a all work must new routines. Management's : shift make lime in thinking. Result: change in attitudes and routines for technology but Symbol develop willingness to signaled taking production. of the whole group. : activities. routine employees; signals figure to Legitimizes Coordination members forced "involvement" with new for juggle routine work to work, Coordination idled workers plant, time. Freed from : production for more enter unstructured Trigger: To prepare slop to Behavioral change in the form of "involvement adopted. practices" Also, employee attitudes and commitment to the firm. changes in 34 not proposing that a time- are model of organizational change should replace existing theories of driven problem-driven search and change. to we important to point out that is It existing theory and because latter, because both -- Rather, phenomena theory to adaptation may is that show power of search. the well not are that understood using accepted notions of problem-driven existing complementary is enriches the explanatory it explains certain it our model We build on one of the reasons why problems can provoke that problems often create temporal breaks. Thus, problems be powerful agents of change not just because they force people to weaknesses notice existing in routines assumptions, or but also because they insert a break in the action (whether a full stop or a restructuring of time). This provides both a trigger critical resource — Furthermore, time in this and adaptation search required -- paper, to to recognize the need for change, and a undertake change efforts. we have highlighted that both described. some break what degree change rather shifts, in the action. to Yet even trigger in problems and temporal breaks contributed As outlined is cases in Figure instigated 2, one might ask in change these cases, to the until it any particular case is at work. Trii^i^ers as Complementary Forces Motorola v (LOW) ^ BBA V ^ Microsoft V Ditto V (LOW)^ CHANGE IS clear by problem occurrence or by temporal than assuming that only one of these Temporal Triggers and Problem is changes we Figure 2: (HIGH)^ where were clearly not primarily problem-driven; problems were well-recognized, but they failed events created several (HIGH) CHANGE IS TRIGGERED BY TRIGGERED BY PROBLEMS TEMPORAL BREAK to 35 Thus, we suggest change temporal breaks can be important triggers for that and of themselves, or a temporal break can be a powerful aspect of problems that helps to initiate organizational adaptation. For example, in Meyer's (1982) paper on "jolts", it is conceivable that the doctor's strike in created opportunities immediate problem for slowing the pace of work. The latter to effect provided the temporal space problemistic March, 1963). temporal their that shifts attention to broke where search we witnessed situations where, following normal routines and constraints, people turned had previously been that This finding points to what and the more affective impact of temporal problems tends to (Cyert and March, focus may be a fundamental 1988) and attention be to narrowly on the issues more diffuse; increase arousal not a narrowing of attentional Our theory may also But the effects of appear to and awareness, may focus (Weick, decrease certainty at least up 1990). complement existing work dealing with or the five-year Gersick highlights clock time the the role 1994) has suggested mark in new a venture) can also turn focus of activity from normal routine to reevaluation and change. a some clock-based events or milestones (like the midpoint of a time- limited exercise, as to lead to a broadening, and For example, Gersick (1988; of time in organizations. hand at 1958). they Thus, temporal shifts point of inflection. certain rather The appearance of new shifts. 1963; March and Simon, may temporal shifts trigger, not is between the mainly rational process of problem-driven search, difference that by also it. wide spectrum of issues a suppressed or ignored. (Barley, but both created a trigger for change, and also help to account for cases our studies, In describes, sense of remaining local to the problem (Cyert and the in Meyer revenues, etc.) as (lost Our theory may change not only by creating an organizational -- but not necessarily temporal and, to a certain extent, as a symbol. We shifts Thus, as -- For example, organizations often create temporal progress, go on retreats, etc. attention, and the at breaks; a might suggest that time coordinating mechanism, and time as a resource, are also powerful cases that she studies. the in key milestone points teams or they stop work to evaluate Yet these forces have not received much independent effects of temporal breaks have not been teased apart. markers and temporal 36 Another stream of research examines the fruitfulness of beginnings supporting search and adaptation. for hiring of a of a new employee, new technology, adaptive Tyre and Orlikowksi, support new questions and According 1994). assumptions are not yet to new things; new employee subversive) questions, but also does the experienced worker. simply have the time to In potential action the may preferences) questions difficult move from the also A down from background We search process. make possible the job-seeker to into hectic A converse than may make periods. Transitions such as life. change simply by trigger the capabilities foreground for discussion 1991). a But transition change be newly laid off, or in and her current job in the may slow during the suggest that these sorts of changes in pace help to reflectiveness individuals and groups in and adaptability often observed transition. among Indeed, without such a break in the simply surfacing difficult questions would be unlikely action, set, help to explain the adaptive They require involvement full-speed full-time, beginning of a during beginnings people regarding (e.g., experiences also have a temporal effect. tempo or pace of work. often (and sometime 1978; Louis and Sutton, and consideration (Schein, An 1994). think and more later, changing jobs (for an individual) may help that technologies are ask questions, and to to of transition points in organizational necessitating the at to other words, notice things, in and routines, and deadlines are not pressing. more time has changes that get squeezed out during Temporal breaks that is has license to ask "dumb" not only beginnings researchers, norms, 1985; schedules have not yet been multiplied, yet Murningham, 1990; Tyre and Orlikowski, relatively relaxed; commitments have not the or the introduction organizations and overlooked aspect of beginnings, however, is project, Therefore, people have the freedom to ask unusually malleable (Weick, project the pace these to and change because set. try new team, Bettenhausen and 1990; structuration rapid new often an intensive flurry of formative or is (Weick, activities of a start formation of a the there At the change, since there would be no time or flexibility to to lead to any seriously consider the issues. Our findings In recent years, also relate organizational to research theorists on organizational entrainment. have begun to take seriously the notion human that activity rhythmic (McGrath, Kelly and innately is Machatka (1984); Ancona and Chong (1996), Gersick, 1994). In particular, these authors have focused on entrainment processes, or the adjustment of the pace or cycle of stronger one. In one activity activity out of step with its a given We show of a break in the entrenched rhythm of daily activities can insertion that we examine the power of moving own accustomed pace or rhythm. paper, this match with the pace of another, to be a powerful way of helping individuals and groups recognize and deal with problems that are ordinarily carefully suppressed or ignored. suggests that just as an organization's dominant rhythms can, metronome, serve to entrench and procedures, so changes stability and enable new questions also raises different kinds of change. organizational shifts rhythm. people's in in these rhythms can undermine such surface. to questions about the origins of interesting Across the four cases studied of change kinds different identified In attitudes cases, or the the analysis break by in indicates the in intention the itself versus production make to from experiencing a a break and assumptions, the break taught them that time not is difference in is change the way time be available. that is in the the Specifically, action. action in people's basic people experienced that they (as had experienced and the amount that appears at Microsoft and fact their to prove devote time to to experiences with in that a At Motorola, people learned that they could "nonproductive" activities be productive. to Ditto learned at by shifting their usage of time, they could "create" additional time choose in People learned that they could actually For example, engineers product development project. nor structures), what people learned is immutable and absolute malleable. assumed), but rather Our was intended versus each of the settings where we observed significant change attitudes behavioral differences? these temporal shift behind the break ("time-out" What does seem unintended). about time (stop explains to cannot be neatly explained by the type of they that action What circumstances. specific fundamental to organization approached problems, whereas in other cases change was more limited adaptation the in temporal breaks led way we paper, this in from breaks resulting some in a tempo and even the content of various the routines Our analysis like This But time-outs at BBA, — and that this could in people were not able to generalize from production or to reframe their 38 assumptions about time action complete needed technological to no evidence break While they benefited from breaks itself. was there activities, they recognized such breaks as a tool they could use to that of entrenched out improvement the in unproductive patterns but of behavior. Conclusion One paper of the most puzzling features of the findings surprisingly, is, how they arc. sensible In new schedule with they spend their time — the intent and they that people used breaks hardly — environment their in Indeed, surprising. the in in way of making time occurred. this action everyday "Hold on just or shifts is not and change. In its apparent this understanding about paper, of why In this we unique power time, we suggest yet when we want friends first thing we are likely this or to if role this included not only a sophisticated they can trigger organizational change, temporal breaks and shifts play that way, we might be able to this in better address questions when but not just change might occur. In think that the idea of time as a trigger for change has to explain cases where problems have existed they have failed to generate search or change. common, but is also highly paper, wc propose only that may have important If threatening to organizational contributions the long for a the multitude to is not survival. In most ordinary of human processes make toward understanding and even resolving questions about organizations' change. search would be both of studies on organizational inertia are any indication, this situation only say power of temporal pauses these theories that organizations change, but also of particular, fact is life, ordinariness, how problems also took account of the process. the incorporated into accepted theories of organizational more robust stronger and BBA, at to a minute...". despite Yet, Even respond to undertake needed changes to colleagues to revisit their assumptions, the is how At Microsoft, management forced did. and we witnessed each case, they explicitly consider that engineers to stop their normal work as a changes present in this At Ditto, developers were processes that strike us as terribly ordinary. given a we ability -- or inability -- to Acknowledgments: We thank the following for financial assistance: the MIT Leaders for Manufacturing Program, the Ford Foundation, grant #910-1036, the MIT International Center for Research on the Management of Technology. 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